OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, April 27, 1904, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1904-04-27/ed-1/seq-5/

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Watson Must Wait ait Dispo Disposition Disposition DispoI ¬
I sition of Other Cases GasesCOURT CasesCOUR CasesCOURT
Transfer of Jail Cases to Criminal CriminalCourt CriminalCourt Criminals
Court No z Might Relieve RelieveCongestion RelieveCongestion RelieveCongestion
Congestion CongestionAlthough CongestionAlthough f fAlthough
Although not probable it is possible possiblethat P08slblethat pofsIbethat
that Jam Jamas s M ifo tA Wajeon Waon unffer unar Indict Indictment Indictment Indtetment ¬
ment for the embezzlement ombe lomcnt of 73000 73000from i3fJIOfrom T3IOfrom
from the District will n be tried before beforethe beforethe beforethe
the beginning of the summer holidays holidaysThe hoUdoY8The holidaysThe
The chances of his being called to totrial totrial totrial
trial before the recess depend entirely entirelyupon cntIrel cntIrelupon entirelyupon
upon the time which which will be taken up upin upin upin
in disposing dlspp lng of cases already alr08d set for fortrial tortrial or ortrial
trial Among tnong these are the TynerBar TynerBarrctt rynerBarrett
4 rctt postoffioo conspiracy conspiracy case theShat theShaffor theShatOr theShatfee
for Or murder cas OIlse f and the John L LOBrien LOBrien LOBrien
OBrien embezzlement cmbezzl mcnt case all set f for fortrial rettrial r rtrial
trial In Criminal Court No 1 before beforeJustice befoeJustice beforeust1ce
Justice ust1ce Pritchard PritchardThe PrltchadThe PrltchndThe
The TynerBarrctt T nerBarrctt case set for Mon Monday Monda Ionday ¬
day da May 2 It Is believed will occupy occupythe occupthe occupythe
the attention of the court for throe throeweeks throewec threewee3s
weeks wec s or longer This will practically practicallyput practicallyput practicallyput
put r the business of the court up to toJune toJune toJune
June 1 Then comes the Shaffer cas caswhich case casewhich casewhich
which counsel Intercstec believe will willtake w111take willtake
take ten tendays days da s or two weeks weeksNew weeksN weeksw
New N w Jury to Be Drawn DrawnIn DrawnIn DrawnIn
In th tlia e meantime on the first Tues Tuesday Tuesda Teesday ¬
day da In June a new jury must be drawn drawnAs drawnAs drawnAs
As Jt t generally takes two or more days daysto daysto daysi
i to complete the panel several days < will willbe willi willibe willbe
be lest to work In this connection It Itmay It111l itmiy
may 111l be said that since the order has hasgone Dnagone hasgonc
gone out that persons crsons summoned for forjury torjuo rorjury
jury work will not receive pay for a aday ada aday
day da unless they the qualify qua11f as is Jurors It is isexpccied IseXpclcd isexpcded
expccied that more difficulty dlfficult will be ex experiencetf e eperf oxper1eiceo
periencetf perf cec than heretofore heretOtore in filling the thepanel thepand thepaneI
panel panelShould pandhQUld paneIlihauld
Should the District Attorney be able ableto ableto ableto
to have some of tho th Jail casos now nowpending nowpendJng nowpending
pending trlqd in Criminal Court CQurtthis Noi 2 2this 2this
this will greatly reilovc the congested congestedcondition congestedcondition congestedcondLton
condition of the calendar Cftlcn < < ar It is hardly hardlyprobable hardlYprobable hardlyprobable
probable this can be done as several severalimportant severalImportant
important will Ill cases are now set for forhearing forhe forhearing
hearing he rlng before Justice Wright right wno pre presides presides presides ¬
sides in that branch of the District Su Supreme Supreme ¬
preme Court CourtIn CourtIn CourtIn
In case some of the business is not nottransferred nottransferred nottransferred
transferred from Criminal Court No No1 No1to 1 1to 1to
to Branch No 2 after the Shaffer case coseis caseIs
is disposed of the OBrien case is next nexton nexton nexton
on call in the former branch of the thecourt thecourt thecourt
Would Balk at Hard Work WorkAs WorkAs WorkAs
As it happens the same counsel C3uflS i repr reprsrnt reprrnt reprslnt
srnt rnt the Government and an the defendants defendantsIn deend nts ntsIn
In the TynerBarrett T nerBarrett case and in the theWatson theWatson theWatson
Watson case It Is therefore quite un unlikely Unlikely ¬
likely they will be willing to go from fromone fromone
one hard long lonl trial into another anotherIt
It is the aim of the District Attorney Attorneyhowever Attorneybowever
however to give Watson aUon a 8 trial at as asearly asearlx asearly
early a date as possible possibleWatson possibleYatson possibleWatson
Watson who has been in jail aII since sinceJune sinceJune sinceJune
June last was given another airing yes yesterday yesterday es esterda
terday terda He was called before Justice of ofthe ofthe
the Peace pea e ONeal to testify testit In a OIVh olvhcase OIVhase oivhease
case ase He was met at the Justices offleq omce omceby offlceby
by his yeife wJfe ife who remained with wIthhIrn wIthhIrnuntil wI hDim hDimuntil nim nimuntil
until ho hQreturned return returned to toT11 jaij jaijLetter jalisrnAtoR
Letter to toa a Pennsylvania Pennsylva ia Friend Says SaysHe SysHe SaysBe
He Doesnt Want Vice VicePresHencv VicePresidency r rPresidency
Presidency PresidencyCOTyDBSSPgRlJ Presidencyco1
4 4c011D <
COTyDBSSPgRlJ c011D co1 Pa P April 27 2iSeM 2iSeMbr 27SeM 27SeMtr S aa aator
tor QharlliJfrVVp Ohariii Qharlb Fairbanks of Indiana IndianaregarBed Indianareglrtled Indianaregariled
regarBed alfc nb probable Republican Republicannnmipee RepubUcannomi Republicannnmiiee
nnmipee nomi nnmiiee ee f tcir fdrIe < frylbe fcePreatdent President says 7S In Inpersonal a apersonal 1 1personal
personal letter to Editor M T Stokes Stokesof Stokesf
of If f this town that he is not a candidate candidatefor candidateftr candidatefcr
for the office officeMr offieer nfflClMr
Mr r Stokes StokeSform formerly rlY reslcfed In Indi Indiana 1001a mdiana ¬
ana a 1l and he and Senator Fairbanks are arewarm arewarm arewarm
warm friends The editor declines to tomake tomake tomake
make public the contents of the letter letterfurther letterfurther letterfurther
further than to make makothe the Statement of ofFairbanks ofFaJrbanks ofFairbanks
Fairbanks noncandidacy noncandidacyThe
The declaration d larat1on may ma be construed in intwo Intwo intwo
two ways wayseither either that Fairbanks F irbanks Is not notseeking notset notseeking
seeking set > klng the nomination or less prob probably probabl probably ¬
ably abl that h he will not tak take It if It is tetendered istM1dered istndered
tendered him by the national conven convention convention eonvention ¬
tion tionINEWS
BOYDS Md April K iThe The body fot fotAlex rofAle of ofAlex
Alex Ale Carter the Confederate veteran veteranwho vetaranwho atran atranwho
who died at his home In BarnevrUle on onSaturday onSaturday onSiturday
Saturday night was Interred yesterday yesterdayafternoon yesterdayatternoon yeterdarafternoon
afternoon in Pleasant P nt Hill Cemetery Cemeterynear CemetCKYnEar Cemeterynear
near Darncsiown Funeral services rvtcea were wereheld werehfld wereheld
held in the M E Church there and andwere aoowere andwere
were conducted by the Rev Mr MrThomas YrThomas MrThomas
Thomas Mr Carter was seventythree seventythreeyears seventythreeears seventythreeyears
years ears old and the oldest Confederate Confederatesoldier Confederatesoldier Confederatescddler
soldier in this thl section of county countyA
A fireman ftroinan on the Baltimore and Ohio OhioRailroad OhioRailroad OhIoRailroad
Railroad by the name of White who whowas whowas whowas
was flrln flriner extra eastbound tbound engine enginefrom enginefrom engineZrcm
from Brunswick for Washington claims claimshe cIalQUIh claimsbe
he h fell oft his train near Randolph t last lastnight lastnight
night while the train was going thirty thirtyfive thirtyl1vl thrtyve
five ve miles mil an hour and received no in injuries In1rles injurIes ¬
juries 1rles other than a shock from his fall falland taUand talland
and a few bruises He says n he was wasworking wasworking wasworking
working on the footboard of tender tendershoveling teadelshoyel1ns tendershoveling
shoveling coal when hen he went to the side sideof aideof sidecf
of the engine and fell e11 off the tender tenderbackward tenderbackward tenderbaekward
backward striking strlkln full on his back He Hewas Hewas Hewas
was picked up by a local train and andtaken aadtaken andtaken
taken to Gaithersburg and from there thereon theren thereen
on < > n an express eXIIre s train to Brunswick his hishome hishme hislme
home His place was filled by another anotherfireman aJtotherflreman anotherilreman
fireman in Washington WashingtonSamuel VuhmgtOftSamuel VnhiflgtonSamuel
Samuel Young has bought the farm of ofNicholas ofNlrholas ofNicholas
Nicholas Offutt three miles from Der DerTvood DerWlod Derwood
wood this county consisting of 878 878acres macres Th Thacres
acres for UOOO paying J 40 an acre acreThis acreThis acreThis
This fmrm arm Is I elegantly situated ff ed and can canbe canbe canbe
be made one of the finest in the county countyThe countyThe countyThe
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Railroadofficials Railroadofficials Railroadofflclals
officials Intend to depart depa from their theirusual theirusual theirA
A usual custom of building platform at attheir attheir t tthflr
their local and other stations of Georgia Georgiapine Georgia11Oe Georgiapine
pine lumber and will substitute for forthem lorthem forthem
them platforms made of crushed stone stoneend stoneLI stonexnd
end LI nd brick walks or platforms It Ittnderstood is isndorstcod i iunderstood
understood at Rockvfne a brick plat platform platferm piatfwm ¬
form will be put arouqd that station stationand stationand stationand
and beside of tracks the crushed stone stonePlatforms atoneplatforms ltonepa
Platforms pa ttonns will 11I be used The same will willbe
be done at Boyds BOd at an early date The
high price of lumber and the expenses expensesof expeq a aat
of keepIng up repairs repAl on their platforms
Is the cause of this new idea which will
be put in ineffect effect as early as poesiMe poesiMeUNIFORM pofMdltleUNIFORM popaihieUNIFORT
BARBAD6S B W V I April 27An 27AnImportant An AnImportant
Important conference began here today todayto todayto todayto
to arrange iinlform uniform quarantine regula regulations r regulnlions la laUons ¬
lions for all the British West Indies Indh8merican
American merican and other Importations have
b be been n hampered steamers delayed and andvisitors and1altors andVI2itor
visitors unnecessarily scared from
these th e shores by the present regulations regulatlonaI
Vaudeville A Actress ActressShot ActressShot ctr ss ssShOt
Shot by Sailor LovetTurns Lover LoverTurns LoverTurns
Turns Weapon on Himself and Both May MayDie MayDieUnrequited MayDieUnrequited
Die DieUnrequited Unrequited Love the Cause Causeof Causeof Causeof
of the Deed
NEW NE YORK April 27 27The The unre unrequited unr unrquited unrequited ¬
quited love of a plowman of tho main mainwas mlLlnas mainwas
was as the cause of a double shooting In InBrooklyn InBrookbn inBrooklyn
Brooklyn teEny which may rosult in inth Inthe inthe
th the death of Adeline Buttnor Buttner an ac actrese nctrestl actress
tress and her lover Gustav SIngbusht SIngbushta Slngbush Slngbusha
a sailor sailorSlngbush sailorSingbush nor norSlnbush
Slngbush spends his life at sea and andhis andhis andhis
his times ashore have been few ew and far farbetween farbotween farbetween
between Recently he came ashore and andwith andwith andwith
with a party of friends visited the tbeAt tbeAtlantle At Atlantic Atlantic ¬
lantic Gardens In Hobokon There the theDinging the theslngln thesinging
Dinging slngln and dancing of Miss Buttner en enthralled enthrone enthmlled ¬
throne < < him and his fascination led ledhim 100him ledhim
him behind the scenes where he intro introduced Introduced Introduced ¬
duced himself to Miss Buttner ButtnerThe ButtnerThe ButtnerThe
The attentions of her new friend were werenot werenot werenot
not repulsed and Bingbush was assld
In Ascertaining Radio RadioActivity Activity of ofMetals ofrrIetals ofMetals
Metals and Substances Sub3tnnccsRules Rules to toGovern toGo toGovrn
Govern Go ern Observers ObserversThe obscrvl ObscrviThe
The United States Geological Survey SurveyIs SurvC SurvCIs
Is collecting information concerning the theoccurrence theunonce thecccurronce
occurrence < < unonce of radioactive minerals 11 11the h1the iithc
the United States and would be pleased pleasedto
to tc have the cooperation of the publip publipin pUblicIn
in this investigation investigationRadioactivity InvestigationRAdioactivit InvestigatIonRadioactivity <
Radioactivity has been observed In Inmany Intnnn inmany
many tnnn minerals and also in many other othersubstances othcbbstances otheraebstances
substances such as slags tailings from fromconcentrators CromcCncentrators rota rotaccncentrators
cCncentrators slimes chemical wastes wasteswater wasteswater wasteswater
water from mineral minerai springs deep well wellwaters wellwaters wellwaters
waters and petroleums and it is pos possible possble pussZble ¬
sible that the number of known radio radioactive radioactive radioactive ¬
active minerals may be greatly grcntl In Increased Incuased inCtf ¬
creased creasedAnyone Ctf ased asedAnyone I
Anyone who has found such minerai mineralor mineraiar
or has observed o erv d radioactivity In any anyother an anther anycther
other ther substances Is urged to give the theSurvey theSurvey theSurvey
Survey full details regarding re rdlng them onJ onJthe an anthe aivithe
the localities ltioalitfes from which they were ob obtained obtamed obtamed ¬
tamed All Information pertaining to tothe toth tothe
the th subject will be welcome and any anyndvlco an anndlce anyadvice
advice which the Surveymny be able ableti ablcto ablet
ti to t give In return will be cheerfully cheerfull fur furxtlftbed 1ur1labed furplehed
How to Determine It ItFor ItFor ItFor
For thd th guidance of those who be believe believe believo ¬
lieve that they possess specimens ot otminerals ottnmcrals 01minerals
minerals containing radioactive olc olcnents clcnents dc dctreats
nents it may ma be said that tho simplest simplestreans slmIllestrfoans simplestreana
reans of detecting radioactivity in a asuspected aS1spected asuspected
suspected substance is by b the use of a aphotographic aphotographic apotographc
photographic plate platethe the more sensitive sensitivethe sensitiveUte sensitivethe
the better The plate should not be re removed retJ1Oed removed
moved from Its inclosing black paper paperThe 1aperThe paperThe
The specimen to be tested should DC DClaid Delaid nelaid
laid upon this black paper in a dark darkroom darkroom darkroom
room and andleft left there from two to fifteen fifteentours fifttenlours
lours a small metal object having first firstlieen firstbeen firstbeen I
been placed I1lacedbetween between the specimen and andthe I
the biajc blacumper biaje c poperon on the plate Instead Insteadfe lr lrtlte f fthe
the fe metal object a n few small smaltnllllsmu smaltnllllsmuOf nails nailsmay nailsmayb may mayarrattg
Of b arrattg a arraliged ed d so as to form form the theIrithfl Initial 1nlt1 of ofthe orth6 ofthc
the owner and left on the papercovered papercoveredplate paper papercoveredplate overed overedplatt
plate bebw the specimen specimenDevelop speelmenDcvelop spebimonDevelop
Develop the Plate PlateAfter PJateAfter PlateAfter
After thus remaining in the dark room roomthe roomthe
the plate should be developed In the theusual thPuarual theusual I
usual marner Jf the specimen tested testedhas tcst tcsthas tcstdhas
has radioactive Ftdl acthe powers a photograph photographof
of the metal object or of the nail nallfcrroed nnllfermed nailftrmed
fcrroed nltlal will be produced on the theplate thppIaIt theplate
pIaIt plate exactly as if 1 the plate had boon boonexposed buon8ed beenexposed
exposed 8ed to the suns rays The U twt twtshould toitshould t tshould
should be made if possible with from fromhall fromhall fromisl1
hall a pound to a pound of the ma materttll materikl i iterttil
terttil terttilPersons terttllPEnons teriklParsons
Persons sending in specimens should shouldbe shoulJbe shouldbe
be careful that each specimen sp Qlm Is JSJfP1 JSJfP1erl ispr isprerly prpp1 prpp1erly
erly erl labeled with the name and post pjosti DI3tomce postotlice
i office address of the sender the th name of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the mine or 01 claim from which it came cameand Clmeand cameand
and the State county city elt village villagemountain viIla viIlamountain lIIagt lIIagtIltoUntaIn
mountain or district d trlct in which the de deposit de1 cc ccposit ¬
posit is 1 located locatedCOLLECTOR locatedCOLLECTOR locatedCOLLECTOR
The annual sale saleof of unclaimed good goodwas goodlwas goodswas
was held yesterday yester ay at the office of H HS HS HS
S Nyman collector of the port ort of ofGeorgetown otor ofGeorgetown
Georgetown or < < etown The goods sold consisted consistedof
of cigars laces embroidered silks a acer atJer atIter
tIter cer skin rug and many other articles articlesJx nrUclMSix articlesix
Jx ix pieces of silk with facsimiles f imnes of ofAmerican ofAmerican ofAmerican
American battleships battleships handsomely and andartistically andarU andartistically
artistically arU UcaU worked upon u On them were wereamonK wereamong YcrQamong
among among the articles sod C G Sloan Sloanwas Sloanwas Sloanthe
was the auctioneer auctioneerCOTTON auctioneerCOTTON auctioneerCOTTON
Will Hold Eighth E ghth Annual Convention Conventionon
on May Nayx n and 12 12The 12The 12The
The eighth annual convention of the theAmerican theAmerican theAnerican
American Cotton Manufacturers Asso Association Association Associstiop ¬
ciation will be hed in Washington be beginning beginning beginning ¬
ginning May a 11 and ending May 12 next nextC nextC nextC
C B Bryant secretary Iecretftr of the associa association association association ¬
tion has been In the thcclt city for some days daysand daysand daysand
and has completed arrangements for the themeeting themeeting themeeting
meeting which will b3 held In the ban banquet banquet banquet ¬
quet room of the Arlington Hotel Hotelt HotelSecretary
t t Secretary Secretar Bryant B oant has arranged for a ation are areception
re reception < pUon ot the delegates to the conven convention convention
tion by President presklontRooseveltonMay Roosevelt on May Ma 11 UPRIVATE 11PRIVATE 11PRIVATE
Invitations have boon Issued by the theCapital theCapital theCapital
Capital Camera Club to a private view viewon viewon Iew Iewon
on Saturday evening of pictures to be beexhibited beexhlblte beexh1bited
exhibited < < in the thirteenth annual exhi exhibition exhibition cxliibition ¬
bition by the club clubThe clubThe clubThe
The exhibit is to be held In the th heml hemicyele hemlcYele hemlcycle
cyele hall of the Corcoran Gallery of ofamong oft oft
t and will be made upot up of a group ot otctorlal ofplictorlal
plictorlal ctorlal photographs which are said to toamong tobe
be among the best reproductions ever everi eershown evershown
i shown by the club clubCRAWFORD clubCRAWFORD clubCRAWFORD
NAPLES APLES Italy IWy April 27 27Marlon 27MarlonCrawford 27MarionCrawford Marlon MarlonCrawford
Crawford the author arrived here to today today today ¬
day and went to Sorrento to Join his hisSciatica hisfamily hisfamily
family familyI familySciatica
Sciatica Cured After A1 AftorTwenty r Twenty Years Yearsof Yearsof Yearsof
I of Torture TortureFor To TortureFor 1ur 1urFor
For more than twenty years Mr J T B
Massey of 3822 31 Clinton Street Minne Minneapolis Minneapolis Mlnneapolls ¬
apolis Minn was tortured by sciatica sciaticaed
Te pain and and suffering which he endur endured endurad
ed during Iohls this time is beyond compre ¬
hension Nothing othlng gave him any per permanent permaDdnt permanOnt ¬
manent relief until he used Chamber ¬
lains Pain Balm One application of
that liniment relieved the pain and andmade andnad andmaile
made nad sleep and rest possible and less lessthan lessthan lessthan
than one bottle has effected a per permanent permanent permanent ¬
manent cure > Mr Massey relates his hisexperience hisexperlenc6 hisexperience
experience for the benettt of others otherswbo otherswbo otherswho
wbo may be similarly afflicted If
troubled with sciatica or rheumatism rheumatismvjhy
vjhy hy not try a 25cent bottle of Pain Paina1m
Balm J3almiand a1m and see for or yourself how quickly qulckl
It tlJ relieves the pain For sale by all all
druggists s
uous In his wooing Last night he met metseveral metsev metseveral
several sev ral of his former shipmates along alongtho nlongth alongtli
tho th river front and they thc told him that thatthe thattill thattt
the tt actress did not care for him and andUint nndtJmt andthat
that hp hf > was being matTe ma e a fool of ofEJngbush ofS ofScngbush
EJngbush S ngbush started for Brooklyn and andreaching andreaching andreaching
reaching MIs Miss Buttners house this thismorning thismorning thismorning
morning knocked at the door She an ancwered anGwored anewored
cwered the summons Slngbuah whls whlsrcre whlsT whisIC
rcre T IC red l to o her for a few seconds and andthen andthen andthen
then springing back drew a pistol pistolYou pistolYou pistolYou
You say sa that he cried criedMiss criedMiss criedMiss
Miss Buttnor tried to run The sailor sailornrcil sailorfiretl sailorfired
fired the ball entering the left shoulder shoulderSiiRbusl shoulderSiigbusl l1oul er erS
SiiRbusl S lI bush then then turned the weapon upon uponhur uponhl1 uponFhsiclnns
hur hl1 Hflf HflfPhysicians 1t 1tPhslclnns
Physicians say that the condition of ofboth ofboth ofboth
both i 11 serious
Dirides Estate Among Amo g Relatives and andMakes andMakes andMakes
Makes Several Bequests to toCharity toCharity toCharity
Charity CharityThe CharityThe CharityThe
The will of Fcnaella M Alexander Alexanderdated Alexanderdated Alexanderdated
dated December Dec mber 21 1903 has bep been n filed filedfor filedfor filedfor
for probate She directs the following followingdisposition f1ll0wlngdisposition fllowingdisposition
disposition or her estate estateTo os141tTo estateTo
To her niece Margaret L Baldwin Baldwinpremises Baldwinpremises Baldwinpremises
premises 1S61 Mintwood Place PlaceTo PlnceTo PlaceTo
To her niece Margaret Caroline CarolineSands Caroll CaroliniSands c cSands
Sands premises 1859 Mintwood Place PlaceTo PlaceTo PlaceTo
To her nephew Albert Howard Ste Stevens Steens Stevens ¬
vens ens premises 1832 Cincinnati Street StreetTo StreetTo StreetTo
To her niece Ida Little Stevens Stevenspremises Stevenspremises Stevenspremises
premises 2515 Nineteenth Street north northwcat northwoat northwent
went wcatTo woatTo wentTo
To her niece Isabel Stevens 2513 2513Nineteenth 2513Nineteenth 2513Nineteenth
Nineteenth Street northwest northwestTo northwestTo
To her nephew John L Baldwin 2027 2027P 202 202P 2027P
P Street StreetTo StreetTo StreetTo
To her nephew William O Baldwin
2029 P Street northwest northwestTo northwestTo
To her sister Sarah F Baldwin Is Isleft Isleft isleft
left 2031 P Street northwest for life liteAt U1eAt lifeAt
At her death It reverts to her daugh daughter daughter daughter ¬
ter Margaret L Baldwin BaldwinTo BaldwinTo BaldwinTo
To her nephew George Woodbury WoodburyStevens WoodburyStevens
Stevens Is left house 1815 Belmont Ave Avenue Avenue Ayenue ¬
nue northwest northwestTo northwestTo northwestTo I
To her sister Margaret L Sands 1E03 1E03Belmont 1803Belmont 1S03Belmont
Belmont Avenue northwest northwestThe northwestThe northwestThe
The remainder of her estate Is left to tothe toth tothe
the th National Safe Deposit Savings and andTrust andTrusl andTrust
Trust Company in trust with direction directionto
to pay payTo payTo payTo
To St St Margarets Episcopal Church Church1aoo
51000 51000To 1 1aoo 1aoore roo roor
To r < > Miss Jacintha Alexander Porters Portersvllle PorterslIle Portersyule
vllle lIle Ala and to the Episcopal Eye EyeEar EeEar EyeEar
Ear and Throat Hospital of Washing Washington Washington Vashln Vashlnton ¬
ton D C TWO 2i i OO each eachAny eachAny eachAny
Any remainder of the th estate after the thesatisfaction thelIatlsfaotfon thesatisfaction
satisfaction of the bequests will be di divided dlYldcd divided ¬
vided among the testatrixs four nieces niecesMargaret niecesIararet niecesMargaret
Margaret Iararet L Baldwin BaldwlnMargaret Margaret Caro Caroline Caroline Caroline ¬
line Sands Ida Little Stevens and andIsa andIsabol Isa Isabel 1530bol ¬
bol Stevens StevensJames T TJamesHayes IJamesHayea
James JamesHayes Hayes by his will dated August
13 1D02 900 leaves his estate to his children childrenand chUdrcnand childrenand
and near relatives relativesCLEfELAi relativesGLEVELANUWILL relativesOLEVELAND
EsPresidcnt ExP esident Will Deliver Lecture to toPrinceton toPrinceton toPrinceton
Princeton Students on Isci Iscii mcident
< u =
i T < 1 dent of 1834 1834PRINCETON 1894PRINCETON 18g4PRINCETON
PRINCETON N J I April 27 2iEx 2iExPesldent 27ExPresident Ex ExPresident
President Cleveland who holds the theStaffordLittle theStatordLltUe th thStaffordLittle
StaffordLittle lectureship on public af affairs affairs affairs ¬
fairs at Princeton will deliver a lecture lecturebefore lecturebefore lecturebefore
before the students of the university unlverslt on onMay onMa onMay
May Ma 2 It has been two years since Mr MrCleveland MrClevelfind MrCievelendhas
Cleveland Cievelendhas has delivered a lecture in the theuniversity theunlverslt theuniversity
university universityMr unlverslt universityMr
Mr 11 Clevelands address will deal deal with withthe withUte withthe
the Chicago Chlca o riots of 1E94 in the time of ofhis othis oflila
his second administration administrationThe
The exPresident and Mr Little were werewarm werearm werewarm
warm arm friends and Mr Cleveland was wasshocked wasfJhocked wasshocked
shocked by b the death of Mr Little In
Trenton last Sunday Sunda He will act as one oneof oneof oneof
of the honorary pallbearers at the fu funeral funeral funeral ¬
neral today todayMRCOLLIDGE todayMR todayMR
John Gardiner Coinage com go who Is to suc succeed succeed sueceed ¬
ceed W V W V Russell as secretary and andcharge andcharge andcharge
charge daffaires at the United States Stateslegation Statesltlon Stateslegation
legation in Panama sailed from New
York for the Isthmus yesterday estcrday
Mr Russell is recovering recovering from his at ¬
tack of malarial fever and will come to tothe tothe tothe
the United States for a short visit be ¬
fore assuming his duties as United
States minister to Colombia ColombiaTOURED ColombiaTOURED ColombiaTOURED
ST PETERSBURG April 27 27Urs 27UrsMcCormick 27MrsMcCormick Mrs MrsMcCormlck
McCormick wife of the United States Statesambassador StatesambaMfldor Statesambassador
ambassador returned this morning from froma
a six weeks trip to Paris Venice Flor Florence Florence Floronce ¬
ence and Vienna She may ma visit thc thounited
united States in June but owing to his hismanifold hl hlmanifold hiamanifold
manifold duties It is doubtful whether
the ambassador will be able to take a avacation ayacatton avacation
vacation this year
Serious Problem Confronts Confrontsjbhe ConrQntsthe ConflQntsthe
jbhe I the Bishops BishopsWISHES BishopsI BishopsWISHES BishopsWISHES
Thought That Introduction of Gregorian GregorianChant GregorianChant GregorianChant
Chant Would Embarrass Con Congregations Congregations on ongrcgations ¬
gregations of Washington WashingtonThe
The substitution of the Gregorian Gregorianchant Gregorianchant Gregorianchant
chant In Catholic choirs of America and andthe andthe andthe
the banishment of women from the thechoirs thechoirs thechoirs
choirs has again been brought to public publicnotice publicnotice publicnotice
notice by statements from various parts partsof partsof partsof
of the United States that the Popes Popesorder Popesorder Popesorder
order relative to tho change will be bestrictly bestrlcUy bestrictly
strictly carried out by diocesan bishops bishopsOpinions blshopsOpinions bishopsOpinions
Opinions as variant as they are In Innumbers 111numbcrshave Innumbers
numbers numbcrshave have been advanced on the sub subject subject subject ¬
ject and it is now said the Question was wasacted wasacted wasacted
acted upon at the recent conference of ofCatholic ofCatholic ofCatholic
Catholic bishops at at the university This ThisIs ThisIs Tillsis
Is hardly the case but It Is said said the theletter theletter theletter
letter from Pope Pius was carefully con considered considered consldered ¬
sidered at that time and attention was wascalled wasr1 wascalled
called r1 ed to the fact that the Pope is toler tolerant tolerant tolerant ¬
ant In his views and while desirous of ofhaving othavln ofhaving
having havln the chant Introduced In services serviceswas serviceswas serviceswas
was not insistent beyond reason In hav having havIng haying ¬
ing his desire in this carried out outCatholic outCatholic outCatholic
Catholic pastors In Washington are at ata ata ata
a loss to know l < now just what will be done donebut donebut donebut
but it was stated today at the Catholic CatholicUniversity CatholicUnherslt CatholicUniversity
University Unherslt where It is believed any con concerted co coeerted concerted ¬
certed action on tho part of American Americanbishops Americanbishops Americanbishops
bishops would be communicated c Imme Immedlately Immq
dlately dlatel that this was hardly hard probable probableNo IlrobableNo probableNo
No Concerted Action ActionEach ActionEach ActionEach
Each bishop It Is understood will act actas actas nctas
as he deems advisable with the congrer congrergallons congrcgnUons congregations
gallons under his direction find If the theconditions theConditions theconditions
conditions are favorable fnvora le to tothe the execu execution x xecution cu cuUonof ¬
tion Uonof of the Popes order it will be car carried cni cnirled cained ¬
ned out outIn outIn out outIn
In many man instances it wilLjint be ad advisable advisable advisable ¬
visable to introduce the chant as ma material material materlal ¬
terial is lacking and many congregations congregationsare con regatlons regatlonsarc
are unable adequately to support a choir choirof choirot choirof
of this kind This is particularly the thecase thecase thecase
case with Washington and should Car Cardinal Cardinal Cardinal ¬
dinal Gibbons Archbishop of Baltimore BaltimoreIn
In which the theDlstrlct District of Columbia is in included included ineluded ¬
cluded decide to enforce the rule It Is Isalmost Isnlmost isalmost
almost certain that many man local churches churcheswill churcheswill
will 111 be embarrassed embarrassedAt
At the university today toda It was said soldthat saidthat saidthat
that it is almost positive that no con concerted concerted concerted ¬
certed action of American bishops will willbe willbe Willbe
be taken In the matter and that each eachdiocesan enchdloceSlln eachdiocesan
diocesan head will act as the conditions conditionsin
in his district warrant warrantI warrantPAYNELOVE o oPAYNES
I 1 91 91PAYNES
Poets Correspondence and Her Replies RepliesDisposed Re RepliesDisposed 1ies 1iesDisposed
Disposed of at n Public PublicAuction PublicAuction PublicAuction
Auction Auctionit AuctionPI1ILArELPiIA
i t 1 1PIriUbEipHii
C T1f > < < > H r rPHILADELPHIA <
PIriUbEipHii it l i
PHILADELPHIA April ltl27 27 27An An Inter Interesting i interesting e eestlng ¬ i
esting collection of autograph letters lettershas lettershas lettershas i
has been disposed of at auction Among Amongthem Amongthem Amongthem
them were the love letters of John How Howard Howard Howard ¬
ard Payne author of Home Sweet SweetHome SweetHome SweetHome
Home to the beautiful Mary Wail Wollstoncraft Wailstoncraft VolI VolIstoncraft
stoncraft Shelley widow of the poet poettogether po poettogether t ttogelher
together with her letters to Payne PayneThese rn PayneThese ne neThese
These missives laying la lng bare the th misdi misdirected misdirected misdirected ¬
rected love of the unfortunate > Payne Payneand Pa Payneand ne nend
and nd the catspaw part he was Induced Inducedto Induce4to
to play for Mrs Shelley Shelle who was really reallyIn reallyIn reallyin
In love with Washington Irving were wereeagerly werecagerly wereeagerly
eagerly bid for by New NeYri Yore dealers dealersifrwentynlrie i1 dal al r rt4w s sltlW
t4w < ifrwentynlrie ltlW nt xitnizid nl Tautograph autoi ph Velters I U tti rs from fromMrs tr frth frthMrs ii
Mrs 1 rs Shelley were ere ere sold s ld to George eorge H HRichmond H HRichmond IIRichmond
Richmond of New York for 5635 635 33 and andthe andthe andthe
the same dealer purchased thirtyfour thirtyfourautograph thirtyfourautOgrlIlh thirtytourautograph
autograph letters signed with Mrs Shel Shelleys SlidIcys ¬ I
leys Initials initialsfor for J225 225 Most of the other otherPayneShelley otherPayneShelley I
PayneShelley letters were bought by byhim byhim I
him the total price being about 2800 2800He 2800He 2SO0He
He also got Paynes autograph manu manuscript manuscript manuscript ¬
script of Romulus the tl1aShepbcrd Shepherd King KIngfor iCingfor
i for 200 200i 200An 200An
i An oil portrait of Washington by byRembrandt byRembrandt byRembrandt
Rembrandt Peale was withdrawn be because because because ¬
cause only onl 275 was offered for It Critics Criticssay Criticssa3 Criticssay
say that this portrait shows the erratic erraticpainter erraticpainter erraticpainter
painter at his worst worstMEN worstMEN worstMEN
A meeting of the New Hampshire As Association Association Association ¬
sociation was held last night it the asso associations assoI assoelations ¬
I ciations hall 419 Tenth Street The pro program PJoI program ¬
gram for the evening Included music musicrecitation muslrecitation musIcrecitation
recitation and the reading of historical historicalpapers historicalpnpers historicalpapers
papers E A Tlbbetts read n paper on onthe onthe onthe
the Discoveries of the Northmen In InAmjrlca InAmrlca inAmrlra
Amjrlca the result of his examination examinationand examinationand examinationsad
and translation of original orlglnnlwrltlng orlglnnlwrltlngTurner writings writingsA Q QA
A A Turner gave save an Interesting hHerestingsl sketch sketchof sketchof < etch etchof
of the history hlstooot of Wentworth W ntworlh N IT ITCecil HCecil IiCecil
Cecil Trickey sang and Dr Duncan re recited reocited recited ¬
cited It was decided that an effort effortshould etrortshould effortshould
should be mnde to have all members membersof mmbersofth
of ofth the association who are going to tothe tothe tothe
the G A K to encampment at Boston and andto andI andtovisit
to tovisit visit their homes during Old Home HomeWeek llomeVeek HomeWeek
I Week leave Washington on the same sametrain sametrain sametrain
Clarke H Wells grandson of the late lateRear lateRear lateRear
Rear Admiral C H Wells U S N has hasbeen hasbeen hasbeen
been appointed first alternate nltetnatefor for ad adinlsslon l1dnlsslon adThission
inlsslon to the Naval Academy next
Present Prices the Lowest LowestFor Lowesti
i For FortheYear5 FortheYear5Deilveries the Year Yearv YearDeliveries YearDeliveries
Deliveries Mad Made v By Handsome Equipments EquipmentsTHE EquipmentsTHE I
815 Eleventh Street N Nchno W WFhcno VItFhno
tFhno Fhcno Main 712 and 3162 and Agent will call on you youk
Snub for Little Men MenAs MenAs MenAs
As Officers in Navy NavyMedical NavyMedic NavyMedical
Medical Medic 1 Inspector Says They Dont Inspire InspireConfidence InspireConfidence InspireConfidence
Confidence and aI d Would Raise Require Requirement Requirement Pequirement ¬
ment to Five Feet Six Inches I
It Is sophistry to argue In favor of ofa ota ofa
a small man for military purposes par particularly I1artlcularly particulzrly ¬
ticularly an officer He cannot have a amilitary amilitary amilitary
military personality no matter what hlb hlbIntellectual hlbIntelleotual hibintellectual
Intellectual attainments attainmentsThis attainmentsThis attainmentsThis
This Is admitted the world over and andIs andIs andIs
Is carefully considered by military na natlons natlons nations
tlons In the selection of their officers officersEnlisted officerbEnlisted officersEnlisted
Enlisted men meI generally judge an officer officerby officerby offlcezby
by his outward utwardnppearance utwardnppearanceIt appearance appearanceIt
It can be set down as a principle that thata
a a small man Is rarely a n successful offi officer offic officer ¬
cer c r There are noble exceptions to this thisbut thisbut thisbut
but they are not to be taken as types lypesI typesIf typesIf
If I the Navy Department acts upon the theadvice theadvice theadvice
advice of Medical Inspector Howard B BAmes EAmes BAmes
Ames U S N the United States will willnever willnever willnever
never have any more naval officers who whoare whoare whoare
are less than 5 feet 6 Inches tall tallIn tallIn tallin
In an essay called A Plea for a aHigher aHigher aHigher
Higher Physical Moral and Intellectual IntellectualStandard IntclleeluaStandard IntellectualStandard
Standard of the Personnel for the theNavy theNavy theNavy
Navy which received honorable men mentton mentlonln menlion
lion tlonln in a n contest conducted by the theUnftbd th thUnit theUnfthd
Unftbd Unit d States St Stat tes s NavAr Nav r Institute Dr DrAmes DrAmes DrAmes
Ames dIscusses officers officex of low statur statureIn staturIn staturin
In a manner calculated CG 1 drive Genera GeneraFunston GeneraFunston GeneralFunston
Funston to profanity profanityAt
At present boys are accepted In tlu tluNaval thlNaval thtNaval
Naval Academy who are are only 5 feel feeltfiJl feelWI feettU1
tfiJl This minimum Is fixed on the as asBasis asfAIR asAill
Basis of f Adjustment djustm t Arranged for Dis Distribution Distrlbuti Distributioa ¬
tribution trlbuti nof of Late Senators SenatorsProperty SenatorsProperty SexatorsProperty
Property PropertySAN PropertySAN PropertySAN
SAN FRANCISCO Cal C J April 27 2 27It It Is Isannounced isannopnced Isannopnced
annopnced that the way has been beencleared beencleared beencleared
cleared for the distribution of the es estate estate estate ¬
tate of the late Senator James G Fair Fairand Fairand Fairand
and that his daughters Mrs W K KVanderbllt KVanderbilt KVanderbllt
Vanderbllt jr and Mrs Herrmann Oel OelrlchS Oelrlchs Oelrich
rlchS rich will receive their shares within withinthe withinthe Withinthe
the next ten of fifteen days if not notearlier notearUer notearlier
earlier earlierJt earUerIt earlierIt
It has been learned that within the thelast thelast thelast
last last three weeks the ihe Nelsons Ne sons have ac actJeptcd ace acdeptcd
tJeptcd e tcd a < comIlrotnl compromise x > over the Charles L LFair LF LFitirestate
Fair F Fitirestate lr estate and that locked In the vaults vaultsof vaultsof vaultsof
of the attorneys of Mrs rs Oeirfchs Is anagreement an anagreement anagreement
agreement recently signed by the oppos opposing oppo5IngrelatIves opposing ¬
ing IngrelatIves relatives of the late Mrs Irs Charles I IFair IFair L LFair
Fair which precludes all possibility of ofany otany ofany
any future contest over the millions millionsthat mllllonsthat rnillidnsthat
that are to go to Mrs Vanderbilt and andMrs andMrs andMrs
Mrs Oelrichs OelrichsIt
It Is also announced that the projected project projected projected ¬
ed contest of a a mysterious heir oC oCCharles oCCharle oCCharles
Charles L L Fair has been abandoned abandonedSECURITIES abandonedSECURITIES abandonedSECURITIES
NEWARK N J I April AIIrl121Vlce 27 27Vice Vice Chan Chancellor ChanBeU Changelior
cellor Bergen BeU 1 has denied t ied the appllca appllcatipn nppllcaton apphcan
tipn ton n of the nl theont4nenta pontlnental ontncntaJ Trust TruRt Company Companyfor Companyfor
for an injunction restraining re5trnJnin the North INorthern Northera
ern Securities Company from distribut distributing c1lstributIng distributlag ¬
ing Its assets assetsINCREASE assetsII assetsINCREASE
SPRINGFIELD Ill April 27 2iThe 2iTheChicago 27TheChicago The TheChicago
Chicago Great Western Railroad P lIroad Com Company Compan Cornpany ¬
pany pan today todtlJfiled filed with the secretary 5ecreta of ofstate otstate ofstate
state a certificate of Increase of f capital capitalstock capltnlstock capitalstock
stock From 30000000 the total amount amountof amountof amountof
of stock is increased to 50000000
sumption that the midshipmen will grow growseveral growaeveral growseveral
several Inches twhlle hlie In the Academy AcademyDr AcademyDr AcademyDr
Dr Ames insists the allowance for forgrowth forgrowth forgrowth
growth In tho Academy Is too liberal liberaland liberaland liberaland
and the result Is graduating classes classeswhich classeswhich classeswhich
which contain many man abbreviated < 1 mid ¬
dies not sufficiently commanding in ap appearance appearance appearanco ¬
pearance to be officers officersbillties officersToo officersToo
Too much risk Is assumed on possi
bilities says sa s Dr Ames Some ex et ettreme e ¬
treme case Is quoted of phenomenal phenomenalgrowth phenomenalgrowth phenomenalgrowth
growth having occurred in ono or two twoyears twoyears twoynars
years and this exceptional case is th thexcuse thexcuse the theexcuse
excuse which has opened the door The Theshort Theshort Theshort
short illdeveloped fll evcloped youth is taken in inwith hiwith inwith
with the vague ague hope that the regular regularlife regularlite regularlife
life and systematic training will in inviolation 11 11violation Inviolation
violation of all physiological laws pro procTuce pro6uco
duce the wished for results resultsThe resultsThe resultsThe
The present requirements for height heightare heightare heightare
are too low If the records of the Acad Academy Academy Academy ¬
emy are of any value alue they prove that thatwo thatwe thatwe
we cannot expect but the fractional part partof partof partof
of an Inch Increase fn height after the theage theaGe theage
age of eighteen years yearsTo yearsTo yearsTo
To insure a mean height In our naval navalofficer nava navaofficer navalofficer
officer it would be well to have a a la lapassed law lalppMsed lawpassed
passed fixing a standard in height ot ota ota ofS
a feet 6 I Inches which must be reached reachedat
at the th tlmeotgr time of graduating duatlnJ
The natives of our country are large largemen largemen largemen
men An examination of 315620 native nativeborn nativeborn nativeborn
born Americans Amerlc ns gives a mean height of
67672 Inches with a mean chest meas measure measure measure
ure of 33418 Inches Inch s Are we asking too toomuch toomuch toomuch
much to fix the minimum height for th thgraduate thgraduate thgraduate
graduate at 5 feet 6 I inches when the themean themean themean
mean for our people peoIllels Is 5 feet 7 73 InchesFOR Inches InchesYMUMMERS inchesr inchesrMUMMERS
Nicaraguan Nicar guan Captain Supplies S pp1ies Empty EmptyWardrobe EmptyWardrobe EmptyWardrobe
Wardrobe by Application to Mardi MardiGras MardiGras MardiGras
Gras Costumer CostumerNEW Costum CostumerNEW r r1EW
NEW ORLEANS ORLE S April 27 Because Becausehe Becausehe Becauseho
he had no uniform and desires to main maintain maintain mainlain ¬
tain usual Central American pomp pompCapt pompCapl pompCapt
Capt Juan B Aldamis commander of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Nicaraguan gunboat Ometepe which whichhas whichhas
has arrived here with the Worlds Fall Fallcommissioners Faitcommissioners Falscommissioners
commissioners from Nicaragua could couldnot couldnot couldnot
not entertain Admiral Jewell of the thecruiser thecrnlser thecruiser
cruiser Olympia on < > local dignitaries dignitariesCaptain dignitariesCaptain dignitariesCaptain
Captain Aldamis has ordered a a unl unlform unlform uniformfrozn
form formfrozn from a Cincinnati firm and yes yesterday yesterday yesterday ¬
terday afternoon afternoon he obtained temporar temporarily temporarIly temporarIly ¬
ily a costume from a Mardi Gras out outfitter outfitter outtitter ¬
fitter He declined to accept any rai raiment raIment ralment ¬
ment possessing the least resemblance resemblanceto resem resemblanceto anvb lance lanceto
to an American officers uniform uniformILLUSTRATED unitonnILLUSTRATED uniformILLUSTRATED
An Illustrated lecture on The Rav Ravages Ravages Rayages ¬
ages and Prevention of Consumption Consumptionwill ConsumptionIw1ll Consumptiontwill
twill will be given at St Johns Parish Hall HallSixteenth HallSixteenth HallSixteenth
Sixteenth Street between H and I IStreets IStreets IStreets
Streets northwest nort west this afternoon at 4 4oclock
oclock oclockTheBpeakere 0 clock clockT11
TheBpeakere T11 peakcrs will be Gen George Ge rge M MSternberg lrSternberg MSternberg
Sternberg and Charles F Weller gen general general gencml ¬
eral secretary of the Associated Chari Charities Charities ClantIes ¬
BALTIMORE April A ril 27 279no One hundred hundredand hundredand hundredand
and fifty members of the Womens WomensWhist Womenslst WomensWhist
Whist lst League attended the reception receptionlast receptionlast receptionlast
last night night at the Hotel Belvedere and andwill andwill andwill
will take part in the contests for prizes prizesbeginning prizC5beginning prizesbeginning
beginning today The congress will willcontinue willcontinue willcontinue
continue until Friday Frida eyentng
f t t 1 1l < i ioP J JS
l I l r rir
S 111
lOforlOc 10 forloc for lOs
Biggest BiggestSeller BiggestSeller 3iggestSellerin
Seller Sellerin Sellerinthe in inthe inthe
the Worli WorliFREE WorlttFREE WorlcLFREE
FREE 25 dainty maids of as many manyn manyna manynations
1 nations na ons each holding her herNEW herNei herNew
NEW Nei n Pictures countrys emblem Full Fullof Fullof 1ullof
of snap and go the finest set of pictures we wehave wehave wehave
have ever issued iS5uedyou iS5uedyouknow issuedyouknow you lAW
know what that thstmeans thstmeansFun means meansPull r ifT r X XFull
Full set free for 60 60Tropbits 60Tropbie A ATrophies
N Ngw W irons4IICCIaeaaa YORK
Trophies coupons t
+ 0 4IICCIaeaaa t t o ep o 0 se e aa saaaea saaaeat saaaeaGood 0 0 0
Good for 50 Cents CentsThis
This Coupon and 450 entitles entitlesbearer entitlesbearer entitlesS
S bearer to toOn0 toOn toTor
On0 On Ton KW g itY No NoWhite N 2 2White I IWhite
White Ash AshNut Nut Coal CoalWm CoalWm CoalWme
Wm J Ja ZEH Co Inc IncI
I 1312 14th St N W W6th W6th a ae ae6thendKStsNW
6th 6thendKStsNW end K < Sts ts N W W13th 1237 B i G 3 St t N u u13th W V V13th I
13th and D Sts 3 W W4t V Vt
+ + 4t t t + 4s9 4 ± tft Jt + It + t 4G4 + + ess + s
AlI All on Account of Nickel Nickelin NickelinSlotTe NickelinSlot
in inSlotTe inSlot Slot Telephone TelephoneOPERATOR ephone ephoneOPER
Mr Weaver Dropped in a Dime and andBecame andBecame andBecame
Became a Victim of the theRules th thRules thRules
to toPHI
PHILADELPHIA PHI ELPn A April 27 27Mayor 27Mayorteavers loI Mayor MayorWeavers YOr YOracrs
Weavers acrs wrath is appeased the Key Keystone Kc Kcstonc Keystone ¬
stone telephones are again doing busi business buSness business ¬
ness in thd city hall and Miss Marie MarieMcLaughlin MarieMcLaughlin llirle llirlercLaughUn
McLaughlin the pretty telephone oper operator overator operator ¬
ator is looking for another Job JobBehind joblJehlnd jobBehind
Behind this adjustment adjustmentsatlsfactory adjustmentsatlsfactoryto satisfactory satisfactoryto
to all parties concerned save Miss Mc McLaughlin McLaughlinthere Ic IcLaughlinthere ¬
Laughlin Laughlinthere there Is a sad story of a anlckellntheslot anlckelInheslot anickelintheslot
nlckellntheslot machine and certain certainrules certainr certainnles
rules r les which apply to tho general public publicbut publicbut publicbut
but cut no Ico with a mayor mayorLest mayorLtst mayorLcst
Lest Thursday Mayor Weaver dealr dealr1ns deHlring desirIng
ing converse with a distant friend rang ranghim ranglJm ranghim
him up on one of the Keystone tele telephones telephones telephones ¬
phones In the city hall hallInadvertently hallInadertentlr hallInadvertently
Inadvertently the mayor mayor dropped a acrime anime a aaime
crime into the slot which is built cx cocclurively cxclurlvcIy cxclunively
clurively for the reception of nickels nickelsThe nickelsThe nickelsThe
The Girl Laughed LaughedWhen LaughedWhen LaughedWhen
When he explained e plafned the mistake to tolaugh tl tlMiss to1ilss
Miss McLaughlin at central a silvery silverylaugh silverylaugh
laugh significant of derision floated floatedbacic 1l0atedbaclt floatedbade
bade to him over the wire wireBut wireBut wireBut
But this is the mayor shouted the thedismayed thedlsma thedismayed
dismayed dlsma ed official Make that connec connection connection cornicelion ¬
tion for me immediately immediatelyMiss Immediatelyiiss immediatelyMiss
Miss iiss McLaughlin refused in a a few fewemphatic fewenJhatic fewemghatlc
emphatic sentences the burden of ofwhich ofwhich ofwhich
which was that rules Is rules rulesand rulesandthat and andForthwith andthat
that no ma mayor or could boss her herForthwith herForthwith
Forthwith In n his wrath Mayor Weav Weaver Weaver Weaver ¬
er issued a ukase against the Keystone Keystonetelephones Kestonotc Keystonetelbphones
telephones tc phones in l the city hall and each eachinstrument eaehinbtrumeli eachinatrument
instrument was wasconsIlicu conspicuously usly labeled labeledOut labeledOut labeledOut
Out of order But now the Keystone KeystoneCompany KeystonoCompany XeystonoCompany
Company has apologized Miss Mc McLaughlin McLughlln McLaughlin ¬
Laughlin tas been discharged and the thesigns fu fusigns theslgns
signs are down downPOLICE downPOLICE downPOLICE
Fourth Failure to Prove She SheKeeps Keeps a aSpeakeasy aSpeakeasy aSI
Speakeasy SpeakeasyOld SI eakeasY eakeasYOld
Old Aunt Betsy Bct < Grant a negress negressseventy negresssevent negressseventy
seventy sevent years old old1 and weighing more morethan more morethan morethan
than 600 pounds was acquitted In the thePolice thePolice thePolice
Police Court yesterday afternoon on a acharge acharge achsige
charge of conducting a speakeasy sPeaKe 8 at ather ather ather
her home 609 Pomeroy Pomero Street north northwest northwest northwest ¬
west westGone Gone again said Prosecutor Pugh PughThis PughThis PughThis
This is the fourth time we have had hadthat hadthat hadthat
that woman here for running a speak speakeasy speakeas speakeasy ¬
easy eas but we can never convict her herPrior herPrior herPrior
Prior to the trial the aged negress negresswas negresswas negresswas
was almost dead and with an unsteady unsteadytread unsteadytread unsteadytread
tread and leaning heavily upon the arms armsof armsof armsof
of court attendants she waddled In Infront Infront infront
front of the clerk to be arraigned arraignedWhen arraignedWhen arraignedWhen
When Prosecutor Pugh abandoned the theprosecution theprosecution theprosecution
prosecution against her she almost almostdanced nlmootdanced almostdanced
danced with withjoy withjoyIMPORTANT joy joyIMPORTANT jo joIMPORTANT
c cI
Ga A > 2 2lvppv
EVERY EVERYVONIN 4 lvppv 1 WOMAN ST of knows a 2AS 2AShappy that succefu1 the secret and andhappy l lhappy
happy life lies ia preferring preserv 1S the charms she ahoalrrady shealready bo boalready
already has or In restoring those she baa lost lostEbe lostEbe lostShe
Ebe may have the sweetest disposition in the thaworld thotorJd theworld
world but unless nature has lu bestowed upon her hera htrII hera
a clear complexion rounded features a well wellturned wellturned wellturned
turned neck and beautiful bust the ahets Is a arJcusly se seriously icticusly
rJcusly handicapped Men Imnre are attracted and andheld andheld andheld
held by these charms and she he Is a II wise woman womanwho womuswho womanwho
who will strive by every means to preserve preserverrstore preserverestore or orrestore
restore these the blessings blessingsDR bl bliasngsDR ngs ngsDR
should I ould be used sed by every woman who baa th thleast the theletSt theleast
least desire to be attractive It Is the only onlypreparation onlyprepar1t1on onlypreparation
preparation that will round out hollowed thin thiachecks thtndeek3 thinchecks
FLESH and REMOVE WH1NKLES WllcT ES from tha thaface thaface theface
face and hands nds no matter how deep the fur furrow f frow furBBveloping ¬
row rowFor rowFor
For Developing the immature Bust Bustor
or to tomnkQ make the breast bre3 t firm large and beauti beautiful btautful brautilot ¬
ful nothing can equal it To prevent the breasts breaiufrom breutafrom breastsfrom
from shrinkinK mothers should always use Dr DrCharles DrCharles DrCharles
Charles Flesh Food after weaning baby It will willalso willalso ill illatso
also restore a II bosom to Its natural rutur contour tow towlbuty cod codbeauty andbeauty
beauty lost through this cause causeWe causeWARNING causecYTARNINa
We wish wUhto to warn the thaitirutcs thopublic thevy
vy a public to AVoid sub rtbatftutcs substinites
itirutcs of this famous preparatloCHARLES preparatlo DR DRCHARLES DLCHARLES
CHARLES FLESH FOOD is on sale at the prin principal pmdP31 principal ¬
cipal Department Stores and Druggists II IIyour Ityour Uyou
your you dealer has not got it send to us usSPECIAL usSPECIAL usSPECIAL
The regular price of Dr Charles Flesh Food Ffis3Is F FIs Foodis
Is 100 a box but to introduce it into thou thousands thousands thousands ¬
sands of new homes we hahn decided to send sendtwo sendtwo sendtwo
two 2 boxes to nil 11 who answer this adver advertisement adnrtlsement adrertisement ¬
tisement and send us 100 All packages are artsent arelent aresent
sent In plain wrapper postage prepaid prepaidi PItP3IdFREE prepaidF
i A 0 sample box boxjust just enough to tomerit toconv
FREE F R I conv conyftiee 1oe you of the great greatmerit greatmerit
merit of Dr Charles Mesh MeshFood heelFoodwill loIeshFoodwill
Food Foodwill will be sent free for 10 cent cents which wblchfor pays pajifor paysfor
for cost of mailing mallin We W will also send ead you YOIlcur youour TOO TOOour
our illustrated book Art of Massage which whichcontains whichcontains whichcontains
contains all the proper movements for massag massaging maseaglug I IIn ¬
lug In the face neck and arms and full direc directions dirtctions directions ¬
tions for developing the bust Address AddressOR Addres3DR Addressno
no flUAD1 i ffl 10 Park Plaoe PlaoeUn Bo BoCJllppe1Ta
Un uuttuLia uu 1cwlrork 1cwlrorkC
Clilppeira XndlaBlood IndianB1o Indian IndianBlood
Blood B1o B1oTonic Cordial CordialTho CordialTho
Tho Best Spring SpringTonic SprlnTonic
Tonic and Blood BloodPurifier Bloodrurlfier BloodI
50 a BottleWilliams Bottle BottleWilliams
Williams Williamscmple Williamsmple
cmple Drug nruIStoa nruIStoaCor Store StoreCor
I J Cor CorSthanff CorSthanffMary 9lh and an F FMary FMary
Mary Dcsha anothtr of the founder

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