OCR Interpretation

Catoctin clarion. [volume] (Mechanicstown, Md.) 1871-1940, December 11, 1913, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026688/1913-12-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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VHorney for Thurmont National Bank.
At Thurmont Every Thursday.
Offices Sebold B’ld’g, Emmitshurg, Md.
and with Judge Mjtter, Court St.,
Frederick, Md.
Phone, Emmitsburg 17-3
Mr. Waters will be in Thurmont
Will give prompt attention to all Law,
Equity and Testamentary business placed
in our bands.
Telephone call 271.
Office with Emory L. Coblentz,
The Peoples Fire Insurance Building,
Frederick, Maryland.
At Thurmont Every Night and
Saturday afternoons.
aug S ly
Local Items.
DacsnDar Court Opus.
Eight Appeals him! Thirty
three New Cases.
A busy month for the Circuit Court of
Frederick County opened Tuesday morn
ing when the trial of cases for the De
cember term began. There were eight
cases on the calendar which had been ap
pealed from justices of the peace, and
thirty-three new cases to be tried. Three
of the appeals were disposed of Tuesday.
The first case, that of Smith vs. The
Gilman Dimension Company, a suit upon
an alleged breach of contract, was decid
ed by default in'favor of the defendant,
represented by Chas. McC. Mathias. The
plaintiff failed to appear to press the
The second involved a nice little real
estate tangle. Mrs. Laura C. Etzler
purchased a house in Liberty from Dr.
Henry A. Radclitfe, in January, 1912,
with the stipulation that Dr. Radcliffe
should continue to use the property for a
short time and pay Mrs. Etzler the sum
of $5 a month as rent. Subsequently,
Mrs. Etzler had an opportunity to sell
the property to Mrs. Mary Collebeiy, and
the papers were drawn up and the deal
consummated. Mrs. Colleberry was giv
en to understand that she might live in
the house rent free, for the reason that
Dr. Radcliffe was paying the rent.
On April 1, however, the date at which
Dr. Radcliffe was to pay the rent that
had accumulated since the preceding Jan
uary. Dr. Radcliffe demurred on the
ground that he could not be expected to
pay rent for a house that he had not used
and occupied. The evidence upon which
the case turned, was whether or not Dr.
Radcliffe had or had not any notice of
the transaction and whether he had made
known his objections at that time.
The jury sustained the judgment of the
justice of the peace court, and held that
Mrs. Etzler was entitled to recover from
Dr. Radcliffe the sum of $27.50. Stoner
and Weinberg represented Mrs. Etzler,
and George L. Pearre appeared for Dr.
Radcliffe.- Post.
Week Doc. 15th David Belasco pre
sents Frances Starr in a new romantic
by Henri Bernstein, with a notable com
Next week will be distinguished at
Ford’s by the premier hereof Bernstein’s
remarkable play “The Secret,’’ in which
Mme. Simone thrilled Europe.
Frances Starr has been selected for
the creation of the role of Gabrielle in
this country, and this confidence in her
ability to portray that wonderful charac
ter from the great American manager
David Belasco, establishes her as a su
premely gifted actress, to realize a part
which has been worthy of so finished an
actress as Mme. Simone.
Miss Starr deserves the distinction,
she has risen rapidly under the Belasco
regime, in a series of great plays, her
first stellar achievement, “The Rose of
the Rnacho”, showed her as an artiste
of rare emotional power and originality,
since that success, her triumphs have in
cluded “The Easiest Way” and “The
Case of Becky,” both unique plays, each
running several seasons with enduring
popularity, and each dealing with im
portant questions of the day.
The production will be an elaborate
one, and the performance rehearsed and
staged with all the art and under the di
rection of David Belasco.
Matinees Wednesday and Saturday.
Admission 25 and 50 cents.
Evenings 50c, 75c, and SI.OO.
Week Dec 22d. A Merry Xmas with
Annie Russell English Comedy Company
in “A School for Scandal” and “She
Stoops to Conquer.”
California Woman Seriously Alarmed.
“A short time ago I contracted a se
vere cold which settled on my lungs and
caused me a great deal of annoyance. I
would have bad coughing spells and my
lungs were so sore and inflamed I began
to be seriously alarmed. A friend recom
mended Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy,
saying she had used it for years. I bought
a bottle and it relieved my cough the first
night, and in a week I was rid of the
cold and soreness of my lungs,” writes
Miss Marie Gerber, Sawtelle, Cal. For
sale by all dealers.
Good Samaritan Lodge
Gains 27 Members.
Class Initiated by Mt. Airy
Decree Team. Oyster Supper
Follows Evening’s Work.
On Thursday evening of last week Good
Samaritan Lodge No. 46, I. O. O. F., of
Thurmont, received a class of 27 candi
dates into the order. The lodge met as
usual in its rooms on E. Main street, and
after transacting business for the even
ing adjourned to Town Hall for the pur
pose of initiating and conferring the de
grees, the*lodge room being too small to
accommodate the 250 or more members
of the order assembled.
On arriving at the Hall, the candidates
were placed in charge of Mr. A. F.rank
Miller, captain of the degree team of
Prosperity Lodge No. 58, of Mt. Airy.
This team is noted for its proficiency in
exemplifying the work of Oddfellowship,
and receives many invitations for lodges
of the State to assist in conferring the
4 The members of the team and orches
tra arrived in Thurmont about 4.30 p. m.,
and stopped at the Miller Hotel for sup
per. The trip was made in automobiles,
nine machines being used to haul the 38
members and their paraphernalia.
During the evening Captain Miller
made an address in which he touched up
on the strength and moral character of
Oddfellowship and told of some of its i
history. He also brought a message of
encouragement from Grand Master Frank
G. Dorsey, of Mt. Airy Lodge. Owing
to business engagements, Mr. Dorsey
was not able to come to Thurmont.
Mr. Charles McC. Mathias, a member
of Frederick City Lodge, I. O. O. F., re
sponded to Mr. Miller’s address, and said
that those who follow in the precepts
taught by Oddfellowship could not help
but be led to higher and nobler life. 1 e
told the class which was initialed ths t
they were now in a position toappreeb te
the teachings of the order. He also
thanked the Mt. Airy degree team on 1 e
half of Good Samaritan Lodge for tie
splendid portrayal of scenes illustrative
of the preceipts and teachings of Oddfel
lowship. At the conclusion of Mr. Ma
thias’ address the Mt. Airy degree team
was given a rising*vote of thanks.
Mr. William H. Beall, of Frederick,
made a few appropriate remarks on the
growth of the lodge.
Good Samaritan Lodge now has 225
At the conclusion of the work, tables
were hastily arranged, and the visitors
and members of the class and others,
were invited to take seats around them.
Oysters, fried and stewed were served,
also cellery, pickles, cheese, crackers and
coffee. Cigars were served after supper, i
In all about 250 persons were present.
Mr. Wm. H. Brown, of Waynesboro,
who has been a member of Good Samar
itan Lodge for nearly 58 years, was pres
ent and enjoyed himself very much.
Others present who for more than forty j
years have been faithful members of the
lodge, were Messrs Uriah Warrenfels
and Wm. H. Stull. Mr. John Hahn of
Mt. Airy, who is well known in this vi
cinity, was present on this occasion.
The following committees had charge
of the various arrangements: Committee
on arrangements, E. L. Root, Ross Firor,
Rudolph Eyler and John Root.
Reception Committee: Chas. M. Root,
Clarence E. Creeger and John G. Jones.
Banquet committee: Dr. Geo. C. Zink
han, Chas. E. Null, Wm. O. Wertenba
ker, Wm. E. Foreman, Chas. Msckley,
Kleason A. Stull and George Damuth.
Fined For Tearing Up Road.
A case decided in court Tuesday should
be remembered by the corporate author
ities of Thurmont and also by members
of corporations doing business here. The
erse decides the rights of the Slate-Roads
Commission over the State Roads, and
as a State Road passes through Thur- j
mont, the ruling applies as well here as j
elsewhere. The report says:
Cumberland. Dec. 9. A case involving
the rights of the State Roads Commis- j
sion over the State Roads was decided
yesterday in Oakland by Judge Hender
son. The ease was against four employes
of the Frostsburg Water Company, in
which the lower court had fined each for
tearing up the State Road in Garrett
county without having secured a permit.
The case was made a test by Andrew
Ramsey, member of the State Roads
Commission. Judge Henderson sustain
ed the lower court and imposed the orig
inal fine of $25 each with costs.
U. H. To Own Mail Cars.
Practical trial of Government owner
ship of railway mail cars is proposed in
a bill which has been approved by the
House Postoffices and Post Roads Com
mittee. The measure would appropriate
SIOO,OOO to be used by the Postmaster-
General in buying and operating a num
ber of cars as an experiment.
The average cost for constructing a
60-foot steel mail car is said to be about
SII,OOO. The government pays about
six thousand dollars rental for one car
per year, and pays the railroads $10,637.-
97 per car annually forcarrying the mail,
which makes the annual cost per car
about $16,000. The average life of a
steel car, it is estimated, is about 15
years and the maintenance cost per car
anywhere from $1,700 to $3,000 u year,
according to age.
How to Bankrupt the Doctors.
A prominent New York physician says,
“If it were not for the thin stockings and
thin soled shoes worn by women the doc
tors would probably be bankrupt. ” When
you contract a cold do not wait for it to
develop into pneumonia but treat it at
once. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is
intended especially for coughs and colds,
and has won a wide reputation by its
cures of these diseases. It is most effect
ual and is pleasant and safe to take. For
sale by all dealers.
’ AdvertUeuwut.
Lower Rates Approved.
CliaiiKc in Effect January Ist.
50 Pound Weight Limit Fixed
For First and Second Zones.
Twenty In All Others.
Books Admitted.
Washington, Dec. 6.—Postmaster-Gen
eral Burleson’s proposal to increase the
weight limit of parcel-post packages in
the first and second zones from 20 to 50
pounds, to admit books to the parcel post
and to reduce rates in the third, fourth,
fifth and sixth zones was approved today
by the Inter-State Commerce Commis
The maximum weight of parcels to all
zones beyond the second was increased
from 11 to 20 pounds.
One of the reasons in raising the weight
limit in the local zones is to encourage
the utilization of the parcel post as a
shipping agency for farm produce to the
cities. After January 1 a farmer living
at any point in Maryland, as far south in
Virginia as Newport News, Petersburg
or Lexington, Va., in one-half of Penn
sylvania, two-thirds of New Jersey and
all Delaware, can ship to Baltimore a
“market basket” weighing fifty pounds
for 54 cents.
The increased weight limit in the local
zones will also give the Baltimore mer- |
chants an opportunity to ship direct to
the Maryland, Virginia, Delaware and ;
Southern Pennsylvania farmer and town
customer packages of merchandise weigh
ing as much as 50 pounds.
The commission’s “consent” to the pro- ;
posed changes was transmitted in three j
letters from Chairman Glark|to Postmas- |
ter-General Burleson. The approved
changes in rates and weights, to be in
effect January 1, 1914; follow:
To reduce the rates for the third zone
from seven cents for the first pound and
five cents for each additional pound to
six cents for the first pound and two
•ents for each additional pound.
To reduce the rates for the fourth zone ,
from eight cents for the first pound and 1
ix cents for each additional pound to |
seven cents for the first pound and four ;
•ents for each additional pound.
To reduce the rates for the fifth zone
from nine cents for the first pound and
seven cents for each additional pound to
eight cents for the first pound and six
cents for each additional pound.
To reduce the rates for the sixth zone
from ten cents for the first pound and
nine cents for each additional pound to
nine cents for the first pound and eight i
cents for each additional pound.
It is provided by the Postmaster-Gen
eral, with the consent of the commission,
“that the rate of postage on parcels con-'
taining books weighing eight ounces or
less shall be one cent for each two ounces
or fractional part thereof, and on those j
weighing in excess of eight ounces the
zone parcel-post rates shall apply.” This |
is to he effective March 16, 1914.
Consent also was given by the commis
sion to the admission of shipments of
gold, gold bullion and gold dust in Alaska
and to and from Alaska in packages
weighing not more than II pounds. The
rate of postage fixed is two cents -an
ounce or fraction thereof for all distances.
“The Postmaster-General issued an
o>-der effective August 15 last increasing
the weight limit in the first and second
zones from 11 to 20 pounds and materially
reducing the rates of postage for these
zones and stated at that time that this
step was in the nature of an experiment,”
said a statement issued tonight by the
Postoffice Department. ■ ‘After these
changes had been in operation for some :
time a record was kept of the number of
parcels handled in a large number of
representative postoffices throughout the
United States and the report received
from these offices show that the changes
in the service have been greatly appre
ciated by the public.
“The number of parcels handled in the
first and second zones since these changes
became effective show an increase of ap
proximately 15 per cent. The average ]
weight limit has increased from 1.02 to
1.7 pounds per parcel, and, notwithstand- ;
ing the great reduction in rates in the
first and second zones, the average post
age has increased per parcel from 7.7
cents to 10 cents.”
The statement says of the change re
lating to books that it “has strongly been
urged by circulating libraries, schools, j
colleges and publishers ever since the
establishment of the parcel-post service, j
as the present restrictive weight limit
and rates on hooks are prohibitive to a
great extent, except in the case of cata
logues,” and that it “was not deemed
advisable to place the order changing the
classification of books in effect on Janu
ary 1, as it was desired to give at least
three months’ notice to firms whose cat
alogues were now being printed.”
Winehrenner Gets 9300.
One officer has found that it is poor
amusement for his company for him to
jam a man into a lockup with no cause.
Edward Comegys, a special for the W.
M. R. R., was jabbing a boy into the
coop at Pen-Mar when W. W. Winebren
ner came along. He pitied boy and knew
the lockup was hot and offiensive, and he
said; Don’t put that lad in there, I’ll pay 1
his fine. With that the officer said: Shut
up, I’ll put you in there too. So he grab
bed Winehrenner and locked him up. At
the hearing before Squire Ferguson he
acquitted Winehrenner. So the latter
brought suit for false arrest against the
W. M. R. R.
L. X). Syester appeared for him. The
company did not care to go to trial on
the facts and admitted it would pay
Winehrenner S3OO and he accepted it. So
the case is settled.
The above arrest occurred last summer
while the Winehrenner families were
holding their annual reunion at Pen-Mar.
Married. -
Mr. Grier J. Keilholtz and Miss Carrie
P. Newcomer were married at the Meth
odist parsonage, this place, Tuesday, by
Rev. H. P. Fox.
The National Anthem.
Its Centennial Will Be Celebra
ted in Baltimore September ’l4.
Baltimore has secured the co-operation
of President Wilson, ex-presidents Taft
and Roosevelt, the members of the Cab
inet, the members of Congress and the
most important os the patriotic organi
zations of the country, in its program for
September 1914. Responses from differ
ent parts of the world indicate universal
interest in the celebration.
Among the features of the program
will be an assembling of ships from the
historic “Constellation” to the latest
dreadnought and including the Columbus
Caravels, Perry’s ship “Niagara” and
forms of marine architecture ranging
over one hundred years. There will be a
unique display of the Fraternal orders of
the country, the most imposing demon
stration they have ever made. President
Wilson has promised to make the chief
In the celebration next September the
“Star Spangled Banner,” which has been
! adopted as the National Air by the army
' and the navy, will be rendered by a large
human flag composed of thousands of
children from the schools of Baltimore
city, assisted by the combined singing
societies and bands. There will be a
brilliant regatta and a unique naval pa
The Honorary President is Woodrow
Wilson and the Acting President is Jas.
H. Preston, Mayor of Baltimore.
Levs Letter.
Mr. Samuel Pittinger of New Windsor
spent Thursday with his brother, Mr.
George Pittinger.
Mr. Clarence Colbert spent Sunday
with Mr. Harvey Pittinger.
Mr. Harvey Pittinger spent several
days with his uncle and aunt in Now
Miss Ada Pittinger spent Sunday with
Mrs. Kate Martin.
Business Locals.
Trespass Notice.
Notice is hereby given that trespassing
on my land for cutting down ornamental
trees for Christmas will not be permitted,
the law will positively be enforced against
such person or persons.
dec 11 It*
For Sal**.
Intending to quit butchering I offer my
entire outfit consisting of wagons, har
ness, refrigerator, knives, pulleys, cash
register, scales, etc., at private sale at
reduced price.
dec 11 3t Thurmont, Md.
taT Don’t forget FIROR’S when you
want FRUIT for Christmas.
Landis “Tin* Jeweler’’
The lowest prices prevail here, quality
considered. Diamonds, Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Silverware, Sheffield Plate,
dec 4 3t Frederick, Md.~
NY’ After December 16th, full, line of
Oranges, Nuts, Grapes, Cranberries,etc.,
Landis "The Jeweler”
Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets, Military
Sets, Manicure Sets, Writing Sets, Cloth
and Hat Brushes. Low Prices,
dec 4 3t Frederick, Md.
For Rent.
My farm containing 146 acres located
about one mile from Thurmont. For par
ticulars apply to
nov 27 4t*- Thurmont, Md.
taX" Place your order for Fresh Crisfield
OYSTERS on or before December 20, at
dec 11 2t FIROR’S.
Landis “The Jeweler"
Invites you to inspect his stock of Hol
iday Goods, courteous treatment whether
you purchase or not.
dec 4 3t Frederick, Md.
the best line, in town, of Package and
Box CANDlES—Schraffts and Utopian.
Landis “The Jeweler”
Bracelets, Pendants, La Vallieres,
Brooches, Rings, Lockets, Chains, Vars
ity Sets and Boxes, Sterling Novelties,
i Low prices,
dec 4 3t Frederick, Md.
Children Cry
The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1914 Almanac.
The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1914 Almanac is
now ready and will be mailed prepaid for
only 35c. Professor Hicks’ fine Magazine,
Words and Works, for one year, and a
copy of this Almanac for only one dollar.
The plain lessons on astronomy, and the
1 correct forecasts of storms, drouths,
, blizzards and tornadoes, make these pub
lications a necessity in every home in
: America. Send to Word and Works
Publishing Co., 3401 Franklin Avenue,
St. Louis, Mo. nov 13 2t
JJm Jldtertismenfs.
Notice to Taxpayers.
I hereby give notice to those persons
who have not paid their Corporation
Taxes that I will on
j call at their homes and places of business
for said taxes. If taxes are not paid be
fore January 1, 1914, interest will be
added. Respectfully,
dec 4 2t* Tax Collector.
National Bank, at Thurmont, in
the State of Maryland, at ‘the
OCTOBER 81,1913.
Loans and Discounts $182,268 92
Overdrafts, secured and unse
cured 758 94
U. S. Bonds to secure circula
tion 21.250 00
Bonds to secure Postal Savings 1,000 00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds.. . 300 00
Bonds, securities, etc 235,281 03
Banking house, furniture and
fixtures 13,000 00
Due from National Banks,
(not reserve agents)...... 5,069 10
Due from State and Private
Banks and Bankers, Trust
Companies and Savings Banks 15,000 00
Due from approved reserve
agents 24,926 21
Checks and other cash items 919 19
Notes of other National Banks 735 00
Fractional paper currency,
nickels and cents. 266 84
Lawful money reserve in bank
Specie 30,404 00
Legal-tender notes,.. 100 00
30,504 00
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (5 per cent, of cir
culation) 1,062 50
Total $532,341 73
Capital $25,000 00
Surplus 17,000 00
Undivided profits, less expen
ses and taxes paid 5,228 05
National Bank notes outstand
ing 19,770 00
Due to State and Private
Banks and Bankers 25 38
Individual deposits subject to
check..... 465.105 01
Certified checks 202 40
Cashier’s checks outstanding 10 89
Total $532,341 73
State of Maryland, County of Fred
erick, **;
I, Jno. G. Jones, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
28th day of October, 1913.
William I. Renner,
Notary Public.
L. S. Birely, )
Peter N. Hammaker, > Directors.
M. Luther Creager. )
C. & P. Phone—Thurmont 24-W
licport of the Condition of th
of Thurmont, Maryland, at the
close of Business Oct. 21, 1913.
Loans and Discounts $157,249 39
Overdrafts secured and unse
cured 24 2 36
Stocks Bonds, securities, etc. 57,376 25
Bonds to secure Postal Savings 1,000 00
Banking house, furniture and
fixtures 5,100 00
Other real estate owned 1,500 00
Mortgages and Judgments of
Record 162,713 21
Due from Approved Reserve
Agents... 2,508 91
Lawful Money Reserve in
Bank, viz: 2,865 21
U. S. Currency and Na
tional Bank Notes. ..1704 00
Gold Coin 244 00
Silver Coin 708 15
Nickels and Cents... 209 06
Total, $390,555 33
Weekly Deposits $ 25,000 00
Surplus Fund 22,000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses
interest taxes paid 5,940 18
Due to approved Reserve
Agents 1,630 64
Dividends unpaid 23 50
Subject to check 37,032 78
Savings and Special 283,928 23
Bills Payable including cer
tificates of deposits for money
borrowed 15,000 00
Total, $390,555 33
State of Maryland, {
County of Frederick, j '
I, Stanley R. Damuth, Cashier of the
above named institution, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to
the best of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and Sworn to before me
this 28th day of October, 1913.
William I.Renner,
Notary Public.
Correct —Attest:
John H. Roddy, )
Chas. C. Waters, [■ Directors.
Geo. N. English. )
Cheap to the right party.
V. R. O’Toole, Thurmont.
inch lOtf.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the SJX
Signature of 4<C(/c^4A£
John S. Weybright
Groceries! Feed! Hardware!
Hammond Dairy Feed, Bran, Middling, Corn.
Poultry Spplies and Feeds.
Try Our Horse Feed.
Having purchased the stock of Post Cards and Books
from Chas. R. R. Beck, 1 now have a good line of
Local View Cards of Thurmont and Vicinity.
For Cards, Books, and Writing Material call at
The Corner Drug Store,
J. Howard Cassell, Proprietor.
Hom. 3 Oftice ITred.ericlc, *
Emory L. Coblentz. President. R. Rush Lewis, Vice-President
Win. W. Doub, Secretary.
Anna M. Jonea, Thurmont. Wm. I. Renner, Rocky Ridge.
Geo. W. Manahan, Sabillasville. Chaa. S. Snook, Lewiatown.
Frank M. Stevena. Creageratown.
The G. L. Baking Company,
Frederick, Md.
It is a Bread of Quality made of the Best and
Purest ingredients and is baked in a Sanitary
Up-to-date Bakery by skilled bakers.
If you appreciate Quality ask your dealer for
- USE -
Challenge Flour
Xmas Baking
The Mountain City Mills,
For sale by all dealers.
The Time Is Here To Think
Of Fall & Winter Buying!
We think you can have all your wants supplied in
Dress Goods, Trimmings, Notions, Underwear,
Blankets, Comforts, Domestics,
Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Coats, at
123 3>T. St-, IPred-orlclc:, Ivdld.
Wo also think it will save you money to see us.

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