OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, December 21, 1902, Editorials, The Drama, and Society, Image 17

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1902-12-21/ed-1/seq-17/

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1 41rf Editorials E itoriaIS The T e Drama Dramaand DramaI Dramav
Section SBCCI Two d 111 n S Lfn IpSrQfi l dt lt tiAS1 r 111 imfrfl t t Y3i A
I i I v J W S s toy JJ a6 D lS IV n 19l W t4c4a1 1 Y andSoc16ty andSoc16tyn andSoc16tyYASITINGTON and Society SocietyWASHINGTON societyWASIIINGTON
WASHINGTON SUNDAY DECEMBER DECE IBER 21 1902 1902Htount 1902Lbrfstmas 1902brttrne
< Lbrfstmas in n the better of Htount ount St Sepulchre
I i1 AnnU Annunciation ciat n Altar iijiiAltar of the Nativity 1 1Annunciation
I t i i liT J I iThe The TChurch he Church and Monastery
HE Christmas season bringing its tidings of Joy Jo into the hearts of o rich richand rlcband richand
t t and poor alike lioae po as s a marvelous power Before rere it walls of ofstrongly oCstrongly ofstrongly
strongly cementod brick structure of hewn Ja stone t4 to > n > er weatherbeaten weatherbeatenstormstalaod w wetberbatentorm uert ten tentormlitalaed
stormstalaod torm atalad wood become as though they w were re not The spirit oC o the Uiaseason tlI tlIpason theseason
season passes pu ea through them tll one 0 and all IlAralks la maaeiemi where ancient ancientapes ancleatapestrlM ancienttapestriesn
apestrlM apes trio line Ita path onaith onleltJter r band and the rareat of nap rug Cram rr UM loom 1 oft of ofihe c che
ihe t he mystic apleeseenteft But feel UM J impree impreaa at Its Invisible lble feet it breath breatha bruta breetMe breetMea
a warmth la J the ban lue of l the laborer sad la eva ne the autumn akadows w of ofdolster ttt tttloister thisrloleter
loister < its laughter breaks the rule of silence and Its merriment resounds r in lahe inhe I II
I he hf babiUtloR of prayer and meditation meditationBy editatiouBy taUo taUoDy
By a strange link wrought In the wonderful smithy tla7 of chance cJIee and a coinci eeincitence coincidence celacijc ¬
+ dence jc > nce a link extending far over leas and through a lap Ja of nineteen teen hundred hundredrears htilldredTears hundredyears
rears and mere me Washington Wub a Is bound to the H BOOM of that Drat Christmas Chr1lltl aa aaBelhIeJun m mBethlehem In InBethlehem
Bethlehem of Judea Per la the tit Holy Night new drawing near r t the eeroioe MIeBHtnles eernmonies eeroioenles
nles to be oelebratod at the Church of the Nativity in the etty which hie hiethe to called calledthe tailedthe
the city of David will lad I aropraduetloa ar ronrodnotlon ttr8d tIOB la only one place paae in the world worwtM worwtMFTancl weretheFranciscan the theFranciseaa
Franciscan FTancl a Obspol of o the Holy HoJ LaaaVat Lead at Mount SL Bs Sspalshre mtehr la Brooktaad BroeklsadThere BrooktaadThere k kThere
There where wo a facsimile lJe of f the Grotto beneath the Basilica atca at Bet Bethlehem > diekes leltet ex exlets esISI8 enet
lets et s the aervleea r l duplicating deplleaUac thonoat tbOtHl at the original ahrla eMrinewilt I will ho held JI They Theywere T1MJIre theyxere
were instituted la tUatM by hi the t c Vory VOl Her Godfrey aotle SchUhI Scbillttfg and haWsfrSB ben boon heW year yearly 1Fearlr ar arb ¬
ly with the exception eettt1en of Jut year y r when w owing owllt to toeertaJa cortaia uwavoMaoie circum circumstances etnuMstance cirouaaatances ¬
stances it was foaad peeossary 1 ry to OMit themA them themA u uA
A Season of Great Greatey GreateyClIrl Jey JeyChristmas JeyCbrIMtua
Christmas ClIrl 81U s in the shelter of eaaveaU twalla wall walla la Indeed a season of 0 great t Joy JoyIts JetJu JeyIu
Its coming coml g has Jtc been long looked forward rr to and perhaps perlta this U Uen expectancy has hasbeen Menbeen
been en holghteaed helgl1te ed by the severe NY period w of itf lasting which In the tb FraackfSH PraMlr Fra + teir a Order Orderprecedes 0 Otdrprecedes r rprerrotlle
precedes prerrotlle the Feast of the Nativity Natl t7 for after an moekc are human even eventrough n nrough en entrough
trough tHy be Friars Minor MinorFrom MinorFrom > thawJrom
From All Saints SIlII 8 until aUI Christmas CMI4St as Do with the Ut exceptions only I of 0 the later Intervnlng laternlng latervning
vnlng nlng Sundays at Undsystriet strict fasting and atoaetueaec al silataee ha Mae been abssrved In the patois oft of ofUP 0 0t1
t1 t UP e cloister it la what Is called lied a Meek fat UC The name In I Itself la > kvOtetoat kvOtetoatv meseat meseatv
v euggestive euggestiveThe luKgtlVeThe euggetfreThe
The celebration eel of the ut day ia I not coaaaed eN to those services and devotlona In Inth IIIthl inthe
the th chuM In vbleh Welt the public generally be Mme a store 1M1r Far a time U the shackles shacklesof eld eldot
of discipline diadpl and UM a strict t rtet rules nat of the content COItf Dt arc relaxed and the t3 community communityproceed essnwaakypraweds atq atqJro
proceed Jro < ftd to enjoy MJe 114 17 l toelf self In b the manner ordained by mettles L and saactioaed aaetfor + ed by bycorura bycorum bycorum
corum coruraOnewbe corumOnwft corumonelwMe
Onewbe dwelt It for a Urn u tine In the beautiful structure tIN enwwlq erewwia the hill lam3flunt cntlod cntlodMount oatlsdMount
Mount St Sepulchre S pulchretlM the cluster ter of buildings bulldl which I III the t Htodvoam of flla f PatMua Father Fatherodfrey 1Mr 1Mrodrre
a odfrey odrre made manifest ta enduring brick and d stea Mess and mnrbls assnssay w may M the theor tateco theCrory
co Crory or of YtttoUd there tb bitter Nt than an outsider who It Mims a sure It iaaeeamiely I and sec siedbead secondband HeoCblUMl ¬
ondband dbead at b Met st The aeoouot here given ben COM gene from one wIlD let a while wail 11I1 was wason wallon wasone
one on of tine Irf tsing IDa bononth beIta1ttlte the shelter elt < < of the monastery seaeetecy roof r t In the e MIa lm and andtiift alNlqJift andqict
tiift qJift of its sfloat 1 cells 11e and cvrrtdon
HB preparation ratlo have ben 1M bet > n many manyand man manabOH manyyd
tHIIp and eaediag aetta T sad above all alltiring antiring alltiring
tiring To any nothing otbln of the theannual tbeaBI theasses
annual asses preparing f rr r the fnwtof fnwtofthe thast t or orIt ofthe
the It > birth oftba otu Chrtot CItt1MeleUtf Jill < I the tb saddl saddled aaddeued addeued ¬
ed service of advent t typifying a world worldP werhtth
P tb the shadow et darknoos rlr yet ft thrilling thrillingTib tllrllllqI
Tib r I Ih b the hope and expectancy of the thevslahs tbeI theaiaha
vslahs I > Ih r Timing Inlne the > fasting rUn and ad pray prayt pr prf
t f c there arc many other things that thatran thatrou thatmuse
ran muse 1 be Kiokid l h cI after fltr Mains will III u usuag tcsanl Lte
suag e tug solemnly Hlemn1 between bet cen the hours of U Ur
as and 12 oelock cloclr M Christinas E EJut ending endingjust tiaditt tiadittJust
1 just ta OHM for tb the solonm high p pI HUMM HUMMwhich saeswhich
I which kb win bngiB M midnight For this thisonlce tb tboaIef tineolke
onlce aa a well w n as for the MMS mean Itoelt Itoeltthere Jheftthert Itic Iticthere
there has been meek rehearsing of ofmusic ormuic ofmustc
music musicTrue mustcTrue
True Tru only the Ib Gregorian Grp or1aJl chant la I seed tMedand seedsad ed edplaJa
and plain M IJ sung C sounds simple ple when w It la lahe J leheard
he heard rd It la not et easy though an any anyone a aI anyone
I one will lad who tries lrt to t school O I twenty tweatyor tweBt
or thirty tblrt untrained or partially trained trainedrolies traln trainedrotues d dYOkell
rolies Into the 1 be my mysteries ieri of Us rhythm rhythmnd rbyl rhythmsend hmlt
end nd cadences Whoever Wh Tr known Iono sweic M JC it itdeflll MM MMdemuods uasderatands
demuods deflll < too this Tu those who de not it
i iWI t
i J
The High Altar
WI = r
sorely lIHtIel swfflefeo meN < to say that lMit GTreaorlan Orserlaeaa GTreaorlancan
can only J be very 81 aced QiHI or very ery had There Therela TllereIs ThereIs
Is no fBhMIa il Ole 1 e eoMRN nM it suit ust bo exact or oreloe orelae ortine
tine it I Is wretched wretchedThere wrewliedTIter wretchedThere
There TIter are other songs to be rehearsed rehearsedtoa retteanedtoe rehearsedtoe
toe and besides ww then t1I the the younger youngerstudents 7MDPrfiude1ttll 7iws er erstudeats
students have been with th a great air of ofMystery orayate17 ofsy
sy Mystery tery learning speeches and a drama dramattaad d dMII dnnaltlsed
ttaad MII allegory with which Ialck to surprise surprisenad nrpri nrpriand r rutrtaill
and entertain later Ad as our amuse amusement alllUKI amusemeat ¬
I meat are not naay aDI we do not t seek sett to toknew tokaow toknew
knew too mush aueh regarding these secret secretpreparations lleetet8JMIlatSon secretpreparations
preparations It is better to be surprised surprisedThe j
i The learning of songs is I not ot the end endAltars endAltaill endAltars
Altars lout yet b Ite decorated dee ratetl the grotto of ofBethlehem othktlteM ofBethlehem
Bethlehem hktlteM made do ready r 4F the church e1tute beau beautMod bHut bautmd
tMod t ter the occasion 0CCtt Some Be of o the thebrothers tlteutlltIII thehretkers
brothers utlltIII go out on the term lanaaJld And fell felleodars feUeedan felleedar
eodars tall stately tel evergreens ersreeD8 so appeeytiate ap appropriate a at ¬
propriate t t to the season eases or r to the theBoaroat tMHaNet thenearest
nearest woodlands WMIa In search search of berryladen ber berrylnden bft17la
rylnden 17la holly liranehos 11Ie TIle fair faireat ralrnt faireat
eat bloeaoms blopens1 the estensive extleou green greenbouses resn resnhouses
houses can denS hurried to midwinter midwintermaturity midwfntarnatWily 1dwt 1dwttartt
maturity tartt under the fostering care of ofBrother ofBrot ofBrother
Brother Brot wjldluo idiuewho Iwllo who baa seen Christ Christmas ChrItIa Christseas ¬
seas In the Holy 1101 Laudhaye Lund have been gathered gath gathered ptbeNd ¬
ered to be used in I enriching midll the high hgnaltar hCkltar highaltar
altar ltar the altar of the nativity aatI1c the altar altarof altarK Itar ItartJte
of the 3Ingl iaat sad the Place of the Hunger HungerMuch clangerMuch I IMuch
Much to Be Done DoneMuck DoneXuck DoneMuck
Muck else has been done OH The Mu Mudenta tn tncleata tudeats
denta have had ed to iaioh their t elr Kxnmina eaminatiota KxnminaUoas uIDIDatIou
Uoas and the clerics er1ca theirs In the thekitchen tbeklteMa thekitchen
kitchen even ey amidst 14I8t the nerving of orANt a adtot adiet
ANt truly tnel Lenten In character there thereha tMre11M therehas
has ha been the cooking of dainties bIU fcr fcrthe ferthe er ertII
the tII morrow and Brother Christoak CilMtoDhftr CilMtoDhftrwho Chritonlwrsite + r rwho
who rule rI rules the domain lie of the bakeabop bakeabopbaa bakeahopMade bakeabophas
baa made iris III ovine fragrant fr P8Dt with theuplees the thesopUes Utepie
sopUes pie of cakes eak and ad cookies cookl and the thefruit thefnalt thefruit
fruit loaves of the Vaterland VaterlandBusy Yalerl YalerlBuy Vaterlasdbusy
Busy also aI has been the brother who wtaocrta is assacristan issacristoa
sacristan crta lie U ha lies been be polishing up his hisfinest hi hiftneM hlGnat
finest candelabra such as are kept in inreserve I Ifor Inreserve
reserve for great Mt oecanioHs He prides prideshimself JHlliesJalmU prideshimself
himself OR the tll manner Rer ia I which hlck he ar arrangos arran arranges
ranges ran bin altar lights aad his decora decorative deeoralive deuoralive ¬
tive live eheme tell has Ita been a matter of long longstudy Ion Iont IonIt longstudy
study studyIt studyIt t
It is curly 6IIrl Christmas C dtM We ICY Confea ConfeaKioDB CoII CoIIIloDa Coalesaioes
KioDB have aY boon heard and a the dimly dlMt dlMt1St
IK eorrldorg O rrtd rl are silent It Is scarce 8 8oclock gottoek 8oaalock
oclock rot yot ot net oven en the clatter ot a
sandal is a heard alo aloJg g the flooring efcement ef cfcement efcellHlat
cement TIle Bight will be a long longaDd on onand one oneand
and it Is better to get t a little rest We Wewill W WWill Wewill
will need It ItF
F PltW W sela mwna > iNMore e eleven theciitalflag the theetanmitg u uge
B etanmitg ge of o a handbell await nwakeui aw awu awaita
ui u Ding dead doag K it resounne resounnean 1 resounds resoundssa 8t1a 8t1aIn
an in the banon of f a brother It Itpasses Itpe Itpe5
passes pe the Ut rows of celts celi We rIM risesleepliy rwesleepily rIMleeptfT
sleepily and ge to the th refectory refectorywhere refeterTwtaere refectorywhere
where there are stemming I pets of ofchocolate otcboeolate ofcheeclate
chocolate annf an l plate 1 < 1 piled high with withcrisp wttkcrisp rIUI rIUIcrl
crl crisp U tasty Cy swlback We munch ck cktlrtllk anddrink and anddrink
drink wlih 1fft IUI heart I1l1Mt7eJtUgk enough appetites a tJt yet yetmhanl ye yeIn t
mhanl Ia Jt Maeie aLe for th the time is briefNovi brief brt t tNow j jNow
Now Now the eblms elt ring out rUmntHg rUmntHgsharply clanglsgsharply
sharply rply lit I the wintry night We WeIIMT asset munthurry assethurry
hurry IIMT It Is time the procession was wasformed wutonned wasformed
Robing for the Celebration CelebrationThe CelebrationThe
The sacristy crist Is I quickly thronged Stu Students Itadeat Iltadents ¬
dents Who are members lien of the third thirdorder t1a1rdorder thirdorder
order and wear the habit Jt Jtlt on state stat uc uccaatee uecul uccaslasa
caatee cul a only I are robing th the celebrant celebrantland celebrantand
land aDd his III assistants 8 UK deacon and the thesubdoacOH thesuhdeecds
subdoacOH ubfc are vesting Ntlc for matins U and andthe aDdU andthe
the U minor 1 O0ers at the altar are ar Blip slipping Blipping Up Upi
ping i on their surplice Th The crucifer cruciferstands traolterataads lter lterataJMl
stands w with eth th the cross cr ready reAd to head headthe JMadtJte headthe
the precession In I Ii one corner the thethurifer tMUlurUer theShunter
thurifer ta swinging awt the censor to and andfro andfro ad adfro
fro to coax the newly 7 Ignited Ipltedlato < ehrcol ehrcolInto ehsrceellate
Into a glow glowNow alowNow glowNow
Now th the organs orpa tones loti are heard heardechoing Mtudeehoa heardecbolagud
eehoa ecbolagud echoing ft < t reechoiac among aMOD th the ft beau beautiful a1l auliful a1ll1tul ¬
tiful arch ate arches eonkd from rro th ue ehnrch of ofthe ofUte ofthe
the Holy 1101 Wtadom Wt Wtedoa8 lOM8uta Santa ata SoIala Soaa in Con Constantinople CoItataUnople Constaattnople ¬
stantinople It ta time The procession processionenters p processioneaten ioa ioaeatera
enters the church churchThere churehThere churchThere
There are beaches beach about the alter for forthe forU forthe
the U community Standing with bended bendmlheads beDtI bendedherds 1 1head
heads head the 0 t s introductory prayers are ar said saidOar ItRhIOur saidOur
Our Father Hall Mary 111 and the theCreed UteCreedthe theCreed
Creed Creedthe then the celebrant Intone cla clam clara clara
ra roes according to the rubrics ruMriesDoslne rubricsDomlfie rttltrt rttltrtDoMllle
Domlfie labia mo mea eprlesO anerlea 0 Lord Lordopn IordJIQ Lordopen
open ny lip lipAnd J lpr lprAmid JNI JNIAJld
And the reply ta takes up P by the UMebolr theclHJlr thechoir
choir in l a mighty chorus chorusaH cho choIk chornelilt
aH os moum meuaDHuwt aaniMUaMt laudaanl lattdnm la
4 t
tuam t aaAnd And my mat shall 1MU show forth forthThy rerlkThy teethThy
Thy praise praiseThus pnll pnllThua praiseThou
Thus the oSee of matins 1I proceeds IN fteda with withita witltIta withits
ita palms p llll8 canticles and versicles with withits wlthI withits
its I prayers and lessons I the prophecies propheciesof prolllMel prolllMelor
of Isaiah the sermon ler of St Leo on theattvlty the theNativity t1MNttth1tJ
Nativity attvlty the homilies Jao of C St Gregory Oregt > rT of ofSL ofIt
It SL Ambrose aad of St Augustine Auca U The TheTe Th ThTe There
Te re Deem is I cheated the orations t18o completed com completed COMpJete ¬
pleted < < it is midnight midnightMerrily mldnlhtllerrU midnightMerrily
Merrily llerrU the chime ring now DO Two Twocandle TweCIUtcU Twocandles
candle sufficed metd for the raatiur rt ut noon noonthe JOG JOGtke on onthe
the altar becomes becol t a bower of r lights and andflowers aOOlowers andtowers
flowers The tapers on the otner alUm alUmare alta altaace altarsare
are kindled and tile church which 171t1ehIttea ha habsaa has hasMica
Mica ateodlly Hlllng i as crowded er9wd erewdesC At the skiepistle theeptstle tit titIIIMJt
epistle aid side of th till altar the celebrant eeJ brut to tolaying IIIlytK Islaying
laying a aside wa we his cope and a putting IIIK on ontlie ontlieehaM the theehnsuble theehauhte
ehnsuble ehaM le and the deacon vet 8IIt thaw thawselvos tII ikemselves Rt RtMlv
selves Mlv IR their da t1aIDMi dalnsitlea I ma tics ea They The go to tothe tethe tothe
the altar alla they the bow The mass Ma has begun be bega HAt
gun ga
At the Gloria in Kxeetoto the thechimes thechimes
chimes are hoard again clanging madlyas madly madlyas
as though In I aa ecstasy of C Joy Little Littlebells Littlebelle
bells HI of s lv6 SVNr v > r taken from fro aide 814 altars altarUnkl altarstinkle
UIIItJe Unkl ia respotte r8 p8RM until th the cHnat to tocompleted kscempleted
The Adeste Fidolis FidolisAt FidotisAt FldolisAt
At the tI offertory oltertorya nad it could e ultl not be beotherwise beotlterwtNia beetberwlssis
otlterwtNia otherwise In sung the U Adest It FWells FWellsTls Idelis IdelisThe
TIe years since tnce this t was in the lIHtIt missal missalIt mtosaj mtosajIt
It Is on ODe of the old sequence acea which whle has lanelong haslong haal
long l c sine since lost its official character characterYet cllaraeterYet characterYet
Yet a Christmas Chrl8t without the song DC wherevery whose whosevery 110M 110MTV
very TV tune is I redolent of the season seasonfiurely MUOaelr seasonsly
fiurely sly It would ukl be next door to a heresy heresyThe heIMYTW heresyThlesell
The Thlesell smellV 11 or Incense I Alto Ala the air Th Thsacring TH THaael1DK TMs
sacring s cring bells tinkle the chains elI < < of swine swineIng swingtag wlnelac
tag censors clink The solemn 1t01 ceremony ceremonymoves oeresonysores
sores moves 0 on atop by step to its It close closeNow CiONNow cloneNow
Now the benedl benediction tloH Is given the priests priestsleave priestsleave
leave the altar altarBut altarDut altarBut I
But all ta I net et over yet Candles Candl are arebrought arebrought arebrought
brought la and distributed dlatrlb ted to everyone everyonebrethors ever1ontlbrethon everyonebrothers
brothers and laity Th Tile celebrating celebratingpriost colebratlngpriest celebratingpriest
priest WHO ta I PatherOedry Father Godfrey exchange exchangeth exchangesthe ckg ckgtM
th tM chasuble for the cope and a pro proeosofan INOMHl811 proesselee
eosofan ta formed two by 11 twe headed headedby h headedby t tby
by the crow bearer and his h attending attendingneelytos aUHtllngaoelyteL attendingacolytes
acolytes At the lh roar to th this celebrant celebrantwith eelwant1fttk celebrantwith
with deaeen and aubdeaoaH W6IlNII on either eitheri
The Place of the Manger I > 1
hand The thwifor t with a censer cea < < walks walksbefore wainbefore walksbefore
before the trio ot o priests priestsIn prtefi8I priestsIn
In I his h arms ar the celebrant bears h a pil pillow pUJow pillow ¬
low of satin thz rich 1th lace and ribbonsin ribbons rtbbo rtbboIII
in the midst ef t 1f whek sk k reposes a smilingwax smiling smilingwax lIag lIagwax
wax image of HM hjfaat Saviour Slowly Slowlythe Slowlytile Slowlythe
the precession pr celell moves meYes around the church churchto cIHardtt8
to the entrance of the Bethlehem BethlehemGrette Betlilelt8tGrotto BethlehemGrotto
Grotto and down the stairways that lead leadta leadtAt leadto
ta tbo tJtecrypt tJtecryptTitS thscryptTidy crypt cryptThto
Tidy TitS place reproduces la all save the therichness tltel1ck therichness
richness l1ck of the surroundings rTendl and the thevast Uaevaat thevast
vast multitude Itltude of votive lamps ad aadheavy aaclheaYJ adheavy
heavy tapestries tapeetrt th the Grotto at Bethle Bethlehem Beth1ehem Bethlehem ¬
hem as a It appears at this tlli day da At AteRd one oneend oneend
end between 1tetw th tM two spiral stairways stairwaysta stair
ta the place of the Nativity marked by bya 1tya bya
a silver star fila with the Latin words HIede Hie Hiee Hietie
tie e Virgin Maria 1a Jesus J Cbrlstus Chrlet sates natuseat sateseat
eat Here Jesus J Christ was bare sent of ofthe orthe ofthe
the Virgin Miry MryTo MiryTo 117
To one side at the t1a right hand ha and anddown a aOWB saddown
down OWB two steps Is a reckhowa rockliewlare atttagsrwhere manger mangerwhare
where lare the Child was placed Opposite OJlpo lte It Itear Itree itsane
sane ear ree a paee away is I the altar of the theNTso tMWho theWise
Wise Who Men ea the th Magi who 110 saw We knew aDd aadfollowed sadfllpwet
followed the Star Sta of Bethlohom Detkle Paint Fatatl Pabath Painttoga
l h toga g g hung lIu tanestrywto uatJ7w odxn eeromemorate + peaerst peaerstthe j jthe
the event
Ia lathe the Grett GrettThe GretteThe
The procossmn ha hay doeioadod dsassadsd du4 and the thegretta t tgrette thegrotto I
grotto to SHed The aflWatlag edktating priestwith priest priestwith prMIItwith
with the thehto waxes fyure et the Babe to tohis
his 11 Ie arias arms rl all faces th altar of the Na Nativity HaUTlt Nativity ¬
tivity UTlt the deacoa iIe moasos the Book of ofthe eCthe etthe
the Oospeto and bghse begh beg to Intone tato the thegospel tlteI thegospel
gospel I of the area mass of Christmas Christmaswhich CWt stnas stnaswhich bua bualatch
which latch Is I said Id in I the Bight This gospelis gospel gospelta papeltak
ta taken tak B from the second eoad chapter chalK < < of Si SiLuke 51Lke StLuke
Luke and startsBritt starts startsBxilt startsmxttt
Bxilt edfetum edIct1I a Cesar Augusto ut utdoscriberetur utde utdeecriberetttr
doscriberetur de crlberetllr ualversus ernis orTher orTherwt erbliTberrweal There Therewent
went forth a decree lieu front Caesar Au Auguetua Aupuetua Augaelou
guetua that all the UI wwM should uld bo botaxed bptaxed betaxed
taxed taxedAt taxedAt taxedAt
At the words w and she brought forth forthher forI forthher h hkPr
her flrstbora MIl so th the pillow aad the theInfaat Ua UalIfa8t theInfant
Infant are laid oa the silver Uver star The Thedeaooa Tbtce Tit Titdeaden
deaden continues ce sad wrapped pM Him HimIn HimIII HimIs
In swaddling eleth clet clothesMere her the sure are is isjtakaa I Itakes Intaken
jtakaa takes up liP by tho celebrant eeltltralltd and laid UtdHtm laidNla laidHim
Him ia a meager 8 Th TIle lang I of the theChild theChild
Child ChUII1tI to placed oa the straw of th the crib criband cribanti criband
and the story ater of His 11 birth to sung snag to Its Itscompletion It Itcompluea Itscompleden
completion completionBach complueabak compledenBack
Bach act has been dene den as in Bethle Bethlehem BethleMm BethieMean ¬
hem with but a slight dUfercaeo dI dtkeremesthe dtkeremesthedtfforeaee < < er ertJtrrre the the41Kr
41Kr dtfforeaee Mtf of a word Time tit t the ac actual ac actual aclal ¬
tual lal pleas pIa bt of t th the Xattvfty athity th tile tileor wora woraof weeds weedsof
of the gospel pel art a changed chaS they reafl
And here she brought forth fOrth f and andh andltere andhere
here h re laid Him in a manger mangerOaee manger0Dce mangerOnce
Once afore the Gloria in Exceleto is issuns IsIAID50 issung
suns TIM Th air ia J the crowded orypt oryptwarmed oryptw cryptwarmed
w warmed by the flames Mea of the candies oandleahM 06ndlesHhi candiesheld
hM te a the hand of erory lit worshiper worshipergrows worshipergrows orsblpergrow
grows hot and oppressive ottpretl tft The fumes fumesof tumesot fumesof
of incense lace form a redolent reci lellt cloud above aboveour above01lr aboveour
our heeds heedsPrayers hoadsPrayers d dPraTers
Prayers are recited Christmas aar songs songssnag songsaaa songssung
snag aaa in German and Ragitoh EDsII Again gain the theprecession theplOceMtoa theprecession
precession form and returns barDS to the thachurch theclnarch thechurch
church above
Mere Masses MassesTh M MassesThe S5 S Sone
Th one crossbearer la tad H egle ls direct to the thesacristy thesaaiaty
sacristy There TIIeft are two more masses massesyet museset massesyet
yet et to be said al by 1 th the eoloteaat celelraatfor celelraatforeYeI7 cedbaatforvery for forvery
eYeI7 very very priest celebrates thrice oa this one oneday oneor oneday
day of the tbellear year Attended Atte led1Q by a server serverbe sernr1ae serverhe
be goes back to the Bethlehem Bel l 1lem crypt cryptaad cryptaDd cryptsad
aDd some 110 lingerers JIn la the church c ureb and andmany and1D117 andmany
many of tho community follow Some Someare Someare lme lmelIIIe
are more orewsc wearied and retire at once onceThere onceTbere onceThere
There is no need to wait the t e com commuaity comIt comaamenity
amenity It received holy b conimunloB C l auI ei1 at the thehigh the1riIk thehigh
1riIkIa high mass masla massIn
la the aacrtaty aaoiat Merry frTy Christmas ClK Christmas tBau tBauesc 5s 5sexchanged ise
e exchanged esc aree gr groetiags eUags p are re showered every everywhere eVer eVerre everywhere
where re and band are shakes ahak Thenceeae Then Thencom Thflnc
com c halfsleepy Jt goodnights and w wrealize WI WIJeaJIe wenellae
realize what at a splendid thing is lumber lumberitfter mmb mbir mbirfter r rafter
after fter all sitTWSTTAS allt allC
filarA c s MORNING If a still stJllj stilldark stilldark
C TWSTTAS t j dark and a winter wlnl r blast rattles rattlesthe Tattl Tattlthe rattlesthe
the window frames The
day be begins bfoKins begins ¬
gins much as usual Lauds Lau aro arosaid arosaid arcsaid
said in choir bolr with a low m mass > rs s at aloclock 6 6oclock doclock
oclock We breakfast at 7 The fare is isthe I Ith isthe
the th osuai aUa usua tLln tLlrg at this meal mealtOfe coffee and andbread andbreed
bread bl IId and nd as it in a feast day here is isbutter IIIburteor Inbutter
I butter too tooMasses tooM tooMasses
Masses M are ar going oa all the morning morningand morninoI morninsrand
and at 9 comes the second high celebra celebratioa celebraties lebra lebratloa
ties When it ends the recreat recreation ion rooms roomsam roomsrn roomsern
am rn sought bt or a few minutes rest re is istaken istaktor istakenfor
taken taktor for the little hours must be besaid besaid
said in choir between bc > 1 weeD 11 oclock oclot k and andnoon aut autnOGa andnoon
noon noonThe nOGaThe noonThe
The community to free today andthere and andthere ant antthtre
there are many nan hiitoraproCeIlSOrs visitors professors from fromthe rromtbe fromthe
the Catholic University tn I v enlty benefactor of ofthe orthe ofthe
the monastery monastery and a other male friend friendThere friendThere rIeDdlTIMre <
There is I no restriction on conversa conversation convprstieD conversation ¬
tion sad laughter holds the ih t ta > keys it of oftho orUte ofih
ih Ute house houseXoo bo boN houseNess
Xoo N Ness lade th UIIe community comlUuuil a r taWe taobl t rble In IntINt tothe n nth
tINt th refectory r fetory AH arc thoro t h re Kn T m the lbefI1 thefeeetww4
feeetww4 fI1 sa S T1t1 d r rage t

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