OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, February 07, 1905, Evening, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1905-02-07/ed-1/seq-2/

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C > > < F C >
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Demand f for or Yestibuled Cars Ca1 1 1s s
Grows Stronger Stro iger ger
Heads of Board of Trade Tr d and Business I
Mens Association Promise i
From the heads of the Washington I
Board of Trade and the Business Mens
Association The Times is receiving
strong and an d encouraging 1 support in its
efforts to procure protection during the th
bitter weather now prevailing prev iUng for street i
car motormen who are now forced to
face the cruel and biting winter winter1yin winds s
the sleet and the snow unguarded by y
anything save the extension of the cur j I
roofs over their heads
Slany 1any letters come in with w ith every mail
commending The Times for or its vigorous ylgoro 1s j
handling han dling of this question and exprtss
ing the hope that th t Congress CorigressWill will at this
session pass a Jaw compelling the street
railway companies com p nies lop to provlde rodd vestibules yestilm > s
on all cars operated by Ahem
Mr Oysters Advocacy
James JanH S F Oyster president of the
Business Mens Association Assocint on will at the
meeting of the theexec executive tlv committee c in < nfttee of
that organization which takes place
this afternoon advocate action on the
part of the association associa tion in in favor of hav I
ing the street railway companies place
y vestibules on all cars car operated by bytn them e m I Iy
Personally I am strongly in favor of
Having the vestibules v tibules 9n on our street rail ¬
way cars said Mr Oyster to a 3 re ¬
porter port r for The Times today While I
cannot speak for the Busine Business s Mens
Association nor predict what it will do
in regard to this matter I myself am
heartily In sympathy with The Times
on this question
Asked Askedb by the thereporter reporter if he could couldnot not
at this afternoons meeting > qf the
executive committee bring upjth uptlisub upthe sub ¬
ject of vestibuled cars Mr Oyster O sirre re ¬
I can and ax rtvill r wIll Ther rh Thma matter ter shall
have hay my Hearty tlear tysupport support T
I noticed nOtiCedO on n one On e of the thepennSYl Pennsylvania vatJia I II
avenue cars yesterday a vestibule le and
the sight of it gave gave me great pleasure
I Ihppe hope it will be followed by the plac ¬
ing ing of vestibules v stlbules on all the cars on n
the Capital l Traction T actlonand and andother c other Q er lInes lines
At its meeting m e ting this th thlaItI4 a itennoqn t pRQ tQil 7 the lie
exettutive xe xiutlveo u tlve Sbrhmlttee ommi uiilttCe ttee vr wiIFcall ili ilicalliai call iW aiss meet ¬
ing of the board bo nl The date of this
meeting Will Will riot be bedeterrnlned determined d termt1i d until
this afternoon but I l hope opewh r when in n it is
held some so me action will btf b taken in sup ¬
port of Tire Times and anditseampaign its campaign
for vestibuled cars
Heartily Hea rfi1y in Sympathy
William V Cox president presilentof of the Board oard
of Trade today toqa expressed expre sed himself a as s
heartily in sympathy with the cam caxp ari ¬
paign inaugurated by The Washington W shington
Times in favor of vestibuled cars carson on
the street railways of o r the District
In every ver V Vcity city with > a climate cllma te tep tesu p such su q
as we w have here InVashington in Washington there
should be vestibuled cars rs for tJye t t1e I1 proper proph
protection of motormen Dl9tormenandfc and f conduc nduc ¬
tors said saidlIr Mr Cox and 1d I believe bcH ve there
are few if any cities of 6 like size in
which vestibuled cars have have not been In ¬
sta stalle lle d While Whilel I am not a a a railroad man
and therefore ther 9re cannot speak by thfe th
card I believe beU e that the subject is rc ¬
ceiving c ivlng the proper attention of o the
executive officers o of our street railways
I am umnot not advised adyisedwhetheroth whether or hot t the
matter will be brought before the theBo Board Doar ar
of Trade nor norean can I lsa Isay say what the board boar
us ufabod a body would orcouleUdo orcoU1d do with it rfjt Jt
might be bereferred referred tb titcrnnmittee a u committee ctlmmitteepl pi
disposed of In hisom sdma SOtn dtherrwasc other way There Th re
is no doubt in my mind however that
no member of our body will dissent di5 ent from
the proposition that vestibuled cars
ought to be provided
It is my m belief that the trailer is
doomed and the day not far distant
when with thelns the installation 1llation of new and
Improved rolling stock s ock we shall have
single vestibuled cars and these run ¬
ning on closer and faster schedules than
can how now be b made possible pO sible with a a a train
There is too much antiquated rolling
stock sto k on on our Washington T street rail n ¬
ways but I have ha no no doubt but that
this condition of things will be speedily speed II
Mr Barlows Petition
One hundred and twentyseven twentseve n nnatn names natn s
have been signed to a a petition drawn rawn
up by William Barlow Barlo w wof of 500 Seventh
street southwest and indorsing rlliorsing the ef ¬
forts of The Times in be beh behilf half if of the mo ¬
tormen of the District
fe fel I started that petition yesterday af ¬
ternoon temoonsald said Mr Barlow when seen
by a a representative of The Times Times this
morning and already alread I have 127 names
By this t Is time U etO11QfrOw tomorrow I lexpect expect to tohae t have
500 Mr Barlow says that he has the
name of nearly nearl every storekeeper on
southwest Seventh street on his list and
that he expects to get g tevery eyer every map and
woman In n his neighbor neighborhood hood to attach
their names to his hispetition petition
It is a great thing said he There
Is no one who is forced to endure the
same exposure as do the motormen of
our street cars Tha t they should houldnot not
be furnished with vestibules as a par ¬
tial protection aga inst hHtthe the e lements Is is s
a crime and I do not see how Congress
can refuse to pass a law forcing the
provision provi 1on of such protection I have sent
the petition to the various vl Ious store keep ¬
ers on southwest southw st Seventh street and
all have signed immediately Ot Others 1ers
have come into my shop and sigred slgn In
every eye case when they the learned the pur ¬
pose of o the petition they the expressed
themselves as heartily In favor of the
NEWPORT Feb 7 7T 7The The 1C will of or Dr
E E L L < Cunningham Cunn ngham the last survivor of
the memorable class of Harvard Col ¬
lege legeo of 1829 S29 has been presented for pro probate ¬
Contrary to genera general l prediction pre ic tIon there
are ar no public bequests The trust fund
provides for his niece Miss Emily E
Hurd a cripple to whom he was de ¬
votedly v attached during 1 her life and on
her death some personal bequests aid ai
made and the residue is divided into
three equal parts partsantl and left to relatives relat e
nakespeare fourteen tourteen years ear i iold old was
fatally stabbed by his brother Thomas Thomn t
three threecars years older while at breakfast in
their home
They quarreled at the table and
Thomas seizing S i lng a breadknlfe brea lcnlfcftnbbe Stabbed
his younger brother several s ycrel craltlmcs times He
was arrested arreste
5O O CtTZu CUBE B A COIi COLDm D ZI ± i OIT3 0 = 2 DA DJ > A
T Tak ke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablgts Tabl ts AH 11
dniETrista drp StH TitvnS r fn fnttho tho money lJjoneytt if it Itt fails l1s to cure
E W Grovea signature lgnat re Is on each tbhboz box 25 2 >
It t
S f ifc
4 I
cri S
S S S S 5
iT I
> I
s 4 4c c S
EquestrlanFigure Equestrian Figure of Little Mac Will Stand on Triangle at Connecticut
Avenue and N Street
Design D sign Submitted by Sculptor Accepted AcceptedEquestrian Equestrian Fig ¬
ure to Stan d at Connecticut Avenue AYfi1 1 eand and N NStie Street t
At a meeting of f the McClellan statue
commission Commissionheld held yesterday afternoon at
Senator Wetmores Vetmoresresidence T etrnores residence it was de
clded ide d to accept acc pt the design submitted
by Sculptor Frederick k JHac 1 3lacMonnies lac Mbnriies of
Paris France
The design is an equestrian figure It
has been approved by Mrs ifcClellan
widow of General McClellan and by b
General Warren the lifelong friend of
Little Mac
Oppos ite Britis h Legation Lcga tfon
The McClellan statue is to be placed ptace d
on the reservation at the intersection interse Uon
of Connecticut avenue a and N street di ¬
rectly in front of the Churc Church h of the tn
Covenant Coye ant and the British embassy emba 5
This is the triangle trian le which according
to one scheme schemeo of the Park Commis ¬
sioners it was Wl intended should s olAld be b orna tna ¬
mented mentedwith with a fountain The residents
in the neighborhood have yexpres5ed y expressed
themselves in favor of the statue
The statue is to be of bronze ronzt and the
Continued ContInuedFrom From First Page
the Russian fleet were submitted and
l lapproye approved approye d
Admiral Togo has left Tokyo to rejoin
I IU1e the fleet A ±
Army headquarters confirms the re ¬
I Iports ports that the Russians have withdrawn
i from northwest nort west Korea to the northward
after burning their provisions and other
I stores storesand and destroying the telegraph
The withdrawal is evidence evl ence that as a I
result of the fall of Port Portr Arthur r rthur the
Russians fear an attack on Harbin I IRussians
In the direction of the Sha River the
Russians R uSSiansconun continue ue to make attacks in
small force and keep up their bombard ¬
ment of the Japanese center and right I
Their attacks upon the Japanese left
west t of the Hun H are a more determined
i3 alt lt cH 3
But all a have c been e n repulsed p j l
The Japanese casualties at the battle I
of Heikoutai included thirtytwo officers I
killed and 130 wounded woun e among them I
General Tanabe who was in command
of a brigade and two colonels I IoC
A dispatch received from Yingkow
Sunday states that 15000 Russians flussIan are
in rieutral territory territor south of Sinmin
Baltic Balt Baitfc f fc c Fleet Fired Upon
King of Greece Gre ce on Yacht
PARIS Feb 7 7It It is stated by b officials
connected with w th the Xorth Sea commis ¬
sion that the yacht ac ht of the King of j
Greece on which his majesty was pro
ceeding to France from Denmark at the
time of the Dogger Bank incident was
fired on by b vessels belonging to Admir ¬ I
al Rogestvenskys fleet
The King re lated lut d the story or in Par is
less aga inst than in palliation p lHatlon of the ac ¬
tion of the Russians saying
If my yacht could be mistaken for a
torpedo boat trawlers could be more
easily easil mistaken for vessels of that
Seven Strikers in Warsaw I I
Shot to Death By Troops I
WARSAW Feb 7 7Nonc None of the ther mills Hls
here has been able to resume work A
few of them tried to start but buttlie the mal ¬
contents prevented those who were will
Ins to work from returning
A boilermaking shop was opened with I
a sufficient suffi lelt number of men whp do not not
support the strike s but the strikers str ilters ter ¬
rorized them to such an extent that the
owners of the place called for troopr to
protect their workmen When hen the sol ¬
mrs arrived at the place they tired flre on
the strikers killing l lIling seven of them and
wounding several others
Striking miners at Sosnowice have
tried to blow up several bridges with
dynamite d numite They succeeded in wrecking
one Their object seems to be to pre ¬ I
vent put Silesian coal from reaching War Var j
German G rmun troops are now guarding the
frontier bridges Germany is increasing incrtasln
the number of her troops on the fron ¬
tier ti
It is recalled that at the beginning i I
of the war with Japan it was reported J
that mt Emperor William gave a pledge
not fo threaten threu m Poland if the Russian Ru slan
troops were withdrawn and anflto to assist If I
necessary ists agninst Polish IJ oUtI revolution ¬ I
LONDON Fob Fe 7 7A A dispatch ispat to the he i
Express from St Petersburg says that
C00 ccx wives of strikers at Rostov stormed
Novikoffs N T factory where the workm worlmn < m n
had ba refused to strike drove them out
and smashed the machinery m chlncry
figure will be fourteen feet high There
will be bea a handsome l1andsoI1e granite pedestal
decorated decllra ted with escutcheons esetitcheonruid jmd eagles
The figure of General v TcGlellan Is
shown mounted on a ihor1Jl ihor1Jlc ihor1Jlina horaein c ina a char ¬
acteristic ncteris t1cattitude attitude as U though pugh directing
the movements of his troops tro I
50000 Appropriated Appropr < ited
Money for the statue of o1 McClellan has
been appropriated approprlatedby by Conress to the
amount 3omou ntof of of 5 e lOOOO O000
At a IL laceting rlcetingof of the tlleYo Von hSteuben Stephen
statue conimission commis sion of o rwh which cht1icSe thcSec tlicSecre Cte e
tary tar of War Is iSC chairman hhirma n na and a I Senator Sen itor
I Wetmore Vetmcr a Ii member was also held yes
I Iterday terday
J The commission decided to tohav have Ger
1 manAmerican m an American sculptors s UWtor submit designs deSlg n nc
1 Ifor for the statue and if one o of sucji ucJ d dq h
i t I signs tract to is one gi acceptable e of a ap this p f class to f fa fss a ss ssw ssg ssd award w of g d artists n the l con
I I The site for the etatue will be on the
1 northwest corner oF o Lafayette Park
Eight Men in Caucus to De ¬
sert Early
DOVER Del Feb Feb7Another 7Another Another dead ¬
lock of the Delaware Legislature will
result today when both houses begin
balloting for a United States Senator
The certainty of a holdup by J Ed ¬
ward OSullivan Adfiicks who has ha fiS no
chance of election was so apparent apur nt
that the presence of the gasman here
does oeF not help to arouse Interest in the I he
approaching election
Addicks Ad cks obtained the indorsement indori numt of
th thl < twentytwo Union Republicans R puhUcans in
caucus last night after eight of o1 thIs lhi
number received recelvedassurancs assurances that the
caucus C lCUS would riot J not be e binding blndln
These eight had refused to aid in the
election of Addicks but eeiiiij he could
not muster the required tw twmtyseVtn ntysevtn
votes ot3 necessary necessar to elect consonted c ns11 t tl to
vol role olp for the gasman for a short time
By maintaining maintalnin the the full Union strength
intact the members opposed to Addlcks A dI ks
will be in a position to demand of the
others that the gasman be dropped
when It is apparent to all that he can ¬
not ho elected
It I t is the same old race over again
with the th < saint old ol contentions contcl ionl > an d de deach each e ch
no stronger than he has been for the
many years ears that the triangular contest
for a seat in the United States Senate
has been cn
h hI I am going to stay in I this fight until
1 die Addicks A dlcks said to a member of
the hc Senate The gasman declines to b he
interviewed and was safeguarded
against any any outbursts by hyUnited United States
Senator J Frank Alice his lieutenant
and an political adviser a vlser
William it II Stewart Freetlmans Fre edmans lbs lIo 52
Josephine C Armstrong 1629 Conn ave C8 8
Bessie Gibbs Emergency Hps HosG 2f C
Inf of William and Kitty Green 1G27 12th st
nw i hour
Catherine Morgan onan 1425 P Pst I st nw 93
Washington Carter 222 3d st sw GO
James Jllm R A Freer the Willows Tenleytown T nletown
D C 46
John Lewis 108 17th st sL ne 3 days 11a S
Susanna E Detrlch 917 0 st mv n 66
Louis D Wine Garfield Hos 67
John Scott ell 2d d st siv C3
Annetta J nnetta B Johnson 130 ii L 1 1 st nw 3 mos 20
Ocor Geore e H Kendrick 1508 1i ho OS 1st l t st sw V 1
HoWard II Hemming 420 N st nw 14 J mos
Edward Pace Washington Asy lbs 41 4L 11
Paul Hudson Childrens Hos 10
Anna Mary Mar Herrman 715 D 1 st ne 81
Ruth Johnson 910 South SouthCamllna Carolina ave 15 1
Pneumonia and Grip Pollow the t h Snow
Pneumonia and Grip Call for tlie th full till na nl in <
f ind id look for the signature of K i W Y Grpycj
Herrmanns Hcrrm anns Surpassing 5urpaSSIMCO Coffee flee
I A Splendid Lunc h
Quic kly Served Is
the Feature < o f Ja K
Herr1fn11ns Her er r m rneuiii ito s
Quick Lunch L un Ch I Ro9rt1 oorn
S 905 F E St r
i f2t 7 2J t
Didnt Know r He Was Ex
Cop at Time
Enticed Young Youn g gl Men l n to Hotel on o onSuif n Sua Sun
day and Got Beer Bottle Bo ttle as
Ev idence
Pipgnlsed DIlguIedln In an attire embellished 6y 6yv by v
the he latest of feminine fripperies Ex
Crossing CrosslngPoUceman Policeman William VilllamMurphy Murphy en ¬
ticed WedtwC two young yo ungman men into the Montrose lontros
Hotel HotelSun Sunday ay night and after having
them buy b y booze pinched the hous IH US > for r
an alleged violation vlolatlonof of the liquor l1quorlnw law
This morning morningftvlfis It was announced by the
powers that be b In the thepoUce police force that j
Murphy has returned to the less exciting
life of ofn a civilian because of ofsundr sundry mis j
deeds S i
Papers dismissing dsmlssin him from the force fQl C
vere v era received at t the First precinct to
which he was attached rittlCI1E yesterday Y 5ter a and a d I IWhICh
even while whil he was telling of his explo ex explOit l it
he was a S dropped d ro P Ped from f rom the rolls rOlls1 In n fiict l
he was In the Police Court asking for a 1 1he
warrant for the arrest of the proprietor
of the thehotel hotel when wheninformed Informed that lie llehad had
ceased to be an arm of the law It is
I j said thatat that at the tll e First Firs t precinct that I
I Murphys escapade cscap d had nothing to db a
I with his h S dismissal 1 t sm1 S1 al the cause ca UC of Oft the he Tat Trit ¬
ter dating from fr long ong before bet re Christmas 1
S His Analytical Deduction Dcdu tion
That he is no longer a member o f fthe the
force orcedoes does natspoU not spoil the thelelllng telling of ofthe the
dory as to ho howMurph how W Murphy tried to emu emu ¬
late Sherlock Holmes Hdlm s and a few other tl1er
great detc detectives Uve tore tore the tender feelings
of unsophisticated males malesint05mal1bits Into small bits I
and captured caritureda a bottle 1J > tUe of beer for eyi vi
For some time tln i Murphy has been sure
that liquor could be bought in several
places ndjncentto adjacent to New York avenue
and Fourteenth F nirt enth streets and H and
Fourteenth Po rtccnth This being the case he sus
pected l > cted with the thennalytlcal analytical deduction o f
a great detective that some of it might
be sold after legal le al hours and on Sun
day a So S he hernarked marked the Montrose Hotel
and then the n did i id things that changed h18 his
face and shape He shaved off his mus mu ¬ 1
tache and sought the laces lacesFrcnch French
heels furbelows and other things wont ¬ I Iheels
en wear tar
So it was that last Sunday n ight I ISo
about 7 70cl oclock ck what seemed to be a
dashing da hing and stylishly attired woman wqmanl
strolled easily Into Fourteenth street i
Gazed GazelWith With Admiration Admira tion
b iThe The Theother other coppers who spend their the lt
duty duttim time on the corner gazed gaze on ortth the j
woman withadrrtiration with admiration in the fr fre eyes s
never suspecting that Murphy was wmfun tin
derneath it all all In the middle of ifthe < the
block the young oung lady tapped one of
two young men on the shoulqer shoulder The he
young men responded rcspondedand and refresh ¬
ments were weresuggested suggested The ThEitrafl Th trail then
led tQ to the mar marked ked hotel There was
beer and other things Satlsfyinghim Sa
selfthe se tftb lftlJq young oung lady stood up pulled
off oi his wig showed his badge and an ¬
nounced nounc9dhls his real ret1characterand character charaCterand and errand
This rh bis s Is IsEyidenc Evidence EvidenceHe e He He STaid S ld
j i S S > t 1lhhsfaiiwidnceThsa1d hlsisftjvidence I < n r lie l said Ii ieiz feiz infe f a
I Ij
bottle b df feeer beer s svhIcll whic vhIcll h jie 11 he hid in t tle
bosom of his hiItdiess dress S
Very Veryn nattirally tr n the bung unz men n i n the
party part ha vingrgrown vmg glQwn to t fc fQur fursiresur jtir were y yere ere 1 sur ¬
prised d at t the th turn turn things had hill i ita taken ta ke n
One Q e dived diYid under tanderthe the tabje tab tabe > others made
fon < n E the doors ilcorsand > and windows wij1tlo ys g so so o it Is said s ld
but b t Murphy detained d detained tl1n d them thmas thmaswitnesses th arn as witnesses
Conrad Grieb the proprietor proprietor was dumb ¬
Murphy telephoned t le1 > i1oned to the First pre ¬
cinct for a squad of men to come and
raid the tlu hotel They did not do so
Murphy then the decided to get g t a warrant
and was in court when he was wtsnotlfi notified d
that hp h ha d become Murphy lIufphlhc the excop
The warrant was not issued and just
what the outcome of the brilliant feat fe t
of Murphy no one yet knows
In the meantime Murphy says sa s he will
take t1k the matter to the AntiSaloon
League of the District before he al ¬
lows his hardearned evidence go to
The twentyfourth twent fourth anniversary anniversar of the
founding of the Christian Endeavor En eavor so ¬
ciety was celebrated last lastnig night t in the
I Luther Place Memorial Church
Dr Teunls S Hamlin delivered an ad ¬
dress on the subject What the Church
Owes to the Christian Endeavor
Owen P Kelly president of the un ¬
ion presided at the meeting and he was
assisted by Dr F D Power of the
Vermont Avenue A venue Christian Church and
Dr J G Butler of the Luther Place
Memorial Church The singing was a
feature of the exercises and was led l d
by Percy S Foster
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protruding Pllts
Your druggist will refund money It PAZO
OINTMENT OINT IENT falls to cure you ou in 6 to 14 days
to cents
GILL CILLOn On Monday ronda February Fcbrun C 1503 at
115 1 p m or pneumonia WILLIAM II be ¬
loved husband of Mary Mnnson Gill
Funeral on Thursday February 9 1003 at
SMS 84 a m from his late residence 1412 E
street northwest thence to St Matthews
Churc h Interment at Arlington Cemetery
CRE2AMER CREAIEROn On Monday February f r 1903 100
aged thirtytilx years ears beloved husband of
Elizabeth ElIzabethC C Creamer nee Nichols
Funeral from his late residence 59 Ran ¬
dolph street northwest n rthwcst Thursday February Februa
9 1905 at Z t p 1 m Interment in Glenwood
Cemetery Relatives and fr frlen friends iends s invited 1 It
BOOKER BOOKEROn On Monday February 6 1905 at
his late residence 631 Eighth street nOrth n rth
Richmond Va aged ninetyone nlnt one years it
CLARKE CLARKEOn On Monday > February C 1905 at
1130 11 30 p I m SARAH ROBERTINA daughter >
of the lute Mary E and Major Robert D
Clarke U S A at her residence 1601 Six ¬
teenth street northwest It
190 3905 at the Olympia at C G45 P m LUCY
Webster Yeb ter Feesendcn of Portland Me Ie It
BROWN n HOWNSuddcrd Suddenly on Monday Monda February Fel > r ruary uary
seventysixth year sister of Mrs lIr M D
Lincoln It
TOXER TO TQNERln ERIn In sad but loving remembrance of
our dear d 1r mother ROSE TOXER who de ¬
I parted r this life seven years enr S ago ao tomorrow
Febrbary S 1SSS 1 1 9S Requiem hi high Si mass will be
sair for the repose of her soul at St St Peters Petf s
I Church tomorrow morning at 8 oclock
Gone but not forgotten It
By B Her Devoted Children
Of every description lescripticnmoderately moderately priced
1214 F Street Northwest Phone M 1 909
332 Penn Avo N W V Washington aslungton D C
Identified as asOriginals Originals
e Of Ol e Snapshot Portraits
Eig EigHt if Have Established Claims to FiveDollar
S Bills BillsNone None of Them Knew When
N the th theButton Button Bu on Was Touched
C C ClI M i MORRIS 1240 Eleventh EIe enth street northwest northwest
MRS M iS J C STEIN STEINjr jr 925 Fourth street northwest
MISS LILLIAN GLASCOX 2220 Thirteenth Thfrteenthstreet street northwest I rtln vese
S J Ji C JENKINS 3123 3123 W WarOjenth arOjenth o rti enth street northwest
J MRS JIRS HARRY KENGLA KENG iA116 U6Q 16O 0 0street street northwest
I WJtLLIAM dLLIAM dLLIAME T jLLJfiM E MATTINGLarlQ22 MATTI MATTINGtY G LF1022 1022 N North rt h Capitol street northwest north iest est
W B B HARRISON 1412 Chapin street
How did < you manage to get g t my pic ¬ I
ture I didnt dId t see you ou taking it I
With Witf1sHght slight variations s that is the re ¬
mark m ar k of O f every C Cry successful claimant who 110
has appeared before the examining I Ihas
bdard b ar ard d dpr prea pr preded JtlCd ded over by the Snapshot I
Eaitdr It is the th secret of the complete
sllccess s cc Efis that has attended ttend d the th Portrait
Offer Otr ri I
Mrs rl k l larry lIar arry r KenglLide Kengla Identified ntHled her like
ness iirdmp Ijr mpHynotwithstandIng mptly ily notwithstanding the fact fac t I
thntth that th the thee < e rillpshotmad snapshot made of her is the th <
onypllotos onlypliotoaph aph In exlMen existne e
Sh S tdld t tOld l ihc the editor ditorthlt that her husband
Hasjfreciuen liaR liaMfre1uOray rcJuen ily requested requestedh her rto to have hav e ea a a
picture j iiiaihe a ale le ttUen U n but she has ha S always r re
fusjQ fu ful n Wbfen r rkhn khn he recognized the likeness likenes
In The TheT1t Times ns he hcclec declared arcd he hewould would have
that frama in lieu of an original pho j
tpgraph togr ph
Most Str Striking iking Portrait
Miss Lillian Glascox was recognized recogniz d
as theoriginal the orlginalo original of the Girl with the th
Muff before be fore she had time to file her
claim c laim The likeness was casUythc easily the
most rrt st striking of all the ten photographs
and the tbe reproduction In The Th Times was w s
a good portrait
Miss Glascox Glas ox recognized herself hers elf the
mlpUte her glance fell upon u on the portrait
4 l jage > age last Supday Moreover Mor Ver she recog ¬
nized another pictureas picture as that of a friend
and Informed inf infOr med him that 5 was wasawaitins awaiting
his hisupplic application tion
J C Ct t Jenkins called on the editor
because b c us 0 several sev al friends frien d > persisted in an the t he
opinion that he had been caught He
examined exaniln d the alleged likeness in The
TlmeSj Times and differed lir ered from his friends
Finally FiI1tI UYh ily he yielded ie Id ed to their persuasion
and andpr presented < sented himself for examination
Very Ver r rery ery In much lICh to hi his s surprise Surpr ise he passed paSS d
with flying colors He explained that
he had not scrutinized scrutinizedaphotograh a photograph of
himself hU sclf In Lo these many years
Thomas P Randolph thought It was
almost a shame to accept such easy
money He hardly had the heart to do
At the time he was caught by the man
be h hOhind hind hlJl the camera he h was engaged
in ah a an n earnest ea rnestco conversation with a friend
near the th Riggs House The attitude
Delegation Del gaJion in Favor
I MorrellEill Morrell Bill
A A delegation delega tlon of or Washington negroes
appeared app n reEl before the House Committee
on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
l lon
this thismors > morning ilng in advocacy of the Morrell
I bin prohibiting discrimination between
passengers pasIen sers iipon troins engaged en615 d in in ¬
terstate commerce cori1merce on account 3ccountof of race
or color loral1d and providing providingpenalties penalties for
violations of the law
S Officers and employes emplo es of railroads railroa s who
make such distinctions or aid in their
perpetration perp trliUon are to be pun pun ishable upon
i conviction by a fine of not more than
5000 5000and 5000 and by b imprisonment for not more
than two years car either or both in the
discretion lIscr < tlon of the he court
Kelley Miller was the spokesman of
the delegation a legutlon and he voiced the protest
of the people he represented with much
conservatism cons rvntl5m and a very ver considerable
eloquence eloqli nce
The first person to be arrested for 01
I violation of thi this law by the Virgin ia
authorities was a daughter of Gn
I Robert E Lee a man whom all the <
people of this country regard and whom
the people pe ople of the thirteen States that
have passed discriminating dls rlmlnaUng laws hold
iri n especial reverence The next person
was a n t French scholar who after visit ¬
ing the President desired to pay a visit
to the tomb of the Father of His Coun ¬
try t r
Both of these were white persons
both were unintentional offenders I
say this to s now that these laws and
these conditions the brunt of which
fulls today upon the colored people are
equally inconvenient inconv nlent to both races
The committee took the matter un ¬
der advisement adis menL
Sewing Machines Machines1or for Rent
The Singer is known to be the lightest
runnlhgr and most convenient of any It
can be b rented by the week or month at
Very low l w rates upon application at any
Singer Slng r stor Look for the red S 1716 l 1G
14th st nw 61C 9th st st nw 220 Pennsyl Penns l ¬
van an ia ave a ve so e Washington D C
Vonderwhat Von er what Merti Mert lert l lwill will say sa today
Store closes loscs 6 pm 8 pm Saturdays
Si r
p Oi o oo o
I 1
9 95O 50 pays for or
a swell Suit tailored to meas ¬
tire in the Mertzway of fine
black and snappy fancy suit ¬
ings worth up to 20 Fit
l guaranteed
Pull Dress DresJ Suits for InaugUral
Ball n l1 to order 1750 up
Mertz and Mertz Co
906 F Street
was > as unrn istakably his favorite and he
would have recognized the photograph
in a thousand
William E E Mattlngly did not read The
Times on Sunday in fact he heard
nothing of the Portrait Offer until ntiLyes yes ¬
terday tErda But when the knowledge of f It
came me to his attention it came ca c from all
S He H had hadocc occasion sfon to go about a bout Wash ¬
ington all day and everywhere he went
he was met by b the question
Have you gone after your Y lr 5
At first he paid pal no noattenUon attention to the
declarations of his friends that his like
flogs nes had been published Pll Ilsh d but buLbs hssoniany as so many
pers persIsted isted in the tb opinion he had hid been
caught by The Times he called this
morning and passed an easy asy examina ¬
W S B Harrison of 1412 Chapin street
called this afternoon and identified Ills
plcturer pictllrere plcturerecelving receiving elvlnZ in return for his
trouble a crisp new 5 bill
Worn Out
I Run Runbown Down
1 II 1 1w I will w willg ill illg g la ladly dly give you a fu ll
do llars worth wortho o f fmy my
reme dy to test
Nothing to deposit dsposit1iothing Nothing 1 to prom ¬
ise The dollar bottle is free Your
Druggist Drugglston on my order will will hand handyou you a
full dollars dollarsworth worth and send me the bill
I Vhj 1 do work wor k kand and worry and andexcess excess excess an d
strain and overindulgence over Indulgence break down con ¬
stitutions and make men and an women worn
out and run down and restless and andsleepJlgs sleepless sleepl s
and discouraged and morose moroser Because they
weaken the tiny tender nerves onvhlch on whlch life
Itself Itseltdepends depends
Not the nerves derves enes you ou ordinarily think about
not the nerves that govern goernyour your movements
and your 9ur thoughts
I But the automatic nerves n rves that ungUided
and unknown night and day y keep your
i heartjn heart Jn motion motioncontrol control control the digestive dlges e appar ¬
atus atusrcgulate regulate r < gu laJe your JoU r11erOve liver lIveroperate operate ra te your 3ou rkld kid ¬
l neys These are the nerves that thatw worry orry wears out
and andwrirk work breaks down
It does no o good to treat the thealJlng ailing organ
the irregular heart heartthe the disordered liver iverth the
r I rebellious stomach stomachthederanged stomachthe the deranged kidneys i
They Th eY are r e not to tob r blame lameButgO But go < ftiack i1i ck to
J the theneITcs nerves that thatrontrol control them There yoiJ yo
will find the seat of the trouble
It does no good to take stimulants stlinulantsand and nar ¬
I cotics for theirs at best best Is but bUla a atempor tempor ¬
ary effect which merely postpones the th final
Id day d of reckoning r rk k
I Ia a rf f ri f
There e Is nothing g new about this thl thisnothing nothing
any physician would < ould dispute But it re
I malned for Dr Shoop to apply this knowl ¬
edge edgeoto to put it to topmctlcal practical use Dr Shoops
Restorat Restorative Ie Is the result rCSUltOf of a quarter cen ¬
tury turyof of endeavor along this very line It
I does not dose the organ or deaden the pain
but It does go at once to the nerve nervethe the In ¬
side nerve nef1ethe the power nerve neneand and builds It up
1 land and strengthens It it and makes It well That
Is the h end en of all vital t troubles o S That is l the
i l J Jh ti Sr
I Iend end of f sleepless I n nights ights i and r restless e days a
That Tha t Is the thcend end of nervousness nerou ness the theen end dO of
brain fag and nndtaUgue fatigue
I If you are worn out outrun run down and have ha
never tried my mremedy remedy merely merel write and
ask I will send eendou you an order on your drug ¬
I I Igist gist which hlch he will accept Mceptas as gladly ladly as he
I wou ld d accept cc e a dollar I He will hand h you
dh IS S dr r hb t1 t1le
1 Ifi from his h shelves 8 8e I a standard d dr r sized i bottle b le leo o of
I Imy my prescription and he will send the bill to
me This Thlsofter offer Is ma made de only to strangers to
my m remedy remed Those who have once used the
I Restorative do not need this thlseldencp evidence There
are no conditions condltlonno no requirements It Is
open and frank and andalrIt fain air It Is the supreme
I test of my limitless belief All that I I 1 ask
you to do Is to write writewrite write today tada
For Fora a free fr order Book Bookl 1 on Dyspepsia
for a full dollar bot Book 2 20nthe on the Heart
tie you yo u mU8taddrcs8 must address Book 3 on the Kidneys
I Dr Shoop Box G 766 Book 4 for Women
Racine WIs State StatcRook Book 5 for Men
which book you ou want Book 6 on Rheumatism
Mild cases C scs are often c cUred red by b a a single bot ¬
tie For sale at forty ort thousand drug stores
Dr tV Shoops
Restorative Rcsto rativc
Headquarters for
Inaugural Supplies
A big stock of cots cotswoen woven
wire cots with pad and pillow
and excellent upholstered cots
to hire during Inauguration at
small prices
Hub Furniture Co COI I
S E I Cor 7th and D Sts
Best heaJng Stove Sto
on earth Marked ltIuk d 14 g gon S
down this week to
Hudsons Variety V ariet Store
46 7th St N W
ja23 ja23tf t
Always Alw ys the Sam 5
Berkeley y ity Rye
812 Z2 F St StN N W Phone Main 1141
Special Spec 11 Private rivate Delivery Delivex
Feed Feeda a cold coldyes yes but
fee d it w v ith Scotts Emu l ¬
sion S lon Fee d din in g gac gacold a ac acold cold oldin in this
wa y kills it You cannot
a ffor d to have h ve a cou gh or
cold coldat at thisseason or an y
other ther Scotts Emu ls ion
vill 1r j ll drive it out qu ic kly l
an d keep it out Weak
din t ungs uis gs are stren gthene d
tn da d dall all a ll wasting diseases
are c hec ke d by Scotts
Emulsion E uIsi n Its a great
flesh producer pr oducer
W weu y > p TIJ J JOn you On a samp sam sample ple le free fre
SCOTT aCCTT1iI > S ifr 1 J > VO > > K Jr 1 rf rff o f r pr3r1mreet tl T strest fr t New York lc
THE PIj PLACE ACE of business of John JohnM M M
Mitchell Undertaker wl1lbe will be conducted
by his son JOHN A A MITCHELL at
723 29 11th st tie 5eoJd old stand fe57t
J JHSIMMS H SIMMS 1841 yth St nw
ENVELOPES PRINTED Complete cmple te 1000
for 193 193 net while whU they last special car
lot just rece ive d hurry hurry HAR ¬
RY PARK S14S16 F Nut Nutced ced Jal930C j 1930t
NEW NE r DOMESTIC sewing machine
either chain chaInot or lock stitch TWO ma ma ¬
chines in one lightest Ugh test running ball
bearing bearin machine simple and durable
Sold on monthly payments Special pecfu
Discount for cash Phone or mail orders
promptly attended to DOMESTIC
F st nw Machines achineg rented rentedJc 50c week
I jal6tf
The Washington Times advertis
mg iIlg representative in Atlantic City
is John C Benson general manager
of the Resort Advertising Adverti ing Co Bart
lett building North Carolina and
Atlantic avenues avenues All advertisements
will be accepted at the same rates as
at the home office of The Washing
I ton Times
r i h hisci isci Ocean End
The Pennhurst i 1 1ve
I I 5 I 2 S 45 I I Michigan Ave ve
Elevator to street level Rooms en suite
with bath Open all year yea r Special winter and
spring rates Booklet WILLIAM WILLL R it HOOD
St Charles place facing < the heOcean Ocean Ca ea ¬
pacity pact 200 Fresh and seawater baths sun
parlor etc Special spring rates Booklet
T THE mup WILTSHIRE TTT VTTP1I r Virginia > T ave v
Ls i WY l and Beach a
Open aIl year r Capacity 350 Long Lon distance stanc6
phones In rooms Delft cafe Orchestra
Special winter and spring rates rat S
BEA D C t A 1 UM 1 Rl d 0 1 NT M T Tennessee J1a s sS S ave nn r beach oeacn
DEHyj IUlV I i stcam st heat a ro sun parlor
150 dally d b special s pecial weekly we k11 J L B CORE
Adjoining A9jolnl Boardwalk full uU ocean oc view lew Open
all a11year year Long ng distance phones In In rooms
fresh and sea water In baths Pure water
from artesian well 825 feet deep Ice l e mode
from this water White Vo 1lte service sence
Businiss College
Corner 11th and F Fstreets streets N NW TVY Best
instruction instru tion day and night Bpoks free
Typewriter at at home free Situation
I guaranteed Terms moderate Begin now
Write call or phone for catalogue
100 10olIORSEB100 HOSSES 100
50 SoMULEs50 SXTT2iBS 5O
Will il1 be sold at the Washington Wasbin ton > Auction and
Commission Stables SOS to 2G9 09 6th st st nw nw
next next Wednesday February 8 8commencing commencing at
1020 a a m f e62t
S =
is the man who gets ahead ah ad in
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If you want to start starta a new newac ac ¬
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4500000 4 5crn000
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S J1m flmerica ri au S ttn ttnUyan ftriy t Uyan at1
trust on1pany
+ Qca ooo
i I Fancy 100 Pleated P SHIRTS leate d and a nd Stiff S ti t Jht < 5C I
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400501 4 5 Pa Ave A
0 e 0 C 8 t 0 o
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