OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, December 26, 1904, Evening, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1904-12-26/ed-1/seq-6/

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0 C < C
l I
lfie tte bJasfiington a fiintou3flme llimen <
PublJfihed Pu b shed Evening and Sunday
Ia a ily one year u 300
Sunday Sunc1ayone one year 5250 250
The TIu Times is I Is i s served serve cl in n the city clt of
Washington Was1lingt n and District oC orCclumbla Columbia l by > y
newsboys newsboswhodeUer who deliver and an collect for
the paper on their own account at the
rate of 6 t cents a week for the Evening
and 5 cents cent a n copy for fo the Sunday edi dl ¬
Controlling COD tTolling Beef Products Pr ducts
The experiments of ofDr Dr Wiley seem
to too toohave have led to the first phase of a
permanent p r illan nt result The Department
of Agriculture has decreed d creed that meat
treated treatedwItlt with acids and other preserva ¬
tivesshall tives shall be seized and destroyed
But meat me tnot not treated with preserva ¬
tives wIllbe will he apt to need destroying g
also and so s to proclaim itSelf itself that
the the search after it will not be made
by chemists but by the humbler offi ¬
cial c1althat that looks ooks after garbage
If packers are using deleterious
agencies genci s it must be in accordance e
with wIth that that poor judgment thatwoul that would
lull the goose laying the golden eggs
It It may not be from unselfish motives
r but Utpurely purely from commercial that the
dealer hopes to keep his customer
alive The patrpnage of the man
turned to dyspeptic or corpse by ya a
diet of drugs could not be catered to
with any hope hopeo of profit
Of course the adopting of o regula
tions is isa a matterofn matter of necessity cess lty in some
instances and yet a provision
easily be so broad as to include
Innocent with the guilty That
packer ackerof of meat who is willing to pre r
pare his wares In a manner
to consumers is an exception may b
taken for granted He can
only in theh9pe the hope that his 11 s goods
slip slIp through the t1 titsordinary ordinary courses courses
barter without their peculiarity
detecte detected d By the search for this
derelict his honorable ho orableiival rival may piaYb
subjected to inconvenience inconv nience and a itd loss los
By yaIloy an overzeal rzeal of the agent of re r
form fomni meats ts might be con d
without due reason Xeas n It might be
corruption c Ijip onwQuICL would have similar out o t
come m
The protection of o f the ithe thepublio public is im
portant portantm more ore important impbr tdou doubtless tl s
than 1hanprotectinof protection of the caterers to pub
lic needs needsand and yet the the latter are areenU eat
tied tleif to t consideration consideration ind and the indus iI1dJS
trial side of the th situation mustbc must
kept inYiew in view An enthusiasm
would paralyze parnlyzeanybr any branch Iich of
and handicraft haIidiCrntishould should be permitted
express itself itselfonly only within bounds
People in this country who ho can
beef be fare are reasonably r onably sure sure even eveIinow now
getting an article that will not
them themFar Par greater gr ter is their
ipyer 9 over er the price pri e exacted e cte
Rights of f the JDsan Insane
There will be hope for the
of ota a law concerning the rights of per
sons charged < with insanity As
Jaw aw now stands stan ds the possibil ity
grave grav abuse entering intoprocee into
cannot c I iot be overlooked otef ooked
The tendency to regard as s sa a crimi rimi
na nal l One one who gropes in mental dark
ness css is one of the lingering
pi ft o1 t a brutality surpassing that of f
s savage The most bloodthirsty
decline d cline to abuse the crazy These
protected from violence White pris
oners among such savages have h ve s
themselves by feigning f igning madness
First of all toward an
of this class is a af feeling lIng of sympathy
When a person whose faculties
been clear realizes that a acloud cloud
t tstealing stealing < across his hisv vision s lon the realiza
tion is bitter as thr tho r verdict of
that he has a fat fatal malady malaa He
imagine jma ne the time when no longer h
w will rtl be able to differentiate the truth
ful impression upon the senses
the fantasies and hallucinations hallucina tions of
evertroubled v rtrouble dream To him an asy
lum has all the horrors of prison
tomb combined
The possiblity that through spite
greed or ignorance a person
lie charged with insanity and Sent
after hasty and insufficient examina
tion to an asylum asyl m is not for an in
stant to be tolerated Every safe
guard uard for the Individual in respect o
this possibility is is a safeguard
society as well w ll
Libel on Womanhood
I A weekly paper famed for
mean things from seemingly
motives has chosen to libel Vermont
and especially the womanhood dof of
State It remarks that the people
I that Commcnwealth are to hang i
woman February 5 and that not an ¬
other woman has petitioned against
the execution On the contrary contrar
women are edeclared declared to have appllec appli
for tickets of admission to the spec
SSi SSip c p T
In regard to the last Jastpart part we <
i no hesitancy in inexpressfng expressing an
disbe d dIsbelief sbe lief That the averment is
li libel el on the sex is apparent There
nothing In the conduct of mod
womanhood to justify Jus tlfy the
that any part of it In the domain o
t f spectabillty Sp ctabiUtyismorbiddegraded is morbid degraded j
lind aIidcruel and cruel as as3 a desire to witness th <
1 hanging of a sister would indicate
As to the general Ins insinuation inuation
Vermont Is culpable culpabJein in condemnin
f the t e unfortunate creature the asper
Hba ion la Is almost as UI unjust USt The Thenecess necessl
ty that has arisen is isgreatly greatly to be de
plored Vermont does not however
I have a tendency toenc to encouragement Uragementof of
assassins The natural repugnance to
dealing out the extreme penalty to a
woman was nevertheless generally I
felt The Thematter matter was called cal1 d to the at ¬ I
tention of the legislature and there
exhaustively exha exhastlve exhaustive stlve fv discussed Had there
been be n developed deYel pe d da a single circumstance c I
that could by liberal construction have
been deemed in mitigation doubtless
such clemency would have been
shown But the crime in every aspect
was brutal deliberate and the motive
wholly base and sordi sordid There was
nothing nothingupm upon which a plea of clemen ¬
cy could rest but sex se alone The I
woman herself had banished all I
chance for for letting a sentiment that
is never wholly absent hold sway swa Men
do not want to treat the criminal fe fe ¬
male exactly as they treat the themale the male of
her kind They defer to the1act the fact that
she is SL a rarer type Yet when he one has
deliberately deliber tely chosen a bestial plane
and wrought wrou ght hideous evil she has
thrust thrti t away awayhet her own chance for
mercy A body of thoughtful legisla gisla ¬
tors elected for the purpose of o r safe saf ¬
guarding society by the framing of
laws lawscou1d could not with consistency pass
a special act to undo the effect of laws l ws
that had by results been s shown hown hownde de ¬
spite harshness of terms to be wise
and beneficent
Consciences Too Tend Tender r
A paragraph is going go Ing the rounds
stating that a missionary soc socIety iety of
Wisconsin declined a S75000 bequest
because the donor ha had d met death
while attending a theatrical perform 1 erfOrIIl ¬
ance If If this is true the members of
the society were silly Their display
of narrowness n narrowness 3r r wness and ignorant bigotry is
depressing If such holier than
thou thcUdoctrine doctrine isa is a part of their
creed it is well that any sum likely
to spread it should have nave been divert ¬
ed to a abetter better purpose
When President Lincoln received
his fatal hurt he was at a theater
There Th r were vere people then t en who even
while they deplored the act actem emerged rged
l lfrom 1 from their sanctimonious sanctimoni us shells to
aver av r that death had been sent to him
as asa a judgment for the wickedness of
visiting a play pl y There had liadbeen been a hope
I that such prejudices pre Judices had been smoth ¬
ered eredby by the pressure pr eisure of intelligence
The conscience so tender t nder that it im ¬
agin agines evil is isa a bar to tohuII1an human happi ¬
ness iless and its caperings ca perings annoy its itsen en ¬
vironment i 4
Doubtless the maker of the bequest
had a high purpos purpose Doubtless the
i society he elected to assist as aszistwas sist was ever ever In
the pose of men mendicant dicant There There is i no
i allegation that the money had not
been honestly acquired but only the
Tnsinulltion Insinuation that that the thepossessor possessor of it
caught by by11e the blast blastoffiame of flame that
swept the th Iro Iroquois quois perished In sin
and nd that his wealth w alth thus wasac was ac ¬
cursed To T pass this judgment was
not only mean In Inspirit spirit and un
Christian but the stupidity of it was
Points Po nts in Paragraphs agraphs
The he smoke ordinance does riot notembrace embrace
j the cigarette problem p o blem
L Senator Platt of New York says he b
wants peace r eace on earth It lie only can
get the earth he can arrange arran g the peace peact
England Is about to annex am 1ecthe the Friend ¬
ly Isles But Butwill will these re remain m tn friendly frier l
I Missouris Issouris most valuable crop Is laid
by y the industrious hen and all the hen
gets out or It Is a Chance t to cackle
Prof A A V Pell of olSt St Petersburg
after a visit to tothis this country speaks dis is ¬
approvingly aIJpr vIngly of the American merlcandrug drug store
i Perhaps p rhaps the clerk cl rIt fa failed iled to properly in ¬
terpret the professors pro fes80r 5w w wink ink
i Paris is talking of another worlds
fair but there are hopes that it
think better of it
i George Ade has an Income of 52000 12OOOn a
L week and a dyspepsia of about 2000
i volts a second He feels that he heoesnt doesnt
need needbotl1 both
Bernhardt declares that thatS a certain wo ¬
L man whom she names Is the most mos t beau b u ¬
tiful in France She Sh couldnt get a fem ¬
inine jury to O K Ksuch such a verdict
General Wood wants a different style
of shoe lor the soldier Xo soldier is i at
his best when corned com d
I I French captains who caused aus ed a w
and the loss of 104 lives have been fined
several francs apiece Thats a
better bet er than is done in this country any
Aside from being President Mr Ir Roost Roose
> velt elt Is a a resident of Washington Yashlngtona a cir
cumstance of great municipal l benefit
London has a dancing goose Leads L ads
the British 400 perhaps
Russian successes success < s are beln being reported
jUso also Japanese successes su cesses occurring
the same places and times Everybody
must be satisfied 8atIs fied
r Po liteness Pays
Suddenly the man fell He was a dlg
t tnI tnified nified nI ed person but as he reached a
corner his feet set down with precision
failed to stay stayseL set They The flew so high
I and the result was so abrupt that
the man hit the walk in sitting
observers expected to see a spine pro
trude from rota the top of his hat
Two youths ouths had seen the episode
r r was a a bad youth and andundse unwise H
L laughed laugh d The other otlierwzin vrna a good youth outh
I who yho hl knew a thing or or two He
to pick pickup up the fallen man
Thank you ou said the th man I am
l childless chU lessm1llionaIre millionaire looking for an heir
r Youre it It Meantime take this roll
blow yourself oursclf Only one condition c ndlton
attached Dont 4ipend < J pend a cent on
I laughing g jac jackass kass who ho J Is 1ivth with Ith you Ju
Handing Han dlnS over a 10000 bundle
tgiy1ng t giving his hotel address the man
r his wav
The moral of this thlsls is so o obvious
the reader unable to discern it
worth bothering both rJnu abu
House tlse Parties and Family
Gratheriiigs the Rule
Dinners and Dancing In a Few Homes
for Entertainment Entert inment of the
Cadets adets r
As Sunday Sun a worship worshipsoQ1evhat somewhat ab
uorbed orbed the gayeties of Christmas Day
i there therew1l1 will be bea a festive air alrnbout about all the th <
houses hom es in the he northwest toda today and
I many imany exchanges of o f visits between house
parties but there are few really social
events eventsand and none noneo of them large 1 1e ones
either for this afternoon or evening
Family dinners wIll for the most mostob ob ¬
thin with only a few additional guests
The Th President and Mrs Koosevelt will
enjoy their theIrgenuIne genuine Christmas dinner
tonight with the biggest tur tu r rC key C hot
esc and an biggest Christmas ChrIsmaspuddIng pudding an d
I the merriest party There will be only
the family and two or three relatives
present and R 11 H M Furgeson Furgesonthe the
I I Presidents r dnt friend who is a house uS guest
j General and Mrs Chalice entertained
I at dinner last night for their thel son on Adna
Chaffee jr who is here from West
I Point with some ome cadet friends frlcud8lIin Min Mm ¬
sled with the Christmas decorations
which obtain everywhere in Uie Chaf
fees r delightful home hom e ewere were national col ¬
ors o
The ihe young oung folks at dinner with Gen Ge Q
eral eraland and Mrs irs Chaffee were Theodore
Roosevelt 1tooseveltjr jr Cadet Spurgeon Cadus dll I
Wainwright Cadet Riley Cadet Hay
den en Cadet Cu t Denwoody Miss Uss Poor Miss
Fitch Miss Spurgeou Miss Bane Alias All
Magruder and iiiss lllssChatree Chaffee
Secretary and Mrs Irs Metcalf Me tcalf have aye gone
to Annapolis to spend the holidays with
jth their lr nor so r Midshipman Victor VIctor N Met Iet
I IWil Will Entertain Ent rtain Cadets Cade b
Miss 1 ISS Anita PoorTr PoorTrill Poo r > ijllSAt ill ente ntertain rJa1Ii ta1n a party pa rt
I of the cadets at dinner tonight amon
them Adna Chaffee and his guests and
Captain Doe and Mr Hammond who
are < the guests of I 14 Burnes Magruder
After the dinner Miss Magruder will m
take L t the party part to the theater and
to tofupper supper at her house
Senator and Mrs Knox are spending
the ChjListmas holidays at their theirbeauti beauti
tul country place pl ce at qt Valley alley Forge
Mrs 1tS T De Witt Talmadge and
dauht daughter l Miss Collier are spending
hciiHays h a s in Pittsburg with friends
r lTng t ig Gen Francis Fran cis Moore United
States StatesArm Army and tnd nd Mrs Moore iooe and Miss
Jessie Moore M oreexpeet expect to leave early earl ih ii
the new year ear for Honolulu when the
general will complete a tour of inspec
Mr and Mrs Irs Charles Charlesfl s H Babbitt
be glad gadto to see their friends Inrormal
today from 3 to t 6 6 Mrs lrs Babbitt
not expect to be at home January
and 9 9V IL V
Mr and Mrs lrs J t S STyree Tyree
at a delightful del ghtfulChristmas Christmas dinner a com
pany of Qt1riends iriends in honor honorot of Mrs rs
cousin Miss Elaine Davis of
Rosa Cal Ca who is making an extended
tour our of the th States Stat Miss Edith Decker
of the th grand opera opera trio and her mother
Mrs Danville Decker also of San
Rtfsa General and Mrs rs Hatfield
Chicago and nd Miss Ivon Dunn of
city were w rea1so also present
Mr Handley Their Guest
Mr and Mrs frs L J 3 Woollen of 210
Street northeast gave a Christmas din
ncr ner In honor of their house guests
Ldrin A Handley of Princeton Theo
logical l Sem Seminary inary and Miss
Baldridge of California
Those present were Mr and Mrs Gil
man B Howe of Massachusetts
Thomas C C Pursel and andMIss Miss Pursel
Indiana n lana Mr and Mrs Irs Xesmlth P JCel
son s n of Minnesota Mrs Eliza J J
of Oklahoma City Clt Mr and Mrs
W I Woollen oollen anr an i Miss 1158 Mote of iti this ls city
Miss lUssBaldrldge Baldridge and Mrs Kelson enter
tained with instrumental and
music Miss Mote presided at the
The secretary of the Netherlands le
gation atlor and Baroness Van Tuyil
leased the residence residencevt of Mrs C W Rich
ardson 1812 I Street where wh re the they
maintain a delightfully hospitable home
Mrs Richard Townsend has
from Erie Pa where she was
last l st week w ek by b the death of an aunt
i Mr and Mrs lrs William K Y
will be the guests of Senator Senatorand and Mrs lrs
Depew during the second week In Jan
uar uary
Other Soc Social ial Gossip
Miss Maud Garner of Xew Newport K News ws
Va is here hereas as the guest of her grand
mother Mrs Peyser Miss llIs Garner
at home informally last evening
Miss 1iss Hilda Louis of Baltimore
In the city spending the Christmas boll
days with her 1er sister Mrs Edward
Kohner l ohner 300 M l Street northwest
Otto E Weoner Veoneri of 734 t Sixth
northwest was the host iost at a t a very en
joyable reception yesterday afternoon
given to his associates at the
Railway office Mrs Weorner and
sisters sisterstheMisses the Misses Stern
I assisted In entertaining the
guests and in making It a very cry pleas
ant afternoon
Mrs Abe King of this thl city clt has uts let
town for a months visit to her rela
tires in Paterson 1C J
Mrs Irs and Mrs 2fr Edgar L Barclay Bicla
the Virginia apartments were given gIv n
delightful surprise party by their Inti
mate friends Saturday SaturdaJocening evening
first part of the evening was
with dancing dancin and music after whI
refreshments were served serv d the t le
decorations being holly and immortelles irnrnort lles
Mrs E L Barclay jr and Mrs Clar
ence nce Barclay BarcIa assisted thi th hostess
receiving rec lving her he r rguests guests
1 A A case of giving their thel friends the s1I
was as exemplified Christmas Eve E c
I 1 A J 1 Benton and Miss Margaret K
I Hoesci Hoes Hoench h were married by bJtle the Rev A t S
ITPhns Jphns J lin In tnc presence of only the im
j s mediate relatives relaU s of the bride
j Their friends will forgive them an
I 1 call on them for a piece of
cake when they the are settled in their
home at 337 F Street northeast on
after the New Year Their
friends had not the slightest
l that the culmination of their
I was so near lIearat at hand
The marriage was announced
yeek vdek ek of Julius Lay formerly of thi
city but now consul general at Canton
China to Miss lss Anna Howard of Ne
York Y r The ceremony ceremon which was at
tended only by a few near relath relatives s
look place December lOMr 10 Mri Mr Lay a
the time of his marriage had been >
J Jwidolver widower several sevcralyeari year
I Hundred Pa Pairs PairsEnaged rs Engaged
In Three ThreeCity C City ty Bloc Blocks ks
Remarkable Remafka Pernarkab1 I Work of Cupid in New Yorks
New Lovers vers Lane LanSeven Seven Betrothals Betr pthals
I Reported Re ported in One OneDay Day
NEW lEYYQRK YORK YOR Dec 26 20Since Since Slnee Septem ¬ and Mrs 11rsSa Samuel muet Lazarus of 1 West W Wst st I
ber i 1 100 engagements en bngcm ents have been an ¬ I 117th Street to Benjamin Finkel
nounced of young youri couples IhIn living in 117th 117thMlss Miss Leonora Bloclc daughter of Mr 1 r I
r g and Mrs Irs Toblaa Block Bl o f 1C AVest e3t llith 1
Street between Madison 31a Ison and Lenox I IStreet Street to Samuel J JJUcobs Jacobs J
I Avenues They Th call It u uCU Cupid CU IdSlreee Street Miss IssEmma Emma SteInert of SA 4 West YestU7tl 117th 1
now Street to Frederick Denkert i 1 1now
Seven announcements announcements were made yes es ¬ Miss Kate E Feinbergr I IY Y inberg daughter of f
terday and it ltJsre Itjs Js reported ortedthatas that as many man Mr and Mrs Benjamin Feinberg of 10 1
more will wilibemadedurjng be made during the the remainder emaln e Vest 117th Street to FredericJc Pier
of the week w ck mont i
For months all al1Harlen Harlein has been talk talkllssLllllan ¬ Miss Lillian M Branlt Brn hU Daughter ot f
ing of the th preeminence P reemhienC of Orl1ith 117th Street Mr and Mrs Frederic lrederIrrdJ Brojidt 1dt of OflJ ip3 t0i
las I as a Cupid CupIds s garden Among m mg the en ¬ West 117th Street to Frederick F d rjcli Stalt SL StalL L j 1 1las
gagements recently re entl announced are The The two last named n metl1irijeg liriJes live lh n i il
I these joinIng houses All or o ili tha lh fcadings eudingswIU > AviU
Miss Rose Ro e Altman AltrranGaugbter Gaughter of Mr take takeJ1ace place in the early spri prjngi fr Eig g isveial hl t I
and andlI Mrs rSCh Charley rlet Altaian AI tIna no of 26 East families fa mill es with marriageabl nlarria1 = l1Jt e dau daughter ltrr j j
U7th Street to John Stein are arethl1klng thinking of moving to O this thi new lov 11 ¬
Miss nssBlrdie Birdie Lazarus daughter of Mr ers lane
Parent Par ParentIIhfocate ntJhfo IhfdxicatedHis fca ie dJiis Money All pone poneB J Bystanders B sta ders Rush Ru h
P to Exten d Kin dly Ai Aie d L V V
ASHLAND ASHLA Ky Dec nee 2G 2GThat 6 That T1 at the his father to go to jthe the Santa Claws la
Christmas holidays hOJhiays have h v their pathetic store and there ther e get the th pretty piett things
I as as well ay a Sbrlgfit bright and a M d joyful l side s sldeivas idew was as for little sIster Slster But ButIit it was 13 too tootate late L1te
evidenced evidencedoll on the streets bf Ashland Sat All the them money mey had been spent for
urday urd y drink
An old man from the thecouf1try country came Late In the afternoon aft rnoon the forlorn
to town to do some Chr Christmas istmas shopping s sh h opplnb couple coupleer wer we ass isted 5te d into fntothe the he rattling
accompanied by his son soni son a lad of eight I Ine trap In ornl ri whIch i l l0It they droyetq drove t thecttyi1 the city in
the ne mornIng orn r and started tor heme wlth
The Couple < had not been long longabout about the out toys or oX money or anything anyJhi gtocQn to com
city until the parent began etaIl to tok feel k eel the fort and make glad faa Before orc the pair
Effects ffccts of numerous visits to a a number cot Iotout out of town however the incident
of saloons sa100nsand and could could barely keep 1 > cep his was converslng1ntront made Sj g kpOWl S Sn Sg n to g of a t tn tTiS CTOWdOfifldfl Jhe rowd n TiS TiScan American oCmen r l can
feet National Bank A purse I urseo of 58 Swa S was
The child whose cheap cheapoera1ls overalls left quickly made de up and more mfrc usef seiu u =
aportlonot a portion of his limbs exposed to the thIngs > for the other membe members of the
amlly ml w were re e pu purchased rc hasedand d and pa placed d In
biting wind became fatigued and hun g gml J
the trap Ihen the tl1ecouPic couple went on
gry gr and for hours followed the old old man their ir way wa happy haproand and d one one at least >
around aroun crying piteously and begging wiser
Secretary SecIe aIy of f Navy Preparing Report
Which Will Vill Set etForth Forth Facts of
the Situa tion t on
Realizing the pitiful condition of the
people on the Island of Guam Score S re
tary Morton is Ishavlnga having a aspeclal special report
prepared to acquaint members of Con Coni i
gress with the facts
The The report is ist to be issued iS9ue in booklet
form fo rm rmw1thJ with w1thJ picturs pi Ctut iurs If su suitable itable photos photos 1
can be procured There there will be contained I
in It all the annual reports of the naval I
governors who have held hcldsway sway over the I
island I
Of these there were Wer were four Capt Pe Peter ter
Leary Lear being beingth the original ruler of o ofthe t the pic ¬ i
turesque little isle One of the most I
exhaustive reports was that prepared by
Captain Schroeder Schr Oeder who preceded Capt
C H Dyer the he present pr sen governor
Commander Potts also ruled r uled the Island
for a time Two of these officers are
now in Washington They rhe have related
to Secretary Morton the pathetic need
of the islanders for f rad aid of a a substantial
character and Congress will be asked askedlf if
not actually actuall to toappropr1atemone appropriate money for
them to at least arrange arran tie such a con ¬
vention that the islanders will be en ¬
couraged to build up their own Indus ¬
tries tlIes and become selfsupporting
The TlleRev Rev Father Fat1er Hinch pastor of St St
Dominics Church went to Xew York
yesterday esterda to attend the funeral of the
Rev James B Spearing whose death eath
from tuberculosis occurred yesterday In
that city cIt
Father Spearing came to Washington
about three years yeaslo ago just after afterhis his hIs ordi or orc di li ¬
nation into the Dominican pOIIllnica n Order Order and
remained at St St Dominics Church until un tIl
last August when whenhe he was transferred
to the monastery In New ew York He had
been ill for a long time and his death
was was only a matter of a few months
Father Spearing was twentyseven years ear
The young youn priest had many man friends J
in Washington among the clergy and
laity laIt and news of his death has been
received rec hed with keen sorrow
Fuheral Fuheralsenices services for Mrs N T J
Dana will take place from her late resi ¬
dence 1SOJ 180 Wyoming yomingAvenue Avenue at 11
oclock tomorrow morn ing The services
will be conducted by the Rev Rc Herbert
Scott Smith of St SL Margarets Church hurcl1
Mrs Danas death occurred Saturday
morning after a lingering illness
Mrs Dana was the wife of Cen N J
T Dana and before her marriage was
Miss l1ss Sue Lewis Sandford a adau daughter hter of
the late Maj llaJAUred Alfred Sandford of Ken ¬
tucky tude She was married to General
I Dana In 3844
She is survived by a grandson randgon Alfred
Dana and a granddaughter Miss Ilss Wini ¬
fred Dana
After ter the funeral services tomorrow
the remains will be taken to Ports ¬
mouth N H the former home of Gen ¬
eral Dana for interment
L The subject of the sermon yesterday in
two Christian Sc Sc Science ience ence Churches ChurcheHwUJ was
God GodAn An interesting and profitable
discourse was read
l It explained the nature and character
of the Father mind the everpresent ever present
love that meetsvevery meets eer need heals all
error rror sickness an ana and 1 discord and anddesttor destroys
I sin And AndChri Christian tlpn Science Is a practl prac tI
i cal elucidation eluctdatlonM of Him being His HIs law
The law of the spirit of life 11f In Christ
Jesus Te us that makes us free from rom the law
of f sin and death as Paul says sa s In the
I evening the children of botbcl1urch both churches s
united In Christmas exercises at First
Church which were were largel largely attended attend il
and njoyed b by the parents and friends
r The Christian Science m methods thods of teach
Ing practical pra t1cal goodness to the c hildren
were Were8trikin strikingly b exemplified in h a pleasing
and an profitable vro1J blc manner r
KANSAS NSAS CITY Kan Dee 25 25lforc More
than 500 00 bodies of Wyandotte W Wya ht ndotte dotte India 1ndiahS ns
are are to be reexhuri1 exhumed dlnHuronCemeten in Huron HuronCemetery Cemetery
one of the oldest Indian Indf Indfnb nb burying rYfng grounds grOUn d dS S
In Kansas located In the center centerot ot the
business district of Kansas sCitr City and
are to be reinterred in cemeteries in
Kansas and nnd the Indian lndi n Territory Terr itory
The old burying grounu containing
two two tw acres will be sold as a site for is a a
r Business usJness block b10ckIt jit lt is valued Ynlleda at more rn mo Cfie t
than S1GOOOO
The sale of Huron Cemetery Cemeter r wiis w s
finally finall determined upon at a a meeting meeUzi
of Wyandotte W andotte Indians The land has
been held in trust trustby by the United Unft d States Stnt S
I Government since sInce1853 1S53 lS5
Five Fhehundred hundred Indians will return r turn to
theIrold their old hunting huntin g grounds here to tos super super Per ¬
vise VIsetho the exhuming of ofthe the bodies of otthelr their
Washing VasbiilgtOll ton Man Describes
His H is Character
Gives Lavish Enterfcaimnentsbto Ei1tertlinmen EnterteinmenttoPialdi o5 Eitald Ri 1
Compan Com p cnsRu1es ions Rules Men i ren ahd3Sa 1
z tioa ti on With W 1 th Iron Ir n Rod R 0 d J
Venezuelas s critical condition and the
threatened threat 1ed outbreak o t reak of another 8110 herXePl revplui revqIth
tion In that turbulent country has hasat ui 1
tracted renewed ren W d attention attentionto to o President
Castro Castrothe strothe strothec the d diminutive mlnut1emonke monkey from TQIl1 TQIl1s s
the t e Andes 2 as s he has been b encal called cailedrho ed who hO
I holds olds sway there
Castro e Is a aIJ1an jnaii ipan of opera Doaffe D rre mcctt
otht ods dS The more that thatIs Is lea learned iearne rDe a aabOut about a ut
him here heretbe the more he hecbnies be omesa a puzzle p Ic I Ihim
to t Americans
Washington Mans Impression I I IWashington
A Washlnston WashIn gton man 11anw who 1 recently r rei xitI itiy re r e
turned turnedtrom from Venezuel Venezu andvho and 1Vho while wh e 1
there had opportunities TO o meet Castr cas b o
thus describes degcrib s him 1
The President PresId ntof of Venezuela l3 Is a a1
small slender dark man who would I
not particularly pa1 cularly impress you upon Urst first
acquaintance except that he is dIstlnc istinc I
lIvely fIeI aggressive ag ago = o egg h e He has h = 1i Htie ilttt ten tenc tenJack t Piack > c Jack
eyes tYes that thatgllfter glitter r 9 and nd sparkla sparklea4d arid show
a depth e > th of emotional temperament temper mcnt
His IjJ forehead f9r read is high made madeepecIaUy especially
so by a la tack ck of hair He He1as has straight
features but his mouth and and1 the lower
part p1rtor of his face fc are completely covered
by a bushy ushy black beard
Curious Gesticulations
President 4 resld t Castro talks in a qu Q qulck u1ck ick
jerky fashion ns hion Every sentence sentencelsaccom ente nce Isjaccom isaccom J
panied pan led by halt half a dozen gestures that
are very ery amusing until you youoetuscct set used to
them and then they rather hold bo ld your PU
No one one has ever questioned QuestionedCastros Castro Castros s
personal Jsonal bravery braver But like l1kemany many men
of lowly origin and Impatient Impa tient of oire re ¬
straint his tastes in time of peace have
become ecome those thos of a voluptuary voluI > tua
He spends sp ds thousands thollsaf1ds of ofdOllarS dollars in
giving gIVlnglavi lavish hent entertainments 11D1ents at the theP pal ¬ i
ace aceofMiraflcres Of O Miraflcres ora priat or t Los Tjeques leq a I
VerIta1jle veritable parivdlse ri l1sein in thie mountains mount nsat iit at1 1
an in altitude of 430 4iOOfe feet tItfhere It is V here that th ht t
the dictator of V Venezuela nezu 1a throws ihr ys 62at Off f at
tempt at restraint restraint and engages eng ges to th
wildest w 1dest sort ort of orevelrles revelries I Iw
Perhaps P rh psCastrosmostfavore Castros most favorea favoredamuse c amuse ¬
ment ment1s Is the dance Whenever Whene er possible
I he attends a n dance nightly
Hefs ne fs lavish fn his generosity to to I
ward women He He1s is tona of O r pvaing Inglsa as a i
I gallant I
Loves Brandy
Some oIDe of f Castros Caros acquaIntances acqualrita rtc Ssay say 1
I that tliat i irna jer rna ft ps pshis hls most t besetting b e t ipg sin Is i
Ius 1 IIf fondness fOndnessor for brandy bra iidy it is I said he 1
drinks more than a abotUeada bottle a aday day i
He eats sparingly and is san an early earl
I riser His favorite form of exerciser exerciseis is
io to take a drive every afternoon about
5 ocloelr
Castro Castroruleshls rules his cabinet bnet with witl1 a rod
of Iron ir n Whenever any an of them object
to his hfSpollcIes policies he Immediately informs in1o
them that their services are no longer
lnccd needed L f >
Soath I ont h Americansi A neica Americanglook ns look 100 k uplo U P io him h 1m with
terror but without respect
Secretary Sec = etary Shaw was at atllIs his desk for
several hours this mornlngx4esplte morning4spIte the
l fact that the dsy iiYW2 Was a Government
holiday hOUd and a alt roLth of the eenlPIOY employes esof of thfe 111
Treasury TreasuryDepartment Department at home hom
iiiiiAP rnUGH HARD 1 1o o WORK oAT
Dont Tsfe T Ti k to New Order
of Service
Regu1 < Sleep Broken iito Int ThtoKeer te per
f i i ahd 4 Cook coo Must Do o E Extra mi
V Tricks
ATLANTIC 3XTIC CITY Dee Dee26 26The 26Theordei Th i der der
of theTreasury Department f forthe for or the thenew 1 1w new w
regulation oT oCthe the tlm time of the lifesjrvla H lifesaving eSVIng
crews r ws Is causing ci c uSlng consternation conste rna rnaoria oria among mong
the brave fellows ehlow along the New NeWJers Jersey Y
o L
Among then It Is the general generalpi opinion 1IQI
that the order will greatly hamper fuimpert1 the e
work besides besf besfcos s exacting from tr m mthe the th patrol pa trol ¬
men m n service senicetfuit that will wearthem outf ou out tand and
render them unfit u nfit for duty
The Themosts most serious rous defect efect In tifehew the hew new
regulations pointed 4 out Is Isthatwhich that which
t takes the keper epcr of r th the Station station and I puts uts
him Jl the Slsnal T gnal t tower owr owe r for iora a threehour thr ee hour
trick on Aratchthe tat atih hthe the Sain same asimeinbers
of the crew ere
ta TakIng king ki ng Cat Ca Cat CaN t Haps N ps
i In Atlantic City the the to tower er Is ISlo located Cate d
some distance d is ta n c e from frO m thestatlon t l e t ton on Should Sh lUl d
a aeaU call come for the keeper over the Gov
eminent telephonedu telephone during rmg the night nig t It It Is is f
probable that tha njp n no P one 0 ne would W OUId answer a ser it It
as the me men Who whonra are In the station are
forced to get catnaps c tnrips between ntrfCk tricks
and are in bed be L
The surfmen in in general IaI along ng the
coast are aNprotestlng protesting against ag inst the theor order er
trot breaks breaks up theJr their 18tural sl sledpf pl
The order requires a aJIl3nt man to report at
430 p m mfor for patrol of one and three three
1 quarter t rter miles and then thengives e gives g veS hItri him hIr three thre
hours off He again a has toga to go g over v rth the
beach at a 129 l2tlanU and again at atro 430 returning r
at 7 a a in T This schedule for ortheS2 the s same me
man is repeated rc eated three th times a n week the tb
other days d1ysallowingbfu allowing hini Intervals i te S for a a
little longer sleep
Capt Timothy Timo Parker keeper oCthe of the
local station says he does d es Dot not know
that any of his h1screw crew intend to t resign r
but he h has heard them criticls6the criticIs the new new
regulations r gula tions because at the 91e IncreaseJn Increase In
the number nurnbez of tricks trlcksihey they had to t do < Q
In all sorts of weather
Dont Mind Workm Working
So far faras as he is Is concerned oncernedhe < he is willing w wihlit nun
to take takea L turnr turnabout ibq abQat t wlthth with the men men > > yet et
he can see ee the til disadvantage dlsadvantageo of asta 3 t xta
t1 lion nSi situated t ed like li eA Atlan Atlantic tIan tic tie City C1t y when Wl en
the th keeper kee jxir could not he ls reached reacll d quickly qn1 kIy
while W l1 i1e doing d ln duty dUt The Th e new n ew sche 500 sdh5duie dule w e
he has been been told to d Is the same which is
in force orce aniong the surfmen on o the
coasts coastS 1 of the Great Lakes u 1
The new order would bear b harder on
men in n other < ther stations sm ti O ris not so S 0 well Welll0Ca located fed
as as Atlantic City but so fat no no organ
ized effort eforth has s been b made mad to have > e the
order rescinded r rcseitr citided ded Tn Captain Par Parkers kerra K r f
judgment the t e order Will breakup br break ea k up I1 the ille
s smooth m Oth > running runnIn of the t e station kitchen kitch
las as the tl cook cookS S a it surfmah has to do his
I watch a atch tci along l1on with t the others oth
SOFJ SOF DtF D26nlga fulj ± iaPas ia hasjssueda u r
circular c rctiar note no th to the t1 powers express expressing essmg ing
the opinion tha thatTUrk t Turltey has shown sho shownlrer iher he
inability inabll1 y to maintain tain peace peacemn ea 1 in 1 Macedo a o ¬
niatancmg nia instancing the recent T cent serious serlous atro
cities committed c mmltted there
It Is understood that thatthis h this thlsisBulgaria is Bulgarias s
first flr ststcp step in lnacamp a campaign jgn to Induce the
powers powe to t oOrCJb forcibly ly interfere int r in Macer lfu Mace e
doiiia don vJ
0 Boo 7 Q6R ATaught T Laugt i iCDff t CDff jJt ButMns ln c c
I i
G R O iV
1 5 4
11 0
> Ec ELri rd t ru I II IIi IIc i c a smiUmIOr small nun no > forger oigt j Me f for or rh rho this o boo boos feet re to brg ed 1gsino 1110 the ceitir cc hr g 3rd nd tU attnc h 1 i tom to ot
two t rt pound eights
l i I
J 41r 1
cr1 Cp p pthe the th thrtng ring rtng s fimy Im id s a d dg ing g you ou eli lf lfJ J genl1 ntly to urd id 1 tro r Gr Groat 6t Scot Th Thren rn ren 1 1tun irn of or t t2se V lgnts hlV 2se gotthe got thehnst
of ofm ofrne m
I L LB B 1
1 t t
I feel my my join jki irie eilr eilri eilrng t i1 i ng pe k t tliilCrThere Th re go goes Wou ou ld YOU be believe lieve t I dontth dont think nk Im bit t1l1 taller r
the cel1in ceiling S =

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