OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, March 16, 1905, Evening, Image 7

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1905-03-16/ed-1/seq-7/

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w JA1 JA1EM e EM krw e 1WW
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S Showing i iih ih iheco trcc eco of t the latest m modeS d In loW ow hnl haIrdress1ng tdreSsln g al a1c o several fyles ty1e I
o of eombill comb 8111 db hair omamen ornamcntz n now n u use e
Th The Redin Redingote tingote gote in in Red ed White and Tan T h Military
< and Circular CircularCapes r rC Capes C pes Popular
The Th day c1a is past when any an old garment
will do for wear In In rainy l lny weather
Smart Rmartp people cpl are rtr nre having ha vlngspeciaLclothcs special clothes
made for orju i jus jttt t tsuch such piirppses Jlurp 6sesand and the
new ncwralnc raincoa raincoats ts shown now no win in the shops shop
are arc very v ry prettyi pr prett th <
Silk sntrJiQ rn rubber fahfer r Is s tt the favorite fgyoril material aferinl
used ior or these garmentts which are mc
made up in blue red gray grot white ten
and mode IT ode shades also brown and blac b1tck back k
The lighter lighter colors were Were ere originally in In ¬
tended for automobile models m mOde dels ls but the
spring will w111 w111see see them used for street str eet
wear as well welL it is said sal A slightly larger
sleeve and cui some coats coat a fuller fu l ler er skirt s kirt
are the distinctive features of the new
designs da lgns The redingote fitted to the
waist wa t and full in the skirt is shown In Iz
several scv l materials
A verYsmart very smart raincoat Is cut after
this tb ti pattern pa ternfqEtussian in Russian blue silk rubber
It Is collarless bloused at the waist line
and h has full p bishop fshopsleeves sleeves with a deep de ep
cuff This same model Is followed toll owed in a
o vyhlte hite coat of the same sam material materhil One Is
surprised surprisedto to hear that so lightcolored
a garment is meant for street wear wepr but
such suchis Is really the case caseand and a a few weeks
time VlllliIlustrate will illustrate it it Indeed some
more daring fashionable folk will go In
for the th scarlet raincoats I1 ncoats which cer ¬
tainly have a acornfy comfy appearance for
gray gra an and < S wet days
Many Man o themod the models Is are circular with
sleeves sleevegtllat thatsuggest suggest the dolman Some
have thIs sleeve outside of another
which Is used as a sort of Interlining
Xqng I LqngCIriJar Qn g circular military capes m in what Is Is
i called sfive ev Myenelghth h hr r elghth Ighth length l ngth are shown sh wn In
the sIIk nk rubber These have hav a velvet of
leather leath r collar coll r A striking garment of
this sort Is In white with collar coll gr of black
A 4 scarlet scarletrnincoat raincoat Is cut in the cir ¬
cular pattern with Immense dolman
sleeves and military collar and cuffs
of black velvet embroidered In a aChi Chi ¬
nose design
Straps o oT the red with pipings
black bla k velvet velv veWet t fasten tastenacrpss acrpss the front
over big blaok velvet buttons This T iS
garment sells for 5S 5
The redingote and ulster lster mQ models d dels els py o
rubber silk sllkare are priced variously variouslyrro froni fro jm 1
30 up Rubber lined cloth In taVfor ta or r
weaves Is shown In the same moels mOr els
these th se are re jnorg Jnor expensiv sonVe 50 s mJ co of f
them thdmbring1ng bringing 40 ttr50 f f
GWrta Gl rm silk which is I sold j eLdaa aa aa jshower hower r
proof sells from Trorai0 p 20 to 530 3u 3 n agar gar ¬
ment The military capes capesJ 5f J f rubber r
I Isilk silk iD are less expensive tha thatthe the coats
costing csU g from 25 5 to 35 Capes of f
I cravenette Bring D rin g 30 but s toats oatsof oats of f t this h1S s
material may be had l1 d frpn r A 13 13 upward i
to to30 30 I
Cravenette CraveneUeis is a aproce proce proeeYs s rather than t
as many people suppo suppoJe se C a material
Silk cotton or wool ma y be cravenetted
and there are many arades ades des of goods
sold s ld under that com comze1jensjye prehensive rehensivetitle title
Serviceable Ulsters j which are era ra
venette cost about B25 25 They are re made e
with full sleeves aihd aJ d deep decpcufLRed cuff Red
ingotes are also shciwn 5h wn in cloth of this thi J
description L Leathe Leathejl < eathefr forms the tr1m ¬
ming of many manystorn stornfiy y weather garments
It Is stitched on trollars lIars and cuffs and
sometimes covers Jthe the buttons usually
it Is of a contraswng contras Pg shade Black Blac Iack k silk k
rubber and gloria glorinmakc glorlnj make very verylumdsome handsome e
raincoats The fiormer f rmer will answer for for r
heavier heavierstbrms storms fout ut both are attractive
especially in the thejmodels models which are tight
fitting at the waist w 1st line lin and pouched In
front over a ffill f U skirt Most of
sleeves on thesfc thes garments have th the ful ¬
ness nessgathered nessgatheredn gathered fin n several stitched rows
at atthe the top I
Stormcoats Jshould hould always be a trifle
shorter than thanones ones rainy day skirt A
smarter e eftec effecp ffect Is had and the practical l ¬
ness ne 5 Is obvioUs o vlo s
lim Im Elation Laces
Insertions 3tnd nd frills o of f lace of
every sortan fa 1 width Wl UhWm < will be used lavish 1 ¬
ly lyon on eumme r gowns iQwnsExcept Except on occa l ¬
sional and vt Y ry expensive costumes the l
real varieties are ar not used for
good imltatit n or novelty laces
1 they are nov no styled st Yled f have superseded
I I the other kit ds
A Quar Quarter ter of a Centur
Devoted to the Sellin jg g of
Diamo ds
Is a guarantee thatshould influence you I when whenYOJJ you
want to select a diamond
Our Diamond Department is under nder the direct
7 7supervisi supervisiqn supervisi < n of our Mr R Harris whose whosCj j abilities as
a diamond expert are unquestioned d
Every precious 1recous stone that enters our on u establish ¬
ment is imported import ddirect direct from the cutters of f Amster ¬
Being Bein g direct importers we are in a a w j osition to
offer ff er you diamonds at at less than prevailin prev 1ilin prices prices
we VIe vr do not deal with a middleman or a thir a party pa ty
s A model factory loca ted on the promises pr misesin rnises in
charge of competent men has designed anol ana executed
some original and unique unig e mountings for iamonds
which we would be pleased to show you
Cor 7th and D Streets
j JlJ
tH 1iIt R IE i iL AL L H HJ HV J V I I
The > Real ReaModern ea rdo9ern Modern Home n m Is Fairly Fair y Teem T em ¬
ing With With Temptations to Rest
I Idon l don l l think much of of this Dlace lace rc ¬
marked a young woman to the friend
with ith whpm vl n s she he was v8s attending au au am ama ¬
teurish entertainment but it it t is is better
than staying stayiligathomc at home Do ydu ydule you realize llze
the full tu meaning I ineaii eanlng lng of that jbatJe remark ar IIome I I Iom ome
was the host last place to be considered a a
spot that offered 9ffer d shelter at atnIgbt night and
meals wlien witen lien they th y were not to to be found ou id
elsewhere but nothing pTi lJl Id Durable QrablE
Home does does not l ot mean me n vry ry much to tc
either men moi or r women women yet etnenr never was wai > so Q
much do done ne for the comfort of both
Modern gomes 1omcs om es are 3r efillrlr fairly teeming te e in g with
temp temptations atlons to rest and nd bg be lux 1tl luxurious urjous rious and I
comfortable cOrnfQrta le There are more new fcoolts tuol s
and andlrttex1esting Interesting magazines put forth
every eY I month mo ttth hthi than the ordinary ordI nary mortal mor niorta tal l
< ym read and furnishings are of the
most mos ta alluring ahlu I iu ttng ling kind Yet r et with Vi with itl1a all 11 these tll thies ese eseattractions
attractions we are continually contin iiihIy search ¬ l
jug for distinction distraction something better
than t han home home yet et not n i Ot iio o much after all alljudging
judging by the young oung womans remark l
on in the entertainment ent rtainment j
One Oriecan can rea readily ilt und understand rstal d the rest ¬
lessness less nessof of an un n occupant O of a dtHcomf discomfort rL I
lag little bedroom in ina a lodging lo iglng house
The dinginess fs depressing even evenwhen when
the furniture Is comfortable omfort ble It requires iequhe
a Jot lot of ingenuity an d a host of o fpcrsnal personal
be belongings longings to to give i homey air alrtQ to
such an apartment 3ut 3utrest 3ut restlessness essneggis is
not 11 t confined onfincd nf nei tosu to suoh places Lovely Lov b
homes are deserted for any amusement
The rime inmates of Qfthose those homes homespr prefer fer
second secondrate r rate meals rt1la 15 in crowded cro W d d resta r restmir esta > ir r
ants to their thelroWntlible own table and good fotVa <
A man whose income h come Is derived tIerlved ifrom rom
very very hard yor work ksald said recently thlit tlv tivtt it he
never levertUended attended i evening entertainments
He preferred his home and family his
books and papers and bed bed at an m early
hour hot1rAll All theatergoing theatergoingwas i was fras don lone j lnthe in the
afternoon and and only otibday1ght daylight functions
were v reconslder considered d by b either eitherhu3band husband or
wife vife He said that he HvedseJ lived so rapidly
during business hours that it was a pos ¬
itive pleasure tp throw off haste with
his office coat co tgohci1eas go O home as Comfortably onmfortnbly
as 1 poss pos poible ible make a leisurely i toilet and a
more leisurely lei urelYeYening evening meal chat chatwlth hat withr with
cut regard r gitd to time tIrneand and and upend penda a few f w
hours like a a rational ratlonlbelng being And he heiH is is
bringing up his family to just just such
wholesome ideanr
Men en are re growing grow lng more or conten contented ted
w hile women women are acquiring the restless
spirit Masculine clubsare ciubs 1are n not ot the pivot pIV ot
of life apparently except eX fept for married
men Bachelor Ba helor quarters quartersare are powerful
Tivasr rivals r both to 0 clubs cl1bSf cl1bSfand and matrimony
But poor PQOIwomaIlcapnot woman cannot get us used ed to a a a
solitary life so sheprefers she prefers people out
Bide of home to loneliness l n iness within it It She
might might take a companion but dislikes ile hikes the th
Idea of being fojced fOJ fced to put up with
companionship aft 9t lt the rare r are intervals Int rvals
when benshc she wants vanti to be alone Inconsis ¬
tent to the end endyou you see
So few of us are resourceful We are ar
dependent upon qiion afomi the outside world for
distraction distr cUon cUonj j We Va profess to C enjoy sew
ing yet oyork ork under pressure and find
I weariness w arin 5 < rather than rest We Ye express
a afdbd f dftdDfess ess for reading readingan an d d seem eem to tob to be b
unable tmflLbh1 to TJin plnourattenUon pin our attention to to a a book or
papetf pnpe There is no better TclaxaJInn relaxation for for
a a YPm woman n who has struggled sttugglelaU all dii da day dayme y in me
th 1 1bus < bus business iness wor world ld than to eat a leisure ¬
lydinner I ly dinn dinner lITor or supper get into a comforta ¬
ble house dress and slippers hInd l dan an easy
I j fchalr 11 lartIr lr and a 8 wellshaded lamp la and wdset set
tie Uedown dawn to lose herself in lna in a new world
1 that pictured pl fured 1 by y > y a skillful pen Ant An
there is so me much to read that pne one can
afford to he crltIc critical and hard to please peaSC ase
There would hae to to1 be > e an occasional
bit of ofamusement amusement of Qfrivolfty f frivolity even even to
keep this relaxation from trombecoming becoming mo ¬
I notonous s But the majority major ity of us have
more than is good for us After Afterall all we w
I are re not very v ry good to ourselves W We W c
overwork and overindulge overin dulge pur our U1 bodies
Ini and id brains and wonder why they give glv
lout out
Sells More Ioro of Chamberlains Chamb rltiins Cough
Semsdy 3em emnsdy dy Than of All Others
Put ut Together
The Th following follow ing letter from a locality focahIt oca ltv
where Chamlerbains Cough Remedy Is 1a
well known shows by the unprecendent
e cd d demand for it that the medicine sells sell
JI I on Its fs tS own merit me rit Mr Thos George Georgea a
merchant at Mt 1ftEIginOntar Elgin Ontario o says
d 1 have haV had the local agency ngen for Cham ¬
berlains Cough Remedy Reme y ever since i il ii
kwas was introduced into Canada C nadaa1l and TaeH 1 I sell
as much of it as I Ido I do t hu of all other lines
I have 4n my m shelves put together CM Of
the many dozens s sold under guarantee
I have not had one returned re turntal I I can per ¬
cannIly sonallyrecommend recommend this medicine as J r
have use used d it myself m seltand and given It to mj
children and an Jalways < always with the best re ¬
cults sultsFor For sale by All Druggists
t The
Filter 9
650 up
Renders the muddiest water
highly palatable and clear as
Removes from the water water all
dangerous germ ser life c
Simply constructed can be
thoroughly cleaned without dif ¬
ficulty ficult
Filters MORE water ater than any
other filter at Us price
Size for family of s ix 650
Larger sizes 9 and 12
2TNatural Natural Stone Filters 2 up
Dulin Martin Co
Successors to if 31 W Beverldge
Potters Porcelain China
Glas Gla Clact f Silver etc
1215 zt5 FSt F St anc and 121418 USt G St
12ic 12 + c and 15c
Fancy Groceries 10 10Fancy C
this week only for
Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co
flaln naIn5torc tlaI Store Cor Cq 7th eni an1a fi
c <
i 5
h ill i ii i I
Wllh With the the return e tu rn rnof of springahd spring ammd th tIme sIlovin showing of new walklngsutt8 walking cults CN11Ci cenics tl1 the
endlessdlsplayQf endless disphrLy of ling lingerieblouses rleblouses and thlsear this year th thC3 yar are dainUer daintier find n pr prettlee ttl 1
thancVw than over AClmrmlngmodelis A chiarnaing model Is pictured abQv ItJscrenmbat it lit cream hmttimite te with a a
sha shape d emblomdored embr01deredyokcjoined yokot jolned to blouse w with iththefinest the finest cmbroidf embroidered 1ed beadIng
Thesamc rue same trimming also heads the floun flounce e O1 Oil sleeve
Peter Grogan Credit for All Was WashIngton hington
Go GoCarts = Carts
New Goods are repo pouring dng in daily an arid d
you are welcome to whatever wbatev r y you < tuneed need X
on a easy eas y ywe weekly we kly or r monthly manJhlypay manJhlypayrtents payments rtents Our >
prices cash with with orders rderor or withhjtbirty within thirty d days yS
are ar 10 IOpercent per cent less than similar qualities sell
for fori in in the t e cash stores At their prices you are wel we l ¬
come to all th the creUt cl lt you want
China ChlnaCl Closets ts at all dt nrices D rice up to iGBeau 75 7 Beauties tles at 20 to 550 50
New Baby Carriages Carri gesandGocartsln and Gocarts In great variety
Epiece P Pc ParlOr c trlor Suites 1750 1750 to 150 15QXCePuonallyg l5 Exceptionally good ood values at 8 t
prices t tI Sr ranging nging from 35 35 to iioo 1110 3piece su suites ites at at all allpdces prices up to JOO
Couches at all prices from ii 5 to t 10 10 x
Stemarkably JJeITlrka y good goodvalucsut values at 12M 1250
lOOplece 1 1o o fOpiec to p pl pe l 525 e DInner rn nner Sets 675 c 5C cash Sb 750 1 111 1fa1 t27 D Discount sco Unt
on credit credltBett Better r qualities at all yo
prices up to SS5
Iron Bedsteads B dS ads substantially substnnt 11ymade made for Cash C sh with order
cash < and an n < n17Uon riot 17u bought on credit for frn Others a sale saler r at ataH 153 all or within WI Vi lLiLlfl th thO O 10 30 3 0 daysj d u ays 7f 7 t
pri prices csup up to 35 l5 ExcepU Exceptionally eptionally nallygood e good ° od Per Cent if paid with ¬
values from 5 15 to 20
Brass BrassBeds Bedsteads Bedsteadsnot ead not Iot tho cheap in 1060 ill 60 days da ys and andp 5 P Per r
light department epartm nt store tore kind but i
the heavy heavysubStandal substantial guaranteed guarante d Cent en if ifp i paid pai aidwitbin within Wi in
qualities quaUUesallJlrices all prices up l1pto75 to 573 73 I 90 days
Diningroom Chairs of so olhd lid oak oal > f from roza f
100 tQ tQ1GOO 1600
Mattings Linoleums and Oilcloth In reliable qualities Quaml S
Woven Vover oven Wire Springs made especially pecinllYQr f for qr us u strong and anddurnble durable 450
cash aSh 35 5 on OnCrc credit creditequal ltcqual equal to the best spring sold elsewhere at 150 750
817819821823 8178I 8218Z5 7th St tBet Bet H Rand and I ISts Sts JI
50c and 75c Boxes of f
Whitings French Organdie
and Dimity Papers
at 25c Box
All tints and white 24 sheets sh ets
and and24enelopesAfewbxes 24 24envelopes envelopes A few boxes bo e r
slightly 1ightlydamaged damaged with 48 sheets
and 48 envelopes Business usiness Hours 8 A M Till 6 P PM M
Read C3refnlly Ibis B Bargain rgain List
Wish jh we W r e had space to mention every wor worthy thy jqt lot but we Ire are narrowed clown to calling c a111n g your Y our atten aiten ¬
lion tionJo to only a few such as I ItionJo
11 V Vl l a Th The New NewSunburst Sunburst Petticoat
M i v I j Tl iil IS Of OfBl Black ckMercerized Mercerized Saline at t 95c
I S HI I 1 v v i K New N v right rightf for r wear with w ith spring spri g gsuits suits and
W Ml I = T SKS > 1 dresses dr sses Wewisji We 1e wi wish hitverc it were possible to sd describe
ili J I I i 4 K > fe I I these petticoats that their actual l lattractiveness attractiveness
jp f I I I i wouldb would be apparent to t you Take our word for it
0 iljlj b II 1 i U we w ve consider it one of f the th biggest bigg st scoops weve
j fffflEJt made this season
I f i t Every one o is is faultlessly fashioned fas hioned in in the new
4 1 lu t k 1 sunburst sunbursttyle style a tyle that thu Is is with ith a 25inchdeep 25 25inch inchdeepaccor inch ie2p accor
I 1 1E E I I Iia l I l a i dionpleated dion pletted flounce flounceedged edged with ith smalU sITt smIll 1Cruffie ruffle an and d
I i I i t I finished with ith double row ow of straps strins They I hey fit f tper per
T TI I f I 1 is fectly over o ver er hips Lengths 38 3840 40 and 42 42 2 Little
4 1 k more thana than a glance at these stylish practical practkalpetti peW
l Jr l coats and 3oull you 11 be quick quic to say they are worth
V L I r rY Y every penny Cflfl of S < 169 1 69 the t eprice price price they g p
were intended to bring Tomorrow 9 5 5were C
they will wilibeofleredat be offered at at
3 ½ to 13 ½ = YardSilk Yard Silk RemnantsatUalf Remnaits at Half alidLess aid Less
Japanese Silks both plain and fancy I Facomi Fa comi oml Taffetas dffetae Loulsines Satins I Lengths 12V 121f 12 = to 13 yards Black
Peau de Soles SoiesC Cyranos C t rnnos rIno Saphos Stl Iihos plain ltimi f Beau Paa de Soles Blac Black k Indias Ind as Black ackC Cy
Printed > Foulards ri i i Colored i Satins S cn a H tl ns Col ranos ran 0 Black Japanese Waterproof
and fancy Str Stmlped iped Taffetas 1ouisines
Silks Silk Fancy FnneyHighgrade 1 anc Highgrade 111gb rdth rdthioc Novelty ioc oveltySnks lt3 Silks
ored orc Taffetas Figured Satins Fancy Messellnes lint Mousselines plent plenty of
Colored dSnks Silks
Paconne Mulls Color Warp
Loulsines White Silks White Satins Whit bite Sks SHk J in in ° plain and fancy fanc print Louislne 4 4f f Dresden Drest iemi Silks Or Ori f ¬
weaves Black Taffetas mOms Liber ental Warp WatpPrlntsPongees Prints Pongees Bagdads
etr ct ties tie Japanese Orlenta ls Oyama O ama Pongees In black and colored
All Remnants Re ritna n ts All Remnants All AIR7mna Remnants nts >
of o SIlks 39c 39 to H 50c 21 C Cof 1 of 100 69c Silks to O 3 9 C of 01 150 i l 100 Silks 00 JO < to 6 9 C
Dress o Goods ooes Remnants Greatly Great1ySacrificed Sacrifice
An enormous enor enortt tt ttous A ious dress goods business the past week eek brin gs againa again a host of f desirable remnants Ends
that can be profitably used for almost almost an any y dress purpose Lengths run from 2 to 8 yards of of Eoliennes
French voiles silk and wobl crepes henriettas batistes checks plaids etc nearly near ly every desirable shade
including cream displayed on two separate tables dress goods department Prices wi11beexceptionaUy will be exceptionally
low Be on hand for first pick t
Former Prices 50c to 150 t5Q Yard All Harked f m at atNearlYJ1alf Nearly Half
it Will Pay You to Look These Over
50c Allwool Voile all rt r Qw sioo 100 Self Plaid Mohair in Woo Vo VoUICre l lCre Cre pe all n col 1f 1fr 3
113 r
I colors and cream yard 2 9 s v C navy navy pagne cream crea yard m brown browncham cham f fj 19 7 j A w C ors and tream rearn Y yard yar r d i 1 iC 4 4 v C e
11 119 b Cream C ream 50inch 69c Z Q 60c 6 oc Cream Cr am Storm Serge 49c 4fl A Q 36inch Danish D an iShiI1crea in cream in 19 I A r
I I Crepe Graveletta yard liyt U Reduced to yard yf only for a day yard yar d IVv C I
I 44 = Inch AU = Silk Grenadine 9 49c I
I In black and black and white All ll perf perfect ct and late designs instripes in stripes an and d dche checks s Best Be t dye You will I
consider it a rare value at 49c if you come and see the goods They sell regularly regu larl at S15o 150 an and d i200 200
Novelty Velvets I Velveteen
For waists and trimmings all 75c and 49c A fl doc grade in all shades full fu ll pieces 3 9
100 goods to go at yard 7 I yard C I
For All Women O Who Love O Beautiful aU tt ttE 1 Ernbroideries b bl i ir cI
17inch EMBROID E ID Nainsook k and Cambric lb Edging n 500 Wide d anddsi E Edgimag dsi dsim dsifdiu fdiu ° III I Xarrow N a r i o w CambrIc
sl sheer and a m medium anet e m l
ERY with ith ribbon yards in In 4 to 6 inches wide wldej in In 100 different Ifterent Ifterentwei we wei weght wei i ght ht acioth Cloth 011 T Te Tgood good j and Kainso Nahsook bk Edges I
spa space ce4oc c J5cquallty Icc quality j jselect select patterns 11 Embroideries T 1 that ti t sell n reg regPe f ntinlltv It f ftt tt tto n np iinn p o S o wrirth S l I I at would i < lOc consider yard d T you ot I
ularly larly at 12 12c c to t02Sc 25c 5c yard yard special j them
Special 1 v IScYard 15cYardgood 1 5c Yard Yardgood good values
30c 30cYard Yard For rs ror rridav Friday f 9c f12 f4Wt f4Wttori1teh i tori1teh to 0 match 6cYard 6 < yard I
33c Organdie 25c 12 12cWhite l2c c White India Linpn lOc I
60inch wide Organdie In all the plain colors such Stl cha as One case caS White W hite 40inch India I dia Llnon L Inon
light blue lue pink hello nile red gray npffj c sheer she r quality itmrtllt A gOod g od value alne at 12 121 l2c > hc 4c 1 OC Y d
and black for evening e enlng and m street wear 2 s I 5 5c Yd V a ft Wr f Special Spc s Clalfor dcl for Friday 1
J 1
Regular 33c kind Idn one day da 4 i
1 5 5 50 Long Cloth 119 50c Persian Lawn 37 37c c
100 p pieces ieces No 3SO Imperial English Long Cloth Cloth61nehe3 2U Inched lneime 50o 50 Imported Imp rted Persian Lawn 4S
wide W t id1 chamois finish fin Ish YZ 1 yards to the th dit g t f j TTl inches wide beautiful sheer quality q t y 1 C
piece for fine underwear m erVear This is our < 4 P > 1 I 19 I U p rC C and a special Sp cl 1 value at roc For Fni j 37 j 4 2 Yd Ydplcce
regular grade I For or Friday only A 9 I S day one day da
J <
c z c
1 1 Making M kinge evten en geater sac s C ¬
1ui 1uirifices rifices than usual In order
t to clear out all the pianos
¼ 1fi44 that have been taken in
c1i exchange or orhav have come
Nis In n from fr mrent rent And An theyre
I Ic c going like the proverbial
Hot cakes cttk S
Tile o kind you should use a as a
food or medicine
pun half pint bottle 25o
Full pint pbJbottle bottle bottle400 40o
Full quart can 65a
EUllgaJIon u11 gallon canS115 can 8115
Eull gallon can 200 o
Evans Drug DrugStore Store
92224 F St N W
Teeth eth Ex Extra tracted t drre9 Frea
by b our oUrp 3ainless es 3Sefc2i e h
odL OdW when whenother hen other therworkjs wor work k Js
For For a ashorttlmewe a short time vre will make a set of tlia th
fleet B t Teeth I Ieth5OO eth5OO ZOO 500
22K 22KGold 221 Gold Crowns 300aili1 103 10 anS i 500 OO
Gold fillings fillingst t SLOO LOO upother upother fillings 1i 11ng TaO
aria SLOO LOO Painless Extracting We
CHfics OtIi hours bOUrsi 830 a m mta to 6 p m Sundays
from 10 to 2 2 Female attendants
NE Cor 7th and ndE E Sts J 17 rW over Atlantis
and Pacific Paci1icrca Tea Cos Store
AT TOUR GROCERS Idc 1 lOc c an rand d d d25c 25c
o II C e 4 II S 0 04 p 0 4 I I
I Our spring stock has arrive arr ive d and an W8
are offering the most m st beautiful line o ot t
organs ever shown in Washington J 1
A good organ is better than a cheap T
piano Here are a few offers for this
week v X
F 125 12 Putnam parlor parlorstyle style large plate I
I mirror r 13 stops including stool too 1 and T
C book 35 5 Terms TermsflO 10 cash and 5 per y
month T
75 Putnam parlor style Ideal 10 f
+ stops handsomec handsome case e fine tone 50 o
+ Terms 10 cash and f4 1 per month o I
t + One O Inc n Peloubel U Walnut Valnu t Chaplette or ir
+ Baby Organ good as am new 15 1 Terms
4 fi30 210 O cash and 5Cc Lk week
E EF F Droop Sons Co 1
t e +
0 COO 0 t 64b444 I 0 e 4eoo I II e
4 Painless
l cf s
1 jU jUi i Exffacting ixfraotin
When Teeth Are Ordered
Set SetofTeeth of Teeth j e 00
Gold Bridgeworkj Crowns > es s D
IJntll i Starch 20th O 10 O discount on all
wI I
work w wr r contracted o e for
Now is the time tim you YOU can have haveour your
work WO finished hd hda hdl a at t your own convenience c CL
WOp Rations p t t J Union U n i Dental D l Parlors 1
S10 S10F T 1 Street N W
i Torpid Liver Colds Chills and Fever
and aU 11 Malarial Diseases are quickly qulckl
and nn permanently permanenUycured cured by I
rjj D DG 11 ettre G t t
I 01 en I
SaI Sale e ca
I f f fStu Stu Stui Stumph i mph LyJord 1 j i
1631 i 631 63 to 639 Massachusetts I i
f Avenue Avenue 1 I
I 1
ttII9e 0 0

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