Newspaper Page Text
WFFKLV PROGRESS TF"" M05igG,N0T. 29, I860. ' KENTUCKY. f : GoTcrno Magoffin, strong for the Union bit terly complains of the conduct of Governor Den nison.ofOhio.innot surrendenng on his re ouuition, a fugitive from justtce, charged with Listing a slaVe to run away, and on that sub- Je I shadf tak this violated right to the courts for the remedy. Failing there, I would Mteke ft to Congress, as there is an anti-Republican Confess, and if they give the remedy, Lincoln will be called on to . sign or vote thebQL We frill test tbs question where we .have rights whether or not we have remedies. We will test the question whether or not our rights are to be respected under the laws and ttfe decisions of the Supreme Court o he United States. Failing mere, uu. u. 1 cam u uti c all I can a State's rights people, and now fal ing back upon your reserved rights I will advise such action as I am sure you will take. A SIGS EVEX IX MASSACHUSETTS. A movement, looking to the repeal of the "Personal Liberty Bills," has recently been started in New England. The conservative Re publicans of Massachusetts are beginning to feel the effects of the teachings of the fanatical portion . of their leaders, and a petition is m cir culation in Boston, numerously signed by many of the leading Republicans of that city, calling for a repeal of the odious "Personal Liberty Bill." Even the Sprinfield Republican ac knowledges : 1. That the Republican party are wrong in passing Personal Liberty Bills. 2. That these bills are 44 pernic ous," and "Irs VIOLATION OF THE CONSTITUTION," and " UNJUST TO THE SLAVE STATES." 3 That these Republican enactments " mean Nullification," are "unconstitutional in spirit, and only fail to bo boldly and squarely uncon stitutional on Garrison's ground, because we (the Republicans) have not the courage to go the whole and nullify the Constitution boldly nnd squarely." .4. That these Fersonal Liberty Laws ought to be REPEALED. This is as it should be. It is right and it is encouraging. SLEEPING ON A VOLCANO. We fiave high authority for stating that before the flood there was marrying and giving: in mar rriage. up to the day when Noah entered the ark ; we know that it was said of old : '-The Son of Man cometh like a Thief in the night," and " in the twinkling of an eye we shall be caught up." We know that human affairs often proceed calm ly and in their usual routine when the most tre mendous crisis are at hand ; the people of Pom peii were in tho amphitheatre when the ernp tion of Vesuvius overwhelmed them, and Bel shazzar was feasting his lords while the enemy let the river overflow city. Later, yet, the 'ball on the eve of Waterloo is famous: Mr. Everett said well, a year ago : ' The ordinary business operations wer.t on in France in the rev olution of 17S3, till the annihilation of the circu lating medium put a step to every thing that re quired its use. The theatres and operas and all -the other plaees of publie amusement were crow- ded to madness during the reign of terror." The revolution which overturned the theatre of Louis iPhillippe occurred two days after the interruption cf a banquet, and when no one of the ordinary ay ccatiocs of the business or social world cf Paris had been at all interfered with People paid vis its and gave balls, and went to the cpera, and dreamed not how near was the future, so big with events. So now, those who fancy that because the shops are open and thronged, because the flaneurs are seen on Broadway, because parties are given, because the picture galleris are open, and the theatres succesful need not lay the flat tering unction to their souls that no revolution is to be appter.ded here. "The great social machine moves with a momontum that cannot be sudden ly stopped " And indeed, when misfortunes are t i i l i , : u j-- ri Diacne&b, pucpie Bumeuiiiies msii iu pleasure Willi the maddest zest. The cholera season has been known to be a fortunate one for places of amuse ment. Three years ago, during the financial pan ic, New York merchants might be seen every night h.t the cpera, who had failei during the day anxious for a while to distract their minds from the contemplation of what was either unavoida ble or irremediable. Let not, then, those who are casual observers, fancy they see in their eve jy day life no indications of a 6torm, that it is .sure not to break upon them. We are in the midst of the most momentous crisis that has oc curred in the history of the nation ; we may be on the brink of revolution ; and those who close their eyes to this fact, will be infinitely the most likely to be precipitated. New York Express. EP There is at Naples an immense strong wo man, about forty years of age, called Donna Mar ianna, but commonly designated as La S. Giovan nar. She keeps a little wineshop, habitually treqeented by many of the lower classes, where they drop in and have their glass of wine iu3t ns a Londoner would take his pint of half-and-half. This woman is the great popular tribune of Na pies. -She it is, who, even under the former Gov--ernment, exerted herself in every wav for the ... c i . .1.1 , " . , , puipuae ui unsung me lower classes ana trie Uz zaroni on the Liberal side : in a word, she has acted as the bond of connection between the Lib erals and the lazzaror.i, between the rich and the poor. On those days when the city was great ly agitated, the ignorant masses implicitly fol lowed iter guidance. On Garibaldi's arrival, she at once presented herself to bin., and was most cordially received, because Garibaldi especially likes and trusts the ugh children of the people, euchas-S Giovannara and the like. She ofcea goes to the camp, and some six evenings ago, when at Cascrta, there happened to be there about thirty persons, among them individuals of high rank, who were waiting to have interviews with Garibaldi. Re was not in the best possible humor on the occasiou. He had been pested with the Ministerial squabbles, and did not wish to see any one; but, on being informed that S. Ciovannara wag ia the ante-chamber, he said she alone might come in. The strong, stalwart wo man entered. Garibaldi first asked her how she was, and then in the presence of Generals Turr, Bixio, and many other oSicers, lie said to her, Now give me a kiss.'' She gave him one and then said she would like to have another and Laving obtained that, the interview terminated. She does not dress wi.h the least elegance, but merely after the usual fashion of her class. A dark cottoa gown, a laigedark shawl with red flowers, and nothing on her head. By her side eke carries two revolvers and a dsgo-er. She wsiks very gently and speaks very little. She has a severe, but self-satisfied expression. She has, in short, the air of a person of impor tance. When she shakes hands with you at par ting, she seems to look you through and through, and nods, as much to say, we understand one an other. Gov. Packer axd the Abohtiosists. Gov. Packer, of Pennsylvania, a fev days ago, re ceived a letter, signed by James Relpath, on behalf of several young men in Boston, reques ting him to attend a convention in that city, to devise measures to abolish slavery. Gov. P. 's reply is as follows Exe'tiye Department, Ilamsburg, h ' Nov. 21, 1860. Sir: In my opinion, the young men whose names are attached to the foregoing letter would better serve God and their country by attending to their awn business. John Brown was rightfully hanged, and his fate should be ft warning to others having similar proclm-&cs- Wm. F. Packer, Governor of Pennsylvania. The despatches from Georgia, say, a number of free negroes have been forcibly taken from Northern vessels in Southern waters, and spiri ted off, nobody knows vehere, in retaliation for tfee spiriting away of fugitive slaves, belonc-mg-,to S01 masters, on the Undeground Railroad North; all the difference, however, is tbat while Republican public sentiment here encourages, if t does not applaud the practice public sentiment in Georgia and Florida is ali against it as the despatches show. 2T Y Express. - ' Merchant Shippers and O I hers Can procure Railroad Receipts, Bills of Exchange. &c.,at the Progrcts Office, whre every epeciea of printing is done at short notice. If the Unioa ia to be dissolved let us keep all the money at home we can. So get these things here even should they cost a little more, which, we don't think will be the case. ' ' - ' Hie Governor's Message. Extra copies of the Governor's Message on band al the Progress Office for gratuitous dis jfibtfticD. Call tnd get a copy. i e Tj"-.,r.L-f in me ia&i is your violated right. I have done j a -t-t: ii fomodT. iou are SECESSION MEETING IN GEORGIA. ' Columbcs, Nov. 24. The demonstration made here to-day was the greatest ever seen in Western Georgia. All the merchants closed their stores and joined in the procession. Flags and banners were suspended on the streets, the mili tary and Southern Guard paraded in procession, and cannon were fired as a salute to the South ern Confederacy. Messrs. Yancey and Rice spoke in the inorcing to a crowd of 5,000 people. John Cochrane, of Alabama, spoke at night, with Sen ator Iverson and Mr. Crawford Nine-tenths of the people men. women , and children wear the disunion cockade. GEORGIA ELECTION RETURNS. We have now received full returns from all the counties. They sum up as follows : Bkeck. Tatnall - - - - 313 Add 131 counties prev'sly report'd-51,818 Bell. Doug. 202 42,848 11,609 52,131 43,050 11,613 Vote for Bell and Douglas - - 54,G63 Vote for Breckinridge 52,131 Majority against Breckinridge - - - . - 2,542 VOTE OF NEW YORK. We now have official returns of the vote for President in every county of the State of New York. The aggregates are as follows : For Mr. Lincoln, 361,367 For the fusion ticket 313,367 Lincoln's majority 47,727 The result, as declared by the State canvass ers, will perhaps vary slightly, but not mate rially, from this. KENTUCKY. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 24. The official vote of this State is as follows : Bell, 66,016 Breckinridge, 52,836 Douglas, 25,644 Lincoln, 1,466 AHEAD OF ALL C0MP ETI0N ! Our Third Year! JOB PRINTING Of Every Description DONE AT THE IrogreaT IX THE BEST STYEE of tlie ART, AND WITH THE GREATEST POSSIIiLK DISPATCH Having made large accessions to our Establishment in the way of New Presses, Type, Paper, Cards, &e., and having in our employ good workmen, we are better prepared than ever to serve our patrons and the public. WE PRINT Business and Professional Card at $2 50 to $5 00 per thousand according to size. WE PRINT Hand-Rills at $3 00 to $10 00 a thousand accor ding to size. WE PRINT Hi 11- Heads, Isabels. Circular, Bills of Tending Bank Checks, Wedding and Visiting Cards, Catalogues, Tergal Blanks. and ia fret every lescnotion of work for less than it can be dene elsewhere. Especial attention given to Book and Pamphlet Work. Call at ox send vonr orders to the PiSOCJRESS S3LIEIIXG, Craveu street-. New hern, N. C. tEtP Prices moderate and work executed with the greatest accuracy and punctuality. DAVID DAVIS & B1I0', KO. 51 SYCAMORE ST., PETERSBURG, VA. Wlholesac aud Retail Icalcrs in DRY GOODS. The Iarpcst best anc1 cheapest stoc? in the city is to be fouud nt our Store, our goods are all bought tor CASH. This is fo Inform Iho renders of the Progress ot the cheapest Jstoreiu the South, to buy Dry Goods of all kinds it is the store of ' DAVID DAWS & BRO, NO. 51 SYCAMORE ST, Petersburg, Va.. Wholesale exclusively for CAfH, wherever they can find goods on the best terms and the most desirable descriptions, and who will sell for the very SMALLEST LIVING PROFIT on the cost. Their stock is as complete with Staple and Fancy Dry Goods as it is possible to render it, and daily accessions are 1 : 1 1 -J 1 l ; -W-. . , ueing luauciu ji, oy learner ana Jixprens irom the large cities having an agent employed especially in their service to secure all GOOD BARGAINS that are to be had. They are enabled not unfre quently to sell 0ods at naif their Value, and always at a very great reduction from regular prices. No Obligation to Buy. We are thankful to be favored with a visit from pur chasers, and a visit to our establishment incurs no obligation to purchase, No Charge for Showing Goods! goods freely exhibited. A Call is Requested All that can be done to please will be done, and all articles sold warranted as represented, and faiisfurtiira (tormrfirfr, Don't forget to call where you can be well treated, buy cheap and select from a magnificent stock of FALL & "WINTER DRY GOODS. The place where you will be certain to meet with these accommodations is David Davis &, Bro's, NO. 51 SYCAMORE ST., Petersburg1, Va. SIGN RED BOX AND BLUE POST. dlolto of this House is Small Profits and Quick Returns. Oet 27 d&wtf Coal! Coal!! Coal!!! 2 Cargoes No. 1 Red Ash Coal daily expected. Persona in want will please hand in their orders to T. J. HUGHES' office immediately, nov SO-d&wtf - - -v Raleigh Press please copy 6 times and send bill to Progress office. , - T7IOR SAIjK, A tract f land, situate on the JL Aorta-western noraer of the town of JNewbern and near the Railroad, containing about forty acres! known as ' Farmvule Place." Apply to .. . SITOBK A SJ TGEE A VJES ATTMORE. July 21, 1&60 dwtf CHISMArVS IMPROVED YEAST POW DERS, prepared by P. F. PESCURD, Raleigh, N. C, and sold by P. S. DUFFY, Newbern. and J. .-V. JORDAN; 2Swben. . , Sept. 17 d.w3u3. . TP- IFarmmeFSo Our stock of Agricultural Implements and Farm ins Tools is now complete, and we invite yonr at tend on pa'ticularly ta the AXES and CAST STEEL. GRUB HOES, Weeding and Hilling Hoes gotten up expressly for our sales, which are of the best quali ty, and for sale low. WM. H. OLIVER & CO. To Mill Owners. We have always on hand everything in the Mill furnishing line Hemp and Rubber Packing Leath er, and Rubber Belts, Rivetts and Burrs, Babbet Met al. Machinery Oil, and a scpeiior article of MILL SAW FILES. For sale by . WJI. II. OLIVER & CO. Persons engaged in Building should remember that we keep all kinds of IIUILDI MATERIAL and Bnildera HARDWARE constantly oh hand. WM. II. OLIVER & CO. TO MECHANICS. Our Stock of Mechanics Tools is now large, and all new articles of merit will be added as they appear. Persons should examine our stock before buying, as our arrangements are such as enable u to sell low. WM. H. OLIVER & CO. For Sale by WM. H. OLIVER & CO. To Masters AND OF VESSELS. OWNEKS We have recently added to our stock a geueral assortment of Ship Chandlery, Paints and Oils, Paint Brushes, See. We sell the Wcod bury Duck at a small advance on Manufacturers Prices. WM. tl. OLIVEU & CO. nov 24-d&wtf To Farmers ! ! ! PROMISE REDEEMED!!! The subscribers ara now prepared to fill ordess fol the celebrated Utley Plow, (Patented in 1858), for tbe for tbe counties of Carteret, Craven. Onslow, Jont3, Greene, Pitt, Washington, Beaufort, Hyde and Tyr rell. The Plows are tor one norse or more, iney range No. I and No. 1, A. for one horse, No. 2 and No. 21 for two or more horses. Each one of the ODe horse plows cau be easily and quickly changed into four different, perfect plows adapted to all the various kinds of work on a plantation, sub soiling included. An ordinary horse can easily plow a furrow 7 inches deep and from 7 to 8 inches wide, throwing tho dirt from the furrow almost as perfectly as a spade can. It throws no'dirt on the land side. Cotton or Corn 2 inches high can be plowed with it. The depth for the plow to run is regulated by a screw in the stock and may be altered in J a minute without the plough man leavirg the handles. The two horse plows . pe ate in the same manner except the changes into different kinds. The plow is light and strong; the whole arrangement simple, durable and cheap. It has taken the premium'at all the State and county fairs at which it has been exhibited. Every farmer who has seen them run here is delighted and pro nounces it the bet plow that they have ever seen. So sure are we that it is just the thing that you want, that if upon trial, it does not give satisfaction you may return it at our expense. That you may the more easily supply yourselves we will sell the right to the following counties Greene, Pitt, Washington and Tyirell which are not of easy access to us. Wc will also sell some of the other counties if desired. ' We shall establish agencies in the different coun ties as soon as possible if we find it advisable. The whole thing is Southern almost entirely North Caro linian aud as we are permanent citizens of New hern you need fear no humbug. A trial is all we ask. Send on your ordeis to s for the present. Prices: No. 1, one horse plow. Jfi.OO equivalent to 4 plows, No. I, (A.) " ' 6.50 No. 2, two " " 8.00 No. -J J," " " 8.50 Terms cash in all cases. Freight and cartage, of course are not included in the above low figure. SIMPSON & HOOKER. J. A. SIMFSOy. KOSCOE HOOKER. N. B. It will make potato ridges without he use of hoe. july 23 dtwly Secessionis Right and Just! From Black Repub lican to SIMPSON & HOOKER'S Plows, and Southerners are se ceding. Nov 27 dtwff SOUTH CAROLINA l?lO- ney taken in payment for Goods by J. M. F. Harrison, Pollok St., Kewbern, Js. C Not 27 JNO. S. DANCY, JXO. H. HITMAN, F. M. HIM AN, Jjnte ot .Lute ot JjUte ol Taiboro', N C Scotland Neck, N C Warreutou, N C !)ACV, IIY3ZAX & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 124 Pearl Street, New York. IIY.IIA, BAXCY & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Norfolk, a. npHE NEW YORK HOUSE will be conducted by X Jno. S. l)ANt v. aided by R. W. IIvmas. THE NORFOLK HOUSE will be conducted by Jxo. N. IIyman and F. M. 5P Particular attention given to the sale of Cot ton. Corn. Wheat Naval Store . - W. C. WHIT FORD at Newbern, will forward cotton, a aval Mores, w heat, Corn &c., to our house iree oi any cnarges at JNewDern. oct 12-dwtf 1 1 ftn ACRES OF LAND for Sale. L A.JJ The subscriber offers for sale a valuable Tract of Land, lying, on Adams' Creeks, containing aoout 6ix nunarea acres, ana -aia ny judges to be equal to any lana in tne ttate. Also, another tract lying on Hancock creek, about twentv miles below Newbem and three miloa fmm Havelock Depot, A&N C Railroad, containing 500 Acres, auu is wen umuerea wren long straw pine, hickory and oak. For further particulars address the undersigned at Newbern, N. C. dec 8 d&wtf JOHN N. HYMAN. VfO TICK PH1LLP THOMAS having pur ll chased the store on the New County Wharf, recently occupied by Geo. W. Miller and John D. May, would most respectfully announce to the cit izens of Newbern and surrounding vicinity that said store is now open, where he will be pleased to furnish .everybody with DRY GOODS, BOOTS SHOES, GROCERIES and WOOD, cheap. Cail and examine the stock for yourselves before purchasing eise where. sept 12d&w3m TAKEN UP AND COMMITTED. A ne gro boy, claiming to be the property of MRS. PARNAIIAM, of Jones county, was taken up as a runaway on Monday last and confined in jail. Said boy is black, about 5 feet high, rather slim about 14 years old, has a fine set of teeth, a small scar above the right eye, smart, speaks quick and says he was forced to leave his home by JOHN, the pro perty of a Mr. Haskins, who he says came with him to Newbern. The owner is requested to come for' ward and redeem the property. A. C. LATHAM, Sheriff. July 19, d&wtf BRICK I,AVI!VG AND MASONRY. JAMES N. LEGG, Brick Layer and Plasterer, respectfully offers his services in the above branch of business. He is prepared to erect buildings by contract, or by the day when desired, and pledges himself to give satisfaction as to nrice and character of work. He offers to do as substantial work as can be done in the State. . For further particulars he refeis to W. P. Moore. I Disosway. George Bishop and J. L. Pennington, Newbern June 19 d&wtf. WILLIAM HAY, HOUSE. SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. NEWBERN, N. C. " ' Contracts taken for work in town or country, which will be promptly executed and satisfaction guaran tied. ' Paints, Oils and Varnish always on hand and will be sold at reasonable prices. , aept. sflj OAwiy . - . , . . . FOB 8AL.E. U Mules, Carriage Horses, Corn, Fod der, WAGGONS, CARTS, and inarming Utensils, at the Clermont Plantation. Nov 12,1860 d&wtf. WANTED. The undersigned will pay the h ghest eash prices for Dry Hides, Washed Wool, eleaa Rags, old Rope, old Sail, Corn Meal Bacon, Lard, &c.,&c - ; - . r Au. 4 dw . FOARD it HOOKER. C. A. MART, BROTHER & CO'S C. A. HART, BROTHER & CO., Manufacturer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TIN, SHEET IRON AS D COPPER WARES. Gas Fitters and Plumbers. ALSO, a lare assortment of COOKING. PARLOR OFFICE STOVES, such as " The Economist, Eoyal Cook, Sunrise, Morning Star and Chilson's Celebrated Double Oven Range with hot and cold water fixtures. Sandford's Portable Heater and Hot Air Furnaces all of which are the latest and most approved patterns. P AR AGON FLUID LAMP! SOMETHING NEW! KEROSENE LAMPS! A great Variety of Lamp Chimneys, Wick &c. &c KEROSENE OIL AND BURNING FLUID At Wholesale and Retail. SILVER PLATED WARE! Such as Cake Baskets, Castors, Table and Tea Spoons, Forks, Patent Ice Pitchers, Candle Sticks, BRITAXIA AND PLANISHED WARE, Tea and Coffee Pots, Waiters, Coffee Urns, Chafing Dishes, Oyster do., Plate Warmers, Cups, Spittoons, &.C.; GRATES AND FENDERS ! IIollow and Wooden Ware ; Suction and Force Pumps ; Cistern and Well', do. Lead Pipe; Galvanized Wrought Iron do.; Copper and Iron steam Piping, India Rubber Hose; Sheet and Bar Lead; Carriage Bolts , Smith and Wesson's Impioved Seven Shooters, Cartriges for same. HARVEY'S PATEN1 WASHING MACHINES, Price Reduced to $C; Having purchased from A. Miller &. Son, their entire interest in the Gas Fitting Business, are now prepared to do all kinds of work in Gas Fit ting and Plumbing, Stefuii Piping, See., &.c. We shall keep constantly tin hand GAS FIXTURES of the latest and most approved patterns, Globes. Shades, dec, Sec. Particular attention paid to TIN-ROOFING, GUTTERING and all kinds of Job Work in our line promptly at tended to and satisfaction guaranteed F U 22 S IV AXTE D. J T!if Lijr'i'x-f nvu krr price will lu: pnid for RAO- i comx. oi'osrr, vox, mink and oiter ' Furs. A!.- V'.-'x, Rg?aud old Copper, !y I . A. HALT, BRO. C.: CO. ! id' Uira l md Ml-td-.r Street.', ! .Wivlicra X C. n' t 2 S-dj-.w v The Firm ot FIHbER, FOARD HOOKER, having been legally dissolved, we the undersigned have associated ourselves together under the Firm of FOAED & HOOKER, for the purpose of continuing the former business at the Rume place. We are thankful to onrtriends and customers for past favors and by a CORRECT, EX KRGETIO and PKOMPT system of doing business, intend to merit and hope to receive au increased pat- STAPLE DRY GOODS, Rroccrics, I'rovision, Ship Chandlery, Negro Clothing, Farming Tools, GUANO, PLASTER, LIME, NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR. CORN, HAY, FISH, CYPRESS SHINGLES, Sec, &c, at ns low prices ns any other houso in Eastern North Carolina. Having our own Vessels, Wharf, Drays, etc., we will pay particular attention to the Forwarding and Commiaiiion Bunincss. We will also make liberal cash advances on Coi signments. We kip also prepaired to furnish our friends ana customers with the best flour, tobacco, hay, cotton, yarn, shirting, osnaburgs, grain-basrs, negro hats shoes, leather, kersies, casaineres for gentlemen and wrapmg paper, all of North Carolina production. Also Turk s Island and Liverpool salt, molasses, su gar, coffee, rice, segars, iron, nails, Guano, lime, plaster cotton, baging, ropes, ship chandlery, fish, seins, nets, twine and many other articles too tedious to mention, all on the most accommodating terms. Call and examine our stock. FOARD & HOOKER. Aug. 4 difew. JJOME MANUFACTURE ! GUNS, RIFLES AND PISTOLS ! NOTICE ! NOTICE ! Military Companies & Sporting Gentlemen. I have opened one of the largest and best assort ed stocks of Guns, Pistols, Rifles, and articles pertaining to that line of business, and would most respectfully invite all that may wish anything in that line to give me a call and examine my stock. The following list comprises a portion of the arti cle8 now on exhibition: Guns, Double and Single ; Rifles, made to order ; " . Breech Loading ; " Colt's Patent ; " Sharp's " ' Merrill's " " Cox's " Pistols. Coifs Patent ; Smith Wesson's Patent ; Adams' do. Beall's do Allen &r Wheelock's do Smith Sf W. Cartridges ; Pistol Holsters ; Shot Pouches; Poieder Flasks ; Fencing and Boxing Gloves Fishing Tackle ; Gun Wadding; " E ley's Caps ; " G. D. Caps ; " Cox's Caps, 1 " Coifs Caps i Dog Collars ; " Chains ; Powder and Shot. Hinnipin9 PrAflintlT n . -1 - . .m.uucu W. Merchants supplied at New York prices. jiiduuiuciureroi uox s lime. EDWIN WANT, april 27 d&wtf Pollok st., Newbern TATirB TTTTT! STTRSfrRTrtTTT? W'TT.T. RPT T. by order of the Court of Pleas and Quarter c : . i a i r i. TT.. v 1 becond Monday in, December next, (it being Court week,) a valuable Tract of Land and Improvements, containing ISO Acres, more or less, lying on the North side of Neuse River, and on the Easfe side o Bird's Creek, adjoining Edward Bowen's, Bennett and others. The same land is now occupied by O P. Banks.- Terms ef sale made known on the day of sale. J. M CUrHRELL. Adm'r., oet 12-dtwtd " of Amos Cuthrjx Dee'd. H" ID8, Cash and the highest market price antitv of ereen or drv Hides, by-.r , - s - , ; WM- P. MOORE. Jr. Corner of Rout's Tern?' ar ci Middle streets. New- bens, X. C. Apnl JO-d&wtf. ' MEDICINES. MBS. WINiLOlV, An experienced Nurse an43?emale Physician, presents to the attention of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all inflammation will allay all pain and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO RLGULATE THX BOWELS. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to your selves, and Relief and Health to Yovr Infants. .We have put up and sold this article for over ten years, and can say, in confidence and truth of it, what we have never . -been able to sayofanyoth- MRS. ' ' ' er medicine NEVER WRSLOW8 HAS IT FAILED. IN SOOTHING A SINGLE INSTANCE. SYRUP. TO EF FECT A : CURE, when timely used. Never did we know an instance of dis satisfaction by any one who used it. On the contra ry, all are delighted with its operations, and speak in terms of highest commendation of its magical ef fects and meuical virtues. We speak in this matter 'what we do know," after ten years' experience, and pledjreour reputation for the'fulfilment of what we here declare. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, re lief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the most experienced and skilful Nurses in Ne'w England, and has been used with never-failing sue cess in THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only relieves the chiM from pain, but invig orates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will almost instantly relieve Griping in tbe Bowels, and Wind Cholic, and overcome convulsions, speedily rem death. We best and FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. which, if net edied, end in believe it the sureslremedy in the world, in all cases of Dysentery and Diarrheea in cnilaren, wnetlier it arises irom teeming, or irom any other cause. We would say to every mother who has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints do not let your prejudices, nor the pre judices of others, stand between your suffering child and the relief that will be sure yes. absolutely sure to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottlsv None genuine unlets the fac simile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. Principal office, No. 13 Cedar Street, N. Y. Price only 25 Cents pet Bottle. dec 13, 1859-d&wly PURIFY X II IS BLOOD. M O F F A T S Vegetable Life Pilln and JPhcenix Ritters. The high and envied celebrity which these pre eminent Medicines have acquired for their invariable efficacy in all the diseases which they profess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of puffing not only unnecessary, but unworthy of them. They are known by their fruits: their goo'd works ti stify for the'na, and they thrive not by the faith of the credulous. In all cases Of Asthma, Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Affec tions of the Bladder and Kidneys. BiUious Fevers and Liver Complaints. In the South and West, where these diseases prevail, they will be found invaluable. Planters, farmers and others, who once use these medicines, will never af terwards be without them Billious Cliche and Serous Looseness, Biles, Cos- tiveness. Colds and Coughs, Cholic. Consumption-Used with great success in this disease. Corrupt Humors, Dropsies. Dyspepsia No person with this distressing diseaso should delay using thee medicines immediately. Eruptions of the Skin. Erysipelas and Flatulency. Fever and Ague For this scourge of the Western country these medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the sys tem subject to a return of the disease a cure by these medicines is permanent. Try them, be satis fied, and be cured. Foulness of Complexion. General Ddnlity. Gout, Giddiueas,EGravel, Headaches of every hind, Inward Fever, Inflamatory Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite. Liver Complaints, Leprosy. Looseness, Mercuria Diseases. Never fails to eradicate entirely all the' effects ot Mercury infinitely sooner than the most powerful prepaiation of Sarsapaiilla. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com plaints of all kind. Organic Affections, Palpitation of the Heart, Painter's Cholic. Piles. The origrnal proprietor of the?e medicines was cured of Piles of 3o years standing by tbe use ot these Life Medicines alone. Pains iu the head, side, back, limbs, joints, and organs. Ilhrnmatism. Those .1 flirted with this terrible disease will be ure oi" U-ilief by the Life. Medicines. Hush of Wood Ut thr. Hen'l, Scurry. S Jt Rheum, , StrrHinus. Srrofiiht. or Kit"' FrL in it 8 worst forms. Ulcers, .).'' ev.-i v titjsrripf in. War ma of all UuhI.-j are i fleet ually expelled by t'ne medicine". P-'iri-i'ts will do well to administer tiie;:i whenever their e::isteiice is suspected. Relit-f wii! he certain. 'ii'ic Lift- Pills and Vlurnir EiUcrx Purify the Blood. And t'tv.r- a'l drsense from the svt?ni. IV-i-.iie.i by 1H;. WILLIAM 15. MOFFAT, Ni'i. -S.! lirondwiiv, l',,r .-ole by a'! Druggisfs. iMofi'it BuilJingj. X Y. ma v ! : d i-wl v M- lNSCOf. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just published, in a, Sealed Envelope, n Ijceturo orj the. nature, treatment and radical cure of Spermator rhea, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Xcrv ousness and Involuntary Emissions, inducing Iiupo teucy and Mental and Physical Incapacit3 Br ROB. J. CULVER WELL, JI. D , The important fact that t!;e awful consequences of self-abuse may be effectually removed without inter na! medicines or the dangerous applications of caus tics, instruments, medicated bouuies, lnl other em pirical devices, is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly t-uecessful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated author fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thou sands. Sent under seal to any address, post paid, on the receipt of two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. CII. J. C. KLINE, M. D., 481) First Avenue, New York, Post Box 4Sti. April l-d&vvly CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS' Head-Quarters. TAYLOR'S Door, Sash and Blind Factory!! NEWBERN, N. C. Tho Subscriber having put into operation a set of Macfies, (the very best in the United States,) is presed to manufacture every article made of wood used iu building. Doors, Sash, Blinds, Brackets, Moulding from inch to 14 inches, Newel Posts, Balusters, Door and Window Casings, Washboards, Mantles &c, of White or Hard Pine, Maple, Black Walnut, Mahog any or Rosewood, iu style, workmanship and price, which will compare with any respectable Factory in the country. My object is to put a stop to the im portation of these articles from the North. Having unusual facilities in getting material cheap, I can offer inducements to all persons to buy here. Planed Tongue and Grooved Flooring always on hand, or got up at short notice. Lumber by the cargo, at market price. sept 18-d&wtf - R, N. TAYLOR, Ag t. CATCH TIIE MUBDERER-400 RE WARD. Mr. Pennington: Dear Sir.- The citizens of Swift Creek were startled on the 8th instant by the announcement that John Chapman, a respectable citizen of the County, had been murdered by a band of runaway negroes, headed by a negro man calling himself Ben Soon, the property of William Grimes, of Pitt County. Ben Soon is supposed to be the negro that shot and killed Mr. Chapman. This baud of runaway ne groes with Ben at their head is the terror of that region of country, and the citizens of the County, with a commendable spirit, have raised a subscrip tion of $40(1 for the apprehension of the said Ben, commonly known as Ben Soon. The subscription is in the hauds of F.P. Latham, Esq., of Craven Co. The deceased was a young man of irreproachable character and universally esteemed by his neighbor His los8willbe severely felt by the community iv which he lived. SWIFT CREEK. sept 15-dtwtf . REMOVAL. the: subscriber Would respectfully announce to his customers and the public generally, that he has removed to the large and commodious Brick Store, recently occupied by Alexander Miller, Esq., nearly opposite the Wash ington Hotel, where he will keep constantly on hand a large stock of heavy DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. BOOTS &. SHOES, HATS & CAPS, CKOCKEHY GLA8S-WARE, V COTTON, BAGGING. ROPE, &C &C, &.C., : which he will sell at the lowest cash price. Prompt attention given to orders and selling countrv Trodnce A call respectfully solicited. ZAC. BROWN, sept 25-dlm-w3m. - TO THE FRIENDS OF HOIIE MANU FACTURE, THE KIN STON SHOE FACTORY , . IS NOW IN" SUCCESSFUL OPERATION Orders 'or negro BROGANS and BOOTS are so! licited. , ' ., ' . J. C. CARPENTER, Agent, JKINSTON. N. C, -JYiiy2e-dwtf ' .'-;''. :-, -w - - MISCELLANEOUS. ' Thk Amalgam atiow of Languages. There is a growing tendency in this age to appropriate the most expressive words of other languages, and after a while to incorporate them into our own ; thus the word Cephalic, which is frvu the Greek, signifying " for the head," is now beccViing popularized in connection with Mr. Spaldingrsgreat Headache remedy, but it will soon be used in-n. more general way, and the word Cephalic will become as common as Electrotype and many otheis whose distinction as foreign words has been worn away by common usage until they seem ' native and to the idsnor born." 'ardly Realized. Hi 'ad 'n 'orrible 'eadaehe this bafternoon, hand I stepped into the hapothecaries band says hi to the man, can you heaee me of an 'eadaehe 7" "Does it hache 'ard says 'e. " Hexceedmgly,'" says hi, hand upon that 'e gave me a Cephalic Pill, hand 'pon me "onor it cured me so quick that 1 'ardly re alized I 'ad an 'eadaehe. Headache is the favorite sign by which na ture makes known any deviation whatever from ihe natural state of the brain, and viewed in this light it may be looked on as a safeguard intended to give notice of disease which mightvotherwise escape at tention, till too late to be remedied ; and its indica tions should never be neglected. Headaches may be classified under two names, viz : Symptomatic anil Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache is exceedingly common and is the precursor of a great variety of diseases, among which -are apoplexy, Gout, Rheu matism and all febrile diseases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach consti tuting sick headache, of hepatic disease constituting bilious headache, of worms, constipation- and other disorders of the bowels, as well as reual and uterine affections. Diseases of the heart are very frequent ly attended with Headaches: Aaaimia and plethora are also affections which frequently occasion head ache. Idiopathic Headache is also very common, being usually distinguished by the name of nervous headache, sometimes coming on suddenly in a state of apparently sound health and prostrating at once the mental and physical energies, and in ether in stances it comes on slowly, heralded by depression of spirits or acerbity of temper. Inmost instances the pain is in the front of the head, over one or both eyes, ad sometimes provoking vomiting; under this class may also be named Neuralgia: For the treatment of either class of Headache the Cephalic Pills have been found a sure and safe rem edy, relieving the most acute pains in a few minutes, and by its subtle power eradicating the diseases of which Headache is the unerring index. Bridgkt. Missus wants you to send her a box of Cephalic Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared Pilis, but I'm thinking that's not just it naither : but perhaps ye'll be atther knowing what it is. You see she's nigh dead and gone with the Sick Headache, and wants some more of that same as relaived her be fore. Druggist. Yon must mean Spalding's Cephalic Pills. Bridget. Och f sure new and you've sed it, here's the quarther and giv me the Pills and don't be ail day ubout it aither. Constipation or (onlirexcts. No ne of the "many ills flesh is heir to" is so prevalsut, so little understood, and so much neg lected as Cosliveness. Often originating in careless- j ncss, r sedentary habits; it is regarded as a slight disorder ot too little consequence to escite anxiety, while in reality it is the precursor and companion of many of tho most fatal and dangerous diseases, and unless early eradicated it will bring the KfiVrer to fin untimely grave. Among the lighter evils nf which coftiveness is the usual attendant are Head ache, Colic, RheumeAsm, Foul Breath, Piles and others of like nature, while a long train of frightful diseases such as Malignant Fevers, Abccsses. Dy entnr3r, Diarrhona, Dyspepsia, Apoplexy. Fpih'psy, Paralysis. Hysteria, Hypochondriasis Melancholy and Insanity, first indicate their presence in tiie system by this alarming symptom.- Not unfrcrjner.t ly the-diseases named originate in Constipation, but take mi an independent existence unless the cause is eradicated in an early stage From all thrse con siderations it follows that the disorder s-Iiouid re ceive immediate attention whenever it occurs, and no person should neglect to get a box .f Cephalic Pills on the first appearance ff the coinpiaii!.v, ns their timely use will expel the insiduoiss approaches ot disease und destroy thrs dangerous he to huv-an life. A Real Ki ssiiijE". Pfnsici'M. Well, Mr. J. n-s.-l.ow is that hrad ,' ache ? i Mrs. .Tout's. Gone f I i;-r..r, all on; ! the pill i you sent ciireri ir.ii inju-t tweiny :i.:nuUs. n;d I wNh von would send more so that I can have them j liai.dy. ' J'lir-riiTii. Ton a.T) c t thr;n t iiny Drnir'.Msts 1 Call for Cephalic Fills, f firv! thev never I'.iil an 1 I ( recen'itinerd them in all c ises f lie,i'htrhe. i Mrs. ,1-nn 1 shnll -nd ior a box d:rec5ly. nr.d I shad t;-!l nil my sufFjrinz triends. for they are ;i hles'iiig. TiVfviv Mii.i.K'.vs oh Dot. i. a us Mini 3'r Spnl- dilig has sel l two i;:j;iior,s of bo: lies celebra ted p:vpa:ed (ilia :Uid it is eliin::ted ll :i eaeh lioiile -:tres fit !e: st ti Ji dollar. ?roitli X !rok n tar- III? IT" l!:s mahiei; aiT'Ji e'T-it e ot twentv millions ot doll us rt claimed tion, total h bv t i - v.iin-ih invention. M:vi: mad.' hr; t;hr . !n.ueli;, word, he iH.iw pi oposes to ih thv: world villi jii eat.-r s. rvice bv curing a'l the acl;Sr?g heads with his (Vph.-iiic'Pi'ils. and if they are as good as hi.- G!iw, Headaches will soon vanish away like snow in July. JTPCvKrt Exci TKMv.NT, and the ment-il care find anxietv incident to close intention to business or st lid v,ft"e among i he numerous causes of Nervous Headache. The disordered state of mind and body incident to this distressing complaint is a fatsil blow to ail energy and ambition. Surlerers by this disor der can always obtain speedy relief from these dis tressing attacks by usinir ci:e of the Cephnlic Pills whenever the RT-mptoms appear. It quiets tho over tasked brain, and soothes the strained and jarrinir nerves, and relaxes the tension of the stomach which always accompanies and aggravates the disordered condition of the brain. Great Discovert. Among the mo?t important of all the great medical discoveries of this age may be considered the system of vaccination for protec tion from Small Pox, the Cephalic Pill for relief of Headache, and the use of Quinine for the preven tion of Fevers, either of which is a sure specific, whose benefits will be experienced by suffering hu manity long after their discoverers are forgotten. Op Did you ever have the Sick Headache ? Do vou remember the throbbing temples, the fevered brow, the loathing and disgust at the sight of food. How totally unfit you were for pleasure, eonversa tionorstudy. One of the Cephalic Pills would have relieved you from allthe suffering which you then experienced. For this and other purposes you should always have a box of them on hand to use as occasion requires. Facts Worth Knowing. Spalding's Cephalic Pills are a certain cure for Sick Headache, Billlous Headache. Nervous Headache, Costiveness and General Debilit3'. CURE MepvousHeadache CURE A By the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of Nervous or Sick Headache may be prevented ; and if taken at the commencement of an attack immedi ate relief from pain and sickness will ce obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Headache to which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowelsrtmoving Cos tiveness. For Literary men, Students. Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valua ble as a Laxative, improviug the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long in vestigation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount ot pain and suffering from Headache, whether origina ting in the nervous system or from a deranged state tne stomach. . They are'entiroly vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and the abscn. e of any disagreeable taste renders it easy to administer them to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS .' The genuine have five signatures of Honry C. Spal ding on each Box. " Sold by Druggists and other Dealers in Medi cines. .'" - . - - - A Box will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt ot the ".. V ' :' AU orders ehonld be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, - 4.H Cedar Street, New York. nov 23dwly ... '.- I . -BBBBssnsnnnnnnnnnnnniMSj The Newbera Variety Store! ' - - i , A. Mitchell &, Son, K2WBEB1T, W. C. HAVE FOR SALE A LARGE STOCK OP Staple Dry Gbods, Consisting in part of Satinets, Kerseys, Linseys, Shawls, Flannels, Os naburgs. Sheetings, Shirtings, Calico, Delaines, Stripes, Plaids, ' FINE BED BLANKETS, MACK AN AW AND COLORED BLANKETS, Bed Ticking, a superior article alwayar on hand. Cottgv Yarns assorted, inhales atFactory prices. Blue Cottoii .Yarn. Carpet Warp, white and color ed ; Carpeting s few pieces for sale low. "OSr 8 rock of GROCERIES ts very large. 1000 Sacks of Liverpool Ground Salt. 2000 Bushels Alum Salt, very coarse. New Orleans, Porto Rico and English Island Mo lasses. Crushed, Graulated, Powdered, Loaf, A', B St C Sugars. Sperm,-Adamantine and Tallow Candles. Duryre Superior and Satin Gloss Starch, Charles ton Rice, Saleratus, Pepper. Ginger, Spice, See., (put up in convenient packages for retail.) Mess Pork, iYess Beef ; -Java, Lagnayrt and Rio Coffee ; Green and Black Teas; Lorrillard'a H T Snuff, Olive, Pale. Detersive and Soda Soaps ; Tobacco of various brands ; Crackers of all kinds. Can at all times supply country merchants with any article in the Grocery lice. PADXTERS' BRUSHES, WHITE WASn BRUSHES, PORPOISE, WHALE AND LINSEED OILS. TAINTS, White, Black and Red Leads. Carriage Hardware and Trimmings. Saddles, a very large assortment. ' KOggy, Stag and Cart Ilarness. Bridles for riding, and harness in great variety. Springs. Axles, Castings, Bolls, Rims, Shafts Spokes ij-c. Gilt China Tea Setts, White Granite and Com dion Crockery, Stone Jars, Jugs, Butter Jars, Glass Bowls, Goblets, Tumblers, &c. We would call the attention' of Fisharmeil to th large stock of GILL TWINES, No. 20, 25, 28. 30. (The Anchor Gill Twine sold only by us is very superior.) COTTON SEIXE TWINF., COTTON NET TJXES, RATLIN, NET LEADS, ice. But we vrould call the especial attention of FARilSHS and MECHANICS to our Stock of HARDWARE AND Building Materials ! We have Stock Loefcs.-Moitise Locks, Rim Locks, Plate Locks, Nignt Locks and Latches, with night keys. Front Door Locks (very fine and large.) Pad Locks, S.ish Locks, Blind .Door Locks, and other varieties. The Axes, Hatches, Grub Hoes, CS Hoes, ai d eve ry kind of Carpenters, Black Smiths, Coopers and Brick Maeens' Tools, sold by u, are of superior quality and warranted. A Fiiie asssortment of DISTON S CELEBRATED HAND PANEL and TENON SAWS, will be kept c-n hand ; Circular Saws of bin mannfae turewillbe delivered to any point on the A. Si N. (' R. R without extra charge at manufacturer pricf:. To Shingle cetters we would off;r the SHINGLE DRAWING- KNIFE, muds expressly for .-ts und warranted. ! G TJ T L E H Y. t Pock e!t and Pen 5foives, Dnzors, Table Knives nnd ! Forks, 2 or 3 jror:?r. Settsof Ivory Knives, with eitli -I er stee? or Silver forks. i Ptwx, Sf'ith, Sffrsl, Manure Fork.. i iiln idp, .Americnn aud nyl p Jfc f rc-Vt. ' C-r-t .Siet-!, Gunnan, Sjiring and Plow Steel ! COTTON BAGGING AND ROPE. j Wood vare, Grind Stones, Mill Stones. ! Ship Chandlery. CANVASS, DUCK, i ' Hemp, Manilla and R:nsH Ropes; Patent, Friction I nnd ISusIicd li loc Us, ! Composition Thimbles, Hinges, Hasps, &c, Copper Trails, Rivets, Tacts, Cart Body and Band Nails. COO Kegs Iron Nails, for sale low. We have on hand a large lot of Storks and Dies, of King & Co.'s make, for sale at much lessthau former prices. , O-XJISTS- We have also a large stock of Double nnd Singh. Guns, London Twist, Laminated Steel and other niiikes; Eley s Caps. Wads, Cartridges, Powder Flasks. Shot" Pouches and Bags, Game Bags, Pow der, Shot, Halls. Hollow Ware. POTS, SPIDERS, KETTLES, OVENS, fcC. IRON SHOVEL and TONGS, ANDIRONS, BRASS SHOVELS and TONGS, BRASS ANDIRONS, &C. Cauldron's Sugar Rotters, and Farmers' Boilers of anv size furnished at short notice. LEATHER BANDING OF ALL SIZES, RUBBER do " " Rubber Packing, also Hemp Packing, and Lace Leather of any size, furnished to order. Peruvian Guano always on hand. We are Agents for, and Supply at Manufacturer's prices EVAXS' AXD WATSOX'S SAL AM A NDER SA FES, Bank Vaults; Bank Locks; IroD Shutters; Doors; Sash Sec.; Robinson's Manipulated Guano ; Harrison's Grist MHs : K,idd's Cotton Gins; McLinder's Improvement; Wire and Iron Railing for Cemeteries, Balcony, &.c. FOUNTAINS or any kind of Iron Castings. Verandahs, Marble Monuments, Tomb-Stanei, CBOVEB & BAKER'S Sewing Machines, delivered in Newbern at Manufacturers prices and full instruction given. Our arrangements are such that we can supply at short notice any article oi Amerioan or E"ghsh manufacture. GP Attention given to the sale of Cotton, piour. or any kind of Country produce. nv 10-ddna VAIXARLE TOWN LOT FOB Ti InthlnJltterof In Equity-Craven, Thomas P Devereux, r l860. aud John Devereux, j y By virtue of a decree of the Court of Equity, for Craven County, at the last Term, in the above case, the Clerk and Master will expose to public sale at the Couit House, in the town of Newbernjon Thurs day, the 2(lth day of December next, the following valuable Real Estate, to-wit:- Lot and dwelling-house on Middle street, now oc cupied by William G. Bryan, Esq. Lot number 45 on Pollok street, now occupied by J R. Bailey, Esq. Lot nnu.ber on East Front street, between Union, and King streets. Water part of Lot number , in cluding wharf, now occupied by Dr. W. W. Orins bee. One f:s.lf of Lot number 304 on New street, between Craven and Middle streets. Witness, Frederick C. Robets, Clerk and Master in Equity for said County, Newbern, this 7th day of November, 1860. , xr o, F. C. ROBERTS, C. M. E. Nov 8d&wtd : - - . Town's Branchial Trebe Just received jjcccmoer 16 by J. GOODING J