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The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, July 05, 1903, Editorial Society Fiction, Image 20

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1903-07-05/ed-1/seq-20/

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10 n THE r WASHINGTON V ve LiiNUPt3N TIMES SUNDAY SU nAY JULY ft f > 1903 i n
Strange Fate of All Sovereign Ladies Not of Royal Birth
Queens QueensiFrom From the People PeopleQueen PeopleQueen PeopleQueen
Queen Dragas shocking death at atBelgrade atDolgrado atBelgrade
Belgrade serves to draw attontlon again againto ngalnto againto
to tho moro than ordinary sharo of ms msfortunes mis misfortunes mbfortunes ¬
fortunes that has fallen to the lot ofevery of orever
ever every very one one no of those womon who have havebeen havebeen
been raised from among tho people to tosovereign tosovereign
sovereign rank I am perfeotly aware awarethat nWI1ethat awarethat
that there thereoxlsts exists a 0 popular Impression Impressionto
to tho effect that thrones In these thesemodern thesomodern thesemodern
modern times are beyond tho reach of ofthose orthose ofthose
those who ho do not happen to bo of Im inaperlal ImperIal imperial
perIal or royal birth But the fact re remains remnlns romains ¬
mains that during the last hundred hundredcnrs hundredyears
years cnrs there have been nearly a I dozen dozeninstances dozenInstances dozenInstances
instances of scepters being won by bywomen byWomen bywomen
women of parentage that was ns either eithermerely eithermerely eithermerely
merely noble or else bourgeois The Thegreat Thegreat Thegreat
great Napoleon was wont to remark remarkthat remarkthat 1 1thnt
that every ev cry brave soldier carried the thebaton thebaton
baton of a 0 marshal of France In his htsknapsack hisknnpsnck hisknapsadk I
knapsack In the same manner especi especlally especially especially
ally since Allco Heine of o Now Orleans Orleansbecame
became tho consort of the reigning reiguinsPrinco reigningPrince
Prince of o Monaco It may ma be said thatevery that I Iever
every ever pretty girl carries In her Saratoa Sarato Saratoga
ga g a trunk the dladoni of a I queen or of Oran
an empress The crowns thus attained nUninedhowElver attainedhowever
however have as I have stated stltednbovC statedabove
above proved of an exceeding exceedingly
ly thorny th rny character Indeed these thesotalr thesefair
fair sovereigns remain on recordas record recordas recordns
as objects of sympathy and o opity of orplty t
pity rather than envy and the celebrity celebritywhich celebrityhlch celebritywhich
which hlch surrounds their name Is duo no noso not notso t
so much to the brilliancy as to tho sad sadDCS sadness
ness DCS of their lot JotJosephine lotJosephine
Josephine and Hortense HortenseEmprcsRJ05CPhlnc HortenseEmpress
Empress EmprcsRJ05CPhlnc Josephine born bornns as as Mile MHcTaechcr MlleTascher
Taecher do la Pagerle owes her placo placoIn plac placin o
In thonicho tho niche of o history to the heartless heartlesstreatment heartlestreatment s
treatment treatment to which she was subjected subjecteby ubjectedby d
by her husband and sho is remembered rememberednot rememberednot
not as the brilliant and frivolous consort con consort
sort of the monarch who for twelve twelveenrs twelyyears e
years enrs was the mightiest In Christen Christendom Christendoor
dora but as tho pitiable victim of hf hfselfish his hisselfish s
selfish ambition and of his crueltyEqually cruelty cruoltyEqunlly
Equally sad was the fate of the beau beautlful benutUul beautiful
tlful Hoitense mother of Napoleon III IIInnd IIIand
and born as Milo do Beaubarnals whofrom who whofrom
from the day she became Queen of Hoi Hoiland HolInnd Hofland
land until the time of hor death in poverty pov povcrty
erty abandonment and exile wasdisappointed was ns a adisappointed ndisappointed
disappointed sorrowing and heartbroken heart heartbroken heartbroken
broken woman The gilded apple of ofroyalty Ifroynlty ofroyalty
royalty which had been placed in her herhands herhands herhands
hands 16 u 1804 bad turned into Dead Sea Seafruit Seafruit i ifruit
fruit She hnd seen her eldest son die dieIier dieI dieer dieher I
her er second son killed and her thirdson third thirdson thhdson
son a fugitive forced to seek a haven of ofrefuge otreruge ofrefuge
refuge in tho United States The very verynamo verynamo veryname
namo she bore was proscribed all her herrelatives herrelnUves herrelatives
relatives were either In banishment ordead or ordead ordend
dead while her poverty was so great greatthat grentthat greatthat
that she was forced to appeal for re relief reUef relief ¬
lief to King Louis Phillippe the bitter bitterest bitterest bitterest ¬
est enemy of her house and the tl the e mostrelentless most mostrelentless mostrelentless
relentless persecutor of her surviving survivingson survivingson
son sonNor
Nor was the fate of Queen Caroline CarolineMurat CarolinelIturnt CarolineMurat
Murat whose husband was first Impris Imprisoned Imprisoned imprisoned ¬
oned and then executed by order of tho thoBourbon thoDourbon thoBourbon
Bourbon King of Naples any happier happierQueen hnpplerQueen happierQueen
Queen Desiree of Sweden SwedenJulia SwedenJuUn SwedenJulia
Julia Julia and Desiree Deslre Clary the two twodaughters twonughters twodaughters
daughters of the Marseilles broker whobecame who whobecame whobecnme
became respectively Queen of o Spain an anQueen and andQueen andQueen d
Queen of Sweden wore weI both noted for fortbelr fortheir fortheir
their domestic sorrows and for for the ne neglect neglect neglect ¬
glect and and indignities of every kind i iwhich to towhich towhich o
which they were subjected by their hus husbands husbands husbands ¬
bands Queen Desiree of Sweden died diedat diednt die dieat d
at Stockholm some five and twentyyears twenty twentyyears twentyyenrs
years ago and in going through my myboyhood myboyhood m mboyhood s
boyhood memories I am able to recall recallto rocnllto realto 1
to mind a trip to Stockholm and bein beintaken being beingtaken beingtnken g
taken by my father to hiss tho small smalland amalland amaland
and fragile hand of a singularly sweet sweetfaced sWcetfaced sweetfaced
faced old lady ladyn a vision Islon of o black lace lacewhite lacowhite lacewhite
white hair and still wonderfully wondertull bril brilliant brIlliant britliant ¬
liant black eyes eyeswho who enjoyed the dis distinction distinction distlnctioa ¬
tinction of having jilted the great Na Napoleon Nnpoleon Napoleon ¬
poleon previous revlous to her union to his riv rival rIvnl rival ¬
al General Bornadottc Curiously Curiouslyenough Curiouslyenough Curious Curiousenough y
enough she could never cver be persuadoto persuaded persuadedto d
to revisit hor native country and from fromthe fromthe fro frothe m
the time of her husband Dernadottes Dernadottesarrival Bernadottesnrrhal Bernadottearrival a
arrival in n Sweden in 1810 after hi his elec election el8Otlon eleclion ¬
lion as crown prince of that country countryche country6he countryshe
she never loft the dual kingdom klnlJ < lom to tho thoday thoday th thday
day of hor death She retained how however however however ¬
ever to tho last all her French sym aympathics sympathies 3Tmpathles ¬
pathies and an anal tastes Every Frenchman Frenchmanwho Frenchmanwho FrenchmaRho °
who vlsltod Vlslte visltek Stockholm was n8 made wol welcome wolcomc wolcome
come at her palace and she bo display displayed ed
the keenest Interest InFronck In I Fronck polities politIeso
French 2 o renoh social events and French liter literature IItornture literature ¬
atureEugenies ature atureEugenies ntureEugenics
Eugenies Tragic Fate FateExile FateExile FateExile
Exile wldowbpod and the tragic death deathof tleaUlof deal dealof
of her only son In South Africa Arrle have haveendowed Mvecadowcd hav havendowed e
endowed Eugenio de Moatljo the granddaughter grand granddaughter gnLRddnughter ¬
daughter of the Scotch merchant Kirk Kirkpatrlck KlrkpntrIelc Kirkpatrfck
patrlck with fth a roaJe majesty Ly which thoussorrowful though thoughsorrowful thouch thouch8orrowtul h
sorrowful is far superior to any whit whitshe which whichshe whichshe h
she ever possessed in n the days of her hergreatest herr be begreatest r
greatest r > atest magnificence magnl ecnce at the Toll TufIerletl TufIerletlThe Tullert TullertThe or it itThe
The aspect of the once beautiful bril brilliant brllJJnnt brilliant ¬
liant and supremely elegant but now nowbroken nowbroken no nobroken w
broken Infirm and aged consort eOR consortNapoleon ort ofa of ofNapoleon otNapoleon
Napoleon III IB sufficient to excite eo eomiseratfon com commiseration commhwniUon a ¬
miseration even In the hearts of tho thobitterest thobitterest tit titbitterest 0
bitterest enemies of the th < > Bonapartoregime Bonapartes Bonapartesregime onapnrtos onapnrtosregime d 0d
regime To such an extent is II this tho thocase thocaSo th thcase
case that whon sho first visited Par Paragain Paris Parisagain arls arlsngaln is
again a Q few years ago the mob of men menand monnnd me menod n
and women who bad assembled at tha tharailroad thorAilroad t trailroad ha
railroad terminus to hoot and hiss her heron heron It Iton cr cri
on her arrival for her alloged responsi responsibility r06p0081bl1lty respond respondbllity i ¬
bility in the disastrous war of 1S70 1S70made momnde 17 17made o
made way respectfully for her the rae raebaring man manbaring lIMnbarIng
baring their heads h eads and the womon mur murmuring murmurIng mn mninuring r ¬
muring pitifully Oh la paavre fem femmc Cemme fe fetae m rm
mc lOb Oh the poor woman while tin tinwreck this thiswreck thiswreck
wreck of former splendor pl ndor beauty a aelegance and andelegance andeleganco
elegance lImpod feebly teebl to her ho carriage carriageRomance cnrrIllsoRomance carriagRomance
Romance of Natalie NatalieYet Nau1ieYet NatalieYet
Yet another of theso heroines heroin of roy royromance royal royalromance royalrornnncc at
romance is Natalie do Kotcliko tho thomoro thomore t tmore ho hoof
more or less legally Jogan divorced Queen Que Queen Queenthe n of ofthe ofthe
the late King Milan of Sorvla Her life lifeuntil lifeuntil 11 11until fe
until now has boon more mar strange moro moroextraordinary moreextrnorc1lnary mo moextraordinary re
extraordinary and moro full of exeitlu exeitluincident oxeitiug oJeltluCIncident g
incident than those of tho three othor othorladies othornCles oth othladies or
ladies above mentioned Wore it de described dotlcribed d dscribed e ¬
scribed in a novel It would ould bo sot down downas donns do doas wn ewn wnr
as oxtravagant unreal and Impossible JmpOtfslbllitbut Smpeeslblbut Impossiblebut r
but far from such being the pIe case caseconstitutes it itconstitutes Itconstltutos
constitutes one of the moat remand remandpages romantic romanticpages romanUepnges le
pages of tho contemporary history historyEurope of ofEurope atEurope
Europe EuropeBom EuropeBona EuropeBora
Bona in 1S59 lS J at Florence Qu Qlteon ou Nat NatJtI Na ¬
olio is the daughter of tho exceedinglywealthy exceedingly exceedinglywealthy exceedlnglwealth
wealthy wealth Colonel de Kotchko an officer of oftho ortho ofthe
tho Russian commissary departmontwho departmontwhodied
died a few years ago Her mother from fromwhom tramwhom fromwhom
v whom she inherits her magnificent and andsomewhat antlsomowhat andsoutowhat
B somewhat voluptuous style of beauty beautywas benut7was beautywas
T was > a member of o tho Roumanian family familyof familyof nmllyor
of ° Stourdza Stour za whllo her grandmother onthe on onthe onthe
the paternal side was as a daughter of o tho thoBojar thoBojar theBojar
Bojar Constantino Balsic a 0 name which whichof whichoC whichof
of ° noble French origin is gloriously associated as associated asBocIntcd ¬
sociated with the history of the oldServian old oldServian oldServinn
Servian Empire five and six centuries centuriesago centuriesago centuriesago
a ago
Queen Natalie spent most of her herchildhood 11erchildhood herchildhood
childhood at Floronco where here she nt attended nttended nttended ¬
tended one of tho schools a number tADmber abet ofAmerican of ofAmerican orAmcrIcnn
American girls being among amen her cr class classmates classmates classmates ¬
mates On completing her education she shelived shoI1ved shelived
lived some time on her fathers estatesin estates estatesin estatesIn
in southern Russia and at St Peters Petersburg Petersburg Petersburg ¬
burg where she however did not fig figure fil filure figure ¬
ure among what Thackeray describes AS ASthe nsthe asthe
tj the upper succles For her father al although 01though although ¬
y though very veI wealthy occupied a rela relatively relntlvely rolatively ¬
tl tively subaltern position In the imper imperial Imperfal lmpcr1a1 ¬
ial service and her mothers title and andlineage andlIneage andlineage
jj lineage carried but little weight In tho thoRussian thoRussian theRussian
Russian capital princesses especially especiallythose especiallytho50 ospcciallythose
tj those of the Stourdza family being as asplentiful nsplontltul asplantltul
p plentiful as more peasants and only onlyrarely onlyraroly onlyrarely
n rarely as ltespectableIn Bcepectable in Roumania and andBessarabia nndBessnrnbla andBossarabfa
B Bessarabia BessarabiaHer BessnrnblaHer
I Her Marriage rlnnia to Milan MilanNatalie Mi MilanNatalie ln lnNatalie
Natalie was affianced ai lanced to Colonel Con Constantlnovlcs Constnntlnovlcs
B stantlnovlcs of the Servian army when whena
a few days prior to tho date set for the thewedding thewedding thewedding
wedding n she made the acquaintance of ofhis athis ofhis
his 11 cousin Prince Milan who was tobe to tobe tobo
b be the principal guest at tho ceremony ceremonyThe ceremon7The ceremonyThe
1 The latter never took too place For Milan Milaninfatuated MllnnIntatunted
li infatuated by Natalies beauty and eng eager cnser ¬
e er for her fortune at once on co proceeded to toplay topIny
P play his customary role of false friend friendby friendby friendby
b by supplanting his cousin in her affec affections nffectlons nfteetfons ¬
tions t and a few weeks later Natalie be became became ¬
c came by her marriage to Milan first firstthe firstthe Ara Arathe i
t the sovereign princess and then tho thoQueen thoQueen th o
C Queen of Servia The union was rag unhap unhappy unhappy unhappy ¬
JJ py from the very er outset owing to the thediscovery thedlscoery th thdlacovery o
discovery made by Milan after tho wed wedding wedding prodding ¬
ding that his wifes fortune was so com completely oompletely nompletoly ¬
p pletely tied up and well protected that thathe thnthe thn thnhe t
li he could not oven touch it Moreover Moreoverher Moreovorher Dforcovorher
her high spirit and strong temper dt dtnot did didnot didnot d
jj not tend to improve matters and oven ovenbefore evenberore eve evebefore a
before the birth of oitholr their only son the ih e
stories of their differences became the thetalk thetnlk thetalk
talk of o every court in Europe EuropeSo EuropeSo EuropeSo
So much has been published on bothsides both bothsides bothsides
sides of the Atlantic during the lastfew last lastthat lastew
few ew weeks concerning Servlnn royalty royaltytbat royaltythat
that It would bo superfluous to make makehero mnltchere makehere
here moro than a passing reference to totho totho totho
tho gross indignities by means of which whichMilan whichMilan whichMilan
Milan compelled Natalie to quit Sorvla Sorvlnto Serviato
to the manner in which her only son sonat 50nnt sonnt
nt that time eight years of ago was forcibly for forcibly rorclbly ¬
cibly torn from her h r side by the police policeat polleent policeat
at Wiesbaden to the way in which this thisvery thisver thisvery
very ver son tho apple of her eye turned turnedagainst turnedagainst turnedagainst
against her when wh n King and banished banishedher bnnlshedher banishedher
her from his kingdom because sho haddisapproved had haddisapproved hnddisapproved
disapproved his marriage and finally finallyto finallyto
to the manner in which sho learned at atVersailles ntVersailles atVersailles
Versailles of his terrible death Today Todayshe Toda Todashe Todayshe
she is like exEmpress c Emprcss Eugenic a awoman awoman awoman
woman without a country or nationalitywho nationality nationalitywho nationalitywho
who has lost both husband and only son sonDragas 8onDragas sonr sonDragas
Dragas Shocking Death DeathStill DC3thStill DeathStill
Still lees is it necessary to give hero herothe horothe herothe
the record of Queen Draga It is not notsavory a asavory nsnvory
savory one and save for the few years yearsshe yearsshe yearshe s
she spent under the roof of Queen Nat Natalie Natnlle Natalie ¬
alie as her ladyInwaiting until diemissed dis dismissed dismissed ¬
missed in disgrace and for tho time timethat tlmothnt tim timthat o
that sho was the legal consort of ofKing atKIng o oKing f
King Alexander of Servia it can scarce scarcely scnrcoly scarcely ¬
ly bo described as reputable That her hermarriage hermnrrlngo he hemarriago r
marriage brought her happiness It is isdifficult 15dlmcult I Idilacult s
difficult to believe For sho was from fromthe fromthe fro frothe m
the very outset subjected to tho most mostcruel mostcruel mos moscruel t
cruel affronts not only by tho foreign foreigncourts foreigncourts foreigcourts a
courts but by her own people who dl dlnot did didnot didI d
not hesitate to give expression to their theirresentment theIrresentment thef thefresentment r
I resentment that a woman of her questionable ques questionable que8tlonablo ¬
tionable antecedents should occupy occupyseat a aseat aI
I seat on tho throne of Servia She Sheknew Sheknew Sh Shknew e
knew that both her herhusband husband and hereofwere herself herselfwere horselI f
I were ere in constant danger of the tragic tragicfate tragictatc tragt tragtinto c
fate which ultimately ovortook them themand themnnd themand
and it is doubtful indeed if she ever everhada everhnda eve evehad r
had hada a moments tranquillity and free freedom freodam freedone ¬
done dom from anxiety of the most hideous hideouscharacter hideousI s
I character cb ractcr at any rate during the last lasttwelve lasttwelo lac lactwelve t
twelve months of o her life lifeMore l1feMore
More fortunate is the New Orlean Orleangirl Orleans Orleansgirl OrlennsgIrl s
girl Alice Heine who having failed failedto failedto fails d sd
to find In her union with the reigning rcigninPrince
Princo of Monaco that happiness and andconsideration andconsldernUon an anconsideration d
consideration which sho expected but butwhich butwhIch bu t
which sho enjoyed In her first marriage marriageto e
to the late Due do Richelieu has ef effected etfected ¬
fected a separation from Albert I de declining declining ¬
clining any my longer to share his Rouge RougeetNolr RougeetNoir
etNolr throne EXATTACHE
JULY 4 1 ir r6 r6In < 5 5In
1 1The
In that th t soft midland where the be breezes boar boarThe boarThe
The North and the South on the genial air airThrough airThrough airThrough
Through the county of Kent on affairs of stateRode state stateRode > i iRode b
Rode Caesar CJ sar Rodney Rodne the delegate delegateBurly delegateI delegateurl
I Burly B url y and an d big b i g and a n d bold and bluff bluffIn bluffIn a aIn
In his threecornered hat and his coat of snuff snuffA snu snuA M MA
A foe to King George and the English stateWas state stateWas stateWas
Was Caesar Rodney the delegate delegateInto delegateInto delegateInto
Into Dover village he rode npace apaceAnd npaceAnd npaceAnd
And his kinsfolk knew from his anxious 3zuiousface 3zuiousfaceIt face faceIt
It Tras 1 was s matter grave that had brought him thereTo there thereTo thQr thQrTo
To the lie counties three upon Delaware DelawareMoney Delawnrclfonet DelawareAlone
Money Alone 3 3t and men we must have he said saidOr saidOr
t Or the Congress fails and our cause is dead deadGive deadGive
Give us both and the King shall not work his wilL wilLWe wiIlVc
We Vc are MEN since the blood of Bunker Hill HillComes Hi 1 1Comes
Comes a rider swift on a panting P antin g bay bayHollo bnrHollo ba y yfolio
Hollo Rodney Rodney ho you y ou must sae save e the U th e d day dayPor dayFor ay ayFen < > +
For the Congress halts at a deed so greatAnd great greatAnd grentAnd
And your OU1 vote alone may 111a decide de ide its fate fateAns fataAnswered intalAnswored
Answered Ans < voretT Rodney Rodne y then ttI I will ride n wjth oith a th s speed speedIt sp P ecd cd cdIt
It is Libertys stress it is Freedoms need needWhen needhon
When 11 hon stands its its1
Tonight Not a moment s spare spareBut spreBut are
But ride like the wind from the Delaware DelawareftHo DelnwaroHo Delawaret
ftHo t Ho saddle the black IVe but hair a day dayAnd dayAnd day dayAnd
And the Congress sits sigh eighty y miles away awayBut awnyBut alvtyEut
But Ill be in time if God grants bt nets me grace graceTo grnceTo lz lzTo ace
To shake my m y fist in King Kin g Georges Geer g es face faceHe faceHe
He is up he is off and the black horse flies fliesOn fliesOn fliesQn i
On the northward nortlnt ard road ere re the Godspeed Gods P PIt ecd dies diesIt diesIt
It is gallop g allo 1 1 and spur spur sP ur as the leagues lea g gAnd ues they th clear clearAnd clcnrAnd
And the clustering milestones move arcar arcarIt nrearIt
It Its i is two of the clock and the fie fleet et hoofs h eofs fling flingThe flingThe
The Fieldsboro FicJd boro dust with a clang and cling clingIt clingIt y
It is three and ho gallops with slack rein whera y yThe 4 4The
The r lllac1 < fad winds down to o the Delaware DelawareFour DelnwarcFour f fDour
Four and he spurs s P PFrom tug into New Ne retr Castle town townFrom townFrom
From his panting steed he gets get him down downA donltA
ltA tA A fresh one quick not n moment wait waitAad wtjtAnd
And off speeds Rodney Ro ney the delegate delegateIt
It is five and the beams of the Western V eatG C6tCJ11 t s mm mmTinge sttnTin n nTinge
Tinge Tin 8 a the spiros tees of Wilmington l riltuin g ton gold g old and dun dunShe dunSix
Six and the dust of the Cheutcr Clu ter Street StreetFJios StreetFtios
Rios hack in n cloud from his coursers cou ars footIt foot footIt
It is se seven + en the horseboat horseboat7 horsc boat broad of o haunt boamAt 11oUI1IA
At A t the Schuylkill ferry for crawls over the streamAnd stream streamAnd stroamAnd
And at It wvenfiftccn oJ1 rhen by the Rittenhousc RiUenhouse clock clockHe clockHa
He I3 Rings ings his rein to the tavern tU rn Jock JockTho JockThe JockTho
Tho Congress is met the debates be begun begunAnd hegunAnd un unAnd
And Liberty lags nbS for the vote of oneWhon one oneWhen oncVhon
When into the hall 1Iall7 not a moment late lateWalks atel atelNalks
Walks Zt r elks Caesar Rodney nodno the delegate dolcgntcNot dolegateNot
Not a 1 moment late and that half days dR y sf > > ride rideForwards l iiI < 1e 1eFonvnrds a
Forwards the world with ith a mighty stride strideFor stridoF
For F r the Act waR passed pn8Sol P aged ore the midnight midni b phi stroke strokeOer stroleeOer stroll e
Oer the Quaker falter City Cil Cih its echoes woke wokeAt wokeAt
At Tyranny Tyr unys feet was + the gauntlet flung flungWe fllngYo
tt We Yo re arc free 17 all the bells through the colonies cOOuiCS1tmg rntig
And tho sons of the free fleemny may recall with pride prideThe
The day tlfi y of Delegate bolo bt to Rodneys Rodne s ride ridei
j r
ARMER AR iER CRMITREE CRABTREE CR BTREE entered the thestoro thestore
FARMER F storo of Johnson Howard John Johnson Johnson
son where diamonds jewelry sll silI s11verware
I verware cutglass and brlcabrac brlcIbraCWNo brlcIbraCWNosol brlc abrae were vetosold weresold
sold sol to people willing to pay high hlgbprices highprices
prices for the right articles It was anunderstood an anunderstood
I understood fact that th t they catered only onlyto onlyto
to the rich Mr Crabtree strolled strolledaround strollednround strolledaround
around and looked at things thingsHow thingsHow
How much is that silver platterlie platter platterhe
he jo asked of o a haughty young y JUng man man behind be behind bohind ¬
hind tho counter counterTho counterThe counterThe
The salver is 8175 175 with a none noneor noneof
of yourbusiness youhavcnt ouhavcnt money moneycnoughtobuyit mont montcnougbtobuyit moneyenoughtobuyit
cnoughtobuyit airBurn air airHuI
Hum HuI l ho commented corpmentcd and walkedon walked walkedon wancdon
Got any bronze images around hero hereIre heroho hereZ hereZho
ho asked again of a stylishly dressed dressedyoung
young woman with a huge pompadour pompad9urover pompadourover
over her left eye eyeOn eyeOn
On tho third floor turning with an anengaging anengaging anengaging
engaging smile to a fastlooking I man manwbo
who had asked a question questionMr
Mr Crabtreo was dressed in his blacl blaclSunday
Sunday suit paper collar a readymade readymadecheap rendymadoche
cheap che black tie and a straw hat His Hisshirt Hf s
shirt bosom humped and was slightly slightlysoiled sUghtlsolted
soiled where it had come in contact contactw1th t
with his chin Well down the front frontbelow
below the eyelethole guiltless of stud studwas studwns
was a large huckleberry stain stainHe stnlnHe
He wore a fringe of hair beneath his hisjaw hl s
jaw and his face and hands showed showedthe d
the wear and tear of years of honest honesttoll honesttoll t
toll while his intense blue eyes had a amorr
merry morr twinkle and he did not appear r TO TOnotice o
notice that he had not received the nt nttentlon
tcntlon accorded the well dressed man manHalUnl manHalting
Halting deliberately he scratched hie hl hlchin a
chin looked them both over and saun sauntered sauntered
tered on with 1th a rythmlcal bending of the theltne th e
knees ltne s he had acquired as ho sowed his hisbroad hisbroadacrcs ht 6
broadacrcs broadacrcsHewent broad acresHe acres acresHe
He Hewent went to the third floor several severalof severnlat severalof
of the clerks exchanged glances but butdid butdid butdid
did not offer to wait on him himIm himIm himIm
Im looking for bronze images he heannounced heInnounced heannounced
announced to no one in n particular particularA
A young girl came forward forwardBronzes forwardBronzes forwardBronzes
Bronzes Right this < way sir Was Wasthcro Wastbero Wasthere
there any special subject you were werelooking wereleoklng warelooking
looking for She couldnt have spoken spokenvllh spokenwith
with more deference to Croesus himselfWall himself himselfWall himselfWa11
Wall no Phyllis PhIPs Chloe thats my myniece myniece myniece
niece we always called her Chloe Ann Anntill AnnUllshe Anntill
till Ullshe she went to college Now shes shesdisowned shesdisowned shesdisowned
disowned the Ann and stuck Phyllis Phyllisonto Phyllisonto PhylllaOnto
onto tho other end he chuckled but
1 told Clnthy Clnthys my wife it itdidnt Itdldnt itdidnt
didnt do no no harm to put on a few airs airswhen nilswhen airswhen
when you was young so long as you youdidnt youdltint youdltint
dltint hurt nobodys feellns feellnsNo teellnsNo fcellnsNo
No indeed in eod chimed in the clerk clerkwith clerkwitt clerkwith
with the violet Iolet eyes so you ou are lookIng look lookIng lookIng
Ing for a bronze tor this niece Ieco Phyllis PhyllisHln Phyllisshe
Hln HlnBasked she > Basked asked bringing him tactfully back backto backtei backto
to the subject subjectYes subjectYes subjectYes
Yes Phyllis Chloos Chloe goln to Sit gitmarried gltmQrrl Sitmarried
married mQrrl d and andClnthy Clnthy says Chloe Anns AnnsClnthy AnnsClnthy AnnsCinthy
Clnthy always calls her Chloe AnnClnthys Ann AnnCinthys AnnClnthys
Clnthys a good woman but awful sot sotIn sotIn sotitt
In her ways ayn been beenravln ravin bout a bronze bronzeImago bronzeImnge bronzeitrago
Imago with lectrlc lights on It for her hersetting hersetting hersetting
setting room with the staircase Chloemils Chloe Chloecalls
calls It her reception hall but Cinthy Cinthyst Cinthysticks
sticks st cks to It its nothing more nor lesstlail less lessthan lessthnn
than a setting room with a staircase in int InIt Inil
It t She lowed that when gals git mar married marrIed married ¬
ried they ought to have their own way wayas wayns wayas
as far as their kindred can give It to toJr tot
tm t Jr cause cause afterward there is always adam a ndum
dum fool to express his opinion and andstick nndstick andstick
stick in an 10 oar on every occasion occasionCinthy occasionCnthy occasionCnthy
Cnthy docs like to give the men a dig digHo digIle
Ho 110 shook his head and laughed again againI
I know some very ver nice men she shearched shonrcbcd shearched
arched her eyebrows and looked at himHere him himHere himHere
Here is a beautiful thing Psyche by bypulling bypulling bypulling
pulling the heavy hotlv plush draperies draperiesacross draperiesacross
across across the alcove whore Johnson Howard How Howard Hownrd ¬
ard Johnsons stock of bronze deities deitiessat deitiessut deitiessat
sat in state She turned on the electric electriclights electric1ht8 electriclights
lights artistically arranged about nbou thefigure the thefigure tbofiKuro
figure and told old him tho story of Cupidsawcotheart Cupids Cupidssweotheart
sweetheart He was intensely inter interested IntereEte interested ¬
ested eEte
Wall Ill bo durned he exclaimed exclaimedas
as she touched a button and lighted the themystical themystical themystical
mystical boxTh box boxThon boxThon
Thon Th en this obliging young woman tried triedto triedto triedto
to show him some of the othor eloctrfcnl elec electrical electrical ¬
trical statuary but he cared only nly for forPsyche torPeyche forPsyche
Psyche PsycheIt
It was a magnificent piece of work workmanship workmanehip Workmanship ¬
manship and its price was iOO FarmerCrabtrot Farmer FarmerCrabtrop FarmerCrabtro9
Crabtrop looked at the bronze medlta medltatlvolv medltatlvol meditativoly
tlvolv tlvolvSho tlvol tivolyShe
Sho aintgot aint Rot ot many mnn clothes on he hesaid hesnht hesaid
said but Ill take talt < < her if I conclude to tohave toha tohave
have ha an Imago with lectric lights Hoawmuch Hoaw Hoawmuch Hoa Hoamuch
much Is It ItFour ItFour itFour
Four hundred dollars with tho ped pedestal pcdcstn pedaatnl ¬
aatnlIium estal cstn
Hum I had thought of sumthln in indiraons indlmons indtmons
diraons myself Phyllis Chlocs going to tomarry tomarry tomarry
marry a feller with lots of money moneyTho mone moneThe moneyTito
The little clerks eyes sparkledDo sparkled sparkledDo
Do you ou know If I was your niece and andyou nndyou andyou
you were going to put so much money moneyInto moncyInto moneyinto
Into n present > resent I should much prefer preferdiamonds preferdl3 preferdiamonds
diamonds dl3 lOnds There Is a most beautiful beautifuldragonfly beautiCuldragonfly beautifuldragonfly
dragonfly downstairs Ornaments of ofthat ofthat
that sort arc quite the thing now If Ifyou Ifyou
you 011 will go down with me I will have havetho havethe
tho dork clorkshow show it t to you ou Oh It Is s so solovolv solovolv solovolv
lovolv lovolvDownstairs lovolvDownstnlra lovolvDownstairs
Downstairs they the went chatting to together togolh togother ¬
gether golh < r like old friends he telling herall her herall herall
all about Phyllis Chloes beau beauShe beauShl beauSine
She took him to the connte where ayoung a ayoung nyoung
young man of the Gibson type pre presided preaided presided ¬
sided over tho diamonds diamondsShow tllnmondsShow diamondsShow
Show this gentleman the dragonfly dragonflyshe dragonOsho dragonflyslto
she ordered pleasantly He did not stir stirbut stirbut stirbut
but looked the old man over supercilous supercilousA
A relative of yours he asked nakedYoe askedYon aslcetlYOA
Yon Tho violet eyes glittered as asthey asthoy asthey
they challenged the Gibson man manBy manDy manBy
By marriage sneeringlyBy sneeringly sneorlnglyBy sncorlnglyBy
By tho tics of human kindness she sheretaliated shorotallatol1 sheretaliated
retaliated retaliatedThe rotallatol1The
The pin Is worth 600 with a that
soitlesIt si tone the keeper of tho dragon dragonfly dragonfiy dragonfly
fl fly said as ho turned to another customer cu cutomer cus customer
t tomer who was c as enjoying tha situation situationIs sltuntlonffIs
ffIs Is that all Well 011 you sell your yourthings yourthings yourthings
ll things too gel darned cheap
young fol follor follor follor
Ic lor Why dont you stick up n sign overyour over overyour overYOUr
y your bargains barcalnsTho bargainsThe 7 7The
The girl glrlmndc made up her mind that thedragonfly the thedragonfly thodragonfly
d dragonfly was coming out Sho called a afloor aOoor afloor
fl floor walkarMr walker walkerMr
Mr Black is not willing to show this thisgentleman thl thlgentleman thisgentleman
gentleman tho dragon brooch Ho Is a
friend of mlno ana Is looking for a awed wad ¬
ding < j lnc eift eiftShe Itt IttShe ittShe
She was risking rlsl lng her position and skim skimmlng skimmlng skimming
n mlng the truth but her blood boiled aisuch at atsuch atsuch
such insolence Tho Gibson man put the theshining theshining theshining
shining insect on the showcase ShowC 15U withalacrity with withalacrity withalncrlt
0 alacrity alacrityShe alncrlt alncrltShe alacrityShe
She hold It to the lf licht bt and showed
b her friend all the fine points of tbo thesetting tboeetting tboseUlnt
E setting called his
attention to the can ¬
tury cut of the stones and to the rare
fire In the glowing rublesHo rublesHe rubles rubiesHo
Ho took moro notice of her radiant
f face as she enthused over the gems than
h ho did of the jewel itself Sho felt crest ¬
fl fallen whon ho said he guessed hed go
back bnc and look at the critter with the
lectrlc lights again Clnthys so sot in
h her wnvs wn wnvsI VB VBI
I shall hear from this thought the
II little clerk
uneasily as she went again
4l to display Psyches charms
Farmer Crabtree looked at the girl rl
thoughtfully as he drew from some somevhero ¬
where in the region of his heart an old
t brown wallet mottled
with ago and un unwound ¬
v wound a 0 long string stringPut strIngPut
Put in the post it sets on Ill go the
M whole flggcr he ordered as ho paid tor toriho
tho th statue Have it shipped to Bris ¬
tol before night an tomorrow Ill take tako takthe o
t the farm wagon an cart it up to the thenew thonew th thnew e
r new house Guess I
forgot to tell you yo u
C Chloe Anns goin to live in n Bristol
didnt I sis sisWhen slsuVhen sfsWhen
uVhen When you want anything more come comeI com e
t to mo I shall always be glad to wait
toe 35 3 5 50 CA 0 for this handsome 5pIece
JjJJU polished frame Par Parlor ParlorSuite P n l lor lorSuite 1 1Suite or
Suite 50 covered in fine Verona W Worth rth
49C 49Cfor LI C S
for fine Oak Costumer Costumerd Costumerfor
d 1 I 19 9 Enameled for full doublesize Jed JedI White WhUeEnameled Whito WhitoEnameled
on on you my number in r 42 aha said as asthey asthey
they parted at the th ofvwfttor ofvwfttorMr eleytttorMr or orloIr
Mr CrabtrM Crabtr was wa fn Ashling trimwhen trim trimwhen trimwhen
when he roaehed the flr tiret r8l t nOel H Hmarchod He HemarchC Hemarched
marched marchC 1 over in front of the diamond diamondcounter dlnmOlllcounter diamondcounter
counter sat down on a fragil tabou tabourotto tollouroUo tabourotte
rotto folded big arras sad bellowed bellowedWheres ltel1owdFJsrlits bellowedWheres
Wheres the proprietor of this storeIm store storeIm atorflIm
Im going to have that devils devilsdarnin devn devndarnln devilsdaratn
darnin needle with the red spotson spots spotson spotson
on Its wlaffs wia e but Ill eat t here heretill heretill U10 U10till
till Gabriel blows his horn andwait and andwait aDdwalt
wait for the boss BOW of this tbJ establishment establish establishment 08 Labltah Labltahment ¬
ment before betor that air hawkodnosc hawkednosepicketfaced hawkodnoscpfckotfaced awkodnosclfekuttlced
pfckotfaced Injun shall 1111 git any commis commissions eommlsslona commissions ¬
sions out of anything I tfuy sol darn darnkirn darnIm darnhim
him Im Or any other of your stuekup stuekupclerks atuekupclHks etuekupclerks
clerks he boutodse he glared fiercely florcolyaround fiercelyaround orcoly orcolyaround
around the store storeMr storeMr tor torMr
Mr Johnsoa the senior enior partner was wasin wasin wasin
in tho offlce Hearing the disturbance disturbaacehe dlsturbaQcehe
he came forward in timexto timo to get the fullbenefit full fullbenefit fullbcne
benefit bcne t of Farmer Crabtroes remarks remarksThe remarkSThe remarksThe
The clerks all looked unconcerned unconcernedthough unooncornedthough nnooneornedthough
though they felt frightened Mr John Johnson JohnSOil Johndei ¬
son was a asevere severe man manYou manYou manYou
You asked for me sir sirBo sIrDo sirBe
Bo you ME I Johnson JohnsonI
I amThou am amThon nmfThen
fThen Thou gimme that devils darnin dcrnlnneedle darninneedle d r l lneedle
needle needleHe needleH needleHe
He He H took out his old wallet removed removedflvc removed removednv reiftovedfive
nv five crisp 10 O bills and handed thorn thornto thomto thornto
to tho astonished Mr IT Johnson Then he headdressed headdrcseed headdreeeed
addressed the public general gojporalI gqp ral ralI
I dont wear clowns pasts nor a ashade ashftdo aehado
shade hat that cost c oast st 76 7 6 but I pay for forray formy formy
my clothes when I get em and I dont donthave donthovo donthave
have to stated behind a counter QOun er and sass sassfolks sa sassfolks s sfolks
folks for no 10 a week weekThe wcetj wcetjTho weekThe
The Injun did not reply Farmer FarmerCrabtree FarmorCrabtree FarmerCrabtree
Crabtree had made two shrewd guesses guessesIll guessesu1lJ guessesIll
u1lJ Ill take a receipt for that If its all allthe n11thesnme alliho
the thesnme same to you mister be said to toMr tolt
Mr lt Johnson who wan a putting the thedragon thedagcn
dragon fly In a white satin ease easeIs cuefI5
fI5 Is Isthore there anythiagelao anything else I can do for foryou foryou Sotyou
you Mr Ir Johnson inquired as is be hand handed haQded handed ¬
ed the receipt and the package to Mr MrCrajjtree MrCra
Crajjtree CrajjtreeWell Cra CrabtreeWell tree treecl1
Well cl1 yes y lll there 1 Is if youll come np
r f w + 1
tt 2 r s q c r <
5 11
i I
for very pretty silk dama damask k keovtred
S12 2 0
JI JU J covered coveredWorth eovtred eon red Pariot PatlocWorth Suite SuiteWorth
Worth Slice 1 llit
5395 for best Lawn Swing in the thccity thecityf city cityS248
S248 up for f o oS248 r fine Bent Wood Lawn Seats SeatsS248
S248 for 2burncr Gasoline Stove Stove98c Stove95c I I98c
98c for fine Porch Rocker I
1 1e 1ta
ta v
17 7 25 for pretty retl golden oak Bed Bedroom BeelI
I tL room Suite with large lar g gdrawer a 4 4drawr
drawer dressing case Worth ortb 2400 2400J
for large heavy roll effect effectBedroom
37 50 5
J Bedroom Bede 0o m SuIte Worth S 9i
r l I
4 r i r
rJt t 1 4r ti t tk tfor J
c r jc for handsome oakfranut oakfranutUI
X675 6 75
J UI J tufted volourcovored Couch CouchWorth CouchWorth CouchWorth
Worth F900 F900y 900 900CQ oo
CQ y Kft for massive Veronacovorod Yeronncoorodwide
950 9 50 0
> 3Jl 3 wide tufted Couch Worth 110 orth orthSHOO rth
SHOO 1400
cd cdr cdJ
for this largesize lalle > izc Oak Chit C1Iftonier
53 J 39 95
tonier H neh aches WI wide widedrawers i idrftwers
drawers a arced rnd beck Its equal ual net netsold JI4ttaol
aol sold for lees than I 400
w c a a ab
b T Td
x Tx
S21 Z 171 75 for very er large lar aU Mad Madaome
aome aokIlR oak Sitleboard SitleboardAdual 5 1 de deActual board
Actual val value UIOI I0
3 15 50 for prett pretty swelled w11ed front rroatOak frontI
I Oak 9doboa 9doboasa Sdoboerti SdoboerticQ
sa 75 7C for solid Oak Sideboard Sideboardoj SideboardWorth
oj Worth HOO
stairs a minute They stepped stepped into ttt tttIcTfitw tht1Yft theelevator
elevator 1Yft er togetherYoure together togetherYauvo togotherYouo
Yauvo got Ode good olork in n th3 th3store t113store8Dd th a astore
store8Dd store and I toll you Mr Joh Johnson son good goodolerks goodclerks goodclerks
clerks count in your business Thereshe Ther Thershe There Theresho
she is over over there dustIn that hldj hldJs hldJsIdol 3 sidol 3Idol
Idol he continued after tho elevator elevatorbad elo elevatorhad ator atorhad
had stepped st ped at t the third floor Take Takethis Takethis Takethis
this dimes bu bug over there and tell her hera hera hera
a relative by the tics of human kind kindness klnJness kindness ¬
ness sont It to hor nor horhls his oyes glistened g1fstenedIll glistenedIll
Ill stand out of theay the ay so I call caasee callseo cansee
see car her face whon she opens o cns the gim gimsrack ilmcrack gimcrack
crack ho ordered orderedDown orderodDown1 orderedDown
Down asked the elevator boy boyYes boyYes boyYea
Yes wait a minute minuteSir minuter minuteTr
Sir r Johnson entered into tho spirit ofthe of otthe ofthe
the gift an and wont quickly to No 42 wholooked who vrholooked wholooked
looked startlod for an In instant but he hegave hega hogaze
gave ga her Farmer FArm or Crabtrees message and andthe andthe andthe
the box boxFor bOLFQr bogFar
For me from that dear old gentle gentlemac gentlemnn gentleman
mac who bought the bronze bronzei the eager eagerlistener eagerlfstener eagerlistener
listener standing In the waiting elevatorheard elevator elevatorheard elevatorheard
heard her exclaim Then came a shriek shriekof shriekof shriekof
of dollght as she opened open the box and andsnatched ane anesnatehod andsnatchod
snatched the glorious bug from itssatin Its Itssatin Itasatin
satin case and hugged It to her bosom bosomO bosomno
no O you darling you aro too pretty prettyf prettytel prettyfor
f tel r me she cried as the tears of grati gratitude gratItude gratttude ¬
tude sprang to her eyes Is he down downstairs doWlls downstairs
stairs s lrs she asked Mr Ir Johnson ratherIncoherently rather ratherincoherently ratherIncoherently
incoherently incoherentlyLook IncoherentlyLoo IncoherentlyLook
Look Loo toward the elevator elevatorThe elevatorThe elevatorThe
The girl darted forward forward to thank herbenefactor her herbenefactor herbonefactor
benefactor but he commanded Let her hergo hergo hergo
go boy never mind me and the ele elevator elevalor elevator ¬
vator shot down downSome downSome downSome
Some folks do things after theyre theyredead theyredead theyredead
dead and buried but I I dp do em while Im Imon Imon Imon
on top o the ground sos sos 08 to git some someo
o the the fun he chuckled to himself as ashe uhe ashe
he walked quickly out out of the store storeWhat storeWhat storeWhat
What Clnthy dont know know she cant Jaw Jawbout JilWbout jawbout
boutMrJohnson bout boutMr boutoIr
MrJohnson Mr Jonnson went to the office Miss MissWilliams MissWilliams Ilss IlssWIlliams
Williams pay No 42s pay is to be beraised beraised beraised
raised fi 5 a week and she is s to be givenfull given givenfull givenfull
full charge of the third floor floor he told toldthe toldthe toldthe
the bookkeeper bookkeepcrSt St Paul Dispatch
rn rnI rnSeason9s = > >
This Store Closes During July and August at Five oclock oclockSaturday oclockSaturday
Saturday at One oclock
aroins from fromThe
Season9s Selling SellingThe
The Newest Furniture Mat Matr Mattings
r r tings ti gs Baby Carriages Cai riagas and Re Refrigerators Refrigerators ReG Refrigerators ¬
G frigerators at Greatly Reduced Prices PricesWhat Prices PricesWhat PricesWhat
What remains must be sold We offer offerCredit offerCLedit oer oerCredit
Credit and the t e Easiest Kind of Payments
itX itXr
r N
r r rfii
fii a a ar
r C r rt rtifp
tifp a aRefrigerators
Refrigerators R > friJera I ors and Ire Il Chests Ch < Sts ofall of ofall ofall
all sizes SIZ 8 and styles at lts from 8495 495 49 forHardwood for forHardwood forHardwood
Hardwood Refrigerator upward upward7iA upwardi18
7iA for Refrigerator list price 15 15JJOO 15LIOlor 151eo
JJOO 1eo LIOlor for Refrigerator list price 1S lSle04J
le04J 1 W for Refrigerator list price 20 2012Et 20JUt 20Sits
Sits JUt for Refrigerator list price 23
1100 for Refrigerator list price prlc > 3M0 3 3e1O < X XStlO
StlO for Refrigerator list price 40
Our GoCar GoCars stock comprises more moreami moreaIM1 moreand
and hotter styles than can be found foundanywhere foundaAJWhere foundanywhere
anywhere else in the city We Ve are areBOW arenow I IDfW
BOW elOBlngfthom elo lDgthom out at a great notluetlon re reductlon reI
I ductlon duetonI ductlonSQ
I SQ JJ 9 5 5 A 0 fur vary ory handsome Roll Go GoJjJU GoI
I JjJU cart 11 Worth rorth r nus nusIII 1425 a
1 14 K Eft r 0 y for fln aDO < > extra e trn quality Got Go GoM43U 1 1J
III M43U t J U cart Worth R orth S ZOW
Su heast rner 7th and D iie N W j jI

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