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v is I' - NEWBEM, N. C, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1863. NUMBER 21. VOLUME 5. 7 LA l Iv : i Is published Daily and Weekly Frm the Progress Buildings, Craven. Street. TBRHII OF PAPER. Daily Procbess, one year... - " 6 moDthg " ' 3 months - 1 month ............. Weekly Progress, one year 6 months.. .......... . ...$6 (Mi ... 3 00 ... 1 50 .... 50 ... a oo ... 1 00 All tubtcriptions to be ftid . mdca-ce. ADTBRTIMN6 RATES. The following rates will be charged for all adver tiemD' inserted in the ' Daily Progress after Chis dale: Omk Soar of Twelve Likes or Less, Oa day. ...... .S 75 Two weeks $1 50 One month 5 00 ; In days... ' Three day. ' Foardays... ... I 00 ... 1 37 Two months........ 8 50 Three months...... 12 50 ...1 75 fin iV ""l" 1 ' " J , lllim U.iiii. i urn nuc. ....... ... " . Twelve lines or ie win . sqnare and additional squares will be charged the "m- RATES IN THE WEEKLY. One square, one insertion, $1.00, and 25 cents for ; rerr subsequent insertion. No attention wi'ii be paid to advertisements sent. . by letter, unless a remittance in money accompany them. j or rRiHTina, Of every description, neatly and promptly exe nted at this office. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. Seaate. "Washington, Jan. 6, 1863. Mr. Ten Eyck (Rep., N. J.) presented a pe tition in favor of a uniform bankrupt law. FRAUDULENT CONTRACTS. Mr. "Wilson (Rep., Mass.,) from the Commit tee on Military Affairs, reported back the bill , to suspend temporarily the act to prevent and punish fraud on the part of officers intrusted with making contracts for the Government, and moved that the bill be put upon its pas sage. Mr. Powell (Dem., Ky.) hoped the bill would not pass. There was some very curious- his tory about the bill. It was passed at the extra Session, at;d then suspended because some of the heads of the bureaus were opposed to it He moved to refer it to the Judiciary Commit tee. Mr. Trumbull (Rep., 111.) said there had been great complaints of frauds, and this bill was passed. But on representation of beads of departments, it was suspended. If Congress could not psss a bill to punish fraud without its being constantly suspended in this way, he thought it better be repealed at once. Mr. Grimes (Rep.. Iowa) contended that the bill was. in effect, to establish a Bureau of Returns and to provide a punishment for false returns. He did not think the bill could be . cTTtoH into of I'u ft in time of war. MrTTlatif Rep., N. H.) suggested that the operation of the bill be suspended until the 3d of March, thus giving time to amend it and make it practical. Mr. Saulsbury (Dem., Del.) moved to post pone Ibe bill indefinitely. Mr. Fessenden (Rep., M.) hoped not, and argued that from the immense number of con tracts, it would be almost impossible to carry out the bill, except at vast expense. There was already a good law making contractors liable to military laws, by which they could be punished. After further discussion, the subject was postponed. PAYMENT OP THE ARMY AND NAVY. Mr. Wilson (Rep., Mass.,) lrom the Commit tee on Military Affairs, reported back the House joint resolution for the payment of the soldiers of the Army and the seamen and marines of the Navy, with an amendment authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to issue $50,000,000 of Demand Treasury Notes, in addition to the amount authorized by the act of July, 1S62. Mr. Fessenden (Rep., Me.) moved that the resolution be referred to the Committee on Finance. Mi-. Wilson, (rep.) Mass., said he had no ob jection to such reference, but thought it was high time our soldiers should be paid. Many of them had been waiting for months, and some bad gone home into the poor house, and their families were paupers, because they had not been paid as promptly as they should have been. Many men have deserted from solicitude for their families. He thought the Government ought to be furnished with the means to pay these men immediately. Mr. Howard (Rep.) Mich., said nothing had been more disparaging than the failure to pay the volunteers their money when due; and he hoped this stigma would soon be done away with. The bill was referred to the Committee on Finance. 1iiKtiai ijt of&tatv j'i laun'x. On motion of Mr. Wright, (un.) Ind., the bill concerning the discharge of State prisoners was taken up, and he proceeded to address the Sen ate at length. He said he should not vote for the amendment of the Senator from Kentucky (Mr. Davis) to strike out the section authoriz ing the President to suspend the writ of habeas corpus. It was at times necessary to make ar rests, and he was not willing to give the Re publicans the credit of this bold, but necessary measure. It was a principiple of the old and true Democracy. Jackson and Jefferson both asserted the truth of this principle. He quoted from letters of Jefferson, also from the speech es of Douglas, in support of this assertion. He was sorry to see men discuss these questions in such a way as to embarrass the Govern ment, notwithstanding their own boasted loy alty. The Senator from Kentucky (Mr. Pow ell) and others loudlj' declared that they were loyal to the Constitution. It was only a few months ago that a few Democrats issued a call for a party organization, and from this had arisen many of the troubles which now per plex the country. In times like these every good and true man should ask bow he could best serve his country', and not stop to inquire what some Abolitionists had done. The Sena tor from Kentucky (Mr. Powell) bad rejoiced over the result of thu recent elections. Hut those elections had been brought about by means not calculated to produce much. It was by discouraging enlistments, especially of those who could st:iy at home and vote, by making . chnrges against the Government, by opposing the confiscation acts, by opposing taxation for the expenses of the war, by impressing the North west with the great importance of the Valley of the Mississippi ; and all these men vaunted long and loud their loyalty to the Hiovetamcnt. But none of them like the senator from Kentucky ( Mr. Powell), said he was opposed to coercion. He argued in favor of an iron will and nerve, and a determined policy on the part of the Executive to crush out the Rebel lion by every possible means ; and he would take the property of the rebels everywhere. He wanted to see (he Mississippi River opened by the brave Western boys, and the supplies of Rebeldom cut off. He wanted to see a hun dred thousand slaveholders running one way, and a million of niggers the other. Applause in the galleries. He wanted to strike at the heart of the disease, and then we should see daylight There was nothing to despond about He thanked God we had an army, a navy, and a country ; and be thanked God for another thing that we had a General in the field who was not fishing for the Presidency, who, with his Staff, was to be found in the thickest of the fight, and his name was Roae- erana. f Applause in the galleries. I tie would iilili V1U1U 10 any foreign intervention. yiuiu ' Americans must settle their own diffiulties; and H was oaly in the event of a guerilla war fare that ha feared foreign intervention. He would labor signally for the good of the coun try, and for no party. The bill was then postponed until to-morrow. Comfort of the Sick and Wounded. Mr. Wilson ( Rep., Mass. ) introduced a bill to provide lor the greater comfort of the sick and wounded soldiers in the hospitals, and to promote the efficiency of the Medical Depart ment The bill provides that the rations of the sol diers in hospitals be commuted at the rate of 80 cents per day, which shall be reckoned by the Commissary Department as a credit to the hospitals, to be expended in the same way as the hospital fund is under the present regula tions. PROn NEW ORLEANS. No event of moment has transpired since the departure ot the steamer Spaulding. Other vessels of Gen. Banks' Expedition had arrive!, and there were already in camp at Ba ton Kouge, about 10.000 of the newiy-arrived troops. Gen. Banks, it was understood, had proposed making Baton Rouge his headquarters. Gen. Banks had issued a peremptory order that the sentence imposed on Pyreux for challenging an officer should take place Rieter, a German, one of the prisoners released by Gen. Banks on Christmas Day, killed bia wife with a chisel. The Delta tells the story thus : The murder of Mrs Mary Kieter, by her brutal husband, is the most revolting deed of blood that it has been our duty to record for many a day in New Orleans. The poor woman had sat up nearly the entire light before, sewing and preparing little things for the children that they might be able to go forth and enjoy their Christmas like other boys and girls of their age, and she was in the act of preparing their Christmas dinner, little dreaming her husband was at liberty, but supposing he was still in prison, wbilher Judge Bell bad sent him for a previous attempt ea her life, when be stole in upon her, sriaee her by the arm, and tubbed her to lmlli in too back. It waa a tar rible deed of blood and has horrified the commu nity. Rieter does not deny that he committed the murder, and all he can say for himself is, that he is sorry for it. Christmas Day was marked by nnusual scenes of rowdyism. Eight persona were arrested for cheering for Jeff. Davis Among those arrested is an English Lieutenant of her Brittanie Majesty's ship Vesuvius. His name of Ralph Hautree. He was very violent and assaulted the policeman Some Yankee sai lois happennd to be near, went to the assistance of the policeman, secured him, and helped to convey him to the lock up, where he was put in t he stocks, and on the following day was fined $50. The Delta says that the Mississippi River is rising. The French had gained some snccessos in Mexico. Such was the news in New Orleans. The following is taken from The Vicksburg Whig oi the 19th nlt. San Antonio, Dec. 4. 18G2 By express from Monterey we are in receipt of the following in teresting item of news. A French force of about 5,000 men ( part of the advance guard ) met and engaged a Mexican division of about 25.000, commanded by Gen. Ortega, near the town of Puebla. and "after a sharp fight the Mexicans gave way and fled in all directions. The victors took possession of Puebla, where they 'till await the arrival of reinforcements, and then advance on the City of Mexico, distance ninety miles. ' A French force (6,000) landed and took pos session of Tnmpico. It is supposed that port will be open to the commerce of the world, but trade will not be permitted to extend beyond the limits held by the invaders A French frigate, with colors flying was re cently seen by some Mexicans, passing through the Union fleet off the mouth of the Rio Grande, and supposing- that all the vessels belonged to the same nationality, they made post-haste to Matamoras with the alarming intelligence that a French fleet had arrived to blockade, and proba bly attack the town. The news created qnite a panic in Matamoras, and it was not until the facta of the case were ascertained and made public that contidenee was restored. The foregoing explaius many of -thfiruTOors in c'-iilMion. Cotton has fallen '26 cents in Mattamoraa. New Orleans, Dec. 27, 1862. Maj. Finegas of the 2d Louisiana Native Guards, knocked a citizen down in the St Charles Hotel lor shouting : "To hell with Gen. Butler three cheers for Jefferson Davis !"' The steamer J. M. Brown was attacked by guerrillas on the morning of the 23d, while ascending the Bayou Bonfonca, after a load of bricks and wood. The bushwhackers are said to have been commanded by a Capt. Evans. One negro was killed and another wounded. Private Hoyt, of the 4th Massachusetts Battery, was also wounded. A detachment of soldiers belonging to Company F, 31st Matsarhusetts. who was oh board, opened on the guerrillas and and put them to flight. From frtn Frsaeiwo. San Francisco, Jan. 3, 1863. Trade is exceedingly quiet. The ship Gleaner has cleared for Boston, carrying 13,000 hides, 14,000 sacks of copper ore, 630 bales of wool, and 60 pipes of Califor nia wine. - President Lincoln's Proclamation t liberate the slaves, was published here in the evening papers to-day, and although it was fully ex pected, it produces a most profound sensation. One hundred guns are being fired, fcc. Jan. 5. Arrived, steamer St. Louis, from Panama. Front Trxa. The i(w drifting Dilla of the 29th nlt , says : "The bark Inland City arrived yesterday from Galveston, and anchored below the city, "bring ing 75 passengers from Texas, among whom are many females, all in a destitute condition. They wore brought up to the city last evening from the bark by the steamei Iberville. All was quiet at Galveston when the Island Cit7 sailed." The steamer Marion, from New York, arrived at New Orleans on the &fth. Important from the Southwest. ROUT of the REBELS HT ARKANSAS. OFFICIAL REPORT of CEHT. BX.171VT, Headquarters, Army or tiie Frontier,) Van Buren, Ark., Dec 28, 1862. f Major Gen. Curtis: General The Stars and Stripes now wave in triumph over Van Buren. On learning that Ilindman had been reinforced, and contempla ted making another attempt to force his way to Missouri, I determined to make the attack upon him. Leaving my transportation north of the mountains, I marched from Prairie Grove at 8 o'clock in the morning upon the place, distance fifty miles. At 10 o'clock my advance came upon two regiments of rebel cavalry at Dripping Springs, eight miles north of the ricer Dashin-upon thetrr-wtth three thousand cavalry and four mountain howitzers, a brisk running fight took place, which was kept up into tne town, re sulting in the capture of all their transports tion, forty wagons, with six mule teams, all their camp and garrison equipage, one hundred prisoners and a large amount of ammunition. Four steamers and a ferry boat were also captured. The latter, in attempting to cross the river with rebel troops, was shelled from the howitzers, when in the middle of the stream. The boat was disabled, and a number of the men were killed. The remainder jump ed overboard and n;au ashore. Three large steaiuefs, heavily laden with government supplies, had got up steam, and attempted to escape down the river, but were pursued by the cavalry five miles and brought to by the fire of their carbines, aad returned to the levee. The enemy then brought their artillery to the opposite bank of the river, and commenced shelling the town for the purpose of driving out my cavalry, but resulting in no other damage than the destruction of some building. My artillery, coming up, soon silenced their batteries. Quite a number of the enemy have been killed during the day's operations. The only casualties on our side are five or six men slightly wounded. My long range guns are-now shelling the rebel camp across the river, ffve miles below this place. If the enemy does not retreat dur ing the night, I shall endeavor to cross my troops over the river in the morning and offer them battle. Respectfully, Jas. G. Blunt, Brigadier General Commanding. Thr Loh of the tHeaitor. The Monitor, in tow of the steamer Rhode Island, started from Fortress Monroe about 3 o'clock on Monday afternoon, Dec. 29th. The Passaic, in tow 'of the steamer State of Geor gia, had gone out some time before, and was perhaps ten miles at sea. On board the Mon itor were 63 persons all told. The sea was calm and smooth as glass, and the weather warm and pieaqant. Xhe vessel, proceeded at the rate of about five or six knots an hour, with a perceptible motion less than that of any other vessel. Everything seemed auspicious for a pleasant trip, and at night ail went below to sleep. They then began to experience the effects of close air. In the interior of the Monitor, as will be re membcred by the descriptions, a few feet for ward of the smoke stack to the stern is located the machinery, the fire-room, &c. Under the turret, and a few feet forward of the main hatch, is the place occupied by the sailors. Still further forward is the cabin and ward room. This is lighted by turret holes. Around this are four largo rooms,- say 7 by 8 feet, and four smaller ones, 6 by 9 feet, occupied by the officers. She had blower engines put in at Washington, for the purpose of drawing all the air possible though the holes of the turret and the blower-stacks. With the exception noticed of the closeness of the air, which, indeed, was almost insup portable, there was nothing to mar the comfort of the first night. The next morning broke beautifully, but with light breeze that smashed up little waves against the turret, just enough to make small rainbows when the sun was shining on the bow's. So the weather contiuued until Wednesday (Thursday) after noon, when it became cloudy, and as the sky grew darken it was thought they might have rain. Soon, however, the wind cleared all the clouds away, and they thought there would be agreeable weather all the way down ; but la ter in the afternoon, about 5 o'clock, it com menced to blow. At 6 o'clock they stood S. S. W. from Hat teras Light, having cleared the Cape, the wind freshening more and more, but no apprehen sions being felt of a gale. About 7 o'clock they discovered the Passaic, some three or four miles to the Northeast. When they saw the Passaic thus in her stern, she having been ten miles ahead at the start, all on board the Mon itor could not but feel a pride that she (the Monitor) was the first there, as everywhere else that she was the first iron-clad that had rounded Cape Hattcras, as she had led in na- vi Ltv..iM.n frU . ..wilainn thi r-r- nH at that the storm would not overtake them, and therefore it was not riecessary to run to wards Hatter as Inlet. The breeze was blowing pretty freshly, and increasing in violence, but there were indica tions in the west of its clearing off until about 8 o'clock, when, in the space of a few minutes, a storm of wind and rain gathered in the south-west, the wrath of the waves augment ing, with a sea so rough that it began to dash against the tower, throwing up fountains that leaped 80 or 40 feet in air, washing all over the turret. The fury of the storm kept on, every wave dashing over the whole vessel from stem to stern, and entering at every crevice intended for the admission of air. The vessel was thumped about in a manner indescribable. The rain lasted from a quarter to half an hour, but the gale raged even more intensely than before. The vessel began to leak they hardly knew where it came in but it was very serious around the forecastle and anchor. It was about 9 o'clock, and the pumps were set in motion. They rapidly gained on the water, but in about half an hour they kept about even pace with each other. The gale had increased to a hurricane ; the Monitor reeling and shudering from end to end. Fast er and faster the water came in. It was gain ing on the pumps. By 10$ o'clock the water was reported gaining rapidly. A few minutes later, and the report was that it would soon be up to the tires. This again was followed by a report that the vessel could not live mora than two or three hours longer. The water, rapidly neared the fires ; when they were put out the pumps could not be worked. When it was reported that the Monitor could not stand it more than an hour or two longer, signals of distress were at once made. llvd, white aud blue rockets were thrown up, andwere answered by the Rhode Island. This was at 11 o'clock, when it had been decided as impessible to save the vessel, and attention was turned towards saving thoir own lives. One of the hawsers connecting the Monitor with the Rhode Island had parted between 8 anj 9 o'clock. When the Rhode Island an swesd, a voice on the Monitor cried out throtgh a trumpet that they were in a sinking condition. Those appealed to on the Rhode Island went to work with the utmost speed to sendjboats to the rescue. It Iras a most daring undertaking, but they got tut a launch and manned her, and riding on tie crests and sinking in the hollows of! wavet, she made toward the Monitor. At this I time he sky was filled with clouds, through whicl a little light from the moon appeared, so thit objects could be distinguished. The remaning hawser is now cut so that the boats fchailpot get entangled ; the hawser becomes e&augted with the paddle-wheel of the Rhode Island ; the rope clogs the wheel, and the Rhode Island, a large war steamer, is drifting toward the Monitor; the launch is between die two vessels thus Rearing each other, and seems doomed to destruction ; the launch reaches the side of the iron-clad. The proximity is dangerous to all, for two or three lurches and the sharp prow ol the Monitor will stave in the wooden walls of the steamer. All feel that they shall go to the bcttom. There is a terrible silence so far as those on the Monitor are concerned. As two or three jump out of the boat, the oars are seen to flash in the air; the launch is heard crushing; in a second the crew have sprang on the deck of the Monitor. Simultaneously the hawser is cleared from the paddle-wheel, and the Rhode Island runs off, without the fatal shock, to a safe distance. While the vessels lay alongside, several of the Monitor's crew sprang for the ropes that dangled from the side of the Rhode Island, and some succeeded in climbing up, while olhe.s were washed into the sea. The crew of the launch now sprang back into her, but those of the Monitor were reluctant to trust them selves to make the attempt, as several were washed oft the deck by the great seas swash ing over. They clung, therefore, to the top of the turret, fearing they might share the fate ttey had witnessed overtaking others, preferr ing their chance to livi a little longer, although there was the moral certainty that they could not remain and live long. Finally the launch was filled, having taken on probably some fifteen from the Monitor. All that were on deck at the time got in, and tho launch was ordered off. - Some stuffed the crushed side with pea jackets, while others bailed out. and the rowers tried to get to tbe steamer, which was their only hope. Meanwhile, the Rhode Island had launched a wbaleboat. Tbe sea, which was terrific, dashed the wbaleboat npon the launch with terrible ferocity. One of the officers in the launch sprang over toward the side and stretch ed out both bis arms to break the blow and turn thB course of the boat This he succeeded in doing, but net without considerable injury to himself. Getting close to the steamer, the men spring for tbe ropes, and some lose their hold, -aw are swallowed by the sea, although nearly every one in tbe boat ia saved. The wbaleboat saved others from tbe iron clad. A third rescuing boat was sent, commanded by Mi. Brown, a brave man, and skillful in manage ment of a boat. This has not been beard from, but it may bave picked up some survivors, and have got safely to some other vessel. The Moni tor vent down about 2 o' the morning. D Weeks wished our reporter to state that he wastoo much exhausted by his wounds and ex posure to detail further incidents connected with this disaster. All were treated with the greatest kindness on the Rhode Island. Fortress Monroe, Jan. 4. ' Tie steamer Rhode Island arrived. Fortress Monroe last evening. The surviving officers and crew of the Monitor came on the Rhode Inland. Tlere were lost on the Monitor four officers and twelve men, also one officer and seven men belonging to the Rhode Island lost in attempting to stve the men of tbe Monitor. One boat which left lhe Rhode Island to save the Monitor's men, has lot been heard arom Tke Monitor sunk off Cape Hattaras in 45 fa tlioras of water. The cause of her being lost was leakage. She gained two feet of water iu one hour, with ell her pumps working. Sailing Master Stodder was the last man to leive the Monitor. Those who were lost refused to come down from the turret as the sea was con stantly breaking over them, and they were afraid of being washed away. INCIDBNTR Of TIIE WAR. The following incidents of the war are clipped from the letters of correspondents : SPARKING OUTSIDE OK THE LINES IN DIXIE. A correspondent writing from Helena, Ark., relates the following : As a general, rule, the "beauty" sympathizes with the "chivalry" of the South, turns the "cold shoulder" upon tbe Yankee invaders, and seldom approximates acquaintance and friendship nearer than "the retort courteous." Indeed, our bravest and best, if not best looking, soldiers, in view of iliese prejudices, play the Benedict, and have sworn constancy to "glory." which, Bulwer says, "is 'be oaly mistress which true genius should woo." Yet "shoulder-straps," especially when backed by a little perseverauce and a good address, bave always been potent in subduing the obduracy and preji.tlice of lli female heart. Honco, there are exceptions to the rule above mentioned. Per exemptia gratia. Lieut. Bailet , of the Ninth Il linois cavalry, has been "courting" a fait "seceh" damsel, living upon a plantation three iniSes be yond our picket lines. How, where, or how of ten the smitten lieutenant got the "permits" is as great mystery to me, as how and of whom these "merchant vessels" get their "permits" that are continually passing this ultima thule of Federal command (I suppose) "to trade" in the direction of Vicksburg. As it is rumored here that our worthy and gallant general, F. K. Steele, is about to lead to tbe altar a handsome and wealthy "Dixie lady," living within the lines, it is possi ble that tbe lieutenant found favor with the com mander, upon the theory that "a follow teeling makes us wondrons kind '." But let tbat pass. Lieut. Bailey went out last Sunday to pay a real sociable "Sonth'-rn visit ; in Western parlance, he brought "his knittin'," with the evident intent to "stay awhiie." Sunday, Monday, Tuesday passed, and the happy lovers " took no note of time." But, alas 1 " course of true love," &c, Tuesday night, about midnight, when the moon shone bright, and " the soft wind did gently kiss the trees," and the lieutenant, doubtless in dreatns, felt kisses softer still, a band of unscrupulous guerillas, who worship at the shrine of Mars and despise Venus, stole in upon him, dragged him from his dreams and his bed, and bore him far away southward. We read in the book of Judges of one Samp son, who was caught in like manner. His lady-love, we are told, had sold herself to his enemies, yet ostensibly gave him warning. I have not beard that the lieutenant's Delilah rushed into the chamber of her lover, crying : " The guerillas be upon thee, Bailey !" And if she had done so, it. was lost labor. A fair show for the lieutenant's strength and safety lay in bis feet, and " he was caught with bis 6vek off." A GENERAL CAUGHT IN BIS OWN TRAP. The same correspondent tells the following at tbe expense of General bteele A short time since General Steele issned an order confining soldiers more closely to camp, and prohibiting all 'sky-larking' after ten o'clock. A few evenings since, as report goes, the Genertl himself found it necessary to be on the streets after the hour before named. He was promptly and unceremoniously halted by a patrol, who demanded hia pass. "I have no pass, sir," said the General, throwing bis sharp eye upon tbe soldier and making a strong advance. "Then you've got to go with me to tbe provost," said the sentinel, at the same time laying a heavy band upon the gentlemanly looking citizen before him, whom be no doubt took tor a rebel spy. " am General Steele." taid tbe commander, falling hack on his dignity, and reserving to the last extremity tbe astounding announcement, before which he expected the santiael to quail and subside. "I don't know that, and I don't care a d n if you are," promptly replied the soldier, stubborn and unabashed ; "my orders are imperative, net discretionary ; if you are General Steele, you've got a pass ; and if you haven't, you must go to the provost marshal 1" Through tbe interposi tion of a shoulder-strapped friend, it ia said, tbe general was finally permitted to go on his way rejoicing. SINGULAR FIDELITY OP A DOU ON THE BATTLE FIELD. As Hon. John Covode. in company with a num ber of officers, was passing over the battle-field beyond Fredericksburg, their attention was called to a small dog lying by a corpse. Mr. Co vode halted a few minutes to see if life was ex tinct. Raising tbe coat from the man's face, he found him dead. The dog, looking wistfully up. ran to the dead man's face and kissed his silent lips. Such devotion in a small dog was so singu lar that Mr. Covode examined some papers npon the body, and found it to be that of Sergeant W. H. Brown, Co C, Ninety first Pennsylvania. Tho dog was shivering in tbe cold, but refused to leave her master's body, and as the coat was thrown over his face again, he seemea very un easy, and tried to get under it to the man's face. He bad, it seems, followed the regiment into battle, and stuck to bis master, and when he fell remained with him, refusing to leu ve him or to cat anything. Aa the party returned an ambu lance was carrying tbe corpse to a little grove of trees for interment, and the little dog following, the only mourner at tbe funeral, as the heros comrades had been called to some other point. A Bcvolaiionsry RetaiaiaccMce. From some sketches of Valley Forge, we take the following account of the army ia its winter quarters : " Having decided on his winter-quarters being here, Washington arrived with the army at Valley Forge on the 19th of December, 1777. The voice of prayer and praise was heard throughout the camp the next day, in accordance with the appointment of Congress for a day of thanksgiving and praise. It was a glorious triumph of patriotism over suffering and want of principle, over neglect of virtue, over starvation, to exhibit' such spectacle on the border of a winter forest, whose snowb were stained with their blood-tracked march. "Next .day they began to build their huts, the marks of which are still visible in one or two places. Those most visible are by the side of the road toward the river, half-way from Valley Forge to Port Kennedy. Each regiment was divided into paitiesof twelve, and each party was to build a log-hut 14 feet by 16, and feet high, the sides made tight with clay, and the roof to be lormed ot split slabs or anything that would serve as a sub stitute. Gen. Washington offered a dollar to each man of the party which completed the first and best hut, and one hundred dollars to the man whe would substitute a better and more iiVuiiauio HiuuTig than slabs. "Out of 11,000 men who arrived here, 3,000 were unfit for duty. Groups of 50 and 100 were to be seen here and there in their nakedness, huddling around fires to keep from freezing. Others were sick from exposure, and sadly presaging their fate. " Happily the trees were failed. To bring the logs to their places men harnessed them selves to them like beasts of burden. Hut after hut rose till there were over a thousand, all in sigH of Washington's tent These huts were ranged in parallel rov. s, with spaces be tween, like the streets of a town. Those of the same State were together. The huts of the officers were in the rear of tho soldiers, one to each of the superior officers. The in trenchments were outside of the whole. In these huts was placed a bed of straw on the ground, and these 'Sons of Liberty,' as Col. Barre called them in the English Parliament, crept in to- suffer, and starve, and die. The farmers around were manv of them Tories, whom large offers to pay, and threats, were alike powerless to move. Washington, acting under a resolution from Congress, ordered them to thresh out one-half their grain for seventy miles around, by the first of Febru ary, and the other half by the first of March, under penalty of its being seized as straw. But they refused : and while some fought with desperation, others burned their grain. About this time the whole army passed a week with out a pound of meat in the camp. They had but one commissary to purchase provisions in the camp, and be reported 'not a hoof to slaughter, and not more than twenty-five bar rels of flour. In communicating this fact to Congress, Washington said, ' brom my soul 1 pity those miseries, which it is neither in my power to relieve nor prevent.' " Mrs. Washington joined her husband in February, and not only shared his privations, but did all in her power to mitigate too sutter ings of the soldiers." Paach'a Charge to thejarr. The subjoined "charge" was cut from an old file of the Lancaster Intelligencer, into which it was copied from the London Punch about fifteen years ago : "Gentlemen of the Jury: You are sworn in all cases to decided according to the evidence ; at the same time, if you have any doubt you are bound to give the prisoner the benefit of it. Suppose you have to pronounce the guilt or in nocence of a gentleman accused of felony. You will certainly doubt whether any gentleman would commit such offence ; accordingly, how ever strong may be the testimony against him, you will perhaps acquit him. The evidence of your own senses is, at loast, as creditable as tbe witnesses ; if, therefore, your eyesight convince you that the prisoner is a well-dressed person, von have a right to presume bis respectability : and it is for you to s.iy whether a respectable person would be likely to be guilty of the crimes imputed to him. In like manner, wtien you see a shabby looking fellow in tha dock, charged, for example, with sheep stealing, the declaration rests with you f.rst, whether or not that individual is a ragamuffin, and, secondly, how far it is probably tbat a man of that description would steal aheep. Of couise, as has been said before, you will always be guided by the evidence; but whether the evidence is trustworthy or not. is a matter for your private consideration. You may believe it you choose, or you may disbelieve it ; auu whether, genxlemeu of the jury, yeu ftiU believe or disbelieve, will depend upon the constitution of your minds. If yonr minds are so constituted that you desire to find him not guilty wby thurt very likely you will disbelieve it. You are to free your minds from all prejudice, if you can, and iu that case your judgement will be un biassed ; but, if you cannot you will return a verdict accordingly. It is not, strictly speaking, for you to consider what will be the effect of your verdiot ; but, if such a consideration should occur to you, and you cannot help attending to it, the verdict will be influenced by it to a cer tain extent. You are probably aware that when you retire you will be locked up until you con trive to ajrree. You may arrive at unanimity by fair discussion, or by some of you starving oui the others, or by tossing up; but your conclu sion, by whichever of the processes arrived at. will be more or less iu accordance with ' vour oaths. Your verdict may be right, it is to be hoped it will. At all events, gentlemen of tha jury, you will come to some conclusion or other, unless it should so happen that you should sepa rate without coming to any." Tito largest Barn in the Country. The Shakers are famous for their grea barns, and tbe largest one that they have is a Lebanon, in New York. It was recently erected at the cost of about $15,000, and is thus described by a correspondent of the New York Tribune : "It is 196 feet long, 50 feet wide, five stories high ; the walls of good fiat, quarried stone. n ve feet thick at tbe foundation, carelully laid, in lime mortar, cement pointed outside, and plastered inside, roofed with tarred paper, ce ment, and gravel. It also has three wings. wooden building, which lorm tour sheds about 100 feet long upon the east and west sides ot two cattle yards, on the south side of tha main building, with lofts for straw and grain connected with the barn. "The lower story of the barn is a manure cellar, and the west end is level with tha ground, so that carts can be driven in and out with ease. Ihd next story is the cow stable which is on the level with the yard, the cows standing with their beads towards the centre, with a passage between, supplied with water pipes and cocks. In this passage, roots, cut feed, or water, can be given in iron feed-boxes, which swing on a pivot into the passage. Be hind the cows, the floor drops a couple of inches, a space of three feet, and back of that rises again. The depression is to hold the manure. On tbe side behind are. iron rails, upon which cars run into the west end, and ever a space about twenty feet wide, and dischargo their loads, the rails and turn table being so constructed that the manure is well distributed with but little labor. The idea is entertained of making the wbele cellar into a liquid manure vat, which could be distributed by its own gravity upon the lower part of the farm, or sent higher up by the water power that drives tbe mill not far distant. The cows are all fastened in their stalls at each milking, in summer, and all at one move ment. They are driven in all together, and each ona takes her place, where ber name is printed overhead, and then by a pull of a cord all tbe moveable stanchions are closed. They are opened by a reverse motion, and all of the cows are hurried out in a drove, so tbat they never make a deposit on tbe floor. They are left a few moments to do that before they are sent to tbe pasture. There are six large chimney ventilators from the rear of the stalls to the roof. The floor above them supports the great hay mows, be. tween which is the floor for feeding bay, which is sent down to the cows through box tubes, and these, when empty, also assist ventilation. There are openings from this floor into tho straw lofts over the shecs, and also to the store rooms for roots and grain. Wheat ta the Uailed States. The report of the Superintennent of the Cen sus presents some interesting statistics as to the growth of the great food staple, wheat, in the United States. It appears that in 1S49 the total quantity of wheat grown in all the States and Territories was 100,485.914 bushels against 171,183.391 bushels in 1859 being an increase of nearly seventy per centum, or near ly double the increase of population. It is not to be supposed, however, that the increase has been equal throughout the United States. On the contrary, the old wheat growing States Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, and New York fall considerably below the average, owing, as it is thought by the superintendent of the census, to the destructive agency of the wheat midge, and the consequent unwillingness of. the farmers to subject themselves to repeated' losses from this cause. The increased produc tion of wheat in the country at large is, there-: fore due to its extended cultivation in tho. Northwestern States, where the yield has beei prodigious, and has defied the means of trans-i portalion to bring it to market. In Illinois, for instance, the crop has increased in ten years from 9,41s.578 bushels, in 1849, to 24, 159,500 bushels in 1859 ; and in Wisconsin from 4,286,131, in 1849, to 15,812,625 bush els in 1859 or an increase respectively of 16l and 275 per cent., while the increase of popu lation for the same period has been 101 and 154 per cent. The superintendent believes, that the older grain growing States will show a more favorable rate of increase in the next decade, from the fact that the bar upon its gen eral cultivation the midge is diminishing where it was fe'merly the most destructive, and wheat growing will, in consequence, bo resumed in many localities where it had been almost abandoned for a time. Canada promises to be an enterprising com petitor of the United States for this essential article of food in tho markets of the world. From some tables which we have seen, wo learn tbat its production of wheat for 1549, was 12,620,425 bushels against 24,682,550 bushels in 1859 being an increase of nearly one hun dred per cent., while that of the population was only forty-six per cent. It will be remem bered that in the same time the increase cf our population was S5J per cent., and of the pro duction of wheat not quite seventy per cent. Khode Island Items. Business is lively at Hope Valley. The ma chine shop of Messrs. Nicholas and Langwor thy is fully occupied in building the pruning presses of Geo. P. Gordon, of New York. Tho Aldrich Mill, at Hope ValUy, is rui.nii g on blankets for soldiers, and turns out about Olio thousand per week. We understand that Messrs. O. M. Still & Co., bave hired a mill in North Kingstown, which will enable thein to turn out a uiuc'i larger quanti'y than heretuJ'oi e. The wool is to be colored at their Siillni? nville mill, then sent away to be spun aud ove, acd nturoct fur finishing. ' 4 v -'7-7s- X