4 4Tone r Tone Tonight TOnightc1Ud ht cloudy and an d cool cooli aim Alt News Worth WortliHav Having HavingAttractively Haul Hault ng ngI 9 9r 9Atl I i tomorrow t omorroW fair light light b north northerly nor 11 ¬ tfb b t Uahkigton u i ht ngt on m t m t f D erly Cr rl 1 Y winds Vln d s sNUMBER u Attractively AJJ Athacff UTa d fDeL el y Presented PresentedNUMBER Presenl lesen fed ed NUMBER 3312 W V ASHINGTON T MONDAY MOI1 T DAY JULY 6 1903 PRICE ONE CENT INSURANCE AGENTS AGENTSUNABLE AGENTSUNABLE AGENTSUNABLE UNABLE TO OBTAIN OBTAINLICENSES OBTAINLICENSES OBTAINLICENSES LICENSES PAID P AID FOR Checks Sent to Superintend toSuperil1tendent Superintendent ¬ ent Drake Over a Year YearAgo Ye YearAgo r rAgo Ago Not Cashed arid an and Nos NoCertificates No NoCertificates o oa s a Certificates Issued IssuedHAVENO IssuedHAVENO HAVENO HAVE NO WARRANT WARRANTTO VJARRANTTO 1 1TO TO WRITE POLICIES POLICIESCommissioner POLICIESCommissioner POLICIESCommissioner Commissioner Macfarland MacfarlandExplains MacfarlandExplains MacfarlandExplains Explains That Superin Superintendents Superintendents Superintendents ¬ tendents Clerical Force Is IsUnequal IsUn IsUnequal Unequal Un qual to Its Task TaskIn In the course of tho general Investigation Investi Investigation l ves l lgnUon ¬ gation under Svay vay In all departments of oftho oftho o1the tho District government a deplorable deplorablecondition deplorablecondition deplorablecondition condition of affairs has been unearthed unearthedIn In the th office offi o of tho Superintendent of ofInsurance orInsurance oflnsuranco Insurance Thomas E Drake DrakeChocks DraceChocks DrakeChoeks Chocks submitted nearly a year ear ago agoby aGoby by local insurance companies for fo 11 licenses 11censcs ¬ censes covering a portion of 1902 > and all allof allot allof of tho year car ending April 30 1903 havonot havo havenot havonot not been be n cashed cashed nor have any licenses licensesbeen licensesbeen licensesbeen been issued to a groat number of t companies com companies companies ¬ panies paniesIn paniesIn In other words nearly all of the In Insurance In8uranco ¬ surance companies in Washington Vashlngt n have havebeen hitcbeen htfvebeen been transacting their business eighteen eighteenmonths eight eighteenmonths eon eonmonths months without a license although Con Congress Congress Congross ¬ gress expressly stipulated that these 11 11ccnses l lcenses i icenaes censes should become effective eff ctie January 1 1 1902 1902Tho 1002Tho 1902The Tho explanation offered by tho Commissfoners Com Comxnlssloncrs Co01missioners missioners and Mr Ir Drake is that there therehave th thereNava re rehave have been no funds to conduct conduct the of office orflce oflice ¬ lice of tho Superintendent of oflnsuranca oflnsurancaas Insurance Insuranceas Insuran Insuranas as it It should be conducted Both Mr MrDrake MrDrnke MrDrake Drake and Commissioner Macfarland M efarland say saythey saythey sayti ti they have done do no all in their power to toInfluence toinfluencp toInffuonep Influence tho favorable action Of f Con Congress Congress Congross ¬ gress without avail availWhy aallVlhy availWhy Why the Companies Object ObjectThe ObjectThe ObjectThe The insurance h uranco companies complain complainthat complainthat complainthat that they the cannot close their books on onaccount onaccount onaccount account of t the outstanding chocks And Aridalthough Andalthough d dalthough although although Congress placed plac d the local com companios companlos cornpanios panios under license l1ccDs6elghtccn eighteen months monthsago mgnths mgnthsago monthsago ago they have not received thelr ll llccnsds 11cfns lic cfns c ccnsds nsds s and have ha c nothing to show for forthe torthe fo fothe r the money expended except the stub of ofthe orthe the check Those checks in most instances In Instances Inz ¬ stances z > are for 6666 1666 being for a aonethird aonethird aonethird onethird year from January to April Aprilinclusive AprilIncluale Aprilinclusive inclusive 1002 l O and ad 50 for the license licenserunning license1unnlng licensei i running ° from May 1 1002 until April 30 301S03 301b3 1S03 1S03A J A careful canvass among the insur insurance Insu Insunnco insuanco ¬ ance companies this morning shows S10W3 that thatthe tLatthe thatthe the following prominent firms arc doing business practically unlicensed Thomas ThomasJ J Fisher d Co tho B H Warner Com Company pany Wolf oJt d Cohen John M Green OrccnWcBCOtt GreenW08COtt GreenWoscott WcBCOtt Story Stor the RIggs Fire Insur Insurance Insuranco Insuranco ¬ anco Company the Columbia Colum la Fire Insur Insurance Inurance Insurance ¬ ance Company and the Corcoran Fire FireInsurance JtlreInsurancc FireInsurance Insurance Company No company interviewed in interviewed interviced ¬ terviewed possessed a tiuetMe nor had hadIts hudits ha haits d Its checks ch cks boon cashed or at returned returnedMr returnedMr returnediIr Mr iIr Drakes Statement StatementMy Statement31y My 1 ofilco Is 1 being criticised unjustly unjustlysaid unjusll8tlid unjustlysaid said Mr lr Drake this morning It some someof someor som somof e of these companies that are worried worriedabout worriedabout worriedabout about their chocks ch cku not having been beencashed bee beecashed n cashed would would send ond a representative to tomy tomy t tmy o my office to ascertain as ortn1n the true condi condition conditIon condition ¬ tion of affairs their complaints woul woulstop would wouldstop wouldstop d stop The whole whol truth of the matter is isthat I Ithrt a i ithrt thrt Congress has created an office with without without without ¬ out prodding that ottlqe with the meanto meant mean meansto s > t to carry carr out Its functions and nn duties dutiesWhen dutiesWhn dutiesl When l hen I took charge here eighteen eighteenmouths oightoenmouths aightaetmouths t mouths ago tho th the office force consisted oonslstod of ofmysQlf ormsol o omysolt f mysQlf msol and ono onq clerk clcu k Now after a J year yearand yonrnnd yearand and a halt of purauaslon I have hn securedt secured securedtwo Hcurndtwo two t + tu more clerks one ono of whom bom hag h been been beenloaned beenloan loaned loan d m me by Commlealonor ilacfarianU ilacfarianUThe MuefarlnadThe Iuetarhllu1The The force tpre should number a dozun oem uomputenj oemputent putenj olorks if 1 the th business buslnossof of the de department tlepnrtment dopartutent ¬ partment is to be transacted as It 1lhould 1lhouldbc should shouldbe shouldbe be It is true thaj tha these chocks have hated nott not notbeen notbeen t been cashed or returned but tho reasonIs reason reasonis roa on onis is manifest m n1osl These rho a companies flledwlth flledwithheir flledwlthheir flIed 1th 1thheir heir checks and and applications for ii iicondos 11 11concros 11conlfOS condos voluminous document detailing detailingtheir dotlIl1ngtheir detailingtheir their financial standing standing and their re resources resourcos issources ¬ sources and setting forth the many man rea reasons reaBona reasons ¬ sons why they they should be allowed allowedI allowedIconsOtJ 11eonsos 11 11conso conso Before these licensee lIens can begranted be bogranted begranted granted it is necessary to examine and andpace cpdJacs yidpass pace upon all these papers Until the theapplicant theappl1cnnt theapplicant applicant is proven eligible we cannot cannotaccept cnnnotaccept cannotaccept accept the chock In payment of the li license 11consc iicease ¬ cense We have been working on those thoseznany thOllomanypapors thosemany many manypapors papors incessantly and are about aboutContinued aboutContinued aboutContinual Continued on Shred pare IageWEATHER la pareWEATHER e eWEATHER WEATHER REPORT REPORTFair REPORTFall REPORTFair Fair woathor is I indicated for toalgfet toalgfetand toallJ toai6htand t tfind and tomorrow oroeH oxcc = t on the south th Atlantle At Atlantic AtlanUC4 ¬ lantic + Coast tonight and in the east oaetGulf eastGulf l lQuit Gulf Statos tomorrow wb where e showers showersare showersare wora woraaro are orobablo orobabloTho orobllbloTho Tho temperature trill rise rt in t tk tbe upper upperOhio ut utOhio PI PIOhio S Ohio valley aJey and in the lewer lake lakeregion Jakeregion lakeregion region tand somewhat warmer wnrllftr1ter wnrllftr1terwill wwtt wwttwill wettther wetttherwill will prevail tomorrow In tbe middle middleAtlantic uddl uddltJantfc tnlddieAtlantic Atlantic tJantfc State Stat08TEMPEttTURS StatesTEMPERATURE TEMPEttTURS TEMPERATURE 9 a m i It E 12 m noon i 1 p m t I IPills i tT T Pills lE Stf suN suNSun r rt t Sun sets today toda 7 p m mSun mSun Sun rises tomorrow 424 1 2 a nl nlTID mTIDE TIDE TIDE TID TABLE TABLEHlghtlde TADLEHlghtlde TABLIHlghtlde Hlghtlde today C21 a am amHigh m mHigh mHigh High tide de tomorrow 61 a m 621 6 1 p m mLow mLow mLow Low tide tldctomorrow tldctomorrow1220 tomorrow 1220 a ra IsW 1 p PI W m OR FIR Uli olAlw STAGK STAUKYERMMENT QT4PI IN IN IN PlUBPr unfllibt CHARGE AIIE Al AlTemporarily AT ATGOVERN ATSucceed AT GOVERN YERMMENT YERMMENTemporarily r1 ENT H OSPITAL OSPITALTenlporarily Temporarily T Appointed p < 1inted to toSucceed toSucceed toIN Succeed Dr RichardsonMANY Richardson RichardsonMANY RichardsonMANY MANY RADICAL DEPARTURES DEPARTURESInterior DEPARTURESInterior DEPARTURESInterior Interior Department Finds Work Too TooMuch TooMuch TooMuchh Much for One Person PersonAccounts Accounts to toBe toBe toBe Be Audited at Treasury TreasuryBy TreasuryBy By direction ol tho Secretary of or the theInterior theIntorlor theInterior Interior Drli Dr M 1 J StacU first assistant assistantat assistant assistantat assistantat at at the the Government Hospital Hospltullor Jfor ror the In Insane Insllve Insane ¬ sane has been beendesl designated designated nated to tect tract ct as assuperintendent assuperintendent assuperintendent superintendent until a permanent super superintendent supcrIntcndt superintendent ¬ intendent Intcndt > nt may be selected which wl h event eventmay eventma eventmay may ma not occur until ntll the the early fall fallTho falTho tallThe S Tho Secretary S rotar has Also directed that thatGoorge that thatGeorge thateorge George G eorge W W Evans the chief disbursing disbursingofficer disbursingofficer disbursingofficer officer of the Department of the Interior Interiorassume Interiorassume Interiorassume assume direction of r all Jlnanclal matters mattersappertaining mattereappertaining mattersappertatatng appertaining to to fho ho Government Goernment Hospital Hospitalfor Hospitalfor Hospitalor for f or th Insane and until otherwise ordered or ordered ordered ¬ dered make all disbursements dlsbu em nts of C tho ap appropriations 111 111proprlatlons apropriations ¬ propriations p provided by Congress ongrc88 for forthe rorthe forthe the institutionTo institution institutionTo InstitutionTo To Examine Accounts AccountsTho AccountsTho AccountsThe Tho Secretary has also appointed a acommittee acommittee acommittee committee of expert accountants com composed compos composodof ¬ posodof posed pos d of Waring Varlnc E Evans Evans of the finance financedivision flnnncdhlsion financedivision division of the Interior Department Departnion and andRobert andRo1ort andRobert Robert R Vest chief law clerk of the theoffice theoffice theo o office > Dce of the Auditor of the Treasury for fortho fortho forthe tho Interior Department to examine theolico the theoffice t11eoffice office and accounts of the th latesupocutondent latosuportn latosuportntondent Inte suporu suporutQndcnt tondent Dr Richardson Richardson and to cloao cloaoand elosoand doze dozeand and adjust the same The committee is isnow isnow i inow s now actively engaged in the performance performanceof e of that duty and will probably repor reporto report reportto rOlJOrtto t to the Secretary Soerctar in about ten days daysIt dnysIt daysIt It is further stated that bat it is the in intontion Intontlon intontion tontion of the Secretary to recommend recommendto recommen recommento d to Congress at at Its next next session the de desirability deslrabUlty deslrabllity ¬ sirability of ota a separation of the admantstrntivo admin administrative admlnIstraUvc ¬ istrative and financial aftalrSybjC the hos hospital hosI ¬ I pital 1tal leaving 10a loavingto lnf to tho superintendent s pcrlnt 1dont hosr lifer liferadministrative titeI tit r I administrative care of of f the nospItSl ana anatransferring andtransforrlng an anransferring d transferring t all disbursements and other otherfinancial othernnnncial oche ochelnancial r financial lnancial matters to the chief disbursIng disburs disbursing disbarsfag ¬ ing officer of the Department Dt > partmont of the In Interior Interior Intenor ¬ terior to be disbursed by him under the theimmediate theImmediate tb tbimmediate e immediate and personal supervision of oftho ottho o othe f tho Secretary It has boon found tha thathe that thatthe thattho t the entire burden has been more than thanone tbanone tha thaone one person can bear and the proposed proposedchange proposedchange propose proposechange change will be a great benefit to the th thhospital o hospital and will greatly improve th thentire the thei t c conUre i entire working system of the sameHis same sameHis I His Work Too heavyFriends n Heavy HeavyFriends vy vyFrlonds Friends of the late Superintendent SuperintendentRichardson t I Richardson are unanimous in declaring declaringthat declaringthat that his death wag yns hastened by the at attempt attempt attempt ¬ I tempt to administer both the executive executiveand exccutltennd cxecutivand and financial affairs of o the hospital His Hisincreasing HisIncroaslnK Ht S increasing nervousness nervousness and weakness weaknesswas weaknosswas wcaknoswas S was noted by his friends many many weeks weeksbefore weoksbeCore wook wookbefore s before his death and he was urged tim timand time timeand timeand c and again to take a rest but he wad wadenthusiastic wasonthuslastlc tea teaenthusiastic 9 enthusiastic over the administration of ofthe ofthe o f the institution and when supposed to tobe tobe t tbe o be resting his mind was actively eapaged en engaged engaged ¬ j gaged in considering plans for its im improvement Improement m ¬ provement provementTho proementTho provemontThe Tho disbursement dl burscmeat of the finances con connected oonnectod ¬ Hooted with the erection of tho thirteen thirteennew thlrtoennew n new buildings was taken oft his handa handaby handabv htfnd S Sby by Mr Ir Evans but Dr Richardson continned con continued cantinued ¬ tinned tinued his personal supervision of ttfl ttfloperations thOoperatlols tb a oporatio operations = is Tho new ne buildings and the theadded thendded th thadded e added comfort they would give the pa patients paI ¬ floats were ere a hobby with tho superin superintendent supern superntendent ¬ I tendent I POLICE POLICE PL1EJABLET PL1EJABLET1Tll UNABLE TO COPE COPENegroes GOPEf f WITH 1Tll INOIANA RIOTERS RIOTERSNegroes LTE8Negroes Negroes Houses Bombarded 8lm ardcd byMob by byMob byMob Mob at Evansville EvansvilleEVANSVILLE Eva EvansvilleEVANSVILLE ville villeEV EVANSVILLE EV A VILLE lad July 6 GThe The race rceriot raceriot ee eerIot riot that raged here all night seems to tob tobe tobe b be growing worso The police are utter utterly utterly utterly ¬ ly unablo to capo with the th mob AS it itnow Itnow itnow now numbers sovaral hundred a a8 against againstsixty ngulntltsixty againstsixty sixty patrolmen patrolmenJust patrolmenJuat patrolmenJust Just after dawn the mob bombarded bombardedthe bombnrdellhe bombar1e1the the houses bou I of negroes in Baptist Town TownThe TownfThe Towni fThe i The polled say that many people wereiinjured were wereinjured werehnjured hnjured injured in n battle that followed fo 110 00 and onJthat on onthat andthat that there arc probably some death deathThe dotbThe dostbsThe The mob had started for the magazine magazineJyet magazineju magazinejust just ju t outside the city Thoro was an un unconfirmed uneonOrmed uneonflrmed ¬ I confirmed report that several vera 1 house h u etl hud hudbeen hadbeen been 1 een blown up upUp upUJ upUp Up UJ to this thl tins the militia ha bal not notrallied notralJlod notrallied rallied but efforts to get et It together togetherare togetlurartt togetherare are In programs programsINDIANAPOLIS prOlr prOlrINDIA proeresINDIAMAPOLS INDIANAPOLIS INDIA 11M POLIS July G GCot GCosernor GCosernorDarluln Gorsmor GorsmorDerbtn rnr rnrDurbin Derbtn ie I hurrying from Atldor Anderson on tothes to totitle tc tcLbl title Lbl city EXCEEDS THE LIMIT LIMITTheodore LIMITTIIoo LIMITTiieeodore Theodore TIIoo on Michael Wleh chargod with withring wltbMrlng withtriag Mrlng ring hay and straw straw traw In quantities quantitiesgreater qumlltlosgrawr greater than twenty ton tons in a stable stablein stableIn stableto in G Street Str S lreot et northwest was wa ttndd Un d 25 25whea 25When When tried trl d In n th the Police Court today todayEARTHQUAKE todayEARTHQUAKE todayEARTHQUAKE EARTHQUAKE SHIFTS BEACH BEACHTACOMA BEACHT BEACIITACOMA TACOMA T Wash July G GSltnsua Sknguay udvices ud advlcos udYleGS vices state that a recent earthquake so soiftod sobiftod biftod > iftod the boaeh at Dyea that the tides tidesa tltlcsDW DW a > w w run up Into th the town a mile far fartnpr fart tnpr tl1br t than before Mny Jit I < nr houses have haveflo havefiotol1 haveflo fiotol1 flo felt away awn idle LyimCanaL Lynn CanaL 1 mm SEVENTY + IVE DEAD DEADTwenty DEADAT DEADAT AT OAK FORD PARK PARKTventy PARKTwenty Twenty Bodies Have BeenRecovered Been BeenRecovered BeenRecovered Recovered Thus Far FarFLOOD FarFLOOD FarFLOOD FLOOD AT TURTLE TURTLECit CREEK CREEKCitizens Citizens Cit ns Remain Awake AwakeAll AwakeAllFClring All Night NightFearing NightFearing Fearing Homes Will Vill Be Bein Bein Bein in Danger DangerJEANNETTE DangerJEAXXETTE DangerJEANNETTI JEANNETTE Pa July 6 GIt It Is esti estimated estlmated ¬ mated mated this morning that tho number oflives of oflives orlives lives lost as at > a result of yesterdays ye terday8 dis disastrous disastrous disastrous ¬ astrous cloudburst and flood at Oak Ford FordPark FordPnrk FordPark Park will reach seventy sevontyfive sevontyfiveTwenty sevontyfiveTwenty five fiveTwenty Twenty bodies havo been be n removed so sofar sofar sofar far but most of them are unidentified unidentifiedand unidentifiednnd unidentifiedand and are those of foreigners The known knowndead knowndead knowndead dead now no are areGKHTIIUDE areGERrRCDE areCERTRUDE GKHTIIUDE KEEFER of Jeannette aged n 24 24KATE 2 2IUTE 24KATE KATE KEEFEU of Jeanette JcanettcMrs JCDnelters JeanetteMrs Mrs rs LEVI BAKEU U EU of Jeannette Jcannettclira JCmncttcil1 JeannetteMrs lira il1 PIIILOMKNA i i SlGA J IGA of ofJ Jeannctte JFannetteALEa JeannctteALEX ann tle tleOEOUGE ALEX VICTOR VICTORGEORGE VICTOR VICTOROEOIICE GEORGE WILLIAMS aged M MJOHX 00JOIIS 116JOHN JOHN McCUSKEY aged 4Sr IS of West Test Jean JeanjOHN Jeannc Jeannette nc nette te teJOlIS netteJOIN jOHN FLEMING Crecnsburg EDWARD EDW ilD SMITH a negro aged 1 10 10Bodies 10Bodies < L LBodies Bodies Buried in MudHeadquarters Mud MudHeadquarters MudHeadquarters Headquarters for the direction dlre lJon of rescue res rescue rescue ¬ cue work have been established In the thebasement thebasement thebasement basement of the Methodist Methodist ChurchMany Church ChurchMany Churchany Many any of the the bodies will probably be befound beound befound found a long distance from tho park and andmost andmost andmost most of them will probably be recovered recoveredtoday recoeredtoday recoveredtoday today but there are doubtless a number numberwhich numberwhich numberwhich which have been hurled In mud and willnot will willnot 111 111not not be found for some time tlraoOak tlmoOn timeOak Oak On Ford Is destroyed with the ex exception excopU excoptidn ¬ ception copU n of the dancing pavilion It is isestimated IsesUmatod isestimated estimated that the dimtgo damngo will aggre aggregate aggregate ggrc ggrcbate ¬ gate 100000 to the park owners The ThePennsylvania ThePcnuslanln ThePennsylvania Pennsylvania Railroad it Is estimated ostimatodwell estimatedwill will 111 lose 50000 OOOO from flood ood damage damageCommunication damabeCommunication damageCommunication Communication Cut Off OffThe OffTbe OffThe The greatest excitement and confusionprevails confusion confusionprevails contusionprevail prevails hors and the difficultyot difficulty Of send sending scnding ¬ ing or getting Information Is all tho thogreater thogreatc greater owing olng to both telephone and andtelegraph andtelegraph telegraph lines being down downThere downThere downThere There is only ono telephone wire from fromJeannetto fromJeannetto wornJoannette Jeannetto to Pittsburg Pitts burg and It Is In bad badcondition badcondition I condition Turtle Creek Overflows OverflowsWILMERDING OvcrflowsWIL Overflows1VIL1fERDING WILMERDING WIL IERDIG Pa July July6About 0 6About About l loclock J Joclock Ioclock oclock this morning m rnlng the the full force o othe or orthe f the flood ood reached Wllmerdlng and Turtle TurtleCreek TurtleCreek TurtleCreek Creek Turtle Creek banks banks were soon soonflllcd soonfilled filled to overflowing Many tInny of the people peopleof peopleof of the town remained rem lncd awake throughout throughoutthe through Ut Utthe the night fearing that their houses houseswould houseswould would be in peril perilAbout perIJAbout About midnight the creek began to rise riserapidly riserapidly riserapidly j rapidly and the police ran from house to tobouso tohouso house alarming those living In the flood flooded flooded flooded ¬ ed section Penn Avenue and First FirstStreet FirstStreet FirstStreet Street In Turtle Crook were soon soonthronged soon soonthronged soonthronged thronged with men and women and chil children chil children chlldren ¬ dren who had forsaken their homes The Thewomen Thewomen women and children were provided for by byneighbors bynel byneighbors neighborsPennsylvania neighbors neighborsPennsylvania nel hbors hborsPennsylvania Pennsylvania Tracks Covered CoveredThrough CoveredThrough CoveredThrough Through Wilmerding proper the Penn Pennsylvania Pennlvanla PennsYlvania ¬ sylvania lvanla tracks were covered with more morethan morethan racy e than a foot roo of water while the Wcat WcatInghouse cst cstInghouae Inghouse Air Drake Works orks were flooded floodedThe floodedThe The plant employs about 2000 men wh who whowill whoUIU o will be thrown out oT work for several severaldays scefadays 1 1d days Penn Avenue in n Turtle Creek had hada hadafoot d a afoot foot of water in tho street while cel cellars cellara eeltars ¬ lars wore flooded The houses and storey storeyalong afore aforealong i ialong along First Street were also flooded floodedShortly fioodedShortly Shortly after 3 30clock oclock the waters be began 00gan began ¬ gan to fall as rapidly as they had risen risenAt risenAt risenAt At 9 oclock this morning the creek had hadresumed hadresumed ha d resumed its normal condition and th tho thowater thowater 0 0od water had loft all of the streets covered coveredwith cove cover coverwith rod rodwith od ode with mud and debris No bodies wore worefound worefound wor worfound e found in the thcdobrls debris RECEIVES CREDENTIALS CREDENTIALSBaron tTIAL8 tTIAL8UF OF GERnAN AMBASSADOR AMBASSADORBaron AMBA88AOBaron Baron Speck von Sternburg St rnburg Offi Officially Offidally Obidaily ¬ dally Notified of PromotionBaron Promotion PromotionBaron PromotionDaron Baron Speck von Sternburg now at atTorrancc ntTerrance a aTorrance t Torrance Hall The Weirs N II has hasbeen hasbeen ha habeen been advised by his government of his hisappointment hisappointment hi hiappointment s appointment aa ambassador of Emperor EmperorWilliam EmperorWilliam EmperoWilliam r William to the United States StatesHis StatesHis StatesIlls His elevation to the ambassadorship ambassadorshipwas ambassadorshlwas D Do was expected on July 1 upon which date datetho datotho dab dabthe o tho leave of his predecessor Hcrr Hollc Hollcbcn Holleben I101kben ben expired expiredBaron cxplrodDaron expiredBaron Baron vpn Sternburg was accredited accreditedto aecroditeto d to this country as a special envoy durlug dur during durIng ¬ ing tho absence of the German ambas ambassador ambassador ambassailor ¬ sador and his promotion is received receivedhero recelvodbere reccivohero d hero with great gratification gratificationIt It is probable that he will not pre present present present ¬ sent his now credentials until his return returnto returnto ratut ratutto n to Washington nsblngton next fall fallTHOUSANDS fallTHOUSANDS fallTHOUSANDS THOUSANDS OF REAPERS REAPERSIN IN KANSAS WHEAT BELT BELTTOPE1CA BELTTOPEKA BEL BELTOPEKA T TOPEKA tfan July 0 OTwontYfif OTwontYfifi Twentyfive Twentyfivethousand C Cthousand i thousand men labored from rom early worn wornIng l1orni pornlug i Ing till late ate at night In the Kansas Kansaswhoat Kansaswhoat Iansawheat s whoat bolt yesterday In twenty coup counties IJountics coupties ¬ ties where the harvest is ready thous thousands thou thouands thouands a ¬ ands of reapers were In action acUonChurch acUonChurchsorvlces Church Churchservices Chureservices tt services In many rural districts rvoro rvorowholly yes yeswholly VfrJwholly s wholly abandoned The farmers do not notthink nottblnlt n nthink nt think they are violating one of tho thocommandments thocomIDandmonts th theommandrnonts e commandments by utilizing Sunday in insaving fnsuvlng i isaving n saving their wheat Man Many tany womqn helpxl helpxlthe help helpthe < f ftho the men In driving d lvlng the7 th teams attached attachedto attachedto attacheto d to thu big rcupars and headers and nullothorJ a aothers nd others In carrying water to the Jet Holds Holdstor leitlsor is isfor for or the harvesters POPE LEO STILL LIVES LIVESBUT LIVESU LIVESBUT > U BUT FINAL COLLAPSE COLLAPSEEXPECTED COLLAPSEEXPECTED COLLAPSEEXPECTED EXPECTED AT A T SUNSET CHURCH HAS LIVED LIVEDONE LIVEDI S ONE NEllUDllED I HUNDRED YEARS YEARSNew New York Yor Avenue Presby Presbyterian Presbyterian Presb Presbteriuan ¬ 5 terian teriuan Church Centennial CentennialBE CentennialBE BE OBSERVED IN NOVEMBER NOVEMBERWas Was Founded in in May But Celebration CelebrationPostponed Celebrationostpcncd CelebrationPostponed Postponed Postponed on Account ccount of Absence Absenceof of Many Y Members MembersNew Memberscw MembersNets New cw York Avenue Presbyterian Church Churchwill will 111 celebrate ceebratelts its centennial anniversarynext anniversary anniversarynext anniversaryne next ne November At a recent meeting of ofthe ortho oftho tho session of the church It was decided decidlidto decidedto dccld d dto to set aside a week In November for this thiscelebration thiscelebration thiscelebration celebration though which week has hasnot hasnOl hasnot not yet ot been decided The old church churchwas churchwas churchwas was founded la May 1803 but on ac account account account ¬ count of the warm weather and because becausea a large number of persons had alreadygone already alreadygone alrendycone gone from Washington for the summer summerthe summerthe summerthe the memorial services were postponed postponedtill postponedtill postponedtill till the fall fallProgram fnJlProgram fallProgram Program of the Event EventA A committee consisting of the Rev RevDr Ro RoDr RevDr Dr RadcIIffo pastor of the church chair chairman ebaIrman chairman ¬ man and members of all the differentchurch different differentchurch dllIerentchurch church church governing boards has been selected se selected selocted ¬ lected to make malt tho arrangements for fortho forthoccntennlal the thecentennial thecentennial centennial celebration The cervices will willInclude w111include willinclude Include historical sketches of the church churchand churchand churchand and Its position in Washington Many Manydistinguished Manydistinguished InnydistInguished distinguished men have been asked asked to todeliver todelhcrnddrcsses todeliver deliver delhcrnddrcsses delhcrnddrcssesThe addressesThe addresses addressesThe The New York Avenue Church Is nota notable notablo notablo ¬ blo not only because Its life practically practicallycovers practlcllJlycovors practicallycovers covers tho entire cnlir history hlstor of Washington Washingtonbut but because of the many prominent menwho men menwho menwho who have attended the church as a regular regularmembers regularmembers regularmembers members John Quincy Adams Andrew AndrewJohnson AndrewJ AndrewJdhnson Johnson J hnson Franklin Pierce and Abraham AbrahamLincoln Abraham1ineoln i Lincoln nC < ln all ll attended this church during their tlielrn1rnJplstraUons < admin atl1nlatrntlona la tratlons There has also bCtixrart boon a tI tAiit et t number onttica rvico Vlcb Presidents Presldentaand Presidentsand Presldentsand and otter oU otter erpubl publfcf publfdtmen fm mcn n In the thocongr congrega congrogation congregation ga galion ¬ tion tionThe The church when first founded oc occupied occupied occupied ¬ cupied a site on F Street and was as known knownas knonas knownas as as the F Street Presbyterian Church ChurchAnother ChurchAnother ChutehAnother Another Presbyterian Church was formed form formed formed ¬ ed and built an edifice on tho preseuteito present presentj presentsito site of the New York Avenue Church ChurchPOT ChurchMOODY ChurchI MOODY DENIES EIE8 EIE8S WORDS WORDSPUT I S POT INTO HIS IS MOUTH MOUTHNo No Truth in Alleged AllegedLynch AllegedLynching Lynch Lynching ¬ ing Talk With titl > President PresidentWAS PresidentWAS WAS ENTIRELY MISQUOTED MISQUOTEDConversation MISQUOTEDConversation MISQUOTEDConversation Conversation Attributed to Presidentand President Presidentand Presidentand and Himself Never Took Place PlaceWhole PlaceWbole Whole Story Preposterous PreposterousSecretary Preposterous8ecretary Secretary Moody Is Indignant over the thepublication thepublication thepublication publication this morning of an alleged allegedinterview allegedIntervIew allegedinterview interview In tt which he was made to Kay Kaythat saythat ay aytbat that the President under certain cir circumstances cIrcumstances circumstancos ¬ cumstances would condone lynching lynchingSecretary lynchlnSecretary lynchiuSecretary Secretary Moody was quoted as saying sayingWhen aalngWhen sayingWhen When recently I traveled t aeled with the thePresident thePresident thePresident President and the car was surroundul surroundalby surroundulby by a large but friendly crowd r re remarked remarked remarked ¬ marked marked to the President the possibili possibilities possl possiblltties ll1 ll1ties ¬ ties of personal danger lIe replied that thatif thatIt thatif if an attempt was mode upon tho Presi President Prealdent Pres1dent ¬ dent he would condone condo no the lynching Inchin ofthe of ofthe orthe the guilty partyThe party partyThe partyThe The Interview then went on to say that thatSecretary thatSecretary thatSecretary Secretary Moody had suggested to the thePresident t11ePresident President the possibility of thus punish punishing punishIng punishinS ¬ ing the wrong wrou person and that when whenthe whenthe the matter was presented to him in n this thislight thislight light tho President > agreed that there therewere therowele therewere were dangers which deprived all lynch lyncbIngs InehIng8 lynchof Ings of justification justificationSecretary JusUficnUonSecrotary Secretary Moody declared this morn mornIng mornIng morning Ing no such incident as described over overtook ocrtoolt overtook took place between bet ween himself and the thePresident thePresident President that the President never nevermado nccrmatto nevermade made any such remark to him and furthey fur further turther ¬ ther he never uttered the remarks at attributed attributed ¬ tributed to him in the interview interviewYou InterviewYou interviewYou You may say said Secretary Moodythat Mood Moodthat Moody 1loodythat that I was entirely misquoted No such suchincident suchIncident incident over occurred iu connection connectionwith conuectlonwith convectionwith with the President and I certainly never novcrmade noormade nevermade made the preposterous preposterous statement ascrib ascribed nscrlbed ascribed ¬ ed to ina inaFROG moFROG FROG SKIN GRAFTED GRAFTEDON GRAFTEDON GRAFTEDON ON PATIENTS HAND HANDANN HANDANN HANDANN ANN ARBOR Mich July C GAt At the theHomeopathic theHomeopatblc Homeopathic Hospital here Dr F S SWcBtfall SWestfall SWestfall Westfall has succeeded In grafting graftingtwentyfive graftingtwentylhe ht twentyfive entytips square Inches of frog fro skin skinon skinon on the hand of Albert Witte Wlttos Wlttoshand Wlttoshend hand was Injured In machinery and andblood nndblood ua d blood poisoning followed Slices of ofvhto othJte a 1 white hJte skin wore taken from the legs legsand lebsnnd log s and stomachs of frogs und placed on th thhand the thohand thehand e hand Rubber tissue and an outer dress dressIng dressIng dresstag Ing were put on and kept moist with a asalt 1 1sail salt solution After ninetysir hours it itwas t twas was found that the frog skin had be become become ¬ I come set and formed rormcda a red healthy ski skion skin skinon skinon n on the t e hand and Roman Pontiff Lifted From His Bed Last Night in inOrder inOrder inOrder Order That He Might Breathe More Freely FreelyThe FreelyTheEffect The TheEffect TheEffe Effect Effe t Was Marked and He Was Able to Partake Partakeof Partakeot of ot Nourishment NourishmentDoct Doctors rs Lapponi apponi and Mazzoni MazzoniHold MazzoniHold MazzonigQld Hold Another Consultation ConsultationCARDINAL ConsultationCARDINAL I ICARDINAL j CARDINAL OREGLIA SLEEPS IN INVATICAN INVATICAN INVATICAN VATICAN NEAR AGED SUFFERER SUFf RER J IMPORTANT IMPOR TANT STAGES STAGESIN ST STA AGES AGESIN GES GESS GESIN S IN PONTIFFS S LIFE LIFEBorn r Born at Carpineto March 2 1810 1810Entered 1810Entered lb10Entered Entered college at Rome 1821 1821Matriculated 1821Iatrlc Matriculated Iatrlc wte4 at Gregorian GregorianEntered University Unlvt sftr y 1830 1830Entered 1830Entred Entered College of Noble EcclesIasUfca Eeclcslas Eccleafasdesrtn lts iflipRiis r sv u 1S32 1S32Appointed lS32Apponted 1832 1832Appointed Appointed Domestic Prelate by Gregory Gregori XV XVI j 1827 1837Referendlary 1827Referendlary 1 31 31ReCerendlary Referendlary to Court of Segnatuni March 16 1S37 1S37Order 1S37Order 1837Order Order of priesthood conferred iDccembcr31 D December31 ccmb 31 1837 1837Apostolic 1831Apos 1837Apostolic Apostolic Apos tolle delegate at Benevento Benocnto i 18371841 18371841Governor 183181Governor I IGovernor Governor of Spoleto 1S411S42 1S411S42Papal 1811J843Papal 18411343Papal Papal Nuncio at Brussels 18431S45 18431S45Made 18431815tlade 18491345Made Made Archbishop of Perugia PcruSlaA ISIS 1815Created ISISCreated 1315Created Created Cardinal < December 19 1853 1853Made 1853C Made a 9 CnrdJpql Cardinal Camerlengo C vVt pjrlom fifeVtiVTfcv r r Z July J u 1 Y 1377 1377eiieeica I IEI g7 EI Elected eiieeica e t e d P Pope rope ot e > 7 > > J jri iictruary Fcb February r un ry 20 10 n nRoman 0 isfs isfsRevived 18 1578 0 0Ro1 > Roit Revived Ro1 l lEncyclical ved ed Roman Catholic IiierarchyinScofland Hierarchy 1 lerarehy 1n InscotlandlT SMt i i A March 1Ia ch 4 1S78 1S78Encyclical 1878EnccIlcal Encyclical condemning communism socialism and nihilism nlhlIl nlhflismDccember mDccet1ber December 28 281878 281878Encyclical 1878 1878Encyclical 18i8Encyclical Encyclical Encyclical against heresy socialism soclaU m November 5 1S32 1S32Recognized 1832Recognized 1382Recognized Recognized unity of Italy October October 7 7181 1S83 1S83Encyclical 1Sb3Encyclical > 3 3EncycIJcal Encyclical condemning liberalism r I No Nove November vember b rG C 1K55 1K55Celebrated 1 1835Celebrated 5 5Celebrated Celebrated golden Juolleo j Hec r 18S7 18S7Celebrated 1SS1Celabrated 18S7Celebrated Celebrated grand Jubilee 1SSS 1SSSEncyclical 18SBEIc1cllcal lSfiBt Encyclical on socialism and labor laborA May 1taY16 S1ayIC891 S1ayIC891Celebrated t Iff 4891 4891Celebrated 8ll 8llCelebrated Celebrated Celebrated Episcopal jubileey jubilee v i February Februi i 1693 1593Issued 1693Issued 1893fssuid Issued appeal app i1 to Engfana for MufflohoPCKrIstendomv r t h pC April Aprll 14 1894 1894Celebrated 1894 1894Celebratel 1594Celebrated Celebrated sixtieth anniversary of hU I first rst moss February 13 1S + S aDeclared SDeclared Declared 1900a 1900 a year of universal Jubilee v May ay 11 1899 1594hold 1899Held 1899Hold Hold consistory C l i lSfy and i Iid created created craat d cloelIJ eleven lfb ffbw bw cardlnaliV Card1aa rd t aIi i June 19 1R99 1R99Celebrated lR lRCelebrated 1899Celebrated Celebrated Celebrated ninetieth nlnetietb birthday March 2 21900 219 1900 I I SffillfS STREfL J R TRAFFIC TRAFFICIncrease TRAFFICMORE MORE THAN DOUBlEO DOUBlEOIncrease OUBLEIIIncrease Increase in Passengers and andSingleTrack andSing1eTrack andSingleTrack SingleTrack Mileage MleageCENSUS MileageCENSUS MileageCENSUS CENSUS BUREAU BUR E A U REPORT REPORTRemarkable REPORTRemarkable REPORTRemarkable Remarkable Growth of the theBusiness Business in inthe inthe inthe the Decade From 1890 1890to 1890to r8goto to i 1000 1000Every rpooEvery goo gooEvery Every man woman and child in theUnited the theUnited thoUnited United States took on an average sixty sixtythree slxtythree sixtythree three rides on street cars last yearaccording year yearaccording yearaccording according to the report of the Census CensusBureau Census CensusDur CensusBureau Bureau Dur au on Street and electric Hallways Hallwaysof of the country published today That Thatwas Thatwas Thatwas was thirtyone rides more than they in indulged Indulg indulged ¬ dulged dulg d In In 1S90 the Increase being beinglargely beln belnlareely beinglargely largely due to the sustltutlon of elec electric eec eectric electric ¬ tric for animal power and possibly tho thoincreased thoIncrenscd theIncreased increased prosperity of the people peopleAltogether peopleAltogether peopleAltogether Altogether the 987 companies owning 22576 miles mlle of track carried 4809554438 4809554438farepaying 4809554138f 4809554438farepaying farepaying f passengers not counting countingthose countingthose countingthoso those who rode ou trasfcrs tr sers or those thosewhoso thoseWhoso thosewhose whoso nickels were knocked down by bytho bytho bythe tho conductors Adding dding tho transfer pas passengers passongera passengers ¬ sengers the roads carried a total of 5 871957830 people Two hundred and sixlyilve six sixtyfive slxtyflve ¬ tyfive passengers were killed and 26690 2C69Qinjured 26690Injured 26690Injured injured and of the employee 122 worokilled woro worekilled worokmcd killed and 3699 hurt hurtThe hurtThe hurtThe The par value of the capital stock stockand stockand stockand and funded debt outstanding outstQndln as reported report reported reported ¬ ed amounted to 2308282099 The aver average acraGe average ¬ age net capital capltallIabllltics liabilities per mile of ofsingle otsingle ofsingle single track owned for the companiesrepresenting companies companiesrepresenting companiesrepresenting representing both factors wer we were o 93287The 93287 95287The 93287The The total Incomo and cxrcnsco cx ensco of of the theoperating theoperating theoperating operating companies amounted to 250 250504C27 504627 and 214907050 214907050Tho 2H907e50rho 214907CG0The The companies gave employment on onthe onthe onthe the average during tho year e lr to 133611 133611wageearners 1336Uw 133611wageearners wageearners w eearncrs and ndDald paid J80770449 in inwages Inwages inwages wages There were ere 7128 salaried salaried l offi officials oillclals of ofdale ¬ dale and clerks employed to whom whom713971G 57439710 was paid In salariesThe salaries salariesTho Tho single track mileage increasedfrom increased increasedfrom Incroasedtrom from 8123 miles in 1890 to 22576 milesin miles milesin milesIn in 1902 or 17794 per cent and the num numI nutnber I I ber of fare passengers increased 13774 13774per 13171pcr 13771per per cent HOLDUP IN CHICAGO CHICAGOCHICAGO CHICAGOCHICAGO CHICAGO July 6 6At At 1 oclock thismorning this thismorning thismorning morning G E Welch an elevator con conductor conductor ¬ ductor was was attacked by three masked maskedholdup maskedholdup holdup men who boat him Into Insen Insensibility Insenalblllty ¬ sibility In the shadow of the elevated elevatedstructure elevatcjstructure structure at Lako and Pcorla Streets and androbbed an1robbed 1 robbed him of 75 and a gold watch Dc Detectives Dctecllvos Dctectivos ¬ tectives found three suspicious chasetern charac characters characters ¬ ters not far from the holdup and ar arrested arrested ¬ rested them QEWtY t e RESIGNS 1 POST POSTBILES v MILES TO SUCCEED HIM HIMChange HIMChange 1M 1MChange Change in Presidency of ofJefferson ofJefferson ofJefferson Jefferson Association AssociationADMIRAL AssociationADMIRAL AssociationADMIRAL ADMIRAL SENDS S END S LETTER LETTERiMembers LETTERNe LETTERMembers Members Ne bers of Board Certain Army Leader LeaderWill LeaderWill ff ffr r Will Accept the Posi Position POSlf PosiLion < tion tionAdmiral tionAdmiral LionAdmiral Admiral Dewey president of the theThomas theThomas j Thomas Jefferson Memorial emorlal Association Associationor j jof of the United States has sent his resig resignation reslgnlltlon resignation ¬ nation to the board of governors be because because because ¬ cause of his Inability V 0 > give to the thegreat thegrelt thegreat great national project as much time ashe as ashe ashe he thinks the head of the association associationshould associationshould associationshould should give In n order to Insure its suc success success suecoca ¬ cess The Admiral sent the followingletter following followingletter tolloln1letter letter letter4T letterr 4T r regret to state that I find myself myselfunable mysoUunable myselfunable unable owing to the pressure of officialand official officialand omclaland and other duties to devote to tho thoThomas thoThomas theThomas Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association Associationthe 4ssoclatlonthe Associationthe the time and personal attention which 1 1think 1tblnk 1think think the president of such an organlia organliatlon organlJatlon organn organntlon a tlon should give to It I therefore beg begleave 60Sleavo 6e g gto leave to tender my resignation as presi president president pros prosdent ¬ dent and ask that it bo accepted as assoon assoon a asoon s soon as possible possibleBy = + osslbe osslbeBy osslbloBy By a mail vote ote of the board of gov governors governors governors ¬ ernors of the association representing representingthe the thirteen thlrt en original States Admiral AdmiralDcweys AdmiralDcweys AdmiralDeweys Dcweys resignation was accepted with withregret withre wit witregret h regret re et Notification of this action wa wasent was wassent wassent s sent to the admiral today todayTo todayTo todayTo To succeed Admiral Dewey the thebQard thebQardhas boar boarhas board boardhas d has selected without opposition Lieut LieutGen UeutGen LieutGen Gen Nelson A Miles and notification oi oithis 0 0this othis this action ac lon has been sent to the ne nepresident new newpresident newpresident w president today General Miles 1IIes is absenfrom absent absentfrom absentfrom b from the city but members of the board boardfeel boardfeel boar boarfeel d feel assured that he will accept the post position postlion 051 051Uon ¬ lion The headquarters of tho associatiohave association associationhave associationhave n have been moved to room 9 Kellogg KellozjBuilding KeUo KelloggBuilding g gDulldlne Building on F Street Stre t near Fourteenth FourteenthFORT FourteenthFORT FourteenthFORT FORT MYER BATTERY BATTERYON BATTERYON BATTERYON ON PRACTICE MARCH MARCHCaptain MARCHCantllln MARC H I ICantain Captain Foote commanding the theFourth theFourth th thFourth e Fourth Battery of Field Artillery sta etaHoned stationed stationed ¬ tioned at Fort Myor left that post this thismorning thismorning thi thimorning s morning with about eighty men and andeight nndeight an aneight d eight pieces of artillery The Thebattcry ThebattcryIs battery batteryis batter batterIs y is to remain away from tho fort for formore tormore fo fomore r more than a month on a practice march marchIts marchIts mare mareIts h Its destination is Mount Gretna PaIt Pa PaIt PaIt It will take several days to get there thereAfter thereAtter After the battery la s encamped it will willbe willbe wit witb0 i be joined by tho Pennsylvania National NationalGuard XatlonnGuard tiationaGuard 1 GuardIt Guard GuardIt GuardIt It Is believed Captain Foote and his hiscohorts hi s cohorts will w 111 return about August 23 Penitentiary of Convent Conventuals Co C caveat caveatu vent ventuaIs ¬ uals u alsWhich Which Prays at atBedside atBedside atBedside Bedside of Dying DyingIon DyingIontiffs Pon Pontiffs ¬ tiffs Has Not 1 Yet Been BeenSummoned BeenSummoned BeenSummoned Summoned SummonedMessages SummonedIvessages SummonedMessages Messages From Through Throughout Througho Throughout ¬ out o t the World Wore PourInto Pour PourInto PourIntq Into the Vatfcan Vattc V atrcan Ex Expressing Expressihg ExPressing ¬ pressing Sorrow S0rr oW and andHope andII andHope Hope II ope o of ofth f the Faithful FaithfulPresent Faithf Faithfultresent L Lc c I Isent Present sent Illness of the thePope thePoge thePope Pope Attributed Attributedto Attri b usedt0 to His HisFailure HisFailure HisFall Fall Failure ure to toHeed H eed the thevice Ad Advice Advi ¬ vice vi vice e of His H1 s Physicians PhysiciansROME i ROME RO July 6 6PopeLc 6Pope Pope Leo wca was wt s still stillalive stillalive 3tl11allYe alive this morning and though though bou his holi holiness hollness hol holness ¬ ness showed another glimpse gl1mpseot of that thatremarkable thntrenarknble thatremarkable remarkable vitality which which has has aston astonished astonisbed 1stonIshed ished people for years yearshere there Is lahop a ahope a ahope > hope hop The final collapse cannot oe e de delayed delaY de1aFed ¬ layed laY d much after sunset sunsettrProf sunsetPro sunsetProf Pro Prof 3fazxont lazzjani funonl id Drl 4pponl trProf M Mn 7 7n and a D Dr Lapponi were wereTin Cre Tin i n attendance atten ncc on the Pope or or at close closecall dosecall closecull call all night For hours the the progress progressof progressof of the thed1sease disease made It difficult for his hisholiness h hisholiness l lhollneiS holiness to breathe To relieve this thedoctors the thedoctors thodoctors doctors had the Pope lifted from his hisbed lis lisbed i ibed bed and propped In an armchair The Theeffect Tree1T Theeffect effect e1T c was marked IiJl rke HIs breathing breathn be became becnme became came more regular r ular and twice t lce he WM ruseable WMable u uable H able to partake of nourishment some something something something ¬ thing he had not done for or hours before beforeSoup beforeSoup beforeSoup Soup was given him and It was then thenthat thcnthat thenthat that his holiness showed a flash nsh of re renewed renewed renewed ¬ newed vitality vitalityPassed vitalityPassed vitaJltyPassed Passed Sleepless NightDrs Night WightDrs NightDrs Drs Lapponi and Mazzoni held a con consultation consu1t consultgtion ¬ sultation su1t tfon this morning and Indicated thes the thaslightImprovement iUght s slightImprovement llglit Improvement In n the Pontiffs con condition COBditlon coadltion ¬ dition In the following fol1o ing bulletin bulletinAlthough bullotinAlthough bulletinAlthough Although his holiness passed an al almost aJmost almost ¬ most sleepless lcepll s night he Is not so uneasy uneasyas as he was yesterday The patient has hasbeen hasbeen hasbeen been benefited by Injections of digitalis digitalisand digitalisnnd digitalisand and camphor His chest Is normal normalThere normalThore normalThere There Is a slight and cough and some ca catarrhal catarrhalemission catarshal tarrhal tarrhalemission emission SufCcIt SufCcItLas Suffielthas Eulucithas has been taken The pu puThe pt ptThe ptThe The general condition conditionremains conditionremalps conditionremains remains remalps grave but It Itworse itworse itworse worse worseDr worseDr Dr Lapponi a little littleness llllleness littleness ness of his holiness holinessusual holinessusual usual course Ho was breathing breamingbut breatntngbut breathingbut > but his weakness was waSmore more marked Dr DrLnpponls DrLnpponls DrLapponls Lnpponls words carried no no hope lor or the thedistinguished thedistinguished thedistinguished distinguished patient patientPenitentiary patientPenitentiary Penitentiary Penitentiary Not Summoned SummonedAt At an early cary hour this morning it was wasnoted 713noted i inoted noted that the penitentiary of the Order Orderof Orderor of the Conventuals had not been oUID oUIDnoned oummooed uin uinmoncd mooed to the PopesNapartmeats Popes apartments This Thisbody Thisbody body has the privilege of praying at tho thobedside thobcdside bedside of a dying Pontiff Pcntl and Is with wltkhim wtlthim him to the last The fact fact that It has hasnot hasnot hasnot not yet et been summoned leads to the hc be belief Je lief that the Pope will at least survive survivethe survltsthe sun Ise Isethe the dayCardinal day dayCardinal dnyCardinal Cardinal Oreglla dean of the sacredcollege sacred sacredcollege sacredcollege college and who when the Popes Ill Illness 111ness ¬ ness apparently became hopeless as assumed assumed asthe ¬ sumed the position of acting Pope Is Isoccupying Isoccupying occupying rooms on tho third floor of the theVatican theVatican Vatican immediately above the Popes Popesapartment Popesapartment apartment Messages Poor In InMessages InMessages Messages are pouring In from all oVer oVerthe otortho oterthe the world Inquiring after the Popes Popescondition Pope Popecondltlcn Popescondiitcn condition and expressing the hope that thathe thathe he will wll1rcoove rescuer An early visitor at the theVatican th thVatican Vatican on the same mission was th thFrench the tbeFrench theFrench French ambassador to Italy He wai Ii