OCR Interpretation

Catoctin clarion. [volume] (Mechanicstown, Md.) 1871-1940, May 28, 1914, SUPPLEMENT, Image 3

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026688/1914-05-28/ed-1/seq-3/

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local laws. !
AN AGT to repeal Chapter 351 of the
Acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland passed at its Session in
the year 181*2, entitled: ‘‘An Act to
incorporate the town of \\ alkers
ville. in Frederick County, Mary
land," as the same was amended by
•Chapter a 1:5 of the Acts of 1304,
Chapter 45 of the Acts of 1006, 1
Chapter 68 of the Acts of 1008 anu
by Chapter 473 of the Acts of 1010,
and to enact the following Sections,
in lieu thereof incorporating the
town of Walkersville, in Frederick
County, Maryland.
Section 1. lie it enacted by the Gen
eral Assembly of Maryland. That
Chapter 351 of the Acts of tin* General
Assembly of Maryland, passed at its
session in the year 1802. entitled "an i
Act to incorporate the town of Wa'k-:
ersviile. in Frederick Couuly, Mary
land." as tiie same was amended by
Chapter 513 of the Acts of I!mi4. Chap- j
ter 45 of the Acts of tl'o6, Chapter (IS i
of ill j An of Im S. and by Chapter |
47:1 of tin- A- of F’lo. he and tin |
same is hereby repeal* d, and that the :
following Seethe - incorporating the
town of Walkers'.' lie. in Frederick
County, he enacted in lieu thereof, so
as to read as follows;
See. 2 lie it erne ted. That the (it |
jzens of the town of \\ uikersville, in j
Frederick County, lie and they are j
hereby constituted a body corporate. |
by Hi" name of the “I nrgi and ('om
missioner. 11 W alle" svilb-. and I• y ;
that name shall have perpetual sue- I
cession, may purchase and hold real, j
personal or mixed property, and may j
sue and be sard, and b ive and use u
common seal.
Sec. 3 Be it enacted. That all prop-j
erty and franc l isos of every kind be
longing to. or in possass en c>; the
‘'Commissioners of Walkersville." are
vested in the "Burgess and Commis-)
sioner: of Walkersviß":" and said j
corporation may receive in trust and |
control for any general corporate pur-1
pose of such trust, or for the la'indit j
of said corporation, all monies mid
other property win h may have been
or shall hereafter be bestow > 1 upon -t
by will, deed or any other form of gift
or conveyance, in trust for any general
corporate purposes, or in aid of the in
digent poor, or for the general pur- 1
pose of education, or for charitable ]
purposes of any description, within j
said town.
Sec. 4. Be it enacted. That the cer
tiorate limits of llit, i.vii u, ;"--VV.-st-sew, ;
shall include all land lying within the I
following boundaries: Beginning at |
the bridge over the Glade Branch on
the road leading from Walkersville to
Bigg's Ford, on the Monoracy, and fol
lowing said Glade Branch to a point
one hundred feet northeast of the
grounds of Urn canning factory now
owned by Charles \V. Ross and Char
les B. Staley, partners trading as the
Monoc-acy Valley Canning Co.; thence
with a line parallel with the northeast
line of the canning factory ground to
the Northern Central Railroad, fol
lowing said railroad to the road lead
ing from Walkersville to the Glade
Cemetery: thence with said road to
the land heretofore owned by Nettie
J. Atlee, and with the lines on the
northeast of said Atlee's land to the
public road; thence with a line
through the lands of K. L. Cramer, to
a gate on said land, on the Woodsbcro
and Frederick turnpike, thence with a
line parallel witli the northeast line
of Susan Mnsser’s lot, through the
lands of Catherine Burner, three hun
dred and sixty-three feet, more or less;
thence to the southeast corner of
Susan Musser’s land; thence with
southwest line of Susan Musser, Sam
uel Smith, heirs of John Hoffman and
the land of John Spurrier, thence
through the lands of W. C. Hinea and
the land heretofore owned by Samuel
Ramsburg to the road leading from
Walkersville to Mt, Pleasant; thence
with said road to the southeast corner
of Crawford heirs' lot; thence with
the line of Crawford heirs and J. D.
Nicodemus to the southwest corner of
the land heretofore owned by R. A.
Freshour; thence in a direct line par
allel with the Woodsboro and Freder.
ick turnpike, through the lands of J.
D- Nicodemus and Nicodemus Broth
ers, to a point directly opposite of the
southwest corner of the land hereto
fore owned by Lincoln G. Dinterman;
i..nce with the line of the lot hereto
fore owned by L. C. Dinterman and
the land now or heretofore owned by
David Cramer lo the dividing line of
David Cramer and Johnson and
Kemp's addition to Walkersville;
thence northwest in a direct line to
the southeast boundary line of heirs
of J. 7j. Reddick's lot; thence with said
line of heirs of J. Z. Reddick direct
to a locust tree through the lands of
David. Cramer, and from said locust
free to the place of beginning.
Sec. 5. Be it enacted. That on the
first. Monday of May, A. D.1914 the vot
ers of Walkersville qualified as here
inafter described, shall elect a Bur
gess and three Commissioners. At
the election in the year 1914 the Bur
gess and Commissioners receiving the
highest number of voles shall hold
office for two years and the two Com.
missioners receiving the next highest
number of votes shall hold office for
one year, and at the election held in
the year 1915, there shall be two Com
sioners elected for a term of two
years, and at the election to be held
in the year 1916, a Burgess and one
Commissioner shall be elected foi
term of two years, and in like manner
alternately from year to year thereaf
ter. An election shall be held on the
Ist Monday of May in each year, and
all officers elected shall hold office un
til their successors in office are duly
I elected and qualified. The Burgess
j shall receive as compensation for his
, services the sum of $15.00 per annum,
uud ea( h Commissioner the sum ol $5-00
per annum. Said Burgess and Com
missioners shall he residents of the
town for at least one year prior to
their election, and shall be twenty-five
years of age or over, and the bona-fide
owners of real or personal property,
! or the husband of bona-fide owners of
real or personal property assessed
upon the tax books of said corpor
ation, for at least five hundred dollars-
Sec. 6. Bo it enacted, That said
Commissioners shall'elect one of their
number President pro tern of the
Board of Commissioners, who shall
act as Burgess, with all the rights,
powers and duties of said Burgess, ex
cept the power of appointment or re
moval during the temporary absence ■
or illness of the Burgess, and in case
I the office of Burgess shall la-come va-
Icant. from any cause; and in case ol
I the removal of any Commissioner b<‘-
| yond the corporate limits of the town,
or in case of a vacant > in the offic e of
j ('ommissioner. or a majority ol them.
shall elect a Comm’ssior.cr to fill the!
! vacancy for the remainder of the term
! aad until a sue cs.-or shall he elected I
and qualified.
| Sec. 7. Be it enacted. That the Rur. J
!11 ss and Commissioners shall const!-
! t tile* a Board to he known as the Board j
!of Commissioners. The Burgess, by I
I virtue of Ids otln e. shall he President j
lof the Board ot Commissioners and j
i shall preside nt all meetings of said |
| Board, and said Board shall meet in
) said town on (he (rst in June
! succeeding their elec lion, and at hint
I once in each alternate month thereat
her. A majority of the Board of Com
; missioners shall constitute a quorum,
but a smaller number may adjourn
final day t-> day. The Burgess may
i convene tin- Board of Commissioners
j when-'ver and as ofu a as in his opin
io i the int'rests of the town require i
] their deliberation, and win never re-
I quested so to do by a majority of fhft
| Commissioners. Said Board shall de
termine upon and settle their rules
of procedure. All ordinances and res
olution." passed by the Board shall lie j
signed by the Burgess and attested by j
the Clerk to the Board of Commission- j
ers, and ail meetings shall he open to
j the public.
' Sec, S Be it enacted. That the
j Burgess shall at the first regu
j hr meeting of the Board of Commis
-1 sioners. after their election, and an
j nnall v Ihe.rnaJTai;. „..4P*oijß. ...s'vW
1 lie Commissioners elected, a Treas
urer. who may he one of their mem
j hers, and said Treasurer may lie re
quired to give bond in such sum with
such surety or sureties as the Board
of Commissioners shall by ordinance
Sec. 9, Be it enacted. That the Bur
gess shall at the first regular meeting
of the Board of Commissioners, after
their election, and annually thereafter,
appoint, subject to confirmation by a
majority of the Commissioners elected
a clerk, w ho may be one of their mem.
hers, and who may lie also appointed
Collector of Taxes, and they shall pre
scribe bis duties and fix his salary.
The clerk shall keep a hook or record
of the proceedings, resolutions and
ordinances of said corporation which
shall he open for the inspection of any
person interested.
Sec. 10. Be It enacted, That the Bur
gess shall, at the fir*t regular meeting
of the Board of Commissioners, after
their election, and annually thereaf
ter, appoint, subject to confirmation
by a majority of the Commissioners
elected, a Bailiff, who, within the
limits of said corporation, and within
one-half mile beyond said limits, shall
have all the police powers of con
stables and deputy sheriffs of the State
of Maryland, and it shall be his duty
to enforce the laws, by-laws and ordi
nances of said corporation and the
laws of the State of Maryland relat
ing to crimes and misdemeanors, com.
milted within said boundaries. And
the said Burgess and Commissioners,
or any of them, shall have nower to
call upon any County constable, or
deputy sheriff of Frederick County,
whenever the occasion may require,
to preserve the peace and good order
within the aforesaid boundaries. And
the Bailiff shall receive the fees of
constables for services of a like na
ture, and such other compensation as
the flurgess and Commissioners shall
think proper.
Sec. 11. Be it enacted. That in the
event the appointment provided for in
Sections 8, 9 and 10 of this Act shall
be made on any date other than that
named therein, said appointments
shall be as effective and binding as if
made on the date specified.
Sec. 12. Be it enacted. That
the Burgess and Commissioners and
all other officers of the corpora
tion shall. before they enter
upon the duties of their office, make
oath before a Notary Public, or any
other person qualified to administer
oaths, that they will diligently and
faithfully, to the best of their skill
end judgment, perform the duties of
their office, and shall file a certificate
thereof, signed by the officer before
whom said oath was made, among the
records of the corporation.
Sec. 13. Be it enacted. That the Bur
gess and Commissioners of Walkers
vHie shall have power to provide for
the collection of all taxes, either by
distress, or by suit at law; to preserve
the health of the town: to prevent and
remove nuisances; to prevent the in
troduction of contagious disease with
in the town; to establish night watch
, es and patrols, and erect and repair
bridges; to suppress fires, prevent the
danger thereof, establish or aid and
• assist the maintenance of fire depart
I local laws.
ments; to provide for licensing, regu
luting or restraining theatrical or
other public amusements within the
limits of the corporation; to preserve
the peace, order and quiet of Walk
ersville: to prevent horse racing,
drunkenness and breaches ot the Sal)
bath Day: to regulate the keeping of
dogs, and provide for licensing or tax
ing them, and to restrain them from
running at large; to prevent the run
ning at large of horses, cattle, swine,
geese and all other animals and fowls;
lo regulate the speed and operation oi
locomotives, cars, street cars, motor
•vehicles, vehicles of every description
and animals of the horse kind; to pre
vent, remove and abate nuisances
upon the streets, highways, lanes, al
leys. drains, sowers or water courses,
to remove, or cause to tie removed,
houses or other structures that may he j
I dangerous to persons passing along
and over any of the highways of tlio .
town: to make reasonable regulations
in regard to buildings to lie erected in]
siid town; to regulate street cross
ings and provide for grading and re- 1
grading, paving, repaving and repair- 1
i of the streets, alleys aad footways
I or side walks of said town, and cem
| pel. In fine or otherwise. Hu owner
or proprietor-of any lot to pave or re
/ pave, grade or re-grade or repair the
loot ways, curbs and gutters fronting
thereon, at the expense of said prop
| rioter or owner, in whole or in part, at
jsiu-li time, and with stub material as
lit may pre-a-ribe, and if any proprie
j tor or owner of any siieli lot shall tie-
I pled to grade and pave or regrade or
i-.. pave the font ways, curbs and gut
n-rs of any such lot, within sixty days
after notice shall he given by the Bar
i-i-ss of said low a. as provided by or
dinance. requiring the sar.c- to la
dene. the Burgess and Commisioners
may cause any such work to he done
•it llm expense of Hie owner or prop
rietor of any such lot. which expense
| shall he a lien on said properly until
paid, and shall be collected by the lax
Killector ol said town, either by a suit
at law. or by distress: to establish or
legulate a station house or lo< knp tor
temporary i onliiic-ini-M of violators o'
the laws and ordinances of the cor-
I poration: to suppri "" vagrancy: to
i prevent horses and vehicles from pass
iug over sidewalks or foot wavs: to
provide for the construction! opening,
enlarging or straightening of any
drain or culvert; and regulate the tap
ping thereof; to provide for Hie estab
lishment of building lines, curb lines,
slmsl.linesjincl.yades, (J-UJUUKV
any street, lane or alley, or part
thereof; to regulate the use of streets,
highways, roads, public places and
sidewalks, by fool passengers, ani
mals. vehicles, cars, motors and loco
motives, and prevent encroachment
thereon and obstruction of the same:
to regulate the opening of street sur
face, for the purpose authorized by
law or ordinance; to regulate the use
of sidewalks for the use of signs, sign
posts, telegraph poles, telephone and
trolley poles, electric light poles, tele
graph and telephone wires, and for any
and ail other purpose: to clean the
streets and remove the dirt and filth
therefrom and to prohibit and punish
the placing of any dirt, filth or other
matter therein, and to protect any
pavement by prohibiting travel there
on: to regulate the use of streets,
lanes and alleys in said town, by rail
way or other tracks, gas or other
pipes, telegraph, telephone, electric
light or other wires and poles in, un
der, over and upon the same; to ap
point such officers and employees, not
b.erein named, to carry out the provis
ions of this Act, or any ordinance
passed in pursuance thereof, as it
shall think proper, and prescribe their
compensation, and all such officers
shall he appointed in the same man
ner provided in Section 8 of this Act;
to grant franchises to electric, tele
graph and telephone companies, wa
ter companies, and any other public or
quasi-public corporation, provided the
ordinance or contract granting such
franchise shall specifically set out the
nature and character of the same, and
no power or right not expressed In the
franchise or grant shall pass there
under; to regulate the disposal of gar
bage and refuse of all kinds; to pro
vide for the regulation. location and
erection of slaughter houses: to light
the public places of the town, and
may furnish light to the inhabitants
thereof, or to contract with any per
son. firm or corporation, for the light
ing of the town, either with gas, elec,
tricity or such other means as it shall
think proper, provided no such con
tract shall be for a longer period than
ten years; to contract with any per
son, firm, or corporation for the pur
pose of supplying said town with wa
ter. for fire protection, or for any
other municipal purpose, provided no
such contract shall be for a longer per
iod than ten years, and may levy and
collect special taxes upon all tele
graph. telephone, electric light and
trolley poles or posts erected and
maintained within the limits of the
corporation: to pass all by-laws, or
dinances, resolutions and motions for
such municipal purposes as in its judg.
ment. may he beneficial to said cor
poration: and for the purpose of car
rying out the aforesaid powers, and
for the preservation of the cleanli
ness, health, peace and good order of
the community, and for the protection
of the lives and property of the citi
zens. and for the violation of any or
dinance or any Section of any ordi
nance passed under the provisions of
this Section, or by authority thereof,
it may impose such reasonable fines,
not exceeding twenty dollars in any
' case as to it may seem proper and in
1 default of the payment of any fine im

posed, it may provide for the impris
onment of the offender for a peiiod
not exceeding thirty days in the jail of
Frederick County, or until the fine be
Sec. 14. Be it enacted, That the Bur
gess, by virtue of his office, shall have
and exercise, within the limits of the
corporation, all the jurisdiction and
powers ot a Justice of the Peace, ex
cept as to civil cases and the ac
knowledgement of deeds, lie shall see
that all laws and ordinances of the
corporation are fully and faithlully ex
ecuted and enforced, and may call
upon any officer of the town, entrust
ed with the receipt and expenditure
of public money, for a statement of
his account, as often as he may think
necessary; he shall be responsible lor
the good order and efficient govern-,
i ment of the town, and shall, by virtue;
I of the power and authority of hi;- of
fice. hear and decide any violations
Kit’ the laws and ordinances of the cor-
I poration. and shall Impose such lines
j and penalties as they prescribe, ami
j shall keep a docket on which all such j
leases coming before him shall he on
t("red, which shall state Hie name of
the party charged. Hie offense charged,
how tried and the judgment rendered,
setting out the fine, if any imposed,
and the cost of the case. He shall pay
over to Hie Town Treasurer, on the
first Monday of each incnth. the public
moneys, in his hands, and when re
quired by the Commissioners, lie shall
report in writing, Hie general state
of the town, and at the same time he
may recommend any matters as he
may think will promote its interest.
He shall have the right to veto any
order, ordinance or resolution incur
ring any debt, or paying out. or in any
way appropriating any money; any
such order, resolution or ordinance,
immediately after its passage, shall he
sent to the Burgess for his approval
or disapproval, and he may return Hu
same with his approval or dis approv
al to the same meeting at which it
was passed: within ten days after the
pas age of any such ordinance, resolu
tion or order, the Burgess shall act on
the same, and if he shall approve it
or fail to art on it. within ten days of
it" passage, which fact shall he en
dorsed by Hie Clerk of the Board, it
I shall become operative and effectual:
hut if Hie Burgess shall veto any such
order, resolution or ordinance, he shall
notify the clerk of the fact, and Irans
mil his reasons in writing to the Com
missioners at their next regular meet
ing or special meeting.
lution or ordinance, shall not become
operative and effectual unless passed
over his veto by the affirmative vote
of all the members of the Board. If
at any time Hie Burgess shall think
any person appointed to office by him
shall he incompetent or unfaithful to
the duties of his office, he may file a
written statement of charges against
him with the Commissioners, a copy
of which shall lie sent to Hie person
charged, and the Board of Commis
sioners shall set a time to hear the
same, and if. after a full hearing they
shall find such officer incompetent or
unfaithful, the Burgess shall remove
him from office, and with the consent
and approval of t he Commissioners,
as provided in the Bth Section of this
Act. shall appoint a proper person to
fill his place. In the performance of
his duties, said Burgess shall receive
the same fees allowed Justices of the
Peace in similar cases, and an appeal
from his judgment may he taken to
the Circuit Court for the County,
whichshallhearand determine the mat
ter as upon an appeal from a Justice
of the Peace. The Burgess shall have
power to summons witnesses, to ad
minister oaths, and to certify the
same in all matters properly
pertaining to said corporation. Justice
of the Peace, Sheriffs, Constables and
all other County and State officers,
shall have, hold and exercise their of
fices and jurisdiction in said town.
Sec. 15. Be it enacted. That the Bur
gess and Commissioners whenever
they think the public interest requires
it cause an assessment to be made of
all property within the corporate lim
its of said tow n, subject to assessment
for State and County taxes; and they
may. by ordinance, prescribe the man
ner in which any such assessment
may be made, and how the same shall
be kept, revised and corrected, provide
for adjusting differences in relation to
such assessment, and do all other
things which it may deem necessary
and proper in making such assessment
and keeping the same correct: provid
ed such assessment shall not exceed
the assessment for State and County
purposes, and the Burgess and Com
missioners are hereby authorized and
empowered to levy annually, with full
power to provide by ordinance, for the
collection of the same, upon the tax
able property of the town, such taxes
as it may think proper to pay all ex
penses and debts of the corporation
and obligations incurred in pursuance
of the power conferred by this Act;
provided that the tax hereby authoriz.
Ed to be levied shall not exceed, in
any one year, thirty-two and one-half
cents on the one hundred dollars
worth of assessable property; such
taxes when levied, shall be a lien upon
the property on which such taxes are
Sec. 16. Be it enacted, That any
person may appeal from the valuation
made by the assessors to the Board of
Commissioners, and the said Board of
Commissioners shall hear and decide
any such appeal in such manner as
shall be provided for by ordinance,
and may abate or increase any such
assessment as it shall think proper.
Sec. 17. Be it enacted. That when
ever the Burgess and Commissioners
shall levy a tax. it shall cause to he
made but an alphabetical list of the
persons to be charged therewith, and
shall cause lo be affixed thereto the
respective sums to be collected from
each person.
Sec. 18. Be it enacted, That lhe|
Burgess Commissioners are
hereby authorized and empowered to
appoint a tax collector, in the same
manner as other appointments are re
(ptired to lie made, and Hie said col
lector may enforce the payment ol
corporation taxes, in the same manner
as collectors of State and County
taxes may enforce the payment of
See. 19. Be it enacted. That the tax
collector shall receive Hie lax list from
the Burgess and Commissioners on or
before Hie first day of July of
| (he current year, and lie shall col
lect the taxes on the same with
in six months from the time ho
receives the list, and pay the same
in the treasurer, which said treasurer
shall hold, together with all moneys
j re -eived by him, subject to Hie order
of (fie Burgess and Commissioners. On
i all taxes not paid to said collector be
j lore the first day of January succeed
ing the date of their levy, interest
shall he charged at the legal rate.
Sec. 2u. Be it enacted. That the tax
collector shall have the same fees fot
making distress or levying executions
for taxes as are allowed County collec
Sec. 21. Be it enacted. That the
Bailiff shall attend Hie meetings of
I Hie Board of Commissioners when re.
([Hired, and perform such duties as it
may direct. It shall he his duty to
serve all process issued under and by
virtue of Hu 1 laws, ordinances and
resolutions of the corporation, which
shall come into his hands, and to
make return thereof according to law.
and it shall he his duty diligently to
enquire into and give immediate in
formation to Hie Burgess of all of
j tenses committed against Hie laws
j and ordinances of the corporation, and
under his direction rigidly enforce the
j same.
Sec. 22 Be it enacted. That the
Bailiff shall receive the same fees for
making arrests or serving process for
violation of any ordinance of Hie cor
poration, as are allowed constables fori
similar cases, and when the Bailiff
wilfully fails to discharge any duty of
his office, lie may, in addition to Hie
remedy on his bond, be fined by Hie
Commissioners in their discretion.
Wi ( /!>ifsV’?oP ’{\Fe ’fiaynfi^iTof%Th?cli s7uiT
fine his bond shall he liable.
Sec. 23. Be it enacted. That Hie Bur
gess and Commissioners shall not ex
pend in one year more money than the
amount received for taxes and other
sources for that year.
Sec. 24. He it enacted. That the
clerk, bailiff and such other officers
as shall be provided for by ordinance,
Hive bond to the Burgess and
Commissioners, in such penalties and
with such sureties as said Burgess and
Commissioners may require, condi
tioned for Hie faithful performance of
the duties of their respective offices.
Sec. 25. Be it enacted. That the
parts of the several County roads and
all streets now open and known as
public streets, within the corporate
limits of said town, are hereby made
and declared to be public streets or
avenues of said town, and shall he
from time to time improved and re
paired. as in the discretion of the Bur
gess and Commissioners, the public
interests may require, and the resour,
ces of the town may justify. The pro
visions of tills Section shall not be
construed to interfere with the rights
of the Woodsboro and Frederick Turn,
pike Company in maintaining their
road through said town; provided,
however, that the corporation of
Walkersville may establish building
lines, street lines, curb lines, gutters,
grades and sidewalks along said road
within the corporate limits of said
town in the same manner as
other highways.
Sec. 26. Be It enacted. That the Bur
gess and Commissioner* may impose
and appropriate fines, penalties and
forfeitures for the breach of their by
laws and ordinances and may pass
all ordinances necessary to give
effect and operation to the power
vested in said corporation, provided
that no ordinance or by-law shall im
pose a fine or more than twenty dol
lars for any one offense, or in default
of payment thereof, authorize a com
mitment to the jail of Frederick Coun
ty, for a period not more than thirty
Sec. 27. Be it enacted, That in all
. cases in which any person shall be
found guilty of violating any of the
ordinances of the corporation of Walk.
. ersviile, it shall be lawful, upon con
viction of the offender, to impose the
i fine prescribed by the particular ordi.
. nance under which said person is
i tried, and upon failure or refusal of
* the party convicted thereof, to pa>
such fine and costs, to commit the per
son convicted to the jail of Frederick
i County for the time prescribed in said
f ordinance, unless the person convict
i ed shall pay such fine and costs before
i Hie day limited in the commitment, in
i which case the Burgess or officer who
> tried the case, shall issue Ms order to
the sheriff to release said person.
Sec. 28. Be it enacted. That the
, Sheriff of Frederick County shall re
f ceive and safe keep in the jail of said
f County, all persons who shall be com
, milled thereto for a breach of any of
the ordinances or laws of said cor
poration. according to the tenor of the
j commitment, and in the same manner
and under the same regulations as per
sons committed for a violation of the
Laws of the State. And said Sheriff
shall receive the sum of twenty-five
cents per day lor boarding and keep
ing any such offenders.
Sec. 29. Be it enacted, That it shall
be the duty of the County Commis
sioners of Frederick County to pay
’ over annually to the Burgess and Com
’ missioners of Walkersvile, one-fourth
of the franchise tax the said County
Commissioners shall revive under tho |
provisions of Section 86, of Article 81
of the Code of Public General Laws of
Maryland of 1904, from every Savings
Bank. Institution or Corporation or
ganized for receiving deposits of
money, and paying interest thereon,
located within the taxable limits of
Walkersville. and having its principal
office therein.
Sec. 3(i. Be it enacted, That all or
dinances heretofore passed by the
Commisioners of Walkersville now in j
force, and not in conflict with Hie pro- 1
visions of this Act. are continued in
force until the same are repealed or!
Sec. 31, Be it enacted. That the Bur-1
ge.-s and Commissioners of Walkers
ville shall have power to acquire by i
I purchase or condemnation, any land
or property, or any interest therein
which it may require for any public
or municipal purposes, and may pro
vide such method of condemnation of
any land or property, or interest there,
in. situated within or without the cor
porate limits, as it may deem proper,
under such procedure as it may adopt;
it shall provide for reasonable notice
to the owner or owners, and for ap
peals to the Circuit Court for Freder
ick County. liy any person interested,
including the corporation of Walkers
ville. from Hie decision of any jury,
commissioners or persons appointed
to value any such land or property or
interest therein. Nothing herein con-j
tained shall deprive said corporation
front pursuing any other method of j
condemnation which may be provided i
for by law.
bee. 32. Be it enacted, That the Bur- ;
geS" and Commissioners shall annual*
ly, uu or before the hi’si Monday in j
April, appoint three Judges of Elec j
non who shall conduct Hie election and (
receive the ballots oi all mate citizens
of said town, qualihed to vote there
in. Tim [mils spall be open at 3 j
o'clock 8.M., and closed at 7 o'clock B. |
i M„ on the day of election. The Judges
of Election, or a majority of them,
shall determine all questions arising
under said election, and shall issue to
the Burgess and Commissioners who
have been dkly elected, a certificate to
iTtvii alia
seals. All elections herein provided
for shall be conducted according to
such rules and regulations as shall be
provided tor, from lime to time, by or.
Sec. 33. Be it enacted. That neglect
or non-user shall not work a forfeiture
of this Charter.
Sec. 34. Be it enacted, That all male
citizens of Maryland, above the age
of twenty-one years, who shall he cit
izens of the United Slates, and who
shall have resided within Hie corpor
ate limits of Walkersville for ninety
days next preceding the election, pos
sessing the qualifications now or here
after provided for by law or ordinance,
shall be entitled to vote at all elec
tions hereafter held.
Sec. 35. Be it enacted. That all
nominations for Burgess and Commis
sioners shall be made by the qualified
voters of the town, on or before the
first day of April, in each and every
year, in which a Burgess and Com
missioners are to be elected, or in
which Commissioners, or a Burgess
and one Commissioner are to be elect,
ed, at a town meeting to be held foi
that purpose, provided, that before
said meeting is held two weeks’ notice
shall be given by posting printed no
tices. in at least four public places in
said town, giving notice that said nonj
inations will be held at the time and
place specified in said notice, for the
nomination of officers to be elected at
the ensuing election; provided, how
ever, that in the event there is not suf
ficient time between the passage of
this Act and the holding of the first
general election thereunder to give
such notice and make such nomina
tions thereunder within the time
aforesaid, the Commissioners shall
give such notice and call said public
meeting at any time prior to the first
Monday of May, as they shall think
proper. At any time after the first
general election held under this Act
the Burgess and Commissioners may
by ordinance provide for the method
of making nominations and conduct
ing elections and certifying returns
thereof in a manner different from that
herein provided.
Sec. 36. Be it enacted, That for the
purpose of determining whether this
Act shall become the charter of the
town of Walkersvilie. said Act shall be
submited to the duly qualified voters
of the corporation, at a special elec
tion to he held for that on
the ninth day of April. A. D. 190, be
tween the hours of three and seven
o’clock P. M., for their approval. In
the event the Judges o f Flection shall
have been appointed prior to the pas.
1 sageofthis Act.they shall art as judges
1 of said special election, and also as
1 judges of the general election to bo
1 held on the first Monday of May, A. D.
1914; and provided, further that in the
1 event there is sufficient time between
■ the passage of this Act and the ninth
1 day of April. A. D. 1914, the day on
■ which said special election shall be
' held, two weeks' notice shall be given.
‘ by posting printed notices, in at least
‘ four public places in said town, giving
notice that said election will be held
• on the ninth day of April, A- D, 1914,
! within the hours aforesaid and at the
f place specified in said notice, for the
I ■**■"' '** **"**'" ***‘ W^~*—^
purpose of adopting or rejecting the
new charter of Walkersville, and no
other notice shall be required; but in
the event two weeks’ notice cannot be
given between the time of the passage
of this Act and the dale of the election
for the adoption or rejection thereof,
then the Commissioners shall give
such other notice of the time, place
and purpose of the election as they
! shall think proper. The official ballot
to be used at the special election shall
be prepared by the Commissioners,
and as near as practicable be in the
same general form as ballots hereto
fore used in said town. Said ballot
shall have printed upon them the
words “For the Amended Charter,”
and ‘‘Against the Amended Charter.”
If at said election more votes are cast.
I ••for the Amended Charter” than
i “Against the Amended Charter.” then
in that event this Aet shall become
the Charter of the town of Walkers
i ville, but if more or as many votes
jure cast “Against the Amended Char
j ter” than “For the Amended Charter,”
then in that event this Act shall not
j become the Charter of the town of
I Walkersville. The special election
I herein provided for shall he conduct
| ed. the vote canvassed and the result
(declared in the same manner as in
I other elections. In the event no or-
I dinanco shall be passed prescribing
the method of making nominations
I and holding elections, etc., provided
| for in tiiis Aet. the same method shall
I he followed in making nominations,
preparing the ballot, conducting the
election and making return thereof as
has heretofore been the custom.
Sec. :17. lie it enacted, That this Act
shall take effect from the date of its
passage, am] that all Act - or parts of
Acts inconsistent with the provisions
j of tiiis Act. he and the same are here
j by repealed to the extent of such in
i consistency.
| Approved April 1, 191 I
! Speaker of the House of Delegates.
JESSE D. hurt;,
President of the Senate.
I Office of the Chief Clerk of the House
-11 Hereby Certify, That the aforego
ing is a true copy of an Act of the
I General Asemhly of Maryland, passed
I at the Janu ry Session, Pal l.
Chief Clerk of the House.
AX ACT <to repeal Sections (wo and
six of Chapter fifty-six of the Acts
of the General Assembly of Mary
land of Session of 1882 codified as
Sections fill! and 217 of Article 11
of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title “Frederick County,” sub-title
“Mechanicslown” (now Thurrnont),
and to substitute in lieu thereof the
Section 1. lie it enacted by the Gen
era! Assembly of Maryland, That Sec
tions 2 and G of Chapter 56 of the
Acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland, of the Session of 1882, codi
fied as Sections 313 and 317 of Article
11 of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "Frederick County,” sub-title
“Mechanicstown” (now Thurrnont), be
and the same are hereby repealed,
and to substitute in lieu thereof the
Sec. 313. That the male citizens of
said town of the age of twenty-one
years and upwards, being citizens of
Die United States, who shall have re
sided in said town for and during the
space of six months preceding, shall,
on the second Monday of April in each
and every year at the usual place of
holding elections in said town, elect
five commissioners, who shall have
resided within the taxable limits of
said town one year next preceding
the election, one of whom shall be des
ignated by the voters as president
and another of whom shall be desig
nated by the voters as secretary: the
said commissioners shall enter upon
the discharge of their duties within
ten days after their election.
Sec. 317. The president shall pre
side at the meetings of said commis
sioners and preserve decorum, give
such directions as may be deemed nec
essary to carry into effect the provi
sions of this charter and perform such
other duties as may be assigned him
by the commissioners; the secretary
shall record the minutes of the meet
ings of said commissioners in a well
bound book and shall perform such
other duties as may be assigned him
by the said commissioners; In case of
the death, disqualification, resignation
or declination to serve, of either or
both the president or secretary of the
board of commissioners, the vacancy
shall be filled from the surviving com
missioners until the next election for
such officers; the commissioners may
allow such compensation to the presi
dent and to the secretary for their
services as to them may seem right
and just.
Sec. 2 And be it enacted, That this
Act shall take effect from the date of
its passage.
Approved April 10, 1914.
President of the Senate.
Speaker of the House of Delegates.
Office of the Secretary of the Senate.
I hereby Certify. That the aforego
ing is a true copy of an Act of the
General Assembly of Maryland, pass
ed at the January Session, 1914,
Secretary of the Senate.
AN ACT to increase the salaries of
the School Teachers of Frederick
County, Maryland.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the
General Assembly of Maryland, That
the following sections be added to the
Public Local Laws of Frederick Coun
ty, pertaining to schools.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That, be
ginning with the scholastic year
1914-1915, all the school teachers who
shall have been engaged in teaching
for three years in the schools of Fred
erick County, shall receive the follow
ing increase in salaries: Every teacher
wlfahas taught at least lo years in the
schools of said Frederick County shall
receive an increase of ten per cent,
on the salary as paid said teacher by
1 the School Commissioners of said
i Frederick County for the scholastic
year 1913-1911, provided that all such
teachers shall have an educational pre
paration for their work, equivalent at
least to lhe course given in any one
;of tlie High Schools of said Frederick
County; all other teachers shall re
, ceive an increase of five per cent, on
the salary as paid by the School Com
missioners of said Frederick County
for the scholastic year 1913-1914, pro
vided they shall have taught three
years in the schools ol said Frederick
County; provided further, that when
any of these teachers receiving the
live per cent, increase shall have
taught ten years in the schools of
said Frederick County, and shall have
had the educational preparation as
previously staled, they shall each re
ceive the additional five per cent, in
| crease on the salary received during
the tenth year of their teaching in
said schools of Frederick county.
Sec. 3. And he it enacted, That the
County Commissioners of said Fred
erick County are empowered, com
manded and directed to h-vy upon the
taxable property of Frederick County
for sufficient sums to pay the increase
as provided for in this Act; and too
School Commissioners of Frederick
bounty are empowered, commanded
and directed lo notify the County
Commissioners of said Frederick
County in due time of the amount
1 needed to pay this increase; and the
School Commissioners of Frederick
County are also empowered, com
manded and directed to pay over to
the teachers of Frederick County the
. said Increase. i —<
■" .uim it 1 lunfliv PfllUMii,
That this Act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 13, 1914.
Speaker of the House of Delegates.
President of the Senate.
Office of the Chief Clerk of the House,
1 hereby Certify, That the aforego
ing is a true copy of an Act of the
General Assembly of Maryland, pass
ed at the January Session, 1914.
Chief Clerk of the House.
an ACT to prevent the sale and carry
ing, sending or shipping of any live
bass bait, known as scale bait, stony
cats or mad toms out of or away
from Frederick County (unless tak
en from the owners of enclosed
ponds). ,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gen
eral Assembly of Maryland, That it
shall be unlawful for any person, firm,
partnership or corporation to sell and
carry, send or ship, out of or from
Frederick County, or sell or dispose of
or furnish to any person tor the pur
pose of taking the same out of or from
Frederick County at any time, any
live bass halt known as scale bait,
stony cats or mad toms; the carrying,
sending or shipping from or out of
said Frederick County, shall consti
tute prima facie evidence of the vio
lation of this Act and the burden of
proof shall be upon the person, firm,
partnership or corporation so taking,
carrying, sending or shipping any
live bass bait known as scale bait,
stony cats or mad toms, that the
same are not sold nor intended for
sale, unless said bait were taken from
the owners of enclosed ponds.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted,
That any person, firm or corporation
violating any’ of the provisions of
Section 1 of this Act shall upon con
viction thereof before any Justice of
the Peace in said Frederick County,
be fined not less than s•>, nor more
than $25, and in default of the pay
' ment of the fine imposed and costs
shall be sentenced to the County Jail
for not less than 10 days nor more than
’ 60 days In the discretion of the Jus
tice of the Peace.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That this
, Act shall take effect from the date of
r its passage.
Approved February 24, 1914.
Speaker of the House of Delegates.
President of the Senate.
Office of the Chief Clerk of the House.
I hereby Certify, That the aforego
ing is a true copy of an Act of the
! General Assembly of Maryland, pasa
ed at the January Session, 1914.
Chief Clerk of the House.

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