Showerstonightand Showers tonight and to tomorrow ¬ LlitUO8 h e I REMI K 11 EMTO EM day D That Your Y ur You Newsdealer Want Themorrow The TheSUN Themorrow To Today Tamorro
morrow not so so Avarm varm to tomorrow ¬ Utb t
morro morrow rrowvariable v variable winds windsNUMBER It < < tug rt UUt me 4 I Washington SUN SUNDA SUNDAY DA Best Y TIMES TIMESWashingtons TIM TIMrrowvariable TIMWzshingtons Home PaperNUMBER Paper PaperNUMBER Paper I IWASHTKGTOjST
col r
Lajoie and an His Braves Taken TakenInto TakenInto TakenInto
Into Camp by Score o of 10 10to 10to JOto
to 3 3ULarry 3La Larry Put Out of ofthe ofthe o othe
the Game and Grounds GroundsLITTLE Groun GroundsLITTLE s sLITTLE
Umpire Caruthers Compelled Compelledto
to Retire etire l re WHen Overcome Overcomeby Overcomeh Overcomeby
by h Heat HeatStatesmen Statesmeti Re Recover Recov Recover ¬
cover cov r Their 1 e r Batting Eyes EyesrJuvenile EyesJuvenile EyesJuvenile
Juvenile Washington has seldom been beenas boenas beeaas
as happy as it was this morning morning when whenthrough whenthrough vhenthrough
through the kindness of several hundred hundredcharitably hUJldredcharltabb hundredcharitably
charitably Inclined persons 1350 or ormore ormoro ormore
more orphans and poor boys and girls girlsattended girlsattcmd girlsattended
attended attcmd d the baseball game at American AmericanLeague AmericnnLensue AmericanLeague
League Park The little ones over overwhose OVOlwhose overwhose
whose lives a cloud of doom Ioom In most mostcases mostcases mostcases
cases hangs and who would wo ld otherwise otherwisehave otherwisehave otherwisehave
have spent a gloomy and quiet Fourth Fourthwere Fourthwere tourtbwere
were admirably takon care of and to tothe tothe tothe
the last of them they had an enjoyable enjoyabletime onJoyabletime enjoyabletime I
time timeIf timeU timeIf i
If the Fourth of July and such un unprecedented unprecedented unprecedented ¬
precedented charity charlt on the part ot otWoshirigtonians otVMhh ofWashingtonians
Washingtonians VMhh gtonlans came more than once a ayear aear ayear
year ear It is not improbable that somo of ofWashingtons orVashlngtons ofWashingtons
Washingtons youngsters who who spond spondtheir spondtheir spendtheir
their time within tho cold gray gra walls wallsof wallso wallsof
of o orphanages would oxpiro with Joy JoyGirls J9YGirls joyGirls
Girls Cared For ForLadles ForLadles ForLadies
Ladles always recelvo bettor treatment treat treatment troatmnt ¬
ment than men and that hold gods gocJhthis co cothis godsthis
this morning The Tho little girls vore wuregiven voregiven vurogiven
given excellent seats in the center of ofthe orthe ofthe
the grandstand grandstandAfter grandstandActor grandstandAftor
After all qf them had been seated the thegood uic uicood thegood
good ood things began to come tho kltsveay kltsveayA kmV way wayA r rA
A large boxlike Punch and Judy amm ammratus aJ1tNratus apyaratus
ratus was placed plae < < d In the field In in such a aposition aposition aposition
position as to bo plainly seen by tta ttaboys tbe tbebos tkeboya
boys in tho bleachers and the girls in intho InthO n nthe
tho grandstand John Hume Hum Davis as assisted asIstcd aasfsted ¬
sisted Istcd by Mr Arrington thon gave the theludicrous theludicrous theludicrous
ludicrous and pleasing Punch and Judy Judyexhibition Judyexhibition Judyexhibition
exhibition while the juveniles watched watchedevery watchlldevery watchedevery
every move with keen delight dnlightHooligan dfllightnoo1igatl delightHooligan
Hooligan pn Hand HandAnother HandAnother HandAnother
Another pleasing exhibition in which whichHappy whichhappy
Happy Hooligan his friend the cop and andseveral andseveral
several other comic artist creations fig figured fi fiured figured ¬
ured was given by Mr tr Davis and his as asBiatnnt assistant assistant
sistant This was stunning In th thvernacular the thevernacular thevernncular e
vernacular of the young uns There Therevvero Thoreero Thereero ee e
vvero ero still other things in ordor fo fothem for forthem forthorn r
them Just previous pr < wl uA to the game and andwhile andwhile andwhile d
while it was in progress proro s attendants attendantspassed attondantspassed attendantpassed s
passed among the children and distributed distrib distributed dlstrllutcd ¬
uted packages of popcorn bags of pea paunuts peunuts peanuts
nuts and as many man glasses of toe cold coldlemonade coldlemonade col collemonade d
lemonade as they the could comfortably comfortablyBtore Comfoltablystore comfortabl comfortablstore v
store away way
From the outset of the contest tho theyoungsters thooun thoyoungsters
youngsters oun stcr rooted hard and faithfully faithfullyfor leithfullyfor lthrlllly lthrllllyfor
for the Legislators and it Is due mostly mostlyto mosthto
to their efforts and a little playing onthe on ontho ontho
tho part of the team ton that that Washington Washingtonwon a8hlngton a8hlngtonwon
won wonLoftus
Loftus signalized his return from theWest the theWest theWest
West by presenting the worst worst patched patchedup patchedI patchedIup patchedup
up team yet seen in Washington Washington Mis Misfortunes Misfortunes I Itortunos ¬
fortunes thick and fast arc responsible responsiblefor rc responsiblefor > on8Ibl on8Ibltor
for this Coughlln is on the bench benchnursing benchnurulngn benchnursing
nursing nurulngn a bum thumb Delahanty isaway IB IBaway I Iaway
away no ono knqxvs whore and BillClarke Bill BillClarke BIUClarke
Clarke Is chasing his baggage which whichwent Whlohent whichwent
went ent astray The fierce heat had no noterrors noterrors noterrors
terrors for the fans about 4iOO of whom whorawere whomwere whomwere
were present
First Inning InningHarry InningHarr InningHarry
Harry Harr Bay the first man up drow drowfour drowfour drewfour
four bad ones Bradley sacrificed himto him himtd himt6
td second by going out Townsend to toCaroy toCarey toCarey
Carey Lajolc Lajoie ajolc walked walked Hickman bans bansed ban baned banged
ed ono at Townsond who throw Lajoie Lajoieout Lnjohiout Lajoteout
out at a second Moran doubling Hickman Hickmanat Hickmanat
at first OrstMoran firsttoran firstMoran
Moran sent a skyscraper to Buy andwas and andwas AndWas
was out Sclbach walked and Ryan Ryanwent Runwent Ryanwent
went out on a fly to Lajoio ljoio Selbash Selbashstole Soloochstolo Selbaahstole
stole second scoring on Leos single singleover singleover
over second Carey ended the inning inningLajoie lonangLajoie InningLajoie
Lajoie to Hickman Lajoie rats raised a akiclc akick akick
kick on Solbachs steal and was wa cent 8nt to totho totho tothe
tho bench by bo Caruthers amid the jeers of oftho Clrtho ofthe
tho crowd the orphans leading leadingLajoio ltmdlnCLajo leadingLajo1o
Lajoio refused to leave tho field and a along along along
long delay ensued duo to Caruthers in inability Inability Inability ¬
ability to find a policeman poll coman to put tho thooffender thoolfpndor theoffender
offender off the Hold Reddy ODua eODeawas toDunwas ODuawas
was finally pressed into service and La Lajoio Lajolo Lajobe ¬
joio retired to the tll club house houseSecond houseSecond houseSecond
Second Inning InningMcCarthy InningMcCarthy InningMcCarthy
McCarthy went out to Carey Careyefsted c roy ifeits ifeitsslsted d u uslstcd
slsted Flick Fllckwent Wcnt cnt out Carey to Town Townsend Townsenel TOwltsend
send Gauchnauor Gauch nuor drew a paw pa to fine fineDomlo fineDOlLia firstBomle 1
Domlo precluded any chance of a score scoreby scoreby eOI4Iby 1
by striking out outMartin outI outMarlin
Martin I rtln led off by putting a pop fly flyinto nr1nLo flyinto
into Cllngmana mitt lwho J who succoedod succoedodLajoie 8uecoedodLnjole suecdtedodLajole
Lajoie Robinson took a base en u ball balladd balls ballsand bailsand
and took third in Drills single In le to right rightTownsond rightTownscnd rightTownsend
Townsend struck out Drill atonUn stealing aoc cccoud aocond oc ocond
ond en tho play Both Robinson anJ anJDrill anJDrill anJDrill
Drill thon scored on Morons orans single to tocenter tocenter tocenter
center Charlie taking second on tho thothrow thothrow thethrow
throw in to bead off Drill at tho plateSelbach plate plateSelbach plaicSelbaeh
Selbach walkttl w11Jr d Charlie purloining third thirdat thlrdat thirdat
at the came time timeJimmy t1moJimmy timeJimmy
Jimmy Ryan thon t on rapped out a two twoCcnttuuod two tyoCcntiJJuod twoCcnttuudrl
Ccnttuuod CcntiJJuod on StceudTage Stoelld age
5 AROUND THE WORUFirstCablegramFiomPresi WORLD WORLDFirstCablegranlFrom OR ORFirstCablegramFiomPresi
FirstCablegramFiomPresi FirstCablegramFiomPresident FirstCablegranlFrom Presi President
dent Roosevelt RooseveltEVENT RooseveltEVENT
Congratulations to Be Put on n Wire at atOyster atOyster atOyster
Oyster Bay BayKing King Edward andKaiser and andKaiser andiser
Kaiser iser to RespondAn Respond RespondAn
An important event In the history of oftho ottho ofthe
tho world will occur today at 330 when whenat whenat whenat
at Oyster Bay Da the summer home of the theRoosevelt theUoosevolt theRoosevelt
Roosevelt family laml1 < President Rooseveltwill Roosevelt Rooseveltwill RooseveltwUl
will send the first cable c blo message aroundthe around aroundthe aroundthe
the earth earthMany earthIan earthMany
Many Ian distinguished guests will attend attendthe nttendthe attendthe
the simple but significant ceremony and andshort andshort andshort
short addresses are to be made The Themessage Themossage Themessage i
message will consume consume cona mc but four minutes minutesIn
In its transmission and in that time timePresident UD1 UD1President timePresident
President Roosevelt will have communi communicated communlI communicated ¬
cated his greetings and those of the theAmorican theAmerican
American people to eleven different differentpoints dllIer diflcrdntpoints nt ntI
I points
An Auspicious Day DayToday DayToday DayToday
Today Is bellevqd belle < d to be the most Aus Auspicious IUS IUSplclous auspicious ¬
picious date on the American calendar calendarfor calendarfor calendarfor
for christening christening the new cable blo Tho Thomessage Thomessage ho homes
message mes nge of President Pr sld t Roosevelt will Ill be betho beth bethe
the th first Rent and will be put on the thewire thewire thewire
wire at bis Oyster Bay home by George GeorgeH
H Usher Usho general manager of the Com Commercial Commercial Commercial ¬
mercial Cable CompanyFrom Company CompanyFrom ComJanyFrom
From Oyster Bay Da It will go direst dir t lo loSan 10San toSan
San Franolaco Franuisco thence to Hawaii to tothe tothe tothe
the Midway lldw yIslands Islands to Guajn and to toManila toMtnUa toManila
Manila There the message message will be begiven bectven begiven
given to Governor Taft whose jon songsat songsatlatoryreplywill ona jau jaultoryTeply u ulktory
ltoryTeply lktory latoryreplywill eply will 111 bo ready at one e The Thesixth fluIixth ritesixth
sixth rolay will take the mo63nic 1I moeaagN 000J J to toHdttgkons toI toHd
I Hd Hdttgkons H ttgkong koD the sovonthto setlonth Ito Bombay BomJ tho thoeighth thoclghth tborlghth
eighth to St Petersburg ihc the ninth hth to toMoscow totoscow toMoscow
Moscow the tho tonth to Berlin the eleventh eleventhto eleventhto
to London and the twelfth will bring the thernoMsago theme themessage
message me sago back to President Roosevelt RooHev t ut utOyster utOyster atOyster
Oyster BayRulers Bay BayRulers BayRulers
Rulers to Exchange GreetingsFollowing Greetings GreetingsFollowing GreetingsFollowln
Following Followln the sending of this thl mes message mc mcAiSO message < ¬
sage King Edward and Etiporor Wil William W11Ham William ¬
I liam will exchange greeting groet1a and each eachwill eachwill ach achw111
will send to President Roojjvolt his hiacongratulations 11lacongratulations hiscongratulations
congratulations on the completion complet on of I the l1oonble thecable ho hotable
table and host wishes for th3 Ih nationsholiday nations nationsholiday nallcnsholiday
holiday holidayPacific holidayPAcifIc
Pacific cable projects may bo said to toliavo tolIao
have received rereh ddl the final impetus Im tus In the themessage thlme
message me ac to Congress from the late Pres President l rcs rcstdent ¬
Went tdent McKinley In February 1899 urging urgingthe urgln urglnthe urgingthe
the establishment of a cable betweenthe between betweenthu betweenLhll
the United States and the Philippines via viaHawaii Ia IaHawnU
Hawaii and Guam GuamIn GuamIn
In 1901 tho late John W V Mackay wrote wroteSecretary wroteSecretary wroteSecretary
Secretary of State Hay expressing expro the th c
desire d < tllre to lay the first section of ot this thiscable thiscale thiscable
cable between California and Hawaii HawaiiThe HawaIlTllc tiawailThe
The cable abl has been completed and direct directcommunication directcommunication directonimunication
c communication is now established establishedaround establishedI1rollnd establishedaround
around the entire world Tho rate un under under under ¬
der agreement acre < menL between tween tho late John W WMackay WMackay Yo YoMac
Mackay Mac ay and Secretary Hay will be 1 a aword aword aword
word The uniform rate rat between Now NowYcrk XuwY NewYcrk
Ycrk Y rk and Manila before tore the new < CableWAS cablewas cable cablewas
was established est blf h > d was 3 > > i 8S5 5 a word wordCONVENTION wordNVENTIUN TO rd rdCONVENTION
Officers Chosen for Ensuing YearSuccess Year YearSuc YearSucce Suc Success ¬
cess ce s of the Association AssociationThs AssociationThe AssociationThe
The final meeting of the third annualconvention annual annualconvention lnnualeonyonUon
convention of the th National Association Associationof
of d Negro ocro Dentists was held held this morn morning mornIng mornlag ¬
ing at the Kreedmans I < re dmans Hospital The prin principal IrlncJpal principal ¬
cipal business transacted was the elec ggleetlon election Qlectlon ¬
tlon of officers oflleersfor for the otujuing oD ulng year ear The Theelections Thoelo Theelodtions
elections elo tlons resulted as follows President PresidentDr PresldontDr PresidentDr
Dr A J Gwathney Washington D C Cfirst COrst Cfirst
first vice lea president Dr R G Baker BakorBaltimore BakerBaltimore nk < > r rBaltimore
Baltimore Md second vice Ico president presidentDr prealrlontDr
Dr A R Taylor ulor Plttsburg Pa Pasbcrotary Pa16crotar Pasoerotary
sbcrotary 16crotar Dr C C Fry West cst Chester CheeterPp ChesterPa ChesterPp
Pa Pp treasurer Dr Allie M 1 Waring WaringWashington WaringWashington Varlnga
Washington a hlngton D C The executive com committee committee comrnlttee ¬
mittee consists of the following followln mem members memlie members ¬
bers lie Dr N S Lofton Dr C S Worm Wormley WormIe Wormley
ley Ie Dr D W Onloyt of Washington WashingtonDr
Dr M 1 A Pethel Charlotte N C and andDr nndDr andDr
Dr D A FonRUSon lro uson Richmond RichmondThe RichmondThe RichmondThe
The association voted otoo to publish an anannual nnanoual anannual
annual report which will contain the theproceedings thoproceodln8 theproceedings
proceedings of the convention and tho thocorruspoodoncc l1hcorruapondonce th thcorrespondence
correspondence and contributions from fromthe rromUI4I fro frothe m
the different members membersThJ momb motnbGrsThis rs rsTh
ThJ Th This ccavontlon has been mON sue successful sueeeful sudceseful ¬
cessful and had a larger attendance than thananY thanaay
any ever held The membership membership of the Lheaseoelatlon theassociation
association is s now five times as largo largous largeas
us it was when founded throe years ago agoDuring RtODnrlng agoDuring
During the sessions just closed a num number numbor nutubor ¬
bor of o able bla papers have been read by bythe bythe b bthe
the members membersThis memberTbl membersThis
This Tbl Afltttnoon at4t noon the local dentists denU t arc arcentertaining I1IContortalnlog ar arentertaining °
entertaining the outoftown members membersof
of the association qn a prlvato boat on onwhich ODwhich o owhich a
which the wholo hold party IJ rty wont ont to River RlvorView RhorView RiverView
NEW YORK July 4Fourth J Fourth of July Julywac Julywac Julywas
wac celebrated here today In the most mostoatontatlous mostoatontdou mostostentatious
ostentatious way The city was ablaze ablazewith ahla1ottb ablazewith
with ttb fireworks Tonight a great display displayutfll displaynrgll
utfll 111 bo had at Central Park and the thedfronx thelJroux tii tiiBronx e
Bronx Zoo
Five Soldiers Fall Victims Victimsof Victhnsof Victimsof
of Heat
Cooler Weather and More Rain n Pre Predicted PredictedTh PredictedThcrmqmeter ¬
dictedThcrmqmeter dicted dictedTh Thermometer rmQmcter at HighAltitude High HighAltitude HighAltitude
Altitude in the Sun SunThere SunThere SunThere
There was an appreciable lowering of ofthe orthe ofhe
the t he temperature today but b t the humiditymade humidity humiditymade humiditymnde
made the heat almost as oppressive as asyesterday asyesterday asyesterday
yesterday The figures on the street sireitthermometers stit streetthermometers t tthermometers
thermometers thermometers this morning showed 35 35at 86at 8fiat
at i 9 i > a m 91 at 11 a m and 94 at noon noonThis noonThis noonThis
This was a decided improvement overthe over overthe overthe
the 100 mark wb which ch was reached at noon noonyesterday noonyesterooy noonyesterday
yesterdaySix yesterday yesterdaySix yesterooySix
Six prostrations were reported this thismorning thismorning thismorning
morning but none at them was serious seriousFive seriousFlvc seriousFive
Five were soldiers marching in the theFourth theFourth theFourth
Fourth of July parade and the other otherwas other otherwas olhciWas
was a negro who was overcome on the thestreets thestreets thestreets
The Prostrations ProstrationsThe
The cases were as followsHarry follows followsHurry tollowsHArry
HArry Brown aged nineteen years ears a nmember amomber
member of the District Guard overcome overcomein I
in the parade on Pennsylvania Avenue AvenueRemoved AvenuoRemoed AvenueRemoved
Removed to the Emergency Hospital HospitalNot Hospitalot HospitalNot
Not ot serious seriousPreston seriousPrcllton seriousPreston
Preston Street a member of the Die District Dletrict Dietrict ¬
trict Guard also overcome in the par paradc parade parado
ado Condition pronounced not serious seriousat serIousi seriousat
i at the Emergency Hospital HospitalDaniel HospitalI HospitalDaniel
I Daniel B OBrien aged twqntytwoyears twqntytwoyettrs twqntytwo twgntytwoyears
years a private stationed at Fort Washington Wash Washington VashIngton ¬
ington overcome overcome while parading Hewas He Hewas j jwas
was taken tal en to the Emergency Hospital Hospitaland Hospitalnnd Hospitaland
and his condition condition was pronounced ronounced not notserious notserious notserious
serious seriousTaylor seriousTnylor seriousTaylor
Taylor S Edwards aged twenty years yearsa
a private stationed at Fort Hunt Vuovercome Vu Vaovercome Vuovercome
overcome In the parade parade arade At the Emer Emergency Emergency Emergency ¬
gency Hospital his condition was found foundto foundto
to be not seriousFrank serious seriousFrank sorlousFrank
Frank D Chase Company D Fourth FourthBattery FourthButtery
Battery attached to Socund Regiment RegimentDistrict RegimentDistrict
District District Guard overcome overcome while march marchIng marchlag
InS on Pennsylvania Pe 1isylva la Avenue Received RCceivodmedIcal Receivedmcdlcal R C Ivod
medIcal medl a14rttcnUonal attention rltentlon atrpgramsrdrus Ogranigrdr S store storeAlonzo storeJqOrii storeAlonzo
JqOrii Alonzo White White Wte a n negro 11 nogro cro aged thlrly thirtynine thlrlynh thlrlynine
nine nh e years Y4nts of S17 17U XJ Street northwest northwestprostrated northwtpr05trat northweaprostrated
prostrated pr05trat d at Fifteenth Street and Penn Pennsylvania PennsylvanIa PennsylvanIa ¬
sylvania Avenue Taken to the Emer Emergency Emergency Emergency ¬
gency Hospital Not ot serious seriousYesterdays seriousY seriousYesterdays
Y Yesterdays RecordYesterday Record RecordYesterday RecordYflsterday
Yesterday there was one death from fromthe fromthe rom romthe
the heat and two hVo men were overcome overcomeThe oercomeTbe overcomeThe
The death was as that of Charles Smelldriver Small Smalldriver SmalldrIver
driver He was stricken In n the SoutheasJern Southeastern South Southeastern ¬
eastern section at 215 and died at the theProvidence theProvidence theProvidence
Providence Hospital at 820 without re recovering recoorln recovering ¬
covering coorln consciousness He was as married mar marrled married
ried and lived on Thirtythird Street Streetnear Str StreetnearM et etnear
near nearM M I in hi Georgetown GeorgetownAlien GeorgetownlItn Georgetownllen
Alien lItn Shuns colored driver of 472 472Street J i iStreet L LStreet
Street southwest wan sunstruck at 1 p pin 1 1m pm
m Taken to Emergency Hospital in Incrltlcl incritical a acritical
critical condition conditionJames condttlolIJnmes conditionJames
James Owens white fortysix ycnr yearnold ycnrold ycnrold s
old of 622 22 R Street northwest was wasovprcome wasOfrcome w
overcome near his home He was was takn taknto tnkmto take taketo h
to the Casualty Hospital and soon re recovered ICcoorcd recovered ¬
Showers Bring BI g Relief
The shower at 1230 today did a great greatdeal crcnldO greatdeal
deal dO I toward bringing relief to Wash Washingtonlans WashIngtonians Washingtonians
Ingtonians because of Its effect in cool cooling coolIng coollag ¬
ing the be heated asphalt But unless the thecool thecool thecool
cool breezes promised promb d by the Woathor WuathnrBureau WoathorBureau YoatbfJrBureau
Bureau appear on scheduled sehc uled time it is islilftly ism isliti
m liti lilftly ly that the last condition of the city citywill clt cltwill citywill
will be worse than the first because of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the increase of moisture in the airAnimals air airAnimals airAnimals
Animals suffered fully as much as men menand menand menand
and it wan fortunate for them that this thiswas thiswas thiswas
was a legal holiday which fact gave gavethousands gavethousl1nds gavethousands
thousands of horses an opportunity tcspend to tospend tc tcJ
spend J the day in a cool stable Inituml of ofIn ofIn ofin
In hauling loads over the soft asphalt uephaUAs asphaltAs asphaltAs
As a rule the drivers had due rogcrJ rogcrJto rogarlto
to the comfort 6f their boasts and lid didnot lidnot lidnot
not force them to exert themselves themselvesShawors them8clv themselvesShowors 3 3Showors
Showors art an predicted for the next nextthirtysix nextthlrtslx nextthirtysix
thirtysix hours or Just idng l < 1nc enough to toreach toreach toreach
reach over Sunday and spoil the trips of ofthose otthose ofthose
those who expected to go away for a aday aday aday
day In n the countryFOORTU country countryFOURTH counLryFOURTH
Untimely Patriotism Depletes a Num Number Number Number ¬
ber of Pocketbooks PocketbooksPremature PocketbooksPremature PocketbooksPremature
Premature celebration of tho glorious gloriousFourth gloriousFgurth gloriousFourth
Fourth cost a number of ultrapatriotic ultrapatrioticboys ulLrapatrloUcboys ultrapatrlollcboys
boys and men a few dollars In tho Po Police Police Police ¬
lice Court today The following
pen penalties penallies penalties ¬
alties were imposed by Judge Kimball KimballMortimer KImballIortlmer
Mortimer Lyddane and Hugh Dorian Doriandischarged Dortandlschnrced Doriandischarged
discharged a cannon on Ninth lnLh Street Streetnorthwest StrQetnorthwost Streetnorthwest
northwest and were each fined X10 10 or orthirty orthLrty orthirty
thirty das In n jail jailCharles all allCharles nilCharles
Charles Kauffman Arthur Williams WilliamsDaniel WilliamsDaniel VI1tIumsDaniel
Daniel Raedy Preston Corby James JamesRaster JamesRastor JamesRaster
Raster and Samuel Forgo forfeited 2 2each 2cae 2each
each eachFred cae eachFred
Fred Armder Charles Chari os Moore Robert RobertStrcrot RobertStreroL
Strcrot and James Brown BrownS forfeited 1 1each 1each 1each
eachCnmuel each eachg eachQnmuf1
g Qnmuf1 ymuel Levy discharged an extra large largecruckor largecrackor largeuraekor
cruckor at Thirteenth Street and Penn Pennsylvania Ponnsylvania Pennsylvania ¬
sylvania Avenue A vnue and Policeman Cults Cultsarrested CaUsarretcd Cattsarrested
arrested him He forfeited 5 5Jamas 5James
James Jones also forfeited 6 for hispatriotism his hispatriotism 1I1spatriotism I
patriotism patriotism and so did Richard Coleman Colomunrhir CoJemanj
rhir rhirJames j James es Scruggs Nicholas James and andJohn andJohn JI JIJohn
John Richter got off ot with a fine of 1
Watchman Watcl ln n McGivern Drops DropsOut DropsOut
0 Out ut of Sight SightHIS SightHIS
Chief Belt Ousts OtSBim Him Out of the Fire FireDepartment FireDepaxtmentHis FireDepartmentHis
DepaxtmentHis Department His Sec Second Second Seeond ¬
ond Offense OffenseAloysius OffenseAloysius OffenseAloysius
Aloysius McGIvern lcOlv rn a watchman in theFire the theFire theFIre
Fire Department has disappeared and andnot andnot andnot
not the slightest sllght st trace trace of him can bo bofound bofound befound
found On Saturday last ho received his hispay hilipny hispay
pay That night he suddenly vanished vanishedfrom vmIHh31I varishadfrom
from his haunts and In tho meanttmhe meantime meantimehe J JI
I he has been dismissed from tho depart department dopartmnt department ¬
ment on the charge of desertion desertionMcGIvcrn desertioncGlvern desertion desertionMcGivern
McGIvcrn cGlvern resided at 140 149 P 1 < Street Streetnortheast Streotnorthcast Streetnortheast
northeast with his mother He is aboutthirty about aboutthirty aboutthirt
thirty thirt years old unmarried and more or orless orless orless
less wellknown In in the downtown section sec section MCtlon ¬
tion of the city cltyOnly cityOnly cltyo cltyoOnly
Only a few of his friends have boon booninformed bcetIntormed beeninformed
informed of his absence from home andthe and andthe nndthe
the mystery has also been kept from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the police
Went for a Walk WalkBefore WalkBotore WalkBefore
Before leaving home last Saturday McGivern Mc McGtvcrn Jc JcGlvern
Gtvcrn signified his intention of taking a awalk awalk awalk
walk That was was the t e last seen of him himby himb himby
by b Us mother He H He failed to return returnhome returnhome returnhome
I home and no Word wordhas ord has been recclvc received receivedfrom recelve1trom I Ifrom
from him since sinceThe slntoThe sineoThe
I The friends rrlen < lS of oci the ih thcyoung young man arc at ata ata ata
I a loss to find find an hi an uxplanatlon i lnnation 1Iluon for his hissome hisJran hisstrange
strange Jran c ahaenco ah cc r J t 6 b elfcye Y i by by some someI somehoweer somehowevertkat
I however howevertkat that he leftTniecityoh leffrhc let ihe cityott clly tt account accountof agcountof
of recent recen troubles with his superior officers of officers otficers ¬
ficers In the department departmentAbout d departmentAbout partment partmentAbout
About two weeks ago he was taken be before betore before ¬
fore the trial board on the charge ofleaving of ofleaving fitloa5nc
leaving his post of duty without permisslon permis permission permIs8ion ¬
sion For this a punishment of sixtydays sixty sixtydays sixtydays
days work work without the regular leave leavewas leavewas leavewas
was meted out to himIn him himIn himIn
In Trouble TroubleIt
It was shortly after 12 oclock that thatMcGIvern thatl that31eGlvern
McGIvern l < GIern received his salary at the thoquarters tboIuarters thequarters
quarters of Truck Truck Company B lIe left lefttho lefttho leftthe
tho building Immediately Immedlat ly and had not notreported notroportgd notreported
reported to the foreman at G30 30 oclock oclockthe oclockthe oclockthe
the same evening eveningA
A report of his hi absence was forward forwarded rorwardcd ¬
ed to Chief Belt reaching eachln that that official officialon
on Monday morning The chief decided decidedto
to take immediate action and at once oncerecommended oncerecommended
recommended to the District Commis Commissioners CommlsuloDors Commisdonors ¬
sioners donors that the missing fireman be disehared dis discharged d12charzed ¬
charged chargedThe charzedThe
The recommendation was approved last lastnight lastnl lastnight
night nightA nl nightA ht htA
A little over a u year ago McGlvorn was
accused of a similar offense and after afterthe arterUle afterthe
the charge had been aired before the thetrial thetrl31 thetrial
trial board he ht was w8 reduced from fromvate tromvate frontvate
vate to a position as watchman He was wasthen wasthen wasthen
then stationed at a local theater theaterIt
It was there the second charge was wasregistered wasreglslered wasregistered
registered against him for which the thepenalty thepenlllty thepenalty
penalty mentioned was inflicted inflictedPRISONERS inflictedPRISO inflictedPRISONERS
MEMPHIS IE PHIS Tenn July 4 4Slx Six prison prisoners prisoners prisoners ¬
ers made an unsuccessful attempt to tobreak tobrlak tobreak
break jail at Jonesboro last night They Theyattacked Theyattacked rheyattackcd
attacked Constable Hankel in a the main mainentrance mainentrance mainentrance
entrance to the jail after they had been beenout beenout beenout
out on public road work workSnuff workSnufI workSnuft
Snuff was blown into tho constable constableface constableace constablesface
face ace and efforts were made to smother smotherhim smoLherhim smothehim r
him with a blanket and got his keysHe keys keysHe keYRHe
He drew a pistol however and they theytied theyned theylied
tied to their cellsNEGROS cells cellsNEGROS cellsNEGROS
Enemies Renew Feud in Chicago With WithFatal WithFatal Wit WitFatal h
Fatal Result ResultCHICAGO ResultCHICAGO ResultCHICAGO
CHICAGO July 4 4Riley Rlley Waldron atwentyeightyearold a atwontyelghtycarold atwentyeIChtyearold
twontyelghtycarold halfbreed Indian Indiandied Ind1 Indtgndied < n ndlod
died last evening a moment after he hadboon had hadboon hadbeo
boon beo struck in the Jaw Ja by Fred Snyder Snydera
a nogro nogroThe nogrolhe nogroIho
The men had long been enemies it itsaid la lasaid IsI s
I said and had often fought They met metlast meti me melast t
i last evening in front of a saloon in inWost inVest i iWest n
Vest Luke Street s rcot and the quarrel was wasrenewed wusrenewed wasrenewed
renewed In the altercation Waldron Waldronwas Waldrogas VahlronRal n
was Ral struck on the jaw with such force forcethat Coreetl1ut fore forethat e
that he fell to the sidewalk and remain remained romalnd remaincd ¬
ed d culct Snyder stooped over his vic victim victim viettm ¬
tim for a moment and then turning ran randown randown ra radown n
down an alley aile When n doctor arrived
he said Waldron aldron had died several min minutes mlnutes minutes ¬
utes before his arrvulThere arrival arrivalThere nrlulThere
There was uo mark on Waldron and andthe andLhe an anthe I
the physician said that apparently
heart trouble aggravated by the blow blowcaused blowcnused blowcaused
caused the death deathSTRIKE deathSTRIKE
i ST LOUIS July 4 4A A strike was b bp bpI begun < >
I gun today on the St Louis outs Traction TractionCompanys 11I0110nI 1 cnrtIo cnrtIoCompanys n
Companys lines Serious trouble mn may muybc ny y
I be expectedt expected
t S
M Jusserand J sserand Ambassador From Sister SisterRepublic SisterRepublic SisterRepublic
Republic Orator of the Day at the theWhite theWhite theWhite
White House Ceremonies Cere onies
President Roosevelt to Make Ad Address Address Address ¬
dress This Afternoon AfternoonHUNTINGTON AfternoonHUNTINGTON AfternoonHUNTINGTON
HUNTINGTON L I July 4The250th 4 4The 4The250th The The250th
250th anniversary annlversnr of Huntington Huntington was wascelebrated wascelebrated yas yascolobrnted
celebrated today in an enthusiastic and andpicturesque andpicturesque andpicturesque
picturesque fashion The town is richly richlybeflaggod rIChlybefiagged richlybeflagged
beflaggod the harbor filled with bunting buntingclad buntlngclad buntingclad
clad craft while the ordinary rejoicing rejoicingon
on the Fourth was accentuated by the thepresence thepre80nce thepresence
presence of the PresidentThe President PresidentThe PresidentThe
The streets are crowded with natives nativesand nathesand nativesand
and visitors and the town usually aquiet a aquiet aquiet
quiet retreat is an animated scene of ofcolor orcolor ofcolor
color and excitement excitementThe e excitementThe cltemcnt cltemcntThe
The parade through the streets termlnated termi terminated tcrm tcrmnatcd ¬
nated at Fort Golotha where a little littleover Uttleovcr littleover
over 100 years ago a British lla flag Moated Moatedto 1l0nteto lloatelto
to the breeze As soon as the head of ofj ofthe
j the procession reached the spot a hugeAmerican huge hugeAmerican hl1 e eAmerican
American flag was run up amid tre tremendous tremendous ro ¬
mendous cheors and a moment later the thehundreds thchundreds
hundreds gathered about the stand standJoined standJoined standjollied
Joined in singing The StarSpangled StarSpangledBanner StarSpangledBanner StarSpangledBanner
Banner The President speaks here herethis herethis herethis
this afternoon afternoonFREDERICK atternoonFREDERICK afternoonFREDERICK
Doctors Believe He Died From Sudden SuddenHeart SuddenHeart
Heart Failure FailureThe FailureThe FailureTime
The body of Frederick W Myers rers amember a amember amJInber
member of o the Merchants Window WindowCleaning WindowCleaning VlndowCleaning
Cleaning Company was found on on a va vacant vacant vacant ¬
cant lot at tho southeast corner of Fif Fifteenth l tu tutecnLh it ittecnth ¬
teenth and C Streets about 7 oclock oclockThere oclockThere
There were no marks of violence and andthe nudthe
the police believe he died from a sudden suddenattack suddinattack
attack of heart failure An n autopsy will willbe willbe willbe
be performed on the body tomorrow tomorrowOn tomorrowOn
On leaving lont Inr his boarding house last lastnight lal > t tnight
night Myskrs told soma friends he intended in intended Intonded ¬
tended making makn a few calls during duln the theevening nilcv
evening cv nlng He did not return home all allnight all allnight
night however and it Is s believed bellevedhe bellevedheromalncd heremained he heremained
remained downtown downtown downt wn until early this thismorning thismorning thismorning
morning morningFrom morningFrom
From all indications he was stricken strickenwhile strlclenwhile strickenwhile
while walking along the sidewalk and andhad andhad andhad
had evidently thrown himself hlm ol down onthe on onthe onthe
the ground to recoverMyers recover recoverMyers recovorMy
Myers My > rs was thirtyfive years cars old andhad and andhad andhnd
had resided In Washington for several severalyears severalcars severalyears
years cars lIe came hero from Cincinnati Cincinnatiand Clnoinnatland
and was Instrumental In the organiza organization org8Rlzalion organization ¬
tion of the window cleaning clcanln concern
i AT DISTRICT JAIL JAILWatsons JAILWatsons JAftWatsons
Watsons Fourth Behind Bars BarsFive BarsFivePrisoners BarsFivePrisoners Five FivePrisoners
Prisoners Set FreeIndependence Free FreeIndependence FreeIndopendence
Independence Day Dn is the fame ame as any anyother an another anyother
other day da to the prisoners in the United UnitedStates UnitedStates UnitedStates
States District jail There is s no change changein chan chanin
in the dally routine of their prison liveswhich lives liveswhich livoswhl
which whl h in any way reminds thorn that thatoutside thatout thatoutside
outside out ldo the Jail walls wall walls all patriotic citizens citi citizens citizens ¬
zens are celebrating the anniversary annIersar ofthe of ofthe otthe
the nations birth birthOf birthot birthOf
Of the 3S3 prisoners prisoners imprisoned In the theDistrict theDistrict theDistrict
District jail probably none chafed more morebecause morcbecnuse morebecause
because of his incarceration than JamesM James JamesM
M t A Watson ntson the District clerk who is isaccused Isaccuscd isaccused
accused of embezzling nearly 100000 100000Independence 100000Independence 100000Independence
Independence Day a year oar ago was cele celebrated celebrated celebrated ¬
brated In quite a different way by Wat Watson Watson at atson ¬
son Then he had no Idea that today he hewould heWculd hewould
would be pacing up and down the corridor cor corridor corridor ¬
ridor of the south wing of the District Districtjail Districtjnll Districtjail
jail for his health healthThis healthThis healthThis
This morning Watson turned out with withthe withthe withthe
the other prisoners confined in n the south southwins southwln southwing
wins wln and for half an hour paced up and anddown anddon anddown
down with measured tread By D a strange strangecoincidence strangecolucldence strangecoincidence
coincidence Watsons at sons companion in his hiswalks hiswalJs hiswalks
walks is C B Clancoy Clanco also accused of ofembezzlement ofomblzzlement ofembezzlement
embezzlement embezzlementThe omblzzlementThe embezzlementThe
The jail authorities say that Watson Watsonis atson atsonIs
is a model prisoner He has never com complained complaned contplainod ¬
planed and appears anxious to adapt adapthimself adapthimsolt adapthimself
himself to the surroundings He spends spendsa
a groat deal of his tlmo In reading andwriting and andwriting andwriting
writing writingThere writingThere writingThere
There wore however five prisoners in intho Intho inthe
tho District Jail for whom tho day daydawned dnydawned daydawned
dawned as a day da of liberty as woll as asIndepondenco asIndepondeneo asIndependence
Independence Day Da Their terms term of Im Imprisonment 1mprlsonment Imprisonmont ¬
prisonment expired this morning at 8 3oclock 8oclock Soclock
oclock and a few minutes after that thathour thathour thathour
hour they were ero released from prison prisonThey prisonThoy prisonThey
They aro Dennis Harris Philip JacksonRobert Jackson JacksonRobert JacksonRobort
Robert Brown all colored and Bonjamin Bonja Bonjamln Bonjamln
mln Minor and William l11lam James white whitsThese whltaThese whiteThese
These had served sentences rangingfrom ranging rangingfrom ran lnr lnrI
I from fifteen to 180 days There are arethroe areI arethroe
throe three other otho I prisoners rtsoners in the he tail 1711 whose whoseterms whos whostorms whosterms a
I terms of imprisonment will expire to tomorrow toI tomorrow ¬
morrow They said nid they will celebrate celebratethe celebratetho celebratthe e
I the Fourth on Monday noxt as it was wasImpossible wa9I ws wsinnpossfble s es
Impossible for thorn to take part In the theobservance theollsQrfLocc theobservance
observance of the occasion today todayBenjamin toda todaBenjamin todayBenjamin
Benjamin G Hill who la under sontouee son sentence sonI ¬
tence to be hanged July JUl 26 was O1IS also alsoout alsoout ais aisout °
I out with the other prisoners prlQn ts for eer eerolee exoroise Ol Olele
olee He is In a bettor frame of miad miadthan mludthou min minthan
than he has b been Htou en at any an time slnsc snee hie hieconviction hlaoonviotlon hl hloanvtotfon 6
conviction or oven since the night ntaurdored ne neinurdored n nmurjorcd e 6e
inurdored his wife at their hom home on Missuuri Mis Misfcourl Misbuurl
fcourl Avonuo 011 6
Military Parade Passes in inReview inReviev inReview
Review Before Gen GenS 10 10S
S M Nt B Young Y Yours oungAlJ oungAlJBranches g All AllBranches A ABranches 1
Branches in in Line LineAdmiral LineAdlJ1i LineAdmiraI
Admiral AdlJ1i al Dewey Intro Introduced Intraduced Introduce 4
duced duce d to Cheering CheeringThousands CheeringThousan CheeringThousands
Thousands Thousan s by Com Commissioner Commissioner Cornmissioner ¬
missioner missioner Macfarland MacfarlandSecretary NacfarlandSecretary MacfarlandSecretary
Secretary Moody Elo Eloquent Eloqu EloquentInvocation ¬
quent qu quentInvocation ntInvocation Invocation De Delivered Delivered Delivered ¬
livered by the Rev DrD Dr DrrD
D J i Stafford StaffordBang
Bang bangThus bang bangThus bangThus
Thus briefly but with emphasis was wasanother wasanother wasanother
another Fourth of July ushered into ex existence exist exiuterice ¬
istence ist ticethis this morning and thus is anotherbirthday another anotherbirthday anotherbirthday
birthday of our nation celebrated One Onehundred Onehundred Onehundred
hundred and twentyseven years ears ago to today today today ¬
day the Declaration of Independencewent Independence Independencewent Independencewezit
went wezit into effect the great document thatwa that thatwas thatwas J
wa was s destined d est n dJo Jo free the American people peopletvastiuiade pcopIWas
tvastiuiade Was de complete cOIJplete and that night nl ht theboll5in the thebell thebellIn 4
bell bellIn in Independence Independence Hall Hal proclaimed proclaimedliberty prOcIa1medliberty proclaimedliberty
liberty throughout through ut all the the1and the1andTrue land landTrue landTrue
True to that sentiment expressed so 30fearlessly sofearlessly sofearlessly
fearlessly by our forefathers the American Ameri American AmerIcan ¬
can people peovl hold this day In cherished cherishedmemory cherlshed4 cherlshed4memory cherishedmemory
memory It Is the day the old become becomeyoung becomeyoung becom3young
young the day when law is laid aside osldaand a31 a31and asideand
and rules of order forgotten the day daywhen datwhen dapwhen
when the nations patriotism Is released releasedIn
In n tact nct the day we celebrateADay celebrate celebrateA celebrateADay
A ADay Da of Patriotism
Washington as is Its custom began beganits beganIts beganits
its celebration when the hands of the old oldhall oldhall oldhall
hall clock had barely slipped across the theline thaline theline
line of midnight and the din is still stillincessant stillInccssant stillincessant
incessant The quiet shaded streets and andthe andthe andthe
the wellkept lawns which have lived livedin l1vedin livedin
in silence for a year aro today todn litteredwith littered litteredwith UtteredwIth
with the th crimson carcasses of myriad myriadfirecrackers myrIadrecra myriadfirecrackers
firecrackers recra kers and the homes of o the richand rich richand richand
and poor alike echoed and reechoed withthe with withthe withthe
the shouts of children and their peals pealsof pealsor peaisof
of merry laughterThe laughter laughterThe laughterThe
The day began perfectly a cloudless cloudlesssky cloudlesssky cloudlesssky
sky being heln the benediction of 0 the Al Almighty Almighty 01 01ml ¬
mighty ml hty whoso supreme wisdom guided guidedour guidedaUr guidedgtir
our aUr forefathers tOFctathers a century and a quarter quarterago quarterago quarterago
ago The local celebration was of particular par particular particular ¬
ticular interest beln be ng the first time th thDistrict we weDistrict theDistrict
District of Columba has ever Invited thecitizens the thecitizens thecltlzcns
citizens of the National atlonal Capital to Join Joinhands joinhands joinhands
hands in the observance of the day dt Th Thparade The Theparade Theparade
parade which preceded the piMa > > Ll meet meeting meetin meeting ¬
ing in on the northeast lawn of the White WhiteHouse WhiteHoufe WhiteHouse
House awoke the latent patriotism In lamany Inmany Inmany
many hearts a patriotism ably and fully fullygratified tullycratified fullygratified
gratified by b the eloquence and sentiment sentimentj
I j of Americas noblest sons and the thccJ1 thccJ1oy en envoy en envoy ¬
voy oy of our sister republic Friace FriacePrance FrlaceFrance FrxacoFrance
France Joins Hands HandsA
A striking feature of the naremony en enthe enth onthe
the th White hlte House lawn was tha Lb prcscnrc prcscnrcIn
In the capacity of the orator of the day dayof dayor dayof
of Monsieur J J Jusserand French am ambassador ambassador ambassador ¬
bassador to the United States a 1 the thevery tb tbvcry thevery
very words ords of M Jusserand It was a aceremony acoremony aceremony
ceremony with which I am bcjoni be7ondwords bconllwords bcjoniwords
words proud to be associatedThe associated associatedThe SsoclatedThe
The circumstance was Impressive ImpressiveWith impressiToWith ImpressiveWith
With a background of the White Ilcuscthe lIcutCtbe Ilcusc Ibcuacthe
the executive home of the American na nation naUon nation ¬
tion flanked on every side by min n vho vhohave 37hohave ho hohnve
have helped maintain maIntain the supremacy of ofthe otthe ofthe
the American people and by the army armyand armynd armyand
and nd navy that stand ready to uphold Its Itshonor lUbonor itshonor
honor against the powers of the th worldstood world worldstood orld orldstood
stood this amIable French patriot bouUl bouUlto bunlto buutidto
to this country not only onl by the Lands onds or orsympathy otsympathy ofsympathy
sympathy but br the closest of all 2u 2uman 14uman himtuna
man tics an American rvlfeHis wife wifeHis wltoHis
His introduction was greeted by a sseries i isories a80rles
series of of t welcome cheers that reflect reflectproudly refieotproudly refleotproudly
proudly upon those who formed that thataudience thataudlonce thataudfonce
audience and who so truly expressed expressedthe cxptessedLhe explessedthe
the sentiment of the nation At the con conclusion CODclusion conelusion ¬
clusion of his eloquent address the thestrains tb tbstrains thestrains
strains of the Marseillaise again againwrung agal1wrung
wrung applause from the crowds erow4s and andelicited nndelloltod andelicited
elicited from all parts of the grounds groundserios groundacrlcs
cries of Long live the two republics republicsThe republlcSThe republicsThe
The scene was by far the most Impres Impressive impr imprshe imprdeslive ¬
she of tne the day dayOrganizations da daOrgan daytfganiations
Organizations Organ 2ations in Line LineThe LineThe ine ineThe
The parade as is usual with such af nffafrs affairs afrnlrs ¬
fairs In Washington allhington was conducted conductedfaultlessly condudedCaultlostsly conductedfaultlessly
faultlessly and passed In review before beforeUs beforeIts
Its grand marshal Gen S B M t Younc Youncat Younrat Yountat
at Eighteenth and I Streets northwest northwestGeneral northwestGencral northwestGeneral
General Corbin as chairman of the ccza cc