OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, March 06, 1905, Evening, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1905-03-06/ed-1/seq-1/

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Rain R Ra a n or r snow tonight and n d zrr ft + i t + d The he Largest a rgest Circula ircu la ¬
Rr r tomorrow QLll t a 1 n g On t m p I hon in In Was hington
I =
I 0
ceived ce1ve
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t h IIZL
a th
Muic I
e tha th t
mak malce <
e Rus
shor hort
y with
puld Uk ld b be
are de d
oads 01 on
Russian usstans ussian
cooper co oper
agt t nigh
ion i n of th the <
y to wha what
est c st Is a as
ance nc nce In th the <
icipai cipal posi
i Ich Is con
ken ten
ted lately a i
i with Muk
1 importanci
Jof r the Rus
re statjonei
I lately beei b n
he a Tapan Japanes
to THaai Tita ai t d
distinct ap
r rtle tIe now ij II
th thi > i4aces IJ J kices C
j ri n i h iit u dghts L ight
ingKlatxm nSK ngciatun atun ari ur
eights are arere re
anee tance as fL they the
yanced posi
i ks and severn several
lade ade In the dl
i fer r by the rtus us
sed The Bus
tly dy mos deter
where it wil wll1
ins order fp for
at the end o pf
cuted resulting resu1tin
ai a
etween the rail
the Japanese Tapaneseare ari
ssault on the Rug Bu
fey eyhavesucceeded cy have succeeded ii In
assian positions abou
f fat st of Shahopas
r lun un river the extreme
Binder pn IndeI tier General Nogi no not
copied Sirimlnting Sl fIilntIng an im
pr whence the Russian
eri Cl
ainedsuppIJes allied supplJCS DlJeS but have destroyed
f the tb Russian commis
the defen defensCS es o
dislodged several de dt
sariat line Tl1e TiICY >
tachments tgicIflflefltS oJ tlwenelllY tPe CflCfll3 and Saturday
1 theIr thcif hot pursuit approach
continuing the west in the Co fern rm
ed Mukden lukde 1 tro fro0 iID iIDthe
quafter t circle with a radius radlu
ot a great lUa
on Muk luk
mules e5
of fourteen urem mJ
Russ Russans ian Lose Changtau
Here the seizU seizure eteu eteuK K e of ° Changtau the kc k < y
Russancommissary sIan commissary marks a
to the Busslan Rus >
distinct 1J t1nct loss oss to fhe fbeenemy hc enemy
T npral s tldvance dvance of both Tapa
the JS JSha general hasi hasientirely ha hal na has l entirely averted th the
wings WI1t
nese te e >
pussIans usslans outfl outfianicing anking the th
or t the he
danger right rightwhile j jwhile while In the dlr IirCtIO ction
Japanese 5 orten
extreme extremeoft oft the Japanese
ot the t ed further Cossack op o
she has frustra
era eratoflS tfons bulletin in conclusion states thr that 1 ha
The casualties i ualtles in the s seven vera
thc Russian Russa1
enormous The Japi
engagements were we re
captures of militar
nese made larg
Salt Fish Bt Bu ft t no Water y yater ater
For A Atsassin sass sassih sassihof of ° Sergiu
BERLIN Marc Marcfc 1 fc GThe 6 11e newspaper
Weltlinnts linnts greporc report that the Rus
Die Welt Vt It prInts U
n Second Page Pa e
jr the centra
I a moderat
ihwpsl have
weather ather con
F ar has beei
xtreme ctrcne Wes Ves
the seasoi
w V England
continue to
e East am and
i ithern an and az <
districts stricts ex x
where then
Uon IOn I Ofl
II the middlE
t 4
ScrmoiTieter I rnioueter
L255 255 ptrs
18 l Ml 41 lm
3 H Ll pm to
I 519 19 um u in
SeveralM Se Several vera1Mernbersofth Members mbers of of the
Jury JuryHave Have Been Bee Be i n
Talesmen Aske Asked d Whethei
They Would Wo ldGive Give Undue Undue
Weight W Weigltto eight to His Tes Testimony tin1 ny
CLRVEL CLEVELAND i AND Ohio March 14arch 6 6Cassie Cassli
LCbad L r Cbadwiekwas Chadwick wick was as arraignedfortr1aLtM arraigned for fortriaLthi triQlthl
morning 11or111 lg before be rcJudge Judge Tayler In th the
United United States Stat s district court cQurt
The charge c har ze against agn1nsth her r was wasa a viola vlol ¬
Lion of the thenatlonal national banking bankln laws A As
set forth in Inan an indictment in ictnientc covering ve rIl1g 1 six
teen typewritten typ wrlien pages returned retUr e by th the <
grand jury last month S the offense will
which she Sli stands charged consists In ii
having I vhig entered ntered Into i ia a conspiracy cons p scy will Wl l
President t1 C T Beckwith and Cashie
A B BSjear Spear of r the Citizens CItizens Bank Banko o
Ober Oberlin lin whereby ereby she shcobtalned obtained mone money
on worthless c hec he hecks cks ks There e eare are sixteen s ixteei
counts Jn the indictment indict me ntThe They Y relat 1 l3te
I to eight checks ch cks amounting amou ting to 5S700C 6 7OO OOO
The transactions transactipns occurred last OctCber October
The Tho1 prisoner > rls ner l is Is referre rere referred rr d to toint in the e indict
menl as Cassie L Chadwick Chll wlck alias C CL X
Chadwick alias allasMaze Maze QeVere DeVer
There are are seven sel ien Federal FederalJildictments indictment
against Mrs Chadwick The heamcmt amcun
she he obtained fr frm from m the Oberlin Ober lin Sank BalI k
which wrecked it was 270000
Mrs Chadwick escorted from th the
county jail arrived at the t e court roon
ten ten minutes before the time set for thi the
beginning beginni g of t the tr ial
Her SelfPossession Perfect Pe ± fect
Mrs l1i Chadwlclcs Chadwic Ks selfnqssesslpn selfposs sslon wa was
perfect pe rfecl Her II r eyes were steady st steady eady arid he her
manner as a composed as though th ughshe she ha h i < i
I nothing at stake stal e She Wps was as dressed dresseinn In f
rich costume of f black blac k the most mostnoq notice e
able aQl feature of yhi vhich h was wa a black blac vel v l
vet et jacket jackettrimm trimmed qwith with w Jilte hite te < applique
her n r hat was broad br d and ri 11Iitartd 1It at arid low 1Y 1o
Plumes Pluf Plufes es traH trailed tra1Od doverrtb overtheleft oVerrthe left side sJde9 of jit It
> Wfe1i WlieiiMr3 Mrs lfr Gbad Ch Chadwick i1vtc1 > viclc entered lIter lh th
cburtr eourroomher ourtr bomher om h he heA l A was yas a covered WUhV wti1La th
IWhft white hItQ XeH veil one Qj ns 4pihir mt mpIt l > o sizeVone SIze 1 e o onejik IIJi Ii
I brides wear wear She het took Qk a t seat back pit o he her
lawyers aW3en at the th t big blgtrla trial 1 table ble ih front 6 or o
the bench
l Mrs MrsChadWicksL M Chadw Chadwicks icks Lawyers wi wirs rs
These TIw e lawyers lawy rg are J P pawley PlWl Dawh y WhO whi
I Ietands stands high in Cleveland C le land as a criminal
I lawyer SheldoaQ Sheldon Q Kerruish who stand
high at the bar bar an and d exJudge ex iudg e Francis Fran clsT J
Wing Until February Wing was was judg judge
of this court He resigned to practic
law la
l District i strictAttPrneYJOhn Attorney John J SuHvan SUll a1and ani
his hl two tYo assistants assistantsappenred appeared for the Gov
Judge Tayler sharIeatOred sharp har1feat featured re d dand ani and
cleancut came Into court wearing i a
The United States vs Chadwick h he
announced announc das as the case c se at hand
Both sides announced that tiat at they the wer were w r
ready Then the themen men summoned to de
cide the fate of Mrs Chadwick tool took
their scats st > s In the Jury box
In response to a a a question by Dawley
the t e judge ruled that so far as possiblE
cnallengcsshould challengcs should shouldbe be made for forcausebe cause causebe be
fore the right of o peremptory challenge
should be exercised
Andrew Carnegie Arrives
At that stage of the proceedings procee lngs An
drew Carnegie arrived He was accom
panied pani d by Sylvester T Everett hos h st s
of the Ironmaster during the latter latters 1
stay in this city There was a a buzz a as
Carnegie C rne ie passed Mrs Chadwick and was wa
escorted to a seat at the side of th the
room near the bench If the prisone
knew that the man whose name she ha had <
used so f freely ly had arrived she gave m no
Intimation of the fact She kept he her
eyes e es fixed steadily on the jury Shi She
could not have seen Carnegie without
turning her head and apparently sin she
I did not want to attract attention b by
doing so
Carnegie being seated at the side ant an and <
to the rear of the th defendant had m no
such difficulty He had the opportunity
l to get et a good view viewot of her and he too took l
advantage of it There was w a lot of In
terest ter t and curiosity pictured on hi his
shrewd face as he looked for the firs flr t
time upon the tht defendant Dawley cross cross
examined the candidates for or seats 01 on
the jury jur One point he pressed In ever
case concerned the appearance of Car Ca r
negie in the case
Question Put to Jurors
Would Voul the juror he asked giv give
undue weight to the testimony of Car
negie because of his wealth or hig high
standing or for any other reason reasonS S o If
I Iwould would he give the same weight to Car
ncgles statements that he would t te
r I those of any ny other credible witness
All the candidates said they woul
I place the multlmllllonair m uHIm 111 ionai r i on the sum E
I level 1 < 01 as other witnesses Duwley aske
each of the prospective jurors as to th thl
extent I to which he had read the Chad
I wick stories in the newspapers He ala
wanted wante to know if they the were connecte
with banks
I James Carr a Cleveland grocer wa > va
first to pass muster mu ter He seemed to hay
read rea very ver little about Mrs Chadwic
in the newspapers
I Norman and andS S S S Gault brothers liv
I ing in MahonlBg county were next i Ir
line They are > farmers They und Mar
tin Grow also a Mahonlng Mnl mlnlcoun county ty farm farlJI
er seemed scem eemd1 d to satisfy Dawley with the tht 11
answers He did not pass the brother hrother
however however without a long examinatfo
to learn whether they would bo intluenc
ed d by their relationship They said the
I would not
l Not Connected With Banks
Then came H A ITalberstaclc of Co
lumblan county < ountlhomm Thomas Haymaker 0
Portage county count and F ii P Anderson
Holmes Holni s county AH were werefarm farmers ra The TIus th j
i imen men like lIk all who had gone gon before sail
< y hart ha connections c with nolmnlc no bank
Royal Blue Trains to Philadelphia an
New York
I from Baltimore e OhIostaUon Ohio station Ever EverJ
other olh < r odd hour Superb Su rierb equipment o
vesilbuled t sllbuled coaches Parlor Cars and Din
lag Cars The famous Royal Limltei
eaves at at3 3 D in WA1 A IW
About a aHundredl Hundred An An L 11 ¬
swer swer Charges Cha ge sofMrt of Mir Minor iin t I
Offenses Off e nses
Twen Twe nty tyeight 2eIght Persons For ¬ 1
fe felted feit ited dC Collateral lateral M Making king
Grknd Total of p69 169
Herded like lilc Cattle cntu Into the thedlng dingy wire
covered dock of the Distric l 1strIc > t branch bran h hof o of
the e Police Court CoUrtaDout about 100 prs0l pr isoners 1crsof of
various colors colors and divers dlv erss stations i iti n in in
life stood stc d for an anho hour ur uru u or two t wo today t day
awaiting awalUngtne the call all of their cases
Pleas of ofglliltyWere guilty Svere were entered t > y y a alal1c large
number r m1erof of those th se charged c with wlthvlolato violations iolat1 ons ns
of the petty ordinances oI1lln ances to t preserve pr s rvehc the
j jubllap public ubllap peace ace Most Mosto of the cctses Cfises cses wore w t
the Result res esult lt of trouble on Perihsylyaiua Penns ivaina
avenue aven11e while th the parade par dewas was pass passing ing
Ill healthmade it impossible for Judge
Scott to o attend court c ur > t and Judge Strider Stiidc t
pres ided ded Much leniency leniencywus leniency was granted g hn ed by
the court and theex the the expeditious pedl ous ousmanM manner manM r
in which the rush of business was wasdlS vs dis dl ¬
posed posedo of was the hesu sub subject bjecit ject of ofrqu muc much h favor ¬
able comment by b attorneys ttorney saniithers and others
present I Ire re sc nt
Thirtyeight Thlrtyijghtper Thtrt cight persons oI1ac c charged harged 1 qrged with vio 10 ¬
iat lations onsQftJ1e of the police regulations and a lId Dis DI ¬ I
trict ordinarces failed failt taUdtoappear d to ajipear appear In court
and 1C9 1C was ther thereby h > added l lded < to the the money mQne
n nthc the District DlStrlctciteta co cctera lters in n the thcshape shape of
forfeits I
Cdnyicted C nvicted of Tagrancy agrancy > i
Vagrancy was was the charge c arg against galn st
John Jo1n Kelly Ke ny who when whe hen narraign arraigned d
nferely r1 nfere1 rely sa s said D1d id u lwasdrurik I was as drunk and dont don t
know what h t I was w sdolnI doing
Po Po Policeman iiceman iceman1l IRlc Richtrds chards hards said Kelly RellYWlis was as
ho hOlding lding persons pers ns up on Pen Pennsylvania Ps lyania
avenue and demanding money mOi1eytrom from
them tc mycst yestQrday yest grday rday Tie ie se said he had hal1b been n
c leaning off snow since h helame ha came to o the th
city He He was wasodered ordered to p pi pty y SIG 10 or
spend p nd the the next month down do Ii on ni th the
itme Jam TfiimtKi Ban TthrtHn RandolPhn doph lfi K Ki i Ji a shiny shinv shlnyb1 hlttok blttck Qk nefiTTO ne T
cl1td lf J itt oo ooe os e eralls iins f wiisii sas next xt prr ttrrtigitpiI U9d on 1
aic acijarge a charge pf 9 dlsQrderlyiconducti dl3oFQe disorder1 rl1congue ccinductf1atrCk n 3 at rick tic JC
T Treat 1C tthIY thecxnpbthutnL Qmp iliian t tiWthenerii tleJ1 i
was disorderly Ix iix his hl55alool saloon
He dhrev dhrevta1 dhrevta1rr1ck a brrlck b rr1ck r rink on me and Ot
ha hid d to t01 take lk toO II agoon goon to f him l1imr sald sah the
Celt He told of haying put the t e negro j
out of the place and summoning g Police Pollc ¬
man nanAllcn Allen Randolph said he l e Went ent into 1
the saloon to see his hrotherInlaw j
Asked by by Judge TudgeStrider Strider if his relative I
lived in the barroom Randolph replie d j
In inthe the negative e eFlvedollars u Five Flvedollars dollars or r fifteen
days quoth the court and the negro negro I
stepped back
Soldiers SoldiersAttack Attack Negro
Soldiers attacked attacked d Sylvester Jones a
negro negr on the street Saturday S tur dny night a and rid
a special policeman arrested him to save s vf >
him lni from peril Jones was charged with
disorderly disordri conduct Judge Strider StrIdetdls Jdls
missed IS Ed the case ca < c
Were Vereyou you so drunk you dldnot did not know
whatMou whatl t you were doing asked the court
of t John T hn Courtney Co rtney who 1IO was was alleged to
have been d dorlerly orderly on Third street
northwest The prisoner prsonerreplledln replied in the
affirmative Five dollars rir r fifteen
days dayswasTudgeStrldcrs was Judge Strider s next ncx remark re ark
Six months m in the workhouse was the
penalty impose d upon Henry Clad a
bushhaired black bl ck negro charged with
vagrancy v granc Special Policeman Linkins
said the negro was lurking around
showcasesnear showcases ShO C a sesncar near Seventeeth seven teeUI street and
Pennsylvania P nrR lvania avenue
I Senacu Auds personal bonds were
taken after the evidence in a vagrancy
case ca e against agaln t him had been heard A
policeman PQ1h emAn testified that the man was
drunk and an asleep on the snow sno and ice
on the thelooxhnHroad Foxhali road several miles from
tho city Judge Strider held this th to be
no offense and released him
I Nearly Caused a Riot
William Masons efforts to t take tak n
prisoner from Policeman Branzell Branz ell led
to tolls his arrest and an appearance in court
It was testified to that he dEimcd deemed It si t
blankety blanket blank blan outrage that a negro I
woman should be arrested because she I
used profanity and threatened to stick a aI
hat pin into a policemans leg Sergeant i
I Judge said Mason came near precipitat j
Ing a riot and it was necessary to ar ¬ I
rest him as well w n a 118 the woman woman Mason i
was lined 5 with alternative altern fitlve of spending gp enllh1 enllh1c c
I the next nrtnipht nrtnl ht In n the worlchnu workhouse e 1 1the
John M L Dodson of the Gadys
lime lim kilns near Twentyseventh lwfntysev nth and L L J
streets northwest was arraigned on a
I 1
Continued on Third Page rag
t I
I c
I t
I I i o i
it t1
j f
Widow of the Late U United nite d StatessemltorLe States Senator Leland and St Stanfor nford d lrerDeath Her Death Under
Strange Circ1l1IlstancesHas Circumstances Has Aroused California
San Erancisco F1 1 anciscoAwaits Awaits Word
Erom Fr ln Honolulu
r t >
Belie Belief f Prevails i lIe is Is v Withholdin Withholding
Information Makes Ma dak kes o a
Denial l
here that th3 thati t in Inspite spite of official denials thj the
Honolul police are in possession of pos po s
hive lUveevide evidence nce that strychnine was found f ur l
in the soda of which Mrs Stanford toOk 6 k
a dose do e just before her death also aIs thai
the same poison was found in the
stomach and other organs
It is also known her heart was dllated dilated
indicating strychnine poisoning pOIson1ngThc Th Tht
police also received dispatches confirm
ing the statement of several days da s age ago
that strychnine was found all through
the bottle of soda
Work on Case
Several detec detectIves tives tIves have spent much
time in the last three days at Pale Pal t
Alto This is thought to indicate develop
meats ments are expected In that quarter
In a published interview the police
say they are awaiting full Information
from Honolulu They say nothing poi po h ¬
tive will be done until the official report nIJ JJt
of the inquest is received showing th the
cause of death
May Have Evidence
The Honolulu correspondent of a local
paper says
It is the general opinion here tha
Sheriff Henry is now trying to deceive e
the public at the request re quest of thc tlic San
Francisco police pollceand and ant to hold bsuj bauk k
analysis until the arrival Hrlv 1 of the Ala
meda with th thO detectives from that
The fact that Mrs Stanfords will con ¬
i tains a liberal bequest tJIUQ t to her brother b rothe t
Aries Iathrop now living in Albany it
a pleasing Jl leaSh jj iecf J iec of nQWs n w 1 to the latter J
I many friends in this city where he was w
formerly a t social 5i 1t1 favorite
I Years ago ao it was said that th ll some slight light
lag re c ference C made ad d by Y i athrop L r to tht 3
a YOf OfL
I much li lic c loved dea detal 11 d son II of the 0
had reached Senator Senat Stanfords ear am an
I Continued on Second Page
Resent Relegation to Eea Rear
of S Supreme pl e p1eCourt Court
J i1 > c
b bJ1 Count Coui J1 n Cassim si > Assure S d of f is Pos iS PiQi i H
Claimed Clalmedtr ClalmedtrTl1emBut by Them Tl1emBut But Eyentualiy Even Eventually ua1Jy
Escorted EscfJrt by bya a aPage Page age
Inauguration Inaugur thm day da p did not pass withou w ithout
its heartburnings as well as Its outwar outward
r 4 > i iv ilnss il v lnss gs The TheloIigstandlng longstanding long staiding conten
Eitft ti between the United States Supreme
Gpurt and 1nd the Diplomatic Corps ha
broken brokenut out outall all anew and in every chun c h hn n
celery qt f AVashlngtohs foreign fcrelgncoloriy colon
I there lhe there luhe is the greatest eatcs t perturbation rterturu atlon o Of
mind and even in Jnone one or two instances
a bit of apprehension of what may maysre re
I suit in cpnsequence cPl1s tjUence of crossed cro sed wires
at the Capitol CapIf l ceremonies ceremon ls s on Saturday
S Set t Back inLine
According t b < > the prior assurance
given lven the dean of the corps Coun
Cassini Casslnlthe the Russian Ambassador h hi
and his hl colleagues of that rank werE
given give n the ft first lirst rat six seats in tha th first row
on thfaright th rHh t of o the presiding officer o lccr o 01
the Senate Sem e V Chief Justice Fuller and th thi
Associate > Qclate Justices Jm dces were given the firs
nine seats wat opposite on the left Tin
accorded d y With th the Diplomatic Caps
contention that ambassadors an represent
ing the person p rOr1 of f their respective sov
ere erclgns igns ranji next to the t he Presidon
himself on n t bit l1 occasions occ occasionswhere slons where they the an
present prsentotTI officially all The nl only o IY other thor offi o ffi
cial w who ho ever ranks the dean of till th
corps is I the thSccretary 1S Sccretury cretary of Sta Stab Stale Stay b le but bpt he
on Saturday was with the Ci Cabinet C ibineL blnet
So far so gQodfor good for the th foreign terre rl rre
Sentatives ard a rl l their peace of mind mlndBn Bu
when fvh n the theVICc Vice President Jresident hud l ld been inau
jiuratid urat d and th U thd procession to the cos eti
front was JQ i begin the trouble of fou au
years ago enme back again to plaeu
the foreign contingent The Chief Jus
tie tl led let the th way with th the President
I nnxt came ame the joint committee cOmro lteion on cero
monies monl the Associate Justices jimlther and th then n
much chagrined chl rined the ht six J1Jl1b jijrnbassudors HSac1I1r5
To ro the average a v r q American mind Intl th
I seriousness of rsuch such a a situation does no
Continued Contl d on ori 1 Second nd Page
i r f s S l
I T 1
i f5he he Was hirngton Times
i Has Shovr S h 0 v n Greater G Grea rea t er Gains G ai n s in
1 Advertising Advertisingand vert i sin g and Circu Circulation C ire u l lation a t i T
t i Than Any Other Paper Pap r Printed d in i
T I f Was hington r P PD D C CO O
l T
y I February Advertising Gains I February Circulation Gains Qains
j f 1Februar February Februar y 19051178 1905 1178 Columns 160 Lines j I Arage v vf f a Oirollla Circl Circulation atio l ln
t I I IDaily Daily D DQ Q Ily February 1905 1 1v 1905Net v 05 n Net 38139 3 3u Q u 139
1 j February 1904 1006 Columns 30 Lines I t Average Circulation C rculation
Daily February 1904 1904Net Net 30157
i L j I Total Increase 172 Cols 130 Lines
T 7 Daily Average Circulation Olrc u1 tlon
I Ave Daily Increase Over 6 Cols Increase 1905 Net 7982 79 2
1na Inaiigeral Inau uguial gural Concert Concertby by Marine Band Ba nd and
= Chorus Ghor l ls s of Five Hundred Voices at
the thePension Pension Buildin g
Celebration Cele bratioh Has H sS So Far Been Remarkably ReIJ1 r ry
Fr Free e YYr From rn Manifestations of o f MisbeKjavioiv Misbeh Misbe havior i t
J Nothin thin g But BufPr Praise Praiseforthe i eforthe fpr the Troops
The inaugural festivities stiyities of 1905 wur will vi11 wind up this evening even ng with a abl blast St
from the 1 Marine Marine Bine Band a chorus of 500 vo voices ices and a blaze bl e of 10000 lOOOOeIectIic electric
lights in the tbegreat great hall of the Pension > ension Building BuiIdia the scene 5 ene of the inaugu ¬
ral ball bal1S Saturday turday night
It ltis is estimated that at least half of the strangers who were here for
the c celebration have already lreadYIJacked packed their grips and departed
As the 1aststrains last strains o of f the last number n mber on tonightspro tonights program amdieawat die away
a an h narmy army of workmen will begin dismantling the tIe deco decorations tions All All haste
w will ill be made so that Uncle Sam will not lose any more n1ore money than is
absolutely necessary by reason reasonof of the idleness of the pensibn pensHmclercs clerks who
have hav been beeAenjoylng enjoying a holiday holid y with full pay p y during the time tlmetheirworkshop their workshop
has been been devoted to to the public
The Thehotel hotel hotel lobbies are resuming res ming their natural aspect today and the
haughty hau ghty clerks behind the desks are almost civil to the stranger stran erwho who asks
for accommodations commodationsCarpentersi Carpenters with busy hammers are taking down
the he stands st along the line of bfmarch march Rooms with windows upon the
Avenue w which hIch hIchrented rented 1 on Saturday Satrtrday all the way wayfroIll from 10 to500 to to 500 each e ch may
now nowbe be secured for less than what the visitor was called ca l d upon t to give
upf up for ra a square meal IIlcalon on inauguration day
A A few fe of the Statnguards State guardsmen rnen are still
In lownyoung town young men who for the most
pat art defied c ce e tied their t tl l ir commanding ornma ndlng officers offi elSl by
refusing ref sing to leayewlth leave with their comrades
in n nrms but berorenig before night nig hti ht it Is quite
probable that C 1 the these p leftovers will have h v
been e n e p corralled 6rralp rrall Rqmlpac < L and packed packed kc9 off Aft tqward to toward w pd
hpfhe hone pme It stipule should houldb be recorded r recorded to o the the
credit of the t fl mUfit mUti cnllftlnxpen iainerv mQ ITj r thii that tibey t they i b be
bayed ba dns ns a whole w ol most mostadfIlir adm admirably irably tilY while WllUe
hiWnshJr iir Vashlngton gt i <
Four Jolr years V a rs ia lQ ago iQ riots fist fights flghtsnnti and
loafing looting w wer r b bnifliorted nifliorted orl d fron from every er quilt
tOn t of the city The Ipennsylviiniaris pennsyh nlnris
were werc tfIe the ohlef ehiefoffenders offenders on o n that occasion occa sion
ahd rt the Keystone Ke gton e 1 State was wasea called n d upon
to 0 pay several sever L l thousand dollars 1n dam ¬
ages for forpr property perty her he rboysdestro boys destroyed
For a few f hours yesterday morn morn morning ing
two tw 6 6or or three three companies omp m Jes of Pennsylvania
guardsmen made made things live Uv lively ly lyd down wn on
Pennsylvania p nnSYIVanlaavenue avenue probably thinking
lt Inaugura auJuralCommittee l Comm ittee
Expects Surplus Fun Fund d
I General Wilson chairman of the in ¬
augural committep commlt commtttefaddressed e addressed addr sseda a cour c ur ¬
teous eousletter letter today to the chairmen chairIJ1enoC of the tht
varous subcommittees sUbcommlttecsreQuesting requesting them
to o prepare their reports as soon as pos
sible so as to enable enabl him to make make the th
final report of cfthe the general ger eral committee hy b
the last lastuCllarch of March or or Jr the early ear ly part ol of
Many of any of tli the subohairmisn suhrhu rmtm are urehard hard ai at
work and will 1herpally be ready reau ly to hand in their
t reports r ports in a few r w days
The ThemostlnteresUni most tnterestiiis feature of th the
report of tJHlfral Jenera i Wilson of course coursewlll vil
be the financial finaneialtHid end Treasurer r AHe Alles
spent mos totist t of the day daat a at the Pension
Ofllrn siiptrintending siiporinteni f1iP rl ltend ling ng the sa sale le of ticket
to tl the mf rnrnmg inerning frniri and afernoon concerts
t Tonight he will complete the sale sa e of thi the
concert tickets Itorause of the worl won
today todn hit has not been lwcnllhle able to go g ovei eI
t his accounts but will begin tomorrow
r arid haw his report ready within w thin two o or a
three days
Small Surplus Expected
Thero will vil prnhnli probably ly be a small surplu
I in tho treasury t = asury after all expenses xpemH hav
boon paid It is estimated that about
i K5W ° ° ball tickets wore sold tint receipt
t amounting to s sm something > m j thing like 4250i 42t 25 Th
supper tickets LI kpt8 w11 bring in about 52500 2500
The he sale of privileges priiI JeH and seats on th
reviewing stand will net about 2400C
Krnn hrvin the attendance a at the concert thi
maiming it is estimated that the he sale o
tickets tkk ts today tQtla toi lay and tonight will approxi
r mate mateI20 12000 O The lhetoal total proceeds < eelu xelu
r siv ie of the money subscribed sub crihedl1nd and pak
t in intu to Treasurer TI llslller Altos will amount t tt <
about bout SSlOOfi I
The utnount sulisorilied mh rlhf > d was wa GG000 0O0
making a L ttal t i tul in the treasury of 5H70KH
L Thfs tiit total tutu I expenses e lltn c including Ine UlHng those thos in
curnd currc ll through LhrcII eb rtitigh h contract and 1Iu1 all innidun iii idu
i till items will proba IHnm bly aggregate ggrcg ltc be
twpon t pn i 1 llt0t tOi 00 and a nil SH50W I i15lttl 5lIrJ4l
LOf Of poursi those tig3n1i4 fiK 1 iriM Jr s are estimates stima fS
and nil the report r Iort of Treasurer TIla surer Ailes ma
i iIevlal reveal a larger lar glr surplus Tho surplus
i may ill Y he distributed among the varioui
r ropluln ophan Phitfl homes through the c cit ity The sag m ¬
t gestion cstIn has been bc n made however tha
t if there is a 1 large surplus it be
1 the basis of the fund for th e con
t struetion of the great inaugural hall
t und this may rpa be done
i Crowds Equal Four Years Ago
t Chairman Veller ellct of the public com
i fort committee was not ready today t <
t tmakt make an o fficial report as ts to the num
I ber of visitors sitors In In Washington Washln ton He be e
Baltimore Ohio R R Famous oya
f I Blue Line
tc C Philadelphia and New York Ever3 Ever
f fother other odd hour For rates and
f tf particulars I urticulnrs see se agents 707 15th st 61
t Penna ave station N J avt > C
T Adv
I Floral Decorators D coratrs of the theInaugural Inaugural Bal
J H Small A Sons Hth 14th Q 0 Wash T Ta a h
AValdorfAstoria 1153 Bdwy N S
01 Ad Ady dv
> C cc
that thatth the broad street str ct which wQic bears b ars the
name of their thellI1atieStat native State belonged to
them but but the trouble was of O s shQrJ hqrt du ¬
Some Pennsylvania Penusyl ama aPr Pranks ah
A few unotfending colored coloredmel1 metis Iflun were V re
made rnltd to to dance d nceor for the utmtisement umUsemcnt gmtseruuj at ith the
soldier o d e rbo hoys is And nn d dthreeo threeo three or four Italiurt U n
Jrult ruItendors tuft vendors r rwer0 were wet H rushed rq3h d and nd made IxiaQ
Ja bansjrnlesg ai 41bi f Jr 1nx i fihil hQ horter ftftEtlmsi r t time Ut 1h than i it ta takes f
ito to r record the thCilO robbery bexy On Onepoliceman n gt lloH pliceman eman
i vho hOirhaile h1n maclcnt Ul pjtt it rt tirrest n rr st for ror rortl a tl i smiifi sI srnu 1 f holdjup hold lU up P
r of this tblssortcame sort came to grief the coinuan
Ions i ions ns of the man o arrested swooping sl uQpin idown down
tipoh upon the biuecoat blue oa1 and andstandhig standing him h to tlPOn upon
his hishead head in n a jiffy But citizens at large
had no complaint to t make and now noth ¬
ing ingis is heard out praise f for or rthu thu troops who
came the officials who managed nu 1aged the
colossal program pr gram and the weather which
joined to pay pa r homage to Roosevts lt
Sieves however that that the crowds were were
about equal to those four years ears ago
The number of applications for quarters
j were far below those of 190L This may
be bl explained by b the fact that the com ¬
mittee sent out circulars all over the
countrlng announcing the places were
board could cl uld > be secured and many par ¬
ties communicated direct direct
Opinion prevails in some quarters that
the lie number of visitors i itors from a distance
was less than four years ago The num ¬
ber from Ohio and Indiana In diana was w as asmuch muc much much h
smaller than during the last inaugura ¬
I tion of McKinley but visitors vlsltorsfroma from a
short distanceneighboring distance neighboring towns and
cities cltiewerlmuch citieswere wert much more numerous and
it is thought ma de up the difference
Mr Weller Greatly Pleased
Mr Weller was greatly pleased with
the Inauguration on the whole
The military mU1 tary parade was the finest
I have ever seen said he u uand and the
crowds crtJw s were the best behaved of any
whichlwer which over visited vi ited Washington I
think thin k the ceremonies ceremon es were a great suc ¬
I cess
Ihe inaugural committee has every
reason to led lee proud of its work We
1 I have just inaugurated a man who in
I my opinion OiflhiOfl inioni Is the greatest American
who ever entered the White House
George Washington never lived In the
Uhitt House and of nIl men who came
after him I I think Theodore RooseVelt
is the greatest grt ulest J am glad to have been
the chairman ch irmm of one one of the committees
which lc1cli helped he iped to arrange his inaugura in augurD ¬
lion ion
Presidents Stand Sold
Chairman Larner of the committee
on parks pa ks and reviewing stands an ¬
I nounced nounce today toda r that the Presidents Pr esidents
stand including the chairs had been
sold to the Chevy Chase Club of Chevy Chev
Chase < jMd Mel hl The stand will be taken
I apart and n ild reconstructed reconstru ctC > d on the reserve
of the club as a review stand of the
horse shows which the club gives oc ¬
casionally ca1lonall
I The reviewing stands across the street
have already been sold by the thecontrac contrac ¬
tor or and tomorrow at noon Thomas J
1 Owen Son will auction auctlonoif off those which
I are lre not sold by Mr l le Lamer e arner before then
There lhereare are about 7SOo Yankee stick
I chairs on the stands
The work of tearing down the stands
I will begin at once the purchasers doing
I the work Mr lr l le Lamer e arner expressed expresse himseif
as highly h ghly pleased with the lnaugurauon
Inauguration Medals
I The inaugural medals medalswlU will be distrib ¬
uted today or tomorrow All members
1 of committees are entitled to a miTj m J
land and can cart secure them by application to
I I Ithe the chairman of their committee Tues Tuts ¬
day or Wednesday Vcdnesaa T ednesday The medals are pro
Baltimore Ohio R R R to toPhiIa Philadelphia elphia
and return JGOO 600 New York Yortal andTeturn Jeturn
510 S1000 00 Tickets good for eleven days dars
Corresponding rates to intermediate
i points DolntsAdv Adv

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