W u
F r V
YIr Virginia ginia Republicans Ex ¬
pected pected Diff Different ± rent Things
Treat Displaced Displ ced cedas as Marshal Thought ThO lg1i
He Was Safe S SafeBut fcBut But President President
Named Former Democrat Demo rat
The ThePresidents Presidents nomination o OL 2 J J E
B StuartSof Stuart Stuarto Newport News Va yato Xo o be
United States marshal for the eastern
district of Tirginia came as a ash shock ck
and a surprise to Virginia VirginiaRcPu Republicans ftans
of f all factions
Morgan Treat of West Point PointS S ya Is
Summarily displaced by b the th appointment appoin mcnt
of Stuart
J E B Stuart is a son or 0 the great
Confederate cavalry leader leaderof of that name
and has always been known as a Demo
crat It is now no k said he became a Ke
J publican ubli ah a yearasro jea year iago ago
He js 1 a areal real estate estaled dealer d aler in New
port News Nc Ncw w i iand and a man of 01excelle o excellent excelle t repu re pu
tation t tion His appointment follows followscios close C
upon that of f the grandson gran iIson of Stone
wallJackson wall Jackson as a cadet tatWestPoint at West Point
Political Aspect
The Th most striking phase of Mr Stu ¬
arts appointment however is the po ¬
litical jhase
Morgan Treat Tr eat who is removed has l1as
been a Republican all his life and Is
one of of the most prominent men In the
party partyln in Virginia Vir nia
For For3olong a long time he was closely iden ¬
tified with what wh t is known as the ma ¬
chine chin faction Last year lie broke
away wayfrom from his old alliance and and went
with the Slemp faction This makes his
< abrupt removal all the more remarkable
in view of the fact that less than two
weeks ee ks ksago ago the President pr eSid nl told Colonel Co i nel
Slemp Judge I L > I L > Lewis and ThOI
Lee L Moore I ore to call a conierence of the
Republican Republicanmemberso members of the Virginia
sena Senate te and house of delegates and elect
a aCQmmIttee committee of three whose w wishes ishes he
said saidshould should be recognized in all Fed Peth r
eral al appointments In Virginia
The appointment of Stuart Is the first
appointment appoIntm nt in n Virginia of any import ¬
ance to be made since the President
> went over overUie over the situation With W thC Colonel lonel
Slemp S emp and his associatesan associates and d det yet et th <
were not even ven consmu consuiLwa = u about it The T
first they the knew of it itwas was yesterday
morning IIlorningwhen when Colonel Slemp called at
the White House and andreceIved received the in ¬
formation from the Presidents lips
Wise His Sponsor f
John S Wise former formeCongressman Congressman
Irom Virginia V rginla a m u kii knw w who ho haslived has lived in
2Cew3Tork ew York for several years and has
practically lost all Identification identificat onwith with the
Republicans of Virginia was the one
who ho first rst suggested Stuarts name name to
the th President
Treats Tr ats term was not due to expire
until March 20 1906 and his rem remo
has has hascaused caused it t sensation tie e always took
a prominent l > romlnent part in inpo1it1c politics and nd L
his enemies eneml have brou brought jht chrges
against him in connection with alleged
violation of the civil service rules in
this respect It was believed however
that Treat had answered them success ¬
Virginians in WashIngtcn and there
are many prominent ones here decline
to discuss the case
Representatives Slemp judge udge
and andTudge Judge Lewis of Virginia called on
the President today toda
Representative Represen tative Slemp had 1a db been en sPokenof spoken L
of as the new leader art Virginia
cause c use Tie carried tu tie NInth district by
such a ahandsomemajorit handsome majority In appoint ¬
ing Stuart the President did not consult
Mr Ir Slemr 1emp >
The Virginians came to see the Pres ¬
ident In regard Tegatdto to the protest that has
been filed against the appointment of
Robert H Talley as assistant United
States attorney to take the place of
Hugh Gordon Miller who is going to
resign They believe believ that tll t Mr Talley <
win get the th appointment
Detectives Detecth > s Home and nd Warren today
arrested W1II William am C Gittre fortythree
years old on a charge c arge of bigamy
A Avonian woman Hying in Baltimore says he
married tfier her in the Monumental City
while he had a wife in Washington
Local detectives found him at 530 3O Mis ¬
souri Avenue where he resided He
says lie is innocent innoeentandnasbut and has but one
Take Laxative Lanti e Brom0 Quinine Qu inine Tablets All
druggists dru gists refund the money if it fails to tocure to cure
E EW AV Grove Groves signature is on each box 25 cent centi cents
Times Want Ad Ad Branch
Want Snt advertisements and SUbscriptions subscription
for The Evening and Sunday Times will WI 1
be berecev received d at 3t regular office rates rate at
Centners s Drug Store corner 14th and
You Streets northwest I
oC C COPPERTIIIT COPPERTnngcj0 9SPERTHrrE ° n Wednesday ednes a D December
21 o 1 18 13101 at t
oclock a clock p in TjENN JENNIE
aged a twentythree
months the beloved loed dau daughter hterot of James and
the late
Jennie Copperthlte and
daughter of Mrs Irs Jennie J Da Day > ay grand
Funeral Funeraltrom from her late residence 1S31 sixth
Street northwest on Saturday December
1904 19Q4 at at2 2 oclock 0 clock p m Relatives R latheg and friends rjneL r 24
are a re respectfully respect uJIy invited to attend Inter
ment at Congressional Cemetery Cem tery it
Wednesday December 21 1304 19
Boyd 3t
EARLEY EARLEyonTuesda EARLEYOn On Tuesday December 20 0 ISOi
at her home 1281 East Avenue venue Elyrle
OhIo AE A EMMA I IA wife ot the ltev Samue l
Earleand Earicy and MIster or w R and Frank A
Spearei S are or Washington D C it
GLOVER GLOVERSuddenlr Suddenly Tuesday Tu ay December 21 0
TS04 at her residence 1120 Fourth Street
northwest at 930 > p m ADELAIDE R
GLOVER beloved bel ITed < daughter ot the late John
W and Eliza L Glover It
Johanna Phillips 82 2d and H sts ne
Henry Carroll CarrollEG EC 3d and H sts ne
Joseph ToJ ph Adam Watts 28 moa moaf f 1340 29th th st nv
Cecllla V BoYd oyd 70 9 10th st It se
Ethel Sheppard Sh ppard 23 mos Wash Orphan Asy
James Tam S E Washington Washfngtmi2i i9 608 08 R st sLnv eL riv nw
Joseph J ephE E Llndsj 23 2124 124 11th st nw
Mamie amleTohnson Johnson 45 f5days days 244 41st at st nw
Gamer Infant of Clara C1nraand and Charles Charl Tf min ¬
utes Columbia Hospital Hospl ll
Unknown 23 1st at fit and Virginia ave aves svr
Richard Bell 55 iWashlnSton Washington Asylum Ayh m Iloap
ilartella rteJ1a Watts 3 U7 P at t ntv
Price Prl e infant of Thomas E and Lura A A S
hours 17th st st and Brentwood road
Price Infant of Thomas E and Laura A A 10
hours 17th st and Brentwood road
Joseph Oscar Bell 1 1 132 Logan Place
Cora M orStonn Stern 33 1J28 H 8 Euclid Place nw
Frederick Fr derlck Cole 23 mos 4SO VIrginia aVe sir
Robert Peel MIns Minshall hall 73 1730 733 lath st st nw
John M M Vaughan 71 71inrontot in front of 321 John
Marshall Ma1JbalIPI3Je Place nw
Of every description descrJptionmoderatey moderately priced
1214 F Street Korthwest Phone M 11969 9GD 9G i 3
Z22 Penn Ave Ave N W Washington D C
t 1 fJ
I I Continued Con ti tinued nued from First Page
1 Czar C zar the views of the assembly oji the
i internal in policy of ofRussIaand Russia and concluded conclud l1
QY b jy soliciting amelioration 9 of oexisting existing
conditions conditio c ns <
The Czar was offended o at tie t e com ¬
munication munI m ation and nd personally wrote Tot on onthe the
telegram te legram
1 consider ons onsiderthc iderthc iderthcconductof the conduct conductof of the th presi ¬
dent d ent or of f the zemstvos to tObehnp be impertinent ltinent
and a nd factless fa ctIes s
The question qu tion of the th governments
policy polic p olicy is no business bi1siness of the zemstvos i ims ms tos
assemblies as whose jurisdiction and rights
Tare areclearl a re clearly defined by the laws of gus ¬
sia s i 3
SINGAPORE Dec 22 22Two Two Japanese
battleships b four cruisers and twelve
destroyers d estroyers passed here steaming west ¬
ward w ard
It looks like a plan for fora a concerted con erted
attack a ttack on the Baltic fleet fteetvessels vessels when
they th ey arrive arrI e
It is possible that thatthcsetwo these two vessels
are a re the forerunners of other Japanese Japanese
warships w which will congregate in the
neighborhood n eighborhoodof of Singapore to intercept
the th e P RussIan r ussian Baltic fleet which whic h hwill will
make m ake Singanore the therflrst first port of call ca 1
in the Far F r East
ST PETERSBURG Dec Dec22n 22 22An An anti ¬
war Wal w ar riot was started today toda by the thewo wo ¬
men m en of the townof town qf f Dombrowa Poland
The Wives of the reservists who had ha d
been b een mobilized gathered at the town
hall h ail demanding relief r lief from their desti ¬
tute t condition con dltion The police tried trie d to dis ¬
perse p erse the th gathering but the women l
Attache A ttache of legation Returns From
IiermitKingdom flerm Hermit it Kingdom and Explains
Situation There
Chong SIoo Ioo Hong attache of the Ko ¬
rean m an legation who wh has returned to
Washington from a trip to the Hermit
Kingdom Kin l ingdorn dom Called cal led on Secretary Hay IIa this
morning m or ning to pay his respects
Mr Hong said tha that t Korea had riot suf ¬
fered f nearly so much from the war as
had l1adbeendepcted b ad been depicted and that the people
in I n fact were weregoing going about a bout their occupa
tions tionsln t In as peaceful a manner mann r as though
nothing n othing had Kappened
The fact that the Japanese have un ¬
dertaken d a atutelag a tutelage over the Hermit
Land L and Mr Hong 3ongsaid said Is is not notresented resented
an and a nd d the appointment a PP ointm e nt of foreign for e ign advisers a dvls ers
Is i s believed to be a step which will re ¬
sult fultin s uit in great gre t benefit in modernizing Ko ¬
rea r ca
William Flynn a farmer of Mirigo
county c West Virginia v irgin a does not be b ¬
lieve l in nrace race suicide and although a a a
Democrat for sixty sixt years he Is isa a great
admlrer admlrerof of President Roosevelt He cast
his ifirst firstRepublican Republican vote ote at the last
election e
To show his admiration for the Presi resi ¬
dent s he hehau hauled ed a huge Christmas tree j
eight e ight miles over the mountains to the
express press office and asked that it be sent i
to t o the President The tree was labeled
as as follows
To President Roosevelt from arecent a recent
convert c the father of fourteen children
The express people refused to accept
the t he tree because It was too large
While Thile Mr Flynns FI 1ns intentions are re ap ¬
preciated at the White House there
I Iseems seems s eems to be b no way wa to help him out j
l of o f his difficulty
charged harged them the therawith m mwith with sticks in their hands
and fired a volley vo ile of stones
I The rhepo1ic police were put tofUght to flight
The Th women wOI 1enthen then stormed the the1own town
I ball and andcaptufedthe captured the mayor They said
they l1e would keep him prisoner till hehas ehas
agreed to their demands
Cossacks Cossacksivere were wer summoned s Jlmmoned and drove
the women off with knouts reieasingthe 1el asing > 1he
LO LONDON D > Dec 1 22 The T Tokyo kyo corre
spondent ofthc or thcRcut th Router r To T Telegram icgram cgram Com
pnny wires tliat tl thath lt Jhe the7 Japanese Ja pane se have I Ipnny
captured same s rne important positions on
Pigeon PIge n Bay 13 i to the west dst t of Port Arthur rthu I
ST PETERSBtJRG PETERS3LRG Dec 22 2 22Kuropat Kuropat
kin kltiwireg wires hcbas he iO haS receiv received ed a report from
Chinese sources s burces t to the effect Iect that the
IP Russians usSlan S have h ac recaptured r e c a Pt ured 203 aietre 11 etr ti
Hill outs ide Port Arthur and have
I seized the thegl1ns guns mounted by the Jap ¬
anese anesein in the th forts
I ST PETERSBURG < GLDec Dee 22 22Kuro 2tKurQr Kuro r
patkin today toda sends the t th 1 following c cr re r ¬
I port Forty Fort Japanese Ja 1anese sharpshooters sharpsh otes sud ¬
denly attacked a 1 a Russian outpost outpostys yes ¬
I terday terdayevenitg evening 1 The Russians were
forewarned arid an met the enemy enem i Ith a
hot fire obliging ol > Uglng them to retreat
On the > night of December 20 Russian n
sharpshooters sharpshoot r threw thrc two dynamite
grenades into the Japanese intrench
merits men tS Tire > Japanese J pan se fled and took
refuse rfu e in the villa ymageorTinczIatun village ce of orTincziatun Tincziatun from fIo
which they fired onth on thc sharpshooters
Struck on the head h db dba by a bolt of Iron
w which hic hIch h fell a a distance distance of often ten feet before
hitting him Howard Quinn twentysix
years old employed on the new Munici ¬
pal Building at Fourteenth fourteenth and D
Streets northwest northwesthadhlsslrul1 ha had d his skull frac ¬
tured turedabout about 31 Uocl oclock ck this morning
He was removed to the Emergency
Hospital where it itwas was said he was in
a precarious condition conaitlo
XmasCandy Xmas Candy I
Beautiful Boxes
Famous for f Carainels
Made fresh every hour
Velatis Chocolates
Bonbons Bon bons
and Caramels
Xmas Remembrances
The purity and famous character charact > l >
of our Candles make them highly high y
appreciated at the rOUday l1day season I Iappreciated
620 Ninth Street N W
de222t 2t
Wonder onG What Mertz Will Say today TodayU U
Store dos closes s at at6 6 p p m In dally 9 p tn ai Saturday Sa turdays
If you want the best fitting
3 and best wearing suit or pair of
j r
trousers youve ever worn just
take advantage of these theseStocI Stock = =
f i Reducing Sale Specials in
I Mertz Mertztailoring = tailoring
I 5 1100 1i00 275
for Suit to Order for Trousers to Order
About a dozen new styles stylesadded added Half a dozen new styles have
to the line of standard 1S suitings
Including fine black Thibet and the been added to the line of fine wor ¬
best plain and fancy weaves Fit sted and other neat neatstriped striped Trou ¬
and a style guaranteed serings seringsTailored er Tailored ilor to order rd fO for 5275 275
1 1Vlerter
1 Mertz and d 1Vlert Mertz Co 906 F St
The Store That Saves SavesYouMoney You Money I
I for the announcement of the SALE of the th FIREDAM ¬
AGED STOCK of the Hub Furniture Co any day now as II
the insurance insu ra n cecompani companies esare are completing their adjustment
O of the losses
1i Itll ten It Itr r ll be the GREATEST SACRIFICE SALE A of f fine
1 Furniture Carpets C rpets Draperies Drapenesetcever etc ever held heldIn In in tHis t11scity city
1 r
The T h e Store is closed now but the
0 OFFICE oc IS OPEN for th the accommodation acco n d tion
of patrons who have payments to make tha ke
Ghe 3he e JHhj H Hub ub fo FUr Furniture nuu reCo Co o I
S E Corner 7th 7thand and D Sts
Born orn in England But Long Lon Identi ¬
fled ed With WithLocal13uild Local Build uiId
1Di1 ing I
> J
Solomon Carr for fortEillton tweiityohe tweiitjdnesearS years 3e rs a i 1
r rCsident esident Idel1t 0 of f this city C 1t and wide widely JdCl y known kn o n ni i
as a contractor contract > r and nd builder bullderdle dje dieci if Jyes < yes J
tifrday t dayat at his home lome 1355 MarYland M 5l Ave v
flue northeast norlh as after t t ra1 an illn illness s lasting
more than six sL weeks e ks 1 1 1morc
Mr Carr who wh was wasfift fiftyeight IghtTears years
old ldwas was born In Leicester England oC
Coming omtng to America mericaln znerlca in 1SS3 he h immedK
ately t itely tely settled ettl el In In this th S city C it itObwinins obtaining em
Ijlojmient PI ment athis athlstrade trade of expert brick ¬
laying 1 Ing A Atew few years later he started In
business siness for hlm himself sclf with almost im ¬
mediate success
His small smallofllcc office finally 2ia J1 hia1 ad L to be b gix given en
Up and larger quarters qU rte r taken t ken Contracts CQntracts
were entered Into with him by bpromi promi ¬
nent r ient builders He wasa was pioneer builder huIl r
oLtvvo 4ttwo and andthr throe e story to rY flats fla tS tSand and was vas T
especially cspeciauyellknrwn well known In th the Isfortheast N rth ast
Section ectIon of the city cit wli where r many manofthe of the I
largest lhrgestapartment apartment hous houses Mere wCr Wtrc built un ¬
der d r his supervision
Mr Carr embraced the Methodist creed
when a youth outh and was was always iW r s a zealous zea1 us
member IjIembero of the church ChUl ch In this city he
was a ri niembor IJ1emb r of the Douglass Memo ¬
r nat ial Methodist Episcopal Church 2Hr
Carr v 1rr rr himself was a a lay la preacher reacherof of no
small ability
Almost eight years earg ago golIIr Mr MX Carrs arrs
wife ire died survived by her er husband and
six adult adultc children ildrcn five l1espns sons and one
rMr Mr 9arr Carr remained mni 1 d a widower until
2101 WOl r when he h
remarried th the unfon re re ¬
sulting In t two vo children chf1 ren
About six weeks ago ohe he was W confined
Blames Race RaceSuicide Suicide for
Few PeJYSUndai Sunday Scholars Scho lars I
Wisconsin Wisc nsinPastor Pastor Be Bemoans emoans Vnoans Small Sabbath
School Scf 9o1 Attendance Attenan AttendanceYoung e 7 7Y 7ungp Y Young ungp Peoples OPes So o o ¬
cieties cfetle dtiesAkoScan Also Scant I 1 I
MILWAUKEE lIIL VA1JKEE Dec Dec22Race 22 22u u Sacs suicide
is largely argel 7rC responsible Spo nsiblefOlthe for the falling falUn
off of ormembership membership membeshi In Sunday SUt1da schools f hoog I
and young oung peoples societies sa saId id the th
Hew ReJ J T Chynoweth GhI1owethorsanIzeranc organizer and
superintendent of the tl1 Wisconsin Sunday Sun Iay <
School Association Aqsoc iaUoQ apropos apr opo s sof of a state sfut state ¬
ment by Dr Washington ashirH ton Gladden Gladden that
the young peoples and childrens socie ¬
ties of Congregational churches are los ¬
fns ing trig ground
It is a fact f ct that thatthrechJldren c ithreeAchildren tt re c i1 rcn 11 > s a
to his hisS S bed ed with wItha a slight attack of
phrenic ionicinillgestIori indigestion Irom rom whic which h Tie had h d I
been becn a sufferer SUfercrroryears for years At first his
111 IIlnesswav In ness a5 not < considereu onsldert nslded j serious ilo ou Taut
iris in ino inzplt o sDit pite of th the best bestor of medical d dcal cal atten tten ¬
ttori he heSrew grew grewsteadlly steadily worse worse and it was W
seen seen that his eventual ever v er itual tUl1 recovery reccwer y was Wlli >
impossible iInpo hle
Sur Suronnded iiindea by his fam family ily he died ied yes yes
lcrdayfi9ID terday trpm Ihont heart heartfailnrt1 failure caused by
chronic chronicindJgestlon Indigestion
He Is survived by b his second s ccn wIfe
formerly Alias MlssAllce Alice Mangrui h of East
Washington Washi 1gton and eight childrenr children Jive five
adult so sons 9ns 1 and an anadult adult daughter by
his first fir st wife wffe and two two infant daugh ¬
ters by bYhis This second wife All are resi ¬
den ts ot Washington save save one onesQJl son
who Is engaged In business In in > i New ew
Orleans L
Funeral cral services will be held from his
high families Ii I iIl average V era gein In our 0 u ur Congregational C ong r ga al l
u uDr Dr Gladden laddcn said there had been a
falling off o1 of 19257 19 7 young young people In the th
attendance since Ii97 1 7 This is partly p < rtlv
due to the growing lax laxity ity of parents i in
religious observance of Sunday Only
one out of every eve six s1 children of school
age in Wisconsin attends tten Sunday school
Statistics show s o that 50 0 per cent o tl ±
the lhechiIdren children join the church churchwhile while they tocy
are a jre in Sunday school chool and 20 per cunt Cth
after fter they the have passed J as d that thatage age the
remaining rema ining 60 GOper per pe cent c tar are not ot heard
late ato residence 1S53 Maryland Avenue <
northeast tomorrow afternoon and the
Interment will be In Rock Creek Ceme
t tery ry J
Golden Co Co3u c and 3u a ird l B B Earnshaw
Bro haya hay filed a petition peti ion in inthe the Dis ¬
trict S Supreme pre me CoUrt asking aSkin the court to
appoint a are receiver eiver to take t kec charge chargeo jo o f
the theass assets assethof fuof of Murray M rr3Y Ba1erand Baker and Wllllaix
A Volkman iujd and dispose diso cOf of them to
theboHfe the b I advantage It tis is st stated teq that hat
on December D cember IS i t instant the th defendants
closed l sedthe the grocery grDce d store toreat oreatD68 a > t 3J6S SI MStreet Street
northweSt l ort h hwe we t ana cind and the t e stock is in danger m lgerJ
of being be1ngv wasted ted to tollie the detriment detrimentol of the
petitioners and oth other r cedlt creditors Pcrc Percival val
Bro Brerla a Is counsel co l for the petitioners
F I d L4 V ir I
Main Store 4 t1 Branch Store
l Jititi I LLC I I I
il 8111 Sie816 0 816 Seventl Seventh 211n ZilJa Jj W ct C 715 Market Sp I
I Open Tonight I Get Trading Tmdln g Stamps Sfli Iftps I Open Tonight I
J I 3 O Off ffAIIToys A Tys J I
I The T Th he Toy y D Department epartmcn tatKl at Kings n gs Palace e Is only a holiday organization 0 30 by Saturda Saturd a t y yn night Ight every vestige of its I
existence must be cleared away We mean to carry nothing over overw overwe we never n v r do dose so right beTpre the final ffnalrushes rushes have
marked mar ked everything ever rlhI rlhIn n g in the great stock at ata a t third 0 off or O oxIgIra iginal l Ivalue value IU Included In < lud luded e are r
GroCarts G C s iron Wagons Wa ag gons 1 Cycle Wagons Coasters o sters Velocipedes 1 Pedal J < Wagons Wag ns i iG I
Vel V clpedeWagons s WheelBarrows hee1 Barrows Fu1illtur DeskSlVIo Desk Miz Chairs Rocking ockiig
Chairs Blackboards Pianos Tool Chests Dishes Drums Books G Games es
Iron Toys TOs > Mr Rifles Shooting hotingGall Galleries aaJ1er ies esHoDbY 1 Hobby Horses Shoo Mys Drums
Mechanical Mec amcal Toys Combination Pool Tables Crokonol Boards Uniforms Horns
All AIIDo11s Dolls Must Qo O Look at tfie t e Prices i
500 Import Imported dDo dDolls Dolls lls 28 8 inches ch I 295 95 800 Imported In1portedDo Dolls 1s 34 34incThes inches cl1es 595 59 5 l ll l
600 Imported port dDnlIs Dolls 30 30n inches n hes S3 395 o Q5S100 100 dImPo d dImported 1 Imported rted Polls oIlS 36 inches n no ches 795 79 I I
700 T OO Imported Dolls 32 inches inches495 495 4951400 1400 Imported Dolls 38 38mches inches o 995 I I
Purchase ALuc A Luc ky k of S Suits Ul t S an d dFurs F urs II
An Unequa led Chance for UsefulGift Us fulGift Givers Giv rs
WO Womens n 15 18 and 20 2 2etl Suits i 995 9 9 5
A splendid I lot O of Ladies d Suits In jn cheviots ots Venetians etl worsteds rstnn and novelty I II
cloths 26 to 42 Inches long all nllstyles styles etc Black Black blue and brown r tourist ef e ¬
fects doublebreasted loose and fitted backs also Norfolk style st Ie All the
best effects etrectsotheseason of the season Worth J15 15 18 and 520 20
Womens W om omA 1 20 O 25 and 30 Suits Yl
hr r 1 1595 39 5
A A lot of ladles a line ne broadcloth c1 cheviots ev v Venetians zlbelines Ie ne hardlinen h 1i
worsteds cassimeres and noveltjrcloths In brown black blue l luemngraaIsO tan gray also VM
1 lrown rown and blue mixtures The coats are heavily heailys satin atln and silk lined in 27
JC 6 and 42inch lengths plain and braid trimmed trlmIIed strapped seams loose and
tlghtflttlrig backs tourist and vestfront effects Skirts are full flare ar some =
strapped 5 pped some someneatb neatly stitched others kilted All strictly tailor finished =
A lot of Childrens Fur Sets in Angora QC 9 5 Genuine Genuine Squirrel Scans and Ties full sixty s iy inches
Ermine and Hare Worth 150 Special x D Dv v C long lon g satin lined li ed finished finish With chenille dj djj j 7 745 y AF i 5
Childrens Fur Sets worth 3 Blue Hares tabs Worth l 0 Special vp x LJ 3
Chinchillas Angoras and Ermine com c m ¬ Muffs to match at 745 74
binations Flat FI tand and Round Muffs Spe djf AT Fox Stoles Water Minks Isabella and Sable
1 95 9 5
cial ial CplyD Marten Mart en Neckpieces Ne eckPi kpieces ces satin and fur lined 7 95
Isabella and Sable Marten Squirrel Raccoon Far Worth 10 at at
Eastern Mink MinkVater Water Mink MinkJ J Im Imported ported Foxes full fu ll Muffs Muffslfomatch MuffStO fo match
length 10 styles to select sele t from satin d jQ 9 50 5 C A 0 We W ehave have 8 Genu Genuine ine Mink Stoles full lengths
and fur lined Worth 0orth 1298 to 15 at 4 4 v finished 1 1shed shed with cluster of tails satin S atin < 14 4 A 95 A I
Muffs to matc match h lined worth 2500 200 at AP l
Holiday Handkerchiefs I
Fancy Fanc Lace and Swiss Handker Fancy Lace Soft Sheer Swiss Hand
chiefs neat and e elaborate lace and kerchiefs lace and embroidered bor
Value embroidered v r alue 2e 9 bo boo borders o rders v 2 f for or 2 25C 5c Value ders in 39c fancy for lithograph box n 2 25c 25cembroidered 5 rrr
Pure Linen Fanc Fancy Soft Swiss Lace
Childrens Neat Hemstitched Bor and Embroidered Handkerchiefs In
2 fancy dered boxes Handkerchiefs T for 1 box in 1 pretty 1 1AC 10C 1U 0 0c c 1 75c a C pretty fancy box Value JQC 4 49c 9 9c 7 c
Give an Umbrella Um bre lla I
A lot of Mens and andr andomens Womens r omens Gloria Silk Umbrellas strong frames
good variety of handles Worth 125 Now 89C 8 9
i Union l nion Taffeta Silk sm Umbrellas both Ladies and Mens 26 and and2Sinch 23inch sizes
with cases and tassels to match Slotherofpearl rich sterling silver ilvermount mount
ings stylish wood effects princess styles some inlaid basswood hooks and
silvertrimmed han dles df The fhe mens n t1s l lt styles t les are acplui1 acplui1woven plain plrt ln woven and < SI AH
1 148 148Congo S SCongo
Congo with slIver trimming Truly rol worth orth 52 Special lvp
Ladles and Mens 4 4 4 Silver and Plain Handle Han dle Umbrellas 26 26and and 28inch
sizes including incl dlng effects in sterling silver > solid ebony ebon and fancy horns Also a a
c collection llecUon llecUonT of fine Cravel1ette Umbrellas guaranteed absolutely soluteb solutebrain rain
proof poo Worth T orth 300 Special 1 19 9 8
An exquisite 1otot lot of Ladies and lIIens 26 and 2ginch Umbrellas with sur
passing qualit quality coverings and extra durable frames They corn come e In Ina In a magnifi
cent c nt variety va Iety of smart handles and an l lmake make an exceptionally desirable C n
gift Worth orih regularly regular 4 and 450 Special 2 9 8
I T At 1 thesi thestwo two prices we have a large
t tvariety variety of Allsilk Guaranteed Umbrel ¬ I
I I las as with w ith long princess handles in sterl ¬ J 1 I
I I 3 9 98 sj I ing goods Ins silver and gold g Old Finest t quality I 498 49 4 S 9 8 II I I
Childrens Needs
Childrens C l1dren l1dreng j g Outing Outin g Cloth Skirts with i
1 wide wi e ruffles lmes on bottom 1 12C 0JLC i
worth i5c = iSc c Special i a 2
Lot of Fine White Cambric Dresses
for lorsman small children ChU iren < yoke trimmed trimm ed with I
embroider embroidery brderan1tuckzcheapat y and tucks cheap at f cc C I II
50c Spec Speclal ial 2 5 5C 3
Hosiery osiiy I
Lot Loto ol oly olFaneyana y Faneyana Fanc Fancy an and d Plain F ain Lisle Thread
Hose s some e with dots c10tsand and fleur de d Us j
patterns also Lace Hose full
regular regul r made worth worth39c SOc Spe Ore
eial i ig g Jlboxes boxes 25C O j
Childrens Black Ribbed Hose fast
color Onyx dye In all sizes both lisle
Special thread 1 1e e 1 1 and mace Worth SOc 2 OCC 9 O 5 c i
x 59c Collar Boxes 49c
59c Leatherette Lea herette Collar Collarand and Cuff I j
BoxesA with oxidize and gold spring
top for f collar and cuff buttons 49c
49c Jewel Cases 25c
49c Dresden Jewel Cases with top I I49c
pretty prett Oriental orlen taldesIgris designs actual value
49c 49c25 2oc <
49c Handkerchief Boxes 25c
49c Collar CufF and Handkerchief s
Boxes handsome hand < Irie decorations and I B
paintings choice assortment as of leath ¬
erette some embossed fiOwers ac at c ¬
tual value alue 49c 49c25c 25c
ii SI Comb and Brush Sets75c Sets 75c j
ot SLOII LOO nA T Brush > T and Corn Comb r T Se Sets c j silver f y f
mountings mountm in pretty d designs = Toe oc se set
I If
Ornaments Ornaments25c 25c 1
1 lot of Bisque Ornaments value 49c
Tobacco Jars Jewel Cases Work
Boxes BOX es and an d many m a n other ot herdeSira desirable ble gifts gif ts
25e I 1
Ope Opera aags49c Bags 49c I
Pure Silk Opera B Bags gs d dhinty int de do it I
signs si signs t1s ot of painted flowers with silk
cords ords and andhandle handle pretty Pre tt colonial gold SOl d
mountings Special 49c
Hand Bags 49c 1
Leather Hand HandandearrIage and Carriage Bags
with gilt oxidized and silver lyer mount ¬
ings new ne w bo bag gforhOlfda for holiday gifts black
and walrus leather Special 43e a
SI49 149 Hand Bags 98c I
Hand and Carriage rrfage Bags double
fitted filt ted test b est quality q prettily finished
oxidized silver and leather covered
mountings new shape handles l
The adjournment of ofCctlo Congress Tess < has ma ¬
terially decreased the thenumber number of callers
at the White House aitd aoo the chaiCes chaiCeSnre are
that t1atPresfdent President Koosevelt RDQSel > eU will tj bj j jghen given
an opportunity of ofsp spending sp ndin a quiet quf
Therceident The president csiden t is a record breaker b ker
when wht it ftcomesJoworkfng comes iTO jfrworldHg O5IrJ He hits mibeel been
especially busy buSr for f r the past past pastmoriihan month moriihan anc d i
has delved eived int intp ino p pome rome ome of t the greatest sr test
questions that have ever come uo uphithe inVthe
history hstor of the country
Aside from trom thIs tie callers at tr tn the
White hite House have been numerous an and d
when yh n not actually av WQrItin wqrlzing grking the Presi ¬
dent d nt has hasbcen been kept burr bur shaking hands httn
Christmas Chrlstm presents pzesentshtwe have hayealread already com ¬
menced mencedarrh arriving ng ar af the White House
and from now on until Sunday big bigex 1 < = ex ex ¬
press the pr grounds s wagons will be sean seenfrequ frequ freqitintly ntlv on
Despondent D s ond nt because beca Use his vIfe vlf left iinr hi him fi lm m
It is said Charles CharleSGlo Glover er made aniai aIia
lesed attempt to end his iis life lifeby by drin drinrig Sng ng
laudanum this morning In front t tof of i t 4 a
Pennsjlvan fc f Avenue enue southeast
His HiswC yife wIfe was stopping there L 1erc and had
made it her
home toe some tIme The
police say yGIoer Clover Is i a cab dilver yer and
went to th the the e e house on the 1 of has
vehicle about 10 oclock this raornSn morning
He wasfound lYi lying g L1 the snow In an
unconscious condition and
removed to
the Washington > n Asylum Hospitsl ifTtfie i
patrol tr > I wagonpf wagon pr the Fifth prLC precncts nct t e
lion He
was pronounced Q otit t oraan of aan
ger c a shorLUme after his iemO rexnov tl dt to
t the e institution stitut on
WUTED TED lV ISnrm irIi conirortabijr comfortl comrortnjilTTb > y fi hedi
rooms wIth with and vlthout ilwutbo rd for in3
vlsltora at jnoderata erate prices rices f st
nuns only J Also f Alsl r4 pa
VACA VACATHALLS AD fiDBmIiilNilg fiDBmIiilNilg17ay
I ing h heating tlllg ay 17ay
J Egktin btiDg o and mnltaI sanltar aota eco lo
modations for r nsa or cli 1iibs bg ett tc Also
I1OW3 AcD D B BALC6NrES o Es Se o rent on
= commIssion on 0 1llnC line o orpar of paradc d > cafr < > jh deposit
made lll tu
wE ALSO Fm FUICXISK cattos eaUn eaUnand tia tiaanti and sleftniT s sTe pfng pfngaccol1m
accol1m accomrnodtIcns tIcns to art1es o of 2 to 1OOO 20OQp
pie at owerrates hower r5tes than any hotel orindi
vidual ifl Wahigtn ilI This is the 1I Bfthth
InauguratIon tI e intro O handle J Snit we
GUARANTEE CU Xcc TISEACTION s TL CTIO Onrpitrbaa Our p3trons
are our reference i v vr r
o WE HAVE NO 0 OCO COXNECTI03r < Ecnox Wlth Ita any
conainltteesr either openly p tlJ or clandestln Ciandestftdo do o
not Me restricti iSstrfctivd contract or 4 to 6 da
but wm furnish UI11 h acporEmodatlons accommodatl for one Pr or r
more days
i115 111S F FST s ST jnrer over HaIFa Ihir
leZ tIefftf tt
Tie Th Singer SIng r is knoTOi kn iwritQ < to b be tiIellghtest the lightest g12teet >
running and most iouvem conrerriit rii o of 1 anvi any
It can be rented rent by bytheW the week ekor or month n nth
at very Imvrates low rates tipon upon kpplicatioh a pli tiQn tiQnat at
at ar y y Singer inger store Look for the e red S
ITlS 171 i4th th thu thsL u st sL nw i1w 615 ig SQfs SUi sC1iw22i sC t nw > f 529
Pennsylvania f ennsYla t Jive s se Wasbinirtoir Vas 5t9It
IF YOU ARE IX LO LoO5iNa > O5TING 1Gforo for odd dCfir1st Gifrist
mas presents P ents gO to SchniMs ds Pet P t Sin Ein
pcrium 712 Twelfth Str Street etn9rthwest northwest
HG bas nas thoroughbred thorou h red greyhounds same s
tin Capt > Vicerys Vicerysf fanaotis ous Princess
IaTut1 also so St St Bernarfis B rnar toy to bTacic tl1a k
andtansi an and Ltansw ha r wiri wirha1r 7 7hair hair iind rtn srnootiiopated smootlC at
fo fox ± ± terrJers t tertierSeotch ne Scotch SeotchcoJesbull collies bull tertfers te1e
JaP Japanese I1es spanieIS c cker s spatleLl parn
SKV S sky y terriers terr Angora A lra cats ca Iangfand k1pg j and and
black blacksnak snakes S goats t5goIdfishC goldfishe fancy mcy
chickens chlckenscana canary birds parrots rarrotsand and
thousands of other ther things Store Open
from T a a nLto m to 10 p m mtie2I3t rn de2t3t
COIDIIT cosrrrrt EE ox KPuBL ptrBLB C coMFbpT ORT o t
309 Coco Coreoa < Ballclln Building Eth St St N W
All parties pa rties desiring dcs frlnstQnrni3hquarte to furnish quarters J
visitors during dur1 g the Inaugural InaTI a1 perieil perl perie
requested to call at this office or
description of rooms stating the
of persons that can be supplied
sleeping accommodations ac ommodations with or
meals terms etc
lL 31 I L WETTKR Chairman
de2030t de2 30t Committee Committ on onPub1ic o Public Comfort
PARK PARK pioneer of o f freasonablo reasonablo reasonable
riced fittouse printing printlDgSpccialty Specialty 50
igh grade rade Visiting Cards Canls25c ards fie Same
ld stand stan 816 F Street Established Establlh 1SS3L
MEETING M K KTTXCZ of the stockholders stoCkh ders or o
he j National M atlonal Metropolitan Metro oU iaJ Pisa F InsaI Insur ¬
nce Company of tie the District of Co ¬
will be held on Tuesday 27th 27
nt at 12 12o itoclotk oclock o clock nu m m for the election of
tors Polls PoUsbpen Open open at 12 m and close clos
t 1 oclock p pm m SAM CROSfc CROSSeCTe ItOStt Secret Secre
tary deSlSt 1 91St
d dGood nrtr Good Goodquallty quality Opaque OpaqueSha ShafleC aa
WmaOW vvm OW
sc Best OU Opaque e SOc 5Oc
d dScotcn JQC Scotch Holland 75c 75cEu sc HUBJS g
a es free Will call cannth with samples
SAMMOXS O S scTnvmyr > aio E Estcw st ntr
Christmas 1904
That dealers and their th ir employes eII1PIGi empiO inajf in3f
in the Joys of this Christmas Chrl
enter Market Will ill JJ Be Closed
nl10NDAyCh MONDAY Christmas s tmas Day
Market on Saturday
Mar Maret Mark Ma d k f et on Tuesday
Office of oCenter Center Market et DecemB Dece December r 33 iSiS0L ISOt
Checking accounts accountSe earn enJngr jn in fu tgrest st t
here Why hy not start an account a unt
450JOOO 1500 01OcapltaIsnd capital and surplus
ricatl S ScurW an ity an nd
trust ornpany
Send for illustrated circular clrcu circula
Fruit Cake Cakei2 12c 2 c ib
by b the whole cake c
Pound Cake l l c lb > I
Lemon Cakes Cakes6c 6c lb
948 98La La Ave Ae6 6 Other Stores
c uJ ill
liAFFER c Elorlst Ela ist o
ij Flowers Wreaths Wr eathS Bells
and andfiora floral i designs forXaias for xmas
Fourteenth and I Eye
Phon 2416 U lbl1
Ahvays th the Same S m
Py ye
Sis SttE Sm F St If W Phone Haiu iLafu iLafutt4 riiainzt 1141 tt4
Special S ttial Private P te Delrreij De Delive