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'---SINGLE COPIES S1.50 . lw:;pfficE&i ".' V'-.V-A V- VOLUME L -: ; "r- : it -V,.-;. . .,T ' A CHEAP. NEWSPAP , 3 a, 4 it i ? I flftStffilSAYllORN NEWBEB3V . JWBIOjr;JI001Il! V T& PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY; V"' At the low price ofs$l 50 a year; fori sinpile copiep Examine its appearanceread . its contents, atia j - m f ix. . JL.A., . will ceive the paper .by turn .Advertiteme wilt 'hf irted at the followiwe rat Osiiffiqnaretiaihies minion type) Scents for the first insertion, and cents for each continuance. Oue squareyone yeary fitJ. linger aareruseuieuiB U fhHr!1 rranffements will b made with tTtose who lutU t.hft Iai1v and Weeklv issueft. A Persons, sending in advertisements should state ii;;nMlv wlurili naner thevr,wisdi them 'in. and also mark the Ieiiirth of time they wish them inserted. If this rule is not observed, advertisements will be con tinued till orflferd.4j.nt and chaiedrcordingly f Tmnent advertisements when the parties are not known, must be, paid for in advance, ofthey will uot be inserted. ; Persons who do not.ttJfiemaiid the terms can send the amount which liff-j: ith the. Rivftrt,isemenfc - Veai'e determined to make our bojsineas cash. - .... 1? -h: : JT O W.O K, - .;. aOf every; description T froTii mammoth .Posters t tl,e DONE AX THE PROGRESS OFFICE, -, " As promptly, as neatlv, and cheaply ts it can be done !' ;'iiahe State. We keep, n lare stock of Paper r,Cards, Colored Inks, &c, on hand, and employ none butli v ,: ... -. : ... be workmen. ' l Orders respect full v slicited. AddtfeWc J. L. PENNINGTON. Editor &, Pi dpHetor I- Oc,ber 1 . 1858. : Newbe'rn. N. C? The officers of the ewbem Light Infantry returned-from Raleigh yesterdny-afternoon, as well as most of the visitors of the E&Mbition frSiii this r section We, believe if is almost theunaiu-; mpus opinion that he State Fair is one grand. humbug. .However, it had some few redeeming qualities, Ibe most prominent of which was the Address of the Hon. T,' L., Clingman , before the North Carolina Agricultural Society; ttwj epoKca oi in iiiu ligimsb terms, says our miof iJie Military Uonvention met in the Uourt; Housev oiijtWednesday' evening, and invited Maj Gen.iAvery of Bui-k-5 to preside oyer th eir de liyxXot Af&rbrgazingtbe CoiftXpn imt , ajpointing -a coumittee to prepare business," they, adjourned tta meet on Thursday morningat 10 o'ciockfA I ' ' . . ; At the appointed hour, the Convention met, and was called to order by Gen;. Avery, resolutions expressive of the wishes of the Convention -were adopted, and the Chairman appointed Capts Cook, Jones, Hall, Brice, Cariner, DarbyjflEiifd Rdbards, a Gommittee to memoralize the ensuing Legislature to amend the present military system of North Carolina, and afford relief and encourage ment to Volunteer companies Each memberof the committee was requested .to present hisr opinion of the reform needed, in writing, atthe next meeting, in Raleigh, on the. second Tuesday in December, The Convention then accompanied the Govern or and Orator .to the Fair Grounds, and on their rptnrn 'adlonrnd sine die. , . - . The attendance at the Fair is said to have Jeen very 0S thosW Who; come down 'rmia ' xjuau' The Rule of EalBanisiillapiig Away f Baftimofe, a ciiy that has suered so much from ..-.rowdyism';"-the Sunlhinks, will eventuaUy- be re deemed: ano:law and order will again become triumphant; We are glad of this, and ioTce to chronicle the intelligence that shall, re- uglies and other rufiian gangs of the Monumental city have disbanded, ""and beat their swords into lnvDoWnii And their snears into- nrumnff noons uivi'"w A - , w i he sun conciuues an mwuc vx Proceed- ino-s of Wednesday," the 13th inst., as follows v "We are. in a common brotherhood of : citizen ship, however violently men may be -estratfgM for the time ; ahd.while the : redress of the evii does not seem jWmediate, on the contrary remote; and coiiagent,5 upon events w hich cannot . be now foreseen,' yet it is as certain and reliable as truth itself.' Jtieill come, and legitimately, .effec tively, overwhelmingly, against all the monstrous evil of the day, and all who are officially affiliated with it. All good citizens deluded by it JwiUjitr process of time, by its very floraity bedriveh irom therph.fifa'--po4ti6to.I?i They already shrink from the recognitiptfbf it. The low;, .'laws less and .degraded imtiiiment&ibiwork; ts fia . gitibus purposes will shrivel into shjaddering ob- curity r hile tined witn its paoiic ana ostentatious aispiay. wxu ski -esterday afternoon, say there was-any - lfiXki-l z?L3:.A. ttZM''. sJTf.V-; edresed .hevawilrt'th'orouJjlyfetadicated S -Andiwe have almost equal confidence in the der '' claration that it wiU not be long before the law and the outraged dignity of the people i peacefully, blooOlessly ana euectuany vmaicaieu. , liut it win De asK.ea. isked, what may;we not be exposed ssiuQ of outragesfmay we not be re lit to? before the; day Of retributrou to, what success: nuired to submit comes t v To this we can answer nly inferentialfyJ Crime,' lawlessness, ruffian violence, like every iother thing, have their 'culminating period. ; Our elections ' are 'now the incidents for the full, orgariijseoT, Apolitical' development ofjHheir uses. But good men will not long Jbe identified with such things, their vile "uses, or" their nominal, tin- lawful results. While hp man who has ant interest a personal: livinar interest in the community, catal sanction by voteji.influence or palliation the rule of ruffianism but at the sacrifice of thajnte'rest .n..T :a 1 . rnv. 1 i YviiaiaucrQi 11, may yts. ;; ;iB ausoiUbt licwadii'jr bearing heavily and resistlessly upon us vto re- deemtne reputation 01 our city. ; ; Qur mercantile, nianufacturinfr; mechanical ent at the patise oftictibni under the reviving energies of the time5 :arid ihey;.havV6 Just bee ja exposed to a. shock vthic;Hvifl:befeiteely in the ft-: Long f ernivns. The. followin g extracts are from- the pen of wG. Browrfowt the '. fighting parson.' We like his no tional. iut -lojig'serinoiis ; and farther, f we think they shouid be prohibited by both civil and eccle- 8iaticiiUw. A,mi would preach long .ermongliilQ, ea teyLQ so without a con fr&g&iioii the trulj etoquenVbVevity of Christ's serm on the mount. Timew .whcnrpreachmgx, ftt many sections feur (Cn.tWp or foift- weeks, and thettndnfftlBerinbns ivere tolerated. Now. f eaeliing-1 s within, the .Tea,eh bmost persons e v- eryeao Daia.-auu even iwice in we same aay. ro sit nownd b, iofcrf an Jiour and a half by any nianijcr therdeli very: of? a single sermon, is preposterous,' but to be thus bored by a man of .maiyle'njfou'ghjto disgust good men, and force.sinners..; to swear I When - a sermon reaches beyond, 45 orvfjO' minutes, we regard, the audience-ai:jttstifiable? in rising up and leaving the houses thereby" expressing their opposition to the length of the- sermon in a style so terse and epigrammatic;asubl; tbe misunderstood. v ; VVith'.t'kebiAii'has passed the' Rubicon, jvhen' it exceeds.jory minutes, unless th preacher remarkable: &rce:?ind beauty of i lang'uacfe prel Witn iiiai. critical acumen liHtiuettcB, o.uu tnui richness of dic"tfon that captivates an audience ! But our " one horse " preachers can't do this, and they are in most -instancia, the men who preach these long dogmatical, not to- say preposterous seix mons. " The Engrlish language does not furnish adjectives, sufficiently expressive, to describe our abhorrencebf long sermons in this fast age of the wo"rld !" A'Mute Makriage Service. The New York ;Express givXthefblTowing clescription. of a mute iharriage scrVicei'',. ; It is seldom, we haveifwitnessed so beautiful a cere moi:hjaniiage 'Miss Ellen T , of Bostorrnli't, of Philadelphia, son of the welT-knon negotiatorf the Treaty of Guada-lupe-Hidalgo Vhich-too - place on Tuesday morniugtn the i "pretty panshhurch at New Bright- r,-tateh.Zslarid. The bridal couple were both mutes, deaf-and dumb irom lntancy. Wo sweet soundfhad $ever enchanted the eternal silence of theirniind fBut the: intelligence and esprit which flashed from "the dark eyes ofn the lovely bride, proved bat the intellect was as .bright within as ajnonf iter Vnorrt favrtrvi ftjRtf rS- . 7 f4? ve ail Know xne exquisiie oeauiy oi tne njar- graces : and force were lent it bj-.the symbolic rendering"oftfieif:R.eY.w'Mr.;'Gallaiidet, who with Rev. Pierre Iyying performed the ceremony. The Rev. MT;f Irving very slowly and emphatically read the service, which Mr. Gallaudet translated by signs : With wonderful fidelity and rapidity, the bride and groom repeating these signs as they were indicated .by their clergyman. Several times $he. sign-langUage lingered after the word-lan guage liad.;ceased; and than tne silence winch ;reigned thel'church and the breathless interest which ehcjthed every spectator was almost pain ful. : Theolemu? vows being symboled before the Throneof. Grace, the Lord's Prayer followed ; and w'ho. can -'describe the mute eloquence of that -mute -prayer so deYotipnally followed by the young couple When the nupital benediction was silent lypronounced" above the lowly-bowed heads of tid flyieeling-pair there yas that which, spoke louder than, words ih; the graceful sign-language of the officiating, minister. A few letters a word or two -then the hands upraised toward Heaven, I to God, ; iwho haid:;' bo.und . together 'the tight a , way: UP WArdagain." ai fe wwords the han"d placed iu'y blessing upon their heads of the now over4- No one ixibved. for souie moments ; we ajl felt lia-uif glimpse of the spiril&andv ana we ? longea 10 one more giauwi,iuj. bi lent piritTWtriBut the groom Was leading his beautiful, graceful bride to the churcb door ; we haye; her ouiet happy smile put away in our metnory Jto gladden some dark hour. - Ere we cbultr"a;:ferent ' God bless you,' they had quietly passed away alone with their mute hap- "Trouble AdP Bio wn. University. For years irbas been the custom of the Sophomore class of BrowniU diversity to Asmoke out. J? resnmen ; i ieat the conimeiicement pf each year to enter PiL'J j.'L'. .-'?4?T&l''vn-ir A - f TAirtl.-n fill 4-VlO-r VkO :iac-IWuiar.l;lJt'iCBUii(cu aim oixivvy vn j Varae sick, brackribwledsred themselves sick of 1;he opraiMiThe custom Iw adhered to b the present Sophomore class; " who did the work upBwnWee4jSkye 'elapsed and nothing was ? said , agamst 'th! course pursued. - Monday af ternooh," ho wever, the Sopb.omores, one by one, were called -upon to visit tbe President.: The fol lowirig - questions were asked4 , Fir$" Was you "enrared iu smoking out 1 'Second " Will you sigh an agreement never to engage in anything of thefkma agaiiij:" --Jny were enaoiea tosay felj'-in, ;.-rreply:tb therst .question, but all de- ciinetfto ;ans we to.the .second Each; was-ln r nseqtlence,ldiliodissed iOnii college: Th e-cias 1, imited in the determination 'not to be - i f Si i by tne stririgehtrbgulatiohs necessjtiily: ijx-.o " a'th'eiiji!-b f,W&: see it stated in our late exchanges that the aboye difficulty ,has been, adjusted, and that all . '-; 4"-.' -.'"'. v-i.' . 'a; : j v i :.s --'v- ; j fp'f " , , V .- tne siuaeuis" wuu were uibuussbu uavu oeeu re , AsriTtrAi. Meetings in Wilmington. The An nual,: Meeting--bf the. Stockholders of the Wil mihgfcohtahd Weldon Railroad, wjll take place in town.nSTbursday, the 11th day of November e!?Sr---i ----'- ,- '-:;'. ''- . heffockholdera of the . Wilmington and Man chester Road will hold their. Annual Meeting on eTIutrSaytfQwg the 18th of November. . a ne-;tocKnoiaers ; 01 tne commercial Jank, 1 hbd;tei iAnnual Meetingon Monday, the 1st of - rabfi , ; Wv h-u? . h j: A 1 '-rtt-' it:B iivi oi.' t.i.-n7 .-, iheATinuai;Meeting of the Stockholders of the Ba&k-'of .Wilmington, takes place on Tuesday, the -.:-.- -.' jiecessity ior.ine .most sirenuous-exerwon 10 coun ier MtXNAYMORNiNGOCBEM f Takiug advance pr att vegive! place to the folldwiali'rolli The letter contains mueh truth, ian wSelievel the sentiments contained are pulkr in4bis eom- mumij ; x iicoompiimtsu b io iYr. jrerringijeniis well timed, and we thjnk, richly esahiPlp rv lar i6grti99 ?-I tttfproud tfseetihe ?inte xest you have justly manifestelfbliaotopted,' town, and cannot "but congratulatebbli the very able Vand; spicj remarks or yowf - itbrial -correspondents writing from Salisbuiyuudfer date of October 19 1856ahd contained .in ur jissU. of the' 22nd lnst. sthyitt they , are eltime.d nd "fit. the case'exctiy;'''' ; " t't' ' I hope you wUncontinueoTxr course?' and suf fer no opportunity to pas to hold up )their true light the . would be great cities of the East, and r properly set the claims jof our good cwnfe tqf&tlie public. , ' 'C-tM ' v There ' has, I believe, for sbmetimeexisted a jealousy on the part of some in that secioato wards -Newbern, but I have alwavs been at ft los to con jecture why it was so for had it not hare; been for the citizens of Newbern and Craveabuntythe charter for the road would not haxe.beeij secured,', ana to lueui tucjr, iu-b giwi. iiicwvoui-sJA-yUujcu- rreat measuijjOfc tirelybwe the. building ot , tne rpaoa4?pnse-i iIiitl valllthe benefits the have olf verwill Ire ceive from the same. As such I think it yerv Ufa just and hn wise 'not to say ungrateful ihem use" any effort to prevent Newbern frqhi receiving a liberal share ot the benefits arising from the road. - I think the prospect is fair for Newbern to out-rival her eastern competitors, if I may be al lowed rthe expression, withoujlJier condesending tony thing illegitimate in the matter. Her po sition beiri's: several miles nearer the interior of the Statevand her wharves, ware houses, energetic? business' men, together with her ship'pingfacilities, evidently place her fa, ahead of those dreary places, and leaves but" little doubt, tha the great cities spoken of, sb touch, is now noicAcrc,and probably wile howhere for years to comeX ' ; Iam yburs5&o., ' A CAROLINIAN. . State FAiR.--When we -stated in Saturday's issue that it was " almosJLthe unanimou4opinion that the StAjjFair is onegranoThumbug,! wdid so on the "opinion of a number ofgBntlemen who had attended it, and are still of opinion that it was not so good as they had beeii 1ld ' to saopose it would be. f. Since that publication vv-ajs madeY we have conversed with others who, having attended r.l-iUh tateJE'aH that has been.heMia JrtfeOaSP lina,are of opinion, that the'exhili'tlijir' is as good, if not better, thatt!any -previoy held. That leaves the thing "about as broad as it is long" and we therefore furdrato all we said, with the assertion that fairs, in ainajority bf!-ca&es, are humbugs, and that those who attend them gene rally return disappointed. ' The papers by Saturday evening's mail brought no news in relation to the doing's in Raleigh, and. passengers, of whom there was a large number by the last train, relate no incidents that would in terest our readers, except that the exhibition had closed and the crowd was fast leaving the'eity. A Preacher turned Lawyer. A year or two ago, Rev. S. S. Bryant, then a member of the North Carolina Methodist Conference, was arrest ed in Richmond, Va., on the charge of insanity. At his examination before the Mayor, he attempt ed to plead his own cause, but was stopped by tha dignitary, who ) was of opinion vtat no man who could use such eloquent langBSmd forci ble argument could then be i ihsaneIrf Bryant wohwltiS'c pose, ecoiuagfedvndbubt b.'ni-lssxirtW occasion, regularly' in the hamessThe Danville correspondent of the Petersburg Express says he appeared as counsel for Hugh Rameya shooting case, in the Hustings court of that fbwn on the 15th instant. '' Ei4H Present- Friend Banks over the way, yesterday shipped to Mr. Dunn, editor of the Ame rican Advocate, one of the nicest and prettiest cakes wj have seen for a long time.. It had inscribed on it in letters composed of red ; cany Ameri can Advocate,' Kinston, N. C." r It itiade our mouth-water to look at it, and wajaimoat envy our cotemporary. Six months ago Mr Bknks com menced business in Newbern, a stranger, and employed but one hand besides ninsellf a little negro boy ; now he employ s six' hand abd mana ges to keep no . very large aniountipf jwork'on hand. Thesecret of 'Ussaccesr.tituwheii he commenced business he 'begauf to' taflvertise, and has kept it up ever since. dyertsing his them. ancU&s the demand VihasfedUe. all pru- n5eiitusihess"men shouldii jHEWEATHEiu-1iiiai rain for several weeks past I and tbeeaf Jtai been remarkably fine and pleasant. fiCes jiad become very dry and dusty; but o&Btet I we had several very nice showers,.1 ipanied wiin jnunuer ana ugntmng, ana 6-3 J.1 O Jl ! . 1 ' ' Saturday morning the atmosphere was quite 1. If we were an Almanac maker we would p; ct heavy frost and cold weather at an early day. Hog Cholera; The Norfolk .correspondent of the PeteVsburgEpjress,' saysthat: hftAbog chol era is. prevailing in Gates and joining buutiea in North Carolina, - He was.xnjfoTmed ty;a farmer from . Gates a few days ago that he kad lost 150 Tiead from that br some other - fatseasi, and ' were still dying in every section of ti country. I 1 1 Ota reoi 4. 1 :. .. Dear Pr om Jr-Nowias I sit y preparatory ,to writing you,-! hear in the, distance the roaring of the enraged surf, "which sounds as, tnerhing pf " a mighty wpid,'' and according tq the. opinions j of thoseh nrofesso.knbw. betokens " the- an-1 "proach of an eastwardly gale ;' whether, or " not t vueir propaecies-win oe venneu'; remains yei'w.joe een i ; at anytate, the appearand weather at present seems toJustify'iem'i'rtl4 On,TStfesday evening last, the I 9th inst one of iir military companies, the Wilmington Ligt Infantry' JDapt Hall; -was 'but on ; parade heir ranksxprsented quite - a ! formidable appear? tance, who after. having paraded oflrmost "-princi pal streets, to the intense defightleunv ber of boysjiand men who arevereerto fol low the " musters" rbrought up infrblit of .the r Carolina Hotel 'l and went through various difecult manceuvers, with that ease and precision that elicited general admiration, and that showed they had attained to a high degree in the Tactics, This company, never jVaa in a more thriving- con ditibn than at present i the v have, prbcured a larsre room in the basement of the new Town Hall su osta 1 1 1 lawoaan ii er $risAirSiar pride of Wilmib.gton. . ? ' Mr. Marchant's Troupe continue to entertain some of our citizens, but 1 do not think they are as well patronize now, as at : first. " Our citizens are tued of promises, and our -pagers, it will be seen, have ceased to "puff." And I. begin to think that we Are all " sucked in ; " those " Stars " that were reported to havebeen engaged for the season here, have failed to make their appearance. Booth, tJurton, J una JJean Jblayue, nor the Ravell s all of whom were advertised as "engaged n for here, have not made their debut, neither will they. They all are engaged, and "are now filling their engagement, but not at Wilmington. The com; pany that is here are performing old and "worn but-pieees, such as Lady of Ljons, Othello, Hon ey Moon, &c.,aiul freoucntlv by-er.;W request (?) vre repcathjig even those. It is no more than jus tice tliat 1 should say, that ? some 01 the. charac ters are well sustained, but' as a general thing they aie . not. Their plays, 8 I have ' said be fore, having been performednver and'ove'r here, and, therefore the cha nge of jtie acts are always anticipated by the audience nd if they do not equal or even excel their imagination, as a matter of course, the, whole thfrrgfis considered a failure. -W hen if t hey would, p ut onhing' new, on-the jjiU theirr-rtattOrs'Sdn hfl ;riiTO nrnmar , d to; critieiser' -.-Itis our opinion 'thatth " fetarsv now on our boards, are of about the three-third magnitude, and some give evidence of this being their Jirst appearance. -The non-appearance Of the promised " Lights " ; have thrown a decided damper on our theatre-going" public. Although there has been considerable " blowing ." througb the press., it is our opinion, that it was all done on the strength of those promises ; for here within a day or two past their notices have grown '.' small by degrees, and beautifully less." ; In my last, I informed you of the ill luck of one of your craft, and now I will relate to you a case where a whole office, with the exception of two or three, were most especially sold. A gen2 tleman" having recentlyvpened a Refreshment Sa loon, walked into one of our "printing offices," and with all the pomp and importance, that is characteristic of such Lords', invited the ..whole establishment down, to partake of a lunch ; and as printers are very polite, fearing that, they mightinsult the kind donor should they refuse," they all with one accord accepted the sanfe, and that evening, after they had finished their days toil, was set airt fOr;the visit; the topic" of .con versation, the wnole day was "what withal jshalV we be filled," some said coots, some Oysters, and another rice birds, but one poor fellow, more anx ious" than the .rest, bespoke a. nice ?' puff ' ' from the 'Editor .-and 8aidttU'a4bedid'not feel'like eat-. efJLf'' . -.vmnj ,. uuii cat -. no yujiu viurjr uouie 111 a-paper. The evening at length came, and they all struck a bee line for the saloon, when thev neared the door they all put on their best smiles. M,vi wciiivuu in, ine nrsr man to greet them was the noble proprietor, who after the usual" compli- uiciils asiveu ine genpemenwnatthey would have tu unnK .' anonever a time: mentioned a word about the " substantials " that the " devil '.'informs us ne got a squint at in an anti-room. ThU" anx ious" one, above alluded to, belonging to an,or- aeruiat prohibited the use of the ardent,", of course could not partake, and he comfiirtpJl him. '-self that the jrood thinsrs would come directlv but in this he was mistaken, for after thos that could ' sip had done? so, the eerwiM host. Ve- tired, and the Typoe's also, fully convinced thafc actions speak louder than words." The feelings gtcL re mure-reauiiy lmaginea than described. We shall be greatly surprised to hear of their accepting another invitation soon. And all that, you have to say todisj6fs& that crowdkPrinters is "how about that luieh ?" ' Tours, , NEW BERNIAN. ; i ;Frouithe Memphis (Tev.) Bulletin, , t".'A 80NG--M8TABSI -AJVa STBIPES The flag o?f. our country! how proudly it waves "i O'er the Patriots iaad, o'er their green mos&y graves, Our country $ uur country ! long abidet Our hope and our lory , our. boast and. our. pride. .Still float hi the breeze o'er a glorious land ; ".jj ; Our country; mr't!Ounwy"T, hmi'ie of the brave, T; Unfurled be thy flag--longIbng may it Wayei -. i . " .i--..i i.l i ; -. i . --' From the crystal ates of the frozen North c- - L The stars ofour country are; gleaming forth, Unfurled by the daring and noble Kane, r. . V They sparklo and glance o'er the icy plain. . The flag of our country is floating; on high,' -. O'er the orange groves, neath a sunny sky T f The song-birds' home, with its fairy-fike JbowertT In wealth of melody, of fragrance anLflowers. ' ": ' Our Flag ! It is waving o'er freasures nntold v Where streamlets are gliding o'er sands' of gold ; . -Where the deep ravine and mountain side ;. '- Betoken rich treasures th at in theirS Tiide. . , O'er the darksome forest and bright sunny vale Theflajr ofour country still floats on the gale; -v The stars and the stripes ! may they wave ever wae O'er the Patriots', lando'er the home of the brave. '' CHbB.TJ.: ' ' ; ' ; - The American Flag !how proudly it waves!, ' ''-".. O'er the patriots' lana.o'er thewgreen mossy graves, Still floating in triumph wherever it- goes - . The stars for its heroes, the stripes for its foes. ' Sh?H'were'' f tmd i'.t " - tiny aslef ul lover; 'jof peii vj,, , -JS X:. iii;t4r jure W v a -lUJ , u iuo,; . v s . rshatfeMrnJay; be; yfoxtanes ere j . laskfnofc lbYei61aim4miaKthe,: : Myjoyskeuinme4b ,a : . -'t' epartf OTnte;:flmver that cannot die. f -rt-rTwrT ?r7---:r -ivni.-JT.-. vk, -rK.t 1., :lJnt it:vFiiijive ajnTUTwrauy-.; MSrso:ntL; sa 'ag--tbe;thu'nc6:;bieOTe'? areSSilwel tft And forests "wave and plains extend-, ' And mountains m-:the sunlicht fflow : -' : ";- The windAlprihes upon thy Tn-ow.; ; i s;nbi.ltnev wind that breathes on mine ; . . The stOT-beainhinimg on thee now, , '" . AitQlLoi shine ; 1 .Butmehjfo!s CJ VJ'!' vi CahsTthou;.ihe holy-past - A . - The bitter gears' that thou and I ?fii;f -.. ;i.rv . May'sheo whene'er by anguish' bowe '-", :Exalted;th(uwhtide sky,, - A';'-v".'r'v v '' 1 ?Mav?meetahd ininrIe"in the cloud; - C ' Aifd thus,rmy;imu'ch loved friend though we - FfirfpaMu and moyev 5 . . Ourtpuls ;when' God- shall set them free, " '- ; s. : "VtCarimiiiglein the world of love! . '1 ? 7. Tbis were, ccsta ; vt"i ' -v. : ' On a; beautitul . Spring; morning, as a yotjng" mother"ompleted -Tierl toilet,'- and was abouf to leave the- room, she turned, as was fcer woht. to lOOK at two loveiy t '"rii-;--""--." . !?i;Mya-anigui-;areatris"re 'a4.ottlej - - - -:m Xt;atu'rehenrjsilenee 6efM$y1&0i r WSW- 5v :4Ihd'theTji;a;fancy fe i---. rlTho i hast each Mtfghfcawtsl -1 ayenuyao,iny;ppy?nearjfe e'frbMfli 7f ". ' vrew'eiltnv V?" w :A3hvJiviTOembrvtiinHnv. hearlt di.i;-;..,- r-: : .-fJrt Vlftws t; ,ne flowfcra's enn Juav filL 't .- '.-; - J ilTn i Uj "u i'b ni j 1 m-n anoT oeamifigjoyy whicn ' . " v cradle of : the yonfiges the eldest, a littlb mbre than iwo years old, snd- denly raised herself, andga2ing upward,iixed her ; -' clear: blUeH eyesf .ofcejtriateli whilst her face " ' wore an expressiOir bfiovi jsucfi, I am sure?as 4n- ' 1 gejs bhly ' Wear she -exciaimed; ' Oh, ' they .are, ? ;; gone, mamma they are gone " What are gone - ' -said the-mbthet gentlyrfraid that the tones of her ,voicebuia;brcak.the.'in "Oh. the 1 little babies AYith.- wings-o'm them and "r ' -the boof ul ; beautif dl) - flowers I on,ail around- sq - 1 ' r preuyv;rney,are gOT as ,ner;.?? motheVbntmii&tb 'ques tion, the an gel express tJ sion fadedj Wd a llook of disappointment settled ---J' on ancej-ana xiispersea tne rauiance that shoiie thbreia Jiiromeht before; . . The.' child :liad bn told of the beauties of a heavenlv rJibnie4- the iov ' that awaits 'the! re- -deemed. v The":-bbeninff;-leaf swellinsr bud. had been placed in those tinyhaiids, their beau- ; -;" . ties pointed" outiyh she been, told and '. ' t tausrht "to adniire7' theV-skill. "of; the firreat. Artist. r 5 place, ;ahd 'afwjghQiliiher infant hands int. , prayeriiihr pibh?yWas pressed bythat 7, 7 ghtll forjoi fant-iklnmber; should ;be . sweet f that-; Visions ofA" HeaHhioalif fo-" her 'viej??that "angel' ' forms should- thr'onsr her bed that5 flowers, such. I .jblbbiiii only ;ihthe; paradise of : God. should be e '. scaicereu .iiucKiy. arouna ner x v VJn.. wasii-rwajt,... it "any;;Wpnder,vthat .;w glorious vision ''.A vanhed jthiP pjedeltpression lasted "until her ; -roi&OQa'nc;.thai iiir Mix sleep Christ, v , thSavibubfnners tbfr theal;; her waking, she .' wasl bhlWwith ?f niainmai that ' the flowers :. hadi faded, that the invisible f - - . May-E around .v . 4 her5phway;ayr re--i"' 8pondltftheSpiri?sjc "' .t tgfnahe;jbe keptjunspotted ;froui; torwpMso'that when?lTfexord is Jbbsed.'she J?tay d weU;w;hefje4 116 wers. never "fadeniirt snail never school Tiadia littlerl -..-"y-txf'jyi.ij iLTwuwiiore lustre. gTO;dimiVc4oI7r& Evangelist. - r . exceedinglyack herjlessbns-' heasV::- S buttthbbplhatsey inUt'. During the ; 7 9chQors;tfg'i;a. sometimes "iuloyed as f ''.' a reatibnahdbticin this girl haiiiaCvery? p - clewee?ytaceiie 'fif, '4,S?in2o'uth' ' and,, you maV led:iii:tbexsiiifflnff::f;-K -W- i-; " '-' ' v-2 .- - - She b3ighteneItpdt:frbnrlhaiti bet jntt4tS?f: a seemed-'iiiore:? 1 'lIjF16sson.:-ew-atte'ndi; 4&C-: -;.4 y progress. . One day; the teacher- aglibme,-lie ove Jane" ana one ot ki & .ool-fellows. v -vk. , 'jk Wl,ajDBaidhe.Tou:; areni very weH at school ;;hoWis it thai yoojPaacA Deiter now-tnart-youuia at tne oeguixig i ua t9. half year:X&&! : ' " I do iibtnoW?wby it isf replied Janai -t ; R I knohathe toW Wiethe otn her companion w ,' . ; " And what?w f . thaf I" asked the teacher. ' f Why-j, she said;she-'as encouraged.M -f 1 -i s - ' " Yes there washeecret-78he was encouraged : ; l She felt she was" nbt'duil in everything she had learned self-respect and thus h was encouraged; -,,'.' to selfimnrvemeht$; tv-.-.!'""1' ' ' - Take the " hint, dear- feirbw-teaeher. ant trv to byirdiseriminatinVjqult praise. . ; Give them'thcredit" whenever y duBaiu : reacn tuei intellect througArthe.h)brt. i Emieavyr to-'drawuMhej'!-lbrmt ultiea, of yof chik ie. dren'bildie'erimintih'ff time t' dnU-minded ;-cidil" has ; been adej'irretiievabW k f stapidb-x'lj '. vf S sarcasmt And, cu the pther1 hand;-howofjen- haat a; genial gmile or anpprbYingrteniarkiivejifidii a; into new. iiie telow4ffring',8Cla ' tar'' . ?v:..i-!-.-. - it -.S.C''- Vtu '- . - V . f. '4 14 a1 ft. 'iMisiit- ;:'' -ti?-;;? ft't - - . r :"iU;;';:V s-.v -k - -ifjr.t, mtttt m m