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The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, April 16, 1905, Image 1

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t c f e
t v 1
1 Clear Oearingan i ing Tomorrow n an d dcolder ro colder l fair r t today a r I fEntas a mam it fii ftiutou gtt1n iUttS iUttSFIVESECTION8 tmc rEIVE FlVESECTtONS SECT1ONS
= <
Chairman 4 4of of the Panama i 1
Commission Commissi n Assures
Traffic Managers
i t
Holds in n Hands a 1ds Key to the
Transcontinental Tar iff
Railroad rate regulation of a a drastic
L nature at least so far as it it affects
transcontinental business b sl ess will be in
the power of the Government after
next Monday lIo nda This Th s power according
to toCha Chairman Cha1rr ir an Shonts of the Panama
Canal Commission will wHlnot not however
be b exercised
Mr rr Shonts and the members of the
commission will go to New ew York Mon Ion ¬
day and attend the reorganization
meeting mee ting of the Panama Railroad Com ¬
pany piul On the strength of the Govern Goyp Gov rn h ¬
ment control co ntrol of o tthe the railroad they will
be b members of the board of directors
and andlr Mr Shonts will become president
of the Panama railroad
In an interview yesterday afternoon
I ivir Shonts was wa asked what action
would be taken at the meeting and
whether Whethernew new rate schedules sc hedules would be
a proposed the ex existence istence of which whichwould would
force down the the competing rates of
trunk lines across the Continent
Will N Not t Enter En ter Competition Compe tition
You may mt say s ay positively said Mr
Shonts that the Governments owner ¬
ship of the Panama Pa mma line will in no way
affect the business busIne ss sso of o f fra railroads ra railr 1lr oads a ds in the
United States The Government Goyernmenthas has
F taken over the Panama > railroad as a
means m n of assisting assisting in the construction constr t101i of
the canal not as an undertaking In Ihcom com ¬
petition with the railroads 1l l1rohds l1rohdsof of this coun co n n ¬
try tr
1 do not think the rates nt t present pres nt
charged On general merchandise lnerc l1an lse for the
transisthmian transIsthnllanhaul haul will w i lbe be altered altered alteredTh The Th
Government doesnt doesntpropos propose tp to run the
railroad rallrpa in opposition oppositl < n to systems s stems own
dPrlvatelYinJhe ed ki privatelyrin r1vateIy1rtthe the Un United ited States
I The control of the line however howcer
places in the t 1ehandsof hands of the Government Gov rnment
a powerful instrument which could be
used USedat at any iny time to t1orce t force down trans ¬
continental c Uncntalrates rates Jn 1rlcas case cas they s should shou ld be ¬
come comeexorbtant exorbitant No o such suchac action tlon as pres ¬
eat nt seems necessary neces ary
Sets Question at Rest
This statement state stateih ih ihentcomlng entcomlng coming tromone from one who
is 1spr proba obahlycloser bly closer than any anyone one in
Washington to President Roosevelts
canalpolicy apparently apparentljsets sets at rest the
apprehension of the railroad interests
that that4e heavy vy cuts culsin in rates on tho th Isthmus
are arec contemplated n tpmplated Representatives Represen ta thT of f
the lines that would have ha ham been be < n irrected affected
have been in W Washington shlngton for to the past
two weeks weekssufferingapparehtiy suffering apparently from
little less les s than a a panic
These representatives pointed out ut that
the present charge lmrgeper per ton from Colon
to Panama could be cut cutin in half h lr and still
maintain a profitable profifubleoperation operation of the
railroad After July 12 the thePnclfic Pacific Mail
Steamship Steams hip Company monopoly of the
railroad business from Panama to San
Francisco will cease c cease ase the present con ¬
tract expiring expIrIngon on that date
With lines now owned by b the com com ¬
pany and cyutemplated by the Govern ¬
ment the lat la1er ter will soon be prepared
to accept general shipments from New
York to San Francisco via the th isthmus
and when therallroad the railroad is double tracked
the route will sustain a heavy volume of
Tra Traffic ffic Men Afraid
The traffic men were wer afraid the Gov ¬
ernment might handle such freight at
the rate of about 4 4 a ton whereas the
average rate from New NewYork York to San
I Francisco overland is now about 9 a
Mr Shonts was as asked ked if Joseph L L
Bristow who was appointed by bj the
President resldenta a special commissioner to in ¬
quire uIre into the rate proposition would
appear at the directors meeting Mon ¬
A day Mr 1 Ir Shonts said lie didnt know
Mr BrIstow returned here from a a Jour ¬
ney ne of Inquiry to Panama and San
Francisco a few days ago and his find ¬
ings have ha e been communicated to toSec Sec ¬
retary retarylaft Taft and the thecommlsslon commission What ¬
ever action could be taken by the Gov ¬
ernment ernmenton on his report would have to be
voiced through the board of directors of
the Panama Railroad Company Comp ompny ny
an address before the African Mctho ¬
dis t Episcopal conference today the
Rev I W V L L Roundtree who spoke on
State and Country said that Presi Pre I ¬
dent Roosevelt was square in his deal ¬
ings j gs to all citizens and is to the negro
race the Lincoln of our times
Continuing he said i
4 The courage bravery and fairness
with which the President President has dealt with
the negro J1egroqucstIon questions has made him an
Ideal President Pre sident in ip the eyes of the negro
race and all right rlglltthlnklng thinking people
SPRINGFIELD Ohio April 15 litThe The
contract was signed this afternoon by
the Peoples Heat Light and Power
Company for torthepurchascot the purchase of the light ¬
ing plant of o the Springfield Light and
Power Pow Company owned owne by the Amer ¬
lean icanRailwaya Railways Company of o Philadel ¬
p phl phia hia
The deed eedWJ1l will be passed next week
While the Peoples Company is incor ¬
porated p Oratefor rote < Ltor for 200000 200 OOO the consideration
for the th light plant > lant is s not1ven not given
Supreme Court So De D Dc ¬
cides in the tile Patter ¬
son on Case I
Many New N w Features FeaturesPawn Pawn awn ¬
broker Fails Fa ns to Identify
Pr isoner
NEW YORK YOBK April pnl 15 15LaW 15Lawyer Lawyer erLlm Lim
burger burg rlatt late this afternoon nfternoono obtained t lmda a
peremptory I er mptoryoraer order from Supreme Court
Justice Gaynor Ga rnor obliging bbllging District At ¬
torney Jerome to tosurrender surrender the otters
and andoth other property taken takenfro from n Mr and nd
Mrs rrs J Morgan Smith Sntllh In Cincinnati
after their arrest in the th Nan Patterson
case cas
Limburger ldeclares declares that this action
of the district attorney attorneis Is criminal crlmlnaland and
he heQcllecs believes he can canp punish nshhlm him for lar ¬
Nan Patterson will be put on trial trl l
for her he r life for the third time tomorrow j
before Recorder R corder Goff in general sessions
There will he many new features feat r rds sln In
the thecomingtd co coa coming a ming trial In one point Dolnthow how
ever there will be no difference dUerencefroni from
the last trial Pawnbroker Hyman
Stern failed to clear up the mystery m stE re ¬
garding the thepurc purchaser aser of therrvolyer the revolver
with which Cnesir aesr Young was waskl1ed killed
It Itwas was learned today toda on good good authority
that Stern failed to Identify IdentlyJ J Morgan Iorgan
Smith as the man m an who purchased the th
revolver from him hlni hlnion on the night before
the shooting
More Threats
Additional Addition lfacts facts may maYbe be presented to
the jury ju by Assistant District At ¬
torney Rand tending to show that Nan
Patterson was wasSUlltjof guilty of the murder murdernf of
Young These Thes facts it Is said have
been gleaned from the letters and nd other
papers belonging b onglng to Smith and andhfuwie his wife
who is Nan Pattersons Pat rs ns sister sis ter that thatwcre were
seized seIze d In Cincinnati ln lnnaU by b Assistant Asfstant Dis ¬
trict Attorney AttorneyGar Garvan anbutWhIcJt but which must mus
Do now nowthe be egiy egiyn given n up L
in the letters were found cons consider ider ¬
able material niaterlal that the prosecutfon pros cu tIonco don con 1 ¬
siders Of considerable importance imp rtance and
which are expected to give glyeaditferent a different
complexion c mplexon to tile Uiecomin coming g trial
Getting a Jury
In view of what wh t has been learned it is
the current belief In the thedlstrIct district attor ¬
neys office that Nan Patterson Patt rson will not
take ths th witness stand In her own de ¬
Considerable time will be consumed
in the selection of ofa a jury It is expected
that at least l a t a week will be used in
getting twelve men menln in the jury box who
have not formed an opinion oplnlonns as to tho
merits of the case A special panel of
100 lOt talesmen has been ordered to be in
court on Monday lIondaA A second panel will
be necessary in all probability before
the jury is complete
Signor Des Planches Guest of the
Colony of Valdes Burke County
North Carolina
CHARLOTTE N C April ID 15Slgnor Signer
Des Planches the Italian Ambassador
made an official visit to the Italian col ¬
cay In Valdes Burke county this after ¬
noon no nA A mass meeting was held in the
new n wchurch church erected by the colonists
The ambassador made a felicltious
speech which was responded to by the
colony colon
M lL V Richards land and industrial industrial
agent of the Southern Railway also ad ¬
dressed the colonists Signer Planches
is making a tour of the South studying stud lng
conditions with the view of establish ¬
ing Italian settlements
MEMPHIS Tenn April 15 IliThree Three peo
pIe were killed and three others in ¬
jured two of them seriously In an i I
explosion which wrecked a portion of 01 r
the town to710t of Trenton Tenn today
The dead are
JOHN ARNOLD of Crockett county
The injured are John JohnKPearce K Pearce
Klopp Tom Jones colored
Pearce and Jones are both seriously 1
if not fatally hurt
The Thecuuse cause of the explos explosion ion was thu
shooting of a rifle near the
where a large amount of powder wa
Funeral services serv es will be held over the e
remains of WIlliam 1Ham E Tinney sixty sixt y
years old of cj t this thlsclty city Monday at at3 3
p m from the undertaking establish ¬
mont mentot of Joseph Jos ph A Repetti The inter ¬
ment will be In the Congressional l Cem ¬
Mr lIrTInney Tinney was for many years cars a tel ¬
egraph operator in the service servlceo of the
Western 4 Union Mrs Tinney rlnne died a r
short time aRi U l Miss Florence Tinney
who llv l1vs s sln in Sharon Hill Pa a daugh ¬
ter survive him
Mr Tinney was prominent InMasonic in Masonic
circles and his funeral will be attended
by a large number of Masons
Warns All Reporters RelJOrters to
Leave Him Alone
Temporary Seat of of Government GOy Gover iiieiit nent Is I I
Nov Now at a t Glenwood SpringsfBear
Cub Turned Loose
15 15ThiS This has in its turn become the
temporary seat of the Federal Federal govern ¬
meat men t
Secretary Loeb with vithhls his office force
has has establishe d himself at at the Colora ¬
do Hotelandwm Hotel and will here receive Iec lve and
answer all mail addressed to the he Chief
Meanwhile 1eam vhilePresldent President Roosevelt is mak ¬
ing himself hirnselfathome at home at Camp CaropNo No 1
about twentythree e miles southwest of
Nowcastle a little town twelve miles
northwest n orthwest of this place
This morning the departure of his
troop of mounted men and hounds and
guides made a picturesque spectacle as
it ltwoundalongthe wound along the trail on the side of
the mountain opposite Newcastle Be ¬
side sid the four tourorfiye or five hundred natives a
large number of Denver newspaper and
railroad ral1roadmcn men witnessed his departure
He is treated with unwelcome visits
from overenterprising reporters He
has given all ample warning should
tile they meet mcetwlth with hardships along the trail t ail
it will be their own fault
Shakes Hands With Natives
The native population is disposed to
leave him to enjoy his vacation
He shook hands this morning with
most of them Although they were dis ¬
appointed a polnted because he did < not afford
them ah an exhibition of broncho busting
they voted oted him a goodfellow and wish ¬
ed him a asuccessul a successful hunt
A rancher brought to town a ragged
looking black bear cub tried to get Jake
Borah his guide to purchase and then
turn it loose for the President to chase
and shoot Naturally the offer was de ¬
In fact the danger to the hunt is that
It is yet early in the season and the
ancient and wily bruin the one who
can c rin afford the most sport is in all prob ¬
ability still holed hoiedup up In the snow in
these the canyons where the snow still lies lIe
from ten to fifty feet deep and can only
be reached reach cd by digging
Incidentally Incldentall it is well to know cnow that
Mr Roosevelt Roosev lt is not going to totalce take any
daring chances in this hunt la spite of
lurid stories that he heis is going to kill the
bears ears with a hunting knife he actually
took with him a aritle rifle and a heavy revol
ver vert t and andwlU will rely upon these to bring
down the game
Hounds With the Party
1 The party also has with It about twen ¬
ty hounds big husky brutes who look
as though they could cOUldg give give fyc a good ac
count of themselves In an anen endou en juiter hter
w with ith almost any kind of animal il If the
bears fall to appear the hunt will be
devoted to hob hobcats cats and lynxes
Entire Town Greets
Arrival of President
NEWCASTLE Col COI April 15 15This This
town where the President this morn
ing disembarked for hi his hunting trip is
I only a mountain hamlet of 400 people
al of whom hom were at the station when
the train pulled in at 830 oclock
The women and children had on their
best gowns A number of small boys
were mounted on burros burrosvith wlth ith red redwhite white >
i and blue ribbon from forelock to tall
l The men mcn with the exception of a few
Grand Army veterans were were In every ¬
day attire I
The horses which the thePresideet President c is to
Continued Co Un ued on Second Page Pagel
If If13eateuLearn liBeaten Beaten Learn It Through ThrOllo 0 h
One Is Not Expected by Naval
Strat Strategists gists for a Few
PARIS April 15 15The The Ec Echo ho de Paris
today toda prints the message which Admiral
Rogestvensky Rogestven kj is reported to have sent
before leaving Nossi Be an island off
the coast of Madagascar oerore ucrorestart start ¬
InS for the Far East in which he an ¬
nounced that he would maKe ma e no nour fur ¬
ther report until after a abattl battle had been
fought The message is laconic but elo do ¬
quent It says sa s
I i will not telegraph again before bat ¬
tle If I 1 arn amheaten beaten you will learn it
through Togo If I defeat him I will
announce it to you
No General Engagement
Expected for fora a Few Days
LONDON April 1C lGUp Up to an early
hour this morning absolutely no news
had been beenrecelyed received from the opposing
fleets in Far Eastern waters and the
belief Is IsgrowlnS growing that there will be no
I general engagement for some few days
at least
This fact is urged by naval strate ¬
gists who profess to have discussed the
mutter with Japanese naval experts
and is said to be due to the desire of
Admiral Togo not to risk his fleet
against the Russian batleships unless
absolutely a solutcly compelled so to do Inciden
taly it is stated statc that If RogeslvensKy
shows a desire to sail direct to Vladivo ¬
stok he will be permitted to reach there
without having to fight the main Japa ¬
nese fleet
With the Ruslan admiral a mlral In the hal ¬
bor at Vladivostok Togo would resume
the tactics he so thoroughly carried out
at Port Arthur and would try tr to pen
him up in the harbor until siege guns
could be mounted on land and placed
where they could be directed directedagainst against
the Russian fleet in the harbor By this
method the Japanese could retain con ¬
trol of ofthe the sea and their lines of com ¬
munication In Manchuria would be safe
LONDON LON DONi April 1C lGReynolds Reynolds news ¬
paper states that the war office has is ¬
sued sue li lian an order that the th Irish Irls Guards
Band which Is i just about to visit To
onton shall not be permitted to visit
the United States
This action Is i taken because It is fear ¬
ed the band btuldmightpartlclpate might participate In Indem dem ¬
onstrations that would result in friction
between the th United States and Great
I Britain
Diamond Lizz ie Taken IntoCusto Into Custody y
in Connection With Tenderloin
Murder of Roy Joyce J oy c
NEW YORK April 15 l 15LizzIe Lizzie Llzz le Fitzger ¬
ald al known as Diamond Lizzie sup s p
opsed to be the woman wo ni nin n In in the case
over whom the fight occurred in Tobys
Cafe a few days ago which led to the
murder of oRoy Roy Joyce was arrested arreste to ¬
day at her home 224 West est Fortysixth Forty sixth
street trcet and held as a witness In the he case
The arrest was namade made by b Detective
Wood and was not w without ithout some excit ¬
ing circumstances The woman learned
that the thed detective te tlve was after her and
tried to escape by descending a lire
escape from her room clad In a suit of
silken pajamas Thfc Th detective d tcClVC who
had broken into the room rooin room reached the
window Just In time to draw drawback c back the
woman as she was about tofUsappear to Usappear
from sight
Detective Wood W00 Voodclalms claims claIrn that much
light will be thrown on the theJoycemuraer Joyce murder
through tile arrest of the woman w oman Wood
alleges that she said she luvi htigcome come to
New York from Chicago a year ye9rago ago
with the man known as Reddy Red who
is now under arrest in connection with
the murder She broke off with the
man as the detective alleges because
she grew tired of pawning pawning1ewelry Jewelry to
support him They met on the Uie night of
the murder In Tobys lobysCafeand Cafe and the th
s stabbing affray folowed
Lizzie Reddy Redd another man man and
two other women who are under arrest
were all arraigned today toda in InJetcersori Jefferson
market police court
TITUSVILLE Pa April 15 15Flre Fire
broke brok out In the Marcus Beebee Sons
tannery ta nner situated In th the west end endot of the
city at 310 oclock this afternoon aft rnoQn
The loss Is estlmatea est1mat 1at at 300000 3 OOOfull fully full
Insured Thjs lhl This Is one of the largest tan ¬
neries nere in in1he the world
Report That CourtMartial Court Martial Refuses to
Consider Circumstantial Circums tantial Evidence
in Chandler Case
NORFOLK Neb April 15 l5There There is a
report that the courtmartial which whichha has
been sitting at Fort NIobrara Nlobr ra Nebras Nebraska Nebraska ka
in the case of Capt George W Y Yo o Hirk irk
man manU TJ S SA A has reached a verdict ex ¬
onerating oneratlngblm him
l The case has been one of the most
sensational s nsa onal in in the army in recent years
Capta Cupt in n Kirkman was accused on three
The rhes second c < mdcharge charge concerned his rela reI 30 ¬
tions Uonsto ti 9iis to Mrs frs Chandler wife of Lieu ¬
tenant t imntChan Chandler ler It Itwas was alleged that
while wh while ie Chandler was away awaan an affair de de ¬
veloped between Kirkman KIrkmunt und nd Mrs frs
Chandler Chn ndl r to the scandal of o the J post ostand ost and
the disgrace of both
When Vh n Chandler Chan lerreturned returned he learned
the truth a and nd filed a divorce suit Soon
afterward Mrs lrs Chandler went away a way and
committed suicide
On the count involving this affair fair it
is i reported that the court decl declined ined to
accept ccept any circumstantial evidence cvldenceand and
returned returll d a verdict of not guilty
On 0 a gambling charge a verdict of
guilty guilt Issnld is said to have been reached but
even if guilty gullt the penalty pen lty of dismissal
t from the service cannot be Inflicted
A Alexander exa ller Bowersox a farmers assist as sist ¬
ant WBK plowing a field in Brunswick
township tcwnshl he overturned an old stump
I Iunder under which was found oundan an iron box con ¬
taining a large number of Spanish gold
I coins The treasure Is said I to be worth 5400 400
and had probably lain in its hiding p place lace
for seventylive sevcnt ihe years
i OF THE lit nA R
77 1 J
illHe The he Continenta l Chapter
fI71ost Slostof Host of Big Gathering
at atEbbittHQuse Ebbitt House
Top TOQFev Few of o f Na National tional Boar d
to TakeAction Take Action ActionMeet Meet ¬
ings Begin Tomorrow
At 10 oclock tomorrow morning tha
Fourteenth Fourteenth Congress of the National N ti nal So So ¬
ciety cletYof of the Daughters of the American AIUerican
Revolution w will ill go into session n The
gavel iavelot of President General Fairbanks
will fall aUandfrom and from then until untllSaturday Saturday
the delegates de legates to lOtheCOU the congress CS3 will occupy
the attention of the National Capital <
From romevcI every corner of the United
States Stat representa rcpresentalhe tive women womenne are ar gath ¬
ered E ed together to carry on on the wor w work rk k of
commemoration of the heroes who gave
their all to found Z nnd the great Republic of
the Western Wes emHemlspher Hemisphere and all Wash Was J ¬
ington will accord them the same
hearty welcome that has been the thelrstor theIrs irs for
the past thirteen years ears
For the first time In in the history of the
National organization orgarilZationthe orga isation the Daughters
will have a home homeo of the the fr r Own Here ¬
tOtem totorethe they have held their congresses
In Inhlre h hired ire d halls and theaters thea terJ but tomor ¬
row r ow morning they ihe will wmassembie assemble in Con ¬
tinental Hall Hall on oIlSaveu Seventeenth Seven teen teenth thstreet street the
corner c orner store of o which vhfchwas was laid last
year e r and dwJth w wIth ith proper exercises exerc es will ded ¬
icate it it
The program rogram
Tomorrow afternon ftern n nwill will be given
over to the regular work wifko of the Con ¬
gress gTesS gr ss and Tuesday nominations for foro out ffl ¬
cers c rs will will be bereceive received The Thtigreat great occa ¬
sion w will ill be on Wednesday ec when the
elections elec tions will talce place Great inter ¬
est is being b lng taken by the delegates and an d
their alternates alte rnatesfn in the choice of officers
a hdthree three candidates are In intheJ the field eld for or
the lliegreateslposlUon greatest position in the gift of the
nationalorga organization 1i tian that th t of of president
genera > en l 1
ibese These es candidates c cndk1a dida tes t s are Mrs Donald Mc
J Leair Mrs G Gen eaigre M MSternbe Sternberg and ana
Mrs Charles har1 s Warren Varr n iippitt dppitt iIpit The
many Daughters w who ho ho are areillrea already y in the f
city have shown more more interest in poli ¬
tics ticS than in anytnlng else and have
be b n busy night and day rbundim rOunding up
delegates dqegatesor for their favorites On Thurs ¬
day 1h the results of oithe the balloting ti will be be
a a 1ridunc imdunced ed
In Inpurstiance pursuance of ota 3 a resolution passed at t
last years Ye yedrs arssession session of ol othe he e congress congress there
will be no meeting 1 Q of the th congress congr Ss on o F Fl l ii
Good GoodFrldaj Friday
There were were several s yerat yeratm meetings m eUngso of coin g
mittees mltteeSandfcha andtehapters terS yesterday y sterday and last
night ight The national natH > l1alboar board d do o o of f manage anag J
ment held two meetings the Continen
tal taiChapter Chapter held a social s oc ocal al meeting at the
Ebbitt last night and Dr Anita New
combe comQeMc McGee Ge gave gave g ve a a lecture on on Japan
at t the New N w Willard Wlllardfor for the benefit of
the Continental Hall fund
Mortgage Goes Over
In the absence absenceof o f fa a sufficent number
to vote the national board of manage ¬
ment was as forced force d to adjourn again ag I Iyes yes ¬
terday afternoon without wlthouttaking taking action
on the theproposIU proposition n to mortgage mortgage the Con ¬
tinental Hall HaUfor for 100000 to carry on the
work of building
Under the laws of the organization
a two twothirds thirds vote of o the th 1 board oard is nec ¬
essary ess rj to carry the proposition and
when t the ebohr board 1 1cam came cam togeher t tbg g her her1or Vor the
second time yesterday Ye < terqa in the ttiehope hope of
deciding the question it was Was found that
the requisite number was not present presen
The matter was left unacted upon and
will wlllbe be taken up again this week
Whether it will Wlllgb go to the th new board
of management which will be elected
during the session of the Congress or
whether the present board will take tak
final finalacti6n action actl6n before retiring no one seems
to to know Great secrecy attends the
meetings of the board and only the
members themselves know what they the
do door or intend to do
At the meeting yesterday afternoon
Mrs 1ffS R RC C Adams was elected State
regent of Indian Territory Territory v
Annual Gathering Gath g
The red parlor of the Ebbitt House
was the scene scene last night of the th annual
social o ial gathering of otheContlnentcl the Continental
Chapter of the D A A R R which was
formed in this city cit eleven years ago last
night and a large Jargenumbe number r rof of Daughters
and their friends came came to congratulate
the members m n1bers of the chapter on its Its ts
eTevcnth ee nth anniversary an1lersa
Mrs Beach vice regent of the chap
ter preside The guest of honor was
Mrs Donald McLean McLean oneol one of the candi ¬
dates ates for president pr ldent general who made a
short address addr ss Mrs 1rs McLean McLeandtd did not
touch on business but spoke in glowing glowln
terms of the great benefit Continental
would WG d be to the national society socIet and
upon up < n the wonderful work that th t had been
done c cone one b by th the Daughters throughout the
country In collecting collectingthe the building fund fun d
After welcoming the guests Mrs
Beach told how the membership of ofthe the
Continental Co nqneUta1 Chapter had grown from
eleven to eighty eight since s ince itsorganiiatIon Its organization
The 15th of April said Mrs 1rs Beach
h his is always set aside for a social gath
ering rin of the chapter and its friends in
commemoration of the day of the c chap hap ¬
ters foundation
Last nights program consisted conslstedo of
humorous humorousreadings readings and recitations reclt t nsand arid ai
several vocal numbers Refreshments Refrcs hments
were wc re served at half past PastlO 10 and it was < wa S
I much later when the last guest depart ¬
i ed Childrens Meeting eeting
l il The Th e annual convention of 0 the Children Chnd en
of the American Revolution will open
at 4 oclock this afternoon when a pu pub pu b i ¬
luc lic patriotic atrIoueservieeiTeheTs service servIeewlll will be held heldlntlla la tha
Preacher Bo jJ Dodge dge ge StaQsL Stabs tab T
One of Qi QiHis c His Followers
Row RowWas Was Started by Oscar Johnsons Sweet
heart Becoming Becominglf1censed Incensed and Slap ¬
ping Minister M mister in the Face
I LEBANON LE ANqN Ind April 15 35The The Rev
Jchn J elm Dodge pastor of the Holiness
i Church here stabbed stabbed and seriously
I wounded ounded 5 Oscar Johnson a member of
I II his in progress congregation c while whileser serv serIces ices Ices were
I The congregation was was discussing
I I II whether Whlth er a colored COlO red man m an s should h O UId be b e al a 1 ¬
I II lowed to preach tomorrow and the thero ar ¬ 1 1lowel
I gument gumentwaxed waxed so warm that Miss ll ss
Mamie Chambers became Incensedat incensed at
the minister and slapped hlih m In the
face The preachers wife w He then then at ¬
tacked Miss nss Chambers ChrimbersandJohnson and Johnson
who hoJs hq is said to be Miss Chambers Clu ribers sweet ¬
heart hca came toher rescue The Thepreach preach ¬
er erthtn then drew his knifft and made for
Johnson n Before the latter could es ¬
cape eap Dodge plunged the blade into his
back Johnson was carried to ton a phy ¬
sicians siclanswhere where his injuries were pro ¬ j
nouncedserious flounced serious The Hew He Mr Dodge
was was released on bond

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