OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, July 05, 1903, Editorial Society Fiction, Image 18

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1903-07-05/ed-1/seq-18/

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Continued from Seventh Sev1mtllPlgQ Sev1mtllPlgQJohnston SeveuthPagJohnston Pago PagoJohnston
Johnston captain oC kings guards E ESt ESt ESt
St C Thompson guardians qf of tho tabor tabornaclc tabornacle tabornacle
nacle T F Horliig lIorl Iori 1g g S Bd Torallnson Tom1 son and andCharles andCharls andCharles
Charles 1 L Snook koopor or at tho ox exchequer oxchequor oxclioquor ¬
chequer William Barnum custodian ot otthe orthe atthe
the seals P P Rouae Rousc teacher In InIcracl InIerael Inlaraci
Icracl Orvlllc Brown chaplain the Rev RevJ RevJ
J M Schick and outsldo sontinol R V VGodman VGodmnn VGodman
Godman The charge to tho candidates candidateswas candidateswas candidateswas
was delivered d l1vorCd by b Grand Grnn 1 High Priest PrlostGeorge Pr10stGeorge PriestGeorge
George O OOber OOberA Ober OberA ObcrA
A banquet followed at which speeches speecheswere spoccheswere speecheswere
were made by prominent mombors of ofCapitular atCapitular ofCapitular
Capitular Masonry In the District The Thepresent Thoprescnt Thepresont
present officers omce of Columbia Royal Arch ArchChapter ArchChapter ArchChapter
Chapter are Charles W V Otis excellent excellenthigh oxcollenthigh excellenthigh
high priest C B Matthews king W WIvanhoo WIvanhoe WIvanhoe
Ivanhoe Jochum scribe P P Rouse Rousesecretary RousenccrotaryRD Rousezsecrotary
secretary nccrotaryRD it R B Nixon treasurer J 1 C CJohnson CJohnson CJohnson
Johnson captain of the host A 1 1Rogers 1Rogers IRogers
Rogers acting captain of tho host hostHarry hostHarry hostharry
Harry L Strang jr principal sojourner sojournerFabcr sojournerFnoor sojournerFaber
Faber Stevenson Stev nson Royal Arch captain captainE
1 E Clanin CII1 1n master third vail Frank FrankW FraukStretton Frankw
W Stretton master second vail Em Emmett Emmett Etainett
mett M 1 Carter master first vail nil J 1 WLucas WLucas W WLucas
Lucas sentinel sentinelFirst sentinelFirst
M MFirst
First Rank Conferred ConferredMyrtle COnferredfyrtle ConferredMyrtle
Myrtle Lodge No 25 2 Knight of ofPythias orPythlas ofPythias
Pythias conferred the first rank on two twocandidates twocandidates twocandidates
candidates last Tuesday Tuesd evening before beforea
a largo attendance atten ancoot of lodge members membersand membersand membersand
and visitors Tho executive committee committeeof
of the lodge reports oVcr oVlor o r 600 OO as the theearnings tbeearnings theearnings
earnings of Myrtle Lodges booth at the therecent thorecent therecent
recent fair fairOfficers talrOfficers fairOfficers
Officers Installed InstalledRathbone InstalledRnthbon InstalledRathbont
Rathbone Temple No No1 1 Rathbone Sis Sisters Sisters Sisters ¬
ters on Friday evening installed officers officersfor officorstor ofilcersfor
for the ensuing six months as follows followsPact toHowsPast foI1owaPast
Past chief Mrs A R Waite most ex excellent excellent cxcellent ¬
cellent chief Mrs Annie Sullivan ex excellent c ccellent cxcellent ¬
cellent senior Mrs Eliza Lewis ex excellent e ecollent cxreheat ¬
reheat Junior Miss 1188 Mary tary Steiner man manager manager manager ¬
ager Mrs C Bushby mistress of rec records records records ¬
ords and correspondence Miss Evelyn EvelynPadgett EvelynPadgettmlstrC86 EvelynPadgett
Padgett PadgettmlstrC86 mistress of finance Mrs T A ABynum ABynum ABynum
Bynum inner guard Mrs D ODrlscoll ODrlscolland ODrtscoltand ODrIscolland
and outer guard Mrs Estollo Kahlert KahlertMrs Kahler1 Kahler11lrs KahiertlIrs
Mrs Waites term as most excellent has hasseen hasSlen hasseen
seen a number of additions to the tem temple temple ternpie ¬
ple The prize of a pin to the sister sistersecuring sistersecuring sistersecuring
securing the most new members offered offeredby otteredby offeredby
by Mrs Waite was awarded to Mrs MrsBynum MrsBynum MrsBynurn
Bynum The presentation was made at atthe atthe atthe
the temple Friday evening Refresh Refreshments Rotrosbments Refreshmeats ¬
ments were w re served servedRed servedRed servedRed
Red Cross Conferred ConferredColumbia ConferredColumbia ConferredColumbia
Columbia Commandery No No1 1 K T Tconferred Tconferred Pconferred
conferred the Rod Cross Friday night nightEminent nightEminent nightEminent
Eminent Sir Harry BarI H Hoist of Mary MaryCommandery MaryCommand MaryCommandery
Commandery Command cry No N 36 of Philadelphia Phlla elphla
Patriotic 1
Camp Chooses Officers OfficersAt OfficersAt OfficersAt
At the last regular meeting m tlng of Camp CampNo CampNo CampNo
No C Patriotic Order Sons of America Americaat
at its hall 304 B Street southeast southeatthe southeatthefollowing the thefollowing thefollowing
following officers wore elected for the theensuing theensuing theonsuli3g
ensuing term President John A Tre Trewalla Trewalta Trowalla
walla vico president William Lithgow Lithgowroaster Lithgowmaster Lithgowmaster
master of forms John S Wagner con conductor conductor conductor ¬
ductor D T Garrott inspector John JohnW JohnW Tohnw
W Lugenbeol guard William Iltlam Cator Catortrustees Cntotrustees Catortrustees
trustees Elmer H Bailey John J9hn S Wag WagWomens Wagncr Vncner
ncr nerI ncrrmens I
neriomens iomens Womens rmens Patriotic League LeagueThe LeagueTbe LeagueThe
The Womans Industrial and Patriotic PatrioticLeague PatrioticLengue PatrioticLeague
League held an Important meeting last lastweek laetweek lastweek
week The report of the sanitary com committee comnrlttee cornniittee ¬
mittee was wnspresonted presented and vigorously dis discussed discussed discussed ¬
cussed Plans for the lawn party to tobe tobe tobe
be given the Rescue League branch of ofthe f ftbe fthe
the organization were formulated and all allurged allurged allurged
urged to use their best efforts in making makingit
it a success The lawn party which is isfor Isfor isfor
for the destitute desU ute and to provide decent decentburial decentburIal decentburial I
burial for the same is to be given at atPairvlew atPnlrv1ew atPairview
Pairvlew Chery Chase on July 18 18Judge 18Judge 18Judge
Judge Scott an m n AidedeCamp AidcdeCampJudge AidedeCampJudge AidedeCampJudge
Judge Charles F Scott of this city a amember amember amember
member of Meade Post No No5 5 G A R RDepartment RDepartment flDepartmcnt
Department of the Potomac has boon boonappointed boonappointed boonappointed
appointed an aidedecamp on the staff staffat ataUor staffof
at the commanderlnchlef of the th Grand GrandArmy GrandArmy GrandArmy
Army of the Republic Judge Seott Seotthopes Seotthopes Scotthopes
hopes to make the trip to California In InAugust InAugust inAugust
August to attend the annual encampntent encampntentof
of the organization organizationDaughters organJzationDaughters organizationDaughters
Daughters of America Entertain EntertainIndependent EntertainJnde EntertainIndependent
Independent Jnde ndcnt Council No No2 2 Daughters Daughtersof
of America gave an entertainment at attheir attheir attheir
their hall 910 Pennsylvania Avenue Avenuenorthwest A Avenuenorthwest onue onueJ1orthweot
northwest on Monday evening last lastAmong laatAmong lastAniong
Among those who contributed to the theprogram theprogJam theprogram
program were Miss 1188 Llzotto Gaech and andMiss andMiss andMiss
Miss Mabel Cosgrove piano duet Mine MineStella MIIMJSteHa MissStella
Stella Raymond vocal solo Miss Jon Audrey AudreyJohnson AudrfYJohnson AudryJohnson
Johnson and Irwin Cosgrove song Un Under Under Under ¬
der tho Bamboo Tree and a Love LoveDance LoveDance LoveDance
Dance by b little Virginia Owens and andBeatrice aA aABeatrice asBeatrice
Beatrice Cosgrove < > Others who assisted assistedwere ae l lste lstewere ted tedwere
were Miss l1s Virgie Raymond recitation recitationMiss TccltAtlonUss recitationMiss
Miss Uss Young recitation Miss BernIce BernteeGoodwin BernIceGoodwin >
Goodwin fancy dance Miss Ida Hays HaysJljr II IIjhr haysjig
jig and Mr Nlsewmnor song The til tilfair atfair r rfair
fair was under tho direction dlr ctlol1 of Mrs MrsSewell MrsSewell Ira IraSewoll
Sewell Mrs Pulliam Mrs Lylos Mrs MrsGlascock MrtJGlascock MrsGlascock
Glascock Mrs Mann Miss U Shoemaker ShoemakerMils ShoemakerJUs ShoemakerMiss
Mils JUs Yeatman Mrs Stophons Mrs Car Carroll Carroll Carroll ¬
roll Mrs Nash and Messrs fetHlC Stephens StephensGOSH Stcpbe StcpbeGOSB StepheusGoon
GOSH and Lloyd LloydMosbys LloydMosbys LloydMosbys
Mosbys Command Reunion ReunionTho ReunionTho Rcuniourho
Tho tenth annual reunion et f the he vet veterans et etorans stcrans >
erans of tho Firtytblrd Battalion of otVirginIa ofVirginia
Virginia Cavalry Mosbys command wilt wiltbo wtllbt Willbe
bo > held at Culpeper Court Houso Wed Wednesday Wednesdar vedneaday ¬
nesday August 5 The arrangement arran arrangodnta < < m6ALII f fthe ftho tthe
the reunion are being made by a amlttco re remittec ce cemittee
mittec appointed from the coRitaattd coRitaattdCommander commaMdComman cosimeadCommander >
Commander Comman < er Josoph Bryen The roani roaniexercises reun reunex reuniexercises
ex exercises > rcllos will be preceded by a lmatu lmatumeeting INatumfOcting bss1iumeeting
meeting H S Ashby A hby l is adjutant of the theorganization theorgnnlzntlon theorgan
organization organizationNational orgnnlzntlonNationl11 organ sat ion ionNational
National Auxiliary S W V to to t Meet MeetThe xYfectThe MeetThe
The National Auxiliary of the Spanish SpealskWar SpanishWar lpenl k kWar
War Veterans will meet In annual ses session 641tJsian ssaba ¬
aba at New Haven Coon on the same ssraodays samedays mo modays
days In September on which wht h will be held heldtho buhltho holdthe
tho yearly assembly of the th National NationalArmy NationalArmy NationalArmy
Army and Navy Spanish War Veterans VeteransMra VeteransMrs VeteransMrs
Mrs Flora F1or A A Lewis president general genowilof
of the National Auxiliary whose head headquarters beadquarters headquarters ¬
quarters aro in this thl city has laqucd Iauod or orders orders orders ¬
ders to this end nd The dates for the con convention convention convention ¬
vention will bo botweon Soptombor 28 28Mid faGd 23sad
Mid 30 next the exact time to bo fixed zed
was elected an honorary member of tho thocommandory thocommnmler thecommandory
commandory commandoryThe commnmlerThe commandoryThe
The following notes not s are obtained from fromtha fromtho fromtho
tho current official circular of Colum Columbia Columbia Columbin ¬
bia Commandery No 0 1 K T TAt TAt PAt
At our last stated conclave tho Il Illustrious Illustrious IIlustrious ¬
lustrious Order of tbe Red Cross was wasconferred WWJcOlterrcd wasconforred
conferred R E Grand Commander Sir SirKnight SirKnight SirKnight
Knight Alex McKenzie was present presentand prCfcutand presentand
and in his his remarks took occasion to tothank tothank tothank
thank tho sir knights for the courteous courteoustreatment eourtooqstroatmont courteo3streatment
treatment he received at their hands handsduring hnndsdurIng handsduring
during our recent pilgrimage to Phila Philadelphia Phlladolphin Philadolphin ¬
dolphin At that conclave the usual tes testimonial testimonIal toetimonlal ¬
timonial Jewel from tho commandory commandoryand commRndoryand commandoryand
and a past commanders sword from in individual indhhlunl individual ¬
dividual sir knights knlg1 ts were presented < l to toour toour toour
our Junior past commander Sir Knight KnightAlex KnightAlex KnightAlex
Alex Grant who thanked the command commanden commandcry
en eI and tho sir knights individually in a abeautiful abeautiful abeautiful
beautiful speech for those handsome handsometokens handsometo1en9 harnlsornetokens
tokens of their love and friendship friendshipPythian friendshipPythian
Pythian Excursion ExcursionJustus ExcursionJustus ExcursionJustug
Justus II Rathbone Lodge No o 29 29Knights 20Knights 29Knights
Knights of Pythias gave a compliment complimentary ¬
ary aI excursion to its members end endfriends Lndfriends rndfriends
friends to Marshall Hall Monday even evenIng eenIng evenlag
Ing It is tho custom of this lodge lodgenamed lodgnamed lodgenamed
named for the founder of the order orderto ordertoglvo ordertogive to toglvo
glvo such excursions annually for the thepurpose thepurpose thepurpose
purpose of advancing fraternalism and andfriendship andtrland andfriendship
friendship trland hlp among those attending The Theexcursion Theexcursion Theexcursion
excursion of the present year vas was very veryenjoyable1 veryonjoyable or orcnjornble
enjoyable1 and successful all tho com committees committees cornmittees ¬
mittees carrying out their plans per perfectly perfoctlr perfoctly ¬
fectly A number of interesting con contests eontests on ¬
I tests were had on the grounds at Mar Marshall Marshall Marshall ¬
shall Hall Knight Charles Sweot won wonthe wonthe j jthe
the bowling contost Knight R Crom Cromwell Cromwell Cramwell ¬
well demonstrated himself the best shot shotand ahotand chatand
and Knight Talbot I Pullzzl was de declared d dlared doCinred ¬
clared the best waltzer The grand chan chancellor ohancellor chancelior ¬
cellor and other Grand Lodge officers officerswore omcerswore officerswere
wore present and thero Were also dele delegations delosaUons dolegaUons ¬
gations from Falls Church and Mount MountPleasant MountPleasant MountPleasant
Pleasant PleasantAscalon PleasantAscalon PleasantAscalon
Ascalon Temple Installs I ctalls Officers OfficersAscalon OfficersAscalon OfficersAscalon
Ascalon Temple No 81 D O K K Khad Khad Khad
had a meeting Friday night for the in installation Instal1atton installation ¬
stallation ofofflcers or omeers at the rooms of the theGrand theOrand theGrand
Grand Lodge K of P in tho Warder WarderBuilding WarderBuilding WarderBuilding
Building Imperial Nawab Notley NoUe An Anderson Anderson Anderson ¬
derson acted as installing officer and andinducted andInducted andinducted
inducted the following into their new nowpositions newpositions newpositions
positions Venerable sheik Georgo W WHoisley WHolsley WHoisley
Hoisley royal vizier Warren nrren J Coffin Coffingrand Coffingrand Coffingrand
grand emir Thomas A Bynum secre secretary secretary secretary ¬
tary Joseph B Courier Courh r treasurer Al Albert Albort Albert ¬
bert Kahlort mahedl Johnson T THoare THoare PHosre
Hoare satrap G Milton Thomas Royal RoyalVizier RoyalVlzlor RoyalVizior
Vizier Coffin announced that ho would wouldcomplete Wouldcomplete wouldcomplete
complete his list of appointments and andannounce andannounce andannounce
announce them at tho next session of ofthe orthe ofthe
the temple
by CommanderInChlof Uroll of tho thoSpanish thoSpanIsh theSpanish
Spanish War Veterans VeteransTho VeteransTho VeteransThe
Tho election of national officers and andseveral andsecral andseveral
several important matters will come be before beforo before ¬
fore tho auxiliary for action The ques question queltlon question ¬
tion of membership in subordinate aux auxiliaries nusmarIes auxiiiaries ¬
iliaries Is one of those thoseA tboseA theseA
A movement to restrict membership membershipwill membershipwIll membershipwill
will be opposed by a numerous faction factionia
In tho organization composed mainly mainly of ofthose ofthoso ofthose
those who w wo o rendered service to the sol soldiers soldiers aoldiors ¬
diers and sailors as members of r relief rellota reliefassociations llof llofassociations
associations a Tho contest over this mat matter mutter tautter ¬
ter promises to be lively livelyThe I1velyThe livelyThe
The presidency of the National Aux AuxIllary Auxiliary ux uxUlary
Illary will furnish another lively con contest contest contest ¬
test The candidates mentioned so far farto farto farto
to succeed Mrs trs Lewis are Mrs frs Elry M MAvory MAvery MAvery
Avery and Mrs Isabelle Alexander both bothof bothor bothof
of Cleveland Ohio and Mrs W V H Hub Hubbell Hubbell Hubbell
bell of Brooklyn N Y widow of the thelate thelate thelate
late commanderlnchief of the S W V VOf Yor VOf
Of the eleven present national officers officersnine officersnine
nine are Washingtonians while five of ofthe ctthe I
I the twelvo members of the council of ofadministration ofadministration I Iadmlulstration
administration are residents of this city cityFrom cllyFrom cityFrom
From a statement Just issued by Miss MissAgnes MissAgnes 118s 118sAgnes
Agnes I Little of this city secretary secretarygtmaral secretaI secretaIgonoral Secretarygeneral
general of o the auxiliary It appears that thattho thattho thattho
tho organization is rapidly increasing in inmembership Inmembershlp inmembership
membership new auxiliaries having b boon boonrecently ° on onrecently onrecently
recently organized at lana Mich MichBrooklyn MichBrooklyn lIch lIchDrooklyn
Brooklyn N Y 1 Bay City Mich lIcb Port PortChester PortCho5tcr PortChester
Chester N t Y Lewiston M Mo iSp and De Detroit Dctrolt Dotroit ¬
troit Mich while others are being bolngformed belnltormed beingformed
formed in Illinois Maryland New Jer Jersey Jersoy 101 101oy ¬
soy oy and Virginia VirginiaThe VIrginiaThe VirginiaThe
The auxiliary auxlllar Just organized to Newell NewellRising NowellRising NewellRising
Rising Command S W V V of Port Portj PortCboster PortChester
j Chester N t Y was named na cd the Flora A ALewis ALewis ALewis
Lewis Auxiliary In honor of the presi president president president ¬
dent general One of the proposed New NewJersey NewJerJle NewJeraej
Jersey JerJle auxiliaries will bo named nam d In Inhonor Inhonor inhonor
honor of Mrs frs John A Logan the first firstpresident firstpresident firstpresident
president general of the National = Aux AuxI AuxReCr Auxillary
I illiiry
1 RECREATION RECREATIONCanoeists ReCr Prc12rAIJoNCanoeists TION Ii Iil IiCanoeists l
Canoeists to Go Into Camp CampThe CampThe CampThe
I The Interclub Canoe Association went wentinto wentInto ventinto
into annual encampment Wednesday WedIHMMla on ontho onthe onthe
the broad waters of tho thePotomad Potomac near nearLittle n narLittle ar arLlttJe
Little Falls an opposite oPPMltoPlume Plume Island The Theformal TIleformal Theformal
formal opening of the camp was hold holdWednesday holdWedn heldWednesday
Wednesday Wedn da nl night ht and there were many manyof manyor manyof
of their friend present to assist Q l t in the thefestivities thetNUvlUes thefestivities
festivities Thursday evening was desig designated 1188lgatod iesigsated ¬
sated atod as S stag tas night and the enter entortalament 6ntortalDment entertaisment
talament was wn devoted exclusively to tomen tomen tomen
men A regatta was held by tho club clubyesterday clubYOllterclay clubyesterday
yesterday afternoon and a splendid time timewas timewa timewas
i was wa enjoyed The program Included inuludodnorlca Inolul1OOnoYlco Includednoico
norlca single Incl novice double association associationhmnpionshlp asoclatlonhaJllplonshlp associationhiunpionsliip
hmnpionshlp single sln le and double club clubOUTS clubnils cluboars
OUTS mixed tandem relay hurryscur
7 tugofwar and tilting contests One Oneaturo Oneturo Oneaturo
> aturo turo of the annual camp will be the theiunday thounday theunlay
iunday snrvlce rlee conducted by the Rev RovWalter HovI RevWalter
I Walter R R Buahby DUMhb at 11 oclock today todayAt todoyAt todayAt
At 2 oclock this tub afternoon the annual annuallection nunualIeetlon annualelection
election of officers will be held The Theafternoon Theafternoon Theafternoon
afternoon of Monday will < 111 be devoted to tothe tothe tothe
the entertainment entertal nwnt of their lady friends friendsTlM frlondsThe friendsThe
The last night In camp will be devoted devotedto
to a stag reception r < > eltpUou to their men menfriends menh1end menfriends
friends friendsThe h1endThe friendsThe
The Merrymakers Merrymakersx
x Tho Merrymakers held th their lr regular regularmeeting regularooung regularmeeting
meeting ooung Wednesday evening July 1 at atthe atUte attue
the residence ro ld8nce of H B Huntaborry when whenall whenan whenall
all arrangements for a trip to Old Point PointComfort PolutComfort PointComfort
Comfort Virginia Beach and Norfolk Norfolkwere Norfolkwere Norfolkwere
were completed Tho members of the thoolub thuolub theclub
olub will leave the city Friday evening
and return Tuesday after aftor visiting all allthe allthe allthe
the points of intorost at tho abovomon abovomontlonod aboomontlonetl abovementioned
tlonod places The young oung people will willbe willbe willbe
be chaperoned by b tho parents Dnaents of r somo somoof somoor someof
of the members of the club clubTo clubTo clubTo
To Play a Match Game GameThe GameTho GameThe
The Anacostla Checker Club has on engaged ongaged ongaged ¬
gaged to play > Iny a match contest Monday Mondayevening Monda Mondaevening Mondayevening
evening with the Northeast Checker CheckerClub ChockerOluh CheckerClub
Club on H Street northeast at the theheadquarters theheadquprters theheadquprtcrs
headquarters of the latter organization organizationThose organtzatlonThOSe organizationThose
Those who will play on tho Atfacostia Atfacostiateam AJ1acosUtttoom Ailacostiateam
team are C H Weiss August Miller MillerAllan MIllerAllan UnerA1Jan
Allan Prendor P S Quald and Dr DrJames DrJames DrJames
James A Watson WatsonThe WatsonThe at on onThc
The Cuckoo Club ClubThe ClubThe ClubThe
The The Cuckoo Club hold its regular regularmooting rogulnrm regularmeeting
mooting m otlug last night at the residence of E ER ER EH
R Chism 717 Twentyfourth Street Streetnorthwest Streotnorthwest Streetnorthwest
northwest Plans for tho future conduct conductof
of the club were discussed and it itfinally was wasfinally wasfInal1
finally fInal1 decided to take a trip trip to Harpers HarpersFerry HarpersFerry HarpersFerry
Ferry on tho 18th instant In8t insts it t After its re return return return ¬
turn it is proposed to add a oufilclont oufilclontnumber outI1clentnumbor numcieatnumber
number to tho list of members to form forma
a a football team It is also tho purpose purposeof
of this thriving athletic and social or organization organization organizatlon ¬
ganization to rent a clubhouse at some somefuture somefuturo somefuture
future date Among tho members pres present present preseat ¬
ent last night were A Donham E R RChlsm RChism ItChism
Chism R J Burns Le Roy Hasklns HasklnsWilliam lIas1t1nsVIlUnm HaskinsWilliam
William Fox and Frank THoffernan THoffernanTEMPERHNCE TlIeffernant P Iloffernan IloffernanI
AntiSaloon League LeagueTho LcngueTho LeagueTho
Tho monthly monthi meeting of the AntiSa AntiSaloon AntiSaloon AntiSaloon ¬
loon League of the District of Columbia Columbiawas Columbiawas Columbiawag
was held Thursday Thursdn night at 532 Sixth SixthStreet Sixthi SixthStreet
i Street northwest with James L Ewln Ewlnin EwlnI Ewinin
I in the chair c alr A N Canfield serving as asrecording nsrecordlngsecrotar asrecordingsecrotary
recording recordlngsecrotar secretary and R E Harvey Harve as asfinancial asfinnncial asfinancial
financial secretary socrotnr President Ewln re reported reported roported ¬
ported for tho executive committee that thatsubscriptions tbatsubscrptions thatsubscrjptlons
subscriptions are coming in for tho now nowvolume ne nevolume newvolume
volume or the periodical publication of ofthe oCtho oftho
tho league leago and arrangements have been beenmade beenmade beenmade
made for extending tending its usefulness usefulnessAn usefulnessAn usefulnessAn
An invitation had been been received Mr MrEwin MrEsvin r rEwlr
Ewin Ewlr stated from Mr ir and Mrs Clinton ClintonSmith Clin ClintonSmith on onSmith
Smith to the league to hold oho be of ofits ofitssummer its itssummer Itssummer
summer meetings at their residence residenceSmltholm rosldonceSmltholm rosidoncoSmltholrn
Smltholm on Conduit Road and the theexecutive thecxooutlve theexeoutivo
executive committee recommended r ommenc1od that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the invitation be accepted for the Sep September September Soptember ¬
tember meeting This recommendation recommendationwas
was adopted adoptedAlbert ado adontedAlbort > > tecl teclAlbort
Albort E Shoemaker the attorney for forthe forthe forthe
the longue was uas present pre ent and reported as aato asto asto
to his work before tho Excise Board and andas andas andas
as chairman of the committees on pro protests protests protesta ¬
tests and law enforcement enforcementMr
Mr 11 Canfield as a chairman of the com ¬
mittee of arrangements for the tenth an anniversary nnnlvcr8ary anniversary ¬
niversary of the organization of the theleague theleagtlc theleague
league celebrated celebrat d June 23 reported the thesatisfactory thesatlsracton thesatisfactory
satisfactory completion of the work ark of ofthe orthe ofthe
the committee Mrs Isabel Holmlck Holmlckof
of the same committee gave some do details dotails dotails ¬
tails of personal visits to thirtythree thirtythreepastors thlrtythrCpastors thirtythreepastors
pastors in the interest of the anniver anniversary anniversary analversary ¬
sary saryCommunications saryCommunlcalfons saryCommunications
Communications wore received from fromtho Cromtho fromtho
tho Congress Street Methodist Protest Protestant Prot st stnnt stant ¬
ant Christian Endeavor Spcloty and the theChristian theChrlstlnnTompInrs theChristian
Christian ChrlstlnnTompInrs Templars of Eokington Pres Presbytorlsm Presbytorlan Presbytoritm
bytorlsm Church naming additional a dltlonal rep representatives roprosenlaUvo reprosentativeg ¬
Arrangements wore made for some somespecial somespoclal somespecial
special work tho present pro ent month and the theloaguo tboloague theleagno
loaguo adjourned a Journed to meet again tho thoevening thoevening theevening
evening of Wednesday edaoeda August 5 in tho thosame thosame thesame
same place placeAllDay placeAUDay placeAllDay
AllDay Meeting Held HeiaAn HeldAn HeldAn
An allday meeting of the C de department department department ¬
partment W CT C T U was wa held Thurs Thursday Thursday Tltursday ¬
day in Park Temple Mission Sixth and andTrumbull artTrumbull 1161Trumbull
Trumbull Street > northwest the super superintendent anperintendont 1uperintendont ¬
intendont MI Miss g Ella M Boston presid presiding prP8lt1Ing presiding ¬
ing Mrs lrs L B Crouse Crou e acted as secre secretary secretary oco ocotary ¬
tary During the morning session n nports rlports rtports
ports were beard from the officers and andsuperintendents nnd8uperlntondeuts andsuperintendents
superintendents of the various depart departments dopartments departmeats ¬
ments Mrs frs Crouse made a report of ofthe oCthe ofthe
the L T L work in her department departmentTho flepartmcntTho departmentThe
Tho Nineteenth Street Baptist Lincoln LincolnMemorial LincolnlIomorlal LincolnMemorial
Memorial Anna nna Murray Aturra Douglas Lib Liberty 1lberty lAberty ¬
erty Baptist and the L I R Clarke Y Yunions Yunions Yunions
unions worn i represented representedAfter ropre representedAfter ontoc1 ontoc1Atter
After the woontlde devotions Mrs C CV CV CV
V Fountains favored the audience with withthe withthe I Ithe
the solo Ill Go Whore l1ore You YouWant Want Mi Mito M Meto > I Ito
to Go Mrs hs R E Lawson spoke of ofthe atthe ofthe
the healthy health status of the Nineteenth NineteenthStreet NineteenthStroet NineteenthStreet
Street BapCtot BnpL lt Union and stated tat > d hat hather hather bather
her union hud voted on the previous previousevening vrevlouaevening previousevening
evening to taco the initiative In sending sendingMiss senlllngMIss sendingMiss
Miss Boston District superintendent as asan asan asan
an observer to the national convention conventionin
in Cincinnati Ohio Tho department en enthusiastically enthuslaeticalJy enthusiastically ¬
thusiastically confirmed the action aud audpledged audpledged andpledged
pledged cooporation cooporationRov
Rov Dr To liver lIv r pastor p tor of Liberty LibertyBaptist LibertyDuptl LibertyBaptist
Baptist Duptl l Cburdh made some remarks in Indorsing Indorsiiig i idorsing
dorsing the Work of the department departmentMrs dEIUrtmont1frs departmentMrs
Mrs Helen Jackson president of o the thoA tbeA theA
A M l Douglas Union read refu a paper on onthe onthe onthe
the Twentieth Century of Woman WomanThe WomanThe VomanThe
The meotliug closed with the benedic benediction benediction benetliction ¬
tion tioni tioniii
Off to the Convention ConventionMrs Convcntion11rH ConventionMrs
Mrs Lula aiurrcll of this city the su supreme 8Uprome supromo ¬
promo matron of t > t the Daughters of the theSphinx th thSphinx theSithinx
Sphinx of the World left horo last lastnight lastnight lastnight
night for BdHton Dr ston where the order holds holdsits holelaIbl holdsits
its annual mission um 8lon beginning next Mon Monday Monday Monday
day Mrs 11S JIurrell lurrol1 was accompanied by bythe bytho bythe
the delegates from Australia and Ha Hawaii Uawall Hawall ¬
wall Thesf delegates are ltme > tme A lied Hodrlnguez Uodrlnguez liedringuex
rlnguez anil nn l Miss 1I8t1 Ln Forent of Sdney Sdneyand S Sblneyand dney dneynnd
and Mmo M Currens of Honolulu The TheDaughters TheDaughters rheDaughtonL
Daughters of the Sphinx is said to bo bothe bethe o othe
the largest organization orpnlzaUon of women in the theworld theworld theworld
world and has 11 subordinate oodles lodleovorwhcr liodiesevorywber oodlesevery
every ovorwhcr whet e oi eThe
The Working Boys Boys Bos Home HomeThe 1IomeThe homeThe
The so Mna11 mil boys at the Working Boys BoysHomo BosHome Boyshome
Home have left for the summer vaa vacation vaalion vaation ¬
tion They have been taken by parents parentsand parentsand parentsand
and interested friends into the country countrywhor countrywhor countrywhor
whor from all reports they the are im imiminfiely Immonflely intxnouzsely
iminfiely enjoying tho delights of tho tholong tholong thelong
long vacation In the meantime the theoldea theoldea theoldee
oldea lads who are obliged to work dur during durIng durlag ¬
ing tho entire summer have iotno from fromthe trontth fronithe
the th gymnasium gymnnsl ltn to tbe home proper properwtere properwtlore properwliere
wtere efforts are mado to make their theirevenings theirenlnga theirenlnga
enlnga pleasant despite the necessity necessityof
of labor during the heated term termf termf
I j Educational I
Alumni Organized OrganizedFormer OrganizedFormor OrganizedFormer
Former students of tho Kansas Nor Normal Xormnl Normal ¬
mal College met at the homo of Andrew AndrewWilson AndrewIlson AndrewWilson
Wilson Ilson 1315 Wallach Place northwest northwestWednesday uorthwestednesdny northwestWednesday
Wednesday ednesdny evening and formed a social socialclub 80clalclub socialclub
club Officers were elected as follows followsJ
J D Nevius president Mrs Irs George L LClayton LCloy LClayton
Clayton Cloy ton vice president prtfldcnt Mrs frs John L LKnopp LKnopp LKnopp
Knopp secretary socretnl W V H Kerr treas treasurer treasurer treasurer ¬
urer and Andrew Audre Wilson historian C CD CD CB
D Easterling Thomas A Scott and J JE JE JE
E Magers committee on constitution constitutionAfter constitutionAfter constitutionAfter
After a recess and refreshments tho thomeeting thomcUng themeeting
meeting adjourned subject to call callTho callTho callThe
Tho following were present and en enrolled enrolled enrolled ¬
rolled as charter members membersMr memberstr membersMr
Mr tr and Mrs J D NeviuB Mr and andMrs andMrs andMrs
Mrs H V Easterling Mr fr and Mrs W WH WH WIT
H Kerr Mr and Mrs John L Knopp KnoppMr KnoppIr KnoppMr
Mr Ir and Mrs rs A S Hull Mr and Mrs MrsC MrsC MrsC
C S Easterling Mr lr and Mrs Irs George L LClayton LClayton LClayton
Clayton Mr fr and Mrs Andrew Wilson WilsonMr WilsonMr WilsonIr
Mr Ir and Mrs J D Novlus Mr Ir and Mrs MrsE MrsB frs frsE
E H Easterling John J bn S Blgga Elam ElamW ElomW ElamW
W Robins Henry C Wilmoth Emmet D DWalker DWallrer DWalker
Walker and It A Nelgner NelgnerSummer NelgnerSummer NelgnerSummer
Summer Program ProgramTho ProgramTho ProgramThe
Tho Christian Chrlsth n Brothers of Duty com composing compOlilng cornposing ¬
posing the faculty of St Johns College Collegelocated Collegelocated Collegelocated
located on Vermont Avenue northwest northwestleft northwcstlett northwestleft
left Washington last Thursday Thursday evening eveningfor evenIngfor eveningfor
for their summer vacation vacationBrother vncntlonDrother vacationBrother
Brother Abdas tho president will pro proceed proi prooced ¬
i ceed to Ocean Rest on the New Jersey Jerseycoast Jerseyconst Jerseycoast
coast where here he will assume charge of ofthe orthe ofthe
the Catholic summer school held an annually annually annually ¬
nually at that place The other mem members members memhers ¬
bers of the faculty will spend a few fewweeks fewweeks fewweeks
weeks at the brothers house at Ammen Ammendalo Ammendale Ammendale
dale Md Id Later they thC will go to Ocean OceanRest OceanRost OceanRest
Rest for a short stay Early Earl In August Augustthey Augustthey Augustthey
they w1l1all will all assemble at Rockhlll Col College College Colloge ¬
lege Ellicott City Md td where they will willenter willenter 111 111enter
enter a spiritual retreat that will begin beginAugust beginAugust beginAugust
August 8 and continue one week weekThe weekTbo weekThe
The faculty will return to Washington Washingtonafter Waohlngtonafter Washingtonafter
after the retreat and arrange for the re reopening reoponlng reopening ¬
opening of tho college colleceTrinity co11eQCTrinity collegeTrinity
Trinity College Commencement CommencementWashington Commencementl1shlngton CommencementWashington
Washington l1shlngton was well represented at atthe ntthc atthe
the seventyseventh commencement of ofTrinity otTrinity ofTrinity
Trinity College Hartford Conn John JohnMinton JobnlUnton JohnMinton
Minton Syphax a former Washington Washingtonboy WashingtonI Washingtonboy
I boy was the class day orator and spoke spokeInterestingly spokeintercstlngly spokeinterestingly
Interestingly on Germany In the Days Daysof Daysof Daysof
of Bismarck Hermann Edward Towns Townsend Townsend Townsend
end of Washington was the college collegemarshal collegemarshnl collegemarshal
marshal one of the greatest honors In Inthe Inthe inthe
the gift of the undergraduates Munco MuncoTownsend MuncoTownsend MunceTownsend
Townsend as he is familiarly called Is Isa Isa isa
a Junior and one of the best fullbacks fullbackson
on Trinity Trlnlt football teams Karl Fen Fcnnlng Fennlng Fenning
nlng of o Washington was another gradu graduate grnduate graduate ¬
ate standing well in his blsclnss blsclnssI class classAgora clansAgora
Agora of o the States StatesFranklin StntesFranklln StatesFranklin
Franklin Webster Smith of the Halls Hallsof Hallsor Hallsof
of The Ancients gave three lectures on ontho ontho onthe
tho Fourth of July to the public of ofWashington otWashlngt ofWashingtn
Washington Washlngt n exhibiting and explaining explaininghis
his Agora of the States which he pur purposes purposes purposes ¬
poses shall be built on Sixteenth Street Streetbetween Streetbetweon Streetbetween
between L and M 1 replacing two blocks
of slums 81 m8 They were well attended and andan nndnn andan
an explanatory lecture of the Halls was wasafterwards wasaCtcrwnrds wasafterwards
afterwards given The National atlonal Society Societyfor Societyfor Societyfor
for the Aggrandizement of Washington Washingtonwill Washingtonwill ashlngton ashlngtonwIn
will be formed In a few days to bring bringabout brIngabout bringabout
about the proposed Agora and tho Na National National Natlonal ¬
tional Galleries Gl llerles of History and Art ArtRELIGIOUS ArtI ArtI
I RELIGIOUS RELIGIOUSSunday ii iiSunday I ISunday
Sunday School Outing OutingThe OutingThe OutingThe
The Sunday schools of tho First Bap Baptist Daplist Baptist ¬
tist Hamllne M 1 E McKondroe cKendroe M E Eand Ennd Band
and Brightwood M 1 E churches united unitedIn unitedin unitedin
In their annual excursion Friday to Mar Marshall Marshall tnr tnrsholl
shall Hall The Macalester made three threetrips threetrips threetrips
trips taking down a large number from fromeach fromeach fromeach
each school schoolThe schoolThe schoolThe >
The day was greatly enjoyed by b all allthe altthe allthe
the little people participating In base baseball baseball basebail
ball and other outdoor sports sportsMissionary sportsMissionary sportsMissionary
Missionary Work WorkThe WorkThc WorkThe
The National Cathedral of SS Peter Peterand Peterand Peterand
and Paul Is already alread doing important importantmission Importantmission Importantmission
mission work A staff of five fi = e clergy one onedeaconess onedeaconess onedeaconess
deaconess and a number of lay readers readersunder readersunder readersunder
under tho supervision of the bishop are arelaboring areInborlng arelaboring
laboring in different sections of the thecity thecity thecity
city They have been gratified by the thesplendid thesplendid thesplendid
splendid results Good Shepherd All AllSaints AllI AllSaints
I Saints Bennlng where open air even eveneongs evensongs
songs are held on summer evenings and anda
a mission at Tenley Conduit Road art artall areall
I all missions of the cathedral Thus the theevangelistic theevangelistic theevangelistic
evangelistic work of the cathedral is in inadvance Inadvance inadvance
advance of the cathedral building itself itselfand ItseUand itselfand
and this Is In accordanco with ancient ancientprecedent ancientpro ancientprecedent
precedent precedentEsther pro precedentEsther nL nLEstber
Esther Chapel Choir Entertained EntertainedThere EntertainedI EntertainedThere
I There was a pleasant gathering re recently recontly recently ¬
cently at the home of Miss nss Katharine KatharineE
E Cook at Bellevuo when hen the choir of ofthe orthe ofthe
the Esther Memorial Episcopal Chapel Chapelof
of Congress Heights was entertained entertainedGames entertaInedGame entertainedGames
Games and music were indulged in n until untila
a late hour after which retreshments retreshmentswere refreshments refreshmentswere refreshmentswere
were served Those present were Miss MissEva MissEva U8S U8SEvn
Eva Beyer Miss nss Edna Brook Miss 1Iss Bor Bortle Bortle Bortie
tle Cox Mr and Mrs A L Grimes Mrs MrsProvost MrsProvost lrs lrsPrevost
Provost M J 1 Fllllus Miss Iss Clara ClaraScbatz ClaraSchatz ClaraSchatz
Schatz Miss nls Ruth Alford and Richard RichardRoberts RichardRoberts RichardRoberta
Sunday Schools Join in Excursion ExcursionAn
An excursion to River View of the Sun Sunday Sunday Sunday ¬
day schools of the Maryland Avenue AvenueSecond AvonuoSecond AvenueSecond
Second and West Washington Baptist Baptistchurches Baptistchurches Baptistchurches
churches took place Friday The mem members members members ¬
bers of the schools entered upon a num number number nuzuher ¬
ber of contests with the understanding understandingthat
that the first rst one In each contest should shouldscore sboulds shouldscore
score s ro five Ive points for his school the soc socond second seeon1
ond one in three thr points and the third thirdone thirdone thirdone
one in two points Tho result follows followsBaseball tollowsBaseball followsBaseball
Baseball game between the Second SecondChurch SecondChurch SecondChurch
Church and tho other schools combined combinedthe combinedthe combinedthe
the winner to score six points Game Gamewas Gamewas Gamewas
was won by the combined teanr 21 to tothus tothus I Ithus >
thus giving the West Washington and andMaryland andfaryland andMaryland
Maryland Avenue each three points pointsRunning pointsRunning pointsRunning
Running 100 yards for or boys twelve twelveyears twelvejea1S twelveyears
years or under underJobn John Priest first Earl EarlKeating EarlKeating EarlKeatlng
Keating second Lee Hayes third thirdi thirdRunning thirdRunning
i Running 100 yards for boys eighteen
LAND FLOSS 15c l c value all allcolors 5 1 C Ccolors Ccolors
colors choice choiceGERMANTOWN choiceGERMANTOWN
WOOL Golden Fleece brand brand12c brand12c 51 C C12c
12c value valueICE valueICE 2 2ICE
ICE WOOL qual AA Gol Golden Golden Galdon
den Fleece brand all colors colors15c llC t1 t115c
15c value for forBattenburg forBattenburg J2 J2Battenburg
Battenburg and Honiton Braid and andRings andRings andlUngs
Rings all kinds for less than half halfprice ha1 ha1prlc halfprice
price prlc J
Waists aists Reduced ReducedPERCALE
PERCALE DOT WAISTS neat and clean cleanall cleaneffect
effect e large a sleeves stylish t ISl and well I IPIAIN made madeall clean37C
all sizes sizesPLAIN o vf vfPLAIN
PLAIN BLACK WAISTS AISTS for mourning mourningwear mournln mournlnwear
wear n ticked c and stitched St1 l large l lWHITE sleeves sleevesnil sleevesall 39C
nil sizes sizesWHITE sizesWHITE iz <
made of fine India linen and Persian lawn Styles Stylesa
a l bit more attractive and different You will find findthem findthem findthem
them nowhere olse and tomorow the prices are arolowered arelowere arelowered
See them in the window 79C JflC JflCTable JAP c
Table Ta lo No 1 lAll100 1All All 3100 100 Waists for fortorT forTable B v vTablo
torT Table No 2 2All All II 150 and Jt 19S Waists 1 13 I 39 39Jable 4 9 93 1 1Table
Jable > r Table No 3 BAll All 200 2 00 and an 2GO 2 50 Waists nists I t 9 1 169 6 69 fJ > U Ur
Checked Suitings Suitingsg
g 50 pieces BLACK and WHITE Check11no Simp Simpsons Simpsons
sons Suitlngs for ShIrtWaist Shirt Valst Suits j jgnarnnte 1
gnarnnte fast color all sizo checlcs I lOc lOcvalue 5 C
value l for 2 2I
years or under undorClaronee Clarence Sorrrtl first firstCharles firstCharles firstCharles
Charles Koons second Tumor Back Backhard Deckhard Beckhard
hard third thirdPotato thirdPotato thirdPotato
Potato race for girls glrlsAnnloR girlsAnnie Annio B a Co Coborth Coberth Ceberth
berth first Mildred Dunnington DunnlngtonsecoDd DunnlngtonsecoDdlarlon second secondMarlon secondMarion
Marion Ireland third thirdThreelogged thirdThreelogged thirdThreelogged
Threelogged race raeeFrank Frank Swank and andDaniel a andDaniel l lDaniel
Daniel Priest Priest first Maurloo Beekhaim Beekhaimand BeekbaDland Beckha Beckhaand
and James W V Morse Mar second 0000 Jai JaCIA JaCIAsol Cln Clnsol C3eaol
sol and Thomas Jones third thirdHit thirdHit thirdHit
Hit the hat hatLucy Lucy Cobeth first Mabel MabelClsflcl MabelClseel MabsiCiseol
Clsflcl second Jennie Woltz third thirdWheolbarrow tblrdbeolbarrow thirdVheolbarrow
Wheolbarrow race W B 1 Waters Watersfirst WlltortJfirst Watersfirst
first John Durlsol second L C Blake Blakethird DJake DJakethird Blakethird
third thirdEgg thirdEgg thirdEgg
Egg race rnceMaurlce Maurice Beckham first W WGL WC V Ve
GL e Fisher second Frank Swank third thirdThrowing thirdThrowing thirdThrowing
Throwing baseball baseball by girls glrlaA girlsAnnie Annie nte H HCoberth ECoberth BCoberth
Coberth first Elslo lslo Chisel second secondMamie Il secondMarnie C nd ndMamie
Mamie Davis third thirdSack thIrdSuck thirdSack
Sack race rnceJohn John Durisol first James JanaoeMorse J JamesMorse nt06 nt06Iorse
Morse second Clarence Sorroll Sorr li third thirdNet UltrdNot thirdNot
Not result West Washington Va blngton 37 37points iipoints 7 7points
points Maryland Avenuo 32 points Soc Socand Socand Seeand
and Church 27 2 points pointsCOMMEBCIKL pointsI pointsBank
Bank Clerks Outing OutingOn OutingOn OutingOn
On Saturday next Washington Chap Chapter Chnpter Chapter ¬
ter of the American Institute of Bank BankClerks Da FlankClerks k kClerIs
Clerks will give its first annual ex excurslon excurBlon cxcursioa
curslon to River View There will be betwo betwo betwo
two boats at 3 p m and 646 p m The Themembers Themembers Themembers
members of Baltimore Chapter have havebeen havebeen havebeen
been Invited as the guests of the local localchapter looa1chapter Icoalchapter
chapter and a suitable program ar arranged arranged arranged ¬
ranged which will Include baseball and anda anaa anda
a bowling contest It is expected that thatas tbatas thatas
as many as possible will go down on onthe onthe onthe
the early boat and help make the oc occasion occasion occaaioa ¬
casion a pleasant one for the visiting visitingchapter visitingchapter Ialtlngchaptor
chapter and all concerned concernedTho concornedTho concernedThe
Tho bank clerks irrespective Irro pecUve of chap chapter chapter chapter ¬
ter membership are taking aa active activeand activennd activeand
and interesting part in this affair and andfrom nndfrom andfrom
from the present outlook It promises promisesto
to be successful beyond what bad boon boonanticipated boonnnUclpated boonanticipated
anticipated anticipatedThe nnUclpatedThe anticipatedThe
The prime object of this excursion is isto Isto isto
to raise funds to enable the chapter to tocarry tocarry tocarry
carry on its Its educational work workIts Its pro programs programs programs ¬
grams for the past years have not al always always always ¬
ways been as good as desired For this thisthe thisthe thisthe
the laclc lack lac1 of funds is pargelY largely responsible responsiblebut
but with a successful excursion and its itsadvertisement itsadvertisement itsadvertisement
advertisement through this means meanswhich mannswhich moanswhich
which must result in an increased mem membership membersblp mezabership ¬
bership the chapter officers will be bet better bottel bettar ¬
ter tel able to offer to all bank clerks in inducements Inducements indpceznents ¬
ducements to become members mo bers Asso ¬
elation and nd the acquaintance of those in inthe Inthe inthe
the professIon will help largely InrgelY to a abetter nbetter abetter
better feeling in business relations and andwhile andwhile andwhile
while a nonmember nonm mber may be a good goodbank goodbank goodbank
bank clerk It Is believed that a bard bardworking bnrdworking hardworking
working conscientious chapter member memberis
is in a fair way to become a better one oneLocal oneLocal oneLocal
Local Surety Association Banquet BanquetThe BanquetThe BanquetThe
The District of Columbia Surety Asso Association Assoelation ¬
elation indulged in a reunion and outing outingFriday outingFriday
Friday evening at Cabin John fridge fridgethe Bridgetbe ridge ridgethe I
the occasion proving to be a most en enjoyable enjoyable ¬
joyable one A feature of the evening eveningwas eveningwas eveningwas
was a banquet After an elaborate menu menubad menuhad menuhad
had received proper attention speech speechmaking speechmaking speechmaking
making was in order E B Hay ofllci ofllciated oftIclated ofliciated
ated as toastmaster The party re returned returned returned ¬
turned to the city on special cars The Theofficers Tbeofficers Theofficers
officers of the association are John S
COTTON Sc spools all I eel c 1 XJ XJors i4 i4ors C
ors g O Ouuiuiuu
uuiuiuu Colored xliHrn pmo Pillow Tops Topsworth Topsworth iupt iuptworth >
worth 50c Gifceoa GIINM n picture 15C 15Cetc 3 j K Ketc kC kCetc
etc all colors eolorsHemstttcAedScarfa colorsHeinsdtched 1 J JHemstitched
Hemstitched HemstttcAedScarfa Scurfs and Table TableCovers TaltlCo01S TahleCovers
Covers stamped attull or plain half price priceLinen priceLinen pets petsLinen
Linen Doylies Doyliesstamped Do lI hemstitched IttltcM41stampoo heinstitchedstamped
stamped mad plain plainworth aft aftt areworth
worth linen Itc for to t 3ie each oadlinon all 4 44
Snks SnksWASH ks ksWASH
WASH SILKS SILKSThe The best Corded J Ja1t Was WasSilks Waeh WaehSilks WSiSilks
Silks make beautiful waists and childs child dresses dressesand IIr IIrand dressesanti
and wear hotter and look 10i k better after beiaf beiafwashcd betlllwnshed bIngwashed
washed than the best t of wash cotton cott goods goodsThese MOOdsThese lood loodThese
These are the th best 50c Corded Wash Silk Silkall OP OPall h
all colors 100 nieces assorted to select selectfrom 2 J JCHECKED y C
from for forCHECKED kJ kJCHECKED
CHECKED SILKS SILKSSo So stylish for Shirt Waist WaistSuits WatatSuits WaistStilts
Suits 20 in wide pure puresilk silk will Ill wash and guar guaranteed guaranteed gnatanteed ¬
anteed not to split black and white aadOjjTvr aadOjjTvrnavy audl audlnavy
navy na and white checks worth lOc yard lardfor lardforone yardforone aDdI1l9C for Mj Mjone
YARDWIDE BLACK TAFF8TA heavy rustle rustlequality rustleQuallt rustlequality
quality Quallt the guarantee gun ran tee Is woven In the theselvage Cj 1 C A Aselvage
selvage It Is better than the usual 14 14gratIator 149 149gradefor 1 s f 9 0 a agrade
grade gratIator for one day S i I x
Nose 1ose
50 dozen black lace lisle imported hnport l German Germanseamless OerllMlnscamless Germanseamless
seamless ladles Stockings openwork to the toe toeThis toel toeThis
This Is a hard silk finish Halo l which never neversells + Q Qsells
sells for less than 30c a pair all sizes eizeaMonday 18 I IMonday
Monday Mondayo >
50 o dozen more Ladies fast black drop r 7 fstitch 7stitch
for stitch t Stockings I the 6 12Hc 1 1 kind I all sizes sizesfor vJO 3 8 i ifor C
Swormstodt SwormstQtltprosltlent prosiden John S Loud Loudvice LoudvlOe LoudviCe
vice president and William H Ronsa Ronsavllle Ronsayule
vllle 1119 soorotHrytroaaurer soorotHrytroaaurerTha r rTho
Tho arrangements for the reunion and andouting aa aaouting andouting
outing wore made by a committee con conistiag conslstlug constating
stating of George C orge T Packer L O DC DCLaehmtit DeLaebmut DoLashmut
Laehmtit and Edwin B Hay HayCOMMONWEALTH Ha
i COMMONWEALTH COiI 10NVEALrH CLUBS CLU 1351 1351Missouri j jMissouri r rMissouri
Missouri Ladies Meet MeetThe xYleetTho MeetThe
The Missouri l1l Ssouri Ladles Literary Club Clubmet Clubmet Clubmet
met last Tuesday evening at the reel residence resldonceot reeldeuce ¬
deuce donceot of Mrs 1r J W Witten idOl Fifth FifthStreet FifthStreet FifthStreet
Street northwest This being the last lastmeeting lastmeeUng lastmeeting
meeting of the Mason n80n no no literary work workwas workwaa workwa
was wa arranged and the gentlemen friends friendsof friendsot friendsof
of the members wore invited to be pres present preseat proseat ¬
eat After Aftora a brief business mooting the theclub theclub theclub
club adjourned adjourDedand and devoted dO oted the evening eveningto
to the entertainment of its guests A Ashort Ashort Ashort
short program consisting consl Ung of piano duet daetby duetb duetby
by b the Mlssos Dill vocal solo by b Mr MrMcCardell MrMcCardell MrMeCardell
McCardell recitation by Miss Peterson Petersonand Petersonand Petersonand
and piano solo s lo by Miss McCardell was wasonjoyod wasonJoyed wasenjoyed
enjoyed by all Games and the serving servingof servlnltot servingof
of punch ices and cako contributed contributednnlch contrjbut contrbutet1xffdch d dm
nnlch m ch to the evenings pleasure Mrs MrsWltten MrsWittea 11S 11SVUten
Wltten was as assisted In receiving theclub theclub the theclub
club and its guests by her daughter Mba MlosHazel MbaHazel IQ IQHazel
Hazel Witten WittenIllinois WittenDlinois Wittenflhlnois
Illinois Annual Excursion ExcursionThe ExcursionThe ExcursionThe
The annual excursion given by the TIll Illinois TIllnots flItnoIs ¬
nois Republican Association to Marshall MarshallHall MarshallHall lnrsbal1HaU
Hall on Friday was attended by 2000 2000lllinolsans 20001111nolsans 2000Illinolsans
lllinolsans residing in Washington Not Notwithstanding Notwlth5tanding Notwithstanding ¬
withstanding the heat h at of the day daynd ind nd the thastorm thcsstorm thestorm
storm storm lit t tho evening the love feast feastwas reastwas feasewas
was a a decided success Appropriate ex exercises exerclsos cxercises ¬
ercises were held on board the steamer steamerIllinois steamerIllinois steamerIllinois
Illinois was sung by George C Ross RossAddresses RoasAddresses RoesAddresses
Addresses kwere I were made m de by Capt Cn > 1 L M MKelley MKolley HKelley
Kelley Deputy Commissioner of Pen Pensions Pensions Penalone ¬
sions Capt Henry C Castle Auditor for forthe forthe forthe
the Postofflce Department Dr Edward EdwardA
A Duncan recited Secretary of State StaUJohn Stat StatJohn StateJohn
John Hays Tlllman Joy JoyOCEAN JoyOCEAN JoyOCEAN
OCEAN 9CEA GROVE GR VE N J I July 4 4ocean 4oceanGrove 4ceanGrove Ocean OceanGrove
Grove had a rousing Independence Day Daycelebration Daycelebration Daycelebration
celebration In the Young Peoples PeoplesTemple PeoplesTemple PeoplesTemple
Temple at 845 a a m Leader Yatman Yatmanprovided YatmanprovIded Yatmanprovided
provided an entertainment which In Included included ineluded ¬
cluded an address by former Congress Congressman Congressman Congressman ¬
man William M Springer of Illinois Illinoisand 1111nolsand Illinoisand
and another by the Rev Dr T S Hen Henderson Henderson Henderson ¬
derson of Brooklyn There were patri patriotic patriotic patriotic ¬
otic songs and music including Presi President Presldent President ¬
dent McKlnleys favorite hymns and a
grand finale depIcting uThe The Progress Progressof
of Our Nation NationAt NationAt NationAt
At 10 a m in the Auditorium Auditoriumanother AuditorIumanother Auditoriumanother
another meeting was held Governor GovernorMurphy Governorurphj GovernorMurphy
Murphy urphj was present and a stirring ora oration oration oration ¬
tion was delivered by former Senator SenatorEdward SenatorEdward SenatorEdward
Edward C Stokes of Trenton This Thisevening Thisevening Thisevening
evening in the same building Musical MusicalDirector MuslcnlDirector MusicalDirector
Director Morgan organ gave a a patriotic con concert concert concert ¬
cert which was enjoyed by an audience audiencenumbering audiencenumberIng audiencenumbering
numbering 5000 5000Sunday 6000Sundaj 000 000Sunday
Sunday school workers from all parts partsof partsor partsof
of the country are now meeting in inOcean inOcean n nOcean
Ocean Grove The magnet is the Sun Sunday Sunday Sunday ¬
day School Assembly which opened a aten aten atea
ten days session Thursday znornln znornlnThe mornlnThe morning morningThe
The assembly Is in charge of the Rev RevDr RlvDr RevDr
Dr Charles L Mead of Hoboken The Theassembly The1l8sembly Theassembly
assembly will have charge of the meet meetings mettIngs meetlags ¬
ings In the Grove tomorrow when ser sermons 15ermons serinons ¬
mons will be preached by Dr Mead and andDr andDr andDr
Dr F Hermance
s > > i > iz
Business Hours 8 a m to 5 p m mSaturday Saturday Excepted ExceptedEstablished ExceptedEstablished
55 i Zt
Established 1876 T B Reinhardt Sons Our Personal Guarantee With Each Purchase
Corsets CorsetsBATISTE CorsetsDATISTI CorsetsBATISTE
324 pairs in this lot sizes are 18 19
20 21 22 nail an 23 arc properly proper boned bonedin bonedin bonedin
in the new shapes made of fine ba batiste batlste batiste ¬
tiste cooler and stronger than the theold theold
old 01 < 1 style net corsets real realvalue < f f fvalue
value 50c for this sal salpair sale < ono onopair onopair 25C
pair to a purchaser pure haser for
Underwear UnderwearWHITE
500 oo dozen Just arrived arrivedlow low neck neckno neckno neckno
no sleeves slee > s trimmed trlmmt > d with lace and andribbon andribbon andribbon
ribbon also 50 riOdozen dozen low neck and andwing andwIng andwing
wing sleeves in white only onlyAll i7p i7pAll
All sizes the regular val values mlare ¬ 77 S Su
ues u S are 12c and 15c a
Profits and costs do not enter into consideration for we need the space at once oncePrices oncePrices oncePrices
Prices have been cut to pieces to insure quick clearance cle rance rancet
Bralnard Armstrong Embroid Embroidory Exnbroidory
or ory Silks In holders Roman RomanFloss RomanFloss RomanFloss
Floss English Twist File 7 7r 7rund >
und Rope O Silk I 5c 5 value valuechoice l 17 9 75 75choice C
choice choiceSilk IC I 8 O OSilk
3 C Cja
Silk Chonlllo Balls doz for forSilk forSilk
Silk k Pillow Cords 15c value valueyard valueyard l 5C
yard yardlarge ja yardStamped
Stamped Laundr Lnundry Bags 15 J 5C 5Clarge C Clarge
large slzo for forCrochet forCrocbet forCrochet
Crochet and Knitting I < nlttlng Nee 1 1lea 1 C CdIes Cdle
dIes dle lea for each I
In the next few months we will willobtain willobtain willobtain
obtain additional space by annexing annexingthe annexingthe annexingthe
the property adjoining our store but butwe lutwe butwe
we need more room ISTOWto NOW to obtain obtainthe obtainthe obtainthe
the necessary space The
Stamped Linens LinensBUREAU LinensBUREAU LinensBUREAU
BUREAU SCARFS and Washstand WashstandScarfs WashstandSearfs WashstandScarfs
etc J J50c also a few not stamped stampedOc 1 Oc OciOe
50c Oc and ande 25e values valuesSilk valu05Silk I U USilk
Silk Scarfs long Ion and short beau beauttfHlly benuI beautifelly
ttfHlly ombrelderod with withhairy withbcry
I hairy frbua ends wto 100 to toSS 5 fC fCvmluek OC OCl
SS vmluek value valueraea v > U Uraw
dec raw Embroidery Rings l P PMe c cR8DAllIEHlBeo
R8DAllIEHlBeo Me Scarfs and Tidies are arehalf areJtalt j
half Jtalt kal price
Ribbons Reduced educedJust I
Just for One Day DayWIDE DayWIDE DayWIDE
WIDE SATIN LIBERTY all silk Uk No SO Is Isfour isfoer g
four inches l eMa wide and worth 2Sc 5e per peryard g 1 1yard 1
yard We have aTc 100 pieces pjaia Waf black 11 S 875 R R7s em
76 pieces pl plain white for one day daYyd yd B S I ITTIDJB IWIDK VWIDE 2
WIDE TAFFKTA TAJlTJt TAJtmBOXS RIBBONS No o 49 Is the thewMth thewidth thewidth >
width for sash and n neck ck wear > will wash washalt sh r 1 1 i iaH
aH colors eoora are here Wcrth 12Hc aDd l 19 19yard 19c 19cyard c < il ilyard 92 C
yard for one day only 3
Wash Goods GoodsAn oods oodsAa
An echo of the cool l spell lu n JUDe is this thislot tblsJot thislot
lot of MO pieces I fine Lawns and Dimities We Webought Weapt Webought
bought apt them from a Jobber who was over oVt h f p 7 7stocked P Pstocked
stocked newest styles light and dark darkgrenade f frounds > = C
around rounds lSc qualities for J V 8
Skn 0 SeeQwck SeeQwckor i
or yen will miss getting a stylish b black o Mnbzir MnbzirSkirt n
Skirt cr an Alllinen Tulked Skirt Un liiien
ep oIor lor will wash nn Just the prop prope propor 1 69
or thing 2OS = value e to for a j i

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