= s 7 I 1 THE THEW WASHINGTON TIMES h1ESSllNDAY JSUHMY SUNDAY MARCH 5 1905 199 R TUT s Y TiTV ML FT tit T T Y T T T M V I Tr v V st TT I V if > v ir T x 1 a t v XT I f 1 H SI Tr W L i v v r i j > v I IGREAT GREAT qREATPAGEANTPASSING PAGEANT PASSING FASSINGUP UP AVENUE CHEERED CHEEREQBY BY TfIOU THOUSANDS NDS I CHEERING THRONGS WITNESS 1TNESSPAflADE PARADE Brilliant Brill allt Pageant t Passes ii in Grand Semew Revie INCIDENTS I CI ENTS OF THE MARCH n c V Governors Gove rnors Filipinos Porto Ricans 9 C COwboys wboys Ys jAttract Attract ttract Much lt luch Applause r Lassoing Bystanders For Ft i irearIy nearly earIjT four hours yesterday af a ¬ ternoon t n 9on U Pennsylvania Penns lvanl avenue was th the < stage st i upon ton which was wa bent the th vision of ofa all l the people of all the United UnltedStates States The thoroughfare flanked d by thou spncts spntls of eager ger watchers was the scene scene of ofntn ot a military fltary and civic pageant whcl which in many ma man respects surpassed any th the < IT FiHt nited lted d States has ever eyer known Men Men from from fromall all parts of the country an and lt3 Jt its farthermost possessions marched from frpm the t he Capitol past ast the Presidents reviewing stand Inspired by b martial music from from aihundred a bands b1ndSrestlve restive < Corses hp rscs champed d their bits and andpranced prancet pranced proudly Pf9J1 < lly beneath neat1i the th weight welghto of patriot Pritoiots iItrIots And mdpa tnd patriot rlot commanders and anda above b bvethe vethe th < tattoo t ttoo of pf the horses liores hoofs hoo ahdv a and i1 i1jthe jthe tni tlie thudthud t ud tht d of the marching marchlngfeet feet < ran rang the l 1e huzzas and Shouts of acclaim i to t < Theodore Theo dore Roosevelt From Far and Near t I There Therewkr Th re Tw w ire r q q1ii in the the line iineo of trnar march chwhic whicl h ipassed p pssed ss d in review t 6vl w before the President rx s dent i the ti1 sons of MaIne ta1ne and the men Of f Porto Rico the troops troops of of Florida Fl rida and thi the the scouts s outs from fromthePliilippines the thePh1lipplnes PhilippInes There were the representatives ii in plenty of the navy navYl navyMr Mr lrRooseveltspride Roosevelts prid pride < nndt and there ler o were w wr r c the t h students tu ents from Harvard the th Presidents Er siqepts ainrn lma mat mater r Massachusetts lIassac usetts and Virgnjasent Virginia sent thei soldiery Jomarch to march before befo r re e the newl newly Sworn sworn President Pr sident The Georgia eorgta cadets and the Pe Pennsylvania msylvania militia passed i in the brotherhood broth rhood of arms before b fore the re viewing stantl stan 8 Seth Bu Bullocks l1ocks cowboys mounted mount d 01 on 4 their th irponiesand ponies and clothed In inhJI Jji the theraUgl ro gh pictUresquenessfof the Fs Fj i West Ves t paic paid their tribute of i devotion to the man who has hasalwaY always loved the life pf ofthe thi the frontier The i he Indians some omei in th the < TTnited 1J1lt d States S les r regimentas gimenta and some it in the th gala nIa war dress of Ichg ago a dis possessed and and a dying d ing pffaple Pf Pfple pple rode pas past the mansion mar siol of o f the Grea Grc f T L White Father in token of th their ir loyalt y to those who had hadconqueredtheir conquered their fathers athersand and grand fathers Enthusiasm ETjrywhere Et irywher And thr throughout througlout pughput th the thdwhole whole line o march from r QI the We w Pomtand Point and An napblis naJQliscadels ca cadets dets to t the last of the po litical ut utc c al alorganizations organizations l lthere there was th same same enthusiasm he same q quick lck strong strollrstep step that tha t tbldr tOIdof bf fthe the enthusiasm and strength of Cspl spirit it actuating those those who ho marched marcJ1edben bene benth ath t1 i ithe the Stars am Stripes t to lhet the tune ne f Yankee Poodle and rindlfaqlalldMy Maryland My filaryland The music of the pageant pageant was was a fea ture t tur r There rher were ere nilitary ml1t illitth bands bras brlss bands and fife ant antdJUm an drum corps Pa triotlc airs and rag ra m1mc flme met the ear a every Eweryturn turn Specta Spectars bni bniwith rs with the Amer lean icanpupll pu publics blics s quic qui quick k Appreciation i iJ J preclat1on in cho choxus rus us One band as s iF iFmarched A irnarched marched past th Peace Ic CWE Monument lIonlIrie Ionumet struck ruck up Dixie Di3 Di3c c Instantly the crowl was wild with en thusiasm t1iusl sm I Men n tl ttjew ttew ew canes into th air women women Waved theIr to s shreds boys opys y yfled lled and old me beat the ground gro und eth jth th their canes J If they were w r Southerners wh cheered they chee cheered h red because it wa Qixie Dixie ixle If they t ey iere ererrom ere from the the North th they y showed feeing etjng simply Dbcie Dixie is a tun t Jb that brooks no si lence len te And whje w hethe the 35000 36 OO men 1 the parade Passd that thatmonnment monument n such suchdeIOI demonstra drnOpraon tra jon Jonoccurred occurred again a in a that that which whichgre which firreted r ejt jtcd d the first notes n dtes Dixie on the th breezes of that earl spring sprlnl afternoO afte faO jt No HitdA Hit in Parade The Th Tht Thbeauty ybeauty t beauty j < ari a rli rlifinish 41 finish with woic whic thejj the p parade iarade e wa fc conducted Ccpducted ducted was an feature fea ture The There Ve w ns s not a hitch ne an infringem infringement ent nt OR 01 oi the th line of marc which could jbs be caled caIM a MaJor Rlchar Rlcharjij ryt rytSy1ster jij Sylv Sy1ster ester and andthQse those i command of jthe thedh1slons the divisions dhtsions of the pa pa rade did theli th i > work yell The West W st P Ppinters ointers aiid I the middies m1 ldies WHO w o practic practictiy ijly ly l led d the pro cession were werel f fcheer cheered d fc > the echo t was the Seventh SeY Elnth Cavali Cavaliy f fw y whose w ose pr < decessors un unyler unler yler er that thatna na nane Ie e met and andruh ruin with Custer then9ted fighter F lowing qH wlng these thea engineer eng1n r members of ofthe tthe ithe Signal Corps infantr coast artillery r rtiUry I ry Porto Ricans Ric xi Phili pins ptn scouts marines marl cs seamen frorn trtl tl Colorado arid the he West Virglnla > fe tl Ninth Cav alry and members of 1 tL p iHpspltal C qbrps brps came iri i rapid succe Elon E1nbt lon > th eJ i 5col6rs colra ol r5 flying yingand and bands ing ngTIic n1it1ng llt ng eQuel to the bunting colors ol Js pen pendan dant t from roma a thousands Jngs Sn sS sSn a nionge long he e line lIn of o march Hig fiv Sc S hool Cadets Then came cArri cazi i tme t e Jfatlonal a tOnal Guard Guard t State troops anM ant8 an 86 5 Xere ere beaded 1 Gen George H H1J Carries arrfes w wI h the of ot the th District tft Pf Columblv Columbt Co1umbkartiiler artiller infantry signal signalCOIPS t sporps COIPS and andYal n nval val ba tallon talion showing lsplendidly f js plendldly be b bnd hind nd tl A regular troops j 1 Next N xt the goveE gove lor ors 0 of the Sta Stutes ges fil by b followed by bYt1le 4 4e he e trQpps tr < pps of the thtlf ther f monwealtbsG monwealtbsGOvernQr monwealths juiuuniuuja q qOVefl1Qr ijf OvernQr vv i was there and If IfGOvernor fGfovernor GOvernor Warfle Warfid d Maryland and arid L LGovernor Governor overnor Montague Virginia VIrginia as asY wer wexi wexithe ri T th6 executives execu lve5 of e jersey Jes y COnn ujnjciiu on Ilti tl Jlf Jlfut j ut New NewT YprkN York ui Carolina Jthpc Rho lh9 iie je feV 1 Island JsIand Vermont T Of o Oi and Mic 1 nc higan hJ ri I t All came in fdtr f f4r 4r their rounds of a a plause but butthei theit theitcr thef0WdS tcrWdS cr 0WdS ° wds favored mo Governor Warfie l Hd 1 1f of f Maryland his snowy s hair M and the Blues Blu Jtt of Vlr V1rma rif1nfa tola ma who by th xnarchinff marchlng1Jnd and trf t elr 1 str stri iking lkin ng costum won universal ad ad1lratlon Mation Iration The Carlisle C rlIsle Indian I j dian College preceded by the thei fcr staff of chiefs ij usuallY usuallYna usually named na meda11d iied a and l nd d most unu unuualy ualy c tired ttredln In all l1 the po pOr poP 1JP P of Peace and van of war warmarch marche d p et 1 In 1 the line T j cadets cade themselves then1g 1Vc jJ wearing wearin enzIng the th regul cadet 3 3unrto unlform unrto ij ifothi nn n n n1ad iade 1ad rndqa a grand < zion and njar areh 1t 1td d irf a t fashIOi hi 1 only onl onlyto to 10 that tha thatof Cof of th t tiWC5 htc feW Y Ys s Pointer rS rSand and few of bfth thev the yearulf tegu1f Ihpy Py we were cadtfi1 ad1t fit frqm fr < m Georgia lowed iowcdbY by the Cld JoltnS Johns CoHese C Co1ie 1 ge a an ri 1 1fit nother 4 < other ° 4 4he he c colleges ° lcS The TheWnshJ Washlngtoi gtoI Hish School SChoolca Cad ere er re the next nex i pne fhey e did credit to t 1 I i H WHOOJ2INGEM WHOOFINGEMLJP UP 1 I I 5 n r r r 5 4 S 55 1E I I S tz t is S f > I r ij ijS ijs S i s S S S 55 I S St t 5 S S ssS 5 4 I S 5 SS I 5 5 5 > SS 55 5 V 5S S 5 r rJ J 5 I S i S S S S S l i SSS SS SS S 5 rz J S S I t4r S S S E 5 Q 4S i z zS S S I s I E f I S 5 S S I I L I i I I I c j r rr COWBOYS OtiLOurSIANAAVENUE OK LOUISIANA AVENUE Men of the West VestTndng Trying Out Oilt Ou The T d i ir r Ponies PoI es I National l lC1plt Capital l lc c showing themselves equal to the pace pa e set by their visitors They Theywere were lustily cheered from the be ¬ ginning to the end of their line of march Friends Jfrie ndsund and relatives relatives shouted shout d jancpur ncour ncourI I ugement ug ment to them from vantage points along alQngthe the line and they passed before the President in instraIghtevenforma straight even forma ¬ tion Uonrecclvil1g receiving one of his most cordial smiles This This Thiscompleted completed the 1hecadet cadet delega delegations f fons ons and here began began the line lineofpqUUcal of political or ¬ ganizations evidence evlde nceo of the thcgrelt great vic ¬ tory to iyMr iy Mr Roosevelt Roosev eltaChieVCdat achieved at the th e polls p O11s last November 1 1last There were eight Repu Republican blican clubs from New York State four f ur o of f them be ¬ ing lngfrom from New Yor York k city and close clos upon these came seven sevenorgani organizations ations from Philadelphia and four fo r more more irom fro other parts of the Keystone State Five Five clubs from Ohio followed one from Michigan and three thr front Maryland Maryl nd After tlJese these marched mar h d tJltibs nl l bS fromlUn from MEn nesota ncsotaNew New Jersey e rse ar a anti iid id Cleveland Ieve1andThe The Newsboys Ne W SbOYS Cadets ad etsOf of Toledo TOl dO 0 Ohio hloand ana an I the TJnited 1Jn Ited Boys Brigade also made a D a good goodsh showing wing Harvard Ha fvard I Ilen r len in iIlLin Line Among mong S these th c cs s last lastun unclass uncIasifiecLgroups cia1s ified i d groups were w re the 15JP 15 150 150student Students of o Harvard rnrv ara who who had journe journeyed ed from ir > n their New England home to dp dOb honor mor tQthelrmost tp totheir their most honored graduate Their collegiate lleglate gowns anc and caps beneath two crimson banners bear Ing inga a a white H and the the word wordHa Hat ¬ vard proclaimed their purpose anc and their identity Near the end of thepara the parade decame came the farfamed a roo roofamed famed 1JlaI Blaine neInvi Inv Invincible incible nClb la Republican R e pu bl IC an Club Col Jerry c erry err Carson commanding The Commercial l lClub Club of ofPlttsblIrg Plttsburg Pa P brought b ought up the theTcarofth rear ea ± ofrtherr of thngrcat great t to o pageant pogean and a d passed pfSSedb pssedbytiereyiawing Tjy esreviewinK t1 rey1ewIngt stand n das as the the last las shades sh des of o evening fell fa il ilon on ii iiLinau ti ti Linau man ¬ S guration day of success unpara unparalleled I Ieled eled ir in the history of the th United ilSta Statis Head He dofProcession o of f Procession Starts from Capitol Promptly and withmmtar with with military precision I the procession began to move from fromth thi the L Capitol grounds grouI1 sthe the Instant the Presl dent finished his address I Mr Roosevelt had scarcey ceased t to < I receive congratulations when his car riage drew up in front of the stand Cadets of West Point and of f Annapolis at the same time moved up to form form1 a L guard of otbonor honor on each side of the pas I sageway I Headed by the platoon of Metrppoll S tan police the grand marshal marshaland and staff and special special1 aides des the Presidential Pr iidentialparty party drove droenorthward northward The he entire mllltar division which was formed waiting th order to move filed into position behind the Executive and his guard of Rough r Riders t Cheers Drown Music I TurnIng at B street the parade pro 1 ceeded wes tward to First street whii the cheering thousands on the grounds and along the th sidewalks 5 i drowned drow n d the t h em music U 5 i C of the th tho e bands ba nd g1r in s 1 enthusiasm Southward on First street o northwest to the Peace Monument the 0 moved in quick q uick time At this point th 11 immense throng was thickest The I Into the broad avenue for fora a mile straight ahead aheadot of them am I gay t3 with withfiutterlng fluttering flags and alive wit e packed humanity was made by th < e trooPS with a perfection that e comment Each band swung into the r S away aW Y march westward playing at d Ijlast ta t I The Peace Monument crowd was en n thuslastic The New York and Phila deiphia deplliadel delegations gatloIl8 received the mos hearty applause showing that t at repre Ie I sentatlveB sentat reB of those State SUItucolonlcs colonies ha < y selected the lower Avenue A venue as as their van v n Ill a t tage ground Cadets Out of Place 1e The Thepara parade e left ths th Capitol without i hitch lutchunles3 unless a slight mixup mxup in d i the District DistrictHlgh High School Cadets par a tlclpated could be called one tr r The battalion lo lost t a considerable dls ls Dr tance t nce in finding its place in the line f and was even shunted Into the lead l ad o w r the civic grand d dvlsion ivision when h i place pl ce should ihould have teen en in the rear bri to D parte Me ot the third division of the th mili tary grand division just ahead The c were forced to trni it atdoublequfck doublequick fo at t several blocks to resume their Lii i place in the ranks Demonstration Not Marked At AtBeginning Beginning 1 of a There was less enthusiasm displnye t between hetwe n First and Seventh streets ty at any other part of the line of e Evedybody seemed Interested In th tr great pageant but outbursts of 5 ing were w rc the exception rather rJth rth rthm than m th id rule a The Peace Monument Vas was the th poin 1 at which the thefioods floods of soldiers and rindclVII c clVII ivil it lan ia l lorganizations organizations organizations mot after ift r the they cere monies monl 6 at the Capitcl Streets north t south were filled with men re There Thcrwos was little Uttlelnclde incident t The jeopl 4 were too much m 1lei intc interested rootcd in in what hnt they tl1 Were seeing to create any an diversion I IWere The throngs on the sidewalks were or or < dorlyr 10r13 excopt exc pt in a f TfCw cw w fiates il atd S in whicl i wiii lii ti h an ijnfortnnate had been imbibing Imbibingtoo to too < 1 freely These were r e equlckl quickly apprehended a pprehcn ed 1 and undcarried carried away a ava ay 1 Snapshot SnapshotFiend Fiend Tries To Snap the President The first thing thittgOf of interest whic which h oc ¬ curred curredafter after the parade had passec passed Seventh Seventhstreet street streetwas was just a a little bey b bernd y bnt nd Nint Ninth t h street when a a snapshot sna pshot fiend ficnd rushed out from the crowd on on the south scuth side camera in hand to take the thePresi Presi ¬ dents picture pi ture He had a small roundlooking roundlookingkodnlt kodak which to two policemen policemenstatlon stationed d there t ete looked just a little I1kea like a bomb The T They E grabbed him quickly He snatched out a police pass How ever the police would woul not permit permit him to to take a n snapshot at atte the Executive Exe u tlvc Se went back into th the crowd cr crbwd bwd Trouble With WithCrowd Crowd There Therevas was trouble experienced In tteep keep ing back the t 1e crowd on the north side o of the Ul avenue at Ninth street Standing I in j the th crn middle iddlc of Ninth street there werQ wer werq fully fuH 500 people tightly oaeked Dack cLtogcther together Occasionally Qecasionallythe they < would w uld surge out ahc and get far beyond the ropes ropeg rop Five FJvemounted mounted police polfcennd and fully it a dozen tIozen other police were kept k ptb bUsy y h hOI holding pldinj ing them back ba le Several times tim Fth the officers o ificers I used their clubs Two or three threemEn men were wen arrested During the long ng halt haltwhUe Awhile hfle tlv fllC the President P reSid n t was taking th k 1 nSlU lunc lunch n h P Pt the t tbegrct e Ertc C f < crovd5OtT roivda tnr both SHI iaesCff sot tITS tI1 AVenue yv venue Sn S and in the stands on the t eSouth isouthsitfeo outhsIdeof ltf r L the thAeIiu Avenue between b bCtw tw en n Seventh S ienth eilth S Sarn = arn and nd I INinth Ninth endured the coldand wind goo good < I naturedly Cheers for Girl Offender I The IJleprQvlsional provisional regiment of United i States Infantry was drawn up durln during the hc halt across ncroSSNiltil Nintn slr street et Whili the men were resting on thc their Vr arms arms arm a i young lady In a brilliant red dres dress slipped past the policemen pol ccmcn on th the < north side si e of the street and darted lightly lIghtiyacrosf across the Avenue The soldiers I I cheered chee red her loudly I i Between Be tween Ninth Nlnttian and an Tenth s sreets feets tin the I people in the windows threw boxes boxesoe o of candy sandwiches san wlcheB and other gooi good things down to the so uoldicrs ldiers idicrnuB as the they waited The boys amused amuse themselve themselvei i by flirting with the heglrls girls some of them taking buttons butto from their clothes an and < I Isending sending them ns souvenirs to the fai fa fair ll I ones The parade passed on without an any further incidents save the enthusias enthushis tic applause ap Plause with which the thepeoVlC people I greeted their favorites Governor Warfleld 1Vart1e d of Maryland was one of tin the greatest favorites Negro IfegToDandy Dandy Lassoed By ByGallant Gallant Cowbo Cowboy Hardly bad the parade jara le < reached Tenth T t1 I street and Pennsylvania ia avenue avenue w Wh01J he a man In the crowd which which1ined lined tin the siuewalks saw sa some one in lathe the line lineo 01 march whom he thought he knew t H HH Hello H llo Bill Billl he cried makinga a n mesa ga phone of his hands an s Bill1 did not answer The mai ma who had ha d been celebrotin c elebraUII not Qot wisely but too well decided h lit would go and nd shake hands Slipph SlippInG S underneath the ropes ro es he h hwas was nlmoa 1 L half way waacross across the Avenue bofcr bpfc caught by b one of the five special police S men who started In pursuit He re wa S forced f reed back behind the lines I So well w U trained were most of th hit S men in the procession that save avc for foroT or ore I or ortwo two smiles one would WO ldh have ave Imagine Im ngin I noticed that the occurrence had not boei Lost Pocketbook S I One square above as the West Poin Cadets were pass passing ing everyone c cwHhI wlthii ear shot was startled by a scream My pocketbook Get it itf cried leil f S woman seated in one of the balconies and looking lookIngoer o er at the sidewalk Even the West Vest Pointers who 01 March 4 four years ago had ha one of lhi 1 hiII number fall to the ground in a a Jal Jalnl fan nl S without turning an eyelash were wcrciO to foi r once startled out of their usual selfcon lfcpii trol trot Almost every cadet adet shot sllo one glanci glan at the th balcony Several negroes standing stan fnSbcneath beneath thE balcony balcon < grabbed for fo the pocketbook pock tboo c bu were too late It was as picked up by bytw twi young oung ladles lu leg who Iho waited for the youn I womans escort to come downstairs am turned tur hed the pocketbook poclwtbookover over to him hhn 1 There isnt a great de deal of o C money ii I It said she who had dropped herpI her purs rs4 on its it return to her H HI I didnt want ti t lose It though thoUghshe she added for it ha my tickets t6 t the inaugural ball inside Upon UpOnopeI1lng opening the purse the content c ontentt ntent were found fo nd Intact H t Cowboys Flirtations When th the mmtary m 1 I4tFY organizations org nlzhtohs ha a passed the > interest hitere st in in li the thcpr processfo o oei ei > sfol I began perceptibly percepUblyto to warier wane vur It twa wa thoroughly awakened anlcen d howe lloweyer yer by th arrival arrlva1of of the cowboys who whomade made on onl a 1 pretense ret en eCfk df keeping e Ping In 1IIlIn line e and n n f d flirted 11 ir ted with wllhev every 9v r i fgirl girl who whololced looke d twice at them EspeeiaroPP Especial op Oppbtttihities brttinlties rtttniUes inthls in this direc tifln wereraifbrded w were rec affortUd nhf rslffd iWe the Wegtirners titrrne titrrner titrrnes r s at i Twelfth street streetwhere tr et j where wherctl1eywcrebrough tliex were brought t jo loa o a temporar te terflOr npoIo y ha jiaIL l lti > The T 1C boys b < i snmde made mad Ine l1l b bmost most of pf the t11cir ir chance cl mce waved their som fombr sombrercis breros r q5 a t 4rny fe any n y and a1 andevery every ev Jr pretty girl in sig sight ht r It was wasrln the suggestion of one of these the thesc4miji Ki S t fefs fI that t atanegro a negro clad c ad in Pr princEf Princcf inctf ATbr iS fMd and nd high hat found n a ropevur I opcn io bu J 1rJ1fi I1li pilhfs neck ne k kand and S himself hims elf i being b elng dmsge dn drsggd < lg g tf c ri i iiriceiemoniously r mon lottsy toward t o a rd l I the lhemidc1l middle middlCOiT1Av of tHe > Avenue nue He had been lassoed la soed by one Queof of t the cowboys cowbo s I Once re r l eased les d the fh negro n e ero ro lost no time tlrpe in disappearing > Maryland M ryl ryln n d dS S JSxecutive J xecutive Jl tive Storm Center o ofCheers f Cheers When the parade passed the tw t two o < squares between bctwe botw e p Thirteenth Thirteen h an a aiid d Fif Fl teenth teenthstr streets ets the tQ applause which 1lch hai l1 had d been oeen Governor YVa Warfields r arflelds rtields porU portion n from fro = thevery the thec c yeiy beginningof the march sound ed I if lL lL1oS3ibt possible even louder Tl The Die > e white 1mlreddi1ef haired vief t executive ex cuthe of Maryland rod rode through thloughthe the lines bareheaded in con ti tinuous uous acknowledgment pf the ovation tendered te ndered him At this point po poi i nt too the bands seeme seemed < to feel e l the all aUpervading pervading Southern spir it and nearly nearlcveryonc everyone passing if played Dixie My Maryland Suwane S wanec River and kindred airs Po Policemen l lceme ceme n nguarding guarding the lines between I Thirtc Thirteenth nth and aI1d Fifteenth F1fteen l1stre streets ts tshad had very y ry little trouble handling the crowds cio kvds jjxeri aentbtgh < WOlIUlmos hpujjh almost momentary break lw jwere were rc S Su inae na u de 4 t tnjthnptssngq p q P EraiJ U1ijthe the passage ssngc pf of uin am 1D j bulanQes bui n S runn runn fng to and from the thi i Emergency Hospital This particular section embrac em embracing brac ing ingas ai as it Itdoes does Newspaper Row had man m many apy 1 spectators who remembered Governor P PennypacKcrs < nnYPilcC rs attack upon yellow ellow t tP journals journal3in jo urnals in general generaLand and cartoonists Ij in P particular rtf cu br and 1 nd his appreciation apprc tla ti on of t t th the h e reception rcc ption tendered him Is perhaps non none < too keen I I Spectators Crack Throats With Prodigal Pl od galA Applause Pllause The procession proc siol1swung swung into Fifteenth Fl tecntl1 street trE t from Pennsylvania Pcnns lvania Avenue umi l amid mid I Idca IdeafenIng dca deafenIng e1h1g applause from the thousar thousand d t tc oi persons p rsiJnS who were in the grandstands I on the bajconics and nd on either side o oj I the dense densely > crowded street j 1 It wa was a aj joyous xu hann humy y assembly assemb1yEvci1 Eve Ever I vanguard of the prflcessio pro es90r I when h < u the vangua pl halted en Fifteenth street the crow erod found fo found und amusement > mu 5cnnt in n spite pito of t the h he e tCdIO tedlou u I wait in the frantic efforts efortsof of the police to keep them from breaking throug the 1nes S In two o instances in tance the ropes gave ga e way WU arid the spectators swarmed into th the street s tre t After order had been restored th the crowd cr d Was made ma ehappy happy by the temerit te erlt of a little lIttlct tramp amp dog which hi ch broke thrbugl th the police ranks ranl and the ineffectual dr r I forts of the police to effect its capture When the march was again a ain taken up the crowd manifested its approval o OJ the various features by b prolonged 1cheer < cheer ing This was demonstrated with vigo when any old war warhorse horse was recog nzed Chees for Everything The regularly organized military con tingent was a frequently applauded applaUdcdfO fo foi soldierly appearance and efficiency it maneuvers The First Battalion 0 Philippine Scouts and the cowboy c wboy ftom the West cst aroused the enthusiasn of the crowd to its highest pitch When S7 hen the darkskinned wards of tin nation appeared in their natty nattyunlf uniform orml of dark blue preceded by the Filipini Dand the soldierly 80Id rly appearance of thi battalion won Instant In Rant admiration a mlratlon The Thel were heartily cheered but paid paidnoaf no at ¬ tention to the compliment compUmentproC proceeding < dln on n with that Immobility of countenancE countcn ncl that marks the veteran soldier Tne ln cowboys were w re in a t hilarious tk k mood m OOd They rhe rswun swung intb in tb Fif Firte Fifteath tenth n th street 1 with a whoop that could be heard a block awa away y Swinging Sw n Ering lassos s sQver over their heads and dashing d sbing from side to side of the street in a acon confused use d mass naBs the cowboys were wereaspe5tacular a spectacular feature of the parade Not Not satisfied insho in showing ing their theirsklU skill in handling horses hors bs many of the bolder spirits amused amu amuse e d them themselves seh 9 by b Y roping 1 spectators This accomplished I they I would play out the rope ropeuntllthevic until the vic ¬ tim was released and then the n nagain aga again in dash madly up the street Negro Heroes Heroes Remembered R Reme eme nbered When the squadron of the Ninth Vnited TnitcdSt 1nlt d States tes Cavalry Cavnn appeared 1ppcnr d the negro n gro soldiers were given a hearty r arty re ¬ ception The crowd had not no forgotten < the valiant service this squadron squadI n ron ren 1 dered the nowpresidemt now President of the United States In his dash up San Juan hill during dJr rtg the ynr wnryltll worwith with Spain 1 All 5 the enthusiasm enthu iagm l1owev however r was not 1 for 01 the military mlUtarYl1ErOCS heroes The governors jJ of the thevarlous various States were received with 4 applause appllluseGoernOJ Governor Warfield of Mary 1 I land In rid and n Governor Montague o1tagueof of Vir j p glnlarc ginia in ia were especially epial1yhonored honored When I Uj these so two executive officers oIDcersappeared appeared j th th the the e e crowd as 19 w with ith one accord aCCf > rd arose a rose and rent the air with cheers je Gen nToseph Joseph Wlfteeler Vlueler In the uniform pf a aFedcrn Federal l ffi < > fficor cr met with wUhan an ova tfon tronT The C dOitght doughty little fighter figh er rode ro d e bareh barehcaded uare hcaded ndcd throughout nearly all the o distance of the line of otmarch march His ap ¬ J pearance arance was W a5 the th e signal s gna iornpP for applause lau S e 1 1J Civic Civ ic Organizations 1 The civic c clvicdivision hic division of fthepara the parade e came in for its itsjust just share of approval Many I IIn of the political organizations or had arrang ¬ ed odd O dd conceits con coriceitsto e ItsOIend to lend a a S spectacular p ecta ular ef ¬ fect ect to their thelrmovements movements and these th se fea ¬ tures ture took wcIlwitJ1 well with the thcclowd crowd William ilUam I Penn In kn knlckerboc kntikerbockers ickerboc kers kersand and flanked on cither ithcr side by two Indians headed the Pennsylvania de delegations and this re ¬ minder m lndero of f fan an historical incident of the country ountryW ountr was atiapprcciated appreciated by the crowd I Other features took well and it was I a well pleased crowd that tha departed w hen the en end d of the procession passe d the th thai 1 Rlggs Bank I Where Head eadof of Parade Awaited the th President I II I Reaching the th broad br > adt turn r at Fifteenth iftecnth Street and ar1 Pennsylvania avenue the parade parn e swept tip IP p in front of the Treas j ury Building 1he T he route ro ute for a a m mile l e Irpm rom the Capitol had been Q en without a turn but here > the s seetaele pectacle n eJtaclec9Uld could perhaps i he seen stcnaf at its j s best as the columns in cUrsed linednorthwnrd northW northwnlrd 5d It ItW was s at this point that the parade arade j was halted h ltedThecolumns The columns of cavalry which WhfCh led weri wer wer brought toa to a stand on the east side o of f the street In front of oftht them > m the t h he e President 1 rEs Jde11ta Jde11tand and nd his party In n their carriages carrlagesthen then passed At AtPre5entArms Present Arms General GeueralChaff Chaffee e and his aides halted just in front of the Riges Rig s Houseand House and I S Squadron SfJ tiadonAofth A of the National atfona1 Guard Gutrdof of Isew ew York wag backed up against a gainst the I curb ur all a ll the wa to lower Pennsylvania avenue I President Prc idt < nt Roosevelt Roos velt stood too up as n < his carriage carrlagepassedalot1 passed along In front of the I cavalrymen at the salute and by the immense throngs of people gathered on I the Treasury Trsur stands and anjjin in the porticos i of the building He waved his hlshat hat to a a I group 0 u 110 of foun young yo ung gp women m en who 110 were Weregath gath ¬ ered er i on ona a baTcony baT on of o the t the e PlggJLgo lUggs Riggni0use Iouse c Pres Pre Si ident ie ntChe Cheered er dLusti1 Lustily j The crowds rowdsat at New York and jRonn P enn m I sylyunia 3 lmia avenues were were tremendous tre mendOu 5 and I wildly Vildl enthusiastic cnthuSIng tic The T he Presidents Pr sidents l progress progrc s through the brief space be ¬ f tween tw cn this corner corner past the huge 1ugestands stands I i ion on either side was like a bedlam bedlamo o of f I sound A fashionable fftshi m ible audience a dience was gathered in the stand stal1dtrontlng fronting the Riggs Bank IUle I the Lafayette Theater T11eater and the White I House and there was muchftutterln much nutterinsr flutterin I of ling lings > and handkerchiefs I For an hour or more the soldiers were kept halted at this point until the Pn PrClI1 PreSi sl dent could > ould eat his lunch and andrnount mount the White House stand for the tbere review view I Where Parade Passed Grand Marshal Chaffee I After passing the t e Presidents stand and the Army Arm and lnd Navy building buildin stands I with the exception pf r the West est Point ¬ ers and the Annapolis cadets who were i Ion on their metal all of the organizations i eased Up a trifle The r Ihecarriage carriage of the men m nas was as less stiff i the ranks were not quite as straight a and nd unwavering tnwav im i This does not n t reflect re flect discredit how ¬ ever upon the men They had been on foot f ot nearly nearl < a whole day marching or waiting in rank which is even more try ¬ bug The regulars swung into a longer stride The order came I Ij Left j eft s houlder arms On up Pennsylvan ia iaaenue avenue the parade went we ilt until it it reached rea hed Twen wen ¬ tieth tlethstreet street Turning northward to K street and then east the ranks were reviewed by l y the grand mars marshal hal Gen GelL Ada R Chaffee w who ho with his staff halted at the t e corner of K street and lld Vermont V rmont avenue As each organization military or orchil civil reac reached hed Fourteenth Fuurtccnthand and Iv 1 < street streets it turned In the direction dlrectlon which led ledqu qu quick ick ck ¬ est back be k to Its quarters North east and south they spread like the t he spokes of a giant g iant wheel I Tho end of the Ipngjine lQng Une passed Gen ¬ eral Chaffee about 630 oclock o clock Already the shadows s ra owshnd had fallen so thick that it itwas it was was Impossible for or the grand marshal to see the salutes that th t were given gl n him and as each eachne new organization org nlzatlon came abreast o of him he sa saluted luted mechan ¬ ically When hen the last had passed the general and his staff clattered ctat tered away n way in the da rk and the great JlarndCwas over f 1 i THE THAUGUR INAUGURAL TMFDL MEDAL I r ANOFFICIAL AN OFFICIAL SOUVENIR Crowd Cro wd Applauds Bands Ban ds I I SoldiersandCivilians So ldiers and Civilians Brilliantly BrilllntlyUniJormed Uniformed Troops Troopsof of RegulaFAr RegularArmy Q and nd Militia With Civic Bodies diesAddt Add to Splendor Spl Spledorof ndor of ofIAaUgul Inaugural JP Parade rade All A1tll the branches banchesOthe of the United u ulitedStat litedStat States Stat e were rspriesented r2pr se11 tedl in n he the S So sec seeorlt brit o nQ 1 rlgade of the UefirS first d dly division ivispn ivispnJcpmmiana ls191l f Jcpmmiana co conlnani I1Jiii I1Jiiin n d dbyBrigGenTHB by Brig BrlgGe Gen tt ttrH T rH H B y yiLSA t tJ SA I hp engineers the th cava aV y the artil artU ery 1 th the infantry and The hes signal lalanct artUt anc rLnd t loapital corps were thus brought inth In Inl inthe l hc < of ofthe the grand rendmlH military rynlgc11lt pas pageant nnt bo C I preceded Only by ythecadethrIgade the cadet brigade Capt C ptD D ENplan E Nolan tJ ns S A A AactCdJlS actCdJlS acted a as djutant general generalo of the brigade wIth with he following > aides Capt H 1 I L Lo > o U Ur r S M MC C Elr Jlrst Pint t lileut C L Bach ach IT S SA A 4 First tleiit Llcllt A 1VI r2 I crguspn gn U S S A Ensign Byron A > on ong tl tli PS i S N N Second Lieut T M Robins tQbins oblns US U Uu u S S A I As 5 the four fou1c3mpanlcsofthel companies of the bat bats nF alien al1o 1 FG F G E and nd II lrfi filed l p past st th thc < irpwdefl curbstones over the tIwcntirc entire me ine of march nmr h they tl1eYWercgr were greeted etc wit with h hcersthal t that hat testified to their popularity r iajor Edward f wiird Burr Burrr r formerly ortnerlydctailed detailec Assistant sista JSngineer Jil1glncerC COmmissioner of th the < > lstrcjt pf Columbia Ccilum1JIrt who Who is I In com com nandbrthe Pf the battalion ba ttalIon rode ro e at the head heat i r the troops which wli h were v eled led by th the < Engineer Band Company B BSfgnal Signal Corps Co pscommn commandet I1ded 13 y First FirstLfeut Lieut TL U E McNally 1 Nally fo followed ioWc < < 1 he engineers Nest cxtcane came tha Hos i ital Corps CQrJisComp Company n A commanded comtr1antl db bj by First Lieut H LGilc L L Gilchrist rIst ass ssistat istan i urgeon uS U Ui S A A The Eighth I Infantry The Il1l men n nw i Tv who hp h marched ma rehed under rider Jhcb Jhcbn thcban n rofthe of the Eighth United States Inffln lnf rt ry yesterday yesterdayj j commanded comman ed by Col Gol Frederick erick A Sm Smith ± th bclon belong to one onc Q of he oldest oJdea organ izations in the tll army trmy a ny brmc d pti eu < hthe the northern northe rn rnront1r frontier in 1838 183s md first commanded mrnan ded by Col William WI1 am 3 r Worth rth whose whosegraveon grave on Broadway Broadwayan am l ifth avenue av n C New York is now n v 7sur sur nounted by amenjprial aH iernorlal eI11orfulmo monument um nb The rnenmarc men marc marcluid lied l1 a yesterday j yesterdayas sterdayas as if well wen iware of f the proud prou prOuarecord l lrecordo record recordo of t their regi ln inthe > i the SeminOle SemII le the Mexican Med an thi the ivil t tlieSpunishand th He Span Spanish ish and the th Philippine The Eighth ighth did service at E E EI aney and when the battle closed cl sed It Its < were sadly s dly depleted Notwith N twith standing it llWas was ordered to o Luzon I11ZoIand an and < participated in a thupgredsklr hundred skirrnlshe ishes fights Eight companies ot f Jhe th the were er at t the e maneuvers Inaneuvers las last st summer and th the regiment is now n Ow gar ison Ing three forts In New York State The first and aIidsecond second battalions of the th were w wOre reaU all th that t were Were in inIlne line Ilne yes o oes es erday te rda comIng to Was ashlngton hington f from ron forts Slbcum 61 C1mand and Jay jaYTespectlvelyr1 respec espeetive1y tively Th first i irs rs rstbatt t tT T c battalion Uon of the t eFitth Fifth Infantry Infantr rom Platts Plattsburg burg buu Barracks New York ork was In line necommandEd commanded byMaj QY 1faj Edwli EdVlhi F F Glenn Glennwh9 who won fame in n the thePhlUp Philip The Coast Artilleiy Col Frank Thorn commanded a pro islpnal vI1onaL regiment l ghnel1t of coast o t 4rtiller lmftllie itrilen ± Y > Ii in In ine yeate yest yesterday fdayi includlngbatt including lncludingtbatterlos batteries rics front tr m FortSV Forts Washington shlpgtQn Hunt uritM v Monroe rQ Me Nc Henry Henr an tf d f Howar Ho war d dand and nd headed h dedbY by bythe th the fourth Band Bando of the Artilicr Art11i AtihIOry t7 y Corps Oprp f from rpn Fort Monroe The rear of o f the Second S C9I1d Br Br Brigade igade gadewas wa was brought lip by a detachment letachmeptofmounted < of mounte mounted troops roops first Pf f w Which which hich was the third thin Iion of ofFlelI Field Artillery Artin ry including includin i the he Thif Third TliIiftna 4na tna j Fourth ciurth JJatt Batter Batteries rIes ies an ana i comni lomma ii hdejd fltied dbi by Ca Capt pt Stephen SteI > h hnLFo nLFo M Fopt roote it < Bothbattt Both batteries riEs were from rcmFort Fort Myer The TIefir first st squadron 5qUa ron of 6fthe the Seventh Seve nth Cavalry Maj W J Nicholson n ncorn com corn mending was next In line followed b by a i squadron of o the isfinth Ninth Cavalry color ed d Th The former is stationed stat on dat at For F rt lI Myer erandre and received ielYe a great greatgre greetin t tng ng lions alon the line lin It is known as Custer Custers old old regimen t t The ihe Ninth Cavalry Is from f ron Fo Fort rt Leavenworth Leave Leavenw nw orth rth and is commanded b bt D MajJ Maj J B Erwin Erw In The same men menwh wh whe J rode yesterday up the Avenue yenue behind the guidons guido ns of the Ninth Charged charg d u uy San Juan hill to toUWJ the support > uppo rto of Theodore Theodon Roosccltandthe Roosevelt and the Rough oJgh Riders eari e early ris in in July 1S9S thus fully earning thE th cheers heers they the rece received ived yesterday esterday from th thE Capitol to the t he White rhlte Eouse House Look at the Japs JapsP h hHu Huily Hu ly gee ee Look at the Japs Ahh them aint aln t Japs Thems Fil ypinos lypln s So spoke two urchins when Uie he e pro visional ill battalion > of Filipinos F1llpI los and th tht Porto Ulcitns and marines gathered n a heir thelrst1Hl stand in Second S cond street northwes for the parade paradedQwn down the A Aenue enue The Th Uttlcprown little 1ittl brown men of wnom one ha heard hem RO m mJch much Jch jn in the fishtiiig In th thl ju luncrles ngles of Q the Philippines Phmpph Pli i1ippixes e in In Inuniform uniform nistlnctlc iist i inct nct c from that Forn worn by b Uncl S Sums San ns s regulars rctularsand and the thevnr various o l Stat S lt militias had the appearance apearanceof of rlcong > > eiqn ing elsewhere They Ttl Y resembled r sembled the pic PC Lures turesQ of the Mikado MlkndosInfantry infantry ana tint tli tratnln trainingthey g tjwy have received at t the h hand 1 1ld ld if the regular ie iUl r officers made them lop 100 eyeIy every one of their th ir few inches inchese efllcier cle n soldiers Over Two Hun Hundred dred of Them There are 2CG CG of o them under un icr < conihian conlnltI1 of Major Naj 1aj r WUHam YlJliam Johnson with t 1irs < Ur < Lieut Edward Dvorak as asa aujutan jutan With ith them them 1 Is = one native naU oinccr oIficcrSecon j rncer Secon Lletit Crispuo Patajo The Th battalie is made lIpot up of four tribes tribtsthe the Maw bebees b < blcR Tagalpss fag tIogs Visayans > an d Ilocs nos nosbut but it would require an m expert i i anthropology to tell any anydif difference rence i J thOrn th mjudingfrom judging from appearance The I Ictf1 cam from fromSt St Louis where they hat been on duty 11t < at the fair and have bee living at Fort Fort Myer lyer This morning the marchrd down dQwn from the Virginia yrglnlrr yrglnlrrPO po pOt with thenreclsi the precision Il of seasonedyccrar 5easoned voerar of if the th regular army arm < c They jolncr j jlrud lricQ d tl Second Brigade under Brig Bri Ge Thomas H Barry Ba to and m waited yai cd near n nearl aI two hours hQur in inthe the B B Bstre street stre t line lln fo for tl tl1 word to march A Avnst vast crowd crow d dS1ll surrounded S1ll lol1nded them her h her er inspecting Inpeclingtbe them m minutely m1nutel The lhescoui scou SOOCI were smiling during the wait the Ji scrutabl > smile of the he Orient No Nor 11ooltedUred i looked tired We Y are novr Americans suidLiei s snhh 1ill Lie tenant Patajo P tajQ when he hen n asked for an = g pressicn jiressicnof of opinion vand and arc r glad > like America mcrIc1 find n the more we we see < it the bigger it itgits gets Wo Ve do not Imo how muc m injch c h hQicr bi btctr cr It is > Amonr Amon themselves 5th they r kept xip u Ii 2 Incessant Incuntch chatter r othfil o of f their tntolEdifffJ patof difift ent entIrely from English Illsh h or Spanish nli panimh i l r Effe iect t rsJapancsc rs Japanesc ThQir I Qir unifcrmsof unifcrms of dark blufi lu QVr wl lli li light lfhtbUC blue facings fa lngs and ndgrai grayishjcplbn grayisbicoi hc9 r l lcaps capSf apS enhanced the Japanese J1I > ane effcc When i J n the order came l111itch to marc march h thsy tIt thiy swung nW llg Into HI lint with east eg tan and grace grap mId > and along ab g tile t Avehue AV iiu th they thf v received their quota qu t c ct applausei applc e The Th Pbrtp fortA rto Ricans Rfc ns dark slender lenderan4 rfind and looking l 1ofikIiigteir 20kIlJ their t elr Spanish extraction cxtrnctJ n wore wo ortt J i uhlforrflj feifprins f rriscxactl exactly like lIkcth these c ipf Ii the scouts l They had ha cphsiderable cons ldcrnbte trpubS in reaching rechlr Washington VasJin iton in un time le to ta take ke part partlnt In the theparacla hcp para ra dsv diJlrst first getting gc tting ttingca caught ca ug ht In in the he j ice q fort forty iortt milt miles down b wl vn the tlJQ1iv tlJQ1ivro river ro but ut later Jaterr reaching Jachlng Alexandria AltX ndrIa and lhdcom Sonak coin big m Into Washington 1Yash 11gtOiJbY by train jiist la i time tiWe to togetinto toget get into the t he B street te line lln DIr Warner WatnerBuay Busy t Probably Pr a b the busiest 1sfctmatl man yesterday Y t rday was wa Brainard arain < pdH H Warner Vt1xn lclmtr1n1J1 c iiairmali Of the ih commteeon comraitee on civ civic ic f organ Qrgun izations lie had ha l r received c lv d numerous 11um roufi accep ccep ¬ tances tancesto to the thelaxge large number nUmb r of otsocie socie ¬ ties clubs and ldc1vilorganfzaffQ civil organizations s in ¬ vited y e by hig biP biPomI1dtt committee omI1dtt e tp tQpaIUcipato participate In the iinaugurj JnaupUIf1fioll itipn ceremonies r I11onl s The u ass assigning igning o of f fUtese these to toposftloIm posltipiia in the line ine of f march wasn was no no easy task tak 1 He however Was waa ably a lY as assisted lsted1 by > Ya a a corps of olcompetent competent a aIdes ides so s sothat that whe when n the order to marcli l1 rnar ll h wugIV was given J every evex command om rnald was > In Inr readiness illin sst to tafce t k the word and r move mov TI With Itl1 his aides lI de SA Marshal Il rShllw Warner r rarnet arnet re r e ¬ I paired p reg to New N Vl Jersey r5eYivenJlE r5eYivenJlEand Avenue Avenues Avenueand s and B street street t at 2 oclock Soon Qonafterth2 after that t hourtl1 hour 1 the civic lv c division iy sIo n nof of the t4egt great t parade para de of which h1eh he h had charge ha1g was w s ready e3 y to toJrtoyeatth move at the word of com ¬ mand > Along Alo ng the line Iln Qfmarc of marc march h Sifarsha1 lnrs ltttl Warner arid arid his hIs aIdes were wer e greeted grcei il Witl1 with applause but more m more re particularly pm icularJY so on n thelrarrlval their arrival at Sixth street 5tre t and Pennsylvania P rms ylvania avenue avenue There l er Il he and a I d his l1is staff s Gftvr were JQ recognized reCoro1zedby by a agreat great number nu mber qf affriends friends The Thedemonstrat1Q11 demonstration In in their behalf beha Ii Iiwas was long lomr loud lou danaen and en ¬ thusiastic Among the organ organfzatipns fzatl ns in the UI civic diiision divisfonQf of the parade Whic whIch h were viewed Vi ew edvithm with much he h interest int e r e est st along al on lbe the line of march was was the Original lippse 1om > e I yeltrRepubllcatt yeJt Minn RepubIIcan Clubj Club of St S1 St Paul A 4 Friendly Greeting Gr e ting tI I I IThis This latter 1iift ror arganlzation g gaPiza aPiza pn about 200 t tTbIS I Istrpng strong strQngfo fbrm tumed nednFjrst5f ed on First F1rststreet street eeh with thfr t I Ibetdr Ihead head betdr resting t ts s t IIg on B street It was vas in command of Capt CaptGeorge George K Sheppard 1 While the 9 club was at a t trest rest > awaitingr aw awaithn it1ng the thEtW9rd word of < march rnarch Captain Sheppard ShepP d and an his stnif stnifwere staff were plied pU d with many man questions qU Uonsbr by Inquisitive l1qulsltivespe spectators 1torsin In reference r E Eer er nce to pi tlve t1 origin prginoftheorganiza of theorganlza ti f1qp Uri iV All AUqtI questions tlons were answered answc17edwltlnat with nat ¬ ural l1r l pride and andcourtcswhch courtesy which pleased everyone eygryohewho who asked for fQrlnfonnaUonpn f r information on the su subject bject It was noticeable JIoUee ble how ever c r that at each eachartd and every mem mnbe member ber of o thecl the club Q spoke polW with with a a tone and an d a afr ir as l ir he 1 wag v the tll particular one one who w o wa was re spanMbte f fpuf pif 1 the existence tijI lof f fthe = ttee pr or > I giin g tniztlLon fedppn J y The members of the Original Ortgin ilJtoose iipbso velt Republican R e ublIca n Club l U b were w r enthusiast n ihUSi St ¬ ically applauded along al ngthe the line lineot of I march At AtSlx Sixth h street and Pgnnsyl P n syl vanfcv avenue avenue however h wevtr the theapplause applause be ¬ eam came very Very demonstrative and a nd ett at a that t 1at I point In the parade they were given I tremendous ovation whichb which iegihhin g pning jr t 11ff Inhand in handclapping la Ii tng ended n d in enthuslastic n iaSUc thurX lhurrahs hurX nurrahs b5WhICh which hlch wer were r 1 participated p lrtl < ipa dlr In by t the crowd C on the hestreet street i by r those tba Selnthe in in the I windows of the t Efhouses houses along 1 the TIne line of marchand march and also lso so by the Spec spectatbrs ltoniOn on theh the housetops useto g Sunom Surrounded ded by a Crowd Covd Th The friendly patriotic recognition 9lfuitf n ac corded corde d the or original iginal RooseveJt Rbosevfiltfers Eoosevelt rs rg at ats s this place plac was was continued con tinued lihti untI4Wey i intlhey Jhey passed on onaloPK along the line ofm of march h and until they reached reachedlhe the rev r iewing vlew1ngj iewinBtafld j stand tan at the the l1 White 11ite House The Pres presidents idents neighbors neighborafrora from fr m oyster p st r Bay N Y at attracted ractedgrea grea great t tenthpsIas enthusiasm and w werts re viewed viewedwith with interest lnterestbY by the spectators flP ct torsas as the members were w re forming formlng formingS S for march The he organization organizatlonwas was in I charge chargeofCharleF of Charles F Lewis L w s w who o was properly pr operly proud of being the leading Ie din f 1 spirit of o fsuehan such an aggregation aggregatlo11of of prqml pent rentcitizel citizens o ot of f the the 1e summer homer hrim of the th President The members of oftheor the or ¬ ganization shared shar har d his pride In the forjn ation of the club The mem members ber s of of the organization were I uniformed unlfo rnj d in 11 high higlIhats hats and Black over over coats When they reached re ehed Marshall Ma shall place and a le Pennsylvania nsylvai aventl avenue j in h the f fli li line n of march m ar h they tl1 y were we eg given venadeat a deaf fl l eniijg ovat ovation ion S Cheers for the Miners vIine t ts s I The anthracite rithr C i miners frontWUltes from Wilkes barre > Pa were cheered to the theech echo by the the thousands who watched them march n ni i arc11 nlol along g the thf Avenue Ay nuc There wets C only onl eleven eJevert of them thc them an ll1lthey d they marched c ci cise lose se to the their rlea leader 1cr Louis N Hamrrier IIan nier t lirsv As they th y paced pac ed along with w lthslIent silent stern faces a i great feeling of sympathy seemed Eeem d to go forth from the crowd crovdto to ward ard these the C men who spend a large lar e part of their the lives Hye 1n in the th darkness ark rJ7 rJ7S S of the t mines and they were greetedLWith g re ted wlth way wave 110 after wav6 vave Of f applause lIpl us They rhe carried a large larg emblem emblemt t upon 1Jgn which wh whIch h vas wm written wrIttenhibrItht iri in bright letters letter We ye Henqr H Henor Qr the Man Ma Who Vho Settled tt ed Our Ur Strike All the men wore wore theirm their miners Jners n lamps S a At first it it was thought that abo about t sixty miners rnln rs would wo uld come but many e were prevented at atthe the Jagt ia a t minute n There rh rlvere were wereal5ut at a uti utit > 5ut t thirtyshe hlrtY I men men in y all a l lJlndfr under undemtil llie 1qCpI1intlntlo epmmand of fC Capt Ca i George 3xi K I Sheppard and andlhey t thOy hey 1rorei votQ orG khaki k 1ki < unl un forms Fourteen abreast abreastv bre lt v with their luuvtis Im 1d on each achothErs others shoulders they S marched marcaedllP up the Avenue Anuetecclyin receiving ire re ciuent qucntapplaus applauss 4 Spanish S JaniS l War Veterans Aii ld organization or nlz1tion winch wJichhad had much favojr favo Wo1 > in ti tie e eyes ccso pf of f the th multitude muitltud was the n Roosevelt Ilqoscvcltr < flub ub u 01 ot Spaish Spii sh War W1r Sbl l l diets ller 1iersStI Stjilors Siors llo i and Marines Marin es under Capt Adolph A Qlphvimtquth Van ReutU 5 Jiv j1 There rher were re fortyfbur fortyoulWO mea in In liSe Un all dressed In the Jihal khalci iltrt ld n 1Jiit nifprms rms and broad trort d gray gra f campaign clm pa f l hats7y hat hatg iThey They car ¬ 2 ried pf no o1t jiriiiB iril1S t but each eae n alani ji in had hl a i pane ane f in Ul his IrS hand al al1d 1d T From Fn Fxmtii m Junior l ki Repub epufcHii a The rheuths youths tfro f r rom pm m the the Natipiml Nntf6it Natf tutb 1 Junipr rUtlJpr RepubUc Rf mpUc of Anriapolis JUJ JuncttQn lqitcr ere ¬ a ate te ice d much mu h comment cOn1went as > tl1 thqs Yntrcbed nitvrched along There Jh Them wQthirtysi were thirtysix boys l > oys in in IjliQ tho thoompallY tlit compiiny eotnpu ompallY and nn lthe they Y showed h wed good ood l rnifltniy milttr dMQipne d ef p n ne 1 i itmey 6y were teen Corn Qqi 1 i l ln lirih irih hte r d rn nminded iinded l by Cap John 6 C1ih Eticner r tJ t j JToin IrfUllleut 1riilIuleilt lheut arnons amoIl rUiem the ma mans i bi notable UQtu l t < sff