t r V < V VV
HOl HOlse lloiseiuiretropolitan i se il1 Jtetrop1ita1 Dis
t1t trict I tt ICept Cept Indoors
f i
Severe ndiUdri i ir r i1 Will w ± Cause Ca se Early Earl jI In
M5 f > V f f
fl flusrtp Benaing BemuigWestern m Western estern Stables Stabl s
l lm J Yr Yrestern V
T Also IsoComlng Coming Comiii Here V V
NEw NEwrOBK v vT 3SW T V YORK YORK March 4 4Yith With V the th
opening o CI ingf1 G nethV nethVracIng fthe thc > > racing season s eason In t the he
22ast Ea tbut but Hhree threcwc wee weeks ks away there tl tber y yrQis rQis is no
V end edof of JFumblingc scumbling > c and cohiplarnmgr cornpa uiug
among the tll t owners ot ncrs and trainers V whose
horses horse are quartered at ntthe the tracks in
the Mtron Mctroiiolitaji V outa Jl t1i t1iS districtVTegarding dtStiict S tri tr regarding g rd in g the V
prevailing JrvaUlngweather weather conditions
A visit to o the tb theV thelocal = V local tracks trac ks this week
Developed ievelopedthe the fact Lac that t lat there ther was cva
scarcely a trainer who had been able
to give his lii charge ch rgea any il9utdoorw outdoor wor r k
and audthe the be beit t that can be done is walk ¬
ing iT exercise eercj e ender under nder s heds Qed5 V V
there r1 re ha 1i has not been a day recently recen tly
when th1jConey the jyConey V > Coney Island Boulevard
which whl < lf is fSLYprite worlground work ground for for the th
majority njajorlty of of horses at Gravesend Graves nd
Sheopshcad ShctPsb > d Bay Inn and Brighton has bp been n
in lrt anything anyt Jing like I kecondition condition to gallop
horses and nd little Ifttleor or noa noattempt ttempt to put
the tracks themselves in shape for gal al ¬
loping has been eenattempted attempted
iTher ie h V kou JouLethrd iev ev hrd rdand and the tracks rackshave have
been b beecqyer e ncg vered er Il 1 with w th ith ice an d snow for orthe the
V pstthrcfl pAst t st thre Weeks wlie s making them exceed exc ed ¬
ingly unsafe for high class tlnss horses l orses
Ev Even en t best it will V take severalda several day3 3
of o f fwarmsun warm warmsun sunshine hlnetoput to put either tracks
or r bou b bou ou levard dlnfit V in fit shape for anything
like fast f stgflUOPS gallops
Unless conditions greatly grea qy improve imt > rove
within the ih next few days the majority majo rit
of ofthe ofthet the trainers t faln rs will ship their horses
to Washington W shirtg Jl Jland V and Pimlico fo for r rt11 their t11 lr
early arly spring work A large number of
owners made madcarraJ1gements arrartgementsto gragements to ship sl1ipdpr dur ¬
ing the past V week but word w ord rd from fr m the the
Washington track was w as received stating
that the conditions there were were fully as
bad as they theyw V V were f on Long Lo Log g Island The
Benning > track however will be muc
easier eas east V gr 1 to oget get JntoShape info shape for galloping
horses hor horsi s iWh when n the t tlt lff winter weather is thor ¬
oughly oughlybroken broken o and artdthede the delegation that
Will shin f h1P l p to the Uie ISTatioha Nationa i Capital
be much m ch Targer la Jatei diet V than thanusu V uu usual 1 t The Ben
ning V coarse is very sandy and
comparatively few warm days the thefr frost
can hfr 1 e worked worl d out ut of the track soil
This years spring spr lig meeting me ting at Ben
illng 1in i ib by b y ythew the thew t1 w Syf yf yfprom promises prom ses to be b V the
best bE t in the history of the old Washing ¬
ton organlKa 9rlWtll7ltlo ilonl The Th Thp prospects are V
tlioTe 1hme V will wnf be more horses s at att11e the
tn tfi1 t1itui tiii lieV ever l before b for e There lhereare are hundreds hlIndre
of owners and trainers who are arenow e how in
the West who w ho ar arenotdeslrous are not nptdeslrous desirous of beeois b on
ing entangled in the Western track race
war who are waiting waitin ganxiouslyf anxiously for r the
Opening of thefEastern th The E Eastern stern season where
they thc r may race without Incurring enmit
pf of either of the two Western West rn turf bodies bo di s
Inhere There are a number of bigJWestern big Westernsta eta ¬
bles whi which h have expressec expr expressed ess ea f fan an all intent
cf doming coming to the th East and andracingher racing
this Summer summer rather than c ctace face banish ¬
ment by the theWestern Western Jockey Club by
racing on onihe the tracks of the new new Amer ¬
lean icanTurf Turf Association
Na Hailonal tional and American AmericanClu Clubs bs Hope t
f Avert AverFAno Another tJ tJer er Slump Siu SlumpTo nip nipo To o V
Start Early
All the teams In both the
and nd National Na ttonal League Leagueduring during the com
Ins ingsprlng spring lrttendto in intend tend to pay special atten
tlon to the improvement of batting
There TheJeWasare was a remarkable IIJarkaplc slump slumpIn in bat
ting last season sQllthroughout throughout the thebasebal basebal
World a and rid ndV various rl ssuggesLlons suggestions <
lieen lieeIJQffered offere offered d as tQhow to how it can be b improv
t ld d In 1903 19O3 practically the same
prevailed prevai prevaiedas edas as in 1904 00and and the cause o
th the batting slump is still unexplained
Several Severalj of the tb managers have adopte
the idea idea of having the thepltchersin pitchers In gOO
condition In advance of regular pii
practice Jjractlcesothat so that thatbatters batters V can be given
thorough tryout r out before efore V the seaso
opens op ms and by tills lijs plan they hope ii
have slugging at the start V
The pitchers pitcherswere were masters mast rsof of the sit
nation uatlonat at the beginning of last season
and during trrlng the early weeks prospectiv
battinj hattingrecords records were knocked knockedirtft iran >
cocked hat The Th result of the new pIa
will vlll be watched with Interest through
out both major and minor leagues
BOSTON March Match4At 4 LAt At Harvard
Imrn bU p and anJ Stevenson are expected t
inake mak a strong battery for fo the basebaJ
nine this t11IsYehr year Cobpin shut s utout out
Pennsylvjipia Pepnsylvpplaand and Yale last yft yr V
will have to fill Glarksons Clarksonspl pljlee plrt ee V as th
foremost 1oremostJ > pitcher for the Crimson d drnn n thi
season e so i V
Captain C ptaln W V p po C o Randall Kin T V cove
first base and Hugh Kernan probabl
will occupy oecu his old position at seconc
Matthews the colored player
doubtless rema in fnat at shortstop Arthu
McCarthy 1 fiiidiH 5fld ld V H IL D Greenough Bf nr
likely to be bein V In the outfield with wlt a a
man to tq be picked from D Mchall R
Sperry 81 pirry > rr l land and D JT NIchols NIcholsr NicholsJ r J B H Maim Mahg
is 3 promising p miing candidate for third is
MtL 1ionLWArKt MILWAV1E VAl VAlKEB T KEB March 4 < I Mauric
Sayers of ofMi1waukeeand Milwaukee and Benny Be rmy Yan
ger s of o Clicagr Iicagi < > may meet mcetat at India Indi hapo
llson next Fr FrIda jday in a tenround bou
if the money mone j question can be settled sat
isfaet i factlrl1y > > rlly Shyers manager mana ger
a inessose inc qe from Yangejjs manager
Ing a aniatcb match aj 130t 130 pounds > at 3 oclock
The Th proposition will be accepted 1C
i division of ofth fth the money one oner r can be
CHICAGO ctUG A V March 4 4At At the
meeting mee ngyesterday yesterday of the Woman
ern Ggltr GQlfAs AJ AsSciat J Jc1aA4Ofl claton on Hopewood Ill Jlh
was Delected elccted lcct d as asy astheplace Rt y theplace I1epla e for the
ual US V I championship champo shlp tournament this
The tcumament t < urnani nt will W pl be b held in
When the doctor tells you that
patient pftentJs is reBttng comfortably ri
marked m 1lt d W the t i Observer ObsetY r of Qt Events Event
Things yoli can cunrHJt not help helpbutitop ieip but stop t
thjnk tJtJn Svlietfcer ivllN el c patients JatfentsQv ever > r can
U1 lmcomfortablyYonkers ncomf Omortl ortablj h hH H Yonkers V Statesman
V V 4 V VV V
Physical Culture Used
By V Trainers of of f Horses
i > 1
oJr Dr rAtkins Atkinson n Famous Fanlous VeterioariBh 91 < of pj JJ Lon > fy 6
don donOrig Originates OriginatesNew i r i 1tes 1tesl 1tesNev 1 New Method d dofRre of ofRre ifre c Pre Y >
r > for far Races V
V This This is lethe the age of oculture culture phys ical
and andotherwJSe otherwise otherw se and andWhtle nd V while hUe it is more or o
I less less of a aad fad in in rmany I 1an any respects resp cts it has ha s
done a great great4 dea a l l o of good g ood in many mtinywaUs walks walk
of Ofiltfe oh1fe Hlfe to which W h ICl it might m C 7 htn not ot have been b en
I e ipeqted to penetrate lenetra e V
One of of oVthesels these is the theho hor hOie ie Ve Ver r Every train ¬
er knows the exceeding and and almost In ¬
surmountable difficulty in keeping a
horse horsein in in condition in baXLWeather J adweath r V OR Jn in
getting get ng him into anythlngappro anythingapproachlng anything V approh1jng chlng
condition condition If If the frost frost 1l1u lingers rs In the
grour grQ grou1 11rl 1 well into April AP V II1 as was vas the pase ase
last las t year year When Morris Park > nIk opened 1pen ed
for racing in the first week weekin in May Ma
there was scarcely a steeplechase s e plelase horse
wintering in tbatsecUQ that section that plat could
boast of twc two clear ax weeks w eksof of preparation pre riarntion
and the consequence was was that thatulany many iany of
the events were almost almost farcical far lcal
The tr trainer her asked as ked and and with with withre withueason reason re son
Whatwas What was he to do The ground was
like ikefi flint nt or or worse wor e s till tills was vass s loppy l ppyon on
the th surface with a flinty strata under un er ¬
neath n e th with w ith theidl the i Idh arid andf snow nowV loyrw water w ter con on ¬
stantly stanU stanUwclling r welling up the very worst going
for 013 a a valuable horse 9rs to t negotiate There The re
was wJsapparetltly 1 apparently nothing but shed sh d ex ¬
ercise which was w s a apoor poor substitute
What would an oldtime trainer have
said to any daring daringmnn man who suggested s lgge ted
physical p li lislca slca cultiire c u tQre V What T hat would w u Td many man manr r
of 01 the th present pres ent day say s st about ab ut it Yet Ye t
it iti itIs Is an accompllsl accomplished nccompiIshedfat edfaet fa t V baged ba baedn edon on
rational sense sense and reason and has has pnly only
dawned on the horse hOrS world worldat at present ptese nt
The father fatherof of the method Is Prof John
W c Atkinson AUc fns On F F FRCVS01 R R RCVS01 C V 7 7V V S of London ndgn
considered d don one on of ofthe the most successful succ ess ful
equine bonesetters btmesetters in the theworld world
a man lIlan who for years has ha given giyenclose close
I attention n to all l1 matters in the world of
sport s port V
His attention atte ntion was was > first attracted to
the subject by bythe the great great valu V valua aiue of r jlfie hie lie
stakes stal s for twp two twOycarlds yearolds c cc c arQlds hnd the thet there tre t re ¬
V mendous financIal risk which sur
rounded ro nde d ur tlfelr lt preparation preparati p or training tr lnlng
After much much thought tho ght and many manyc c lose ¬
lywatched trials he concluded tha
there was wasnodoubt no doubt as as to the value v al e o
what wbatfor for want of a better term h
V called physical physicalcult culture re for horses
V It was not difficult to find on what sec ¬
tions the unnatural weight vrelghtof of the rider
would WOUI bear most mo t heavily 1eavil and what
might mf ht be Jaken taken as astl1e the result one
V the th most pertinent pjrtlnentpiecesof pieces of evidence
Hope to Get Br itt and an d Nelson Together Toge h
in What Promises to Be V
Last LasfFig Fight t f >
SAN SA N FRANCISCO March iiarch 4 tThe 4The The fact i ct
that five clubs in San Francisco Fran isco Jiave have b
made madeappUcatioI1 application to the Ul supervisors s stor for
the March boxing boxingpermii permit Is taken as as
evidence avid n te that the promoters have re j
celved an inkling as Us to the probable ac ¬
don of the Legislature on the Ralstoir
bill l which W111chvrolllbits prohibits boxing boxingin in the State
and that they tbeydo do not expect expe t to have a
chance to apply for any anymore more permits
after this month
The clubs that applied for the permit
are arotheYosem the Yosem lte the Broo Brooklyn klyn the Bay
City Cit the National and the San Fran ¬
cisco Naturally at11xallytl1eseclubs these clubs may mayhav have
been Influenced In their elr rush by the the
belief beU f that the pHncjpal pHncli pr incipal > F battle this
month will be one hetweenritt between Britt and an d
Nelson which would probably draw a a
large house At the same time it was
hardly llke likely r that so many clubs would
clamor for the date If fighting were
sure to last In this city for some time
i I to come
LEXINGTON Ky March rarc hl 4 4The The Thear ar ¬
rival at Lexington of Advance AdYanceG Guard a to
I head the newly newI r formed breeding bree Ung stud of o t
r extrainer John H Morris at TVoodbiirn Woo dburn
farm arn Brings three great g at rivals oh on the
I turf close together In their retirement
I trout the ranks of bearers of the V 4Uk ilk
At the > Hill Brock farm of MIndc
Baker near the forks Zork of the UlkhVjrn
V is quartered the thegr great at Gold Heels Heelswln Din in ¬
Vt t
ner of the Suburban Handicap lit the
year car which was wa Advance Guards last
season on the turf tlJrf and the Sunnyslopr S nnyslop
stud of J V Bhlpp near Midway is ianow now
l the home of Blues a competitor of f the
IL great son If imp Great Tom during h hJ his
a best years on V the turf Advance Guar HuiriI d
an an1 l Blud luers lu l are In the same samecouarymly county only llIy
a L mile mU or two twOaI apart > art while Gold G dHeps Benls
Is just over oV r the line in an anndJoinJng adjoining
coml couiitv v
V this i his direction d I r ecti on bein be n the U01 brealdngilown brdlcin e ft ft1Ci 1Ci g kd d u iI iIo
of o 01 the French horse hor c Holocaust Hol Hoipeaust ca st vyhen iIJ J
dunning d nning hlthe in the Derby It was wnsdairii cla c1aimed imed ll llo o l
b by S practically PraetIca 1l all allth the e experts ex P e rts that t 11a t it i t
V Vwns vns as due to the forward seat of Sloan
the jockey jc kcy thro throwing > ving so much moro mor 1
we weiglit cIght ight forward forwardo of the withers than
the horse ho e m training trnillingprinrlc1ng or in racing had 1
been peenprepared prepared for and there was cer ¬
tainly tainJymuch much to recommend that view
I So S after yJtt much mucht110ught thought Delsartinii De artu exer ex r rj j
clis Ci S Wfte Ete forthcoming fortllConlln g r al a scientiilcaliy scIenttll < aH
1 testeu t cte and watched not c is s sa a fad but 1 1t
as asa a possible good to tothc thc world of horses
I and their t dr handlers Taking l lk pg the exerr e r
1 cises cI s of the human su suojectasa subjct je < k as a guide gUlCJel gUlCJend J
l I and nd cnrefxilly aref U iiotlns their relations to
the hltma human naPflt01I1Y anatomy it itwa was not so V o very er
dimeulf ifficuIt to draft out oulothrs others which whlclsl1Quld siQuld 1
I bt ha Jr JrS p s sOinecorresponding pine ltl corresponding correpon in re r relation iatlon l t1Il to the I
anatomy of the horse V J
When the outcry outcr In Bngldnd was well eIl1
I n Hjii l h universal UniYcrsnlag against ist American Alneri > a train t in ¬ i
ers ersand and American methods the discov disc dis ¬
erer ereI of 9f equine e 1 1H julne H ine ii physical I bysl al culiure culturesaitlpu saidV saidpub pub b
llnl lIji liely V V V
r As lp p the th success Iuccessof of the t11 American Ame rican
traijiejr tr bH r h V in England EnglandI I consfderlt consrdJr1tl consider It due to
the peryer p pcrereness e eriess of the i English tngHs nglt h h tna traIn in
er crjn in s sticking to obsolete obsolet systems systeinsmaJ mak ¬
ing the horse fit his Ide ideas as instead Instead of
stnaying studyfn studyinthd 1h the Weak weak weak points Of t the he an 1ilim 1ilima1 itnimai imal a1
under his charge cbargestrengt11ening isirengmenlng strengthening them th m
in nvel cver everway way wa r as U s ra f pace weight weiiillLtem tem ¬
I Ipcr per and endurance Take Talteth the Amer merca1i ican
trotters t 10 ttt5rs We T Te e have nothing not J tin g like Ilk e ithem thorii
I It In this thisCountxand thiscoontry country and there is not a cafie a fj
I on r record f fcord cord where w1iere an American tfbtttir tr otl r
has ha been open lPU overweighted ovcrwelghteda and ndovetw overwOrked rked
at a atrlnra V trial a few f wiIays days before art an im i ¬
Il portant rtnn i irace race as under nder fh the British Dd BritiOltsy sWsy sys ¬
1 tem e eT T of f training t ral ning running th thoroughbred 0r Uglllrt
If they can in fifty fiftYJ liftyyttnrs yfears arsprodi1c pfodiics prodnesV
such sHcba a marvelous breed bre d and type cap ap p
I able of Qtc doin doing g such sl1chremarkablefc1Jtsof remarkable feats faat of
speed and c endurance Is it rational rational to
suppOFtr UP offftl offftley they ey have been standing still sun
arid ridUi ifrs itshep Joep h ep as we weapparentlYI1a apparently have h hV V ave ve in l
the V matter of improving improvingmethods methods of
handling h hdllng and no1 training The he running r nniHg
I thorojghbred To ro me i this Ns view vi ex exs ¬
plains ihe he very great pro proportion portion of the
u m underrated American succpss su succss cc s
In In all probability i obablllt r the present present equ eq equine Trie nc
physical culture had h d its Inception fri eptlon in this
V mans grasp gras p pupon upon the improved methods metho m ethods ds
of American trainers traine rs as aslo to speed spe ed and n d den en
durance durancedevelopmcnt development
Doc Hildebrand Will Again Be Hea Head
l Coach Coa h hJ hVi J With Vi hHugh Hugh Jenpi Jennings gs gsi = > i
t V
o i to t i1 Help elp
V PRINCETON r N 1jJ 1 5 J March 4 4olnI Man
ager age r Griffith Gr i Ill p OZ the th Princeton basebal bas balJ
team has announced a nnounced the coaching cQachingno1ic policy nolle
for the nine for the thecoming coming springs sprin g Th The n e <
material will this year ear be beworkedov worked over
by a professional pro fesslonal coach Qac h but the gradu g du
ate system ste in will not be abandoned ant and
Art rt Hlllebrand Hl le brundhas has again agalnb been en engaged
as head coach Hughey Jennings J nnin gs of the
Baltimore Eastern League has heenen been en ¬
gaged to take the place placeo of Fred Clark Clark
of the tb Pittsburg Plttsb rg Nationals Nation ls who did
such good work last las t year ear and an V was w
largely responsible for the Tigers
championship team
Jennings has had experience In col ¬
lege baseball as he Instructed the theCor Cor ¬
nell aggregation for three years ears Hi
will reach Princeton about March 21
and wiIlJcmalnwlth will remain with the candidate
one month monthoachlng coaching Princeton Pr inCeton In Inbat bat ¬
ting Hildebrand will be with withCaptail1 Captain
yells frQmlhe from the commencement comm ncemlnt o ot th the <
season and will assist In the selection
of the nine Baseball Ba ebaUctndldateswi1i candidates will
be called calle lout xjut from the freshman fresh 1an class
fn a afev few days ay and two weeks leter lI er tIlE
varsity yar varItyw1ii Jtyvmbe will be aummoned sum oned
Practically Prac Ucallyall all the lea leading ding college base ¬
ba bliJIB bail ll squads are now doing indoor worl
and in addition to the tnegrtduaie graduate coaches coacll
who direct the general gener lpollcy policy for the
> season most of the team have l1u e leagiwrj
to help with the coaching Among those
who are coaching at atpresen presen t tare are Barn
White of the Chicago Americans < m ri am j ni A I
George Washington WashingtonJnc Jiicjc Jitct Chesbro ant an
Willie Keeler of the New NewYork York Y rk Ameri
cans C ns at Harvard Billy Lush of CJevt
li IRnd nd at Yale Hugh Jennings of Bar Ba
timore timore at Princeton Harry Ha T Davis o a
the Athletics at Pennsylvania PennsylvanlaWaIt21 Waltei vait
Clarkson ClarKsonof of the New KewYork York Americans Ame rica1
at t West Vest Point Bill BI1lClarke Clarke of Washing Wash In
ton at Annapolis Billy Louder uder of Nev
ton at Brown Fred Fr Tenny at Tufts Tu ftg
I McCarthy at Holy HoJyCr Cross s sM rMcAlliBter McAllister Al11ste r n
Michigan Jake Stahl at at Illinois an am <
John Pravln Pr vln at Bowdoin
b e
1 pftLtNq V
Re Recognized ognized and selected as the Beverage I
I for Inauguration Serve it to your guests at t I
dinner Tell them also that it can be hadall had all
over town Theyll appreciate the quality of V I
SparklingA1e Sparkling 41O
Family trade supplied suppJied7c 7pc a dozen bottles
Washington Brewery company 9nll 9nllan o an 1
IL 4th andF and F st Sin etsN ets N E friL
or c
Phone Eltst 254 0
Rams ams Horn Takes Speed I I
Handicap at Ne New Orleans Or leans II I
ShortPrtced lior i Priced f FavQrite avor te Wins Win s sat at fl3rescent Crescent City S
Co CourseOddson t trse rse Odds 0h P Favorites v rit i il l La Land nd
at City P Park rk
LE LDVS kxS NS Ma l arch Vdh rc il 4 Weather e Jh fa faIr ir track tr c1t
tast fast V V V V V
rirt rac race4Selhing efsel ii V sev seven tJ furoijrc 11lobis
Yorkshire Y Qrk sI1lre1 lj ij to to 5 it won Hadrian H adrian 7 to 1
eecoml ecom The Eye 5 i tel third Time
12845 128 45 V v V
Swedish Lad LadWinnifiedLad Winniffed Lad Grand Gran id d
Champfcn prcn RhodqrickBHu Rho rickDHJl Malediction Jrale Uct on
Paul Revere Billy Wake a e and u d Cherry lhE ry
Boy Bo also ran
Secon d race r cePurse Purso one e and n ri qnosix Qn SiX
teenth HWpth miles Postmaster Postma Postmastar ter Wright Vrig ht9 9 to
o 5 won Maraschino 12 to 1 second
Blue Blaze BlazeSOto 30 i0 to 1 1third11mc third Time 143 1 14 1S 1 1b > 1
Atheola Bountiful White Ghost Cap ¬
tarn Gaston OjIbwa St V VV V JBhie Blu Ilarry Hart rurcy r
New ew Captain Cap a n Gaines Nandora Nan1ort Fleerful l tiul
d and an Rabunta Rab nta also ran
Third T hird race racePtirse Purse ur sefiv five c and pdon onehalf h C
furlongs s Kilties I Jlttc 8 to Jw 1 I won n Kittle Iittl
Ptatt Ratt i 5 J to 2 Z second Gotowlii GotoWln10 10 to 1
> V1h tl ird Time Tim HO UOi 8S 3 j l
V Little f J tttle Jack Homer lo rncr Miss Itss Gomez lion E Or t
tensja Lady L d ll1BlttckCham irt jnj3lcek Black Chamblee blee Wool 001
noola Simplic Simplicity ity ty Pacheta p cheta and The TheGuardsfiltln
Guardsman also ran Thel l
Fourth race r riceThe acelhe The Spee Spc d l Handfcap Hal dfc p
SlOro 1003 10 added a dded six furlongs Rams ams Horn ibm
2 to 1 won W0l1 Trapper TrJ pcr 8 to 1 1 second se se ond
S Schuteheon hutcnMn 6 tq t 1 third Time Time11245 TlmelE 112 43
Pity Pit Titanic Rapid Water and Phil
Finch also ran V
Fifth F iithraceH race raceHandicap Handicap cap j one onQlint mile Old
Stone 1 I to 1 won onGrego Gregor 4 1C hltO 7rto 7 ltO tO 2
second s cond Kings Klns Trophy V 8 to to 5 5tbir third
Time 13945 139 45 V
Mauser liau er Lady Charming and nndJalte Jake
rSal ISaiaders ers also ran < V
Sixth SIXt11race race raeeSehhlng S Sellingr e11ing one Op onnd and nI onequar one q ua r
ter miles mi1e B Kinsey 3 l to 2j 2wonRoyal won Royal
Arm 3 to 1 1seC 1 second seqpnlGeOrgViVlail lld George = Yivi yivian 4
to 1 third Time 30335 303 35
1 Caithness < thness Catalina Catal n e and andI Muraur rnU also lsO
ran IIi V V =
Seventh race rac es Six i furlongs fUrl ngs Annie nni
I Alone 6 to 1 WQIf1ordof worf l Lord ord of the Valley
5 to 2 second Sc con Miiadii I1a di 1Lo Love Loye12to e12t 12to 01 1 third th iJd l
I 1 hr 5
Time Tlm Ja4 > V V V V VV V V
t Wreath T Tren ren thof oC Ivy IvyJim Jim Hale HalcSlgm V Slgmund V nd V
Aggie Lewis JDJt V VDtt IJ Dtt t st V and an y Monograph V
also ran V V V j
City Par k
4 4r 4Weat1er r WeatHer clear C Ii T track tra 1 fast Summa suinrn ¬
ries V 1
First race rRc rkceSix Six furlongs John Jo nGari1 Garner r
20 to 1 won Alvahtnra Alva 1 nra 14 HtO to tOli 5 second Scc El1lli El1lliUdwfmiG
Lldwina UdwfmiG G I to 1 third Time l 1141 ll4Tl3 UIS El1llij 1 j
Second Slc ond race raceJour Four furlongs furlongsReuben V Reuben 6
to 5 won wonliortunate Fortunate 7 7to to 1 second
Gary 4 to 1 1 third Time rim 0i8 0i82r O 2r 5
Third race r racoPlIrsel cePurse Purse five fivefmlongs f fuilongs u fiongs Tele j
scope s ± opel ope 1 to 2 won Lucy LucyYoun Young YoungJ1 > 41 to tor 9 5 i
second Mr Barriaby Barnab 20 to 1 third
Time 059 O59k5 Ol9e 15 VV V
Fourth Race Ra1eHaul RaceHandicap Handicap lican mneJaner mile Janeta Sa eta 9
to K 20 won Garnish Garnlsh9 9 to V VO O 20 second
Florizel 7 to 1 1 third Time 140 I
Ascot A cot Belle 1kll and fnd Luralighter J Ju r3lIghter u also a ran ra rii
Fifth race rftceSe1llng Selling mile mil and an xreI rteIthl ygthv th i
Ben Heywood H ood 9 gto to 10 wOriV w w0n rfiGanlnal Gardinai
Wolsle YolsleY > 15 to 1 second Revplte 20 2 W to
1 third thir Time 15123
Sixth Sixthl race aCeSe1Hri Sellin one one mile and ancla a six t ¬
teenth teenthiHud V VliUd i Kud Embr Embry > 7 7tQlwonR t0 toiwon 1 won Rhyal yal
13 to 1 jsecond second Harry Stephens 3 to 1
third t ird
l En EntriEjs Entr tr ies is I
NEW NEWO lv ORLEANS Rr V EA i f March lfilrCh4i6 v 4Following JT Foilowing lowlng
rc rC th the e eptnzes txJe for J londr Ionda
First Flr J rifte r i c Thrfi qlart < 3uarferof lsofaInire of a mlle
Clover Hampton JV iamptOnady lLadyMerfiuryBjstt Lady Merqury BisqUe c
Dance Music 105 10 1031 Mnxey > < Moore In ¬
spector ITnlpin 107 1 HannibalBey Jamiibal Be Win
alfred I Lad Lady atly Charlie Dickson Garrret
Wilf Wilson = on Swedish S cdlsh Lad d Dririus 110
Second Scc nd race rtLc Flvennd Five and onehalf ol1eh lr fur
longs IOlh Rondolet Rond 1et Conjure Gal 84
Barker Court Crier Crler8Georon SO S Georona Dia
moor mend T Betty Florence Fl rch May Ma 92 Wild Vild
Ttger F r SS 5 olKjpl i 91t ii Dpt Dot
YJt tore tige Fir ir f fj j V 5 i tt itantV i d tnt f Pros
1hjn rn rn h icrcl t tl1 Rd S7 I
IJttte V Utnds
nold trri i 5riE =
rourti Fact tr ei el t li
miles Whip ibt t 1
> Terns Tet ii1jt It < PJ ictinsv FFl ha n
Monte 101 taji n C < i int rtr
er 102f itt S Spitcria
FlfthraeMiIek MOlltpell Ftrlc i F nsth r Z iS l1
MU hI il0 Pumps V VI I h n
Keogh keos hl1 117 l Missile M 1aalle St TJaBfrl 1 c lthI > tL I Us + i
Pompano Lingo 120 20 Sav5fmd S Sa T N J ic ev il l
I18t rdam < Bengal 121 I
Sixth Si th race raceOnc One mile an gl ihI y ft
RrdSi Algetha BannotHcBellb BnnnocicB nb I t K
ton n Bis Bishop hop i V Weed V cd EthfiJ JIt M U t 1
Dixie Lad LadS S Lady Free Knight MU Il MI
Lady Mistake 105 IOu Ponca 107 Hi
Corners 107 10 John Boyle Do Ic Miladl L
McWHHams MCWilJI31n112 112 Barkelmore lli 11
OCpnnell QC6nn JIof o of f Dedham High School Set
New Mark 1tI rk fO for Thousand Thou and Yards I
Worcester Academy Won I
BOSTON MJrch4 March March4ine 4 4ine jine ne annual annm11nt Iriter r
scholastic Athletic Assoclatipri ncham chain ¬ 1
pionships In which wliichall hkb all the be preparatory para
schools s schoolgof hoolol of New Ei Eng England igjand and competed cgmp ted tedr tedwere r were iI
lieiu hei this afternoon a ternCi9n in i p Mechanic build ¬
ing irH v L jC
A vast v v st t tlirdhg throngwIt r wltiiessed wIt c5sedthe essCd the efforts
of the school schoblbo boys sa and n ns saw s sa aw iv the wor worlds ids I
record recor 1 l for the tQ 1000yard run i lowered lr
by cC C C OConnell of of the Dedham D dhaml1igh high
school a full second the worlds orldsrecord record
for the 40yard qyar l daSheClualedby dash equaled by C Ce e it lt
French < rench renchJ J of Worcester Academy an rin d I
new 0 intersc interscholastic se holastic records eords established bUshed I
in int the he relay race and a n d the high higllIlurcl1es hurdles 1
The stars of f the themect meet are easily 1
French OConnell and Hart the lat ¬ I
ter terof of Phi Phillips llips Exeter Who v 11oput put the 16
pound sh shot t a distance istgnc of oC39 39 feet I l inch
Worcester Academy cndc my won w the meet
with 27 points Exeter Ex te rwns was second sec ond with
201h 20 2Ol OConn OConnells eirs e Il s tim t tune tn < e f f for or tilt 1003yard 1 003afd
run rut was 227 27 Ir J5l 13 5 Drenchs lench irenchs < s for the 40 i
yard ard dash was > WS5 GI U 15 and andL Lv L L l Mc
Clure of Worcester or ces er did d Id the tb eIlIg high h hur h u 1 ¬ 1
dies les in In i06 Pfj25 36 25 and andIn in the relay race
Volkman school lo lowered w wredtheirown wered redtheirown their own r roe c ¬ 1 I
ord bv b 2 25 seconds bringing the t eln In
terscholastic t 8C h hl PlS tic relay r arecord record down to
31 31t1 LI l < S
Dont you ou think tit lak asked Mrs Old r I IDn7t
castle that everybody eve bo yisu1rcctedmorQ Is affected mor more I
or Jess less bv bvenviron environment inentr
Yes Tet replied > liedc Mrs d Packenham pac ken ham if
I tnevre t leyre c 1Qoi foolish Sl enough cI ou b to take t le such I
I IthlJ1g I things thingsbnit but I always turn 1Jrndowp down my mycl3ss glass
end fII1J never touch tuchltChicago it itChIcago Chicago Record
i Herald j
h hT Theres T beres nothing not nothinglike iing 1IJe > like perseverance P r 8 e rance it I
I IV IW1flS wins out in the long fun run I
S Not ot always did you aver We see a hen > j
on a a porcelain egg eggs eggBrooklyn gg1 s Brooklyn Life
Ion I
Oneo One of l the Sights of of the Capital City 1
Pope PopeBuilding Building 817819 817 = = 819 FourteeEith Fourt enth St I
I Visitors V1si prs Cordia lly In lowtec ite d i I
I i largest I argest and finest display of Automobiles in Washinglon aliggt aliggtn asliin glon n I I
Manufactured by the th Pope PopeMotor Motor Car Co i0 0 0 0fYtt SK fYtt <
V i I
J i
t I
s 7 4 a 1 v 1ruI I 5t
ji 1
I J je
4 jC jCt t V 1 Jl S t
r b f f I
V j
New 3ideEntrancs 30HP PopeToledo
Visitors isitors in the city cityare are invited to our handsome handsomebuildilg buildin g an and I
salesrooms where are shown Automobiles of the latest latest1905 1905 con ¬
S struction inclu din g g Gasoline Runabouts Tourin g Gars Carsi Carsand and Elec ¬
trics in many martysupetb superb superbrnodels mo n o dels costing from
V 500 to 10 9 900Q 00Q
PopeToledos Pope = = Toledos PopeHartfords Pope = tIartfords
PopeTfibunes ope = Tribun es Pope Waverly W averly Electrics Ele ctt I
V and Other h Cars
V Columbia Rambler I ambler Tribune Cleveland
Crescent and Juvenile Bicycles Bic cles
H Pope Manufacturing Co
lLPope J
lL U = = 8l7 81719 = 19 Fourteenth Street
V V c
VV <
Outfitters to Both Botb1Jlen Men and Boys
Corner Seventh and E Streets N W V
Ihe Nobbicst Spring
Clotbiug CIothillgE = EB ft o Kind V
We Yeare are rea dy for you ouyes yes more than
ready re dy You w will ill fin fjndih d 3 the finest collection co llection of
Spring Spdn g Suits top t PGo coats afstro trousers sers sersT T un and C fur ¬ V
nis n rnshuigs hings assemble ass mbI d Itere ret11Jlt that you you Oll have gaze d l
t V i i i1f1pn uifpn 111fl The rhecI9thl clpthing g is 1S TJght r ight from our ourown own
H V ytetpry factoiy tPrr in in S lI3 Baltimoic ltiirior JJ IDjre e We W We e have p been een en busy bU8 busy Ja a ll
< td1J s these s l long Ilg mJ winter te months eonstruG construotmg tiiig ngfash fas h ¬
i ion oDa al a We l garments pn s that f folldm would olldm meet t with withi r rom your i om
41 4rOVa l pr r ri1 va vai l i The newest t spring spring < fiffectsT cifeetsthe ffects the tl e
ifii 1tw 1twet11i ttiG T S et11i lr tly fe kind kindmadeen kIndmade made en tirely tir lv different diff di fferent rent
f iit m ti the ti ie ev 1suaJrurtof usual run m bf o f rea4ymade r rea a 1ynla d de In > fact fa t
itif I Jai ai ior v maiile mi 1 a 1e dethat that that is is luatleOl1I made mar ie on the the same s alne
i hifi 1D a its 1 Ih H j r custom C lllStOlll tailoring taiIQJ taiIQJfug fug
U ItS S 41i Hthe th the newest n West novelties the
7 c J ritp pBri sia i1ad adesthe es sthepopularste the popular stee steel l grays ys
th heis hB 1 ht t md id d tarlr d < m mixtures xtures iuresand an and d the thepopn1ar popular
l b > mmy 0tmctr Oontrllu Oontrllutedin Ocred tedin ed in in the best h st popular pOP +
manner m mali i1n r t tIUi in IUi 8 broa4 hrovlfm TY1 Moulder ldere effects e ts liar airclft cloth V
fronts fr nts Tvhi hif ii < jtt vadde i4di sy gMt1yto veaLy fty to the hang and nd c
appearance feO l t t 4 iQ V
dress dressiest iest astort a as ar V Vt t tmtt a jongm YGU ygj ji 5 cvei f fr r seen seenO seenOthe seenthe the
loose full fu ll back b c l tight ht a4L d 5k r1 imxtures uxtuies t1res and a
the ever poPu1 popular J t ihrt ssff c febroad s broadsb broad shou 1l JK
der d er Covert co ver to top top pcrf G ot L l v i feii h 6 s used U S d
throughout Price a 9to40 0 to 40
SPEIHGTEOuE SPRING TROU V f 1iave nave v been 1
V very particular particularalnut al auL r tfc assor aS aSirt1flent rtJleIitof tnient of
trousers this seasou seas L t xw V a f1J1Yb fully ltii y believe n ve
+ t t fet n nv th J 3lS i Bs is un
that you ouwillagreew ouwillagreewcJ will agree w t cJ v
M questionably que StlO nablY the thefin finesi Q Sl > d fe 1 rte eBi tL L f spring SP nm
trousers that have e e t l t i1 dipiaed hp ted In i
Washington Every Everycoitvt Everycoitvtie co e tf ie e J tyle i ii here
shown Prices 3 to s10X 10
SP3ING M pvT1T J G Tt n HEt A Am As m TSOur J s O ur < mm ir rj il b Q ai r rt e t i1
ered eredtogetler eredtogetlerhe together J the u he most mostch chmrf ch < 9 > a arP Jrl k > S t tl l
Spring derbys fedoras and Si Sh Shrf L > > i rf Wh V h
ingt ingnians nianshave iians have ever had the gJ5 3J T Ffgetk of see ett
ing mg The newest neves sha shapes des are xe very ve ver IJ o Sth1IV 1 i e
Their style Is is ver ve ery ry y becoming cominl cominleare e We Te eare e t bt g
an anex excellent ellentSpringl1atat2 Spring hat a at 2 Ml OQE1U 00 ft S W Wf f rth 1 <
g partment is fully equipped eqwpp d for Spring >
1 matter matt r what you need in the line of fun mn V
inoS mgs gsweshow we show it itandattherightpr and at the thetigbtprie tight price c t tec tt cc V V t
f 1I > < z J j t dl J i
= 1
o r 0 4
I f A w Il 0 OFFEI f > L l IN I Id d 0 i Af I i
t t
of quality is always made when Heurichs 1 I
f beer is served Its I j js s the quality too that t
t o pleases pleasestlleparticu1artaste theparticular taste by its superb i
J I I1 satisfaction giving
I flavor iavorandgenu and genuine V A
i One taste ofMaerJenSenat of Maersen Senate or L Lager er eran and an
i youf youil ouHlbe 11 be convinced nvhicedof of its itsex exceptional ptioJl go good ocl i
ness V V V V
i V S V V V S t
I Ohr Ut A 11 R if i jA t
T i umm c n Ju Jut t = t1 it < i Hl Ug
r t t
J II f c
B P i riB tg I ft In E ndae I29 I29u I29t u t
N ff A for 1 Suit to order 1
ormePrices 14 18 g
ff ffJ m V
I Y6 fJ J s Men iv ivV ivr I r I GL SUOW WOOLEN l ULL
It i SIS a S Penn enn etnSV Ave f l
te II SI3 9CtaLvenu Pa Avenue W loL W I a e 2 2n n >
V dl31s91 l
Seed SE Ooffee iS offee
r Housewives IiousewivesPre Prefer fel J
J Good CoodihinstoEa ood Things io Eal Ea EaJ J C ta Km El
Ccod CeodheNce Ser heNce iGQ ai a I for cooking not eniybeca only because Ils it it 1
H HJ t is the most economical fuel to toise use
n hl 1 IE d5 but h ut because beca lls it1S it is especially cs pCCihlIya adapt a pt
V E IJ RR M 1 1t i1 t A < n nhl s V g ed cdforesenkitchcnmanges Well for Use U supply e in m kitchen kltcacnrangQs you youcokc coke ranscsi I
Coke delivered dehivere50 250 50
25 I b bo bC o Large
io to bu Large J arge Coke delivered 370 70
QUICK LUCH L U N C S H ROOM RO ROOM00bn O Iv a M 00bn bu Large Llr e Coke deli dlver deIivered3ZO vered d 5 530 f
IShu jz it JIU Crushed Coke deliyeredSSOC deliVcr 300
40 bu Cr C > ishe d Coke delivcred de1iver t1 t1t t t501 450t
905 9 05 F Sa T R ET ET II j 10 50 bu Crushed C ShCd gg Coke delivered dellvcred6D9 el Ycrcdw5 5650 < J JI I
I IVvashmgton Washington Qasligbt Co
S 413 13 IOta St N W Y
The 1 he Regen 11 I = 4J
250 It
SB i iff ff fea fca 7 I
C43 43 Pa Avp Av K W
As s a nspeci special l inducement tor for ycj yg c1 f 5
our urestabUshment esta establishment blishment we will j V lJ
sell six of gi git the t most popular P h hI I < V
brands n of whiskies i for u V
short s ortperiod period only rinliat atl at s
FuJI FuUQunrt Quart c
V e3 more
The Th C Elias EliasRaff 1 Raff Liquor Liqu V r t
Distributers of ofh ofHJm h Haras HJm Club CIubRy R Ry > taIot
204 2041tb 7th 7tht St st 5 W V Phone Pb PhtteMain l1e Main l i 13s 1352 352 t p