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The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, March 05, 1905, Image 11

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1905-03-05/ed-1/seq-11/

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Jilted Man ManDefehded Defended
By Former Sweetheart
She Says She Married Another Man Because
She sh SheLoved Loved LovedHimRelected Him Him1ejected Rejected Suitor SuitQrHa Had
Come From Europe tov1arry to Marry
KEW NEW yoirK YORK Yci1 March AHnd 4 Had not
Comt q nt Car CaroCinI lo Cini Cini passed passedin in midocean mldocem a a
m miv iss fl ive ye addressed nd d esscd to him by his former fOrm l l
fiancee lie would not have been sub ¬
jected to the humiliation that
the marriage ma rriage of his supposed supDos d br brldeto ideto
be b to another anoth r on 011 the day before ills ar
rlvdl < =
TSIils Information was conta contained ined In a
statement made today through her hel at i I I
toEney tOJn YbMrs b3 by Mrs Frank P Sprout for
roerly merl 2nerI r Miss fIss Elizabeth Howe Howeof of Pitts
burg who defends the count against
certain oCCit in d derogatory rog tory statements statementnn and d de
elaTes that < she did not break the en ¬
gagement g cnt because becauseof of any fault on his
I tPart tIJrtbutsolc1yfor but solely for the reason that thatshe she I
I i tf tre feit elt tn a stronger attachment for the man
t p roh wh horn mshedld rn she did marry I
Mrs Sproul Explains I
rh rhe statement st te ment of the lawyer reads rea cIs as
r fellows I
rAlthough 6 Alt o gll Sirs Sproul is indisposed I
t r q qecnUnue j Continue ecnUnue qn 1 nue the unfortunate unfortunatepublicity publicity I
Cilch Thichnevspapers i h th thfe newspapers n e Vi spape rs have 11av e recently re cn tl
SST gven en to totiiC tile circumstances of her mar I
i xpage page iage 3n 3n justice J stice to to Count Cou t Carlo CarloCinl Cini
Sli s2 se deems itheldut it her duty to Sorrect correct the
Q1dl OJdSt t Building iuil n g in Indian blli n I
Territory I r a ltory I
Hi Hiltorib H Hito4 ltorib to pc cn teEy r ret fy Will i ill Get Hold flo1 of
tJ3u + Building 1dingan and ilake lrakeita it a
i i T Museum Mu eum
tt < CqnaRIE tmm Okla Ok March March3At 3 3Ati An effort is i
be beng bin feigr i i2ae a aq 4 to preserve nescrve r scrvethe the old o W church
oi o otje1ft1Iat m g the tlillKi 1 1 t F FQ Pert < irt Glbsonthe G IbSo nt he Boldest o o1dest d St
tixUIdlii 114f1Qfu 114f1Qfuor or jfNiAdian ndlanTerrit ndian Territory < o J It 11 waa
thfe t th to o iSHP ioTi On on church at J fort ort rt Gibson
di dJih dtp i nie t t ti arly arl T days and an d das Was was as after
wiid WRr i rusjeaas nrd ied 4s s as schpo schoolhouse ihouse 1 with Henry aen o
3 M itai StatUeytis ti iley as the t e teacher tea her The TerrI
to toN toa t tti N I1 a l i ili EisV kMtprical tPri nIcaI al Society Societ will wiUget getSios get lios po
s se Ss 5t io 6it ii n c > f the be btjlldingf btindln bIIdingpsIi1e f possible p psSlbl sSlbl arid 3Ii
us use u it fbr r ahlst tihistir1cai ssica r1cal museum
1 This ThIs 1 rhI 1ulld1hghas l ullUhs has been be en en6c occupied 6c u pied cpn c con ti
tinu6us3y tiriu tis1 since since183iG 1832 183iG General ne ritlH Bfazen Baz n
TWhlJe w w hite liren rt bldlns 1dlriC there was wasmarri married and axii
brought to lQ O the fort his hi bride IMis3 MIs Mc M ¬
Lean Leanot ot O Cincinnati CJn 1t1t1atI now the wife wlfeof of
Admiral A thirai George t G rg Dewey Dewe She occupied ocC pied
k the Btono tonebundlrlg tonG building still tm standing on o cr1 Gaf G I
mon hlC 1tI She was a L great gr at horsewo ¬
man nuri anfl auaVsed andiied nised to hunt hunt with her nerh htts is
bane p ovir ver r the prairie pralriefrand and hills along alon g
ttie ± b > Atk Aka2S r tns JS Sf aod andTQrand JAGI Grand nd rivers ri v ers
1l Ricli ch inflist in strt Histor r ic t tore
Fort F rt XHbson Is la rich In i J historic lore ior
Settled ttIedso soon on n a after 4ter the Louisiana B ulslana pur pur ¬
chase c iasea a m military post postwa post wag wa esta est establfshed blfshed
there tbeie in 1819 Many tIari notable n9t ble men haVe lav
l1t lited a theSOrne e s me nOW r ist1ng sUngln in the th 11a a
< tl tinai t aLcetnete cetneter daboul i about IIJm ip11ifrQnW fro the
old ld fOrt r pt t 1 Where F h t 3456 2456801d soldiers Jem are a re buried
and wJfierle wh p in mar UCy be seen see the t he < iiames iarnes amesot of o
SQldi fididjers rsscout scout 4 4artd aid Warrrprs warniorswhd lo figt flg
iifeff Ul e4ln In l bord > praw rdEtf and Indian Inc1lfll warfare Vartpre
Among the t nUmber tmmber is the th Semln Seminole pl g
c cliit t t th Bil I1IlVBowlegs Bowiegs who hoflJJ fapghtwith n nwi wi l1
Osceola O ceole h at the thebatUe battle of Wahoo y1fooSwamp Swamp
wh where where re General Dade was wa s killed Kln d and the
American Am rican troopswere troops were routed Af After te
the treaclierous treac1rierous treach ierous capture t ture of fOsceol Osceola
Bowlegs jcBned j ned the American army and
received tlie rank of capta captaiJi ljt i
jmong m ng the Ut Unitt 1t d States officers who
eommdhaedt c e thnnfl1e m nidri dat at th the fort were Zachary
T Taylor yl r aaLJeffersbfl efteis > n Davis Mrs M r 1
Ross R S5 wife lfe j of exChief exChletW W P Ross of
th Chero kee k e Nation S was well acquaint ¬
ed d with Miss Betty Bett Taylor before she
married D IhtviS vis wh who at t that time was
only a lieutenant
Houston H ustoriLived Lived There
Another nothel rioted character who lived at
thji t1t tM fort tort was tts Gen Sam Houston His
to t tdFy g grecords records that he resigned the gov ¬
ernorship er r norship of oCTennessee Tennessee left his newly
married m fifr1 d wife went West We t and Joined the
CKrokees C1i rokee tile lived several years at
Fort F it Gibson GlbfOnassumlng assuming biLe Indian Indian garb
Of ofAhat that time hne He resided for a time with
Chief CfHet1ohnrtYcake Jbhnrtycake near the Arkansas
river rh r below the old fort He was both
feared t red and fiIld honored by the Cherokees
who Wh admired him for his hi learning and
NotIonS jot ot long 1 aCter a tter his arrival at Fort Glb
acm Icm 1fl he married Talllhina Rogers a beau ¬
tiful 1tlCh CherokeVa rokooInaldcn maiden with whom he
lived ll d until nn nhf hfe departure for the war in
Texas T xas in 1S2J S3Z S32
Gen Wjhfi WntlfJdScott Wjnfitd ld Scott made several visits
tcf triF tdFort < Frrt rt GibjEion and Gens Robert RobertE E
Lee Lf > and apdq Geonre oJle B B McClellan were were also
there tt re on tou touts s ot inspection Colonel
Cqpplng Cippimt Cpp1gdr r rc01f1manded coinmanded at the fort where
h he hewas Was viaitgfl vlsft p by James G l Blaine his
fa t fatherinlaw therinlaw f erlnInw who W h 0 was Ill llltQr for about six lx
weeks w 4ek 4eks In the t e Tblff Ig stone ston house
Stan S Sthn1 nle nlet le ys ysSubscripou t s Subsc ripdon rip OIi SC School Qol <
Stanley thtin ley at oae time taught a subscrip ¬
tion tl tiph ns school J1001 at athe Jhe ihe fort occupying the theold old
D building ldlp aingr
Jj In i 1S46 the poet p t Ix Longcellow > ngfellow on a tour
of o ofiithe fthfr the West W stv visited I A AFort Fort Gibson bv r r way
oCithe A ATknnSl5 Arkansa feansiv k and ndGmnd < Grand rivers r vers iNext
y Ye year rappeared r appeared the most loved of hip
pofansi P poexn cEy Eyang Hne Wjee where s ensriin enery n Iyl in
thfc t yicln VJClnityroIJ ityTdfiSi ityTdfiSireGibson prtGnison > reGibson is IS graphScallv graphlcr i1lv
described d 3crib
statements recently recent1 published Ublhhe concern c ci cnc J Jncern i ncern nc rn ¬
ing his relations to that matter
Therefore she slle has hM9lr directed cted me to
state that It is isnQt not a a faot that prior to
jr r during her engagement to Count Cinl
jr r at any tlm time he made ma e upon her any
iemandaor lemands or requests re 1uef < > t of a financial na ¬
ture that the breaking off oJ of her en ¬
gagement to Count Cinl was not due to
iny financial reason reason nor any faultup fault upon n
his part but solely solelyto to the fact that dur ¬
ing his absence in Europe she became
1ware iware that she felt a stronger attach ¬
ment for the man she lI bc hasi ha s sf f married
Missed Her Letter I tter
She also alsohegs begs to tostut state that l1er her letter
communica o Qmmunicaing > mx m tmlca ting ing her h er final fi fie tIa l determln determination atiOn
t61Jreak t td break ort 0 the engagement wnsad wnsadiresse was ad
iresse Iressed i to CQunt dint unt Cini at Rome but that
anfortunately he was absent from Rome ROl11c
it the time and sailed for this country
without having hnvlngteclve received that letter In
view iewtf of these circumstances the publica
tion of derogatory d rog tory statements concern c cOpcern ncern ¬
lug il1 Count Cinis relations to the affair
have been not only unjust but so so cruel
thatlIrs that Mrs Sproul considers that it is her h r
iluty lut In justice J < tl c to tolin an honorable man
to make m3kepublic public this statement
Count Cini C ini Is a nephew of the late 10 te
Pope Leo XIFL
tJ 4erinany OW OWj OWvru any vru Wants lf f Island a
1 Off j Australian l Coast ast
Nfegotiating Nfeg fi ting to Secure Timor a Few Hours
S Steaming e mingofPort of Port Darwin Darw DarwinEngli5hmen nEngHshmen Englishmen
May Interrogate Ministry
LtD LbNDO JDON March A 4Acoording According to the he
latclst Australian us tralian ad adrices dces Ices Germany is
netjptlatlng l for the theacquls1ttonofthe acquisition Of the
aslEtod iswindof of Timor Tlnl r which is within wU 1lna a few
liputs I t ttsstelln steaming n of Port Porl Darwin the
norj northern or th tht1l Ehfirn t1l tC terminus term r1Ilnus inus qf of the the Australian
traf tr trafdontihentai 8t 8tcorttiil tecoritlnental corttiil llt teldgraph teI t lgraph sraph lines
l Ii i JsexPec1ed js js expected that tnat the ministry will
bs b be41rernogated terrosated rrogatedon on on this hls subject by bys some omf
of de i ie e antiGerman antlqer man members of the
c compaons tIJons Shortly
ICever ever England should become beco e en ¬
gaged in a war with Germany re r ¬
marked one of the two men who are
Interested in the > subject tonight tonlghtthe the
latter power pwerwill will possess some fine
stragetlcal points for an attack on Aus ¬
tralia The British Brltishacquieitlon < acjcii iifiltion i > itio of Timor
wUsstronglYll was Strongly urged2 urgedso rgecFs some ome ie i years ears erirs ago but
without any anypractical practical result r sult It will
be urged again too r and I1d every pressure
brought to bear to have the home gov ¬
ernment see the necessity n for acting ac ting
at once
TULSA I T 1 March 4 4Will Will I Nptt N tt
twentyfive tweI1ty wentyflve t ie years ye rs old old oldshot shot and killed
his wife wIfeandtien and then committed committedsuicide suicide to ¬
day dayTheYJ1ndp1an They had hdp1annedthe planned ed the tragedy and
both had hadwrltten written l letters ttersdlrectl directing g what
disposition should bejnade lIe be m niade f of o their
personal effects eff cts They were married
last Sunday Sunda In Longton Kan
OWEGO N Yi Y i March 4 4Frank Frank B
Tracy rrncyson lracysonOf sonof cffciffier former Secretary Secrctaryotth of the thq
Navy Benjamin F Tracy was married
here her heretoday today to t y to to toMiss Miss nsa E T Cornell The
weddijigr we wedil lu iioQkplaceat j took place at the home of the
bride briderv qrid rv
If Ifou you ouarc are areaplaywrIht a play I awrI wright ht In embryo
silld sa id an rin actor 3ctor 3ctoru 3ctornJ u d dpnt nJ for your first at ¬
tempt write w rite a fouract f I 1r act drama rama but write
a little curtainraiser curtain tals r of one Qne act Instead
There is a a demand ien iand for good strong str ngone one
act actcurtainrolsc curtainraisers rS that the supply
doesnt esnt begin 1i gln to meet
This Thls demand mand has been caused used by the
late dinner dl ner hour that tli tlit t has been 1Jeenadopte adopted
by b3th the fashionable fashlonablcworld world In thec the coun inm ¬
tr try the dinner Jlnnerh hour urI I suppose Is tsstIH still
noon but In town It Is 730 or 8 oclock
it Itls Js no longer wosslble In fact for fash ash ¬
ionable ollableJ people eople to eat without haste a
good dinner din 1fr < and reach the theater before
9 9cloc ocloct cloc ¼
Fashionable Fashiona le people in the majority
of cases caiesdont dont reach the theater before
9 and nd when the play is a musical com com ¬
edy or jomething omething9f of that sort their late
coining cO pingdcsntmatter doesnt matter But when the
play is a serious s rloJJs drama to miss the first
amt a t is a serious loss Hence Hencesedous serious
drahiiis lr m Ls are now nowwttenby ow written wrIttenbY by Pinero and
the thcother other big guns of the stage stageto to begin
at9 at 9 oclockand o oclock clock and before them comes a
oneract onp act curtainraiser
There lher Is a dearth of gbod gqodcurtaln curtain
raisers and a strong demand for them
A A strong demand ho no supply supplyt suppiythat that atmeans means
large largeprofits profits for him who can produce
the goods oods f
The embryo playwright pl wrightcould could not do
better than devote himself to curtain
i raisers Iai raisersChicago > lsehicago Chicago Chronicle
i The crown cNwnforests forests of Russia comprise
30000000 30OOOQOOacres ooooOo acres belonging b 1onging to the Czar
and 303000000 farnied tar med by the national
exchequer The Czar employs 27000 7O J
iwpod wood police who w o cut 12000000 tons a
year chiefly for firewood Twenty years
ago ngowoot woodcutters itutters in the United States
felled timber covering 1000D > acres daily
but this wholesale destruction brought
about such serious evils that thato of late
measures have been taken botji botb botl bv pub ¬
lie authorities and private persons pelsor isfor for
preserving existing trees and woods woo sand and
tor Or extenslveplanting extensive planting where t the he ground
Is bare ofJimber of umber
77 7 7
Cures Colds and
Grip pure and simple Is known by
Influenza Infiuen a pains and soreness Ir the
Head and Chest Cough Sore Throat
General Prostration and Fever Dr
Humphreys Specific Seventyseven Sevcnt seven
will willlJreak break it up
When Grip is complicated c mpllc t d with Rheu ¬
matism matisnior or Lumbago then alternate
Specifics Speclf Speclfcs cs 15 and 77
If with Dyspepsia Dysp psla Indigestion Indg Uon or
Weak Stomach try trySpeclftc Specifics 10 It and 77
If with Kidney Ki ncyor or Bladder trouble t as
is isof often of ten the case Specifics Sve ci1cs 27 and 77 77wlll will
cure cureyou you For Fo r rothcr other conipllcations scon con ¬
sult fIl ItDr Dr Humphreys Humplm s Man Manual b 6ai l at your our
druggists dru gglstsormailed or mailed free
At Druggists Drug llts 25 cents ce s cacli or mailed
SiKumpbreysV lumphreys11om Mumphreys Ilomeo flomeo3dedielne > IedJclnc edIClneJ Cp ad cbivWIl ifWIl
lIam an and d John streets ticw York
Pro Professor fessor Starr Says SaYlIj Els Su Sllbst Substitute bstitute te for fort the eWee Weed lls1VJore Is Mbrg M r
Benefiqet1 Beneficent Benefiq nt and hdD hdDrable Durable rable than Lady L LadyNicofina d Nieptina N c9 t li lia a v
CHICAGO March 4 4Asmole 4A A smoke sweeter
1 than cigar cigarette or pipe tobacco tobac o
an originator of ofir dr drm1and mland castles and
green green vales with w1thdaI da dIs is ies growing in
them th m a tonic not a a s stiim timulant lantth lahttinme thfese seafe are
what Prof Freder Frederick rick ick Starr Sta rr the th eve1l W > vell n
known anthropo log logical ical professor ro f ssor of f the hc
University Uni erslty of Chicago A1icago promises phm lfses the he per ¬
sons sons who smo smoie ke his hisnewI newly discovered dls ver d
marlhumana a
Coeds Co e dsat at the Midway Ml way school schoorhave have
partaken of the weed weedandd and declares cl r s that tltqt
it is s imply fine 1
Prof Starr himself dotes on On n it
though thoughhehas he has not ot touch tochedob e dtobncco L tobacco npcosirtce since
he was a child In knee kneebr breeehlea breeche eche 1
He 1 was born in Missouri f and ridri accocd cQtd
ingly ipgl likes llk < 5complln company and andeaclt each night ti ght
his comfortable omforta ble bachelor b9chelorapartm apartments ntsr are
ifie t tli tlimeCC iem mecca meCC CC of f theyounger the younger generation g tier lon or
Midway tudents
On his hl last j jaunt utt into unexplored unexpJorcd Mex ¬
Ice Prof Starr fell in with an Indian
chief cllief This chief chle11ook took Jlimoft jiim im off to o his
abode abo e in thef the foothills OthillsThe The anthropolog ¬
ist istwas was induced induc d to smoke the new weed
Prof Starr i is inviting his students to
partake of o the weed wee4merel3 merely for forse scientific i in n tific
purposes He has brought back great
quantities of of it f romATcxfco from lIexJ o and an Fe expects xpects
to toconUnue continue with his experiments
He Ie has Invited all the members of his
c classeto lasses to bring the their ir friends fh rthdyislt andr1sit ldislt
him hini hiniat at his home to try the new newsen sensIP Sn
tion No more than thantbree three at one oneUme time
will be allowed d In the room where Whe re the
m marihumana rihumanais is smoked
What are college yells good for any ¬
way waynsltcdtl1e asked the pessimistic pe glmlst1c person peison
Oh O answered the seifmads e1fma cynic
they the are ar e useful u in intrrtin training I tgthe the voice
for pleading with Texas rexasste steers r on a t
Western ranch i after aft r the graduation gr duatiOn 1
act actDCtroit Detroit Tribune
LEAVENWORTH ICanMarch Kan March 4 C 4
James Madison the negro who claimed
to be lUedr 111 years of age ge and WhoUr whoar ho jar
i messages me sa on OQthebhttle the battlefield eIQ bf f New
Orleans between ihGencrit1 < General Jackson J aC sonand and
General Chambers rs the latter his rnas ¬
ter t r Is dead at the thecQuntypoorhousc county poorho poorhouse use as
the result of 1 a a cold old bath 1th
Madison told th the attendants atten dan lt1lat that he
not taken a aco cold t1bath bath In n thirtyfive
years A new suit of clothing had been
given give him and he too took k a bath hathbetore fteforje
he pU put It Iton on n He caught caughtcold cold and nd i died d
of ofpfumbnia pneumonia
Harriman has had prepared 1t 1trcdplansf rcdplansf plans for or l
an immense barn to to be erected er tpdono on o he e
qf f his farms near n ar Ardcn Ar ien in tO cost St lUSQ iO O
000 The barn arnwiIl will shelter more j than t tan an
100 cows eowsJndl and it is Ir r Harrimans In ¬
tention tEJlt n to engage J1sago in the dairy business
more extensl extensively y than ever ver
The r rh pr princh principal incipal > a1Qouble trouble with the th average
young OUDfo OUDfoman Than man is ii that he has a q t 5OOOxo 3OGO5tryear year
girl rl and a it t SlSar S1Qnwcek wee k salary SlilaryChlcaKO Ghlcaso
Record Re orcI Herald
H d
Macedonian ollian B Brigands
Make I Iw w irt Jfi P OutlQQ In ir J Jrii < rii fY kSeriot JI Sericus v C 1Jls
4Mt v x Jlll JllliW3Fis r iW3Fis 4
AUJstr AustiaHungary a Hwn ll1n gBrF Qa y and Russia Address > Pe pero Per
e erm emptdry rm td ry Y Note lAthens to Athens Government Con on
cen cerning aitri Hcj J Actions Acti OS of ofFormer Former formerG Greek re kOffi Officers ers
L LONDON rIDQ Or March Iatch 4 4W1tii wit1ithe Witli the winter wJnt r
about l1OP ftyfsiv O OvOt fi 4ttentlpn 4ttention ientiollis is ta again centered cCnt red 1
ont on M < t bedoni c donjii tiot wliere where conditions c onditJ ns are do le
c cldedjy ea1Ytiecl9b itexietr
ajiir J11I During Jnb ins tthpf tIIH last three dtiya < la Ys o on numerous n m r U I IJ11I
clasheS cIash h hftvs w been bcenr reported por d between tVeen
1 Greek i lmntis a dlS4 offlcercd otlcer cIjyformCJ by former mem ¬
hers b rs af r he e Greek Grc karmy army and Ottoman
troqps 4 4
3Bereni eremjf eremjflY ereni jtaty js piy lY llQtgt9 ITpte Ncte to Greece rcc fc
In n ffaot flwctc so c OS ser Crloua d iouK Ol ds Is the th O outlook that UUL t
AaistrilHunErary y and Russ Russia ia have UlYC ad a
flressijtr i1r a 1lp sp jremptory cm tor note notctQ to the gOV
nnnntcnt crnin 11l nt nt nti Set i TItI Athens 4thens Ath ns in which ttfey state
Unless U l Teproaslve Te repre p 1 j S C1ve e xneasure ne as ur s so c arc arc under U n e r 1
I taken ma tth the th protection Jrot ttion heretofore
given riven to fih tlE hfe t UrigraS f5 operating II n
MaesdoRia Mi1 dD1 ai 13 jwithdmvn i withdrawn Vterii i terti meas ¬
l lur iiireswIll ures ur C sv will 110 oei ce e fuleptGd 4 1 P t d b bST bi Austria Austrinto ustritt to com ¬
fpel I pel Greece tm fci yield yi lddug this point 1
1 Dhe he Wo < woxik orld of f paclfylrjfif Macedonia l1a ed la
says the note O t is exclusively Xclua velyA1str1a Avtstrias
Hence the Hellenic governnptent governm I1t b had d
better Jteepftg keep its hands hnndsoff off This lhlsnot note ex ¬
plains the presehcp presence of f an an Austrian
squadron sq tl tltdroll tdroll in Gree qr e k kwitters waters which has
ben puszlihg some omec European Iiuropc n diplomats
Reports Rc ort JT received receivcdrelative ce YcdT relative litUve to the methods met1md5
pursued purgu clbytheGreek by the Greek bands andsin in Mace M ¬
donia show thatUICY that they are ar making nUllngCom com
men cause catlseOu QH both the soldiery soI Icry and the th
Compellefl c p IJ a to Pa a ttY Yf YfTribute Tribute
In several severa cages e vIHase were wer Q sur ttr ¬
rounded hn md i ltn tiJe Inhabftanfc in Inbab abrmn tants compelled
to pay pay tribute tribut to tQ the tti ttii ttica i cause ca > cfii of of free ¬
dom A i
Thin lnigt1S has r9surt resulted d In increasing increasirigthe the 0
fear fe oar nr of the t c in habitants inhtt1 > ItUnts that when spring
snail l nn come come they shall shaIffind find themselves at
the Ul mercy of both th the bandits and the
Turkish troops
1 L J f f1o 1o
I Free A A8urnt Burnt Wood VoodSouvenir Souvenir of inau Inauguration guration 2 Business Hours HOursa 8 am till B pm p m 1 except 1 except8aturdays Saturdays then tInJiI until8m i ini iniFreet Freaid Freet Free to = All Ili U J a Burnt unt Wood Vood8ouvenir Souyenirof of InBagufation
I Editoria Editoriil l i I Hose
The oldest oldestex exclusive lusive Dry GWldtens Fine Black BhcLczk t4 ta
fhe Z B j7 Ribbed Hose e ktra i heavy dotible
Goods establishment ealhrnttthe at a c kn fee heel and xoe QCr
Guiiran Guuantced teed fast color a fi JV
Nations Capital extends a SQc fluality Special S
I hearty welc velcome me to inaug inaugura Jraf l Womens Fine Black Lisle
Hose high spliced heel r
I visitors v itor Make this store yta jr r cial and toe fast black Spc s V
shopping headquarters headqtiarters4Sr r 4Sr a
pmejis Pine Black AIQver
range to to tomeet meet friends ffe tSr r i 4 Jiegl tace Lisle and toe Hose Her double riis Y
Purchases to the he amount amountY amo nt nti ntPf Y yfi yfij j ciali dorf dyej > 30c value Spe
500 5 00 or over shipped shippedvit1F witlr with Womens orcn Black Allsilk Alt silk Prop
in In a radius of 100 miles mH s r free O46 7St N ± Sflten hegl and Hose 1Iocclccbi toe double regu m g f g
o of f f all charge i cial la larpricelOSpc r price 5L50Spe v 1 JU JUof 21 1
i 1
Gloves Handkerchiefs i lnfanfsCoafs Infants Goats I N Neckvear c we r c JeweJry
Womens WOrn ns S Twp TwoclaSp clasp Ga GJnr Glare e Gloves GIgves Womens ISomen s Handembroidered Han Hand mbroidered tJnlaun IlnFuin rilaun g Collar Coili ai Inri InriCuff iiut ii duff C uff Sets i hi r r 1 3pIri zpr nil i Guff quffs C iff Sets 5 ts In In Ti French Tre ich f f C r C Cin
in white and pearl pear 1 aI1 an d flrif H j a dered Handkerchiefs Handkcr 111ers Sell S ll in r 1 1 C and 8ndDresses 8ndDresseshltel ana IJresses uresses white hltel hite Jinens linen non nicely embcold c l1broid JS C gold hard llUr enameled e and 10 10C i
3clasp white liit suede fbry for tp 1 tO c I re regularly gularly larlY for 25c 1JCo ee Our 1lC I 2 r cred o Onlyi O ib Y H i tia H id J < o 3 3w w OflisGt O Ons J1fSCt t H T r AV
pall s F J price special > < r
u Infants new new spring Longr Lon GoajtS COQt i
MflHemslltchodYaPOnetteHflhlth rens Heins tcheU Tnponett fund mad ma nade C of OJ O fine fiB ne Bedford e dr drd or d to fl lC r C < I n QC C C
Fownes r e 2clasp ci Glace GI tt ttC C fi 1 kerchiefs wIth large 51U suit C J Fine tl1El tte 3a JStQcks IS ckc l in cream 25 1 Pearl IearlNeckmce3r Penn J eekracesjr ectzaccs unbreak 2 3 J j >
and Gloves G yellow ellow ein In in w white for r rt t pair pau pearl pea peatt ttl l > jTl 1 g 50 5 initial thitiil cial s worth nor f for or h 12c 12 121 1 4c r c each u Spe ¬ 25 25C Cord f trimmed ifrit ifrited med ed cape ca caV with V T Tth th neatly braid 3 1 is I o c 4 A Jffi O u C i mc v j hitc ttj isqilite qws It 1m pittLlns ttern 5 iihift able ibli riir aIl II = J i2fi ies = = i 6
Mens I n R White i lte Kid lad Glov G Gloves l ves es for ro r Jl HemsHtched Womens t te tt e t ed Plain P Handkerc Handkerchiefs Dd k Alllinen Jc JciI l iI hiefs f fe e S Sn n j special S 1 Boys I 1 new e spring Dresses es pf o fine fl fine t Allsilk A 1I il ft s Stc tr fcks l lk5 k5 embroidered e m tr i ie e r re e d 5 jJ c Cttt C t tf fm Amethyst rne1iyit t1 t ft and Topaz 1 LU if Oc I
regular value JOc 4 2 5 and ana plIuri U c eors r IIatpn TTVfn fnc f i prct nrnttxr f 9 9S ii > S si rr k J
IOcSpeclal Special < flS
tt I Ii 1 i1i r quality q flItFrenchGfng1tajn French Gfnghajn G1ngila three box r t
i 100 I UJ and an ana d 125 1 2 5 for i i h w = < pJaits fron rron t tn and n pd nd back with bretelles f
V c A beautiful beauUtul line of All AllUnen linen Lace of offin fine fln pique que dyer over the t e ill s shoulder utder to form iC 1 Im o ortel te d frtncy NiicStone Stone Brooch A C
trimmed Handsomely Handsomel Embroidered Embroic red sailor SlJ 17 collar neat1 neatly Trimmed with Jth em ¬ i Collar ° r and i I ji jduff p Quff ul Band inc Sets f tg 5 Oc Pins Pi bright ii rig I ht l and U d Roman toan giltz gilt ilt Lrl 8 8C
Swiss Alllinen All linen Hemstitched broidered edge colors pink and whi whtte te hemstitehe P5tlL IC d iait3 ii embroidere tm 0 en d settfngs settfngstw se seH H ir ngz tw z v n
12button White and Black y E C CEmbtQidered r Embroidered and Initial f7r = C Cand and blue arid a nOdwhite d white i I is n I t I > CAC CACBnl1i3 t Brilliants Bnl1i3 ntSin In g Stick IckPI pins s neat fjj Kr c cSilk
Silk Gloves doubletipped double Upped 1 1E I J Handkerchiefs Hu dkerchlefs 35c grade for 2 5 3k V k checks ch c S iegiilarly r ular1y 168 1 6S spl P 1 1 1n I O jj i V Very er tFine Ti c Imported mpo r ea Lace LaceJ I tee J Q anrj ani ti 1 dainty dn l1irt t1t designs d des < Slgn gn 4Sc eC val 2 25c > r 5c 5cSilk
fingers Special t special Shi Spt p i5 ar a f MviLlS III I Stod1tl tocll3Tarh varhais desl designs n uc ncr Tcr onl < only r 1fs i L S ft
j The I Ii New Spring Qaroients arnien tse = = = l W e eP eV e P Want V t All 411 to o Have Tfieir T iiei Slmre of These
Are A re arriving arnvmg every day d dayi aya a host 1 lO f of 0 f pretty pre tt y styles S t Y 1 es are already a I rea d y here h ere Mercerized ercerize White 1 e D Dn Rejtarkab1e l n I Ji iIHC lllE kable f l Dress n nSS SS Q Sk llli l lk k Va Vals1a J ls1a ls1aS S
hundreds undredsof of customers c lstomers are areatr attracted ct d daily by the tl e opportunities opportu ities offered Waistiqgs Jaistinos
in In these new lines The variety is IS large sufficient think to meet
we There Ifea i a choice thatc that covers ve the sea S 3 > ons ns most popular popularweaves weaves In in
H every demand These goods goo sare are of the plain all the c ch cho hosfin 1 k kn n colors > It reveals tL tLc tI c rcreabouts t r rabouts 1bouts of the best values vlu s
1 Women I Womens IT vvOflefl V i s New N M ew Cheviot Cft 9 sievIo eVI t 4 Suits S C UI UhiS S Madras weave weaveanlcome and pome come in a a
omens s New Suits Suitsy SuitsvvOflefl y
New5prJJg Spring Wom ome varlet variety of small > maU and nlld nlldainty daintj daint l PUt t ith that t have iteen 1tie n advertised adverti orAv orwil or ill l11 be yertlsed itltiFed L tr l fortomorr for tomorrow tomorrow w i
Womens New Cheviot ChC1 Suits collaiv
omen ns s lO Sultseoilar oJlar
Womens ome1 Hew NewSprmg Spring Suits of r blue
tdrns t rns Just the thing wanted thi this thi j
S l brown and black less coat with fancy func vest B t tNeck Neck of T
> rown tt blackchevloti cheviot double
S breasted lr easted od odtt collarless co Uarlbss llt coat coat with strn strapped d 1Jble pped co at t flnlshedwltli finIshe fln1shedwitlIeikbrdd d dwf wf l1 silk braid brai Sleeves slee ets es season 40 lOtJ Oinch e nch Ch Black BI k ckQs Gnepe Cene pede de e Ch Bine U 1 ne nef f J I pO 50 Pieces PIe Fe5 Figured rlguredPQn Pongee Po1 igee39c gee S9c
tucke tucked to bow bo fullness at
t seams Full sleeye with WltI1CUtf cuff trim < < ei l formingfullness forming They are oC our own importa ¬
I med ITJ eel with fancy black and white to top OP R Kilted skirt r Colors o ors blue bluebrov ue brown roy n i Q 11 IQ 9 AT ArF op ijortiinlty to secure a a pretty
1ors tion ton b them from i l I i J
as we buy
i J braid b wlti It Itg g 1 l neck n nt ncl to t < cl correspond c of eS eSe eSP eSO eSn eSd coat e P o O a n t d CJi 19 11 f 9 cJ J 5 F mi P Po o V vnlli an he bl black P 525W 2500 L Actual ° Spe S 1 GjrY CJ > 22 2 2 > 5 HI A 0 I oC O f the worlds w world Irlds < s J best makers om one in TI Doubiewidt Dou Doubic b1ewiatb L n allu l I i t < e Allsilk Alls iifo J1 < sill > in Ilk r Crepe with rn I Ii of O Oth suiiinier SU1lU f these t1Pelittpat manufacture e sov gown pretty IJr IJrr IJret et etct ctty n ty patterns patt patth e There T1Ie 1 1rfls erns rfls will vill at a ad t be this no dPrlc price Prlc more g
lKilted Ii l lted skin skirt Special 1 c > If cial C A V Manchester 1rmcl1 ester England We Ve can lhe th manufactur manu r a ct urer r lias h as advanced a d vanCE e d his h US s
firnu firm heavy neat i cnnkle crjnklesup crnl leupt superior rijr 10r boxed boxedpric price pric price t 4 Duplicates Du D mic PliclJes C will ill Se 52ix 2 ne
fVff fVfff W ix omen U11i4 f ffnf s a fXfif N ti PT e ff B R zi fy rOl ulu ffffffTf d I CiuLia I 1 0 th h New Shirt Wais V Blst SuIts therefore give glVc you the benefit of loom foomiierfect oomper perfect tect i = l black black Iack with fth beautiful
Vf VfrOl Womens v vr r omena NeWSpring New Spring Shirt Waist our oU purchasing purehasingpowerin power In the thegreat great gr at jus ter i yaiu vrifu Valu4 d i istGQ 2CO co v AH Al Silk Fancied Fandt 48c
UltS Suits pf > f chiffon taffeta waist waIst sheered s eer est 3s majiufacturlng center of the J
1 Women l New T Broadcloth lt bdekand J Clc an and frontf front t tw fprmlngyoke rIJ1lng fe yoke tQP tqp DC C Old World 11 4 ± T 1 i 4 ifl n I In small sma II nea neat t checks c checksstnipe checksstnipein b e t stripes s t rlpes rlpesJa fa Ja I
omen 8 Su Suits col r r
1111 hi larless 1 rJe5s coat has BroadclqtnSut cloth ver Y vert t ftrlmmed trimmed sle sleeve 1J5 1J5C ve i C J sheared ie e 2 j2 j2i j2S w with S dropshould drop 0 shoulddj shoulddjef ef Our first firsthlpmclt shipment was sold s01dSQ so LlD2rl5 Llb LIlJtl r r13f 13f r 4 Taffetas lanetaSij alictas 4C 49c c conne figures figureslarne large variety anevr of pretty
1 with fancv black wifr siiir hrnfifl ict feet fe t Skirt i sheared i tn to nip hip with wlthtwo tT t two qu ickly that we Wcr Tvere forcedJ forced Jo to patternsexquisite patte e qmslte color com A OC 0
fancy and v
white < > silk braid j
Ifi Ifiwith send a cable order to All the waR wnted ed 1SG P shades Inelud blnations displayed large
f leomuttoT T Ski i tucks at icnee nce forming mlnfir flounce Suit secure these on
New ew W le leg leomutto mutton t0 Sk t
III i t tf ttehcd td tlC f iW tehcd lC lCb lCh h e tO tOI o o 0kn kn knS neC neCformlng S t0formin formin forminC forminS oem sleeve sIe ng C S eV eVl l an n Inv InvS Invt nvert Skirt S rt t fl finIshed shc 4 wlthancstock vith J fa fancy rstock stock and girdle lrdle meat for you ou Is In time ti11e in and this ill1fp shTp ing ing cvenimr eei n fsolors colorsplcn plent5 r df o bfadkk bIa oici kg convenient conn CO9tflieflt ment tables Value ulie 33c A
ed e d box b ox plait pal I t tneC Coat c oat ffi > rkit P SIzes es i i to ° C Colors r now m creams and a1itesstrict1J jitesstrietlv ites strictly warranted warrante
1 lined hnerlwlth with taffeta S 22 2 V 2 50 5 K SB 0 Blue Brown B own and an m fVfV Q elections Come lectlons i in at t before once and andmake make your OU1 OU for or service sen scr Ice I 25 2 Pieces n F P leCeS Shepherd S e b eru 1 Check Cb Cued eCK f
Special Spec 3l < o oDl Dl Black k Actual A ttml vahie aIim 10 10 0 UK 98 9 8 H n oefore they the yare are gone > p peru
1500 1 Special > A 0 X vy as s It Is almost next to Impossible
New N W Spring S pnng pnngIt Waists VJT It alS t Spring Sprln Waists Up o duplicate them Libesn LdJf I In iy n y Satin 49c > Silks 1 I
to late l in t de1 deher l
Women sNcw a l li i cw Spring IndIa Silk 11 Yith 4th s aoft sort to fi fimessaline ti mes messaline J5nft fiWUh finish fimshlll will m Owing delivery velj special speci con it
T Womens New Spring Waists In un C cession in In price p price ee was madeplenty m depenty of
Waists M MT Mal al iits tl with two cluste clusters O of r fine I launder l withijrat r l1th ithi3t t luster 1 lusterall ust ral1 all the l
tucks line lined taffeta with rlth eight tucks fou four PriCe i 25 f ft losing blue and ht14 white black bl blc Ck and nd white Wh lte with
side tucked separated s back b aClt by box plaH plaits on each en each side and three box plaits in L U I X Xd ui popular color colOl js cardinals blues every size 51Z Sias check you rOll may desire
new nc fi full 81ee sleeve ve d
back full sleeve 1 U will WIllb be
new with cuff col ¬ browns gray grays s castors tans mvr mrue fles Checks e specially sPec 1111 Y popu P pu
4GS and colors 468 black bltckactual Special navy na y actual blue white value H < > J f 1 J 9 g Y 8 fl flors actual ors blue value al1e black 598 593 and Spe red re v fil B 4 TL j < f MJ 9 8 ft J mauve auv pink lnn i black creams and 1 JSttj lar e Jl this ngl s season S brilliaQt These Should fefe are ex be CJ F oe oeand
cial 1 whites hit Value alu 69c gold od at Toe c
f New Exc lus lusive ve Summer S ummer Tex Texilles tiles for 1905
I The Th new things thin gs are comin g gwith with such rapidity and in such suc h bewildering beauty that its difficult to convey conveyto to you your rai idea as to the scope of the showing showin Those that desire
the new e w wrare rare and exclusive ex clus ive things should act immediately for in some instances they cannot be duplicated dlfp1i dlicated ated after these pjeces eces are gone
I Irish h D Dress L Linens A Arnolds Id S 40 < WHITl < LL1OofEN C lIB rC6 62Kc Vl1itc t Frllch Organdies Orgindi 2
rts ress toens rno super Supeifine f tne i ir iche r che wl e f ery strU1d strU1dr strU1dUl r Ul ci r i1s vide soft lri mous
l fahll f
ln n n 1I rOt hln
iA jfj n seline 1 rrn l1 al
t ragIlar fin 50C
l f I
36 inchps Incht s w viide ide every thread pure Organ A die I 1e lt t rf e1k i H115L iiSts ish Yartl in d
linen our own wn Importation from Bel ¬ J 1gaflU courtt tt ttlrercerhccl Li
A Hne ill e cour cm lrercerhccl T01 circd S
r Sheer
cci Lug 4Sinch inc 1 1i i Fine I in Sheer S ieei Vs Wh hue te Persian Pcri and d
t i
fast s Shown in in two shades of pa Pale le A beau beau bcauuful Uf ful ul fabric In texture c 3 fE l Ill h I N 5 liii in OOl 1otli othi n3 i better
i rinch nCh
C Fre r1wnsan Laans d 1 Fren Tienli
blue two of cade cadet t gray nile r gr and l1rddesl design it ltcloselyresembles closely close1 resembles r f ir C l ever E er Li offered flr T Ted tzecl ed edorfine for orfine orfinemdcr I fine liiit u mdcr r 2 Brttisteicaue r e c iie i Yorafew i oi r h g p Q F C t I IiJlue
helio heliof f natural lIpen tobacco 39C j 9 JV the t e best French products 25C 4 r t I wear enr SS S in nc1 nc1s dhfes cl s e wide la 1IL Ya T + trd 1 da Sard ird u 2 J j
brown a 50c 50 c Valb yalnei e Yard YardV yr Ytrd
1 JSafe va S c I e i T Sea S ea Island 1 san I d 4 1 C f
25c 3rEIiCERIZED lfRC RlZED II 1 BAS B ¬ 121C I 2
Arnold Fil de d e Sole Arnold Fancy Silk > I1I rainsooi Q ins ok KET W WI WICIOPD AYS AV OXFORB OXFOREn CIOPD > n i 2 J
I I An < n exceptional EP ceptionnl h bajaga bagaJn Jil in FIne ne
Organdie 0 I Ua frn n 51 d 1 1i J i e ia r 12 1 yards U uds t to t tile 1 he piecei piec niece put P t tt t up un neatly nea By Sheer India In lia < Linen Li qen fu iJi a ll I SS Ss
Is a highly highl lustrous s fabric having ha hac JOgall all j is In a t box h ha > x sillc Inq ill hushed for rot fine under unc1 er ¬ m mIS
the surface qualities qUal it les of silk s I I k which wh I c I 1 J garments b nrmcnts ments < inches wide Ide our ourregul regular re IIar < ii ISc i it t I p 1 1 C 1
c Is an exquisite fabric for summer t quality For Forone one days sell s ll ¬ 2
are ar retained retahH d permanently It is soft wear an an1 l is l adaptable a aptable also to dressy liecs y Ft ing yard J < trL trLUh ird Uh 2 I
smooth to the tIie touch falls naturally a LturdIlI home and evening e venln enin g gpwiis g gon nv US at tt any sea m i ¬ I J lt iilahei 1 1h h S rl ide ile regu eg ego lar ar p l 50 j An e etra tr the grule ntde Il Linen n enfini fir Sb
son Jt It IS pa fine silk slJ and cotton Clua tualit 1 t s Ss cLil 1 ce
into beau tiful Uf l folds and an is ii adaptable a r very era t pr Shrxjnken Shin on CANNON CNNO CLOTH 32 i2 Inches
to all the he desirable effects effe cts so f gf r weave tTe with graceful silk jacquard de ¬ f f wide in two In o shades 1 tdes blue also o
much ought for In silks and 2 P Pr 5 5C r V C signs slb S over tins ground are scattered scattrr d M2 m Inches nh v di1 Mde rcsMlarv rclar 3 tftfig O R pink tan tanj j brown bro hello black lark 1 C I
more expensive e fabrics Yard Yar 1 ard J flowers ftO eJ s in single in iny inle y le blqs blossoms oms d in sprays spro s i 350 i 50 o quality Special price prJ ce ceo o tI > vV V i nile > lie cream ana white YaPd 1 t arti
and nnclin in garlands printed pJjnJ in 1 o
ratural shades s ldo3 of ofotliercol oher other col Ce sy 1 C i
l 4 4 ors on white whft or orpalelnted pale tinted 3 7 q F
I Fine me Batiste Batistegroundo aLisle aLislegrounds grounds Yardi Yard rd < mu 2 L i j i Sfaffiglecl S angletana 1 aiid 1t Net T T Rot Robe
In IpQrlental prlenta l stripe and dotted designs desi ns Printed Dr + g 1 Dotted Silk Sill fli
terns this Reasons value 1uel5cper 15c latest per yard pat ard 12 12lC 1 j I 2 1 lC f > iJ FJ t 11 k 4 I r At A L One nelalf = haf 1 Price Pt PtJc Jc
for i2 Aifi MousseHnes I
J E 4 4c c Black BlacF White Span gled gledand and Net Robes all new and desirable
Imported 1m I m Ported p 0 rte d lirish IfIS I ris h dainty dgmntne Printed new Dotted t exclusive Silk Mousselines Mousse pat r llnet c < i i ii i l Jc represen re precrrflnO prec rrflnO tin g g all allthe the samples of the foreign fO fOe forei reim gn makers Come tomor tom or ¬
turns also large l rge floral ftora effects J 5 5c I t row TO and select s lect the seasons season S richest creations e at prices onehalf off
a regular 50c c value vnlu e Yard nrd nrdu u l
Dimity D t i
In single and andcl1ster cluster iustercorth cords corclsatso a ilso fso cords ords S Silk Ilk E Effects ff eets Wo Woth t wh 18 1898 98 2298 22 98 2550 iO f ft 3500 35 f 00 f f
form forming ing plaids PIa idS and checks C white One cf f the best Cotton Fabrics L
grounds floral groundswith design with all rosebud exclusive an and d 2 ffc 5 5C P r C signs the thenewestfQulardsllkde newest all colors foulard both slllc plain de 1 12C I 2C f in all tIl Now N No 0 f ww 949 9 49 A n i ti 1149 11 i I q A 9 1275 12 7 5 1750 17 5 0 0grounds
actual value 35c Our price J and figured Yard
1 A Notions and Toilet T ilet Goods of o f the tb Better Sort
I Genuine Russian Rus sian Rubber Sponges Strictly Pure Pur Almond Cold Cream Fine Tissue Tis ue Toilet Paper 100 sheets Tubular Si Slbo bo Laces 44 4464 54 3 3 pair Adamantine Pins 6 papers papi fre 5c c
I i lUc jar 9c 7 rolls for 25c for oc fie Merricks Machine Bobbins box 5o
1 Colgate C 01 gates Violet lolet Toilet Water per P Pure U I O Carmel Castile C aSiUe Soap S oap 3 cakes Cal ces as Cosmo C Osmo Buttermilk But terml k Soap soa p cake cak e 5c j Imported 1m po rte Hi H llr > ir Rats Ra ts all 0 til U shades lOc Climax C1 dim imax Lt Sewins SeWiQ 17 Silk S Uk 3 spools JlQO IS for 5c t
LI bottle 25c forSfic for 2 2IC IC c Pure White bite Italian Castile Soap 4 Bone Collar Buttons J1ttons dozen 3c c Phoenix Phoen Safety Safet < Pins i 12 2 S 3 ± i dozen
1 Lusterite for the nails elegant 4711 flVhite hlte Rose Glycerine Toilet oHet lb n bars 41c Woven VovenInrdals hiitls nifiils 3 doz in package 3c 5c cc
cake 20c Soap f2c 0 Park Parkt t Tilfords Tilford e Doubledistilled DoubledIs tilled I Asbetus Ir IJbn fart Holders 3c M J f I 1C I Darning Cotton ball Ic 1
Cutlcura Cu h hura ura Soap Soapfor for the skin kin cake cal a Mtmypna a Witch Hazel Spap cake cal a i Bay Ba Rl Rum um m bottle bottte3S S5c c Mndliinc rncblnu Oil bottle Z 3d e Mbro Crochet Silk 2 jn spool > ool for 5c 5c i
lie c 10c i i SUI Surgeons gons oons and an Physicians Ph slclans dcl iii Soap Soap4 4 Barbours ja rbours s I Ilnen w inen men Thread C CSPO spool SPO I IiC 7c iC e Lion Li qn Brand Hooks and Eyes El es 6 cards ds
Violet Ammonia large bottle 9c Packers Ptcl er Tar Soap cake c H 1 eJc e Tic for 25c 2 Je > c f Silk < C TaffeUi laffet attet < f fBln j Binding Bln ln f niece piece 7c c for ci DC
l t > i lIIEI

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