r I I
SATUMY MAltCR 111m 11O
r T 1
Diplomatic D DiII plom tic Pomp at Last
Rites forAllibassador for forv f 9r v Ambassador
United Uni e States St es Warship WarshipWi11C Will Convey nvey the
BodyHome B yHome Accompanied by
Military Escort
I ri J
r The Th body b dof of Senor Don Manuel de
S Azplro Azp iroz z zthe the lIcxk Mexican n ambassador r it Is
probable will be sent home on a United
States Sta teswars warship wars hip
After Afterll a state funeral the thebod body will vi1I m
be shipped from Annapolis It will ill be
accompanIed acc rrpane by a military escort escor t
Two Conferences C nferences Held
Thus rhI s far these plans paris are only tenta ¬
tive A conference was held a at t the State
Department today between the Hon A
A Ader > Acting Secretary Secretnro of State
Senor Gamboa G mQoa acting actin g gcharge charge daffaires
of thepmbassy the th embassy and Colonel Michael
chie chf f clerk ce le xk k of the State Department
Senor clOr Gamboa said dd that no tidings had
yet yetpeen been received from President Diaz
as t to to thq tl1 < arrangements rr 1 ements for orthe the funeral
Pen Pending ding the receipt of advices na ndefin defin ite
arran arrangements gements can be bemadc made
Senor S t l Gamboa GamboiL1ias has also been In consul ¬
tation t Uon with wthMrAdee Mr Adee Major McCauley llcCa ley
of o the White bite House and Count Casslni
of O ot1ie the Diplomatic DlplomaUcCorps Corps regarding the
arrangements arrn gements for the funeral of the
ambassador ambas ador In Case the services are
held In this city It is probable that
the fu funeral eral will follow the precedents I
observed in the case of the Juneralof funeral of
the former fOIIIJer1 Mohican lc n Minister 1I1nlst r Romero
Diplomatic D plomac Pomp
All Ai the the high officials of this and the
foreign governments will wlllberepresented be represented
at the services if they tl1eyareconducted are conducted
here her e
According Accor dlhg toTpresent t Presentplans plans there will
be a state funeral in Washington to
be Tie hld d dproba probably ly in St Matthews
Church Cl1urchwlth with all dlp diplomatic io matlcpomp pomp The
body bod will wlhlie lie In s tate itt at t the embassy embass
Catholic Cath lib li rites ites fOr distinguished dlsU 1guls hcd hcdo hcdde o dead de d
will wlJlbe be conducted
TThe The The 1 plan for f r sending s ndlng the body bod home
bjjseav br bsainstea sea instead of by land is favored
because bec use in tt this way the difficulties of a
long longQv overland rl nd trip to Mexico can be
obviated o1 > vIated
pfllplals Ofiihis Il1 lals Recall r t ca11ln ll in this connection the
tttpxerifes tx C texdhid1fflhulty eDifu TIimcult difficulty with which the thear ar ¬
rangement were made for the trip of
the th body cd of former Governor Alexander Alexand r I
a Shepherd of < f Washington who was w wC C as
T I Ii i brought brougbthoxrtefora Jiont < h for ft > r a state funeral here
Man Mz tPfti wI wItelegrams y telegrams rn s have come to the em
bassyfrppi b1S bay y fzpPI fan the Spanish consuls In the
country cOlntr and from frj the various v llrious governors
of o the ti Mexlca Mexl aIe1cati thi rf provinces
President Pi si id idnt nt Sends ScndsCoIidciIehces Condolences
The Pres ident t ldentast entlast last night sent tqe the fol ¬ I
low IG lowing ving ing Yle telegr te1eipan ja 3tt1to ti to President Dlaz
u ptes1 President < Ient Diaz Dfaziqltyof1fcxlco City of Mexico
For my countrymen and in my mYOWll own
r flame ame I offer off r heartfelt t condolence upon
the th death of AmBassador Azplroz
The Acting cting Secret Sec Secretary re ary of State sent se sez rit it this
American Embassy Emja5s City Clt of Mexico Mc xlco
The Government CrOYernm nt and people of the
United States BtatesJincerelydeplore sincerely deplore the thelpss loss
Mexico 1t i xJ CO suffers su e In In the hf death df > t th of f the thnam am am 7
ba tJasgad saddr Sa1 r 1 Who Wh in his hlsworK work woi among athong Us i 1 1tJasgad I
had won Y > J the e esteem esteem em and good goo 1 will of
wl all u ll ADEB > 11
vt l crrrTir fDEE I
Acting Secretary ceretar
V Last + as tPgi Official al Act 0
Senor de Azpirozs last official act
vas va perjforme perQr zpec d tQA on QpMonday Monday when he h
signed a treaty treatvdth with the United d States St tes
concerning the thebonndary boundary line between
the two ppUnfries Quntrl Untries ST1ietrca The treaty h had been b bee el
prepared prepare i and was was at the tue State Depart ¬
ment ready for the signatures of the
Secretary Se r ta6 of State and an d the Mexican l1 xi an am am m ¬
bassador but the latter was unable to
leave his bed
Accordingly A Accordngl cordllIgIY a secretary of the em em
basy l as y took t lI the document docume t to the bedside
where propped lip by pillows the ngea age d
diplomat took his pen and wrote his hi
name for for the jarit tl1 Ptt t time officially offl lally f j
t His Three h iee Decorations 0
QiTstate rrt te occasions oc ftislons Senor de Azpiroz
wore Oe tbree nr dqtorations u dration ml tions a all ll presented to to
him him byfore b borclgnmonarch by foreign orclgnmonarch jgn monarchs m mrecognltlon recognition
o f ridlpio2rt9Y n fs dTpJomac d1p i 3 and d ability abillt as U a states
m mHtm1 Sn XflP jii J1i Awrvlces rvices as a soldier He
had 4lierankXf tlierank h nJnlcorcommander of commander in the Mili ¬ I
tary t ryOrder Order of Jesus Christ of Portugal
and another honor was conferred on him
in 19Q2Cby Hie tile ShahbC ShahoPersla Persia Mexico
nnd Persia negotiated a treaty at that
time and anilSehor Senor Azpiroz then in Wash
irfgton represented repziecnt d Mexico
The Ili Shah was well pleased with the
l treaty and as a a token tolenpresented presented to the
ambassa a ambassador mb sa dor or the decoration of the second
class Cn1 S of ofthC the th Order Ord Orderof r of the theLlon he Lion and the
Rising Sun Only Onl a few weeks eeks ago the
Dowager Empress mIJres5of of China decorated
Senor Azpiroz Azplrozwlth with c the Insignia of the
Order O er of the Dragon Dra on in appreciation a Jprcclatlonof of
his efforts fforts in Inn inmnking making lking a treaty of amity
and friendship between betw en Mexico and
Inaugural InauguralGe Ceremonies emonies
Provok Provoked d Last Illness
The The 1eath < 1eathptS of Senor nor Azpiroz Azpirozocurred occurred
a at a443 i443 4 130c oclock oc1OC ockester yesterday ay afternoon fter 00n The
direct dire irect t cause eaUs was gastritis complicated
by b tidyancec ilIa th1kI ic iCed years ears arid nd a severe scvcreattnck attack
of grip rip
The exposure xposurewh which Ch the th ambassador
suffered s st frered at the 19aug1r1t1on inauguration ceremonies
brought on in n the tlio5cerc severe sceru attack
The Th ambassador r ij5Jrylycd is suiviv survivCd d by h his s
wife wlf his daughters alJdl ersS Stnorp 110 Dona ponn Luz
de Azplroz de d dcPerz Perez Per z Riveraiand Rlyer a nd Senorita
Bolon B l n dp 1p Azpiroz Az lro and hi his son cn Senor S cor
Don Rodrieode Rodrltro de Azplroz second secre ¬
tary of Ct ofembassy em emba bassy sy
His PatrioticCareer Patriotic Career
Senor t ton > on Manuel dc Azpiroz had de ¬
voted vot d his hl entire CJ 1t1re life hre to patriotic service s t
for forthc the theMexienn Mexican 11xie m republic He was the
principal principalilgure figure in the th trial of Max Maxl
miHan i11cnt11 V when hentb the illfated ill4at d attempt to cs ¬
tablish a monarchy on American soil
was undertaken iind rtaken by Austria It was his
unflinching un tln chlng devotion to duty in that
crisis cr Isis w hich hichcnl sent the brave fore igner lgne to
his death dcat i iwh i iwhen when wh n more lenient officials
would woul have permitted him to escape to
the tl1ecollHt coast and slip away avaytrom from the pen ¬
alty nlt of his invasion
This act on < n the part of de e Azpiroz the
voung mng lawyer had never Ut cr been forgiven
l ir jv the th Austrian government ornn1Cl1l ot rnnient or its rep
rescntative lentatl at atlh8 this Capital C pltn1 since de Az
plioz p i ioz oz became bc ame am bassador Diplomatic
relations between these two member
4 I of fthe the corps were always alwa 8 as slight a
offlcial otfic al eptlquette would permit
A kDiplomatic Diplomatic Jumble
t 4 The ambassador a mba3sadorwaB was born in 1SZ1 153 am
was accredited accre 1ted here in 1899 as the
ambasasdor ambasu dor of 0 of Mexico He succeedet
the famous DmOUR Senor Don Matias Romero
who had long been Mexican Min MInister ister am
A ziactlnc Mi 1 1 c for Woman
should hou1d be bjthebe beIie the bes best < t obtainable ObtlihW o Ie The Sin
IR acknowledged th
gQ gcreeiJZn1ICbiJ1C t3e IJfgmnchlJ1e
1lgb1e tt 1 j1n1ngnoSddurabe I Irlng mo durable and con
Look for th the r red >
ve vemenL l1en L Lor or ofanh any
1716 14th it nw 616 6169th 9th at nw 3oe OC
st st W w 229 Pcnnsylvanlaac Penniy1vanIa ave se Wash
tngton D C f 526 2 King st et
Va Va
Ambassador From Mex Mexico ico Succumbs to Illness of Brief Duration Dura tion
dean of the Diplomatic Corps and had
attained high rank for his hlsaccomplis accomplish h ¬
ments J Jord Pauncef Pauncefote ote of oPreston Preston the
British J Brlbshrepresentatlvc representative was the first
diplomatist c d to be be elevated elevateQtp tp ambassa a mba 5 ¬
dorial 4 rank Other ambassadorshln hiD
were wr created and finally Romero the
former < dean found himself set bac back k
1 from one place in line to another while
newcomers 1 ou outranked tranked him His nromo
tion was ordered and his credentials
were on the way when he died and fie < e
Ayplroz became the first ambassador
from Mexico He was received as such such
March 20 1899 by President McKinley at 1 t
the 1 White WhUcHouse House
One of othe the unforgotten ih incidents I ents in the
ambassadors career was was the contre ¬
temps in which whichhe he unwillingly unwlllinglyfigured figured at
a White House H sedlnner dinner to the Diplomatic
Corps He was selected to escort to
tinner tanner nner the wife of his Austrian col ¬
league and According to report she de ¬
clined the theproffered proffered arm There was
some confusion for the moment until a
rearrangement of partners had been bee n
made and the incident became b came the talk
of the moment m m cnt in all the thecou courts rtsothe of the
world J
Ambassa Ambassador dor de Azpirozls Azplrozsservice service in
Washington wasWn sto has been 1 of f most n no xnotnotc o note l lot ot ¬
worth worthy character but in consequence o
the proverbially amicable relations be
tween tw en his country COUll try and this it has beei
entirely devoid of any an sensationa
phases pha5 5 In n cultivating these friendly re
latJpns atlonsan and in developing internationa
trade tr4 le relatiqns especially especIallyln in railroa
matters the ambassador was an inde
fa fJtisableworlwr fatigable tigable worker AycaT A year ago at his sug
gestiori one one of the th members of his em
bassy staff was as appointed by Presiden
Daz to represent repre i1t his government at i
financial congress in New York Y ork and andth th
report returned returm d to Diaz was wasgivel give
thoughtful consideration by Jeadin
Mexican financiers always anxious t
promote t reciprocal < pIIOai friendly < relations
W Wy r Zug 1 of Hastcrsbn lastersonville 11e this countj count
says sa slil his daughter lau htcrMrell htcr Myrel M really reall ha
the most pr prr grandparen indparen r nlsl U Uri ri full set o
straight grands gr1pqsthr grens three j Jp teat t grands c
eac ea1h ah lj ij3Xafl1 exa x lnl hW ond o ot n erc rrcat creatgreatgrnd tgr catgrand
moth mother rcir or eJcve clcved al al1 tbl 1
William C fox fox Will Sue
cee ceedvVW ceet1 W WEockhffl W Rock Rockhul hill
Chief Clerk Cler C Has Long Lon y Made Special Spe ial
Study of American Ame canRepu Republics lics
Acquainted With WithConditio Conditions ris
An Important change changes s will soon Jie be e
made ma de in the rdlrectors dlrectorshpo directorship hlp of t the BUT Bit B
reau rean of American AmcrlcanRepubl1cs Republics W VW W
Rockhill Roc k11m i w who ho for a long time has h s held
the th position posltI Jl as chief of the he Bureau Bu eau
has been made mademlnist minister r to toCJ1inn China ina
The vacancy thus caused caus dw111bc will be
filled by the promotion of William wnUamC C
Fox former chief clerk clerkof of the h bureau
who whowlll will now be beplacelit placed at Its itshead head
Mr Fox is admira admirably bly qualified qusllfi d to di ¬
rect the affairs of the Institution 1nstl utlon hay ¬
I ing had long lon experience x perle c e there here He is
I IIng I Ia a good ood Spanish Span ish scholar scholarand and is well ac ¬
quainted with Ith conditions cCinditionslnthe In the South
AmericancountrI American countries s which are repre ¬
tented i nted in theouraiu the bureau I
Tli 1 TIO i board of directors 11 rectors of which w hich
Mr Fox will now be the thechiet chief is com
p p4e 4e 3etl dof of the diplomatic representatives
of otLa La lin American countries In Wash ¬
Members of Br ith Abraham AbrahaniI lodge 4ge < See
in Propos ition a Menace to
Safety of f Repu Republic blic
Resolutions against the introduction
of religious instruction InthepubUe in the public
schools of f the District wer were e eadopted adopted
at the last meeting mee tingoC of the Independent Independent
Order of Brith Abraham District Lodge
No Np222 222 22
The 1 hc resolutions declare that such
cachings te chlngs are at variance varlancewlth with the spirit
of the Constitution that they the will in ¬
evitably evitabl bring out conflict contUctand and foster
I Ireligious religious bigotry js and that thatlt It will not
be possible t to n iciiiot d ot any nystandard standard for
I such instruction mgtruc lon > avseptable cptable to t all the th
In conclusion the resolutions reso resolutfons lu t tons ons say
We hold relfsiori to be philosophy
and as such chldren of the age usual
attending attendingJ1ubllc public school are not ready
t tarid and mature to Imbibe its doctrines and
Instead in stead of a a better generation that this thl
e measure is Intended to help develop dev lop we we
will cultivate cuJUvaten a a bigoted and fanatical
race of f partisans that must ultimately ultlmatel
causethe overthrow of ofthisRevubl1 this Republic and
establish esfabllsht1ie the old oldand and benevolent sway awa
of Middle Age Ag inquisitors
CHESTER Pa March 25 25Confrmted Confronted
s with the corpsa of oC her mother Mrs Irs
f Margaret J Lowe Low of Philadelphia Mrs
f Samuel J ICinG Jr jr of this city was
seized with witlia astrOKe stroice O oCpamalysisand parnJJS15 a nd Is
I in n a acritical critical c ltlcal condition co I I 1 L
How the Stomach Sto 1h and Kidneys
Depend Oil the Inside Nerves
Every day medical science becomes more j i
simple simpleand and more certain Simplicity and
certainty c rtalntt go hand In hand For science has
learned I e arne d that while h1iethere there are many man y diseases
II yet there are but few real causes Causes of dis ¬
I ease That is there arc many names nam names s by b
which hleh we know aches and pains and disor dI or ¬
ders But most of these ailments spring from
a common comm common on cause
For Instance Imt nce indigestion sour stomach
heartburn hc < artburn dyspepsia d spepsannd and all stomach tro trou ¬
bles blesdlabetes diabetes Brights disease nnd other
kidney disor dlsordcrs lso rders ders heart troubles liver Uertrou trou trou ¬
bles bowel troubles nervousness nervousn ss ss fretfulness
sleeplessness Irritability Irrltabl1tynIl all of these ail ¬
ments are due to this single cause Painful
disagreeable and dangerous though th ugh the they be
they the are jot t separate diseases diseasesand and they
are not to toLe be treated as assueh such They arc
merely outward oul nrd signs of Inward troubl
nerve trouble tro uble
Understand first that we have two entirely cntlrI
separate nerve s systems When we walk or 0
1 talk or act act we wecail e call into play pia a certain sot 5 > t
of o nerves nfresnresrvhlch nervesnerves nerves rwhlch obey our mental m > ntal
commands That That is why the arm can be
raised for the mouth opened or the eye shut
at the slightest desire That is is why h your
fingers can delicately pick up a pin In one no
ment meat and h hold old n a hc heavy Y hammer the the next
I But these are not the theneres nerves we are to
cons ider here
There is another set of nerves which man ¬
ages and governs gocrns and actuates the heart h at rn n J
the stomach the kidneys and the th liver and an
all all of the vital Italrunctlons functions You cannot con ¬
trol these nerves By no supreme effort of
mind can you make your heart heartstoppr stop stoppr or start
nor can ari you joueen even make It vary nry by b a i slni sin singe
beat a minute And so with the ctomac stomach toma < ti i
and the liver and the kidneys and th the > boAels bo
they the are automatic automatlrthey they do their work nt Pt
a cer tain set speed whether whcthcrjol1 you are awake
or asleep n pepwhether whether you ou want them to toOl or not
It 1sont Is on these ese Inside Insldencncs nerves that lIfe nn and <
health depend So long as these nerves per pe r ¬
form their proper duties we are well anti
strong When they fall we know it by b the
inevitable symptoms 5 inptomsstomach stomach heart liver
kidney troubles And these troubles have
no other oth rorlCln origin ever than in these Fame
nerves For the stomac h the heart the liver
the thekfners kidneys hae no power or thfo thfr th r own Ot10 no
selfcontrol They Thcowe owe their every ccr impute ImpJ
to the inside Ins ide nerves The nerves ncnei are the t th h
i masters The organs their slaves
I These automatic nerves are sometimes sometimescaHp1 called
the sympathetic nerves This fhlsname name is
given them because of the close bond of
Sympathy fOympathyhlch which exists between all branches
I This Thlsexplans explains why stomach trouble often de t ¬
t elops ili i1to to heart trouble troublewhy why wh indigestion indl estoQ
I brlngsn brings on nervousness nenousnetswh why diseases become ecome
complicated t It explains too why wh ordinary
nertlcal ne1fcal ireatmonts treitnH tIeatn1ents nts are arewronwht wronr why medicine
Ce o frequently trp que queJitl Jitl Tails
fordesrlte For despite the discoveries of science the
cmmon remedies of the day da are designed to t
real r at the tii organ or gan riotthe hot the nerve nCr nervethe eihe the symptom s mpto m
ristead of the cause
Dont you ou though you may ma not know
Tlc nediclne < dlclne at all see that this is wrong
Chat it Is mere patchwork 7 That Th t while the th ht
suffering organ is enjoying its temporary re
o I
f y Fr F K1wUar Off tn
E1nysBckon2 sick one o who has
not ro fried my remedy 5
i JJr r rs II Sh Shoip p s rllestorative sthive 3
I my rn y have iai a Fa t tSH Hollar rs J Js s i
Worth t orth Fre Fr J 1 ask I no n de dea
psif OS 9 Ft EiC reference W f ef0i1Ce 9 no
ses seGu rift iiy f 1 There ss 65 s noih h
jiig to Q pay ab 9 eifer now or I
Me Mea a 1 mil send you an
order rder 0n n your druggist
whieh lf hhsh he e will t in accept in n
tjn aYE e ici f J a regura reg
iar lB h W 9 standard s anf r size SZ Dollar oflar
bottle boUie oe 3 fifid fh he wlsend wI if nsend send
the t bill to file C
G CS S i Q Shoap S OOP7 HB M D 3
I f i
lief the ihe nerve nC1 that is really sick may itt h
I getting tUng worse and worso Does this not ex
plain to you cu why relapse so s frequently fo fol
loxvs a supposed cure cU 7 Does this not 110 accoun
f f9r > r the th uncertainties rcrtnil1tiea of tnCI nieUicine inet lIclnc
More lore than thirty thlrt years a18 ago this though
came to me m
> If life and nnc health depend upon perfec
heart action act on upon proper stomach digestion <
upon correct kidney flitering tUtlr1ngwhy filterIng why does no
life IIf itself depend dnnduPCl upon f hese l ese ilfegovernlni lJre overnlni
power nerves nenesthese these inside nerves
suit from one On n e ecausemay cause causemay may of course be cure cure < <
I lr realized allzed too that thRtall all ailments which re
by b one one remedy rem td T lr I resolved r ohed not to doctor th thl
organs but to treat the one nerve systen
which w hICh operates them all
For those who hotre treat t only onl the symptom
need p > Clfferent 1freren tremed remedy for each Such treat
meats are only palliative the results do no
last Mt A cure can can never como In disease c
the stomach heart heartt liver 1e1 or kidneys until th
1 inside lrih nerve ner Te Tepower power is r restored When hen the L
is done Nature removes the symptoms Ther
Is no need nec of doctoring them
My of remedy r remedynow m edY how 1o known by druggists c1ruggi8tseer every ever
where as Dr Shoops Restorative nestomtheIs is the re a e
suit of a ailuartercentur quarter centur y of endeavor albn alot I
this very ery line It does not dose the orga
or deaden the pain pal painbut but it does KQ o at prc on nc
to the nerv ne nervthe the inside nerve nenthe the pow pOWi i
nerve neneand and builds it up and strengthens It I
and makes nu 1 1es es It If well
There is no nom mystery mysteryno teryno no miracle I ca 3 t
explain my treatment to you ou as easily easU as
can tell you youwtaycolr1 why cold freezes water wnternn an a 1
why heat melts ice IceXor Xor or do I claim adli
covcry coen For every cw ry detail detaIII of my m trentmei
Is based ba erl on n truths FO FOCuridamen FOCuridamenbl fundamental bl that nor non no
can canden deny them And Andeel every Ingredient i
my m medicine m edicine Is as as old as the hills hili it grot
pn I simply simp applied the truths and con
blned the Ingredients into a remedy reme 1 that
practically certain
In more than a million homes my m remei remed L
Is now known and relied upon Yet xet y J <
i may nu not have heard helrdof of it So I make th II h
offer to you a stranger that every eer posslb t
excuse for doubt may be removed Sei Se
no money monc moneymake make no promise promstnke lake no ris cit t
Simply Slmpl write wr1t and 3m ask asl If you oti have nev nc
tried my remedy remet h I will tCnl < fn n1 j yon 0 011 i IU1 nr > n onl orc
on your our druBglft drUgSlrt for a full run dollar r bottle
not a sampii eamplbut but the regular standard hti hi
tie he keep constantly cnsant1 on his shelves T 1
druggist drughl t wil require no conditions He w u
accept my order as cheerfully cheer r is as i though vo cc 0 C
dollar lay la before him He will send th the b 1 >
to me
Will you ou accept this opportunity oJ > portunlt to le let i t
at atmy > my ctp ct expenseabsolutely npeRbsolutel how to be rid f fc
ever of all forms o or nervousness nerOUSI1sto to be i t
not only onl of the trouble q qU U I burof IUt ot the very eIJ cat ca
I I which produced it I Write rllctodar today
For a free fr e order o tI r tfiook t30 iook k 1 on Dyspepsia D Jppsla
for a full dollar hot Cook 2 on the Heart
tie you ou must address i1dlre s Boo k 3 on the Kli Kline lne
Dr Shoop Box 77C5 GI Book4fqr Women
Racine Wis Wis State Book 5 for Men Ien
t which book boo k kjou you want Book C on Rheumatls t
Mild 1111 cases are often cured by b a aingle single sinslobi b 1 t
tic For Fo r rinle sale at forty rort thousand thoti ilnd drug stat
I Dr Shoop 9 9s < s Restorativt
Nqll Millions on of f Them CrawMo Craw to Sur S r face Dur b During ing Last lst Nights
St Sto Stfn Starrri o fn fnand and Stre Strew Walks About Parks 5 rks N Nu isanee I
to Pedestr ians
Hundreds H Iidredsofthousan of thousands ds of f angleworms
made madewlkfngdIfflcult walking difficult a alongsidewalks along lone sidewalks I
adjacent to Washington parks this I Iadjacent
morning They also made life extremely
pleasant for the sparrow population j
thousan thousanJs ds of the th birds having h lng gorged gO rge1l i
themselves to the point where they
could C U Jd hardly hardlYfiY fly The T hee feathered thered citizens citizens I IC
sat on low cis branches of the trees txees swollen
with ith thefirstfuU the first full meal meala after ftcx it a hard
w inter lnterdreaEningand dreaming rea nlng and andftgurat figuratively ivelY speaK j
ing JrigI1I picked Dickcdtheir k ithe their lrt teeth eth 1
Hungryrobins Hungryrobinsand and o other ther early winged
visitors vi ltor from fr m the South dlnedtb dined to their
heartg he k content ontel1tan and an decided de decidednot idedn nbt t to t tc go go
on on NortuJust IioIt1 just yet y t
S Smalt Sm ltboysand80me boys and some big pnes ou out
early earlygatheredbaiten gathered gatheredbaitenughfora ba it enoughfor ugh to adozen a dozen
fishing excurs exc excursions urs ions and the thesldewalks Sidewalks
after a tt r tbop tho pe pec destrians ec etdans slid sl1dnn and dsllpped slipped
over them resembled d the ther theloom r floors of 9a a
hash hashfactory factory
The long red r d angleworm angleY 1IP enlivened
by last nights nlght s rain caused used all the ex ¬
C1tem citement ht For fwo weeks a few fevhave have
been appearing appear ngcr8 crawling I1ng out Ou t Of of the
park p k mould to towar warm war n ± n themselves on the
pavement V Vast startnies armies of them ha han rt
dug their way up to the surface and
when the th < heavy heaYstormstruck storm struck the city
last night death came to almost all of
them The Th torrents to Tents of rain r 1n washed them
out ut on the sidewalks where it later
pcunded them to death
Around Lafayette Park Thomas Cir ¬
cle dc the triangle at Thirteenth Thirteenthstrcet street
No New Cases of ofthe > the Dreaded Disease Diseas
Reported Rep Jted at the t e Health Hea lth
Department Dcpa rfIent
JsTo o new cases of smallpox were report ¬
ed to tQ the Health He lth Department this tl1lsrr Uii morn orn ¬
ing and the three thre nurses from the
George e Washington ljnlersU University Hospital
who are under der treatment for or the disease
In the pst J12 thouse house were reported pro ¬
gressing favorably In the detention
camp Eighteenth and D streets south
cas ca t twh twhere where re5ix six sixother other nurses from the
George Washington 1Yashln iton Un University lvern fty Hospital
are confined and under observation even
1orpencol1raging more encouraging conditions condltlo condltlori ri ris s prevail for
the nurses are reslowl slowly recovering recovc rlng from
1 their fright and even those in whom
premonitory remonltorysymptoms symptoms seemed in evi ¬
dence enc a u few days aaysagoha ago have ve recovered
their normal norma l tone The rheriuthotItleS authorities are ar e
convinced that thatthe there here will wm1i He bh s sii6Vfurther Ai9 ii6Vfurther ± id further
spread of ofthe the epidCmic epI mic
The fhepupllnt pupil nurses rses who make up the lit ¬
lIe band of prisoners at the detention
camp are as jolly as though theyere they were
on a aprotracte protracted picnic They The are al ¬
lowed to move mOcft a short shrtdistance distance from
their theirrespectlve respective houses housesandenjo and enjoy strolls
in the sunshine and an unobstructed
view Yiewof of the th river Miss Elizabeth Har
zard and Miss Mary Chase are the only
ones oneswhQare who ar are npt nptpermltted permitted to join in
the amusements am semen They The were taken to
the detention camp on Thursday Thursda and
are aresUll still confined In Inn a room romp
William Wllllaml Fleming < l ining and w wi wife fe who guard
the premises from unwitting intruders
have have be b bednconfined nconflned with a a succession of
smallpox suspects sus pects for months never go ¬
ing beypnd the high wire fence e e Flem ¬
ing who holds hol s a commission an a3special special
policeman l ol1cemansald said ld that he and his wife
had been subjected to danger dangerot of con ¬
tagion scores of times but their vac ¬
cinations seemed to render ren er them im ¬
mune Groceries and provisions of all
kinds as well as papers and magazines
are carried to the fence fenc and Fleming
delivers dellve them to thepersons the persons confined
I whl the th ccnrriers carriers hurry hurr away awa from the
dreaded spot
around the Capitol Caplt l grounds and the
White House grounds people could
hardly walk they were so thick
Improved Railway Facilities Faci1 1ti s Bring
Them to Washington at Mod ¬
erate Cost
While the evidences of spring are
slight lightit at present In Was WashIngton hington a
glance at Center Market makes one
think summer is here Green string
beans green peas J1eascucumb cucumbers rs egg plant
white squash squa h beets new cabbage cabbageokra okra
radishes ra ishes and turnips are on n all stalls
that deal eal in fresh vegetables
They The are all a111lom from Florida said sa id one
of 0 f the stalikeepers staHke6persto today 1aT < and are not no t
as costly as one might think For in ¬
stance good strawberries may be had
for not more mor than 25 cents a a large
basket bas ctBeansand Beans and peas peas are areonli15 only 15 cents
a quart
u uA A housewife 11 J1sewifc can come here nowadays
a m aid rid idfo for r r1g 1 1g 1 get t enough green vegetables v getables
for a dinner inner of f four which a afewyears few years
I ago she could not have obtained at any
I price Impr Improved ov d railroad ran 103 d transportation
rhas has hanged Washington wonderfully Wonderful1
an and d tliat t l1atwUhin within a few years
All of the green stuff stu Is coming from
I that part of Florida south of a line
I drawn from St St Augustine to Tampa
I IThere There jsalmostneveran Is almost never any frost frost in this
i PEiQN Ill March 25 250 25Otis Otis Us Betts
on trial for the themurd murder r of his nineteen
yearold wife who was strangled to o
death d death eath by a ribbon tied around her neck
collapsed today when the State intro ¬
duced as evidence a collar stained with
bloody finger fingerprints prints and marked with
Betts name
It t had been hidden under the carpet
in his room
University Uhjve ity Profes ¬
sors Bur B j jj j 500 OO Acres
re to Tend C Cattle e Till iinthe Tilltbe the Field Fie Fie1di
a and rid Do the Usual U8u Al lA Agric AgX1CI1 C iU
tu fal ralChore Chore ChoeL
e 4
CHICAGO March r h 25 25 25A A dozen in ¬
stru structors t rs in the theUhivernlt University of Chicago
a are te going In for the t cs1mple simple life thia
They have ave bought 500 5OO1 acres CIes of orland land
near Wheeling Ill Under the direction
of Prof PratHI11 Hill of o t the thevol1t1ca political l economy dcnothy nomy
chair they the theywIl1 w11ltak will take takepoStession possession lr liJune Irt June
The They > will delve In iii i the t soil ten tend d to o the
cattle cattleand andperform erro n all ll the th chores that
ordinarily ordinarU fall fa 1 to the lot of a farmer
and farmers families famillesconibinlngtbe combining the
pleasures of air with w th practical pra Utalexperl expert ¬
The work at real armln0 r wiil WII be 2 > e
gun in berry time and will w1t w1tcontinue Willcontinue continue
through the thehaYlng haying and nd liar harvesting yestlng sea sea ¬
son son scm until th the crops are all ansa safely sa f dly lY stowed stow d
away awa itt the barn Then the urban Urban agri ¬
culturists will wUir return to to the th city cit brown br wn ¬
ed by b exposure exp exixisure s r to the summer summer summers sumrnCr sui s suif uD t
The objects bJett5 outlined outlinedb by liir ir Hlllare rim are
The Th cultivation cu thatJonof of fields fiilds by the the best
known inethods hie ieth h ds with mode xnode m fi machin ¬
ery the r klsihg r Ising of f shortho shorthorn shortlvn fn cattle
the raising aIB fng of the best variet v cmrlet1es t1e d ds ies s of pIg
the raising raisingo of the best bes l breeds ee ds of o chick chl k ¬
ens and mar market ket garden gardening ing
Although AllhClu h there will w ll bes be some somereal me Teal eal farm ¬
ers around ioundthc the premises to attend tt nd to a
part of the theheayfer heavier Work work the th instruc ¬
tion tl n ins In all these branches wilt wil be given
by competent teachers teacherswho who will have
charge chargeif of the children and elders who
make up thfe he classes
A favorable opportunity will be pre ¬
sented to the friends of the Rev Re D J L
Stafford D D to hear him lecture lect re at
trie UfeNew New National Na tional Theater tomorrow omorrow
night on the themoi5t mo mtt 3t celebrated and drama ¬
tic figure figureln in Shakespeares Richar Richard d g
III As this lecture has never n never verbeen been
heard in this city cltya a great many will
avail themselves of the thcopp th opportunity Jrtunit < to
hear it it In his treatment tre tment of o ofthe the sub s b
i ject and in his discussion of o f the the many ma ny
1 phases of of the thecharater character of o ot t this fa a ¬
beus mous figure figurCin enEnsUsh v vin in English history hi tory Dr Dr
Stafford Ststrordhasample has ample opportunities opport nitt s for the th
exposition of his talent tnlentasa as a profoun profound d
reaspner re1sonerand and ot of his nlssklll is skill as an all orator
The sale sn1coftlcke of tickets ts for the lecture is
now inptogres8 In progress a and ld the In indications Icatfo1S are
that Dr Stafford Sta fford will will be greeted by bya a
large irgeandl audience i e All the boxes have been
Secured tecuredb by a number of otpromlnent prominent pee pea ¬
pIe Ie Cardinal CarIinalGIbb Gibbons ns Archbishop Fal
conlo and the rector and faculty of oft1te the
Catholic Unlvsrslty Uni l1ty have 1avesi sijnified nified their th ir
Intention to be present The lecture
will be for the th benefit of f the Catholic
Uriversity under und rthe the auspices of tha
Knights of Columbus Columbuso of the District
of Columbia
A central committee con comprising prisingpromi promi pretax ¬
nent members m mberso df the order are hi lnchirg charge
of the thedetalls details Dr WP IV P Malone MaIonechaIr chair ¬
man Edward P PH4rrington Harrington secretary
William VilllamBRelllytreasurerJS T illiam B Reilly treasurer J S
EasbySmith P pJHaltlgan J Haltigan George T
Kolb W Y H II Callahan C UahanGeorgeW George GeorgeW W Barry
and Joseph C C Ralph
Special ecial Train I1 to the t e Races Rac s
Pennsylvania Penns lanil Railroad d will WiilZUil run run a a a spe sp ¬
cial train from fromSJxthstr Sixth street station at
210 lQ p po p o m every eer day ayM Marcli Mar rcc 3 to April
13 3 to toBenningibr Bennlngrlor Bennlngorthe the sr sr spiingrnces ii Ing g races rilcesre re
turninar tu rri after the last race race 25 2 cent cents
I round 1ou d trip
Q i
t I
t3 1 The Thej better hetterclasso class of oidruggists druggists everyw here herej j are men of scientific atta inmehtsan inm rttsan dli dhighin d1ighiiegritY igli in te grity >
who devote t their eir lives livestoth to the we lfare o f the ir ir fe llow men m nin in supplying the best of remedies and
1 purest p pre5 re5 me dicina l lagents agents of known va y lue in accor dance dan e w ith physic ians ian prescr iptions an d d
g sc sClentIfic ientific formula Druggists o f the better c classmanuiacture lass manufacture many excellent exce1 ent remedies rem ies but
n I a lwa lwas ys under un der or origina igina l 10ro or offic o ffic ina l lnames names an d they never sell se ll fa lse bran ds orimitation or iinit imitation tio llriieaicines medic the di ines
w r They Theyare are the men to to dea l w ith ithwhen when in fl need of an ything in the ir line whic wbich h usua mmally lly inc i C1 lu des
t I a ll stan dar d dreme reme dies an d acorres corres pon ding dinrr a djuncts of a firstc lass ass pharmacy y and andthe the finest fipestan an d
best o f to ilet letarticles articles an d pre preparations parations a an dman d d man y useiu l la accessories accessor a cessor ies iesan an d remedia r em dia l l appliances
n I I t The earn earnm in g gof of a fa ir liv in g gwith w with ith the satisfaction which ar arises ises from roma a know le ledge dge of the th bene fits
0 conferre conier e d dup dupn upon n their patrons an d dass ass istance to the media l profession pro es5iort es5iortL es5iortjSt1S L Is jSt1S usually usiiallytheir lallyth their ir gr greatest atest t
t I rewar r wa d for lon long g years of study studyan an dmany d many hours ho rs of da ily toil They Theya The a all ll know kn n that Syrup of i
1 1 Figs Fi gS is o olsn lsn s an exce llent 1a laxative ti tive ve reme dy an d that it gives giv S un un iversa l satisfaction satisf ction an d therefore e they I
0 J °
o f I arc sellln 1 gm g gmany many ny mllhonsof millions of bottlesannu bottles annua llY tot to the eW well T l1iniorm informe e d j 1 purc urc h ha hasr a rSOf ot the U he choicest xT bOl vvf < et
S I reme dies an ana d they a lwa lways ys ta taKe ke pleasure in In handing out outtne the genuine article ar lC1e bearing be npg the t elull full
Is I II1lme I name of the COIn COInpanyCaliiornia panyCaliiornia Fig Syru Syrup SyruCoprinted Syrup p Coprinted o on the iro frot It of eve ever y yac package ac k e
The juu j y k know ixu ow < jy tha niau t iii in uas cases as ° a s or o f f coias co ld lds iinu an d heu imauauiiuo dacnes aLitJuueu attnded tt ded byblIOusneSs by u y biliousness uimju = ncoo tuj a and ywx4a co constination rs pat1 uiuw rand d
I T of oLwea wea kness k ressor or tor pidity pl dltyof of the hveran liver an d bowels aris arIsmg arIsmgTrom ar is ing Trom from irregular ha bits bIt in digestion In or
u I and beneficial bene ficial in its its it effects as
19 overeating that there is v vno no other reme dy so pleasant prompt
ie 1 Syrup of Figs an d the y are re gla glad d to Bell it because it gives universal universalsatis satisfaction a tion
a I It d t Ow in g to tho excellence excellen e of o Syrup of Figs the un iversa l satisfaction 1whic which whic h it itgives gives arid the
ir immense mr ense deman dema ld d for it im itations have been ma de tr trkdan ie d dan an d dc dcQndcmie condemne c d in d q but t the there eara are
I in In div idual druggists to to be foun d here an d there w ho do not mainta in the be dignity ano an d t principlea
t i of ofthe the profession pro es5ion an d dw w hose gree d q g gets eets ts the he better ctter of their ju dgment an d d who do notbesi not hesitate tg
h ho o J 1 to recommen d dan an d tr y to sell se ll the imitations III ltatwns in 1n order to ma ke a n1argerprofit larger profit Such pre preparati parations ns
I ll I sometimes s me imes have thename thenamet the name t Syrup Syru Syrujof p pof of F 1igsor igs gs j > or or Fig Syrup an d of of some pha piratipl ti rI concern cOl conO C t r
ur J1 1 or fic fi fictitiOus titious fig syrup fyr l I Icmp company cmp n pr lrin printe inte te d on the th epac pac kage but ut they never neverhave b have ave the theftli full fl tl 1na name nameof mef of
1 the Company CompanyCn Ca liforn hforllla ia FigSyrup FIg Syrup rcp Co Coprmte Copr printe inte d on the front of the packa ge The imita tions tio ns
m should sho uld be re jecte d db because cause they are in jurious to the th system syst m In Inorde order to se ll ll the im itations
rId r id r JT they fin r d J it L necessary to i resort L i to m isrepresentation i i nf or deception r 3 3nnrv nnrv iTrn and nrtf j r WheP whenever ir irV V i o > TTOI yer a o d da < 3no a lai lerpaEses ler Yo passes CQCQ
of o of Figs or Fig Syrup Syrupw w hic h
< o ff on a cnstomera customer a preparation nder the name Syrup
doesnot does not bear the fnllllanie full name of the Cdiiorn Ca liforn ia Fig Syrup Co pr inte don the fro frontot ntof the packa ge
he is attem pting to dece dece ive ivean an d m is isl isea l ea d l the patron w v ho ho has been so unfortuna te tensio ns to enter his
I esta blis hment w hether it be lage or sma ll for or if the dea ler resorts to misrepresentation misrepresenta tion an d
ye I an d deception dece ption in Ill one case he cc v ilLdo iii do so with other medic medicinal inal a gents and in the filling of
physicians phys ic iai is prescr iptions an d should be avo ide d by byever every one w ho va lues lueBhea hea lth lthan an d dhappiness
m Knowin g tha t the great ma jor ity ityof of druggists ru gists are re liable we supply the immense immensed dma ma hd d d
for our excellent remedy r rnedy entire ly through the druggists drug istsof of whom it may be purc hase d devery every ¬
ot w here in or igina l packages on 1yat ly at the re regular gular price of o f fifty fty cents per bottle but as exce ptions
ea I ex ist ist st ij t tisnecessar is necessar yto y to inform the pu blic of the thef facts cts in order that nHmay all may d decline c1ine or return
any anyimitation imitation w hich hi hichmay h hmay may be so ld to them If it does not bear the thef full fullname 11namEofthe name of the Com Comnany pany
I Ca Californ liforn liforn liforna ia Fig Syrup Co printe d dOil on the front of o every pac kage do not noth hesitate sitat tc to return the tQ
artic ar Hc le lean an d to deman d ths th ° return of your your money money and nd in future go to one one Of the better class o f
L drugg dr ggist5 how i1l6e nyou w hat you wis h han an d the best o everything in hislin atretl na bleprices