l r w F I I THE WASHINGTON W WASH1GTON AS H NGTON TIMES WEDNESDAY WED ESDAY DECEMBE5l DECEMBER2s 28 1904 1904 11 1 TEN BANKER IN N iOWA LOASELESLAIN SELFSLAIN Record Year of Disaster in That r State Stat CATTLE BROUGHT DOWNFALL Faced by Ruin RuinHaIfa Half a Score of Hawk H wk eye Offic Officials ia ials ls Committed Com mitted Su Suicide ic ide DES MOINES Dec 28 SAn An unprece ¬ dented record of disaster among Iowa banks will be disclosed by a repor report t now being belngprepar prepared d at the State auditors of ¬ fice for 1004 Culminating last week eek with the closing closln of the savings bank at Ded ham this is the years earsstartling etr s startling record Ten bank cashiers dead by b suicide Forty banks wrecked and their surplus squandered Twelye millions of dollars lost to de ¬ positors In two instances bank officers offlcershaye have ab ¬ sconded vith wIth funds fun funds ds thus accounting accountlnJfor for the failure f lu e but the remarkable n number mber of failures due to similar circumstances has aroused the curiosity curio sity sityof of the whole State to ascertain the cause These are the suicides of the year yeard s ear due e to bank failures so far as the State officials know H C c Spencer and an his son cashier and assistant assistantcashierQf cashier of the Grinnell Nation ¬ al Bank George D Wood cashier of the Bank of Colfax Colfax Iowa Charles Wood Wood cashier of the Citizens Bank of St StCharles Charles F i ii LLa i 3La Rue cas cashier hier of ot the Corning State Bank G D Utterback cashier of ofthe the Sigour ney Savings Bank H W W Wi Main cashier of theXinn theLlnnGroe Grove Bank Cashier Casbierof of the Lone Tree Bank Two other suicides early in the theyear year year w whose hose names are not recalled by the at ¬ taches of the State auditors office Tragedy Follows Tragedy It is only within the thepastfewda past few days s that the th State has become aware aware of magnitude of of Jhc < + disasters dis aSters and tragedies attending them many of th failures fallureshavlnttbeen having been kept qu iet ot until the two suicides suicide s in in quick succes sion 510nat at ii Lone Tree and Linn Grove Gro e the th failure fall re pf the Sheldon State Bank wIth Ith losses 10ss s amounting amountin g to many thou sands san ds dscreated created a Statewide was wa general g neralattentIon attention i tention a ttracted to serious ser usconditionof condition of affairs affairs The fail ure of f the bank at Collfax the theNatIona l Bank at Storm Lake and the bank Slgourney Sigonrn with the suicide of cashier added to the sensation The suicide of Cashier Utterback the Sfgourney S gourney Bank was was follow followed ed the discovery d disco cover er 1 of ofextenshe extensive extensi e which hich tie 1 hhd perpetrated perpetra ted to cover COy co er er a shortage shortagewhi which < h had bndbccn been running some time His s shortage like those the theelght eight other cashier suicides apparently appar ntly due to one of oftwocauses two causes Sp specu peculation Cu lation oh o on the ChJcagp Cli cagp board b ard trade and the Juggling of ofprlces prices by meat trust v r Meat Mea t Trust Tl1fst13Itmed Blamed The meat neat neatT neatlrust T T irUsf lrust is is ia blamed liimedb by b tbou thou sands throughout throu ghout Iowa for the ears tragedies In Inalmosteeryban almost every bank Tailed f il d large largequantitles quantities of ofpape paper r on higher prices Jricesfor for live stock stock wer found the makers being unable ulUble to meet their th lI loans owing to to the th cut in InprIc prices s of o live stock ogtoc k In almost every case caSe c se tb cashier cas 1i rhadtrlS1 had tousled trusted dto to the prices of Qfcat cat tle remaining r mah1fnghigh high and this this coupled C UPled with speculative S pe CulatiV plunges on the Cr r f of trade accomplished their ruin f Back of this re recklessness klessnessState State Examiner Cox declares is the lax 1 1tt x bank ing inglaw law la of the th State and an a aas as a a result r sult the years melancholy melan choly record efforts ar already making to amend this law law The epidemic of banking tarted with that of o f Cashier George D Wood of f the Bank BartkofColfa of Colfax Colf x He regarded as asoneM one of the shrewdest shrewd stand most trustwort trustworthy bankers bankerspf of the State a and d his suiql sui 11Je ti J caused us eda a s great sensa tion investigation nvestigation developed that personally had been a large arge investor live 1e stock and had loaned for or Cattle purchases The Thedrop drop in eat tle prices brought him hi i face to face fac e ewith ruin Jf Jnot not dishonor and he took life Wood had been accounted wealthiest and most publicspirited in his county and Imputation of dis honesty is hotly resented by every man in his home city ciQThe The cause of his downfall is illustrated by the thesale sale his suicide of paper representing a value of SITo 1 17tOOO OOO for SC40 040 State Bank Ex miner Cox declares that such s ch worthless paper would never have ha C been admitted lo the bank if the institution had been subject to State inspection I A SixFigure Failure The death of E H McCutchon one of the bestknown politicians in the State precipitated the wreck of the bank at Holstein Directly Dlrectl after aft r his death it was discovered that the loss at this bank would run Into the six figures fiUresTie The Modern Woodmen were w re caught for 100000 l 1OOO Tile collapse colap e of o the savings bank at Xew Liberty Llbert one of the most recent to fail was due to the embezzlement J30000 OOO by b Cashier Arnold Beuthien who had become an investor in the Cleveland Theater at Chicago The bank failure at flmogene Imogene was due to the embezzlement of 3000Q by b the son of the pr president ± S1dent but butcery every cent pf of the loss was 1 made good by the pres ¬ ident The son later returned and was not punished Defalcations and forgeries as well as suicides have attended the many fail ¬ ures In the list of failures made up by the State auditor the defalcation of 35000 35000 at i Iowa owa Falls and the more re ¬ cent defalcation of o 435000 eooo from the Wappelo 1r appeJo Bank are not included In both of these cases the guilty guiltymen men arc doing time In the penitentiary Curious features of the situation are that the sslcides 8 lcides at Lone Tree and Ce ¬ dar Rapids were ere not followed by failure Bank Examiner Cox Insists that the causes causesof of the wrecks are normal and < that robbery robber and ndcrime crime by the bank of ¬ ficials followed by speculation on on the board of trade have ave marked the fail ¬ ures He says that the Iowa banking system is at fault because private banks of the State are not subject to State supervision At present private banks are treated just as private bust ¬ ness nessconcerns concerns Concerns are are State Auditor B B Carroll shares the view of Examiner Cox Senator enator Lewis of Page county count a prominent banker and member of the committee on banking says that In most cases the ruined ruined banks have loaned money mone extensively on mortgages and cattle In the case of the bank at Mount Ayr A T It was found that Day DunnIngs failure in live stock stpckpreclpltated precipitated the col co 1 ¬ lapse GAS MACHINE WRECKS HOTEL GRAND FORKS K Dak Dec 28 28A A gas machine used for lighting the Co ¬ lumbia Hotel exploded and wrecked the building bulldln injuring three employes one probably Dro bablyta fatally tall v 4 Three Mayors Puzzle One Sma ll Ohio Town Just How to Get Rid of Two of Them Is Legal Problem ProblemTangle Tangle Caused Because B cause One Went Away and Came Back I MARION Ohio Dec 28 SThe The village of o r f Waldo this county has more than its ItSshare share of mayors In fact it has mayors to burn In the spring of 1903 Benjamin Corbin was elected mayor He qualified and served aer cii for fora a time tlmeand and then n went ent South V As Asprovid provided d by the code the president of the village council O S Anthony as ¬ sumed sumedtheduties the duties of the theofflce office After several months Corbin Cor bin returned but I DIVERGENT VIEWS ON CANAL BOARD Tafts Taft s Report May Settle V the Question ADMIRAL WALKERS VIEWS i Colonel olonel Symons Believes Army En ¬ gineers gi eers Should Have Been Given a Show on Commission Diverse views are 1reheld held bj b by men prom i ¬ nent in n the Administration as as to the advisability of reducing the Panama Canal Commission Secretary Taft Taft who is making a a spe ¬ cial report rep rt to the President Presidentregrirding regarding the Canal canal project and andcondi conditions lons on the isthmus has indicated indicated that he would favor a a more m recompaCt compact organization for fo r directing directingthe the work a ork on ontlle the isthmus but it is not believed bellet ed he hewlll will make a 1 de deli fi ¬ nite recommendation on the subject just at this period perlo Mr Hephurn 7 7s s Attitude The outspoken declaration of Colonel Hepburn chairman of the House Inter ¬ state Commerce Committee who recent ¬ ly made a visit to the isthmus and re ¬ turned advocating that the work be placed insole in sole charge of the thechie chief en ¬ gineer is responsible for the widespread discussion of the plan which It cannot be denied is met with favor in many V quarters V Admiral Walker chairman ch rman of the Isth ¬ mian man Canal Commission Commlssioninnn In an interview last lasteyenlng evening presented the views of the commission comm iss10n and told why wh he did not I I think the work on the canal would be expedited if the commission were re ¬ duced in numbers numbersand n mber and authority author1t Would Have Serious Ser ous Results V Such Stich a step stephe he said would ii ould liave ha e serious serlqus results restIlts because the V canal work is of > f such magnitude that It would be impossible for one man to deal dea1with with the thousand and one details d tails Bes BeSf Tdes cs he argued ariiIetil in an J ui ii undertaking ider e taking tak1ng of this kind two beads are w wiser iser than one and huge blunders which might be I Icommitted committed by one one man harassed with all i the perplexing details of the work will be prevented when several who are ar familiar with the he conditions consult to to ¬ gather g ther A Asuggestion suggestion with regard to plans pl nsfor for the canal which has met with interest 1 Is s the statement of Col Thomas W V l Symons of the army a member of the advisory adisor board of engineers in charge of o the great work of enlarging the Erie Canal at a cost of 101000000 101000000 Question of Engineers En gineers Colonel Col < mel Symons thinks the ignoring of I army arm engineers in planning the Panama Canal work was a mistake Said he The United States possessing pcrssessillgasplen a a splen ¬ didly didl trained body bod of public publiservants servants like the Engineer Corps of the army arm with wide experience In conducting such works it is a constant source of won ¬ der to many people that they the should have nave ave been ignored and the construction V placed in the hands of a a commission not experienced in work of like character MARRIAGE MAffiIAGELICENSES LICENSES Walter L Miller 32 and Mattie M ttie E Herde 20 both of Orange county Va William T illiam Byrd 21 and Alberta Myers lers 20 Francis J Phillips 34 of Trenton V Falls N Y and Nellie o W Divine 26 of f District of Columbia James Johnson 21 and Fannie Adams 18 Daniel Forsythe 27 and Mattie Bar ¬ ber 25 v Joseph Briscoe 23 and Rebecca Watts 18 Archibald M 11 C Vain 26 and Cora M M VIckers 18 both of Baltimore Henry L Simcox 28 of District of Co ¬ lumbia and Ella JE Cordell 24 of Har risbunr Va Louis T Boynton 21 District of Co ¬ lumbia and May lIa Massey Misse 23 of Kensing ¬ ton Md Ollie G Funk 32 of Warren county count Va and Ella M Gordon 26 of Fau quier count county Va Frederick H H Gregg 31 of Prince Wil ¬ liam county Va and Ettie O Kendall 23 of Pairfax county count Va Frank Turner 22 22ot of Fairfax county count Va and Mary Henry Henr 23 of Warren county count Va Randolph White 35 and Emma Cousing CousIn 23 Wade H Richardson 22 of o Manches ¬ ter Va and Minta O Wise 25 of Rich ¬ mond Vn Va Christopher H Braslear 48 and Sadie L Donnelly 30 James E Cowling 24 and Eileen A Smith 25 Benjamin Munroe 33 District of Co ¬ lumbia and Lillian Trik 22 Philadel ¬ phia Pa Bernard G Deck 23 Purcellville Va and Rosa Ro a Estella Gaynor Gaynol27 27 Round Hill Va p Albert Towles 40 and Maria Turner 15 3 V Edgar Penn 24 Bristol Va and an Beatrice Johnscn 22 Greenville Tenn F 1 E Phillips 30 Kansas Kansas City Mo and Emma Krohn 27 Mlnlen iowa J oa Joseph GI Glordlna rdlna 21 and Adelina dellna Lupo 22 9 David Da Id C Kerr 43 and Marian Irene Day 32 12 Julius Abramson 24 and Leah Gar ¬ ner 39 9 V Max Davidson Davlds n 27 New York Yor and An ¬ nie ni Hoddcs HO < ldcs 23 District biBtrictof bistrict of Columbia Lawrence LawrenceL L Crew 25 Richmond Va and Laura LauraL L Stanley Stanle 26 6 Manchester Va PRESIDENT GETS PHOTOGRAPH President Presid PresldcntRoesevelt ntRoosevelt Roosevelt today toda was present ¬ ed with the photograph of a remarkable j lake in Oregon known as Crater Lake It Is on the summit of the Cascade range 7000 feet above the level of the sea cano and In the crater of o an extinct vol ¬ made no effort to resume his duties and Anthony Anthon kept on acting At the last election David Bauer was elected mayor mayor He is now now holding the office As Corbins term will not expire for a number numbcrof of months he is still mayor If i he does not care c re to act Anthony as president of the council might legally hold the office The legal lights who ho have been con ¬ sulted by b the villagers hold that Bauer is utterly utter without witho t rights IRKSOME TI TIME E ON FOGBOUND FOGROUNDLINERS LINERS Hours Pass Heavily Hea yiIy hi the Mersey THREE DAYS UNABLETO UNABLE TO MOVE I The Saxonia the Ocean Oceanic ic and d the Cedric Held Up at Liverpool in Same Plight V LONDON Dec 2S 2SFortunately Fortunately it does not fall to the lot of the ordinary ocean traveler to spend three days marooned on an Atlantic liner off the bar in a a dense and impenetrable Christ ¬ mas fog V It has happened however ho everac according oidlng to the reports In the theLlyerpool Liverpool papers that some some sixteen craft of various sizes Including three great ocean greyhounds gr hounds the Cunarder Saxonia and the White V Star liner Oceaniclnvard bound from New York Yorkand and the White Star liner Cedric outward bound from Liverpool were he h hed ld a up up for three days unable to I move Never were such scenes witnessed as on Saturday when the belated steam ¬ ers em reached the dock I To quote qu te the arrival of the Saxonia as an instance the cheers from the crowds on the pier were trem tremendous endous and the ex ¬ I citement was great The passengers as fis s well as those waiting to meet them were in a high hlghst1te state of elation and tie t71e meetings of friends were most emo ¬ tional V V Log of the Saxonia V Here is an extract from the log of the Saxonla The exact position so far as the detention of o the theshlD ship is concerned conc rne ci Is shortly sh rt1 put thus u Met ret thick bank of fog ro just hfitoutside outside the bar early earl on Thurs ¬ day da morning steamed slowly on but but when well within the bar had to drop anchor a n Chor about 3033 03J in the morning There C I the ship fretted at her moorings for twelve tWf > 1e hours The fog then lifting slightly she crept creptupalittle up a little but by reason of the flotilla of fogbound craft of all kinds around her he she had hadper per ¬ force force as a ama matter ter of precaution V to t again a ain anc anchor hor this time near the gas V buoy bUOjrm and rock ro < k light At this anchorage she remained until 2 oclock this morn ¬ ins when justified by the partial artial V disap dis 3p ¬ pearance of the fog she raised anchor once more and slowly slQwl steamed up the river until opposite Princes Stage where she sh hunsr hun off until 730 30 Pass ing the Weary Wear y Hours Ho urs r In a a conversation regarding r garding the man ¬ ner in which they endeavored endeavo red to pass the wea weary hours off the bar one of the Oceanics passengers said Only the hardiest could keep their decks and strain their theirey eyes S gazing through throu h the fog in the direction of tinkling bells of other vessels vessel vessej in the same plight as them ¬ selves Officers and men on the lookout had a very anxious time of It Indeed d in addition a ditlon to this responsibility there was 1 as a constant bombardment of ques ¬ tions f from nervous or Important passen ¬ gers gerswho who seemed to think the captain and officers are in the absolute absolutecontl confi ¬ dence of that much abused individual the theclerk clerk of the irvather ather The majority of passengers keep their own Quarters or take up their station in one of the numerous and comfort ¬ able saloons Ladies who have during durin a voyage across struck up many man ac ¬ quaintanceships among themselves dis ¬ cuss the latest American and European modes the relative expense expensealld and con ¬ venience of oisocial social life in New York and London or Paris the advantages of the American hotel system as against the English semidetached villa or mansion and the foe fo u TheenUemen The gentlemen congregated in the smokeroom smoker om express their reelings in a va ¬ riety rlet of original and cosmopolitan styles concerning fog stocks and shares recent r cent sensational occurrences In the financial world and American versus British BrItlHhbusi busi ¬ ness methods with a side reference to the future of trusts < but travelers tales I Iand and experiences In many strange corners of the globe glob relieve tho monotony In the card room innumerable parties make dollars At the best however It Is an irksome experience to be fogbound off the Mersey bar FOR SALE SALEFARMS FARMS FOR SALE SALECountry Country home In Maryland arylan 5 miles m l1es from rein Capitol apltol Scent fare to Washing ashlng ¬ ton fruit and shade abundant bargain for 1 cas ca h Address BOX 183 this omce de3T3t de 73t > MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE MOXEY TO LOAX ON OXD D C REAL EL ESTATE STATE Lowest rates of interest Payment on prin ¬ cipal In amounts of 5500 500 or more received at any Interest period THE F H SMITH V COMPANY CO IPAXY Bond Building 1103 New York ave 11 nw MONEY Y TO LOAN 0 on approved ea e city real ea i 1 1n 1f es ¬ f sf f eak k tate at 4 4 ½ and 5 per e cent Interest n s Spe ¬ cial privileges with respect to prior payments Large amounts a specialty s lalty TYLER RUTHERFORD 1307 130 F St nwv nw oclOtf MONEY TO LOAN LOANlEO 5250 O to 500000 I500000OOD on D C real estate Interest low and all transac ¬ tlons conducted with economical considera ¬ tion for borrowers WM H SAUNDERS CO 1407 F St N w OT STEAMBOATS NORFOLK WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT COMPANY Every day In the year yearrrom ttom toot or 7th lit et t for tort V ort Monroe Norfolk c Newport Ne POrt News and all polnta south by the 11 perb powerful steel pohu palace steamer au Newport Nt p rt New orfoUf and u asinitton w LvWaBhlnKton630pmLr Lv Washinarton630 pmlLv Portsmouth ortmlouthS 5 L Alexandria Alxandr1a100 700 pm pmL ILv Lv Norfolk g pm Dm in Ar ArFt Ft Monroe MoOe7 onroe700 700 amLv am L Ft 1 1 Monroe Monroo11Jm MOflroet 7 Im AT AINorlOlk Noriolk iortoIk500 800 amlAr Alejcandriaa2D Al l1drla63a l1drla63aam AT Arloro lorwmouthS00 > lUouthSOO amfAr Washington WuihinittOn1 WuihinittOn11n 7 1n am sjThrougb lhrou h connection mild made at Nor fOlic with steamers oC Old DomJnIon Steamship Co for New York YorkaDl ana J1er I Ir r chants and Miners steamships lor liua ton foTFor s rFor For further Information aoDlv appl7 at a general ticket office 105 litij ilL Col ordo Building telephone ilaJn 22fla or 7th Ill at t wharf telephone Main Malzi1751 alnrj6 37 3 JNO CALLAHAN 2d V Prwi Prn Cen Mrr ol W K 1L CALLAHAN 1 O CUD Pau ta gt L c1d1U V 1 RAILROADS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD STATION CORNER OF SIXTH AND B STS I 760 A A M M dally PITTSBUKr EXPRESS A AND D CHICAGO SPECIAL SPECIALPl Parlor lorand and Dining Dlmn Cars on OU Chicago Special Harrisburg Ham to Plttsburs Connects for tc > r Chicago In ¬ dianapolis Louisville and andift tit t Louis But et t Broiler Parlor Car to Harrisburg Il1rrlBb 1050 A A M dally THE THEPENNSYLV PENNSYLVANIA I MMTrED LIMrrEDPuilrnan Pullman Sleeping Dlnlnsr Smoking Bmokin and Observation Observnt1onCarB Cars from Harp Ha rttburjr For Chicago Chl o Cleveland Toleaa TOle and Detroit M Buffet g 2 Parlor g32 Car 2 to 2 Harrf8 iSa T r 0ROT 0ROA 10 IOIO 0RO A H MV V dally ST ST LoUIS LilTED Sleeplnc leepln Dicing Smoilnir Sxnokia and Ob Obervatiol1 crrfttlon Cars Harrisburg barri sburg to ClnclnnaU C1n Irma Indl Indll1DA apo ° Ho 1I and St StLou1lL Louis Buffet Parlor car Car to tJ t Harrlsburr aEr 1050 10SOAM A ii dally aihy MAIN YAINLNE LINE EXPRESS EXPRE Pullman Bi B BOfret iffct tret Parlor Car to Harnsburr Buffet Parlor Car Harrisburg Harr1 burg to t3Pitt5burc PittSbitt ij18 330 P M daily CHICAGO AND ro ST LOU LOUI IS I EXPRESS EXPRESSSleepiai Sleeplae acd Dining Cars Washington to St St Low Harrls burs burgto to Chlmgolnd1anapollJl Chicago Indlanap lis 5t St Louis an and Nashville via Cincinnati and Louisville 6lr lr Parlor Car r to TCarzlsburz 540 6 P M dally CHICAGO GO LIMITED = Sleeplnc Smoking Dllr inS na Observation O l ttD Cars Harrfaburc H burg to Chicago Toledo and Cleveland Cleve land Parlor Car to HmrrUbur burc 715 15 P M M dally ST LOUIS KXPKESS ftESS Pullman a and Sleeping S Car r harrisburg Harrt3bu t tO St r rna Louis and nd Cincinnati na W V 745 P M daily WESTERN r EXPRESS S Pullman r Sleeping ing Car to Plttsbune I ana Chicago Dining Car to Chicago 745 5 P M dally < CLEVELAND AND c CIT CIN j CINNATI EXPRESS EXPRESSPullman Pullman Sleeping Cars washington to Harrisburg and iiar riBburc to Cleveland and Cincinnati Cin cin1t1 Din D In Ine In i Car 1040 In 1Oi P M dally PACIFIC EXP EXPtES tESS > s Pullman Sleeping Sl epln Car to PIttsbure Con ¬ fleets nectafor for Tole do TEO A M dally n BUFFALO DAY DA Y EX E ¬ PRESS R Rsc sc scM scWI with WI nihro ihro through Cafe If Car c1r 55 Parlor i Car and an andCoae 1c < Goal Goalie ie to Buffalo via Empori ¬ um Junction 7EO 50 A A A M U V for OCane Canandalcua Canandl Roches ¬ ter and Niagara Falls dally except exc p Sun dar 1010 1OOA A A M Lfor for Elmira and JU1o Reaovb dally except ce > t Sunday For Wllllamsport WIWamspondaily dally 715 7 SJO O OJ 0P P J P M N iL dally BtnFATX DmFAToNIGHT > NIGHT EX ¬ PRESS pRESSmth with through Buffet Sleeping Car lar arid Coachr Coa c cr hr r i to Baffalo B1 I via Emporium En rlum J Junction ctI 74T 4 P M M daily for toiErle V Erie for Rochester V Buffalo and Niagara Fall dally daU except exce Saturday with Steeplne Car Waah1n Washington n to Rochester 1C40 tC O P M for Erie Cbnandaigua Jiochester r he3ter Buffalo and Niagara Falls dally dnJlyPullmsn Pullman Sleeping Car Washington to Rochester Sat at urdayB only V 1 i FOR F 8 PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHLtNEW ELPllIANEW NEW YORlt yortIt yortItA AND A A coJJir JJir THE EAST 1 1LLW 2 2L h i i00 P 1LV r CONGRESSIONAL co E LLW LIMITED L D for forNen New York only daily d1UyallP3lor all Parlor Cars r Exjress T f > SS fSO o lrf0 01 apw K v York Yor konly only and t1IA ll0ft h1O A M M 12 125315 2s8 5 S15 445 4 6 S50 5D 0 JOOC IQliCP oICJ 0 M 1 1211 M night On Sundays Su aSSZO S i WUJCj UTiA A A M 1201 315 < 445 < 5 6EB and I lf00 1 0 10 P M 1230 night lr lrci or ci Philadelphia only Expres < 710 1000 A JL Mo M 1201 P M JL week days 200 2fJO400 400 S S25 and 540 P M t dally 655 A A ii M Sundayj sund Y3 For Boston without wlthoutch8e change 749 A A M t L week day davs aruUSZ5 and 855 P M M daily For ForBaltImore Baltimore 500 si 615 6 G5 > T7 740 750 33 10 1000 0 10 1050 0 1100 fl A A M M1OI V 1201 1235 1 > 120 100 I 311 J 3 230400 5O 0 40 400 < f4 1400 OOLIm1ted > Limited 4 420 20 445 448 G35 1 Z5 540 6401510650 6aO 6 GliO 0 7O5 715 743 1000 lOO 000 3040 11 11Z 3 P M and 130nlbt 1230 night week days On Sundays SUndaYar65 P55 750 150085905 8rf SliO r 905 1050 1100 A A M 1 L 1201 1201 1O5 200 00 315 3 Silo 0 400 400 United 4 420 0 443 45 45S 525 S 640 o 6JO 650 G Gfio fio 715 713 10AO o toM o i1 45p P p M L and andU30 BiB night For Annapolis An = polb 740 S50 850A A 2L123a 1 M 1233 44o 4 ard S40 540PM P M week days days Sundays 850 A M M 540 Ii and 1040 P M M V For Fo Popes Creek Line 750 A A M and 443 P SI MWe wedaY5 we < Vdays JcdaYIIC5 003 O3 A AM M Sundays V Tictet offlceB ccmer Fifteenth and O Streets Streets and anda1 af a the station Sixth and B Streets where orders can n be left eft for the th checking of o baggage to destination from fromho ho ¬ tels cia and residences Telephone call 16 1B43 for Pennsylvania Pa Palr03d ilroad Cab S Service rvle rn 4 I Dlnlnz DlnJngCaT DIUiD Car I W W ATTERBURY 3 H R WOOD woo General Manajjer Passr Pt sr Traffic Manager nager GEO V VV VW V W J3OYD Ol > General passeng Passenger er Agent gent BALTIMORE OHIO RAILROAD LEAVE STATION Xew Jersey aye ave and C Cst at V ROYAL BLUE LINE Trains TX alns Every Other Hour on the tleOdd Odd I V Hour to PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK YORK 700 00 a a m n Diner Pullman Parlor 900 a a m Buffet Parlor 5 Hr Train Train 900 oo a a m Diner Dilerllnd and Pullman Parlor Car 1100 a a In Diner and Pullman PullmauParlor Parlor Car 100 p m Diner and Pullman Parlor P Parlorcar rlorCar Car C305 300 p pm m Royal V Limited AllPnllman All Pul1mnn 500 p m Diner and Pullman Parlor 700 TOO p p m Coaches to Philadelphia f800 e 8DO p pm m Coaches to Philadelphia 6 1130 p m m Sleepers 2 2S7 7 a a m mSleepers Sleepers Atlantic City 100 00 300 CO nCO 1100 as an 100 200 Z 0 pm EVERY HOUR ON O THE HOUR HOrm 3UR To Baltimore With WithPuli Pullman Service Weeks eeks days 257 51 500 630 7000800 700 720 300 8 8a a 900 > iWJ 930 > WllE 1000 < > JBHUli llOO am tfT 1200 noon noonf 1205 100 OO 200 O 3rfX 400 4O 500 B05 5J9 50u 5uO u OO 6 651 700 300 1000 1120 1I 1133 U p p m V Sundays Sunda 157 700 7 12 0 S SZ 3 900 1100 1100 am 100 OO 113 3 300 333 3 500 530 30 635 530 800 1000 11 113 0 n llz5 3 pm WESTWARD VESTW ARD CHICAGO and nd NORTHWEST 1100 11 00 am a 530 pm CINCINNATI ST LOUIS and LOUIS ¬ VILLE 1005 am JrtJ3 I o 53 pm pm 12 140 < 5 night PITTSEURG and CLEVELAND CLEVELA 1100 am 915 pm and l240nlght 51240 12 < 0 night COLUMBUS 5 SZO 0 pm WHEELING 1005 am m 320 pm WINCHESTER 8S3 8 am 405 SM pm ANNAPOLIS NAPOLIS week WeEkdas days 800 S3S am 1202 noon noon 445 43 200 OO pm Sundays Sun ays 823 S am 530 and 1000 pm V FREDERICK 835 835 9 9lS 15 5 lOrfSS O 095 11OJ UO I am 115 405 05 533 pm HAGERSTOWN M P O lg 1003 am and 300 p pm m BO BOYD YD and way points 825 3i3 a m I 115 50 SOD 0 o 53 JS > 1013 10 1130 pm GAITHERSBURG and way point S33 915 am < lESO 1250 115 W am 3 33o 0 3 3O3 > o 5 53i 3 650 733 33 1015 li 1130 o P Pm pm m WASHINGTON W JUNCTION and way points PoI 1ts u 835 915 am 115 500 S 531 30 O pm P m Daily Da11 D5 V ii Except Sunday Sunday sundarP sundarOnlY only Baggage called for and checked 1 from hotels hote and residences resld ncCs by Union Transfer Co on onor or ¬ ders left at a ticket offices 619 Pennsylvania Pen YlL11a ave nw New Ne York ave and liars at 81 and At a station S B B lIEGE DistrIct IlUsenzer Acent SOUTHERN RAILWAY RAILW Y Trains leave from Pennsylvania Penns anla Statin 725 A A M DAILYLocal for Ha HaV Har HafS Harrisonb V r fS fSnbu Statio Station nbu urg n g AVarrenton Danville ana way wa stations 1051 A A 1C M L DAILY DAIL IYAILYWashlngton Washlnfirton and ai Florida Fl rida Limited Firstclass coache nod Sleeper td t Columbia ing u uCa Car Ca 7 Service Savannah r nah and Jacksonville T Din > in 1115 1115A A A M DAILY DAILYUnited United States Fast Mall Flrstelass coaches and drawIng roo roonj seepe sleeper r to Ne New Orleans DIning car service 401 P M L Tir WEEK DAYSLaml for Harrt irr eonburg and way stations on SIanas SIanasV V M a a Branch < 455 55 P M DAILY DAILYLocal YLoC31 Local for Warrenton Warren ton CharlOttesville hI hIJi Ji sit V am ana an 7M 0 P M DAILYNew York a aIift t Atlanta Atlan Express Firstclass coach to Atlanta At t1 sleeper to Columbus via Atlanta Sunset S t1t e t tourist s leeper l ep < r Washington to San Fran Fm Cisco Mondays Monda Tr 1Yedn WedCesdays rfhesday sday and Fridays Frida n s Sleeper to Pinehurst Monda Monday Wednesd Wednesds Wedneedry Y and Friday Frld y 0M W P M M DAILY DAILYNew New York Yorkand and Florida FIo 1 Express Firstclass coaches and andle sle SlCepers Dfri to Columbia Savannah and Jackson JacksonvU viii Sleeper to Augusta and Port Tampa Dlh Di j rt Ing car service a la carte 1000 P M M DAILY DAILYNew New York and Itemphl 3t r emphls Limited Imlted via Ia Lynchburg Lynchbu FlrstclaR rcoac coa eh h s and sleeping car ca l lto to Roanoke KnoxxiniA f e a and ann Memphis Chattanooga sleeper to Vem N Ne e n Orleans Dining Car service 1043 P M DAILY DAILYWMhlngton Washinsrton and South western Limited All Pullman train traf trafclub cinh club b ¬ and observation cars rs to Atlanta and an arn d i Ma con sleepers to t Nashville Atlanta tlnntn Macon Mac j aeon Memphis and d New Orleans TRAINS ON BLUEMONT BRANCH Lea Washington 810 81 A M 1 Iso P M oC4 P M Lweek week lays 505 50 > P P1C iC it daily for to r I Blu 3lu i mont 628 P M I weekdays tor Leesb Lesbu only Sunday U dl1Y trains leave Washington WR hlntol1 s n A M 503 0 > P M for Bluemont Saturdavs Saturda lur as s only for Leesburjr Leesburgll40 1140 11 40 P M I Through trains from tro the South arrlv arrtve rrlve Waih in Ington ton 642 A A M 11 C52 G a aA A A M 11 943 9 4 > A M in inii 10U ioi ii A A M L 300 P M r DM P M lL and 95op 950 9 P ii DAILY Local trains from Harriaonbunr 1155 A M week ek days and 920 P M DAILY DAIL From Charlottesvllje 823 8 A M U f and 920 P M DAILY Tickets sleeping car reservations and andd da talledlnforriiatloncan tailed l information tol3tion can be had at ticket ofi or t1ces 703 0 la 15th th sL sLa at a 311 ll Pennsylvania ave and Pennsylvania Station naggage c ch checkej cked through from hotels and residences Phone 1640 1640P P R R R R Cab Service Senlc C H ACKERT General M o Manager nager V Dec D 24 1 S H HARDWICK HARDW ICK Pass T Trat lrgr 1304 TV W V H TAYLOE TA Yr OE Gen Pass Agent T L 1 S Brown General Acent TIMES TIM TIMES S WANT ADS BRING RESULTS rrITTI1W IlnllQ flllfic A1f ADDt ADDITIONAI ONAL EVENmG EJaBESS EZPZESS Tzz Am V TO o Philadelphia leaves Washington Nets Jersey ave and andC C Street 700 P PX ic Daily except Sunday Arrives Philadelphia Phllade lphla 1015 P M SPLEITDID COACEES Axno AND PABLO CAR SERVICE de922232S V RAILROADS CHESAPEAKE OHIO RY Trains leave Pennsylvania P nsyllanla Station Sta oZ Daily Da1lY 220 0 P PMCHICAGOAlD M 3LCmCAGO CHICAGO AND ST LOUIS LOUISSPE SPE sp ¬ CIAL Solid OI vestibule electric lighted g dlnlne dlningcar t car C COI r train trainto i to Cincinnati n ln tl with eij Pull e ¬ man Sleepers to Louisville Cincinnati Clnchinat1In 1s In ¬ dianapolis Chicago and St st Louts Lou Con ¬ nection nectlontor for Virginia Hot Springs DinIng Car from frOm Washington 1110 P M MF F F V V LIMITED LnUTEDSol1d Solid ves ¬ tibule electric lighted dining car train to Cincinnati with Pullman Sleepers to Cincinnati Lexington and Louisville Compartment Sleeper to Virginia Hot Ho t Springs daily except Sunday Sleepers Cincinnati to Chicago and an St St Louis Reservation R Dining f ftl tl guMd Car and V tickets tIcke ts tsat at 513 sti V Pennsylvania Avenue A venue603 603 Fourteenth Street near F and at the th sta station tion Telephone Telephone16ro 1640 for Pennsyl ¬ rants anla Cab Service H H W FULLER Telephone leJbono Main raia 1068 Genl Passenger Pas enJer < Act Agt SEABOARD AIR LINE R RAILWAY RAILWAY ILWA Y Ticke Tic ke t Office 1421 rat Penna Ave For P6tersbursr P Piter te rSbUIl Raleigh W Wilmington ImlngtonCo Co ¬ lum luniblaSayannahJl1cksonv1Ue I nibIa bia Sayannah V Jacksonville Tampa At ¬ lanta Birmingham Mobile yensacola and New Ne w Orleans V 10150 1 o A A 31 M DAILY Seaboard Mall Throug Thr Oug h hPcUmnn Pullman Buffet Sleepersto SleeperB to Tampa Fla connecting at Hamlet Ham etwJth with Pullman Sleeper Sle per to Atlanta 65S 6 P PM M 15 DAILYseaboud DAILYSeaboard AILT Seaboard Express ExpressSaUd Solid train to Jacksonville Jack < onv111e and Tampa with Pull ¬ man Sleepers through to Atlanta Jackson ¬ rUle vi He and a n d Tampa T ampac Cafe a teD Dining lnIn g Car Wash1n Washlnz ton to o Richmond Va V I CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Transcontinental V route to the Canadian and United States Northwest connecting at V Van ll ¬ couver with the finest lines of steamers on the Pacific for China Japan Philippines FIJI Honolulu Hon luluAtlStmJia Australia and New Zealand anci for rates and Information apply to V D DlL H MORSE F 3 P A A Mth and New NeW TorJcave York av Bond ond Bulldlns BuUdJn V LOAN O COMPANIES MONEY Loans made madequlck1y Quickly privately without t removal on onu furniture lture pianos etc at 1o lowest estrat rates s longest time easiest plan If you are are goin going to borrow It will pay you to consult us we are leaders in our line and strictly uptodate If you can ¬ not call write or phone Washington Mortgage LoanCo 6IQFS 610 F st iNW NW N NI I W a no26t 10 to 300 On Furniture Pianos PJDnosetc eta without removal from tromour your possession poB lon Lowest rates ho no pub ¬ licity quick service Repay the loan In easy weekly or monthly payments to suit your convenience Other companies compan lpald paid off and more money advanced on easier ler terms If not convenient to come to our office officeteTephone oce telephone or write we willsend will Ill send agent to your horn home to give you y u lull un Information Phone Main 2012 V No 1 charge of f any kind i it loan la not made American Loan Co 61 681 n l lj li4thSt j l4thStNW i4thSt N W Second s cnnd Floor Aoor deistf V 2 5 iai 0 Save S SavebyOur You System ve by Can Our VTe ie a loan money mone to o all on their Furniture Pianos etc et you return the same just as you ou can We e pay Pay off other loans give you U more money and do everything ee thlng strictly pri ¬ vale ateKo No charge for papers full tutIamount amount given For a quick loan give us a atrlal trial Phone Main n 20S iO Agent will 111 call and ex ¬ plain terms nOuSEKOlD LGAtt CO C 616 F St St N W Rooms R m5 1 and 2 2 Second Floor 6 MONEY WE WELoJ LOAN ANY A Y AMOUNT A OUTERO FROM J5 TO I tSOO tSOOoN ON FURNITURE PIANOS HORSES I IWAGO WAGONS WAGO TEARS s TIME ETC FOR ONE O E MONTH TO Ti 1 lOW TWfI W3 20 Gone one month lOc six lx month tic 1S f > one month 15c six months SOc 130 r one month 25c c six months JLiO 1kL And all othtr o ili ther amounts in propoitloo IP ip YOU HAVE L VE A LOAN NOV AND < ND NEED EED MORE MONEY COME TO US Mutual Mutual Loan and Crust Co SIS K ST N W V ROOMS 12 i and U u EtMy stairway or elevator to second cond floor noTtf noT tt V MONEY IONEY TO LOAM ON FURNITURE PIANOS Etc WITHOUT REMOVAL EAST E Sf TO BORROW aa we turn no de jt serving customer away EASY TO PAY P Y BACK as we V make email monthly payments and anl1out our rates rattJIllCe ar ara th lowest l wen in the city Other companies paid 02 o POTOMAC GUARANTEE LOAN GO 1123 2S s F l St it N N W WRooIllS Rooms ns 3 and 24 L Second secon floor Stairway or elevator railif P t latge and Small Leans Made On FURNITURE AND PIANOS On n the Building and Loan Association plan which tohlch makes the cost lens 1 I than you pay pa > else ¬ where Wo Vo1o 410 o not advertise one onbtn1li tutag and do another Loans with other companies paid on and more money advance d it da sired information 1ntonna on cheerfully given NATIONAL MORTGAGE LOAN CO First Fir t Floor G2S 25 F St S1 N IV Y ocStf A LOAN OF S40 40 On Furniture or Piano will 111 COst Only S133 133 Per Month Other OtheramOllnUS Other amounts la proportion Compare out rates with what other companies compane charge Xo fake charges e for commissions recording recoTdln etc No publicity red tape or delay Loans Loan taken lake up un i n d roorw n1 > r money advanced S ancea The Only Onlylndepende Independent t Company National tati V nal Loan Investment Co J 4th floor N E cor loth lf th t h U aul s u20 u20i2 t V V IF YOU OU ARE PUTTING ilOXEI I ffII 1M a a bank b you Y O u look for the th safest a1 i 1 institution why net use the same am caie axe when you deposit d < lt your YBluubiea iJlulIble for a loan 1 We Vo have a building buUd1n and tafe tales made for or tnat purpose All ij bustnes bwsln Q confidential Money Mone ironed on watches din ¬ monds thondBjewflr J jewelry wrfry ate tc ttlntCrett interest threo tore per coat instead or ten H K K FULTOJf S LOAN LOA OFFICE OFFICE Eotabllshea 1870 311 31 Ninth Street JC W Money Loaned L aned Salaried S iIaried l ried People Retail merchants m rchanb teamsters team ters boarding boan1in hous houses without Ithciut secunty largest business bwslnt in 43 prtn clpal Ipal cities TOLSLViN TO n Room m 5w filitiSJ3 Ott > 533 15tn at st nw au20tf LOAXS LoANSON LOA OJT STOCKS sToCKs BONDS B BONus Dg REAL E3 E5 tate Trusts Bldg and Loan Assn Shares Syndicate ty1id c te Certlfs Warehouse Receipts LIFE LIF INSURANCE POLICIES etc Rtraaonabla J on1j111 rates Square Sq re dealing dealfn 4t 44 > 42 Metzerott cUerott Eldff Eld 1110 F st at nxv n Phone 517 C A t V BAKElC BAKER Broker and Fiscal Agent se2r ae = IU tX A V VV V = V > AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMEN S NATIONAL N AT I 0 0I I I AL S8M3f Mat TonIghtat8ts Tonight Sat at at et2 8iS 2 The only theater th ter In WashIngton offering oftr1n exclu ¬ sive dv e1y ly Anvrican and foreign stars of the first rank CHARLES FROHilAX Presents Wm11 H 1 V C RAN NE In the Comedie Francaise Success BUSINESS IS BUSINESS With Beginning nr a lng UEW NEW nt YFSRJ YEARSl1atJnee V I tAlt R RJ Matinee Monday on F C c WHI WHITNEY EY Announces M MME M ME E SCHUMANN Sc 1W MANN HEINK V And the Best Singing Sin Sing1n I16 Organization in Amer ¬ lea ica In STAGE EDWARDS Comic Opera LOVES LOTTERY Seat Sea and bo boX ± sale Thursday Ie27tf Ge 27t LOAN COMPANIES IF YOU NEED MONEY r Or EY V We will make you a quick loan privately at reasonable reasonablemtes rates on Furniture Furnitu re Pianos Teams etc e without removal removal allowing you yOu from one month to one years time If Irmoney money will help helpyou you fill out this blank b laI1 mall mailittousandouragent It to us and onr agent will wilicalL call AU Al l business bnsln businessstrlctlyconfldentiah ssstrictly strictly confidential Phone Main 4373 Mail or telephone applications receive our our Ourprompt prompt attention V V Name Address V Amount Want Wanted d DISTRICT LOAN CO PRIVATE OFFICES V 639 639F 639FSTNW F FSTNW ST N W COR7TH COR COR77HFSTS 7TH i F STS MONEY MONEYFOR FOR THE HOLIDAYS You can obtain a loan on your furniture piano etc I Absolutely Without t Delay or Publicity j By applying at the office of the i COLUMBIA GUARANTEE CO 613 F Street Northwest V declfot Private Lonna Loansta to Government employer = plOTe3 on onhelr their In ¬ dividual l note t Without Indors4arj Loans T a to everyono everyone veryOn 8 on 0 n Furniture Fnn1t e Pianos Personal Property etc without w1thoutremova1 removal Easiest Easl t cheapest and beat be t place to sot i money mone at aX cnce Once The old reliable CAPITAL LOAN CO 5 V 602 F Street N W ESTABLISHED 1SSJ V MONEY For F r everybody oi rates lower U1a1th thni th Jowest I IDon Don Dont t be deceived ccelvedcone come to us and IZ IZesU esU i gate te 13W1tn Business strict1y c c0I05SrOtIaI rifia < nt1al 10 OIlS I knows knOWBO of your transactions with with us us We lend on furniture pianos or salary aalaryU It you ou1VO tava h hv v f fa1oan Ia a a1oan loan now no anywhere anywheeand and need = more re jiibaey come come to to Ui Nothing Jedurted from loan Tea set etUll full amount Extensions ExtenJ ons la casa a t tmcl Uci ness Ilell without extra stra charge Metropolitan Loan Laal1and and Trust Co 505 E ESt St N NW W Wi LOANS LOANS or 0 flO IOor 10 or upward upwndon on furniture furniturepfaao plaooA paua sal ¬ any assignment etc at the lowest rate of any company com ny In the city No recording No publicity Private rooms on the second Jloor Every Eerypayment payment on loan Ioanreauces reduces interest LOans with other companies r pain H off oi a11 a n M more money dan f d at a lower race tfa o tiptust tXpen to make loan SURETY SU ETY LOAN COMPANY Room I 1Warderstdg Warder WarderBld Bids 9th 9tban1 OthaniF ani F F MEDICAL 11 n i f SPECIALIST IDR U R 1 1nc R nc 1 E 1J50912thSl 50912thSl oQ 23YE r > VETASJSi lA TMrtv R Successful < < I practice in n the Cure of Chronic rterv erv ous and Special Spa ial Diseases of Men NI n and Women Means Health to You If You Suffer From Catarrh Obesity O lt Rheumatism RheUma tIsm Consti ¬ pation Piles Throat Lung Brain Brain Heart Blood BloodaId and Skta Diseases Nervous and Wast Was ¬ ing Debility Debillt Kidney KIdnt Diseases Bladder Thin ¬ bles blest t Discharges Stricture Varicocele Soc ¬ cific Blood Poisoning P Eruptions t1 Ulcers c and nd all W Private Ji t Diseases cured for life I c1r 1r by safe method CHARGES LOW INCLUDING MEDICINES MEDIC MEDI E5 CONSULTATION FREE Private PrivateWaiting Waiting Rooms Roomsfor for Ladies LSdl OFFICE HOURS HOtJ tS 10 to 1 3 to to E 6 Sundays 10 to 12 12 509 TWELFTH ST N W DRFISK QR i i 1 FISK EL ELGiN ELGII Expert In treatment tment of private diseases d1eas chronic and acute Both sexes All consulta ¬ tions confidential oontlden al Medicine furnished Prices moderate Hours 9 to 1 1 i 2 to 6 6 7 to 9 Rooms Roo 1233 pennsylvania Pen1 ave nv Phone 21 M isis delS deISr f Old Remedy Rmed If 2ev V lce etc V ZO Form 3 3pt V pt ptV ptll V ll XKVES XR KXOV3T TO TAIL F IL L i Tarrants T = nt Extract of Cobe bm = nd Copaiba in Iii CAPSULES t 1 1 Thet lhetu ThetuktSZ Wr ltssqilLan quifk Lan an d dtdo WTOug1curefo < u > rout uglrcnrefo cnre for O i L jronorrhooa onorrhO deer srhitce etc Easy V S0Y to 1 ta take ke conTon rtint to carry iiitr iftT I iv r yOars ears successful use Pr Price ice 1 l at t Henry Evans 922 9 F st nw nw j John R R1Ua Ma ¬ jors 7th and G sts Washington or by mail from The Tarrant Co 44 St st N Y DR SHADE 8 HADE I TREAT MEN ONLY 33 years practice Blood skin bladder stricture nervous special and private diseases cured promptly Consultation free 602 F st st nw oc2ltf I W T B ALDUS M D Ph PhD D Cerman Specialist On Mental Nervous N Nrvous rvous Kidney Kidne and all Private Diseases Chronic and Acute Doctors Do ctors service and medicine not over OV r 2 2 Consultation free Tel Main MaiIl2516 2516 S E E Cor 6th and P sts nv n nw Hours 10 to 1 1 4 to 9 de24SOt de24 Ot CH CHICHESTERSENGLISH CHICHESTERS CHESTERS ENGLISH V r ENfiVROVAl PilLS 4 OriginaL end Only G Genuine nule J SAFE Alwan Aly reliable llabllO Latleo La Ole ask Dr Druzt = fa 4 V s tar CIn CIIICUESTERS lIESTEIt 3NGLISII GLISR V In j IS V RED tKi > sal an Go ld ttet metal1lcbaxee ntIlia Ule bone w eted 1eI w lth lthblUIOribba nerfbbon 11 Ta ke kenoother no other oth r Hef R Refu ru e z Psartrous aaccrou SubatltuUona an d Imlto Imit UDaL tian Bu Bay or year ar Drn DM1wcr ggiit or Ofl ast nd d 4c 4 ta V oac ticjp tor 1artlou lani lar T Tetimonlaia thDonW C and 1 Rc llcl for Ladled LadIelctt Ladlein iertnr r by re turn Mail lOOUOTnti 10000Trttlmonl Salty aU TrultClats Chle beater CLe Chemica eal l Cn 1 na96 396 2Ia JIaaIso dlMn Saoare PHJXJU PJl AMUSEMENTS COLUMBIA CO C 0 L U M B I 3 A A B35S2 LeadinaTheatu washinotoas ash ngtots Evenings at 815 815 Mats ts Thurs Sat CHARLES FROHMAJT FRomtA Presents Lionel Barrymore In the Greatest G t Comedy Success of New York Last IastScason Season 11 11Tbe The Other Girl BY AUGUSTUS THOMAS THO 2CEXTWEEIC NEXT WEEfC WEEKA A HAPPY JfKVV EV YEAR F c C < X Whitney Announces His Musical Cock tall Fresh from Its Eight llonshs UonthSat at N ST Casino Ino V p 1 IETC IC F F VV Great creatcast t Cast LRFI I Headed Btadedby by B AC 1 Eddie EddlEFoy F foy ° y PAFF JT f V i F Alice Fischer R bl Graham am POUF PO u F Vania Daly ° And the ORIGINAL ORIGL ALriGLISH ENGLISH PONY BAL ¬ LET 20 BIG SONG HITS de de2Stf 2Stf 2 tt V CONVENTION HALL THIS WEEK ONLY Evening at S oclocfc Ocloc cI6ck k ksharp sharp shariJSaturgly Saturday satur tay Mall nee at i FIRST TIME mit ON 0uY ANY A STAGE DAVID DA V1DBELASOO BELASCO Presents MRS V LESLIE CARTER V V In the New Play = ADREA = I By V DAVID DVIEitLAScO BELASCO and JOHN LUTHER LOXG fSTSamc e Entire Company production and effects to tobeseen be seen January 1anuary9atthe 9 at the Balsam Theater Th t r X X SEATS HOW OH SALE SALEAT AT V PHUPTrrS 925 Pa ave until 520 p p SSLJ m in after after7p 7 p m m at atConventlon Convention Hall Reserved seats 50 SOc Toe U 5150 33 2 SPECIAL CARS OK O ONALL ALL ALLLPES LINES Next HextWeek WeekCONVENTION CONVENTION HALL David P Balance lasco and Maurice Mau e Campbell wm V Present HENRIETTA HEllRIETTA I CROSMAN In David Belascos play j SWEET KITTY BELLA BELLAIRS RS Seats on sale Thursday ThursdayatPh1ipUrs at Phlipittfa HFAYETT LAFAYETTE LAFAYETTEM I AFAYETTE I M r OPERA OPERA OPERAHOUSE H011SE HOU I IFItmt FRIIXV FRIIXVnd FRIIXVl l nd TONIGHT TO = JGHT AND > ALL I SAXCRDAT THIS THISWEEK WEEK I Trevor rffc l MELVILLE tTMONDt t BEST crS S 2 5 C RAY310 tTMOND tTMONDV tTMONDS = D DcrS V Presents hives BTea ves Good Seats The fewest 2foeltr OVeIty In lions Musical Comedy Com dy Crea 12 l25C 2SO 5 C Qlt OOC 0 0 0Musical C II Q T K D MASTER MASTERCABRIEL GABRIEI L U USTER USTERMASTERCABRIEL STER B BU BUSTER U O I 1C ft V 23 BUSTER I r ROWN R f gj Rl 73 73PEOPLE73 PEOPLE 13 V VV V f J Vf BW 5 10 Beauty Chorus 49 AND > AN A ATT ALLSTAR STAR CAST CAST V Ow in g to the tremen tremendous dous deman d for seats the management have de ¬ cided to give an Extra ExtraMatinee V Matinee Friday Fri ay Dec 30 j Popular Prices P ces Will in PrevaiL Prev ail NextW Next Wee kTIlE k THB 3TJRGO2IASXSR URGO V V V V VV de22t = 2t t i < tthn9 Qh ae POliTE VAUDEVILLE V DaIly DaUyY3t Mat sc Eves 3 and SOc JOLLIEST XMAS WEEK BILL IN TOWN The Eight very ery merry mern Vassar Girls la Garden of the Fairies ballet balIetspectacle spectacle The Ten Toozoonin ToozoonlnArabs Arabs Georgia Card ¬ ner nero o Jos Maddem Co Raymond R Ymond Cav erly Howard Bros Poulton Dooley Carlos Dogs Motion Y O tlo n Pictures Pictureso of The Lost Los t coils V I Next > Teit TVeek WeekTVeuty Twenty Imperial Japanese Guards c c The onIy theater that does not advance prices Xew Years Mat de2S6t A g Fr rz Matinees Mtin Tots Dr M A TTMk CA ThursandSat Thurs and Sat MONDAY MO JAY AND Al J ALL THIS WEEK The Way of the V Transgressor INTRODUCING LIRODUCINGWOODERruL WONDERFUL I V Acting Landseer LandS eer Dogs D ag s SPECLL VATH3ETILLE FEATURES I Next WeekN THE SUWlEE SUW 4 4iNEK iNEK RIVER de27 deSTtf t CORNELL GLEE BANJ BANJO r rANDMANDOUN AND ANDMANDOUN MANDOLIN CLUBS I CONCERT I 3 New Willard Hotel Ball Room I f Wednesday Dec ec 28 i 830 P Kl Di TICKETS oh nsaIe sale at T TUtTHUR ARTHUR SMiTHS S w V i In Sanders Sr Staymans PRICE Uw L5i de deiS4t t V 3 MATINEE b E KERNAN RLflIThI RLflIThIDAILY 3S S DAILY ALL THIS WEEK The World Beaters I Celebrated Chorus of Stunning sttmrlngShow Show Girls Gorgeously Gowned NEW EW YEARS WEEK I The Runaway Girls EXCURSIONS V Through Sleepers to CALIFORNIA without change = Lf B Berth Rsf Qltll er 4 4h i1i L h OOU 8 850 f o Peraona Pen Uy conducted trlweekly l the yeal eat xrcund L < und V A AJ J Poston GenAgtS enAgt th 3 FINE WINES j and DISTILLATES I For New Years Day From our vast stock of 307 beverages bete es you have ample choice of the purest wines and andtlistlUateS distillates for New ew Years Day o CHRIS XANDERS XANDERS I 1 Quality House j 909 909Seventh5t V Seventh SL Phone PhonclJ M M274 274 214I i I p ot empty empty bouaea do not embarr arrua R tOWS tOWSthe OWS OWStle the e Real E Eau Estate tat Stiles trbw b V V Times W Wsat t elusn lWi1ML t 1