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THE WILMINGTON JOUKHAL RATES OP ADYERTISINfJ. One Sqnare, on week.,.,..;...,, i 03 Onesqnare, two wc-e.k8...iv i o One Sqnare, one aoath.'..... 2 so One Square, three month?... "7 03 One Sqnare, six month. 1. o J . Additional Squares at irorortionsd rate3. A Square is equal to TH eotto ujii-iof al verti.-jln type. .i. . nxtiEMIAKP, Hior and I'roy. . WU-il AI.L I.ETTKC3 OS KUSISfE3 J.TST BK , A DDHK3Si:i. ! . 1EBJW ' RriWt'KIlTIOJi: , TilK 1A1I.V JOL'KXAh is mailed to suli- . , li.t-rs :it r.ioiiT Poi.i.aks per ainitun ; Foul'. ? ."i i Ai.a for six mo?)tl;s; Skvknty-five Ce.sts 1 ... r 'month t-r slmi ter p.-i icl. j ! ;i YVKKKI.Y .loritNATi at Two Dot.- i - K i ntr minimi ; n k 1 i.t.a i: for fix months. j V,. rt-.-eis i d to 1 ho Wkkkt.y lor loss six HH'iitiis. 1 Vol. 2S. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, IS 7 2. No. 42. Cash, Invariably in advance. r n i n m v SATURDAY. '0VE2IBEK 1, 1S72. fjl'FX'TAo T T!TF. .TOT'TIXA T.." I'tf i'nir of t!e Fnrr.ierO ami Me-i-i.nnUV Asriejillnral Association lurl !i.t. r,,i.i:i-.-i:o', X. ('.. (W. 2-1. third '' of ihe Fair open..-1 to-day. t tbe nnst (lisairieoable we ae rain pour; !US,.'i!U';1'1' ! of t c;;a:i: ; w i.t.n : j.n ,: uo il i -. l St. A. SoiweU. v. 1 ia l occasi i a fcv. days fcinco to de- ; lis unfoitunate gentleman from a j u-e made by the Mobil. Iritonie, and 1 e.i lav . he conies L-yidly uiid nobly to his J iihe where we publish a vindTca on of h i in sol f l'i u in t he i 1 and charges lreferrCvl by Mr. 1 Si;:; and ceitain now spaiier cor- .:o:h:'Ui.-. been ille; ,s.s o;..i language, . 1. t l! . . i, laiseiy accused, 1 sl I'.ii. i v t i i tl , ;u;i IU' ustly sLMitoticed to 1 c-'veiity f ;v;i ,' Captain ShotwcH, nevcrthclvs?, will comproiui.- l.!S ; arel p.riiHiples a p.infon. ' His letter will be found fill of i;,L,;o;,!, , i, a digniii..'d and manly defence. We i . a u u.l'. that Southern naoer.s wi 1 1 U. V h:'!'-ii eNpresslons and con- iniO 'A i . i : i tUl m h been l,v t'-l-e strdcnients. V. J:.v !a !'i'.v X'.tti t. leiri ?l;-t S!iouil "i'oJc l-.r Jre'Iiy. lu 'i :n days lVoin this writing v. ill be ii-ll tii-.- gi i.ut tlccti.ju i v IVctidtnt and Vici:-rre;-id'-n'. !' these United States. 'ihe candidates for the position, with their i-.c- idi, have b-v;;:, a ltd aie now, 1 ei"oic the i ..1 .... il... ' .- . : bt-liove that tho piess of tho country has ! done tts . ; ( . - ij Laiuiv to sup- n-ise-.l isnu tiiKV can uav uuvLjiiug nou i ... . . ... . i : - , l. .. wiil a!:;-ct the result. There are b it few ', prol.-a', b'.it have decided upon i . ;:.iidat.' f r t heir suffrages, audi' is rtthar l.:o in the day for either warnings or ap- j.t-: !-. to the masses. Sii'.l, we vdl continue ! Io Stlikt n; -til the very Hsf hour and if 1 '.n one vr!: is thcreliy s:.vod i i.s, we m;;:!1 fj-el amply repaid for all our labor. We !'.: ;' upon our friends, in (-very sec the ueeessity of polling tlutir full i length. 1 .el no IV, i issues hoop than pull.s the iiu-n to whom (Jrcciey and Krown wiil l-ok fvir .-.npi-oit lb-member t i.'-tia'-e (in ".'lev l.a-j betn solemn! v ac- ei'Mb--.! as lit ! -is i!.! eiiididalo of the Dertioe: alie ' !;iv iin,i i u.4i. i. is no;, ooi-, ii- mii , .... i ...... ..... .......:.. ..... i- lie (hitv bo' ! ih" interest, ef c-voiy true iiuuthernei,to do .:'!! again;,! the pr.ienlc.'irujL Ad.n'nis l ration part v. i !i.--vo i;ot on-'-haif oi" all l '.a' h.i:; l.- . ns.ii i f Mr. Crerdey's pa;,t r. ::.;-. tin! : -'-eie it with dotibl and dis-li:.e-f.:.s from the men of a parly v.!i''i!i :." i.-Tti. ,! man v, ill tii; ;', with r i u or i-.-ir moiif il ! tii inteiosl to deceive you on vilai p-infs a;il they will say anything, and j d anUliin:-. with a total disregard of truth and justice, jf it will thereby aid iu the ie ele.".tion ut I'. S. ( irant. Mr. i rt i'h'y'.s war ree-rd needs no I fence ;u our hands, than does ours call 1 .i at hi. Ifo was our hitb-r foe for four I.:. -.;.! --:i:s and v.e were Ida. The dead 1,ies of a dead should thercfoie be ! uied i:i a common g;ave, and sb-.uld not :;1!ov;h! to clnd Ih1 political horizon i ! tiie pi '..-sent day 1 . ... 1 ... .!.. . Southerners should Greeley was one ut ihe i - .III .no. i Li:..t.x.. -i... . Ii:--t ol' .he many bitter foes and oppressors tin Southern land to come forward ami 'xn-ud to u- the hand of amnesty. He was tie- first to rush forward, to the rescue !' ur imprisoned chief, unci for this alone t"i. South owes him a heavy debt of grati tude. He, and thoM! from his own party who support him, have :.ow conn: forwaid aud declared their willingness to bury the h' at chet of the past and to begin a new era of peace, amnestv and brother! v sood will. It is for tho mutual interests cf both sec- ' lions t-f the country that the strife, .should be healed; and shall we of the South re fuse t: accept the hands that ore txtended ' us in all good iailh, and with the pledge aud T.'ith the hone for a better future of tl... s,.,.ii...T. ...,i..- o,. u,nti tv. 1,1,1, lnr-lr aivi i.,r ...... ;...,, owl ? I Ui.-l 1-V ('til VI U li; iA lion, oi ' I 'resident (irant's re-election'.' Such a c mrse would prove our own political sui eide, and, would bet aid our enemies in , i'l further ii vetting the u:i::s they have a'lecdy bound aumnd us. We theiefo.-e most earnestly appeal to o :r litonle to cf'ic.e f. .i w -nl. m-.r man. and vote for Mr. Creil-: not because it j w.U ue foi Mr. Crcvh'v 3 i.-nciit to reach .... i tii. l'i. .i. ..; ! ... i .. r .. ; n chair, but because it is a m a' ter oi' place him tii Greeley .o!c c miit i wo :' deelcy is ou. .. , . - ... I, lha -vr;1'y ! t.) poll, will i (.ia:.r. oi.i) hop-1 ih-'etmbcr. th it 1 ,. :l t-f. . -.1 ., , ic t'.ppres.sion wiiich we nave i that if we j si ".loini d. it, niember, t ol wc uural 1j,1: forward lo four years wort' of suU'erinj:, of -utre ;e, of robbery, 'id of oppression ; and, remember, too, that ilercules h?lij only those who help fo-;:nse!ves. I.i:-t Uraut be re-clccied, aud t Avar of the North upon the South is icoa-o-od, iijinust i "id'.'J'iuitely . Klect Mr. ( Tecley and an eia of the peace aud good will so 1 ou's a stranger to our land, will hivauor rest upon us and upon our 'heh. AsrEf iAi, meeting of the stockholdois the W. & 1;. will be held at the 1 'resident's office, in this city, on Wednes day, Xovcmber L'Oih, to consider the ques tion cf theioase of said Jtoad to the W. .'c A.IJ. K. Tbe stockholders of tho W. C. A A. II. fh, will also meet at the same time and Pace, to consider the same question. ,...,!.! Pave been, and the programme ol 1 , ' . ' , , , . j , . - , . , ' " -J , " one, n.-ar us on i.mhis. n is a . iuur ieei m me an me way aroumt. The . lowing article, eopiejl from th Xew Vn k . t ? ., heank'd out"" Tho e- ' moral character of tliese men repels the chickens, comj home to roost. A receut to tlie Liboral Oontcrence, yesterday, m , oOering a premium for the best "carpet-has gorwt place to cross the. Potomac by ferry, ' plough has paesed -orer the spot vhero tli Jlerahl, as J am informed, by a number ot ., . .)....;. '. " .t.. c u. . . .. c-iai ,,e ., Xot at all. Does he ihiuk thev occurrence in Xew Yoik, on which . tlie ' Jeraey Ci'-y. Lsading Liberal I.epublicans : neck-tie." A spirited voting lady icseiifed i thereforo, wa-j g-nerallj- S4let ied by treasuie w as buried this season and several the Slate papers : StorSXrW; "O'it .VmMm , .o.ah,,, bn,,s, tlmiandllom lh M .He counties f , , lll5,t, Her "n-, i.- w of ' "JJuTStJE, ."" ""'""' 1 ' ! ' Sffnfe tato 1.1!? "1" 'j t.. ST, J' ;,..i,l0 the I-Vr until Saturday even- ins in any sliapo or form or does the ' maxim verj- vividly to our memories. Xew Jersey made a careful comparison oi ; u,0 ptinelpal attractions at the Fair. We During tbe &unnnrof it was in tie what thk rofSTv i vikk s.v- yoR fi,!ANT' ' ' s ," 1,1 lestk''1' races are st'll to slaIiJcr consist only in the amount alleged In their zeal to establish perfect justice notes, and the result was a clear convic- ? admired it vvry much wrself,' and-would thickest of tl:c commotion of the retreat of j The following 'Is an extract fieTu the i U has transpired that lih-hri. Shotwell, v ,'r:'-' i!.,. n s ill., i s- . , Lave been &tolen by tLem .' Does he : ad a heavenly condition or things in tho J tion that, with ordinary .activity, iW.hing have liked vcrv much to hav m.-t and 1 "ur army to 0- v1.nig. and Mibsefpient .Shepherds! own Jleister, a paper puhiudi.'d i v"0 ll lo:'lvlfl'a ol" 111,1 'i-hix-Klan in , t,n. i he t.-urnamen is to place j ( h 1( c carpel-bag- f South, die liadical Congress of the United can withdraw from Greeley and lhown the . thanked .he young ladv. ' nTtoi ' "!lTlutS??. !- rilul ' hT' iu rol:ltk,n ,to tho (list,,v : ' vlb luv lUonnd iU U-" !,-ii!frrow, weather permitting. , , , . ., "i , ,.. ..... , , , r ... . .... , . . " . the iiti o4 tll .:.n,iner 5 operations lor tomo weeks tat a rumor h. is been , I eniienliaiy, roposed to a promi- . ... sc . I'oor Uroeley. ; Abbott has gone for him. "Xew I lamp- i shire's thu d Senator "' docs not think Mr. Creeley ought to be elected 1 Judge Tom- I gee does not 1 ke Mr. i Ircrley either. They j are both champions and dcfendeis of that virtuous and opulent class of men whom i Mr. Gieeloy d-isignates as "thieving carpet- tuations of . populations, and aboui not baggers.v Judge . Tourgoe's defence of i ignoring the instractions of reeent occur-carpot-baggeis icsts niftinly upon the vences, we do not know what it mans, iifteen dead negroes he said weie found in except- that it is "ogiu Greeley 1" one mill pond in Guilford county. Abbott ? - argument is a little iron- logical and perti- ' Com-ernluar Uic Ciorius: or (Ken. I nent. General things Mr. (ireeley ' Ina fc) lll.1iU.wl Illi'ii tmlli T Este?. Tourceo, Tester. Littlelield and him- . Wbv iWs bo r.iv . : il.o i J - "j - ..w ... : dues he mean simply to say that there are ' j somo who did not steal ? Is t us '.;e ! i'j,e cautious ex-Senator does nut venture ' i0 enter the lists in behalf of the enet baers upOTi the general is-;u;: ol .stealing, but upon the special hsue i f stealing a i 1 paiticular amount, lleie is what the can- i : tio;:s cx-Senatov, himself a c;u'jr,Ter, ' s1Vs in di f.nieo .f CiiriMil-ba-'friMs ":1s a clas," in North Carolina : "The carpi t bag .villains could not have bad mueh i ge:s nave sioien, or nave ueen niiwn, or 1 i'a m ii" mini j-j koowu as eioiai volu 01 iu,u cnaie. jcauiog j 1 nc uaieigu jyn inns ucsennes imis ,,,. ai lu . m iln, - .:!., ;r. 1 heie was of!,,.. 1 i,, rii, ..,.,,,,,,..:,, n. w i-. 1 1 ncui moiuiK-r ot C 'oiK'res that if tbe .1 ... wr i;i tbivju-r iu Xoith Carolina, iii;is- ,,,..!, ji.,,.. 5,, iiisi-rnifii-.Ttit miuoritv 1"' Thcy did not steal rwch, I there we:e o few ! forsooth, bec.iu-j .-().' them! We have no doubt that ! bad there been mure carp .'t-baggeis there wm,u have been Im,r.5 stealing, but still Wti t Ii I : ilc ;eiie:al Abbott's modest v makes 1 , him put too low an estimate upon the tempi nas neen niaiie to extend the blessing ; capacity of our carpet-baggers. Think I exclusively intended for us, into the lall ! of LittlefieM, and think of Lallin t tude of loyally. : and other "cariict-bag villa'ms ' of lets do- A rcspeciable citi-fcn of Xew York has :;ec, ami t-ay wuciueror not me oi'iaiai I .... ....... . . .1 . - 1 li not a. victim of mhpl-icod inoih-r.ty and deluding diltidence One gapu of the cavpct-bag of eitlier of thesj men were worth a thousand of that id" "a nigger or scallawag." We protest against this imputation upon the thieving capacity of Carolina carpet -backers "as a cla'is'' and as individual;-. rirtiru-q il 'i;J4 ' III It I ;iS I 1 1 1 1 1 V 1 1 1 iJ :il . i CJeneral Abbott's modesty is decidedly j mispia :eu. n ne nau uispiayeu some oi it j when no was trying to get a sssi in uie , unite'.! :ates senate to vvntca no was not , elected, it would have been better timed, j Aud, by tho way, that was not a bad job, j even tor a modest Xorth Caiohna carpet- 1 i - j ;r .. r a . t L i natl 101 11 ' miauih.o not, me oenaie lVU 111111 I'-v unu I1Uit age ur me .seui to wlue.'i it sanl ho hrul no ciaim a ; sum amount intc to over live, thousand ! dollars, v,e think! Pretty gc.-d trans- . a, lion 'lor a modest mf-mbVr f that ! class of "camel -ban villains who could not have had much share in thieving in 1 Xorth Carolina, inasmuch as they were i insignificant minority!"' T'.ut per-j in ' .1 . .. ,.4" "V....M Cartdina I naps me ai mo-iei e i .v.m u war is meir capacitie.;. Xor va-i that a bad job for modest Xorih Carolina carpet -baggers, when Ceneral Abbott, a delegate to the Convention, foreseeing "lh:;t the old Stale bonds would apureeiale ly the action of tho Convention, 'm-.nle :i contract with l.iitlefn ld aud live other person's to wit: Messrs. rreneh, iv;!es, Calvin. Littlelield, r. Clark, of Xew York, and Mr. Wioslow, of Xew Yoik, to purchase a large amount of the S3 ; i bonds and sell them on the rise," and rc- ! ceived from tbe said Ittiefield S2o,0M) as , ; his shaie of the pioiits ! ' r.:.t General Abbott gives some I ligiues and "challenges scrutiny as ; t then- aecuracv.' Let r.s examine them. He r.avs "the actual authcr-i.e-l Slate debt of Xorth Carolina when re- mstruction commenced was M7,.;!.40:'" I c , that of the bonds afterwards "issued, $!(,- iT.'iXK) passed into tlie hands of Greeley ! men. and that other bom's, about j r.ortjCOiij p;.-ed into the hands ot Repub licans. According to this statement, if our addi tion be correct, the. debt of Xorth Carolina i ought to foot op as follows : i Ori-hisd leld -J7.531,yi5 ! Koiid i.-.-i.-d t lK-uiaerat? I6,23.0n ' Ueiuiblicaiis :;,5ei) oi! Total Xot so, however, according to General t t A. 1 1 1 A II.. a . .,1 . 1...4 Ior lie S-avtay tens uie peope- wo iecogu. uoi " t ie close of the last fiscal year, was t--M, SS7,4i;.J! (Jeneral Abbott's facts, or bis figures, are evidently muddled, unless the difference, ?2, H.H, 1S1, is too small t( take into consideration ! a sum But (Jeneral-Abbott does' not like Gree lev's first nomination at Cincinnati, voir ! his second nomination at Ilaltimore, which he thinks proper to chaiaetorize as "uu- i. ..1...,.... ' in ii. . - - . . 1 - iciuiuuyuaB.uuiuaut uiuywiuiu i i : .f l.. ,i 4 tii ' i gt liars this is what General Aoixtt reiers io , when lie declares, iu another part of his ! . ., i. r o-j.:...! f. . auurcss to tno jteoi'io oi uivj iuim ou- gressional District, that ''all the centric llutl,,'luOM5 l,l'J''""i ut",v,lv i :.. a. A .. . :..a1a.i n,- ,-l,f ,i rciivalcdby what is I servcu iu liiieiita I'ClOll; UI.1I (IH lib lI.VuV.lJ.k. i .r t- ? Oi' perhaps i ii. .o o . i i .-il .... rniiiTirtw ion ill 1 1 w iii ill.- . . . conclusion of his address : m appealing to me peopio oi mis pait . !n. uiiito in.! t.rnoiiiiT liio iiistiiMv i B..v..a.. .. , tions of recent occurrences, 1 snail iook ; cilieliy toward the future, asking the pco- . pie to aid a government which will here- ; utter, as heitofore, protect them in their rirrhts aud their liberties.' i n f i tends to i Unless this be tho idea ho int convev m these clear aud lucid expressions, we are at a loss to know w hat they mean. lithe eccentric fluctuations ot popula- i tions iu America, not ignoring the mstrttc- j tions of recent occurrences, are opposed to j Mr . Greel.v'.srlPctiom wevprvmneh feri ! ti, o In. 5. n vnrv ..-.d war. 1 .. J .. - J , v ..v. ... .-.j - (Il l tif'.-iif Unitnn." .in honest old col- ored man, known to Chapel-HiUians, for many yeais, used to be much puzzled to j decie-e "whether a chimera floating in a ! vacuum was a primary or a secondary in- j tention;"' but that question is as clear as the noonday sun when compared with the other question, what are tlie eccentric fluctuations of populations ? 2Jr. Greeley is evidently in a bad -way and all -owing to the eccentric fluctuations of populations! Poor fallow : and he never I know what hurt him ' Now, when Judge Tourgee talks about j finding iifteen dead negroes in one mill- j pond, wo all know what that m in? ; but when General Abbott talks about tbe flue I 1 here js a venerable .naxiiu the truth j of Wlliell. VH 'l(lliiU'(. l'.l nill 1 lt;tl uWil Irt dmy, because it b constantly vtuifvin- 1 itself v. i eh teaebes us that, curses. lik ( v ; , Lhe Knfoi cement Act, and again iu lt71, i and again in l- re-enfjiced that act 60 that the aforesaid beatific condition should 1 preseived and perpetuated. The acts ' were made of general application to the ' whole cojntry, although it was well under- tii;li- the blessings tliev provided weio i really intended for the so-called insurrec- ; tionary' States. Und their hcnchcciit fpt-'ralu.-n innocent men weie instructed in luu' unties oy tuc gentle means ot ctetec- lives, Ueputy-mailiils. blajk-wairants, perjurv. result in-' in shaved beads. , striped collie?, convict labor and blasted lives ; and he spectacle rofreihed all loval l"-;fs, ilhistraiing a$ it did the vahie of i liberty and the triumph of republicanism. ; Ihit by some strange misapprehension , the part of the oilicers of tbe law, an at- ! liwn Ullm 1.1. n.n cl,.i.,m,y,, ,.l ' . . . - v.. ...w... ..j i,,vipiSuani,Hni,iiiuu ; n sidence, l in been cross-examined as to his residence, name, age, &c , until his : indignation prompted him to show the I stranger tha door, whereupon he was ! arrested, carried, not to Court, but to the I Fifth Avenue Hotel, to answer to a charge of violatiug the Enforcement Act, 1 0 1 ?-t I d i nrr .A a4)im x flm C ojiiu.wuw 4 - viiv-i a im. CAJ'O untUUJC Lil lus duties, fcc, &c, refused bail (although nunu imji umt iuc niiiuuin unww uuusui as surety;, j" .ti t. uiai., una was mi?'"" released on tne security of the same party, but was refused an examination because the witnesses against him were it An fluff ' " ' rPTiir rrr r- 1 lum o n -rt'l- ren r r """- "' im.uu.- mu hij in uiuiun, im un; papers art! louu in ue- nouncing tho "tyranny," &c We mn t sec Avhy they should get excited j about it. The cflender is not an attache I of the llfrnhl. They are allowed by General Grant to make a living, and get i along, proviaeu they uo nothing against his re-election. Ho saved the Union, and it. with the appurtenances, belongs to him. ; Hesides, we would like to know if John i Ibown's soul is not marching on, and if' occasion of the first Fair of Ihe r aimers' tlie colored troops did not lUht nobly in j ami Mechanics' Association of Xorth Car renusj h ania and Indiana : , olina. Jt is a matter of sincere regret that mhhmhhhhhhbmwm ; 1 1 io Weather w as so Miclemeut that the Tlie Aciunl issue. ' crowd in attendance during a portion of Th-actual Usue of the present l'resider.-1 tialwmteat U not simply as to whether ! Mr. t; rant is, or is not. to be re-elected ! Pre sident. There aie principles involved ! . iu it of more importance than the success, or defeat, cf any one man. The weal or woe of tbe country hangs upon the result j I of the contest, and much of the future of that country alepeuds upon the strength of i the miuoritv. Should Grant be re-elected by a ve.y small majority, the Greolev men 1 " ' ,ii . will even then have made a en-eat sraln. and -i ; .i. ,..o;...r..t :n 1 he sure to benefit, it will indicate a close I ki . A L Will i ll 111.. Hill 111 .11 I.II lm: 111 balance of political jxiwer and will prove a protest against the shameless abuse of that power, that the successful party will be cnmpellod to heed. On fia; contrary a weak and feeble vote will embolden the successful aspirants to still further raids upon the Constitution aud the liberties of the people, and will bolster them up w ith the appearance of a popular cndot'sciiruit. And not only aelf-inteic-.t and the in terest : of the country at large, but honor pride and principle demand that we should ' stand by our guns in the as -lose!y ns wo did dm in; the four years of war, i and when the ods against n were far .'..-... ibev . ,,ow. 'I h, result of the recent elections in Pennsylvania and -'H gained, ao they were, by the most fi 1 1 -I t 11 1 11 1 1 t'ri lllla '(lll 1 T tf I TT ?! I 1 1 I IK 1 13! narrowed tho contest to within very close' bounds. Tho Admiuislratioiiists knew, .. .. i i i . . were lhen in favor ot Greeley, and bonce M lV M W O II I'VU i l BNI lilllN I Illll I III. Illllll I . , , 1 thev exerted themselves to tbe u most to . . . - i ,-.. ..i... : e.i rv . ciiii.s i ;i i i oiiiu l-ic:l i.ioiia. . ...,,thev b en favored iii that . rest i iir rs . was. :is iiati liffii :t .liui " ..I. , pwauj iuiwwh. '--, i.- .-.. i although disastrous' to Mr. Creclcy, J n..f l.-v- ".twr 1'iil'iis :l lir,llive. 1 1 Ii 1 1 ll II il I lit -" j "--j - - i -- the iiual vole I he issues and principles involved then are tho samo now, and the ; real battle is to be fought by tho same ."men, only we arc wiser now than we were .. i ..v..v . v "-i ..-... nfii, met r.- Crwtov 011.1 Mr. Urant. v -v i'wv uwwv - i.,.,i. ....... ,wcS ,-. i i " i lions tiiey did men, ami represent tne ...... , same opposite doctrines and party prm- cj.jc.s. o,r. t .,.. r..r - r-'' ( ' r. . 7 ,ueu Viho a,e actuated by principle m this contest, the struggle has assumed no new . . 00 idiocn oq if Ipiq t. iiir lew-tin I nnrA aro ' ' roui the eucmv. but to do this we must all ....- rri i.,.,.,o: w , r ... , ., aSllc over '" Greel.e 3 nomation by the re mention, mus6 no, now nom from his side, and those who may k uave '""ways leu. a puunauie rq.ut'Ua..iC , . . : - i il. to supporting a, uian who iiau ustju tiie nie-long champion ot a party so directly PI)osed to lho interests of the Southern W1 should now caBt aside those feel- """" 1"lJr w v i hour when he most needs their aid. At a banquet givou to the Xational Board of Trade at " DelmonicoV Xew York, 911 Saturday night last,':Mri ' Thomas Brand responded to the toast to "the South. " Skies Fnll of Hope. Friends ia Connecticut, says the New York Tribune, declare that there is no : treasonable possibility of the defeat of the Greeley Electoral ticket in that State. The ) Liberal Republican strength there is large; ? it has 1h?.r efticiently organized ; the can- vass is thorough, and tbe. first evidences of ! their work in the town elections will he ; found only a forerunner of the larger I triumph they have in store for us. i New Hampshire SMids news 'almost equally cheering rand it is certain that, - with aetire work between now and elec- , liioi ilav llw. Sit-jtr. r ill lw .iri.wl Oil- Gi-eclev and Brown. 1-W the iiromie in .v .lei mv w. refer - - j (iennans declared that nitiety-nino out of every one hundred German Ieuocrats would vote fr Greeley, and twenty out of every one hundred German. Republicans, a proportion which is sure to revolutionize Newark and Essex county. From one or two other counties I no returns were les j satbfactory than uoub.1 have been wished : but thi showing a1 a whota is iu the higb- est d-jgreo encoiiraguig Advices, pulilic and invate. from Ohio and Indiana, indicate a slate of affairs there alike surprising to us and alarniins to our opponents. Our i'rinds iu Ohio, stimulated by the success in Hamilton enmity, and by the large reuuetkm of tin Grant vote in the State, aro nvwlved not to know wheu they aro Iieatcn. They firmly maintain that they can carry the State in Xovember, and while the enterprise seems tons at this distance difficult, if not im possible, it. Is for these spirited Ohloans, I w ho have already nidde so gailaut a caa . . . . .11 . . . , .. VJM. IO M-lO l.ilHl. TlfHIIlIirr l lllllUtSSMlin with this young and vigorous party, w"ich is swiping into its ranks tlie lnorc "beral and progressive from a11 ot tLe olJ organuations. Indiana is ours' aud CSiU hardly be wrested from us, even by Morton and all his allies. The confidence of our friends is uulimited, but it doe3 not blind them to the necessity of vigilance. We count on the fifteen electoral votes of Indiana as al ready certain tor Greeley and Brown. Thus, with such encouragement at the Xorth, and with the solid South standing firm, on all hands the prospects brighten. We cau win, in November, if we will. Do our Liberal Republicans mean to keep up the tight everywhere with the spirit shown ia Ohio and Indiana, and more lately tJiroughout the interior of Xew York ? Do w,u "CIUW'-lls mean iu muo warun-B oiu McMullen, and deal promptly with their own traitors? Give us but these assur- ances aud we ask no more. The CJoltliUoro Fair. The weather permitted but a buei visit to tioldsboro' during the past week, on the lJ' v,u us ,,ul 1,1 lvU l',u preiarations made, or the merits of the exhibition. On Tuesday and Friday, "owever, there was a good attendance, and v ?. , . r . i exhibitors and visitors weie more than aatislied- rre9ident Pr -t Colonel L. W- Humphrey, Marshal Arrington, Secre- Fulglmm and Treasurer Baker, were VVIT elhcient in their management, giving ... ..- t as 1 - . 1 1 1 . 2reas sausiacuou. c ac-Hiiuwieuge iu ?h onr indebtedness for acts of courtesy. rr,. ,.t.!.: . and suieiIor. The Exhibition Hall oi tin; Association, probably the. best in tbe State displayed, to great advantage, tlie exquisite taste ol the latins in Iheir adornments, . . . . . and tne vast array oi articles on rxuiuition. We were gla l?co nottea not only several of the fair daughters of onr city in attend ance, but also to see that tbe beautiful handiwork of others attracted tho admira l ion of vi5ifors and the awards of commit tc"s. The Tournament was thj chief attrac tion on Friday, which, with (bocoiona- of tho Queen and Maids of Honor, the ' f liastn and elegant address of Major Me 1 ft ..." V 1 1 I ...! rt" 5linwr at n"'',)llw u,c -lcaM r nuon ,f piogrammc lor I riday. There are many points of interest and several attractive features of this Pair i which we would like to notice, and wc I Oiall. oiohaMv. refer to omo of 1 hem. ' ol,lv sVv now that th citins of " fan oiuj s. nou , liiat uj , un.ns oi cause to be proud ot their rair. - - cess, in spit" f tb.e weather, only "i ' ' unu e ui i u.ii n, nuiii'i ihib uv u, .1 ,.r . :. .. ....11 l. .. l ., Their buildings and grounds passed, and their advantages ate "reat. Tho Parmer's and Mechanic's As : O sociation of X I" Xorth Carolina is destined to become' one 3 of the great - agticultura aud .-. .- T I-., . industrial institutions of the Slate cess attend it. I Jksticf. to thk Soith. lie had alwavs 1 1 1 . r. r. I . r. i.fl.i', ii.i u L. . . i aj . . , - . . - - . ... . , , ..Tl; a i If 1 ocen luenuneu wilii me iveimoiicau party auu uevoteu to its principles, uui no was ,.. not a Republican when that orraniroition was to be used to degiade aud oppress the Southern peopio and to fasten the yoke of slavery more hateful and crushing than any which rests upon the peopio of mon archical Europe. The Republican party had indorsed and upheld these corrupt governments by sustaining these very men who have done ail this. Carl Sckurz on the lGth at St. Louis. ' Glorious. If on the Sth ot November Horace Gree- J ,ey shaU be elected Presideut it wiU be the last time a United States Marshal will dare to crack his whip over an American citi zen. Carl Schurz, on tne win, at at. iouis. Frenchmen in New York appeal to their countrymen in the. United States for aid for the many emigrants from Alsace and Jor raine who are coming to this country. A Canadian family lately crossed Lake Michigan bringing with them an ancestor who had lain in JLpminion soil for twenty-a-iven years. A storm arising, the super stitious sailors attributed it .all to the pre sence of che.T dead body, and ... promptly pitched the latter overboard, when the tempest lulled. O LOCAL. Liberal Kkpttblicanism has made better headway in this county than i3 gen- erally known. As an evidence of this we j will state that there are three Clubg in . the county, oiitside of the city, located in j Lincoln, Columbia and Caswell townships. I The former numbers some 4. members, I while there are 25 members in tire Colum- j bin Club. That C'AnrET-r.AG Ciiavat. It will be recollected that we took occasion to dis- approve of the oflicers of tlw I armer s and M.l.. .:.. uciuiol!nn rf l.l.ttlx. rvw" nAi- niiMin th ranvt-baireer Xason. of New- Ur, in.,li;.,r tl.n tl. l.v ... .... --j 'carpet-bag neck-tic. 44 A beautiful blue satin miniatnie of carpet bag, tbe loops of which re made with hemp cord, a fringe of white and black, vrq -' ornaments th fides and bottom as an edging; suspended from h ninar pnntalnh" tlif. friUowiii'r lii'vcrml ions "Stobm North Carolina Bond" "Stolen s Railroad 134nds" "Corruption iu high ; places" "We shall and will inlo ur countrv," and one or two other that our i friend has forgotten." i , . f , . -,...,! Appended to tbe -carpet-bag necktie I was a note, of which the following L a I copy : To .Vr. (i r-orqe H". Xo?o'i -fr., " ('iriet- Banger : T'.. .. . ..... f . t ; ..'.' ,;,.- ';.t. 4S' . ' "Should the Xcck'lie merit the premium ered, it shall be cnuaJiy divided between tho two Africans who offered themselves I. A-. I . 11.' VJlVlf LUMUULllU . . ... . ,.t, a i ,. as living sacijuccs io "ariei-Daggerv, cy partially denuding their crauiums t fur- material with which to adorn the ar ticle' Sen knur's Defalcation. Wc have been endeavoring, for some time past, to obtain a correct report of ex-Sheriff Schenck's indebtedness to the county, and succeed, at length, in laying before our readers the following statement, the amounts all being brought x to the 1st inst.: SCHEDri.K li. TAXES COLLECTED. STATE. ..S4.091 01 . 6,180 1? . 2,176 97 S12.753 16 COUHTYj i4,010 ( 7 C.902 C9 2,535 11 14,077 27 912,753 16 14,077 27 $20,830 43 8,053 73 IS,V7G 70 KX 00 30 ) 00 Jan. to April Aprl to Julv July to Oct Total State Tax... Total County Tax. Amount paid to Co. Treasurer. City Delinquent. Amoun' Due S19,478 70 It is fortunate for the county that Sher itf Sehenck's bond was not, in this in stance, manufactured of straw, and that it is good for the amounts due by him. Ex-SiiF.ntFF Schkxck. We publish here a communication from Kx-Sheriff Seheuck. relative to Ids indebtedness lo the count v It has been on hand for two days pasi, and would have appeared yesier- dav. but lor a ren nest on the part of Major Seiienck, himself, looking to a personal in- tArcJpw -1th 114 tho loeah before its nub- - ' lieation. We can only say that the figures ! published were not our own. but were fur- nished, at our request, by one who is fully nosted in the matter : ' .i. i... ,....T unu um.uuiii.y'"' are open tome, by invitation, to show a mistake, on your part, in regaru to my m- debtediiess to nf ia SfatP and COllUtV. 1 niO- o lut owie uu cuuuij, i piu- 8 i nds'smn of iivo T er ciit for the collection ' nf taxes- , . ot taxes, - Jd Is lie mt ailowci also a cj-eoa ioi Illll I'll III IIIIMR 1 I t J 'l 1.1A.7 HUM - ;... , ' ...... . 1 , ..r. a .9 i.i..t.OKTir i-fJi I il- ';V-HW"IIl ablv lessen the amount you named JJut Ibis is not what 1 object- to in your artido of the -'-'d iust. 1 do not cam how much, or how littio you. or your "higher source" may put my "indebtedness," but I do object t your heading your aticle. "&C11K NCR's DEFALCATIONS,' v, hen f be time for the sMt!U-Tient has not yet arrived. Perhaps th resent Ta C'ollcctor would also object io your puK hn-r is a hanqmmi'x j,-nr.f. alv mad ot j,ir ' ":-," lumvjcu . it 11 saw teat the quartermaster was com- I -7 ... , . 1 " ?"1 iiAtnp; a immature kev is jiancmc ny us - .-j-". . pciiew 10 uury ine nKjncy in oruer to keep 7 - - .1 rm.ii cilnastcr i,f mir a rmv h:i.l l.iuii.. mi h ,11 r... ... - , 1 iUS ShotWf I tieolllietl Willi a dedaiit n:r. sme, wnicu nis mceiy in in huiau jock , -... . lu Jr- "' ie'm i..iiiiuiiiiiiii- iica&uri", who . i ; . , , d. , . ' 1 .1 ... his vi-in'v a hr-- amontil o nmncv. ' -,.m i,..n.. ... .1... .!..... 1. and sain lie would du ralher than hetrav ,.,...-J? 1 t .! variouf-lv estimated a rom fifiv (n niw i it n,.i,i..t .i,-. ....Jk..i .1:..: i-.;auybodj application l-jr ihe pardon was KUJK PI Ii-i;rO 3 I.MM floo nirn-oj , , ; . ' 'J-"''-"i nmo iuiuviMi( m ji"iiii; 101 : 1 . . - .. .. . , ;id-Is he not allowed a credit for all re- ; y MV Z ure Z , ' " M matter ; Ishmenl. therefore, to hear of hi letter ni.ttan.-es, insolvents, aud enxns made by , S 'H.g both int,reatiug and practicid, as ! (Srimt, aud I am forced to conclud- that It the Assessors or lor any cause granted by , ZJm w" 1 " Hie .season. The sub- j is a part of a scheme to exclude me from the County Commissioners ? , ??"!" , "i.,,ls, '"V "'lS l" H" J'' 'S' SSf 'l s-.-rlpf io is s r,o a vear. or ! in clubs of 1 the benefits of amnesty. Hence this stab- ! AlLrt tin Cilice luo well-drc,l -n- ! w Tlie publishers oltcr the last nient ol" facts. Jiei.,g, the indi.lgenco hshing h !n ar a "defaulter." 1 have ! bu- IrUbfully to kill timv and bv one or' doubt that be U indebted to f b" State, and tTO j:t0l,3 was this young man," who had 1 I slo lnve no doubt be will promptly pay ! f5rt'ronje b feaich for tlx1 iivnw, rccojr his jtidbfednef on-th' fiit Monday in ' nized. . r . , . . , . . : , . 1 ' 1eceniner rrt?xt, wiieu lit? Nims n:c"in;' .1..- w- ...:i - a. j ue- ; dlbrr cat I ' ' , m -j'r -i. . : inAAm .hi. IT' crtaintv -Rnnot d it Ivrorf conspiracy ,t-'u,,u 5. ' t; V 1 ,U V ' ' A Y h . . , . . . tlie shr-rilTs rfhep obtained his appoint- , the Jnciit s Mttw . .? f.Pvl ment ; also as to bow it is that two ol tne , v-.oI t . cu J;n VrSuxl J-LxZlu. T ,.l -.D: County Commissioners i lhafc much-coveted pos w. . . ......j., will bo tully satisfied:' and - "sufBcicnlly ' Respectfully, J. W. ScnrcTi. Will Take Care Next Time. A rather curious accident occurred last week at tho Gambo powder millSj. near Portland. , A man' nimjed 1 George Kinni son, while at work in ; the mills, got his clothes permeated with powder, and with out brushing himself went to dinner. Chancing to go near the hot stove the powder upon his person ignited and ex ploded with a marked effect, setting fire to his clothes and badly burning him. He thinks that he wiU not again make a walk ing magazine of himself. Mayor Medill, of Chicago, has proclaim: ed against spiritualistic exhibitions and liquorfseJUng on Sundays.. He says liquor dealers must go to church and spiritualists must pay license. ' ; The negro, repeaters having finished their work on Simon Cameron's railroads, are now . returning to their homes In Washington, Maryland and Virginia, by the car load.- . They have done the State some service and they know it. - Mailer's Band, from Charleston, are to pl3y at th Cheraw Fair, which opened yesterday. 1,s 5UC" ' amount vnu nV t i and it will M Towrd W 'h?w. "ea.r ,b? to- the Republicans and Democrats to d- ibat ; Tl-y are tbu, ;d;en up and bunie.l to ves evi- wJlon au wi,bout, railing upon bo,,d , mv; rive r, cros!eu u ami yiMt-.i iuc large on re-e-cuo n ,o ,., i..nio-,rrares senate. itaJeih wilbont trial or bad, by Grants ' for i dollar -Pprhsitvs lit 3 Ipw riirr Ton .. ... .. v "'" x i ...j.,,. ... ... - v ... j.. tuIS"!! iva -'" ji, ijiiiiij i'itcu tt-ltl loon, uniiicltiin'i - rnori of Ilia nanS 1 v.i...g i-.j .uimii; ..m.jj wiummu iuvov ol- mioimai OU aiil'gCI IO JUipilcaLU fcLICUi ect .' will lrn sometmng more ot uie i3',s converrdu with the suferiutendei.t. To democratic vut would rtrct Ihh resuk. no,.,., k-.k-..v. Tl,.-.e . (,ee.io1. unsur- rtofflurl crr is they abo told the &tory of their fail Du it h Mated, with the memory "cf the for such ouira-om despotism iu Sampson. really OUI l,?ir IO expOV COrruptlOU x , , rTUS,- Ihpm. i hriArv,-r irmii lliff m :ht n,r! i ..... ..,.,1 c..y,U ' rtij'j '..'il 'I'll.' "uvichi . ' i . ' - i . . . i - , . .. , - . . t .i i . i . a . i ., i - a :.. . 1. . . 1 m.v...v a - - - ' ' ' - . - - .r. ..... -' . - . . . i ... tiiii . -j j ,wi ' j . j i t iu J , tfu..i TTTnTlTflTVT P"T TT'MTI'P'P JLUUJVi iUUll U 111 IX. teuerai quartermaster nines fi2,000 Diirhi? the lVar and nme-i Nine Year After to Fneartli It. Shk1i'j-:i:jstowx, Jefki:ox Co., W. Va., fseptember l4, 1ST2. S D?rfug the stirring scenes of the late ,-afil,iJ.,lii.,, r..n .1 ,. i the two armies for a Ion-' lime. It is di- i l"fell" acrnSS lllO 1 Vlf f"f.l f fmill (tie 1l9ttllt ' ofAntielam, and saw a great, deal ! ' t.. ' . . tit 1 I.ltilnliC: . liolil ! UP 1 iO 4 .I miin niiiioi oiK'.s near us own i.iihis. ir i :i tbereforc a grr.a! i.omber of army officers iu aim! about that little town, ami during the. Gettysburg campaign much confusion .:.. -.4-...: . nno1iM.:u. nw i-uia 3 all iur.-tcd by the further removal cf the army, ami errmiii!g frmei to almost a eircumMances eonncctl w.lhine. repo,t, ra".rh 'iTdence was given to the rumor and many attempts made by the Pec,l!le f,"dr 1,10 treasure, but without v- Jst afcr ,h h ' closed aiid the report as to tho bidden vicalMi had en almost lyrgniicn. a young man made his Appearance in th's vicinitv. j claiming to nave trrv a eoldior in ,i j 6W York regiment of cat airy (my infur- tu,ulw 1U " , icmaiucu dUOUl litre l"i S'jlil'.' lilil'j wjllioiit aov an. '. parent object, except to vhit tbe baltlv- . flolds over which be bad. marched and j -'; was H'! & 1 A. J . ' '. "T- Vlc uic. rcrv uay ne wouia rf'0 1U11 - V1'1' " vn? '-!Ut,-.u,-;u , , . , . . , , ; LI I I H! I H. l l l I .irn I' rilTl,i n f !T. . . , ' . ,. j i u, k"? v,Uu uuu. xms cxulcu some .suspicion, auu lie was watched by a M-it r ti r . I . . - I It l-vil .mii'.i 1 1 . .( " UC t'l I'TM'il TUI'I IIVI II I I I' lUMUII illlMIJ JiaiJUIVil viljil XIOUI MillOUS lliu. lnnre at l i uur 1 l.n I i; I. ..1...1. i ' ' ,!.-.. .'Jl.illl gentleman who had tho story oi the bulled ! cash revived by his appearance aud action. I Tiie Xovembcr number of tho Eclectic is lie was found to walk up and down the ! ul uaua a"d presents a ixrtrait handsomely diflereut roads in the vicinity scanning i engraved on steel of Jas. Anfhony Froude. anxiously every tree that stood near the TLe table 0' contents embraces seventeen roadside, evinciug such an interest ia his ! articles, amongst the mtst attractive of search as was inconsistent with his story ! whfch aro the leader on "Japan;" "A Voy of interest only in the war scenes in which aSe to the Hinged Planet;" "Xovels and he had participated. For more than a I tlieir Times;" "A Pilgrimage to Port Roy week he kept up his visits to the adjoining j a1'' "Ueo. Elliott;' "Secret Police of Paris:" country, and toward the close grew ' "Prose aud Verse;" "Domestic Life and GLOOMY AM. MFLAX HOLY. .lliK M.r,f One evening about ten days from the me of his arrival he returned later than lime oi nis arrival ne reiurnea later man usual from his walks and declared his in- j Strange Adventures of a Phaeton. E.R. tention of leaving on the next day for his i pelton, 103 Fulton street, X. Y. $5 a year. JS orthern home. After he had eaten his I sapper he called the gentleman with whom j Appletous Journal is as deservedly he was staying aside, and told him that ' poplar as ever. Xone of the many publi the object of his visit to this country was j cations which reach our table ever meet not solelv to visit old arrav scenes, but to i with a more cordial welcome. The month- secure an amount of money that had been buried In this vicinity during the summer of ISCo by a quartermaster of a Xew York brigade, who was an intimate friend of lus. He said that he had been the clerk ofthi3omeerwhosecfetedthemouey,and - " v-,'.w vo3 uuiicn niiuu, iu; nuns 01 a largo tree somewhere in this vicinity, Ife .stated that the officer who hid tbe j money was then serving out a term in the j periodical. The opening article is "Xorth- j rally denied that, ihe Klan was a oonspira ! penitentiary for embezzlement, and if the ern JimHl:l am St. Petersburg," by Edna cy against thi (iovernmenl, or against the t money was not ionnd before it. expired lie nM,, TV. .., i.' v KiunWrriviHi n. nv. ne-vroes. or n T.i.i ! e.nv cl im of 'nennle. on fi , , ,, leinru ioi-ma . r; v 11 i.: ir ..., . grjneti at his failure to discover the spot j where his defaulting friend had secreted i umufu imiu. .. m- n.-i-i..r.i iii.i. n ni.i- Ids ill-gotten cash, and declared bU fear ! "V" V l"f rn?Ilf7 M u? lol"u ,,eIore ',1S menu pot oui oi prison it wouui ne woiin- less. He said the money was in green- ; lirss aiu second lectures before tbe Royal I having stmuht t.i preserve orderktliei backs and gold, In a tiu box, and when i institution on "Tlie Demons of the i communities, and to shield tlao wives minwi was encased in a woouen no.v. nis s-tatkmkxts , were fo clear and nositive as to all the Ae- I. .. f , , a iliatnottli? sliMitest sV.d- ' "aL""L" "i, .1 i"l,;1!f,t. j r ' " oV-V. V" " -."v. i "'' imo .?"-,.'o" ire nun, ieiiiai .,' i.,.. i -... . n iiiioi ii aiuni- a iniu" yjk nit noim; , uni ui aucii 01 sciuuce. a 1 1 ami nciion, Si:L"iai i . , 1 ' , . . . but where no one could tell, save the one of which are beautifully illustrated. It 1 f'ut ol .. tllC ,I,HU' whoiuiio sa',aa it snh whohidit. The young mad who thus numbers among its contributors somo of Mects lor cl.'iin ncy. but be grossly mis gave positive assurance ns to ihe trrdh of , the best ami most popular writers of the . represents me. .Notlnng was said ol par tite rumor of the monev burial is reiue- ; day, and its correspondents wiitc from don dnnng the. interview v -cpt a volnn- ! sentcd as being young and gentlemanly in appearance, well and neat ldressed, . sober ' r.:i n, ,.,.,;.. i.,..,m.,f ' . . 7 V--''ii'i.i'J u i .'ii'iuiit 1 l 1 ' 1 III ! ' habii aul ileivitmeiit. He left fur Idiiu f Icmanly-lookina and active, men sU'ppvd oil tlie cars at KceIysvtll., a httl fowu a , nes distant from here, directly acrov, ( tuc river in .Jiaiyiaud. iiiey secured a hors and buggy with tlie stntrmeut that; they were from Xew York, bad been 50b 1 dicrs iu the late war, and desired to revisit i tbe battle-fitld of Anticlam. its i-emetry and adjoining arm;, historical points. lncy .pent &omc lime abuiit the country. apparently lookimr at tho cemetei v. itc. ' jjjj. coJIPAM-) .. i b bv n l!lm l-'uried i the trrasure he had searched for yeai ttg.j i At. v. -. . .If'.n lT-, I'll, Oll-a tUlf 'UU-'. up to the town and out in the direction of H,aIT?r 3 eriy. Xothing n ore u known of them until the next morning, near day- i light, when they recrossed tbe ferry and drOTe off toward Kedysvillc, where they t,,ok the train East. ; a mwnvKRY im, srv,tTinv. A DISCOVEBY 1SD SESATIOy. i uwuij iiau iiwuiuiuu, iiyy uaucu -ere Mr. Myers, who lives about two miles frTl"ffir pCC',nftL.e wad leading to- vcSrrt TlnfRpld's df-not. inst abovft t.bp. liar- Hardly had the morning fairly dawned t ward Duffield's depot, just above the Har- per & xciry wouu, piles of S.Uo lurowu up irum i row. t u o..h , . .. ... .1... ....... : ...... : .; .oiih-iilt. ami i.-ii.i i i iii' iii ii .miiciuiiui- oui si na miiuci rv. oicui v...s in aiioi - I III lAll 1TTM MI W. rt- 'I .r I I 1 1 V Itllt II Ol 1 1 11 1V4U . ' .! tl'I'Tllt T iT I i 11 1 1 J 1 1 1 I 1M .A. i 1 1 1 - tllra. V ill. 1' Mil' - i . ' i I . . i- 1 . ry- f, ..iviw J Mil .1 t "J . - 7 . ' i ine Keimbhcan majorities will be almost prdsbe owhishouse, onther.o i. a.b . - ; ,vAcol)iinca to a few populous north toward the place, lie and sr.d h;, couutieS. lt conceded even by the StL'- wl "i publicans that tbe balance of jwer in R???1?1.? 1rse"ld.l,tlffy ll.a;,bwi ' the Xovember elections in this State will that at least three or lour ! workmen vtfio arc now employed in re- ffAoos loads or kaiith ; constructing Chicago. - had been taken out iroru around the roots i Very encouran advices have been re- of the tree by some unknown parties, evi dently in a search for something. While thev were lookfoe at the mysterious pile of earth, tryine to divine the cause of the dig- ging, one 01 tnem aiscovereu a piace-irom which had evidently been taken a box, two feet in length by fifteen or eighteen Inches werescattered all about opening No the r. - . J . 11 1: , , ' was . recalled, and it was at once- decided that he had come and taken it away. The story of the discovery soon spread over tt community, and large numbers of people i came to view the spot where for nearly ten years A SMA.I.T, For.TrJfrc f.AY BUIUEB, wiiich liad been sought after a long time t with great energy by several ieople who ' did net doubt its existence. I went to the spot, which is about a mile from town, and .j saw the evidences of the truth of what I . have, related. Tlie other. facts, as related, have been, obteiued by careful inquiry, and are perfectly reliable.' thk xki:i: ''whose branches have shaded the substance ..-4.: i , ' Z', i ; : .,'J il tbe. fonee in a Irld now tilled with l ineiiin" 'ftril. Till' lli'.'r 'lIMr no iiuMn' ' tbe fence and extended in a semi-circle :i-nillWl flirt 4 nwt thn tiiiiw.l. 1 w:.. 1.... ........ Wu. ""' ionr leer wii i :i i i n-.'iv miw quarlermasn-r durin: tlie war had buried t some S00.(KM in old and M-eenba. k nndet- . . . H n ....... . rgettimu oak trn about a m e from town, on t no icl i oitiic roal lcadit to , DuflleM's. and that a few nights a mo ho ; came for his treasure and took it away Irenrh. uhi.-h il tr. mmnosp.l ctitninnrf V.i ' - II -...i...- .w mo!ier. Mr. Wesley Mver5. who resides near the spot, s'.aies that the digging -was done after nlpht. and ibnt. f he. Tra, ks of n. vrbi. l.. could he rP11 o, .n..,-.,i, The trench is formed in a srml-circlc around the roots of t he tree, and judging from tbe amount of caitb thrown up, and the depth oi the (rcuch, co:rtderable labor wa, p;r- l..i,ii..1. l.!lc rnry. Iiurss Papa " s' Bless Papa " and " Lovia Heaius Akol;;i you, Motiieb," are tho titles to two Cxqubito little pieces of music ' ,. w -. j ...... u ...... w . . W V UJ,h...W : . v.l:..l 1 i. ur r . i r. juzh puun-jLicu ny iu. vtray, at iur rirsi street. 1'ortlaud, O. Tbe words aro by s. Jj,JOth. aud the mu dc bv G. T.Kvaus. j and Shooting Stars;" "James Anthony i 4Ln-h, --iyt-vciupiueut in jres.s; "jifcieors Frnndo:" wiih nilditinnnl cimntfr nf tiTiio Part for October, already at hand, con tains the four numbers Issued during the month, all of which possess an excellent I variety of entertaining matter. The illus- I trations are also very fine and are by no j means an inenns.dpratde iealnreoi ihe , j fieribner'x Monthly ibr Xovemlier, e-- j i,;i,Hs th eveellpnpies eliiriHeri5f fr- nf tide , 0(,nin,( description fully illustrated of earthoiiake at. Africa, on the West eoad. ol'Soiith Ameiiea. J)r. J. G. JIol- land, the editor, contributes the first chap ter of a serial which will run for the next S: 't entitled -Another Bonnieastle.- i .rP M,irw onenie f. l!iinunt eonf rihnles hi Shadow," besides other entertaining mat- ; ter. Sr Co., Xew York, at Si per annum. i T lunrnrnif Mnnrnnif for Vove-mhoi- ;, I J .o:' ' ..r01 ' .S. . "V" "J. '". ' "... i uuio nuuam; puiM-13 in uiiiiut uu-i v , i. ,.e ,t. - . .. t ..i... - i ' eveiy section of Ihe country. .1. Ji.' Lip. pineo.t, ,v Co., IMdla.lelpbia. at S I a year. 1 . 1 The A, -e,vV,i 7'o-,er, for October, is i . r. , I..1I, iiiA Vk'ill. t m . n . t r.ti.t rtt 9 I subscribers for '7:!, and also present an attractive- Jhf of prcinliim.s for club. . Saml. Sands ,v Son, ullishei. Prilii nmiv, Md. ip-ci:.l I i?i:ileH t- ill" B'diinioro JSiiu. Jrtolor .M ortoii an.l Jio ludiajiH rnifinl;ii-PrHipr-l'.fii IHiouiH nud Hilt Nerr'lir"J'lh 'I'll w York Mil b-'i n'Mii ry J-iclilci I ion Il1n r mciit ol tlio Gcjicj A-i.-ird--. Vim, i nI Sfnvj- i:MJiuut". WasHJA(.io:, Oct. I'G. -I'naiiiuont lu-di-vniam here uni pari icular friendly to ' Senator Moitor, and w ho are thoroughly ouuioor .uoikt. nnu wiji. :n noronKniy conversant with political afhiiiin that Slate, place no. credence, whatever in the l.l.ll.; Kj il'.r'l.lll.UJ f ill'. L Ui J ,i . ..r I--,. ,i i,..,,.- ..... .i i i.i.. dare to v...te a- iii. .. the -.",tl...r nominee of tb; p-oy. I 'there is mucii n-.-ie. ror.fidr.e. b-rci io : Liberal circles of . curing l be elector ; vote i f Illiaoli for Gi-oiey than any oik Wer-tem S'a'o eeCI. Mixouri ad Iuc ana. Th. adiiee. 'from tbere are' to tl ral ! er i Iudi- , the ! eilect tb?t It X lull JJemoLl VAC VCte Can be H d Ah,lM .Lection is gre S UuU,iJ, tl.'edit,y apl.Jlj;: til, (;ermans. t . overc-oinu tl,,c trt.m(,u; maioiitywhk .... . J J i l:- ? .. .1.1:1 I . I . . I : .. ; .. .1 Grarjt in ,o,: It h considered ccr- ,aiu thai which ever way the State may go ; : a Lho 1Yc5ldcutUl issue, Trumbull will bo (.;Lumed Lo tLc UljUed KULes sjCUate as ceived here to-day from OJdo as to the prospects of the Liberals in Xovember. It iis stated that the .Democratic vote, esne i cially in tbe middle counties, will be poll- i eu iu iuu, vne iacK ox wnica vote lost the State substantially in the State elections. .Alexander Dumas, who was trained by fhr to a spendthrift, and a peren- f nial bankrupt, Js now;yery rich, and owns a large interest in the Marchand's Uank, In Taris. " Instead of the renrobatc. for which his nature7 and -"education seem to have shaped him, he bids fair to become a mil lionaire and a moralist. ....... V .. .1 . ... I. ...i ..... . , i.uicu inninieis oi mis car iru 10 new me VOICE FROM ALBANY. j A VI LH SLANDER RKFUTiM). 31 r. Shot well Yindicale Himself. The subjoined letter was received by us last Saturday from Mr. Randolph A. Shot- I V ell, Who IS HOW COllfill' d )Q IC Albany , Peni entJ.u-v : : Air. vw Pkvitivi i v tv 5 ... 1. .. . To I he Mitor f the. Charlotte Oberr, r : ' . n.-uuoi, neen cauecilo tlie tol- ! At.. ! I i . . it i . ... IVesi. v, J l'ri,l1n him he would cheer- lull: lako U"' s'-unil aUl1 labor lor the suc- ; - - ;mu m- . . , . , , 1 1 ing that he Aas dhjuisei'l o plead for par don, it m ;ss nrop(; d to if lie would visited Shot v. ell, two months ago, ho said be iouud inni ileliant ar.vl unw -VtT,t l I''4 l,Ml vn 'UI Vjll,lu,"' 1 presume that 1 am the person alluded to iu the above, aiUiough the wnter. iiav- I st 1 l". 'auncaie a laisenoou, nas noL thought it worth v. iiile to give even the. !Vti cmctly. Iho entire statement is riiiiiuuL luuuuuU'ju. i sLoui io rciiuc me. imputation of having offered to barter my principles for a partloD; but for tho sake of my friends I will merely say that I have, never applied for pardon, nor made any proposals to a prominent member of Con gress, nor to any one else. Having been illegally arrested, falsely accused, unfairly tried, and unjustly sentenced to the full severity of an unconstitutional law, 1 have, long hoped (and shall continue to hope) that future developments and the subsi dence of bitter passions would lead to the restoration ot my liberty as an act of justice rather than one of executive clem ency. The last paragraph of tho Herald's mor ccau wrongs me in a two-fold degree by imputiug to me a piece of silly and theatri cal braggadocio in refusing to accept lib erty on any condition, on the one hand; and again a i fording the President n fair excuse for declining to hear any future ap plication in my behalf. Mr. Gerntt Smith appears to be the ong- ! inator -of this calumny. It may not Lo improper, therefore, to briefly state the facts in the case. Mr. Smith visited tho Feniteutiary on the -Sth oi July, and let it. be known that be came from "High Au thority."' in the interview with mo l.o was very courteous, and I answered nil hi inquiries with courtesy and frankness. ! After acknowlediinc that I had been :l Grand Chief of the Klan, and was well acquainted with Us designs, I assured him that it, and our people generally, had be u p dj-j prcss;and'iireSi)onsiblo VrreM . , ( , , j , rho circulation oi greatly misrepresented, not only by th- JtOII- 01 so called "coniesions and "testimony, in- ! vented bv perjined vagubondf.-, or oxlorie.i I i'roni intimidated v.-itneseies. 1 account ot their political opinions, lie- , ;-, , . 1 verlina to ihe i ioverninent oroseci:iio:!s. i j called his attention to the tact that then. were several f.rav haired old men tl ; years anil upwards, doomed to years of ' toil in this ponilcntbiry, ov,-r a thousand i miles from home, for UO Other !ltIM fhon ; and daughters lrom the brutal passions ol i white and black deserailoes, etc., etc.- ' - Air. smith seemeu surpriseu ana wiocjcwf I at my Statements, and Strongly f.xprCSSCi his intention to intercede wit!, the iW ! dent in their behalf. I l'.m that he fub ,. ... . , . . i fi led i s and r. commended three ;ei ' on'"? lmi lo " 3 ' V- , iepubhoan Judge m my favor : lor which , I thanked him, let thought it hardly worthwhile for him lo bo at. that trouble. i . . . . . . puiilic 1-r so l-jiigtiiy my p;ivate mi-forluncs, 1 oil, Mr. Editor, Kespecffulh. llAMinM'lI A. SlIoTWJ'.I.I.. S A. Ml '.son Co i -x TV lrit.Ms. The lerrr-i-ui in this county inaugurated by I'resi dent ('s u.ini'jns is beiii!;- Jiept up with renewed viuor. Deputy Mar.vhal Miihr has been in Tiie upper p'i I i i oi'the Coim ty for scend v.-ehs arre.-si hig )eaceal-!, and as we are iufonned, innceent cili.ens. His latc:-.t explo'.l fwa-i the arrest ,of A. H. IJic-v, er, Uich ll.vs and .lames l!x-s, which were m.i'i" on Sunday night 1-tst, and tb parlies hnn i'"l out .f tlie comily during n,. ,,iirht. 1 uev arrCMed un. Miimi, a young bo, ;.m1 tl.rcaiei.ed to blow his Waiirs .-ul, and il.en tuiiic i him loose tcrrohm k only calculated to stir up strife or to provoke a disturbance just on the ty of the rresidential election. A correrpondcrit informs us than a small cjuad of U. ': troops went down ia the Cohaire Creek kectfou, a few days ago, on a secret expedition. They threatened to kill any per:. on who would expose their ; r.,,wi,,.nni. olNf..i.-lort f;'q .. 1 nght bravely." to i Tho three vouny man arrested on Sun- h 1 dav e.i.'enin" ii; now in llaleish iail. Thev are charged with being implicated in z plot. to commit murder somo years ao. Who did ever hear the like. And this is the best government the world ever saw. What a mockery ! Throe peaceable young men of good family are taiicn out of society on a quiet Sabbath evening and dragged to Kaleigb, without the opportunity of trial, during tho lono hours of night, a distance of about 100 miles. Thero among stran gers, away from friends, they are cast in felons' dungeons, and for what to be dis charged whenever their case can have an investigation. It really appears that the Craut party is doing its utmost to provoke a disturbance in various Democratic regions. We p.dvise our friends to keep cool. The tyrant will cut his own thioat by and by. tioldsboro' Messuicer. Tbe Secretary of the Treasury has deci ded that open yards may bo used for the storage of marble in bond not neighing less than 1000 pounds each. A petroleum lake has been discovered in Guatemala. All those States dowu there seem to float on nitro-glyceritc or kerosene. au tioiirzn i snoui'i re