4 t
1 1I 1Warden I
Warden Says It Would Pro Promote Proj ProjJllOtc Proniote ¬
mote Better Feeling FeelingIN i iIN
Advocates Building of Annex Two Sto Stories Storica Storics ¬
rica in Height lleightOnc One for Men Menand Menand Menand
and Other for Women WomenIt VolUcnIt
It Is I probable that Congr Congress nt its itsextscsslon it itJUxtBcsslon itseXLsess1on
extscsslon will bo askod to mako makoappropriation an anappropriation n nappropriation
appropriation for tho purpose of build building buildIn building ¬
ing In a largo dining room at tho District Districtjail DistrIctj Districtjail
jail j ll Warden James H Harris has long longfavored 10DSfaorcd bugfavored
favored such nn Improvement and it Is Isbelieved Isbellovcd isbelieved
believed that such an enlargement of oftho oftho ofthe
tho building will bo approved by b Chief ChiefJustice ChiefJustice ChiefJustice
Justice Clabaugh Cla uugh of the District Su Supreme Supr Su3reme ¬
preme pr mo Court and the associate Justices Justiceswho Justiceswho justiceWho
who have control of the Jail JailWithin jailWithin jailWithin
Within tho past day or two Justice JusticeGould JusticeGould JusticeGould
Gould and Justice Pritchard visited the theJail thrjail thejail
Jail and Captain Harris called attention attentionto att t1on t1onto
to tho necessity necesslt for a largo room in inwhich Inwhich Inwhich
which the prisoners could be fed at attables attables attables
tables instead of as now in their colic colicIn colleIn colicIn
In speaking of tho matter Warden WardenjHarrls WardanHnrris WardenHarrln
jHarrls Hnrris said that n dining room in which whichtho whichtho whichthe
tho prisoners can bo fed at tho same samelima sametlmo sametime
lima is greatly greut1 needed Under the pros present vresant prosout ¬
ant system the prisoners are fed in their theircolls theIrceUs theircells
cells Their ThcIrmc meals 16 arc given thorn in inlong In10n6 inlong
long narrow doop tin boxes The male maleand malennd malennd
nnd female prisoners aro treated alike alikeIn allk allk1n alikoIn
In tho mannor in which their meals aro arcserved aroBcrved aroserved
served to thorn thornPlan thornPlan thornPlan
Plan of the AnneL AnnerWarden AnneLVarden AnneLWarden
Warden Harris suggests that the an annex annex anflex ¬
nex bo made m ldc to tho jail building bUll lng on tho thosoutheast tho80uthonst thesoutheast
southeast corner cornerS In tho anglo mado by bythe bytho bythc
the south and cast wings of the Institu Institution InstituUon instituUon ¬
Uon Tho annex ho also suggests suggestsBhould 5UgtOStShould suggestsshould
should bo two stories in height BO that thattho thatthe thatthe
the lower Door might bo used ns a adining adining adining
dining room for the male prisoners and andtho andthe IoDdtho
tho upper story for the women Two Twoentrances Twoentrances Twoentrances
entrances can c nn conveniently bo mado to totho totho totho
tho proposed dining rooom one from rom thA thorotunda thArotundn thArotunda
rotunda rotundn of tho Jail Jal1md and another from fromtho tramtho fromthe
tho kitchen which IB on the first rst floor floorof floorof oor oorot
of tho cast wing Tho second floor oor of ofthia otthis ofthis
this wing Is occupied by the women womenprisoners womenprisoners womenprIsoners
prisoners prisonersTho prisonersTho prIsonersThe
Tho outing in tho dining room twice twicea
a day it Is believed will bo very vbry health healthful healthful healthful ¬
ful for the prisoners rIBonerB Aside from this thisthey thIsthey thisthey
they could then be allowed knives and andforks andorka andorka
forks orka and spoons with withwhlch which to cat their theirfood theirfood theirfood
food tender tho present system astdo astdofrom asldotram asidofrom
from tho fact that it would bo bocxce exceed d
Two Tw hundred 12yard pieces plccosof pieceso
of o English Lone Lon Cloth Cut Cutprice Cutprice Cutprice 69C
price for Monday only each eachPuro eachIuro eachluro
Puro Linen Cambric 59c c cgrade < Q p pgrade
grade r 40 In I I47ln wide Cut price pricea 3 Bc L La
a yard yard47in d xPU xPU47In
47In Batlsto and 47ln 47inFrench r r rFrench
French Lawn very thin 35c 35cwhite fi fC Jil Jilwhite 8 C Cwhite
white stuffs Cut price a yd ydJcrcerl ydMcrcerlzCI n vJ vJMercerized
Mercerized Jcrcerl c1 Striped Oxford fancy fancystriped fancyStrIped fancystriped
striped madras ma ras lace striped lawns lawnscorded laVDscorded lawnscorded
corded dotted Swisses and andplquos andpIQU08 andplquoa
plquos in small lots that thatsold 1 3 nr 0
sold regularly at 30e and 35c 35cCut 5c 5cCut C
Cut price a yard ard 0
Laces and Embroideries EmbroideriesMoro
Moro than one of the offerings bolos bolo aro at less lC 8 than cost to us Por Porhaps PorI
haps you u can bettor toll which ones and whether they will moot your needs needswhen needs needsI
I I I when hen tomorrow you Me the entire seven lote
Lace Galloons In butter butterand butternnd butterand
and ecru shades from vari various iarioug arl ¬ IJ
ous lots 8c to lie kinds Cut Cutprice Cutprice lJ lJprlCG C
price a yard yardSeveral yardSeveral ard ardSovernl
Several lots comprising an anassortment ana18orlmont anassortment
assortment of Point do Paris ParisLaces p pLacc 1
Laces Lacc and Insertion Cut Cutprice Cutprice 6 a aprice C
D DInsertions 2 2S01oral
price a yard yArdSoreral
S01oral thousand yards oC ofMachine
Machine Torchon Llu Lacs and andInscrtJons andInscrUons 11 C
Insertions Cut price a yard yardoflc yardI yard59c ard 2 2I
I 59c grade Black DIae Point dEs dEsprlt 3 3 C Cprit
prlt Dross Dr Nets > t Cut price prl
ingly dangerous to place knives and andforks nndtorks andforks
forks In the hands of the prisoners prisonersthey prlsonorsthey prisonersthey
they would be practically useless The Thetin Thetin Thetin
tin boxes in which the food is now nowserved nowsonod nowserved
served to the prisoners have oval bot bottoms bottoms hottome ¬
toms and for this reason would not be bea bea J Ja
a good base for action with a knife and andfork sndfork andfork
fork forkIt forkIt forkIt
It is expected however that If the thedlnlnz thedlnln thedining
dining dlnln room annex is made the prison prisoners prisoners prisonera ¬
ers will be allowed the luxury of knives knivesforks Itnlv08forks knivesforks
forks and spoons while at their meals mealsStVlct mealsSnIcl uealsSr1ct
StVlct Sr1ct watch will 111 have to be kept en cathe enthe enthe
the prisoners however to prevent some someof someor sameof
of them from carrying a knife from the thodining lh lhdining thedining
dining room to aid in making their theirestapo theire theiresapo
estapo estapoIn e esapoIn apo apoIn
In this connection it may be oRIel oaidhowovor oRIelh caidhowever
however h woor that the chances of a prisoner prisonerescaping prlsonloocnplng prisonerescaping
escaping from the District jail are very veryslim veryslim ory orysHm
slim Deputy Warden Benton Russ who whohas whohaa whohas
has baen connected with the Institution Institutionsince Institutionslnco Institutionsince
since 1S64 said yesterday that during ill illthose illtheae 111theBe
those years ears only onl two prisoners have suc succeeded succeeded saceeedcd ¬
ceeded in making their th lr escape That Thatwas Thatwas Thatwas
was about 1885 The prisoners who es escaped 0 0capcd monpod ¬
caped wore Jool Brown a young white whiteman whiteman whiteman
man and Lemuel Swell Sew l1 a negro They Theyworo Theywara Theywore
wore afterward captured and served sen sentences sentoncca sentoncos ¬
tences in tho penitentiary penitentiaryBrown penltontlaryDrown penitentiaryBrown
Brown was convicted of robbing Mrs MrsLanstry MrsLan MrsLangtry
Lanstry Lan try while she was playing in Wash Washington WashIngton Washington ¬
ington It was ho who planned and andmado anllmntIo andmade
made the oscapo of S Sewell wcll possible possibleBrown possibleBrown
Brown It is said sawed the bars from fromthe fromthe I Ithe
the window window of his cell which hleh was in intho Intho inthe
tho south wing of the thl jail j ll He then thenwith thenwIth thenwith
with the assistance of Savtoll Sol1remoyotl Sol1remoyotlone removed removedono remove4ono
ono of the Iron bars from a window of oftho oithe oftho
tho south wall of the building bul1dln and they theythen theythen theythen
then made good their oacrpo oacrpoEscapes osc escrpeEscapes po poEscapes
Escapes Arc Rare RareSinco RareSinco RareSince
Sinco that time particularly withIntho withintho within wlthidthe
tho last last tow rovears years many safeguards have havebeen hay haybeen havobeen
been thrown about the prison so that it itnow Itnow itnow
now is practically impossible for a pris prisoner prisonor prisoner ¬
oner to make his escape unless he were wereto wereto wereto
to overpower the guards both at the theInnor tbeinnor theinner
Innor and outer doors Such a thing thinghottever thinghowever thinghoevor
however Is highly improbable improbableAt
At present there are only 383 prisoners prisonersIn
In the District jail Of these 61 are arewhite arewhite arewhite
white and 324 aro negroes Of the whites
59 are men and 2 women There Tht > re are
60 negro women imprisoned In the jail jailTho jallTho jailThe
Tho number of Inmates of the jail jailwill jaUwill jailvil1
will gradually Increase from now until untilabout untilabout untilabout
about the first of next November This ThisU ThlufO ThisIs
U BO because b causo there aro no jury trials in ineither inelthor ineither
either of tbo ho criminal divisions of the thoSupreme UtOSupreme theSupreme
Supreme Court of the District in the themonths themonths themonths
months of July August and September SeptemberIn
In consequence persons who arc com committed commIttcd cornmUted ¬
mUted to jail to await trial if not able ableto ableto ableto
to give bond must remain In jail until untiltho untiltho untiltho
tho fall term which begins In October OctoberAt Octob OctoberAt r rAt
At that Limo of the year the population populationof
of tho jail Js 1s greatest often reaching reachingnear reachingnenr reachingnear
near to COO
Linen and Lawn Waists WaistsPuro +
Puro White Linen Waists Wallll of exceptional quality offered in tho July Cut CutPrice GutPrico CutPrice
Price SWoa les at t just half real wortn wortnTrlmmod wortnTrimmed WorlnTrlmmod
Trlmmod with stitched tuck tucks to the bu bust t four our pleats down tho back backBloovos bncklooos backloovos
Bloovos of large puff stylo and collars of tab or bishop shape shapeAll i iPorsinn
All slzos 32 to 40 o Think what a chance It la n white linen linenwaIst linenwaist 1 2 5
waIst ot host 8t18 sty and worth 2 O at atFeralan atPersian
Persian Lawn Waist of finest nest sheer IIho material One of the prettiest prottleatstyles prottleststyles prettieststyles
styles in a half dozen or morcjn the lot has tho entire front of embroidery embroideryon
on olthor side of which hleh arc ar tucks to the bUilt The other styles have rows rowsof rowsof rowsof
of fine Insertion In crUon and broad pleats and stitched pleats and insertion to the thebust thebust thebust
All have clusters of pin tucks down tho back large puff puffBlooves puffslooves puffslooves
slooves tucked cuffs and embroidered stock All sizes lzaR and ev e evory T a rv rvSecond
ory waist finished In II a superior manner None worth less than tbanOosome than2OOsome 1 50
Oosome 310 Choice at atcond
Second cond floor oor
Dress Shields ShieldsOur Sh eIds eIdsOur
Our own Luxus Dro Dross Shields made madewithout madewithout madewithout
without rubber guaranteed odor odor16M
loss at tho tb following cut prices pricoaSlz prlcOllSbu pricesSizu
Slz Sbu 1 4 4Price I G GPrioe
Price 13 13k < lie Ito 24c 28a 88a 88aLlghtwaisht 3ecLightweight t a aLlchtwalght
Lightweight Shields ShlaldiSize Shloll ShlollSize ShieldsS1ze
Size 2 3 s 4 4Price 4lrlee 4lriee
Price 5c 7c 9c 9cSummer 9cSumn1cr DcSimtner
Summer Silks SilksJ9c Silksr9c i1ks i1ksr9c
r9c for 49c Silk SilkAbout SilktAbout SilkAbout
About fifty pieces Ieces of fine Japan JapanCorded Japanese JapaneseCorded C CCorled
Corded Wash Silks SIU In an almost altnontcomplete nlmotcompl almostcomplete
complete compl te assortment of colorings coloringuch coloringsIMtch coloringssuch
such uch tut At pink clol nile green he heliotrope helIutropo heIlotropo ¬
liotrope lavender tan tanS navy navyroyal 11 fx fxroyal
royal malzo and gray at tho theout 14l 14lout 9C
out price of a yard I v
Decide Not to Return to Work Until UntilDemands UntilDemands UntilDemands
Demands Are Granted Grantedv GrantedProspects GrantedProspects GrantedProspects
Prospects of the local steam fitters fittershelpers fittershelpers fittorshelpers
helpers receiving the increase of wages wagesfor wngesCor flgS flgSfor
for which they asked Wednesday arc aregrowing arcgrowing arcgrowing
growing brighter every day For fear fonrthat fearthnt fearthat
that some of their mon might E get getlooso getgoosoilesliy t tgoosofloshy
goosofloshy looso es11y and return to work with without without without
out the Increase from 5160 160 to 32 2 per perdiem lordiem > or ordiem
diem the officers of tho Steam and Hot Hotwater Hotwator Hotwater
water wator Fitters Helpers Union hold a ameeting nmaeUns ameeting
meeting in DossIers Hall 922 Pennsyl Pennsylvania ponnsylyanln Poansylvanla ¬
vania Avenue northwest Friday Frida night nightind nightnd nightiind
iind < ind nd It was unanimously agreed that tho thomen thomon themen
men should remain out until such time timeas timeas
as the masters saw fit to grant the de demand demaud domand ¬
mand made upon them themAt tbemAt themAt
At tho mcqtlng it was announced that thattwo thattwo thattwo
two firms rms which employ about twelve twelveor twolveor
or 0 fourteen men each had granted the theincrease theIncrc theincrease
increase Incrc 3e and as a result about twenty twentyflvo twentyfivo twentyfivo
fivo helpers will return to work Monday Mondayat
at J2 2 a day dayAbout dayAbout layAbout
About seventy sovont or seventyfive helpers helpersnro holpersLro
ire still out They are employed by five fiveor fiveor c cO
or O six companies the officials of which whichvow whichvow hlch hlchVO9
vow they will 111 not grant the increase ot
40 cents a day Tno T TAo e helpers believe believedifferently beHevedi believedifforontly I
differently di forOntly however They live in inhopes Inhopes inhopes
hopes thatall of the th masters will agree agreeto acreoto agreeto
to the new scale of wages within the thenext thenoxt thecost
next few days daysSince daysSince daysSince
Since tho rejection of an arbitration arbitrationproposition arbllraUoillroposilion arbitrationiroposition
proposition by tho strikers on onday dednos dednosday
day there has been nothing said sg1dor or done donetoward donetoward I Itoward
toward bringing the two interested par parties parties ¬ i itleB
ties together to effect a settlement settlementGOES settlomentGOES settlementGOES
Charles B Richards to Have Charge of ofPark ofPark ofPark
Park View Christian Church ChurchCharles ChurchCharles ChurchCharles
Charles B Richards of Washington Washingtonwho WashIngtonho Washingtonwho
who ho has been be betni n studying studIn for the ministry ministryat
at the Washington Washinton Christian College Collegehas Collet Collethas Collegehas >
has been called to Petorsburg Petorsbur Va to tobecome tobecomo tobecorno
become pastor of the Parkview Cjhrlstjan CjhrlstjanChurch qItrlst ristan ristanChurch an anChurch
Church Tho Rev C 0 Woodward whohns who whohas whohas
has boon In charge o of the church ha has re resigned resigned resigned ¬
signed in order to engage on gage In evangelistic evangelisticwork oangellsUcVorb evangelisticwork
workMr workMr work VorbMr
Mr Richards has recently reeentl been preach preaching preachIng preaching ¬
ing In Cropley Md MdW MdW MdW
The funeral of William H Duncanson Duncansonwho Dunc uson usonwho nsonwho
who died Friday at his home 923 G GStreet GStreet GStreet
Street was held yesterday yester < iy morning iornin ornInl f fxm fxmt2o rom romthe Qm Qmt1o
the family residence The services were wereconducted wereconducted wereconducted
conducted by the Rev Ho R H McKim McKimThe McKimThe McKirnThe
The interment was private Mr r Dun Duncanson Duncanson Duneanson ¬
canson was the son of the th late John M MDuncanson MDuncnnson MDuncanson
Duncanson and was born In Washington Washingtonabout Washingtonabout Washlngtonahout
about thirty thlrt years ago Be is survived survivedby suni survivedby vef vefby
by a mother and sister
Excavation for Beds to Begin as Soon Soonas Soonas Soonas
as Track Is Laid LaidWork LaidWorl LaidWork
Work on the nitration plant on either cithersldo eithersldo eitherside
sldo of First Street near the Soldiers SoldiersHome SClldlersHome SoldiersHome
Home Is Well under way wn and according accordingto
to those In charge hnrc is making satisfac satisfactory sat1sf satlafactory c ctory ¬
tory progress A large number of cars carshave carshn carshave
have hn Vt arrived nrrl ved and will bo used for the thetransportation thotrallnlJortaUon thetransportation
transportation of soil from the excava excavations oxcavntlons oxcavations ¬
tions In addition to these cars several severaldummy severaldummy severaldummy
dummy engines arc on the scene and andwill andl1l andwill
will l1l be used In the course of the work workLieutenant workLieutenant workLieutenant
Lieutenant Colonel Miller in charge chargeot
ot the Washington Aqueduct has applied appliedto
to the Commissioners for fo permission to tolay tola tolay
lay la a temporary track along Ion Baltimore BaltimoreStreet BaltimoreStrcel BaltimoreStreet
Street from the present reservoir across acrossFirst acrossFirst acrossFirst
First Street and continuing along Balti Baltimore llaltlmoro Baitimore ¬
more Street a part of the distance to toNort toNorU toNort
Nort > Capitol Street This permit will willbe willbe willbe
be granted and then the actual excava excavation excavation excavatian ¬
tion of the beds can begin bcpinThe beJlnrho beginThe
The work on the new n w gatehouse Is Isalmost Isalmost Isalmost
almost finished and will probably be becompleted becompletedbefore becompleted
completed completedbefore before tho excavation for the thefiltration thenItrntion thefiltration
filtration beds beflsls Is begun Thb beds will willtake willtnke willtake
take up all the land from the Washing Washington WaahinJton Washington ¬
ton reservoir to North Capitol Cn ltol Street Streetand Streetand Streetand
and from Cincinnati Street to the Sol Soldiers Soldiers Soldiors ¬
diers Home comprising in all about aboutthirtyfour nbolstthlrtfour aboutthirtyfour
thirtyfour acres acresAUTOPSY acresAUTOPSY acresAUTOPSY
Mystery of His Sudden Death to Be BeCleared BeCleared BeCleared
Cleared Up in This Way WayAn WayAn WayAn
An autopsy will bo performed today todayon t todayon day dayon
on the body of Frederick W Myers a amember amember amember
member of the Merchants Window WindowCleaning WindowCleaning VlndoWCloanlnsCompan
Cleaning CloanlnsCompan Company who was found dead deadon deadon deadon
on a vacant lot jit at Fifteenth and C CStreets CStreets CStreets
Streets yesterday While the police policearc pollcoare policearc
arc confident that Myers death d ath was wasduo wasduo wasduo
duo to an attack of heart failure the thepostmortem thepOfitmortom thepostmortem
postmortem examination Is to be made madeto madeto madeto
to cl9ar away ny all mystery mysteryOn mysleryOn mysteryOn
On leaving his boarding boar lris house last lastnight fa5tnisht lastnight
night Myers told some friends he in intended intended intended ¬
tended making a fow calls during the theevening theoenlng theevening
evening He did not return home all allnight allnight allnight
night however and It is believed be heremained beremalncd beremained
remained downtown until early this thismorning thlsmorning js jsmorning
morning morningFrom morningFrom
From all indications he was stricken strickenwhile 5lrickenwhilo strickenwhile
while walking along the sidewalk and andhad andhad
had evidently thrown himself down on onthe onthe onthegrouad
the thegrouad ground to recover recoverMyers re over overMyers
Myers was thirtyfive years oars old and andhad andhad andhad
had resided in Washington Wa hlnton for several severalyears severalyears
years He came here from Cincinnati Cincinnatiand Cincinnatiand
and was Instrumental in the organiza organization organization ¬
tion of the window indo cleaning concern
Means Sougllt Sougi SougltttoComa to Combat the Gypsy Gypsyand Gypsyand Gypsyand
and BrownTailed Varieties VarietiesDr
Dr LO L 0 Howard entomologist to the theAgricultural theAgrlcultural theAgricultural
Agricultural Department has returned returnedfrom returnedfrom returnedfrom
from a trip to Boston and vicinity vicinitywhere vicinitywhere vicinitywhere
where he went to examine examiu tho ravages of ofthe Ofthe ofthe
the gypsy and browntailed moths Dr DrHoward DrHoward DrHoward
Howard said yesterday that he found foundthe foundth foundthe
the th gypsy less prevalent than he OX expected OXpected oxpected ¬
pected and the browntailed moth more moreabundant morcabundant uoreabundant
abundant than he had been led to be bellevo belIeo believo
llevo lIeoWhy lievoWhy llevoWhy
Why the gypsy moth should be less lessnumerous lesfnumerous lessnumerous >
numerous is hard to explain The dc dcpartmenftf depnrtment dopnrtrnent
partmenftf pnrtment entomologists have been try tryIng tryIng trylag
Ing for a number of years oar5 to introduce introducea
a parasite which would food upon u on the thumoth thllmoth themoth
moth and keep It within bounds but thi thiexperiments thjexperlmonts thuexperiments
experiments have b e been unsuccessful bo bocausc bocnusc because
cause the parasites died before they theycould thcycould theycould
could bo Brought brought to this country from frombrowntailed fromsouthern fromsouthern
southern Europe urope where the gypsy and anllbrowntailed andbrowntailed
browntailed moths are Indigenous and andwhore andwbere andwhore
whore the parasites preying upon them themare themare hen heniLre
are are to be found foundDr roundDr foundDr
Dr Howard Is by no means discour discouraged discouraged diacouraged ¬
aged over past failures and will continue continuehis continuehIs continuehi
hi his efforts to Introduce the parasites parasitesuntil parnsltcsunUl parasitesuntil
until he has either achieved success or orclearly orclearly orclearly
clearly demonstrated that they cannot cannotbe cannotbe cannotbe
be brought to this country In bufflcicnt bufflcicntnumbera ilumclentnunibers sumcientnunThers
numbera to serve a practical purpose purposeThe purposeThe purposeThe
The two twoarietles varieties of moths have done doneso dOIUso doneso
so so much damage that they the have demand demanded dcmandctI demanded ¬
ed serious attention on the part of the theGovernment th thGovornment theGovernment
Government Govornment experts Their ravages ra vagcs arc arcprincipally arcprIncipally arcprincipally
principally confined con ned to fruit trees but butwhon butwhon butwhen
whon hard ard pressed they will attack any anytree nnytree anytree
tree they find even thd coniferous or orpine orpine r rpine
pine trees treesDr trecsDr treesDr
Dr Howard Howard said yesterday that the themoths themoths themoths
moths have hae not become more of a pest pestln pesLIntho pestIn
ln Intho the past two or Cnrce hreo years because becausethe becaus becausthe becausethe
the owner of trees are awakening a to totbe totbenecessity the thenecessity thenecessity
necessity for fighting the t e foe according accordingto
to latest scientific methods methodsCABIN methodsCABIN methodsCABIN
Grand operatic selections by Haleys HaleysBand HalersBand HaleysBand
Band during the past week have met metwith metwith metwith
with so s much approval that Conductor ConductorW
W A Haley has ha arranged for this week Aeckcommencing weekcommencing eclt ecltcomnlenclng
commencing today todn a program of rare rareexcellence rnreexcellence rareexcellence
excellence embracing selections from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the light operas The hot weather has hasIncreased haaIncrcnsod hasincreased
Increased the attendance att ndance and throngs throngsof
of pleasureseekers visit this popular popularresort po popularresort uhr uhrresort
resort nightly It Is estimated esUm ted that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the attendance during the past weclhns week weekhas veckhas
has averaged over 100000 New features featureshave featureshave featureshave
have been added to the Dalm garden gardenand gardenind gardenand
and It continues to be an attractive afr ctive fea feature fcatureFircworks 01 01turo
ture tureFircworks Flrcworks and illuminations are arestill U1estllIlJi arestililit
still stllIlJi stililit In vogue vogueVery vogueVery vogueVery
Very Low Rates to Denver and Return ReturnViz ReturnVia ReturnVia
Via Baltimore Baltimo and Ohio Railroad account Chrio Chriotian brill belatian brilltlan
tian EmlcnvfT Convention Tickets Sold July JujyG
G to S valid aIM returning until August SI See Seeagents Seeagents
agents 1 lta for full information
SERIES OF CUTPRICE SALES TO RUN THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE MONTH and andembracing andembracing andembracing
tI A embracing every line of summer things in all the departments departmentsWe
We Ve 0 can point to nothing as asa a criterion of what these sales will ill be beNever beNecr betj
tj Never before have the trade conditions prevailing this year combined so greatly grentl to the buyers buyersadvantage bucrs buyers2I
2I advantage advantageFor advantage1or advantageFor
For 1or instance The coldest col est June in fortytwo years jcarsThe yearsThe ycnrsrhe
The large number of f special purchases purchasesOur purchasesOur I
1 Our buying of summer things wus was vason 011 a much greater scala scaleAnd scalaAud scalaL
And then stocktaking time is near nearIll j
In every department where summer merchandise is carried carri d will be found cut price bargains of which whichbut whichbut whichbut
L but few have place in todays eo eoG news
G ry 7f
Silk Parasols U9 U9Tho 119Tha iJ9The
The remainder of our special pur purehaae purchue purchase
chase of 250 and 3 Allsilk Taffeta TaffetaParasols Taffetalarasols rutret rutretParasolli
Parasols offered to close at a fur furthor furthor furtimer
thor reduction reductionThe reductionThe reductionThe
The lot includes novelties novell1 In all allgood allood allocd
good ocd color and a II lot of plain black blacknovelty blaclcnovolty blacknovelty
novelty TaHotas TaHotasAll TanotaAll TalTetasAll
All of them good values valuosat vnluotlat valuesat
at the th prices for which whichthey f t tthey
they thc wore rustle to sell soli soliM sell5o i 1 n 19
280 M antI t3 3 Cut Cut prlc lrlC41First Price S 8 8First a aFirst
First Floor
Voiles and Mohairs MohairsCream MohairsfS MohairsCrania
Cream Mohair 38ln 3 wide wideMarly wideregularly I
price regularly fS Marly 49c a yard cut cutprice 3 v vBlack 9 U UBlaek c cBlaok
Black Sicilian Sic man Mohair regularly regularlypriced regularlyprlcod regularlypriced
priced Cacyard G yard 50ln wide wideextra nrr nrrextra
extra heavy and with good goolllustor goodluster 45C BTL
luster Cut price a yard yardCruam tJ tJCream
Cream Voile S5c grade grade44ln grade44In 59C L
44in wide out price a yardv yard yard44Jn yardtFU yardtFU41jn > v v44jn >
44jn Black Lupine Voile 7KL 7KLcut 7 7C 7Ccut 5c 5ccut
cut price vrlc < t a yard yerdFirst fl Li O OFirst J JFirst
First Floor
Ribbons RibbonsSilk Silk and Velvet VelvetVelvet V VelvetVelvet civet civetVelvet
Velvet Ribbons Ribbons 1lnch wide satin satinback saUnback satinback
back woven edge In black only and and1Inch and11lncb andVinch
1Inch 11lncb Satin Taffeta Ribbons in inlight InUght inlight
light blue pink cardinal cardinaltnaizo cardinalmnlzo cardinalmaize
maize cream and black All Allof ff ffHighgrade
ot them 120 ribbons Cut Cutprice Cutprice 6C
price a yard yard11lghgrade yardHighgrade
Highgrade Taffeta Ribbon In all allgood allgood allgood
good colors such as a light blue pink pinklavender pinklavecl1er pinklavender
lavender nile green and plaids to together together tonether ¬
gether with a lot of ofMolro otMollo ofMoire
Moire Ribbons all suit suitable suitable Jultn ¬
able n l for walsto hair and rx e eneck 1 1
no neck le usos Most of them J sj4 sj4worth L
worth up to 25c at
Officers Chosen for Ensuing nsuing Year YearSuc YearSuccess YearSaccess Suc Success ¬
cess of the Association AssociationThe AssocintionThe AssociationThe
The final meeting ot the third annual annualconvention 3nnualconyentlon annualconvention
convention of the National Association Associationof
of Negro Dentists was hold yesterday yesterdayat
at the Freedmana Hospital The prin principal principal principal ¬
cipal business transacted was the elec election dcc dcctio lec lectIon ¬
tion tio of officers for the ensuing year The Theelections Thoelecllons Theelections
elections resulted as follows President PresidentDr
Dr A J Qwathney Washington D C Cfirst Crst Cfirst
first rst vice vl o president Dr R IL G Baker BakerBaltimore DakerBaltimore BakerBaltimore
Baltimore Md second vice vl e president presidentDr
Dr A R Taylor Pittsburg Pa Pasecretary 11secretary Pasecretary
secretary Dr C C Fry West Chester ChesterPa Che ChesterPa ter terPn
Pa treasurer Dr AlHp M 1rL Waring WaringWashington WarlngVashlngt1 WaringWashington
Washington Vashlngt1 > n D C The executive com committee commlttce cornxnittco ¬
mittee consists of the following f11owln mem members members mornhers ¬
bers Dr N S Loften Dr C S Worm Wormley WormIcy
Icy Dr D W t Onloy Onlo of Washington WashingtonDr VashlngtonDr
Dr M A Pothel Charlotte N NC C and andDr andDr andDr
Dr D A Ferguson Richmond RichmondThe RichmondThe RichmondThe
The association voted to publish an anI anannual anannual
I annual report which will contain the theproceedings theprocecdlngs theproceedings
proceedings of the convention arid the thecorrespondence th thcorrc3pondenco tlecorrespondence
correspondence and contributions co tributions from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the different members membersThis mcmbersTbls membersThis
This convention conv ntlon has been moro suc successful succo suecesfui ¬
cessful co stul and had a larger attendance than thanany thanny thanany
any ny over held Tho membership of the theassociation theassociation theassociation
association is now five ve times as largeas large largeas
as It was when founded three years ago agoDuring agoDurIng agoDuring
During tho sessions Just closed a nun number nunher nUI4br ¬
her of able papers pnp rs have been road by bythe h7the bythe
the members membersYesterday membersYcsterda membersYesterday
Yesterday Ycsterda afternoon the local dentists dentistsentertained dentistsentertnlned dentistsentertained
entertained the outoftown members o othe 01 01tho oZthe
the association on a private boat on onwhich onI n nwhich
which the whole party went to River RiverView RlyorVIew RiverView
I View
The Th Government yacht Dolphin which whichleft whichlert whichleft
I left Washington about nb ut two weeks ago agofor agofor agofor
for a cruise through Long Island Sound Soundto SoundI SoundtQ
I tQ tho New England coast with As Aaeistant As8s Assistant
eistant 8s ant Secretary Darling Darleg on board re returned returned rej rejturned ¬
turned yesterday Th The Dolphin is an anchored anchored anchored ¬
chored In the channel near the cruiser cruiserPararle cru cruiserPararic 11ar 11arPararlc
Pararle and gunboat Topeka and will willremain w111remain willremain
remain there for a part of the coming comingweek comingweek comingweek
week before again putting to sea seaENGINEER seaEliGINEER seeENGINEER
The United States Engineer En lnecr Band con conducted conducted condueted ¬
ducted by b Chief Musician Julius Kemper Kemperwill Kemperwill Kemperwill
will give a concert this afternoon at 4 4p 4p I Ip
p m mat at tho Arsenal ArsenalMarch Msenalrch ArsenalMarch <
March rch New ew Englands Tincst TincztClarke TincztClarkeOrerture Fincs Clarke ClarkeO C1arkeOverture
O Overture verturc Semiramide SemiramidePcriian llosiJnJ llosiJnJPersian 1to Jru JruPcrtian
Persian intermezzo Iran 1I Iraniection Ul Judsan JudsanSelection JudsenIcction
Selection Icction Cttnncn CarmenParaphrase Bizet BizetParaphrase Dbet1lU
Paraphrase 1lU lhrllJC turaaken rMken Kretacluner KretaclunerTwostep nretscllmur7wost retaclimerTwostep
Twostep 7wost p a la Jepancs Three Little Littlellalds Uttlelaiw LittleSis5
llalds Haincs
Sis5 125 to Baltimore and Return Every EverySaturday EverySaturday EvetySaturday
Saturday and Sunday via B O 0R OR
R 1 R Rill RU1 Htn
ill trains both ways both days except exceptBoyul CxceptRoyal exceptRoyal
Royal Limited leaving leav1n Washington 3 and Bait Baltimore Datumore Baitsore ¬
more 755 p m me
Untimely Patriotism Depletes a Num Number Number Number ¬
ber of Pocketbooks PocketbooksPremature PocketbooksPremature s sPremature
Premature celebration of the glorious gloriousFourth glorIousFourth gloriousFourth
Fourth cost a number of ultrapatriotic ultrapatrioticboys uJtrapatrloUaboys ultrapatrioticboys
boys and men a few dollars in tho Po Pollco PoIIco PoBoo
Boo Court yesterday morning Tho fol following following foblowing ¬
lowing penalties pcnnlUcsWoro wore Imposed by Judza JudzaKimball JUdK JUdKKimball JudgKimball
Kimball KimballMortlmor KimballMortlmor KimballMortimor
Mortlmor Lyddane and Hugh Doriaa Doriaadischarged Dorinadlscbarged Dortandischarged
discharged a acnnnon cannon on Ninth Intb Street Streetnorthwest Streetnorthwest Streetnorthwest
northwest and wore each fined 510 10 or orthirty orthirty orthirty
thirty dars In Jail JailCharles jallCharles SailCharles
Charles Kauffman Arthur Williams WilliamsDaniel WilliamsDanie ll11ams ll11amsDanie
Danie Raedy Preston Corby James JamesRaster J JrnesRaster mes mesi
i Raster and Samuel Forgo forfeited p peach 2 2oach 2I
oach oachFred eachFred oachFred
Fred Armder Charles Moore Robert RobcttStreet RobertStreet BobcttStreet
Street and James Brown forfeited 1 1oach 1cacl 1each
each oachSamuel eachSamuel
Samuel Levy Lcvythischargcd discharged an extra extrn1arga extrn1argacraoker large largecracker largecracker
cracker at Thirteenth Street and Penn Pcnnsylvanla Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
sylvania Avenue and Policeman Catt Cattarrested Catuarrested Cattiarrested
arrested him ilo forfeited 5 5James 5Jamos 5Jamog
James Jones txlso foxfoltcd 5 for hIs bispatriotism hIspatriotism hispatriotism
patriotism and so did Richard Colemaa Colemaawhite ColemaaJames ColemanJames
white whiteJames =
James Scruggs Scru gs Nicholas Icholas James and andJohn anllJohn andJohn
John Richter got off with a fine ne of ofWILL 1 1WILL iWILL
Prof Johnson to Occupy Pulpit of Ver Vermont Vermont Vermont ¬
mont jAvenue Avenue Church ChurchThe ChurchThe ChurchThe
The Rev Phflip Johnson professor of ofLatin ofLatin ofLatin
Latin at Bethany College West cst Vie Virginia Vlrhlnia Vieginia ¬
ginia will actnas assistant to tho Rev RevF RevF RevF
F D Power Po cr pautor of the Vermont Av Avnue Avnue Aye Ayenue
nue Christian Church ChurchDr ChurchDr ChurchDr
Dr Power has planned to t attend tho thoInternational thoInternational thoInternational
International Christian Endeavor con convention ccnvontIon cnnvoatlon ¬
vention whiclu blch will be hold In Denver DenverJuly DenverJUly DenverJuly
July 913 Ho 4111 will remain In the West Westfor Westtor Westfor
for several wedks wed During his absence absencefrom absencetr absencefrom
from tr m Washington Professor Prof saor Johnson will willhave wUlhne wfllhave
have charge chargear cC the Vermont Avenue AvenueChristian tvenuaChristian venu venuChrlstlnn
Christian Church ChurchTonight ChurchTonl ChurchTonIght
Tonight Tonl ht speetel services will be held heldin hel4In heldIn
in tho church to ordain to the ministry ministryJohn ministryJohn ministryJohn
John M 3L L Home Horn who will go to Brock Brockton Brockton Brockton ¬
ton Mass ass to assume the pastorate p > torate of a achurch achurch achurch
church there thorcBaby thoreBaby thereBaby
Baby Bell to lila Death DeathCrifiUh DeathGriffith DeathCrilfith
Griffith Lloyd Smith the twoyearold tOy rold child childlef childt childef
lef t J G Smith a chemist in the Bureau BUreau ot otSoils otSells ofSoils
Soils of the Agricultural riccltural Department fell front fronta teem teemi
i a sceondstorr sceond secondstory Jry window of his home Friday Fridayafternoon Fri FridayI ay ayaltcrnoun
I afternoon and and died at 1t the Casualty Hospital HospitalFriday hospitalFriday
j Friday evening ccnin His skull was a fractured by the theraIl thefall
I fall Coroner Ncritt evitt issued ed a certificate of ac acjcidcntal accidental LC LCcidcnal
jcidcntal cidcnal death deathFloral dl1thFloral deathFloral
Floral Work for Funerals FuneralsWe
We fill mail phone or telegraph tel ph order orderas ordcralS ordersas
as lS promptly and nd well as personal ones 1224 1 F
IJ o C > NSOIJ ft o 0 oMlJJ G C N50K of1 1N O N I I6as
6as aFAAfJ t JC J s aAyt 10 1 < JJ asurAwt110 U J < J 5 SPPN6 su 11tJ
I H < J J < r rr If > r
I r Cool ool White Goods
Lining Lawns
20 piooow of Lining Lawn made ex expressly cxa x xprQs ¬
a prQs pressly ly for eemmor dresses dros o 40 Inoh Inohes Inohes
es wide and most of thorn white htto al although although although ¬
though there Is a good rnri rnriety van 3 3ety
ety of colors Regularly Hogularlyprlood Regularlypriced ft ftprlcod 63 > C
priced 12c 12 ½ c yard nrd Cut prio price priesFirst Vf VfFirst 4 4FIrst
First Floor FloorI
I Towels Towels2uc T oweIs
2uc 2 c grade Extra Hoavy HoavyDoublethread HoavyDoublethrend HeavyDoublethread
Doublethread and Bleached BleachedCut BleachedTurkish
Turkish Towels 2i 2 w by 54 In InCut inCut 17C
Cut prlco prlcoHuek prlcoIiuek pricohusk
husk Towole of oxtra i > 1 r rheavy
heavy linen buck 20x40 20x40In 12 5 5in l lIn
in Cut pride a aFirat S SFirst 2 2Firat <
Firat Floor
87c and 40c Mercerized MercerizedOxford MercerizedOxford JlorcorlzedOxrord
Oxford and Figured Madras Madrasboth Madrasboth
both imported Cut price for foreither roreither foreither 22C
either lot a yard yardISc yartI19c yard19c
19c grade ado Persian Lawn Lnwn32 32 32yard 32Inchos
yard yardPersian yardPersian Inchos wide I Cut price priceyard rI e I IPer 2C
Persian Per ltn Lawn silk finished
47 Inches wide a very fine flnograde finegrade
grade that wo wosold vo sold regular regularly ¬ 21 C
ly h at 26c Cut price priceFirst prieoFirst priceFirst
First floor floorIndia fioorIodla floorIndia
India Linen that is 40 Inch inchOs
Os tI wide sold regularly at 2i 2c 2cyard e
yard Cut price a yard t f
175 li and 200 Allover Laces in inwhite inwhite inwhite
white and butter shades rp g TJ p pa
4 inches wide Cut price prleol 1 2 5
a l yard yardCambric yardCambric a aCambric
Cambric Swiss and Nainsook Em Embroidorlcs Embroldorles Embroidories
broidorlcs and Insertions Insertionsprice Insertionsregularly
regularly 2ic to Insorttons17C 350 Cut Cutprice Cutprice
price a yard yardA yardA B BA
A very vcr largo lot of Cambric and andSwiss andSwiss andSwiss
Swiss Embroideries Insertions InsertionsHeadings InsertionseadIn Insertionshieadins
Headings eadIn and Galloons fine fineneat ne ff ffFlrut
neat openwork pattern Cut Cutlrlcc Cutlrice BC
lrlcc a yard yardFirst ard ardFirst
First floor
Wash Skirts SkirtsHighclass Skirts1Ilcbclnss Skirts111gbclass
Highclass novelties i iWashable In InWubable inWashable
Washable Skirts of pique piquebutchers Vi piquebutchers que quebutchers
butchers linen pique white whitechambray whitecbambra whitechambray
chambray cbambra India llnon and andgrass andgran andgrass
grass linen all handsomely handsomelytailored handloD1elytailored handsomelytailored
tailored and trimmsd in lat latoat 18to latoct
oat o t effects includ including IncludIng including ¬
ing Insertions that thatwere fl r t twere
were 4 4r 450 and 2 98 I
6 Cut to
Cambric CambricFull C amOrlCt 1 57 5c 5cFull SC SCFull
Full yard wide fine throads a high highgrads highgrade hIghgrade
grade finish and our regular 8c 8cCambric S Z ZCambric C
I Cambric Cut Cu price priceFirst priceirsl Jo JoFirst
First irsl Floor I < loor loorI
Mattings MattingsJapanese lVIattingsJapanese lVEattingsJapanese
I Japanese and Chinese ChineseAbout ChineseI ChineseAbout
About 70 rolls of 2Sc and 20c 20cJapanese 2cJnpanese 29cJapanese
Japanese Cottonwarped Mat Mattings Mattlngs Mattings ¬
tings carpet patterns colors colorsof coloraf colorsof
of > f green blue and red and
75 7 85 and 05pound 05poundChina 95poundI 115poundChina
I China Mattings check checked j pf pfed
ed and plaid patterns pnttornscut patternscut 15C I TV TVcut
I cut to a yard v
A Most Extraordinary and Timely Sale of ofThese
f 1
2400 Pairs PairsSample Sample Shoes at 95c and 1 95
These sample shoes are the highest class novelties offered by two of the largest manufacturers to the theretail theretail
retail trade throughout the country and sale prices are less than cost to make makeFor mnkeFor makeFor
For convenience of selection only they have been divided into four lots 1t31 but only two prices 95c and
Sample SampleOxf Oxford rd Ties TiesOf I IOr
Of patent leather patent kid coltskln coltsklnand collsklnnnd coitakinand
and velvet kid Also Bluchers Court CourtTics CourtTics CourtTics
Tics 4button and straightlaced dx dxfords dxfords dxforda
fords French Iren Frenh h Cuban or military heels heelsIn heelsIn heelsin
In every J jstyie style Oxfords Oxfordsworth rt < ff ffworth
at worth tO 3 350 fl 1 1Samples and 5 5at 1 1 ifl 95 a aSamples
Samples Misses Oxfords OxfordsAbout OxfordsAbout OxfordsAbout
About 300 pairs Including ties and andstrap andstrap andstrap
strap slippers made of patent ideal kid kidpatent kidpatent kidpatent
patent coltakiu velvet kid and box calf calfin caltIn calrIn
in both spring and low flat heel heelclose heelcloso heelclose
close edge or extension Bole soleChoice gp gpChoice
Choice 1 from s any of t the t lot lotat 95 c
nt v p OO
= = =
Womens WomensSummer Wo WomensSummer en s sSumnler
Summer Shoes and andOxfords andOxfords andOxfords
Oxfords OxfordsMisses7 OxfordsMisses OxfordsMisses
Misses and andChildrens andChildrens andChildrcn
Childrens Shoes Shoesand Shoesand Shoesand
and Oxfords
Sample Shoes ShoesAll Sho s sAll
All In high lace or button styles worth
3 350 4 5 and many man of them 6 6Made 6tade 6Made
Made tade of patent leather Ideal kid Cor Corona Corona Carona ¬
ona coltskln vici kid kidnot not an uptodate uptodatestylo uptodatestylo uptodatestyle
stylo of high shoe not repre reproonted rt t f p psonted
sonted sonted1n In the lot Choice from rromany fromany 1 l 95 fl1 fl1any
any in the lot at atSample atSample vv vvSample
Sample Misses andChildrens andChildrensShoes andChildrensShoes andChildrensShoes
Shoes ShoesIn
In lace and button styles of every con conceivable conceivable conecivable ¬
ceivable effect In patent leather and pat patent patcnt pateat ¬
eat and velvet kid a few pairs only onlythat onlythat onlythat
that arc not entirely sewed by byhand f r f >
hand 3 At Worth 2 2 250 and a few 1 95C
Rw RwCut
Cut Prices on Thin Wash Goods GoodsCorded GoodsCorded GoodsCorded
Corded Madras Swiss Lawn Plain Colored Lawn LawnFigured LawnFigured LawnFigured
Figured Dimity all at 5f 5ic 5icThe 5cThe c cThe
The Corded Madras Lawns have pure white grounds with small neat nentpatterns neatpatterns neatpatterns
patterns printed in black and blue black and tan The TheSwLss Swiss Lawns in a awide awide awide
wide range of patterns of every conceivable conce able color with pink light
blue green tan gray black and whit predominating
Figured Dimities arc quite sheer sheef made of line t ne threads threadsend threadsamid 1
end relieved with conventional floral designs The TheLnwns TheLawns j 3 C
Lawns in plain shades of blue and pink A few pieces 5 a Qof aof aof
of yellow yeUowail all 30 inches wide j regularly priced pricc < l at lOc 1 > ZL 4 yd vd
and 12 ½ e
At At7caYard At7caYardFour 7 c a Yard YardFour lardFour
Four lots with values up to o 35c 35c36inch 35 3536Inch 35g36Inch <
36inch Percale Boftflnlshed white whitegrounds whitegrounds whItegrounds
grounds with small stripes a fow fowpieces ow owpieces owpieces
pieces with colored grounds grounds12c 7 1
Rogularly priced I 14c Cut Cutprice 7 C
price price12c 2 212c
12c Madras in an assortment of ofpink oCpink ofpink
pink with white assorted stripes la laabout 11about haabout
about 25 different styles st lcs cape cspedaily 7 I
daily suitable for childrens childrensapparel childrensapparel espe11 C
apparel Cut price yard yardLinen yardLinen nrd nrdLinen 2
Linen Etamlnc and Linen Cham Chambray Chambray Chainbray
bray every thread pure Unen and andvalues aldvalues andvalues
values up to 25c a yard The chain chambray chmbray chainbray
bray in lavender only onl and the linen linenctamine linenetamlne linenetnmine
ctamine in red lavender Inendorand lavenddrand j I r rand
and pink relieved by black blackstripes 2 QX QXstripes
stripes t > Cut price a yard yardWhite yardWhile yardWhite
White Duck with black polka dots dots30inch dots30inch dots30Inch
30inch wide our regular y y12c 1 f f12c C
12c skirting duck cut cutprice cutprice 7 7TC 7TCprice 2
price a yariK u
A BrandNew Lot of ofSheets ofSheets ofSheets
Sheets and Pillow Cases at Cut Prices PricesIts
Its an extraordinary chance for hotels and keepers of boarding houses housesas housesas housesas
as well as for the housekeeper who wants but a few fewA tewA fewA
A very large purchase of popular brand 81 by 90 Bleached Sheets which whichshould whichshould whichshould
should have been hero weeks ago Just ust arrived arrivedThese nrdvodThese arrIvedThese
These consist oi o Salem brand Sheets Androscoggin brand of ofSheets otSheets
Sheets the famous King Sheets and an Rattler brand Sheets S ets all 049n 049nSheels oi oithem o ofthom i ithom
thom superior to tho Mohawk brand that Washington women swear swearby swearby swearby
by Choice at ateach ateachcott ateachtjnbleached each eachUnbleached
Unbleached bl Sheets full li size I with 1 and 2inch i horns s of oxceflent l 3 OQC OQCcotton gc gcUtica QC QCcotton
J JUtlca
cotton cott Cut price priceUtica I
Utica Mills Pillow Cases 42 by 36 Inches Sold the world over at 1 117c 12 1C 1C17c C C17c
17c Cut price for Monday only each 31o < < b l lregular <
45 by 36lncl1 Pillow Cases hemmed well made throughout our 1IC 1ICreUlar 7zC 7zCregular
regular 12c case Cut price for Monday only 8
Draperies DraperiesAbout
About sixty pairs of our regular
350 and S400 Snowflake Madras MadrasPortieres MadrasPortieres MadrasPortiores
Portieres with silk cross stripes strl > es 3 3yards 3yards 3yards
yards long heavy hcnv fringe top and andbottom andbottom andbottom
bottom all in good high highcolors highcolors highcolors
colors of red green pink pinkand pinkand
and rose Ci Cito CuttinG price prlcoto priceto 2 00
to a pair pairFive lalrFive
Five different patterns of 350 350White 350Vhlto 350White
White Irish Point Cur Curtains Curtains Curthins ¬
tains 9 foot long and all allthis rp 4 rx p pthis
this seasons styles stlcsPrices stylesPrices 1 n 2 5 i
Prices cut to a pair pairThird s H ttmJ ttmJThird a aThird
Third Floor
At At12cayard At12cayardPique I2 ± c a a yard yardPique yardPiQue
Pique worth 25c In two shades of ofblue ofblue ofblue
blue cadet arid navy ab absolutely f fCotton 1
solutely fast colors cut cutprice cutprice 12 C
price n yard yardCotton 2 2Cotton
Cotton Voile Jn two shades light lightand lightand lightand
and dark both very fashionable fashionableshades fashionableshades ashlonahlashades
shades that will UI wash washwell < r 1 r rwell
well Regularly priced at at15c atific 1 I 2 f C v v19c
19c a yard Cut price pricePlain prIcePlein pricePlain
Plain Pinkcolored Swiss a won wonderfully wonderfully on ondelCulh ¬
derfully good seller A good shade shadeof shadeor shadeof
of pink that evoryono who whocan whocan whocan
can wear pink likes 31 31inches Q 1 r rinches
inches wide 25c 5c quality qualityCut 12lr I f t tCut f fCut
Cut price priceAlllinen I l 2 2Alllinen t tAlllinen
Alllinen Galatea in a pattern es especially espocially s speclally ¬
pecially good for boys wear An Anallover AnaUover Annilover
allover pencilstripe pattern some someWashington som somTashlngton someWashington
Washington stores sell 1
this at 35c Our cut dutprice ut utprlce 12 B C Cprice
price priceLacestriped i B BLacestrlpcd 2 2Lacestriped
Lacestriped Lawns Lnw lS that were 19c 19ca 19cn iDea
a yard handsome effects In printed printeddesigns printeddesins printeddesigns
designs the lot includes many dif different dltrorent difbrent ¬
brent weavings and every ever i J 1 i I I igood p pa
good color Cut price pricea 1 2 C
a yard lilt
Table Linen Linen63c
ODe AllUnon Cream Table TableT TableDamask
T Damask > nmnclr iOlneh rnli V ivlrin wIde r Cut Cutprice Cutprice i 48C i iprice
price for tomorrow only
2 yards Square Red and andWhite andWhite andWhite
White and Black and White Whltel WhiteTable T TTable
Table Covers Cut price I for forone forone OC
J J20lnch
one day day20inch < J J20inch
20inch Bloachtd Napkins apklns O nr nrL25
JL25 L25 grade rndo Cut price for forono 89C A Aono 9t t tone
ono day a dozen dozen40c dozen40c J J40c
40c grade of 54Inch Inch Tablo TabloPadding 25C 25CPalldl 25
Padding Palldl g Cut price a 10 yard nrd