Tells What Inaugural Inaug ral Aid Aides s
Ought to toWeir Wer
Dealers Will Wil1Fu Furnish sh An Animals imals for the
Aides or o or SJabie Stable Themat T1 Them mat at
Fixed Rates
Lieut Gen Adna R E Chaffee whowill who will
be grand srand marshal of the tbeInaugural inaugural
parade this morning issued a circular circuhI
for the information ofth of those se who will
act as aides on his staff in which he
announces the uniforms Yhich which will be
proper pro per for both military and civilian l
aids l qs on inauguration day
There will be three thre classes of military
aides aid s First officers active and an retirees retir retirC <
of the regular army navy of or Marine >
Corps second exofficers exoffic s of the theregu1 theregu1r regular r
and V volunteer lunteer forces f orces military miIita r y or naval ll V1lI
of the United States or like forces of
the several States States and third thir d doffi officers offi ers
or exofficers of any an State tatemmtary military 01
raval organization not notincludea included in the
first or Secon second d classes classes w whose hose State Sta e laws
permit them to t wear uniform or bear
arms U
Will Wear W car Full Dress
The aides of f fthe the first firstc class aSs that is
regular T Iar army armr ormwy or navy officers will wear
the full dress uniform mounted of of
their grade Civilian aides will willwe wear r
nigh silk hats frock coats coatsa and na dark
trousers Military 1IHitarya aides desof of the secon secon second d
and a nd UIit third 1 classes cIa SS e S will ill wear either e the
official officialgurhof garb o of f civilian aides or the full
dress ress uniform u nif < rm Of e volunteer officers offic rs
General Gener l ChalIce ChatIeeannounc announces that ills
office ffice will i larringewith arrange with dealer de lers to fur ¬
fish horses t9 to the a aides ides or to stable
their < private horses at1bc at fixed d drlres rates Ap A ¬
plications should sho uld give the he weight o othe f the
rider ridcran and and should be sent to Wililam Vililam Jb Jbs s
Slii Mall0n 1thoney honcy committee on military militar or ¬
ganizations Each aide must supply
himself with a shoulder sash sashaIldtwo and two
rosettes rosett s and h a a regulation army 3ormysJddle saddle
cloth Spurs and gloves glo s are re proper but
not iU1igat obligatory r
The T 1e1ccentanceso acceptances of the theaides aides must mlst be
sent In by February 45 3 with withpostlI postal postlI postlIor or ¬
der for them the amount lount necessary to pur ¬
chase the articles articlesdescrlbedabove described above A
list of o f prices accompanies the theclr circular ulnr
General Chaffee Cha1I e is s sending sendin out
Bousin Hu g the f Aides d des es
Geneial Gene ll Chaffee Chaff ema makes k s it it iil plain 1 ininh in in bls blsi hisj i
circular that thrigrandmhrs the th grand inars marsals iiars offic oillcd fiiCt S
can ca nhac have nothing no lli thhi ig to t do io w WIThhq TTn ipusini sin pihi th
aides aid s and refers cfes them to m the committee omrnitte ml11tte
Qn qnpu public > lccomfort comfort
These These whp are re entitled tnUt dto to bear be r the th
official title and to wear weal e upon uponocc occas occas1o ls ions on l
cf LcerCIIl ceremc piy h t jie qiiunTiform tnjform n f inCf of the theihigliest j1igpe t
S volunteer oIunlee gra graue de they have hav held beldare are u 1 1e e
according to thearm the army regulations regula tions
all officers offi ers who w1lJh have e served served3udng erel 9tJrj during g the t1 he
rebellion as volunteers voluntdcrsin olult rsIn In the ar array hrv of
the theTnteg United States = and have havcbecn been hon hon ¬
orably mustered but of the volunteer
service se ke all officers s who ho have served
during thiS th civil war warM as officers of o the
re > gular nrmy rmj of ofhe the United States
and nd nave lave been honorably discharged
T or rsisn r reigud j3Dfd d from v the he service ie and
all nUofiicetS officers who ho have 1 ae served during
the war war with itli Spain Spa m or since as fls s of ¬
fleer ficers of the regular or volunteer vOiunteeranny army
of of the United States and have li ve bbeen been
honorably i j > waui dlsehargd iseharg < ii tti dfrorr tiom from cue the service service b
by resignation res ignation or otherwise
Harva 1Iarv 4rd rd id Republican Repub1ic nClub Club
B It BE ffVai AVar Watrer i1r fier cljairmari 11 aIrmnn of ftb the com om ¬
mittee on m civic Chic organizations Qr iaI zaU ns received
today toda a letter from fWes v Westofi WesSofi ofi B Flint lfUnt
secretary zecretgf > ecr trr of r U the Harvard Harv ffaWir rd t Republican R pub1ican L
Club ann aT announ n1ri puncing ing that thatorganiza that organiza ¬
tion ti n will willsend send id tt illirgc large representation to
takepartfn ti1kbi ti1kbipart part < iu thepaKide th thepaxiiderhe de lr > The e full fullmem mem ¬
bers berhippf bershii hip of t1tiscl ± ltis cluB ciOli1is 1jjsI is I TOO OQI and its tsap ts ap ai ¬
pearance pean nce in tfleRcipublf the Republican 5in < parade iii
B Boston ston during diJnn 11 iae th Tecer Iec reciit campaign np dgn
creotetl asensation As thtrjPJresIdeht t esIdent t Is s
a f graduate a 1imte < Sate of Haryardther < 2 Jsr nature
ally much enthusiasm enthu iasm lasIII on olthepart the part 0 V
the thecrmson orsmson oiimson under graduates l n t vyyr Qv r the
coming inauguration inat1 i ration The T ninifomr of
the Harvard Republican public Club Clubig is rft crim crm
son C ep D and nd nd nds ndgu i g s pscn gu
Othervcollege jtlf l coll ge men men have ha been invited jm Ue
as asst stoiCTl tM in InTnc The Times ijeveral V weeks
ago go > and an it is thoughtnhat thGug t thilt Harvards
ceiinite Ge1 nite announcement that she will
send scn a delegation will hajvjs wv the effect effe t
of arousing greater Interest intee among fU amongthe Lt1 thV V
undergraduates l1ndergr duatls of f other institutions
Plaster PI sterFiges Figures From Froms St t Xouis l is
Much iuc1i interest 5s felt f lt in th the visit isit of
Fred Prctwe Owen neh chairman eh irmanof irthan of tire th the committee
on street io te rst t decorations d e6mtions or tionS to v S St SJouis tLouis is
where jie he 1 went to tc arrange to bring to
Washington a number nmnbeIof of plaster plasterfig fig
urea m g which were used in the Exposition
grounds > there and andhlch which may be used us l
to decorate the line of ofmarch march on Inau inh inaUg V
uration 1 day
These 1Iguresar figures are exceptionally e ceptfon alIy har hand d V
some ar anawce and 3 were enthusiastically admired
by visitors to toth the exposition > They Theyare are
of heroic size and were placed nlacedin In vari van a1i ¬
tics cs positions on the different dirr rent buildIngs
in th exposition grounds < There are
nearly 100 of them and all the charge ¬
tom fer in in mythology n tholonr are ar represented in
lhf lh collection Mr Owen OwenwllIreport will report
his opinion in regard reg1rdtci to these th e figures figur s
to the executive committee at the nest nE > t
regular meeting on Thursday ThursdaYJanuary January
f Friendless m and U id without wIthoutmo1cor money or f
place Ilae to to sleep Edith Pratt a pretty prett > r
young o1ing woman who wh6sal said she came fronv fr 9m 9n
Colesville < Md arrived at the Baltimore Baltim rc
and Ohio Railroad station last night
about 8 oclock
She became lost in the corridors cQrridorsf of the th
station is and was was found by a 1 pplieemsin lHmnan
detailed d > talJ d there To him she told her
story and said 11d she s1iecame came here to go to
work wor1iandexpected and expected that sbine sOrn one
would meet her tut but tsheJ1cd she had been ecn dis ¬
She was sent to the House of De ¬
tention t > ntion for
the night and the super ¬
intendent after aft r noticing her strange
actions tlcUonscon concluded luded she was of unsound J1nsoun
mind mlnc1 and Sanitary Qfljcer Frank lil 11k was
communicated < with He wIll have Drs
Vale and Marbury ar ury make a mental I11 nrel ex ¬
amination of the womans V1oman ease c e today to la <
AH In Praise b of r Caamberlainc Chmbe rla1nl CongH
Sezuedy R cdy
There is no other medilcine manufac
tured that has receivrd so much praise
and so p many manyexprc3sfons expressions of gratitude gr Utude as
Chamberlains ChambcrJ lnsCough Cough Remedy It is ef ¬
fective and prompt relief follows Its use
Grateful parents everywhere do do not hesi he d ¬
tate to tot testif tes tliy y to its merits for the bene ¬
fit 11to1 of others It Is i a certain cure cllicror for
croup roupan roup and l will prevent the attack if
given at the first appearance lppearmceof < of the
d disease c fc It Is especially p cfal1yadaIted adapted tochil to chil j
dress as it Is pleasant to take and con i
111ns tains nothing Injurious Mr E E A A Hum
phreys r a well known resident resid nt and clerk
In thetor the store torC of Mr 1 lr E ELoct Lock of Alice
Cape Colony South Africa Africasay says I j
have used Chamberlains Cough Remedy Rcm y
to to ward alt croup crO p and nd colds In my fain <
iy I found fOU ndit It it to t 0 be very ve very rYsa satisfactory
find it gives giv sme me pleasure to recommend r ommend
it ft For or sale by all 11 druggists
i ii i
i ilc lc 1 Ice ce Car Victims Fate
S Leads Lea ds to a Conviction Conv Iction
ILalll Lam L am Kee Ke Keeot of Chicago ChicagoOne One Qneofa of a Band Baiidof of o f
I Smugglers Smu srnuqglersFound gglers Pound Guilty of ofV Violating olating
Chinese Exclusion Exclusi Excusibn n Laws
I c Disc Discovered ver ed because eca s of hi his connection IL
vth th the thefreezlng J Jreesing reesing to death 3f fa a China Chin n ¬
I man mim m an in in the th th Ice lox of a refrigerator
ear ca r r for fQrwhlch which he hema may yet et have h ve to tostanl stand
trial tr ial on ona a a charge of manslaughter Lam
Ke Kee K e ono onoofth no of the most mosLpromlnentMon mosLpromlnent prominent Mon ¬
golian g olian merchants mErchants of Chicago has been
convicted c of violating the exclusion
laws ia ws V V
Word to this effect was received by b
Commissioner C General Gener lof of Immigration InunIgt lon
Frank F raul S Sargent this morning
I Behind BehInd the telegram tdegra nitelIing telling of ofthccon the con ¬
I viction y ition is an unusual story of an at
I tempt te mpt to evade the exclusion law which
ended e nded iJ iJL in a tragedy
I V One of o r ra a Large Gang
It has been proven proven that Lam Kee is
i ione one o ne of the large gang bango of t smugglers who
in have ave been operating on the theCanll Canadian dlan
and a nd Mexican Mc lcan borders and nd who wh are now n ow
attempting a t to J set et a number of o fChina China ¬
men m en Into the country from Liverpool Liverp olby by
way w ay of Ontario An n unknown white
man man n ina operated with Lam Kee l < the latter
being b eing the agent at Windsor Ontario
The unfortunate un ortunate who was as frozen in
the t he Ice ice box was Leorig IeonbDick Dick a native
of o f Hongkonsr Two of his hiscousins cousins
Leong L eong Man And Leong LeongWeek Week paid Lam
Ivee330 K ce 3 9 to t get the theu unfortunate nfor tu n a tE Into in to the
I United U nited States Cfrom < rom Canada To accom accom ¬
plish l lSh this Leong Le ng Dick was waspl placed ced in
tI the th le e ctir at atwj Windsor ndsor H He e wjiS w dressed
I in i n four suits oE o clothes It was the
intention i to sen send d the car to Detroit
less les le ss s than 100 miles m il Sfr from O m Windsor Vimlso and
it was expected that the Chinaman
I could c ould stand the cold that length of
time ti me without much suffering
But occasionally the best laid plans
fail f iil and this is what happened this
I time ti me A big bigstornicame storm came up and the thecal car
was w as sidetracked Itwas It was then too la late te
to tous t o use it for fo the purpose it was intended
Washington WashingtonExpress Express Has Narrow Narro Es
I cape c 4e From oma a Serious Collision
I One On Man ManKurt Hurt
I IP Iassengers P Passengers assengers on n the he northbound n orthbQund express pr es
w wbicli hicli h ch left Washington over theiPenn thciPe l1n
sylvania s Railroa d shortly hortIibefor Jbefore
OTcloclc o clock yestaraay cst r ay morning had a har nar
irow r Qn w escape from Injury In an accIde
that thatbcf befeil ll the train on its arrivalat arrival at
the TJnioh Ioh Station Baltimore
As it wasdming was drawing into the depot the
Washirrgtow express expresssidewiped sidewiped
Pen Peninsuia ns 1 express which whlchnad > had dis
charged c its passengers and w was
j bac back backed ked d to a siding Isaac Hall Hallassist asssist
5 ant fireman of 323 C Street Str et Washington
t tWas was one oneof of the five trainmen injured
He l ie was us taken to the City Hospital
where his Injuries were found to < con on
sist 5 1st of bruises and a fractured arm
The other victims ctims of the
were George Unglaub John 3bhp S Rappold
i and Randolph Buttner Bu ftner of or o Baltnnore
1 and Henry H nr EHc B E Hold > Id of Delaware D laware Ciiy C < i
l KUne W NOneaf n of them was asscriously seriously hurt
I I Admiral AdmiraJSchtei SQhley Sble was a apass passenger or
J the Washington l express AVhei W n i the thecol col
1 11Jsiori lision l occurred oCCurr he quietly made nlade his wa
l lout out of the Pullman car In which he hac
been riding rdingand and set aboutto about to see If
t could co ld make m ke himself useful
V When the injured men were wer gathered I
t tt tcscther t < gcther in the signal tower he hecnter entered enterc d I
the tower and inquired in an
tone If any anyOf bf f the men m rr wereb were badly ly in
jured j 13red Informed that none of tllibm tfiem e was W s
he expressed expressedhispleafureand his pleasure and asked mu i
of the men whose broken arm ilrtn 3
causingrlilni causing himto him to moan oan if he was in much mud
pain Being eing assured that no one was
lulled or drseriously dr seriously hurt the admiral re Te
turned to t the station an andcontinued and d continue continued d on or 1
his journey
The Washington express on which Ad
l miralBchley was a passenger was com ¬
posed of live coaches and a Pullman P llman
carAmongthepassCIJgers car Among the passengers pitsscxigers were yerea a
I number of nobles nobesof of the Mystic Shrine
jof of V Washington YashihgtOI1and r and with them was Ha
I leys Cs Ys Band >
Dr Joseph C Ohiendorf convicted onvIetednr at nr I
the Oc October tooe rsession session of f the circuit court
at Upper UPP J Marlboro Marlboroort on a achari charge of man ¬
slaughter glaught r was ycster yesterday < yreleased released from 1
jail on a bond of t5u 5COO He will be hi i
granted 1ted3 a a new trialC trlal
R A A Van Horn Agnes Stolte CharJps Charm C
F Stolte Ignatius phlendorf lL1IY > Ihry
Westervelt Katie Arnold trncldTohn John Arnold
Oscar M Linklfr Link Mrs Mary L1ryTOhlemJorf T Ohiendorf
and Larry D Snead are the sureties on ot I
the bend
Dr DjOhlenderf Ohiendorf O lepdtrf was found guilty of o I
causing the death of Miss M < s Maggie Hale
at the Brehtmar Sanitarium Md in Ii a
November 3903
His Hisattorncrs attorneys claimed at the time of o f
his hisconvictIQn conviction in October Oe tOber that the grand gram I
I jury which indicted the prisoner was wit S
I not legal cb llbpC3useone < because one of Its members
was an Illiterate On this ground and am Li
for other reasons the court decided d ided to + 0
i jrive Ye the physician physi un another hearing
I I General Corbini at Manila anILl cabled ca tMd thft th C
V 1 Department Dpartm > nt today toda > arnouncing alnou n dng thF th f
j death of Second Lieut LieutJamcsV James AV V r
Derail D p t II Twelfth T W fOlfth Cavalry C avalrY at Camp Mc
Grath Gl th on Dccenibir Dc mQr 20 2
I Death was due u to tt complications omplica ions rc ¬
suiting from a ppendicitis
at Detroit D troit and It was sent sentto to toSt St Paul
and a and4Thicaro nd ndO j phicasro O hicl 0 and an d about two tw two 0 weelcs elts later
I it found its l S way wa Into the yard ard of a
packing house in St Louis o
Found the Frozen Inmate
Here the vehicle v hiCle was opened for the
first tirae t e since it had left Windsor and
the packing house men found a frozen
and andc andcr2fnllj carefully r2fnllj preserved Chinaman curl ¬
ed up dead dea on top t P o of f the ice iceThc The au ¬
I thorities t thor oriti ities s were notified no tIfied and an investi
I Igation gation was wa made by 11 one of Commission
Sargents dead China
jer er Inspectors The
i I man man was was sent s < mt to Chicago where he was was
buried in the soil on which lie had
I hoped hope to live and the conspiracy was
traced down to Liim L m Kee and andhls his white
associates J
Then the cousins were found and andtiey they i
I told the thcwhole whole story proving that they they I
I had paid the 300 300 OO to get the man across j
the bor border der
Lam Kee Arrested Atr AtrsteiL steiL
Lam Kee Kecvasarrested was arreste arrested d and bailed ba iled
TSpien hen he was W1S called calledfor for trial it it was I
found that he had tried to bribe the
I cousins not to ttestIfy testify against him himnnd and
had iiai I announced that he wou w would ul ld have hayethem them
murdered by highbinders If they the did not no
quit His efforts failed Then i Lam
Ken Ke was called for or trial and he dosed I
himself with opium to make it appear
th that < the he had become too ill to stand trial
This trick was discovered and he was
The T only nlypenalty penalty that can canbein be inflicted icte l
is one year in the th penitentiary penItent ary and andSlOOO 1000
fin finehut < but it is understood at the Depart ¬
meat mentof of Commerce and Labor that the
local 1Gcaiautl1oritIes authorities will try tlhlm him for formUr mur ¬
In the meantime e Secret SecretSenIce Service men
Immigration inspectors and customs
men are trying trI to run down down the rest of
the gang 1
j Congress ional Delegation to Go to to
Chicago to Attend the
Obsequies Obsequi s s
V A delegation of Representatives in
Congress Con gress will probably go to Chicago Chica oto tp
attend attendtht the funeral of Representative
WIIlamF WIlliam F Mahoney 1rahone of the Eighth Illi ¬
nois nQ > district whose death occurred in
his nome city yesterday afternoon
Mr Mahoney died of o t the combined ef ¬
fects of lung disease and an d kidney kidI Y trouble
from which he had long longuffere uffered He
j Iwas was in his lace when hen the present ses
lsion nidn of Congress convened but was
J taken t ken seriously ill in a few days dasan and
I Ihad had o or return turn home
He Hema made eno no speeches on the floor of
the House during his term tCfIl of service sen servIce ee
4 1 made t few w friends and was scarcely scarccl
lknon known put out of othls his immediate circle < lrcle HI Hit
work for his district th though ugh quiet was
j always alwa effective
Mr Ir Mahoney la honeY born In Chicago in ISIS
and md educated in the public schools schseary early V
fin I In life took an Interest In politics He
served twelve twehr years ears in the heChicago Chicago
common DmmoncouncI1 counciL and was elected diected d to the
I Fiftyseventh Congress as a Democrat
and by byan an overwhelming majority When
j t he was renominated by the he Democrats D mocratS
j the Republicans did ijot ot think ft worth worth wo itln
J while to place any candidate candldatclnoPPosb in opposi
1 tlon
I i In ln the last C Congressional ongress lona m mI I olpctibn f Mr 1 r V
1 1 1Mahoney Mahoney was defeated for Jt ne e Demo D o ¬
I Icratic cratic nomination b by Preston Harrison
I abrother aJirot herof of the mayor of o t Chicago Chlca go The
f Republicans seeing a chance In intht the
oftinJav offing gave their nomination to Charles
j I McGavin previously defeated by Mr V
plahoney M Mahoney ahon ey for ro roo r the th e Fiftyseventh F iftysev en th Congress V
Mr MrUcGavin McGavin o was elected
I The will < of Martha r Kochler dated s e I
j i March farch 12 1503 503 has been beenfiIcd filed for orpro pro ¬
bate She leaves 400 4O 400 to St Marys i
f Rom Roman n Catholic Church and makes sev Sc ¬
eral jsmall cash bequests to certain c rtali
I Irelatives relatives The remainder of her h rcstate estate i
i i is left In trust for the followlngpur following par ¬
poses For masses 5500 5OO to the orphans of St
I Marys parish 200 to four students for
the priesthood at St Charles College
5103 1 itiO to the e Home for the Aged Little Littl i
J Sisters of the Poor 50 to the orphans 0
of oiSt St Josephs Male rale Asylum 100 100 lC to Ic
St StAnn 7 Anns Ann Infant Asylum 100 and for
the payment pav m t of death assessments of 01
poor members mcmilers of St St Elizabeths Ellzabt > ths Bene ¬
ficial Society Societ In InSt St Marys parish S10 10
By B his hlswiU will GeorgeW George Nicholson leaves l aves n
his hbest1te estate to his wife Mary A ANich JCich
t olson with the exception of a gift of
lc jewelry cJrY to his son Norman Nicholson
I The ThewJ1l will is dated datedNmber November 19 19 h 1S03 190
I George T TSh Sheldon ldcn by his bi will dated dat
February 27 1003 leaves t aves his h s estate to to
I Ihis his wife as sole beneficiary ben < liciary
The District Commissioners this af ¬
ternoon visited the Boys Industrial
School Schopi to witness the boys drill
The Th pupils at the th school have re ¬
I Iccfved ceived their new 11 uniforms An invita ¬
tion tim was wt extended xt fnded to the Commission
I ITS l s K tQ attend todays exhibition
II i e vner he en in inD irk w D T Li t i
j m t BUyofliI Buyo f
7th 8 I Eye Sts N W W1i
i t I
Reached the Age Limit L Ilitand and Was Today To ay
Placed Pl ed on the Retired List
Recently in Char Charge ge o of f the
Honolulu Station
Rescued Bark Ba kTrinity Trinity at Jleard feard Island I
and Received ReceivedTh Thanks Thi I iks of British Br itish
Government G vernincnf
Rear Admiral Silas Silas Wright Terry
former commandant of p the theT theashing Washing T ashing
ton Navy Yard and an officer with a a
distinguished ilstingt < ISliedrecord record In the civil and ani nd
SpanishAmerican SPanIShA m C1ican waits VaI was lS placed PlacedOr on ci I
the retired list for age today
I Until recently re entl he has been in charge e
of o the naval station at t1fonolulu Honolulu of o f
1 wluch VhJChd duty uty he h was relieved TClieV cdlast last fall aIlb by b S
Capt Henry V V Lyon Jiear Admiral i dmirat
Terry Tcrryhada had a total sea sea service of six ¬
teen years and seven months He is I S
well W llknown known to naval l officers fI cers in i this thl Ii
city cIt m jjkins many friends here during durln g
hfs hfscommandimc hfnr commandaney command ney at the theV Vashln Washlnto < hinton ton U
Navy N vy Yard where he was wnsstationed stationed ii
from 1900 until 1903
Came From Kentucky Xentuc o
Admiral dmlral Ter r p > was appointed appointedacting acting actin g
midshipman m d hlpmaI from Kentucky Keritur kyi in 1S5S and an d
attained tta1tledhls his present rank in 1900 Be B n ¬
fore or completing Iris ri ricourse hi course atthe at L the e Navi Naval tI
I Academy he was ordered or ere to duty at New Ne Tew a
York In 1861 He served on various va ious > von cs ¬
sels sclsduringtIle during the civil war war and in 18S4 lii 4
was appointed detail officer on the staff 8ta If
of < > > f Admiral Porter serving in this ca L ¬
pacity PlcitumiI until the admiral was relieved at a it
the close of the war
Rear Admiral AdmiralIerry Terry was w tsprcs < present ntat at a Lt
the fall of Rlchnio Richmond td After the war hs h a
served e vedind1f in different rent stations
V Rescued Resuedark Bark Trinity
He H e rescued the thecrew crew crew of the baric b rkTrin Tnt m ¬
ity on Heard Is Island land in 1SSI and andsave saved save a
teem from star starr starvation r ation While hUe on his hi V s
wa way y to Heard Island Rear Admiral Ter V
xy tYstopp rI s stopped dat at Cape Town and rendered d
assistance to toUle the English ship hlp Poonah m
which was stranded pn the beach about abou Lt
ten miles mil s northeast of the port For Fc ir
this Rear Admiral Terry received the th IC
thanks of f the colonial and English EngUshgo gov go ¬
In 3SSO 1SS6hc he was appointed app intecla a member of c ml
the Naval Na l Examining EX1minlngand and Retirlnc g
Board being on that duty until 1SS3 He Fl e
ommanOed 4imman e the Kew4rk New N w4rk rk from 1S03 to 1 i
ISSJ and was present under the com m ¬
mand of Rear Admira dmlr cl l Benham during dunn g
the insurrection in Rio
During 1 the SpanishAmerican war he I IC
commanded the receiving ship Franklin Frank V li in
and n in in in September 1SSS he was vasassIgn assigned > d i i
to the command cf the battleship battl sbip Iowa 1
Commissioner Wentworth
I Will Will2ut Put Stop to It It
Will Punish Perpetrators Perpetratorsof of the Out ¬
rage if 1fThey They Can BV Be
Apprehended A pprel1endecL
NASHUA N S Dec 2S 2SGame Game Com om ¬
missioner Nathaniel l Wentworth Vcntw rth is mak ¬
ing a strong strongeffot effort to bring to Justice
the th perpetrators of wanton V destruction
of large game in various ya iious parts of the
I State Besides Besides many deer which have been
I II I killed i1Ied for pure cussed cussedness ness ess their th their irb bodies dies
being bein left to be 1JedevouredbY devoured clevour dd by carnivorous enru hi oro us
n neasts easts two large elk have been slain 1 1n 1easts
These Tlieseclk elk IIc would sould Have dressed 400 or 500 5J
pounds poundsapi apiece ce
Two years earsag ago the people of Corbin
Park presented the State with flj twelve
elk These Theseanim animals ls were were taken t k n to And
over overand and turned loose lo ose on onRaggedMoun Ragged Moun ¬
tabs On August 1 last the dead body of
one ope was w s found IoundinSouth in South Danbury Danbu It
was that pf of a large la rge fine cow coWeIk elk lk with w th
a bullet 3iole Jole through the shoulders
I Last Friday Fy iday not more than 500 5OOy yards rds
I from the spot S Otwhereth where the cow co cowS S had lain tam
I there was found the carcass of a a bull
elk with eight ght points to his antlers He
I had evidently been killed kI1l d the same s me time
the cow was slain So much of the
body as had not ot been eaten by faxes or I
other animjils aninitls was badly decayed decaye
Commissioner CommIs ioner AVeritwokth offered a
reward ot 0100 100 for the apprehension of 1
those who whoeommitted committed the outrage and
although ftlthO Ug h no arrests arc estsha have e be been enm made ade
the commissioner beU believes res he has a clue
Word comes from BarrIngton that a
woodchopper had come comEacross across the car ¬
cass of ofa a deer which hud been shot
Wentworth r nt or thha has recently rece1tIyin investigated Vestigat ed
the cases of three deer eerkiIled killed by dogs
and quite a tt number slain sl in In pure this ¬ j
chief besides besi cssome some taken by poachers
for meat arid skins as shown by entrails
found in the woods woos
I West Vest Tennesseeans are protesting
I I against the probable appointn appoin appointanent tiI tiIent ient ent of or
I James C ilcReynolds McRe l1olds to t be bejudgeoC judge of
I the Federal l court at Memphis an and d Jack Jackj Ta k j
I son i on Tenn to succeed the late Judge i
I Hammond < L
I They complain Tjenuse i CU5C iilr Ir MeRcy IcRc
I nolds nmold who Is now an m assistant SlS41 1 attorr at attor or
ney n ey f in f fthe n the DeD Departhirat Denrtracnt 3Ltnartl L r jrstice 115 hce his ru V
I In liis l ls s residence In middle Tennessee an antI 3
I tle tlew west w e t Tennesseeans think the a ap P ¬
pointment should go to some one on from
t that section stcti n of the State Stnt
I I Jilr PlcR McReynolds Ynolds has informed the I
I President thit that If It i there thQr thereis Jsil Is a p xigorous iS orou pro pro ¬
I test from west Tennessee lie does dri es hot not
desire to ha h hae e his name considered hi I
I this thlsmatter matter V
Dont get the wrong Idea Idea into your our
head 8tarvationIsgoodforrlys starvation is foru
that good foralys dys
I peps fa
I I Its not 2 V V n
piDe Those wo who hayenbt My not studied tudei the he sub su ¬
jec j e t t tye very ye ry deeply d ply or OI r witli wi witli trained I I
scientific minds might think so
But facts prove t irove r e otherwiser theryvise
All A1lspecialists specialists in stomach stoma hand and diges ¬
tive disorders S know k nowthat that it Is best bes ltD for Ion I I
dyspepsia to be well fed fe
Why dyspepsia < is really a astaIV3tiotl astaIV3tiotlj starvation 1
diFeasel j
Yourood Tour food doesnt doesritt do si it iced d you you
By B starvation you OU may give gh e your j
bowels and lildneys 1ddn ys less to do dobut but that tha
does not no t cure your digestive trouble trouble
simplY m maheS kes 31QU oU we weftker k rand and sicker
less 1 ss likely likeI to be permanently cured than i
ever I
No the only onlyright right way to permanently perm nenllY
cure yourself of any ny form 1 of dyspepsia 1
or indigestive indJ gestye trouble Is to eat eatheartIJY heartily hearUl 1
pf all the food that you find best agrees 1
with you and help your our digestion to h S j
work with Stuarts Dyspepsia Dy pep5iaTabIets Tablets
This is a asafe safe pertain ertaln scientific re re ¬
I liable method of treatment which hich will evil i1l i
never fail to cure the most obstinate
I cases cas s if If persevered in i
Stuarts Dyspepsia D sp psia Tablets Tabi ts have a
gentle tonic refreshing effect on the thi
f fsecretory secret secretory tY glands ands of or the entire digestive
I tract tr trT They T feently e eiitly tIy force the flow of fresh
I digestive juices
They contain cont In themselves many man Jf of the tin
chemical constituents of o f these the e ju Ju ices I IChemlcal
thus when dissolved they help to die ¬
solve the food foodaro around nd them in stomach
or bowels V y 0
They therefore quickly Qu cklY relieve relieyeallUle all tliej
symptoms of indigestion and coax coa37 the tb i
glands to take a proper pleasure in do i
ing their proper work
They coax you ou back to health
No other medical treatment of any sort nor
nor n r any an fad system of Culture C lture or o
Cure will give you the solid perma t erm ¬
nent curative cur tJoe results T SUltS that will 1ll Stuarts Stuart s
Dyspepsia Tablets
Write for a free Book BokofSym of Symptoms v voms oms
F A A Stuart Stu art Company Marshall Mich 1 J1ch
V r
I L r
I These special spe a1 values lte are not confined to our Main Store Storel l but
may ma a1 also 0 be had haaat at all of our ollrbzanc branch h stores st O resan and market St stands md Ev Ey ¬
c ery er homekeeper should provj provjdea provjde de a supply of Canned Cann d Corn C rn While
J i I these th e prices p ices prevail
A P Fancy Fancy Maine Corn Cornl l reg ¬ Can
I J ular u Iliar r price p ce 12 12C t2A per can a three O C
IS I S days dl day s special at t
I I Sultana SUIra n a Standard New Yor York k O Can f > V
I I State at Corn re regular gular price pnce lOC Spa Sp ¬ uu > >
cial at at It
4I lona Iona6ooo 6000 Southern Corn reg ¬ Can
I ular ulr price price Sc per can a l 3days J spe ¬ I 0
c cial l at
I S ce e
I Remember m 1 our I stores t s ore headquarters l ers for pure teas coffees
I II spices SPi e Elgin Elginc Creamery reamery Butter u er and an d fancy groceries groce esof of every everYde ever y de ¬
I scription Lowest prices pnces always I
Main Store Cor 7th E Sts
I Branches Bran I1es in iii All Parts of City CityAU All flarkets
t B A BOWMAN flsnager
J Jt k
Open t i 1 V Close I
8 A M I Glassware U uiassware uiassware53O ass ware I 550
For the New Year
Your YOurpatrona patronage eis Is earned with best variety and lowest p prices pr ices ces
C Very much the lowest for the expensive Cut Glass only pennies penne
saved in the cost of the cheaper che che petkindRead pe kind Read the list through care ¬ i
fu fully lly IIyand and then th n visit this Basement Floor Department IepaIirnent
V r
et for f or 39c
V 8 Pieces worth wortbSl SI
V Crystal Cry Cryal al Glass Pitcher six glasses and an nd c metal etal
tray all for 39c The Th price is suspiciously little
l lA5WAiE LASSWARtbut but thep the e Pce price ce do does oes es esnot not n ° repr rePresen represent eSent anything like the
a actual value of o this set Seeing is believing believingSee See e
Best Cut Glass Qla i ss
The best beStvalues values are the real Cut Glass Pie Pieces Piecesnote note ofe that the
Palais Royal stock does not include inferior imported cut glass or o r
seconds of the American
Water WaterTugs Jugs new shapes S V 5 5 C fk 0 ft 0 Salad ShladBowls Bowls two twos shapes hapesi1 S Q fl C
usually sold o1d at 15 750 JUU v v usually usuaIIysold sold at at5 at5u 5 u J 3 95 3
Salad Bowls 10inch 1oin h S 7 7 50 CA Decanters Decanters t c quart u size z S C A A
usually uu 1b sold at 510 y 3V usually u uP uu P u sold soIdat at uTh 57 Th liO 0 1 1f5oo f5oo J 5 UU 0 0 0uu
Flower Vases 12lncfr S 7 1 C A I
usually sold at flD 121nchS750 121nchS750Cu J V Cut Cu Glass l 3s s Water Bottles J3ott1 St v 1 A O 8 8usnally V
usually USUl y sold so ldt at a 525 iO a
Punch Bowl a < n dS3 d S 5 COn 00 A fl
Stand usually sold at 45 45 V vr Cuts CutGIass Glib Glass Water Pitch 148 j AQ
Sugar and Creams CreamsU8ualS2 Crenimsusual usual SO QQ 98 fl Q V VV Vera V ersi e era Usually sJl ly sold old at r25 L25 rO
l ly sold old at 3iF i5 Cut Glass Napples appies usu 1 69
Water Bottles low ally sold at 250 250
shape C usually sold at S 29 f I Q 8 Q Q 5 Salad g gI 1 Bowls SincX nan SO 29 Q 8 C
375 i Ai L y O ally a sold I at 437a A7O V
Superior Sllp rior Engraved EngravedGlasswar Glassware
Imported Impo rted Cut Glass is Inferiotto infe qrto the Ame American caIi 1m imported ported en ¬
graved gravedglass glass gl Is superior The fist list below is of oftheimported the imported and the
prices p ces quoted q quotedare oted are very ver y low V
Table Tumblers first S 1 I O 3 5 C Champagne Tumblers en I 51 sl 5 48 AQ
quality extra thin dozen 17 I w 3 7 graved to tomatcltper match per doCen d en enu u J tp
V Decanters DecantersarlStica1Ive1 artistically en
to t tl l m Table TableGobletsengraed match Jf g Goblets oblets per Sd i dozen engraved u 2 275 9 x TC 75 P S SIZQ graved IZQ v with handle quart 3 59 59C CHC V
Wine Glasses engraved C1 f W Avine tn e tsie e anter < niexv SI s X > u 95C tu
to match per dozen dozenu u 1 65 65Y Y c g and o olass lass traJ
Punch Cups < handsomely engraved I
Whiskey Glasses Glasses engraved S 115 J C and anda a good bargain ba l per 51 S 198 OS O
to match per dozen A lJ 7 dOZen dozen u uuu I >
T3Iown l lVll and a d Pressed pres edGlass Glass i I I
These little priced editions re are the best of their theirkindno kind kindno no sec ¬
onds nds > are inclu included include ded Some are ar not bad imitations of cut glass pat ¬
terns temstetter better than youll y ull expect at it the t Jd price pnce J
> c J
V V Table t bi c TuinblersVes Turi1 le itet a tnnii ffim3G tnniiUi tr Ui 3G
Table n b Tumblers n nus i usually us usnn nn Y 3c Z 2 2C C r
I hYGl ss first c lU2Jity u 21 2 1
w = = = 2
Fruit F rt1l Saucers S1u e IS IScut cut e pattemSi tterns
r Wine V in e Glasses GI extra Fta thin thin h 8c J
> > WlrieiGlasses HJne > G = esUSU usually LU TI SCi x xu u 3
8 89C J 9 9C 1
V Punch Pu Pun Ptnhig n h Bowls 3w1s on o or n nStmld stand standi Stmldu u i
Punch P Uile h Set S et 108 I IG l G o 0 08 8 Punclr U Uh Ucl uhcKGianeS h cl i i1aS Glasses 1aS 6 for foru u 19 19c i
I V Water W1terPitchers Pitchers gallon 15
Think of it lULarge I Large bowl I IThink
rge S Sd
s l9
tLa La Large Salad jad d or r Fruit it Bowls oW
stand and six SlX glasses gIassesas as in In the Cake Dike Stands Stfu1 tanas s sn n 25C 2 5
picture picturefor for only only108 Si OS CeIer Celery Trays cut ut patterns 19C 19
Expensive Kind Reduced I
Why not have the Best Linens With VIth care they will last you
I for years earS Treat yourself to a New Year present presentone one that will be
an ever recurrin recurring g source of orgr gratification tifitatiorl Too expensive exp expnsivaplenty = nsiv plenty
I cheaper che per are here here but certainly not as good bar bargains gains
r IIOO 1500 00 Extra Heavy Hel Satin Damask DamnskSOO kSOO SCO Hemstitched Hernstite Jed Sets S 6 C 3 < 5 Q 9 e
I I Hemstitched H em tite ed Sets S ets cloth loth Stl S t1 11 ff 00 A cloth and 1 dozen napkins u Vw
I and 1 Idoztn dozen napkins napkinsu u ilvrv L J
51iCO OO Fine < Satin aUn Damask Hem ¬ S3C3 ro Satin Damask
stitched s thed Sets Set cloth 5Q 5 9 ft 8 O Q 9 a Fringed Sets cloth andO and S 3 79 7
and 1 dozen ozen napkins 7 u 7 1 dozen napkins napkInsuuu uuu + M
I Damask 51000 Fine Pattern Double Cloths Satin S tin SR Q CVUVJ CJ Aft 00 ask 300 300 Pattern Double Cloths Clothsu Satin u DamO Dam S 2 2J 17 J 7 A 9
49W 9Q3 ro Hemstitched Sets cloth c10thand and
1 kins dozen doiennap nap 6 9 8 89 07 9 < i ask 5400 00 Pattern Double Cloths Satin tin Dam S319 Q 3 Ji5 f Q 9 j
I 1
i I f 4 Rcductd to 1 198 0 98
ii Some worth orth 353 350 3
It G 1 Odds and ends from sets setsbut but best b t of quad ¬
I ruple ru PlePlatedSilve plated silverware silverwarea rarea a chance to pick up
j J l VtfV I A p f good bargains Look for f r them in foomadjoin room adjoin ¬ I
I 1 t in in g gelevator elevator on fitst floor rear of store
Six Rogers 1SS1 Dinner Sf 5123 O Coffee Scts Sets SetsCream Jream < Cream ladle S 5t 2 t j 7 Q 9
Knives usually usuaIl SLJS Sl48uu 14S uu 1 sugar sUg1rand and 1 12 ± spoons poonsuu uu i e s
Six Dinner i Forks usually Q ft C CC
5L23 Sl l r u = 9 95C 7 J 5C forks Pie Sets SetsServer Se Sen Seer n 2 er and S 1 69
Six Dessert Forks For ks usually usuall 88 QQ Q QC uuuu >
125 uuouu OO V J Butter Knife or Sugar 16C I C
I ally aIly1 Six A A 123 p D Coffee Spoons usu 7 7 QC 9 7 Shell usually scuu Sc uu
Six Dessert Spoons usually USU1 l Q 8 Q 8 8C C C Fish Fi h Forks For k kelaborate elaborate 1 j 3 7
125 125 OO pieces usually H2S l5S i
15h hC Pa Pala lais ls Roya tioya l V
A L Lr Llsixer r lsixer G and Eleventh Eleven Th