1 r I oA
1 1Had
Had society kept the pace all week set for it Monday and Tuesday Tuesdaythere Tuesdaythere Tuesdaythere
there would have have been quite enough food for social gossip to have lasted lastedhalf lastedhaIf lastedhalf
half the summer through There was a specially breezy rush to things thingsduring thingsduring thingsduring
during those two days which quite stirred the blood of the pleasure pleasurelover pleasureI pleasurelover
lover I over but alas the downpour of rain which spoiled the Russian Bazaar Bazaardampened Bazaardampened Bazaardampened
dampened also the ardor of the wouldbe entertainers and there were few fewof fewof fewof
of those halfformal and impromptu affairs which give to the spring sea season season season ¬
son at the Capital its particular charm charmLuncheon charmLuncheon charmLuncheon
Luncheon and dinner parties at the Chevy Chase and Country Clubs Clubswere Clubswere Clubswere
were quite out of the question qu tion and the weeks end held but little social socialentertainment socialentertalnmont socialentertainment
entertainment for anyone Generally just before the the th close of Congress Congressthere Congressthere Congressthere
there is a scurry to pay off obligations with a result of many dinner dinnerand dinnerand dinnerand
and luncheon parties but this this his season no one has h seemed to feel that necessity neces necessity necessity ¬
sity and for the most farewells were spoken in other places if at all allthan allthan allthan
than over the hospitable board boardMrs
o 0 0Mrs eMrs
Mrs Roosevelts musicale was a truly charming affair and gave to toa toa toa
a large contingent of official society societ particularly from the Senate and andHouse andHouse andHouse
House a nice impression Impr sslon of Executive hospitality to carry home with withthem withthem withthem
them The light and airy effect of the East Room and the large Colonial ColonialHall ColonialHaU ColonialHall
Hall as well as of the other rooms on the first floor was greatly enhanced enhancedby enhancedby enhancedby
by the wide open windows upon all sides giving glimpses of the fine finelawn finelawn finelawn
lawn surrounding the White House with its halfverdant trees and beds bedsof bedsof bedsof
of gay spring flowers flowersSociety fiowersSociety flowersSociety
Society had on its best manners mannersror for the musicale and showed its ap appreciation appreciatlon appredation ¬
predation of the music and respect respectfor for the hostess by keeping quiet quietduring quietduring quietduring
during tho recital
c 0There 8 8There o oThere
There was a ripple of disappointment in store for the first arrivals arrivalswho arrIvalswho arrivalswho
who expected to see Prince Pu Lun standing by b Mrs Roosevelts side sidearrayed sidearracd sidearrayed
arrayed in his gorgeous yellow jacket He arrived in the tge tie most democratic democraticfashion democratiefashion democraticfashion
fashion and after being presented by the Chinese minister was seated seatednear seatednear seatednear
near tho musicians and soon lost to view to most of the five hundred hundredguests hundredguests hundredguests
guests who filled the East Room In fact there were many many ma y who did not notsee notsee j jsee
see the prince at all There Is a suspicion that the music to which he helistened helistened helistened
listened intently was the only sound he understood while at the Capi Capital Capital Capital
tal The prince was charmingly democratic in his way wa but no gleam gleamof gleamof j jof
of intelligence lighted his countenance at atany any of the social functions given givenIn givenin givenin
In his honor honorThe honorThe honorThe
The President Presidentand and Mrs Roosevelt gave gave the prince sufficient atten attention attention attention ¬
tion to satisfy even tho Emperor of China They not only entertained entertainedbim enterWncdblm entertainedhim
him but attended the luncheon given in his honor by the Secretary of ofState ofState ofState
State and Mrs Hay Senator and Mrs irs Lodge were also guests at this thisluncheon thisluncheon I Iluncheon
luncheon luncheonThe I JThe
The reception given by General and Mrs Foster was a particularly particularlycharming particularlycharming particularlycharming 1
charming affair and strangely enough the room In which Mrs M > is s Foster re received recelved ¬
I 1ceived
ceived and presented the prince was hung with richest embroideries of his hisown hisown
own country In fact the drawing room and music room adjoining adjoiningeach adjoiningeach adjoiningeach I
each contain contaIn a wealth of Chinese curios curiosSir curioSir curiosSir
Sir Liangs dinner In honor of the prince was a beaiitifulaffairai beautiful b ti urulafIa1ra affair anf anfthe > d r rthe r rthe
the small Celestial and Speaker Cannon at least came to an understanding understand understanding understand understanding
ing over the menu which both understood and appreciated appreciatedMr
s o e eMr
Mr Takahira was also a guest on Monday night when he entertaln entertalned entertahted entertaitfed
ed his noted countryman who Is a commissioner to the Worlds Fair FairThese FairThese FairThese
These two dinners with that given by the Secretary of Commerce Commerce and andLabor andLabor andLabor
Labor and Mrs Gortelyou Cortelyou in honor of the President and andMre Mrs Roose Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt ¬
velt were the most notable dinner parties of the week There were werenumerous werenumerous werenumerous
numerous other dinner hosts but both dinner and luncheon parties had hada ha haa hada
a generally informal air airThe airThe airThe
The marriage man1a e of Miss Langham and Lieutenant Commander ComIpl dEr de deFara deFaramond e Para Paramond lJ lJmond
mond will be the next international marriage to take place and will w l be bean bean bean
an exceedingly quiet affair witnessed only by the members of the fam farofly family famlIy ¬
fly the embassy corps and a few friends The coming week holds littleof little littleof l1ttleof
of importance except the horse show at Chevy Chase when society en enmasse enmasse enmasse
masse will turn Wrn out in its gayest attire to see the sport Monday MrsBoardman Mrs MrsBoardman MrsBoardman
Boardman will give the first of her spring teas at the Country Club andif and andif andit
if the th weather proves propitious a large number of hostesses will fol follow follow follow ¬
low her exampleand example and entertain almost altogether at the Chevy Chase and andCountry andQpuntry andountry
Country ountry Clubs
T r Teas TeasMrs TeasMrs i iMrs
Mrs J E Gadsby was hostess at atdeghttul a adelightful ade
delightful de + ighttul English tea at 4 oclock oclockThursday oclockThursd oclockThursday
Thursday Thursd given In honor of Mrs Bibb Bibbor Blbbor j jol
or California Californiai CaliforniaFear
i Fear I ear Admiral and Mrs Chester entertained en entertained enterta1ned ¬
tertained at a n tea yesterday afternoon afternoonin
in honor of Mrs Arthur Chester and andMrs audrs andAirs
Mrs rs Colby Ml Chester Assisting Mrs MrsChester MrsChester MrsChester
Chester were Mrs Allen Mrs Fitch FitchMrs FitchIrs FitchMrs
Mrs Irs Pillsbury Miss Kennedy I < enned Mina MiaHHawkins MinaHawkins I1 s sHwklns
Hawkins Miss Emily Emil Fitch Miss Law Lawrence Lawrfnce Lawrence ¬
rence Hubbard Miss Fremain and Miss MissWilder lIIS6Vilder MistWilder
Wilder A large contingent from naval navalelides navalell navaleltcles
elides ell des and society generally were the theguests theguests theguests
guests guestsI guestsis
I Luncheons LuncheonsMrs 1 1Mrs
Mrs Churchill Candee had as guests guestsat gues guesat guests guestsat
at luncheon yesterday Mrs Chaffee ChaffeeMrs ChalIceMrs ChaffeeMrs
Mrs Gillesple Mr Mrs lnI Lincoln Mrs Rloh Rlohard Rlohard Riohard
ard Ely Mrs Sandford BUaell a house houseguest houseguest houseguest
guest Miso MI8 Rollfna of New ew York and andMiss andMiss andMiss
Miss White WhiteMrs WhlteMrs hlte hlteMrs
Mrs Oliver Cromw Cromwell ll IB one of th thseveral the tht6eoral theseveral
several hostesses hoate es who entertain itt t theChevy the theChevy theChovy
Chevy Chase Club today She entertains entertainsa
a 0 luncheon party partyMrs pertyJlrs partyMrs
Mrs Churchill Candee entertains a aluncheon Aluncheon aluncheon
luncheon party at Ute Chevy Cke OMM OMMClub eM eMlub CiiaeClub
Club lub today todayMr today1lr todayMr
Mr and Mrs Tiffany entertained a adinner Itdinner adinner
dinner party and the Mtatae Mt CtiMea CUJlINlhostesses war warhostesses nyrhostesses
hostesses at a luncheon luncheonI lunciteotrDinners lunchoonDinners
r rDinners I
I Dinners DinnersBesides i iBesides I IB
Besides B sldes the dinner at the German em embassy embassy embassy ¬
bassy last l t night there were a number numberof numberot numberof
of less formal but notable events eventsMiss ovontMiss eventsMiss
Miss Edith EdithMiller Miller was hostess hOSle s at a alixcly alively
lively 111 dinner dance last night which whichwas whichwas whichwas
was chaperoned chaperon by Mrs Oliver Crom Cromwell Cromwell Cromwell ¬
well 15 15I g g4 H HWeddings
I Weddings WeddingsSplnsterhood i iSphulterhood
Spinsterhood has no terrors ter Mlew MlewRoosevelt Ml MlRooseelt MlssRoosevelt
Roosevelt and notwithstanding her firm firmdetermination firmdetermination firmdetermination
determination after the opiiodo of the thesix thesix thesix
six pink bridesmaids brtde malds at Anna Mo MoCauleys MoCauleys Io IoCKuleys
Cauleys wedding a few months agowhen ago agowhen a o owhtn
when the death of her uncle In New NewYork NewYork NewYork
York prevented her acting she haft con consented consented consented ¬
sented to brave the old saw three times timesa
a bridesmaid never a bride and act In Inthat inthat 1nthat
that capacity for Miw M n8 Elsie Elale WholoqMiss Wholaiv WholaivMiss Vholof VholofUss
Miss Uss Whelens Vhelen marriage to Robert RobertGoelet Rob RobertGoelet rt rtGoelat
Goelet will take t81 < 0 place on Juno 11 and andthe at1 at1the andthe
the other bridesmaid to act with MissRoosevelt Miss MissRoosevelt Mbl MblRoosevelt
Roosevelt Roosevelt will vlll vii bo Miss Paulino BIddle BIddleMiss BiddleMiss
4 Miss Jean Struthers and Miss Esther EstherWhite EstharVhlte EstherWhite
White Harrison Hltrr nn of Philadelphia Phlladrllhla and andMiiw andMI andMist
Mist MI JspHrt 1 < < > lIn of New York YorkMiss YorkMiss YorkMiss
Miss WhtUn made a visit to Washington Washing Washington Vnshlngton ¬
ton a a week wfi k or oro so ago and assisted Miss MissI U 1S
Roosevelt In whlllng away thfiIojiell thfiIojiellness th ion lb lbness
ness of the short conflnement confinement c n ncm n to her herapartments herapartmcnts herapartments
apartments with measles measlesThe measlesThe measlesThe
The marriage ofMIss ot Miss Mary E Quinn Quinnand QuinnI Quinnand
I and Jefferson Altcheson was quietly quietlysolemnized quietlyI quietlysolemnized
I solemnized Wednesday evening at 630 630oclock 610I 630oclock
I oclock at the parsonage of St Marys MarysCatholic MarysCatholic MarysCatholic
Catholic Church Alexandria Va The TheRev TheRev TheRev
Rev Father Cutler performed the cere ceremony ceremony ceremony ¬
mony monyThe monyThe monyThe
The bride is the only daughter of Ed Edward Edward Edward ¬
ward Quinn a prominent merchant of ofAlexandria otAlexandrln ofAlexandria
Alexandria AlexandriaThe AlexandrlnThe AlexandriaThe
The groom grOom a n popular young Alexanl Alexanldrian Alexan Alexandrian Alexandrian
drian is head bookkeeper In the South Southern Southern Southern ¬
ern Railway office at Thirteenth Thlrte nth Street Streetand Streetand Streetand
and Pennsylvania Avenue AvenueThe Aen AvenueThe e eThe
The bride was becomingly gowned in inecru Inecru inecru
ecru voile military design with hat hatand ha haand hatand
and gloves to match She carried a ashower ashower ashower
shower bouquet of Bride roses rosesThe rosesThe rosesThe
The brides brIdc only attendant was Miss MissClara MissClara DiissClara
Clara Sanders of Baltimore who wore worea worea worea
a a handsome gown of gray French voile voileand volleand voileand
and a n becoming white hat She carried carrieda
a cluster bouquet of violets violetsBenjamin violetsBenjamin violetsBenjamin
Benjamin Altcheson brother of the thegroom thegroom thegroom
groom was best man manImmediately manImmedlateJy manImmediately
Immediately after the ceremony the thebridal thebrtdal thebridal
bridal party took the 7 oclock train for forWashington torVashlngton forWashington
Washington where they were were enter entertained entertained entertained ¬
tained by Mr and Mrs Edward J JQuinn JQuinn JQuinn
Quinn Quinn of COI Pennsylvania Avenue Avenuenorthwest Avenuenorthw6st Avenuenorthwest
northwest a brother of the bride brideThe brideThe brideThe
The couple left Washington on the
1040 qclock train amid a shower of ofrice otrice ofrice
rice ana best wishes They will visit visitNew visitNew Islt Isltew
New ew York Buffalo Niagara Falls and andAtlantic andAtlantic andAtlantic
Atlantic City CityThe CityThe CityThe
The brides presents were handsome handsomeand handsomeand handsomeand
and numerous numerousMr numerousMr
Mr and Mrs Altcheson will be at athome atborne athome
home after May 16 to their many manyfriends man manfriends manyfriends
friends at 511 Orndco Orbn co Street Alexandria Alexan Alexandria Aloxandrla ¬
dria Va VaMiss VaUss VaMiss
Miss Uss Mamie Wright and J William WilliamHarrlman WilliamHarriman VllliamHarriman
Harriman of New York York wore quietly quietlymarried quietlymarried tulctl tulctlmarried
married Wednesday evening at the theparsonajje theparsonngc theparsonage
parsonage of Grace P E EChurch 2hurch by bythe bythe bythe
the Rov Mr Sontag ThcFnewly Th newly married mar married married ¬
ried couple left for a a short Northern Northerntrip Northerntrip Northerntrip
trip and will be homo to their friends friendsafter friendsafter friendsafter
after May 4 at 027 F Street southwest southwestMiss southwestMls8 southwestMiss
Miss Alice Jean Fryer and Clarence ClarenceBarsillal ClarenceBarzlllal ClarenceBarzilial
Barsillal Hurrey were married at 8 8oclock 8ocloak Soclock
oclock last evening at St Andrews AndrewsChurch AndrowsChurch AndrewsChurch
Church Among the out of town guests guestepresent guestspro guestspresent
present pro ent were MI Miss s Harriet Adelle Hur Hurrey Hurrey Hurray ¬
rey of Michigan Charles Du Bols B ls Hur Hurrey Hurrcy Hurray ¬
ray of Chicago the grooms at attendant attendant attondant ¬
tendant Miss Lena C Gore of Win Winchester Winchester Vln Vlnchoster ¬
chester Va and Frank Andrews Fallof Fall Fallof Fallo
of o New York YorkMra YorkMrs YorkMrs
Mrs De Loftro widow of Major A A ADe ADe ADe
De Loffre U S A announces tho en engagement engngemont engagemont ¬
gagement of her daughter Adele Eugenia Eu Eugenia Eugenia ¬
genia to Lieut William Romsen Tay Ta TaJar ¬
lor Third United States Cavalry CavalryThe CavalryTho CavalryThe
The date set for the marriage of Miss MissHaldee MissHaidee MissHaidee
Haidee Williamson and Joseph M Z ZCharbonnel ZCharbonnel ZCltarbonnel
Charbonnel of Los Angeles Cal Is IsJune IsTuno IsJune
June 18 and will take place pin co at tho ronl ronldonce resldonee rosldonce
donce of her brotherinlaw and sister sisterMr slstarMr sisterMr
Mr and Mrs Roy JOnos at Santa Stl t tlIonIQa
Monica Cal CalMiss CatMII3 CalMiss
Miss Williamson is is now the th guest of
f > Some of the Prominent Society Women Who Helped Make the Russian Bazaar B zaar a Success 1
From left to right rightMiss Miss Anita Poor Miss Annette Anne e Townsend owns nd Miss Caroline Postlethwaite PostIet aite From left to right rightMiss Miss Mary Goldsborough Miss Lydia Loring Ms M ss Edith Miller
her elster Mrs Bailey In this city and andis andIs andIs
is being b lng much entertained She is the thedaughter thedaughter thedaughter
daughter of the late General Williamson William Williamson VnUamson ¬
Themarriage Th The marriage of ot11158 Miss Lillian Snowdcn Snowdcnto Snowd < rt rtto
to Greenville Lewis Jr brother of ofLieut ofLlcut ofLieut
Lieut Benjamin A Lewis United States StatesMarine StatesMarine StatesMarine
Marine Corps occurred on the 27th Inst Instat Instat instat
at St Philips Phtll > s P PO E Church at Laurel LaurelMd LaurellId LaurelMd
Md The bride was becomingly gowned gownedIn
In white and carried a a shower bouquet bouquetof
of Bride roses and lilies of the valley valleyHer vallwHer valleyHer
Her veil en was artistically arranged with witha
a cluster of orange blossoms blossomsThe blosomsThe blosnomsThe
The bride was attended by Miss Mary MaryWilliams 1lnI 1lnIWIlUnms MaryWilliams
Williams of Laurel Md as maid of ofhonor oCJ01 ofhonor
J01 honor r and nd four bridesmaids Miss iss Louise LouisegBajccr Louisecr 1
gBajccr Bak cr x of Washington Wa hlngton Miss Bottle BottlePoach DettlePoaoh BettieFoaoh
Poach of MItchelville Md Miss Mary MaryPerry MaryIterry MaryBerry
Perry of Laurel Md and Miss IJss Marlon MarlonReese MarlonReesc MarionReese
Reese of Baltimore They wore white whiteorgandies whiteorgnndIes whiteorgandies
organdies and carried white and green greenbouquets greenbouquets greenbouquets
bouquets Mr Lewis west man was his hisbrother hisbrother hisbrother
brother Lieut Benjamin A Lewis sta stationed stationed stationed ¬
tioned at Annapolis Annapolis Md and the ushers ush ushers ushers ¬
ers were O t H Fowler of Washington WashingtonD
D C Beii Ben Watkins of Maryland Mr MrMannikoe MrMannlkoe MrMannikee
Mannikoe of Swarthmore Pa and J JD JD T TD
D Cronmlller of Laurel LaurelRussian Laurelf LaurelRussiali
f Russian Bazaar BazaarCountess BazaarCountess i iCounteS
Countess CassinI adopted daughter of ofthe otthe ofthe
the Russian ambassador ambassador and the most mostadvertised mostadyerUscd mostadvertised
advertised foreign woman In America Americagave Am Amdrlcagave riea rieagave
gave society a a lively bout from Tuesday Tuesdaymorning Tuesdnymorning Tuesdaymorning
morning until curfew rang last night nightShe nightSho nightShe
She will probably go gor down < 10loI1 in history as astho astho asthe
tho only woman living who could induce induceambassadors Induceambassadors induceambassadors
ambassadors and foreign ministers to tostand toslnnd tostand
stand about junder under dripping skies like likeducks likeducks likeducks
ducks In hi a a barnyard or society women womento womento womento
to trail through veritable puddles pu < 1l11es of ofmuddy otmuddy ofmuddy
muddy water dressed In their most ex exquisite exquisite exqulsite ¬
quisite lawn party attire and cajole tho thopassing thopassing thepassing
passing throng Into parting with fabu fabulous fabulous fabulous ¬
lous amounts for mere trifles triflesThere trttlesThere triflesThere
There was the most beautiful lawn in inthe Intho inthe
the District of Columbia with almost almostevery almostevery almostevery
every blade of grass the same length lengthand lengthand lengthand
and over Its smooth face a II veritable veritablefairy veritablefairy Veritablefairy
fairy show of tents and booths one of ofthem orthem ofthem
them a a genuine flower creation with a astraw astraw astraw
straw thatched roof there were unique uniquesigns uniquesigns uniquesigns
signs and startling and grotesque costumes cos costumes costumes ¬
tumes and music and women In Inluperb InluperbFrench superbFrench superb superbFrench
French lawn party gowns gownsa a most beau beautJful beauUful beautlful
tJful sight for the sun to shine upon uponbut uponbut uponbut
but it did not shine Instead the heav heavens heavens heavens ¬
ens wept upon u On it alt until there stood stoodambassadors stoodambassadors stoodambassadors
ambassadors looking for all the world worldas worldas worldas
as If they had been to a cock fight and andhad andbad andhad
had tasted the gore of the contestants contestantsfor contestantsor contestantsfor
for or the red trimmings of the toy booth boothlet boothlet boothlet
let plentiful and copious gushes of red redwater redwater redwater
water down white shirt fronts while whileother whileother whileother
other diplomatists about looked to have haveentered haeentered haveentered
entered a freeforall fight and every everyman eeryman everyman
man worsted In the bout boutThere boutThere boutThere
There were diplomats under the drip dripping dripping dripping ¬
ping boughs buying hot hotwames waffles at 10 10cents 10cents 10cents
cents apiece and eating them from the thepalm thepalm thepalm
palm of their hand and washing them themdown themdown themdown
down with Ice cold beer There were werewomen werowomen werewomen
women and men huddled like wet sheep sheepin sheepIn sheepIn
in a fold under some generous canvas canvasand canvasand canvasand
and bartering for toys or flowers and andthere andthore andthere
there were pretty women skipping over overthe OCIthe overthe
the soggy sogS latin h n In slippered feet and andtheir andtheir andtheir
their dresses held at bathing suit length lengthand lenttband lengthand
and more much more more to be seen een at atCountess IltCountess atCountess
Countess Cassinis fair fairand and all for the thelovo the10vooC thelove
love 10vooC of Russia Well not much These Thesepeople lhes lhespeople Thesepeople
people had started In to help the little littlecountess Itttecountess littlecountess
countess and there sho stood reckless recklessof
of the bedraggled skirts about ab ut her feet feetunmindful teetunmlndtul feetunmindful
unmindful of the rain dripping from her herpicture herpicture herpicture
picture hat unmindful of the sorry pic picture picturo pieturn ¬
turn she made and thinking only of ofcarrying orcarrying ofcarrying
carrying her great scheme to success successand successand successand
and they had spoiled their th ir best clothe clotheanyway clotheanyway clothesanyway
anyway these society people and they theywere the thewere theywere
were now in It for all the fun and profit profitpossible profUpossible profitpossible
possible possibleMiss possible1IIss possibleMiss
Miss Roosevelt stayed to the jolly big bigdinner bigcUnner bigdinner
dinner party in tho tent that night nightTuesday nightTucsday nightTuesday
Tuesday night nlghtnnd and as tho guest of theHenry the theHenry theHenry
Henry Mays She wore a charming fresh freshwhite freshwhlto freshwhite
white frock and a 0 picture hat with a alace alace 1 1lace
lace frill four Inches deep falling from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the brim and having the time of her herlife horliCe herlife
life It was awfully awtullyBobemlnn Bohemian and andeveryone andeveryone andeveryone
everyone did well to enjoy it for such suchanother 8Uc1 8Uc1anotheropportunltywlll suchanother
another anotheropportunltywlll opportunity will probably neve
mt mtMISS <
Photograph Copyright 1904 by the Photo Press
again present itself to Washington so society socl socibty ¬
ciety cietyMen cl cibtyMen ty tyMen
Men in white spats and white vests vestsunder vestsunder Vestsunder
under their frock coats forgot their fineattire fine fineattire tIneattire
attire and rolled boxes boxcaand and barrels into intothe Intothe intothe
the big stable on the place pia co to protect protectthowares protectthowarcs protecttliowares
thowares from thebad the bad ad weather weatherThen weatherThen weatherThen
Then the countess shook hor head and andsaid andsaid andsaid
said we will have more of It tomorrow tomorrowJ2000 tomorrowf2OOO
J2000 Is not enough for our labors but butthe buttho butthe
the tomorrow and all the other tomor tomorrows tomorrows tomorrows ¬
rows of the week brought weeping skies skiesIt skiesIt skiesIt
It was set for yesterday csterda at the Russian Russianembassy RussIanembn Russianembassy
embassy embn for there are yet et all the beau beautiful benitIrul bet i itiful ¬
tiful Imported In1ort > d things sent from the thefinest thefine5t thefinest
finest looms and factories of Europe still stillunsold sullunsold stillunsold
unsold but Counters Count s Cassml has again againchanged againchanged againchanged
changed her mind and now no one oneknows oneknows oneknows
knows when the greatly advertised Rus Russlan R Russian s ssian
sian bazaar L mar will take place placeHorse plnceT placeHorse
T Horse ShowThe Show ShowThe t
t trhe
The leading social socl l event of this week weekwill weckwl1l weekwill
will be the two days horse show at the theChevy theChevy I
Chevy Chase Olub when the fashionable fashionableIvorsc fashionablehorse nshlonable110rse
horse lovers and sportsmen generally generallywill generallywJll generallywJll
wJll take part It is expected the show showwhich showwhich showwhich
which which opens Friday Frida will be hI the smart smaVteat srn smarteat rt rtest
eat and most satisfactory yet given givenBoth I givenBoth ven venBotb
Both days competitions begin b l at atoclock 2 2oclock 2oclock
oclock and the programs are particu particularly pnrtlcularJy particularly ¬
larly interesting In resting Besides the th well wollknown w wellknown ll llknown
known members of the club tlxpro tJ thFrowlll thFrowlllbe ro will willbe wll1 wll1be
be outoftown entries Including Rogers RogersBrothers RogersBrothers RogersBrothers
Brothers Red Raven I Revers ven that thatc thatcaptureda thatcapturedanumber captured ptureda pturedanumber a anumber
number of blue ribbonain ribbons In thoVlrginiashow the tl9VIrginla tl9VIrginlashow Virginia Virginiashow
show last year Thomas Nelson Page Pageand Pageand Pageand
and Dr Elmer Sothoron have entered enteredhorsrs entcr enteredhorses d dhorsrs
horsrs and Miss Townsend will be a aformidable aformidable aformidable
formidable competitor In the the ladles ladlesclasses Indles Indlesclasses ladiesclasses
classes Clarence Moore Francis Fl Fruncisr cls p G GNewlands GNewlands GNewlands
Newlands Alexander B Legate Legare Wood Woodbury Woodbury Voodbury
bury Blair Gist Blair Thomas Thonins Nelson NelsonPage N NelsonPage lso lsoPage
Page Jesse Brown Edward do VMor VMorrell VMorrell VMorrell
rell Larz Anderson William William F Ran Randolph Randolph Ran Randolph ¬
dolph Francis C Stevens Charles T TBell TBell TBell
Bell C McR Winslow Frederick lrr Frederick derlck r L LHuldckoper LIlddekoper Llluidokoper
Huldckoper Herbert G Deerlnir Deeringbobtlle DeeringbobtlleBritish of o tle tleBritish tleBritish
British embassy A Grip the Sweedlsh Sweedlshminister Sweedlshminister Sweedishminister
minister and others arc on the com committees committees ¬
1 ChitChat ChitChaLCount Chi Chat ChatCount 1 1Count a
Count and Countess GIzyckl Gizycki who whowore whowore whowere
wore married In Washington April 14 14have 14have 14have
have reached Vienna and are being en entertained entertained entertained ¬
tertained right really by the ambassadorand ambassa ambassador ambassadorand ¬
dor dorand and Mrs McCormick and the titled titledfriends titledtrlends titledfriends
friends of Count GIzyckl Countess CountessGIzyckl CountessGlzckl CountessGizyckt
GIzyckl formerly tonnorl Eleanor Patterson of ofWashington otWashIngton ofWashington
Washington and Chicago has spent spentseveral spentseveral spentseveral
several seasons abroad and is not a astranger astranger astranger
stranger to Vienna society societyCount societyCount societyCount
Count Gizyckl owns two of the largest largestestates Jargestestates largestestates
estates in the black belt of southwest southwestern ¬
ern Russia and the largest estate to towhich towhich towhich
which he will soon take his bride Nar Narvosiellcia Nar NarvosleUcla Narvosiellcia
vosiellcia near n ar Stgroconstantinova Staroconstantinova St roconstantlnoa is isone Isono isone
one of the show how places of that part of ofRussia ofRussin ofRussia
Russia The count has for many man years yearsbeen yearsbeen yearsbeen
been a breeder of fine stock and owns ownsthree ownsthree
three th ree of the most noted stallions andnearly and andnearly andnearly
nearly forty tort of the finest pedigreed pedigreedmares pedigreedmares
mares mares In Europe Thero are a a hun hundred hundred ¬
dred model tenement houses on the theestate theestate
estate Countess Gizycki Is one of tho thomost themost i imost
most daring horsewomen lorsewomen In this coun country country country ¬
try and fond of the sporting life af affected aftected affected ¬
fected by her husband husbandCountess husbandCountess husbandCountess
Countess GIzyckl Glzycklrecelved yeeeived received no ii settle settlement settlement settlemeatfrom ¬
ment ment meatfrom from her family family at the time of ofher ofher I Ihor
her marriage as Count GIzyckl never neverasked neversked neverasked
asked asked sked it but tho Income from her part partof partoff
of the family estate combined with withthe withthe
the the Income of Count Glzyckl will bo boquite bequite
quite lordly enough to place the count countandi countand countandd
andi and his channlnJAmorlcan charming American bride in inthe Inthe Inthe
the rfront r front ranks of that sportsmen or orRussia orR ofRussia
Russia RussiaLarz R RussiaLam s ln lnLa
Lam La Z Anderson whose magnificent magnificenthouse magnlficonthOusc mngnllcenthouse
house In Massachusetts Avenue isnear isnearIngi Is near nearIngcompleUon nearingi
Ingi IngcompleUon completion has chartered for the theyachting thea theyachting
yachting a htlng season the Duke of Suther Sutherlands Suthorlands Sutherlands ¬
lands steam yacht Catania which Is Isnowfittlnff IsnOWt isnow
nowfittlnff nOWt now < fittlnl out at Cowes CowesMr CowesIr CowesMr
Mr Ir and Mrs Anderson will 111 take pos possession possCfslon poesesion ¬
session sCfslon of the yacht as soon as she is isready Isrcad isready
ready rcad ready + to go into commission and with witha withaarty
a aarty party Pi rly of friends will cruise the British Britishwaters BrJt1shwitfirs Britishwaiters
waiters waters for some weeks and then proceed pro proceed proceed ¬
ceed to Kiel to bo present at the Im Imperial Imperial Imperial ¬
perial Yacht Club races in Germany GermanyAfter GermnnyAfter GermanyAfter
After the finish of the races raceslIr Mr and j
Mrs 11 rs Anderson will w U 1 then go to the th e North NorthCape NorthCape
Cape Cnp and < nucnd some time cruising cruisingalong cruisingatong cruisingalong
along the th coast of Norway returning returningIn
In l time to to be b present at the thematcl1es matches to tobe tobe tobe
be sailed at Cowes CowesBy CowesI CowesBy
By B y order of the State regent Mrs MrsCharlotte MrsCharJOttc MrsCharlotte
Charlotte Emerson Emer oil Main there will be bea bea bea
a meeting of District Daughters of the theAmerican theAmerican theAmerican
American Revolution In the red parlor twrlorof parlorof parlorof
of of the Ebbitt House on TuesdayMay Tuesday Yn May
3 at S p m for the election of State Stateofficers Stateofficers Stateofficers
officers and the transaction of other otherbusiness otherbusiness otherbusiness
business businessSenator businessSenator businessSenator
Senator Quay returned returnedto returned to Washingtonfor Washington
for the closing cl sJng day d3Y of Congress CongTes Congres3after Congres3aftersome aftersome after aftersome
some weeks weetsspcnt spent at Atlantic City CityWith Clty1 Clty1WitH CityWith
With him 11hrtwere were Mrs Irs Quay and the theMisses theMisses I IMIsSes
Misses Quay Qul yall all of whom will remain remainat r remainat maln malnat
at their K Street house for a short shorttime shorttime shorttime
time before settling for the summer summerSenator summerScnntor summerSenator
Senator Quay seems in much better betterhealth betterhealth betterhealth
health than when he left Washington WashingtonMrs WashingtonMrs WashingtonMrs
Mrs John Dalzell who visited New NewYork New NewYork NewYork
York last week returned to Washington Washingtontoday WlShJngtontoday Washingtontoday
today and will spend part 5art of the spring springseason springseason springseason
season here hereMrs hereJIrs hereMrs
Mrs Benjamin H Warder has taken takena
a a cottage at ManchesterbytheSea Manchesterbyt eSea for Yorthg forthe or orth
the th summer um et and will close her K Street Streethpusq Streeth9Use Streethouse
house the tJJ IstPf 1st > June 3uneand and go to that thatresort thatresort thatresort
resort The Misses l iSses Warder and Mr and andMrs andMrs andMrs
Mrs Ward Thoron with their children childrenwill chIldrenwill childrenwill
will accompany Mrs Warder and spend spendthe spendthe spendthe
the summer with her at the seashore seashoreMrs seashoreMrs seashoreMrs
Mrs Warder and her daughters spent spentthe spentthe spentthe
the whole of last summer abroad abroadSenator abroadSenator abroadSenator
Senator and Mrs Dryden will close closetheir cIosetheir closetheir
their house here In a week or ten days daysand daysand daysand
and will go at once to their estate near nearNewark nearNewark nearNewark
Newark N J JMrs JMrs r rMrs
Mrs Louis P Shoemaker will resume resumeher resumeher resumeher
her spring receptions on the last two twoThursdays twoThursdays twoThursdays
Thursdays in May from 4 until unt1l7 7 oclock oclockMrs oclockMrs oclockMrs
Mrs Fairbanks is taking a a much muchneeded muchneeded muchneeded
needed rest after the excitement of the theD theD theD
D A R Congress and will remain remainquietly remain remainquietly remainquietly
quietly at her Massachusetts Avenue Avenuehouse Ayenuehouse Avenuehouse
house for several weeks yet et She will willattend willattend 111 111attend
attend the St Louis Fair while it is isstill Isstill isstill
still in its infancy and will be much muchentertained muchentertained muchentertained
entertained while in that cty ctyMrs ct ctMrs ctyMrs
Mrs Draper 1703 Twentyfirst Street Streethas Streethas Streethas
has as a n guest her brother the Hon HonJohn HonJohn HonJohn
John R Thomas now Judge on the Fed Federal Fed Federal Federal ¬
eral bench in Indian Territory and who
formerly represented an Illinois dis district distrIct district ¬
trict in Congress for several terms termsSenator termsScnator termsSenator
Senator and Mrs Bard Bardot of California Californiahave CalftornIahayc Californiahave
have gone to St Louis to attend the theopening theopening theopening
opening of the exposition but will re return return return ¬
turn to Washington and spend some sometime sometime sometime
time before going to California for the theMrs thesummer thesummer
summer summerMrs summerMrs
Mrs Taft wife of the Secretary of ofWar ofYar ofWar
War Yar will ill reach St Louis this week ac accompanied accompanied acco ¬
companied co npanied by her children While in inSt InSt inSt
St Louis Secretary Se retary and Mrs Taft will willbe wJ1lbe willbe
be the guests of Mr and Mrs Daniel DanielOUR C CAre Cf COUR
rAre Are Built for Strength Long LongWear LongYear Long1Vear
Wear Good Looks LooksPrices LooksPrices LooksPrices
Prices considerably tho lowest lowestAgency lowestAgency lowestAgency
Agency for Concord Harness HarnessThe HarnessThe HarnessThe
The best for fifty years ears earsTI
Nugent so pleasantly remembered remembcreltn remembcreltnVlShlngton in inWashington fnWashington
Washington from from their tb ri visit Islt here lastwinter last lastwlnterto Jutwl
wlnterto wl winter terto to the the tb Speaker and Miss llss Cannon CannonMrs CqnnonTdt nnon nnonf
Mrs f Tdt Taft will accompany accomt accompany ny the the Secre Secretary Secrct Secretiry ¬
tary t upon UP 1l his return to Washington and andthey andthey andthey
they will make their home at the Arling Arlington ArUnston Arlington ¬
ton for the present presentPhone pie5 presentt nt
1 i 1i t Smoot I iI
I 1 f 1f Coffer cofferMcCa11ey I t
+ McCtt McCa11ey McCa11eyStreet ley t tf
f 1216 F Street l r rPhone
Phone 725 725FOR 725I e t f
I Y Ys I IiI
iI s FOR J
j Yj f + MONDAY II f 11I t
I 4 If you are interested In t erQLea in inI In inI
I i getting the best there is in ins t ti
i + womens wear youll be int intterested in ini initerested I
i terested in these specials specialst
t t Robe Department DepartmentBeautiful Departmentt DepartmentBeautiful
t t Beautiful white Broderie BrodeneAnglaise I II
I Anglaise 7 Linen inen Robes inn innf in inthree ini inii
i f three charming styles Newll Newlland Newl New Newand
f and exclusive Regular 15I 1 1i 1values 1 1i
i i values speCIal at SIOO I0 q ti t tJ i iElegant
1 J Elegant White Bretonn BretonnI Bretonnq Bretonnar BretonnarNet
1 Net Robes in two of the laces lacesI latest latestand V VI
I and prettiest pr rettiest ttiest styles special specialI t tat i
I at 1350 1350I 1 1Suit
I T Suit Department Departmentt DepartmentLadies
t I Ladies L dies stylish Black and andf Jj i
f f Colored Silk Shirt Waist WaistTV WaistSuitsthe WaistSuitsthe
TV + Suits Suitsthe the latest and hand handv handsomest handr handsomest
r v somest creations specially speciallypriced
i s priced P riced at 513 8 and S25 25 25I
I s Ladies Tan Covert Jack Jacki Jackei
i ets lined with peau de soie soiesilk soiesilk solec
ei silk proper lengths alt altf aUsizes alli c
f sizes Special at 10 1000 1O00Thin 00 00i 00I
I t 1t 1 Thin Goods GoodsDepartment GoodsDepartmentA Department DepartmentA i
A beautiful line of Printed PrintedFrench Printedi PrintedFrench
i i French Organdies Organdiesall all choice choicecolorings choicecolorings
colorings and patterns of our ourown ourf
f I own importation importat on 50c quali quality qualii ¬
i I ty special speci I at 37 373c 373cFine > aC aCFine C CI
I Fine quality White Irish IrishLinen Irisht Irishi
t i Linen 36 inches ipches wide 37c 374ci 37cvalue
i T value special at 25 250 250T 25cDress C Cf
f T Dress Goods Department DepartmentFine
Fine Japanese Habutai HabutaiSilks Habutait
t Silks 27 in wide in navy navyand navyT navyand
T and brown brownthe the most popu popular poputar PoPular
lar colors colors75c 75c value spe special spe special spet
t cial at 50cChiffon 50C 50CChiffon 50cT
T Chiffon Delaine allwool allwoolT
T i I 38 in wide in all the latest latestI latestand
t and prettiest p pastel steI shades shadesI
I I Special per yard 5 50c 50cI 50cf 50cI 0 C CI
I I I Smoot Coffer McCalley McCalleyI2I6F McCalIe Y Yi
t i 1216 I2I6F F Street