OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, March 05, 1905, Image 9

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1905-03-05/ed-1/seq-9/

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< > > c
To Visito s
The Pala Palais is Royal is the de
r p partment artment store storewhere where personal
needs andsouvenirs a nd souvenirs Of of wasn W sn
ingion in ton may always a s be found fo pn i
reliable in qualityrtmt quality and moderate rn der te
in price Centra Central 10cationG locationG
and Eleventh stre streetsnearest ts7nearest
PALAIS P PI I 4LAIS ROYAL to hotels ot 1s andp and public Iicbu buildings f1d ngs
Check be kSuitings
> 35 5c 49c 15c
SOc Value Value Val e 68c Value 89c 89cValue Value =
It wa was s in in The Post of February 19 19lha that 1the the Palais Royal
statement was made Dame Fashion says saYsche checks ks The
fact has been echoed later Note that the Palais Royal Roval has
the th e b best est collection or o of Check Suitin Su itln gs gs a and nd is is asking askin g less less than th m
I Iprevailing prevailing prices 1 1
EmbroideryRobes Ellibroidcry Robes
t The most ex quisite qu isite of the new Anglaise Angla ise effects elf eclsand an and d the
I Blind Embroidery Ro Robes bes are here at X25 25 and 30 each A
pretty girl l lwill will be a a dream of beauty l a plain girl will be
L made lovely in one of them So b bewitchingly wit hingl feminine
t 1 Note 1 1T 1oe T oe
The picture of
1 1M Mr rR Rooseyelt Roosevelt 0 ose xelt
I I IalJq and alJq family
II presented prese resented t rqby by b
Ii The TheTlI Times e > I IIi
II IIwi1l I will ill l suitably
tl franoed fr ar Pd Pdin A in in the
I Palais Royal
1 Picture Dept De pt
i I at a nominal
2 25C C
z5s su
J8 18 Inches Vide I i
f vr
l One o f f the Bargain Spots I
among amon g theOrientalLaceNetsNote the Oriental Lace lets Mote I
A thatJ that 3 to 10 io inCh Lacey la for tn rSI sleeves ves vesl l
and berthas are onIy19c only 49c a yard ar d l I
Braid rasa Trimmin Tr Tr1mm1ng imming
The kind used on tailored gowns gownswith with pull pu il strings to to fac fa i ilitate itate their th ir
I application applica tion Here Hereina in ina in all a 1 11 ti yidths v l dths and colors plain p lain and an a nd d fancy f cyat atoc at oc 5c 5 i o o
39c 39ca a yar yard d On second floor flo r with Dress Goods and Silks
1Sc ICC to t 25c 25 c yard yardor for the hew narrow 4 A Qc 9 9c c to 9Sc dozen dozcnror for ne new w Crystal
1 J Persian bands and one side ef e 7 Buttons in n new dress goods
fects shades I
Sterling Sterlin g Silver Spoon like lik picture piC tJr t
but somewhat smaller for for 39c 39 j
Larger than picture for oI 98 9Se
This Sterling Sterli 1gSilver Silver Spoon Only 98c
This his largest t heav heaviest iest an and d dmost most artistic ar tistic o of f Souvenir Spoons contains conta ins views of o f the CapitolWhife Capitol Whit c x
House and an d New Library Libr ay Its the Souvenir Spoon poon visitors s to Washin gton gt n are looking for and at a surpris t ¬ i
ingly little price A visit vi it to the thePhl Palais is Royal l will wi11develop develop such surprises at ateve every y turn A cash s l1 business b itj ss lis is is < < >
I the Pal Palais is Royal feature and an qthe the lowest possible prices prevail pn vai1 Visitors from Hew N V York YorJcj Philadelphia P Phi i aq aqlpl1ia lpl1ia lpl1iad d and gt c < i Iif >
I other other big cities w WI ill ll have their eyes opened y c f 4 v c t f C t
j jC C t
p For F or t Rcsidentsand Residents e and Visitors oe 0 1 D < F L LA A NIN NING w G SprIng = Summer 5ummerDress Dress Goods oods
A Ane new ne v 1o0 100000 ooo collection of ofS Silks Silks ks Wool Cloths Clothstnd nd Cotton Fabrics Purchased for prompt prol11ptcash cash not a few bargains are are inclu inc luded ded de d Prominent PromiI1erttare are best of Blac Black k
J Taffeta Silks ever every yard guaranteed and stamped to that effect on the selvage 4
19 19 = in 111100SiIk79C 100 Silk 79c 79 27 27in150 = in 150 Silk SitklOO 100 O Oc c > 36n 36 = in2QOSilk 2M Stik 135 l
t The leading leading sell s silk jlk makers makersof of the ° world are reaftert after the PalaisRoyal Falais Royal account an d these theseBlack Black Taffeta Silksar Silks are evidence eyid nceof of their eagerness 250 50 pieces pi feces ces can be distrib ¬ y
uted utedat at the special prices pricesand and t then en regular prices rices are are to prevail
L Extra ExtraSpccial27 Special 27 = in at 59c 59cand and 36 = io il1at79c at 79c
v AC OIL vuu X Whenn Vhenextr ien extra width widt is1inked is is linked wjtft vith liJl good quality then is is an an ideal i silk bargain b rgain assured These 36 36inch inch Black Taffeta Silks at t 79c have only nlyonerivalilJth one rival rivalin w in the world WQrldthe F the V
TA FF74 9 rD 27inch 27inchsilks silks hereat59 here at 59 59c Regular patrons patrons know that the silks usually retailed at 75c are generally found here at only 59c 59cy yard y ard The springsummer snrin summe r ro it openingJriIJgs o opening erin brings bri in f
11ti i newly newlybeauUfuCSatin beautiful Satin Foulard Peau de Soie Peau PeaiLde pe uqe de Cygne CY CYa a g ne Pinstripe p Pin stripe Taffetas Check Taffetas TaffetaS Taffet Sj j Messaline Taffetas Taff etas Taffeta Habutai Liberty Lib Libertym Libertyatins rty m Satins atins Crepe de Chine 36
inch Black Jap Jhpand Lap Lapa an a nd d B6inch 36 = inc h White vVhiteHabutai Ha Habuti bu ti tiSih Si S lk l1s s Cho Choice ceforonly for only 59c yard yar d
> iV
MessalineSill Messaline Silk SilkBest at1 c
Best est InpodedUsually Inported Usually SellsatJJ25 Se lls at SL25 125
An illustration of o f how the Palais Royals cash business lowers prices without sacr sAcri sacri i ¬
ficing ficingquality quality The inferior domestic 1 Messalines are are gener generally lly retailed retaiJedat at or about about79c 79c 79cthe the the
Palais PalaisRoyal Royal offers the genuine imported Silk in lovely ° shades s hades of light blue bl blu e e pink rese reseda da
tan golden brown navy white and cream cream 79c instead of of15 125 125 yard
Bagda d 9 100
V A novelty is generally generallya highpriced highpricedespecial1yif a especially jf A a ngme mime anie
i is is given given to it it The new Rough Rou gh Sun Surface ace Silks have J3een beerighte been give giv en iii
iiarries Ii 1 35 m es < and retaile retailed d dat at 125 Th The Palais Royal brings you yoi1a a a
Rough Su Surface Sur rface face Silk that will give equal equalsatisfaction satisfaction and asks
only s1 1 a yar d Ask for sample of Bagdad Silk and com ¬
pare par with any elsewhere at 125
1 0 Organ r 00 anl d ie 1 ISc c 9 rf
Look Worth V lth37cYard 37c Yard
They Thcyare are are French Organdies Organdiesthe Organ diesthe the clothwas cloth was made m de in
France Fra l1ce They The differ iff er with the French Organdies Or gandies retailed at
3 37piri 37pirion 37cil Tcni i i ione one on e ere respect re respectthey pectthe they y were printed in this country The
difference difference if any is is in favor of those those here her e at I9c Seea See all 1
American Or Organdies gandies are are here hereat at 12c 2c the Fran FrancoAmerican caAmer ican at
I9c l9cand and the French at 3 37c 7c c It is an interestin g and instruc ¬
tive exhibit on second floor
1 Millinery Opening 9 y
I I M 2 225 25 F ° 500 o f 0 f ri F 7 7o o 50 P3 f
275 Hats a s S650 650 Hats S85Q 8Hats Hats a
1 An Inaugural Opening took tookpl place ce last week and nd
fully demonstrated demonstrated that the Palais P1I lals Loyal Ipy l Millinery is a
h success of the practical kind The reason is not far to
seek seekthe the outrageously extreme hats that one looks at
4 4x x Q c a k kt t m with wonder and never dreams of purchasing are not to
4 be found here nor are the cheap and gaudy gaudyimitationsof imitations of
these heseoutrageous outrageous hats Milliners as well as their pa a = ¬
a trons have been taught taughtagoodlessonand a good h g ood lesson lessonand and the Palais o j
Royal has been beenflattered flattered with compliments from both
t Continued by Special Request
What Vbatwith with with the Inauguration Inau guration visiting friends an and d what not many were w u unable habl toa to at
tend the Opening u p en ih g of last week Continued by b y special request requestwith with the sanie e anie compli ¬
m mentary n1e entarY ntarypikes prices and and nd with w ith the added experience a a week has given us >
Ing Ingtj 1 1T T tj 4 lu r 1 Of I 1 H
crowded crow ded with people and a delifenlng deafening car n
I chorus of shouts Outsfpf for Roosevelt RQ Roose ov velt lt ind nd lne nlr lr l 1 r
Fairbanks arose arnsc tp o t lq t h cLcknowlcd acknowledk o Id G e n r q c 1
walked walkede 1 ti o A Li G S t
went f jvs ttxs Slvep glye c 1 1t C j Hone e isner n e r
pbatieparoiis Ob3ttP phsttepexous lliIP Phe Bhctqgraphcrs IBt ographcrs gr3 Ir Before Be rore the he return of th thi thix ho x
A dozen d dozen z n or more mTCD > j hQlQgJ ototrlplicr tp iv p ji > hat ha hak Il k t Mrs Mr Ai I Hooscxelt R oscvelt and a a < number t u i
been U e n follow followihg followlhalon iitg 0 ° Alongside gslde o oftbe of the PrcsS Ilf f guests had reached rca re ached he Ithe < the White HoUL Ho ik > f
fSKf jt Saxa l KfieKst 4 f
For Expensive Lace Laces
The newest Lace is is in floral de d
r rt A k
sign eparable patterns AwfuHyex Awfully ex
pensive but little need be used and
I most effectiveresuUs effective results assured Bar
i r gain gain spots dot this D yew W 20000 20 o
r h hf f stocka stock a cash business creates 3
them 5 Y
L Lo o
I Best Dress Fin dings
Hicks Dress Shields best in the world wo rld here at atonly only15c only l5c 5c pair pair Featherbone FeatherboneGirdle t her bane Girdle Forms all
r t sizes sizesatonly at only ioc loci
Sewing Silk black blac kan and t1 colors co1brf3F 5 C Pcrfecfiop P Porfectia < rf ctioQS r Seam Se m m Binding Bin Binding ding 8 7 7C 7 C Chic Bones BoncsaUsizes B ones all sizes s per 12 C
10Q 1 yards > ard H i fV Yar yard < pieceSi pecos H f dozen coea 4o 1 en H H r
Kerrs K Kerrs errs Luster LusterTwlst Twist l c 200yard C Qc C Double Serge Belting 10yard f f c < Collar Forms black and white C
spools s > v 9 7 piecesi PI pieces e v 55 55c all al alfolJ folJ sizes s 5 5C
dozen d dJ J Redfern Ball and SocketsC Sockets > 25 fee J c inch in Allsilk l pieces j Prussian Prussian Binding Bindin 1 ii 7 g J 9 t 15 15c 13 EC c yard J Worsted r pieces i t es Skirt Braid i full full 5 5 5c C c
Kings > spools1U s5 500yard Basting Cot 10C 1U > c Columbia Hooks and Eyes Ere all 3C OC C Allsilk A Esm Garter Elastic Elas tic 15C C
ton 3 spools spools H iu sizes slzes 3 length len leno o tJl i
Embroideries s JOe
Some SomeW Worth orth 40c 4 c
The importer broke his match Setsand Sets and now he is i mak m ak ¬
ing a loss You get fine Embroideries ap up to 9 inches wide at
only only1ocyard loc 10C yard Not all patterns patt rnsin in each width widththeir their only
Spot = r proof Pongee 75e
And New Satin Foulard Silks 75c
The TheJ1ew new 27inchwide Spotproof f Pongee Silks are considered good value valueatl at l 1 a a yard
75c will be an agreeable price sur surprise prise rise So will these thesebet best Satin Foulard Silks Silks in jncheck check
rind nd newly newlyneat new ly neat designs Note that the usua175c usual 75c Foulards Fou lards are her here at atonJy only 59c 59 yard yardits its
what a a cash business does for you t t
J New ew Mohairs
59c 75c 89ti c
6Sc 68cVa1ue < Value 89c Value Si 1 f Value ViIi le
Mohairs MQhairsare are H Hasold as asold old as the th hills hills 7 Theyllalwajs Theyll They ll always be pop ¬
ular because beca sethey they look so 0 well in spite of Bard hard usage us ge The
new mohairs m ohairs hairs come in pin dots embroidered dots and me ¬
lan ge effects effects The Pala Palais is Royal spring selections are arecomplete complete
and prices are least
Handkerchiefs s
At 5c and 12ic 12 + c
Twice a year Handembroidered Handembroi iered Handkerc Handkerchiefscomet Handkerchiefs hiefs come to
us from fro In Ireland Ladies and Mens pure linen Han Handker dker ¬
chiefs with handembroidered initial at only 12 1212ceach l2c each
Those at 5c are are from Switzerland and are not pure linen
7 l t
l k 1 I
1 I a
New Silk Waists
l la a 98 269 a 3 a 0 98
250 Value 300 Value 500 Value
White and Black China Silk Waists from plaines t
tailor made to elaborately trimmed and embroidered Re
r member last years Opening O Op Oenin p p enin eninJ ening J g and thetalk the talk it created
This years Waists Wa ists ar arc even more e beautiful Note the
Opening O1pen ingSouvenir Souvenir PriCes
tr1 > < u
N Ner vOi Qingliams gbams
9 9c c12c 12c I 2cand and 29c Yard
The Domestic Ginghams at at 9c instead of 12l2c i 1 a c yard1 yard t arci
the Scotch Ginghams at at19c I9c instead of 25c The rhebestan best an and d
most mjStappreciatedare a appreciated are are the Mercerized Mercer ized Gin Ginghams ghams an d the new n ew
Check Voiles V oiIes at 29c These seem to be the popular o ular fav favorites favor rite ites
I among the newcQttQn new cotton goods of of 1905 Each is is vastly vastlysupe supe ¬
rior nor to cheap c editions of of othe the allsilk allsilkandal1w and andal1w allwool ol fabrics in
I Isimilar similar styles il
Point Venice Y if
< 5r
J f 5 4
18 Inches Wide
This Allover Lace generally enerall sell r
ing In gat1 at t is hereat75c here at 75c a yard See
i11ustrati illustration n As gOQd odd bargams bar ains among anion i
the t he more expensive e Baby Crochet >
Lace up to 550 a at yard t ar s
i New Ribbons
Special at 29c
Ribbon Ei bntGirdles Girdles are the fad fadan an d d best of Ofexperfsar experts ex perfs are are Ju Jiexa erto re V iI11ak dnia c ma1 B e 4
them 1hemThink Think Think of < fonly only 29c yard for 5 and 6 inch Girdle Gf tile Ribbons Rifilons 61ollS in
handpainted h ndpainted brocaded an and d o 0thern other ther new V effects e Values up to to 75c 15cat at I
29c yard ardVhatqoes What does a cash business do r
New Waist Patterns c L
t 1 and 150 for forShiIt Shirt Waist Patterns of heavy white
wash goods a ag g oo ds and sheer lawn with embroider rand hemstitch hem stitch h ¬
ing ing for trimmin g 398 to 550 for the Pure P reLinenand Linen and
Batiste Patternshandembroidered Patterns hand embroidered
Concerning Stockings o
19c I9 25c 2 35c 3 5 4 r
25c Hose 35c Hose 50c 5 c Hose
R mma IY
The woman woman girl girllllan man or orQoy boy who wears 25c 2oc Black
Stockings can secure supplies tomorrow at I9c 19cpair pair
Those with white soles will w 111 ten tell you the stockings are a re + a
yarn dyed dyedthe the best wearing Best Be t35c 35c Stoc Stockings lsings at
25cplain and an d lace lisle The 50c Stoc kings at 35c are
plain mercerized silk sit and lace lisle in m bl black ck new new tans c
champagne etc
rt o r d p r ° TS < fe j j J
398 for 5 Silk Petticoats Petti oats
Best of x5 5 Skirts Skirts of good J quality Taffeta Taffeta Silk with accor accordion dion pleated and section section flare
flounce Choice of f black and colors colors at only onI r 3398r 398 An AnaPParent apparent facsimile fac simile of of theseskirts these skirts skittsare are
here at only 59c 2
palais Royal RoyalA A Lisiier Y GSt
r 11 i17 f = wI
I r
O Cc 0
= < C

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