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V PAT PI I KsubiJ Iid IIoHi1oR
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t Irn e Tor Yon tact u t nOD
A1 1bt en T Patrick P 10k ten t
S s 1 v7 BroMny Brc dt cjt
1 Deia teP 011
wnsasalcs COIIC the t3 esltes at e cf c ereamtlon et1ot i J sent t iora < crii to Ki ta
muted I ii e Siotaa Itneacr S v a creaat < at7 Tromoe o1nO t1c for c c Itiforaatacn 1r uCD ace C Cot CO two 110 olroalara O1raul a aa a
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Wat cwt ii 3 ttijwje wiion rLo is IS poBaiBieufor 1ICn11J1e onixi tm r a aoi 11Im to too knew nut bII toot out fe ta111on rslicot iition ji t
a Ban aD cannot 081mO mam ingcttaou oay M b right e i > h lie aiyt WC14 tt u thet t b t
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t sar asi lbee a Cle r interred vlth 11 oylfa i
f I 4 wltsuioBB t Uiinca beotoaa I Damn to ttlEt etUjan altftoiiBi
I 1 W14 tol j je e to tlve you written filiation t ose Ur aeo But 1 exp expS expw S w Cte to
1 ll UTIlI e tvent yoara a t can c e of a lone UTW e f aallr and cs to pretty
cood becltti hllel tb for a run of 07 ac ace 1 t
> i cmra UUlJ c
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llizn9 llizn9tr AI 9bric tr r kJZl isazg Letter Let t tr r Tfo t tlc lc h7lo le tYbri PafrL dlnEtqaz d
Eifl2t 722t w lb Th IJe Dis 1s ft5 pz tioZl jlJi ij Jfr3iI1 Jfr3iI1e
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4 S Iv 1 3o o oil1 il1 y
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1 1WithUnswerv f With WithUnsver Unswerving vingEnergy lng Energy JrtZt rPatrjcx rJcl = J
r j Convicted C OnVIC t e dl Murderers In 1 Murderer ur d erer ererJ e o tl that a Mrs Francls Franclso Francisobtalned obtalned talned the theprlvllege privilege weak w a ak k kpoint point in the th case LSe against him was Patrick has buSied busied himself hImself hImseltwith with other ther d
J TA kZ JE of o vis vIsiting iting Patrick in Ifl his cell at Sing In the evidence of the doctors matters during his Imprisonment than
Fights F 19l I t S Doom D oam Sing Sin g Her Her hCsband i Was ias as sentenced sentenc d on He began studying stpd ing anatomy In the th his own appeal Last August he pre pre t
22C5 Cu April 119t JL904 to die In In the week begin death eels celi3prlsonersmay cel s prisoners may read and pared par ed the notice of appeal In the he case
S ning May fa ay 5 write an the th prison prIsmlibrary library ltbrar Is open ta t of Michael Brush who was also Iso in i
Atthe trial before Recorder Golf Jones them Books on anatomy were wer procured pro ur d Sin Sing g Sing awaiting awaitlnge execnticfi e tec tec = = ticIi CIl or the
Learned L LearnedMedicin earne d Medicine M e d lClnevv While U1 U1h1 Vv h1 bile the t11 tlit va v fettold let told his gruesome iruesome s story tory assert for him by byhls his hlswle wife ife and he read re fe d t them hem em murder of Policeman Enrlg EnrIht EnrI ht If j 0
1 e 1 Ing In rtl that at Patrick PatrIck had li addrilwnupihesecontlearefully drawn up the second secondcarefull3 carefully and hungrily 1Un grIlyUll till he had h dnfis inHs L sL d d
S will 111 of W w M Rice and the ass assIgnment assignment ignment tered ms his subject Books the he effects
Incarcerated Inc Incai arcerated cerated in 1 in 1 1His His or 0 the property and had Induced Jones Of poisons and treatises on on embalming embalmlnbe lir Th r Lne e JJtue TtHT Little LittlW LQ e Woman womajl ov oman in m BIack wiacK Rio v + 1
to fill out checks a aggregating 250000 2o 0 000 followed In rapid succession siccession His clever Last October he sent to C V Coffins
Prison Cell all of which Tie n had ha hadpersuaded L persuaded x Rice to brain selected tho thomaterlal material material needed to State superintendent of prisons prlsons3Il an dab elab 0
sign that t1 nt hav h haviig a rt ing ng obtained obta ined th these ese Pat prove that tha William Winla Wii hlam m Marsh 1 f a rsqR Rfce R e died a brately orJte1 0 rJ te1 worked workedout work ed T Out set of O t plans p 13n S for a
1 I Tick administered the poisons to Rice natural death that the pathologists p thOlogists of new newdeattIhous deathhouse He had hadleaID learned Iearn d by ex
1Ih Ih Jones Jonesatlmitted admitted his own ownsl1 share reIn In the the theprosecutlon prosecution were mistaken in asr as perience of the thelnadequac1 Inadequacy of the prea pres
His H IS Crime C nme Was W as Clumsy CI Clums umsy transactions tr3nsa U ng hut liutp pleaded o n 1ed thathe that he wasiserting Was sertIng sertI ng that th at the condition co ndI tlonotthe of the dead ent Quarters quar ters for orcond condemned em ned men n en and aim nd by
Antler the spell of Patrick a hypnotlc man > s lungs IndiCated chloroform pols polsreport report that the State was considering
Compared Compar clW With th Later power onlngand onIng and he built up a a theory of ofIn In reconstruction His HIsula1lS ulans had much
I 1 Suc Such h a confession as this is almost almostnocence nocence which was so ingenious so > merit merIt but were wererejected rejected In favor favorot of
Cleve Cleverness ness t valueless valu less Jn n court unless Its essential essen tial plausible so proba probable ble that had it been those of an architesj arc archite te
t points Pointsbe be corroborated There was no used at the firyt trial Patrick might to to In all this th work Patric Eatdck atdck k has been
direct corrbboratlon con boraUonothepolsonlng of the poison poisoning ing day be a free fr man Instead of waiting helped imm immensely immense1 nse1J by b his Wile who Has
the theory ry except the i istimonyor testimony stimonyor of the doc d c ¬ In the shadow ot oJa o a felons elon a death devoted herself to the cause of proving
ONFIKED 01TFINEDln in the death cell the S tors who VIlo made the th autops It Itls is this i II = = him innocent She is IslIinghiKe living in New KewYo Ne wXo York k
C thought thOU gbt constantly constantl const a ntlj with It l him 1im which Yhl hPLtt Patr Patrlcc iclc lcno now attacks atta cksrealiZlng realizing Weak e P Pc brnt Jlnt i at In i i 1 a VId VI den ce Cd = but has never never missed 11l 11lsse sse calling 1llng 1lln on onher her hvs hys hs
I thnthe that he must die dIemanjaman many a man that thatifltca If it i can l badlscredIted ha > ar discredited ti tiie e whole band on Qn any Thursday jftcrnooa ftcrnoon ft crnoon the t e
s labr abrls of o the prosecution must fall to The specihl point poin o t t lie e attacks < is s thisr this aIlow ow 1 since sinc
would have lost his hi nerve t S Si i only nly allowable aI ble ble1 visiting 1 Itln g gdzi dz d y i since he h was was waswould
utterly and despondently awa awaited ited the S the ground The autqgsx autcm aut autqprr < r rr revealed r vealed ealed congestiqj cong s q1 of o the sent to Sing Sing
rope tope or the electric chair chairothers others othe would ould lungs ana aD a the the prosecutions sexp experts exp rts By her frequent fre iuent < visits isifs isit to totIiepeniten the peniten i
have cursed cursedproldence providence and died xs xswould and How o Patrick Studied testified t stIfl d that tl at this hi Tas as due dU to the th chlo tlary Mrs Patrick hss h become well w en
still others would have haveturned turned their helr i 2I1 I His HIstrialtorfbe trial for the be murder murder of William wimamlf M roform poisoning poisoning pOlsonmgpatrick Patrick has ha disco discoy cov co y kno known n to many many of thetrUstIESthere the trusties there therer
t hand to t religion rellgionand and endeavored endeav red redtow > to work rk Rice R c taught tau htPritrick Patrick much mu ch about ab t anato na to ¬ cr ered that embalming when whe properly p perly and has gam gained saIned the their ir lrsympathl sympathr and ndrpo re r r
upon the sympathies syn pathles of tclergymenand clergymen and my He has W Sa already ready a as shrewd rewd lawyer l wypr performed will cause congestion of oftte the tte spect Al Always iways ays ys she she1Sre is is re referred f ferred erred to to toas as the
lungs lun Therefore he tne t e1 1
women wom n Albert T Patrick convicted of I 1 thoughwithQuta though without a large ig practice but he herefor argues e e little lIttlewomanin woman to n black b ck She steadfastly sfe steadfast dfa stlY lY v
den dence flCO e based So the congeStion on is ab
the thb thbmurder th ml1rde murder of William WilIiamMarsh j1ij Marsh Rice Rice f e haddoIi had done scatcey I any an th thing 1 nga at n t crmna criminal < upon econg reiterates reeraes rel i 4 crates t her h er belief bl ele in her h er h husbands sba s b anu xids 1
5 I 5 solute1y so 1 u t e 1 y wrthless wor thl esS ThIs Th s s scpo the th pont It n nt
miser and millionaire did di d none of these I law lawHa Havingbeen Having aving yin been convicted conv I cted he heseth set him I m innocence i nnocence 0 and an d aa saye say she se h will Wlo Wlotan 11 tand 0 tan d b b
I I to whIch thIchhs ch hi l11s s studlesfu studies In priso priS prison to nha ha e led ed
things 1 A AS S self elt tovt ta to work ork r 1 1t9 t9 to dJsc9versO discove scpver some rne good him T This is is is isthe S the tIdle point poi o ot ot om omS omh omS t 1t t S that th that h S S Se SS t he hehas e eS eelab S las elab hIm to the Uleendno end no matter m tter whar hat that end
V With n itl iU1nfinite 1 infinite 1 n 1i m it e care are arehls parehL his h ht t 1 brain b braina1 uUn alert ucr < rtas t as a 1 j cause c se Toe r r obtaining obtalIun g a ane new trial The orated In in Q letters to hIs jawrers lawyers iawye rs and a nd In I may maybe be Surely there threm must st be much
never net er before bef re this lawyer has has labored I t fj firs fir thing he he did was oc to o analyze nnalyzGt the e the th brief briefhepreparedfor br bri i ef he prepared for Senator Hills HUrsgooda Bill Inl a I good about out a man ma p pwho who wholn3plresauch inspires such 1
for four years earsthe the last two years ears and f testimony Th m i s Convinced tonvincedhlm tons inced him that Ute guidance I love Io e and faith rait d ± I
eight months Jn the death death cell cellat at Sing 5
Sing Singto to save himself The odds o ddG with w th
which he l1as has had to contend con t have bave 1 1aeh aeh been en It
great but btitby by his hisunswf unsweiVrig unsse vfngp lng perse perireVj perireVer p = j er 1 1great iJ
arice he has off ot fatal
ance put I1utotth the th day lay for
nearly three threeears years ears and a d a although altho althout gh the the I
court of appeals at Albany by b ba a vote ote of ffilfZ Therm r Jtff Jtfff f 5 S
4to 4 tp 3 denied denl d dhim him a a new trial It now T va Wife Wifeo of o f Consul CansulGeneral 1 General G enera 1
pe rsand and
appears ap is cbpfldently coifldentt qtlfldentb asserted assertedb by b 23 m T
his counsel counselavid s David B Hill that a new Oaftff
trial will be obtained if notbyajpeal not by appea appeal l at theGerman the German Capital
to the New York York court court through the Su ¬
preme Court of the United States This ing house at SIC West YestFityelghth Fiftyeighth street Very V ry Popular
4 is a great v ictory iictor fpjthe fbj fo OJ > the man m n who kept of which Mrs Addle M I Francis was
his l1 l1a head a d in the face fac of the confession of landlady landlad He took a deep interest in
an an alleged aII d accomplice accomplicetbe the valet of the politics and nd religion joined the Fifth BerlInJune B Berlin rl n June 17
miserly mfserl millionaire wh WIVl turned States stat State s Avenue A yemJ emJ Baptist Church of which w Jllch John MJ2RICAN RICAN CA life in derman Germany Ge rI1an and tr
evidence D Rf R Rqckefeller kefeller > > c is one of the pillars was was particularly pnrticul p n r tic 1il rly r 1 tin in Berlin B erlin will suf S f
l i t S iSf t A
= a regular regularnttendarit and frequent speak ¬
for fe a aniuchregretted muc mu hregretted 1 regretted loss in the the
Educitedmmselfin Educated Himself in in Medicine er nt the meetings of the Young Mens
departure depa rture rtire next n extf ext fall f l1 of ofMrs Mrs
Patricks P n t r t tel el t s fight fl g h for Lor life lil a brands b bran ran d ds s him hi mL a a Christian Association Association an an1 an1ran 1 ran for the PatrcltIIl5zZl jT 57ZltyrrlljalioJYorj 7 Jv E1J 067 Frank H MiLSon Mason wife wifeot bf tho th retiring
assembly nssem nssemb mbly b 1 In I n 1 ISM iS H in the t h 0 Twe Twelfth Tw weICt lfth C th 1 1assem assembly ass assem em bl bly y
clever many man mansoqlever so clever In fact that to the United States consul general ge g nera eral fwhohas who has
c < i 1 h n i H Hn n v i + i district dlS tr ICt on the theSta State t Dem Democracy Democrac c rac ticket 4 c
casual cas alobsen observer obser er o r it seems seems Incredible Incred i n c rc dibi ble e that
he could have been so clumsy intl in the e
perpetration of crime as he hem1stneces must neces
Harily s have baTc been if he is in truth guilty gu1lt
bf fthe the murder of Rice Sitting In his cell
without Isltors except his wife witeand and
Samuel Bell Be Ii Thomas his lawyer 13werth lawyerthey they y
were allowed to see him once a week
he has practically practicalI ractlca l lp p wlucatcd t ucatd himself in
the science cient of medicli mcdi i iiead Je emcllt and if his cla claims ims
be true he has enablel tMCalcal inedlcal juris ¬
prudence to take a i great stride strid in ad ¬
vance A medicolegal society In New
York 7 6 xk has h s Investigated ImesUgntedalong along the lines J les
suggested by Patrick an d dh has ha s given
the th opinion that tliatth the prisoner prls ncr Is correct
Jn Irthl his theory th oQ Thereby hangs a tale t 1e and
thereby thcr 1iy a man ntlnmay may not hang
In In 5 order or r to fully uUyunderstand understand the work
tha ii1 t tPatrlck Patrick has done donevbito while 1i ile confined In
the thcd death ath cell it Is necessary to know
something ot the story of Rices Rice death
arid the suspicious susVlclousclrcumstances circumstances whlcly which
surrounded Burroundedit it
i tf
Texans All
Strangely enough the three principal
actors in the drama are Texans though
the drama was played d but ut in N New hv York
city William Marsh Rice was an tn aged agC
mJser JIlser n ser who had ha d made a fortune f rtunees estimat thriat ¬
ed edat at 55000000 and then comb com to New
York in order to wade a provision of
Texan law yh vhereby rcby a wife may ma dispose
by will of o thn1r haif ha lf her husbands husban ds property proper ty
Rices wife had died and left a will
i whereby she disposed of about 2000000
i j He Heon on the other hand ha hai dhnd d had established
a residence In New York Yo rk and was con ¬
testing probate of O her will wi w ill l He H lived at
600 oo Madison avenue novenue in an apartment
With him lived llvedthe the second Texan T n who
plays an important part In this drama
Charles F Jones J ncsa a a valet
Patrick PatrlckschedlJl scheduled to play the third
Important role was born In Texas s In
1SC6 He had ha practiced law l w in the Lone
Star State and had become beco me Involved Inv olved Jn In
some trouble over charges against an ¬
other lawyer He always aJwa held that the
dismissal dlemfssalot of these charges chargesand and tho con ¬
sequent denunciation denuncia tion of himself by b the th
Judge were tho result resullo of a conspiracy to
ruin ruin him However that thatmaj may be he felt
that th t he stood sto dda a t better chance to ge t on
outside of of Texas anti an ti he came to New ew
York In 1891 leaving two motherless lit ¬
tie tleglrlswItll girls with his lather tal c1 in Texas
it i i
His Success in New York
He took an office with two other law
yen at nt2 275 Brpadw Brp Brodwy dw y y ya and a nd worked work orkcd d hard
at thIz his profession profession He lived in a 0 board ¬
Of these three principal actors actorsone one is
now nOwdea dead another Is at his home in
Texas Texason on parole under the care of his
relatives when last Ins heard of he was
seriously ill and the third is under atm
tence of death In the penitentiary pcnitc Unry at
Sing Sing 5
On September 23 1000 William Marsh
Rice died Dr Walker Curry w who ho had
been attending him for five months Inm iuis
filed a a certificate that the cause of death
was wa old oldage age and weak heart heartinurt heartImniedi immedi dl
ate cause cause indigestion indige tion mental worry
That same morning mornin Albert tT T Patrick PatrI lc
presented to S M r Swenson Sons
bankers two twochecksaggregatlng checks aggregating 90000 OO
payable to himself and bearing the sig
rature of Mr Rice
The Fatal FataIChecks Checks
The checks aroused lrous d no suspicion suspi onbut but 1
as in one of them the then name rieof of die the payee
was written Albert AIbert T Patrick P tr lclt and d
In the other merely mer ely Albert Patrick
Swensons cashier called iip Mr 1Ir Rice on
tho telephone to ask If they were all
right Jones the valet answered the
telephone and assured tho bankers that
It twas was simply a nsllp slip of the pen he hav ¬
ing Ingmade made out the checks the previous day
and Rice having signed them The Theb bank nk ¬
ers asked that Mr fr Rice come to the t e
phone 5 Jones rang rang oft called ca l led ed up Patrick
and after a conversation with him call ¬ I
ed up Swenson Co again and nnd told
them that Rico had h just died
An investigation by tho coroner and
police followed
It turned out that Patrick held hehlan an as ¬
signment of Rices estate checks for
250000 2I o000 signed by Rice and also a a will t
by whlchhc which he was made the residuary residu arY
legatee of an state worth more than t han
15000000 OOOooo Rices funeral was stopped stoppedan d dan an
autopsy autopsywas was held heldan an d the body was cre crc ¬
mated IT ated The autopsy revealed rcyealedthat rc ctled that the I
body had been embalmed embalmednnd and Dr Dr Wit Wit
thaug thau discovered traces of mercury In It It 1
Patrick and valet Jones were arrested
charged with Uh forgery
On October 12 a will illor of W T M Ricos
dated t1at d 1S9G was filed fl1cdor for proba probae te > e and on
November 30 another win will dated ated a few t
weeks i elts before Rices death eat was filed
T The le 1S3C 1S will made f fa a few bequests to
relatives and left the th rest of the estate
to totound t found the Rico Institute Instltutoat at Houston
Texas an Institution fnstltu fonZ1ch vgVlc zJcli h was des ¬
tined to become something on the lines
of 0 the Cooper C oOP e r Institute in this th city The Tll C
1 JiKK lWOwil1 1900 will left on fy fy250000 250000 to the thelnsU Jnsti
fletG tule t largely Increasing I the bequests to tOI
relatives and made Albert A1l > rtT T Patrick I
he horslduar residuary legatee A contest in the first place it was the first flrstm marriage rrlag un
ourts ourtsfOllowcd followed which whichend ended donlyln only In der ocr a new ne w law la which hIch had Just been b en
ctober 1903 when the court courtO of ap nI passed pasgedbY by the 1e Legislature regulating
> cals als upheld phe1d the hA surrogates S decision t tcommon common comm n law lawm marriages marr rr Jages In the second se ond
idmiuing t mlttipg the he lS96wIllno 1896 wm I11 to oprobate probate and place plac r County Clerk Scully refused to
leclarIng leclaringthe the WOO will nut ill a forgery accept aec pt tho certificate certific ite But there were
> Jother o other he and tndmore more sentimental se tImental reasons for
the senscftiori Tilrs Irs Francis was the
Rice c and Patrick Pat ck 1 Sleet L woman wo worit oman rit ritantn antn in n whose i hose C house Patrick Pa trI khad had
The Th paths oaths of Patrick PatrI Jcllnd and Rice Had boarded boa rded for several seve Fal years ears The Th district
irossed ross 1J through ti rough the lawyer law la er being belngCIJ en attorney attoi eY had subpoenaed her 1iernsa as a w wIt wit it
raged agec 1 as 15 s a at tttorfle ttorney t rrt j by b Col oI 0 T Holt goltof of i ress ess against him and she had amazed
Lexasi trrepntor re c 1itor utor of of of11rs fairs Mrs Rices estate es tatc ate the he i whole vhQ hole court room by refusing to
n negolationsfbr ncgo 13 aUonii tlon1or ior a a compromise of the answer answcrt the questions flU StiOns of tho prosecuting
on test t > t over o er rhe her r will wIl Patrick said said at l attorney on or tho ground that that to do so
he thn tiino t ne that t la he le was w as s trying tr ins t tp 9 ipd induce c wou w would uldten id tend to incriminate h1 ri iinate or degrade
VIr Ir Rico topay to p pay Y 250XX 2a O Q O to CeLtic se t1o thev thevlier the lier v
ase Jones J on s the valet said in one of f r 8 = i = 1 =
Its 1Isst1i 1Isst1im s statemnt tatementg m n na a that Rice Rieedldnotlrnow did not 1now aiovsr A AWife Wife Need Not Testify
PatfiC1tper Eatrlck Patric k Pe perOnally ni1iIy any but that thntP Patrick rI lcw lcwstaltenliack
Patrick Patrh tlie
wastaken sas staltenliack taken back to the Tombs
tad passed himself olE of In the old miser ers a
after l liis his sconvlctlon conv conviction iction thcr there to await a wait sen se ri
apartments as his Jones friend Jbnes
t tence Under 82ntence s ntence of death he
jnd m d he had met originally through an
could receive visits in Sing Sing only
ldvert td idverttecment erti Jement Patrick had published
from his lawyer iawy law r and wife > Mrs Francis
Lski for information informu ion about tho Heirs
isking g had
stood loyally by b Patrick through
if C Mrs Irs Ric Rice Ice
CA out his trial tr l1 and now In his hour of
After A the arrest of o Patrick t and Jones T direst direst d i irest rest necessIty she did not desert him
ho helnvettgatlon investigation continued Tho prose She Sh knew that Patrick P rIck desired to wed
luting officers wer were assisted by Captain her 16rf f but that he was deterred from fromsug suff
3aker and other lawyers from Texas
scstln estizig It by a feeling of chivalry chlvalr feel
vho ho ted the Rice Institute In titute
represen > r rg
in Ing g that tl t a ondemned murderer murt rer had no io
fheir lhelraetlvity activity acti lb in the matter was wi due to ht
ask sk
right rig to skany any woman to become his
t desire d 5lre to win probate for tha th will of wiCe
She Sh learned
wife a that tbatthe the Tombs Tombsoffi offl
835 b 5 35 by which the institution they repre clals c cals c cis I als is WOuia wo h1 adhilt no ono no to Patric ks
rited ritedwould would receive rcceiescvernl recei several millions
jo J e
cell cellcxccpt except she and Mr Thomas Thomasw who wio o
llldto ind to the th will of f 1900
prove a forgery called
had just in as counsel Mr
Us tt U Thomas was an old schoolfellow of o
Jones T T Turns States State o 4 > s Evidence t j Patrick and had been beEnsent sent for In tho
original instance as a friend Ho knew
After Itcr several months of secret inves the provision of the new law i which
igatlon Assistant District Attorney Os made ma e valid yatidnny any marriage contract contractslgn slgn
lorne obtained a confession from ed before bcforeli a notary public and filed in
Miarles J F Jones Rices 111cc s valet in which hIcli the count county clerics clcrksomce clerk s office So ho took
ic asserted assert > d that Patr Patrick ick had mu murerod rdered Mrs 1rs Francis to tho Tombs They met
llcedslnt ilce icO dosing him first of all with tab > Patrick Patr Ick ck In the consultation room and
ets containing cp1nlnlngmercur mercury and then this signed the lie marriage mnrrlagocontracl contract It Itwas was
i St t working quickly qUlcltlyenough enough had admin a dmln all oer In a few fe seconds S C011 S and none of
stered 5tt rcd chloroform Jones made ma e a sub the prison rIson wardens or turnkeys know 1 ne
equent confession in which h ho < i said that w what hat happened
> atrlck had hypnotized 11 pnotized him and that It Then Mrs Patrick went home leav
vas he at j Patricks > suggestion and not nOlIng Ing her husband to spend spen his honeymoon bOlle moon
Patrick > himself who had hnds s administered l alone In his cell The Thoollowint following morning
he chloroform Upon the first of these 1TrThomas Mr tr Thomas presented pre ned the certificate
ionfesaicns Patrick was indicted for or signed by himself as asa a notary notnr public ho
nurder urd r His trial began on January 20 had had himself made a notary public
002 monnd O2 and on o March 28 28ho ho was ts convicted for the occasion to tho county countyclerk clerk It
It was then tl Uwt > t romance entered the was the 1 first of Its kind and Mr Scully Scul1
Irama l1 l1mavhlcil mavhlcil vhlch hich had hitherto been sordid refused to filo fib it It Mr Thomas hurr hurrIed ied
nough to suit the ti 0 most unromantic out ccinulted cc mlltcd one of tho judges and a id
On March 30 Patrick and Mrs Francis I rancis when whenhci whenhcireturned hien he returned to his office he ac
ils Ii landlady were Werem married rtled in the th ccptcd the th certificate certltlClte and an d placed it on
Combs omb This marr maITIag iage caused C USeda a great file
iensation ie atfon for several s veral reasons In tho j li 1tw I was w ds s by this thlsextraor extraordinary t11nary method
been transferred ed to Paris Par i s as ns a iLrewar arewar reward dfor d for f or
long lo ng and meritorious merIto r rous ous service in the
consular branch bran di diotGncle of otGncle Uncle Samsto Sams for ¬
eign clgnrelatlons relations
Mrs rrs1Iason Mason Is known for her hospi ¬
tality and an d kindliness from fromoneend one end of
the United States to the other bjr yrea rca ¬
son sori of o f having mothered moth redhundreds hundreds of
American Amer ican girls from every State St teand and
Territory T rrltorYo o of f the Union Unlonwh9havc Avhp who have been in
Berlin B Br r l ln n during during the past pas t seven sevenye years arsfor for
the study of music art and languages
Notw Notwithstanding ithstanding that she Is socially soelal1
ou outranked tranked by the wife if of the theI American I merfc n
ambassador according to the Hoyle Ho ylo of
diplomatic etiquette e she sheihasranked has hasranked ran ranked ked In
disputubly dlsp fabb as the the real head ilcadot of ci the ex ¬
tensive American m rlcan colony olo l In the thcKalsers Kaisers
capital Her pretty home in the smart
KoriiglnAugustastrasse iorilglnA11gustastrassel Is the thecent center r
of the seasons most delightful d llghtful musi
cales teas and at homes and the
common commonmeetlng common meeting grounds of of the hun ¬
dreds of Undo Sams exiles here for
temporary stay st and who whoaren1orded are afforded
no other opportun opportunity ity of know knowing ing and
mingling with fellowceuntrymen fellowceun trymen and
Chaperons Chnpe ionsAmcrlcan Amer ican GirL
Mrs Mason has made It her he particu ¬
lar business to look after tie t1 > earnest e erIest rIest
and ambitious American Am ericin girls who como como
here unchaperoned to t prepare for vari van ¬
ous professional careers careers She is IstIrclcss tireless
and resourceful in Inventing InVenUl ways for
minimizing their th h loneliness and Jn lnfa fa ¬
cilitating their work and progress She Sile
Is never too toob busy si to t Introduce them in
circles where wh re acquaintance actuaintnneo 1 Ie every ¬
thing and to give th them nl practical help
long the thoroad road to fame fume and honor
There are numerous n nunierous nierous young artists now now
gathering gathering laurels in the United States
who havo Mrs Mason to to thank than k rot for in ¬
valuable kindness dono them them In their
struggling days In Europe I
It has been this deslro to advance
the interests of o her young fellowcoun ¬
trywomen that Induced Mrs Mason on
her arrival here heresmcn seven years rearsngo ago to to
Interest Inter st herself actively in the Ameri ¬
can ill Womans Club an organization organiz Uon
founded foun ed primarily for tho housing and
caro o of f American girl students Mrs
Mason has been the brains head
shoulders arms and legs of the club
all rolled Into In to one A few nights ago
the club gave a br brilliant illiant farewell recep ¬
tion in her honor at atwhlc which 1 1warm warm
tributes trlbuteswcro were veie paid b by Mrs Tower TowerwIfo wife
of the ambassador rand and by other women
w who ho aro familiar fan llJar with Mrs Mrs1Iason Masons s
prodigious services to tothe the club She
p 1
Wife of the th Retiring R tLT I1g United States Consul General She Has Become Wlfie WtdeFJ lf 1
Known for Kindness to Fello Countrymen w and U1dWomen Women J
wJl carry car m from Berlin Ber n four f4 urmnbniflcent > magnlficent Mrs Mason is a music critic of o high h gli
candelabra candelabmofornate of ornate silver ath er workman wo rkm n attainments a lover 1o en of art and nature
ship as a a slight sl ght token of the clubs club s and an an accomplished linguist
appreciation npprecf tlohof of her unselfish nselt1shwork work
rtf Of En English tf g ti lish t Stock Stoc Stock O4 t oc i k l In our note on the thir thlrtyfifthann1 tyfifth annl
versarj of the pastorate of the Rev I Dr > r
Mrs Mason Inson is an Ohioan and tho Robert S MacArthur we e quoted th the
daughter of ofn a wellknown well known Ohio jurist statement in his sermon srrm n that only onlythree thre
JUdge J dgolratthew Matthew BIrchard Fine old clergymen in New York are in the same
English Engllshstock1s stock is hers as she Is a nllnea lineal t P pulpits pulpi lPIts as when hIs pastorate began IB 1
descendant of sturdy Brlto BnItoils ris who 1ST0 ° Mr MacArthur and we also fall falIud
crossed to the Amer Am e ican rl can colonies in to discover two pastors of our church
search of religious andPollUcai and political free who for br even d en a t longer period have 1a e be bee
dom dom300years 300 years ago Her family fnmilname name exercising exerclsingan an etticlent and andwidereach widereacli Wide reach
Birchard recurs frequently in the an tn Ing S een if less conspicuous ministry
nals r Jsof of the Indian and French wars in than any of those thos named nam d by b the pastor
the New England States Statr s and anyone an ono Of ° f Calvary Baptist Church The Rev
who 1 ho has known knomher knot n her strong personality John H Oerter Oe er D IX D has been pastor past
is not surprised s to learn that Dutch of the Fourth German Reformed DutoJ Dutcl Dut
and nd Huguenot Hugue Huguerlot rlot blood flowed in the tb veins vcs Church Chur h now no in Fortieth street since slnc
of her herenrly early progenitors 1S3S nearly ne rly fifty fift years ers and Is yet yetdollir et doliif
In Clevelan C Cle elan d dvher where her herl1Usband husband was admirable a dmirable service combin combining ing ng us he hedo doeir eit
editor and part p rt owner wn r of the Cleveland unusual unus nl scholarship s holarshi with practical wl we
Leader Mrs Mason MaSon Itson was prominent in dom The Rev Re Julius W V Geyer D D
social an ard nd d charitable life and since for n nearly n arl rI as long or fortytwo fort ttso year earz
her twentyfive twent twentl fi V eyears e years ears residence in has ha been the bsloved ba1o Cd and honored pastor pastor
Europe while whlie1er her husband has served of the German Evangelical EvanscUcalCburch Church la 1
as consul and consul general succes Houston street If account be taken tnkenol of o
siyely si 011 at Basle Switzerland Mar JIl Iar pastors in Greater New ew York mention
scllles Fraiice F cc FrankfortontheMa In Thshould should be made of ttl1ethlrtysixyear the thirtysiiyear
and Berlin she has acquired aainterna pastorate of f the Rev C D F Stein
funrrr D D in the tb Second Church of
tional reputation as asa is a i woman a omi who typi t pi Puluitrer
hf f virif if AsorJaOur ermanc1urches I
ifes seem
fles in 1 11 h high 1 gh degree d egreethe the cardinal vir virtues es J
l1nd ood o men as pastorn and haye th
of American Amerlcanfeminlnltcharm femininity fenlininitlcharni charm tact tactwisdom wisdom to hold on to them themChrisUaIi Christian
cordiality cordialit and symoathy s rmDathy of nature Intellisrenccr Intellize ccr