7 =
Board of ofElucation i Education Declines
to Reopen Matter
Course of Ten TpnLectures Lec Lectures tures to the People d
Arranged for in Zion Baptist c
Church S
t1 t
The Board of f Education will not in ¬ n
terfere in the case of Reginald Hodg
son on the second year clasj clas student in
the Western High School SChoolwho who was waSsus sus ¬
pended and afterward reinstated by the h
school authorities autboritlesfor for writing on the 1r i
blackboard in full view of his class h
u Rooseve Roosevelt t debased himself by eating tl t
with w Itha a nigger h
In spite splteo of a strong effort on the part
ot Gen H V Boynton president of
the board at its regular weekly meet ¬
ing last evening the board refused to s
take any action This was the first oc ¬ s
casion on which the matter had been h
presented to the board t
General Boynton urged that the boy g
should receive more drastic punish ¬
ment A majority of the he board led by
E Southard Parker held that the sus ¬
pension had been sufficient
Offer of Scholars Scholarships hips
Three full uUscho scholarships larships in in the classical l
or Latinscientific course for four years
commencing in September of the present
year yearandalso and also lso three halfscolarships in
any any of the technical courses have been
offered off red to the Central Eastern and
Western high schools of the District by
Lehigh Le hig h University U verslty They will wmoe be award ¬
ed e d to graduates of the highest standing
Tho Washington and Lee University
has ha also offered a a scholarship to the
most proficient graduate of the the11cKin JIcKin
ley Manual Training School I
It was announced last l night that a 1
lecture would w ould be given every week for I
the next ten weeks at the Zion Baptist
Church on F strreet between Third S
and Fourandahalf Four anda half street s treet southwest 1
which was wa last l ast t night designated des ignated by the t
board as aJ aJanew a anew new lecture center cent r On I
March 22 22 the the Rev Itey Be U ii G G B Pierce will
lecture e eon on A A Night Night in the Nether Nethert t
World On March 29 Charles F War ¬
ren will speak on Canada and Dr
Howard L HOdgkins will follow on
April 5 with a a a lecture on Light LightJhe The
only other lecture so far announced is
that on April 12 Switzerland by John 1
E A Howard was appointed a teacher
at a a a salary of 500 500 per annum L I
Tolson was promoted promotedfrom from 525 52 to 550 550 55
vice E M Toler deceased B B Otter
Lack was Was promoted from 500 500 to 525 525 o 2 per
annum arid andA A L LCornell Cornell was was promoted j
from the first to the second grade of
the Logan School succeeding A B
Coleman who wh has been transferred to
the second s Qcond grade of the Cook School
The remains of John Clayton Williams
of Chevy Chase who was was killed by a
train yesterday will be interred in
Bethesda BethesdaCemeterJ Cemetery at 2 oclock today to y
The TheservIces services will be held at Otter
bourne bo rne the deceaseds country place
The Rev P P Flournoy Flourno will conduct
the th services Both the services and the
funeral will be eprlvate private
Mrs Williams the widow was yes ¬
terday nearly prostrated with grief but
is thought tnoughtto to be much improved today tOda y
Much regret was experienced by all
those living within a a radius of several
miles over Mr Williams untimely nUm ly death
Now Being Waged Against Consumption 1
The decrease in deaths from Consump ¬
tion in Germany seems to coincide with
the tremendous efforts made there dur ¬
ing the last twentyfive years fears to stamp
out the disease dlsea1eThe The decrease since 1881 S81
Is 39 9 per J cent No progress was made m ade
against this dread disease until the germ
that causes it was discovered
The TheearlysymptoUlS early symptoms of Consumption
are re r often mistaken for those of other dis ¬
eases The patient is most frequently
treated for malaria or dumb ague Nine
tenths tenthsof of the lives lost by Consumption
could be saved by an early and exact
diagnosis The discovery of the Xray
or light and its use in Inconnectlon connection with
Consumption Is the most important sec ¬
ond step in Infighting fighting the disease The
disease properly diagnosed the next Im ¬
portant step is to treat it by the th latest
method methodb by sending the germicidal and
healing 1 oils directly into the lungs in ¬
stead tead of taking medicines Into the stom ¬
ach AC ch
Dr Wright the lung specialist at Mi
Institute No 623 23 13th st nw nw uses his
new Xlight for examining the lungs
ind nd makes all diagnosis exact by look
Ing Into the lungs discovering the t11eex ex ¬
tent and location of the sorja spot and
determining if the trouble is Consump ¬
tion Bronchitis Asthma or Catarrh
His method of sending directly to the
diseased Iseased spot the germicidal and healing
vapors which are breathed as easily
and go to any part as readily as the air
Is the same as used In the hospitals of
Germany and by the lung specialists of
that country Dr Wright has devised
an ar apparatus for home treatment Free
XIIght examination Trial treatment
and consultation from 10 a a m to 5 p m
Patients desiring the latest electrical
treatments may have the Xray for can ¬
cer Violet ray for skin diseases the
spray for nervous conditions also the
new German treatment Vibropathy
9 99 9 Thats ThatsAI All
For Ooids Coidsand and Gril kJ
k Sure Cure Price 25c
ATKINSONS I llfhGSisNW 11th G Sts N NW W
For Rent
1 Since the adjournment
V of > f Congress many line
rPIanos ianoe have been re
r turned from rentals malc
ing excellent choos ing for
1 rental or sale on easy
V Sanders Siapan Co
k 1327 I327FSt F St J
Death Brings R Release lea e
From rom Venezuelan Jail
S Sad ad Fate F te of ofYoung Young Man Who Took Up UpArms Arms
Against Castro CastroMother Mother Pleaded to Roose ¬ I
velt to Intervene = 1
TRINIDAD TRIr DAD March 16 16S 16Some Some me weeks
ago go there was published an abstract of
a letter which had been sent to Presi ¬
dent ent Roosevelt by a lady in Caracas
complaining that her son had been Im ¬
prisoned prisonedthree risoned three years 4n l in the fortress of
San an Carlos without having had even
the he pretense of o a trial on a charge of
having aviCg taken arms against the govern ¬
ment m eat x
When the news reached Caracas it it
was w as suspected that a certain lady I Mme
Taylhardat T had written the letter She
had ad a son Colonel Taylhardat confined
in n San Carlos and It was Was reported that j
his hl is health h alth had suffered greatly from
the he confinement and the hards hips he
had ad undergone
Denied Authorship
Mme Taylhardat Ta lhardat pormptly denied denie d that
she he had written President Roosevelt and
stated she had reason to believe that
her er son would woulelsoon soon be b released It was
whispered w among the opponents of the
government overnment that th t she had been promised
Second S econd Conv Conviction iction of Eloping Parson in
New Jersey Court CourtMay May Serve
Four Years
Frank Cordova the South River clergy ¬
man who twice eloped with with1Uss Miss Julia
Bowne is likely to get a State pr prIson ison
sentence s on the two convictions against
him h im one yesterday for deserting his
fimlly funllyand f rni1y and another today for assault a ssault
upon u pon Mrs Cordova
The jury which heard the first trial of
ther th heminister minister was six hours in finding
Jiirn hi guilty Todays jury brought in a a
verdict v of guilty guilt after thirty minutes
deliberation It is thought that Judge
Wobdbrldge Strong will sentence Cor ¬
dova t for not less than thanone one y yearin earin State
48 4825 25 to California
Mar 1 to May 15 Through sleeper with ¬
out o ut change personally pcrsonfillyconducted conducted Via th
Sy S Sc c Ry and So Pacific Berth S50 A A
J Poston Gen cn Att Agt5U 511 Pa ave ave 705i5th 705 15th
> ji I
the thedlscharge discharge of her e eJ6 s J6 son btf If ifshe if gh qhe disproved i Jyed yed I
her connection with y = lth an ann appeal J Jp p a rto to r rfor ji i J for j I
eign eign ruler x I
The day da after 3Ime me Taylhardats T Tclhardit jlha rdats s fle de ¬ I
nial appeared sbo sh h was w offica offic otflek1ly1nform ilyr ilyrinform inform
ed of the death of ofher her son so soaat lat at San an Carlos qarlos
and his body bod was wasr waret returned etur rOed ed to the strick ¬
en mother
Career Care r Qf of Dead I ead Man Man
Col Leoppido AugustO Augpsti ugustb Taylharaat Jpyll1 ia iliarda rda
the young oung man m rinr referred fer re 4 i t to wils was born
in Cludad C udid Bo Bolhfl Bolicar livan r1 In lSTS
He entered entere d the th ev i Venezuelan n 2 elallm military iHtarY
school of ofartilIery artillery in 1E96 1896and and the same s true
year was made a colonel by Gen Joa I
auin Crespo
He became chief chierol of staff staffo of artillery l
in in 1S99 and took up l arms rmS against the
gOvernment He was captured and confined confin d in the I IHe
fortress ress of San Carlos about ttbout three years earc
ago o oress
His companions bear testlmon testimony to his 1tI j
cheerful demeanor in prison and to his hi
many gOod ood Qualities
CUrse I
Drunkenness Cured to Stay Cured Cnr < d13Y By
No taste Wo odor Any ny woman can
give it in ingla glees s of water tea coffee eoUeeo or
food without patients knowledge owledgc
White Ribbon Remedy RemedywtUcurc will vlll cure or deRtro destroy J
the th diseased appette for all alcoholic drinks cIr1iik I
whether the th e patient t Is a confirmed C ontl rmed Inebriate
a 5 tippler social drihkcr or drunkard 1 1ft
Impossible Impo sibIe for anyone to have an appetite app nppetlt Ute
for alcoholic 01 l liquors o after er using White Ribbon b I
01i i s so 1h J
Remedy It has made many many thousands a ot
permanent cures and in addition ad lt1on restores the tb I
victim V1C tl m to t 0 normal n om1 a 01e health 1lthste steadying adYlngth the e nervs ner
increasing the will vt power and determination
to resist temptation t mpttt on 1
Indorsed Xndor ec1 by b Members of a Womans
Christian Temperance Union Phy Ph ¬
sicians Hospitals Clergymon I
and Temperance Workers
Write Dr pro o W R R Brpxrn 218 Tremont r rmont Sw St St
Boston for ft trial package and letter of ad ¬
vice free in plain sealed envelope All let l t ¬
ters confidential l and destroyed d soon as an ¬
swered V
White vliite Ribbon Remedy B sold td by druggists
everywhere e also sent sentbY by mail in plain Iain pack pa icaci Ck CkageprtcllIO ¬
age ageprtcllIO price 1 100 00
Sold and recommended r by special
agent in Washington Stevens Drug ¬
store Pennsylvania Pe lnsYlVanlaave ave and Ninth st
= = I mdlb
I I 1 111j
1 1111 I
mrr Iffif
I Ill ll
III IIIThis Ii1 This Serpentine Swellfron f Bedroom Suite full fu n
mm quar quartered tered oak highly polished extra large French plate I Imm
11 I mirror cast brass trimmings the best construction
I Regularly 6500 Special to close out IiIU
ll S4L95 4195 lm ll
I 1 Selected Oak Bedroom Suite Sui e swell s ell top fop drawers d drawers rawers tfflff
h ul ull l large bevel b evel plate glass g lass brass trimmin tnm mmgs gs neatly carved
and well vel1 made Regularly Re gularly 3000 Special price
nrm lI 1 1
l 2248 11
1 liii I 1
II I Ingrain ngralnvarpe rain f tarpet 0 t I
1fiI 10 patterns 70c Wool Jngrain Ingrain Car ¬ 1 rl I 1
qi pet 45c 5C 15 1
1 12 1 1patterns patterns t s 80c 8 Heavy B l Ingrain i Car ¬ I
pet 56c WI lw
I 15 patterns 90c 9OcFinelngrain Fine Ingrain Car ¬
Ii C
l Carpets arpets
l pet 67c
I Il 5 patterns 100 Pro Brussels J
II IIi i Carpet 77 77c C i1fm I jj
I l3russels c I
i ilI lI Carpet Made
I 5 patterns 85c Brussels Carpet 59c 59 I
j 10 patterns 100 Brussels Carpet 79c Lai ai d
120 12 Brussels BrusselsCar Car pet 89c
I L3 135 Brussels Carpet 8112 f12 12 and an d I
I i Velvet VelvetCarpet Carpet Lined I I
III 125 1 25 Velvet Carpet 93 93c C
WW m Ill I 150 Smiths S iths Velvet Y Yelv elv t Carpet SJ23 123 F Free ree s
m TffJ 175 17 Wilton WI1t Vilton n Velvet elver Carpet 139 39 rMt
Ij IjS Ijni S ni ll 175 7 > Axminster Carpet 143 143 = iiii
I Going to Buy 3ir a 1 Oo = Cart I
tto f I
I I i We e show a great t variety van ety of Fold ¬ i
I and Reclinin GoCarts Prices ±
i ii ing gandRcn g es
varied too and a d we give a big dol ¬ I
li liii ii lars worth for every dollar ot I
I price For example ith
I 989 buys this
flI Oo = Cart IfiI
I A full roll reclining cart with I
J JIII III IIII I I rubber tire wheels latest patent gear A
I enameled green steel handles and V
l lii ii I I fancy grips may seem an impossi ¬ Ix I
II bility But all we ask is that you 1
I III see the cart itself We have other r J l f ri 1
twit GoCarts at other prices each as
much a bargain as this
I Reclining GoCarts rubbertire wheels whees98 198 IIUI
fln I
I II I II M Mayer aver i S C Co CoSe oq O Seventh Se 415417 St t
I ml
f 1
Notified N 0 fied of his hlsaPpolntment appointment as chair ¬
man of the Consulting Board which
in the future will pass upon the form
and location of all ill new public pubHcbuiId build ¬
ings Bernard R Green superintendent superint n c cent ent
of the Library of Congress building buildin g
and grounds straightway set about as 08 s ¬
certaining the addresses of his col ¬
leagues Daniel H Burnham Charles
F MeKim Augustus SaintGaudens
and Frederick Fr derlck Law Olmsted jr The
addresses ad r ss swere were forwarded to the Secre ¬
tory of War who according to Presi ¬
dent Roosevelts order constituting the
board will notify each member of his
appoin tment tm ent to t learn whether he will
accept the office
As to ionnyacUon any action the board may take
In in the future Mr Green says It would
be governed entirely by circumstances
He characterized the Presidents se se ¬
lection Ic ion of his colleagues on the board
as a the bery best men In the country for
such work Mr 1IrBurnham Burnham and andlIr Mr
McKim are both eminent architects
said the chairman and SaintGaudens
is probably the best known American Am riqan
sculptor while Frederick Law Olmsted
jr the landscape land cape artist is R a worthy
successor u ejssor to his father Frederick Law
Olmsted whose handiwork already
stands for much that Is beautiful in
the lie Capital Caplt l
11 fROM
3000 Boys 9 and
That we pan an afford to sell at less
than th > 11 half cost of ofmanufacture manufacture
Represented REjresentcd1s is the highest hlghestgrade grade j
clothing elo hing 1 of Jo JOlt ft fe Co New York
Tvio W io o have gone out outo of business
< i di
Childrens Suits SUlt that Cp I f Vf 69 Vf 9
orIginally sold at 300
Childrens Suits that Qj f 1 A
originally sold at 400 400 P 2 < A 4 q r 5
and tln Joo 303 u
Boys Long Pants Suits wlthK with
broad square shoulders double and K
singlebreasted origin < A 7 Pf j
ally sold at 800 800 1000 < V 4 L 15 a j 1
and 11200 1200 All now
One lot of Black Bla k Clay Diagonal
Suits for Boys Just suitable for
confirmation best be b o st s t
made m ad a d e clothing in 4 A
America Worm 750 50 I 4 7 5
to 11000 1000
Eeotmade Mens SnltS Soitt itfl and U1
J 1 Overcoats in rti
America A m 0 r i c a for the 7 50
250 Mens Odd Pants
one one or two of a 2 6 9
kind Sold up to 5 0
I Almost Given Away
I I II Have you seen the new
Irfedlander Sregrli NegoUgee ee Shirts
I IWhiteD WHitec and fancies
I t1 t1All All the nobbiest nObb iest pat f o c
I terns All well made va 9 5 fi 8 8c
i I and finished V m
1 Mens McosSUkSuspenders Silk Suspenders in
1 L neatly now i embroidered e b styles l 39 39c c
f K NfwSpr New w Spr Spring ing ng Hosiery in
t fancy made J designs = full regular 23 23c 2 c
A A special new line of two for a
qnart quarter r Hosiery HosieryaU all pat p t 121C I I
i 14 terns Per pair > 1 2 2
i Tan Colored Merino Shirts 59 59C C
1 I cuffs attached Special
Special in Underwear gray
all ir white i and derby ribbed I 48 48c 4 QC c
r rJ J White r hite Pleated I laatcd Shirts ex ¬ 5 55c 5c C
tra good grade Special at
i Shoes hoes
t iv
I A special line of
I spring Shoes in ox ¬
ford tan and black
1 also high cuts new
spring shapes shapesspecial special I
I ir I i at
r Sl Sla SlgS I98 a gS
The famous Crossett Cross tt
I Shoes in all the lead ¬
1 ing styles and leath ¬
ers No better shoe
I made at
1 i S2 250 0 50toS4 to 400 0 00 I
New Spring 1 Shapes and Shades in
Derbys and Fedoras 190
Friedlander Oms i
Cor 9th and andE E Sts
p 6
Large Lemons lOlllons12c Moz 12e Doz
Potatoes fancy stock stock15c 15c pk 54c bu
6 lbs Prunes 25e
I 4 lbs Large Prunes Prunes25 25ir
3 i Ills Largest Prunes 25c
Seeded Raisins 7e
Figs per perpJund pound Sc
Apples SOc pk
S Ibs Starch 25c
Forest City Soap 20c doz
Matches lOc doz
i Pickles Sc doz
4 cans Tomatoes 25c
4 cans l Paragon Corn 25c
4 cans Sweet r Meadow y ye e J Jo o Corn CornSOc r 30c
K j 3 1 cans Sifted Peas 25c
m Extra Sifted Peas per can canl0c lOc
IE Wilburs Chocolate ICc
i Nelsons Chocolate 1Jc
Wilburs Cocoa SOc Nelsons Nelsons17e 17c
I E B Coffee 15c
fe 25c pkge Oats with china chinalie 19c
E Fig Bars lOc lb
c Extra heavy Broom Broom25c 2oc
M 1 Rice 3 3c c lb Hams Hamsllhe ll c
K Macaroni 5c 5 ½ c Large Catsup 7J 71hc 7 ½ 4c C
If Large Jar Mustard MustardThfc 7 71hc c
I 3 Jellycon 25c
i Pound and Fruit Cake 12V 12hc ½ c
a 5 lb Boxes French Candy Candy45c 45c
j Stores including D48 La ave
Minister inister of Colombia
W Will llCotne Coie HereSoon Here So thi
Senor Dieg9 Mendoza to Start From Bogota
for Washington Next Week WeekCountrys Countrys
Outlook Is Peaceful
BOGOTA Colombia via Galveston
I Tex March 16 16Senor Senor Diego Mendoza
will leave on March 1 arch 20 for Washington
I as Colombian minister
I Vice President Preside nt Gonzalez Valenclas
I patriotic resignation gives giv gives es opportunity opportun ity
I to to President Neyes Neyes to carry out the
I peaceful and cordial cordial political program
of the t1 e rece recent n t assembly assemblYof of governors gov prno r
I The govcinment gOVCl nment has declared cigars
cigarettes i and all kinds kindsol of liquors
I skins and matches to be sources of na ¬
tional income and has decided de lded to control con trol
I their manufacture accordingly accordln ly
I Mr Russell United States Stat s minister
I 482 482 5 California CaIifomiaC C 0 ORy Ry
Low rates to designated colonist points
i in West March 1st to May 14th
has inaugurated J Jn n augu rated a series serieso of t official
Idiplomatic diplomatic and social dinners
The state stateo of siege has been raised
throughout therepubUcand the republic and complete
amnesty rmnest has been given to political of ¬
fenders whowIl1 who will shortly shortI all return
Fell on the Curb
Suffer r rngfroma ing ngfroma from a serious serlouscut cut ovar oV rhis his
right eye Albert lbertGOsgood G Qsgood sixtyfour slxt out
years old of Baltimore Md was taken
to the Georgetown GeorgetownUI1Ivernlty University Hospital
Police of the Seventh precinct who Who took
him to tQ the hospital say he fell on the
sharp edge of tho curb
JBaltimbre 13altim reandRetum and Return 125 rz
Via Pennsylvania Railroad every Sat ¬
urday urdaya and nd Sunday All trains except
I ICongressional 1 Congressional CongresslonalL1mlted Limited d
tt va S
I Ae
A Ac cheering eeringsustatning sustaining f nourishing
I dependable drink drinkbacK backed dup up by 119 I 19
years Y earSOfs of success U ccess A AIWRYS bva ys the same
I honest nutbrown foamcrowned
ale that you expect
Any Dealer Anywhere
C H Evans Ev ns Sons Hudson N Y
Sheaffer Cline 1 Center Market
Stands 382 to 432 Near 9th St Wing Wln
Phone Main alnj38 738
rioving l oving Moving
Stairway Stairway
to toSecond Second th to t tocond 0 Second se Cond
J j St P AvL
Floor Floor
Remnants Tomorrow
If you know the economy of our weekly sales of Remnants youll come after a t r
reading news below be low If you dont know youd better come and learn why every Friday
Remnant Day finds the store crowded AH AllFI Floors ors
Big Sa le New Nove lties
In Our Third Floor
These are termed null II ends e endsand nds said an the thene newest westprin printings tings known to wash goods
makers The savings on Oth these s S mill ffl ends llds are well worth w rth investigation
49c Flowered FIowe redNets Nets 25c Spotted po t ed Ho rIo25C 25c White Pique i 12ic 1 12 t e DottecLSw DO Dotted tt 00 00i i sW iss
1 29c 1 16c hair I L2c J J2L 2L 2Lc c I Ii 1 I 9l 9lc c 1
Dotted Swiss is to be
All white ground Choice of o 2style cords
l on
much in evidence this
with 4 different colored A n new w < spring 1 fabric with welt olt lengthwise Its 1tp
I made to imitate wool mo ¬ an excellent fabric for or summer These are Fig
flowered effects such as ss
hair Keat e designs s on c sldrts orsuitsA suits A A yardurad ured White and Colored
r if ifs ifna or
blue yellow and lay ¬ Und Undr r na
pink grroundB groundsof of white navy Sotted D ot ted Swisses S wi sses ssesp in neat nea
I ender Ploral rIoraldeSgn designs s axa a blue brown brown blade bla C k < and 12 l2c c p
linen lno patterns some blaCkand
full half blown effects
or Wal Waist t to tofu1l full dress white whitef1oral floral and striped Btripedsf ef ¬
23c 29 c yard yar d lengths 1 A yard 16c
fects ts included included9c 3V 9c c
25c 25eSbimmer Shimmer
18c 18Clnd India ia Linon 7 12tc 2 + c Flowered Zephyr Ginghams I 12ic 12tewln 12 + c Windsor ds9r Per ¬
B Batiste n t IS t e I 15 m
1 l r 1 l c I 7 7c 2 t c I C I 9 9c cales ea ci I 2 es C 1 1l
Shimmer Zephyr Qin GIng
I Sheer White India Xi Lin in Organdie Tldwered FIoweredEa Ba ¬ hams in neat effects on
on in lenpthn suitable for tiste in pretty Dolly DollyVargronnds Var grounds of gray blue Colors are mostly mos y navy
making waists or full fullden den Bt les and exception pink linen green etc In blue wine and andJlve silver gray
ally good or underUning and in patterns are
dresses Specially priced net waists or dresses A termingled with pretty prettynret pretty nret and much muchadniirc admired L
f fat at 12 l2c c yard yard 7c brilliant effects 1fects15o 15o yard 9M 90 ° yard
Silk Sik Remnants RemnantsExtra Extra Goo d
Think of having 4 4750 750 yards of silks in remnant lengths as the result resu lt of our big silk sale
Shows that our efforts in in valuegiv in ing g are appreciated appr ciated
I I T LotI ITii1 Lot 2 Jt3J Lot 3 i
i Consists of 3500 yards 400 yards of Plain Tus 650 650ysrds yards of fFine Fine Crepe
I ra of various kinds of silks 1 i sah Pongee full fUIl36 36 inches 1 de Chines 34 it Inch inches eSWid wide e 1 1I
H such as Printed Prl ted Satin i I wide Many 11 any lengths lenst hS alike wide wide27inch 27inch Allsilk Col ¬
i I W Bj Foulards Plain Colored ored Taffetas Ta TaffetasSOincli rr eta 5 30inch 301 neh All
I P Taffetas laffetasPlain sPlain Plain Peau de l L C > whiclr which W t Jl permits permitsselecting selecting C r C
25 39 Silk SllkP9ngee Pongee Full assort s tort ¬ 49
i gj Cygnes CygncsPJain Plain Habutai F 0
Faconne Taffetas TaffetasvaSh Vash 1 enough enoughma material erlal for an ment ment of colors and an d excel excel ¬
1 1 H able Japs All good I f J entire gown Regular 59c I lent lengths Worth 69c
I lengths Worth up to 65c quality Remnant emnant lengths 5c ac and Sic c a yard yardJ Rem ¬ J
I a yard Remnant price a J
S yar yard d J at a yard nant ant lengths ata at a yard
I First Floor FloorBargain Bargain Tables
Chec k Dress Goods Best o f Barga Bargains ins in
In Remnant Lengths Lengt hs 19 Ribbon Remnants
a Yard Short lengths that we must get rid of oJ They The are ar
J kinds most women want ant
These will be found in our Remnant Section Sectionthird third 7 7f 7 for f or 3inch 3 I nc h Plain PI a i n Taffeta T aue t a Ribbons Rlbb ons In 1 n many colors co 1 ors and an d
floor C
The lot is not a large one and In view of the popu ¬ lengths
larity of checked fabrics for spring will doubtless have 9c Q for 3 3yand 354 and 4inch 4inc Plain Taffeta Taffe t Ribbons Ribbonsn in lengths
< and colors that desirable
I a host of buyers tomorrow are
Choice of six size slz checks < in black and white effects 121 i y i for 4 H2iuch Inch Plain Taffeta Ribbons in pretty col
i All 1re re St inches wide Lengths that can be used for 21 2 2C C ors and useful lengths
almost 1o any purpose purposemaking making separate waists or skirts A Af for 5 and 6lnch ln lnc c Plain and Fancy Fanc Ribbons In a
I and In i some instances enough for entire costumes 14c f multitude of c lnc colors c cnr
Tomorrows remnant price a yard ard is 19c
First floor floorBargaln Bargain Tables
HighGra de Linings 25c a ar rid rid50c id 50c
Price usually paid for ordinary kinds
These lengths have accumulated 1 1These
after a busy weeks selling of Linings Quire Paper 5c
They consist of Velours VeloursSateens Sateens and
Percallnes Perea lines in black and colors 12
Lengths useful for any an lining pur ¬ C Writing paper at a fractional aIprlce price tomorrow to morrow because beCllu se
pose P 2 F they are odds and ends
Worth orth rth double doublea a yard
First Floor These are shown In white and colors Fashionable
shapes To close a quire 5c
ii Envelopes to match at a pack 5c
44 6 Hurt First floor ftoorBargaln Bargain n Tables
Copyright C Co o pyrig Ft
Books at at25fC 25fC 0
T Trimmings
Pu blis he d to se ll llat at 1 125 i 25 J50 J I 50
Where these books were kept a a pipe leaked and before at t 2c 2 Yard Y d
it was as noticeable a number of recent copyrights got wet
Fortunately this does not in any way spoil the book
m for reading purposes A lot of Guimpes mostly mostly In silk effects and in in inplain plain
Such popular and recent titles as WIngrs u ings of the colors of black brown broo n white whl white e and combinations with a
Morning by Tracy TracyThe The Gray Cloak by b bylioward Howard Howardlrc Mc
r Gee JecCall Jecu u Call of the Wild by b Jack Londpn LnndonSt St lve lvis > s glitter of gold
Robert obert Louis Stevenson Stevensonu StevensonHouse u House of Egremont by b M 5 These are just the trimmings for forchlldren childrens dresses
13 3ewell ewell Adventures A ventures of Captain Horn by Q Frank giving vlng just the required finish
Storlrton Sto ton and many man others
Choice on bargain tables 2c i a yard is all that is asked tomorrow
Third Floor Book De Dttvl pt First floor fioorBn floorBargain Bargain fgahi Tables
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