OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, March 09, 1905, Evening, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1905-03-09/ed-1/seq-4/

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Signs Si ns Promise to Pay Costs
of Divorce
Counsel gun Wants Delay But Judge Strong trong rong
and an and d Prosecutor r rsecu secu tor Berdine Be dineIIiliis Ins Insists ists ts on rt
Quick Disposition n
BRUNSWICK N JMarch S 9Oneof ne neof of
the sensational incidents nclde ts of the trial tr ial of o
the Rev ReT Re J F FC Cordova Cordo tdQYi1 a next ect 1 MOnday
w wlll ill be the introduction of evidence that
C CO Cordova O rQovahastrfed has tried to t o oJ persuade J ersuadehls his wife wife
Lizzie Cordova Coro va to obtain obt in a divorce
from him so that he h might b be free trceto to
marry marry Julia Jul1aBowne Bowne
Mrs Cordova received a letter letter from
hlm bImust 1ust ust before his second elopement elopem I1
with Julia Bpwhe owre a fortnight ago In
which WhIchh he ple pledges dges himself to pay PiY pa iiw l Ia w
yers er s fees and costs and gives her a
signed promise to that effect efrectTbe The le letter tter
I do dopromlse promise that when Mrs Lizzie
Cordova Cordoyag13ts gets a separation from me by
divorce I w w111 ill pay paallcosts pa all costs and law law
yer provided that they th y are ar just and
true And to make this promise bind ¬
Ingupon ing upon me I do dohereby hereby attach at tta ach h my
Mrs Cordova indignantly repudiated repudl ted
the proposal proposaland and will present the letter l tt t 1
it is stated as a evidence evld nc in the criminal
proceedings against nsalnsther her husband
Cordova Arraigned
Cordova Cord 3 was arraigned before Judge udge j
Woodbridge w Voodb oodbridge rldge Strong in the court court of
quarter sessions New Brunswick yes y s
terday <
I am am in il1favor in favor fa or of prompt action said
Judge Strong and will 1Il set the case
down for Monday Monda It will iiI take s strong
argument to obtain further postpone ¬
ments i
Cordova was then taken back to his
cell cell
Removed From Conference
The he Rev J r H Cordova whose conduct
with Uh a a choir holr s inger in his church scan ¬
dallied Methodists 1Iethodistsin in New Jersey Jer e has
been refused permission p rml io 1 to resign by
the New NewTerseyMeth Jersey Methodist dlstConferenc Conference C nfereice e
He was tried trledyesterda yesterday before an ec ¬
clesiastical court court composed of the con ¬
ference and although a formal defense
was made by the Rev J W Morris of
Sayrevllle Sa revUle he was removed from the th
ministry by a unanimous unanhno s vote on the
charges charg s of fImmorollty immorality 4 and deserting
his congregation
Little Helpers Name Chosen and
They Expect to Do Good in
Childrens Hospital
The rheLittle Little He Helpers tpers Circle of the
International Jn ert1atlona Sunshine Society Socl ty organ ¬
ized ize dat at the home of Her Herbert bert Campbell Ca ripbe l1
2236 Thirteenth Th rteenth street northwest last
nighfe nighfeJsJcomposed nigh i JsJcomposed 1 omp omptsed 5 dof of bgys bs and It is
doubtful douQtfulwtiether whether w ether they will ill ever v r have
girls In i the th association nsso d tion though the there ere re
was some discussion on on that point The
majority m jorlty seemed to be of the opinion
that though girls might contribute
somewhat to their musical entertain ¬
ments they could form a circle of th their ir
These boys range from ten to thir ¬
teen t enyears years etrs of o ager age they believe beUevetnhav in hay ¬
ing parties pirtl s now nowahd and then and inviting
other circles with members of their
own ages to be present Girls can come
to the parties P 5 too 0 If they h like k
These T e eP et t boys 5u live u 0v v very hear near a kfh the fh C Chn
drens Hospital and will ioan their
books to the inmates o of f It They have
a bank and hndar are going to save sa e up money moh y
to buy things for their own use and for
the children at the hospital They Theyhave have
a a magic lantern and will give enter ¬
tainments wtth It to raise money inoney
The members are Herbert Campbell
president Maurice Theme Ernest Gal
leher Walter Saxton Archer Hendr Hendricks icks
Harold Thorne Henry Campbell and
David Volland
Wall Street Immediately Starts St rts Wild
Stories Sto Stor ies es of the Great
NEW EV YORK March 9 9Rumor3 Rumors are
current cu rent In Wall all street that Russell Sage
Is dangerously 111 At the Sage home
632 63 2 Fifth Fifth avenue last night however it
Is said Id that Mr Sages illness is noth ¬
ing more serious than a severe cold and
that In view of the bad weather recent ¬
ly 1 he had been b en advised by his physician physicl n
to remain indoors
Dr DrJohn John P Munn of 18 West Fifty
eighth street who is Mr Sages attend ¬
ing physician says there is nothing
serious in the condition of his patient
He is suffering from a severe cold
said Dr Munn but at present there ther Is
no reason reas m to toanUclpateany anticipate any serious erlo src re ¬
In view of the fact that in the last
seven ven years Mr Sage has In spite of ohls his
agerecoV age recovered re from several attacks a of
colds bronchitis and like Hkeailments aliments his
condition at present does not seem to
warrant arrant the alarm which was at first
felt foe I r his recovery
BERLIN March 8 9The The government
in to rearm the artillery as fast as guns
can be b manufactured Instead of gradu ¬
ally a il during a perloVi of several se eral years y e ais rs
The army arm requires 3493 guns with at
least 2000 reserve pieces The type is a
combination of the Krupp Improved gun
with Ehrhardts model such as Is sup ¬
plied to the American Amerlcanarmy army
The Grip
Before we can sympathize with
others we must have suffered our ¬
selves No one can describe to you OU
the suffering Buf rlng3ttcndlng attending an attack of the
grip unless you you have hlve l had ul theactul11 the actual an un
experience e perlenceThere There is 1S lHblblyno probably no dis ¬
ease e se that causes so 0 much physical and
mental agony or which BO successfully
defies d nes medical 111 dlcal aid All danger from the
g gdp 1p however may beavol be avoided ed by the
prompt uc or Chamberlains Cough
Remed Remedy Among the tens of thousands
who have used this remedy r medy riot one One
case case has hnscver ever been reported nD rt d that has
resulted in pneumonia or that has not
recovered r covered Ifor sale by all druggists drug Ist5
Mr Jrans Jransfteld Mansfield fteld in Washington
Richard d Mansfield two weeksago weeks ago
completed co mplete d da a notable nota ble engagement tingagcmentof of
five weeks In Chicago whence he went
direct to New Orleans He will break
the run back to this city with per <
formances next nextwe week k hi Iii the leading
cities en route and a im next week ap ¬
pears at atth the National changing the
blll nearly even night giving five
characteristically chari1 tcrlstlcaJly magnificently m4gnlficent1Y1la Mans s
fleldian fieldianprodJlc productions ons which disclose five
of his most celebrated roles
The engagement opens Monday 1Ionda even ¬
ing March 13 13t t with Mr Mansfields
first appearance in Washington in his
latest latestcreaUon creation the po poverftil werful crful fascinat ¬
ing and grimly humorous Tzar Ivan
In Count Alexis Tolstoys TlstoysRusslan Tolsto S Russian his ¬
tor to rt ical l tragedy tra g dy u uIm lyan Im hj ui the hb Terrible
which was cas translated tr nsl t d for Mt M Mans ¬
field fi 1d by Madam 1 adam Sophie Sop hi de d Melssner
of f Washington ashlngtonadaughte a i daughter rot pit o Admiral
RadardlJ Radfard IT s S 3r r N
On O Tuesday evening he will v il1 be e seen
as the king of fops and exquisites
Beau Brumme 13 ru rnm i I Mr Mr1Iansfletdwill Mansfield will on n
Wednes dny evening cycnl 1g appear ppea r fpv fo Lo the ii h e last
t1m time Ji here r in IVari Ia the Terr Tttrrlbie ible bl
Thursday ThtJrsdayeenlng evening will be given to his
subtle and Temarkable Bafpn Biron arQn Cnevrial
In A Parisian Romance
Another massive massiveShalfspearean massi e Shakespearean pro pro
duction will be given on Friday Frida evening
when the tl1egr great gre Lt actQr w wIll ill be bese seen nas as
Richard Duke of Gloster afterward
Klngor King of England in King Richard Rich r < III
At Atthe the only 61 0 S matinee pftlie of tl the e wee wek e ic Sat ¬
urday he will nih repeat Beau 33rummel Br II mel
and In the th evening e ening will WlU say1atew say sa farewell l1 as
Dr ptJek Jekyli Jek l 11 and ndMr Mr Hyde HI de
Mr Marigfield M nsfieldhaSwlth has hitavith with him 105 103 play ¬
ers ersHe He comes by special train of oeleven eleven
cars cars and brings e every er detail det Uof of the th
mJ1nlfic munificent nt scenic investiture of t all the th
plays plays In Inspiteot spite of the expense Involved I ln voly ol ed d
in preparing and bringing six s1 produc ¬
tions U ns Instead Inste d of o f fone one there there Is to be no IO
ad advance ance over os er Mr Mansfields s former
scale of prices
ColumbiaOtis Columbia Otis Skinner
It 1tl5 is seldom seldomin In deed eedt that t3 a jvellknown jyellkno ve1lknown n
star chooses choosesn a play pIa In which he is not
only absent from thestag the stage during one
entire act act but allows another anothermember member
of the cast to score heavily hea fly in that act
Butln But in in TheHarvester The HarvesteJ Mars ester In w whIch hich unique
pla play y Otis Skinner is soon soonto to be enjoyed en Jpye <
by local playgoers at the Columbia next
week Mr l1rSklnner Sklnneri In the the fascinating fasIJ8 tlilg
role rol of the thcgyps gypsy gypi hero does aoes oes not apoear apuear
in the second s ond act actat at all during durt which w hich
time J JM L Coleville as the head reaper
Francois gives a masterful portrayal p rtra rtraT rt tyal T al
and nndcharact character r study and brings down the
curtain upon a startling Climax 1im x of melo m Jo ¬
dramatic ram3ticfcrce force Mr Skinner however
can well afford to be thus generous for
In the scene sce le with his son Tony he
ach1evrsa achl achieves ves a masterpiece of acting ttlnr rang ¬
ing from romantic comedy to emotional
jjathos that has h s been pra praIsed ised as as one one of
the he finest examples exnmplesof of histrionic art seen
on the American stage for fra a long time
Mary Marble as Nancy anCy Brown Br wn
Mary Marble farblea a a pronounced Washlng ¬
ton favorite will be seen secnat at the Y Lafay ¬
ette tte Theater next wee week r in Nancy
Browli Brow h The production w will ill be brought
here with a complete new new set of cos ¬
tumes and scenery scenery while Its ltSCbOru5 chorus
girls are said to be remarkably r rdmark mark blyprett bly pretty
i and dance with the grace and andacandon abandon
of the famous pony ballet The book
piece was written by Frederick Ranken
an l George W Y Yo o Broadhurst st
Chases ChasesChevaIicr Chevalier
Albert AlbertChe Chevalier ll r considered consi ered the great ¬
est living Ihingaudevillecharacter vaudeville character comedian
the Idol of the English music halls will
make his first appearance In polite
vaudeville at Chases next wee k com om ¬
mencing Jl1 nclngat at t the lheMondlY Monday matinee and he
will be seen at both performances dally
during tho week Although Chevalier s
salary Is 2000 weekly weeld and nd despite the
fact that ihn t the surrounding siirroundingbili bill is up to
the usual high stajadard of Chases dur ¬
ing the weeks when thQ principal at ¬
traction hardly hardlyco costs ts the management
an amount equaling the Chevalier sal ¬
ary tl1 the regular Chase scale of prices
will wlllprevnlL prevail The Th advance sale Indicates
a week of unprecedented attendance
which will probably probablexceed exceed in this re ¬
spectanyother spect any other week of the present
Chevalier Ch Che 3lIer tiler tour fis Chases Thise s Theater Th Oleris is
one of the largest l rgcst in th the country co hti
Other OtherconsplcuOu conspicuous successes will be
the th MllcsStavordale Quintet in Songs
Without Singers described desc ihed as a ride de ¬
lightful musical specialty specialtEmmet Emmet De
voy and company In The Saintly Mr Ifr
Billings said to be a screamingly fun n ¬
Trio Trloot of pictur ¬
ny ni farce and the Italian
esque esquevoc esq e vocalists Usts The remaining r mainlng novel ¬
ties will Include the th Three eJIaMaPS Madcap
dainty French Fr nch danseuses dnnS 1Ses from Paris P r1sj 1 1dainty
Owley and Ran Rnndall dall the comic cOn ie jugglers
In Tumbling Tomj Tom Mattlo Lockette
the clever child Impersonator and ari d the
motion pictures of a a race race for a wife
The Unschuld Concert C nc rt
The Th first of a a series s rles of concerts oonc rts for
the working people of Washington will 111
bq given next Sunday evening in iIiNa Na ¬
tional tIo nal Rifles Armory AT Olj by SIIss ss Mar Marie ie von on
TJnschuld Uns elluld who will 111 instltuts t the ecourso course
with the l indorsement laorscmentof of the tllcFederaU Federation n
of Labor Samuel Gompers Q mpers president of
the latter organization will 1ntr introduce duce
Miss IJnschuld v
In order lh that t the concerts conc rtStnay may be
patronized by bynianywho many who cannot afford
the prices demanded at otregular regular concerts c cnceft nceft
the admission has been put down down to a
very small figure
A fine program has been arranged arr ngedond and
will be interpreted by Miss MlssUnschuJd Unschuld
Miss Edna Smith contralo Luclen LucI m
Conen violinist and nndErn Ernest stLont Lent cel ¬
Queen of the White SJa Slaves es esJJ JJ
Arthur J Lambs Lamb s melodrama Queen
of the the White Slaves will be presented pr sented
by b A H Woods formerly formerlyo of the th firm of
Sullivan Harris Woods jtothepa to the pa ¬
trons of the Academy next n EpttMonday Monday
The story of thenlay the play Is ISSU suggested g ge ted by b
the crimes of the Highbinders
The eeenic Ecenlcproduction production of Queen of
the White Slaves is described de cribed as asade ade
quate with spec special ial attention attent1 n given gtvent 1ven to
the Oriental costumes 1
Shepards Mov Moving ing Pictures >
Shepards ShepardslIovlqgPlctures Moving Pictures will be the
attraction at the AcademyagalIinext Academy again next
Sunday evening An Anentirely entirely new pro ¬
gram gramv1lJ will be offered
Miss Drews Rec ita l l
Miss Clara Clar a Drew will give given a a song re ¬
cital in the Washington Club Clubat at ai 815
oclock this evening Miss Drewhas Drew has ha
won much distinction in local musical l
circles s slncocomng since ince coming to Washington 1Vashin gtonsev say ¬
eral months ago and her berrecltal recital has been
anticipated w with ith keen Interest interestThu The pro ¬
gram gramlnclude8 includes several numbers which
have hav < never been heard locally l c ITy and Is Isnl al ¬
together a most Interesing InterfslngcQI1ection collection of
songs The program follows
LAddio L L Addro Mozart
Sapphic Ode 4 Brahms
Sanflmanchen SnrHlman hen Brahms I3rahm <
Dort In den WIeden Brahms
Am Ufer der Flusses s des Mahzanares
Jensen Tens en
Autumnal Gale Grieg
First Meeting M > ctlng i Grieg
Buss Ru I1silie1 811ed lied i Beethoven
Die Ehre Gpttesaus Gottes ails UBder der Natur
Here SererfJu J1 le 1 J S Strauss trauss
No More Henschel
Sehlafiied ScltJa fHp Mpszkowskl
Two Biblical Songs S ngs Nos os I I a ar rid id IV
Dytfrak Dv rak
Myrto 1Iyr to Delibes Dellb R
Nocturne i Cesar Franck
Dear D r Love When Vhe n In Thine Arms
Chadwick k
White hite Rose Whelpley
The T e Yearns at the Spring B6ach B ach
Un Unique ique lqu Piano Recital Recital
Miss 1I1s p Ghlndlund QhindlnndanI1ounces announces the appear ¬
ance on next Thursday afternoon In the
Lafayette Lafa ette Theater Theatero Theaterof of f Miss Marie von
Unschuld In a unique unlquepHmorecltal piano recitaL
The program to be given givenbyMIss by Miss
TJnschuld will be Illustrated by stereop
tican views operated operat dby by B P I Murray
and tnEjpIGtures the pictures will represent as far
as L5 possible possible and according to to the he gen on ¬
emily er lly accepted acce pted idea the thti compositions composlt comiosit I IOflS on OflS
played pla e l
This ThlsBort sort of entertainmen t Is Assured ¬
ly 13 a iI novelty to Washington W Wm m concert
goers poe oers s and will wll1provc prove highly Interesting
The program programinclud includes s the following
compositions mposIt1 ns
Beethoven Beethov n Sonata op 31 D minor
LargQAllegro Largo Allegro illustrated by b3 The
Tempest Tempestor 1 empest of G Romney Adagio 4 lagiO illus ¬
trate by N Amburg AmburgAllegrett Allegretto Illus ¬
trated by Happy Hn py Return of Marshall
Robert Schumann eight fantasiestuke
The lZheEvenlng Evening Illustrated illustrat d by Listening
to the theNIghtingale Nightingale of otC C can Boden
hausen Elevation Illustrated by The
Saviour Savl ur of B Blockhorst Moods Illus ¬
tented trat d by Mischief MiSChl fOf of A J Mazurolle
Why llustrated by Lost Happiness Happln ss
of fOltoLlnguri Otto Llnjguri In the Night Illus ¬
trated tratedby by Shakespeares Midsummer
Nights s Dream Dreamof of Paul Thumann
F Fable bl Hl illustrate stmte d by The Secret of o
George G orgcR Hpmej Home OIIl Das D as Ends E n1 v vomLied vorn bm Lied illus
tratfcd by The Gleaners of George
Laugee L L uge ugca Chopin Nocturne C Csharp sharp
minor minorIllustrated Illustrated by Antigone and
Ismene IsmeneofEt of E Teschendorn Eduard
Schutt Roccocco RoccoccoIl1ustratcd Illustrated by b A Lit ¬
tie tleLado Lady of Rent Reinicke Relni lte Brahms In ¬
termezzo term zzooP op lliIlustrated 117 llustrated by The
Guardian Angel Angerof of Munler Liszt Hun
garlen t rl n Fantasies I
Lyceum LyceumU LyceumolIy U Jolly olIy Grass Gr ass Widows
Next N < xtwecks weeks attraction aUta Uona a at t t1teLceum the Lyceum I
Theater Thcatccw w will ill consist cons ist of lNlton Fultons Extrav ¬
aganza agan Z a and Vaudeville vaud ev Hie company Intro ¬
ducing the Jolly Grass Widows a re ¬
markably marm lystroi1g strong aggregation made madcup up i
of o f the best bes t of coiifjedians comedians players pia ers and
vaudeville talent besides one oneo of the
best selected sel oted best bestdrllled drilled choruses on the th
stage Thore will be plenty to laugh at
in the opening burlesque bUrl 5qUO called cal1 d the
Widows WldowsVcdding Wedding Night or ot the Matri ¬
monial xn nlalClub Club written wdttenby by Harry Von Til
zer z r Tho costumes worn by the chorus
are of the tli costliest costl1estwhile while the chorus cho rus
Itself IB IR picked with a view to Its sing ¬
ing talent and its it shapeliness s npelinessThe The dos < ¬
ing inglncldent Incident of the nhow will be bett a trav ¬
esty hit called Down the Line The
show sh y is particularly rt1cularl strong In vaudeville vau eill
talent Jack and Al Gruet are black
faced entertainers Burkhardt and a d
Moore Hebrew Hebrew delineators Mullin and and
Corelli comedy comedya acrobats robats Carlton Carltoa and
Terre vocal comedians Garden and
SomerS musical n slcal wonders Jeanette
Guichard Tillio Stork torhe and Mae fae Yuir a
trio o ot stage beauties beauUesandslngers and singers
Religious Trainin Training g in the
Schools Probable
J r
Rabbi Rabbin and n SeventhDay evenhDa Adventist A Y ntist Op ¬ I
pose i Views of the Majority
at Meeting Mee ting I
The TtccCtnm committee lHeo of offlft fifteen en appointed ap pOlntedas as
a result res U1tOf o th the recent rec J1rt general gen cr a f fc conference c n fl 1 ence I
of ministers and others to tocoQsld consider r the
resolution resolutions on of theRiQV the R Rev V Dr McKim Klm pro Pi I
pos posing ing the introduction of religious
moral moraltra training tning inth in the public pu bl c schools schQ ls held h ld
its lastmeeting lastm last meeting ting yesterday yeste iday at the Shore Sh re
ham Hotel
The greatest secrecy has been ob ¬
served in all the meetings meettngsan and c1 though
some somesort sort of decision d cishnilias has been beel1rea reached hed
by the represehtatiyes of the the various
creeds and beliefs b Uafs on the committee
little is known as t to t the exact nature natu
of ofit it
Dissenting DlsseIiti ng Votes
It is known ImowPhow however er tha that t tthErEw there were re
two W09Iss iO dissenting ntlngY6tts Votfcs otts to the thod decis decision lsfon ion
finally flnallyr reached chedbythe by the he m majoi majoritI dtlty ityi and
that a minority tnlnori y report r port will be made
The majority mnJorUyxcpo report rt has already alr a y b be ben en n
sent sen to Hilary Uary A A Herbert eOOrt chJrmajr ch91rma1of of o
thegener the general lconference conference who will now
call caHthat that body tio y together togetheragaln again
It is understood that tthe the twp dissent
big Ingyotes votes to the h minority niinorityreport report were were
those of Rabbi R bbl Louis Stern Ste n nc c and W V
AVilllam VII1IamPreJCott Prescott a representative o of <
the theS Seventh S ytnthp vdnth Day Y AdventIsts
Points at Issue
It is s understood unde toodhowev however rth that t Jh Jh0 he I
main pplnt p J1ntat at issue between the ma 1a ¬ I
jority and m inor inority ity was the thoqhestion question I
of introducing religious training l rnlQg along
with that of morals mor 1s in tile t schoo schools ls
In any case the next meeting of tho
general gener aIc conference onfer nc e to tow which hIChthe the public
will be Inyited InYited promises to be a a most
Interesting one
General Greely Gr IYhas has la tely tchreceived received a a
detailed report re riort of the operations oper at1QtIs of the
Alaskan telegraph system during Jan T n ¬
uary wtr The Th wireless it lreless worked wo rked uninterrupt ¬
edly 107 miles mUcsilcross across Norton sound
The land lines lineso of 1500 I aOO miles dn In length l ngth
had various Interruptions Int interrup rrupt1onsfr ions from ni snow now
and severe seerestorms1veraglng storms Averaging how ho howaver vwaver aver
less than three hours per station 5tat1onIvhi which h
Is but onesixth of theinterrupUons the interruptions In
The will of Jane Jnnft > ven wen of Chic Cincinnati lnnaU
Ohio dated dat d Marc I r l 1900 has ha been ot
feted for probate the Dis DisJrictS District trict Su ¬
preme Court She eaves her estate to
her husband George ABowen A Bowen
In the event of her husbands death
In her life time she directs her ll rproperty property
shall 5 ha11 revert re vcrt to her daughter Elizabeth
1 Darling Bowen
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s 5 U UN oL N APiaQTERS ERS < i
N EW YO RK m fil F
Friday Fri5ayis Friay is a day of best bargains bargainsnot not of remnants but of less
than remnan remnant t prices for stylish goods goodsinall in all sizes colors etc
44c 59c M
CQtset Black
C Cover v r Ski Skirt rt
Style as in in I1 the th These The T ii e s e Silklike
picture pi ttJre of affine fine Nain ¬ Petticoats Petticoatsl l as illus ¬
soo 50 sook k Note that the trated trated are welcomed Velcom d
like likee a day d dofsmm of ofst sun n ¬
ruffle front has h
top shine The ihe skirts
edge edged dw d yi wi ith th th bea o ading ding like 1 ke the sun ar are not no t
and am l1 lace e AIl All s izes z s everyday visitors
lie 19cfor lor or25c 25c Hose
More popular Frida Friday y bargains b barg rgains4heseLadies insthese these Ladies and Mens best
25c 5cF Fast St Black BI k Hose all llblatk black and with white soles light 1ightand and me ¬
dium dium WeIghtsin weights in all l1sizes sizes at 19c For tomorrow only
l lOc c and 12c 1
Thenewl2 The new 12c 2c c Figured La Lawns Wns at at1OC lOc
and 19c Organdies at 12c will prove popu ¬
lar Friday bargains
z 35c for 50c Fabrics
6 Wool Fa Fabrics brics Shepherd an and d Fancy
Checks C ecks in all al1color color combinations
Black Ta Taffeta
59c 79c T
27 Inches 36 Inches
Two im important l1ortant features featuressuperior eat re9superior superior quality and extra widthBe width Best t
75c quality qu lityaf59cand at 59c 59cand and extra wide Best i 1 quality qua1ityat at 79c 79cand and an i ex ¬
tra w wide ide
00 Way Ba Back k
VL First Firstflopr floor northeast corner near ne r freight fr ight
NOToy OTIOlYS elevator ele Vator Pennies P en nies for i Qr njc1q rnckelS J i nickels i kels for
s 1 dimes dimes for quarters Such are ar the
di diva > ri riv valiies v va Jq lues s For For instance 1 ic c for good Thimbles
t j I andTape and Tape Measures
s st t Choice for 5c
5yard pieces Skirt Braid dozen Shell
Hairpins 6 cards of Hooks and Eyes 3 pa ¬
Lry 7 pers best Hairpins best Asbestos Iron Hold ¬
4 ers best Book Pins 3 papers English Pins
7 full pieces of Featherstitch Braids j
17c 7c for for2Sc 25c Ribbons
39c c for 68c Ribbons
The rile 25c Taffeta Ribbons are 5 inches wide in white black and
every ev ryfast fast fas t shade The 68c Ribbons at 39c are 6 inches wide Soft
finish Taffetas floral effects for girdles etc
This Lamp98c Lamp 98c t
The Th best Reading Lamp on the market
1 1w w 1 4 l n nickel ickel plated complete c mpJete With Royal burner
4 1 dome shade and andchimneY chimney 9Sc 9Scfor 8cfortomor for tomor ¬
E 1 1i i row rov only nly 11
1 Sl SI 1 FOOdChoppers Food Choppers best b est Tomorrow TO m 0 rro < 59c > 9c
25c Sc Parlor Brooms 2 for 25c 5c Tomor qmor ¬ 1 1Sc
row ro w d 13c I
69c Alarm Clocks Clockswarranted warranted Tomor
ro w V 49c
25c 25cGlothes Clothes CbothesiBiskets j Baskets B1sketsova1 oval Tomorrow Tomorrow19c I9c
Soc 50cVas Was Vash h Boilers with cover Tomor ¬
row r B 39c 39c t
25c Table Ta ble Oil Cloth oih Yard tomorroW tomorrowl5c 4 4l5c l5c 15c
2c Crystal Table Tun Tu iblers Tomorrow Ic
Babbitts Soap 3 3c
Ivory Soap Gold Dust Oleine Ol ine The usual Friday Bar gains for
housekeepers housekeep rs Note the extra attractions attractions19c I9c for fo r 12 12quar qua rf t Gray
Enameled Dish Dis h Pans and iScfoi lSc foi 2pint Enameled Tea Tea1nd and Coffee
> S
This C Clock i i 3 39c e
5 5S S 4PL mt I
Picll1ret t Jarger r
Exactly like the picture Picll1rely only ly largei fT Justar Just ar ¬
rived from fro Switzerland I
Six Silverplated Teaspoons Tomorrow Tomorrow12c 12c
Six Silverplated Table Spoons TomorroV24c Tomorrow 24c
I Six Silverplated Dinner Forks Tomorrow 24c
I The Palais Roya l I
A Lisner G Street J

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