1 2 THE Tll1 WASHINGTON Y SH GTON TIMES TUESDAY AUGUST 8 190 panics pa l of thoiTow tho ow Hampshire < i 2Jatinnil 2JatinnilGuard atthna1 atthna1Guard all allGuard Guard with the Second infantry infuntl band bandunder bandunder 1 1under under the command of Col Edmund EdmundTetley EdmundI I I Tetley Tetle were drawn up upParade upParade Parade Through Portsmouth PortsmouthAs Portsmouth PortsmouthAs I As the first f1r carriage appeared appeal QiIn In Inwhich j jwhich j jwhich which was as a seated s tctl Assistant Secretary SecretaryPeirce Scr ScrtaryPeIrceo1lpnQf tar I Peirce Peircefopn PeIrceo1lpnQf Colpnqr fTe Tetley 1y Advanced idvanced anJTin anJTinformeAIrv and nitin nitintormed in inforrnoIr f formeAIrv tormed forrnoIr lr Pefrce thjg lh thL J he was tre treby tlreby lnre lnreb by b orders ord rsof < of the l c Governor G Vernor of New NewHampshire ew ewHampshire eWEarupshtre Hampshire to escort the diplomats Mr MrFeirce MrPeirce MrPeirce Peirce made a suitnWe uit lt1responsc response and andthe an anthe andthe the parade vas wa then formed with the theband theband thebnn4 band leading and the national guards guardsmen guards111en guardsmen men surrounding and a d following the car carriages tarrIages iU iUriages ¬ riages The Th cqrtegeproceeded cQrtege proceQ1ed up Mart Martet M Mar Maret rJ rJat > et street str tret 1t across aero thq th parade do down wn4 Con Congress Co Cosress Gogress ¬ gress street st etthrlugo through Middle 1Udqle street streetdown and anddown nlI down State street giving the visitors a agood ngood agood good view ot the historic olq QIc town townWhan towp towpWhen towzWhen When the th RpckinghRnv RD k1nghfm countycourt countycourthouse Q Qountycourthouse mhcourt mhcourthouse house was reached there the anvoys anvoyswere OPyoyswere oivoyswere were received b by Governor McLane his hisstaff hhstaff staff and council co ncll and andb by b the New NewHampshire NewHampshire NewHampshIre Hampshire congressional qongreszlo al delegation el sntlon The Thereception TherecepUonher Thereception reception recepUonher here hei was nS entire ntlr ntIrey I3priv y private teonh teonhthe only onlythe onlythe the peace veaceenyoys envoys and officials ofljclaJsleIng Ueing admitted ad admitted adinitted ¬ mitted mittedHUTGHIHS mittedHUTCHINS inittedllTll18 HUTGHIHS REPORTS FORWill FOR FORCOTTON FRtIOTTJN COTTON STATISTICS STATISTWSWill ORK ORKWill Will Travel Extensively Through Cot Cotton Cotton Cotton ¬ ton States for Information InformationOlm InformationOlmstead InforxnationOlmstead Olm Olmstead stead and Fessenden Retained RetainedP P L Hutchins of New Orleans I La Lawho Lawho > a awho who was recently reccntl appointed a member memberof memberof of the newly organized statistical board boardat boardat boardat at the Department of Agriculture re reported reported reported ¬ ported this morning to Secretary Wil Wilson Wilson ¬ son sonMr Mr Hutchins it was announced will willnot willnot not only be a member of the crop esti estimating est etiinaUng ¬ I mating board but will travel extensively extensivelythroughout cxtensivelyhroughout exteneivelythroughout throughout the cotton growing districts districtsThe districtsThe The Information gained by Mr Hutch Hutchins HutchIns Hutchins ¬ ins who Is regarded r garded as asanexpert an expert on oncotton Oncotton oncotton cotton statistics by a nersonal R rsonal rsonal observa observaton observaton ton of the cotton crop cropcon crOpiondIt1on condition Ut on in con connection con connection ¬ nection with th t therorts > ieports eports frorSthe froiWthf1eid froiWthf1eidagents = fteld fteldagents agents and Ytii township hiPcorrespondents hiPcorrespondentsshould correspondents correspondentsshould correspondentsshould should ln4e opinion of the department departmentofficials departmentofflclalsrcestabllshcomplete departmentofflc1als officials offlclalsrcestabllshcomplete TCestablishcomplete confidence confidenceas as to the accuracy of the reports em emanating emanatl ¬ anating anati 1g g from the Bureau Bur nJl p of Statistics StatisticsIt It has alNalong l t l Ialong ong been understood1 that thatAssistant thatA thatAslstant Assistant A > slstant Secretary Secreta Hays would not notcontinue notContlnue notcontinue continue permanently at the th head of ofthe oCthe ofthe the Statistical Bureau and that just asi asisoon as assoon as2OOn soon as the system s stem has been reorganized reorganizedand reorganIzedmd reorganizedand and put in thorough working order a asuccessor asuccessor asuccessor successor to John Hyde the former sta statistician statistician statistician ¬ tistician would be appointed appointedThe appointedThe appointedThe The appointment of a chief statisti statistician statisticlan ¬ clan however it is said Ulll tilI not dis dispense dIspen dispense ¬ I pense pen pense sewi with th the services of the statistical statisticalboard board as both Secretary Wilson and As Assistant Assistant Assistant ¬ sistant Secretary Hays Ha s are confident confidentthat 1 that the board plan is the only possible possibleway possibleway possibleway way to safeguard the valuable infor information information inforrnation ¬ mation pertjining to crop conditions conditionsgathered conditionsgathered gathered by b the department Victor Olmstead and Stephen D Fes Fessenden Fesstnden Fessenden ¬ senden two of the members of the th pres present present present ¬ ent temporary tempora board it is understood understoodwill understoodwill understoodwill will be permanently retained Mr Hays has conducted a rigid investigation Into the past history of these men and is isentirely Isenthely Isentirely entirely satisfied that better men could couldnot couldnot couldnot not be obtained obtainedThe obtainedThe obtainedThe The fourth member of the board has not as yet been selected and until untilSUCJ untilsuch SUCJ such U10 time as thc selection Is made eith eitht eithC either ¬ er C C Clark or George K Holmes will willJENKINS act actJEMKIN t JENKINS FOR FU SECRETARY SECRETARYOF 8ERETA8YFMEEA OF FMEEA FMEEAThe COMMERCE AND LABOR LABORI LABORThe I I I The announcement of Representative RepresentativeJohn Represe RepresentatlycJohn tattve tattveJohn I John J Jenkins of Wisconsin as the thelaboring theJIJOring the1rlnr1ug laboring mens candidate for the port portfolio portfolIo ¬ folio of Secretary Secrttar of Commerce and La Labor Labor ¬ I Ibor bor Is being talked of on all sides sidesAt sidesAt I IAt II At the regular weekly meeting of the theCentral theCtntral I Central Labor Union last night the dele delepates deleI delegates I gates to that body unanimously Indorsed IndorsedJfiiklns IndorsedJn1kIns l LJffllins j Jfiiklns candidacy candidac candidacyOther j I Other Important business brought up I i before bEf < re the central body b d last IJlS night was W wastlu 6l j i I tho settlement of orth thfe th gtiefMAnce g teiceexIst lce exist incr In betwejn betw betwugrticgn nJ he le AmeflcnfTederatlon JTifflcim Federation of Musicians Lllilcla s and the central c ntral labor body I A request was made that the officers of t ttrp i iti i j j tf ti Central Labor Union be delegated to toinpear tcanpear I I anpEar before > the next meeting of the th Mialclans 1h lclaDli Union and If possible possiblesrnooth posiblcsmooth t smooth over the trouble that has been beenexisting honExi lceaexistIng I existing Exi tn between twen the two twobodie bodied 1 The Journeymen Bakers Bakers akers and Confec ¬ toner Union the th Paperhangers Local Localr r 10 o 430 42 and the th Carriage and Wagon I Workers No 72 submitted credentials credentialsarid credentIalsa credentialsaid I arid a d their delegates Iegates will be seated at the therext theIfxt thenext next regular meeting of the central l body t FRANms FRAMI8 J 8 B1 LOOMIS 15 15EIPECTIOJOTO1IOW IS 18PErTp1p 1 1EXP J 1 j 1 I EIPECTIOJOTO1IOW EIPECTIOJOTO1IOWIt EXP PErTp1p PErTp1pIt EO TIOTO 1fiRROW I I Ii i i 1 1It i i It is expected that thatFrgntls Franqte I < rflnCjI U I Loonis Loonisrirst ooinls ooinlsFirst Jnls I IPirst I First Assistant A hitant Secretary Sccret ry of State St h will willreturn I Lreturn I return to Washington < 1Shlngton tomorrow tomorrowto to re remain remain ¬ main here h re for to a few ow days daysThere da daysThere s sThera There Is some surprise over Mr MrLoomls MrLoomis MrLooml I Loomis coming as it was said recently recentlyupon recently11J recent1blmn upon 11J < > 1 his landing at New York from fromabroad frorrabroad rom romaLroad abroad that he was going on a a long lon lonvncatlon j vncation The work in connection with wIthbdng wiUbcing j I bilng a special sl ial ambassador to FTJttice FTJtticeIn Fr41CeIn Ft4ncIn In the Paul Jones ceremonies It was wa wasaid j said had tired him out and he felt thc thcreed thereed tlureed reed of a good r rest st It ItIs 1tIsthought is thought that thatMr thaiMr Mr Loomis will only remain remaIn here here a ashort ashort i ishort I short time straightening up theilffairs theilffairsof the thtUfairof Mfairs Mfairsof of his office and that he will then go goaway goaway gcaway away not to return until the fall fallThere fallThere I There is still much gossip as to Mr MrLoomis j Loomis l mls future It Is known that he lu luwas f fwas iwas was never fnoer thrown Intimately wltn Mr MrRoot MrRoot MrRoot Root when the latter was Secretary Secretar of oi r rWar j War nr and in view of Mr Boots 1toQtaappontment Rootsnpuotnt npnolnt npnolntmfnt 1 I Imfnt mfnt to the Stale Department rumor rumorhas rumorhas xumoihas has It that Mr It Loomis chances of stick sticking j ing are not strong In all likelihood likelihoodhowever likelihoodhowever likelihoodhowever however Mr Loomis Loom will remain the theFir tinFirt i iFirst First Fir 1t Assistant Secretary until Congress Congressmeets i imeets I meets when confirmation will bo asked askedfor askedtor aske askefor for his appointment to a foreign post j jDEATH iDEATH DEATH DEATH RECORD RECORDAllen RECORDAllen C Allen AU R Dorcthy Do rethy 4 month 1337 Wyley Wyle st ne I I B BII JI Alexander M 3 I 8 83 1331 Conn ave aveBrown aV6h Brown Emory r C 5 522 44 4 st sw swfohen sWchen fohen chen h Ofka fg fgr 10 l month o tI 605 05 Grant lra ave aveEHottr eveElliott ve I Ir EHottr Elliott XVm A t Congee Helfhta 1Jsihti D Ii C CFrazler cawkhui CFrazier Frazier r Jordan td lt lit PreednMin8Ho Ireednanl1oapItai J = n f pltal h Hawkins awkhui Clifton i lttton 1 1111 Dataware Dnawa ave sw swJIlgKs swUICls ssiligga JIlgKs Mar Mare frdays g days 2 2S 18tb > at t tje tjeHumi qeUuml tjehumphrey Humi humphrey hrpy m > hJi AJyJn yiu f 3 months Chi ChlJaen < lr na a Hoep Jarboe John 67 7 Emergency liorifiltal lIo lIOtIta1 lIOtIta1Jerrell I I IJerrell Jerrell Vlrjrlnla VlrjnlaD D 8 days day 400 La Lzwe iwe Me nw nwJohnson llWJohnson nwJohnson Johnson Charles A 27 Govt HOSP osp Ip Iptflne IptflneJOhnron IpsaneJohneon w e eJohnson Johnson Mary 60 Wash Vashn n Asylum A ylun1 Hoapital HopitalKoesek KosBck Bertha D rtha 7 Garfield Hospital HospitaiMcCoy 7 7M I McCoy M CQ Infant of tVllitam ltJtILIWA A and Virginia 1 hour 312 3l McLaJn ave aeRl aveItIdso RlUfout Rl ItIdso < JfoOUt Infant of Philip and andEa Eva 2 days daysnOIXi nOIXi 15SS 6 Bells court courtRobin t Robin ler n Anna na M 4 moe Of 333 Z Aflen nen II ct IiW IiWUtlgerE SWItgsrE UtlgerE Mar Margit IJl 8 months VfUJhn vaj hn Barracks BarracksSchreiber BarracksSehreiber Schreiber Walter S 22 Providence Hospital Ho rJltal SplrowB Ralth A 3 months monthw211 2fl Warren ct Taylor Joseph 10 months lis Q st nv nw Thomas Willie lIlle 9 months 2105 11th st t Trapler Richard S 47 1503 i5O Qfit Q AiL nw TrumbulJ Jensen 76 409 13 C ave se Ward lard Caroline 58 715 7th stse stsemmum st sL se seI seT mmum I P I J T i I h hr I r ISEVENTEENGUNS ISEVENTEENGUNSI SEVENTEENGIJNS SEVENTEENGIJNSFORMCFARLAND WEEN Gil GilCamp FOR FORMCFARLAND FORMCFARLANDCamp MA F AHLAND AHLANDCamp Camp Orclway Orthvir Greets Dis District Ohstiict ¬ I trict Commissioner CommissionerATHlETIC COlllmissiollerATHtETIC CoinmissioneiATaLETIC ATHlETIC J MEET MEET THIS P P M MAttractive r rAttractive MAttractive Attractive 1 Program of f Events Events Prepared PreparedBattalion PreparedBatta1i PreparedBattalion Battalion Batta1i n Drills D i1Js and Hard HardWork HardWQrkFeatures flardWorkFe Work WQrkFeatures WorkFe Features tures I IAT 1 I ATHLETIC TH ErIGMEET MEET MEETAT MEETAT AT CAMP ORDWAY ORDWAYToday OR ORDWAYToday V AY AYTo Today To ay is s athletic day dayt at t Camp Ord Ordway Ordway Orthway way The events scheduled schedu d for the themeet themeet themeet meet are to be pulled pu1 ed off ot beginning beginningat at 230 oclock clock Features of the pro program program program ¬ gram will be a litter llttcrbe1rlng bearin bearinand bejrlng race race1id and 1id saddllngcontests saddllngcontestsThe saddling contests contestsThe The Board of Commissioners of c It the theDistrict theDistrict theDistrict District of Columbia are at camp to towitness towltn towItness witness wltn ss the he events eventsCAMP eventsI eventsCAIP eventsCAMP I CAMP ORDWAY W V Va Aug S SSeventeen Sventeen SSeventeen Seventeen < venteen guns were souqded by the theFirst theFIrst theFirst First Battery Batter District of o Columbia CUnl oJu1nbia > la Na National Natlonal Naional ¬ tional 1 t Guard artillery artil1 ry upon up n arrival of ofCommissioner ofCommissioner Commissioner Henry B Macfarland Macfarland in incamp incamp incamp camp c about noon today The visitor was wasescorted wasescorted wasescorted I escorted to General Harries headquar headquarters l1eadquarter lieadquartern ¬ tern 1 ter where he was Introduced to the theofficers theofficers theofflers officers and visiting ladies ladlesCommissioner ladiesCommissioner ladiesCommissioner Commissioner Macfarland was then thenushered thenushered I tushered ushered 1 into the mess tent of the com commanding commandlng COlflmanding manding J general and the members memb rs of ofhis orhlsstaft 01 01his his 1 hlsstaft staff where he partook of chicken chickendinner chicke L Idinner I dinner dinnerIt It is s probable probable therejvili ther wlll be an an exhibi exhibition exhlbitlon exhibition ¬ o tion drill by members ofTF8op TTr op F 1 Thir Thirteenth ThirtOE Thirtenth ¬ tenth 1 tOE nth Cavalry Cavall commanded by Captain CaptainPreston Cap tai 11 11Preston I IPreston Preston After the regular cavalry cavalrymaneuversj cavalrymaneuvers cavair cavairmaneuversghe maneuvers maneuversghe the troops will go through throughtheir throughtheir througltheir I their monkey drill tor or which whJ h Troop TroopF F 5 is famous famousThe famousThe famousThe I The Commissioner will most likely UJeI wit witness witneES witness ¬ ness the dress dress parade p rilde after after which WI1Ich he hewill hewlll hewill will review the brigade of the three sep separate sepI separate ¬ arate organizations organba tSans Shortly Short IV after afte r lunch lund I Mr Macfarland and the themembers members of his hisparty hi hiparty hi5party party made an inspection of parts of ofthe 01 01the l the camD camDGeneral camDGeneral camDGeneral General Harries and the cavalry cavalr of ¬ ficers on his tff went to Harpers Ferry Ferrystation Ferrystation Ferr r rstation station about 31 I oclock to meet Mr Macfarland and party The train was wa later lat however po C vcr and they were compelled compelledto i Ito to wait half an hour The First Bat ¬ tery te uixder u d command of Captain Fox Foxwas Foxwas Foxwas was on the field waiting the general sig signal signal signal ¬ nal from Lieutenant Locklln of o the SIR SlRnal SIRnat Signal nal Corps to begin the salute which whichwas whichwas whilwas was begun as soon as s the first carriage carriagepassed carrlaJepassed passed through the camp gates gatesThe gatesrrhe gatesThe The members m mbers of Mr Macfarlands par party party party ¬ ty included his secretarY Waldo Hibbs Mrs lrs George H Harries Commander Stratton of the naval battalion and am 4 General G rleral Harries secretary Mr White head and his wife wifeDrill wileDrill wifeDrill Drill for Battalions BattalionsThe Batta1ions Batta1ionsThe BattalionsThe The battalions were given advance and andrear andrear an r1 1 1rear rear guard work for an hour or more moreand moreRnd mor e eand and then the same SRm maneuvers were gone gonethrough gonethrough gon e ethrough through in regimental regimentalformaUon formation The Thework TheI Tb e Cwork work Is getting hard now and the offl offlcers offiCClS ottlcers cers and noncommissioned men are arekept arekept ar e ekept kept busy hus studying up up ip on tactics and andthe an d 11the the new regulations because Colonel ColonelBrett 1 1Brett Brett Colonel BIddle Captain Koester Koesterand KoesterI Koesteiand and Lieutenant Griffiths the instructors instructorsare are keeping a close watch on them themOutpost themOutpost themOutpost Outpost duty dut was vas taken up at noon noonOnly noonII nooiiOnly I Only the experienced soldiers could couldmake couldmake coul Ii Iimake make any headway at this thl and the bat battulion balI battuliun tulion tall an and regimental officers as well wellas wellI we 11 LIas as the instructors were kept on the thego thlgo th I C Cgo go correcting l orrectng the members of the va vaj val Various rlous commands comman s It Its is believed that the themen th e 0men men although althou h far from perfect will be bei b e Cgiven given some rotd work away from camp campi cam P eP pwithin within the next day da or two In order that thattho thatth tha t ttIu tho th commanding general and the in instructors Intr intr structors tr ctors may ma judge what progress hag hagbren basbren ha s S Sbren bren made madej madeAt At 220 2 oclock this afternoon thf tll tb > reg regular regI ¬ ular athletic ath letlc meet which is held regt at atI atcamp a acamp t t camp camp each year will begin Only eight eightt cigho of o the events are scheduled 5ch ule1 for fll today todaythe todayI I the others ill most of which Whl h horses will willbe wmI wilbe I be used begin at 230 oclock 0 clock tomor tomorrow tomort tonior1Ow ¬ row t OW and end about two hours later laterAthletic laterAthletic Athletic Events EventsThe EventsI EventsThe I The events on the program are putting puttingthf1 puttingthfo puttinthc g thc shot 100yard dash threeleg race race220yard racel racctoyard 220yard 20nrc1 r race ce litter Itttcr bearer race for or mom mcmbers memj mombet bent bet of the t11 theAmbulaiice Ambulance Ctnpa only 220 220yRrd 22CI o yard yu race aN Irf l i1i1nvy ih heavy R3 marching order or cr 440 440yard 440ard 44Cyard I yard ard run battalion relay raceone raceonefourtlv race racec one oneI onefourth fourth of a mile shelter tent contest contestrescue conte ontel ontelrescue t tre rescue re cuE race rac crosscountry run around aroundthe aroundI aroun d dthe the drill field steeplechase race sad saddling saddling ¬ dling contest rescue race special and andhigh andhlh an anhih i high jump mounted mountedThe The Ifhe he enlisted men willhave plenty plen y of ofi o otime f time to rest for the contests contestsafter after out outi outc post ro > t duty and lunch All AI have evince evincoomuch eon eonI evincemuch < r c much Interest In the meet and andmany many n nquiries 1lI nquiries quiries regarding re ardiH the contests have been beenmado hcnI hee heemade 11 made to Capt B C Edwards who fir firranged nrran ranged ran ed the program The guardsmen guardsmenhave guardsmeI I LI j have never nn > l seen a Httcrbearer race rac < but butare butare bu buare t are anxious to witness it tomorrow The Tb ie e Rhinock RhinockSavage Savage in His HisCondemnationof Condemnation of Roe RoeIs l Is Says ys Californians Ca Californ fornia Ia nsAct s Act Actof of Wanton Evil Shows ShJ1WSI j jMalice Malice MalieAgainst MaIi eAgainst Against All Mankind MankindPre MankindPredict Predicts ictS His HisIndictment j jindictment J indictment for f r Criminal Libel IS I I J COVINGTON Ky K Aug 8 8Whet When WhenRepresentative t tRepresentativC i Representative R presentatlv Rhinock received Georg GeorgeMortimer GeorgMortimer GeorgMortimer 11 5 Mortimer Roes letter acknowledging acknowledgingauthorship r rauthorship f authorship of the article In the New NewYorker NewYorker rl T TYorker r 1 Yorker for which wl1I h Editgr < Grlswell was wasarrested wasarrested wa s Carrested 5 arrested he sent the th following followingGeorge toll fOllOwingGeorge ving vingGeorge George Mortimer Roe the Crestholme CrestholmeFourth CrestholmeFourth CrestholmeFourth Fourth and Bunker Hill streets Los LosAngeles LosAnE Lo it SAngeles i Angeles AnE > l S Cal GalI CalI I do not consider your extraordinary extraordinarycommunication cxtiaordin cxtiaordincommunicati extraordinarcommunication communication not of July 2i as at atall all com competent compatent competent ¬ petent to terminate the Incident of the thepublication thepubllcatl011 tthpublication publication in the New Yorker York rof of the thevicious thevici tin tinviciOus vicious vici us falsehoods for which you admit admityourself admltyours tyourself t yourself yours lf to be responsible responsibleUniversal responsibleUniversal responsibleUniversal Universal Malice MaliceAs MaUceAs As to your our disclaimer of malice based basedupon base baseUpon j I Iupon upon the fact that thatou you do not know me mepersonally mepersQnn1ly mi personally I t can only say that thorn thornla ther therIs thenis i Is j malice toward to ardnll all mankind in an act actsuch actsuch ac t tsuch t such as yours Personal Personatanlmus animus may mayindeed mayindeed ma maindeed r indeed be lacking lackingThen lacking1hen lackingThen Then your act ct of wanton evil is even evenless cvenle Cvei 1 1le less le excusable ecus ble and nd more more re contemptible contemptibleteams contemptlblteams teams In the race start from a given givenline giverI 1 i line with their stretcher atfetph er or Utter HU r and andrun andrun ant I I antL run to A 11 spot 8p t 10Q yards away where wh whereThan N a aman amllh l man supposed tor be b mortally wounde3 wounde3Is i5 lying on the ground The Injured one oneIs ontis 3 Is placed on the Utter Htt r andjcarrled nnd carried back backfifty backI backfifty bad badfifty c fifty yards There he is placed on the theground theground tini j ground and a compress is put on his hisright 111sright IthS 3 right arm rm and the proper treatment is isgiven Isgiven l 5 given by the members of th the team They Theythen The Thethen hey heythen r then pick up the litter IItlerand and run to tin thostarting th thstarting tinstarting j starting point The judges will base basetheir b bas ftc ftcI j their decision t as much upon the manner mannerin mannerIn manuelin r in which the supposed wound yound was dress dressed dr dressCd ss ssfrl ¬ ed frl as on the speed In the th saddling con contests conL ¬ tests which will be open open to every everr man manin manIn matin 1 in camp entitled to toa a horse the judges judgeswill j judgelconsider dges dgesill will ill consider the themanner manner in which whichflu whichfluhorse the thehorse thco 2 horse Is saddled S ddledand and mounted as much muchas mll h has 1 1as as the length l ngth of time it requires to do dothe a aI J J Jthe the latter work workThe w workThe rk rkThe The foremost officers of the Guard will willBELT willI wll 1 IDIED = DIED DIEDBELIOn DIEDBELLOn BELT BELIOn > On Monday Aucust Au Aur st 7 1905 ALEX ALEXANDER ALEXANDER ¬ ANDER 4 > DER MELVILLE BELL in his eighty elghtysexenth elght elghtse eightyseventh seventh se nth year yearFuneral yearFuhern1 yearFuera1 Funeral services ettvic < at the house of his son sonAlexander sonAlexander sonAlexander Alexander Graham Bell 1331 Connecticut Connecticutavenue CtJnnect1cutavenue t avenue at 5 p m Wednesday V dnesdny Interment Intermentat Intermenat t at Rock RO k Creek Cemetery Cemeter It ItBURROWS Itnr litl3ljrtnOWOn BURROWS l3ljrtnOWOn n yr On Monday o August 7 100J 100Jafter 1O0iafter after nr e a short Illness ea WILLIAM lLIiWJJnoW lLIiWJJnoWr BURROWS BURROWSService BURROWSSerylcC Service at Third Baptist DaptilltChurch Church Ch rch corner cornerFifth comerFifth comet r Fifth and an < 1 Q QStr streets ts Thursday August Ul ust 10 10lW > t 1805 lW at 2 oclock ocl k p 111 1 It atCARR Iti itCARRAt CARR CARRAt At heir h I I home hon e 1923 1I2t puke jstreet jstreetAlexandria strCetAlexandria treet treetAlexandria Alexandria Va v Vaon 8 on onSaturdar SatufdajVAjlguat Ugust si f 1003 1003at 1005at iDO iDOat at 1145 p m from tr llnwhooplng whooping tpush NOL NOMAMAY NOLMAY OMA OMAIAY MAY IAY CARR daughter of William and Agnes AfineaCarr Agnesarr AgneCarr Carr arr Farewell Moma omll farewell fare lldarllng lldarllngVe darling darlingWe darlingWe We Ve must say our last farewell farewellTill farevellTf11 farewellTill Till we meet beyond the river riverHappy rJverHappy 1 1Happy Happy there with thee to dwell dwellit w wIt j jFather It By Father and Mother MotherEVERLY MotherEYERLYSuddenl MotherEvERLYSuddenl3 EVERLY EYERLYSuddenl Suddenly HARRY EVERLY EVERLYaged EVERLliaged aged twentyfive years at Washington Asy Asylum Asylum As Aslum ¬ lum Hospital HospitalFuneral HospitalFunlM Funeral FunlM from 720 Maryland avenue north northeast northeast aunteast I ¬ east Thursday mornIng August 10 1003 1003Laurel 1005Laurel 1003Laurei Laurel papers papers please copy cO It ItKREIS Itr1 itIUIEISDeparted KREIS IREISDepart Departed d this life 1if on Monday Au August Aue t tgust ¬ gust 7 1005 JACOB KREIS at his resi residence res resdene resclence ¬ dence 360 K Kstreet street reet southwest In his seven seventieth lIevcne severtieth ¬ tieth year yearFuneral yeare yearFuneral Funeral from froiflStThhn Sr StJphns > jphng Lutheran Church ChurchWednesday ChurchVedne1Jday ChurciWedndaY Wednesday August A gulit KFa005 1005 at 230 oclock oclockIntermnt ociQcke oClOctIntermOnt Intermnt Intenn nt at Rock CreelcCemetery Cree1c emeter It ItTRAPIER 1td itTRAPIEROn TRAPIER TRAP TRAPIEROn ROn On Satu SatuWaYiitAUJust day7i AUKUSt 5 1S03 1S03at iX iXat at the residence of his hi fatherinlaw Col ColMotte Collotto Co Cootte lotto otte Alston 1508 Q street RICHARD tU ARD SHU SHUBRICK SHVnnICK SHtBRICK BRICK TRAPIER son of the late l t Rev Re Paul PaulTraplerfl PaulTroplcrfl Pat PatTrapieril Traplerfl of Charleston S C It ItTRIPPE ItTRIPPEOn itTRIPPEOn TRIPPE TRIPPEOn On Monday August 7 1005 at atI 530 p m HIRAM IlIRA IflAt B TRIPPE TRIPPEFuneral TRIPPEFuneral TRIPPEFuneral Funeral private It ItWOODWARD itVOODWARDOn WOODWARD WOODW VOODWARDOn ARDOn On Monday Monda August Augu Augustat t7 7 IftOS IftOSat 1M I at oclock p m at Washington Grove Md MdWILLIAM MdI MdWILLIAM WILLIAM RYLAND RYLA > D WOODWARD It ItIN Ite itIN IN MEMORIAM MEMORIAMQUIGLEY 1 QUIGLEY QUIGLEYIn In loving remembrance of our ourdear ourt ci cidear ir dear son and brother MICHAEL J h QUIG QUIGLEY QUIGI QUICtRY ¬ tRY I EY who died August 8 1596 1596Tis 1506s Tis sweet to dwell by b the memories of the theThis theI tF tFpast IC c past pastThls I This sweet tfi be in company comp ny by thought thoughtwltn thoushwun thoug thougwIth i it wIth those gone past pastTo pastT To T sleep sl ep their th lr long lastvsleep and the flow flowers nowr8 fiooers ¬ ers r8 company keep keepFor keepFor For tis only O nlY a dream from whence henc an awak awakcnnlng R awalennlng ak akI r ennlng cam camAnd comAnd came cameAnd And you ou dear brother had gone soneBut goneI But ut Ml must m st part beyond to that th t Immortal ImmortalThere ImmortalThere immorttlife cI i life There behind In gloom and sadness we wemust WemUllt i imutit e must leave l ae the rest In the th strife strifeIt strifeIt strifeBy It By His Mother other Brother and Sisters SistersFUNERAL SistersFUNERAL SistersFUNERAL FUNERAL FUNERAL DESIGNS DESIGNSof of every description descrlptlonmoderatel moderately priced pricedGUDL I1dce I1dceGUD prce I IGUDE GUDL GUD GUDd 1214 S1 PSt St Northwest Northw8 t Phono M 4273 4273yuneral 4273SIGOtmNDY 427 4278XGOUIIN I SIGOtmNDY 8XGOUIIN 8XGOUIINinneral ItERR ItERRruneral yuneral Directors and Enxhalmers EnxhalmersOFFICE EmbUmeraf ZnibtilmernOFFICIS OFFICE AND CHApEL CiHAPELTS7 CHApELj dll4PELs7 TS7 S7 NINTH NINTHBTREE1N STREET N W WT Wr wrelphone j T relphone l phone Main 4448 JeHtt JeHttJ jt 1e14itJo > UMt J Jo WILLIAM WILLIAMLEE WILLIAMLEEVE1tT LEE LEEj LEEJ LEEJI UNDERTAKER VE1tT ± XEE AND LrVEST LrVESTt 232 Penn Ave N W V Woshinstcn D DTelephone C Ce I Telephone Main 1385 I cN1 iU < ii iiJf1 r Wonder What Y h a t Mertz Me rtz Will Say Today TodayStork T TodayStorC1oscEry1tyutt61M oday odayStor Stork Stor StorC1oscEry1tyutt61M Closes Every Day at 6 P M MAll Jf1 I I J 1 After Afterw Afterinventory I inventory inventoryj w j 1id Tailoring TailoringSale pvg I aHoring aHoringtj1 tj1 Sale SaleI All the surplus fabrics disclosed by stocktaking are assem assembled assenibled ¬ bled in these two bargain Jots for speedy clearance The sale saleoffers sa1 sa1offers offers you a rare chance to get a swell summer suit to order at ata ata a fraction of its value or an odd pair of trousers for next nexttonothinp next73O tonothinp tonothinpfor 7050 52e5O 52e5Ofor 2e50 2e50for for two piece summer sum er for separate trousers to tosuits tosuits tosuits suits to order of fabrics order of fabrics worth worthworth worthworth worthworth worth to 20 double doubleFIT doubleFIT doubleFIT FIT AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED GUARANTEEDJ GUARANTEEDMERTZand MERTZ MERTZand and MERTZ CO 906FSt 906FStI 9O6FStJlliI JlliI I I 1 1t t as nsit it appears np ar3 to me 1C than would wou ld be e the tl1Cgratificitlon thegratificijtion gratification of a personal p rsonal animosity bjr bjrf b bmeans means meanse equally luall despicable You say that thatr thatou you ou never attempted to conceal your I Identity I entlty in the matter matterYour matterYour Your unfortunate unf rtunate friend jCriswell cer cer certalnly f ftainly talnly believed that you meant It itshoud itshoudbe should Ie I c ci be concealed for he was ready to go goto gO goto to jail j iI rather than reveal rcvcalIt it Your letter lett r rm I J I will m be turned over o er on Wednesday Vedl1esc1ayto to Mrv Mrvf MrvPaul Mr1 MrPaiil f I Paul Paiil Krotel assistant district attorney attorne 1 1 t of New ew York county countyCiiminal t tilCdn ilCdn Ciiminal iJUl Libel f fC f fc C It Is my belief that an Indictment s swill sWill will be returned against you and that thatyou thatyou you will be tried in New liew York for the J Jj commission of a criminal libel libelIf libelIt ilbelIt It you are thus given the opportunity opportunitywhich opportunltwhich opportunitywhIch which you say you desire to exculpate exculpateCriwell r Criswell whose whosetlaglc tragic death has occur dccll i 1red red since you 00 u addressed addre s ed me I sincerely SIncQr t tr J hope that you OU will do go o You owfe ow owe that h I f fmuch 11much much to hia family t If I were Ver in your our place plac I should go t J to New York without wlthoutdelayand delay and face the thesituation thesituation situation JOSEPH L RHINOGIC RHINOGICi 1 t 1C C act as the officials of ofth the meet They Th y r are Referee per ree Gen George G orge H Harries H Hftrrienstflrter rrlesj t starter Lieut Col Lloyd M Brett judges Col John BIddle Col M Em Emmelt Erathett melt Urcll Col Charles Ournnd Capt Edwrd Edw > rd A Miller Capt C P Summer SUmmerall all Capt Andy Parker and First Lieut i J 1 H Griffiths timers Capt E C Ed Edwards wards Capt Charles S Swigart and Capt Leroy W V Herron The events aveI1 ts will tsilltakc take place in the can conc i ter t r of the drill Held fi ld and the first part of the meet me t is expected eXl cted to be in time h for or the dress parade which will probably be given In Commissioner llacfarland5 honor < It fc Accident to Lieutenant L LieutenantFa1e LieutenantFa1eLieut e tenant Pales le i t Lieut I Lieut I ut Warren D Fales of the AmbU AmbUlance lance lancelZorps feorps was the th victim of a serious se seriousaccident lous lousaccident I i accident yesterday yesterda and as a result is islaid i ilaid laid up in the general hospital with his hisfhcc l1f l1ff hisfac fhcc f fac c t and head swathed in bandages He Hewas Hew was w wasP wasPsupervising s supervising some disinfecting work worknear workneth I f near ne the hospital when the flames from fromsome fromsorri < some sorri some lighted straw saturated with crude crudeoil crudeoil r roil oil flashed fi shed up in his hi face and burned him himt l1hnberore before he could make his escape from fromt fromthe the tent Lieutenant Fales face was wasscorched wasscorchland wasscorched scorched scorchland and his chin was badly burned burnedHis burnedHis His mustache eyebrows and hair were weresln weresinged singed sln d off The lieutenant Heuten nt was taken to tothe tothe the generaKhospital general hospital where Dr Vqod 1VQQdman Wopdman Vqodman man dressed dressed dressedhis his injuries The Tb Thgofflctr offic officer r < was afterward assisted to his tent by b bymembers I members of his command commandLieutenant commandLieutenant commandLieutenant Lieutenant Fales is one of the most mostvaluable mostvaluabte mostalunble valuable v men in the Guard as well as a apopular anopuln1 aopular popular p officer and an much regret wAS wisexpressed wASexplessec1 witsxpressed expressed e on onall all sides when it was waslearned wa walearned wasearned learned that he was a victim of ofana ofanacldent ofan an ac accident acident < ¬ cident c ident in which several enlisted men mennnrrowh menarrowly narrowly n cn escaped scl ped injury htjut htjutActln l Acting Actln Adjutant General Gen < ral C Fred Cook Cookyesterday CookyesterdayIssued Cookesterday yesterday yesterdayIssued y Issued an in order calling for a adrill adrill afrill drill of the mounted officers in camp campupder campu1der campunder under Col CoL Lloyd Llo d M Brett The score scoreof scoreor of more of officers reported on the drill drillfield drillfield 1 1field field and were put through almost the th thsnm sime snm s drill as nsthemembers the members of the regu regular regular ¬ lar ar cavalry to towllich which Colonel Brett was wasattached wasttached attached a at the time he was transferred transferredto at to t o the headquarters of the District ml miJIUn ndltin JIUn JiUav ltin The object pf of the thcdrlU drill was to tofamiliarize tQfamiliarIze toamilIarize familiarize f the officers offi crs and horses with withthe withthe withhe the t he work in n the field fieldLecfurcfl fieldL 1 Lectured L cturcd to Officers OfficersDr OfficersDr Dr McDaniels of the thCf th general sr neral hos hospital tiesltal pltal p ltal lectured to the noncommissioned noncommissionedofficers t1 t1officers officers o about S oclock yesterday aft aftrnooii tt ttcrnoon emoori crnoon e The Th lecture lasted for an hour hourr or o r more during which time Um the soldiers soldierswore soldierswere soldierswere were told toldall all about the various uses to towhich which the emergency mcrenc or firstaid fir tuid pack pnckttes aj n ttes 3 could be put putTlicre putThere 1 There was no brigade dress dress parade In Inthl1 inhe l First regiment regimentunder regimentnder thp he > afternoon The I under u nder Colonel Oil Ournnil rand took the drill drillfield dplllfte1c1 drilleld ufi field fi eld at 5 oclock and went through the theceremony th ceremony c rmon General Harries and his histaff 1 1staff J Jstaff staff s taff officers ofl cers as well as the Instructors Instru tors I c cwatched cwitched watched the parade from their tents c The T he commanding general was well sails sailsfled sattsed t1g t1gfllfl fled fl ed with the manner maJ ner in which Colonel Coloneluranfl T TOurand Ourand uranfl handled his troops c cThe cThe The First irlt battery field artillery of the themlliiith 1 1mllltiu ImlllUu mllltiu gave an anlntercltlng Interesting drill shortly shortlyhefpre shortl shortlheCQtl shortlyefQre hefpre h efQre 5 oclock Captain Fox now nowplaces nowinces places p inces more confidence In his 1IR horses horsesand 110rlJeSInl and n rnl men and Is endeavoring to get up upto c cto to o top speed All the tl1 = men and animals anhnalBare animalsre t tare are a re in good condition und have stood the thehard t thard hard h ard work wont better than was w s expected expectedYqter j Yqter YcstorBrij ri there was a great grentdeal deal of oflirinjr ofllrinv lirinjr fi ring and the drill was urousht urou ht to a aclose aclasp alose l fic fia close c lose with < volley prctlce There was not nota nota a fraction of < > t a seconds difference in the thelime j time of the explosions of the pieces and dndGeneral tndGeneral t General Harries seemd pleased ple scd with the thewlrk j jwork i iwork work of the th battery batteryThe batteryThe The three hours of drilling yesterday ycsterflscymorning yesterdaymorning gterd < < y ym morning m rnInlt gave the noncommissioned < l of r rHcars j ilcers a fine opportunity oPP rtunlty to disolay their theirIcnoVllerlll theirnowledtC j jknowledge knowledge k nowledtC of the tactics and military militaryaffairs mUitana11air8 militaryffairs affairs a in general g neral The principal work workwa c cwas was wa diminishing the front or 01 separat separating fleparatIng eparatng ¬ ing ng the companies into squads at att1ftcen att1ftcenpacPH rlfteen rlfteenpaces flrteenaces paces p aces apart auart and afterwards reassemb reassembling reassemblIn reassembug ling lIn ug them th m in close order The greater greaterpart greaterpart greaterart part p art of If the work if not all of it In Inthis Inthis Inhis this t his drill fell upon the corporals in incharge inharle inharge charge c harle of the squads Their vork at atthe atthe atthe the new drill seemed satisfactory AO th the theinstructors thenstructors e J Jinstructors instructors who watched them then closely During the advance and rear guard guardworlrdone gUllrdby t worlrdone by the Second S Corid regiment reglmenteom com cornntnded J Jby Jm m ntnded nded by Acting Col Richard A AOBrien AOBrler f fQBle OBrien n Major Stephan commanding I Ith the th t he Fourth battalion had charge of the thescoifts f fSCOltts scoifts or advance guards > Iajor Harvey Harveysed j IJ IJused used u sed the Sixth battalion as the main mainfiring mainUrln mainIring uf firing Urln line while the Fifth battalion battalionheaded battalionheaded I Iheaded headed by ny Acting Major Edward Brian Briancomposed Briancomppsc composed comppsc c the support or orrelntQrcempnh orrelntQrcempnhThe reinforcements reinforcementsThe The Th drill was as practiced for Or about an anhfJ anhOUr J Jhour hour hfJ r The men were given a rest of ofhalf othalf ofalf half h alf an hour and were ere strong when it itcame Itcame Itame came c ame to the advance and rear guard guardwork guardworlt guardwork work workThe worltThe workThe The men wound up the morning with withn withcharge a charge on the commissary department departmentThe department1b departmentThe The 1b ttent flaos were down however be beoavse bea11e beaijse oavse c Major Neumeyer had gone one to toiHflrpers Harpers Ferry to lay In another sup ply of good thIngs to toeat eat j HARD WORDS AND ALMOST ALMOSTBLOWS ALMOSTBLOWS ALMOSTBLOWS BLOWS IN TAGGART CASE CASEContinued CASEContinued CASEContinued From Page Pagegart Continued FIrst I I Igart I Igart f gart in OrrvHle Bald she often saw Wil WilJiam wntlam Wiliam Jiam iam Tagrgart on the Tdggart T gart premises premisesRalph Ralph Misch who worked at the Hun KurdHouse HunI HunIIOUSe HunHouse J ij j I I House > in InorrVIIIe Orrville when Mrs Taggart Taggartwas Taggarwas 1agg art t was stopping there testified tcsUfiedthnt that Wil William WUllam Wil1am ¬ liam Taggart often occupied a room atthe a at atthe I t the he hotel and that on one occasion he hesaw hesaw li liaw e saw s aw William Taggart enter Mrs Tag Taggnrts garts room and remain there wth W1 h Tagr her herabout be beabout herabout r I t about an hour hourThe hourThe hourThe The deposition of Capt Edwin F F Cole Colewho Colewho Colewho who served ser edwlth with Major Taggart at Fort FortThomas FortThomas For t tThomas Thomas Tampa Flu and andF Fort rtLeaven rtLeavenworth Leaven Leavenworth Leavenworth worth was introduced InevIdcnce in evidence Cap Captain Captain ¬ t tain t am Cole stated that Major laj r Taggart Taggartwas Taggartwas t was always n ways very fond of his children childrenand childrenand chlldreind 1 t and a nd he never knew of Major Majolrrttggart MajolrrttggartbeIng Taggart Taggartbeing t tbeing 1 being Intoxicated IntoxicatedCapt IntoxIcatedCapt IntoxicatedCapt Capt Wendell Wendel1Simpson Simpson stated that he heonly Ii Iinly only < o nly saw kind treatment on the part of ofMajor orrajor o oMajor j Major Taggart Ta art toward his wife and chil children children chiidren ¬ dren drenI > L Midnight tr dnight Incident IncidentThe lnci IncidentThe ent entI The deposition < then was read of Maj MajThomas MaJhomas MajThomas Thomas T H Reece who lived liv In onehalf onehalfof onehalf f of o f the th house of O which Captain capta in Taggart Taggartoccupied Taggrirtoccupied Tagg r rccupied t occupied o the other otherhalC half atFort Leaven Leavenworth Leavenworth worth One evening he spent a a couple coupleof e of o f hours with Captain cap taln Taggart ora gg art and his hishost hi hiost a host ho ost t was perfectly sober soberThat soberThat I That night about 3230 oclock he saw sawMrs MawMrs sa saMrs t Mrs Taggart accompanied by a man manDome Dome c to tothe the house h OU5e They tried the front frontdoor trontdoor ron ronoor t I door d oor went away and returned again againan againan agairn 1 an a n hour hou later With Vth some someca1llng calling on onher ol olI 11 1 1her her h er part Taggart Taggartcame came to the door and andJet andlet aiu aiuet 1 Jet et her berm bermMnj In InMaj inMaj Maj Homer Bundy Bund in a deposition depositionsaid depositionsaId depositionI said s aid he never n ver saw awanthlnJ anything but kind kindtreatment kln klnreatment 1 treatment t on n the part of Captain Tag Tagsart Tiff Tiffeposlfi tTol tTolr I1Cwrtg Cwrtg m sart art 41 toward r his I1 wife and children Tho Thodeposition Thileposithri B deposition eposlfi n of t Capt C pt Benjamin W Atkin Atkinson Atkinson Atkint ¬ son s on was introduced to the effect that thatCaptain thatCapti11n tha thaCaptain t Captain TasgartWas T jiSdf WRS never known to be beintoxicated bghtoxJcated hi a Sntoxicated I intoxicated and that he was very do domestic doC ¬ j jm j mestic m stlc In his home life and always alwaysgreatly alwaysgreatly alwaygreatly 8 j greatly attached to his wife and chil children children cliiiren ¬ 1 dren drenAt drenAt d ren At this thlJ point of the proceeding pro dings Judge JudgeEason JudgeEason JudgEason a Eason adjourned court for the daySPECIAL day daySPECIAL daySPECIAL SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICESAN NOTICESAN AN JJ JTNUSUAL USUAL opportunity opportunitytosecure to o secure a agood agqodpaYlng t tgQOd t good gqodpaYlng paying business property known knownas knowiti5 a as ti5 Sautters Saloon aloon and Restaurant sit sltjuate sitJJlite altJte2 < juate Jte2 Np p ljffiryLt 1tJL t nw established and andsuccessfully andsncces am amsltCCeSSfUlly t successfully sncces sltCCeSSfUlly fuHy conducted since 1875 The Theproperty Tb Tbproperty I I property proper tY consists S of parts part of lots 10 ts 1 1 and a n d 2r 2rsquare 2 2square r t i square 377 fronting 21 feet on 9th st stnw Stnw 4 I I nw n w by a 0 depth of 917 971h feet Offers Oft rs wIll wiUbe wIllbe wilbe j I be received for the purchase purch e of f the prop propertv pt prop property pi I j erty including the fixture on onp or before beforeAugust beforeAugUst S 0 0August August 15 1905 the th right being reserved reservedto res resdtveo iVed iVedto I to t o reject any an or oral1 all offers THE WASH WASHINGTON W WASHINGTON ASH ASHINGTON ¬ INGTON LOAN LO Ji AND TRUST CO BvJOHN By ByJOHN Th ThJOHN JOHN JOY EDSON President executor executorof eccut executd executdof f for of estate of Sophia Sautter auollt auolltBen au511tBen auPUtBen Ben Einstein EinsteinDealer EinsteInDeater EinsteinDealer Dealer In InMetals InMetalsScrap InMetals Metals MetalsScrap Scrap Ironand Irott n Machinery Machineryhas I has removed to 301 Tenth street northwest northwestE N E Cor 10th C nw nwaul15t aul15t a l15t l15tfr fr I Dont DontForget A44HATSTHHHEOlAJrr LN47SWW ilZ Trading TradingStamps I j Trading TradingStamps Forget Your ForgetYour YourTrading F orget K KINGSPALACE JN G I SS I I L A C E Mean Greater MeanGreater GreaterSeconft Stamps StampsMean c I I I I Stamps UJI M m < I < I Reductions ReductionsSEAS1 4 7 1 4 t A1fi W SEAS1 SEAS1h1hree gO LT I IlJA t I i Ii lJA 1D 01 I fil H S 1Qj IJ IJseton Seconft seton Week V ek Of of oftile SAL E BalgainNeWsof BargainNetws of ofStill I tile t e Great GreatClearance 3 Still Greater GreaterImportance I Cpar Clearance nce Importance Importanceour II I Tl1fee Hour our ourFrom Sales That Mean Money to You Youto Prc From n 9 to 10 I A AI > r M From 10 to 11 A AM M MFrom From II HtO12M HtO12MBetween to 12 M MBetween I IBetweeil I I Between the hours bOlirsof of 9 and 10 10c From 10 until 11 tomorrow tomorrowmorning Between the hours of 11 11 1 1 and I Itomorrow II tomorrow toniorroworiiing TJporning orning we will W il put on onit morning n we ve will put on sale sa e our ourregular o r 12 we put on sale a lot of Col Colored COlsale ¬ II I sale 60 99 p dozen ozen Ladies Laeekisle LaeekisleHose Lnee < blt Jr regular gular 121c 2 c Figured Silkoline in ina In ored Lawn Kimonos neat and andpretty II IIsale Hose full regu regular ¬ I a large variety of ofdesigns pretty figured and striped effects effectsmade 4 4lar I lar made they are arethe designs Not more made extra full fullthe I I the he seconds seco ds of of Ie 1 iMjK iMjKi > I than 10 yards to a acustomer g 7 j worth always always39c < t tworth II IIhe I standard t tiiird 25c kinds t5wK m c < customer cl stomer1 at per pervard 3 8 C 39c 39cOne 15 C I Ie IOne 1 One hour I i yard vard One hour hourA hoLirMjslir I I IMuslin Muslin Underwear SaIe SeJeA 3 akes Toilet Soap SoapWortK Soa Soaptomorrow 5 A special lot of short skirts with deep cambric ruffle rufflego go on sale p C tomorrow only Regular RegularWc 29c garments for one day i 9 iSf iSfNainsook C Worth 15c 15cAbout l 1cNansook > c calnsook Nainsook Corset Covers in five dir dl i Lot of o Cambric Long Skirts deep d et > About one hundred boxes of offine ferent crent with lace lac insertion styles one flounces trimmed with point de Paris diagonally dla onall across front an lace insertions Made extra full and andother fine fifl Violet Toilet Soap three threecakes threeother threeother other style st le allover lace front n P f reenforced Usually Usuall sell as a p fr frand t hrr + cakes cakesina in box bo this hc crvin a usually usuallysells and back finished with ribbon 25C leader at 1 Tomorrow spe 59C H 1J J soap Worth WorthtJ SiteNow ow j cial I at atRegular sells and is IS worth 15c For our burend ourend ourendof end endof of the season sale 5c bo bo50c boI box boxReguksr Regular 2 Umbrellas UmbrellasWe j jWe We Va have just received r c led from one of the largest Umbrella Umbrellamakers 98 50c 50 C Skirts Sk lrtS 31c 31cLadies 31cmakers I C Cmalers makers In the East his entire floorstock fioor tock of regular 200 200Umbrellas C Ladies Striped Gjngham Skirts with withwide Umbrellas The cloth In these umbrellas is an extra good u uquality wide flounce finished with small ruffle ruffleworth quality silk gloria while the handles are Sterling Silver SilverGerman worth orth 50c WcTomorrow Tomorrow Sic Sic75c German Silver Natural atural Horn and Pearl Silk cover and tassels Bought this thisentire thJHntlre thisentire entire < > lot at a price that enables us to offer the greatest umbrellas ever sold soldfor = old oldfor for 98e 75c Corsets 34c 34cOdds 34cOdds 34cOdds 1 Odds and ends nds nf medium waist Cor Corsets Corsets Corsets ¬ sets that thatsel1 sel regularly at Voc a pair pairTomorrow pairp i p Closing Q Oit t L es Tomorrow fomoirpt at 34c SicOver 34cOver I I Over a hundred bolts of Val and Whlt to < Cream Linen and Black Val Va1Torchon I 125 1 25 Waists V t 47c 47cAll 47 i Torchon Laces I acei Jnsertlngsr and Bead Torchon Band and Platt Laces Bead Beadiligs c 3 II Ings i = running mnino In ir Ti widths < ithc frnm from 1 1 tn to o IURS and Insertings some sold All the odds and ends of Lawn and andDotted I g I C r for 35c a yard To b be close closed out tg Dotted Swiss Waists slightly sHghtl r soiled soiledthat solle 6 Inches sold at lOc loc had nd 20c Oc a during our ur endoftheseason Iff 10C that have been b en selling for 1 and 125 125Tomorrow 125yard 125yard 16 I yard Endoftheseason price sale at Tomorrow 47c 47cDomestics 4cI 47cDomestics I Domestics DomesticsCotton New Styles in Our Fa Famous FmousCotton rnoxis rnoxisTrimmed 95 Cotton Flannel 32 inches wide extra extraheavy Trimmed Polos at atWeve t C Cheavy heavy quality sold at all times 4 4C 4Cfor T3C T3Cfor C Cror for Sc a yard Tomorrow at atThe 4 Wave W ve another new idea in Polos This effect is in shirred silk with withrosettes with7cayard The best brands brands of Gingham worth worth7c worthic 7c 7cayard a yard uhl Reduced for this sale 4i C CPillow rosettes and brush In allwhite allblack and allblue The other styles that thathave thatto thatto to have proven conclusively our millinery mllllner leadership are arePolos Poles trimmed with withvelvet 1th Pillow Pill Cases hemstitched 45x36 45x36made 4 4ox36mne x36 made mne from one onef pf lC the finest brands of ofcotton velvet and n4 quills some ome with velvet lpt and hair brush some with pomppms ro rosettes roo rol rocotton ¬ Tomorrow cotton o sold l usually for iSo vv vv19c 14c 14cTomorrow 11iC I settes s tcs and quills self e and contrasting trimmings elsewhere these styles sell at 250 00 Only here at fie OSc OSe19c C C19c 19c Ladies Vests 94c 94cLadies 91cIadie 9cneekand Ladies Swiss Ribbed Vests lace Ln Lnneck D neck n neekand ck and armholes worth lOc 19cTomor Tomor Tomorrow ¬ lLJJUY W Wash as h uarmen Garments t S N Now OW row a lender at DVic 9c2ChiHs J12C2ChHds And Save SaveChildrens 2 Childs Dresses Dresses49c 49c 49cChildrens Childrens While Dresses Drcgs s French Franchstylo Very fine quality White Cannon CannonCloth White Heavy Cannon Cloth Skirts style trimmed with embroidery and andlace Cloth Skirts made with tucks tucksto deeply tucked below hips lace lac slightly soiled sold sol for 5150 1S0and and to hip ht and fiare fIa to bottom all OffeC OffeCsizes fl C 15 distinct gores flare bot hot2sizes < 3 fj p 2 2sIZES sizes 6 8 1 and 11 years only onlyClose Close Closecm sizes 2 usually Tomorrow 8 X 9 y f fspecial torn worth fo Tomorrow Tomorrowm 1 I Ispecial 7 5 cm m out at tile 9c 9cTrimming special specialWhite special speciali J JDotted i White hltp India Linen and Colored ColoredChambray ColoredChambray ColoredI I Chambray Wash Suits some lace lacetrimmed Dotted Swiss White and Colored Trimming T rIm rimming mI ng Braids B raIds Ic IcAll ic trimmed trlmm cd In skirt slritand and waist some em embroidery ¬ Linen and White Cannon Cloth Suits Suitssome 81l1tsAll StiltsUI I All UI the small pieces iece9 of Trimming TrimmingBraids broidery trimmed and andsome some made with surplice effects others otherswith othersBraids othersBraids Braids from V 4 to 2 ° Inches wide wid < > also alsoBlack some with large tucks tuck < J f S F Fusually with Ith lace trimmed waist waistBlack O > S p Black and White Hercules Braid f fworth C usually 5 and 6 Now 2 f fonly 6 5 and an skirt soU s lll usually for > J 3 O 6 65 5 rf vr J I J JLirnonos worth up to lIe a yard Kndof End ot Ie j I v vthesoason only 7 and 8 Now Io Iotheseason I thesoason theBon son price iricoI I 1 Kimonos 49c I 12 o and rid 15 Raincoats RaincoatsFull 5 95 Full length Kimonos made > of extra extraRood Special lot of Raincoats to be closed out at once Theyre Theyremade f J Rood quality lawn stylish floral pat patterns ¬ made extra Ions lon and extra full Two shades of otgray gray and two twoshades twoMns twotome 0 terns Mns plain borders borde s worth a dollar dollarTomorrow shades of tan tn n Thov rhey are aElnished arefinished finished very smartly and properly tailorea Y 4ee 4eeTomorrow rc rcTomorrow Tomorrow JOc I 1200 and 1GOO l 1500Now OONow Now 595 5OsL > 9i1 9i1j I j L < EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONALBooklets EDUCATIONALBooklets EDUCATION EDUCATIONBook1ts Booklets and Catalogues CataloguesRegarding CataioguesI CataloguesRegarding Regarding Information I IOwlng about the fol lowing Institutions will be given on onapplication pnnppllcatlon onapplication application at tho Business Office of ofj ofJ this paper paperWOODS papert paperWHAT WHAT T SCHOOL SCHOOLe WOODS CO COZHTkTEECIAr = CZAL COlliZQH COLLJGDI 311 Ea East t Capitol Street StreetWhat StreetWhat StreetWhat What systems or shorthand Gregg 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