ii I t I 2 THE WASHINGTON l 1NGTON TIM1S S SUNDAY T JUNE JU E 18 L903 190 1O > said saldn a a grayhaired groyh lred gardener ga rdcner lea leaning ning upon u uponbin onhls his hoe and and rcsardn fcgar rega rdin n g The Times TImes repor reporter re Qrterwith ter with jcorn ear r Ii in his his eye ye U UAn An they theyt1ortt t1ortt dont come com e eup up u upSaratoga upSaratogachips p Saratoga a chips be be cause cau cause eth they they Y is ISro raisea I Clin in in a sL city CIt c ity Y garden blr den either e lthsr lth rlje lie ho added cIdcd f N Next i to t9 the u e potato p ttito in favor favor come to fiiatoes lm inatoes iO s end nd com corn or1 peas peas and an d beans boans and and some sQm some are are faithful falthf faithful f to t jhe t 1 delicately I scen scented sccntc ted l onion lonand and and andcabbage cabbage Possibly Possibly thera ther themnie xoxe ate > a a number num bex ber ot ofcity of city gardeners g rdeners vhi > who > would 0 IdViln 4 wlllingljr willinglyplant n glf plant I nt1ruit fruit fruit in their their > 1 lots IOt5r tvaterzne wa termelons t rri1elonsc lons ca caatalonpes ttaln atatonpes pes an and d ber ¬ What Wliac t the raair n an n with Wi thenoehas the hoe has accomplished In tnth the city c1tyga clt gardens tj tjens ens ries riesf If If Hhere t thera reirQjl1 aro sireV 4they ilfey e are re too wise wise of Wasjiington Was ngton In tfiis fh irgeh geiheration ra ontQ to to try rry ry it It on For Por Fo r while lithe th he neighbo neishbprs neigh o b rsmay irsay inl respect the the the 118 118 USlatdensoneeighth jjatdens Ar ardens oneeighth of an acre in size under underactualcuItiVatlon actual ll cultivation integrity in tegrit te t y pt 9 the thep pot potato toi to it is isa sah a hundred hundred nclfed 40 acres acres of f vacant vaca t lots promised ti tito to theOity the City Gardens Asso Assjpciation As ration fjOIl bY toone Shot hot that th t they w viotildsn Would btfld snatch tch up up owners ownersoruseascity for use as city gardens and ten times tl es that 1mio amount Uit 1lV available aa t unguarded unguar de ded d watein1 watermelon v aterinelon lon quicker q icker than th n Russ Russia ia would would take t Norway on on as as a now new Expenditures on 86 gardens ns for one year yea less time timfaridWQtk arid arid aridwart wart of i the the I hand hardof h nd of the frozen empire e if the powers city farmers farmers 71200 > > v = that that be be would would permit the thedlsturbance disturbance of o f Total T tal receipts flom from 86 gardens in one On year year215 2150 9 1 the balance balance o of f fpower power in in Europe One Net Netsrofits profits rofits to the city gardeners on 86 gardens garde i437 1437i V i man was foolish enough enough1o to try tr water ¬ melons melons melo 1s last spring but bu t he might m ight have A Ate Atierage eiSge cost ccst1 per > er garden 855 i = saved saved himself hims elf the time and trouble I Average AVmafevaIueof value of garden 25 v They Th Y did didnot not not even have a a chance c iance to get I va lue ripe Greatest value va tie of single garden garden 580 80 i I t i u I 0 v Few FewRo Robberies Eoblieries jjlicirles jjlicirlesj > A j 1 Ir 4I in the cit city next l1 xtto to the tumbledown tumbledown tumbI down anxious to interestthpse interest those men neIi an Jd < l we wc On C the ti whole Wh 61P howeverjihe hO howe verwt t a city gar gar l n negro negro shanties 5hariti which are arestllI still found men in in Washington who ivhoae are Wb wlilins to c lens flen e have Vbeen hen n pariicul part c jilfir l i ii iiree free ree front from fro froIIL IIL c crowding Ow ing close c c e t to handsome residences give sums sumsno no matter mat er bowsmalI how sme small ll for fpra for fi a theff heft One On cnrfortunateincidPnt Untortunateincld unfortunatKi c r < 2 nt occurred d J Jtare Rarely Rarelyare at iy are a ethese these vacant yacantlotskevtIn lots kept hi good gcodpract1c practica practical practicalwork l iW work work rk I It is Is Jsmp emphatica emphatical mp titai l ¬ in inUi the Southeas Southeas SQu theas t t Three Threet Thre e eschoo s sc schoo hoo oo t boys o orders or der Weediv We d grow man manhlsh high on them them l ly denied de nied that the th City CJ 7Gar GarJenAssocia Gar 3ers n = sso cia ia In In addition addition to these these gardens the City dens saw saw aV thelarge thelargeripe thc the theiilln iilln large gc ripe fpnatoe foa iatpes s hanging hanging o old tin cans and other kinds of rubbish tion Is a charity except exceptIn in that tl titheIps it it he helps ips On the the I Iii IiiGardens Gardens contrary profits have thic thick k ion On I i the vines and andtool took it it into their th lr are a IJ ar e cast cas t there How How ow much better it others to help themselves perhaps the Association has its through its been j exertions e > ertlcns caused cause d the the of astonishingly large It has been heats heads thattheycouIdreadHy that they could rea readily dily dilyeat eat a a few few y would w ould be b to have wellkept gardens in highest h ghest form orm of charity c but bttt It has bas not till bles In several ba back ck planting yards in George vegpta vegeta vegetaestimated ¬ estimated that the the outlay ann n anaer an average So I dozen If iLth they 1 had c1 the chance cha chance nce It hap p place I of these ugly uglyacant vacant lots 10tsThls This the taint about at atoutlt outlt It it which which wh chs so t xnany Dlanymen many men urea J Iii town for with w ith a a wite wise e eye e to the futu I garden last last year year ear was was SS55 and the net t I pcncd pencd that another another school school boy whom Is Is 1 one of of the the le aims of the City Gardens and women women thin thilk k that h tou out t ahdo and put tlt char har ¬ eye future re profit f25 25 25per must was was It be garden must the association assocIation has recognized recognized the per j they the knew heard h hear ard d them discussing the Associatlp J Assoc fatioil and they hope hopeanother another year car ity by which whichsonie some one onegc gets 1s something some thing sibilltles lying in in common common ordinary ordinaT pos po considered considered too that that the outlay on u question pt of th the < hows and an d the the w where here ti to t be able aI19 aula to put their gardens nearer without w1thoutgiving giving anything anything to return r retut turn n car Car garden sar len < the th second nd not i back yards Is there any any reason why sec year ear Is so so large larg fores ores Tins TI1isother This other boy boy had a a garden t tl the central part of the city There are ries ries withit with It it i ts It the first this this account account of a a back as was on himself himself on on which we were weregrowlnr re growing toma tomn p plenty of vacant v a lots near rica r 3 Si t One Hundred and n d Eighteen Vacant Lots Lot S Have Been Transformed Trans formed From Eyesores Into Highly Cultivated and Productive Area HE H E Escheme scheme of city gardens on on The TheassoJatlon association obtains obta ins perm pefuttEosIoh perm isslqn from fro m T TIlE Woshingtons W VYas shlngt hlngtons ons vacant lots lo ts born the owners oWn erso of f v vacant acant n t tots IO1so lots io o grow gr grow growye QW QWveg veg ye g of common ommon sense sense a year ago fos etables etables upon them the them This + i Is is not oz J a a a rule r ale tereji ter Jl since then by practical dltncultpthoughthere difficult though there hays 1V been been c h a f few e w care care is is today a a success on on Its own isolated Isola isolated ed cases cases where where the the owners CJwrersde oRUers de de ¬ merits There Th Thpre re nre are nr a a hundred and mandcd manaedrent rent When the owner owner h has as lS I eighteen gardens garqens nosvr nO under un under der cultivation c s shown himself so so entirely on onthcmuke the ma ke t e e come ccome in the NorthwiBt Northist and others in the association has passed passe d him sadly sad ly ly I the Southeast SoutheastsectioTIaf sou theast section of the city There by Having obtained obta ined permission per miuion to u use se e are scores of a t men n women women boys and the ground the assoc assocJ association iation t1on has it it girls workfngiqlthful1yIn working faithfully fa lthfully in these gar plowed and generally put into condi con dt li dens dens and there have ave been hun hundreds dreds of lion for planting If it I is necessary nec ssary a applicants applicants for gardens whom the the City fence is built about t the he new garden n 1 Garden Society bs has aas had to refuse not as a rule however this is not no done because there was was not n nqt t plenty of oground ground When tho gardens are r ready ady tor tor fo l plant ava avallabie ava ilable but butbec1uje be because cause the funds neces neces ing seed is Isgiven given the wouldbe wou ldbe forme farmers ra ury ary to pu put ut t the lots iots Into into condition condiUonfor for and they are are allowed to plant plots al plantIng were not at hand h n lotte lotted d to them Thereafter the wh whole ole When It was wassugg was suggcst suggested td dthat that the un care care of the gardens rests rests w Tilth with ith t the he Ightly sightly wee weedcovered dcovered tincanstrewn UJ1canstrewn planters though they have the a advice dvl ce vacant city lots could be made made blooming of Superintendent Bartlett of the City CS ty gardens gar dens that these gardens would add Gardens Association Each garden gar dener er appreciably to totha the Income of o f fmany many many a furnishes his own tools If he Ji is s t too 0 ° family that that they would take the t the e hot poor to do so at the beginning hegtnn ug of t the h ° tired pale pal sunkeneyed sunkeneyedmen men and women women season tho necessary n essary toolp aro fur fu r and nd children of the city out into the theniched the he nished him by the thea5soclaUon association associa tion at t cost cc st fres fresh h air and keep k epthemthereman the them m there many price and he hcpaY8 pays pays for them out ou t tof of t the he raised their eyebrows and If they did dlt dltsale sale or the produce of his his garden not Jlotscoutl scout the idea as entirely imprac j < ticablc they cast castat at least enough cold cold water upon upon it to make a a chronic chr onic dys The he Romance of the Gardens peptic shudder In spite of all dlscour Thts ls the plan In a nutshelL nutshc il ll Ontbe On the t he agoments however tho City Garden Gar den So So surface it I Is a a comm6riPla commonplace e working workingcletypelsevered works ng cety cletypelsevered persevere persevered The Tho ho results have been be been n propositlo it But behin d proposition behind the themeni mere mere harah har ah uch as es to convince tho most skeptical outlines lingers lin gers much of romance iOIn romance mce To be sure sur sure according acco accor rdJ ding 1g to t the poets 1 poets octS young you ng Solv Solving ing the the Farmers Problem Problemmans mans fancy does doesJ doesnot J not natura na ltqra turally l1y turn to Periodically rinnii odlcally there i comes a wail T from turnips In the the spring time tlmo much less l 3s the farmers in the country that tha t there ther to onIons it he I wIsaBut wise But t It f t Is a not not Is a a dearth dearthof earlh of good hands to work the so so much the romance o of f the your young As fields that ot the old oldwhich which lurks In potato pot ate ficldsiLndtho and the truckgardcns truck gardens All the the larmerlads ifarmer lads hills h1l1sand and tomato vines of of the city gar g ar r they say 8aj are uP and ot dens The The wholesome who lesome work wo rk In the en to tbocities he clues where they the thInk to come com op open by air puts new new iii lJlj Into them and their eh sir ymcncymore money more cl1 easily tlythan than In the co coup un try HnndreWiot Hundreds of them find that they blood blo d runs more swiftly swlttlytbroughfust through f fast ust have hardening veIns The returns from rho tho made a a mistake but have not garden putting food Into their mou mouths the enough common sense to go back bask to and clothes on theIr the ir on backs makes them th their homes em But now 1 this scheme ot feel aga ngaln in that there arestlll are till s places for city gardens Is pushed to its lImIt limit there them In the busy busywor world d from whi will be be a field whIch ch for those thcsecou couhtry cou ntry try lads in they have been pushed by yoWger yo unger a and nd their svarG spare hours fromwork from wo rk What Is stronger hands more more city boys will lC1rn learn to bo prn6 Out Out in Brightwood on a part of the tIcal tanners and and the city mayevcntu may eventu site purchased by the th city government ent governor ally furnish thetarmersot the farmers of the try ccUntry coun for the MunicIpal Hos Hospital ital arc lo local at with many m any valuable valuable hands hands Indeed D are fed d a eightyllve gardens gar dens each oachono one oneeighth oneerg hth few few cases cases of of citybred boys goIng out out of cn acre In area 1n this tract there th Into ntothe the country to to seek farm work after aro ego v am about about UiX3 cloven acres under cult1vn cults va serving ervlng an apprenticeship on th the Wash tion 3 i iu if curreo 1ngton curred u f r cIty gardens k hnvoalrcady Nava already 1n r oc ° c Another Anoth r site upon upon which whic h IB IRlocltcd located loci l ed a largenumberot large number of the city gardens gardens is The The Th city c ity garden scheme as conceived c aa onceived in the southeast section of the the c city cityand cityWldcarr1ed sty and Wldcarr1ed end carried through by the thcasjc1a association assoc iation Ion just just opposite the Congressional Ceme Ceme Ce me its la as simple simpleas as a summer summer day y la long 1 1tc17 I tcry I 4 a 1 i r yard should not be the home hom of of the the of cost cost clearing the vacant vacant lots lots of cabbages bbag s as as well we ll as of of cats asks the he rubbish stumps and rubbish and bieakingthe breaking br nklng the associaL associaLlon assoc iation lon Assuredly the neighbors nelghbQr ground oun d for for the first time for 11 c hltiva va would approve of the vegetables iton Without Vllhout r doubt therefore the aver ¬ + age age expenses c expenses Jen5es of th the the e gardens 1h dcnsw1l1 will de ¬ Must Keep Gardens Up crease crease a8eastheyearsgo as as the the years go go by For by b a fu judicIous dtcious varIation of the It will A Aregular regular city garden meamres150 measures 15O crops ym by bj 50 sect be foundnecessary found necessary to use but ut lIttle or orJsabout is about an hht11 hht11ofiiJ ofiiJ fer ferUHzcr tilizer izer acre acre cre One of these gardens gar dens is allotted Ael l to each applicant rlritl and is put down dowIijn down In According Ae 4 to the the ther report port of ofthe the secre ecre his or or her name It may be that a tarv taryot of < the he association HOclatfon Ze Z Zedd dd < ld H HK Kopp < pp whole l e family will will plant the garden gardentbetotal the tbetotal total value alue of otthegarden the the gardens or or rather ra ther o or r i It ItmllY may be that thatorily only one one person will 1he the he crops c rops last last1e year year r was vas 2150 while while the work wo rk in in the th patch However that thatmay may total totalc total cost cos st t twas was 171274 712 71274 74Xhls This n nets ts s to the be the man woman won13nor woman or or child chill in whose city cltgadencrs gardeners gar deners a a clear lear profit of o f 51 1 n name ame the garden gardenis gar den is allotted nUott ed is I held 43726 responsible for for it and for its good oo d dcon con tt 1f I dition Superintendent Bartlett Bar tlett who Only On ly an an Idle DreaHi has charge of what may be termed the I An Anr Anold old T COlor colored d woman wo woman an l11adeaPU made j appllca u < 3 field field work of tho association assoclatlonhns has small wof f patience with the lazy lax y and the city tier orx for r a garden and wasgr3nted was granted ryi o ante d da a lot farmers know 1n ow this If 1a a garden Barden is not not out ° at Brlghtwood She Sh declared that kept u up as as it shou should ld he be and weeds are are eho wanted to plant po potatoes tatoes and the itallowed allowed to accumulate there there comes a a asuperintendent superintendent su erln tmdentgave gave her her a peck eck of oseed seed seed speedy punishment to the thodeUnquent thodeUnquentto delinquentto delinquent to Put out outp and left left her sting s t Ling in In the gardener gardenerthe the the worst as many look at atah shade ah s had o of f fa a tree ree to cut Up the seed seed for It that could come comethe the gar garden den is Planting When r hen he had been away long lon taken away and given to some one on enough enoushfor for for her to tohavc have cut cut up up twice twice the waiting list Consequently Consequen tly those that quantity ho came back to to help her who are at ntnll at all inclined inclined to be lazy are in the th planting There sat the old kept on on th the move move by this this unspoken but woman woman her head sunk forward fast constant threat threatwhleh which hangs over them asleep Two potatoes potatoesvere were were cut cutno cutno no In the theallotment allotment allotment of the city cltygnrdens gar gardens dens more more nothing nathlngIs Is taken taken into consideration by Wake up mammy mammy you wont wontever ever ever gc get t the the association except the priority of those potatoes planted d If you go to to the claim c iainL la ird There Is no distinction dis tinction made sleep as to class or or sex s sex ex exwealth wealth wea lth or or poverty poverty Slowly Slowly the tMold old old mahogany head head headwas was was As a ar result 8ult the gardens are held by 1 raised and the black eyes eyes oyes opened persons of all allc all al1claases c classes lasses and ages agesThere ages There Gr Bress ess do Lord Lor d chile I I was w was s ye jes s arodeprrtment are department Clerks schoolboys school boys and dreamlndem dreamin dem titers wan all pla planted nted girls laborers l hborers borers men an and an d dwomen women women who who and crowln Jro iro win fino Tina have become too old to get other otherw work 6 6rk rk A strange stranseslght sig sight ht htmet met the eye eye ye of o f The Th ° In this swift sv lft moving age agepoUcem policemqn po licemen nfire fire Times reporter when he visited v isited the gar men men consumptives s to to whom tho out dens at Brightwood Hoe in in hand han d he hel l door exercise gives gIv s a anew new lease of o f life met oh Qhhe head head d a a policeman poUcem nwas was was working in fact fac t men men and women women of every de Carefu Carefully lly he turned up the earth earth earthan and an d scription who are not too too proud prou d to work planted beans He is one one of the mount In II a a a garden when when given the the oppor ed police poUcethat that that have beats be ts in that par part t tunlty tunity of the city The farmers a a a al1itie little further Furth cr Is there a man man on on earth who at some out In the District DiBtrlct he says pay says told told him h1 m time does does hot nee need nee d help or or does does not take ta ke that not more than thanReventy seventyfive tlve bushels bushel s it from another But But the greates t help helpof of potatoes could coul be ra raised rals ised d to to the acre which a aman a man man can can have have so say say the the pra prac c The idea stuck In his hlsinlnd mind and he has ha s tlcal philanthropists is Is to be made to determined determined to show these farmers farmers that help h lphlmselt himself This is just just what is being beingwIth wIth care and and a a bit bit more more elbow sloe t y done done in the city gardens Some of the grease he can cann beat that thntrecord records recor d a mile city c ity gardeners gar dEners may need one thing and j t tt ji = some so me another mot er but they each and every Kinff King Potato Pota to one one got go o what what they need r ea d by helping l1 lplng g themse themse lves This man znannecds man needs outdoor ex Potato is king In the city gardens erciae he he gets It it while whileat while at work work1l wor k I 1l tho There may may be some Some who prefer corn or o r gardens that man haa a large family family tomatoes or even even ven beans if they they hail 1 and the dollars he earns are nretew few enough enoug h hfrom from the hub of of the universe un versebut bu but t to feed so many many hungry huniiYmouths mouths but butthlJ the an on the whole whole wholetheclty the city gardener gti4enerclln clings s potatoes and beans which which horalsesin ho raises in in to Irish Potatoeswhy should 8 0u1d they tl e be b e his garden gar den go go a a long lon way to tonelv help him called < l ° a Irish when wnen when they they o originally Slnally came cam e still BUlla a third man man old arid bent bent is i s a from tromAmerIcaas Americaas a dog clings cln clings lrS to to a human derelict a parasite who has hnsbeen been bone or or flyPaPer clings to to a a a fly There 0 living livingon on the charity of others for years years are m ° several reasons reasons for this this marked d In the garden he becomes largely self preference In the first firstplace place the the po supporting sUi > porUng again tatoea have proved a a great success it g jg Then Then aga again in they are a ovegctablothat vegetable that the t Tjjriro Large Pro Fronts Profits fifs fttsOffCity Off Utt Citv City ra Gardens Garde A DB can be D kePt al almost ost Indefinitely an and d many many tey of tho c city ity gardeners a aro are vise wt so Many nn a agoodlooking goodlooking crop has been enough to thin think thinkof k of the coming winter raised raised and neverp never never paid id the theexpenses expenses expenses of of ofn In n fact one man mahlast man last season season raise raised r 1 raising raislngas cis as the thetrucktnrmers truckfarmers can vouc h henough enough fliJ1nhpotatoe potatoes to last him until late la to safe But this has has hasllot not been the th case cas ci eo in March this thlsea year year w with wlthtbo ith the thoupo crops crops of t Waal Waal1in Wasiinston W ungto 1in gtoni city gurJVhBt gar J Whats WHafa the them 7 The Them8 potatoes Ptato l lungto i i l l H H t toes t es So SOnot not to be cons considered idered idere d da a tight U wad wad1i wa d he he said said Go In and an d help yourselves yours elves 1 They Theywit went but unfortunately un fortunately they f did did not restrict re trfct themselves tltemselvesto themse lves to the the patch belonging te helon ioriifnb ging to to their fr fr16bd iend The next nest day an Irate ir ltegard gar gardener dener ner looked lo oked over over ver his de ¬ vastatedpatch vastntc vastated patch and then looked lookedor for the guilty parties He found foun d them and whats hats more more he made niu1ethe the parents of the boys bo s pay him hlmsood him good goo d round damages This and the watermelon case cas case are are the only two serious serio Us robber rObbCd ies e S that have h have ae occur 0 ccur red in the city cl gardens I I That the the city gardens have genuinely I taken hold of o f the persons whom the the as i cocia tlon wis wishes wishes hes to to Interest can can be seen from the fact that many come to to work f the gardens gar dens from far sections of of the city Some of them travel three three or four miles to their th lr gardens s Perhaps the longest trip made by any any of ofth the garden ers Is that made ma de by a brother and s s sfs is ter who who live InRosslyri in Rosslyri Va just the other ct 1erside side of the thcAqueduct Aqueduct bridge They < have ave their t heIr garden g rden out at t Brightwood Brlg htwood What a a blessing the th city gardens are are to them can call be readily understood for they the are ar are both consumptive hereditary and the work in the open open Is the bes best t I thing that that they could have have Three times a week they the ma ina make ke the the journey j urney from Rosslyn to their garden carrying their lunch with them All 111 day da long they hoe and and w weed ed and rake with frequent rests rCstS between times But these these rests are becoming be omlng fewer fewerand and an d far farther ther be Lween tween as as they they gain strength from the work worknnd and suns sunshine ne iir it 15 t Mor Moral al Effect of Gardens In Washington as as in all cities there are areloarers loafers boys and anclm men men n an and andwomcn d women too who have haenothingto have nothing to to do d can find nd I nothing to to do and cannot cannot be be found fo foundany nd any 1 thing to do These Ti ese idlers have have a a big chance chan ce offered 0 J red them th then e > m In the th e cttGard city Gardens ens i 1 and strange s trange aa as a9 it may mn may seem many many of I thorn have haveavUed availed themselves the mselves of the op por portun tun ity Near the Congressional Cem etery et ry there was a 3 small small gang gang gan gOibOYS of boys 1 who were were known as the th terror of the i ne neighborhood ighborhoo d idle vicious vic ious s arid med m mod ed cUIng By some kink in human Imm Lumar rnature nature these boys became became possessed with witha a de sire to have have gardens of their own own They hey 1 were were allotted a llotted the thousual usual usu al oneeighth oneel oneeighth hth acre ncre patches There were were no better kept or or more successful successtulgar successful gardens ens than those of these incorrigibles incor rlglbles what What is more more the work worklnthe In the gardens wrought a complete transformation in these boys When When the harvesting was was over they went to wor k at atothpr other things or to school sc hool Two of o f the th boys became so so interested lnterestedin in firm ¬ ing that they tried for for lend found work work with witha1armer a farmer in Virginia and are to ¬ day working in the country The National Capital pltal is s undoubtedly i the most beautlfulcIty beautiful city in the the Western Hemisphere there tiresome are crcsome some enthusiastic Americans Americans who declare de l re that that It ItIsnhead t is ahead ahead 1 o of f any of the theolderdtles older sties of Europe However t that hat may be there here las always been a a feeling that the vacant vacant lots which w hich dot Washington Vuhlnsto n In all except the buss nessxdistrlct ness dis trlet are the greatest great 3t blemiskes Ql lp2Ise wi3hel J xtlots Dupont circle o on J Massachusetts M ssaC hlassachus us etts ttsaenue avenue In fact on e every e eerystrlcqy every strictly resident residentstrect street in Wash ¬ ington 11 in gton which whI which hwould would be immensely bene ¬ Sited fl in appearance app appeatrittce 1i nce by the gardens i Iritertst Interest II1ten St Grows Apace As the city ty gardens gain ground others otl rs a 1 ar ire e becomin becoming g interested in gardening garden ing S Several E men who have small smnIIVlots plots of S ground gr ound of their own which hitherto t they t have never n yer used tse are ar now now planting vegetables v and andcar an d car citing ing for them thematter after businesss b business hours hQ They They have discovered tl that t tlilit fresh green vegetables picked out opt o of f their own O yh gardens gar4 I1 are re as ufar far ahead of ° the kind kIn d brought from from market as fresh laid eggs egys e ms are aieot aieotstore are of store eggs The Th plan p o l f gardens J gardens rdens on city lots lotadld did n not originate orfglnateln or iginate in Washington W Philadel ¬ P phia x ph ia had already proved the scheme a S great g success s c ess when a afewphllanthropla few philanthropic men n menher m en hero decided that it would be feast ¬ ble 1 bl b to carry out such a a plan in this city C The T l beginn beginning eg nnlng ing was small small the discouragements 1 dIseo ragements ragementsman many many man but the tide has h n turned turnedthe r the City Gardens Association of ° Washington is growing constantly To be a a member of the association a r fee fe < e of 51 1 must be paid This is the minimum 1 mln m inimum num fee It may maybe ba as large as u the t member desires Atpreeent At present there ther are between 100 and A 200 21 members But the association Is s = Department of Agricnltinr6 A8n ci tittrce 1te11 Hel Help Fr The r Department DepartmeIit > of f A iTriccltare AiiiCtltaroh ha > s x become deeply interested 1nterest ifut < it to tia city gardens widhas and has done donoa1l all te im lta t3 powea po wwt to aid the enterprise enterprsegh gle gi g s the the asso also ¬ elation n all ail the seed that tha t ll t dee aeedeS edid ded to ta plant the gardens garderisSecTet Secretary secrete Wilson w Is Ish1ms himself 1a a member m eD1 io of ftha Hia th0 advisor aj dylaor arg board of o the thenssoc1at1on assoc association iation B HL HWarn Warner Is presldeut presld prestde > tct Qttba qtiJtti t tb CKf City t Gardens Association Tom JobB 33 Sleapcuuu Sl 6laa vice v1c president Prot Prof X CGbrbett Corbett second Vlcepl vice president the HOT Zedd H R Copp CoIPwsecrebrYand secretazynCharieai secretazyv zmd CharieaS Charl a JCeaw N bltt bitt treasurer The board boaniot of managers mnnagers tnclulfle tncl fnelndr JJxesfl < officers and andtheHon the Son H BP If 3hofa MacfatM > < c land land Prof ProfBT B T Gallowaori Gano rot Prof Alox 1cx I < ander Graham Bell Ben Mrs Mrs Mrs G 0 T DM D Meic aierwln tat Miss MlssSusan Susan B B SIpc S1p and anilGeorg Geosge S s tW Ut < i < son This 3e ear an a3 advisor Sciariwaa W8aor or < ganlzed Its I members an areaS as 1oI1 oH6wv ofowsi Wat Hon Hon James James Wilson SecnetaryxjfAxrU 7o Artc culture Prof Pro WHleti WmettM si M Hays Com Gomt missioner mIss1onerH Henry Ij LWe West West tn Comm r Tmni4 4i iaet ei John BIddle Thomas 8 S NoYe8 Noyes B Dt D > 1 1John Shaw Sha Wo Cane Cun OB Eudolir 00 O iI li l Chaxle Chaxlea y J1W Web W M lerv let Mrs Giles S s S lifter l m mffer ffer er Dr Geom 21 ICober Ko ber Dr W Q 1 < Woodward Woodward Prof Pr t B T Janney W WN KT N Westian W MIsi Helen C C Woodvsrard WoodWud Rabbi RabblAbran1 J rant I Simon Hey John yan YanScha1cJc Rrhatgb Jfred c j erick Moore = Genera Generali l NogTs i s Modest Mo dest Apology Al ology r HERE E REhas has probably never been a Mail 1ra1LIt It is worthy o o > b4fns mpIaCed Ihs place d bj T THERE war In which which so few details of the the army textbooks of o Europeancoun European cotm c onn + the t ie operations have hav been beengIv given n tries as a s sample of ofw what l1a a s soldier sold1ert to the world as the present con letter should be The M Mills llsrender1n rendering fl filet fil et in the th Far East Practically both noth nothof of General Ir Nogis ogis letter Is as follows follows ii ing except the brief briefestoIDclal briefest est official messages messages u Iwish I wish you all the compliments of o Is Is allowed to be published in the Jap 3aPthe the season season The feeling Yee lin glhave I have at this this 1 anese a anese pressand press and it is not until un til incidents In ldents j moment moment 15 s solely one of o i anguish angulshand and in In theenm the campaign Pa1gn agn bavebeeomo have become matters of o humiliation hu m 1 Iiation that r should have expend end h history istory that thatfull full details etalls can be printed pnntedand and edso ed Sd so such u manY h a lon lonTtime long lives Ttime time so much up upon an ammUnition ammunition SS SSon UIinccom on When 1 Tnen however there there is no longer any an pUshed task n necessity for fork keeping Elp ing facts secret the U UAt At A t last General GeneraiSoessel l St pesseTs oessels s patienc 1 Incidents In cidents rec recorded g gedmako edmako make very i > i interest seems to have become exhnustedand exhausted and T he surrendered the fort so so that th tin in this U ing ug reading r eading says saysa a Tokyo correspondent part parto of the field a a sett settlement lement has been of < the Ixmdon London n Express reached I I have no excuse to offer orterta to The total number of Russians Rus sians taken Jpy my sovereign soverelgnnnd n and to my countrymen inn P prisoners was 41G41 41 of of whom 15307 15307 were for bat g 11 this o of b bS bt brute S un t elentiflo l c1 c1t foc t force 5 ° t unstrate unstrateglcal ans trateglCal cal con com 111 il l and 1398 139 were wcr were werereleased released on on parole Our preparations preparationsare are now now complete Included J in this number were seven and we are looking forward w with ith great a t teen t generals of of whom whom ten returned r turhed d Pleasure to tasting the sweets sweets of a aa field ad d 1 home home and 1439 439 other officers ot whom campaign Let moadd me add one thing You willba will be amused p pshun rhapsbut but r J 133 were were sick sickand slek and wounded and 526 were were than eer ever convinced othe of he 1J iavvitable atnmOrG 1tablt > xrore sent home injury done to the discipline and homo h m = The stores Included enormous quanti q uanti l genelty 6 ot 0 Ta an a ar army y in the t field Lb by 7 the 1 ties t t ies Of ofllour flOU flour wheatp wheat IndIan corn rice r ice pernIcious habit T ot acquiringcostly acquiring 0 ann no costly and j 1 bread b read tInned tinned usel useless sstoys toys IntImeotpeac intime o s speace peace beef salt and and sugar Do hothink not think thatI that I speak D a too strong fodder 1 sufficient for fiftysix days ly h y when r express expr ess my my mynbsoluto absolute convic TT TTic I TItc ic guns uns capable of being used tlon that that for forpreserving preserving a a military found 1 f ound iii ii the fort fort numbered 52S station spirit spiritsimplicity 5lr 5lr5r 5r 5rm simplicity s pl icity Is as nsessentinI essential as ar art < jary 1 an guns and 198 field pieces Of am am gfi economy cation c ttlon m T I and do practicality S not refer merely in S moral to Jdu the t h hhere munition there here were 206734 rounds roundsfol for period during which this war war may m aY y con the guns and 5500000 rounds roundsor for small tlnue tin however ho ever long it may be be arms t aging Mv lI s point Is tthat that when hen the they hav havc The e name namoot o of f General Xogi No gi th the a real ceased S Sl to hear the t 6 S voice of the cannon oUr military l r men must ffi nQverf never fall ll Int 1ntC Q hero ero of Port Arthur is now no a house the inconvenient and mischievous hr habit habithold j hold told word all allover over tho world yet ho of regulating their clothing and appi appurt i writes < letters which hIch1ro are mode models ls o of f enances en nces b by oy unmllltary unmmtnr standards t j modesty In OdCS ty and a an Ud d dselfrestraint selfrestraint sel f 1 cstrain to One n e such SUC h I than thank k you y Jou hear heartily tIl for f your ou r kind J letter letter letteraddressed addressed to the minister for I con tlences < > n on ° the dcathsot deaths of my sons and f bag b b yo you ou u to toforgivo fo forgive ivari h hs fo uJJeey s been tra transl translate t n3lat nsl x t d by bYte the the J l u joai 1JUJ mtlitaiY military m r u bus Ql 0 l f ujfcess my e J ion lont t 1 g QIa QIaJYtrA I L l f Ti n C