> 7 1 C C I F THE WASRISGTON W r TIMES T1ME SUNDAY SUNDAYAPRIL APRIL 2 lH05 7 CAPITAL PEOPLE AT THE SEASHORE Washingtonians ylsitiiis y ysitinga Visitin sitinga a at t I Atlantic City GOSSIP GOSSIPOF OF OFTHE THE BOARDWALK Some of the thNew iew ew Hotels Which Inv Invite n v ite te Travelers Travel rsto to Their Broad Portals F rtals f ATLANTIC ArLA TIC CITY April 1ur 1 LMI Mrs i W W Sheffield Cowles is still stll1st staying lng at the Brighton Br ighton where she arrived last week with Mrs i1rs110rton Morton The latter returned to Washington Vashing on early in the week Mrs Irs Job Barnard of o Washington Is visiting visiting Mr 11 and and1l1rs Mrs S H Et Bori3 Bon who are staying at the theStran Strand < l Mr and Mrs rrs H 1i J Finley Finle also alsoarrlyed aIs arrived from the their ir Washlngtonhome Vashington home early in the thewe week kfor for an extended stay Co Col l T H Alexander ro of Washington was amcg the distingu distinguished ished visitors 1sltorsof of the week registering at the th Seaside easl e Mr and Mrs John TiUarchard T11lar hnrdn and l dlIiss Miss Ada Hempstall HempstaUhave have also aIS joined the Washington contingent here for the Leiiten Veason ason Mr and Mrs Irs A T YBradley Bradley an and d Mr and Mrs lrs E E Grandin of Washing ¬ ton arrived on o Ii 116n Monday day and an d dwill will stay at the Traymore for some time lIrs > Irs J J H Crawford and Mrs Irs M 11 J Hunt of Washington are spending Lent L nt very CJT quietly at the fashionable Hotel H tel Chelsea helsea where a number of well welI known Washington Vashingtonpcoplchave people have been registered since the opening ope ning of the Ute house Col ol 3il 1 M r Parker JrirsParker Mrs Parker and Miss t nss Parker of Washington are are at a the th Shelburne Shelimrne for some so e time Miss Iiss Henriques o of Washington Was hingt n was at the Shelburne ShclburneoverSJn over Sunday d dy y with Miss Ryan R al1 and Mrs Irs J r Dundas Dund Lipplncott of Phil ¬ adelphia ad phia J 3 31T W y Whalpley who wh is connected with ith the executive department departmentofa of a Wash ¬ ington hfgt m trust trustcompany company is spending a v W efek k at the J Dennis ennis with J J R Whelp leyi 16 It Mr dr and Mrs Irs Howard Tebbs of Baltimore 1tI ml who are are3pendlng spending the month a t the th Dennis Der niscnte entertained rtainedlIrs d Mrs Harry J4 TiGre J Green reen nMIssFlora Mss Flora D DGreen Green and Miss iss Blanche Elan he L L Green Gr eIlat at luncheon early In lrtthe the week Mr and an d Mrs rrsMM M M Par k ¬ er > 1 and Miss Parker arrived at the Den ¬ nis early in the week and will willstaysev wiltstay stay staysev sev eral weeks we lts before returning to th their lr Washington Y shinortonhome home > Mrs J s EL L Hopkins of or Washington Vashiplton is entertain entertaining ing Miss Uss Courtright C urtright at the 3 Iarlboraugh > House Guests at a t Haddon HalL IL Jtidge h ge Edward Lander Lan r of o Washing ¬ ton has been registered resi3t regiser r d at Haddon Hall slnceTuesda since Tuesday Mrs William Pow ¬ ell l1ofWashlngtonent of Washington entertained rtalned Mrs J J f E Lytle Lt Lteof eof of New OI Orleans nns during the week Miss Blanche Bland De Long Longi is at Haddon Hall Tall 1 with ith itha a family party parfy brought brJughtdown down by b Mr ard Mrs IrsCharles Charles i F r De Long of Philadelphia Miss Eliz 1 abeth W V r White of Washington Washin on was r no nttel ted in the bcarchvalk beard walk throng 1 with Miss i1is Helen P Rice of An Andover dover Mass and ni Mrs William Yllliam P Preston Among rnong the wellknown Washington people making their shore headquar ¬ ters t rs at t the tl e Brighton are former fOrnierJudge Judge Joseph K McCammon and Miss Edith McCammon At the Hotels Hot ls Some of the well known Washington people ople registering re g stetfng at principal hotels during the week were JRa RaleighA ieigh A C Joy and wife Mr tr Schaffer Schatr r Thomas ThomasGHmore Gilmore T T Shinn J C Andrews Mrs R E Prime James Miller Thomas Hanna H nna Mr Ir and Mrs I Harry BarryJories Jones Pennhurst PenuhurstMr Mr3 Mr W W N Strong Wil ¬ liam Strong Jr Mrs frs L W Ralph W G Lewis Holmhurst HolmhurstlL M Newton Mr and Mrs lrs D Bliss Miss Bliss Mrs G A A Dewey New Clarion Clar ClaronMr on1Ir Mr and Mrs lrs B De Witt James N Long Lon Mrs Irs Long Longand and son Miss H McClay lcCln Grand Atlantic Atlanticfrs 1Irs irs W 1 1T T S Sears Mr and Mrs J D Hardlh H rdlnMr rdiri Mr and Mrs 115 James C Smith Miss Iiss Smith Howard HownrdSmlt Smith k t Earl Mar Hall Ha HallMrs lMrs Mrs F F Innea A A L J Rugglcs uggle Miss Ruggles Mrs J f fM M t F Fieldman Fic > man y Wiltshire W1JtohirMrs Mrs f1sJ J White Mr and nd Mrs I1s F H IL Yells Miss T F Blair B dr Mr Ir anc Mrs Charles Abbott Abb U De Villo ymcJL M vanlV1e1d Van an fielding 1elcl1ng ng C M HIrsch f Hoswortli Hswortlll1rs Mrs E i p Fenton M 1 Fen tcn T D Davis XL A L AVolcott Volcott1 Mr > lr ant Mrs H P Mills I1lls SothernJ Sotl1ern j T Belford Mrs G H Hill lJ fll Char Charien Char1eXirschman ien eH JIrschman Kirschman Ajuarllle AluariIkeW AV w H McElfreth 1 cElfreth W H McKlfrctii McElfrctli CEtic jr The Hotel Irvington fo formerly merly Jefftrson and one of the finest 1ine t house atnons anong the splendid hostelries on OIJ Vir linia inla avenue acnu has passed under the man Memento mement ement of W F Watts < one meof of th most active and energetic young ounS men of the resort The he situation and an appointments appo lntments of S Hotel Albemarle nake it an ideal ping place pl ee for those thosccom1ng coming to AtlantI City for Corl1calth health or pleasure The houa stands on Virgin ia bavenue avenue between th beach and the th Pacific avenue drive an Is especially fitted L for reception spring guests gl1 st Four thousand squar ftet < et of sun parlors pariv fine cleVa elevuor for Ice ic baths < electric eieetii lighting 1Ightln g gand and heating h < atinl1 and a table which has made th cuisine of the house famous insure it S continuance in popularity J op lnlity under th management of J 1 P Cope who again give its if management this his attention One Oneo of the important changes in hot h < I management Is the taking takJngor at o the < Netherlands by Irvin N Wells who for yeo ye yetta 3fs fti been connected with one c the finest flnestbeachfront y beachfront hostelrIes of the r < sort ort The Netherlands faces the he and boardwalk at the foot of New Yor avenue and lias Ias every comfort trig baths elevator and nd telephone sen ice and firstclass throughout The opening opciingot got of the Hotel Senate t Rhode Island avenue and the beac marked the opening openlngo of the social se son In the uptown district The Th loc ti utn < 5n of the Senate is not excelled in ti city it every room in the big facing directly on the ocean in full vie of the sea and roadstead where the big yachts ac ts and pleasure craft J D Hall who made such a sign success suCCei s of the Hall Cottage last seaso will this Ull year conduct co duct the Hallwood > the beach end eeelM of South Carolina avenu The house houl > Is J hew lcwthrougho throughout t and r efforts will be bi Kpartd spar d to tomal mak make < it Jlrgtclaasfamily hotel STUART DESCENDANT DESCENDANT SNUBBED SNUBBEDBYSOCIEJY BY SOCIETY larriage A rriage of Mme de Turenne to Editor of o f Ar Aristocratic istocratic istocra tic Par Pa is Newspaper ewspaper Proves Disappointing to Herself Herse If and Husband HusbandHis His Letter LetterAlltagonizes Antagonizes LONDON April 1 1Mrs Mrs 1rs Arthur Meyer 1ey r wife wif of the editor of thcarls the aris lOI t pcratic l Jlc paper Gaulers and anddnughter daughter of o i f the theCou1t Count de Turenne lineally de scelded s cended from Louis XIV and of the Princess s FitzJames lineally lineal1ydescended descended from f rom James II of England in the line of > f the pretenders has just been dis owned > by b her relatives in consequence of cittheactlons dfthe r the actions of Meyer In marrying mar lng Mme lImeTurcnne Turenne who is allied to b the leading noble famillesof families of Eur Europe pc Meyer expected to get into so city citand and thus obtain the t he position which he thought he deserved deseryedaseditor as editor of the most aristocratic paper in France Find GOMPROMISE IN SUIT I OFMRS oi MRS1YE1l s LYOIA DOMER OMEII ommistaioner Comm hi3ioner Biddle v Recommends Ac ceptance c ptance of Offer ffer Made by Plaintiff Following F ll wing the suggestion of Acting Corporation Counsel E H JL Thomas Cominirsioner Biddle yesterday recom mend t i 1t t tbat jiat the tl tin c District compromise th the suit rectntly f fe e fnth brought broushtb by b Mrs Irs Lydia L dia < F Donier Don to recover r recover c vcr damages damag s for per ¬ sonal sona l injuries injurIes alleged to l j bav have been re ¬ ce ived h l ed by bY her by b being beingstruck be ing 1 struck by b an outward swinging gate in front of o the Lincoln Hotel Tenth and H streets northwest no rthwe t Attorney AttornejB B F Leighton representing Mrs Mi S s Domer offered to accept for his client 14905 149 149i 5 the actual expenses in ¬ curred by her and an additional addlti nal 434 34 the latter the amount of a a judgment for costs cstsdue due by the District on an appeal to the Court of Appeals In the case Mrs Doiriers Dom erJ rs injuries in jUries W were ere said to tOhave have been received on January 20 1900 and the ease cas as 3 was first tried in January Jan pary 1902 when Chief ChiefJus Justflce e Clabau h di ¬ rected a verdict in favor f vor o of the District This Tlfs was reversed by the Court of I Ap peals p als but butTustiee Justice Clabaugh directed a similar verdict when hen the case was tried a secondtlme second time 1 jln In his is indorsement indorse 1cnton on the paper aper Act ¬ ing Corporation Counsel Thomas says L am not entirely satisfied that there is fsnot not great greatdmger danger that a retrial of this case whioh the Court of Appeals may mn graZt will result In a verdict against the District and if that result is attained the amount of the verdict in my opinion will not be less than 5000 5000 ing that he and his bride were not In ¬ vited to the most exclusive functions he wrote a circular letter which he sent to the heads of all the aristocratic I families tami es of France Franccsa saying ing Mme lIm < de I Turenne and her illustrious parents i were saved from beggary by my char ¬ itable action gn n marrying her h rThe The least which you roucan can do for one who sacrificed himself in order to save some of bfyou you from the gutter is to grant him social recognition The letter raised such a storm of o t in ¬ dignation digl1at ion that t Mr a arid nd Mrs 11rsMeyer Meyer lave been generally snubbed I Mrs lfrsMeyer Meyer now threatens her Jius band with divorce rnRS 1 ROOSEVELT BOARDS MATJJlCKSOIttllll SYLPH AT JACKSONVILLE Met at the th Train by y5enatorFrye r Senator Frye and a Party of Washington Friends I S JACKSONVILLE Fin Fla April 1 1Mrs Mrs Theodore Roosevelt and her three thr e chil ¬ dren arrived here late this thlsa afternoon ternoon from Washington They were met at the station by Senator Frye of Maine Senator and Mrs Tallafero Taliar ero of Florida I Isenator and Lieutenant Evans commander of the Presidents s yacht Sylph The party par ty went Immediately imm edlatel aboard ab oard the yacht preparatory to starting on ona a I Ithe cruise along the Florida Atlantic coast Mrs Roosevelt says sysshe she had a pleas ¬ ant trip here VH ITEUROSS 1TE RO88 soe 8OIETY I ETV llOOii1WK8IIWRED HOODWINKS HUNBRED8 f I 1 ROME April 1 1Thescandalconcern 1The The scandal concern ¬ ing the fake decorations of f Advocates of o St St Peter for which numerous Americans Amerj an paid money thinking that the they r were buying papal decorations has been in ¬ creased tenfold t < nfold by the discovery that the th managers mln gers of the alleged aHeg > d society were gathering money mone the world ove for an i other Institution knOwn ns s the White Cross Society Socletysupposed supposed tcj tlbeCor be for the benefit of soldiers s ldiersin in incapaclted inC l1aclted desire of their thclrduties duties In time ofpeacc of peace Thousands of dollars 1oHnrsgt gathered hered in all countr ies have been flowing into the pockets pocl cts of the managers maml crs like the fees fee for lr the fake decorations A clever cleveradenlurer adventurer invented both I schemes ch < mes simply as commercial ventures 1 Open an Account at a t Castelbergs 1 + i t I I i I I t I T t 1 1Credit Credit Relieves You t to j tof of o the Burden Bur den of Cost j i Its a i sledge hammer argument in favor of buyin g at T Castelbergs Castel bergs Theres no good argument that can be put up T r ragainst against our plan of sellin g Weve Ver e thoroughly canvassed that T subject durin g our half century in business and as long as j 1 1 t were able to underquote by at LL least 25 per cent the th prices of I socalled cash jewelers and at the same time convenience you t f by acceptin g payments of a a1 j dollar or so a week r ori Oii the bill i there will be no su bstantial reason why sIi this plan of buying t I I shouldnt appeal to you you as best I I Gold old Watch 25 I SI 1 I Weekly I t I f f f t I 11 + J i I I I f S Gold Cases guaranteedinove guaranteed move T men ments t8 This is wa watch tch headquarters T so fOU ou may expect the cxtraordi l riary nary in values here Diamond Ring 100 1 0 0 2 Weekly S Selected gems 1i t of rare are bril I Id fj F d 1 I a n c y and L beauty Every ft one in the line linee e absolutely per o jll feet In cut and an pure white i bite Handsome Diamond Ring S1S 18 1 Weekly s i f A gem of rare < 5 wiS 1 4 size and beauty beaut X for such a price A AspCiltflt15 special that is 1 r > rlN going to carry carr k Stii iiiv 3 M c con o n v t tcUon ction of 5 I t the h e advantage of buying here I I f A special specialpurchase purchase of Solid Gold Extra Heavy Horseshoe I f Scarfpins in polished polis ed and a nd Roman finish f nishthat that fri 1 25 q T are worth 200 To sell for vp 4 1 0 Y i Solid Gold Cu ff Buttons in any number of the newest 1 t and most approved designs Some set with stones stonescuff cuff but ¬ t tons that cannot be sold or dinarily for less < j > r 1 5 0 than 3 and from that up To be closed out at MI P O 3 V J f S A special collection of Fine Solid Soli d Gold Brooches in in t f I dozens aozens oz ens of different styles inclu ding plain enamel and stone i iseteffectsb set seteffectsb effects effectsbrooches brooches ooches that tha t tare are worth wo rth from 10 d jc 5 fU 90 to 12 Special Specialtomorrow tomorrow only PJ PJi y 5 M i > I f H T I Castelbergs Castel berg 5 9 1 t Washingtons Wa shingtons Leading Jeweler and Optician i f I 935 Pennsylvania Avenue L i j S S S 55 15 M 5 IS SI S S M I S S StTS S 54 5 t f < J W B MOSES MO5ESSONSFStreetCorner11th SONS SON J I I F Street t Corner llth lw I W BMOf B BMO5ESSONS MOSES S SONS I F Street Corner 11th 1 1th I t rHE HEF FACT A CT tht we tnu must st c lose c s e o out ut goods gOOdSin in order ord er 1 IqIE L V to toltDke me meke u ke improvements li1 jflrOVe1 ents in li the esta estbllS blis hment t 1 forces us to accept ccept the lowest owest prices at w hic hich h like j I g goods odS were were everqxote ever ver quoted d e f r r JI Brass Beds Beds d 1 I Sal Sale Were Price Brass Bed 56200 6200 iiOOO Brass Bed A 6400 S4350 4350 Brass Bed 5000 4250 251 Brass Bed 5000 ooo 3900 oo Brass Bed 5000 5000 53750 Brass Bed 3S00 3800 2700 700 Brass Bed B d 36 2600 600 00 2500 Brass Bra ss Bedv Bcd r ri i 53000 30 00 2195 21 Brass Bed Bedv v vS l o V 2660 26ftO 1975 Brass Brns Be Bed d V 3900 30OQ Brass Br ass Bed t3300 3300 S3 2 Brass Bed Beth5000 h 3000 2250 Brass Bed Bed3500 3500 3500 2100 Brass Br1 Bed 4700 4700 3200 Brasjs gra s Be l 3ioO 30 OO 2075 0 75 i igra Brass Bra is Bed v 300 5500 OO 2100 Brass Bed J 3300 2800 Brass Bedl Bed 4000 4000 33oo i Brass Bed 4000 3250 Brass Bed 4000 4000 2875 Brass Bed > 53300 2900 Vernis T erflIs Martin Bed B d 1350 1000 Vernis Martin Bed 51200 1200 92 = Vernis V rnisMartin Martin Bed S1350 1350 1025 Vernis Martin Mar tinBed Bed 2250 2250 1775 Oak Sideboards and Buffets Buffe 5 Sale Were Price Sideboard S65CO 6500 5750 5750 Buffet 4500 450 4500 moo 3800 Buffet BuIT t 4200 3700 Buffet BuIT t 7000 Ooo 56200 6200 Buffet 3400 3000 Buffet 4000 3350 3350 Goldfen Gold nOak Oak 3000 3000 2850 Golden Oak 3t003000 3100 300 3000 1 Special Golden Oak Crystal Cabinet C binet iHOOO 4000 2500 Chiffoniers Sale I Wore VtrePrlce Price i Mahogany S230Q 2300 51625 lG251 1623 Mahogany 15oo 1500 1275 1 Mahogany > 2400 n w 11 oo 18W 1l Nt UV J Mahogany lahognny v vE vv E c v 2000 OOO 1 1500 > 00 I Mahogany > 527CO 37C r COJSOO S1SOO j I Mahogany m w 1925 125160 1600 Mahogany lVJ m 2250 1550 1550 j Mahogany c i > C 2400 AOOp p 1775 Mahogany p250 2250 50 i j I Mahogany V riiW i iii iiii i OO 1575 Mahogany l 200 Gd GO149a 149a 14D5 = I Birch 4 1300 > W75 3775 i Birch Vii US2450 3975 1975 iJii TT50 Birch j v > Birch iki i = i viV 52100 S 2100 oo 1700 Birch i 2700 S1300 1 Maple vS L l y 4000 4000 S3200 3200 n Maple r 3P I w v 11 2700 1800 190 j Maple H 1 l v S2150 2150 1750 1750I I Maple Ma PIe L J 1850 1 S15L25 1525 I Golden Oalcv Oak r 3oo2OO 3000 2000 000 1 1GoWen Golden Oak v 2100 15 1575 Golden Oak Oakm m 29 2900 O2300 2300 I Golden Oak 2700 2700 SlSOD JS03 I Golden GoldenO Oakv k ± LOO OO 1550 I Golden G ld en oak m SISOO ro 1 1490 90 Golden Oak 2500 w oo 1700 1 1Golden Golden Oak u 1SCO 1751 1275 Golden Oak Oakh h 3200 3200 2ipO I Golden Oak 82450 S24501f 1575 5 I Golden Oak 2200 2200 16 1G25 I Bureau B reau > I V Sale p Were Price Maplfe lra MapI pr Bureau 2650 2275 Golden Oak Bureau 2550 3550 2975 Golden Oak Bureau S1S50 19 19z z 0 1525 15 2 Golden Gol en Oak Bureau Bur e eu u 2300 L 1875 Golden Oak Bureau 1700 1700 1540 1540 Golden Qak Bureau Bure au 1750 1750 1295 Golden Oak Oib ak Bureau 1550 1550 ISD O 1350 1351 Golden Oak Bureau 1iOO 1TCO 10125 14i5 Golden Oak Oa k Bureau Bur au auu u 14100 OO1075 31075 Golden Oak Bureau u 1200 1000 Golden Oak Bureau 1450 14 u 1175 11 75 Golden qolden Oak Bureau B reau 1600 l2w 1275 Golden Oak Bureau 1450 1450 1295 295 Golden Oak Bureau 1575 1350 Golden Gold n Oak Bureau 1900 19 00 1575 la 75 Golden GOlde1 Oa Oak k Bureau 32050 2050 SO 511775 31175 1 I Golden Oa Oak k Bureau 2350 19C 1900 1 1Golde I Golden Oak Bureau 1800 1500 Golden Oak OalcBure2 Bureau a 1800 1575 Golden Oak OakB Bureau reau1400 1400 11 11a a Goldeir Oak Bureau BfUeau1375 1375 1050 Golden Oak Bureau 975 9 i75 775 Golden Oalt Bureau 950795 950 795 I Golden Oak 0a1 Bureau Bureau1000 1000 K 850 Golden GOl e n Oak oa kBu Bureau rea u 1 1650 6 11a 1175 Golden Oak Bureau 380 850 50 0 7 775 Golden Oak Bureau S1500 1500 1275 1 Golden Oak Bureau O150 845 Golden Oak Bureau JiLOO fl00 lOO 3075 975 Golden Oak Bureau 1300 1035 Golden Oak Bureau Bu1eaultoo 1100 31075 1075 Golden Oak Bureau 1050 1050 925 025 Mahogany Iahosan Inlay Inla moo 9000 fi500 Mahogany Mah gan 12000 12000 lffiOO 10500 Mahogany 3600 2950 Birch S3500 is00 2975 Birch 4050 32 33250 50 Toilet TOiletTables Tables 4 l 5 S Sale Sale ale V Werff Vre Ver PrIce Golden Oak 2700 2700 2200 Golden Oakh Oak h 2900 2900 2475 Golden Golden Oak 3S 2550 o 2150 ZI 50 Golden Oak 1400 1075 Golden GoldenOak Oak 1050 1050 375 8i Golden Oak T 51300 9 3990 Golden Oak SUCO 1L00 S25 33 25 J Golden Oak = 41450 1451 1200 Golden Oak S9GO 900 9 00 38 OO Golden Oak 1100 OO 880 380 RI Golden Oak r S19 1950 19 50 1550 15i0 Golden Oak i 2650 2650 2175 i BBS Golden Oak moo 2300 L00 1875 175 Golden Oak OakV 750 750 500 Golden Oak Oaku u > u 1100 1100 900 900 Golden Oak 100 1300 1L75 Golden Oak 825 325 725 725 Golden Oak 3500 600 500 Hetal Beds Sale S Were Price Black and Brass Bed Bed1700 1700 1325 1225 Black and Brass Bed 2900 2900 S22 32275 75 Black and Brass Bed Bed28oo 2800 400 Blue and White Bed Bed1650 1650 1250 Blue and White Whit Bed BcdS1S00 51SCO 1400 White and andB Brass rass Bed Bed1550 S15 1550 50 roOO 1100 Whi White te and Brass Bed Bed875 SS75 i50 White Enamel Enam e1 Bed Bed325 u 825 825 6 675 5 White Enamel Bed Bedm m 900 900 500 White Enamel Bed 550 550 125 125 White Enamel Bed Bedu u 450 50 350 5O White Enamel Bed SSOtt 33J 350 White W ite Enamel Bed 550 50 375 LTh f 1 OPENING DISPLAY OF MATTINGS M m ING l Ik T i I Remodeling ReIIlode l nga Sale le Prices prevail in in the the Mattings as Wnag well as other goods Of course our import orders 0 were placed pl aced b before e ore we W e ha had dthought thought of f making the th improvements inlprOveme n s here hPr hereand and the goods go ds dsc c are a now owin in in and andhav have e r got to be sold out along with everything else on the same price prIce basis Fancy China flatting in a variety varl t i 1 of colors colorspla1dand colorsplaId plaid and stripe effects 15 i cho choice ice patterns to select Q i fV rt i from Regular value 20cL 20c 4 92 Jf yard ar 1 Special 40 yd rolls Q < > Fancy Chinese Matting in pretty prett colors and stripes check and plaid effects An elegant Mat p p ting vorth 30c 3 yd Special Cp 5 = 15 15ting I = 40 yd rolls r r o A < J Extra E xtra China Matting 11a tueg Yeyservcc very r czy service ¬ able in pretty prettyneWCITects new effects ffeets < > t 0 i ff I Worth yard rolls 40c yd Special H 40 404 > J 0 JJr II Bl 00 007orth B a Very heavy 1cnVYdOUbIC double China C I1Ina Matting i with the same designs and colors co1or as 1 1wIth the 50c Matting attl eg in red blue b lue fVp3 r C gold and an green in m plaids 2 5 5C checks and stripes strI e5 Special I II RuQ Reduct Reducflons i I c 20 Smyrna Rugs Fu ss size 30 i g by 22510 QQ < 60 to in Reduced from P 1 25 I Sue 3 by b 6 Gfeet feet Re 2 15 f duced ducedfrom from 5350 35 350 to c 12 Moravian Smyrna G > ty 7 Rugs size 8 by b 11 ft tG 6 in 4J B 15 15RUgs Reduced Red ced from 11 to a IS Velvet Ye l et Rugs size 27 21 by 54 Inch Reduced from roan 105 2 to 10 French Brussels RugsseamltSs Rugs seamless SiZO6 size C itS In by 10 loft ft 5 5mo < n to in u Reduced from 1250 l25 125o9 < 0 0 75 75in 6 Seamless sea mless Brussels S Rugs size 9 P by 12 it fts > 1 4 95 95Rugs Reduced from 20 i to Fattcr BahC China Matting in 8 8c R4C c Z stripes and plaids Special 8 patterns patt rM in Japanese Matting in qualities that sole S I IC IUP C UP up to 75c r > n t le r C I yard While they the last ws W J f 2 2 have marked them themuu uu < Tap Japanese an se Cotton Warp Matting Ma tlng fine close weave weaVei weave3 > S > pretty J rett3 pat r j C terns to select from Worth 2 O OC 30a 30 < yd d Special per yd I Japanese J JV V apanese Cotton Warp > Mattings dou ¬ ble dyed with pretty pret inserted figures fi res fects in a large var Ya variety ri iety ts o of de de t > Ff f C signs signsm in red blue green and bt Jf 5 5C gold Special per pe yd Japanese Coton Warp Mattings dou ¬ = ble dyed with prettyinsterted retty riSterte < figures j A Matting suitable and pretty j n j F rt r C for any room Special pecia1 i per 2 2rt yard t1 i V I Refrigerator Refi gerator and Filter FiiterReductions Reductions I Refrigerators RefrigeratoISTo s To j Filters Worth Close To Tiled 7650 7650 1500 6 OO Worth Close Clo e i 1 Tiled 7200 O l00 Ellis u 1CIIJ LOO sns 511 THed 5400 5400 S4750 Standard Stan dard n S600 6 00 300 200 I Enamel1S75 Enamel 1S75 1500 Enamel 3150 2Sw nss Standard u 500 50Q a 0G 0G32z 32z 50 0 Zin zinc 187515J 1875 18 75 15 00 O Polar p01a r 1500 315 15 = 00 800 Zinc Huo Huo2t50 2t50 2950 3250 50 Electric 950 350 550 Zinc t3L75 3175 3750 2750 China < hin11 2200 OO 950 950 W I B 0 l NIOSLS 1il 1ilOS 1 OS E 5 SO SONS > N r rT rS T S 11 F STREET STREET 9 CORNER BLEVEN ELEVENTH fL < I 494 Painless V Extracting ExtractingI Extracti I j1j FREE FRE I I When Teeth Are Ordered setofTeet Set of Teeth h1 gz O 00 0 Gold GOJdCro Go1dCrovns Crowns Tn sr V 5 iA 11 Bridgeworkj < j Until April 15th 10 per cent discount on i I all work contracted contractedfor for Terms to suit Now Now1s is the theti1C time you can have your work fitished at your own convenience e Pattons Union Dental Parlors ParlorsJ J 910 I F Street StcctN IT W I w I I S I t 0 etlre01ent1 0 i I 1 I 1i I 11 6J Sale ail e t I I I IStumph Stumph Lyford t 631 to 639 Massachusetts i f V Avenue I I S f a 0 0 0 t C O + 0 0 00 a oG 0 0 + isae New USCO N t Scuvenir Sr uvenir Cuff Buttons I t 25 25Cpair C pair j I A AMST fi16kiSTER 9 t 199IiOl Pa Ave ve 1 I Under National NaUonalHotel Hotel o4 C e + + + I n I Beef Wine and Iron lroiiits25o EJS tS25 25c 0 I A A good spring sp1in tonic Regular I price 50c I Iprice I ODonrieliT 0 DOnnells s Drug D rug Stores I 904 F st st3d 3d st and an Pa ave aYese se I 32d 32dandM and M 1L flAINTING AIMING TIME n Let us supply the paints ri SherwinAVililams Oils and Brushes or Varnishes Phone l llO ne Main 711 ilL JTWALKER J T WALKER VALIERSONS SONS f 204 Tenth St o I TIMES WANT ADS BRING RESULTS DOLL n oiEi j racea raceaJS Jrs JS g YS r y yf f r BATH AnpTT i JLJL I Wilt i Ii Be the Second Subject oi o oi the Series of > i S Frame d Pictures to L Be Given Away t FREE WITH NEXT SUNDAYS TinES APRIL 9 fl f Z I I l I i gi j ft ftv v g i 4i p1 2 r j1 t J 4 5 5 1 L V i i I j 5 S 1L L i I r F r r L r t tS S 7 5 Vs k a s k c 1 3 i V S 5 I r rSS4 SS4 i l t ti i 5 7 I u k bi t Ii t i t I V The most interesting subject ever presented by a Is news ¬ i paper laperDelights Delights tIle old and nel young Y01111gan an o ornament rnament to th the j S h home lle Its YOU yours s with your copy co of next Sundays S Times Ti11ies 1 u V V V