OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, March 05, 1905, Woman's Section, Image 43

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1905-03-05/ed-1/seq-43/

What is OCR?

Thumbnail for 3

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j 1 g f HEREIS HERE nn J4u s not nothin v hin I uO o pretuernormo vn prettier u r u uv nor v more UIVI re 1 S1 i IU rUSh = U In IU the 11 The T 1 n he 11 DlPdS U oaac fpUSOL c Of facing fa Iacm Cln lrU m n US ust t b D < ctt CJ1ton CU1on 1 oft the thestra1ghttOmat ne straight SU1U L g mto L to mal mate C1t CJ
E f T 1 I way of of dressing sacques than ihnnaj a ar short kimono theedge t1te t1 t he e cageo edge of of thC th sacquin sac sa cque cquein que In in shape
0 It t O t1 acmaAi especially > iiv TOfeaxt when its < 1l JaiiaH6s 1 T l hm i i ancs 8 i e 7 c cKarrcter c i wfiVrt tiir tiircter a rltbter racter aeter cter fA is Is < 4 W Wf brought brOUghtQfth brou f no > itr l1t Qfth Qf Bathe Ba J t the t e s edges ge of of these bands flat llit and turn the theec3ge3 he cases 9dge Q
i J1 > thes3cque the sacgt cqt e in in to meet rneett t tem hero em Fi Fml5 Finish i5h them wit With araT saty ray
J f out bj b < the material of w which hich ehltjs It 1i it 1s is made tI13de of otm a machine maJhlncst mashtnctitching J 1 in stitching tchlng or with featberstitcbingi f atherstit aUierstit hing 3
If u a plain plaIncolor color 1s fs s used Usedlet let let lt it t be bof of some some s m1e m1eo1tpaIe m1eo soft o1t rtpaIe pale paI Cure w arid andonehalf an onehalf yards yard s of o f silk a k theeq threequarters rtet1 rt tro > of 2
n shade with thcbnnds the ito bands that border border bo bori1 bori1rlt rlt it it itof p of of1 a a 1 a contrasting gntr 1ng yard r the t h and e bands br br TAtidewill t + ide ds vll tall be required for the sacque arid and a a T yarilf yarti 14 fen
co colour lor
J r 11 t
r If there is time timeftnd and wOlkt work to t spare a adeslgn design of ofscat of f scat sC3 t ¬
4 J tered tered blossoms blossomsembtoIderC embroidered in tif to Iiil1atuJalcol patu natural Fal colors col rs makes rntkes s up About A bout b OUt Sill 8 SiIks 11ks <
J L charmin charmingly g ly and makes ma kes es est 2t t still more J llore llOreJapan Japanese Drapery < >
> silks well we 11 covered O oycredwith cred WI with th chrysanthemums ChrJ Ch chr ry > sant1iC sanJllem m umsor msorche ms or cherry Che b blos bIOS 1 O S ¬ rf ly J lNk T XdIe TX TdIecl X Y checks dIecl Cl S sand and strips str SJrj S i ipes aoldfas as asoldfSh oldfasnidnea oldfas h hioned n edtu3 e d as tu3 pos P P >
II II sours SQ m s are al o e etl the U r rnext rne next ne nee xt best substitute Sb SJltute and n nd are both b botl 0thW h wide wide id e 1 j sible silleare iQleare are e3 among qlong the ilie he lieb 1 bestliked bestUk es t1 ik d d of 0 filienarr1Slllmi p ± hnmv ha enEnY n uv uvsilky silky IS
1It I and inexpensive inexpen sve although a number of cotton cotton stuffs s stittfs t ffs Some Some S e of < t the thestdpesare stripes s are are not more than thana trran a threacU tlire
0 which will bear e repeated r pelted washings was qJpgs e are match much less ex e ¬
r iH pensive and andalmost almost as asefteatlve effective r Theres T Th tz tzresa resa re > a new n w soft ft silk JuS just lust Ll7 in insomething p ps something s mething 11ethi Jlka like e < ll
time surahbuc yrahs but with lth mo more bod body tQ It IL and richer ri r
M rn The h sacQue sac q ue is s tmlined tm un l1nCd so that tha seams sea s should d be French
V H1 I seams seams Try the stitching s on a scrap S sCIdpof Id p pof o of the material mate ial if 1f if f Do Eons i are arcs very ery much in evide v d nceesledallysmalI nceespeciaHyY small doti j
l I it is IJ to be > a thin silk before beginning begmnm upon the thekimono kimono I and nd cften dots COmD1nOO Wl with fl1 fl1t > t the e wee checks C hec ks
I j 1 lI 11tt1tir to be Oe certain the tension ten ion is right So often it it is isuns unsatis unsatis tis ¬ <
factory ro rot t of these w wcH eff1IVedt st ipe d dt t hings hlg are cl1Mg changeaI1 J Jc c riarnd omtt
J J M Be n esur surd sur too t o that tl11t111 111 the t hCpIeces pieces of f the theS s sacque cQUe CQ uemar marked m ark ked ed Vith wi th three t I1ree or or four four colors CoJo rs woven vov n tOgethers together so dexterously
f Co t = to b be cut on the straight stmightare are cut len lengthwise n nWI t WI wise Ofth of the thexgacds goodSi l9ofs Od f thaLli that they are are more reSgg suggestions HO than acFc actual colbz I
p q z > I ni i
a The e Loveliest ie of the New Blouses
s ry un
make i a awmboUccoatorarms sytaboile coatofarms of the th Sas fash fashions h jons ons at 8 es
they they are areshcwn re shownrat sho vniat at present he would be sure sur e to in ¬
elude cJudeabl a blouse us rampant For blouses lo 5es have h havo avo every ¬
thing thlnghefr their own way way w YJlndA and u mighty pretty vay it Is too
Last I4sty Last ysar yearit nr It t seemed as though every possible style of t
blotteehad biouee b iu e had J ld been Inventedand fnvente dand USel1U1at used that there wasLoth was noth
ise IuGfew isew to tpbe be done Yet the winter season saw saw new ne w
ideas ideas Id c advanced advanced nd nc With 1vlth the new blouses for spring come eorne ome
a dUjt host o 9f departures from beaten bea ten paths p t
Such SU SU1lOn 1lOn wonderful won t terfut ertutllHfJ erfut things 8 as they th arel are aretSme Some of them dar dar
tny In ny Jy elaborate olnbmgJevthers3 others as asdaringly daringly shnple01 simnle for theyre n1 yre
straight str fght from Pnrhand Paris and la Parluipnnes ver very y simplicity
has baS1 a diish dn hl3hnnd sh and a snap JUl to it it that a1 belies beJ1eslt its character c aractcr
Hanfikerchlef Idani kerchief linen J nen is the favorite material embrof em raI
de dered d nine times out of ofte1 ten with some sJ Jc delicate vine out
grows a a bit of lace Sometimes Sometlmessimple simple lace In ¬
sertions are embroidered embroldercdw1th with tiny fiOwersa flowers a dotintbe dot In the the
lace forming the center center These combinations of Qfnarrow narrow
lace and hand embroidery are pa particularly good espe e p ¬
cially when w len they are arecoQ1bineci combine in such a way that the
embroidery ends in lace and th the < s lace in embroidery
Beside s German valencjennes which whlchls is on every Other
blouse Qlbuse bt use you see see ee Irish crochet and Valenciennes val valenclennesa nclennesa a corn com ¬
bination bin aU on as as S beautiful eaudfulus as It t is unui3ualunlte unusual unite to form a a
A Jmndrednew hundred hew styles have haveappearedm9st appeared most of them
with Ki Kit < t h yokes okes just suggested not actually t1ctuallydcfined defined
A 11 collar of baby Irish lace ace rims from a a fold of all
ovop ov < r valenclcrmos this hlg is one of those thos daringly elaborate
blouses bIouscsj ever ever that is laid more Of the Irislt crochet crp het and a nd
over overthat over that a wavy valenciennea finished with motifs of
the Irish lace with little balls dangling dansUt1gontothe onto the ma a
terlal r 31oiifa fl flnrs nrs of Irish Iris Irish h crochet outlined wlh w with f h the German German
Valenciennes insertion 1n ertlon ar urs r very popular but but bu there thereJlo are
fewer of the stereotyped round round on square medallions
used us d on Irish ri8h lace Usually UsuallyiestJonsorashape festoons or a shape sonic fjOtyl somc
thing llks lIk a bell bel are c chosen
On tho other hand embroidery embroldel wheels wheels and squares
are very good goo goodespcclally 1cspccfall < especially that hi 1 11lace lace laqet t halfembroidery halr m1rQIc1ery
done on heavy linen the heavy touch on the light llshtma ma ¬
tonal creating a definite llct nlte effective effecUVErsJylc style instead of ocseer seer
inS mismti mismuted ted
t A treatment that that is sure to be adapted a apted to toa a a hundred
variations is the most mostd delicate Ucateor of embroidery in fndesigns designs ns
that form a deep yoke yo ke Just below the embroidery dt di ¬
rectly In front frontb begins begins gins a a row row rowof of narrow narrQvalen Valenciennes onnes
Whl which h runs runadown down to tho belt and has three other other rows rows
set at ragulflr r guhH intervals on onench each side
And oI nd a a dainty yoke if 16 made of narrow Valenc valcnc1ennet valenclenf iennes e4
lace and Insertion insertion n u running r nning around the edging c ging frillini frI11Ipg g out
from each ea ch row row of the insertion 1 The yoke Is very very shallow
Sleeves In nearly every blouse are rather ratherfu full full land and are arc
finished with long deep cuffs They hey are tucked tu kcd up and
down down or 1 around as you please please
I I Notes s tates 9 80f of thell the Newest Vf8stThings Things in Womans Wear
qUiUiPIU1 t ijftiEf 01 wit gi fjvijuf qJmnte > jeti toJ 01 wjoy 1ydtessj oresseg nave have copied
S ilomTIeWJOUnglngrobCS from iiewxlouiiglngirobes a the thflde deflningof defning nins o of f the the thelvaist waist
line by rdws pws Wf3 Qfsl1 of shirring rrlnS or rows TO rows W of oOace of lace Insertion
i iJ1 The < J1 PKe e effect Ne in tl1 the tiny tfnYdre dresses QsJae IB Ise exquisite x CJ iula I5 ltet t
Baby dresses r r built on onoldtfme oldtime modclsaremn models are mad ma de e
dainty dainty da l QwJJh with narrow nantTw1aces laces For the h tots who wh cant can t wear wear
short ghop t hQlts1e s sleeves lec ycs vcsa1H11PW and 3 lf loyv neck come comegufmpes come g fuimpes of lace andln and nna in
eelftJ sertIato tOWcarwft1 wearwitl1t ft these dresses
as Ji
33eVdSr Rdidsstrin Ig < strlngs tr in gs of QrtJCn1groWJ4r the tiiem mbrow rpw larger arger ernn and brighter brl rJ htqr htqrf ht r f vn
tll t hyare YtlnlalnWkpltbur almosbtrb ric ln tho tthei siz lzcJll lzcJllolor e eand and < golor olor
Int Wfii ereskin i g gn o n oMBraldg I I7L 7L ft which vhiali ji ° come tji In a a d dpzeit doze Widths W Th
I narrdw narr wcnough enough 1 Jpr a a belt enough enQughor for a asinHcglvo girdle give
an odd o dd little touch to a costume that th t is ismost la J most effective
Dull blues blu s and andgreens greens and silver sllvermi mix with Wlll1thegotdi the the gold Per > t1r ¬
sian sianand sian sia 1an4 and Egyptian patterns and quiet qJletJts Its too evident
i f
Bmocking fimocltinis done in in three little Uttl points PolntsJJ1alicsan r makes an inex 1rte lnexr
pensivc p en sive but but charming charmingtrImming trimming for a a twoyjearolds twow w l as
IfJornft morningdresses dresciJ i
ppzen Dozens of Qf new new glr tUes have 11l have 1ve QQmoout om 9u t th the fad f for ro f r
tih tfneri line ciJ e ehrlnBinx n bringing h out ou ti 11 lntereatink t dfJif s T ones ones 1 es of of tn Ilne llrignrgribrpiderttli n n i bxpld brofderet r F 4
the embr embroidery eiderY and att d linen 1incuatcJJIn e matching exactlyTin exacq i lricolor n color
Soft gray suede Slled is the foun foundation dation for forn a a b beautiful beau riu tlu
girdle which whi h is ft studded s tUldcdwith tudded with cut c utst ut steel ste el cl beads bcadia beada beadaand and 1dcnd ends
In ina a steel stcc buckle buel bu ckle lc
V Leather Lcaih rb9ltsor be bolts lts for children pprne p 11 Jnev In In every everyshade rysl1a shadtp 4 4c 4to c to to
niatch hatch ltch or to tone in with wJthth thS th9 A little Russian Russian p1 bipuse blouse 9iis
presses dresses lre 5 they the are UTCworn are worn worn with ° ft
e a r
Soft filmy chiffon is gathered ga h ifq Into In to girdles slr91 rdles 31i1ilKPn Wfiifi iii1rxll S 2 all
the way waY1 round round uuIbut but especially fP ciuIrYUQdlrccqy fig eq directly in lritrQ f front TOistiArirt ttnt1 and
back aclf v V
t 1 i > n H i
i Golprod Co19rodfPJJl Co19rodfPJJl19g Cal or ed spangles 19g are Qn in yT 1 lde cncse U I EtP9 a too silver i UY itv lon on
Svhltc white Bite steel ste f nn on black and silver silver arid andg ndgQldtQgether gold old together
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