Showers arid a id cooler to tonight t ¬ I + mam a T ito i A A TIMES WANT WAN AD ADWILL ADnIght
11 i I able night winds and tomorrow vari variable van vani ¬ aLfte e art ft ftinton t Utg > ton mtm tm e to WILL SELL YOUR HOUSE HOUSENUMBER HOUSEI HOUSErUMB r
Discovered in a Small SmallHouse SmallHouse SmallHouse
House Near Insti Institution Institutl InstitutiOn ¬
tution tutionASSAILANT tutl tutiOnASSAILANT n nASSAILANT
Attempt to Hang Him Fails FailsAlmost FailsAlmost FailsAlmost
Almost Suffocatedby Suffocated Suffocatepby
by Gas GasFound las jasFound lasFound
Found in a small house hous in the rear rearyrrd ruYrd reryrd
Yrd of the International Reform Bu Bureau Bureau Bureau ¬
reau 2W6 Pennsylvania P nnsy1vn Avfrmie Av nuO south southeast southtast outkeast ¬
east early earl this morning with his hands handsand handsnnd handsand
and feet tied tieda a sas aa tub t tube b stuck st ck in his hismouth hismouth hismouth
mouth with the gas turned on and andevidences andevIdences 5ndevidences
evidences of having been hanged by bythe b bthe bythe
the neck Samuel S mu1 D Wilson about thir thirtyfour tblrtyroUr thirtyfour ¬
tyfour years old and an Inmate of the theinstitution the1nstltutlon the1nstItutIon
institution informed the police that he hedid hedid hedid
did not know who did it or anything in inregard inregard inregard
regard to the assault assaultThe a asauItThe ault aultThe
The police of the Ninth precinct made madean madean madean
an investigation and after falling to toAnd toflnd tofind
And any an clew leading to the arrest of ofthe orthe ofthe
the guilty guiltyperson person pera < m or persons cabled cal upon uponthe uponthe uponthe
the detective office for assistance De Detective Detective DotecUve ¬
tective Pratt of the central office was wasdetailed wasdetailed wasdetailed
detailed upon the ofse fse se He was as unable unableto unableto unableto
to learn anything other than that Wil Wilson Wilson VU VUson ¬
son Is Alleged to be extremely e tremel eccentric eccentricAccording eeeentricAccordIng eccentricAccording
According to Wilsons story stor he went wentto wentto wentto
to a letter letter box at Second Street S et and andPennsylvania andPenn andPennsuanIft
Pennsylvania Penn lnl Avenue shortly al orUY bafora baforamidnight borOlQmldnlgld boforanIdnfght
midnight about a hunCred yards ard rils Cram Cramthe fr 19m 19mthe m mthe
the institution to mail a letter and andwhen a awIlen andwhen
when he returned a trifle lets 1 leI than two twominutes twomlnuteft twominutes
minutes later he found the front door doorlocked doerlocked doorlocked
The he Tennis Court CourtHe CourtHe CourtHe
He walked around by the tennis courton courton court courton
on the side of the building and he safrs safrshe S8fIIhe snrg snrghe
he became unconscious after taking tWo tvoor t tWoor o oor
or three steps along a g the he west side of ofthe 3fthe t tthe
the house He saytf say 1s he lJe bee a faint recvj recvjhction rfCt rcjlettion l lIt
hction It < bon of having been struck on onbead tin tinhead ffle fflehead
head picked up by b the teet and head headand headand headand
and carried a short distance dl tnD but ether etherthan 8 etherthan tbcr tbcrthan
than that he has na noree recollection reealldeoonDespita recollectionDep4ta llooflon llooflonDespite
Despite t Ver ner4II1tr r lKrnt I ot i tiya t tp f 3liea 3liealaid W WrJI 11es 11esrdtd >
laid rJI those thos who heard the the8ta statamcht statamchtmade statwnurade t tTlad
made Tlad by Wilson he Is corroborated by byMrs b bMrs byMrs
Mrs Mllltrd After partaking of nour nourheiplese n ieurheipless ur urhe
heiplese he ple8 coRditiwt COD lt1tta and reported the mat mattei matttl neattir
tei to the police policeThe policeThe pollftThe
The mans hands were securely bound boundtogether boundtogether boundtugether
together behind his back Stout thonga thongsheld thongaheld thongaheld
held his ankles too close together for forcomfort forcomtort forcomfort
comfort and lid a L handkerchief was bound boundso boundso
so tightly over his face after the gas gasjet gasJet gaset
jet et had been inserted that he could couidtoot couldDot couldhot
toot utter a syllable A rope was 115d 115dto ed edto edto
to the rafters of the house and then thenfastened thenastenedabout thenfastened
fastened astenedabout about his neck His weight weightwas weightwas weightwas
was evidently eVident1 too great for the aloud slender sleadf alouder ¬
er f > r roe ro and it broke Wilson fell to tothe tothp tothe
the floor and an after turning over and andover andNero andver
over < Nero ver and twisting twl tlnl hi his head head from side sideto aideto de deto
to aide succeeded In getting the tbetube gas gastube gastube
tube sufficiently st Delentlr far out of his mouth mouthto mouthto mouthto
to cause the gas to escape pe under his hisnose hisnose hisnose
nose instead of going into his stomach stomachMrs stomaehMrs stomachMrs
Mrs Mrs Milliords Stoty StoryWrithing Stotyrlthlng StotyWrithing
Writhing rlthlng in agony and almost dead deadfrom deadfrom deedfrom
from exhaustion and loss of sleep the theman theman theroan
man was unbound and helped into the thehouse thehouse thehouse
house at an early hour this marntait nwrnSll t by byMrs byMrs hiMrs
Mrs Milllrd whe found him In his hisishraent hi hiIshment hisIshnent
ishraent he was able to talk not very verycoherently v verycoherently IT ITcoherently
coherently He was s wildly excited exdt cIted l and andcoui andcouY andcou9
coui couY not restrain 8traln himself Wilson VU OAYS OAYSthere says saysthere naysthere
there was more than one O who assaulted assaultedhim a assaultedhim aulted aultedhim
him but they t he are unknown J 1 j him himA lalmA himA
A reporter of The Thethis Tb TJI D v Wilson WKIIOthlR Wilsonthis
this xaanoinff nHt and r rwritten rMf ree hfrnhIn tlmhim a awrtttpD awritten
written statement from Xsfhiehjthe thiehthe f1ilehjtb c fol following tol10w1nC fo1lowing ¬
lowing is taken takenS
S D Wilson an inmate of th the Inter International IRternational Interuatonal ¬
national Reform Bureau SMSOO OO Penn Pennsylvania Penn1Ilvanla Pennsylvania ¬
sylvania Avenue southeast Is the ho hotiff ntala ntalatlff llalstltr
tiff In a suit against a 1nat Perctvml W Cem Glement OIernent Cement ¬
ent formerly candidate for governor governorof bov nGr nGror
of Vermont to recover 80004 10 OOGO tJor or al alleged aIeged al3eged ¬
leged slander Wilson was violently as assaulted assaulted a asaulted ¬
saulted at a late hour last night or orearly orearl orearly
early earl this morning mornln < < Wilson had gone gonea one t ta t ta
a letter box near scond Street ana and
Pennsylvania Avenue Avft southeast liOuthea t and andwas amIwas andwas
was assaulted all lLulted un his return turn home When Whenfound Wh Whaiifound i i1ound
found in the outhouse by a neighbor neighborHis neighborthis
this morn morning he was bound Baaed Baaedhad i
had evidently been banged by the neck nedcHit
His life Utelacl bad apparently 8fttIF been saved IIWidtht to by bythe
the breaking breakln of or the th rope ropeDetective ropeDetective ropeDetective
Detective in Vermont VermontWilson VermontWlllloft VermontWilson
Wilson was employed by authority of ofGovernor ofGover ofGovernor
Governor Gover lt Stfekney of Vermont VermontShte as a aStite aState
State detective Because of his work 0111 he heIncurred heincurre4 heIncurred
Incurred th h ho displeasure or violators vIo at0r8 of ofthe ortb ofthe
the tb law and nd was assaulted by them themwhile themwhle themwhIle
while leavta his ha hotel hot l He discharged dischargedhis dbe ed edhis
his revolver revel revor In I selfdefeats ttnally an in injuring InjurtnK injuring ¬
juring his principal assailant Uant Wilson Wilsonwas WlleoQwas Wilsonwas
was indicted by th the grand Jury for formanslaughter formanlaughter formanslaughter
manslaughter and l unanimously acquitted acquittedby acquittedby
by b a jury JUT six months biter biterDuring laterDuring aiel aielDuring
During the interval between the In Indictment Indictment indictincut ¬
dictment and the acquittal a Cult ta1 Clement Clementopened CteMentnxw1td Clementopened
opened a political crusade against the thel thelquor theluor
l lquor < iuor law of Vermont VermontIt
It ti s atte a epd d by Wilson In his sUit strttfor su1tfor sUitfor
for damages dam < < S that Clement openly publIcIv pub publiIv 1
liIv 11 V and R nd repeat rp repcatcdly ta t lly charged Wilson Wilsonwith WI18oawith Wilsonwith
with the tll crime rime of murder Tote suit suitWHS suitWHS suitWHS
WHS trted before forp Judjre Wheeler In Rut Rutland Rutland ¬ I Iland
land Vt rec rpCtnCv nty Because several veral of ofthe orthe ofthe
the lunra were disqualified the presid presiding prIdIng prealdIng ¬
ing Judg of th tM United States Stat circuit circuitcourt circuitcourt I
court ourt ordered crd rPd that the suit be tried triedattain UiedallMln triedagsln
attain n next xt May MayThe MayThe
The ntatemcnt was w later handed to topolice Uw Uwpolice thepolice I
police and will be out in the case with withthe withtht withthe
the knives taken from Dorsey Poults Poultsthe oulta oultathe I It1u
the fake tak infernal machine sent to Chief ChiefJustlc ChletJustic
Justlc Ju tle > Waite of the Suoreme Court and andthe andthe andthe I
the other curiosities curiositiesCOOK curlodtlefJCOO curiositiesCOOK
1 1Arralptd
Arraigned in the Police Court today todayFrank tOdayFrank todayFrank
Frank X Hetfrick formerly a eoqk on onboarcT onboard onboart
board th tile oyster schooner Clinton Gur Gurkln GurkIn Curkin
kIn lying at t the Eleventh Street wharf wharfpleaded wharfpleaded whartpleaded
pleaded not guilty and was held under underJS60 underwe
JS60 600 bond bo d for the th action of th tht < grand grandjury gra grajury grandbury
jury It Is I aU a1d sj < d by Capt J G Robin Robinson Robinson rtoblneon ¬
son of the same m boat that Hedrick Hedrickbroke Hfdrtckbroke Hedrjckbroke
broke open a cash box in thp cnbln bln fl of ofthe < Ir Irthe f fthe
the schooner seh on r and stole stii 230 H Hr was wasarrested wasarrest wasarrestrd
arrested arrest d by Detective Pfd after going goingto goingto goixgto
to Baltimore
Prince Pu Lun Tsee Presents Mr Roosevelt RooseveltWith Ro RooseveltWith seyel seyelWitfu
With Letter Written on Silk SilkIn SilkInI In Ina Ina
I a aCostly Costly Box
Prince Pu Lun Tsee nephew of the theChinese theChinese theChineac
Chinese Emperor commissioner to the theSt theSt theSt
St Louis Exposition and the first mem member member member ¬
ber of the royal family famn of the Flowery FloweryKingdom Flo FloweryKingdom ery eryKingdom
Kingdom to visit the United States Stateswax Stateswsa States Stateswas
wax received by President Roosevelt In Inthe Inthe inthe
the Blue Room of the White Vhit Housa at atJO at2O
290 JO this afternoon afternoonThe atternoonThe afternoonThe
The prince was acaompanled by all allthe allthe allthe
the members of his suite sdlte and the Chi Chinese Chlne Chinese ¬
nese ne minister Sir Chentung Chen tung Liang LiangCheng LiangCheng LiangCheng
Cheng and several of his secretaries secretariesantf secretarIesanci secretariesand
and assistants all dressed In their theirrobes theirrobes theirrobes
robes of high office the President was wasflanked wasfianked wasflanked
flanked by the gold g01dlace lace of the army armyand arm armand armyand
and fl navy and the ceremony was wn hegd hegdetf hegdeil iegd0y
etf around with all the pomp and dis display display display ¬
play that accompanies the reception of ofa ora ofa
a a foreign visitor sltor of the first magni magnitude magnitude tuagnitude ¬
China Held in Esteem EsteemIn
In a speech s ech ful of flowers Prince Pu PuLun IllLun IuLun
Lun Tsee Ts Tse told the President of th thgreat th4 th4great the thegreat
great respect China has for the United
States and of the high regard In which whlchthe whichtho whichthe
the President Is held by all his hiscoun hiscountrymon coun countr j jtryman
tryman trymanAs tr trymonAs man mans
As s he made the th address ddr ss Prince du duLun duLun duLun
Lun Tsee drew forth a letter written writtenon writtenon
on a silken sheet four feet by two in insize insize n nsize
size and handed It to the th President PresidentThis PresidentThIs PresidentThis
This missive was from the Emperor Emperorhimself Emperorhlmse1f Emperorhimself
himself and expressed the great Inter Interest Interest interest ¬
est his majesty has taken In the worlds worldsfair worJdsralr worldsfair
fair at St Louis and his gratification gratlfic gratificationover tlon tlonover I Iover
over the cordial relations that are now nowexisting rjov rjovexisting oy oyexisting
existing between his subjects and the thepeople thepeople thepeople
people of the United States itntesCarried StatesCarried es esCarried I
Carried la a Box BoxThe BoxThe BoxThe I
The letter was brought in a wonderful wonderfuland wonderru1nnd wonderfuland
and costly cosU lacquered box which bears bearsupon bearsupon bearsupon II
upon Us it cover the Imperial Chinese Chinesedragon Chinesedragon Chinesedragon
dragon President Roosevelt replied toj tojthe to tothe tothe
the prince In terms just justas as felicitous felicitousAfter feUcltousAtter fellcltousAfter
After the reception the prince prl ce and arid his hissuite hissuite hissuite
suite enjoyed a musicale In the East EaltRoom EastRoom j jRoom
Room planned especlaly for their enter entertaInment enterainment j jiulnment
President and Odell OdellTwo OdellTwo OdellTwO
Two Hours in Camera CameraBelieved CameraBelieved CameraBelieved
Believed to Have Discussed Plans for Con Conduct Conduct Condt ¬
duct of Roosevelt Campaign in New NewYprk NewYprkin York Yorkin Yorkin
in Conference ConferenceBehind Behind Closed Doors
For two hours behind closed doors doorswhile doorwhile doorswhile
while scores of visitor vJ ltOMl Including In lu luc1izg lQg Sena Senators SenatonJ Senatars
tars and Representatives waited Govi Goviernor 00 00ernor 0ev 0evernor
ernor OdoR ot Now York and Presi President Pro Preeldent l ldt ¬
dent Roowrtelt RQOJM lt conferred today todayGovernor todayGocrJlor todayGovcrnor
Governor Odell re resehed lehed h l here early earlythis earlytJls earlythis
this mpmlng from Port Monroe where wherehe wherehe wherehe
he has been spending the th past six days days4Bi
4Bi ta r ro9tOlJ reatlon l IJ Incidentally I inldtttly O 1c1 < < tan conCaralns conCaralnswlthrBahy cjptiurIn cjptiurInth I091IH I091IHIth
wlthrBahy Ith th r many Republican lekt3frV ltl It1Q rl5 Ae Aee Aeesnipanied e ecempanled
e cempanled rapanled by R it epresentalt0 pl s ttltltr Llttmier Llttmierof Lltiur LltiuroC LIttuerof
of New York Governor G vernor Odell reached reachedthe reach reachthe reachedthe
the White Whlt House shortly after 1 11 oclock oclockand oclockand oclockanti
and remained until noon noonDiscuss noonDi9cuss noonDiocuss
Discuss New York Campaign CampaignThat CampaignThatplana CampaignThat
That Thatplana plan for conducting in vigorous vigorousmanner ylCO vigorousmanfler
manner the campaign for Roosevelt Jn JnNew n nNew nNew
New York were discussed was 11 goner generally beMr1 beMr1ally gonerally ¬
ally believeJ though after the confer conference centererce conferetce ¬
ence Governor Odell In line with hl hlusual his hisusual
usual policy declined to make a state statement statement statemeat ¬
ment mentThere mentThere meatThere
There is I nothing I can give out for forpublication rorpublteatl forpublication
publication publteatl n ha said saidFrom saidFrom
From the tht White House Governor GovernorOdell GovernorO GovernorOdell I
Odell O eU drove to the Capitol where he met
some of the members m mbers of the New York Yorkdelegation Yorkdtlegatlon Yorkdelegation
delegation At 1 oclbck Governor GovernorOdell GoernorOden GovernorOdell
Odell was the host at a luncheon at atthe atthe atthe
the Willard Hotel at wnicn the mem members members momhers ¬
bers of the New York Republican R publlc ui dele delegation delegation delegallon ¬
gation were wer present presentSignificance presentSignificance presentSignificance
Significance of Visit VisitGreat VisitGroot VisitGreat
Great significance Js attached < < to to the thevisit th th5t thev1t
visit v1t 5t of the chairman chalrninn of th Ul State Stateoonmitteef StateQOrofnltl StateoornMftteof
oonmitteef QOrofnltl 4r N Npw > w York Y rk at this vine l1 iice e At Atthe A Athe Atthe
the iit WNft tq Houseit Jio e it was wasthere repprtea reI > pft = d thatj thatjthere tfui tfuithere
there wits much much muci satisfaction JNltsfnctlon over the theprogress ffieprogress theprOgress
progress of affairs in the Empire Em > lre State StateThe Btat Btatfhc StateThe
The slight sUghtlndlcations Indications of a split In the theDemocratic theDemoclaUe theDemodratle
Democratic ranks over Hearst and andParker andParker andParker
Parker at the last convention were were re regarded reo reogarded regarded ¬
garded as favorable to Republican RepublicanGovernor Republicanchances Republicanchances
chances chancesGovernor
Governor Odell accompanied by H C CWarren CVarren CWarren
Warren of the Buffalo uffaIo Commercial Commercialwill Commerclalwill Commercialwill
will leave this afternoon at 4 1 oclock for forGovernor torAlbany forAlbany
Albany AlbanyGovernor AlbanyGovernor
Governor Odell was a a visitor to the theSenate theSenatQ theSenate
Senate this thl afternoon and sat with Sen Senator Senator Seaator ¬
ator Platt for a Quarter unrter of an hour hourreading hourI hourreading
reading letters and engaging In conver conversation conversation convornation ¬
I sation Many Senators came up to toshake toshake toshake
shake hands with him
Kansas Church Moved MovedAcross MovedAcross MovedAcross
Across the Wide Prairie PrairieIn
In Wake of Three Traction Engines Hitched HitchedTandem HitchedTandenl HitchedTandem
Tandem Methodist Structure Goes GoesOverland GoesOverland GoesOverland
Overland for Forty Miles
PHCK ric Kan Afl Apil lJI l 25 5The Th odd spec specteate spectJiele speclcie
teate ef a church Qburehmov inoved d over the th pral prairies pralrle pralrica ¬
rica rle from town to town has been at attracting attracUag attracting ¬
tracting much attention at Dt1on in this vicinity vicinityThe vicinityThe vicinityThe
The Methodist church of Ardale has hasjust hasjust hasjust
just made the longest lcn journey journ of any anychurch anycburch anychurch
church cburch on record recordtorty forty miles milescoming milescomingto milescoming milescomingto coming comingto
to this place in th the wake ake of three trac traction traction traction ¬
tion engine engl hitched tandem tandemTransfer tandemTransfer tandemTransfer
Transfer of Title TitleAxdale TitleAJMlale TitleAjedale
Axdale did not need the church eh rch and andPck andp andPeck
Peck p did dldr so the official o Ielal board arranged arrangedfor Arran arrangedfor d dtor
for a transfer of title Then the prob problem pro prolem prob1cm ¬
lem of moving the property was before beforethem berorethem beforethem
them The railroads rl n roads asked a large largeamount largeI largeamount
I amount for freight tl lpt and to ship nlp the thebuilding thebuildIng thebuilding
building that way a meant to tear It Itdown Itdown itdown
down and rebuild It ItThe ItThe itThe
The proposition propo iUon Of taking It overland overlandwas oerlandwaif overlandwag
was finally accepted accept d and the movers moversobtained movenobtained moversobtained
obtained three of the largest threshing threshingmachines threshingmachines threshingmachines
machines of the county for the purpose purposeThe purposeTbe purposeThe
The building was placed on trucks with withlar withlarce withlarge
lar large e wheels and the trip began Ow Owins OwIDit Owtag
ins to the smootl moot roads and the level levellands levellands levellands
lands of the valley there was aa little littletrouble Itttletrouitle littletrouble
trouble in transporting tran pOrting the structure structureand structureand structurend
and nd it arrived at its new location with without without without ¬
out a piece pl of plaster disturbed It Itis Ittal Itis
is in readiness for worship and the pos possessors posrs possoeeors ¬
sessors rs are proud of their success in inobtaining Inobtalnlnc inobtaining
obtaining a new edifice so o easily easilyThis MatlyThis easilyThis
This unique experience is but a part partof partof partof
of the readjustment of tho towns of the theplains theplatn theplains
plains Hundreds Hundre of additions are arewitHl arewt arewluod
witHl wt fd out by every Legislature LegislatureThe LegislatureThe llMlature llMlatureThe
The last 1UIt session in Kansas changed changedabout chaRgedabout changedabout
about forty paper cities into farm land landMany landMany lamiMany
Many municipalities unlclpahtl 1I had a score of ofbuilding otlulldlnSIl ofbuildings
building each c ch and some aspired to be becenters becentenl becenters
centers of business activity activityMen activityMen activityMen
Men Lost Their Lives LivesThey LivesThey LivesThey
They issued ued maps m ps showing dozens ot otrailroads otranr 01railrods
railroads ranr 4 centering < xnttrtn there factories factoriesfetching factoriesleblHg factoriesbelching
fetching leblHg smckc an kc and street cars rushing rushingto
to the suburbs Eastern Ea aatern tern people bought boughtlots boughton boughtlots
lots on the strength of ofthese these the e map and andInstead andthen andthen
then waited for the tdWDS to grow growlnatead growInstead
Instead they faded away until tho thomunicipalities thlmunlclpalltltll thomunicipalities
municipalities had but one family left leftto leftto eft eftto
to each Schoolhouses costing thou thousands thouands thousands ¬
sands of dollars doUa stood empty Cattle Cattlewere Cattlowe Cattlewere
were we sheltered In the onetime em emporiums emJkl1um empcnItuni ¬
poriums of trade tradeIn tradeIn tradeIn
In Southwestern Kansas Ran a cattleman cattlemanowns catUemanowna cattlemanowns
owns the entire alto lto of what was once onceto onceto onceto
to be a county count s stat < at Men were killed kllledlO kllledlOtbe kIlledthe in intne
the struggle 8t tJe to make prosperous towns townsof townllot townsof
of paper cities whloh atrugKled along alongA alonsuntil alonguntil
until at t last they have gono ono bask to the thelatn theplain
plain latn and have been sold by the acre In Intt in1jtal
1jtal tt all of 01 by the lot 10tA lotA
A Boston I ton woman owns a 16000 school
house in Western estern Kansas A home homesteader ho hoipo hoiposteader o osteader ¬
steader has taken possession of a former formercounty rormercounty formercounty
I county seat and Its court house The Thedreams Thedreams Thedreams
dreams of many an Investor In Western WesternNebraska WesternNebraska VestcrnNebraska
Nebraska and the Dakotas have been beenshattered beenshattered beeishattered
shattered by evehts of the last few fewyears rewyears fewyears
years while population has been read readjusting readJUstln readiu ¬
justing iu Itself ItselfThey lseUThey Ifsel
They tell In North Dakota of a town townbuilt townbuilt townbuilt
built for a cattle raising center c nter on the tlietheory thetheorv tisetheory
theory that packing houses should be belocated belocat belocated
located locat d near the range An English Englishsyndicate Engll Englishsyndicate h hyndlcate
syndicate > > put hundreds of thousands of ofdollar ofdollara ofdollara
dollara > Into it It has brick blocks blocksre blockflr
r re e Jl glass iase aSB windows dwellings enough enou enough5o la laI
I 7 5GOO people and a 203000 steel steelbridge steelbrlcl steelheidge
bridge brlcl e but with no inhabitants except exceptthe excetthe exceptthe
the caretakers caretnk < rs It never succeeded hi hieven in ineven u uecn
even the beginnings of its undertakings undertakingsThe undertakln s sThe
The people for to whom It was built never nevercamf nevercam nevercame
came cam camThe cameThe camfThe
The West Wc t Is adjusting these errors of ofearly ofMtry ofery
early judgment with characteristic characteristicpromptitude characterlsUcpromptitude characteristicpromptitude
promptitude In western Nebraska there therewere therewere therewere
were two towns rivals for the county countyseat count countseat countyseat
seat Hemmlngford Hemmln rord obtained it but Al Alliance Alliance Alliance ¬ I
liance won the railroads favor and it itbecame Itbecame itbecame
became evident evld nt that It would be the thelarger thelarger thelarger
larger nines
Loaded on Trucks TrucksSo TrucksSo TrucksSo
So the court house weighing seventy seventytons seventytonil seventytons
tons forty feet hlerh and 3C 36by45 by byAg 43 in size sizemade sizemade sizemade
made rigid by trusses and loaded on onfour onrour onfour
four trucks of freight cars with di diagonal dla diagonal ¬
agonal a onal guy ropes reaching to coal cars carscarrying carscKrrlng carscarrying
carrying OOWO OO IOO pounds each was hauled hauledby hauledby
by b an engine to Its new location where whereIt whereitnov
It itnov now stands standsAt standsAt standsAt I I
At Page City in Logan county count was a ahotel tl11O ahotel
hotel 11O el three stories high that became becameuseless IJCcamaullelC88 becameuseless
useless when the place became a farm farming tarmIng farming ¬
ing district It was loaded 10a ed on moving
trucks and five traction engines were werumtcno
mtcno hitched < l to it such engines as are areused ureu areused
used u ed in threshing threahln the crops and are the theautomobiles theautomobiles theautomobiles
automobiles of the plains plainsIt plalnsIt plainsit
It was fifty flit miles to Cove City Clt but
the engines had before them prairie
land as smooth as the surface of a sea seaand flcnand seaand
and they the made the journey at a swift swiftInterfering swlttwalkln9 swiftwalkin
walkln9 walkin pace nothln nothing In the vast reach reachct reachcf
ct level sod Interfering Interfering with their trip
The sight attracted many man spectators as asthe asthe asthe
the huge building bulldln moved over the theprairies thepralrlCli theprairies
prairies prairiesNEARLY pralrlCliNEARLY prairiesNEARLY
Paymaster General Harries of ITTo ITTonavy tiionay tilonavy
navy has drawn a check for J2929 O29 l29 the theamount th thamount thamount
amount of subscriptions to the fund for fortho Corthe forthe
the relief of families of men mop killed on onthe onthe onthe
the battleship Missouri Irt 1z favor of ofRoar otRoar ofRear
Roar Admiral A S Kenny treasurer treasurerof treasurerof treasurerof
of the Navy N vy Rolfa RoILt Society which will willhave willbao willhave
have charge of the distribution of the therelief therelict therelief
relief money
Cut Off Communication CommunicationWith CommunicationWith CommunicationWith
With the Town Tovn of ofPinglang ofPing ofPing
Pinglang PinglangGZAR Ping Yang YangCZAR ng ngCZAR
Russians RussiansSink SinkiSmkll Sink Stn Small t Steamer Steameiof SteamerJf
t tofEnemydnEas
of ofEnemydnEas Enemy tfr cm East i Coast Coastof Coastof Coastof
of 1orea 1oreaLONDON iforea iforeaLONDON K1treaI
LONDON Arjlg5 A Api1 h 5 The Reu Reuter ReuI Reuter
ter Telegram Compiiny Comp ny issues issuesa a dis dispatch di diII dispatch ¬
patch pa tch from LiasinV LiasIn Reporting porting that thatseveral t tWitseveral a t tseveral
several sotnias or orsquadtons squadrons of Cos Cossacks Cossacks Cossacks ¬
sacks have occupied the town of ofShenktChen ofShenktChen ofShenktChen
ShenktChen in j the t e rear of the theJapanese tr trJapanese theJapanese
Japanese troops troopsconG concentrated ntrate on the theYalu th thRiver theYalu
Yalu River RiverTheir Riverfheir Mf MfTheir
Their object Sfife tfie < correspondent correspondentsays c Otrespondentsays
says is to cut ofMetachments off off4l ij tachments going goingfrom goingfrom
I from Gensan tolerate to operate p r te a junctioi junctioiwith junctio1I junctio i iwiththe
I with withthe the Japanesai 1j 1jThe Ping Yang YangThe YangThe
The town of Shenktphen sh Shenl ktiohen ihen mentioned mentionedin
in tHc ti above a tuove ove is In I all allji probability Qbabl1lt SungI Sung SungChun SungChun
I Chun which is on ih th road r9ttd o d from Gensan Gensanto
BERLIN April Apri125C 2 2tDie uDie Die Post Postrenounces posrannounces Postannounces
announces that an an imperial inJperial decree decreewas decreewas decreevas
was signed by the CZ C Czar ar this morning morningofficially morning morningofficially
lofticiaIIy officially recalling recallingAdmiral Admiral Alexieff AlexiefTViceroy AlexieffViceroy AlexieffViceroy
Viceroy of the Far EastLONDON East EastLONDON EastLONDON
LONDON April 25 e5Baror e5BarorHayashi 25BaronHavashi Baron BaronHayashi
Hayashi the Japanese Jap nese b1inister < minister t lLondon tLondon tLondon
London reports that tvo Russian Russiantorpedd Russiaitorpedo RussilintorpedO
itorpedo torpedO boats enteredHne ifler rer d1ji lf1ie harbor of ofWonsan ofI ofWonsan
I Wonsan on the theeastt e f t pst t of Korea Koreasteamer KoreaI Koreatoday
I today and san san1s4tI1 tapage tapageI Japanest Japaneststeamer
I st steamer earn ler th the Goi GoiThe G Cot q MWUregistenro MWUregistenroThe r r serirK
rtM ttr ttrThe
The Russian vessels immediately immediatelydeoarted immediatel immediateldeparted immediatelydeparted
deoarted deoartedJAPAFPE departed departedJAP departedJAPAt
LONDON April 25 25A A dispatch to the theStandard theStandard theStandard
Standard from St Sl Petersburg says It Itis Itis itis
is reported that while 500 Japanese were werecrossing werecrossing werecrossing
crossing the Yalu River on rafts they theyware theyore theya
ware a ore attacked by Russians and nearly nearlyall near nearlyall 1 1all
all of them were killed The Russian Russiancasualties Russiancasualties Russiancasualties
casualties were hotvy hotvyThe hmv hmvThe hsitvyThe
The dispatch ad ads < s that the battleships battleshipsOral battleshipsOral batuesliipsOral
Oral and Borodinc were wcr ready for their theirtrials L theirtrials elr elrtrl
trials trl ls when It was discovered that the theBorodino theBorodlno theBorodino
Borodino draws twentyfour feet of ofwater orwatertwo ofwatertwo
water watertwo two feet nore than will permit permither permither permither
her to pass Cronsidt CronsidtA CronSdA
A dispatch JtromKleff says It is stated statedIn statedIn statedIn
In military circles that 10000 troops are areIn ar arIn arein
In tho hospitals hOBpltalsn n Manchuria chiefly chieflytyphoid chieflytyphoId chieflytyphoid
typhoid patients patientsGoing patientsGoing patientsGoing
Going t tc < the Front FrontA FrontA FrontA
A dispatch f tron roir Tokyo says that the theforeign therQrelgn theforeign
foreign military attaches haye hae been noti notified notified notifled ¬
fied to prepare tc take the hold field They Theywere The1were Theywere
were requested u t choose their horses horsesand horsesand horsesand
and saddlery saddleryat at th Tokyo Riding School Schoolon Schoolon Schoolon
on Friday FridayThe FridayThe FridayThe
The dispatch ads ad that it Is understood understoodthe understodthe understoodthe
the Russians stationed around Posslet PossletBay PoslletBay PossietBay
Bay south of Vladivostok number 4000 4000Infantry 4000Inrllntr 4000Infantry
Infantry Inrllntr more tlan 1500 cavalry and andartillery andartllIe andartlller
artillery artllIe mining engineers and other othertroops othertroo othertr0os
troops troopsThe troo tr0osThe > I IThe
The Cheefoo lorrespondent IOrraspon ent of the theStandard thOStandard theStandard
Standard says sam he Is informed that thatJapan thatTapan thatJapan
Japan will make mak a further protest to toPekln t tPedn toPecin >
Pekln against Russian troops being per permitted permitted permitted ¬
mitted to occupr occup places west of the theLlao theLluo theLiao
Llao River Japm Intimates that she shenow sh shnow shenow
now considers be territory west of ofNluchwang lJrNluchwnng ofNiuchwang
Nluchwang to Kuehau as not neutral neutralIt
It Is expected Oat the Japanese will willland wmland willland
land at the lattc place placeMinesin place1dinesin placeMinesin
Minesin the YaluThe Yalu YaluThe YalitThe
The Cheefoo Che too oorrespond correspondent nt of the theChronicle thoChronlcle theChronicle
Chronicle sail sa 1 the mines at the en enirance enirnnce enLrance
irance of the Yiu River are visible at ntlow atlow
low tide Large consignments of o pro provisions proIslons provisions ¬
visions are arrHng at Cheefoo whore whorethey whorethey whorethey
they are transsHpped to junks at night nightand nightand nightand
and sent to the Russians RussiansA
A dispatch fron Shanhalkwan says It Itis ItIs Itis
is believed that he Japanese have land landed Inndd landad ¬
ed d at Kinchow just north of Port Ar Arthur Arthu Arthur ¬
thur thurA thu thurA
A Tokyo dlsndch dlsp ch states that the Chi Chinese Chinese Cliinose ¬
nese government has ordered General GeneralMa GenoralMa GeneralMa
Ma to send 28Q 2 men west of the Liao LlaoRiver LiaoRiver LiaoRiver
River to stop lunderlng by b the Rus Russians RusI flussians ¬
sians A colllson col1l on is feared It is ex expected exl cxPeCted ¬
pected l > octOO that General Mas Ias main army armywill armywill armywill
will proceed toj tOiKlnchow Klnchow with the view viewto viewto Iew Iewto
to maintaining the neutrality of Nlu Nluchwang Nluchwang Nm Nmchwang ¬
chwang 1n case of a Japanese occupa occupation occupation occupation ¬
tion of Ylngkov YlngkovRUSSIA YlnSkOr YlnSkOrRUSS YingkovRUSSEAIS
ST PETERSBURG P PETEJBURG TEri3BURG April 25 VIa ylafrontIer VIatrontlerThenaal viafrontierThe
frontIer trontlerThenaal frontierThe The naval courtmartial c of ofthe orthe I Ithe
the the captain cft1tln of Or the cruiser Boyarln Boynrlnwhich BoyarlnwhIch Boyarlnwhich
which struck suek a z mine and nnc was partial nartlally uartlal11y partially
11y ly dostrt dMtred retf ed near Port Arthur on Feb February FebrUllry Febmary
mary 13 has brought out some sensa sensational sensa sensational sensational ¬
tional fcts eta not hitherto published publishedThese publishedThese ubllshud ubllshudTheses
These Theses sh s IW > w that Port Arthur was In a astate nstate astate
state of ionsternatlon itt the th thetimo time ow owing owIng owing ¬
ing to t e Japanese torpedo attack on onthe onthe onthe
the nigh of Februay 9 9AcconJ 9Accor 9Accortig
AcconJ Accortig ng g to testimony adduced addul > tlllt nt the thecourtm thecourtm thecourtrnfrthul
courtm courtrnfrthul rtlal the Boyarin sighted I htell a aship ashl aship
ship shl In Ie fog off I > t tf Dalny the day before beforeshe Leforeshe beloreshe
she stri atr strt4k k the mine A sharp due took tookplace tookpl tookplace
place pl ce btween l4tween ween tho two vessels flJch flJchlasted 1iChilasted
laste lasted < fr Ir r a quarter of ni hnjr roth rothwere rothwere
were dt d dqnaedThe rmged ced The lljtfit Jl lt w was is tapped tappedtCVntlnucd llppedntinu
1 tCVntlnucd ntinu ntinued on Ninth Inth Page PI1 e eI
Contest for Convention ConventionBecomes ConventionBecomes ConventionBecomes
Becomes More and andMore andNore andMore
More Confused ConfusedLATTER ConfusedLATTER ConfusedLATTER
Connection With Harmony HarmonyCommittee HarmonyCom HarmonyCommittee
Committee Com nittet Thought Thoughtto
to Be a Bar BarDr BarDr BarDr
Dr Robert Reyburn and John F Cook Cookwill Cookwill
will 111 be candidates for delegates del gtttes to tho theRepublican thofccpubUcan thorcepubhmCa
Republican National Convention Con entl n An Announcement Anncuncemcnt Anncuncement ¬
nouncement of this combination comblnotlon was wusmade wasmade wasmade
made this afternoon afternoonThe atternoonThe afternoonThe
The candidates on the other tickets ticketsare ticketsaf
af are re watching the movements of Ihe he new newcombination n newcombination w wcombination
combination with considerable trepida trepidation trepldaI trepldaIHon trepidalion ¬
Hon as some one Is bound to get hurt hurtIt hurtIt I
It as said MZd today toda that the Simmons SimmonsChase Slmm SimmonsChase ms msChnse
Chase ticket would be the heaviest lose loseof loscor ioseof
of votes and that the move will simply simplystrengthen slmJlystrengthen simiIystrengthen
strengthen the RlchardsonPoe partyA party partyA partyA
A number of small meetings were held heldlast beldlast heldlast
last night and nd the leaders of the va varicus vadcus varkus
ricus factions were were in conference this thisncrnirig thisncrnlng thisnernin
ncrnirig nernin Xt l Is expected that before beforenight beforenight beforenight
night One ne n or two more combinations will willbe willbe willbe
be made Protests are already being being1repared bem bem1rcpared beingirepared
1repared against the use of Cooks Cooksname Cooksurme Cooksname
name on a ticket ickot cketbecause because of his con connection connEctiOn conmctin ¬
nection with the harmony harmon committee committeeThese COnlLlttee COnlLltteefhfse coniLnitteeihese
These are to be died with the commit committee committe committee ¬
tee te as soon as they can c n be prepared preparedThe preparedTh preparedThe
The Th < 1 election committee is to hold a ameeting ame6t1n ameeting
meeting me6t1n ir Chairman Chopin Browns Brownsoffice Bronnsofficeat Brownsofihceat
office officeat at i oclbck this tfternoon tfternoonThe JtarnoonThe fternoonThe
The white Republicans held a meeting meetingSaturday mcetinSSaturday meetingSaturday
Saturday night at the home of William WilliamHlckey WilliamHIckey WilliamHickey
HIckey 1305 V Street northwest Reso Resolutions Resolutloos Resoltitiops ¬
lutions were adopted nd pted Indorsing Indorsln the theSimmonsChase th thSimmonsChnse theSimmonsChase
SimmonsChase ticket and Chapln ChaplnBrown ChnplnBrown ChapinBrown
Brown for national commltteeman commltteemanDr commltteemanDr
Dr Lees Indorsement Sermon SermonA
A sermon was preached to the Roose Roosevelt Rooseelt floosevolt ¬
volt elt National Republican RepubUc l Club Clubond and Its Itsauxiliaries itsnuxllhirIes Itsauxiliaries
auxiliaries at Vermont Avenue Baptist BaptistChurch BaptistChurch BaptiStChurch
Church by the Rev ev George W V Lee D DD DD LID
D last nljjit nl t More than a thousand thousandpeople thousandpeople
people crorUed the church These Th e or organizations organlzaUons orgnizUons ¬
ganizations tome time ago Indorsed the theRev theneV theRev I
Rev j Dr > r Lee 1 Jar for delegate d lega tc to the thb Chicago Chicagoconvention Cli1eaoednventIon Icuo Icuoc
convention c nention T He dacllncA declined1 t < P rtufKjynd rtufKjyndadvfsed ruipd ruipdadvised d dl
advised l the the tttnbsto Clubs lubs toq t 4Oolc aok ok carefully r tU11y over overThey o oerthe Er ErI
I the field and Indorse the b bds ilc tICIreL tICIreLThey t tThey
They finally agreed on on n the Rldhardson RldhardsonPoe Rl Ridhards9nPoe bartlsQn bartlsQnPoe
Poe ticket and the R ne Itev ev Dr Leo approved approvedtheir approvedtheir
1 their action actionDr nctlonDr actionDr
Dr Lee openly open Indorsed the tne Richard Richardson Richardt Richardson ¬
t son and Poe ticket from the pulpit and anddeclared anddecmred anddeclared
declared It to be the cleanest dean est ticket be before bei before ¬
i fore the people peopleAt peopleAt peopleAt
At the close of the sermon Dr W S SRichardson SRIQhardson SfliQbardson
Richardson and James W Poe were wereBrought weretlrought weretiroXight
Brought forward by E B Reed J H HMcDowell He HeMcDowell HMDoweil
McDowell C B Braxton E Eo J Branch BranchArthur BranchArthur BranchArthur
Arthur Holmes E S Harris J S SPynn SPnn SPynn
Pynn Henry White lte James Adams AdamsJerry AdamsTerr AdamsJerry
Jerry Terr Wilson James Stewart William WilliamDewey WilliamDewey VIlUnmDewey
Dewey J T Thornton and M ISnntor ISnntorofflcers Sanford Sanfordofficers Santoraofficers
officers of the organizations and as asPresident asPresident asPresident
President E B Reed presented them themthe t themthe em emth
the th vast audience rose In greeting Pres President Pr President 5 5Ident ¬
ident Reed then announced that the theReyburn theReburn theReyburn
Reyburn and Lee forces had combined combinedwith combinedwith combinedwith
with the RlchardsonPoe forces and ex expect expect exp ¬
pect p ct to sweep swee > the city cityMedical cU cUMedical cityMedical
Medical Students Interested InterestedThe InterestedThe InterestedThe
The medical me < 1fcal students of Howard Un University Unlcrslt Unvarsity ¬
varsity crslt are arranging to organize a aRichardson aRlchardon aRichardson
Richardson and Poe club They are al already already iiiready ¬
ready working orJlng for the ticket ticketThe tlcketThe ticketThe
The RlchardsonPoe people will hold hodmeetings h01dmeetin holdmeetings
meetings meetin s as follows At Odd Fellows FellowsHall FellowsHall FellowsHall
Hall Twentyeighth Street and Dum Dumbarton Dumbluton Dumbarton ¬
barton Avenue northwest Tuesday Tuesdaynight Tuesdaynight Tuesdaynight
night Mount Jezereel Baptist Church ChurchFifth ChurchFifth ChurchFifth
Fifth and E Streets southeast Thursday Thursdaynight Thursdaynlsht Thursdaynfght
night nightThe nlshtrhp
The RlchardsonPoe people held a con conference conrerence conforence ¬
ference this morning and the reports reportsare reportsare reportsare
are said to have hnv shown good results resultsTO resultsPRESIDENT resultsP81DENT
f fTO
TO SETTLE SETTLEPersonally GRUM DUM GASE GASEPersonally A8E A8EPersonally
Personally Requests Senators and Rep Representatives Representatives Representatives
resentatives to Dispose of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Matter MatterPresident MatterPresident MatterPresident
President Roosevelt Is determined to tosettle tosettle tosettle
settle the case of Collector Crum of ofCharleston orCharleston ofCharleston
Charleston at this session To Senators Senatorsand Senatorsand Senatorsand
and Representatives Repr sentaUes today tOda ho made a apersonal a apdrsonnl apdrsonttl
personal request that they the remain In Insession Ins611510n insession
session until the matter Is decided in inCongress InCongress inCongress
Rain has fallen in New England the thethe themIddle themiddle
mIddle Atlantic States the lake lakere replon replonthe on onthe
the Ohio Valley Tennessee and the themiddle themiddle themiddle
middle and lower portions t the Mis Mississippi Mississippi Mississippi ¬
sissippi Valley ValleyIt Vnlle VnlleIt
It Is considerably consldernbl colder this morning momln momlnIn
In the lake region the upper Mississippi MississippiValley MissIssippiValley MississippiValley
Valley Kansas Arkansas Oklahoma Oklahomaand Oklnhomnand Oklahomaand
and Texas TexasThere TexasThere rexasrhere
There will be showers tonight tonl ht and andTuesday nndTuesday andTuesday
Tuesday In the middle Atlantic States Statesthe StateRthe Statesthe
the upper uppe Ohio Valley and showers to tomorrow 10morrow o omorrow ¬
morrow In the south Atlantic States Statesand Statosand Statesand
and along the northern portion of east eastGulf eastGult eastGulf
Gulf coast coastIt COl8tIt coastit
It will be colder tonight In the Ohio OhioValley OhioValley OhioValley
Valley western Tennessee the lower lowerMississippi lowerMississippi lowerMississippi
Mississippi Valley and colder colder Tuesday
in the middle south Atlantic and east eastGulf eastGulr eastGulf
Gulf States StatesThe St SttesThe tes tesThe
The winds along the middle Atlantic Atlanticcoast Atlanticcoast Atlanticcoast
coast will be brisk northwesterly shift shifting shlCtIng shifting ¬
ing to brisk easterly easterl on tn south At Atlantic Atlnntlc Atlnntlc ¬
lnntlc coast fresh southwesterly becom becoming b becoming com comIng ¬
ing westerly on the east Gulf coast coastfrfesh coastfr coastfvsh
frfesh fr h to brisk northwesterly northwesterlyTEMPERATURE northwesterJ northwesterJTEMPERATURE northwesterlyTEMPERATURE
9 9am 9aminoon a m C5 C51J
1 inoon 1J noon j 77 77J 77ipm
J 1 ipm p in 80 802pm
2pm 2 p m SI SITHE 81THE SiTrj
Sun sets today todaySun 647 6411 pm pmSun > m mSun
Sun rises tomorrow 603 am ams nIIlTIDE nmTIDE
High tldo today 405 pm pmLow PnLow pmLow
Low tide today 1045 5 pm pmHigh pmHI
High HI h tide tomorrow omorrow436 436 nm 507 pm pmLow pmLow pmLow
Low tide tomorrow tomorrowll18 1118 am amll 1142 114ipm pm
Judge udge Powers P wers Declares Declar s Church of Latter LatterDay LatterDay LatterDay
Day Saints is Much Interested Interestedin
in Education EducationMOSES EducationI EducationlVlO EducationMOSES
Fell ell ll < Out 9 rWith With the Apostles Because of f His HisStrong HisSfrong HisSfrorg
Strong Objections to the Union Unio of ofChurch ofChurch ofChurch
Church and State
The Smoot Investigation by the Senate SenatCommittee SenateCommittee SenateCommittee
Committee on Privileges and Election Electionhas ElcctIonshM Electionshas
has occupied today with the final test testlony testimony testmony
mony ony of Judge O W Powers of Sal SalLtike Salt SaltLuke SaltLake
Luke City Clt and Moses Thatcher th thapostle the theapostle theapostle
apostle who got into disfavor by his in independence independence Independence ¬
dependence in political matters mattersBoth matters mattersBoth mattersBoth
Both witnesses witnessestold told principally of gen general general genOral
eral conditions Judge Powers spoke o oMormon ot otMormon ofMormon
Mormon Influence in the schools of thi thiState the theState theState
State air Thatcher testified regarding regardlniincidents r regardingIncidents gardlng gardlngincidents
incidents which caused his fellow Mor Mormois Mormos Mormos
mos to regard him with ith disfavor disfavorOn dlsfavorOn disfavorOn
On account of the interest of Senators SenatorIn Senatorsattending Senatorsin
In attending the final sessions s slons of the theSenate theSenate theSenate
Senate no more afternoon sessions sessionsthe c cthe cthe
the committee will be held at present presentCompliments presentI presentCompliments
I Compliments to Mormons MormonsThe MormonsThe MormonsThe
The committee was called to order at
1035 ocldck ocl clt when Judge Powers of ofSalt oCSalt ofSalt
Salt Lake City was recalled to the thewitness themtness thewitness
witness chair and the crossexamina crossexamination crossexaminatlon crossexaminatlon ¬
tlon was resumed by Attorney Attorney VanCotto Van VanCott VanCott
CottWhat Cott
What hat Is the interest in a a general generalway generalwa generalway
way wa of Mormons in education In Inquired Inquired inquired ¬
quired Mr Van Cott Cott The Th witness re replied re replied replied ¬
plied pliedThe The The Mormons are as much Interested InterestedIn
In education as any people I know We Wehave Wehave Wehave
have as good schools in Utah as in inBoston InBoston inBoston
Boston We Ye have an n artist whose pic pictures pictures pietures ¬
tures have been shown at the Paris ParisSalon PansSa10n ParisSalon
Salon and a sculptor whose Paul Re Revere Iteyere Bevere ¬
vere now stands standsin in Boston Maude MaudeAdams MaudeAdams MaudeAdams
Adams who is known everywhere as asan asnn 1 1an
an actress was wasQQrn born and brought bro eht up upIn upin UPIn
In Utah Another AnotherItb notheBtJ XJtah = woman 1fQIg Omn n has hascentf re rececihr recealjsung
cecihr centf cealjsung ung befonthd beor befor4th th Kingr Klng of Otland Exoi s
1 i land ij rt n and js il stUlan still it andther T5 7e w ann 5 rec reeetly reeetlyhearc ilf jS jSheard i
heard In in Berlin byitoeernaBm byitoeernaBmAre by p1 theenartEhtrarer getm rI 1 1pror
rarer rarer4Are pror S j jAre
Are all these persons Mormons Mormonsinquired Mormcina2inquired rlormdns2inquired
inquired Senator Overman OvermanWitness OvermanVitness OvermanWitness
Witness said a majority of the dozen dozenor dozenor dozenor
or more persons to whom he had re referred reterred referred ¬
ferred were Mormons He did not in include 10elude indude ¬
elude Miss Adams in the list listOn listOn listOn
On General Conditions ConditionsAs
As to general habits of industry industryamong 1ndust IndustiT IndustiTamong y yamong
among the Mormons witness paid them thema them themn
n a compliment Many of them had come comefrom comefrom comefrom
from humble families In the Old World Worldand Worldand Worldand
and had learned good habits habitsWitness habits1tness habitsWitness
Witness 1tness admitted there were many manyMormon manyMormon manyMormon
Mormon Judges who had a high reputa reputation reputntlon reputation ¬
tion for fairness and interpreted the law lawas lawas lawas
as they srwv It As jurors Mormons Mormonswere Mormonswere Mormonswere
were usually usuall fair witness witne s thought thoughtIn thoughtIn
In n regard rc rd to Informers witness said saidthe safdthe saidthe
the people do not like liketo to report against againsttheir againsttheir againsttheir
their fellowcitizens any more than peo people people peepie ¬
ple do anywhere else elseThe elseThe elseThe
The reconvened convention In 1 1893 1893was 1893was 95 95was
was discussed at some somelength length Witness Witnessrepeated Witnessrepeated Vltnessropeated
repeated many man things given in testi testimony testimony testrneny ¬
mony on Saturday Saturdn last lastis lastis
is it the general opinion among amon Gen Gentiles GentilesMormon Gentiles ¬
tiles tilesMormon Mormons and others that the thechurch thcchurch thechurch
church Interferes in politics asked Sen Senator Senator Seaator ¬
ator Overman OvermanI
I think so returned the thewltness th witness Witness as asI asI
I have already said saIdRcberts saidRoberts i iRoberts
Roberts a Moses MosesMr MosesMr j jMr
Mr Van an Cott Inquired whether hether In the theelection theclectlon theelection
election of 1 1E96 1E9 96 Brigham H Roberts Robertswas Robertswas Robertswas
was not popular among the people ofj ofjUtah ot otUtnh ofUtah
Utah Utnhuge j
Utahge uge He was popular replied the wit witness witness witness ¬
ness because he was admired for his hiscourage hiscournge hiscourage
courage and ability and for his support supportof
of woman suffrage He was regarded regardedas rC 3rded 3rdedas
as the Moses who was to lead us out of ofthe orth ofthq
the th wilderness of ofchu church ch domination dominationIn
In answer to questions from Mr Tay Taylor Tay1or ThyIcr
lor witness reaffirmed r atIlrmed these views and andsaid andsaid andsaid
said saidI I would not say he was the most mostprominent mostlomlnent mostprominent
prominent lomlnent man for we had Moses MosesThatcher MosesIhatcher MosesThatcher
Thatcher with us too but he was nt notIn ntii
In ii good health Mr Roberts had good goodhealth goodl goodhealth I
l health nlth debating ability and was looked lookedupon lookouupon lookeaupon
upon as a leader His stand against againstchurch againstchurch
church domination had been regarded regardedas I
as a courageous act It was generally generallythought beneroUthought generallythought
thought that his ability ablllt his courage courageand couragd courageand
and d his popularity would encourage his hisfollowers hisfollowers hisfollowers
followers followers so that the church could not notihold nothold nothold
hold out against him himWitness himltness himWitness
Witness ltness In reply to Mr Tayler said saidhis saidhis saidhis
his approbation appr batlon of the Mormons for fortheir to tothelr fortheir
their Interest In education did not moor meanthat moorthat moorThat
that the establishment of good ood schools schoolswas school schoolwas schoolswas
was due entirely entlrel to the Mormon church churchThe churchThe churchThe
The school legislation had been drawn drawnup drawnup drawnup
up by Mr Scott who was afterward a aKepubllcan al a1pubhlcan
Kepubllcan l pu llcan member of Congress from fromUtah tramUtnh fromUtah
Utah and was passed by b a State Legis Legislature Legislature LegisIature ¬
lature dominated by Mormons MormonsGentile Mormom5Gentile MormonsGentile
Gentile approval of Mormon doings at atthe atthe atthe
the time of the admission of Utah as a aState aState aState
State was based bas on the belief that thatpolygamy thAtpolgamy thatpolygamy
polygamy and polygamous cohabitation cohabitationshould cohnbltatlOlshould eohabitatioishould
should cease ceaseReligion ccaseReligion ceaseReligion
Religion in Schools SchoolsSenator SchoelsSenator SchoolsSenator
Senator Bailey asked whether wltrftSB wltrftSBknew wltn witnuknew l lknew
knew of punlls In the schools SQ schl Qls being ir1g do detained dotnln dotamed ¬
tamed tnln d after school hours for torrellglous torrellglousexercises religions religionsexercises rehiglounexercises
exercisesJudge exercisesJudge exercises exercisesJudge
Judge Powers replied In the affirma affirmative affirmatlye ¬
tive and cited a atew few Instances Ho did didnot didnot cUdnot
not claim that It was the prevailing prevailingpractice provalllujpractice prevailingpractice
practice but said he knew It had oc occurred oc occurred occurred ¬
curred sometimes sometimesSalt sometimesSuIt
Salt Lake City Is a Gentile city wit witness wltnoss witness ¬
ness stud Approximately 5300COO fXQ a year yenris yearis oor oorIs
is paid to school teachers The system systemof systemof
of tithelng apples npp es to those salaries If Ifthe Itthe ifthe I
the teachers ro Mormon and they theygive theyglye theygive
give onetenth t1 t the church churchReferring churcitReferring
Referring to the boom days In Salt SnltLake SaltLake tIt tItLn I
Lake Ln e witness save the credit to the
Mormons ind nd said they thsn unloaded unloadedthe unlaadedthe unloadedthe
the property on the Gentiles when the theboom theboom theboom
boom was about at an end endApostle endApostle endApostle
Apostle Grants Whereabouts WhereaboutsChairman WhereaboutsChaIrman WhereaboutsChairman
Chairman Burrows inquired Inqul whether whetherWitness whetherTltness whetherWitness
Witness knew Apostle Heber J Grant GrantWitness GrantVitness GrantWitness
Witness said he did that Grant was wasreputed wasreputed wasreputed
reputed to be in England or on the way wayto wayto wayto
to a kindergarten congress in Berlin BerlinHe BerJlnHe BerlinHe
He was a polygamist and had been ap appointed appointed appointed ¬
pointed by b the governor to Utah to rep represent represent represent ¬
resent the State at this th foreign meeting meetingWitness meetIngWltness meetingWitness
Witness said Apostle Grant spoke to lothe tothe tothe
the pupils of the State Agricultural Agriculturalfrom A AriculturalCollege loulturnl loulturnlCQUege
College a short time ago on hIs returl returlfrom returifrom
from Japan and contributed SloO to the theuniversity thelnherslty thetnversity
university funds saying This is 50 50for 50fClr 50for
for myself and 50 0 for each ot my m two twowives twowives twowives
wives I wish I had more moreWas morelas moreWas
Was las this in the presence of tho thoschool thobChool theschool
school children asked Chairman But Burcws But1CWS But2Cw2
1CWS 1CWSWitness 2Cw2Witness cws cwsWitness
Witness said It was wasFurther wasFurther wasFurther
Further inquiries were made as to towhen towhen towhen
when Grant left Utah and under what whatcircumstances whatclrcumstnnces whatcircumstances
circumstances circumstancesI
I did not assert he got out of town townInline townInth8 towninth
Inline inth way he did because of Q the war warrant warrant warrant ¬
rant for his arrest witness said but butI butI butI
I understand he went In the th night nightHe nlShtHe nightHe
He explained that a warrant for Grants Grantsarrest Grantsarrest Grantsarrest
arrest had been issued and that his hisdeparture hisdeparture Is Isd
departure d parture was connected In the minds mindsof mindsot mindeof
of many man people with that action actionWitness actionWItness actionWitness
Witness told of the relationship exist existing existing existlag ¬
ing between Grant and Governor Wells WellsHe WellsI WellsHe
He said the goevrnors sister was wasGrants wasGrnnts wasGrants
I Grants plural 1urnl wife wifeThe wireThe wifeThe
The manner of conducting conducUn the Uni University 1nlverslty Unversity ¬
versity of Utah the Utah Agricultural AgriculturalSchool AgrlculturlSchool AgriculturIlSchool
School the Brigham Young Academy at atProve atProvo atProvo
Provo of o which Senator nator Smoot is a atrustee atrustee atrUsteeS
trustee trUsteeS and other institutions and the theofficials th thofficlals theofficials
officials In charge of them were brought broughtinto broughtinto broughtinto
into the discussion Witness WJ1ness told of f the thepersons then thepersons
persons n rson promrn prominent nt In their direction directionwhether dirtJctionVnethelMormbfior dirctionwhetheyMormoli
whether VnethelMormbfior Mormefi or Gentile polygaml polygam1torno t tor tor
or orno rsa rsaJudge n nJ t tJ
Judge J 1is POWERS Po tsndd his testiaipjijr testiaipjijrMoses teSUmor teSUmorwith tetimoaywltWa
with wltWa a of t1 = gcn 1t t tjn4W
Mo MosehTbatchei hatcbef a1l fled fledMoses 1 1Moses
Moses Thatcher of Logan Utah was wasthe wasthe wasthe
the next witness He said he had hadreached hadreaohOO hadreached
reached Utah In 1847 following the thapioneers thE thEpIoneers thepioneers
pioneers His parents were Mormons MormonsandT Mormonsanc Mormonsand
and anc he was born In the Mormon MormonChurch MormonChurch MormonChurch
Church His official positions in the thechurch thechurch thechurch
church have been elder head of a aquorum aquorum aquorum
quorum of seventy and an apostle apostleWitness apostlei apostleWitness
Witness i ess became an apostle in lifis and andremained andemafnOO andremained
remained emafnOO such until unUl196 iS36 He is now nowsixtytwo nowtytwo nowsixtytwo
sixtytwo tytwo years olo oloA odA oil oilA
A controversy arose between witness witnessand witnessand witneasand
and the first president in 1SS6 1ls9 in respect respectto
to his candidacy lor taenator i Later Later1t Laterit aier aierit
it became more acute Witness had hadtaken hadtaken hadtaken
taken an interest in politics but had not nocbeen notbeen notbeen
been especially tvcuve in a a partisan partisansense partlsu1s partisanssnse
sense s nse tie ± 10 naa considered himself as asfar astar asfar
far back as he could remember remem r in har harmony harmony barmoay ¬
mony with the principles or the national nationalDemocratic nationalDemocratic tIonal tIonalDemocratic
Democratic party When tne iJocral iJocraland lioeraland iioeraland
and People s parties par es dissolved and be oelore belore betore
lore that time in tact he had telt an aninterest an1nterest aninterest
interest in the Democratic 1xmo rutac side sideIn sade1n sidein
In all this time he had been an apostle apostlein apostlQ11n
11n in good standing in the church in Inu19 Inu19I U ThiS ThiSanti > 9 9and
I and 1850 he baa been to Mexico on a achurch aI a achurch
church mission and in 1S31 to the Wind WindKiver W WindRiver md mdlUver
I River country He had been In Mexico Mexicoon MeXIcoon Mexicoon
on twenty or twentylive different times timesand t1mesaud timesand
and had traveled lruel d on an average avern of 150A 150Ato 15QJJi 15QIUto
i to 2 iOvO0 tIOO XJ miles a year for the cnurcb be being benway beIns ¬
Ins away from Utah most or the time timejoining timecQmlng timeeming
joining to 1696 witness had not consid considered cons1tlered considered ¬
ered himself out ot harmony with the thomembers themembers themembers
members of the quorum of apoaties apo t1es up upto upto upto
to that time timeSenator Umei timeSenator
i Senator Dubois asked whether the dif differences dltI differences ¬
ferences among the apostles were not notjust notj notjust
I just j t as they are among Senators at atWashington atVnshJnton atWashington
Washington and witness answered in inthe InI inthe
I the affirmative affirmativeWitness affirmatIveWitness
I Witness first learned that his brother brotherapostles brotherapostleS
I apostles took oftense at his conduct ia iaany inany Il IlI
any way 8y on his position pn on any an matter matterImediately matterImedlateJy matterimediately
Imediately subsequent to t a speech he hemade hemade 6 6made
I made in the Ogden opera house in InDlscrlblng 1SS2 1SS2Describing 1592Describing
Describing this witness said saidHis saidI saidHis
I His Course Attacked AttackedI
I was called from tho audience by bythe bythe
I the audionce audl nce and asked to speak on onthe onI enthe
the advancement of civilization and the thagrowth thegrowth thegrowth
I growth of civilization I may have made madesome madesome madesome
some caustic references relert > s to mmy mm Repub Republican RepubI Repubhican ¬
lican friends I have not a copy of the thespeech thespeecl thespeec
I speech speec But at any an rate te it called out outa outa outa
a criticism crlt sm from the Ogden Standard Standardand SbndardI Standardand
and aa op open n letter signed by Joseph JosephF
I F and John Henry Henr Smith as republi republicans republicans repubhicans ¬
cans published in the same issue of ofthat otthat ofthat
that paper Joseph F Smith was at atthat atthat atthat
that time consider to PrefilG PreeInt < nt Wood Woodruff Woodrult Voodrufr ¬
ruff and John Henry Hen lenr3 Smltl was an anapostle anapoatle anapostle
apostle apostleWitness apoatleyltness apostleWitness
Witness yltness referred r terred to a a pamphlet issued issuedDecember IssuedDecfmbfr issuedDecember
December 22 1 isc < 5M entitled The late latamanifesto latemanltesto latemanifesto
manifesto practical working Yorkln of if t coun counsel counseJ counsal ¬
sal by Calvin l lvtn Re RN80ner aoner Attorney AttorneyTayler AttornyTayler Attorn < < yo yoT
Tayler T I r was wa directed by the chaunan to tonmrii to to11Rrlt toipara
nmrii ipara such parts p rts of the book which is isof Isor isof
of 120 L4 pages pa < < es as he desired to have go gointo goInto gointo
into the official record of testimony testimonyMr testimonyMr testimonyMr
Mr matcher then read the newspaper newspaperaceount newspapernceount newspaperaceount
aceount of remarks made mad by him on onJuly onJul onJui3
July Jul 30 181 At request of Mr Taier Taiervltnea TnI Taierwitpese r rI
wllp8S vltnea read the last paragraph pa graph of the theaccount th thaccount theaccount
I account which said We we trust tho thoMcnaon thui tue4rmen
i Mc Mcnaon n Democrats and the GentIle GentilaDemocratic GentIleI GentileDemocratic
I Democratic alike I am opposed orposld to the thauprou thttDC theapron
apron of church and state stateWitness stateWltnees tate tateltnes
Witness ltnes said the statements had been beencorrectly beeisorroctiy e1 e1orr
correctly orr ctly reported At this point ad adjournment aduurnmeiit 111 111I ¬
journment uurnmeiit was taken until 1030 oclocic oclocictomorrow oclocitwmorrow oclocktoniorrow
I tomorrow morning morningAUGUST1N morningI iiiorningAUGUSTIN
Augustin Edwards former minister IQlster of offoreign orforeign offoreign
foreign affairs at Chile was va Introduced Introducedto
to the President today by Assistant See Secretary SeerHary Seeretary ¬
retary of State Loomis LoomtsMr LoomisMr LoomisMr
Mr Edwards who ewnthree ewn hree newspa newspapers newspnpcrs newepaprs ¬
pers in South America awHc a andm 1t quite a po political poUtica pohitical ¬
Utica power there is I touring the theUnited theUalted theUnited
United States St t < < s for Measure Chile Chn he hasftya heBay hesays
says Bay Is now enjoying a ii Ipaclod Hktlod of un unusual unusual unusuI ¬
usual greafKrity greafKrityMr 1l proelk P < rtty rttyMr r1t r1tMr
Mr Sdwards visa called on o Assistant AssistantSecretary AStistantSeoretat AssistantSeoretary
Secretary Seoretat Lywmis LJ mj of theStafe the Stat Depart Department Department Departthent ¬