OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, August 21, 1904, Image 10

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1904-08-21/ed-1/seq-10/

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i 1 I
Fish Killed by b Influx of ofEngraving ofEllgra ofEngraving
Engraving Engraving Ellgra ving Inks InksCOIORS InksC01ORS
COLORS OF JOSEPHS COAT COATCommissioners COATCommissioners COATCommissioners
Commissioners Trace Pollution to toTreasury toTreasury toTreasury
Treasury Bureau and Seek Co Cooperation Cooperation Cooperation ¬
operation of Secretary SecretarySecretary SecretarySecretar SecretarySecretary
Secretary Secretar of the Treasury Trensu Shaw Sha vtll vtllbe wUbe r tll tllbe
be requested tomorrow to take tAk stops trs to toprevent toprevent toprevent
prevent the employes cmpo es at the Bureau of ofEngraving ofEngraving r rEngraving
Engraving and Printing from rom throwing throwingInto tbrolngInto throwinginto
Into tho Potomac River through the thopublic th thpublic thepublic
public s sewer wer inks and other acids acidswhich II netdK netdKwhich Id Idwhich
which It is believed are responsible for forthe Corthe forthe
the wholesale destruction of bass bl1s perch perchand prc prcand perchand
and other varieties of flsh sh In the river riverThe rJerThe riverThe
The request will bo b made by 1 the thrCommissioners th thCommissioners theCommissioners
Commissioners on the recommendation recommendationof r mmendatlon mmendatlonot
of Major Sylvester S lveJIter who has received receivedfrom recehedfrom receivedfrom
from Acting Harbormaster Deem a re report report report ¬
port that he thinks the bureau Is II large largely ltu ltuh largely ¬
ly h responsible for the death of the fish flshThe fishThe Rh RhThe
The report says sa s the Thirteenanda Thirteenandahalf Thlrteenandahalt Thirteenandahalf
half Street sewer st > wer discharge > s into the therivor therlvor theriver
river sometimes sometlm a black inky ink sub substance substanco subetanco ¬
stance and at others othe red and green greenthat greenthat groenthat
that discolors the water in the river
200 00 feet from the mouth of 0 the th sewer sewerThe scwrThe sewerThe
The discharge from the th > D Street Streetsewer Streetsewer Streetsewer
sewer II Is > described as being nt times tmosstained tmgstained timesstained
stained with a substance like red ink inkThe InkThe fnkThe
The discoloration dl coloratlon of o the water tr from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the Thirteenandahalf Thlrt enandnhalt Street sewer Is Isreported Igeported isreported
reported to be greater between 10 oclock ocl k
LdPYflft > o nti = P > I =
Mill Ends of Best Quality SteamShrunk SteamShrunkFor SteamShrunkCannon
Cannon Cloth ClothFor itb
For Grades Selling SellingRegularly SellingRegularly
77 8 C Regularly at atThe atJ2 at12c
J2 12c c to 17c 17cThe
The lengths range from fron11 1 to 9 yardsWe yards y rds rdsWe V VWe
We have never had a collection equal in quality and andvlu andvSslu andvalues
vlu values valuesThe s sThe sThe
The cotton is of an exceptionally ezcep ionally good grade Every Everypiece Everyieco Everypiece
piece ieco has the finish hard to distinguish from real reallinen reallinenThe linen linenThe linenThe
The bargain price results from the fact that in many manyare manyare manyare
are enlarged or broken threads threadsNotwithstanding threadsNotwithstanding threadsNotwithstanding
Notwithstanding the imperfections imperfec ions the material is ispractically ispractically ispractically
practically as good as perfect perfe t cloth for waists and skirts skirtsDomestic skirtsDomestic skirtsDomestic
Domestic Department DepartmentFirst First Floor
r T A IT f JT A Tlk A T T T B y
i econ nT I NAL N ALe CLEARANCE CLEARANCE01P LEA RA NeE Second SecondHALF econd l
I SFoo Floo TL 7 A P7 ttff TB WAISTSSecond 7 A C T O Floor FloorB
Exit the summer suinmir su imer waists via1 sts in n order to make room for forthose forthose forthose
those of fall fallWhile fallWhile
While you have lots of wear wear for thin waists wevenot weve wevenot weve wevenot
not the space to let them remain any longer
t At50c At50cVhite At 50c 50cWere 50cVere
Were 100t 100 100White 100hite
White hite Persian Lawn LawnWaists LawnWaists LawnWaists
Waists with broad pleats pleatson pleatson
on each side trimmed with withline withfine withtine
line Swiss S w i s s embroidery embroiderydown embroiderydown embroiderydown
down the front pleated pleatedback pleat pleatbad pleatedback
back all sizes sizesReduced size sizeReduced sizesReduced
Reduced from frol11100 5100 100 to to5o
50 ants c nts
At75c At75cWorth At 7Sc 7ScWorth 75cV
Worth V orth SIcO SIcOWhite S IEO IEOVhite IlOWhite
White Persian LavIn LawnWaists LavInVaists LavinWaists
Waists elaborately elahrat elaborately l trim trimmed trimmed trimmed ¬
med with rows of open openwork openwork openwork ¬
work Swiss embroidery embroideryand embroideryand
and hemstitched hem titched itche pleats pleatstucked pleat5tucked neatstucked
tucked back and sleeves sleevesSizes sleevesSizes sleevesSizes
Sizes 34 to 40 40Reduced 40Reduced 40Reduced
Reduced from 5t5o 150 to toI
I 75 cents
ea eaBlack
Black Worsted olted Braid 6 yards IUdR inece In
Plec PJCe ece for Lc LcICoy r rICoywtoiM C4 C4JOWtOIW
ICoywtoiM ICoy stosw Hook and Eyes Ey regu ¬
larly Jc Special 3 crdH I IAdamantine
Adamantine Pins a dozen paper ptlp paper141c paper141cSUkatean Nl M JfIe JfIeSlIkateen c cSUkatean I
SUkatean Crochet Thread Thrt > ad 2 I for for1c Jflc JflcCharm c cCharm I Iwr
Charm r Xo c 1 Silk Chiffon Collar Collarwens i
wens wr lc now jc
The Fort Will Be Held HeldBy HeldBy HeldBy
By Mr Shallenberger ShallenbergerPostoffice
Postoffice General Ci neral Staff Scattered Along Bat Battle BatI Battie ¬
tie Line Li nc With ith Second Assistant Assistantat
at Headquarters
i HoW the fortGeneral fort fortGeneral tortOen1
General Shallenborgfcr has received his hisorders hisordPnt hisorders
orders ordersTomorrow ordPntromonow ordersrontorrow
Tomorrow morning he will 111 assume supreme su supreme supremf ¬
preme premf command of the Postofllce Department De Depurtmcnt Depurtment
purtmcnt purtmcntHe purtmentHe partmentlie
He will have no genera general erartL staff officers officershut of officersbut t rs rshut
hut will 111 counsel coun l with the officers who whohave whobK whohave
have bK risen from the ranks ranksThe ranksThe ranksThe
The deflection of th the s general ttneral staff be began begA began ¬
gan gA lnt lRB week weekFJr wfII
I FJr Frst c lrst t Assistant osl tant Postmaster General GeneralWynne Genralhas GeneralVynre
Wynne has gone con to Europe urOPtt to study tud the thetactics thetCUCS thetectlcR
tactics employed tmplo ed In the RussoJapan RussoJapanwar RussoJApan
Iwnr war
I warThird Third Assistant ACl ttnt Postmaster General GvneralMjuldcn GeneralMixdden hneruiI
I Mjuldcn 1lad fn IK reported r potte at Atlantic City Citypreparing CU3ptp Citypreparhg
preparing ptp rlllg for 9 n descent dest > nt upon the thesecond thesecond
second class publishers and it is isIn j jI h hIn
I In the morning and noon than at any anyother an3othor anyother
other timeThe time timeThe UrntTh
The Th discovery dl oer of the cause of the de destruction tleruCtlon destruetlon ¬
struction ruCtlon of or the fish will not deter the theauthorities theliuthorlUes theauthorities
authorities from prosecuting those thoaepnrtlr thollepnrU thoseparties
parties who pollute the river waters by bjI
I depositing d r051t1nlt in it gfts fts tar oil ammonia ammoniaand ammoniaand ammoniaand
and other otibsttinces The etteds ettedsagainst cases casesagainst us s
against such offenders are being rapidly rapidlyworked rapid rapidworkttd rapidlyworked
I worked up and it is thought prosecu prosecutions proeecuUons proeeeulions ¬
lions may be brought against fnln them us ussoon usI asi
I soon as the middle of o this th week weeki weekode
I i Floral Flof Work by Glide Glidei Gt GtYou ode
i You pet moro thin th n the price asked a ked pays paysj paysfor
j for when hen you order Gudes floral designs
1 11124 1224 F Phone or mall your orders ord ordersl rs rsI
reported has devised means to outflank outflankthe outfiankthe outflankthe
the enemy Enem at every r turn turnFourth turnliourth turnFourth
Fourth Assistant Postmaster General GeneralErlstow GeneralDrtsto GeneralDrtstow
Erlstow Drtsto is maneuvering somewhere in inMaine Inhh1l in3laine
Maine hh1l According to the latest official officialroports unlclalI
I reports his whereabouts are unknown unknownIt
It Is feared that he hf has been ambushed ambushedby ambushedb ambushedby
by b a portion of the grafter grafterbut arm armbut army armybut
but the he ht > report cannot be verified verifiedPostmaster verifiedPootmagt verifiedPostmaster
Postmaster General Payne yesterday yesterdayj yesterdayretreated
I j retreated retret ted to Wisconsin and will size up upthe upthe upthe
the political army ann now being mobilized mobilizedby moblUzedb mobilizedby
by b the enemy
I Reenforcement Is expected within the theI
I next week or ten days 8g by b the return of ofI
I I Generals Madden ln den and Brlstow but until untilbe untUtht
i tht they > 8lTh arrive General Shallenberger ShallenbergerPwill ShallenbergerPwillbe will willI
be In absolute command of the Post Postoffice PO5totlke ost ostotilee
I office forces forcesThe forcesThl forcesThe
The fort to will be held heldBOSTON heldI heldBOSTON
WALTHAM Mass Aug ItThe ItTheI 0TheBoston The TheBoston
I Boston Cotton Mills Mll here were closed closedtoday closedtodu closedtoday
today todu throwing 1500 hands out of employment em employment emp1o ¬
ployment p1o ment The Th mills will probably start startup startup startup
up again on September 8 8The 8I 8The
The shutdown is caused by b the dull dullness dullness dullness ¬
I ness of the the goods market
125 Baltimore and Return B 0 0R 0R
R R every ever Saturday Saturdn and Sunday
I Tickets good returning until Sunday Sundaynight 9unda 9undanight Sundaynight
night Hourly HourI Service Saturday
I Climax lfmax Goldeye Needles = fedles a paper paperlc Ic
Raven Darning Damln Cotton a card forlc for lc
English Twill Tape put up In 10
yard pieces pl ce all widths iftc iftcJ4yard
J4yard 24 KId rolls Tape for foreiS1108
I eiS1108 Rattles Fvor Favorite te Shirtwaist
Shi Shield ld 3 pairs pair for c
I La LI CIgalc > rubber lined Were re lOc lOco
ISc and 2 tJoe < X a pair Cut to lOc
Mrs Irs Snell SnellCtJffin SnellCtffirWalker SnellCtffirWalkerCofnLayyman Coffin Walker WalkerCoffinLaymaii rValkelCoflinJayulan
Father Murdered Murder in Chicago iCagO She In Inherits InI ¬
herits Large Estate EstateMany EstateManyRomances EstateManyRomances Many ManyRomances
RomancesSA Romances RomancesSAN RomancesSAN
SAN SA = FRANCISCO Cal Aug 20 20Mrs 9 9Mrs 0Mrs
Mrs Grace SnellCofllnWalkerCoffln SnellCofllnWalkerCofflnLaymun SnellComn SnellCofilnWalkerCofnnLayman wkerCotnn wkerCotnnLayman
Layman than whom hom few te women have havefigured hG hGfigured havefigured
figured more prominently In the divorce divorcecourts divorcecourtg divorcecourts
courts of America has been for several severaldays severaldlt severaldays
days dlt s preparing to separate from irum her lat latest Jatest latest ¬
est husband husbandShe husbandShe husbandShe
She has ha filed a suit In Los Angeles Angelesagainst J 1geles ngelesagainst 1gelesagainst
against Perkins A Layman to whom whomshe whomshe whomshe
she was married a little more than thanyear a ayoar ayear
year ago Desertion Is charged against againsthim ugalnsthim againsthim
him himThis
This Is the fifth time Mrs Irs Layman hAt haeappeared hAtappeared hasappeared
appeared In the courts as plaintiff in di divorce divorce ¬
vorce proceedings proceedln s and rumor has it that thatas that8S thatas
as soon as the Los Angeles courts gcinther srant sranther gJnther
her the relief prayed for she will again againbecome againbecome
become a bride brideMillionaires brideMillionaires irldeMillionaires
Millionaires DaughterMrs Daughter DaughterMrs Dau hter hterlr8
Mrs lr8 Layman La mnn Is the daughter of thelate the thelate theI
late A J Bnell a millionaire of Chi Chicago Chicago Chicago ¬
I cago whose mysterious murder in that thatcity thatclt thatcity
city clt twelve years l rs ago Is yet et to be solved solvedby solvedb solvedby
by b the Chicago police policeAccording polleeAccordlnr policeAccording
According to the records Mrs Lay Layman La Laman Layman ¬
man married and was divorced three threetimes threetimes threetimes
times from her first husband Frank FrankCoffln FrankIcomn FrankCoffin
Coffin Icomni CofflnThey CoffinThey
i They were first married In 1874 After
The Dainty Sanitary Belt forl9c forl9cSandow for llc llcSando lceSandow
Sandow Sando Pins Pfn 3 papers for DC DCSanitary
Sanitary Sanltar Safety Pins will not rust r t
2 cards for < boCube So SoCube 50Cube
Cube of 100 Black Bl ck Pins were lOc
for 4c 4cFeatherstitch 4cFcathur 4cFeatherstitch
Featherstitch Fcathur t1tch Braid Ilk We and 18c kind
for iQc
Women Have Corner CornerIn CoFnerIn CornerIre
In Painting the Trees TreesNo
No Men Seek Job for Nine Hundred Dol Dollars Dollars Dollars ¬
lars a Year in the Department of Agricul Agriculture AgricultureExamination AgricultureExamination ¬
ture tureExamination Examination Is Announced
No men need apply Women have a acorner acorner acorner
corner on the artist Job at the De Departmen Departmtn Departmen
partmen of Agriculture AgricultureThe Agriculturer Agriculturerite
The r Civil Service Commission has said saidso saidso saidso
so soThe
The commission advertises an exami examination exunlnettlon examination ¬
nation for September Zl 1 and 22 Z and andthe andthe andthe
the applicant must have ability to todraw todra todraw
draw dra and paint pictures plctur s of trees treesFor treesFor treesFor
For all of this she will receive 1900 1900per 900 900par 900per
per year yearIt YearIt yearIt
It may mB be the amount of salary s lar that thatthey thatthe thatthey
they the had lived together ten years dur durinr durIng
inr which they the had three children the thewoman thewoman thewoman
woman otalned a divorce on the ground groundof
of Incompatibility IncompatibilityTheir Incomp ineompetabilityTheir tllblllt tllbllltThlr
Their eldest son died in 1SSS and at his hisdeathbed hl hlde hisdeathbed
deathbed de thbed the parents were reconciled reconciledand reconciledand reconciledand
and then remarried This union lasted lastedonly lastedonly lastedonly
only a few months and intoxication intoxicationwas intoxicationwa intoxicationwae
was wa given as the ground for a second seconddivorce secon secondivorce seconddivorce
Still Wealthy WealthyMrs WealthyMrs WealthyMrs
Mrs Coffin then married James C CWalker CWalker CWalker
Walker u clerk in a a hotel in Los An Angeles Angeles Angeles ¬
geles After two years enrs they were di divorced divorced divorced ¬
vorced the ground being cruelty cruelt She Sheimmediately SheImmedl SheImmediately
immediately Immedl tely married Coffin for the third thirdtime thirdUmfO thirdtime
time and got another divorce from him hlmafter himalter himafter
after four yearsMrs years yearsMrs Jea Jealrs
Mrs lrs Coffin Co ln became Mrs Perkins A ALayman ALamRn ALayman
Layman in Riverside Col on March 5 5IMS i1110I
IMS In the following August rumors rumorswere rumorwere rumorswere >
were circulated that she had tired of this thl thisalliance I Ialliance IalUance
alliance and would take steps to break breakit I Iit
it and that Mr Coffin was hovering j I
Ee n < III y y8Ih
8Ih 8th 8 rn ST PA AVE AVETHE AvtTHE
We require experienced saleswomen for such departments as asnillinery asMillinery asflilllnery
Millinery Cloaks and Suits fluslin Underwear Notions Dress DressGoods DressGoods DressGoods
Goods Permanent positions and good salary assured to those cap capable capable capable ¬
able Apply to Superintendent SuperintendentA Sup SuperintendentA rintendent rintendentA
A Big Moneys s Worth Always Alwaysat
at the Busy Corner CornerButMore CornerButMoreSo CornerBut But More MoreSo MoreSo
So Than Usual Monday
Some women wait for this endbfseason end of eason sale of ofours ofours ofours
ours and buy for next year yearThe yearThe yearThe
The savings are ar so large that you cannot afford to toignore toignor toignore
ignore this final clearance sale
At 100 100Were 100Were 100Were
Were S200 and 5250 5250Law 250 250Lawn 250L
Lawn Law L a w n Waists with withfronts withfronts withfronts
fronts of allover embroid embroidery embroider embroidery ¬
ery er variety of patterns patternstucked patternstucked patternstucked
tucked back and sleeves sleevesalso sleevesalso sleevesalso
also Pure Linen Lin n White WhiteWaists 1VhiteWaists VhitevVaists
Waists pleated to the bust bustand bustand bustand
and full blouse louse All sizes sizesReduced sizesReduced izes izesReduced
Reduced from 200 and andS250 andS250
S250 to 5100 Ioo
Choice Stationery StationeryAt 0 0At
At Cut Prices PricesSheets Pricesob I
bb Sheets of Scotch Brier Writing Paper splendid writ writEnvelopea
ing surface new square fold 14 C
Envelop to match natet a puck puckEaton
Eaton Hurlbut Handlaid Mourning Paper choice of 3 3with o A
with borders and 3 sizes 35c kind Special pecial a box 1auxMourning Z4C Z4CMourning 24 C CMourning t
Mourning Cards and Mourning Envelopes all handlaid c A
borders Should be 35c pack instead inst d of each eachKann eachKanns A 24c t tKann
Kann Kanns Special Playing Cards polished red or blue de designs i A Asigns
signs signs Equal to t tFirst any 25c card Special a spark sparkFirst pack 14 14C C CFirst
First Floor Floors
At A 395Worth 395 395Worth 395Worth
Worth S65D 65 653 to S8CO S8COChoice 8C0Choice 8CO 8COChoice
Choice of our Fine Mull AullPersian MulIPersian MullPersian
Persian Lawn Linen and andPongee andPongee andPongee
Pongee Waists in tailor tailormade tailorI tailormade
I made mad and dainty lacetrimmed lace lacetrimmed lacetrimmed
trimmed styles All sizes sizesbut sizesbut sizesbut
but not in one style styleReduced stle styleReduced
I Reduced from 650 to toI t
800 to 5390 395
WERE NOW = ow owS350
S350 350 298 298S450 2 298S45o < 8 8S4
S450 S4 50 S398 S398S600 398
S600 600 498
750 50 549 549ARABIAN 549ARABIAN
500 S398 398
600 449 449S700
S700 700 7 525
150 098 fi 9S
5200 200 SL39 139
300 5198
5350 350 X269 269
400 298 2 9
5500 500 349
Harms 6cord Cotton 5 kind 3 for5c for5cSmiths for5eSmlths for 5c 5cSmiths
Smiths English Needles le dle8 a u paper 2c 2cChinese 2cChinese c cChlnestt
Chinese Ironing I ronlnl Wax Vax a dozen dozenfie dozenfieMachine Sc ScMachine
Machine tachln > 011 a bottle bottleBel bottle bottleBelt 2c 2cBelt
Belt Bel Pin nooks containing 5 dozen dozenin doztnIn dozenin
in black white and blue or assort assorted assortI assorted ¬
I ed for 4cIC 4c 4cK
I K B Diamond 1 1 Hair I Pins i a pack package package ¬
age n lc
Trimmings 49c 49cWorth 1 1 1Worth
I Worth Up to 2 Yard YardThey YardI YardThey
T They L y are Trimmings such as 15 will be used the coming season seasonA seasonA II
I A little forethought will save you many pennies in trimmings for forthe forthe forthe
the new fall gown
Not ot a piece In the the season sold for less lessthan lessthan
than TCc fc a yard and from that up to 2
I Because Its it a out of o season theyve they been beenreduced b beenreduced tm tmrtduced
reduced to a yard 49c 9c
They rhe consist of Medallions with gilt giltcenters giltcenters
I I centers Persian Bands and Medallions MedallionsLinencolor Modu1lfonaLlnenCQlor Moda lilons lilonsLinencolor I
Linencolor Trimmings Eyelet Embroldory Embroid Embroidery Embrofdor ¬
ery or In black white and pink
FIrst Floor Floor45c Floor45c
II 45c Linen Suiting Suitin f fYou 30c 30cYou
f You can wear dresses of linen way wa up to the fall Buy of this th1
7 7 pieces of 36Inch 36ln < h heavy round thread Irish Linen Suiting usually 45c a ayard ayard
yard aJj Special at Soc
First Floor FloorItnens Linens
debars the men or It may ma be that their theirartistic theirarUstic theirartistic
artistic temperament i JtI not sufficiently swHlcientlydeveloped sufficientlydeveloped tulclentlydeveloped
developed but whatever the c cause use the theartist theartist theartlst
artist market Is cornered by the women wo women 0 0men ¬
men menAn menAn menAn
An examination will also be held for foran toran foran
an Interpreter Interpr ter of Polish and Yiddish in inthe Inthe inthe
the Immigration service Persons with withability wtthabllft withability
ability abllft to twist t 1st the tongue in tnes tneslanguages these thetMIlangUageSI
langUageSI languages will have an opportunity to torooms toshow toshow
show the their r ability at the civil service senleerooms servicerooms
rooms on September Septembert 21 This job ob pays pt s sSlOOO
SlOOO 1000 per year yearbout yearabout ear earI
about bout anxious for a fourth trial Mr MrLayman MrLayman Ir IrLaman
I Layman it was stated had left Call California CallI Caltfornla ¬
I fornia declaring that it was no r longer longerpossible longerI longerpossible
I possible for him to live with the wo woman woman WoIrs ¬
man manMrs manMrs
Mrs Irs Layman is supposed to have re received reIcelvod received ¬
ceived a considerable p part rt of her fathers fathersestate fathersestate athersestate
estate when It was distributed distributedEUGENE distributedEUGENE distributedEUGENE
BRUSSELS Aug 20 GEugene Eugene Ysaye Ysayethe Ysaethe Ysayethe
the violinist has signed a contract for forfifty forfifty forfifty
fifty concerts coneerts In America the first to tobe tob tobe
be b given In Philadelphia on November
17 1904 His compensation is to be
3100000 100000
See Page 6 Second Section SectionFor SectionFor SectionFor
For bargains In houses for sale by Stone
r I
Linen SuitingsLiwns Suitings SuitingsLLwns SuitingsLa
LLwns La wns Madras MadrasWorth
7 Worth JOc JOcto IOcto
37 3 C to 25c 3 3Yard a aa J
w > a 8 Yard YardThese YardThese YardThese
These are the last of these fabrics and for a quick quickclearance quickclearance quickclearance
clearance tomorrow tom rrbw weve made this decisive price cut cutThe cutThe cutThe
The quantity is limited limitedso so you must come early in the themorning themorning themorning
morning morningThe morningThe morningThe
The colorings a afirst and styles are such that sold readily the thefirst thefirst
first of the season seasonIts seasonIts
Its a windup of the kinds mentioned mentionedhence hence the re reduction reduction reduction ¬ f
First Floor
Third Tb d T Third ThirdFloor hird
We are going to make it quite an inducement for foryou foryou foryou
you to buy the fall curtains tomorrow tomorrowOur tomorrowOur tomorrowOur
Our importations of fine Tambour Irish Point PointBrussels PointBrussels PointBrussels
Brussels Net French and Arabian Lace Curtains have havejust haveju havejust
just ju t arrived To quickly bring them to your notice noticeweve noticeweve noticeweve
weve inaugurated an early fall sale that no woman in inWashington inWashington inWashington
Washington can afford to t miss missThe miss missThe missThe
The domestic Nottingham Lace Curtains are also in inCURTAINS inCURTAINS inCURTAINS
All Curtains bought of us during this sale will wlll be hung at atyour atyour atyour
your convenience by our artistic draper FREE OF CHARGE
> Samples SamplesCurtain 69 I ICurtain 1
Curtain Corners CornersThese C CTheS iii iiiThese
These are samples from which we gave our our im import import import ¬
port order and come in White Irish Point Saxony SaxonyBrussels SaxonyBrussels SaxonyBrussels
Brussels Cliny Ck Cka y Arabian and nd Swiss Tambour All AllS
1 yards long lam and 2 2 to 3 pairs alike alikeExcellent alike alikeI alikei S
I i Excellent for short windows Choice 6 69c I
S400 S4 00 S249 S249SSiOO S249S5
SSiOO S5 500 OO S39S 398
600 449SWISS 449 449SWISS 449SWISS
3600 600 398
5700 700 S449 449 4
800 525
Kfrlnerfs Best Rubber Sheeting Sheetinffiyard SheeUnlard Sheetinga > >
a a iyard yard ard wide 1de for forThe forThe
The Tht Daphlne Hose Supporters Supporterswith SUJp Supporterswith rters rterswith
with sateen pad 25c kind for l lPlain
Plain Silk Garter elastic differentwidths different differentwidths dttrttrentwldth9
widths a 0 yard 1 1Kings Ik IkKings
Kings 500yard ard Basting Cotton r reK reKularly regularly j jularly
ularly 5c a spool special 3 spools spoolsfor spoolsfor poolstor
for l 1tc
Chicago 1 1I University Univers fJ Can CanFurnish CanI
I Furnish I nrnisll All Information InformationA
14 14A
Nearly Two Thousand Books to toReadGirIs Bi BiRead BeReadGirls
Read ReadGirIs Girls Take Up Course CourseWith COUfSWith CourseWith
CHICAGO Aug t A mtrlmenlol mtrlmenlollibrary mtrlmenlD1Ubra matiimenlal matiimenlallibrary
library Ubra from which the th students may mayabsorb maTabsorb mayabsorb
absorb information that dates back to tothe tothe tothe
the beginning of mans knowledge and andextends andI andextends
extends Xt nd9 down to the sciences of today todaywas todaywas todaywas
I was added to the Chicago University 11 11torary 11brar 11brary
torary brar system yesterday
The students with the girls well In Inth Ini Inthe
i th the lead made a rush for the new vol volumes volumes 01 01umes ¬
umes which are 1700 17C In number TheM ThereIs
Is almost endless advice on the subject subjectof
of the family famn institution institutionThe InstitutionThe institutionThe
The 1700 books were placed in a spe special special speclat ¬
cial section of Cobb Hall which Is to o
be known as the matrimonial depart department depattment departmont ¬
ment mentWith mentVJth montWith
With the innovation Innoa Uon came the an announcement announcement announcement ¬
nouncement that Dr Harper would pro provide provide provide ¬
vide a professor to superintend the col col1cUon
lcction and teach a class in I raatriinon mtltrl1 1on
la Institutions InstitutionsThe institutionsThe InstitutionsThe
The books are > he gift gfttptPret of f Prof George Geor e
E Howard author and professional lec lecturer lectuer lecturer ¬
turer on history They were gathered
la all parts of the world worldias
ias To Baltimore and Return 133 133Via 125Via iasVia
Via Pennsylvania Railroad every Sat Saturday Satumay Saturday
urday and Sunday All trains train except
Congressional Limited Convenient train traInscrvlce trainserge
scrvlce serge
S4OO 400 298
500 398 98 986oo
600 449 449LACE 449LACE 449LACE
LACE BED SETS SETSNottingham SETSNolUngham SETSNottingham
Nottingham S1 X1 1 O 98 9 9Nottingham ft ftwere
were 5250 250 fifor for torNottingham 17 O ONottingham
Nottingham SO S 2 29 O 98 Q Qwere
were 3350 350 for torRuffled forRuffled 7 O ORuffled
Ruffled Ruffled Boblnet CO QO QOwere 8
39 3 9
were 300 500 for J 7 O
Notions Youll Y ouII Buy Because Theyre Wanted t
Jet and Mourning Pins regularly regular3c 3ca 3c 3ca
a a box special Ial 10 boxes for forExtra 9c 9cExtra
Extra Long Hat Pins In Jet et mat matand matand
and white hlte heads h ds 5c kind for forBraoks v2c v2cBrooks c
Brooks rks 100yard yard Softfinish Cotton CottonIn Cottonin CottonIn
In black and white a dozen dozen15c 15c 15cImitation 1 1Imitation
Imitation tt ttM Silk Tie I Laces 3 3B Inches Incheslong incheslong
long lo a pair r tc 4cM tcM C
M K Darning Cotton a spOOlle spool lc
r Some Domestics DomesticsAt
I At t Half Price PriceExcellent rice riceExcellent I IExccIIent
Excellent buying opportunities in Domestics for tomorrow Suchofferings Such Suchofferings Suchofferings
offerings housekeepers appreciate most mostPEQUOT mostPEQUOT mostPFQUOT
PEQUOT BOLSTER CASES bleached bl ched size 45 by 72 72inches 19c Qf
inches every case ticketed Always lwas sell at 39c To close closeSALEM closeSALEM v vSALEM
SALEM BOLSTER CASES bleached hleJch d size 45 by 72 72inches 2 16c
inches every very case stamped Always 31c To closest close at atBIEACHED lUv lUvBUEACHED I IBl
BUEACHED Bl EACHED SHEETING 94 excellent quality full 19c Qr
width for double beds Re Regular Regul g u12r r 25c 5c q quality unlit y A yard yardFirst ya rd s v vFirst 1 1First
First Floor

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