C 0 4 V THE TB TVASHMGTON 7 A BTNGTONTI1rES TIMES SrND SUNDAY Y JUNE IB 18195 1905 9O5 T I 1 4 t ASHINGTON AS HI N T G TO N has h s proved pr oved ltse itself Ifa a hopeless hope less failure failu re this his year ear us 1Jl 1 L I Jl L an early summer resort and with June days of o the thefahest fairest i7 1 pretty pre parks upon pon which hich to rest the sight miles and miles of 01 > splendid drives bordered with far stretches of beautiful beau tiful A country and a historic body of water upon which to sail sallorrow or row its jx niost iost ipst st fashionable streets lie deserted the doors and windows of its fine rest r si ¬ I dences boarded up and an nothing to remind one of the attachment of o f their occupants for them but trimly trlmh kept lansand lavrhs and beds of brillian bri lirmt liRn lian tflowers t flowers flow ers It is is this las last t feature whichmalces which makes mal es of Washingtons ashington s fashionable sec ¬ tion a sort of a des deserted rted paradise The Th Walshes the Leiters the Westing f houses ho ises the Townsends TownsendsthePattersons the Pattersons aud ai d dozens of other lucky luclc luclcT l clc clcT T house ¬ holders hold rs along broad broad1Iassachus Massachusetts 1Iassachus Iass chusctLayenje ett l lavenuehavetheir avenue avenuehavetheir have their lawns well welllc k lcpt pt their shrubbery shrubb shrtbber ry < clipped and gay flowers floa ers flaunting the passersby passersb though they I IL L k 1kn F themselves have has e joined the t legJt gay gi throngs at Newport Nov port Bar Harbor or Lenox Lenpx I I or are perhaps tucked awa aw y V in some quiet restful corner where w iveere h here ere nature is is j 7 4c4 II sweetest si eetest or have ba e even e en gone J over the th ocean o ean ehn for or a a few months The really pathetic Jpart part of it all is that once deserted desertedonce once the ominous omino 1s s plain wooden w ooden ood door Is s up upYashingtons Washingtons ashington s fashionable section ection remains remairs de le ¬ 4 i serted until fall wi wl ds have blown blow almost the last leaf from the tree tre and I I the gau gaud dy d flower beds wbJch wh = ch enliven the park part scenes all summer lie Hed I e dull ll TZ ft and brown under the first frosts No one who once leaves the < Capital in the summer returns until the lastmo last mo month rtth of summer is is gone unless cha chance nce j4rcw r 1 or business brings or ings them back bad New Yor York k is already a a halfgrown summer resort and one daily turns tl tu i rns s t f to the social column of a t big newspaper nespper to read that several of the fash ¬ 1 ionablemen ionable men and women i omen of N Newport Newportran Ne wport port ran ran into town for a few days and anddined dined UF 4 together at the Waldorf or I some someother som other big place ho toy Think then vhat it means mea S to the unfortunate caught cau ght sweltering sss eltering in in 0 the t e egl glare re of o the asphalt streets in the themiddleof middle mid midu le e of August to to be regaled with i v a sght of a brilliant lot of foreigners foreignersjl1eroforthe l1eroforthe here herofor for the peace negotiations negoti tons t ons and r 111 Ni55 s 1iIla Th1dccr 9ctrd J1CK1l11 Iv IvIC IC KcJrn1z t diplomats diI > lorn ts who are even now almost daily d iiy registering their the r departures for j summer resorts flitting back and forth to the Naticsls Natic4 Capital Q p1tal p1t I as duty de de Wctr 6 Ein Rzvero t mands If the sensible plans planssuggestedshould l ns suggested should be becar carried carriecrout carri ri tt ttut dout but ut only the them t hem written right right here here In ni Washington in in her er erquaillt quaint old house h use us once qnce qncethc the frol1 from Philadelphia 1 Ph 1adeIPhla 1ad lphla where she sh wen went for or r t plans plansf for r peace P eace wll w v l b be e form formulated UIate d he here fe taking perhaps perh aps auttle a little more tha than n I I British embassy embass r which is is tucked almost almoston on the the bank of of the dividingUne dividing line the t e Inttrmcnt Intrm lntirm nt of other her herhusbandsbod husban husbands ds d5bjd body i in In a week wee k iand and then th en transferring to Newport or some someotherplace other place to hold r Northwood ort 1 1ood ood < Cemetery emetery between bets eon Washington arid andGcorgetown 1dG Georgetown 9 9getown getown in a awllolly wholly unfashionable part of conferences confei confe r < es esand and back ba k again gain gani to Washington Washington to act actiIpon upon them Be that as town The simple little litt littlev e volume vo voi volu v i me e is called calledP Poems e ins and they are ar not mis ¬ Mr and ndrSFrank Ivlrs Frank Stillman of 615 it may mayall all of the diplomats are sure to be back here from time to time tim if named namedPr for though Mrs Cruger is past master of the art of o f fsocial f social socialpos posing ngand and andSeventh Sev Seventh Sevenths nth nths s treet northeast north a st will wHlspend spend sp spt spe e nd the even for a day da and this tl1isglves gives some tone to the atmosphere summer r 4 4t t Windsor Vt t starting star t l ng on I has not about her a single touch which usua usually usually 1 1y y marks the poetic genius geniusa a their tl tlelrvaca elrvaca vacation tIon flllsveek this week woman of the world from head to toe toethere there is is none loneof of the superficial tone Senator IDlkinB Elkin Elki ElldfiuSchator Senator Proctor Senator Teller TelleraIid arid Senator Alger the of the world about her boo book k 1 k t Alfred TV W SV Cooley Co leyCh1l Civil Service Com ¬ only men in n the Senate who have has served ed missioner will wlllgto go gto to Boston Tpnen Wl Wlen when l len en Presi ¬ e ser apprenticeships as as Cabinet offi ¬ Mrs Chaff Chaffee ee will return to Washington this thisweek week though not in time dent Roosevelt Roosc eli does and w will ill 1Jlcelebrate celebrate cials ci lsaU all testify tes estifv ify that the berth erth in in the House of American J Lords ords is to bid goodby to Mrs Gillespie that other otlI r most popular army woman the tenth anniversary an nhersary of othlsgraduatto his gradua graduation tion F much preferable to the highest Cabinet position that can be conferred who with General GeneralGHlespie GiHespie will leave June Jun 20 for f r New ew ew York and will w1l1at at Harvard and a allbecaliseof all ilbecaUse because of the irksome duties which bind a Cabinet mem member ber to sail the first of July for Europe Commissioner Commissioner Henry F Green has re ¬ 4 Washington Vash n ngton on during d riIigthe the heated hea ed term The Senator leaves the city ity as soon t tto turned from te Princeton Prlncetonwhcrehewent where he went < to to celebrate cclehT te the thetwentyfirthannlversa twentyflf twentyfifth th anniversar anniversary y after the close c1 ose of Congress Cong ress as a s he likes li1e s but for f r the most the Cabinet officer + the theN New ew Willard 1Vll Iardw where e re she S he has ha S apart a par t tc c 1 i of his graduation gr duatlon takes tal es buta bat a brief month of summer vacation and 1s s then always e1w ayS subject to ti r i I I SOGi Social S OCJa 1 Gossip G OSSlp 5SiP t i 1 ments mentsso so as to be b near her husband i recall to tOSOnle some hard line l1 e of duty t whose business busln b sln s ss wlllicccp wlll will k ke ep p = hlm In InWastf Wastf Wasi WasSl I oJ r 2 Ing Ingtor for some somet time imc I Attorney ttorneyGeneral General Moody the bachelor of the Cabinet Cab met circle will slip The lieutenant general ener ner J l of the army I i Weddings WeddlDn s J I t from under the heavy atmosphere of the Capital as soon so naS as the President Adna R R Chaffee Cha fr ee will h II leave 1 eave Washington nT n nshlnton Mr our and an d Mrs ol f frs rs Alexander Al exan xander d er Brlttori 13 r Itt on and an d tomorrow tomorrp w for New New York where he will their family famll will go to Hawthorn Inn The Rev ReYFathlr Father Mackin of ofSt St Pauls Paul leaves town and will carry his work wor workto tto t to Boston where he can just ust as easily be joined j61ned by b Mrs lrs Chaffee Chaf e who wh ho is Isno now no in In East EastGIoucesfer Gloucester Mass l tass for the summer summer Romon Catholic Church hv111omc hv111omcate will officiate ate at a and an d das as well attend to it within easy roll of the ocean as here in in the th that city and together they will go on n leaving lealn lea ln Washington WashlngtonJuly T ashington July 1 a very pretty prett wedding wc cddIng Ing next Thursday at heated atmosphere of Washington and be even e en more moreacceSsble accessible to Oyster to BostQn BostQnThe The honorary honora ry degree of f LL 7 7p p m when Miss Irene Josephine Jose phine Bay D w will wlll ill be beconferred conferred by Tufts College Mrs Denny and Miss Denny wife and Simms daughter of Dr Giles G C 4 upon uponLieutenant Lieutenant General Chaff ChitIee Ch tIee be on on daughter oL Col ColFrank Frank Ix L Denny United JShnms I SImiris will become the bride brld of Dr r Diplomats ts are are now constantly forsaking the city for their temporary commencement c mmen meI1l day da June 2L The same 5 me States Sta es es Marine 1IarlIioCorps Corps sailed < yester yesterday day J I William lUfam F s Mattingly summer homes and by the end of the mon month th all will have sought the rest honor w will ill be bestowed upon Japanese J panese I from CroniNcWYorktor New NewYork York for Southampton SouthamptonThe They The I j I MlssSlmms M1ss Simms will be beattend attended attend d by bYher her Minister Takahira at tha that t time will sn spend snndfive nd ndthfe the months in England and d sister Miss SInu i iand and of their their youngest oungestslster Genevieve nevieve Slmms SI quiet temporary legations Sir Chentung CbentungLiangCheng LiangCheng Lntng Cheng the will 1Il mreturn return General Gen rl11and and Mrs Chaff Chaffee ee on onth the th continent onttnen1 and an Dr Ernest ErnestMltchel1 Mitchell will w111be be best bes t Chinese minister will wil1leave leave for Amherst Mass Wednesday Wedne Jay Jayand and will spend to Washington W hington next ext xtThurs Thursday Thurs a 3S Mrs Mrsand and Miss MlssCrosbWlfe Crosby Crosb wife and daugh ¬ man some time there with his children who wl o make ifc i their vacation home Calderon tiring ter teror of Oscar T Cros Croby by y ytormerly formerly of otthe the There will bef be b beiour four fourushers our ushers Dr Harry Senor Sen r Alvarez Calderon Cal eron the retiring retiringcorps re corps of engineers of the thearm arm r will sail The Tl TheSiamese Siamese e minister m Inister and his suite went to East Gloucester Mass rass rassJ minister from Peru left the th city ct I yes es ¬ tor army Price P r I ce ceo o C CINobleC I Noble T 0 bl e C T TR Robinson R 0 bt btnsonand nson and an d forEumpe or orEuropeon Europe the with on same steamer withE E P Welch 1 i several days ago and will make malt their theirhomeat home at charming Hawthorne Inn terday evening for New T York He e does Mrs and Miss Denny Miss Crosby Cro8b will After the ceremony ceremon a Photoby ov reception receptlonw1ll will be held at the bomeof homeotthe the know the exac exact t date dateof si of f his de just ust as they did last summer Here it is IS the ministers wont to promote not yet be one of the Washington debutantes brides parents p par arents nts to intimate friends and M M 1vf C parturefor parture for or Chile but it will 111 take Place ncxtwintcr next winter Miss M Marl d dnn all sorts of athletic sports and to take an active part in all aUgames games from golf golfthis this week near relatives relativesonl relatlv 23 only onl JlJs LLar JJ nna nn to whit It Ph AkharajVaradharawho Mrs Lenil wife Ire Upon their return from an an extended ext nded d was a vear Rhnwp n nmnl mnl h VI of H R bridge whist Phya PhaAkhal11jVaradharawho Akharaj Yaradharawho Varadhara who last year ear showed showedmuch much enthusiasm ent1t iasm in in getting up a croquet tourney offering a prize entering the contest himself and nd carrying it off to his own room roomall all of which afforded much muchamusenient amusement to his numerous warm friends He was most enthus ¬ iastic in all ll the sports at the Chevy Chase and Country Clubs here this spring and gave tworarely two rarely beautiful autlful cups as prizes prizesone one of them especial ¬ ly showing saos ing the most exquis e exquiske quisit quisitwor1rmanship ite workmanship of the silver sil er and goldsmiths of the Orient a a a The news of Mrs Flora FloraBJg BIgelow lowDodges Dodges s marriage to Lionel George Guest fourth son of Lord Wlmbourne 1vi lbourne which is announced to take place July 6 forever deprives Mrs L Z Leiter of the thenecessIt necessity of ofdenying denying the constant rumors of young Joseph Leiters LeitersdevoUon a devotion to Mrs Dodge There was as talk of an engagement between them from time to time timefar for a period of two years and when Mrs Dodge came came amc on for the wedding of Daisy Leiter and the Earl of Suffolk gossip gained color until unUllIrs Mrs Leiter had to again and again deny the rumor r It I was in the big music room r oom at the L Leiter iter mansion on Dupont Dupont circle cir circle cle thatL that Lionel onel Guest is is supposed to have first fi rst conceived his fascination for this tlis brilliant American woman It was she s sh se h e who directed d the thearrange arrangement ent of the floral fioralaltar altar in the thebalJroom ballroom where Lord and Lady Suffolk were were mar ¬ ned riedand and it was wass she lie who chaperoned them in New York prior to their mar ¬ riage Among Amo g the th weddings w dd ngs of the coming week which whichnre are of Interest to New York society is that of Miss Elfrida Roosevelt daughter of the late l teAIrred Alfred Roosevelt to an Englishman of the name of Orme Clark at atBos Boston on tomor ¬ row The President has haspr promised mfsed to attend and to give giV the bride bride away a ay if his engagements permit In the event of o f his absence she wfllbegivcn will be given away aa by b her stepfather T G Bowlker also an Englishman EngH lman Her mother was Miss Catherine Lowell of Boston who lost her herform former r husband a first Cousin ousin of the President about twelve years ago Miss Roosevelt is is a very er handsome girl exceedingly popular in i Boa Bos ¬ ton 10nand and has h lSbeen been frequently entertained at the White House since Tier rela tives t1veshave have been established estabIl establishedthere hcd there a a Mme Jusserand Juss and who has suffered a serious indisposition In health during the past week Is now fast recovering and will be able ableto top to sail for Europe with her husband the ambassador from France June 29 This rhis week weeltwill wed will mark mark a general breaking up of society much more moremarlced marked than 4n fl the pas p pt t t and Mrs Taft and her family the Henry Mays and their daughters and a score or more of others otherswfllleve will le leve ve the city for the entire summer Mrs Shaw with her daughters who spent last week at Atlantic City will return tomorrow and has tentative plans for the present Mrs Cortelyou did not accompany the Postmaster General to Atlantic City and will 111 find it comfortable < to remain at her home here until such time as J Jher her husband will be able to take takehia his summer vacation She Is an old fashioned housewife and believes bell eves in InJeeping keeping a comfortable home open o en for her husband Baron deThal deThalchamberIain chamberlain to the Czar and who has been appointed first secretary of the Russian embassy here under Baron de e Rosen will upon upon his arrival l in this country go for a visit to Prince and Princess P r nces Engalletchess at Chicago before settling down to diplomatic dipIom tlc routine He is described as asa a a tall slender stately statelyman man with light eyes a light mous ¬ tache and a clever face He arrives in the early summer and as the season at the Capital Capital is over v er by that time he will be known In Chicago pos libly ibly before he hefs is seen In Washington Mrs Reginald de Koven Mr and Mrs Chatfield Taylor John T Mc Cutcheon the cartoonist and others of like artistic and literary bent are the guests this week of George Ade at athfs his farm in Indiana over Sunday Mrs Van Rensselear Cruger who loves best to be called Julian Gor ¬ don the pen name assumed when she kept New York society societyguessJng guessing guesc iing some ome meyearsagoas years ago as to the author of her clever clev r stories is recelvlrigtho con gratulationB gmtulatfonsofher of her friends over ov r her budget bu get of delightful dellghtfulpoems poems most oft cx Rear Admiral Adriliraland and Mrs Van Reypen left Washington VasbiagtonYesrdaY yesterday Jestcrd Jestcrdy y afjernpfln a aferfloQfl ter npQn for f r Lang Island Islan d where wh re they they will spend s p dt the e summer Mine and andlI1le Mile des Portes de la laFOsse Fosse who 110 sailed e lUed from New York last week have arrived in Paris where they will stay for some weeks before e eYlsiting visiting visitirigoth oth ¬ er r rparts parts of France do Mine fmeand and Mile des Portes will be among the guests present at a the wed ¬ ding of Miss Wlr Wirians T 1r ians an and d Prince de Beam Mrs Oliver Cromwell will wllIlcae leave Wash Ington tomorrow for or Hartford H HartfordComI artfordComI Conn to attend the wedding w dd ng of her nephew Walter T alterS S Trumbull grandson of the late Senator Lyman Trumbull of Illi Il I ¬ nOls to Miss 1 llss Mar Marjorie jorie Skinner daughter off o of r Cel Cel Francis Skinner of Hartford which will take place this week Later Mrs Cromwell will w ill go to Saybrook Saybro k Conn where Mr Cromwell has taken a house for the summer This location Is ideal as it throws Mr Cromwell Cro mwell con con ¬ venient to the New York Yacht Club of which hich he Is chairman Mrs Crom ¬ well will go abroad In the the fall to re ¬ main matnfQr for a year Assistant Attorney General and Mrs Louis A Pradt will go abroad the lst Of August ugtlst and will spend two months in In L England and nd Scotland and will make a ii L visit in Paris Until then Mrs Pradt will remain remalnat at her F I street residence i with the exception exc pll no of short trips to near by htlummer summer resorts re rtfl Miss 118 IlJIdegardfi HJdcgar McKenna will leave 1 leav llve Washington tomorrow to t visit Mrs John Toh T DaviE She will vIll later Join her he hei r family famll at their place In Narragansett Narra gansett where wh > re they th will go o July 1 Representative George W V Smith and anc 1 Mrs Smith left J t WflHhlngton Friday irf ay U to visit the Portnnd Exposition From I there they th y en O to San Francisco whcrq whcr they join jo n Secretary Tofts Tart party sailing saIIin July 8 for the Phillnnlnds s They will wil I also visit China and Japan an William W lllnm J K Jlhl > ho and daughter Miss Mln A May thy Kfjhoo of if 1C20 JG20EIIht Eighteenth nlh street strc t accompanied by byltIHH byltIHHJ byltIHHlIce MIsn Alice J lIce Blator Slal roC cii of r 2200 Q street will Hall from Sun Fran elm July 8 on the Ht steamer amor Manchur MlJ1ch1a ia They fht y expect to spend lHJ Icilu1 HI UM mnmncr ln Ii Japan J tlIlan I 4 Mr Mrs Samuel HmJtli vlfn W1f of th thr lie r Ameri AtJJc l ¬ can conflul K leJ geerni < i rnl to Mn MtlHlww J < ow Iltianln who bus boon COi Hfnylllfir At tho VIIlnnl I during the winter Js nt n nreaont r ljJnt at tho i l lr Mnrihofoulh AlIlwUa MIsiLcCity CI Y MM Walter imirflold who hUM the dlHtlrictlon of Q boJntf olllS one of i f WfthhltmtonM gliigLotii i most mo t oxflu cIuivci lvo IY tied ouatant liOHteHHca hOHe Ij If cntcrtnlnlnK cnt < rtnlnln at her hoiisft > 0 eoobrHI CcilOJritliu iol > rltloH ex o x ¬ pect pcts to Kftvc liar qiinlnt Jioiisa ollse Juno 25 r Z She will rtr l irst rHI t go to Rflwoyton Conn whcrtj who flh wJH visit vll lt Mrs Mr 1t h 1 Hope Nor ¬ ton sit 4ior Ior beauUfwl plnce Mlnnowoc tiinnwcit Mr Norton Iu Uio fflUgH 1ughtttr l r of 0 if MrH MIy Morrison Cnrr Who Is 1 s also hor KiittKl n Iii in JJOr w younger ss sister r MIHH Mlnnlo Cnrr Mtor Mrs Fujpnelrt JinJrfi ff1 will wit KO 0 to West Virginia Vlr irgnfu lnlu to tI Jui io o with her he i mother Wsr i y Mrs lr ROSB wife of t tho ho mir IJrthrullng IiriHlng agent of 0 tho th PAnomn Cftual Commis ¬ sion expects XlHct to Bp spid lwn nd tho tti Hummer at t t cs3r Lemly Maj HRLemly Xemly U U S A r retired tired passed through Wash ¬ ington I1g Qnt1ils this week Weekenrouteto en route to visit vls1ther her s ister sister at a Fort X eavenworth han KaD KaDr r and her daughter da u htr in Wyoming Mrs David DavId T Pay DQ wife of Dr P Day > ay chief of the department of otmlneral mineral re ¬ sources so ur csof of the th Geological GeologlcalSuney Survey with her two twochUdren children Elizabeth and Elliott Day has left the city clt rtor for the Pacific coast c03staudwlth and with the doctor and their little family famIl will wJllcampoutdurlng camp out during the i summer summ ren on a the Columbia river Dr i Day will meet them at Livingston I Mont and will accompany them on a trip rip through the Yellowstone National Pa Park Park rk i Charles Charles IX D Walcott Director DIre ctor of otthc the I Survey Sure and an d Mrs Walcott w lcot will nl accom cc m ¬ i pany UIY the party part Capt E Herrera de la Hosa Ros of the artillery corps c orps Spanish army at army is In this city en route routetG to Spain from an extended tour of duty In the Orient Mrs II Gilspn Gardner or the theRo Ro chambeau left the city ci yester yesterday csterdaand day and will pass tllC the summer with wlthher her parents Mr and Mrs Fred Hall In Chicago Mr Gardner G rdn r will wi1 leave June Jun e 21 21 21v with v ith the correspondents corr spo spon spod n d ts on o ri riJhei Jhei their theirCanadian i Canli Canadian ilantrlp trip Mrs 1lrL 1r nryFBlounthdsbeenen Henry F JSlount hafe IUL been becnenter enter ter taming tamingiluring during the t wfcek w et at her hctbeauti beauti ¬ ful fulIlo hom home riIe je The he Oa Oaks ks Georgetown George own L I Heights igllf r Tn In in honor h honor onor of Mrs MI 5 Sarah S r hPlatt Platt DeckEr and Miss ss Pecker De cke r of Denver cbi Cot Receptions Re cpUo sWe were rc held heldMQnday Monday and Tuesday Tu sda wljcn wHc Hh6 7t the 1 guests included members s of the Twentieth TweI tlEith C CQntuiy ntury Club also a1sopt other otlierwomtn 1ervpmens womens clubs of this city clnlIrs Mrs Blount was was assisted asslstei by b Miss MIs Prescott PrescottaIid arid Mrs William T Tf E1 f Bleo Mr fr and Mrs F M Vlnton VI ton and their thou daughter Miss Ellen Vinton VifltOflr r have hav i closed their residence residC ce 25C8 Nineteenth i street and iin an i gone gone to to Connecticut to U spend sl > cnd the thc3ummer aummer aumm r Mrs Fulla Fullam m wife wIfe of f Lieu Lie t Com W F FFullam Fullam U S N will spend the sum ¬ mer mcr at Gcntcrvllle < entcrvnteMd Md Assistant AsHlsta ht Surgeon C E Koerper Ko erper U S A and Mrs Koerper have returned r turned I from the th Philippines and are staying stayin with wlthCql Col E A Koerper U S A A re reo tired and Mrs lIrsICoerperat ICoerper at 2234 2231Q Q 4 atrcct stJc t la h n this thlsclt tliI city Mr and Mrs Mr Irg Warren C Fairbanks reached Chicago Tuesday luesdE morning from froni tho fair 1 nt lit Portland Oregon where they went with Vice President and Mrs Fairbanks l lrlmnls to attend the the theexposition exposition Mrs Mr S N D DN DNrth NOrthwIfe North rth iCe of o f the chief chit f or the Census iJureau and Othcirchil their chil ¬ Iron have gone to Lake Sunapee S napee N II where they will spend the entire enti o summer HIJInn r Mr and Mrs Mr Norman n Gait Galtsailed sailed yes tert tcnlt terdity lfty on the thestenmcr steamer St Lou Louis is and will vil I upend 1 11111 > the summer stlm merabroal1 abroad Mr Mrs L I MacPonald Mac Don nld sailed salledcstcrda yesterday for Europe on an n the steamer Haverford I from Philadelphia Phl1nd I > hla to iemalnuntll remain until fall Tho widow of Charles F Mills IIl1S form pr Qrm ¬ erly Mile UlC ZI > I J Prandl Pmn dl has hasr returned turned I trip Mr and Mrs Mattlngly will make their home in Takoma where wherethe wherethoy they will meet the their ir r friends frien ds after September Septemb r l 1 Beth Bethyoung young oung people are descendants of fine old 01 < 1 Maryland Ma land families Miss lssAnnle Annie Goodwin Seipp daughter of Mr and Mrs George GeorgeW W Seipp will be married to Lieut Lleut Eugene Blake Blakejr jr of the United d States Revenue Cutter Service ServleeWednesdn Wednesday Wednesdn evening June June21at 21 at t Trinity Tr inity Protestant Episcopal Church Towson Md Miss Elizabeth Green Greenot of Delaplane Delapl ne ne Fauauler county count Va Va Vaand and the Rev Thomas Getz Hill of Cumberland Md will be married at tthe the home of othe the bride 1 Tuesday next The Rev Re Mr Hill was one of the class ordained to the priesthood at the Epis copal Theological Seminary at Alex andria yesterday esterda Mr and Mrs Hill will ill make their borne in Cumberland where the groom has been beenca called alIl l to the as sistant rectorship of Emmanuel Epls copal copalChurch Church I 14 ii Engagements Enuaue nts 11 The engagement has been announced by b Rev and Mrs J A AAsplnwal1 Aspinwall of WashlngtonDC Washington P C of thelrdnughter their daughter Miss Anna AnnnBeck Beck Aspinwall to First Lieut George Blanchard Comly Coml Third Thir d C Cvalry Cavalry valry son of the late late Major Clifton Comly COmlyordnancedepa ordnance department Etmen1 1 Receptions 1 1 1 airs MrsEmllyBrlggs Emily Briggs opened her his ¬ toric iodcplace to n place The Maples fapleson on Maple square Capitol CapltolHmMondaee Hill Monday evening r rng ng for the annual June festival of the Ex ¬ celsior Literary Club 1 Mrs MI S S Briggs in a few f w wellchosen words wo rds greeted the guests andextended to them the freedom of Her old mansion ma n5ion and grounds After a tour of Inspection of the house the guests adjourned to the east room where a fine lln emusleal musical program was rendered and a parlor talk alit 01 Oh India given by the Ite key Dr Henry Hcnr Balcer Those present pr sent were Mrs Arabella Al ¬ exander Dr and and11rs Mrs Henry Baker Mrs L Barnard BarnardJ J E Briggs Wor 116r ¬ cester cs cr Briggs Miss 1 Ilss I Laura aura Briggs Miss Anne Briggs Mrs J W Bulla Miss MIs s Bulla Miss G A Chamberlin Mrs Carrie Chapman Mrs Culley Culle Miss i Mamie Culley ulle Mrs J FInney Engle i airs llrsC C H FalllngChnrles Falling Charles F For I l sythe s the Mrs John W V Foster Fosterr r Mr and I Mrs Irst rs A H IL Frear F r ear Mrs frs C H I Gordon GOr don I I Miss l lss > I I M Gordon Mrs L Graham i I Mrs M s Karl E Gury Gur Mrs Irs E A Haines Mrs M L L HancyGenand Harvey Gen and Mrs MrsB B FHaw 1 F Haw Hawkes kes Miss Mildred 1 ndled Henaly HenalyMrs Mrs Arhlo Jossey Je se Mra Mt E C Johnston Mrs Clara Clar a E Kalstrom Major George Lawrence Lrwrenee11lss Miss Grace ii Lawrence awrence Mrs Charlotte Lewis Miss Lottie Lewis Mrs M M Metcalf Met aif Mr and Mrs frs J JL L L McCrcerj Miss Mis Flora McCreery Mr and ntl Mrs Frederick Frederlck1Iuller Muller Mrs H II Kaylor Mrs MrsCalvinNellson Calvin Nellson Mrs A G Powell POwpnMrs Mrs Homer Riggs Dr and Mrs Thomas Itoblnsonj Robinson Miss Minnie I Rusher Mrs MrsC C 3 SN N Seely See1 Mr and Mrs l M rs William Webb and Mrs M L TltUs W illis Mr M and a and 1ifI Mrs rs Charles Charles E E Dessey Desse of r 1went T Twentysec SeC9n pn d street northwest gave a b beautiful beautirulr e tlful reception cEPtfon last week in honor o of otthelr f their daughter daughterMlss Miss TJnlce Cecelia Cec 1ia I Dessey Desse D essey who graduated gra duated from St S1 Pat ¬ r ric ri cks ks Academy Ac dem dOmy In the class cl ss of this y year ear Miss Dessey Desse was assisted by the b Other Ot her graduates Miss Irene Cusick Miss Lula L ula Marie Hines mn s and i Miss Marguerite Ann A nn Smith The 1he school colors violet Iolet a and nd gold combined with palms and cut fl flowers owers entered into the decorations of t the theJ he parlors > a rlors and dining room roo m After numerous numerouS games and musical s selections seIecUonsthe the clergy of St Patric PatrIc P trlcks ks a and nd the graduates gradU3tESol1owed followed by b5the the un i dergraduates dergza d du at went w nt to the dining room where where w here a bountiful repast was served serve Among the invited guests were the 3 Rev R ev D J Stafford S itf rd and andhls his assistants Fathers F thers Carroll Carr n and McGuigan ofSt of St Patricks Pltrlcks P Father P J OConnell Of f St Vincent V inCent de dePauI Paul and the Misses Mamie IaI 1le PIANOS LOANED FREE A AN ANvel Novel vel Plan to Give the Children Musical In ¬ struction stru tiofl During Vacation GOOD SQUARE PIANOS Furn FurnIshed ished By BytheP the F G Smith Piano Pfan9CO Co to Those Th se Who Will Pay Cost of Hauling The summer vacation is now at nthand hand and n Jld the children will be b c relieved of the school s studies for a period periodo of several months What Yhatnn an excellent opportunity to start s tart the children in music musicand and the F CSmlth J Smith Piano Company of 1225 Penn a sylvania s h nlanenue avenue makes an offer that w ill bring a a musical education e ucatlon within the t he reach of all children Their plan is distinctly d novel and Is one of o the most liberal ll l eal and commendable omI1e lahle projects ever launched hupch aupclied d in Washington to advance ad mnce the cause c ause of musical education This firm has a nlnrge large number of good service ¬ able square gquareplanos pianos taken in exchange which are ar now lying l lng in their warerooms where they are of no benefit to anyone The company comp y proposes to devote these instruments i to the cause of musical vGucatloM e ucatiol end will loan them free of charge for forEb six months to anyone who will vIlI pay pathccost the cost of hauling In other words the company furnishes the piano for f or nothing n thlng and all you have to do Is to t o pay pa for the Instruction and there are many vary w ry capable music teachers In Washington who will give your ourchldrcn children two or three lessons a week at very nominal rates Of course co rie the number of pianos is 1 limited Umitedand l and should shouldoU you desire the use of ond o OI o freo eQ of charge you youhnd had better make m ake application appUc1tlonMonda Monday or as soon as polble Mudd lIudd1IaryJoyce Mary Joyce Margaret Flynn Jane Barret Barret Marjorie Barret Irene Cusick Marie HineS Sarah Hart Hart j Maud McClure Irene Berdine Clara M May y Irene Iten McKelvey IJllie ililleri lfiUerM9rgalet Miller Margaret Smith Smith Susie Jouvenale Touven Jouv nOie le Gertrude Burns Gertrude GertrodeJouvenale Jouvenale Jjollie LollieMorlaHty Modality Blanche Price Ge Gertrude rtrude Summer KummerHelen Helen Kummer Dosie Do sIe Fry and ind W W Batten field fieldA A Joyce JL A Kelchenbali BeJchenb1h IA LEer IBer dine Qiiinten QlIn ten IJ L Jenest lenestFerbers Ierbersaaw haw McGraw M L Leplej Percell ercenYQcham Tpchain Locher W Brown Brown Dessey 1 LDessey L Dessey Continued on onPaS9Fiv Page Five this thlsSeetlbn Section 4 t S ae t S Ill o I i Smoot Coffer McCalley 1216 F S Street treef Phone 725 725I I Some Excellent Values For F Mondays Selling Stylist StylisliRobes Robes One On each ea h of f white w it pink blue blue ecru and lilac 1i1acLiIt Linen 1 Robes Robespretty pretty styles created expressly for us Markeds125o ne 7 P 5 0 duced ducedto to t vp 91 v All of o f oUr imported Ecru Batiste and Swiss Robes RobeS new and pretty styles marked mar ked 15 1 t5andt8 and nd 1 18 8 Re dv ti jO CA 12 5 O duced to 4 > 14 1 h ha a > V White Wash Suits Splendid lineofLacHes line of Ladies fine White VhiteJn In diaLinoI1 dia Linon Shirt Shirtfaist Waist i Suits Suitsl A UHO l hemstitch JlLlllOLiH JlLlllOLiHiiWW iemstitched M iiWW d U14U and ana tuc tucied > vw e v q j all sizes sizes Special < C AA 500 at 4 > O vU I Reductions t n on n Seasonable Goods Lot of o of3cl C4Qan 0 and d 20Inch White Wh1t Whiteand and na Ecru Nets > ts floured t1 Jredan and spotted sp0ttO ef t fects suitable for waists and a a d entire dresses 1r I Reduced marked 75c to and v 1 i yard 2 21r 2 Our ur entire ntlr ntlre e stock of of fine 32Inch Irish Irl h Dimities DimlUeSgoc grocds s imported ImpoJteddl di ¬ rect by us to sell at 25c yard jardover over 100 different dli erent styles to select lec t 4 f r prlcew price from at this reduced rdu ed 9 9from V Excellent Exce lent line of 26 26a i6 and r nd Scinch 3 ln h Linen Suitings in white pink light blu blue navy black blackgre grey brown and tan marked 37 3c c and f j A to 50c u yard Reduced 2 5 5C C Smoot Coffer McCalley 1216 l2l F FStreet Street < 7