Newspaper Page Text
WIUIISGTON, N. - C: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1872. EIJJCTIOIV RI5TUKIVS. A leniocrstie Claln of 51 fa (he City fulllus off tlie August Vote. The flection returns for the eity are all in Tliey indicate a majority of 001 for Grant, which is a clear Deruocrati: gain of 51 votes on the election for Governor in "ii3t last. Had the white people in tlie cilv voted their full strength, we should luve made a still handsomer gain. As it is, we have done well here. The fol l.i win-' are the oltieial returns from the dif-j.-r. nt' Wards in the city : FIRST AVA1JI). Vp)er Division Grant 341, Greeley SO. Grant's majority 252. Lower Divislm Grant 4G2, Greeley 95. i; rant's majority CC7. In this Ward Ab runs 10 behind his ticket. The First Ward gave Merrimon 20G, and Caldwell fcOT. SECOND WARD. Giant 2:10, Greeley 27 ". Greeley's tna juily -Jo. In this Ward Abbo'.t runs 2 behind his ticket. The Sewd. Ward gave Merrimon 20(5 ai.dt 'aldwt ll 227. T1IIKD WATIP. Grant 242, Greeley 2 111. Giant's uia - v 2."i. In this Ward Abbott runs " voles behind his ticket. The Third Ward gave Merrimrm 247 and Caldwell 207- FOUKTII WAKI. Grant 25:1, Greeley 2:12. Grant's ma jority 21. In this Ward Abbott runs 2 v.,tes behind his ticket. The Fou rib Ward gave Merrimon 211 and Caldwell 275. FIFTH V.'AI'.P. Grant 4tV), Greeley 177. Grant's ma j.iily 2S:i The Fifth Ward gave Merrimon ISO and Caldwell 45. In this Ward Abbott runs j behind bis ticket. SUMMING UP. CITY OF WILMINGTON. Grant 1,18S, Greeley 1,087. Grant's majority 001. In August last Ihe oily gave Men imon 1,17'J and Caldwell 2,i:il. C'iil. I well's ni.i joiity 1)52. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. The following are the official election re turns in this county, outstdo of the city, as far as heard from : I'nion Township Greeley, (i0 ; Grant, 101 Grant's majority, :2. Rocky Point Township Greeley, 74; Giant, 248 Grant's majority, 174. Federal Point Townstip Greeley, 10; Grant, 4-'l Grant's majority, 27. llaniilt Township Greeley, 74 ; Grant, Gram's majority, 1 10. Cape Ftar Township Greeley, 2:1; Grant, 17i Grant's majority, 15:1. Columhia Township Greeley, 82 , Grant, 111) Grant's majority, :17. .lit.Mi(ro' Township Greeley, 40 : Grant HI Greeley's majority, 15. In his township Abbott runs l:i votes In-hind his ticket. Lincoln Township Greeley, 109; Grant, 1-14 --Grant's majority, ;5. . . We make acknowledgments for a card ot adiui.-siou to the Tenth Annual Fair of the Cumberland County Agricultural So ciety, to be held at Fayettevilie, from the 11 ili to the 22d insts. We had the pleasure of meeting Col. T. 1). McDowell on yesterday. We were gratLied to see our old and esteemed friend in siu-h tine health. lie is, and ever has been, one of the true and tried men of the State. We regret that the Colonel does not take a more active part in politics. We hardly think it is fair for him to con sult hi pleasure by keeping so much in the back-ground. We cannot allbrd to iose Colonel McDowell from the Councils of the htale, especially in this day of carpet- bigism and scalawajery. District Court. U. Distriet Court, f t the District of the Cape Fear, convened in this cty yesterday morning. The fol lowing compose the Grand Jury ' Win. M. Harris, Foreman ; Win. S. Ben jamin, 11. C. Brock, Xeil Gerken, T. SI. Gardner, Elijah lane, Win. J. I'euton, Jos. E. Farrow, Allen Evans, K. L. Sellers, D'niel S. Bender, March E Walker, Christian llusstl, John Griili h, J.S. W. Eagles, liobett Morrison, George E. Bur den, Nathan Sampson. His Honor, Judge Brooks, charged the Grand Jury and tlie. Court then adjourned until 10 o'clock this (Thursday )niorning. The I.owkicy Outlaws. The liobc nm'um tells us that Stephen Eowery was present at a Justice's Court, in Burnt Swamp township, in the Scuflletown dis trict, on last Saturday. He was aimed to the teeth, holding in his hands all of the time a Spencer rille and having his belt, stuck full of revolvers. There were on Ihe ground a large number of mnlattoes and half a dozen whites. He seemed entirely at ease, and during the pi ogress of the trial manifested considerable interest in it. The trial was held in the church, a close log building, from which it would have been impossible for him to escape otherwise than by tl e door, yet he seemed to feel no apprehension, and but for the fact that he constantly held his rifle in his hands a stianger would not have seen anything in his manner to betray the peculiar relation in which he stood to society. AIaiishai.'s Office C. F. AomccirrKAi. Association, Wn.MiNtiroN, N. C, Nov. 5th. ) The following named gentlemen have been anuointed Assistant Marshals, most of wliom have accepted : Matt L. Lee, Clinton ; D. D. Wells, Mag nolia ; V. J. Maultsby, Whiteville; James Suuth, Fayettevilie ; II. (i. Whitehead, Wilson ; Edwin Wall, Anson ; Marshall Xanee, iiladeu; J. II. Whitaker, Enfield ; (leorge XV. Kidder, W. V. Oldham, Eugene Martin, K. D. Hall, F. W. Kerchner, E. E. Bunuss, F. M. Wooten, Win. Smith, Wil mington. Wm. L. DkRosskt, Marshal. c. t AgrrlAnltiiral Association. PRKSIDKXT'S OFFIC13, (!. F. AORICUITUKAT. Associat'x, WlruivnTAv V f. 'nv Fi '7-. ' j . v f CAPK FEAIi FAIIJ. The Executive Committee have made complete all the arrangements for the Fourth Annual Fair, commencing next Tuesday, the 12th of November. Wo hope, now that the election is over, that all our jieople will turn their attention Xi a fiw days to one Faik. The ladies are. reseet fully invited to take charge of Floral Hall ami arrange it as heretofore. Merchiiits and Meehanies are you ready to add to Ihe Exxsition jour goods and wares -your handiwork Tlie time is short, ami we shall not claim your attention many dajs, but we need it now. I have assurances of a lare show of fctock of rare qualities. One tanner iu Sampson will bring twenty head of cattle, seveial line horses, t-heep aud hogs. He says iSampson will do much better kthan ever before. With such en couragement, let our home people arouse themselves, ami prepare to show the best article they ean exhibit. Do not delay, but get ready at once. S. Ij. Fremost, Fres't. Tbere is one German, at least, in Paris to wboro tbe people or that city are dispoed to show some consideration. This i3 one Herr Sonnemann, who owes his exclusion trom tho universal anathema pronounced against all of his race to the fact that, as deputy in the German Parliament from 'raukfort, be voted against that measure to hateful to the French mnd the annex ation, of Alsace and Lorrauip to Gennany. e.rr Sonnemann is thus tlie only individ- vv nationality against whom a frenchman would hesitate to launch that excessively Freuehy term cf objagation animal! a Imtrniu Dojuimmai ArrOI XTMKNTS BY THE " BlBLK AGENT. The liev. P. A. Strobel, Bible Agent for the State, bas requested us to publish the following appointments : Ashboro', Randolph county, Sunday, No vember 10th. Pittsboro', Chatham county, Tuesday, November 12tb, 7 p. m. Toomer, Harnett county, Thursday, No vember 14th, 7 p. ra. Carthage, Moore county, Sunday, No vember 17th. Wadesboro, Anson county, Tuesday, November 10th, 7 p. m. llockingham, Richmond comity, Sunday, November 24th. Lumbertou, Robeson county, Tuesday, November 2Cth, 7 p. m. Klizabetbtcwn, Bladen county, Thurs day, November 28tb, 7 p. m. Fayettevilie, Cumbeiliml county, Sun day, December 1st. Clinton, Sampson county, Tuesday, De cember od, 7 p. m. Kenansville, Duplin county, Thursday, December 5th, 1 p. m. Wilmington, Sunday, December 8lh. , Onslow county, Tuesday, De cember 10th, 7 p. m. Smithville, Brunswick county, Thurs day, December 12th, 7 p. m. Whiteville, Columbus county, Sunday, December 15th. The Wilmington Star, Wadesboro' and Lumberton papers, and others favorable to the Bible cause, will please copy. lttiral Beauties amd City Belles. Country girls are not a whit behind their met ropolitan sitters in tbe natural elements or loveliness, but it must be conceded that the city belles best understand tbe ait of preserv ing and heightening iheir personal beauty. The moat i rfect features lose half their at tract ion unless the complexion is properly cared lor, and if the pretty girls of the r ral districts wihh to compete with the "Fair Stare" of the fashionable world in re lined attractions, they must pay duo attention to this important point. They ought to know, for the fact is notorious, that I lagan's Magnolia italm imparts to the skin a delicate, pearly appearance, unproduce ahle by any other preparation under the sun. No inurtter Low the cuticle may have been roughened by exposure or discolored by the sun, the Balm will render it soft and pliable, and removes every blenihdi. WT" Piia pies and brown spots on the face, Eruptions, Rlotches, Scrofulous Diseases, and all sores arising from impure blood, are cured by Dr. Pierce's Gohlen Medical Discovery nov 2 Sll-dlwecdJfcwlt orro t tlit; Ntouiaeli. It is a well ascertained physiological fact that the origir. of most of the ills thatatllict humani ty is a deranged condition of thrjalinientaiy canal. The bowels become constipated and s'.tiggish, and thenco arises a tram of painful and distressing maladies. Asa preventive mid cure, there is no remedy so safe and sure as Dr. Tuffs Vegetable IJver Pills. Wst Point, Ga., Sept. 3, 1871. Dr. Wm. IT. Tull : Dear Sir I have been an invalid for five years, and liae wilh fortitude and patience tried nearly every patent medicine known to the people without any effectual relief, it was suggested by some of my friends to take your Vegetable Pills, for which I am under obliga ions for f aid suggestion It being a favorable one, I propose to state the effects. I weigh more than I ever did, and my health is far bet ter than it has been iu live years. I certainty give all the credit to your Pills ; and assoou as there is an increase iu the family, vou may bet if it is a ma'e that his name Jball be Tult. Publish if you choose. J A. DONALDSON. Ir. Twit's Ifairltyc Aft like JIaglr. nov 2 341-deodlwSswlt . . Seasonable .Nujjf etIons. The heavy mists aiul cold night dewa which characterize the present seajou are very trjing to delicate organizations, and in low-lying anl swampy localities they produce an enormous ciop of in ermiltent fevers of various types and degrees of intercity. At this very time there are probably half a million' of people in the United Siates suitering from periodical fevers by miasmatic fogs and exhalation?. What makes the prevalence of this evil the more deplorable is the fact that it might in ail cases be easily prevented. Malaria and damp producs little or no effect upon the system pre fortified by a course of llostetter'd Stomach Bitters. Kvery fall and spring hundreds of letters are received from persons residing in fever and ague districts, who state that while their neighbors are incapacitated for labor by that debilitating disease, they have been hap pily exempted from attick by the regular use of the great vegetable antidote to miasma. As a ch'.o'.ogopic or specific tor intermittent and remittent fevers thu Bitters r ay be justly ac counted inlallibie. They eradicate the com plaints in their most obstinate forms ; but the wiser course is to forestall attack by taking the preparation as a preventive. The amount of productive labor withdrawn from active ser vice during several months in the year by mala rious maladies Ls immense, and the pecuniary losses to individuals, families, and the nation from this ause is incalculable, liear in mind that by toning and regulating the system with Hostetter's Bittars before the calamity comes, it may always be is -aped ; and let it p.lso be lemembertd that indigestion, general debility, billiouscess, constipation, nervous complaints, aud indeed almost all disturbances and de rangements of the physical system are control able by this genial restorative. nov 5 313 deodlw&wlt SPKIIAI. ASTHMA. Any medicine nhich will alleviate, the Poroxysms of this dreadful disease will be hailtd with joy by thousands of sufferers. The certificatts which accompany do'ias Whitcomb's Kerof dy are from tlie mot teliable sources, and attest to its wo.iderl ul powet , even in the most severe cases. Joseph Burnett & Co., proprietors, Bos ton. N We Have Frequently IIeirl mothers sav thev would not be without Mrs. Winslow's Roothinsr Svrun. from the birth of the child until it has "finished with the teething siege, un der any consideration whatever. Free Advertising. From family to fam ily, from city to city , from State to State, the fma if Dr. Walker' Vegetable vinegar Bit ters as a specific for all derangements of the stomach, bowels and liver, is continually ex tATidinor. its voluntary missionaries are in numerable, and public enthusiafm in its favor spreads iaster ui;a a prairio ure. Kiwley's Ilnelm is a reliable Diuretic and T.Hii.-Tiir all ueraTi cements of the urinary and genital organs. The genuine, as formerly sold uv iiiiviland. Harral & lihley and their branches, is now irepared by H. W. Kisley.the originator and Proprietor; ana tne traue sup plied by his successors, Morgan t6 ltisley, New York. iinn't Klirlit Your Teetli Uemember that, imon their labor the health of the stomach depends. Keep them perfect, and in order to do 60, manipulate them with a brush dipped in the fragrant Sozodont, once or twice a day. Protfs Astral Oil has a world-wide repu tation as th surest and best illuminating oil. Over two million gallons have been sold lor the past two years, from which no accidents of any description have occurred. Send for circnlar. Oil House af Charles Pratt, Kstablished 1770, New York. Tlie Secret of Beauty. What is it? no longer asked, lor the world of fajhion and all the ladies know that is produced by usiug a de lightful and harmless toilet preparation jnov n as a. W. Laird's "Bloom of Youth." Its beau tifying effects are truly wonderful. Deit, B Cold Street. N. Y. Yliurstoii Ivory lerl Tootlt Iovr der. l'li best article known for cleansing and preserving the teeth and gums. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. P C. Wells & Co.. New York. For lysipepsln, Indigestion, depression of spirits and general debility in their -various forms ; also, as a preventive against Fever and Ague, and other intermittent fevers. The Ferro-Phosphorated Klixir of Calisaya, made by Caswell, Hazard A Co., New York, and sold by all Druggists, is the best tonic, and as a ton ie for patients recovering from fever or other sickness, it has no eaual. Carbolic slye, recommended by Dhyslci ans as the greav Healing compound. Price 28 cents per box. John F. Henry, Sole Proprie tor, 8 College Place, New York. Christ Adoro's Hair Dye stinds unriv alled in the world. Mo lady or gentleman of discrimination uses anyo ther. It is the most perfect, reliable and effective Hair Dye in the world. Manufactory, 64 Maiden Lane, New York. BPE CI "'" Nvapnla, o oplnra purl fled, the most per fect anodyne in the market, mads by process of Dr. I. M. Bigelow, Detroit Medical College. Ia always uniform in strength, wl ich is rarely the case in other preparations of Opium. Who Will SaflferT It Is no 24 years since lr. Tobias' Venitian Liniment was put before the public; warranting it to core Chron ic Khcumativni, Hradache. Cats, Barns, li raises. Old Sores, Pains in the JJmb, back and Chest, and it bas never tailed. Sold by all Druggists. Depot, 10 Park Place, New York. oct 1 313-d eod&wlm BAT CHEIOR'3 HATH DYE This superb Hair Dve Is the best in tbe world. Perfectly Harmless, Reliable and Instantane ous. No disappointment. No Ridiculous Tints or Unpleasant Odor. The genuine "W. A. Batch elor's Hair Dye produces IMMEDIATELY a splendid Black or Natural Brown. Does not Stain the Skin, but leaves the Hair Clean, Soft and Beautiful. The only sate and Perfect Dye. SoWby UlDruggiat. Factory IS Bond Street, New York; april a. 1872. m-d-eod&wly CAUTION ' X,KA pedbiss' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. Buyer are cautioned to avoid the numerous Counterfeits and Imitations ottered for sale. JOHN DUNCAN'S KONS.JSsw ork. Agents for tbe United States, oct 29, 1872 337-lj-eodeb ON MARRIAGE. rtsllappy Relief lor Tsnug lien from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood restored. Iiu iiedinients to Marriage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, in sealed envel opes. Address. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. No. 2 South Ninth St-, Philadelphia, Pa. aug It 270-d&w3meh HAK1KE INTKULIUKKCK. AKKIVK1). Coastwise Schr Ocean Traveler, -Adams, Philadelphia, Ilarriss & Howell. Schr Babel U Irons, Herbert, (retarned in distress,) Ilarriss & Howell. Schr Charles Sawyer, SlcFarland, New York, Schr Altoona, Fitzgerald, Boston, Northrop & Gumming. Schr ErF Leonard, Goodgin, Boston, J H Chad bourn & Co. Steamship Pioneer, Wakely, Philadelphia, Worth & Worth. Schr Willie L.uce, Talbot, Baltimore, Harrlss & Howell. - Steamship Regulator, Freeman, New York, Barry Bros. Steamship Itcbecca Clyde, Childs, Baltimore, A DJCazaux. road iron for W, O & It It. Coastwise Schr John, Wlhiaius, New York. Williams & Murchison. Schr Lorenzo, Furnian, Jacksonville, Kd wards & Hall. CoAsrwisii Schr Lucy D, Hall, New York, A D Cazaux. Norwegian Brig ltufus, Jonnason, City Point, Heide Bros. Fo a aiu n ( Br) Barque Perseverance , Mar t in , Bristol, Kngland, Spruut & Hinson, with rall- CLKAKKI). Coastwis Schr Ben, Davis, New Yrk, Williams & Murchison. Schr J W Wilson, Somen,, New York, WiU la'd Bros. Steamship Rebecca Clyde, Childs, Baltimore, A D Cazaux. Schr Babel II Irons, Hubbard, New Yoik Williams & Murchison. Steamship Pioneer, Wakely, Philadelphia, Worth Si Worih. Schr Delpuia, Kmmcrson, Waldoboro, Me, J H Chadtoui n & Co. Steamship Benefactor, Jones, New York, Barry Bros. Schr Henry Allen, Tatum, New York, Ilar riss & Howell. SXPORTt). OOASTWISK. New York Schr Ben 800 casks spirits, 876 bbls rosin. Hi bales cotton, 1 pkge merchandise. New York Schr J VV Wilson 500 casks spirits turpeutine, 1,888 bbls rosiu. New York Schr Henry Allen, 1,951 bbls rosin, 10s casks spirits turpentine. -.Waldoboro', Me Schr Delphi 1C3JI7 feet lumber. New York Steamship Benefactor 30 casks spirits, 2,060 bbls rosin, 139 bbls soapstono, 139 bbls turpentine, 50 bbls tar, 1,005 bushels pea nuts, 1S1 bales cotton, 21 pkgs merchandise. Baltimore Steamship Kcbecca Clyde 34 balcscottou, 14 casks spirits, 605 bbls roatu, 73 bbls tar, 55 bbls pitch, 10.000 feet lumbor, 45 empty oil bbls, 4 empty ale kegs, 7 vkgtt mer chandise. Philadelphia Steamship Pioneer 580 bales cotton, 432 bbls rosiu, 19o catks spirits, 256 bbls tar, K'5 bbls pitch, 1 bbl turpentine, 6 bales rags, 12,078 feet lumber, 11 tons old iron, 31 empty ale kegs, 2 pkgs merchandise. ARRIVED FROM TUI3 PORT. (Br) Barque M E Seed, Hot-kins, at London. Oot 17. (Br) Barque Amazon. Mc Dor aid, at Deals. Oct 18. MARRIED. luKaleigh, N. C. on Tuesday, November 5th, 1872, at the residence of tlie bride's rather. Oeorgo V. Strong, Esq., by Rev. Dr. Mason, of ttie Kpiscopal Church, WM. H. HICKS and MissSAUilt STU.NE SfKOU.aU of that city. n B8li.imore.OTi the 21 October, by Ujt. Father Guida of Georgetown College, Kit S- MUS IT. PAGK, Of Italeigh, Pi. C, tolAlY, ounarest daughter of Ma or Jaiuss C. Turner. formerly of Salisbury, N. C. Wilminston Wlolesalc Prices Current Beeswax per lb 30 a 82 Ume, (from store) Rockport.O 00 a 1 65 RocklandO 00 a 1 t Molasses, ier gallon, Cuba, hhds...00 a 37 do bbls 00 a 42 Sugar house.. 19 a 20 do bbls 22a 21 Syrup, bbls. .45 al 00 lo N. O..80 a0 83 Naval Stores, Turpentine ier 280 lb Virgin ncwO 00 a 5 00 Yellow dip.O 00 a 6 00 Hard 0 00 a 3 2.5 arrels, Spts T, each, id hand... 2 50 a 2 75 New 2 75 a 3 00 I'andles, per lb., Tallow 16 a 17 17 55 30 28 25 28 Adamantine. 1G Sperm 50 Coriee, per 10., Java 2S Laguayra.. ..26 Kio ...20 St.Doniiago.25 Cotton, per lb., OrdtoMidl'gloa 18 U Strict Alidl. 00 a 18 Tar ier bblO 00 a S 30 Cottton Bagging, rar iu ora ru mi a 5 oo Gnnnv 00 a 00 14 20 15 10 Pitch, City3 75 a 4 25 Dundee a itosin, palc5 00 a 6 50 do No 1.4 00 a 4 50 Flax !Xa Double Ancr a do No 2 3 80 a 3 8 do No 3.0 00 a 3 75 Rope per lb. 7 a Corn Meal, pjr bushel. Uomestics, Sheeting, ner vard . . 12 Spirits turpentine, a 1 0) per rai .oo a (l Nails, per lb-. Cut a 7 Oils, iter gallon, Sperm.. ..0 00 a 3 00 13 Varn, per 5 lb, 160 a 1C5 feathers, tier lb C5 b ish, per bbl., tlackorel, Wo. 1 U 00 STo. 2 :0 50 No. 3 8 50 Mullets...00 Herring, Kast 00 N.C. roe. 0 00 do cuts... 8 00 do gros...7 00 DrvOod.. 7 Liinseeu.. .1 w a l oo Machinery! 75 a 200 Keorosene. 28 a 30 Pea Nute.I 25 a 1 50 Potatoes, Sweet 80 a 1 Of) Irish, bbl. 2 75 a 3 75 Provisions, per lb., N. C. Bacon Hams. 19 a 19tf Middling 12 a 12 Shoulder. ...loj a It Hog round.. .13 a 13 Western Bacou (Smoked. a 90 al8 00 all 00 a 0 00 a 9 00 a 900 al2 50 alOOO a 8 00 a IK Flour. ter bbl.North'u D amilv.. . 8 oo ail on Super line. 6 25 a 7 Of Ex Super.7 00 a 7 50 North Carolina, Family.. 10 00 a 10 50 Supertine.7 75 a 8 25 Glue, per lb 1C a 18 Gunny Bags25 a 28 Guano, Peruvian, Per ton.. 00 00 a85 00 Grain, per bushel, Corn.'..... 90 a 95 Oats 00 a 75 Peas, CowO 00 a 1 25 Rice, 9 10 Carolina.. 9' a 10 Hides, per lb.. Hams 80 a 21 Middlings li;al2J,' Shoulders.... a 9 (Dry Salted.) Middlings.... 11 all Shoulders.... 8 a Lard, N. C. .00 a 12x do Northern. 9 a I IX Butter, JS. C..15 a 20 do JSortneruw a 4U Cheese....... .15 a 17 Pork, Northern, per bbl City Messco 00 a 17 00 tk!.. rut ru rui rut Rump.. .M0 00 a 14 50 Salt, Alum, per bas 2 bush.l 50 a 2 00 Green 6 a 7 Dry 14 a 15 Hay, per 100 lbs., JS astern... 0 CO a 1 75 Liverpool, sacs, grounu cargo n 00 a o oo Frcm store. 0 00 a 1 60 American.. 1 55 a 1 C5 Sugar, per lb., Porto Rico... 11 a 00 C 12 a 00 Northern. a 1 60 Iron, per lb., Knglish, ass'd7Xa Auieriean,ref0 a American, sheer 9 a Swede 1 a Hoop. 8 10 00 00 B a 13 A 14 5 a 00 Crushed 14 a (id Soap, per lb., Northern 5 a "X per ton... 140 00al50 00 Liquors, ier gal, (doni) Whiskey.. 125 a 4 00 Shingles, per Al,, contract. .. 4 00 a e 00 Common.. 2 25 a 2 75 Staves, per M., Bourbon.. 2 00 N. K. It... .200 Gin 4 00 Brandy. . .4 00 do Apple,l 50 do Peaeh.2 25 a 300 a 3 00 a 7 M) a 900 a 900 a 350 W. O. bbl.OO 00 a OO 00 R. O. hhd.00 00 a 00 00 Timber, per M., Shipping .12 00 a 13 00 Mill.priu.el0 00 a 1100 Mill, fair. .7 50 a 9 00 Mill, inferior to Lumber, (ltiver,) Fl'r Bds.1.5 00 al7 Wide do.. 12 00 a14 00 Scant Undo 00 al2 00 ord Jit 10 WW Tallow, lb. ...10 all REVIEW OF THE WILMINGTON MAKKETS, 'FOB THK WEEK ENDING TUURSDAT, Hfoveraber 7. 1S73. Uc marks on ttaeC-oltou Crop. Onr report of last month on the condition and prospect of the cotton crop in North and Sou'.h Oaroliua, has been so fully endorsed by corres- pondenta and verified by results, that we feel encouraged to continue to publish a summary of so ch observations as our special, aa well as local correspondents, may furnish us with. First, of North Carolina: The season during most of tbe month continued favorable, but as we feared, a "cyclone" passed over the western part of the State on the 21th 'alt., and cotton. standing In the field was yery inach Injured It is impossible to say now what tho extent of Vm Injury Is, but enough bj known to establish the fact that several hundred, if not several thousand bales, were beaten out, thrown to the eroond, and covered with sand and dirt. Try few farmers will attempt to recover any portion of this, and those who do will find it hardly worth the trouble and expense. The picking has been much retarded by a scarcity of hands, evn In the most favorably situated plantations. We conclude .from a comparison of all opin ions, that fully two-thirds of the whole crop L housed. Second, South Carolina : la this State the gale did not reach the interior, but swept along the coast counties. The picking has progressed favorably, though in some sections hands have been scarce, and the State presents the unex ampled spectacle of baring almost the entire crop housed on the date of our writing, the 7th of November. The fraction that remains in the fields is unimportant, though some small sec tions, (part of Marion eoun'y and others,) are a few days behind. Altogether, no better season for picking out has been had in these States for many years. There seems to be very little d:sxosition to hold back much of the crop, and at an average price of about (17) seventeen cents in the interior towns, it has been thrown upon the market as fast as it was packed. From the 15th instant we shall look for a decline in the receipts at the iulaud places, and a corresponding decrease in the seaiort cities. COTTON. Our cotton market was fairly active early in the weck, and the movement of quotations were upward, but for the past day or so, under less encouraging advices, the tone of the market has been rather unsettled, and we note a declino ct about ' to cent. Holders have, however, been very firm iu their views and buyers, to effect sales, have conceded to their wishes. The receipts are now' very heavy and will average fully 400 bales per day, but the exports are correspondingly laree and the stock does not accumulate very rapidly. The cotton movement for this week as com pared with last week shows an increase in the receipts and exports. The receipts at all the ports for the week were 120,465 bales, agaiin-t 113,148 bales last week, 98,291 bales the previous week, and 8,',ioS bales three weeks slice. The total receipts since September 1, 1872, are C4C, 989 bales, against 451,111 for the corresponding period of the previous year, showing an increase since September 1 this year of 187,878 bales. The exports from all the ports for the week were 51,561 bales, against 38,414 bales the same date last year. The total exports for tbe expired portion of tho cotton year are 243,789 bales, against 182,217 bales for same time last year. The stock at all the iorts is 278,620 bales, against 2C3,101 bales for the same date last year. Tho stocks at interior towns are 43,479 bales, against C3,98C bales last year. Th; stock of cotton in Liverpool is 467,000 bales, against 517,000 bales last year. The amount of American cotton afloat for Great Britain is 55,000 bales, against 67,000 bales last year. The amount of Indian cotton afloat for urope is ! 153,000 bales, against 361,000 bales last year. The following is a rcsuma of tho week's transactions : Frida' Sales of 10 bales at 17 cents, 73 do. at 18cent, 28 do. 18 cents, 20 do. at 18x cents, 31 do. 18 cents, M.d 30 do. at 19 cents. Saturday Sales of 3 bales at 17; cents, 7 do. at IS cents, aud 35 do. 18 cents. Monday Sales of 10 bales at 17; cents, 1C0 do. at 13 cents, 24 do. 18' cents, and 21 do. at 13 cunts. Tuesday Sales of 1 bale at It! cents, 4 do. at 17 K cents, 16 do. at 17 v cents and 22 do. at IS cents. Vednesday Saljs of 27 bales at 118 cents. Thurslay No sales. We quote the market as closing quiet but steady at the following figures: Ordinary 15. cents Good Ordinary 17 " low Middling 17018 " Middlings lStfyMStf " Strict Middling 18.V Peeler 18jvl9 ' CRUDK TUltPENTINK Since lat week this article lias been rather unsettled and tbe market has shown some slight fluctuations of prices. On Friday, owing to tho late 1 ise iu the river, a lot of 600 bbls. came to hand and wi placed on market. Being of asizesutllci er.t to meet the necessities of our distillers, they paid au advance of 25 cents on yellow dip and virgin. Saturday the receipts, which wore of minor imiortance as compared with the previous day, sold at same figures. Monday ex porters came into market and to effect pur chases paid a further advance ot 25 cents. Tuesday the iU4rkct remained unchanged, but Wednesday the arrivals being unusually large there was a pressure to sell, but buyrs were not disposed to take mare than enough for their immediate necessities and prices declined 15 eentson yellow dip and virgin. To-day the dullness continues, but the receipts have been nlaced at the marked price. The receipts for the week, 2,907 bbls. against 1Uii bbls. for las-t week, are an increase of 1,051 bbls. The cx- por.s were light and the bulk ot receipts are taken to manufacture. The market closes auiet at f 3 25 for hard a?id So 35 lor yellow dip and virgin. The receipts and sales lor the week were as the annexed table will show : Yellow Bbl:;. Hard. Dip. Virgin. Friday.., 6!0 i?3 23 S5 25 $5 25 Saturday 107 3 23 5 25 5 25 Monday 180 3 25 5 15 5 45 Do IOU 3 23 5 50 5 0 Do 40 3 2J 5 CI C CO Do 700 0 CO 0 00 0 00 Tuesday 53 3 21 5 50 5 50 Wednesday 75 3 23 5 35 5 33 fhursday 212 market prioe. To arrive. SPIKITJi TUltPENTINK. During tho pe riod of our present resume of the markets, this article has ruled very steady from day today, with very little variation of prices. Friday the market opened at an advance of X cent 011 last week, and Saturday a further advance or x cent was gained. Monday a decline was made corresponding to the advance. Since the mar ket has been very quiet but steady, without molestation of prlees ; and at the time of clos ing our report remeins quiet, with largo sales at 5757X cts. The receipts are on the decline, and for the week were 1,439 casks, against 2,864 casks for last week. The exports, however, have been quite meagre, and the stock in mar ket has been slightly increased. The following table contains the transactions for the week : Friday casks at 7 cents per gallon. Saturdiy.... MX) " "57 Do, .... 73 " " SIX Monday 330 " 57 Tuesday 622 " " 57 Do, i"i " " 57X Wednesday.. 425 " " 53 Dof 25 4i 67' ii it Thursday.. 25 "57 it Do 35'2 " " 57 " " " Dof 50 " " 57. " " New York casks, f S elected casks. TAR The market has been without any fea ture of special interest during the week, There bas been active busiues doing, and receivers have experienced no difficulty whatever in pla cing their offerings at the regular ruling prices. A good demand has existed for export, and con siderable quantities have been shipped. The receipts show an increase over those of last week, and were 694 bbls against 6CJ bbls. The exports were 889 bbls against 500 bbls are also an Increase, but the stock shows a small To-day (Thursday) the market continues quiet and firm at S3 SO per bbl. The sales for the week were, as the following table will show : Friday 1'25 bbls. at3 U0 per bkl Do .....IU0 " " 3 50 " Do 2a " " 3 5 " Saturday 130 " " 3 39 " Do .. fHOO " ' 3 63 Do CO " " 3 45 Monday 129 " " 3 30 Tueeday... 37 " " 3 30 " Do... ......... 50 " " 3 50 Wednesday 34 " 3 30 " Thursdav 49 " 3 30 . ' Iu order T P. O.U. ROSIN. Onr . rosin market for tbe lower qualities has exhibited more animation since our last, than any preceding week for a month past. Ou Friday the market for strained opened with an Improved enquiry with better tele grams, and 790 bbls changed hands at an ad vuace of Scents. Saturday .and Monday the alvicea being less favorable, buyers dropped out, and the market lay in a torpid state. Tuesday it again revived, and 250 bbls changed hands at an advance of 5 cents. Wednesday morning transactions were made at the pre vious iLys' figure, but late in the day a further advance of 5 cents was gained. At the time of closing our noon report to-day (Tnursday) the market continues buoyant, with sailers holding for advanced figures. No. 2 has remained veiy qniet without transactions of any importance. No. 1 has figured but little during the week, a sale of 475 bbls on Tuesday compromising it. movement. Pales The better grades continue to be in goo. I request, but tha stock is only moderately large and transactions aro conse quently light. By the resumption of naviga tion in the river the receipts show a decided in crease, bat the exports are moderately large and the stock in market Is only slightly increased. Tiie following is a summary of the week's transactions: . . , . Friday, Nov. 1st Sales of 780 bbls strained tit S3 65 and 162 bbls Pale at $4 7oS3 per bbl. Saturday, Nov. 2 Sas of 100 bbls extra Palo at $5 30 per bbl. Monday, Nov. 4th Sales of 100 bbls Pale at $5 M per bbl. Tuesday, Nov. 5 Sales of 225 bbls strained at $ 3 70 and 4G6 bbls No. 1 at S4 per bbl. Wednesday, Nov 6th Sales of 1,003 bbls strained and No. 2 (mixed) at $3 70,.3 75 and 650 bbls strained at $3 75 per bbl. Thursday, Nor. 7th Sales of 51 bbls at 3 5 for No. 2. , GRAIN. (Jons. The demand during the week has been fair In a regular way, both local and for shipping, without any special activity, and the market has ruled steady but firm at previous rates. The receipts show a small im provement 011 tlie previous week, but the exports have been large, and tho stock in market is kept in a balanced condv.;on. Some small lots o this year's Crop nave oeen urougnc in, out tne receipts are of no size, and no market price has been yet established. Tliere were, however, small sales at 7075 cents. Since last week no cargoes have arrived, consequently we are at a loss to give our reg,uVu- quotations, but think cargoes (of old crop) may be, with safety, quoted from 75 to 80 cts, aud new crop at 7075 cts per bushel for prime articles. Tho receipts f jr the week 20,572 bushels against 10,473 bushels for last week are an iaercaso of 10,039 bushels, and from all sources were as follows : From Phila delphia, 7,896 bushels ; from Baltimore, 4,000 muhels; from New York, ?,0C0 bushels; per Schr John, 3,CO0 bushels ; per Schr Tarry Not, 300 bushels, and Wilming' 011 & Weldon rail road, 186 bushels. Dealers arc selling from store at 8587X ct3 for mixed, and 87X92i cts for white mealing, highest figures including sacks. Oats Have undergone no change of importance during the week. The market continues quiet and firm at unchanged figures. Thursday a lot of 700 bags sold from wharf at 53 cts tacks included. 1 he receipts continue to be large, and for the week were 2,500 bushels against 1,000 buj-hels for last week, showing an increase of 1,500 bui-hels. The demand are coii- fmetl principally to a local trade, which is tup- plied from store at 65a70 cts per bushel sacks included Pjas The market is almost If not entirely bare of all kinds. The principal de mand seems to be for cow. Of this quality there is none in market, but there is a light stock of clay and white peas, but for these the demands are quite limited. Wc quote as selling from store at SI 23 for cow; SI 23 for clay; and SI 2.Hi,$l 30 for white, per bushel. Whkat The receipts are moderately large, aud for tho week will exceed 000 bush els. There is barely a market, as the entire re ceipts come to order. Tho city mills will pur at 1 01 75 per bushel for a fair article. ltic-E There la a fair stock in market, but prices are high. Sills from store In bbls, and tcs. at 9 to !,' cts per lb. FLOUR There has been a fair demand for all grades during tho week just clostel. Prices continue to be maintained, but the feeling in the market is not strong, and the tendency is rather in favor of buyers. We refer to our table of wholesale prices for quotations of both North ern and State brands. EGGS The extreme small quantity being brought 111 keeps prices well no. Dealers are paying 30(33 cents per dozen by the quantity. POULTKT-The market is joorly supplied with fowls Ch lckeus sell at 75 to 80 cent per pair for grown fowls and 50 to 0 cents for young. Ducks bring $1 to $1 25 per pair. Turk eys are coming in very slowly and no price has been established. CATTLK The receipts of cattle are very light, but the ilemands of butchers are quite 8 mall and are confined to their Immediate warts. A good drove of beeves will bring 6. to 7 cents per pound on the hoof. Sheep, are brought in very sparingly. For these there is on'iy a light dcnund and butchers pay from $2 to .-3 as 1 er quality. SAIr With very large demands of late and very light receipts the stock in market has be come dwindled down to a n.ere fraction. Ameri can sells at SI 50 and Liveipool at St 60 per sack. PKANUTS. As yet the market has shown no recovery ot the continued dullness ot tlie Summer and early Fall months. The now crop ij now being brought in though as yet the re ceipts are veiy liht and no results have been produced. The receipts of the old crop continue to be fully equal to the exports, and the stock hero h:is reiaained unchanged. Dealers arc purchasing at the following rates: Ordinary S 5 to 90 Prime 1 00 to 1 15 Extra Prime 1 40 to 1 CO Fancy None in market. PROVISIONS. The provision market is duU aud weak, as usual, at the close of the old sea son. There is but little business doing and prices aro irregular, dealers generally being apparently anxious to close out their ttocks before the new cure comes forward, conse quently during the week our market has de clined from a to S cent. Tlio attention of the trade is directed fcietfy to the West, and more interest is felt in the course of the market there than here at present. The recsipts of North Caro.ina bacou continue to show some improve ment, but the demand is maderately fair and dealers sell at the- following quotations: 10Ji$lI cents for shoulders, 13!3f cents for sides, 13 13; cents for hog round, and 19 19.V cents for hams. Wo quote Western Smoked Meals at 9 cents for shoulders, 12 (3 2y. cents for sieles, 22(21 cents for hams. Vrg Salted is in good stock, and sells as follows : cents for shoul ders, lOtgll cents for sides. Lari The m.irkct is in good supply of Northern, but Carolina U scarce and sells at 12 cciits per pound. Northern steam refined iu buckets and kegs sell at 10ll;s' cts per pound. WOOD As the season of cold weather ap proaches, the supply of wood is being increased hy large receipts. Of pine there is a scarcity, and receipts would meet with quick salei). Sells by the quantity as follows : Pine 3 25 to 3 50 Ash 3 40 to 3 55 Oak 4 00 to 4 25 Blackjack 4 00 to 4 25 FERTILIZERS With a stock in market ade quate to tlie present demand and with a good enquiry, we note a fair business eloing at the following rates : Peruvian Guano, (Chincha Island,) $75, 77SO; do. elo., G nan ope $70 ; Carolina Fertilizer, $40 to $50; Ruth's Challenge Sol. Phosphate, $G0ajG5 ; Wan. do Guano, $70; Patapsco do., $05; Navaaa Guano, $55, cash, and $05, tune; Cape Fear Guano, $35 cash, and $45, time ; E. F. Coe's Snperi h va llate of Lime, $C0 ; Bangh's Raw Rone Phospliate, $00 ; Lister Bros. Superphosphate of Lime, $05 ; Whanu's Raw lioue Superphosphate, $f2 ; Lod Manufacturing Co. Pore Bone, $43; do. do. double refined Pondrette, $30 ; do. do. Nit Phosphate Liiue, $80; Berger & Butt's Stiptrphosphate, $00; Wilsem'a Superphosphate of Lime, $60 ; Star St- luble Phosphate, $52 ; Compound Acid Phosphate of Lime, $4S ; Land Plaster, $10(311 all y ton r 2,000 lbs. FREIGHTS The want of suitable tonnage has been somewhat relieved by the recent arri val of a number of coasting vesjels. SiuiU sail ing schooners .are still in good demand from the lumber mills, and charters Cor the West India I-les are wanted. Tho rates of cotton by the New York Steamship Lin have advanced from 50 cents to SI per bale, but by the Phila delphia steamers to New York are unchanged Foreign shipping is done principally under charter and no established rates are fixed. We refer to onr ttble for last rates paid. BARRELS. The stock is about the usual quantity kept in market, which' is sufficient to supply the country demand. The receipts are moderately large and with a fair demand sells from wharf at the following rates: Second hand country as they run, $2 25tgf2 50; selected and new S3 003f 2 75 ; New York second hand, f 2 $2 85, and f3 for new. IHON BANDS AND TIE5 FOB COTTON Are in good domand and fair stock. Sells as follows : Anchor Ties, J HucklnTie S S cents. Side Slot Ties. ) Arrow Ties, 9 cents. Discounts niad-i on purchases of and over IZyi tons. TIMBEIt The resumption of navigation by the present rise of the river has allowed the accumulated raft in the river to come dowa and has given some relief to the difficulties which have been experienced by millers. Sev eral rafts have sold during the week it our quotations given below. The market remains dull at the following rates, pev 1,009 feet : Extra Prime Mill Timber per Uailroad, $15 00fC 50 Prime Mill per railroad Sll 00(15 00 Extra River Timber $12 00(312 70 Prime Kivar Timber 90 00(311 50 Common Mill.... S8 02Q 9 90 Ordinary f7 00 8 00 Inferior f3 00(31 6 00 LIME Is in good stock and fair demand. Sells from store at SI 63 per cask. LUMBER The City Mills are doing a fair business, and selling cargoes at the following rates: Pine Steam Sawed Lumber Cargo Rates per 1.000 fret. Ordinary assortment, Cuba cargoes.. $00 0020 00 " " Hayti cargoes.. 00 0020 00 Full cargo wide Boards 20 00i25 00 " " flooring boards, louu 00 0026 00 Ship Stuff as per BieciflcationB 28 0030 00 Deals, 3 by 9 20 00t$22 00 SHINGLES The trade iu this article is con fined p.Muolpally to exporters, who pay fur con tract orders 6 to $8, and $3 23 to S5 for com mon, jer M. HAY Sins.- !-tt wee k there lias been but very little doing in i is articlo. The receiptt for the week were large, and (h market is well stocked. Tho demands, hoevcr, eon tit u-; good, and sales have been mado from store .ud wharf at the following prices : Wharf. Store Pennsylvania Timothy..! 351 50 1 6odl75 New York 1 3."1 50 1 50$1 75 Eastern 1 75 It AT KM OF FKKIUIJT. ARTICLES. Per Steamer. Per Sailing Vessel. To Nkw York, j Crude Turpentine, j per bbl $0 a $ (Hi i 00 a $ 60 0 60 a Go 00 a 1 00 a 1 50 00 a 00 00 a oo 00 a 1 At M a 2 00 00 a (Mi 00 a 75 00 a 75 00 a 15 00 a 15 3 a 6 08 a 10 0 00 a frf 00 a CO 0 00 a 50 00 a 60 0 00 a 1 00i 00 a 1 00 0 00 a 5r; 00 a 60 i 0 10 a 1 50! 00 a 2 00 i 0 00 a 75' 0 f.O a 0 75 ! 00 a 1! (Hi a 12 0 00 a 8 Od, 0 0O a 800 Tar ier bbl. Spirits Turpentine, ler bbl Kosin ier bbl. Cotton per bale Cotton Goods, " 1 Flaxseed.. per bulb. Peanuts... " To Philadelphia. Crude Turpentine, per bbl Tar per bbl. Spirits Turpentine, jk.t bbt Rosm per bbl Cotton ier bale Cotton Goods " Peanuts. . .ier bush.! Lumber To Bat.timouk. Crude Turpentine, per bbl Tar per bbl. Spirits Turpentine, ler bbl Rosin per bbl. 0 00 a fl 451 0 00 a 0 45 0 00 a 0 45 0 (HI a 0 45 00 a 00! 0 00 a 75 00 a 5o! m a 45 0 00 a 2 25: 00 a (HI a IP fK a 0 m 0 00 a 8 00 5 50 a 7 0(1 ! OMa 0 00' 0 00 a 0 75 0 00 a 0 oo 0 00 a 0 65 oooa 000 0 00a 110 0 (Ml a 0 (Mi 0 00 a 65 00 a (mi 00 a 2 5(i 00 a 00 00 a 10 00 a (0 0 00 a It Cotton ier bale.; Peanuts. . .ter bush.! Lumber To BosreiN. j Crude Turpentine, per bbl -...I Tar ier bbl.j Spirits 'Turpentine,: tcr bbl : Rosin per bbl. Cotton per bale. Peanuts. ..per bush. Lumber i WILMLVUTON MOXKV .JIAKUKT. OORBKCTKl) PAILY BT BANK eF KiW HANOVEU i. b. (;kaisjku, Piesident. BUYINH. FlKl.I.lfiO Gold 112 1U Silver 15 K Exchange sight on Northern Cities Exchange 30 days on North ern Cities N. C. Bonds -Old Ex Coumii Do. Funding 1C... Do. 18(W... Do. new GTRc, flp.c.dis. 1HC. dU. :o ..... So 19 Io. Siecial Tax 6 (e... 1:5 W. & W. R. 11. bonds 73c(Gold Int.) txi W. B K. It. It. bonds Stfc 4. N. C. Railrenal bonels 40 Wilmington City bonds sc 72 " " " 71?c 78 " " old Vc 9 " new (ipic ... CJGold hit 8"fec... 73 " " New Hanover County bonds (10 years) G$c (Gold int.) 70 New Hanover Couuty bonds, (5 years) Cf.c (Gold Int.) K5 W. SsVf. Railroad Stock, fl'ar. nun 5i North Carolina R.R. " (' ' KHl) 38 W., C. & R. R. R. " ( " ) 00 Wil. Gas i.jght Co. ' ( " ) 70 Rank of New Hanover " 2. 2 First National Bank " HI lo") Wilmington Bu'dg Asso'n 4 ) 5" Mechanics' " " " :i0 fd Navassa Guano Co " loo 100 B auk of New Hanover. capital, io,ooo B. GRAINGER Presiden M. STEDMAN Vice-President I). WALLACE Cashier ISAAC BATES ...Teller This Bank is now open for the transaction of business. Exchange for sale at par on New York, Balti more &c, &c. Deiosits received. Sells Ex change in sums to suit on Great Britain, Ire land, Germany, France, &c. CSlves all ilie AtlvnututfCM of Sav. iii Itauk, by issuing certificates of doiosi' bearing interest. DIRECTORS : I. B. Grainger. I). R. Murchison (or W;lliams Murchison), G. R. French (of . K. French &Son), C. M. Stedman (ot Wright & Sted man), H. Vollers (of Adrian Sc Vollcrs), .1. W. Hinson (of Sprunt & Hinson), J I i.A. Leak (of Wadesboro). teb 4 lO-d&w-f Turpentine Land Near tlie Illy of Wilmington, N. ,000 HOUND TJIEAS We offer for sale tLe tract of Laud lyine I about two ni'les south of Wilmington, beingthe Eastern part of the Summer Hill Tract, and containing 1,221 4-10 ACHES. Mr. James Brocket, corner of Second Church streets, will show the land to any sons desiring to purchase. For terms apply to CKONLY & MOKRIH. oct 9 329-DJfcW-tl J. I Riicckcrt, PIANO IWRTJS WAUE LOOMS, Above 57 and 9 Market Streets, (MASONIC HALL.) AXOTUEll OF THOSE ELEGANT WEBER PIANOS JUST RKCK1VKD! TH K Y Arc tire Cheapest BBCATJ1E THKY ABB 6 THE BEST. 99 Blind" are those fo their interest, who do not call and examine F II K. W K li K R" belore I urebasing elsewhere. mT Piawoa TrKKD thoronghlv. Pianoaof all prieea to suit are lor sale. oct 31 339 QREKN & PLANNER'S DRUG STOKE OPEN TO-DAV. PUntatkm Bitters, ludelliMe Int, Gargling OU. Kohltoo, Hair Dye, .Caints, Oils, Glass and Putty At GREEN & PLANNER'S, Chemists and 1 ruggtst oet sm 1MSUKAKCE. WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE COMPflNY. cirioh. KOIi'T 11. COWAN.... President JOHN W. ATKINSON y:ce President. F. H. CA MERON Secretary Dr. E. A. ANDERSON Medical Director DIRECTORS. J. W. Atkisisom, General Insurance Agent. I. B. GuAiNtiKU, PrcMd't Batik of New Han over. F. W. Kb rc as br, Grocer and Commission Merchant. C. M. Stkdhah, of Witght Stcdiuau. T. H. McKov, of W. A. White-bead Ci Co., Fayettevilie. It. H. Cowak, President. H. B. Kilkos, Commission Merchant, A. A. Willabo, of Wiilard Brothers. W. A. UtixMisd, of Northrop As Ciimmin G. W. Williams, of Williams Si Mu.chison. Eli Murrav, ot E. Murray Sr. Co. A. J. DkRosskt, of DeKossct Si Co. Kobt. Hknming, of Dawson, Tee! St Ken ning. A lex. SrutJMT, F.ritiaU Vlce-Consul, of Sprunt & Hinson. 1. Mckphv, Attorney at Law. ,f. I). WiLLiAMS.of J. D. Williams fc Co.,Fay etteville das. C. McRab, Att'y at lew, Fayettevilie. I. B. Kklly, Merer nt, Kenansvilie. J. T. Pova, Mcrch it.t, I uajuertou. SPECIAL FEATURES AND ADVAN TAGES. 1st. No restriction on Incidence cr Travel. 3d. No extra charge on the lives of Females. 3d. Policies Incontestable after Five Years. 4th. The rates of Interest on the Funds of tho Company higher than those on the Funds of Companies located in other States, thu insur ing larger Dividends to Policy Holders. 5th. The Directors an.t Officers of the Com pany are prominent NORTH CAROLINIANS, who are KNOWN to bo men of INTEGRITY and WORTH. 6th. Tlie :omi.iry if rolishca on a solid and permanent ba '" 1 .eps having been taken to increase the Capital Stock to $500,000. 7th. All tU Fn !! of III" 'oiiiiiiiy are luvrwled in tlti NliUe and ircii. laf eil aiiuuif; our iwn People. This lad shetuld commend the Company, above all cith ers, to North Carolinians. Jt i well known that hundred of thousands of Dollars of Lite Premiums are annually sent North to enrich Capitalists, thus continually draining our people of immense amounts which should be kept at home. On fhis ground the friends of this Company confidently appeal to every son of the Oid North State, and ask their support for this 1Iiiio IiiHtlf uUoti, which, while it oilers substantially all the ad vantage of North ern Con panics, heljs to build np Home In JAMES D. ISROOKS. General Smrvisir.g Agent, Raleigh, N. C. THOS. GRiWME Local Agent, april 5tu. 1872. 162 misci:i.i,ani;oi f FIRST NATIONAL BANK wiimiiiirtoii, iv. o. C 11 A n 7 K 11 K 1) J U h r, UfiG Authorized Capital 500.000 ? CgLpitabl 3? aid in 250,000 1 E. BURliUSS rrflfKlent. Jv. WALKER IIIIK'10KS: , . .Cashier. E. E. BURRUSS, J. H. CHADBODRN; .1. Kid W. 11. MeRARY, K. MURRAY, GREGG. tncre;ed itr Capital b This Bank having Two Hundred ami Kiltv 1 ho'.e-and Dollar now oCers increased facilities to in patrons. Diseounts, Promissory Notes ai'd Foreign aud Domestic. Bills of Exchange. Buys niid :5clls Geid and Silver ('ni.'i and Bul lion, Stocks, Bonds, Ac-.. &e. Issues Cert itieates of Deposit, b.-ar'ng inter est . payable on demand. Sella Checks at par on New York. Puiladei phia, Boston, Balticaore; Norfolk, I'eters hurg, Richmond, Ivflteigh, Newbern. Fayette vilie, Charleston, and o'her point North and South. Makes collections in all parts of tho United States, Canada and Europe. 8V l)epo!'it Accounts respectfully .olici(ed from Merchants, Farmers, Mechanics and oth ers, subject to check at sight. june i'i SliMiarfiriiSwch X(JL1SH AND SCOTCH A.LE PORTER ! Over 10) Packages, Cai-ks and Cikcf. I aigo purchape-.s mid direct importations en able us to otl'er low figures. CI IAS. I). M VEILS & CO.. 7 Nobth Fkont Stiikkt. npes, New crop Firs in baskets, boxe-f, diuin.4 and linen bays. New crop Raisins, New crop Currants, New crop ("itrcn, New crop Prune. eiinger rrcservis, Rasphe.rrv Jam, Dii'idee Alaruialade, Wallace's e'rpani Chocolate. linker's Premium mid Vanilla OIec Ute. A great ariety ot Family, Fancy and Select Family Groceries. CIIAS. D. MYKHS & CO., 7 North Front Street. Rank of New Hanover in same building. ct 3 J "3d tar copy. WILMINGTON 0 AMI No. 17 South Front Street, WlLMIN(iTOX, N". 0. i mi TVALFRS and Manufacturers of Stcanr 1 J Kntrioen, Peanut nml .ih-r Machine Gin Gearing, Grint and other M ills, Erooks Cotton Presses, TURPENTINE STILLS, and all kinds CASTIKGMand MACillNKKV made and repaired. Al PACKING and HELTfNG, Gas, Steam and Water l'ipes, with Fixturos, and all articles usually found in a Melilue Nuily Sfow. tlso a rreat variety or Wood Mould In gn, Brackets, Newel Pits, Stair Railing, Ac. ot tti3 liatefct I'atterns. We have a great variety of Patterns, which we fnrnbdi Cawtins trom free of charge tor the Patterns. JT Ornamental Fencing aud Iron Railing furnished to eirder. ju COPPER WORKS .rTV r HART & BAILEr. 254-diitr-aUod-tfiSwly July 24 fo?.,iIE.3U1HT MWTHEKJT REMEDY lor tho Cure of bcrofuJous Taint, liLeuina tisrn, White Swelling, (lout, Goitre, Con sumption, Bronchitis, NVi vou3 Debility and all diseases arising from au impure con dition of the Blocnl. The merits of Uiirf valuable t icparatir.n ro so well known that apiwiiignotico isbntuccen sary to remina the readers ot till Journal of the necessity of always bottle ot this medi cine among their of family necessities. Certificates can be provided from many lllg 1 llVHlcianp. Minislpra. nx.l lea 1 amd- ies throughout the South, indorsing it In highest terms. Thv riuid Extract 0 JCutadi tho JCtitadalit. Db. B.WILSON CARU, of Baltimore, v "he has nsud it in canes ot Scrofula and other diseases with much satitf action. Dr. T. C. PUGH. of r.altiniore, recommends it lo all persons snfVi ring with diseased Blood, saying it is suptl lor I u any preparation ho has ever used. Rkv. DABNCY BALL, of (ho Baltimore M. K. Conference Mouth. mvk lie ha been so much benefitted by its iit that, ho ciieerfiiliy recom mends it to all Lis friends aud acfiuiijfanceK. CRAVEN & CO.. Druggists, ntGordonsvMe, Va., fay it never failed to give satisfaction. SAM'L G. McFADDEN. M nrfreeshoro, Ten nessee, says it cured hiia ol Rheumatism when all else failed. Did our space admit, wo coul.l giro you testi monials from every Statu iu tho South from persons known to every man, roinaii and chiid either personally or by rep station. uosadaiis is sold by all Druggists. CLEMENTS & CO., lialtlmoro, Sole Proprietor?. JOHN lr. IIKNItY, No. S Oo'lego Place, NVw Y01 i. Wholesale Agent. July 23, '72. 253-eow.vw-lvch S300000 1 Missouri State Lottery. legalized by ,'-'t;!e Authority and Drawn in 1'ul'iic iu St. Imu'ih. Grand Single Number Scheme. ro.r4 AlT?JlI".ItS. lo lie llrnwu Am. '.I, ClilMH I. lST'J. ,S80 lY;.es, Amounting ! $300,000. prize ef. 1 prUe ol, 1 prize of, f .r,o,r(.ni 5oo pi iy,.-s r.... too i.;,4.',o J pi ict Hl,(;0 ) ! pi i.t s of.... .'( il 7,fi() 9 rYX'A of.... :'.(( r, too prize ed-.... '.': H..V111 priz. fc of.... li.Mi !,(! 0 'M prize of.... IV . . . 1 prize ot . . . 4 prices of.... A prizes of.... til prizes of..,. 20 prUos or ... 40 prizes of. . . . f.()0 fHii prizes id. .. Hill 'Z't) f!,(HHi prize of.... H 10. Half 'J'ie-hela, $:. Quail cis, $2 :,(. Tickft3, JT Our lotteries are chartered by tho State. re always drawn at tho time tiauii & , tind all lrawingrt are under tlie supei i:-:.n d horn Ijcimissioiiers. tfjr The oilicial drawing v. ill l. pnf-lished in be St. liOiiiH papers, and a cepy en; to pin liiasers of ticket, . tiir We v ill di ,iw a i-i niMrv tv'.o-uto Ihe 1:ih1 lay of evei y inmitli during tli'.1 veitr 1!'J. ajr R.-mit at our ri.-W hv J'us i' iiKKIMi money orders, rkgistiuvkd i,k- TKR, Dlt A K'f or EJCi'RESS. Nci.d luraeii rular. AddreHj, M I .' ItliA Y, 1.IJ I A AM A t. .. Pout Otlico ilex V.'. '. N-r. I "( ', Mo april l'J Uo-d&w-eod.'i ncs.'l hui.N:i resseasinpf powerful Invigorating These lUUcra cro foeilivdy ln.valua.Lla in They purify the Pytteci, and v.iU cur Reinittont and Ii.teiniitlent l evers, ..,1 J. . . . V ILI I i JK-I i ill ani aro a prc7eritiv9 of Chills and Fever. All yield to thcu: poweil'ul cllicacy. j:o an crtlidoto to clizno cf Water ud JDict. to tho wasted frame, and corrcc' "Will save tlaj-a cf eufi'orin j to the iici, and The girx J l'anacca for ell tLo ills of lix'3. Tbf ilor? s PHYSICIANS theet:, t' c;n;,ia, IXic. .a Littcrj alO tUl- Lava oi'Un Itua tbt? TRV O H i BOTTf-il. adki.'.n & vo!,u:k'-, Vhole-seile A-uls, Wilndticloi, N.C jan 2 deou-lyw JF THE PIOI .TUT T7 I Tlia iin '. rii 1 i rojo .; f. roaimeiiee tins publication of a newspaper at h lirciiec, itur. l:ii7ton count v, Koufli Cato!iii,i. about the i.t:i d Dec rn'.ii r" next , provided we. can procura Mm iiarui.'P of fix hundred (''!') Mibscritrrh in t lie meantime. ThU paj cr will 1e called thi: rjo.'Ki:i:, and will be d.;ofcd to tl c ixt rv.r.wtn.r ruts i'Eopi.i:. It wiit 13 a I'm , spicy pper, din coiirfiiit; in a hold oit", k n iu ti.ner uiiutt all tlie geii'Titl topics ft 'the d.v. In politico the paper wiit le Conservative, thouili ( ur motto, I us'ici t' All," will lie trletly auln-n d tii. V f li.'ill hiiSvc evciy wei k to (rive 'ir rci.di-r- t't'l! and eMirMt ai-count d'all matt-rrt ol ' int i -f. hut the lAiral De-pai t liient htiall re vive tpeceil att-' nt Willi apeili i-t kLoil':d;'C of tie; m.i h:iii'u-;il depart rneiit. tt; t!l rv. ih fime ejtpet ienct: u- e'ditorlal wi itcic, we Hunk we emi SatVly prein itHj our pat.roii1 a paper thut will compare in. ht favorahlv w"'h 'he iiest T.CKt'patt'rs in tin State. We (-li'ill ! e'k to fester and promote the best lid erect f of the jipot,li of our Jmmedi.i'e section, mid that wliii-ri U most beneticial lo he whole c, iMy at Urue. We, ahall ) ve a Li'eraiy Departineiit which wiil be siipp'-ed from the very best of cur liu-r-ary etchTi(4". Our Agricultural departiuuiit will receive Hpecial altviitliMi. and to ihateh-. nartmrid we rcsin-e". fall v liiviti eoii'frHiiitioii.f from all farmers of i iaetie al exjerienc. In slmrf, it wi'.l be a PCUKpa'er ler the mil Hon, Kiviiif: i:iforni il ion t nil e-bv.N?o? rraderc A promluent feature, in oor j-aia-r will be a lull arid correct ret ort of tho mark'ts and tele graph ie di-t Htclief. In ;r.!cr to t.liicis our papT within reach o til we will iut onr uh-crijt Ion at 2 per an num, fo ho paid on receipt or the Brut paper. For the pre s:;r.t all comuiumcnl ions and busi. nens letters should b-s addnsid to us at this , lilCC' W. W. MeDIARMID, W. 1!. I'KTKIWON, Hditors and Preiprbdori. Lnmbertein. n -e . Oct 71 ' 3Jd.''-l&wf f BILL HEADS AND CIRCULAR kKOMPTLY PUINTED at TimorrrjB IN THE LATKiT 8TYL .