OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, July 05, 1903, Editorial Society Fiction, Image 17

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1903-07-05/ed-1/seq-17/

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4 4THE
I I Weddings WeddingsLakeDietz I ILakeDietz ILakeDictz
LakeDietz LakeDietzSt
St AloyslUB roctory was ws 11S the scoao of ofpretty o opretty ofprotty
pretty wedding last Tuesday evening eveningwhen eveninghen ovoninghcn
when hen Miss Lillian L Diets and Vivian VivianE VivinnE VivianLako
E Lako wore married Tho bride wore woregirlish worea woregirlish
a girlish gown of white organdy over overwhite overwhlto overwhlto
whlto taffeta and a large white hat hattrimmed hattrimmod battrimmed
trimmed with ostrich plumes and car carried carrlod carnod ¬
nod a shower bouquot of Bride roses and andsweet and8weot andawoot
sweet peas Immediately after the cere ceremony ceremony coremony ¬
mony which hleh was performed by the Rev RevFather RevFather RevFather
Father E X Fink pastor of o the church churchMr churchtr churchMr
Mr tr and Mrs tr8 Lake loft for Virginia Virginiawhere Virginiawhero Virginiawhero
whero they will spend their honeymoon honeymoonUpon honeymoonUpon honeymoontpon
Upon their roturn to tho olty they will willbo w111be willbe
be at home to their friends at 905 First FirstStreet FirstStreet FirstStreet
Street northwest northwestDuvallPhelps northwestDuvallPhelps northwestDuvallPheips
DuvallPhelps DuvallPhelpsThe
The marriage of Miss Katherine S SPhclps SPhelps SPhelps
Phelps and Somorvlllo A Duvall took tookplace tookplace tookF
F place Tuesday Tuesday evening June 30 at Lang Langdon Langdon IALngion
don M E Church Rev A L Hughes Hughesofficiated Hughesomclate Hughesofficiated
officiated Tho bride was given away by byher byher byher
her brother R Bland Phelps and Miss MissEllle MissEllie MissEllie
Ellie Hallie of Georgetown was maid maidof maidor maidof
of honor The Misses Etta Page Bertha BerthaGundlach BorthaGundlach BerthaGundlach
Gundlach Florence Haskell Anna AnnaJones AnnaJon AnnaJones
Jones Jon s and Elizabeth and Susie Warren Warrenescorted Warrencscorted Warrencscortcd
escorted the bridal party to the altar altarsinging altarBlnglng altarsinging
singing the Bridal Chorus from fromuLo fromuLohODS1ln Lo Lohengrin tobongrin ¬
hengrin accompanied by Mrs Finley FinleyS
S Hayes and George Mitchell on the thepiano thopiano thepiano
piano and violin After the ceremony ceremonya ceremonyrecoptlon
a a reception was hold at the brides home homeafter homeafter I
after which hlch the young couple left for fortheir fortheir fortheir
their new home In Jcssups Md MdlamasureCason MdLamasureCason MdZamasureCason
lamasureCason lamasureCasonMiss LamasureCasonUss ZamasureCasonMisa
Miss Uss Dell Cason and Frank H Lama Lamasure Lamasuro Lamasure
sure were married at tho residence of ofRev ofRev ofRev
Rev Dr S M Newman on Tuesday Tuesdayevening Tuesdayevening Tuesdayevening
evening last Mr and Mrs Lamasure will willbe willbe willbe
be at home to their friends at tho Marion Marlonapartment Marionapartment Marionapartment
apartment house bouseWrightCottingham houseWrigbtCottingham houseWrlglitCottingham =
WrightCottingham WrightCottinghamMiss
Miss Bessie W V Cottlngham daughter daughterof
of Mrs irs Martha Cottingham and Roy RoyLostor RoyLestor RoyLester
Lester Wright Wright of this city ell wore quietly quietlymarried Qule ly lymarrlod
9 married at tho home of the brides bridesmother brldesmother bridesmother
mother mother In Detroit last ltujt latTuesday Tuesday evening eveningThompsonBierley eveningTbom eveningThonpsonBierley
ThompsonBierley ThompsonBierleyMis Tbom sonBierIey sonBierIeyMl
Mis Ml Miss s Carrie F Blerloy and Bernard N NThoafpeon XTho NThonpon
Thoafpeon Tho on were married last Tuesday Tuesdayevening Tuesdayevening Tuesdayevening
evening at the Ninth Street Christian ChristianChurch ChristianChurch ChristianChurch
Church by the Rev Dr E B Bagby BagbyThe BagbThe BngbyThe
The pulpit and chancel ware attractively attractivelydecorated Aftrncthclydecorated artractirelydecorated
decorated with palms and ferns fernsThe fernsThe fernsThe
The bridal party entered the church TO TOtho 0 0the othe
the strains trsns of the th Lohengrin Bridal BridalChoru BridalChou BridalChorue
Choru pl plYed y d by 11 Mia Miss 11 Susie Lang a afriend afriend afrIend
friend of the t e bride The bride wore a arown aown arown
rown own of white organdy trimmed withlare with withiarc withlare
iarc lare a tulle veil caught up with lilies of oftfap ofthp oftb
tfap tb Valley valley and carried a bouquot of ofBride ofDrldr ofbride
Bride roses The maid of honor the thebrides tbebrldea thebrIdc
brides brIdc only attendant was wa MUa Bertha BerthaFry DerthaFry BerthaFry
Fry who wore a frock of pale pink pinkmoutteUae pinkmouu pinkmoucleUfle
moutteUae mouu Uae and carried La Franco roso rosos
Alfred R Blerley brother of the bride bridewas bridewas bridewas
was best man A reception followed at atthe atthe atthe
the home of the brides parents at which whichonly whichonly whichonly
only tho bridal party part and immediate immediaterelatives ImmodlateroaUOR immediaterelatives
relatives wore present presentMr presentMr presentMr
Mr and Mrs Thompson left on a late latetrain latetraln latetrain
train for Philadelphia New York and andAtlantic andAtlantic andAtlantic
Atlantic City Upon their return to the thecity thtcity thecity
city they will live at COS Ninth Inth Stroot Strootnortheast StrootnorthossL Streetnortheast
northeast northeastMiss northossLMiss northeastMiss
Miss May to Be Married MarriedTho MarriedThe MarriedThe
The marriage of Miss Lillian May Maydaughter Maydaughter Maydaughter
daughter of Mrs Irs Henry May and sister sisterof 31steror sisterof
of George May Ia of Baltimore and Col ColHonry ColHonry ColHenry
Honry May of this city to Lord Bagot Bagotwill Bagotw111 ingotwill
will take place In London July 15 The Thecouple Thocouple Thecouple
couple will spend their honeymoon in inStaffordshire InStaffordshire inStaffordshire
Staffordshire England whore Lord Ba Bagot Bagot Bagot ¬
got has extensive estates estatesJottings estatesT estatesr
T r Jottings From Abroad Abioad r rSo j jSo I ISo
So much confusion has arisen with re regard resard regard ¬
gard to tho name and nationality of the thenobleman thenobleman thenobleman
nobleman to whom Miss Uss Fponcos White Whltohouso Whitehouse Whitehouse
house daughter of Mr and Mrs William WilliamFitzhugh Wll1lnmFitzhugh WilliamFitzhugh
Fitzhugh Whltehouse is to be married marriedIn marriedIn marriedIn
In London on July Jul 7 that it may be in interesting Interesting interesting ¬
teresting to know that in spite of his hisBritish hisBritish hisBritish
British name Baron Constantino do doRamsay deRamsay doRamsay
Ramsay Is a Russian Rus lan and a gentleman gentlemanof
of or the chamber to the Czar Ho Is de descended descendcel dosconded ¬
scended from one of those numerous numerousScotchman numerousScotchmon numerousScotcbmon
Scotchman of good birth who In search searchof searchot searchof
of adventure took service In the army armyof armyor armyof
of Peter the Groat and afterward set settled settled settied ¬
tled in Russia There is no such person personas
as Lord Ramsay now That is a title al always always always ¬
ways borne by the eldest son of the Earl Earlof Earlor Earlof
of Dalhousie The latter Is quite a ayoung ayoung ayoung
young man and his engagement has only onlyJunt onlyJUBt onlyJust
Just boon announced St Peters Eaton EatonSquare EatonSquare EatonSquare
Square will be tho scene of Miss White Whitehouses WhitehOusos Whitehousos
hOusos London wedding and Prince Or Orloff Orloff Orloft
loff will attend the baron as best man manImmediately manImmedlntoly manImmediately
Immediately 4aftor aCtor the ceremony tho thonewly thonewly thenewly
newly married couple will leavo England Englandfor Englnndor Englandfor
for or Russia while while Mr and Mrs Irs William WilliamFitzhugh WilliamFitzhugh WmlamFitzhugh
Fitzhugh Whltehouse will Join Mr and andMrs a1 andMrs < 1 1MIls
Mrs Henry Whltehouse at at Newport to toward toward toward ¬
ward tho ond of next month monthRichard monthRichard
Richard Hall whose portrait of Mrs MrsReginald MrsReginald MrsReginald
Reginald Vanderbilt Vanderbilt attracted so much muchnotice muchnoUce muchnotice
notice In the Salon at Paris this year yearIs yearIs yearis
Is now at work on a portrait of the theDuchess theDuchess theDuchess
Duchess de la Rochefoucauld formerly formerlyMiss formerlyUS8 formerlyMiss
Miss US8 Mattie Mitchell of Washington WashingtonThe WashingtonThe WashingtonThe
The duchess a daughter of Senator John JohnH JohnH JohnH
H Mitchell of Oregon was noted for forhor forhor forher
hor groat beauty and is still considered consideredone
one of tho loveliest Americans morlcnn who have havemarried havomarried havemarried
married Into the English or French aria aristocracy ariatocrner ariatocracy ¬
tocracy tocracyQueen tocrnerQueen tocracyQueen
Queen Wllhelmlna is an adept as well wellas wo11as wellas
as a devotee In the use ultJe of the kodak and andshe andaIle andshe
she Is now staying with Queen Emma mma at atSocatdyk atSoe atSoeetdyk
Socatdyk Soe tdk in order to indulge to the full fullher fu1lhcrdellght fullher
her hcrdellght delight In photography Her majesty
oompanlod by Mrs RulTner will go with withtbe with1M WfLhthe
the 1M Almas party from Washington WashingtonLodge WashlqtonLodge WashingtonLodge
Lodge Officers Installed InstalledThe InstaUedThe InstalledThe
The officers of Covenant Ledge lAd No
13 I 0 O F on Thirtyfirst Street StreetGeorgetown StreetGeorgetown StreetGeorgetown
Georgetown were duly installed last lastFriday lostFriday lastFriday
Friday evening by a delegation of mem members members znemhers ¬
bers from Harmony HarmoD Lodge Lo ge Xo 0 9 South Southeast SOIlUat Southeast ¬
east at Washington consisting of Grand GrandRepresentative GrandRepre GrandRepresentative
Representative Repre entathe William P P l Allan as asgrand 88grand asgrand
grand master George S Stewat as asgrand aagrand asgrand
grand warden George A Crawford as asgrand aagrand asgrand
grand secretary Otis W Wyatt Vatt as rand randtreasurer rallfltreaaurer rauiltreasurer
treasurer and Edward R Dunn as grand grandmarshal grandmarsbal grandmarshal
marshal marshalCovenant marsbalCovonant marshalCovenant
Covenant Lodge Is the ho strongest lodge lodgenumerically lol1senumerically lodgenumerically
numerically In the Jurisdiction having htnln htnlnIJ7 havingIPI
197 IJ7 members OB the roll with 4 a repre representation repreBontatlon representation ¬
sentation In the Grand Lodge of thirteen thlrtoonAmong thlrto6nAmong thirteenAmong
Among the visitors present were Noble NobleGrand SobleGrand NobleGrand
Grand Thomas J Gates Gat Herman Kah Kahlort Kahlort Kalilort
lort John F Prosperl Proa rl J Thomas Cook Cookand Cookand Cookand
and Vice Grand Charles C Hoover The Thelodge Tb Tblodge Thelodge >
lodge representatives to the Grand GrandLodge GranlLodge GrandLodge
Lodge for the year ending July 1904 90 are aroF ar arF areF >
F W V Brewer W V W Beattie J H HChamberlain HChamborlaln HChamberlain
Chamberlain John J Cherry Joseph L LIrwin LIrwin LIrwin
Irwin oxGrand Patriarch Thomas J JJonofl JJonos JJones
Jones Past Grand Master H Krick John JohnH JohnH JohnH
H McCheanoy John M t Pruett John A ARlttuo ARitluo Aflittue
Rlttuo Loo S Schoenthal Joseph Som Somers Somers Soreers
ers and Henry Wooer WooerThe WoherThe YoberThe
The election of officers for the th six sixmonths sixmonths sixmonths
months ond ending Ing December 31 1903 re resulted rSaulted reculled ¬
culled In the choice of the following followingNoble folJowlnKNoble followingNoble
Noble grand P Fanth l < anth vice grand D DA DA DA
A Dugan recording secretary Leo S SSchoenthal SSehontbal SSchoenthal
Schoenthal financial secretary J Wil William Wll11am H HlIam ¬
liam Brewer treasurer troa urer Charlo W WCuthbertsoa WCuthbertaoa V VCuthberton
Cuthbertsoa warden John M Kroue Kroueright Krouarlgbt Krousright
right supporter to the vice grand Wil William William Vil Vil11cm ¬
liam W Beattio outside guardian guardianGeorge guardianGeorge guardianGeorge
George L Totlow TotlowGolden TotlowI TotlowGolden
Golden Cross Installation InstallationAftor IWltal1ationI InstallationAfter
I After the transaction tran actlon of the usual rou routine rouI roetine ¬
I tine business the officers for tho nitu nitulag nl nsulag + u uliRe
liRe lag term of Goldon Commandery No lo loI
712 N O G C wore installed last ut Wed Wednesday Wedneady Vod Vodneeclay ¬
I nesday evening by Doputy Grand Com Commander CQmmaodor Cornmander ¬
mander L II Patterson assisted by byPast byla byPast
Past la t Noble Commander M r C Hazen as asdeputy asdeputy asdeputy
deputy past PA t grand commander Grand GrandKoepor GrandKoepor GrandKeeper
Koepor of Records W V E Graham as dop deputy doputy doputy ¬
uty grand horald and Past Grand Vice VlcoCommander YlceI ViceCommander
I C01 Commander ntaJHIor Annie L I Alton as senior seniorpast seniorpast oniorpaat
past noble nob commander The officers In Installed InHtaJJod inuta1ld ¬
stalled were John H Hill noble gom gomaandar om omIIIandor omiander
aandar Laura Bradley Dradlo vloo noble com commander oommandc cornmender ¬
mender Lydia Carson worthy prelate
may ma be seen dally roaming the coun countryside countr countryside ¬
tryside tr 5Idl with an attendant carrying her herapparatus herappratls herapparatus
apparatus and gleefully securing nega negatives negatives negativos ¬
tives of o anything and everything that ap appeals appeols appeals ¬
peals to her sense of humor and tho thopicturesque thoplcturosque thopicturosque
picturesque picturesqueTho plcturosqueThe picturosqueThe
The full name of Lord Monson whoso wliosomarriage whosomarrlagc whosemarriage
marriage to Mrs Romaine Madeline MadelineTurnuro MndellnoTurnuro MadelinoTurnuro
Turnuro daughter of Gen and Mrs MrsRoy MrsRoy MrsRoy
Roy Stone of this city elt took place in inParis InParis InParis
Paris on last Tuesday Tuesda Is Augustus De Debonnalre Debonnalre Dobonnaire
bonnalre John Johnllonson Monson the ninth Baron BaronMonaon DaronMonson BaronMonson
Monson He was born In 1868 SGS and suc succeeded succeeded sacceeded ¬
ceeded his father to tho peerage In 1900 1900At 1000At 1900At
At present he Is private secretary to his hisuncle hisuncle hisuncle
uncle Sir Sir Edmund Monson tbo British Britishambassador Britishambnssndor Britishambassador
ambassador to France and was control controller controllor controlicr ¬
ler of the household of the late Duke of ofSaxeCoburg orSaxeCoburg ofSaxeCoburg
SaxeCoburg and Gotha GothaProf GothaProto GothaProf
Prof Count Angelo do Gubernatls Gubernatlsthe GubernaUs1he Gubernatisthe
the famous Oriental Orion tal scholar has left leftRome lertRome 1ftRome
Rome and Is on his way to this country countryfor countryfor countryfor
for Va 11 a three months course of lectures lecturesbefore lecturesbetore lecturesbefore
before American universities universitiesMrs unhersltlesMrs universi ties tiesMrs
Mrs Hermann Oelrichs has been stop stopping stopping stopping ¬
ping with the Duke and Duchess of o Man Manchester Manchester Ilanchester ¬
chester at Tanderagee Castle Hermann HermannOelrichs HormannOelrlchs HermannOclrichs
Oelrichs Is reported from San Francisco Franciscoto
to be better betterCount belterCount betterCount
Count Paolo Campollo of Rome Is Isdead Isdead isdead
dead The deceased was at one time timecanon tlmocanon timecanon
canon of St Peters but he abandoned abandonedCatholicism abandonedCatholicism abandonedCatholicism
Catholicism and preached In violent VIO lont lan language Ianguage ¬
guage against the Vatican in Italy Eng England EngJand England ¬
land and America He recently reeentl ro rocantpd 10cant recaatpd
cantpd cant d did penance and was restored to totho tothe tothe
the priesthood His death occurred In Ina Ina ina
a hosoltal hosoltalBaroa hosullalBaron hosoltalBaron
Baron Maxmllllan I xmJ1l1an Washington of Vi Vienna Vienna VIenna ¬
enna who died on last Friday bolongod bolongodto
to the family of Washlngtons in Eng England England Bagland ¬
land and America and his son born In
1850 was named George GoorgcI Georgef GeorgerSummer
I f rSummer Summer Resort Gossip GossipMrs I IMrs IMrs
Mrs George Westinghouse has pur purchased purchased parchased ¬
chased a tract of land on Laurel Lake Lakefor Lakefor Lakefor
for her estate Ersklne Park This gives givesMrs glve glveMrs givesMrs
Mrs Westinghouse land on three sides sidesof sldcsoC sidesof
of the lake which will be developed like liketho likethe likethe
the beautiful park which makes up this thisBerkshire thll5Borkshlre thisBorkahire
Berkshire estate estateMrs mltateIrs estateMrs
Mrs Irs Vandorbllt will Issuo cards for a alargo alargo alarge
largo dinner at the t t7ie e Breakers In honor honorof honorof honorof
of Mr Hay It Is also expected that Mr Mrand Mrand Mrand
and Mrs Irs Harry Payne Whitney will en entertain entertain entortain ¬
tertain at dinner in Mr fr Hays honor on onthoir ontholr ontheir
their arrival at Newport NewportMr NcwportIr NewportMr
Mr Ir and Mrs Irs James B Gordon Miss A AGertrude AGertrude AGertrude
Gertrude Gordon and Mrs M B Love Loveridge Loverldgo Loveridgo
ridge are among tho Washingtoaians Washingtoaiansregistered WashlngtoMansreglstored ashingtoa4ans ashingtoa4ansregistered
registered at the Casino Newprt NewportAmong NewprtAmong NewprtAmong
Among the Washingtonians at t Buena BuenaVlsUi BuenaVista I
Vista are Mr Ir and Mrs rrs Lewis Davis Davl who i
Annie C Allen II n keeper of rooords J JHammond JHammond JHammond
Hammond Brewer financial keeper of ofrecords o oI ofrecords
I records M 1 C Hazon treasurer Lulu LuluEspoy LuluE LuiuBalmy
Balmy E pO worthy worth herald h rald Jennie Haas W WI WI V VI
I G Harry Hand W O G Mrs trs Agnes AgnesKllngor AgnesKlIngor AgnesKitagor
Kllngor past noble commander Nanulo NanuloL
L Browor pianist A goodoftheor goodoftheorder
der program followed and refreshments refreshmentswere rofrushmantswere rofroshinontswere
were served servedMaccabee servedirtaccabee servedMaccabee
Maccabee Notes NotesNational NotesNational NotesNational
National Tent No No1 1 gave an enter entertainment ontertalnmont entertainment ¬
tainment on last Monday evening Sir SirKnight SirKnight SirKnight
Knight N F Feathorstone was tho host hostfor hostfor boatfor
for the occasion and ontertalnod a alargo alarge alarge
large and delighted d J1ghtec1 audience audienceA
A now division of tho Uniform Rank RankK RankK RankK
K O T M rill be organized In this thisJurisdiction thl thljurisdiction thisJurisdiction
Jurisdiction at an early day It will bo boorganized boorganlzod hoorganized
organized In Anacostla D C and will willbo willho nl nlbo
bo composed of members of Anacoatla AnacoatlaTent AnacoaUaTent AnacoetinTent
Tent No No7 7 Capt J Camden Gall has hasbeon hasboon hasbeen
boon commissioned for the purpose purposePast purlo purposePact e ePat
Past Commander W V M 1 Wood of Cap CaplI Capital I Ital
I tal Tent No 9 Is compiling the socond socondedition secondedition
I edition of tho Maccabee Directory which whichhas whichhus whichhas
has proven to be of so much benefit to tothe tothe tothe
the members of the order orderBrightwood orderBrluhtwood orderBrightwood
Brightwood Tont No lo 5 is still forg forging forgIng forglug ¬
ing to the front It now occupies third thirdposition thlrtIposition thirdposition
position in point of nierabornhlp among amongthe amongtbe amongtile
the tents of o tho city Anacostla No No7 No7h08 7 7has 7has
has Its oyo on that place and Is build building buildIng buildlag ¬
Goorgotown Tent No No6 6 gavo an on
arrived on Friday Dr and Mrs John JohnC JohnC JohnC
C Boyd and family who whohavo have a cottage cottagethere cottagothere cottagethere
there Mrs Marcus Mitchell and Mrs MrsJ MrsJ MrsS
J Loring Gilbert GilbertMrs GUbertMrs GilbertMrs
Mrs A T Komp accompanied by her herbrother herbrother herbrother
brother Jules B J Nellson will leave loavoNewport loavaowport leaveNewport
Newport owport tomorrow for Lenox for the thesummer thosummer thesummer
summer and will wmbo be Joined on August 1 1by 1by 1by
by her mother Mrs Frederick Neilson NellsonMrs NeilsonIrs NeilsonMrs
Mrs Irs Larz Anderson of Washington Washingtonhas
has taken the Geranium cottage Be Before Betore Before ¬
fore going to Bar Harbor she was tho thoguost thoguost theguest
guost of Senator and Mrs Irs Hale at Ells Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellaworth ¬
worth worthMr worthMr worthMr
Mr xand and Mrs Franklin Steele of ofWashington orWnshington ofWashington
Washington arc at the Newport Bar BarHarbor BarHarbor BarHarbor
Harbor for the season seasonMrs seasonlrs seasonIrs
Mrs Irs J Plerpont Morgan is among among the therecent thErocent thErecent
recent arrivals at Bar Harbor She will willspend willspend wlllspend
spend tho summer hero heroChitChat heroI herot
t I ChitChat ChitChatAssistant i iI iAssistant IAssistant I
Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs MrsLoomle MrsLoomis MrsLoomis
Loomis are receiving congratulations on onthe on1hp onthe
the birth of a son The baby will be bechristened bechristened bechristened
christened Francis Butler for his hlzfather hiEi hisfather
i father fatherMrs tath4Mrs fatherMrs
Mrs Wynne wife of the First Assist Assistant Assistant Assistant ¬
ant Postmaster General will not go goaway goaway goawayuntil
away awayuntil until tho latter part of the month monthwhen monthwhen monthwhen
when accompanied by the youngor chil children children children ¬
dren of o the family she will go to the thecoast theconat thecoastof
coast coastof of Maine as In previous summers summersShe summersShe summersShe
She hopes hopes to bo Joined later by Mr MrWynne MrWynne MrWynne
Wynne and the eldor sons of tho family familySenator CamlbSonator familySenator
Senator Hanna who Is on his way t this tc tchis tchis <
his Southern home at Thomasville Ga Gawill Gawill Gawill
will spend today at Lookout Inn near nearChattanooga nearChattanooga nearChattanooga
Chattanooga whore the local Ropub Republicans RopubHcans Ropublicans ¬
licans have planned a large reception in inhis Inhis inhis
his honor honorTho honorThe honorTho
Tho Misses Gertrude and Edith Fry Frydaughters Frydaughters Frydaughters
daughters of Dr Honry D Fry accom accompanied accomIanlod accompaniod ¬
panied by their aunt Miss Davidson of ofGeorgetown orGeorgetown ofGeorgetown
Georgetown will leave Washington on onWednesday onVednQsday onWednesday
Wednesday for or Nonqultt Mass where wherethey wher wherthoy wherethey
they will spend tho summer summerMiss summerMiss summerMiss
Miss Louise Kautfmann ICauUmnnry who has beon beontraveling beontraveling beentraveling
traveling In Europe for several months monthspast montltspast monthspast
past Is visiting friends in London LondonMiss LondonMIss LondonMiss
Miss Kauftmann expects to return to tothis tothis tothis
this country in September S ptombor when she will willJoin willjoin willjoin
Join her family at damp Percy N H HJohn HJohn HJohn
John Floyd Waggaman and family are areat areat Ireat
at Shooting Box their camp on South SouthRiver SouthHhor SouthRiver
River near Annapolis Md Lator in tho thosummer thosummer thesummer
summer they will go to Ocean CityDr City CityDr CityDr
Dr and Mrs Georgo Barrio who ho have havebocn hnvcboen haveboon
boon In Europe since April are now at atVlenqn atVienna
Vienna Vlenqn where Mrs Barrio has been
tertainment on last Monday evening to towhich towhich towhich
which Georgetown Hive was invited The Thehall Thehall Thehail
hall was well el1 filled with the members membersof
of the two organizations and their theirfriends theirfrlonds theirfrionds
friends Tho mooting was called to or order order order ¬
der by J Coyle Glbbs who Introduced IntroducedD
D F Flnucam as tho chairman of the themooting themeotlng themeeting
mooting who ho made a timely tlmel and well wellworded weIlworded wellworded
worded address welcoming the Lady LadyMaccabees LndyMaccabees LadyMaccabeeg
Maccabees Mrs Warner the com commander commander cornmander ¬
mander of Georgetown Hive responded respondedon
on behalf of the hlvo In a very ery bonuti bonutiful beautlrul boautiful
ful and appropriate address Mrs Nollle NollleA
i A Rowe State commander for the L 1 O OT O11 0T
T M and Mrs D W Gall State com commander comI cornmandor ¬
I mander for the K O T M wore oach oachIntroduced oachIntro eachIntroduced
Introduced Intro uced and gave many reasons why whyall wh whal1 whyall
all should bolong to the Maccabees Past PastCommander PastCommantler PastCommander
Commander W M Michael gave an In Interesting IntereaUng interosting ¬
teresting and entertaining recitation on onIntemperance onIntemperanco onIntemperancu
Intemperance love dance by Virginia Virginiaand Vlrglnlnand Virginiaand
and Beatrice Cosgrove recitation r > cltaUon by byMiss bylUa8 byMiss
Miss Virginia Raymond solo by Miss MissStella 1UssStolla MissStolla
Stolla Raymond fancy dancing Miss Ida IdaHayos ItlnHnyes IdaHayes
Hayes and after several sevoralmlnor minor parts partswere Inrtswore partswere
were rendered refreshments wore served servedMount served1lount servedMount
Mount Vernon Tont No 4 had their theirnew tnelrnew theirnew
new officers installed Thursday night nightlast nightlast nightlast
last S S English D S C officiating officiatingTho otnclaUngTho otilciatingThe
Tho State commander will install the theofficers theofficors theomcors
officers of King David and National NationalTents NationalTents NationalTents
Tents next Monday night and each night nightfollowing nightfollowing nightfollowing
following tho officers of different tents tentswill tentswill tentswill
will be Installed InstalledSeventy InstalledSeventy InstalledSeventy
Seventy new members were admitted admittedduring R1mltteduring admitteeduring
during tho month of June Into tho soy several scyeral soyoral ¬
eral tents In the District of Columbia ColumbiaThe ColumbiaThe ColumbiaThe
The State commander on Saturday SaturdayJuno SaturdayJuno SaturdayJune
Juno 27 was thrown as ho was alight alighting aUghtIng alighting ¬
ing from a Metropolitan car and was wasseverely walBevore wasseverely
severely Bevore shaken up and badly bad bruised bruisodTho bruisedThe
The officers of Metropolitan Tent No I
quito ill She has sufficiently recovered recoveredhowever rocoveroohowever recoveredhowever
however to resume her travels They Theywill The Thewill Theywill
will spend the next few weeks in Ger Germany Germnny Gormany ¬
many manyAmong mnnyAmong manyAmong
Among the recent Washington ar arrivals arrlvas arrivals ¬
rivals at Orkney Springs Va arc Mr Mrand Mrand tr trand
and Mrs frs H S Zimmerman and Miss MissZimmerman MissZimmerman Uss UssZimmerman
Zimmerman Miss Pendleton Miss Ida IdaPendleton IdaPEndleton IdaPendleton
Pendleton and Mrs Irl Ebort EbortCol EbortCol EbortCcl
Col J E Snow left Washington yes yesterday yesterday yesterday ¬
terday for a months vacation In the theWest theVest theWest
West He will visit Islt Kansas City and andother andother andether
other places placesMrs plncosMrs placesMrs
Mrs John T Arms accompanied by byher byher byher
her daughter Miss May Arms and her heraon heroon herLam
Lam J Taylor Arms has opened her cot cottage cottage cottage ¬
tage at Nonqultt Mr Arms who Is Isinablo Ismablo Isinablo
inablo to t leave tho city at present will willJoin willoln willioin
Join oln his family in a short time timeLewis timeLewts timeLewis
Lewis Wilson secretary to Commis Commissioner Commlsiloner Commis3ioner ¬
sioner West and J Livingston Johnson Johnsonsecretary Johnson1eeretary Johnsonieeretary
secretary to the Board of Commission Commissioners ¬
ers have gone to Atlantic City for a two twoweeks twoweeks twoweeks
weeks vacation vacationDr vacationDr vacationDr
Dr and Mrs B H Smart will 111 leave leavetho lenvetho leavethe
tho city tomorrow for a trip to t Now NowYork NowYork NowYork
York Boston and the Whlto Mountains Mountainsreturning Mountainsreturning 3 3returning
returning homo about July 20 20J 20J 20J
J W Duffus has returned from a n ten tendays tendnys tendays
days trip to Now York Boston oaton and andProvidence and andProvidence andProvidence
Providence ProvidenceMrs Providencelrs ProvidenceMrs
Mrs lrs J H Cranford and her small smallfamily sronnfamily smallfamily
family are located at Cape MAy Ily for the thesummer tholIumtncr thesumter
summer summerMiss lIumtncr1Uss sumterMiss
Miss Mildred Henry of Newf NewYork NewfYork York who whohas whoha whohag
has ha been visiting friends hcfre for the thepast thepast thepast
past two weeks will go to lAppomatox lAppomatoxCourt ulpomatoxCourt AppomatoxCourt
Court House tomorrow whetfe she will willapond willspond willspend
spend the summer summerTho summerTho summerThe
Tho many friends of Miss Missglda flss Ida Rogers Rogerswill Rogerswill Rogerswill
will be glad to learn that shfe s sh ic is rapidly rapidlyrecovering rapidlyrecovering rapidlyrecovering
recovering her health which was so se seriously seriously seriously ¬
riously impaired during tho past winter winterMiss winterMiss winterMisa
Miss Rogers will leave the cIty lty in a few fewdays fewdays i idns
days for her home at Dover Va VaDr Va VaDr VsDr
Dr Isaac Stone and Miss Edna Stone Stonowill Slonowlll Stonewill
will sail for Europe on Friday Fr iday whe whethey where wherothey wherethey
they will remain until tho fall frllMr fnlllr fallMr
Mr lr and Mrs Irs Amos Slaymaker of Nor Norfolk Nortolk Norfolk ¬
folk Va are spending a few days In InWashington InVnshlngton InWashington
Washington Mrs Slaymaker formerly formerlyMiss formerlyUss formerlyMiss
Miss Uss Ada Fred of this city will spend spendthe slendthe spendthe
the summer In the mountains of Vir Virginia Virginia ¬ I Iglnla
ginia giniaMr glnlaMr giniaMr
Mr Robert H Kaiser and family have haveopened ha70oponed ha7oopened
opened their cottage at Washington WashingtonGrove WashingtonGrove WashingtonGrove
Grove Md where they will remain remainuntil remai remainuntil 1 1until
until September SeptemberEdwin SeptemberEdwin SeptemberEdwin
Edwin P Borden and Miss ISS Eugenia Eug nfa D DBorden DBorden DBorden
Borden of 1622 Q Street northwest are
ASBURY PARK N J July 4 4Forty 4Fortythoullflnd 4Fortythousand Forty Fortythousand
thousand vacationists poured Into As Asbury Asbur Asbury
bury bur Park this Week to spend Indepond Indepondence Indepondence Independence ¬
ence Day by the sea Tho advont advontor of sea seasonable seasonahle seasonable ¬
sonable weather on Wednesday precipi precipitated protlpltatod proelpitatol ¬
tated the Influx shoreward and todays todaysarrivals todaysarrivals todaysarrivals
arrivals brought thp th number of pleas pleasure plensuro picasuro ¬
uro seekers up to tho figures Indicated Indicatedabove indicatedabove IndIcatedabove
above aboveTonight aboveTonight aboveTonight
Tonight the now boardwalk Is crowded crowdedwith crowdedwith crowdedwith
with promonadorB l > romonnlora and the amusement nmueomontplaces amusementphtcos amusementplaces
places adjacent to the beach arc like likewise likewise likewise ¬
wiseThis wiseThis wise wiseThis
This afternoon in tho presence of ofOOO
25000 OOO pooplo tho new boardwalk was wasformally wnsformally wasformally
formally dedicated Gov Franklin FranklinMurphy FranklinMurlhy FranklinMurphy
Murphy of Now Jersey members of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the State Logislaturo and othor prowl prominent promlnont prowlneat ¬
neat men from various parts of the theState theState theState
State took part in tho exercises which whichincluded whichincluded whichIncluded
included a parade on the now esplanade
and a patriotic mooting in tho Beach BeachAuditorium BeachAuditorium BeachAuditorium
Auditorium AuditoriumTho AuditoriumTho AuditoriumThe
Tho social event of the week was tho thohouse thohouse thehouse
house warming glvon by b the Allen Allenhurst Allenhurst Allenburst
hurst Club Thursday Thur day evening Governor GovernorMurphy GovornerMurlht GovernorMurphy
Murphy and prominent men from the thometropolis tbomotropolls themetropolis
metropolis who arc spending the sum summer summer sumtner ¬
mer In Monmouth county woro present presentTho pr presentThe 8cnt 8cntThe
The bathing season was formally formallyopened tormallyopened formallyopened
opened this week cek All tho bathing es establishments estobtlsl1monts establishmonts ¬
tablishments are now ready for busi business business bustfleas ¬
ness and from tomorrow to morro tho bath bathhouses bathhouoos bathhouses
houses will be open ovary Sunday dur during durIng durlug ¬
ing the season On Tuesday tho first firstfatal firstatal firstfatal
fatal bathing accident In over eighteen eighteenyears elgbteonears eighteenyears
years ears occurred at the Seventh Avenue Avenuogrounds Avenuegrounds Avenuegrounds
grounds The victim was Soter Bucno a ayoung Qyoung ayoung
young Brazilian a nephew of the sec secretary seerotary 00 00retary ¬
retary of tho Interior of that country
Washingtonians who are staying at
Asbury Park arc
12 will be installed next Tuesday oven ovenIng oenIng evening
Ing at 730 in order that the State com commander commander cornmander ¬
mander may go to BrlBhtwood and andInstall nndIn8tall andinstall
Install the officers of No No6 No6Mount NoMount 5 5Mount
Mount Vernon Tent and District Tent Tentwhich Tentwhich Tentwhich
which ran so close together during June Junein JuneIn Junoin
in getting in new member memborst each Initi Initiated Initiated initiated ¬
ated a new member lact Thursday night nightWashington nightWashington nightWasbington
Washington Shrine 0 W IS S J JAt JAt JAt
At the regular monthly meeting of ofWashington otVrashlngton ofWashington
Washington Shrine No o 1 Order of the theWhite theWhite theWhite
White Shrine of Jerusalem held at atNaval atNaval atNaval
Naval Lodge Hall tho ordbr was con conferred contorred contarred ¬
tarred upon a large class Tho dele delegatoB ddegates ele elegalea
gates to the Supreme Shrlnd which met metIn metin metin
In Grand Rapids Mich June 10 report reported reportQd reportcd ¬
ed success In securing an open field for forthe torthe forthe
the District of Columbia This Thl order or er In Inother Inother Inother
other Jurisdictions receives Into mem membership membership mewbership ¬
bership only onl members of tho Easter EasterStar EasteTStar EasternStar
Star In this Jurlsdlctloci It responded respondedto
to the recent action of thc th Grand Chap Chapter Chapter Chapter ¬
ter of tho 0 B S forbidding Its mem members members mernhers ¬
bers to Join the shrine nail expelling all allwho a11who allwho
who disobey this order by b obtaining per permission permission permission ¬
mission from the Supremo SupremoSlbrlno Shrine to open openHe Ol openIti n nIh
He doors to all master Masons their theirwives theirwlves theirwioa
wives daughters mothers widows and andsisters andsisters andsisters
sisters without regard to their member membership membership membership ¬
ship in the Eastern E lstcrn Star as a S a prerequis prerequisite ¬
ite qualification qualificationThe qualificationTho qualificationThe
The Washington Shrine membership membershiphas
has more than Increased twofold In the theten theten theten
ten months of its existence During this thistime thislime thistime
time elaborate parapherna lla has been beenacquired beenaQulred beenacquired
acquired A committee lain been ap appointed appointed appointed ¬
pointed to purchase a set of robes for forthe torthe forthe
the use of the officers officersThe officersThe officersThe
The following officers wene elected to toervo toserve toservo
serve ervo for tho ensuing ens ing year i Mrs M E
Mr Ir and Mrs E M Lamb taro are at the thePark thePark thePark
Park Vlow VlowJohn VlowJohn ViewJohn
John BUckley D cklo Is registered i this week weekat weekat weekat
at the St James Hotel HotelSterling IIotelSterJlng HotelSterling
Sterling Gait Is domiciled at the thoQueen theQueen theQueen
Queen Ocean Grove GroveMrs GroveMrs GroveMrs
Mrs Robert Anderson Miss Anderson Andersonand Andersonnnd jndersonand
and Miss S C Anderson are occupying occupyinga
a cottage on Conies Avenue A venUd Allen Allenhurst Allenhurst Allenhurst
hurst hurstMr hurstMr hurstMr
Mr and Mrs D G Young and n nd Miss MissMildred MisslIIJdred MissMildred
Mildred Young are wellknown Wash Washington Washingtoa VnshIngton ¬
ington folk stopping at the Hotel Bruns Brunswick UrunswIck tlrunewick ¬
wick wickD wIckD wickD
D a I Bowton Is registered at tho Al Albemarle Albemarlo Albernarlo
bemarle Hotel HotelMr HotelMr HotelMr
Mr and Mrs John C Fay and their theirchildren theirchlldron thclrchildren
children are at tho Hotel Columbia ColumbiaMr ColumbIaMr ColumbiaMr
Mr and Mrs E B White are atUho atUhoHotel nt the theHotel theHotel
Hotel Brunswick BrunswickJohn BrunswickJohn BrunswickJohn
John A Many spent a portion of tho thopast thepast thopast
past week at tho Commercial Hotel Hotelt
spending July at tho Hotel Wellington WellingtonAtlantic Wo1JlntonAtlantic WoIhintonAtlantic
Atlantic City CityThe CityThe CityThe
The Misses Point of Huntington HunUng on W WVn wVa WVu
Vn are visiting their cousin Mrs Ed Edward Edward Edward ¬
ward Roberts of 1331 Twolfth Stroot Strootnorthwest Strootnorthwest Streetnorthwest
northwest northwestMrs northwestMrs northwestMrs
Mrs Ann Kollor of 304 H Streot north northwest uorthwest northwest ¬
west has gone to Philadelphia Pa for fora tora fora
a brief visit Islt whoro she will be the guest guastof guestof uost uostot
of her son Mr Jamos Kollor KollorMiss KollorMiss KellerMiss
Miss Pearl Pcnnington of Cumberland CumberlandMd
Md Id Is the guest of Miss Virginia B BDaddysman DDaddysman BDaddysman
Daddysman of Capitol Hill HillR HillR HillH
R Elmo Boyd loft yesterday for At Atlantic AtlanU Atlantic ¬
lantic lanU City CityMiss Citynss cityMiss
Miss nss Lola Baker of Langdon who Is Istraveling tstravellng istraveling
traveling In Europe with a party of ofgraduates ofgraduates ofgraduates
graduates of Washington College and andchaperoned andchaperoned andchaperoned
chaperoned by several teachers of that thatInstitution thntInstitution thatinstitution
Institution reports a pleasant voyage voyagend voyageend voyageand
end nd their arrival at Naples Nap1eswlth with all of oftho ofthe ofthe
the party welL Her bro brotlier Bor or Reed ReedBaker ReedBaker ReedBaker
Baker left last Wednesday by way of ofStm ofenn ofSan
San Francisco and Japan J lan for Manila P PI PI PI
I whore ho will be employed in the theland theland theland
land office officeJohn officeJohn officeJohn
John E Wilklo and his son Donald Donaldsailed Donaldsnlled Donaldsailed
sailed July 1 for England whore they theywill theywl11 theywill
will remain until the 1st of September SeptemberMrs SeptemberMrs SeptemberMrs
Mrs Wilklo and Miss Jean Wilkle will willspend w1l1spend willspend
spend the summer in New England EnglandMrs EnglandMrs
Mrs 118 C D Ham and her niece Mrs MrsL rrs
L 14 1 G Pavey have returned to their theirhomo theirhomo theirhome
homo in Illinois IllinoisLittle IlIIn01sLlttlo IllinoisLittle
Little Marguerite Stevens is again at atColonial atColonial atColonial
Colonial Beach with friends whore she shewill shewill shewill
will remain all summer summerMrs summerMrs summerMrs
Mrs E J Beuchert and hor sisterin sisterinlaw slsterlnl sisterInlaw
law l w Miss nSR A A1I M Bouchert of Capitol Hill Hillloft HI1110rt Hillleft
loft today to ay for Butler ButlerS Pa to spend the thomonth themonth themonth
month of July with Mrs otrs Bouohorts Bouohortsuncle Bauchertsuncle Boucliertsuncle
uncle I J McBride They ThaY111 will later latervisit latervisit latervisit
visit Atlantic City whore Mr Beuchort Beuchertwill Beuchortw111 Beuchortwill
will join them themMrs themtrs themMrs
Mrs trs Christine Walton alton DunloD Dunlop has re returned returned returned ¬
turned from Atlantic City where abo abowont ho howont bowont
wont as a delegate to the prose con convention convention convention ¬
vention which met there last week weekMiss weekiss teek1riss
Miss iss Fellows Lawn Fete FeteThe FeteThe PeteThe
The home of Mrs frs C Viola Fellows in inWisconsin InVlscon51n inWisconsin
Wisconsin Avenue extended presented presentedan
I an unusually unu uaIlj attractive scone last Wed Wednesday Weclnes4a Weeneaday ¬
nesday nes4a evening when she entertained entertaineda
a number ntn 1ber of her friends frlon s on the spacious spaciouslawn spaciouslawn spaciouslawn
lawn surrounding the house hous The Thegrounds Thegronnds Thegrountis
grounds wero decorated with Japanese Japaneselanterns Japaneselanterns Japaneselanterns
lanterns aDd refreshments were served servedfrom sorvoofrom servedfrom
from small daintily appointed tabli tabliplaced tablplaced tables tablesplaced
placed about the lawn Among thoee thoeepresent thoeepr08ent thosepresent
present ware Harry Barber Miss Bart Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett
lett Miss Flossie Bartlett Miss Bessie Base
Fraternal f I
Shriners Pilgrimage PilgrimageA PilgrimageA
A largo number of mombors of Amas AmasTemple AmasTemple Alpiss AlpissTemple
Temple A A O N M S and ad ladies ladieswill ladlowm ladieswill
will leave for Saratoga Springs N Y Yon Yon Yon
on Tuesday They go to attend the an annual annual annual ¬
nual meeting of the Imperial Council A AA AA AA
A O N M S of North America Tho Thoparty Thoparty Theparty
party loaves Washington by special specialtrain specialtrain specialtrain
train over tho Baltimore and Ohio Rail Railroad RaUro Railroad ¬
road ro d at 7 oclock a m Tuesday The Thelist ThelIst Thelist
list Is as follows William Illlom F Gude Gudepotentate Gudepolontnte Gudepotentate
potentate and representative George II IIWalker IIWalker IIWalker
Walker past potentate and roprosonta roprosontatlve rOlrosonlaUve roprozontative
tlve Harrison Dlngman past filt Imperial Imperialpotentate ImJfrlalpotentat8 imperialpotentate
potentate and representative r Harry HarryStandlford claroStandiford tiarryStandiford
Standiford past potentate Frank H HThomas HThomas IIThomas
Thomas past potentate Frank K KRaymond ItRaymond KRaymond
Raymond past potentate and represen representative ropresentatlvo repreSentative ¬
tative and Miss Raymond Edwin B BHay BHaT BHay
Hay representative and Mrs Hay G GVornon GVernon 0Vernon
Vernon Knox and Mrs fr8 KWx Knox Thomas F FGalloway FGalloway o oGanaway
Galloway and Mrs Galloway George W WHurlebaus WHuriebaus Yo YoHurlebau
Hurlebaus and Mrs 1 MI Hurlebaus llurl baus Jamoa JamoaLonsburgh JamoaLnnsburgh JamesLansburgh
Lonsburgh and Mrs Mr Lansburgh H A AGrlpp AGripp AGripp
Gripp and Mrs Irs Grlpp W F Roberts Robertsand Rubertsand Robertsand
and Mrs Roberts R IL E Burls and Mrs MrsBurks MrsBurks Mrsforks
Burks R t P Andrews and Mrs An Andrews Andres Androws ¬
drews A T Curran and Mrs Curran CurranCharloc CurranCharl08 CurrauCharles
Charles W King Jr and Mrs M King A AJ AJ
J 1 White and ad Mrs In White Martin Schnei Schneider Sebnolder ¬
der and Mrs Irs Schneider Miss MI Minnie MinnieSchneider MinnieSebdeider IUnnleScbuelder
Schneider Mrs H L Dautorich Mrs MrsJ MrsJ
J 1 L Vogt Mrs Sebastian Aman AmanGoorgo AmanGoorgo Amand
d Goorgo W r Rae Ra E W Zea and Mrs Zea ZeaH Z ZH ZeaH
H G Ellis and Mrs Ellis B P Murray Murrayand Murrayand Murrayand
and Mrs Irs Murray J 1 R Halvorsen Mr MrHalvorson Mrs MrsHa1vorson
4 Halvorson ad Miss Halvorsen Capt CaptA CaptA Cap CapA
A W Kelley Itene William H Yerkes Jr JrAndreas jrAndreas JrAudreas
Andreas Leafier Emil Wa Wagner aer William WilliamA
A CoWl 9 JilltllMrHt serset OMTS t R Waters Charles CharlesW CharlesW Charlesv
W v Fairfax William C Lewis George GeorgeL eorge eorgeL
L Mertz H Sr S Barnes Bar Jacobus 8 8Jouot 8Jonas SJones
Jonas Thomas Tlao R Riley Orria G Sta Staples SlapI StapIes ¬
pIes pI A O White Notley ot1ey Anderson AnderionJohn AndersonJohn AndersonJohn
John C Yo YNt t D J Macarthy Z D DBlackatoae DBlackatoH BBlaekat
Blackatoae Blaekat A Frank Schoepf Hoi Holton IloltosWolfe ton tonWolfe
Wolfe William A Thomas Tho George Y YHausell YHaueIJ VHausehi I
Hausell W K 11 Hutehlnmn Hut latnROn Prank lIra k Lln Llnthleum LlntbiuJII Linthicum
thleum Harry A Newman S Prod Prodliana Pro Prohahn I IHabn
liana Tx fax Oppenneliner Oppeah er James Jam E Mul Mulcaro Mulare Mulcare
care are J B Ward A H Van Deasen DeasenIsaac Deu DessenIsaac n nhaae
Isaac Ooldenberg X 7 T Haller Warren WarrenJ WrreJ
J Co Como Bin H C Perdue Charles W WCoombs WCoomblJ 1 1Coonsb5
Coombs John S Taylor and Geerg GeergPrinoe GergPrlnoe GeergePrince
Prince PrinoeExMayor PrlnoeExMayor PrinceBaMayor
ExMayor E B IL Downlmm who is a arepresentative aTeprWltRtlVQ arepresentative
representative from Aeea Temple Rich Richmond Rlchnlon4 Richaiond ¬
mond a conp6icd OOO SJMl1ited by Mrs Mr Downturn Downturnacd DowoZMmnnd Dowahamand
and Mice Joli Dowsbam and Joseph Jo eph Ruffner Ruffnerof Ruffnerof Rugnerof
of Charleston Ch lost n W We 1 Va who IB a repru representative repruJlCDtat reprusentnttve ¬
sentative JlCDtat Y from roD1 Beni Kodam Temple ompt ac nct not
Adams worthy high priestess M 01 C CConnelly cConnell CConnelly
Connelly Connell watchman of the shepherds shepherdsMrs shepherdsMrs shepherdsMrs
Mrs L K Henderson noble prophetess prophetessJohn prophetessJohn prophetessJohn
John Schultz worthy scribe Mrs E M MHartley MHertley MHartley
Hartley worthy treasurer Mrs Emma EmmaConnelly EmmaConnelly EmmaConnelly
Connelly worthy shepherdess Mrs MrsMencaret MrsMargaret
Margaret Coffin worthy guide Mrs M MR MR L LR
R Sprague worthy werth chaplain The In Installation installation ¬
stallation of officers will take tak place at attho attho atthe
tho regular meeting in August The Theusual Theusual Theusual
usual White 1J1lte Shrine banquet was Vas served servedat sertooat servedat
at the close of the meeting and there therewere thorowero therewere
were toasts speeches recitations and a avocal avocal avocal
vocal solo by Mrs Mabel Flower FlowerPythians FJowarPythians FlowerPythians
Pythians Celebrate Victory VictoryCapt VictoryCnpt VictoryCapt
Capt Thomas E Laaden La > > dem of Joseph T TColdwell TColdwell TColdwell
Coldwell Company No No7 T Uniform Rank RankKnights RankKnights RankKnights
Knights of Pythias entertained the themembers themmbern themembers
members of or his company Wednesday Wednesdayevening Wednesdayevening Vednesdayovenln
evening ovenln in celebration of the recast re < oat vic victory vlotory vietory ¬
tory in the competitive drill at Marshall MarshallHall MarshallHail rarshanHall
Hall Tho officers and men are enthusi enthusiastic onthuslaetlc onthuelantic ¬
antic ovor the proposed visit to the theLouisville theLoulsvlllo theLouisville
Louisville encampment next year yearMonarch yearMonarch yearMonarch
Monarch Castle Smoker SmokerMonarch SmokerMonarch SmokerMonarch
Monarch Castle Ca tle No No2 2 Knights of the theGolden theGolden theGolden
Golden Eagle on Tuesday evening last lastgave 1aatgave lastgave
gave an Invitation smoker Past Pa t Chief ChiefWoodflcld ChloWoodfield ChiefWoodficld
Woodflcld presided P G C Tolsoa 1 1I la laa Ina
I a short address explained the principles prlnelpUof prlnclploC principlesof
of the order J E Bond contributed In Interesting Intorestlng intoresting ¬
teresting and novel no 01 musical feature featureFrank featurFrank featuresFrank
Frank Hagan gave selected looted eoon eoonaongs eoon130ngB eooasongs
songs and Sir Knight R B Bond gave a acreditable acreditable acreditable
creditable rendition of several well wellknown wellknown wellknown
known songs A recitation by Sir Knight KnightMcKonncy KnlgbtMcKonney KnightMcKonncy
McKonncy and the appearance of La LaPetite JAPetite LaPetite
Petite Alma a bright child acrobat and andcontortionist sndoontortlonlst andcontortionist
contortionist who gave a a fine exhibition exhibitioncomplctod exlalblt1encompletod exhibitioncompleted
completed the program programRoyal programRoyal programRoyal
Royal Arch Degree Conferred ConferredColumbia ConferredColumbia ConferredColumbia
Columbia Chapter No No1 1 of Royal Arch ArchMasons ArchIasons ArchMasons
Masons Iasons had a convocation Wednesday Wednesdayevening Wtsfneednyevening uda y yevening
evening The Royal Ro al Arch degree was wasworked wa waworkod wasworked
worked Tho occasion was rendered renderednotable renflerednotable renderednotable
notable by the largo arg6 attendance and the thefact tbethct thefact
fact that the degree was conferred conferr d by bya bya bya
a team of officers composed wholly of ofpast olIl1st o opast
past high priests of the chapter Tb The Th4tmuslca1 Themusical j jmusical
musical program consisting tho solos soloschants aolOllchants soloschants
chants and choruses Incident to the thework tMwork thework
work wore rendered by a quarts com composed composell cornposed ¬
posed of J 1 Walter Humphrey William WilliamD VllIlamD
D McFarland Douxlas Dou lns Miller J JHenry JHcnr JHenry
Henry Hcnr Kaiser accompanied by b 0 H HDauzonbaker lIe lIeDauzonbnker IIDauzonbnker
Dauzonbnker as organist The past high highpriests highpriests highpriests
priests of Columbia Chapter who took tookpart tookpart tookpart
part as characters in the work of the thedegree thedegreo thedegree
degree follows Josruu high prIest of the theJews theJews theJiiwa
Jews Aloxandor Grant Zerubbabel ZerubbabelPrlnco ZerubbabelPrince ZerubbabelPrince
Prince of Judah William Bushby Duebb Hag Haggal Uaggal Haggal
gal the prophet J H Joehum general generalof
of troops P P Rouse sojourner 80jOul Qr A W VfContinued WContinued WContinued
< Continued en Eighth Iage Ae
Bonney Dr IF and Mrs Braco Mr and andMrs andMra andMrs
Mrs Jefferson Davis Miss lIsg Dodge Mr Mrand 1drand Mrand
and Mrs H W Fisher Miss Mls Emily EmilyFitzgerald EmUyFitzgerald EmilyFitzgerald
Fitzgerald Prof and Mra EdgarFrloby EdgarFrlobyMiss EdgntFrlsbyI EdgarFrisbyMiss
Miss Frisby Mrs J Fred Gatchol Gen GenGoorgo GenGeorgo GenGeorge
I George H Harries and Mrs Harriesilr Harriesilrand Harr IlarriasMrand s311 s311I s311and
and Mrs Frank Israel Miss Jamoa Mr MrJones MrJones MrJones
Jones Dr Homer S Medford Miss Med Medford Medford Modford
ford Mr and Mrs Edward Morgan Morganrs MorganrsMu1rord Mrs ilrsMulford MrsMultord
Mulford Dr and Mrs John Nichols Mr Mrand Mrand Mrand
and Mrs Offuti Warren Offutt Otruttp flake BlakoHarper flakeHarper 3ake 3akeHarper
Harper Mr and Mrs fra rs Omwae MlBsflda MlBsfldaONoII MlnaIdaONoii MIsscrdaONeil
ONoII Miss Jennie Perry Miss nB3 Pusey PnsoyMr PuseyMr PuseyMr
Mr and Mrs Frederick PYle Mr 141 M and andMrs andMrs andMrs
Mrs J 1 Quintor Miss Qulntor Dr tWill tWlHiam tw1l1lam tWillmm
lam mm P Reeves vcs Miss Scott MlssiDolIa MlssiDolIaScott MIss iDeUa iDeUaScott DolIaScott
Scott Mrs Rose Shaw Mr Shibley ShibleYMr ShibleYMrand ShlbleyMrand ilr ilrand
and Mrs T W V Smith Dr and Mrs D DB DB DB
B Street tho Misses Street F Sutor SutorMr SUtorIr SaferMr
Mr Ir and Mrs Gayland Tait TaUCharIe Charle W WTreadwell WTreadwell
Treadwell Trcnc1weIJ Mrs Wood Dr Ward Mr Mrand Mrand Ir Irand
and Mrs W F Woo Woolard lard Mr ira and andMrs andMrsSamuel andMrsSamuel Irs IrsSamuel
Samuel Swindells Mrs s Strickland Dr Drand Drand Dran
and an Mrs Madison Swadcner Mr dr Will Williams WillIams Williams ¬
iams L 1 Yznaga and Miss Wills WillsSummer WInSSummer WillsSummer
Summer Social Register RegisterThe RegisterThe RegisterThe
The Summer Social SocIalRegisterfor Registelor Register for 1903 1903with 1903with 1903with
with tho country foreign and andyncltdng andyncltdngaddress andyachtingaddress yachtlng yachtlngaddress
address of tho prominent famllica oC oCNew otNow ofNew
New York Philadelphia Boston Chi Chicago ChIcago Cliicage ¬
cago Baltimore St Louis and Buffalo Buffalohas BuflaIobas Buffalohas
has Just been Issued In this little littlebook UtUebook littlebook
book 7518 families aro represented representedDuring representedDuring representedDuring
During tho year 3G1 i persons have mar married married marned ¬
ried and there are noted notcdtho < tho deaths of oft
06 t women and 104 men The families familiesliving taII1l familiesliving 1es 1esJIving
living Inland number 3242 while 2664 2664are 265 265are 2664are
are at the seashore 159 are ue making makingtheir makingtheir makingtheir
their home on their yachts and 757 are arespending arespending arespending
spending tho summer abroad abroadAccording abroadAccording abroadAccording
According to Its statistics 329 families familiesare famIlIesare familIesare
are on tho Jersey coast 760 are on onLong onLongIsland LongIsand Long LongIsland
Island of which 151 aro at theHaap theHaaptons too Hamp Bamptons Hamptons
tons 329 are on tho north shoro o otthe ottheSound oftheSound tho thoSound
Sound 343 are at Newport a a substantial substantialincrease snbstnn1lalincrease substantIalincrease
increase as compared to last year 39 39are 39aro 39are
are at Narragansott arragnnsott Pier 864 are on the thoNew theNew theNew
New England coast of which 279 are at atj atBar atBar
j Bar Harbor 72 families are at Lenox LenoXlIB Lonoxian
lIB are at their camps In tho Adlron Adlrondacks Adlrondacks Adirondacks
dacks 103 In Canada mostly at Polnto Polntoa
a Pic Murray Bay 2959 29 296 are at other otherInland otherInland otherInland
Inland resorts resortsAll resortsAll resortsAll
All tho names are alphabetically ar arranged arranged arranged ¬
ranged and tho city to which f lch each fam family famIly famihy ¬
ily belongs is Indicated on tho margin marginof
of the page pageTenono pageI pageI pageI pageTenone
i Ii
Tenono F St StCor Cor Tenth TenthIt j jBaUm
BaUm beildiegphone eneD1ty eneD1tyIt
It is a science SQ oncc how to dress dressto dressto dressto
to be comfortable during hot hotweathor I IweatBor 4weather
weather weathorThe weatherThe f fThe
The footwear plays a 1 most mostimportant mostimportant mostimportant
important part The fore foremost foremost foremost ¬
most footwear designers of ofAmerica ofAmorica ofAmerica
America have for years been beenimproving beenimproving beenimproving
improving summer f footwemh footwemhand footweai footweaianti botwear botwearand
and today their efforts are aroapparent areapl1arcnt areapparent
apparent in the very ery cool J Jand 7 7and r raud
and comfortable shoes and andOxfords nndOxfords f fOxfoids
Oxfords which are shown shownhero shownhero l
hero heroThe y
The main requisite is case casewhich easewhich 1 j jwhich
which is only possible possiblethrough possiblethrough I
through correct fit and tho tholeading theleading 4 4leading
leading footwear fashions fashionsare fasluonsare
are made along the strictest strictestlines jd jdthe I i ilines
lines af anatomy insuring insnringj f
the maximum of comfort comfortBroad comfortBroad
Broad crooked lasts Inshnvith with fiat flatsoles fiatsoles a asoles 1
soles seem to strike nearer nearerto f fto 1 1to
to footwear perfection than thanany thanony thanany
any other styles and such suchstyles J Jstyimarehereinvastassort J Jstyles
styles styimarehereinvastassort styimarehereinvastassortmont are here in vast assort assortmont j jment
mont all with that distino dithuetivoness v vtiveness I
tiveness tiven SS and exclusiveness esclusivenesswhich exclusivenesswhich I Iwhich
which have made RICHS I t tSHOES j
SHOES famous famousPerhaps famousPerhaps famousPerhaps
Perhaps the coolest foot footwear footwear ¬ I Iwear
wear are those of canvas and andduck t tduck
duck which allow a most mostperfect mostporf mostperfect I
perfect porf ct air circulation circulationWe circulation circulationW circulationWe
We W 8 are showing a most mostcomplete mostcompleto mostcomplete
complete line of those for formen formen formen I
men women misses and andchildren andchildren
children and an < l the almost almostdaily nlmostdaily almostdaily I
daily shipments keep the line lineof lineof
of sizes intact intactSupplying intactSnppl intactSnpp1ying I
Supplying Snppl ng tho vacation vacationfootwear vacationfootwoar vacationfootwear
footwear to the great army armyof armyof I Iof
of people who are going goingaway goingaway II IIAWS
away AWS has kept us as busy as asbees asbees II IIees
bees ees during tho past p st week weekShoos weekShoes I IShoos
Shoos for every occasion are areshown areshown areshown
shown liere herethe the correct correctstyles correctstyles
styles for seaside wear wearth wearthproper weartheproper the theprop I
prop proper r fashions for yacht yachting yachting ¬ I Img
ing for mountain mO n aiD climbing climbinggolfing climbinggolfing
golfing o O ng and riding ridingA I I
oA mail mailorder mailorder
A perfectly equipped i i iordor
order department with men menin menin il
in charge c1un c who understand understandyour understandyour
your wants and who take takeparticular takeparticular > I
particular NIrticnlar pains to see that thatyou thatyoll I Iyon I
you get Ot what you desire desireThe I Ibe 1Thebcstwayistoleaveyour
The Thebcstwayistoleaveyour Thebcstwayistoleaveyourfoot be best way is to leave your yourfoot our It
here be before before
foot measurements ¬ II IIforo
fore you go goB goB
I ITcnone
HlgHgrade footwear footwearTenone footwearTenone t
Tenone F FCor Cor 10th II

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