OCR Interpretation

The Tarboro' southerner. [volume] (Tarboro', N.C.) 1867-1873, May 15, 1873, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026522/1873-05-15/ed-1/seq-4/

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? c Tr.i)oro' Soiitherncrr
:- -Si 17. 33. 3
Iha Heavenly siecreJC - 'I
Th.- f-..i'.viv.x Mi t.'y all i cXii'iisr'to lfnoin
o.i the l.'Vy' ...oiue of ia;ui..rdit. 'iii 'A.atou
i ? -the d.r k a.-mI k undies rrtrsr '. , . .
f tr ten s wid : j
! .TU! lv uiv wui' J. ndjiig tiuo
Ov r wliit'ii liavc iv.-'.-U
I'vr invi-d a. ii i-ar.y lost,
i Iiat tk- ir uusriui'ti ivc aiuy never f;oc
"l'i:i-1 ii i tiuT s i t',
.Mm re siUl Kim. I uu . c.;ii Wid iiiistry
; . W i.ic-'V ii
Ib tht realm i;f their trauMti m
i.'Iokc at haiul
To this oi.r iaml?
Ni tfi r tlin v,c tuvai.) V
l an i hey c.atcli tiK aiuia
1 1 i"ur Fin;li:s ttd I. car in- vtuls ivr b cak?
And st c curt'i'eii 'I "' 1
Aiid, i.ii tit ( per than nitr I'.vcfi uiay e k,
... T
iiit y nju-lB ia car Ratlin ?
'.N ' '2o tif!y urivvo
A ou wis i'i gwid we ItavoJf
I. tlii-y knmye.H h tt:)iij;ht and hope?
V iulo we i i sl.adnw gioj'c
Cu tin? harii' i'vliiit a h.UbvbeBt,
" Vet lack mi p y-'fcv
Xo lead us In nir l 's or td ar Ctd
Xho hour V
When tin y liud us bowed u.h soitw
Is i '? i.ij:h?
l'r v. li. u t'artii i'a by
I'i r them dn .hey f.u-; t
'i lie eau-s .hat ii'-i. set
Their wt-.i hel-iv. d ? Ul do they wait
(O, he it ili;:s )
And wat.-li In side ihe si. Iueii i ate
l-'ei US'?
Vfo are ..:,.'".un; fur (h. '.r socret;
Though v.-e ea !,
X' a swrr ever ta.l
l"ji'.ii eiir .hi!. ai d t-urs
To qui '1 ."'i.r ranu ies fears,
Tot Oik! .s iu r :i h 'i ate'ei- may I.e.
AuJ trusihig s.i
raiicn.v, in . iu .n I : a little atul vo
,"di:.ii iii.uw.
AVe wait :I:o:i in a:teiic" cr
"We ;.a!'t. i(t! sirain, liLe' bir.ls aganu ilio
w s -
With l e i !: our bruised winjis acraiitst th.inai
', iit (..Minis our ut in --t .iyin.-;,
yil-:: Wf seek liif d staul iUia'tiie dim."
J.Ui n'e wiii:. . .
You'qr Ir.iv"! who lace ilK-mst-Ivos
fi;--l:ily wlum ilivin fir u-irui-r
evi lontly preft-r gnv:b lffie i.ioat.
An English vg asks. -Is it nut
siav.si'e that oiratraf'to.-.s .should be
en.q;cu to widon stuvts
There is a m-in vlio keeps a list
of -.'.11 tl":0 l),',nl:s in the country, so
r.s to ho ah a to R-vv that ho kti'ps a
b.i'ik account.
Keep Vda' alive, hoy, keep 'em
j-liv;--!" an old physifitin to Li,-,
voting 1-rothev practitioner: "Deail
:.i;i! p.iy no oills. '
Je.-.h Eiliings Suva that ui ora
i' loen i iiavo any inuiv oil'oct
onhiinthan cantor oil would on a
graven im.i;-i .
A v Jc!r: cy t""oac c' . .irlvs a Iv-;r
tisss : "I f-b.til co:itinue t keep on
Itrvjd inip'i r' 1 clears of my own
r.vir.nf t n:c.
t v.- iloev ' iv ! .'! , eh r" s li ; !ii
;" . i -',;! iet iivmi t-i n ij i- d
' 7 tip r.lifl f !l S i ;i; ii-
; fv:
t'-. .u'i ,--ju l.aJ t:- i.o 'siioi i' in cij
c a p."
''.Six feet iu ;is i.f.!!" e-.ol tiid'id
xJ: J'sw . "what v. di V:. : hit- j
rT- .- r t. .
t ii. I." i M iUnm or ri'Hiaio, iniii . an !
.'..vpi.c'ah e cr.ivi.iyii.rnt at tunms iiayTJ' .e will rtv Agents-thirty doilaiu p' r
pv. i l. (;; i n caiutai re.ini e'i; m'i ltn r.f mw:s weei.ia ca.iti, who . s . "'
ciath' AU'ir.
M. VlXlltp' i
.S'KlitMi free bv
wiiH Mix cent return s.:ni
; i7ii'eTiica st. xi---
AUTblllfSUilllSill W . , ,
: r 1 ' ' " ' ' " I . P E P.ii H- B IlIlliS Bi n , . i I II i I I
111 'IS II 1 1 i 5 Vr B I"- -A UUl I
Ii EH iiS ;ir-RII B:.S.H 111. S , .111111
iwui.iiMmi4mvtLuiv i uuui
ManCicicring Co,
' ; i . f
.eat wSi jflBSMn ciranaRFRT
i flflrhPiiniTf istii.e i.init riY as-
I IVG.'' How filh- r Hex msv f-S' inate-
ar.d gain thu love and iiffections of any wrsorH
hey .:linos- lngtantly. Tfcw ginit'ie lm-ntai
acqtiiremont nil mi poH4i. fr o. by mail, for
'2oc. io'i t!iM with a iiiniria.i,o Kiu'dfv I'.cry -tiati
Orachv I'ltAniK, Hints tir LsdtrK, AVcl
injr Nifrbt Phirtf. ( 'e A queer bn k. Ad-dn-si
T. WILLIAM A CO., 'id "s , ThUi., Pa
Agents -Wanted for
Address ZEHMhtt .1 3)c i KM, i'mia , l'a.
Is the BEST in the WORLD
Af?0Mts tyantej. Kend f. r circular.
rioMrsrrc'S wiNii ..!A( kim
Co., X Y
Momiiiient Pqunro, LaltiiiK r.1, M 1.
On and after March 1st. JSTS.bo id at t! is
hotel to nien-lr ids, will ho S2 5' per day. 1 lu
ouly hotel iu ltaltinn ia with inn -roved oieraioi.
m'ts of rooiiis v ii h l.atlis and nil o her con
venier.ees. MAiUiV II r'Uf.'LE. Mttuaer
neg'eef a'QtlKh. Nothing ia vtnif oer'air.
lav the l iniiai-.aon ioi Mture evil e
- In aeeordance j.th a,B nvt, of the Lrgiuhv
we ana 'iiieir iriiw.-.i uicorti-'muou, mi
14 crd of Pin cto; s announef their lirst
Grand G:lt ' oneert atid IiistnUatiou by lot.
aruonff the- ueket lioldwn of
832Q,555 IN CAS H.
tLd GS HALL, Cpavinworth.onth 2".th
hi of Juuc, IHiL', for the benefit, of the
1 ibrary. flt.fjsjS t'ali Gifts,.aiiioiii;tinfr t
332,u53. This nnterpiiMO in c-r.dcrntd ly the
tioTcrror. Swretary of State. AiuUtuii of
tate. Snperintcndtiiit of Public Instruction.
Tieasnrcrof the State, Mayor and Common
Couucd of LtiflVviiwortn, and all leadinsr bni
n ss men oi'th i tNfatc, nd the crrtnin'y ot
tlie dissributian and aynie.it of gifts, as ad
vertised, ih gua antet d.
TICKETS S2 EACH- 3 f. r Sr.. 6 f.,r $10.
Memorandum of Cah GiftH to lo lBtn-
buted June i5, 1873.
1 Grand eash x''- - -1
Grain! eaidi gift. .
1 (rand rash gift. .
1 Grand cash gift .
1 Grand cash pift. .
1 Grai d cash pi t . .
1 Grand cash pift. .
1 Grand ca&h gift. .
I G vand cash gilt..
1 Gt and rash gift. .
1 Grand rash gift. .
1 Grand cash gift. .
.5.10,0. H .
. 4 in.
. !)5,t;G..
. 3o,i co
lo.o ic
Wells' Carliolir f ablets
arc a snv. .'lire fr all 1 sess k of the Kes; iva
t.ity "r-;: u. or--- Toroats, C.-lls, CO'-nj' lii))
theVi.v, i hni i, al ii i n, Iliiaysei-.Cf M. 1 i ies
f th. i 'hroat, "A ;:;!; d;.t , or Itr.u'hial Tuhes,
a i - i al! i.'we;uas of tlm Ln. gs.
In a ii eas -s ef su hie e.l I. h-wrvir 'a' en,
:h..' lnbi.-ts should ! v-ronij';. niul li ely
escd. Ti ev e.iuaiie the eireuhoion of the
it rhi ntt.i.'!;, and
Ledtl.v at,'-
.if up "i
s. ' f
s.-t d n:
ly in
I.'.-.. '. r.iit.uate the s -v.-iitv
will, in a very short tm.e. restore
t the aliiet.'d organs.
V. h's Csili 'ii' Tablet are
i-hie boxes. Tid;.- n-" sul-s i
ean'i hi'i' u:i.l at your I'ruggist
t i ii eAent .Ye v. Y. i'k, v, ho :
by -turn mad.
Pon't he dt e.-ired by iniiiati -us.
S-iid bv ilru :-i.-.ts. Ti le.- 25 cents a box.
JOHN' ii-. l.I-.rj.DGG. Ul latt St.. New Voil.
Se:;d fi r fir- u'i:r. Agetd for United Mat. s.
12.000,000 ACHES.
Fi r ba?nnee of iirizes send for eireulHr.
This oonoert i under the uupcrvwiou and
dirQetion of the following
Board cf Directors:
C IT Dui tce, Merchant; W O Gu'd. Cil
Ftiyineor; ft Ti Nwimhh, Banker; P G
Lowe, Cijiitali-i!; H j) lowli. Lumber,
K JiIorelnid, MerrtiHiit; H- W G lletf,
i;.-n h:int; .1 L Weber. M. ) ; G F J're,
.ott t'l'iriiM'! thil; J W li'tdisli, Ltivvve';
J uees I. Kil iien. l-'ariiiei ; (1 AI 'l or, Casl.'i
Gil. i. aingi I'.'iik; KT Cie. r, Aichiu-ot.
E II Dm fee, 1'ii'si. h id; II I. New:na:i.
Viee-I're-i h n': Geo. F. 1'iescott, Sc-crc-;av
: ('ai 1 M 'Her, Treasurer.
I he well iii..-n r! a'aetur of tbr Pirect
rsofthe Meic!i;n!s Libi.ry Associaiioi
and l he emit. i seintnt resented, is a u('i
c'ent ynara-itee to a ! ah-ent ticket- it
ers tha' ti.cir interests will be fully guard
ed and prut ted.
Ail' dt'sp uui'iiCe si i iet 'v confidential,
and '.i y i-eisoti i!va intra piizo it necJ not
l.e known u.i'es they s. entire.
TicUe s i a w ii.jr pt izes. will be casl.ed
on siziii .
Tbis i.-i ti e fr -.ie'.-st, safest and lct en
K nic ei'i'f Mi'Tiiicd to tie ptttli.;.
tIKc)al list ni ii nil'? nuinbcr will I e
RMitto p-ircha-i'ts .f tieUt-ts immediate
ly sitter the distribution.
Po:- inform Oi. n Jnd tickets address,
1JAM AEliGrl ft CO.. Gen. A-ents.
: 5 i.inKiii v srt'.-'iT. m:w v..i:k.
1 iekels sent C. O. I. til mr ex jiee e.
Afots wntitel. Ltb-ral C.tutt.i.iti
The ciiea st I.;
luiou i'acilir
I:i the 0
ltd at m irk.-t fi.r sn'n
rat P atte Val'.ev
bv tin
3.0&t0"0 Acres iu Central N
f r
V :.
' 'r s:iie tii t:
on ive ao
No a.'.v-j :i
il :i-'.i 11: :.it
rtv aer-
.TS- -T: d'
i:. if:
: 1 Nt
,e Ml
o ilter
i . t;
1 1 1
a, .1 up
i;t o t i
; Chamberlain Kawl.
i Practical Watchmakers
Ayer's Ague Cure, J
SVr FqYor aqd.'Agua, Intermittent Feverv
Qmll Fever, Remittent Fever, umw.
. Ague. J. eriotUcaJ. or .tsuioua ever, ov.t
' aad indeed eU the affections which arise
from malarious, mah, or miasmatio
poisons,, . .
4 one remedy IS" louae
called for by the necessities of
,the American people Wjan ,
sure and safe cure ft ley11,
and Afrue. Such w are-now
enabled to offer, with a perfect
certainty that it will eradicate
the disease, and irith assur
ance, founded on proof, that no harm can arise
from its ue in any quantity. ;
That which protects from or prevents this ato
order must be of immense, service in the com
munities where it prevails. Prevention is better
than cure, for the uatient escapes the risk wnich
lie mast run in violent attacks of tills baleful dis
tenuier. v This CTRtt" expel the miasmatic
poison of FiiVEit a- Ague from the system,
cnl T.mnanl4.hA f1vplniim.nt: cf the disease. IC.
taken m the first approach of its premonitory J
ayiuptoms. it is not oniv mo dcsi reiintuj.
yet discovered for this efas ot coinvhiints, but
also tha cheapest. The Inre. qnantity we suo
ply for a dollar brings it within the reach ot
everybody; and in bilious districts,
t'EVKR and AUB prevails, everybody should
have it, and use it freely, both for cure and pro
tection. ' It is honed this price will place it within
the reach of all the poor as well as the rich..
A great superiority- of this remedy over any
other ever discovered for the speedy and certain
cure of Intcrmittents is, that it contains no Qui
nine or mineral; consequently it produces no
quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon
the constitution. Those cured by it are Icl Bd
healthy as if they had never had the disease ;
Fever and Ajrue is not alone the conbcuuotiee
of the miasmatic poison. A preat variety of
orders arise from its irritation, among which
are Neuralgia, Kbeamntism, Gout, Headache,
Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Astn
wa, ialpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen,
Uvsterics, Pain hi the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis,
and derangement of the Stomach, nil of which,
when originating in this cause, put on the in
termittent type, or become periodical. This
"CURE" expels the poison from the blood, and
consequentlv cures them nil alike. It is air in
valuable protection to immigrants and persons
travelling or temporarily residing in the mala
rious districts. If taken occasionally or daily
while exposed to the infection, that will be ex
creted from the svstem, and cannot accumulate
in sufficient quautity to- ripen into disease.
Hence it is even more valuable for protection
than cure ; and few will ever suffer from Inter
mittents if tbey avail themselves of the projec
tion this remedy affprds.
Kor Xirer Complaint, arising from torpid
itv of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stim
ulating the Liver into healthv activity, and pro
ducing many truly remarkable cures, where
other medicines fad.
Dr. J. C. AYER& CO., Lowell, Mass.,
Practical mnd Analytical Ciemittt, f
Cherry Pectoral,
For Diseases of the Throat and Lunjj3,
auch as Cough, Colds, Whooping
Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma,
aad Consumption.
Have-now in stock a 1 most complete
rm r i m
Stonewall IIquso,
Another Hotel
Qpened inTarboro.
. . urn
i ,
Cliildren, Boys and Hen. A care-
uselected stqck of
Urn dully i
large stock of brown and bleached
SIficeiSngis and hirtinss.
lull line of
s, Fancy Goods and
Gent's Furnishing' Goods.
elks' and Talie in all
and liai$e
The undersigned would inform the travel
ing public that lie Las recently established
a New Hotel iu Tarboro, known as the
Stonewall House,
to which h invites all, confident that he
can meet all the requirements of the Town.
The Stonewn.U Hoiiso,
embraces a lure portion of
The la it IIovar! Hotel.
and 1ms been thoroughly repaired and fur
nished; (be rooms being supplied with ex
cellent and neat furniture, a well conducted
Billiard and Bar
is attached to the House. Al.so a first -clasp
at which Meals can be obtained at all
Guests with II Ts-es trav rely upon having
their stock will attended to, ns Commodious
Stales are connected with the House.
nar.27-ti. W. li. iJAKPFR.
v- xi ilk
tviriirre 1 1 -n
Commission Merv
& MURCHisov
Keeps always on bninl
GKf)CERIES of every
rl Itlrep k
lias paid efipeci-il al ten! ion i H, s .
of his large and comp!eie T'-'
which he offers to the tr..d !,t T .
prices. '
Corn and Not Cotton is
: 1.
.. ;-cpi li. J by lit- f i
i'li :eat
1 I tab :
l.tiS --'i 'I'i: I i"-'.'. -i'.' . i
.T- ii v. Slit v rt;;,(" Ii
the ri:i.:i' !: . :-ix !lv.-..ls
1" --t h
I'-.x: rrA.:; .fKrk i f tilC T."V.i v., -IJ,
V-:. k o" ;h ::- ! e.ie; ..f ti,-h-tis.
i 'r.'n ' lift he lnr'' and vctilti the l;ra 's
J: th- whole r-ut-l S.'aU er::y.
W. . li T -r, i.itt 7HV s ttiu'A shj f i t. 9,
.V v v, -. x .ill.' Ci
M v s.i .1.1 .V ;-.!ie i
V.'ie' n I f! .lit MV '-!I.V.V !''' ( li ..
V e.' I.---:- i et;r l, r the ... ,v.
T('s ' I- l..e- ... 1 rti.y !!-. .-.-
.! ; ti
Ni ,
" a l;i:t!,
n;i for co
:'t" 'i ;,e
: 1 I ti
d !.,;.!.,
-f A
V. I.' ar t ills
r' s of
I M.:
'. LAVyS,
Otittth.i. ..b.
ft i --I i
litis 1 s i
S. It- ll til
.rij.lu-f l'r'.:
unii tui.:..:v,
f I x i: J K W E I. 11 Y,
Sifrlin? Sliver and Pi'alcd War?, I f;iv'y
.k i
I . J'. ;. k. !
I'm ihe oii-riiril (Vpniii d the
l? c 'iiTei i t'a n o white
J.ia-i jr.-tlv lio too MU"!t hoir.:-;lieiI
w-.l U.;wrapuy l-::it;-h but lu;
i, '"hicl: io'iv." but I is i.o t-titch;- !
iU JV!:. fov
I't Ciptain J iclc of the Aldoc br.iv,;-;,
Ail c ,c n' the walk tf lh-' lava cavi s.
Thar, I ivifc'tes .tt tLeir :e::Js I
T'te h;ds f the brav? of the araiv :
Wli-.'ii I .;':i:; l u; tit picbohs they staiv,
Tito jiii'iiots thi'.v stare,
Titf' oickc-ts tiiev stiire.
V.". i en I 'tv! tip the ti'.-l-;( U they star. . I
Ant il.ctt r".n ta li to t.ic army !
0:t. yos ' lutlies a-i'l gentlemen,
j:i':tif:r.o man Killoin. ho jfoing ;
:") sat the- Jlolrie ttiiifcf.-s r.t?.:is f.qttarc
-n-'-'A. b-.tt h? mikes to luuehoe
i-:hi fit. Smi Francir;:-!i t :-rtiii!ir
3.1 ia. and shoot boiubhaell at rio.;oo
fttnaw. and scabi only on a 1- i ; fn
;.fin. Cltru-lor. fh! CiT-ni-i .Tact.
o? bull ! ljov f.-ith o-;is eye. Cup-.
rain j":lb;ra, ho pltived out on dis !
Iit:o all summer time.
"Where are They?
-Viioi'j is the ruiiwiy p i-nenTjo:-i
wiio, w'omi i:e lfave-i t!it trait", so I
-):!i';ior,ly noiiio as I o shuc t'na door!
biOii-irl hi;v.?
Vv'litre U tbe 'i.iirMt ,viio r in con
1 1 ive ti cli mja a fiv. dollar hill' up. n
O-i'iacr.t u:ul noi S? J biai.cir a
lincv :i:C!:b y ?
. '.'."lie--, i-i tl.; i.tnler who ali..w:i h
i.n-fi-,. r.-iiMt'.ii to taste as oo 1 a'ass
jf 'vi'ie - pv.Tdiifrs "or his owu ?
V'h;'.r.? ; tin icailjii p whii-h
.'-'f!'-'i i'i-): V I ( itS HI Utli'-.S c'-l e it; tl)f
iiiilit w h-t?.
her U lite puTiii oral-.r who can
i-' t ii.o;; i.i-i jj:o;uiie to -.ay a lew
; Vi-'.i- . i-: ilia , 1:iiiardtiiirke' wl
v ii iv In v-uf m.innv iro:n v.u ; n I r.
'''"": ''''li :tssi;;!ii,; half li s vioiur-,' to
fi.t. -.-.-.,. .
'A'lipn in iImj rtiilwny portir wiuj
v.-ii! hojrry to tilicnd in y u if y . . 1 1 ;u.
ki'e- .ti up'tn i he line m ia .!e.
s'riv-tiy t.'tfi "i-hivptinlcij. lii ft :: it.o t'
s?ivo titi i'o.fts to any terrains of the
tr onni'iy
N. F. BURHAW'S New Turbine
To be t!ie lesl ever itivcnt -i
.' "111.1; lilt t Tr. o.
H l( i, fi, ?lo.
to 2v.
ddrs, VOCK, IV..
Tii-. ctprtil. - ii. ji. riy all tncdi-
i : r t j". nh ht'M r b- in thttt i:, rl.i r pro-!
l.-an. e tiii'l -,;iili.-:.';en tin v
tilted fin- K I... i-i oi'Vl.tte
Hi).; ll..ve hillS Ee.lC.lt lilt
$7 o, 810. SI 2. $jr,, $20
S40. $.-,(), $7.-1.
nr.EErH loarixg Dnrm.E firx-?.
At Sio, Zio, iM. S73. .'.)l. $110, $
to 300.
Smi'h & Wesson's, C
WbitiK-y and
li's, Aliens, Shnrp'
' thcr kim's.
torcis i
Amontr. the prnnt
iiicovcries of moi
eni science, few fire
of more real value
to mankind thtinthis,
etTectutil reinedv for
all diseases of the
Throiit and Luiizs.
A vast trial of it-
virtue, thiotipjiout
this and other coun
tries, has shown that
it does surelv and
effectually control thir.u. The testimony of our
bet citizen, of idl ciaJe, etiblfehes the fact,
that Ciif.kisv Pixtoral will ami does relieve
and cure the aftlii-tinpr disorder of the Throat
and Lutij; beyond any other medicine. The
most dangerous alTectioas of the Pulmonary
U.tin yield to it power; and caes of C'ori
dninption, cured by this preparation, are pub
licly known, so remarkable a hardly to be
believed, were they not proven beyond dispute.
As a remedy it i Adequate, u which the pub
lic may rely f"r fiJi protection, py curinij
Couffhs, tiitt forenmncrs of more serious dis
ease, it saves utmumhTcd lives, and an nrnoui.t
of suliVrini; n..t to be coinpined. It challenged
trial, and convinces tlu mit Jceotieal. Kverv
.iieii'l ket-p it on hatij as a protection
against tl.f e.inv and unpereeived attack of
I'uhn vtaty AiVei-tions, which are easily met at
first, hut which become incurable, mid too oftfn
f if.il, if nejiected. Tender lun? need this de
fence; nn 1 it ij unwise to be without it. As
a safeguard to children, amid the distressing
diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of
childhood, Cherry Pectoral fa invaluable;
for, by its timely use, multitudes are rescued
(Vera r.reinaturc" graves, and saved to the love
Mid auction centre. I ca tuetn. It ncte speedily
and surelr ttrtiitist ordinary cohls, securing
sound mid health-restoring s)ep. Ko one wiii
snifi-r troublesome Infiueiizn and painful
Bronchitis, when they know how easbv they
can he cured.
Uricinally the prrduot cf Ion?, laborious, and
successful chemical investigation, no cost or
toil is spared in making every bottle in the
l.le.-.rtsl ,,fi;tl .lf- r r,r..t.-v I ' .v. .. .- I,
l.'i i I ' -."- -. -v. ...... mi .1. .. . ..ii.r
r ' -j dently relied iipfi a piwsessinij x'i fhe viituef
it ha ever exhibited, and capable of producing
j cures as meroorable as the giteate't it has ever
etiecfeJ. '
rRFPAItrD BY t, 7.
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.,
Practical ami Analytical Cheniltts.
Having just returned fr
ern Markets-wc can (fa
toniers and to the public
the North
o our eus
a weli and
carefully selected stock of excellent
The Greatest Discovery 'n the Worlf
Endorsed by the Press. Endorsed by (he Clei
Eiidorsed by the Medical Facility. Enddised
by the Seed Dealers. Endorsed by Jhuiriri.sis
Endoi-oed by Planters and Funnel.
And Endorsed by Everv lVuim
it is a i;. :inine 512 ioid sivcet corn, wiia fiom lo t :i (. , i in lire,1 t. ;,.
,iiaiitcd tin' liis; of .May; it was sold in the market July, 23d, (M thtys.) " ! i
.ng whs ready in TG daya. ' '"' "
& BEO.
1st. It will produce more Corn to ;he Ai re with the stunt;
variety of soil. 2nd. It 1 a- a ji' j-n tor (h jlh f kernel ihtin
55 rd. It has a sntal er Col. th-in n::v li2 rowrd variety. 4th. It
ioishi-1, sealed measiue. 5t h. It fills better at boili -nd thui
cub iv
;,v i.
rvTtin & stre5c;ti!i:
Of Vi
. d' b:i
CUil V 1:11. ilCl
aclit thai won hi
At ( no i.rtd tie same tttne.
Th ir n t-etTi-h h:i-at iustbeeu rrv.:,)-:1.."! '. .y
a divi -vi ry wl.-h iuliy v.i!;z tl e fondost
Wiri-ii of th'- 'i .in n b.cultv, -jC'l wl.ch i.
j . l -s 1 1 y re.sir'ti"! a- tlu inert ii:iportai.t tn.imnh
tiiat 1'i.re, i,t;!e-y has ( ver achieved. This im
portant ib-riid- i Jt Ltt tn is
Dr. Tail's Tcpt Jsible Liver PHI.
"iVhit-li pnrily ihe b'ood r.t.d reiacve all cor
rupt h-ts i'is at.d lt.ih.al'ly aceiunulauoi s
f -..to th body, itiel yet pr- duel s no iv r.knf ss
or liisKfttnh- whater. but on the cot it rat y
fotica the siUivm cli nr. I mvip ra.es the body
d -rinrir tiie ir"res .-r their ojerafioii. Tin y
'i-iito t lit- heretofore irrccoticihibie ijiiahties of
a Htien$rthenn-i I'ai gathc and a I'.n ifying
Ton e.
JrTiitt I'Hi srethe most r.ctry srd soarch
inir roeciiciae in existence: They at orce at
t.ick the vtry root of .-tUMae. aud tin ir acii.m
is so promjit that iti a'i lour t-r two alter th; y
are tiktn ti-epati id is a .-.are ol their irood
v f.me with-
lavciAMFsT iTiniM iMn IMP1 PM
,iwnii.w. Mill nilll.i.lTi
lur l!ro-f'h-lotidiii (Jn:is, at a small
vaiictj on Cost if Importation.
s at lowest market r-ri'
f!!( i ts.
ev not';
fc.it retMAsit or m.-i or
Utif o neither nausi-a, f ri
as a fanu.y nicdlcitu- t'.it-V uave ao riv.il.
rri;;.' it c.r-t a h .-. S-.!d
tin y pro
i iiiiv. and
ot.'ice. Is. a;:e
2') Plal'
1 T'ni-'gists.
"t., Is i'ork.
:or allies v nvou at lowest market pruv s.
A coiiii.'tlc i'.ssor'rm-iii ot ;!! Fportiiijr
CKiods; I'lice and doscriprion n-m on ajipli
caiion. Goods shipped by Express C. O. I).
200.W. Caliia:rr M., Ealtimoie.
in i
i: '''
Whet--! i-i I he bnil'l T win. uove.r Jots
16 It'll;
hie ci-.-cn est in. ait
I:''-C f ' . ' V ;V r. 'i ;.. t e v.i.nnU
, , I "l"-
f-? o'CMiiish r. W.pt-.ahlo, t.ay
".. r-M :i ir,!iz-nui:i'.'
Vh-r.. i, the cruan-G 't"l who will!
... -ve off hi m vor d 'or i'botr your '
-Iiifi;r ." dicej-man? j
Wher-' is i!n l.tr'.er who i-tjn niai I
rrj to cmniit t;i:n p!f wi.h -u 1 1 nu '
, itir Imir 'd'i'piy, wiihotil mnkin ;,,,v ,
f .itiinrr 'iwerv'tf i.ois on it? fc-n io ines-"'
....! i i .. ttt i . . . , ;
-.uu '' i v ne re a loo v'.ut "
f '? w'-o ivi'i pack up her own host's
vd ivju tavc hilt' her "things" l.ei.ii.ti
hev i
Is the itioRt. potrPrfttl eleatiK-",r. irtrensth
c..er Aiid v.-mover "f iundniar .Obsti nctioi-s
known to 111.11?. ?.ft!'h.ta.
It is r,;i'.i ; illy .' hip ted to c-it.stiluti.ins
"turn do'vu' aiid ut-A uiralod by tho warm
v.-o.Ti hor of .jpi-iej; tij.d unihier. when the
bi'KiU i uv' n aotiie cjrcubitioti. e..i s 'pieiit
ly ?aiiritii ?niinritie fr mi n'.uirt itthnewatid
iiiiperh it action of thu SL'vitl? orwa,i,
and is Matu'rcted l.y Xiiiii "tf, Erttptions,
Iilotchc Boils, I'usluhtH, Sc; oi J?, etc.
Win to wet'.ry and languid from oterwork.
aiid .In i: u-tss. ilron zinrss ami inertia take tho
p'ace of "iirt;y and viOi-, tho srsitoin needs a
'.it ;.-t i btid i h up and help the vital force
I . i 7; in r!ir:rTe,resci'ati.e jiower.
lii-tiu' l:tt of Ko'unif r. fes-uticntly the liver
atii soleiii do rut .propvriir p.- rlori.i their
fiiiictimts ; the Vt riito tuul 1'i-rmrv OtRi.E
aro iuietive. jr niii niv; oahTicnw ot the sioni
aeh and lot' si iiii-ji, a: d f. pr. ;!tspo-ition to
bill! us dti;iii wiLc n t .
To Younjjf 2SIen.
Ju;t ptiMirihed, iu a fe&led E.iveiope
Trice six i crits.
A Lfctnre o.i tlio Xatr.re, Treat mrrt and
IJp.dical curi- of Sperniati-rrbasi!, or Sei.iiuaS
Weakness, Involuti't.ry Jniissions, Sexual
Debility, and Impediments to marriage
peiif rady": Jservorisnes'-, (ironKunipti.n, Eji
iiepsy and tts; Mental and riiysical Inca
paciiv. vi snltinv- from !-", lf-.biise, etc. By
tlmr of the "Green Rook, &c.
The wor'd-re'iov. ad anthor, in this ad
mirable Tjocture. oh-nrly proves from his
own experience " hut the awful eouseipien
cs of S 'if-Alui.se ti.ay hi. efh cinally rmnov
ed wifho t medicines, nml without dan'er
oiiH s,urf.iiftil operations, bougies, iiisiro
mcnt.s, rifles of cmdiiiiK, j.oiiitino out a
mod.' of enre al once certain and tlfeclual,
by which every s ft'err-r, 7io matter what his
conditiim may bn. way crre himself cheap
ly, privafpi; -'d radically. This lecture
will prove n to thont-ands and thou.
Sent, nivisr staf, In a plain envelope, to
any address, pii'stpttid, ou receipt of six
cents, or two post stamps.
-dlso.-Dr. CiiiTeywrlS's Jlarriasre Ouide',
price ,r,0 cents. Add ! the pnl lishci-s.
CHAS. .1. C. KTdXK ,v CO., 127 llowery
New Ymk, I.O. Pox, 4ot-6. .jy.lfi-ly.
is 'i;cj d. direct iy from the Kfnith American
I'I. 'lit. a tid isi pe.-.'i'iariy r.nited to nl! these
h'i'.i tiltii-s ; it will i-iet.its-.:; the vitiated blood,
s'p M'th' n (T.e T5f. -piviiif. p.nwtrs. and reti ove
ad oh--truci:onti from imparted aad eufeubled
it ibr-vld be freely ttiken. as Jnrnbiba is
primoi:r . ed by Piet Ileal writers tl" most effi
cient tiCi-iLer. ictiic aad dcel stvusnt ku-iwuiu
the whelo tr -i of lassie?: j '..-.ntj.
"OTANTIiRS should examine the above
J. ' naiaod old and "ffaliaHle Gin before
Ion any other. It, combines the re
iptirt'd qualities of S.iinpliciiy. Strnpth
and durability. It cins fast and clean,
makes excellent lint (often brinjrins l-4c.
to 1 2.-. peril), above maiket), and is ntii
versully admitted to be -tlw lightest rnn
ninar gin made. Ve have had thirty
ears' espsrietice in the business, and
wi-.r-ant every in perfect. Gins constant
ly in the hands of our agetnn, to, which we
invite inspection.
CIieiilaiB, with testitrw.nitils and full par.
tlertlars, may Pc bad bv addressing
ISRAEL F. HROWN. President.
Brown Cot ti.ri Gin Co.,
. Ifew I.onuon, Ooiif.
IV. I.. L. Ptnton U apent for all of Ayer's
Medicines and Iart;e lot can always he
f mud at his D.i g Store.
wiik-h destroy mid; remove the
cancer without the use of the knife or loss of
bio. d, and at the same time, overcomes the
tendency to cancer iu the steni.
We al.so tnat ad forms oj chronic, long
standing and obscure diseases; with rnpar
ah'l ed mice ks, cspec-h ly
Rheumatism, Teuralgia,
Secondary Syphilis.
Kend for Circnlars call on. or address.
II. H. GoIlENE, 51. T) Gddhmo, N. C
A. H. I.JNi JFY, K. D , M.arlotte, X. 0..
J. E. BIXTLEY, II. D.. Sumter, 8. C. ,i
y.9--:'.3m. .
5" 11
Agents. 4'" 3
July-ly TxR''0R0.
ri he How Shuttle I
Sewing Machine,
Vo the Planters of Edgecombe County:
By using the best Guanos
Quick returns and permanent improve
ment to the soil.
(Imported from Phcenix Islands.)
uano Salt and Plaster
These popular Standard Fertilizers have been used
by the Planters of North Carolina for several years
with perfect satisfaction, each year adding to their
reputation as ; ;
The Best Sold in this Market.
from many North
is a solid white tintispmi-nt t-i l u with while cob.
ripens i,"s wlnde crop earlier than any of the other
6!h. It makes better n al. boir.jr swceii-r and rid it
makes n on- feed. 10th. Ii can lio pl.u led on land
vesteil, or fr.Mii whii-h pftali.es h ive bt i ii dii; fti'ly
stokes s!io
!e prcsli ale
it. Att
7l h. Ii r-e w in. -re i
!a' C 1 1 ' -1 I vs-ie:
9th. Ji bi-ais i' .'I.-
1 1 I 'III -, i :il 1) hl'iit il I
ri pet ;tn ! f-.H-i. i r-.is'..
ut within linn hit "I lie groin i i,m fjtn-iit l the cop .-.
by !.i-h vrinds. It in like wise eas:er to eml.cr. 12 I'. It
till ?!i.wii ears of cum oji i-;ich stalk t!iai any lar-e field varieix.. 1 St t .
pciteti a: injjr the s'd.si.il t" a very griai di pt . it iv'll stand severe di eiuli
iny o! )n r va riety of c -rn. 1 4' h. It ran be succe-sl'iilly ir n in a n v S: . ' '
ifpi ot
. n'di i s
u. oi c
t ve i l.e iin)-t sa i itac'i'i y i -(;-.
i nt. it I" b. ; til l! luitl er, we at
tin ed m i tl l his v ,-n ic-' v of i-.e ti
i-oci s t litit tie ci n is, in
ti the only persons titron;
lh vj.. a ijuau! M v, we
every 1 1
;h.nit lite
are ijoiv
(,,r thosi h -i:'' n s o ! test i i' jr it. L.ist !eaon "ecoti'd t a.ve Mjid i't;0
biiteoilid l ot fill ihe cib is.
In order that all mnv leeety;- si-i-il, w have redo
Any pi r-on v;.o m ill $ up ; nu'ol tjve will receive a pa
anew lor 10 Filiy (.arkae! s, i; i; $:(. A s'iill; of corn
above $!U, 'itii fn ui live
d 'he
I -,'ce to ( J'fl ;.
i.igf III t F ! ,
will accotupanr n:l
S 4 I f ,r
M; s?t. Chtis.
missi' n Meichtii-ls
i-nriiial WareliDii
vei ti.seiiitnt.
i-iol eais ol corn, I i Mill. !e.
luLSTON'j YlllOLM.i.
iiOMi: ri:fee: ces.-
is. Ht-iiluii .v Ih-other. liankers; M. iiimiii &. I'.jUIv, (iioceia a"l ('
H. t. Staler. Proprietor of Planier Hou.-e, S'oiit & Wtboi'. A.
, or any ol t he gentlemen named m the ind'O'seuit-iit i.i "it: i
mum ftotMiteWi ttestitnonials
Carolina Planters :-
Whiteville, N. C, 1872.
A'5-. Wilcox, (li'ii& Cb.: , i , .
it usod jour kianipuited Onaro. 175 pound? to the aare, also lot or
barn jard iiiauurn, about 30 cart U.afs to tho acre. ' I made 909 pounds L it
coto Ao-dl e acre andtherg is eoouojh coflon now in the field to make forty or
ftft!pB0N ipojo of Hot toilhe acre. I received two premiums for the large -1
) iti ofCotioa oh o tie acre of iand at the Fair in Wilmington this Fall
, - t . ; II. U. EOCKWELL.
.H ';t.;' j .( Cor.uMBCS County, IN. C., 1872.
Sftisr: ilcnx, G litis &'Co.: ' -
I used your Manipulated GftarrO Ofl cotton this past rC?tfn at the rate
of 200 pouuds per acre, which cost me .Q; cf nts per rovy, or $1 per two rows.
I left two raws through tlic field without guano iufj this fall had the eottton
picked Out separately the first picking the two rows not guanoed made 27
poundf, the next two rows gnanoed'made 77 pounds, a difference of 50 pounds;
the next ai d Just picking there was a difference of 1 1 pounds, ruaking CI
pounds, worth here oh cents, or S3 35 for $1 paid for guano. This was what
fcli;CQt4oa wft8;Wovtb t be lt November, the time the guano had to be settled
We, the uuders-iijtnpd. cltii'tts ot O'eaopi. Va., I'avine i xtniwed s r.r
M'.sF. ( iiitN, grown "ii Mr James Whiter' lann one ic.de i a" of Ibi-; pi tc- i
that some o ine stalks ptoiiuced six sp lies, the large.t -spike measure J' -a,
b-n'h and f. iucht-s aiomid:
Capt.O. W.Iorusui, E. F. Gardon, Merchant
llemyJ Kenri"fly, I sq , II. S. f "lai dr, Fu-s Xa i"i -i
We, Hie tuidi-isipned, rl. hoieby testify that the ubove named wiu.e.i..
iclually ri'sidi-uts ol Ose la, Va.
CIlAi?. E. I OKI). Josliie of li e Ji
T.i.v. ALFKhl) l . TOMFKlN's.
1" "OsiiAoi a, Va.. Oct. iG:li
ilessrs. Marshal & Tdoifia.n, llolston, Vu,,
Gentlemen. As you ictjiiesied me to jtive .t"HJ. Chinese Corn a oi'r tii.i1, i '
ib.ne so, and will state that I ns dit'ar pointed at it. ' I planted on the I'i'Ii ei '
and ripe enough to shell the hitler part of Animt. I planted seven ai.tl i.ri -eil :
an note, w hen' .-belled, it measured ciO-1 b'hels and 3 perks I cheerfully iri' ii." r:
it to mv brother Itu meici, hoiiing that it may revolutionize the acric oliural wti.!.
j A aits m Hutu--.
CnAKtOTTE, N. C , October 21, 1872.
Affj.nr. Sa mitre.: Quit tvCo.."
- f.EN9 As44ii)riitor for the ptemiuru offered by you for the largest
yield of cotton from the tie of Wileox, (ibbs et Co.'s Manipnlited Guano, 1
had ruu off by Messrs Price oi Moore (surveyors) two acres of cby soil tjiat
ha been.in oukivltionjsonie S or 10 year. . prppqr.td ihe land a3 follows:
Rtlrf off therowi four feet opart with a two-horse "Charlotte plough," one
horfC pubsot! plough following in the samevtrjow t io ;the said furrow . the
Manipulated at the rate of 250 pouod per acre, beaded ou the same with a
'ieror'&'lrlotferriongh followed by the one horse subsoil, planted the
-!tcK the 27th Apnfrid worked it apoijt every 10 or 2 days with sweep ami
hoe, the land usitally without guano made about 900 to 1,000 pounds. I have
gathered from it up to date 3.G87 pounds.
Result from using the guano ....3 687 pounds
Witboat o-yiano !. -- . - 2 000
L " I T -
' WA' -
I am now receiving largo consignments of the above Standard Fertilizers,
and am prepared to supply planters, for cash or credit, ou easy terms.
c Fbr further informal ion ,cll f r circular. , .
If. T. fftKFR.
gcocmbe Connty. jyll-tf . p Jt
J. B. COFFIELD, Agent,
Yours, ybry respectfully,
A premium of will he paid hy the undersigned, throttgh First Naiioi al li':;
Osraola, Vr.., U.S. C'aik, Frcliiieiit, as fidlows;
$100 to the person producing the Inurest yield of Chinese Corn to th - ac e ST' "
of an acre. c.'iO lo of an acre. 2.1 to J .-f nn acre. A report must be s" t t" ' ":
National Hank, Osetioia, Virginia, by (he 1st of December, signed by the pei'.:t a
soi n tii. estin "atiii" the corn at 05 lbs to the "bushel. A sample ear of o in in"' in
sent with report.
A. W. Henderson of Green Castle. Indiana, received the I0!) Preniiani for prwls
cing the largest yield of "Chinese Corn" from a 2 pound package.
Green Castle, Indiana, Dec. 20th 1ST--Messrs.
Marshal & Morgan, HoNton. Va.,
Gent'emop; Your letter ol the 14'h ofthin month came 'ohand vcstetiiav -wi'li t!.
Daaft of 100 on the First National Barjk of 1 ndianapofis. Allow me to tl-.atilt
with my best wishes for btu cessiu life. Very respectfgdly,
A. W. lIENl)lin0N' 'I
Dr. L. L. ST4.TON. Agent For Edceoombo.
- . '
Dr. J. miLES B UMTER & Co
Cancers, Tumors, Scrofula, Chronic Ulcers, and
kindred disorders Successfully Treated.
In conBequence
of increased practice, we have opened an Iufin!lA:;v
at Goldsborok C, for the accommodation of patients ffiJJ ; J
Rttention-The fact that we have cured a larpje number of patients i.
best RTiarantee of our ability to do all we rromIse- ,rnopr p.
Having secured the semces of Dml Wm. H. MOORE and h
GREGORY, Physicians and Surgeons, these gentlemen v.iA v;fa-
Infirmary when reqtured. ; m.Wr liniVTKK &C'0,
fot. "'i-iim. i'---'--
V " -

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