04 r 8 J J I SOCIAL s cIAL AND OTHERL OTHER LOCAL CALORGANIZA ORGANIZATIONS TIONS I i iI I I To ToI iii I LITERARY LITERARYShort LiTCRr1RlShort 1 1Sh Short Sh rt Story Club ClubThere ClubThero ClubThere There was a weB attended mooting or ofthe o othe ortIle the Short Story Club on Tuesday even evening evonInJ evening ¬ InJ ing In th the beautiful homo hom of Cliffor ClifforHoward Clifford ClitrordBOWfin CliffordHoward Howard at Chevy ChovyChase Chase Md The parlors par parlors parlors lors were artistically nrUstlcaU decorated with willplants withplnn withplants plants plnn J and the fragrant spring bloc blocsoms bIossoms blossoma soms The host Clifford Howard gao gaVithe gaothe e ethe the story of the > evening ntttlea entitledMartha entitle entitleMartha ntttleaartha Martha artha relating in a a tragic vein eln tin tinoldnew the thooldllew theoldnew oldnew talo of a wifes devotion to i idrunken a adrunken adrunken drunken husband of o absorbing interest interestand Interestand interestand and abounding in dramatic situations situationsMrs situationsMrs situationsMrs Mrs Anna M L Parks followed with a areading areadInG areading reading of her uTrlp Trip to the the Azores AzoresHiss Aor AzoresMiss 3 3Mlss Hiss Belle C Saunders gave A Sketch Skotchand Sketchand SketchandCapt and andCapt Capt F V D Dc Coster favored the theaudience theaudlelce theaudlenca audience with a recitation recitationThose recitationThoo recitationThoso Those who contributed to the excellent excellentmusical excellentmusical excellentmusical musical program were Mrs Charles CharlcsS CharlcsSHycr S SHyer SHyer Hyer piano aolo a The March of the theMarionettes theMarionette Marionettes b The Chase of the theWitches theVltches theWitches Witches a quartet composed of Miss MissJJlllan MissLllUon MissLillian JJlllan M Lewis Mrs Clifford Howard HowardEugene HowardEugene HowardEugene Eugene E Stevens and Dr William WilliamHamilton WilliamHamilton Imam ImamHamilton Hamilton who sang a Loch Lo Lomond Lamond Lomond ¬ mond b Eventide a bass solo by byEugene byEugeno byEugene Eugene E Stevens a uGlpe Gipsy John Johnb Johnb Jobnb b The Quid Plaid Shawl a a soprano sopranosolo sopranosolo sopranosolo solo by b Miss Lillian M Lewis a Be Because Because Because ¬ cause of You b Till Death a tenor tenorsolo tenorsolo tenorsolo solo by Dr William Hamilton a If I IWere IWere IWere Were a n Knight of the Olden Time b bSpring bSpring bSpring Spring Song a contralto c solo by b Mrs MrsClifford MrsClltrord MrsClifford Clifford Howard a Spanish Love LoveSong LoveSong LoveSong Song b Chansonettc composed compOs d by byMrs byMrs byMrs Mrs Howard and the words by Mr MrHoward MrHoward MrHoward Howard HowardAmong HowardAmong HowardAmong Among those present were Prof Hy Hyland Hyland Hyland land C Kirk Mr and Mrs Clifford CliffordHoward ClltronHoward CliffordHoward Howard Miss Gertrud WIthlngton WIthlngtonMiss WlthingtonMiss WithingtonMiss Miss Bertha Frances Wolfe Miss Ilss Belle BelleC BelleC BelleC C Saunders Mrs Rosa L Townshend TownshendCapt TownshendCapt TownshendCapt Capt Fred I Dean Mrs F L Bar Barringer Barringer Barringer ringer Mrs E M lL Willis Mr and Mrs MrsJ MrsJ MrsJ J J H Whitaker Miss Katherine Shelby ShelbyTodd ShelbyTodd ShelbyTodd Todd Mrs Mary O Agnew Capt and andMrs andMrs andMrs Mrs F V De Coster Miss Mary C CBennett CBennett CBennett Bennett Judge and Mrs Charles H HStrobsck HStrobeek HStrobtlCk Strobsck Mrs Anna M lL Parks Miss M MA Me MeA MA A Parks Mrs M H R Blackburn BlackburnMrs BlackburnMrs BlackburnMrsWilbur MrsWilbur Mrs Wilbur G Miller Miss MI s Mary A ABaxter ABaxter A ABanter Baxter Mrs Mary I Jolley Francis C CHuebner CHuebner CHuebner Huebner Miss Fannie ORourke Miss MissLillian MissLllJlan MissLillian Lillian lL M L newts Mrs Francis C Huebner Hueb Huebner Huebner ¬ ner Mrs C S Hyer Dr William Ham Hamilton HamUton Hamilton ¬ ilton and Eugene E Stevens StevensCurrent StevensCurrent StevensCurrent Current Events ClubThe Club ClubThe ClubTho The Rosedale Current Events Club Clubheld Clubheld Clubheld held a social last evening at its rooms roomsIn roomsIn roomsin In the Rosedale Mission MI Ion Building 1G27 HStreet H HStreet HStreet Street northeast Miss Margaret Run Runyan Runan Runyan yan an Mrs William A Smith Henry HenryAllwlne HenryAll HenryAllwine Allwlne All wine Clinton Walker and others 1 took part In a pleasing program x of ofreadings > f freadings treadings readings recitation shadow pictures picturesetc plcturosetc picturesetc etc and refreshments were served by bya b ba bya a committee consisting of Henry Hen All Allwlne Allwine Allwine ¬ wine Clinton Walker Miss Helen HelenCronie HelenCronic HelenCronie Cronie and Miss Grace Washington AVashingtonPreceding WashingtonPreceding VashlngtonPrecedlnS Preceding the social hour the clubheld club clubheld clubheld held a regular session with the president presi president presldent ¬ dent Martin Allwlne In the chair In Inaddition Inaddition Inaddition addition to the regular work on current currentevents currentvent8 currentevents events the club is taking a course on onthe onthe onthe the life of St Paul under the direction directionof of Miss Hattie Worthington deaconess deaconessIn deaconesfJIn In charge of Rosedale SettlementMiss Settlement SettlementMiss SettlementI Miss Worthingtons talk last evening eveningwas eveningwns eveningwas Corinth and andEph andEphoyus jd jdEphogus I was on Pauls labors at a Ephogus Eph 1S H W V Snipe who has charge chargeof chnrgcof chargeof of the regular discussion of current currentevents currentevents currentevents events which Is a part of the work of ofeach oreach ofeach each session spoke on the influence of ofthe ofthe ofthe the Japanese in China and the socalled socalledYellow socalledYellow socalledYellow Yellow Peril PerilAn PerilAn PerilAn An amusing Incident of the evenings eveningsentertainment evenlngsentertainment eveningsentertainment entertainment was the mock arrest of ofone ofone o oone one of the members memb rs on a charge of ofstealing otstealing ofstealing stealing This was preliminary to a amock amock amock mock trial which the club expects to toconduct toconduct toconduct conduct during the next two regular regularsessions regulnrsessions regularsessions sessions The prisoner was brought be before betore before ¬ fore a justice of the peace last evening eveningand eveningand eveningand and formally bound over to appear be before before before ¬ fore the court at the next ne t regular meet meetIng meeting meeting ing Ing g IngThe The gthe attorneys in the case were were appoint appointed appointed ¬ ed as follows Prosecution Walter Wen Wenzel Wen2el Wenzel zel and Martin artln Allwlne defense Harry HarryBaden HarryBaden HarryBaden Baden and Edward Allwlne AllwlneThe AnwlneThe AnwineThe The following members and friends friendswere trlendsware friendswere were present Mrs Walker Miss Cora CoraWalker Coraalker CoraWalker Walker alker Miss Mary 1Ial Smith Henry Henl Saur SaurMiss SaurMiss Miss Annie Ennis Miss Mae Draeger DraegerHarry DraegerHarry DraegerHarry 1 Harry Baden Edward Allwlne MissGrace Miss MissGrace MIssGrace Grace Washington Miss Mabel Cronie CronieMiss CronleMiss CronieMiss Miss Margaret Runyan Run an Mr and Mrs MrsWilliam MrsWilliam Mrsimam William imam A Smith Mr and Mrs H W WShipc WShipe Yo YoShipe Shipe Martin Allwine Walter Taller Wenzel WenzelE E Newton Donn Allwlner Miss Miss M ss Mary Drane DraneMiss DraneMiss Miss 1155 Edna Baden Miss Mary Mal Sommer SommerMiss SommerMiss SommerMiss Miss Sara Duffy Dutr Bond Beaton Jason JasonSwan JasonSwan JasonSwan Swan Miss Ethel Miller Miss Violet VioletPeerce VioletPeerce VioletPoerce Peerce Miss Lottie Miller R C Beaton BeatonLester BeatonLestr BeatonLester Lester Shawn Frank Applch C H HWenecke HVenecke HWonecke Wenecke John Adams Miss Hattie HatUeWorthington HattlVorthlngton HattieWorthington Worthington Frank Nally and Harry HarryDraeger HarryDraeger HarryDraeger Draeger DraegerPotomac DraegerI DraegerPotomac I Potomac Lodge I of 0 0On OOn 0On On Tuesday night last Potomac LodgeOrder Lodge LodgeOrder LodgeOrder Order of the Iroquois held a a lively and andInteresting andInterestlnl andinteresting Interesting meeting Three applications applicationsfor for membership were received and actedon acted actedon actedon on onO 0 W Hammond deputy supreme supremepresident supremeepresident supremcpresident president addressed addrssedthe the meeting in an anable anable anable able manner comparing comparingvthe the old line and andfraternal andfraternal andfraternal fraternal insurance After short ad addresses addresses addresses ¬ dresses by b James M Rauch secretary secretaryand sccreta sccretaand secretaryand and Dr J T S Arnold the meeting closed closedand closedand and all present proceeded to the ban banquet banquet banquet ¬ quet room where refreshments were wereserved wereserYed wereserved servedThe served servedThe serYedThe The next meeting will T be > e held at the therooms therooms therooms rooms of the lodge at 723 Eighth Street Streetnorthwest Streetnorthwest Streetnorthwest northwest May 9 at 8 oclock I STI LOUIS I > For Employes of the ll e District Isrlc or National aIonoverainen aIonoverainenThe Government GovernmentThe The Times T cTimes will send the three employes employes of the District or Nation National National National T ¬ al Government who are employed in the City ity of Washington or Qr District Dis District District ¬ trict of Co Columbia umbia and who collect the tl a greatest number respectively respectively of ofTimes ofTimes ofTimes Times St Louis Exposition coupons to the = great gr at opposition for one oneweek oneweek oneweek week Contest ends May 31 1904 Send in tl1e tne coupons once a week 1 o c ° Number of CouponsqG Coupons CouponsTHE CouponsTHE qG qGTHE NM I THE WASHINGTON W TIMES TIMESf TI lES lESzc zc U f St Louis Worlds Fair Coupon CouponTo Sj pn pno To Exposition Contest Editor EditorcO Editorpn 5 cO ° Credit this coupon to toName toName toName Name NameAddress NameAddress NameAddress Address AddressWhere AddressI I Where here EmployedHave Employed EmployedHave EmployedHavo Have you sent coupons before Yes or No Noit it L 7 J < = 1 tlII Qi ii iir r I I I I I III N II f IIf I E Number of CouponsS Coupons CouponsH z t tTHE S 7 H r THE WASHINGTON TIMES TIMESSt I Ir ITIMES t tt t St Louis Worlds Fair Coupon CouponTo Coupont I I I t 1 Cj CjI To Exposition Contest Editor EditorCredit Editori i Credit this till coupon tu tuAddress tut t + t T Ti iName L t I It i I t Name Namef = t tA1dress + f 4 Address AddressWhere i iT iil T il Where Employed EmployedHave EmployedT t z t tS + T I II t tHave S I Have you sent coupons before beforei t tYes i iYea + i Yes or No NoMMMM t tJ J MMMM I Mr FM T r 1 I l I RELIGIOUS RELIGIOUSEpworth RELIGIOUSEpworth I IEpworth Epworth League Notes NotesThe Notesrhe NotesThe The topic for the devotional meeting meetlnion meetingon on Sunday Sundft evening May 1 is Answered Answer Answered Answered ed Prayers reference for which I IActs Is IsActs isActs Acts iv2331 iv2331Edward 12331E iv2331Edward Edward E ward Van Horn conducted the devotional de devotional devotional ¬ votional meeting at Gorsuch Chapter Chaptelost Chapterlast Chapterlast last Sunday evening Mr Van Horigave Horn Horngave Horngave gave an Interesting talk on the lesson ldssonand lessonand l sson ssonand and the meeting was well attended am aminstructive and andInstructive andinstructive instructive George Z Cplison will bi biin be beIn bein in charge of the service on o Sunday i 1day even evening evenInG even evenfag ing ingThe The officers of the fourth general con confercnco concrence conforenco fercnco crence District Epworth League held heldmeeting a ameetinG a ameeting meeting In Harrisburg Pa on April 21and 21 21and 21and and arranged a program for the con conventlon conentton convention ventlon of that organization at Moun Mountain Mountain Mounmln tain Lake Park on July 1417 IIi nextEldbrooko next nextEldbrooke nextEldbrooke Eldbrooke Chapter decided on Wed Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday ¬ nesday evening to observe the h anniver anniversary anniversary mnhersary ¬ sary of the league on May 15 Tho pro program protTam program gram for the meeting was left in th thhands the thehands thehands < hands of a the first vice president presl < 1cnt Mrs MrsF MrsF MrsF F T Israel At the meeting appropria appropriatlonn approprlaUonn appropriations tlonn wore made for the District Leaguedies League Leaguedies Leaguedies dies and an appropriation of 5 for th thsupport the thesupport thesupport < support of the Epworth League bed ir irSlbley In InSibley inSibley Sibley Hospital this city cityBaltimore clt cltBaltimore cityBaltimore Baltimore Leaguers will celebrate th thanniversary the theanniversary theanniversary < anniversary of the organization of th thleague the theleague theleague < league in Mount Vernon Place Church ChuroliBaltimore ChurllBaltlm ChurchBaltimore Baltimore Baltlm re May 13 The Rev Rc Mr Sherl Sherldan SherldlU1 Sherldan dan will deliver the address and Frank FranlT FrnnltT FrankT T Israel of this city first vice president presldenlof of the conference league l ague has been re requested requested requested ¬ quested to take part in the exercises oserciscswhich o exerciseswhich erclses erclseswhich which he will probably do doProf doProto doProf Prof Frank LIttell has resigned from fromthe fromthe fromthe the presidency of Dumbarton Chapter Chapterand Chapterand Chapterand and the Rev Frank H Havenner thtpastor the thopnstor thepastor pastor of that church has been elected electedto electedto electedto to the presidency of Dumbarton Chap Chapter Chaptel Chapter ¬ ter terTho Tho board lOOX < 1 of control of o the DistrictEpworth District DistrictEpworth DlstrlctEpworth Epworth League will meet meet at Wesley WesleyChurch WesleyChurch VesleyChurch Church on Wednesday evening of o tills tillsweek t11lsWeek thisweek week Members of the same are urgent urgently urgently urgently ¬ ly requested to attend attendOn attendOn attendOn On Friday evening last Dougns Chap Chapter Chaptor Chapter ¬ ter gave a sccinl at the residence of ofMr ofMr ofMr Mr and Mrs H A 1 Ison the latter the thefourth thefourth thefourth fourth vice president of the chapter Ave A Avery Avery very ve enjoyable evening was spent sp nt by bythe b bthe bythe the large num numr r of rfriends and mem members metnbers members ¬ bers of the league vho were present A Anumber Anumber Anumber number of games vjcrc v ere rc Indulged in the themost themost themost most popular being t L potato race ra e which whichwas whichwas whichwas was won by Clarence O Wood ood secre secretary sccrGtary secretary ¬ tary of the league and Miss Cecelia CeceliaSpear CeccUaSpear CeceliaSpear Spear A prize was awarded each Miss MissIrene 1IIs5Irene Irene Knapp delivered several recita recitations recltltIons recitations ¬ tions Thero were also several piano pianosolos solos rendered among others n rL French Frenchsolo Frenchsolo Frenchsolo solo by Miss Marie Flathers Another social will be given by this chapter ii iiMay In Inla inMay May MayTho MayTho la laTbo Tho devotional meeting held Sunday Sundayevening Sundayevening Sundayevening evening last at Douglas was very very ery interesting in intcrcsting InterestinG terestinG and instructive It was con conducted conducted conducted ducted by Miss Anna Nevlus NevlusWeighed NcylusUVelghed NeviusWeighed Weighed In the Balance is the tltl tltlof title tltloat titleof < of the program for the fifteenth anniversary anni anniversary annlerstiry versary erstiry of the Epworth League which whlclwill whichwUl whichwill will be celebrated In all chapters on Sun Sunday Suna Sunday day a evening May 15 next The program prograiwas programwas programaprepared was aprepared prepared by R E Dlffendorfer o oChicago ot otChicago ofChicago Chicago and Is a neat folder of eight elghpages eightragcs eightpages pages It Is a temperance program th thfrontispiece the thefrontispiece thefrontispiece < frontispiece of which bears a picture bl blthe Of Ofthe t tthe the United States Capitol Building inthe ii iithe In Inthe the background with Justice in the fore foreground toreground foreground ground grasping in her right hand i isword a asword asword sword at rest and in her left holdlnjout holding holdingout out a a pair of scales The program con contains contains contains tains also a number of new and original origlnatemperance orlglnnll originaltemperance temperance hymns and gives an outline outlinof outlineof I Iof of the proper method of conducting th thmeeting the themeeting themeeting < meeting on that day dayY dayYM dayr YM r Y M C A Notes NotesThe NotesThe NotesThe The bids for the the new building of th thassociation the thoIssoclatlon thessoclatlon association will be before b ore the board of ofdirectors o odirectors > f fdirectors directors at tho next next meeting on Mon Monday Monda Monday day da May 9 Those bids are now being beintprepared beingprepared beingprepared prepared by a number of contractorsand contractors contractorsand contractorsand and while the building committee ha hareserved has hasreserved hasreserved reserved the eight to reject any or al alof nIl nIlof allof of them it is hoped that tho figures will wllhe willbe beginning he such as to permit of an early begin beginnlng beg1nnlng nlng of o of4the the new building buildingThe buildingThe buildingThe The various committees of the asso assoelation aSSociation assoelation elation are making plans for the nexi nexiactive next nextactive nextactive active season and It Is expected that thaidating thatdating thatdating dating from the time of the opening reception re reception reception ception early carl In October the most attractive at attractive attractive tractive seasons work that has eve evebeen ever everbeen everbeen been planned will be put in operation operationProfiting operationProfltIJ1g operationProfitipg Profiting by the experiences of the past pastfew pastfew pastfew few years oars tho work of the association associationIs Is becoming more and moro inviting invitingIn In an interview In an Albany paper a afew afoW atow few days ago1 ago one of the leading asso association assoclatlon association ¬ ciation workers of this country who has hastraveled hastrnelcd hastraveled traveled In every State and visited prac practically pmcUcally practically ¬ tically every ever large association assoclat1 n was wasasked wasnsked wasasked asked which association of all that he hevisited heIslted hevisited visited Islted impressed him most His reply replywill replywill replyRill will Rill be Interesting Intere tlng to the people of ofWashington orashlngton ofVashington Washington He said saidI I believe that the greatest association associationwork assocIationwork associationwork work of this continent Is being carried on onat onat onat at Washington D C The Washington Washingtonassociation Washingtonassociation Washingtonassociation association is about to begin a a 300000 1340000building 300000bundlng 300000building building John D Rockefeller was so soimpressed soimpressed soimpressed impressed with the work of this association associa association assoclatlon ¬ tion that he gave S60000 60000 to the building buildingfund buildingfund buildingfund fund Among Am ng the reasons for the re remarkable rcmarlc8ble remarkable ¬ markable growth and development oi oithe oCthe ofthe the association In the Capitol City may maybe maybe maybe be mentioned the remarkable field inwhich in inwhich Inwhich which the association Is engaged and andthe andth andthe the th > splendid personnel connected with withIt withIt withit It This observer then went on to toenumerate toenumerate toenumerate enumerate many man of the prominent fea features features features ¬ tures of the work of the Washington Washingtonassociation Washingtonassociation VashlngtonnssoclaUon association associationDr Dr Nathaniel West Vest who Is one of the th most noted Bible students on thlg thl continent con continent continent ¬ tinent and who has given fifty years yearsof yearsof ears earsof of his life as a student of the Bible will Svlllcontinue willcontinue willcontinue continue his great series of o lectures onthe on onthe onthe the book of Revelation during the month monthof montha monthof of a May The association Is compelled compelledto to announce that these addresses must mustbe mustbe mustbe be limited to men only The lecture lecturetoday lecturetoda lecturetoday today toda will be held at the association associationbuilding associationbuilding associationbuilding building and will begin at 330 closing closingpromptly closingpromptly closingpromptly promptly at 430 A general invitation invitationis is extended to men who wish to get a aclear aclear aclear clear and Interesting view of o the Revelation Reve Revelation Reelatlon ¬ lation The association nssoclatl n offers this series seriesof seriesof crles crlesot of addresses without cost to any man manor manorLhe of ofthe ofthe the city cityTwelve cityTwelve cityTwelve Twelve tennis courts will coon beready be beready beready ready for occupancy Six In the north northeast nertheast ncrtheast ¬ east section s ctfon of the city clt in the square squarebetween sqU31ebetween squarebetween between Sixth and Seventh and D and andE andE andE E Streets will be ready for use afterone after afterone afterone one or two days da s of sunshine It is ex expected expected expected ¬ pected that early In the week w lt there therewill therewill therewill will be a formal opening of theso courts courtsSix courtsSix courtsSix Six others which are to be constructed constructedat at the foot of Twentyfirst Street Street1lrth Street1lrthwest north northi northwest i west will also be ready for us p early this month Men who are lntr lntrteJ UJ in intennis Intennis intennis tennis may learn of the special 6P mizl 11l1 tennis tennismembership tennismcmbershlp tennismembership membership card hv making inquiry I qulry at atthe atthe atthe the association office Telephone or orwritten orwritten orwritten written communications will be answer answered answered answered ¬ ed promptly promptlyThe promptlyThe promptlyThe The Washington association will be berepresented berefresented berepresented represented at the international conv con coniveition convetUon iveition v ettlon at Buffalo May 11 to 15 by b its itsfull Itsfull ts tstun full quota of delegates headed by the thepresident thepresident president of the association S W WWoodward WVoodward WWoodward I Woodward Woodward It is to be hoped that Comm Com Commissioner Commissioner ¬ missioner m ssioner Macfarland will also > be in the thedelegation thedelegatIon thedelegation delegation delegationThe delegatIonThe delegationThe The membership business of o the asson asso association a8SOI ¬ ciation has never been larger largernr 1tJr or this thisseason thisseason thisseason I season of the year There seems to be bean bean bean an Increased interest among young oung men menespecially menI menespecially especially in the outdoor workFRATCRNAL work workPRftTCRNAL workt workJ I t J PRftTCRNAL FRATCRNALM FRATCRNALMaccabee PRftTCRNALMaccabee FR TERN L I IMaccabee M Maccabee Doings DoingsArlington DoingsArlington DoingsArlington Arlington Tent No 10 has made the thebest th thbest thebest > best progress during the month having havingadmitted hnvlngadmitted havingadmitted admitted six new members memb rs This tent tentis tentIs is moving forward under the direct directtutelage directtuteinge directtuteiage tutelage of the State commander It Itmeets ItI Itmeets meets every Wednesday night at Mc McCauleys Mcj McCauleys I Cauleys C uleys Hall 209 Pennsylvania Avenue Avenuesoutheast Avenuesoutheast I Isoutheast southeast southeastNext southeastNext southeastNext Next week the election for represen representative repre representative en entat1e ¬ tative and alternate to the supreme supremetent supreme supremetent supremetent tent review will take place In the thevnn thevnnous Vari Various vart vartous ¬ ous ous tents in this city On Monday night nightNational nightNational nightNational National National Tent No No1 1 King David Tent TentNo TentNo TentNo No 11 and Georgetown Tent No No6 No6will 6 6will 6will will vote and on Tuesday night Golden Gold Golden Golden ¬ en Rule No No3 3 Brightwood No No5 5 and andMetropolitan andMetropolitan andMetropolitan Metropolitan No 12 1 and on Thursday Thursdaynight Thursdaynight Thursdaynight night Mount Vernon No No4 4 and District Dis District DIs1 DIs1trlct ¬ trict No No8 8 and on Saturday night An Anacostla AnacosUa Anacostia acostla No No7 7 The canvass in this thiscity thiscity thiscity city as a rule has been conducted in ina Ina ina a very fraternal spirit and no special specialdiscord specialdiscord specialdiscord discord has been promulgated promulgatedThe promulgatedThe promulgatedThe The state commander made an official officialvisit omclalvlslt officialvisit visit to Golden Rule Tent last Tuesday THE TIMES DUAL DUALEXPOSITIONCQNTEST DUALE7CP0 EXPOSITIONCQNTEST E7CP0 lV COII ° fE T c Number of CouponsoW Coupons CouponsTHE a a oW oWTHE I THE WASHINGTON W TIMES TIMESSt Q ° St Louis Worlds Fair Coupon Couponl5 u l5 To Exposition Contest Editoro Editor EditorCredit 1 5 ° Credit this coupon to toName toName Name NameAddress NameAddress NameAddress Address AddressWhere AddressWhere AddressWhere Where Employed EmployedHave EmploedHave EmployedHave Have you sent coupons before Yes or No NoJJ JJ > 1 For r Everybody Hat Employed by byDistrict byDistrict byI byThe District I or Rational ational Government GovernmentThe The Times will 1t also send the tiree persons p pDistrict erSGlls not employed by the theDistrict District or National Government who collect respectively respec tively the greatest greatestnumber greatestnumber greatestnumber number of miscellaneous citizens coupons to the exposition on pre precisely precisely preei ¬ cisely ei eiy the same conditions as those engaged in governmental work workF5 workSend workSend F5 Send ftd in the coupons < for credit at least once a week F el f government t Ernes Employes EmpI ye Coupon Couponnhc Coupony oupon ouponTh Thefirst Th nhc y first coupons are for the t e contest between be v n District D stric or or National NationalGovernment National Nationa1Government NationalGovernment Government employes exclusively cxclusivcl and will ill ntf not be e credited to anybody anybodyeke anybodyelse anybodyelse else One coupon will be printed daily in the th Evening Times and five fivein fivef fivein fivein f in the Sunday Times a7u < ttu j f ± 7 I I I I If is e i t tII t f o e I Number of CouponsaM Coupons Coupo f fill ill II aM of aMof THE WASHINGTON WASHINGTONtc TIMES I II t tI t 1 tc c I St Louis Worlds Fair Coupon CouponTo I W WI I To Exposition Contest Editor Editorf I t r f Credit this coupon to toName tQJ toi tot toName J i t i J Name NameAddrexa 1 1i i 7 7 Address AddrexaWhere Add I 7i Where Employed EmployedHave EmployedHave t t tHave + Have you sent coupons before beforet 1 1Tea i if f Yes or No i J JI I I I I J 1 night where a very pleasant and profit profitable profitable profitable ¬ able meeting was held heldWlnfteld heldVlnfleld heldWlnfleld Wlnfteld Scott Schley division uni uniform uniform uniform ¬ form rank K O T M oL have Inaugu Inaugurated Inaugurated inaugurated ¬ rated a new means of entertaining their theirfriends theirrrlends theirfriends friends This branch of the order is ispurely Islurely ispurely purely for social features and this division di division dlIRlon ¬ vision IRlon has started out to do Its best It Itproposes Itproposes Itproposes proposes to have a guessing contest In Inthe Inthc inthe the shape of a Jar of o beans To the theone theonc theone one guessing the number or nearest nearestto nearestto to it will be given a ladys gold watch watcha a a very ery handsome chatelaine gold watch watchGuessing watchGuessing watchGuesing Guessing commences Monday May 2and 2 2and 2and and ends June commences ie 10 at 723 Eighth Street Streetnorthwest Streetnorthwest Streetnorthwest northwest northwestGeorge northwestGeorge northwestGeorge George R L Tuberville has been In Installed Installed Installed ¬ stalled record keeper of Capitol Tent TentNo TentNo9 TentNo No No9 9 and lives at 407 H Street north northwest northwest northwest ¬ west The tent meets the second secon < 1 and andfourth andfourth andfourth fourth Thursdays of o each month in inCostellos InCostelJos Ini IniCostellos Costellos Hall Sixth and G Streets Streetssnorthwest Streetsnorthwest Streetsnorthwest northwest northwestMrs northwestMrs northwestMrs Mrs Penelope D Smith the lady ladydeputy ladydeputy ladydeputy deputy supreme commander of the thelady thelady thelady lady Maccabees of this city who has hasbeen hasbeen hasbeen been quite sick for some time is now nowconvalescent nowconvalescent nowconvalescent convalescent convalescentBrightwood convalescentBrlghtwood convalescentBrightwood Brightwood Division No No3 3 will soon soonappear soonnappear soonappear appear in bright new uniforms and andthen andthen andthen then you ou can look out to see Captain CaptainConner CaptainConner CaptainConner Conner and his brave soldier boys takethe take takethe takethe the cake or take a big slice out of o It ItAt itAt ltAt At the review of Arlington Tent No 10 held last Wednesday night the fol following following ol ollowing ¬ lowing officers were installed by State StateCommander StateCommander StateCommander Commander D W V Gall Past com commander commander coinmanner ¬ mander Dr C C Walker lieutenant lieutenantcommander lieutenantcommander lieutenantcommander commander Dr Thomas J J Gates ser sergeant sergeant sergeant ¬ geant W E Poter physician Dr C CC CC CC C Walker masteratarms E L L Bur vningham first master of o the guard guardA A L L Farrell second master of the theguard theguard theguard guard W V A Burch picket H E EBurch EBurch EIlurch IlurchThe Burch BurchThe BurchThe The Joint excursion committee will willhave wUlhave willhave have a meeting at Golden Rule Hall 430 Ninth Street on the night of 74ay ay 4 at 8 oclock oclockNational o oclockNational clock clockNational National Tent No No1 1 will willgive give an ex excursion excurslon exxcursion cursion to Chesapeake Beach during duringgthe duringthe duringthe the summer This is a n new fteld fl ld for forthe Iorthe forthe the Maccabee excursions and thVreara thVrearasome there are aresome aresome some who are anxious to try it It will willno wlUno willno no doubt be a success successM success3f M Hanson a member of Capitol Tent TentNo TentNo TentNo No 9 has moved to Alabama where wherehe wherehe wherehe he will make his future homeThe home homeThe homeThe The gold watch given J by > y the State Statecommander Statecommander commander to the tent making maki tho best bestper bes besper bestper per cent of increase during Aiarsh t sh h and andApril andApril andApril April will be b awarded awatd d next t week weekPressmens w weekPressmens Pressmens Council CouncilPressmens CouncilPressmens Pressmens Council Co ncjJ N U No 738 738held 138held 73Sheld held a ladles social session ses lon on Thurs Thursday Th Thursday rs rsdoy ¬ day night at Typographical Temple and andIt andIt andit It proved to be another of those most raostenjoyable mostenjoyable mostenjoyable enjoyable functions for which this council coun council council ¬ cil Is noted After a short game of ofprogressive otprogressive ofprogressive progressive euchre in which about fifty fiftycouples tlft7couples fiftycouples couples participated refreshments were weraserved wereseryed wereserved served while an excellent orchestra orchestraplayed orchestraplayed orchestraplayed played several selections of music musicThen musicThen musicThen Then followed a a short program o ovocal of ofvocal t tvoc1 vocal and Instrumental music and reel recitations recftatlons reeltations ¬ tations Those who contributed to the theentertainment theentertainment theentertainment entertainment were Mrs FInley 8 8Hayes 8Hayes L LHayes Hayes Mrs Joseph Dores William B BHyde BHyde BHyde Hyde William WIJJlamA A Morrell Edward BOBrien B BOBrien BOBrlen OBrien and Mr Nachman WE REPRESENT HOTELS HOTELSFrom From the smallest to the largest from rom the most moderate priced riced to the highest highestand highestand highestand and in every part of the United States We can give you full fullinformntlon Information book booklets booklets booklets ¬ lets rates etc and RESERVE YOtS YOUR R ROOMS In advance at this office W Wrepresent Wrepresent WI WIrepresent represent the leading 1 1Including tWORLDS lWORLDS WORLDS FAIR H HOTELS HOTELSIncluding TELS TELSIncluding Including the Inside Inn the Napoleon Bonaparte the American Forest ForestPark ForestPark ForestPark Park Hotel Hotel Epworth Christian Endeavorer and we also have private prlvathouses tlrlvatahouses privatehouses houses listed listedWe listedWe listedWe We are now offering SPECIAL RATES for torAtlantic foro i iAtlantic I Atlantic o City Hotels HotelsWe We w We represent the leading hotels there thereCall thereCall Y YCall Call and see us whether you contemplate going now or at some future tuturewt tuturewtNo futuretlmeNo Urn UrnNo No matter where you ou want to go to or what you ou want to jjay pay we can give you youthe youthe youthe the Information you desire If we havent it we have every facility for pro procuring proI proTRAVELERS procuring ¬ curing it I ITDMlfCI ITRAVELERS TRAVELERS TDMlfCI EDO tVllJlitlIfC EXCHANGE 1336 New York Ave H RALPH BURTON Manager ManagerWe We Make NO CHARGE for Our Services Servicesmyl30t PHONE PHO E MAIN tAIN 1097 1097my130t 1097my130t my130t i r I 1 1i I Io ST LOUIS LOUISI 10 o f I r i il i l I I I IThe II II Expenses to o St Louis Will I Be eel Paid by The a Times TimesThe Imes ImesThe The winners of this contest will have all their expenses including includingtransportation includingtransportation includingtransportation transportation sleeping and dining car accommodations hotel bill for forone forone one 01 4 week w ek entrance to grounds etc paid by The Times They may mayvisit may1i y visit 1 1i isit Hhe 1 tbti fair whenever they please after the close of the contest t I i co coo o = Number of Coupons CouponsI CouponsTHE CouponsoW I r oW THE WASHINGTON TI TIMES TIMESS IES IESzC rL = zC L = S ° l St Louis Worlds Fair CouponTO Coupon o uy > TO Exposition Contest Editor EditorCredit n 5 no ° Credit this coupon to toName toName toName Name NameAddress NameAddre8S NameAddress Address AddressWhere Addre8Shere AddressWhere Where here Employed EmployedHave EmployedHave EmployedHave Have you sent coupons before Yes or No NoIs o Is I Miscellaneous Citizens Coupons CouponsThe The following coupons are for the contest between 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