r J
Interest InterestillDoings Inter estlliDo inDoings < ngsofFofiller of ofForluer Former
Fort Myer Troopers
Fifteenth FifteenthCavalry Cavalry Now a at t Fort Ethan I
Allen AIlenat at Outs With afhcers Officers fficersIn In ¬
vestigation Begun Be gun j
i Army Arm circles in Washington are much
exercised over the progress of the in ¬
quiry ordered at t Fort Ethan Allen Vt
into the th causes of the recent mu
tenuous conduct of two companies of the
Fifteenth F1tte nth Cavalry which was until a 4
few months ago stationed at Fort Myer M er
Theinquiry is being conducted conduct d by a de ¬
tail tailapp appointed lnted by b Col 1Y W M Wallace
and andconsisting consisting of Major John C Gres
liam Fifteen Fifteenth rifteenthCavnlrj th Cavalry Capt John
Conklin Artillery Corps COlPsand and Capt F J
Koester Fifteenth Cavalry y All the theIIlen men
Interested in the investiga InvesUgatIonare afloa tion are well w ll
known in Washington through their
services services at the Virginia post
A Troop Demoralized
The board of officers has been direct irect ¬
ed to investigate Inves tlgatethe the truthfulness of i
published statements stattmentsreflectingon reflecting on the
discipline and management managemento of Troops TroQ s
13 13and B and and I The The trouble started in Troop
B which Is commanded by First Lieut
George T Bowman and spread to
Troop Troo I
O or the fiftyfive 1lft fivemen men In Bowmans
troop only nl ten were in good standing
recently a all ll the others being rePorte reported
as as under arrest arrestor or absent without leave
Their comrades attribute this thiscondiUon condition
of affairs affairs to what they allege to be hars harsh h
treatment treittmentfrom from certain of their officers
Bowmans Record i
Lieutenant Bowman went into the
Spanish war as asacaptain a captain in the Sixty
fifth New York Volunteers His father
4s is Iaa a patrolman in Buffalo where he had
entered the State Guard Guar d In 1899 he went
to the Philippines until the volunteers
were mustered out out and afterward got
a asecondUeutenancy second lieutenancy in the th regulars
His Mends here think he may have bten b n
a little severe severe as a disciplinarian but
feel sure he hewlIl will be upheld by b his su u ¬
perior officers i
A A Carty Rodrick and C Burton Rod
ric rick r1ckbroL k brothers ers of the late Walter F
Rodrick k today filed a petition I etiUon Jn the
Probate Court asking that the wIllo will of
th the deceased be b admitted to probate
The petiiion was presented by Messrs
Barksdnle Wilso Wilson n It is stated that
firs Mrs 1rs Mary Marr E Rodrick Rodrick and Mrs Mrs Mott L
Rodrick mother mo ther and wife respectively
of the deceased and his brothers and l
sisters waive notice of citation and con ¬
sent to the issue of letters of adminis ¬
tration tratlonto to the petitioners who are are named l
as executors In the thew1ll will
The Thectate estate Is valued at 41000 41000 and is
encumbered encumbered by debts of the deceased deceasedag ag ag ¬
gregating gregatingabout about 10500 10500
E Francis Riggs has purchased valu ¬
able real estate having a frontage rontageof of
the entire west side of Thirteenth street
between betweenliIassachusetts Massachusetts avenue and M 1
tr street It Is described in the deed of
conveyance which is made by John W
Pilling and his wife Elizabeth C Pill ¬
ing as lots 4 45 o 5 6 13 14 and 15 in sub ¬
division of part of ofsquare square 24G which whIc h hls is a
J triangle bounded by Massachusetts ave ave ¬
nue M and Thirteenth streets str ets The
consideration named is 10 Lots 13 14
and 15 are improved b by premises 1130
Thirteenth street and lot 4 is improved
Tjy premises 1301 M street
Joseph Williams 39 and Charlotte E
Gines 33
James P Beall 26 and Mollie G Wen ¬
dell del 21 21
William R Kin King K1ng25 g 23 5 and Constance Co nstance M
Mellan 1 19
Morgan organ F Mount fount 34 34 4 of ofHot Hot Springs
Ark and Laura H lL T Pugh 30 3IJofthe of the
District of Columbia
The Pennsylvania P Railroad
AtlantlcCity Atlantic itic City Special makes make51ts Its first trip tr1
from Washington April 36th 1 th 110 p m
and and returning r leaves Atlantic City April
17th at it 215 p m to to run daily except
Sunday Vestibuled train of ugh class
coaches and Pullman parlor cars Buf ¬
fet through thro gh without change In both
directions via the tl th Bridge Route nouteAdv Adv
Youll You ll Know
when you you get the gr grIp ip but you youwont wont
know how It happened happenedno no one does
You wont wontcarc care You will be too mis ¬
erable But you w1llbe will be Intensely in tensely inter ¬
ested in how to get rid of o It It
How to stop those cold chills from
chasing up and down the spine the In ¬
cessant pains in the limbs and back
nausea coughing fits sneezing dis ¬
charge from the eyes and nose muscular
pains and that brainwracking bralnwracklnghead head ¬
The best treatmen t known for this
dreadful dreadfulafflictlon affliction Is
Dr Miles Nervine
Dr Miles Nervine cures cure by building
up the nervous nervrH l system and destroying
the germs which w ikh poison the blood If
taken when first firsts symptoms mptoms appear is al ¬
most mo t a sure preventative
I suffered several weeks with Grip
and nothing I took seemed to benefit me
I suffered almost death until I tried Dr
Miles Restorative Nervine From the
first firstda day I felt better It relieved my
misery and pain and gave me an appe ¬
tite and in a aewdays few days I had fully re ¬
covered coveredMRS MRS GEO B HALL HALL149 143 Lee
St Jackson Tenn
The first bottle will benefit If not the I
1 druggist will return your our money I
Only 200 Cash Balance 20 Monthly Mont h1Y
A twostor twostory y and cellar brick dwelling w with ith first story of stone
containing 6 rooms modern tiled bathroom and reception hall in the
growing owingsection section of Mount Pleasant large front and rear yar yards ds fur ¬
nace heat built only two years ago the most complete compl te home in this fine
Remember it requires only X200 200 cash to purchase this home and
the balance of the principal may be paid 20 0 monthlv monthly House rents
for X2700 2750
Within one square of o f the car line
Gall and let us show you this desirable home Open for inspec Inspec ¬
913 G Street N W Wm m
These e se Attractive Homes
1408 and 1445 Pennsylvania Avenue S E E
f 1409 1411 1431 Georgia Oeor ia Avenue S E
Six ooms and bath furnace heat and
OIA JVWiJJJ r rooms CIJIU Utllll 1U111ULO UOUl UOUlj j gas Ui OlIU gas ranges con
Crete cellar Pressed brick brickm marble rble steps and sills i
All new newhave have never been occupied d Moderate price Easy
I i i 4
i t Handsome an some New I i
j Hou Houses s 10000 I
tWas Was as hington In on f J
I t
i i itIeigbts 3 Heights j
T i 3 New exceptionally well wellf
J tbuilt 3 Built homes 11 rooms two I
i baths ba th S in in choicest residence sec i
T i i tion tho o south side CINCINNATI f
t tST ST between 19th 19th and 2Clh 1 I
f I streets Just Just being completed t
I Purchaser may se select lect decora deco ra j 1
j 3 3 tions and gas fixtures An unf un
i iiina usual l r chance hanrA in to huv buy n aREAL a REAL RPAI f
t a price pnce T
I t The Theb builders uiIder s name nameiS is a guar i j
T antee of quality No detail t I
I Islighted slighted slightedIn f slighted In section of hand j f
i + some residences Every con i
I venience of car service Let us j
+ show Q linw you vnii the flip advantages jr lvon taoTx n of f I t I
these houses They contain 11 I
i t trooms rooms TWO tiled baths are i
j i heated by steam and finely fin i
i ished Also in same 5ameblockfine block fine i l
I i new res residence idence 27 feet feet front 1
3 f fopen 3 open on ouaIl all sides 12 rooms 8 f J
I 3 + bedrooms 2 handsome bath f
rooms tastefu l decorations
a f fine gas as and ahdelectricfixtures electric fixtures i i
3 t texceptionally exceptionally nice home homej low i
I i iprice i price I
3 TheFH Smith C IDDanY 1 i I
i 1408 N Y Ave I
O t a
I IBuy III Buy Easter I I
Clothes Today 11 I
I IClothes
I When W You Can
Pay eli
I II I I T t i I
f ft t I
I iI I
I n S S I i
I 0 I
I nI m I I
I i I II
I V I i I
i k I
The more men are Impressed impressed
I with the importance or upto
I date apparel the more they I Idate
appreciate the success of o our our
efforts In providing them with
approved stylish clothes I
l Its a certain distinctiveness I IIts
aside from mere style that
makes mUkesour our clothes ClO thes sought soUg 11 t for or
I by DoubleBreasted Qouble discriminating = Breasted dressers S Sack ack orl l III
Suits SIO 10 to 25 c 5
I 1
We Will Trust You i
I Mayer Co Cose o 1 1 Seventh se seV 415417 V 4a54 n nt 17 St t 1 u
I m
t ° 1
An n Easter Offering Offeri r ng ngJ J
l Y Your our Copy of O OI I L J
f l
Tomorrows Easter
Sunday Times 1
Bigger Brighter Better Than The n Ever ver
r N r i
S SPEOIA PBCIAL Easter Magazine agaz ne Section S t n
ar articles artlclestlmely Ic es timely an and 4n In lncolor color with wia a
interesting p pro r o beautiful eauI front froil non t
fusely use illustrated page pagedesign a a design esI n drawn ra rawn i wn
with photographs exclusively exc usLV sively for or I
and an drawings The Times IIneS
t 5
A AMMore I More Clues s ues to o A > Framed Fr medRepro Repro ¬
the t he Location Locationof Locationofductionin 0 of duction ductionin in Colors Co ol olrs lors rs o f i
Hidden Money u The Spirit Spirito o of f 76
J < I
ohe Was Washington hington 1
Sunday Sun O 3VlllUlCLy i JT r day 1 A i T T Times 1 I 111 i mr Wo c
Features Fec Fe tures t
Magazine C 2
7 7
A Sunday Times reporter reportervIsl reporterntiary visits The Society How a wealthy Denver q I er soc social ial
T The Th he Washington
leader donned sombrero sombr sombreroa and 1pld nd short
tle West Virginia irginiaTimes penitentiary penite penitereporter ntiary and andk
k TX 1 J skirts trespassed on ongoldTproduc ongold goldproduc produc
Colony r 0 I onyat at chats with Machen Watson the Woman 13 n oman Who y tuO ho frig g property and stak staked d Jut put a a
Groffs and other erring children of minethereby eherebF ereby providing fu funds nds for
Moundsvi M oun d SVI lle 1 j e the District H J Jumped U m 1 1 P ed a Claim Cl 81m poor poo r boys t
A Remarkable Remar kable Sto Story of the theMorgan Morgan Smiths Smit s Little Stor Stories ies Some So e anecdotes that are are eboth both bothnew hoth new
Much 1 uch wanted d witnesses for the Nan Nfln and interesting of J Pierpont Mor ¬
Plight Pli bt From Patterson trial trialwho who traveled over ove oven r of 0 the gaD gan the Steel trust creatori cr creator at riwho who
half a continent baffling detectives detectives will celebrate his hIssixtyelghth sixtyeighth birth birth ¬
Justice Justrceand and eluding pursuit iri Morganizer M organIzer day dayonMonday on on Monday
¬ The Passing Passin Show Sh w wu u of ofweU well
A full fu il artists drawing drawingre re re a
After J1 fter < > The 1 he Easter ster Parade p llrade dressed men an and dwomen women womenwho who will
produced pro duced in color some some quaint facts fa9 P promenade romenade the fashionable streets
i Forf Forty R orty y and fallacies pertaining to the fes In Americas America S on on o n Easter Sunday Illustrate Iliustrated d by
i I photographs photogra phs phsof of Fifth Fifthavenue avenue Bit
I Days D ays tival of Easter Qreatest Cities tenhouse square Connecticut ave av ¬
5 nue etc
I How the cadets are are being trained tr lned
Hardening fIardeningtbe the under the new system s stem of of athletics Andrew Carnegie t tells llsof of the
recently introduced d Illustrated The Romance Pride Prideof of Profession Profession ProfessionfQundeven fQuriieven found even In
I Muscles at stwith with excellent photographs of the street sweepers and Ani l the heele element le1ne ineixt meat ntot of
crack polo team the guard mount of Labor imagination essentialio sentlaht successful i i
West 14 est Point the swimming swimm ing school fencing rid ¬ work worRo of ofany any kind
ing and other sports
Pt i Once Russian peasant e girl rl edu ¬
Two rtvoM6n Monarchs Monarc rchs hs Who ho A correspondent who whowasan was was an an eye eye ye ¬ From cated catedln in the slums slumsofLOpdohlater s lums of London later late r
I witness of the Maundy Thursday a cigarmaker in in an American fac fao
1 ceremony ce remony at Madrid Madrid describes descr ibes the the 14 Whitehall hltehall all tory now no brideelect bride brlae elect lect o ofan of an Airieri
Wash a h Paupers Pau auP auPo auPrs p o rs remarkable annual nnualperformance performance can canmilUonairesuch millionaire millionairesuch such Is the career
I that custom requires of the Eniper tO t Wealth ealth ealthof of Rose Pastor This story gives
ree Feet t In in P Pub11C u bl IC or of Austria and the King of Spain her view o of life
I I j 3
II > Tomorrows T olnorrows s
I Was W s hington Sun Sunday day + Times I
I L r r
Weather Prophet Plans Pl ns I
Stiff Game o of f Freeze FreezeOut Out
Cold Wave in the Deck for Palm Sunday
Bears the Western Trade Mark MarkDealer Dealer
Can Assign No Reason
Just as all the girls are getting ready
for for o Eas E Easter sterand ter and planning out the thecon con ¬
quests their new gowns w1llmake will make for
them uiem the the Weather Bureau sends out a
most distressing bulletin
Colder qolder tonight temperature near to
freezing point
That Is enou enough enou I h to make any girl mad
but the Weather Man persists that It
Isnt his fault and the most most one can can
do is to make the best of it it
Originated in West
A fussy cold wave got started out
West somewhere and follows the lead of
everybody else by making straight for
Washington Popularity with some
people and an d things is mighty good but
a cold wave waveon on the loth of April is some some ¬
thing Washington could do very Yer well
However by b way wayofassuaging of assuaging the
possible p ssible grief of the girls the Weather
Man lIansays says that after tomorrow the tem ¬
perature per ture will 111 moderate but he doesnt
say what may be expected in the way wa
ol warm arm weather for Easter
There will be a heavy frost tonight
and folks who have put th their kpalm palms
out believing that that winter was wusindeed indeed
past had best take tnkewnrnlng warning and bring
them in again for there isnt anything
Jack Frost lilcesbelterthan likes better than to totakerL take a
nip or two at a 1 precocious blossom or
stately palm
Beyond His Knowledge
The expected drop in temperature is
something for which the Weather B Bu ¬
reau gives no account a count Everybody Ev rybd
knows that after the the first of of Apr April il
things begin to look up pln in the weather
line and except for a nbrush brush or two of
wind every now now and then there is is
plenty of fine weather
But this year spring has been een back ¬
ward in incoming coming forward for ward as as it Itwere were were
and from rom the reports repor ts sent out today It l
looks as If winter is isdetermlne determined to hang
on as long as theres there s a chance
All kinds of rea reaso sons ns have been been as ¬
signe d for this state stnteo of affairs and some ¬
one was mean mean enough to aay ay athe the freeze l
is igposslbly possibly brought about through a a
meeting meetlngbe between tw een the warring wu r rin gf factions fict ions of
the Daughters of the American Revolu ¬
tion but surely that cannot be the case case
ALEXANDRIA Va April 15 15The The Th
board of o f police commissioners will meet
Wednesday night to elect successors to
Policemen James JamesL L Howson and Sam Sa m ¬
uel Ticer Ticer who vacate their positions on
May 1 incapacitated incapa citated for duty on account
pf f impa ired iredhealtl1 health health Among candidates
are Councilman Frank C Spinks Splnksex ex
Policemen F J J Garvey Garveyand and James C
Hall and E Jt RBoer Boyer James B Lucas
Raymond Smith S Sr r R R Reed Cl CW C W Bell
and William W V Cline
The remains of the late Mrs l1rsLilllan Lillian
M Ratc Ratcliffe liffe wife wifeo of Frank S Ratcllffe
a resident of D t Alexandria for many years
who died in Washington were brought
to this city todayIh today The funeral will take
place from Wheatleys moms rooms in King
street tomorrow afternoon at 2 oclock
The nine of the Episcopal High HlghS School hool
and that of ofilie the Locust Dale D Dale e Academy Acad Academy m
will cross bats on the high hlghschopl school s cho ol
grounds this afternoon afternoonAgood A goodgame good game ine is
expected Both nines ninesare are In line condi ¬
tion tion
Police Justice Caton is out of the city
There Thereh has s been no session of o t the police
court since Thursday It is Isexpected expected on
next Monday morning when w hen the thejustfce justice
will again hold court he will have a
large docket
In the corporation court Judge Louis
C Barley presiding the following busi ¬
ness was was transacted yesterday yest rday
A final decree was was entered en tered in the case
of oAlbert Albert R RDulam Dulany vs S William B Du
lany In c chancery
In the case of William Rogers vs the
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company a
verdict verdicto of 210 was rendered for the
Final bIn 1 decrees were entered in in the case
of orVlrgJnia Virginia S Hite vs Virginia VIrirlnl3K I K
Wharton Whart n and Empire State Realty Com l ¬
pang panyvs vs John W Beckley
Orlando H Daniels has h s brought from
the Mercantile Railway RallwayBuUdfng Building and
Loan Association a house and lot in
North Alfred street between Oran Orbnoko oko
and Eendleton streets
Mrs Emma T Roche has has purchased dd
from J J Bayne a lot of otgroundat ground at
the northeast corner corner of Queen and Co ¬
lumbus I um bus streets
Baltimore and Re Return turn turnB B 0 Hi R1 12
Saturday s and an d Sunday Ji25 125 All trains
both bP t11 ways was both days dl1 9 9S S except Gxce t Royal R Dyal
I Limited Hourly HourlySer Service ice week weeklays Jays