I p 6 THE WASHINGTON W TIMES WEDNESDAY AUGUST 9 1905 190 I Lfir WasfiingtOt1 limc5 limc5Published Published Evening an and and < J Sunday SundayTENTH Sunda SundaTE SundayTENTH TENTH TE TII AND D STREETS NORTHWEST NORTHWESTFRANK NORTHWESTFRANK ORTIWESTPRANK FRANK A AMUNSEY AMUNSEYDaily MTJNSEY MTJNSEYDaily MUNSEYDaily Daily one year yearSunday 300 300Sunday 3OOSunday Sunday one year yearThe eo eo 5250 5250The 1250The The Times is s serveti rved In the city at Washing Washbtgton Washington ashb ashbton ¬ ton and District of Columbia by newsboys newsboyswho newslSwho newsboyswho who deliver apd aTldcol1ect collect for the paper on ontheir ontheir Ontheir their own account at n the rate o of 6 cents a aweek Doweele aweek week for the Evening ana 5 cents a copy copyfor copyfor COPYfor for the Sunday edition editionPeople edItionPeop1e editionPeope People leaving the city elt for the summer for foran foran foran an extended or short period can have hll vc The TheTimes TherImes TheTimes Times mailed malle to their address and the ad addresa address address dress changed chang as often as desired deslr d at the theresular theregular theregular regular subscription sub rlptlon price All mall subscrip subscriptions subs subscrlption < rlp rlptlona ¬ tions tion ae a Invariably payable in advance advanceWEDNESDAY adanceED advanceWEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY ED SDAY AUGUST 9 1905 1905Plain 1905Plain 1905Plain Plain Talk at Manila ManilaAt At a banquet of the Filipino gov governors governors governors ¬ ernors at Manila which was a feature featureof featureof featureof of the entertainment of the Taft Taftparty Taftparty Taftparty party Senor Herrera presidente presidentethe of ofthe ofthe the federal party and also presidente presidenteof of the municipal board of Manila Manilatossed Manilatossed Manilatossed tossed a bOmb by talking very yer plain plainly plainlr plJnly ¬ ly of the th insular government Sev Several Several Several ¬ eral of the visiting Congressmen Congressmenwere were present together with Secre Secretary Secretary Secretary ¬ tary Taft He declared the Filipinos Filipinoswere Filipinoswere Filipinoswere were dissatisfied that the constabu constabulary constabulalY constabu1z7 ¬ lary had abused its powers and that thatwhen thatwhen thatwhen when abuses had been the subject subjectof of complaint to the thej judiciary the theWright theWright theWright Wright government had manipulated manipulatedthe the judiciary and prevented fair and andfull andfun andfu1 full fun inquiry inquiryThe inquiryThe inquiryThe The correspondent who cabled this thisnews thisnews thisnews news said the other governors did didnot didnot didnot not approve all Herrera said but hutnone butnone butnone none cared or dared make reply It Itis Itis Itis is generally considered adds the thecorrespondent thecorrespondent thecorrespondent correspondent that Herrera was in intoxicated intoxicated Intoxicated ¬ toxicated with his own eloquence eloquenceIt It is not just obvious why the ut utterances utterances Utterances ¬ terances of so distinguished and well wellqualified wellqualified wellqualified qualified a man should be thus lightly lightlythrust lightlythrust lightlythrust thrust aside when no man in such suchan suchan suchan an assemblage as he was addressing addressingmakes addressingmakes addressingmakes makes issue with him The only re reply reply reply ¬ ply to his charges was made by an anAmerican anAmerican anAmerican American official No Filipino took tookup tookup tookUp up the cudgel in defense of the in insular insular insular ¬ sular administration administrationThere administrat1onThere administratlonThere There have been many and con constant constant constant ¬ stant complaints of the insular gov government government government ¬ ernment for a long time It is ac accepted accepted accepted ¬ cepted that Governor Wright has not notbeen notbeen notbeen been so tactful and aIidclever clever as was wasSecretary wasSecretary wasSecretary Secretary Taft When therefore such sucha a man as Senor Herrera before such suchan suchan suchan an audience earnestly and cour courageously courageously courageously ¬ ageously sets forth forth the grievances of ofhis ofhis ofhis his people and there is none to deny denyhim denyhim denyhim him it would seem that he was en entitled entiUed entitled ¬ titled to a friendly hearing and fair fairconsideration fairconsideration fairconsIderation consideration If the Taft party of ofstatesmen atstatesmen ofstatesmen statesmen is not in the islands for forthe forthe forthe the purpose of listening to just such suchcomplaints suchcomplaints suchcomplaints complaints and weighing them fairly fairlyit it would be difficult to understand understandwhat understandwhat understandwhat what it is there for forGrabbing forGrabbing forGrabbin Grabbing Grabbin j for TipsThree Tips TipsThree TipsThree Three phases of ofthe the tipping evil evilhave evilhave evilhave have slapped Americans in the face facerecently facerecently facerecently recently The first has the form formof formof formof of a warning from Mayor Baxter of ofPortland ofPortland ofPortland Portland Me to the college stu students students students ¬ dents who are serving as waiters in inthe inthe inthe the summer hotels of that regionThe region regionThe regionThe The second is the hypocritical in increase increase increase ¬ crease in wages of the porters of tho thoParker thoParker theParker Parker House of Chicago in order orderthat orderthat orderthat that the hotel company might itself itselfreceive itse itserel itselfreceive receive rel elve the gratuities The third is isthe isthe Isthe the payment by Baron Komura and andhis andhis andhis his suite of fees for the employes of oftheir oftheir oftheir their New York hotel according to a afixed afixed aflxed fixed schedule scheduleWhat scbeduleWhat scheduleWhat What an anomaly it is that college collegeboys collegeboys collegeboys boys shall be receiving gifts of cents and a quarter from the riffraff riffraffof riftraftof riffraffof of summer hotels They are sent to tocollege tocOllege tocollege college as much for the of manly honesty and selfrespect as for the cultivation the mind and now they make of themselves not so much in service they perform as in the of petty bribes It would be a hard thing in the right kind of a col college college college lege for a man who has held out hand for tips in the summer to up his head among his fellows the winter If he needs to work asIaor Mayor Iaor Baxter says there is plenty work to be had on the street without the degrading tip as an in incidental incidenta1 incidental cidental cidentalThe cidenta1The cidentalThe The episode in the Parker shears the tip of all its as a gift to the employe personally personallyThe personallyThe personallyThe The management nagement raised the wages its porters l > orters In order that It obtain the fees and it employed pri private private private vate detectives to check the fees they were received Thirteen struck immediately The rakeoff rakeoffthey rakeoffthey rakeoffthey they said was worth much more the increase in wages wagesNow wagesN wagesNow Now N w the Japanese to whom thllusage usage Is said to be b unknown at home homeleave homeleave homeleave leave behind them with the servile serviletoo serviletoo serviletoo too often inwardly Insolent tliougloutwardly outwardly polite ettaches of a Ne NeYork NeYork York hostelry a series of checks They had already paid full for everything ever thing they had received receivedBut receivedBut receivedBut But they felt elt it to be necessary leave bribes for the hotel listed lIste < t thus thusStewards thusStewards thusStewards Stewards 100 his subordinates subordinatessuras subordinatessums subordinatessums sums ranging from 50 to 20 heawaiters waiters 50 ordinary waiters 20 20hallboys 20hall 20hailboys hallboys hall boys chambermaids and em employes employes employes ployes ranked with them In useful usefulness usefulness usefu1ness ness 10 10And 10And 10And And the money thus given t tpampered pampered and andspo1Ied spoiled Americans a athR tbA N vn t earned I I really earned by b devoted devotedj d voted votedI j I I women and an old men laboring in m the therice therice therice rice fields fiecls of Japan JapanIf JapanIf JapanIf If ever three tllr e conclusive proofs of ofthe ofthe ofthe the corroding cor oding influence of tips are areneeded areneeded areneeded needed they can surely be found in inthe inthe inthe the three spectacles of college boys boysreaching boysreaching oys oysreaching reaching after puny 1 > un bribes at summer summerresorts summerresorts summerresorts resorts a hotel management bargain bargaining bargaining bargaining ¬ ing with its employes fpu fQu their theirgraft theirgraft theirgraft graft and an embassy frpma fror froma la na nation nation ¬ tion which is making m 1iing the th most 1J6st ex extreme cxtreme ¬ treme sacrifices for the sake of its itsexistence itsexistence itsexistence existence paying twice for the mock mockcourtesy mockcourtesy courtesy of hotel menials menialsA menialsA A National NaU nal Danger DangerOver DangerOver DarierOver Over here in America we have dance danceproblems danceproblems danceproblems problems of our own Our young peo people people peopie ¬ ple have ostracized the trippingi tripping trippingschottische trippingschottinclie schottische i > the gay polka the pre precise precise precise ¬ cise varsovienne and the elaborate elaboratequadrille elaborateI elaboratequadrille I quadrille They seem to prefer a apounding aI apounding pounding twostep which Is a cheap cheapmodernization che ch p pmodernization pmodernization I modernization of the brilliant deux deuxtemps d ux uxtemps uxtemps temps alternated with an angular angularwaltz angularwaltz angularwaltz waltz They call it dancing to be besure besure besure sure and they think thats what it is isIt isIt isIt It will take years to educate these theseyoung theseyoung theseyoung young people Anyone who is satis satisfied satisfied saUsfled ¬ fied with a GraccoRoman hold and anda anda anda a breathless trot must be taught the thepoetry thepoetry thepoetry poetry of motion from the very be beginning beginning beginning ¬ ginning But theoutlook is not utterly utterlydark utterlydarl utterlydark dark Americans learn easily and andthe andthe andthe the art of dancing as America un understands understands understancls ¬ derstands it is not so very elusive elusiveBut elusiveBut elusiveBut But over In England they have a areal areal areal real problem on their hands The TheImperial TheImperial TheImperial Imperial Society of Dance Teachers Teachershas Teachershas reachershas has been meeting and adopting a acourse ncourse acourse course of action which bids fair to tooverthrow tooverthrow tooverthrow overthrow the empire Its conse consequences consequences consequences ¬ quences do not stop with terpsicho terpsichorean terpsichorean terpslchorean rean revolution They threaten the thefoundations thefoundations thefoundations foundations of the nation political politicaland paUticaland pcUticaland and religious religiousFor religiousFor religiousFor For according to the Imperial S SO SO O 1 T < < ballroom dancing in England Englandhas Englandhas Englandhas has degenerated into a pastime and andin andin andIn in many cases into a vulgar romp rompIt rompIt rompIt It is the mission of the I S D p T Tto Tto Tto to restore rfstore the art of dancing to the theexalted theexalted theexalted exalted position and prestige it occu occupied occupied occupied ¬ pied when dancing masters of repute reputeheld reputeheld reputeheld held a very high and honorable place placein placein placein in the community and to bring back backthose backthose backthose those happy spacious days of Queen QueenElizabeths QueenElizabeths QueenElizabeths Elizabeths time when a lord chan chanI chanceBor chancellor I cellor was appointed mainly on ac aci account account i count of hjs proficiency as a dancer dancerWe dancerWe dancerWe We are glad the I S D T does doesnot doesnot doesnot not do business In America We Weshould Weshould Weshould should hate to think what would hap happen happen happen ¬ pen to our two great parties if it had hadits hadits hadits its way over here Imagine Grover GroverCleveland GroverCleveland GroverCleveland Cleveland and Joe Cannon passing passingan an examination in the formal minuet minuetand minuetand minuetand and abandoned racket Think of the theVice theVIce theVice Vice President and Senator Tillman Tillmanas as leads in a Saratoga lancers lancersWhy lancersThy lancersWhy Why Thy it should mean the abandon abandonment abandonment abandonmeat ¬ ment of our entire political structure structureto to the th Perry Belmonts the Bertie BertieAdamses BertieAdamses BertieAdamses Adamses and the Representative RepresentativeSulzers RepresentativeSulzersand RepresentativeSulzersand Sulzers Sulzersand and they are all from the theEast theEast theEast East EastIn EastIn EastIn In course of time this danger will willhe willbe willbe be upon us too TheI The1 S D T will willbe wIllbe willbe be reaching across the sea soon soonenough soonenough soonS soonenough S enough Our only security lies In Inbeing inbeing Inbeing being unceasingly vigilant For once oncewe oncewe oncewe we make dancing the chief require requirement requirement requiremeat ¬ ment of our public service once we wesee wesee wesee see the floor wave up and down as asJudge asJUdg asJudge Judge Taft leads the march down downthe downhe downthe the he center we shall be lost irretriev irretrievably irretrievablywe irretrievablywe ¬ ably ablywe we shall be as effete as the themost themost themost most nobleridden country of Europe EuropeI EuropeThe EuropeThe I The Chicago teamsters certainly are arean arean arean an easy lot They rhe are satisfied satlsfi d with withj withthe j I the conduct of their recent strike strikeFolks strikeI strikeFolks Folks fearful the next ne t Congressional Congressionalsession Congressionalsession Congressionalsession I session will be dull may cheer up Sen Senator Senator SenI Senator ¬ ator La Follette is positively coming comingNew comingI I II I I I New Hampshire and the peace eace dove doveI I I are ar working hard together which ought oughtI oughtto oughtto I to helD some someTho somerho someThe The Shaw retirement rumor con continues continues continues ¬ tinues with wonderful fortitude to take takethe takethe takethe the count to nine and then wabble to toits toI toI its feet ett for another dose doseThe doseI doseI I I I The Montgomery MOlt gomery county politicians politicianscant polIticlanicant politicianscant cant decide whether Damascus will willhurt wmhurt willhurt I hurt them least If it is counted or re rejected rejected rejectcd ¬ jected Sort or doubleedged Damascus Damascusj Damascusblad Damascusblade j blade blad so to toPortsmouth speak speakPortsmouth speakI I Portsmouth doubtless feels as big as asLondon asLondon asLondon I London Just now but th thenit mIt Isnt hard hardto h hardto r rto to recall when Three Oaks felt the thesame thesameway same sameway way wnrNo i iNo I No Inquiring Reader the Poe Amend Amendment Amendment Amendmont ¬ ment was not written by b Edgar Allen Allenbut AllenI Allenbut I but It is full enough of horrora for forsome forsome forsome some of the politicians to have been beenOhios beenOhios beenOhios Ohios Legislature attempting a sala salary salary salary ¬ ry grab bungled It so the next assem assembly assemI assembly ¬ bly will dB get no pay 1 > a at all The State Statedoesnt Stat StatI Statedoesnt I doesnt care for the money but the theassurance theassurance theassurance I assurance of a short session gives much muchsatisfaction muchI muchsatisfaction satisfaction satisfactionj satisfactionQhioans I j Ohioans are Investing I cstlng 350000 50000 to deter eletermine determinewbether I I mine minewbether whether there Is anything un thing In an analIeged j 1 Alleged llcged gold and there Foolish to torisk toi torisk 1 i risk money that way when olliceholdlng olliceholdlngis i is u suro thing thingIt thingI thingIt I It Is reported that people around the theDepartment thel l Department of Agriculture A > Ilculture view viewj viewwith j with withsome withI withsome some complacency the disposition of the theNew theNew theNew I New York Sun to poke long sharp pins pinsI pinsInto I into its contemporary the Herald HeraldThe HeraldI HeraldI I I The most determined scoffers scofter begin to torealize torealize torealize realize that the Nationals will soon soonhave L r I have to be taken seriously seriouslyMr serloUslyr l I Mr Jerome has worked worl ed so hard at atmaking making enemies that everybody Is now nowhis L his friend friendSecretary friendSecretary 0 0Secretary Secretary Taft has las carried the Philip Philippines Philipplneswhlch Philippines pines plneswhlch which Is more than Shaw or Fair Fairbanks Fallbanls FairI banks has done to his home bailiwick bailiwickColonel I I 1 Colonel Lamont left a modest 3000000 300300again 3000000I L I again proving that a man may ma amounito to something In spite of being poor poorThe poorThe poorThe The municipal ownership germ whiclrecently whichrecently recently suffered ostracism in in reported r ported to be threatening Phlladcl Phlladclphia PhlladelThia Philadelphia phia phiaI ThiaGermany phiaGermany I Germany Is to lend Morocco S5000000 S5000000and 5000000I I I and the laugh will vlll presently be e on Uuof th z 0 4 of f 7T Fnr T > > IN IiVTIIE THE CIRCLE CIR ci E OF SOCIETY S 0 C1E T I ILEAVE LEAVE TOWN FOR FORLONG FORLG LONG VACATION VACATIONCortelyou VACATIONCO1telyOll Cortelyou and Family Start Started Startel StartedToday ¬ ed edToday edTodayGO Today TodayGO TodayGO GO TO HEMRSTEAD L L I IVice IVice IVice Vice President Prcsisrint and d Mrs Fairbanks FairbanksSpent FairbanksSpent FairbanksSpent Spent an Attractive Day at atBar atBar atBar Bar Harbor HarborThe H HarborTh rbor rborIhl The Th Vice President and Mrs Irs Fair Fairbanks Palrbanks Fairbanks ¬ banks enjcyed an attractive day at Bar BarHarbor BurHarbor BarHarbor Harbor yesterday y telda Mr Il Fairbanks s went wentin wcmin wentIn in the th forenoon lor iorcnocn < nonn to jiy ty a yisit Is t to Cap Captain CHPI Captam ¬ tain tam Covrles on the Missouri Issouri and in the theiifteruoon theafternoon theafternoon I afternoon both the Vice President and andMrs aud11rs andMrs Mrs Fairbanks went for a drive later latergoing latergoing latergoing going to dinner as the guests of Gen Genand Genund Geziand and Mrs Edward Echv lhvartF rd Merrill of Philadel Philadelphia Phlladeiphia Philadelrhia ¬ phia phiaSir phiaSir rhiaSir Sir Henry Hem Mortimer Durand enters entersquite entersqutte I quite into the local l cal1ifc life of Lenox and andtoday andtoday nd ndto today to a is the guest gues of Robb de P PTytus PTytusl P Tytus Tytuspresident Tytuslires1dcn president l > resI cni of the Berkshire Historical HistoricalSociety HistoricalSociety HIstoricalSociety Society He will attend the unveiling unveilingof u clling cllingor of the now n < w library and will go with Mr MrTytus MrTytus lr lrTtus Tytus on the usual outing of the so society socI society ¬ ciety cI ty Lady Lud Durand Durtndhas has sufficiently sufficientlyrecovered sufficientlyrccoered sufficientlyrecovered recovered her health to accompany the theambassador theambassador theambassador ambassador ambassadorSecretary ambassadorSecretar ambassadorSecretary Secretary Secretar Bonaparte leaves Lenox to today today today ¬ day for Washington Mrs Mrs Bonaparte Bonapartewill Bonapartewill Bonapartewill will remain at the Aspinwall for the thesummer thesummer thesummer summer The Secretary took time to tocall tocall tocall call upon Mrs Newman K Perry widow widowof wIdowof widowof of Ensign Perry of the gunboat Ben Bennlngtcn BennlngtQn BenningtQn nlngtcn who lives in Stockbridge StockbridgeRepresentative StockbridgeRepresentative StockoridgeRePresentative Representative and Mrs Henry Kirk KirkPorter KirkPorter KirkPorter Porter of Pittsburg who have made madetheir madethei madetheir their thei home in Washington for several severalseasons severalseasons severalseasons seasons past at the old Don Cameron Cameronhouse Cameronhouse Cameronhouse house on Lafayette square are enter entertaining cnterI entertaming ¬ I mining delightfully d lIghtfull at Bar Harbor HarborTheir HarborI HarborTheir Their dinner at the Malvern Ma1ver last even evening ovenIng evenlng ¬ I ing was in compliment to Gen Horace U UPorter CI QPorter I Porter of New Ne York besides whom they theyentertained theyentertalne theyentertained entertained Dr and Mrs lrs S Weir Veil Mitch Mitchell lIltcl1ell Mitchoil ¬ ell Gen and Mrs Edward Ripley Mr Mrand 111md Mrand and Mrs Morris I 15 Jesup Mrs Hobson HobsonMr HOQsonMr HobsonMr Mr and Airs Ernesto G FabbrI and Mr Mrand Mrand Mrand and Mrs Herbert M lL Sears SearsMany SearslIRn SearsMany Many lIRn o of the younger society people peopleof peopleI peopleof of Bar Harbor visited the battleship battleshipMaine battleshIpI battleshipMaine I I Maine yesterday afternoon where the theofficers thei theofficers i officers gave an informal dance for Mrs MrsHarry MrsHarry MrsHarry Harry Sewall Daughter daughterot of Rear Admiral AdmiralEvans AdmiralEvans AdmiralEvans Evans EvansMrs EvansIrs EvansMrs Mrs Irs J Donaldson Cameron ameron who will willopen willo willopen open o en the old old Cameron house on Lafa Lafayette LafaI Lafayette ¬ yette ette square for some some lively Uel entertaining entertainingnext entiiftriI entt I ln lnnext ing ingnext I next season in honor of her herdebutante herdebutanteI debutante debutantedaughter debutantedaughter daughter gave a a luncheon at Newport Newportyesterday NcwportJesterday Newportyesterday I yesterday yesterdayMajor JesterdayMajor yesterdayMajor Major General and and Mrs Gillespie who whosailed whosaI whosaiidd sailed saI < < d for Europe July 4 are now at the theVictoria theIctoria theVictoria Victoria Hotel Hamburg Among otherAmericans otherAmericans Americans who are temporarily stop stopping stoppIng stopping ¬ ping in Europe is Mrs Frederick FrederickMe WMcKee W WMcKee McKee Me Kee who is in Paris ParisAmong ParisAmong ParisAmong Among the Washington people In New NewYork NewYork NewYork York today are L M Murphey MissMajor MissMajor Miss 11issMajor Major J S Boxer and L P Hall HallBaron HallBaron HallBaron Baron Schllppinbach tho Russian Russianconsul Russianconsul Russianconsul consul at Chicago whose hose frequent visits visitsto visItsto visitsto to the Russian embassy here as the theuest th thguest theguest guest uest of Count Casslni the former am amiassador ambassador ambassador bassador made him well known In so socletv sochetv Pier Pierwhere Pierwh Pierwhere 1 cietv is now at Narragansett where wh re he finds fin s a a large contingent of ofWashington ofVashlngton ofWashington Washington society people peopleHenry 1 peopleHenry > 101le 101leHenry Henry O Towles jr of the United UnitedStates UnitedStates UnitedStates States Express Company Treasury rr asur De Department Department Dcpartment ¬ partment is spending his vacation at atPine atPIne atPine Pine Orchard Conn ConnMiss ConnMiss ConaMiss Miss Eula Henderson of Fredericks Fredericksburg Fredericksburg Fredericksburg burg Va Ta is visiting relatives at 914 H Hstreet IIstreet Hstreet street northwest northwestDr northwestDr northwestDr Dr Jesse B Schafhirt has returned returnedfrom returnedfrom rtnedfrom from the National Dental Convention Conventionwhich Conventionwhich Conventionwhich which was held in Buffalo BuffaloMiss BuffaloMiss BuffaloMiss Miss Millie ll1Ile Oettinger of West Wash Washington WashIngton Washington ¬ ington has gone gon to Atlantic City lty for forthe forthe forthe the remainder of 01 the season seasonCapt seasonCapt SOJl SOJlCapi Capt John P Fllailey Bailey of the steamer steamerMacalester steamerMacalester steamerMacalester Macalester spent Sunday at Atlantic AtlanticCity AtlanticClt AtlantioCity City CityPublicspirited Clt CityPublicsplrltedMrs Publicspirited Publlcspirlted PublicsplrltedMrs Mrs lrs Clarence Mackay Mackayof lackaNew of New York society is is now a full fullfledged fulIfte fullfledged fledged fte g d school trustee a position she shemuch sheJnu shemuch much Jnu ell coveted that she might introduce introduceseveral introduceseveral Introduceseveral several reforms and Innovations So far farshe tarshe farhe she he has gotten otten the consent of other othertrustees otherI othertrustees trustees of the Roslyn L I Io school to tospread tosnread tostread spread a noonday luncheon for the thechildren thechlJdlen thechildren I children at her expense and to furnish furnisha a meeting and lounging room for the theteachers theI theteachers i teachers In fact Mrs Mackay will willhave willhave vihIhave have no trouble with other trusteca trustecawhen trusteeuwhn trustecuwhen I when it cornea come to spending her own ownmoney ownmone ownmoney money moneyBvron mone moneByron moneyV Byron Donnelly of this city was ring ringbearer rlngbearer ringV V V bearer at the wedding of Miss MI 1l Martha MarthaRowena MarthflRowena MartheRowena Rowena Richardson and Charles Wil William WIlliam Williars ¬ liam Johnson which took place at atHave atHae atHave Have do e Grace Md yesterday after afternoon afternoon afternoon ¬ noon noonDOUBLE noonDOUBLE 0 DOUBLE WEDDING WEDDINGIN VEDDINGIN IN RICHMOND VA VAA I A Richmond Va midsummer wedding weddingof of especial interest In Washington was wasthe W11tbe wasthe the marriage of Richard Edward Pil Pilkinton Pi1ldnton PUldnton ldnton to Miss Mary Edna Blanton The Theceremony TheceremonY Theceremony ceremony took place at 6 oclock yester yesterday yesterday ester esterav ¬ day av afternoon At the same time thehr thebrother brother hr ther of Mr Pllklntona bride Charles CharlesEugene CharlesEugene Eugene Blanton married Miss DatsSe DatsSeTaylor DatseTaylor DatsleTaylor Taylor of Staunton Va The affair was wasquite wasquite wasquite quite an event In local circles and took tookplace too tool11acl tooplace place at the home of f the brides parents parentsMr parerltsMr paretitsMr Mr and Mrs Joseph W V Blanton BlantonThe Blmton1he l3lantonThe The Rev John T 1 Bosnian of Nor Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk folk and l1a the Rev L J B Betty of Rich Richmond Richmond Richmond ¬ mond officiated The Th hewer girls were wereMlsg wereMiss Miss Josephine Bronson of this city cityand citynn cityand and nn Miss Laura Alice Blarton of Rich Richmond Richmond Richmond ¬ mond Mr 1r and Mrs lrs Pllkinton will maketheir maketheir their future home in Washington WashingtonMARRIAGE VashlogtonMARRIAGE VashtflgtonMARRIAGE MARRIAGE LICENSES LICENSESFranklin LICENSESFranlt1ln LICENSESFranklin Franklin G Jackson 22 2 2 and Jennie V VBerrv VBerr VBerry Berry Berr 18 18John 8 8Jo John Jo Doerr Doert 26 21 and Hulda T T Lent LentLleekel LenuLleckel LenaLieckel Lleekel 27 2 2PhIip 27PhIlip Philip Christian 40 and Emma T Ford 10 19William William Ball 21 and Emma Bushrod V 21 21V s sHenry 21Henr 21Henry Henry Henr B Thompson Ih mpson 23 of Culpepei Culpepeicounty Culpepelcounty Culpepeicounty V county Vu and Jennie C Embrey Embreyot 2i 2iof 22V V of FauquIer county count Va VaWilliam V William Fritter 33 i3 and Cella Alrnan AlulanChristopher AlnianJ5 35 V VChristopher Christopher Toppln 23 V and Emma EmrmMoore EmmClMoore EmmaMoore Moore 39 39Elmer 39Elmer V VElmer Elmer Young 42 and Madge Hayes Hay s 34 34both 34110lh 34both both of Norfolk Va VaJ J 1 Murray lurntyPaylor urrny Taylor 33 and Daisy ray Taylor Thybr raylor lor 2S 2SJamfH 2 2J S V VSineq > JamfH J tnrff R Mitchell 35 35 of of DIstrIct District o oColumbia oj ojColumbia ohColumbia Columbia and Atnes AnnesV l nc V Vs Stenchcombi Stench omlJ 81 31n 21of n of RI qhtmo hfmr SENATOR DEPEW NOT NOTIN NOTV I IIN V IN BEST OF HEALTH HEALTHI HEAL TH THI I i iOnce I Once OnceCheeryNev Cheery New Yorker Said to Be Downcast Powi cast Because Becauseof = cause causeofHarsh of ofHarsh Harsh Things Recently Said of ofH Him HimPrince HimPrince m mrjnce Prince rjnce Henrys Henry s Friend j There V Is good g d reason reason to believe belleV that thatthe thatthe I the friends of Senator Chauncey M MDepew MI MDepew I I Depew are seriously concerned concern dabout about his hishealth hisI hishealth health healthMany healthMany V VV VV VMany V V I Many barsh things said of him lately latelyhave latel latelhnve latelyhave have worried and grieved him deeply deeplyFriends deephI deeplyFriends Friends say he has aged years within withinthe withinthe withinthe I the past few weeks weeksHe weeksHe weeksHe He has lost much of the cheerIness for forwhich forwhich forwhich which he Is famous f mous and frequently frequentlypasses frequentlypasses frequentlypasses passes old friends on the street With vlthout vJthout out recognition recognitionCornelius re ognitlo 1 1Corn V V VV Cornelius Corn lius Vanderbilt was invited to be beono beon beono ono on of a family famn house party by the thePrincess thePrIncess thePrincess Princess of SaxeMeinlnsenV SmceMenlngeJ1 the eldest eldestsister eldestsIster eldestsister sister of the Kaiser and the best bo t look lookIng lookIng looking Ing as well as the thcc1ccrest cleverest and most mostbrilliant mostbrilliant mostbrilliant brilliant of theGerm1n the German royal ro al family familynoted familynoted familynoted noted fOZh for her t witty and D and5arcastic d > sjarcastic ifarcastlc utter utterances utterimces utterances ¬ ances which have involved Im lve lv d her In many manyenmities manyenmlties manyenmities enmities enmitiesMr enmltiesMr enmitiesMr Mr VanderbIlt owes this admission to tothe tothe tothe the Intimacy of the imperial family famn to toPrince toPrince toPrince Prince Prince Henry Honr who has hasevinccd evinced a great greatliking greatliking V liking for the quiet thoughtful th ughlful and andclever andclmer andclever clever New Yorker their tastes t stesrunnlng stesrunnlngin running runningin in many respects In the same direction directionThe directionThe d2rectlonV d2rectlonThe V The will of the late Daniel S Lamont Lamontshows Lamontshows Lamontshows shows property valued at more than thani000000 5000000 practically all hi the best of ofiCTHESDA ofI ofBETIIE8AV I I BETHESDA CITIZENS CITIZEI1Reports CITIZENSASSOCIATION 1T1lt18 1T1lt18V V ASSOCIATION MEETS MEETSReports MEETSV V Reports of Various Committees Sub Submitted Submitted Submitted ¬ mitted and Discussed at Length Lengthby Lengthby Leigthby by the Members MembersThe MembersThe MembersThe The Bethesda Citizens Association Associationheld Associationheld Associationheld held Its It regular meeting Monday night nightand nightand nightand and reports were submitted submitted from from the thecommittee thecommittee thecommittee committee on roads and highways highwayshealth hIghwayshealth highwayshealth health legislation le lslatlon transportation and andlaw andlaw andlaw law and order orderMr orderllr V VMr Mr Ruebsam reported from the com committee corninittee ¬ I Imltteo mittee on transportation that he had hadhud hadhad hadlitd hud some correspondence with General GeneralHarries GeneralHarries GeneralHarries Harries of the Washington Railway Railwayand Ranwa Ranwaand Railwayand and Electric Company In regard to tofurther tofurther tofurther further facilities and an extra car from fromthe fromthe fromthe the park l > ark He had received no particu particular parUular partiumr ¬ lar encouragement but hoped that in inthe Inthe inthe the near n lr future some better arrange arrangement arrangemunt arrangemont ¬ mont would be bemado made to accommodate accommodatethe the people No Typhoid Cases CasesDr CasesDr CasesDr Dr Dr Lewis from the committee on onhealth onhealth onhealth health reported that there had been no nocase noca nocae case ca u of typhoid t phold fever fe r In the Bethesda Bethesdadistrict BcthesdadistrIct Bethesdadistrict district for two years and that there la lanone 13none isnone none now nowMr nowIr nowMr Mr Ir Wilson from the committee on onlaw onla Onlaw law la w and order brought up the subject subjectof subjectQf of disorder ISOl e1 alone the oar line at night nightand nightand ziightand and the conduct of the official whose whoseduty whoseduty whoseduty duty It Is i to preserve order was dis discussed dlsCU8SC discussed ¬ cussed CU8SC The matter was laid over for foranother foranother roranother another meeting meetingMr meetingMr V VMr Mr Caldwell from the committee onroads on onroads onroads roads and highways hlghwa s reported that no nomeeting nomeetlnr nomeeting meeting of his committee had been held heldsince h heldsince tld tldsince since the last regular session of the tfleVas tfleVassociation as association association ¬ sociation but that he had had some cor correspondence coronce correspondence ¬ respondence once with tho highway commis commission commission commission ¬ sion in regard to the road proposed to tocounty tobe tobC be made and had written a letter to the thecounty thecounty county commissioners commissioners In regard to the thesame thesame thesame same but had received no reply replyMr repiyMr replyMr Mr Hoiskell from the committee on onlegislation onleglsiation Onlegislation legislation denounced In vigorous terms termsthe tennsthe teitnsthe the disgraceful conduct which char characterized characterl charucterlzed ¬ acterized acterl ed the primaries on Saturday Saturdayand Saturdayand Saturdayand and recommended that the members of ofthe oftlw ofthe the next Legislature from the county countywhoever countywhoever countywhoever whoever they th y might be be requested requestedto to take tal e stops to legalize lebal1 e the primaries primariesHENRY primariesHENRY primariesHENRY HENRY VIII ON THE STAGE STAGEThe STAGEThe STAGEThe The Imagination Imn Inaton Is always stirred bv bvthe bvthe bythe the incognito of a sovereign and one of ofthe ofthe ofthe the most popular l > things Henry VIII VIIIever VII VIIIever I Iever ever did was to piny the Haroun Alras Alraschid AlraschJd Almschdd chid on Midsummer Eve In 1510 and to towalk towalk towalk walk the streets of the city clad as a acommon acommon common soldier with Wolsev V01H in order orderto ordelto orderto to see the great pageant of the year the theMarch theMarch March of the Watch This Is a m mp7 mp7lund mrYland < > y yland land whispered the King Your high highness h htinose l lnos ¬ ness nos > hits made It so answered the rc rLdJ rLdJcourtier recdycourtier dy dycourtier courtier But a second companion was wasless WUEless wasless less gallant How looks the city other otherthan otherthan than on festival nights asked the Klnf Kln Klnof ICing ICingor of him It is a melancholy place sire sireanswered sireanswered answered the truthful one after cur curfew curfew curfew ¬ few not a light is i to be seen and mas masterless maste1leps innsterles terless men cut purses In the dark darkHa darkRa darkHa Ha was all the King said to this thisfeeling thIsfeeling thisfeeling feeling probably a little damped Still Stillhome StlIlhome Stillhome home truths are part pai t of the game when whena a king plays n subject und we do not notrend notread nqtread I read that he hendded added on reflection letl ctloJ On OnwiHi orrlth Offwith wiHi with lth his hi l head hendLondon London father securitiesV securitiesWslington securities V Washington people who whowere whowere were wont to wonder at the extreme extremesimplicity extremesimpliCity extremeslinphl 1 slinphl simplicity lty of the life l1f of the Lamonts Lamentseven Lamontseen Lamontseven even when in official mer society here w will willnot villnot ll llnot not marvel at the large fortune accumu accumu ¬ lated In so short a a time timeMrs time11rs timeMrs Mrs Lamont Lamontot of couise kept a suf sufV sufVficlent ¬ ficient number of maids and nurses for her chiiaren c11i ren but it was not unusual unusualwhen unusualwhcn unusualwhen when passing the oldfashioned yellow yellowhouse yellowhouse yellowhouse house on Lafayette square squ re where they theymade theymade theymade made their home to see a long longrowot row of dolls of all sizes and sorts sitting sittfngalong sittfngalongon along alongon on the th sill of one of the big windows windowsor for or an airinffKand airln and back of them MrS Mr L Laments mont ssm1Ungface smiling face and those of herchlldren her herchildren herchildren children chlldrenl1ilUol1aire childrenMillionaire V V V VV VMillionaire V Millionaire OrrIn W V Potter of New NewYork NewYork NewYork York vho Is seventy years old will willbe wIllbe willbe be married in New York today or tomor tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow ¬ row to Mra Mm Elizabeth EU abeth Bell who secured secureda secur > d da a divorce from her husband some time timeago tlm tlmago timeago ago agoMr Mr Potters V wife V V died more than thanyear V VMr a ayear ayear year ago She was an aunt auntot of the Prin Princess Princess Princess ¬ cess Chimay Though his youngest youngestdaughter oungestdaughter I Idaughter daughter Margaret is better known in inliterary inliterary i iliterary literary circles Gertrude Potter Dan Daniels ¬ another an ther daughter daught r received more no notice notice notice ¬ tice three years yenr ago upon the th publication publicationof of a book attacking capitalists c pltalists and andaimed andaimed andaimed aimed especially sp cIall r ai a the Standard Oil OilCompany QilCompany Oh OhCompany Company CompanyIt V VIt It was said that Influence caused part partof partof partof of the edition to be withdrawn She Is Isa Isa isa a daughterinlaw of George H Daniels Danielsof Danielsor Danielsof of the New York Central Dr Ward Wardwas Wardwas Wardwas was father of the Princess Chlmay ChlmayMARINE Chl ChirnayMARINE nay nayMARINE MARINE BAND CONCERT CONCERTIN IN CAPITOL PARK PARKThe PARKrhe PARKThe The United States Marine Band under underthe underthe underthe the leadership leadershipof of Lieut William H San Santelmann Santelmann Santelmann telmann will give the usual Wednesday Wednesdayconcert Wednesdayconcert Vednesdayconcert concert at the Capitol this evening Fol Following FoP FoPlowing Following ¬ lowing is the program programMarch programMarch prograrnMarch March Enquirer Clubr Club > Brand BrandOverture Overture Lebanon LebanonSantelmana LebanonSantelmanaMusic Santelmann SantelmannMusic Santeimannlusi Music lusi < de Ballet Astorga AstorgaAdams AstorgaAdamsDuet Adams AdamsDuet AdamsDuet Duet for flute and norn Serenade SerenadeTitll Titll TitllMusicians TitliMusicians t1i t1iMusicians Musicians Robert E Seel and Albert O OWacker OVa 0V 0Wacker Wacker WackerWaltz WackerWaltz Va clc e 1 1Valtz V Waltz In the Vienna Woods Tood > Strauss StraussHungarian StrawHungarIan StrauscHungarian > Hungarian Rhapsodic No 14 HLi2zt HLi2ztNational 14LisztNational Liszt LisztNational National anthem a them The StarSpangled StarSpangledBanner StarSpangledBanner Banner 0 Key I ey Jap Commander CommahderSays CommahderSaysV r t o oas oasGunnery Says J JGunnery V Gunnery Won the Fight FightBattle FightBattle V VBattle Battle of Sea of Japan Reviewed by One of ofMikados ofMikados ofMikados Mikados Men MenSuperior Superior Tactics Also Alsoeon Alsoeontributed Con Contributed ConV ¬ V tributed to Russias Defeat V VV VV V V TOKYO Aug S SGunner Gunnery battleships battleshipsand battlehlpsand and superior tactics won the the battle of ofthe ofthe the thcSI6 Sett of Japan rather than destroyers destroyersand destroyersand destroyersand and torpedoes according to a statement statementprepared statementprepared statementprepared prepared for publication by Commander CommanderAkiyama CommanderAkiyama CommanderAkiyama Akiyama who participated in that en engasement engagement engagernent < gasement gasementGood gagementGood gagernentGood V Good gunnery he V asserts depends dependsmainly dependsmalnl dependsmainly mainly malnl upon the division officers and andhe andhe andhe he says sa s thtit the hc Russian officers were werelamentably werelamentably werelamentably lamentably lacking la king in training In the theearly theearly theearly early part of o the battle the Russians Russiansscored RussiansScored Russiansscored scored but one hit to three landed by bythe bythe bythe the Japanese Under those circum circumstances circumstances circumstances stances stances it may be said that the Japa Japanese Jap Japnese Japanese ¬ nese had three or four guns gunsVifl In action actionto actionto actIonto to every evcryone one of the Russians Russiansand and there therewas th therewas re rewas was V therefore therefore nothing very remark remarkable remarkable remarkable able about the disparity of losses lossesRogestvenaky lossesRogestvensky lossesRogestvensky Rogestvensky Not at atF Fault FaultThe FaultThe ult ultThe The commander says that th t Admiral AdmiralHogestvensky AdmIralRosestvensky AdmiralRogestvensky Hogestvensky should not be criticised criticisedfor critIciseefor criticisedfor for eliciting to take his chances at Tsu Tsushima Tsushima Tushima ¬ shima On the contrary It was the thewisest th thwIsest thewisest wisest course open to him Tsugaru TsugaruStrait TsugaruStrait Strait is long and narrow the season seasonwas seasonwas was w s foggy and there were mechanical mechanicalobstructions mechanicalobstructions obstructions obstructions Distance and coal wereagainst were wereagainst against aga I nst Soya and the time tim e consumed co I1su med in inreaching Inreaching inreachIng reaching that t t entrance would have hav be betrayed betrayed betrayed ¬ trayed the design V and his plight on onemerging onemerging onemerging emerging from Soya would wo ld have hav been beenmuch beenmuch much worse wors than he might reasonably r hope for at Tsushima TsushimaCommander TsushimaCommander V VV VCommander V Commander Akiyama insists that the thegreat thegreat thegreat great mistake of the Russians was In Inmarshaling inmarl1aling jflmarshaling marshaling their vessels in double col column column colman ¬ umn line ahead From the th moment momento momentogoing of ofgoing ofgoing going into action In this formation the theJapanese theJapanese theJapanese Japanese regarded victory as assured assuredApart assuredApart assuredApart Apart from the impossibility of main maintaining1 maintaining maintaming ¬ taming an orderly formation when pur pursuing pursuing pursuing ¬ suing such tactics for defensive pur purposes purposes purposes ¬ poses there was the fact that only a afew alew afew few of the ships could bring their guns gunsInto gunsiuto gunsinto Into effective action against the Japa Japanese Japanese Japanese ¬ nese fleet fleetattackIng attacking end on onJapanese onJapanese onJapanese Japanese Had Advantage AdvantageThe The latter ships were able to concen concentrate concentrate conceritrate ¬ trate their whole fire upon the leading leadingRussian leadingRussian leadingRussian Russian V ships and in return returnrecered returnreceredonly received receivedonly receivedonly only a limited fire Had the Russians Russiansadopted Russlanadopted RussIanSadopted adopted the strategy of Imposing the thebrunt thebrunt thebrunt brunt of the action upon their battle battleships battleship3 battleships ¬ ships while the rest of ot the fleet broke brokethrough brok brokthrough brokethrough through and steered direct dIrect for Vlad VladROOSEVELT ViadUOSEVELT VladMEET MEET GARRISONGROVINB GAll1llSOIG1ffi1tG GARRISON GAilSOi6ROWING 6ROWING IN V1 NUIBEiS NUIBEiSFinancial NUfi1BEHSFinancial ES ESFinancial Financial Condition Good GoodResolution Resolution of ofSympathy ofgympa ofSympathy Sympathy gympa hy for General Stones Stonesf Stone StoneFamilyMany StonesFamilyMany f Family FamilyMany Many Speeches SpeechesCol Speeches SpeechesCol V Col Theodore Roosevelt Garrison Kq 74 V Spanish War Soldiers Sailors Salorsand Salorsand11arnC3 and andMarines an anMarines Marines Army Armyand and Navy Union held its itsbimonthly ItSblmonthly it itbimonthly bimonthly meeting last night at 913 E Estreet Estreet Estreet street northwest Commander Joseph J JGordon JGordon JGordon Gordon presided presidedAdji presidedAdjt presidedAdJt Adjt Frank C Longstreet read the re report report report ¬ port of the garrison showing a rapid in increase increase increase ¬ crease in the membership and many manyformer manyformer manyformerV former formerVmembers members of the Roosevelt Club Clubenrolled Clubenro11el Clubenrolled enrolled as members of the garrison garrisonThe garrisonThe garrisonThe The report of Quartermaster Thomas ThomasA A Taylor made an excellent financial financialshowing ftnanclal5howing financialshowing showing The he garrison adopted adopteda a resolu resolution resolution resolution ¬ tion of sympathy s mpathy for the family of the thelate thelate thelate late Gen Roy Stone who served in the thePorto thePorto thePorte Porto RIcan campaign in which a a num number number nuinher ¬ ber of the Roosevelt Garrison took part partSenior partSenior partSenior Senior Vice Commander William A AHlckey AHickey AHickey Hickey was unanimously elected as del delegate delgate delegate ¬ egate to the national convention and en encampment enciunpment encarnpment ¬ campment of the Army Arm r and Navy Union Unionto Unionto Unionto to be b held at Newburgn N Y Septem September September Sentember2o21and22 ber ber2o21and22 20 21 and 22 22A V VA 1 1A A short address was made by Col J JEdwin JEdwin 1 1Edwin Edwin Brown Sergeant John JohnJ J Strain Strainalso Strainalso I Ialso also spoke spokeAmong spolceAmon V Among Amon those present who gave short shorttalks shorttalks shorttalks talks were L J Van der Miller Fred Frederick Frederick Fredcrick ¬ erick E Schotter Frank C Longstreet LongstreetCapt Longstreet1Capt Capt O H Lake C F Rongeon Cor Corporal Corporal Corjioral ¬ I poral A W V Gall Company C United UnitedStates UnitedStates UnitedStates States Engineers W H Grosjean Com Company CornV CornVpany ¬ pany pan B United States St tes Engineers M MDonnelly 11DonnellY MDonnelly Donnelly M L P Sergt John J Strain Strainvice StraInvice Strainvice vice president Ninth United States In Infantry Infantlj Infantry ¬ fantry < Veteran Association Col J JV Ed Edwin Edwin Edwin ¬ win Brown past national na lional commander commanderUnion commanderUnion commanderUnion Union Veteran Legion Edward G VGBurch GBurch GBurch Burch Eugene C Smith Joserh J Gor Gordon Gordon Gordon ¬ don Thomas A Taylor Robert Koeh Koehler Koehler Kochicr ler and William A HicKey Hlc1ie V Ivostok the commander believes Uees they would have achieved a partial success Instead of doing that they the followed the plun pianoS of mutually aiding one another and thus when w wnen en the head of the battleship V Vcolumn column got gotViato Viato into trouble the others otherssteamed otherssteamed otherssteamed steamed up and thrust their heads into the lion lions s mouth without being able to toaccomplish toaecompUsh toaceompilsh accomplish anything compensatory Discussing the question of sinking bat battleships battleships battleships ¬ tleships and armored cruise by b gun ¬ fire the commander the expresses opin ¬ V Vion ion that the fact that the Russian ships shipswere shipswere shipswere were exceptionally low in the water con ¬ tributed materially to the th result The Russians carried ca Ied large quantities of coal coalstores coalstorcs stores and V ammunition and thus thusweighted thusweIghted weighted down and in a rough rougheeasut sea suf ¬ fered n red badly badl from hits li near the water wat r line that ordinarily would not have been fatal fatalI V I Newest Armor Not Pierced PiercedThe PiercedI I V The commander says thai that the battle battledid battledid battledId did not as some claim prove prov the su superiority superlorlty ¬ lperlority periority of o arms to armor He points Vpointhout pointsout pointsIout Iout out that the newest armor on OIL the Rus Russian Russian BussIan ¬ sian ships hIps notably In the case case of the theOrel theOrel theOrel Orel was not pierced The proper dis distribution distribUtion distribuUon ¬ tribution of armor is another question questionand questionand questionand and he says the Russian builders do not notappear notappear notappear appear to have adopted the latest knowl knowledge knowledge knowiedge ¬ edge and principles principlooon on the the subject subjectAkiyama sUbjectI subjectAkiyarna Akiyama declares the high seas ald a1dd d dthe dthe I the Japanese gunnery and accentuated accentuatedthe accentuatedthe accentuatedVthe the lack of training in the Russians Russiansthat RusslansI Russiansthat that the abatement of the wind and seai seaiat se seat sea seaat I at night permitting favorable torpedo torpedoattacks torpedoattacks torpedoattacks attacks and the luck of the pursuit pursuitday pursuitI I I movements oftbe of the Japanese the secol1d secol1dI secopdday day of the th e battle were notable elements elementsIn In making the victory complete completeAkiyama completeAkIyana completeAkiyama I Akiyama defends Nebogatoffs surren surrender surrender surrenler ¬ der from severe criticism Nebogatoff Nebogatoffwas Nebogatoftwas Nebogatoffwas was was surrounded by b twentyseven ships shipsincluding shipsIncludIng shipsincluding including V the most powerful of Togos Togosfleet Togolltleet Togo Togofleet fleet V Had the Russian refused to sur surrender surrender surrender ¬ render his ships would have been sunk sunkforthwith sunkforthwith sunkfOrthwith forthwith Five Fiveoot FIv or ten minutes would wouldhave wouldhavcsufflced wouldhavC have havcsufflced sufficed to finish the unpleasant unpleasanttask unpleasanttask unpleasanttask task Any other o her course than surrender surrenderwould surrenderwould surrenderwould would have condemned to needless death 2000 officers and men menRussian menRussian menV V Russian Casualties CasualtiesAccurate CasualtiesAccurate CasualtiesAccurate Accurate estimates of the the actual Bus Russian RWJsian Bussian ¬ sian casualties are are impossible to obtain obtainbut obtainb obtainbUt but b t they the are are V far under first estimates estimatesThe estlmatesThe estimatesThe The rescued re5u d and surrendered exceed exceed7QIo exceed7000V 7000 and and makine mak nl due dueaIlowance allowance for forthose lorI forthose those who wh escaped in the Almaz Izum Izurorud Izumrud Izumrud I rud OreJ Aurora Jemtchiig Jemtch g and the theauxiliaries theauxlUaries theauxiliaries auxiliaries the thenumber V number actually lost is isI i5I isI I somewhere sOl1ew s mewhere ere between 2000 and 3500 3500ninocn 3500110M 3500TOM 110M TOM TAGGARTS PLACECLOSEOBY PLACE PLAEEtItUSHII ninocn ULUOLU CLOSEOBY tItUSHII PV BY D DHanly VEIIURanly GOVERNOR GOVERNORHanly Hanly V Credited With Design to to Raid RaidAll RaidAll RaidAll All Ga1 Gambling 1blingResorts Resorts in inIndiana in inIndiana II IIIndiana Indiana IndianaINDIANAPOLIS IndianaINDIANAPOLIS V VV VINDIANAPOLIS V INDIANAPOLIS Ind Aug 4jgV H 9 9As 9Asresultot Ag a aresult result resultot of Governor Go erI1or Hanlys nly sde determina 4Otermination determination ermhla ermhlatlon ¬ tion to stop gambling at French French Lick Lickand Lid LicIand Lidand and West WestVBaden Baden he has has closed < the theCasino theCasino theCasino Casino at atV atthe the former V place owned by byThomas byThomaS byThomas V Thomas ThomaS Taggart Ta gartc11alrman chairman of the theDemocratic theDemocratI theDemocratir Democratic National Committee The Thecase Th Thcae Thcase case is pending pe1 ipg a further examination examinationThe examinationThe examInationThe The governor govemor recently recent1sent sent two personal personalrepresentatives person2 person2representatives personalrepresentatlves representatives V to investigate the gam gambling gambUng gambling bling Conditions and his action today todaywas todaywas todaywas was the result resultGovernor resultGo resultGovernor Governor Go ernor Hanly would not discuss d1s uss his hisaction hISactIon hisaction action in iucloslng closing Tnggarts resort and andhis andIs andhis his Is reticence is taken to mean that he hehas heha hehas has has laid plans to raid all gambling re resorts resorts resorts ¬ sorts throughout the State StateT statera StateV V T ra aggnrt gnrt said that he did not rotknow know that thatthere thatth thatthere there th re wag w wa gambling at the Casino nor norhad norhad norhad had he been been advised adv d of Governor Han Hanlys Hanl Haniys ¬ lys l s action actionThe a actiopThe tIon I The > governor has ll s been rec r re1ving lvin fvinP r com complaints oonplaints om omplaints ¬ plaints about the places at 5rcneh Lick Lickand Licitand Lac Lacand and West Baden BadenWILL BadenWILL BadenWILL V V WILL SUPPORT ITAfcY ITAfcYIN ITALf ITALfiN lTAtVViN > IN TRIPOLI CLAIMS CLAIMSROME CLAHiiSROIE CLt1ISV CLt1ISROME V ROME Aug 9 9Hal 9Itaiy Italy France Frhn and andGreat andGreat rd rdGIeat Great Britain it Is said saIdlmve have signed an arinternational aninternationl aninternational international agreement assuring the theclaims theclaims theclaims claims of Italy 1t I in regard to toTrIpoll Tripoli and andthe andthe andthe the occupation of that province by Ital Italian ItalIan ItalIan ¬ ian authority authorityThe authorityThe VV V V VThe The German Kaiser has not yet been beenheard beenheard beenheard heard from IN BOOICVILLE NO INDEED V REVENGE REYHNGEHe REVENGEGeorg REVBNGEV V J r V k5 I I r u c lIi ViII L LV V 1 1itli j itli t zrllrDe zrllrDelFr 1 lFr c cGeorgeWell1 George GeorgeWell1 Well now that tha 3oiTve 3oiTverefuseiime youv She SheDo Do you y u remember that old oldrustic oldHcJ oldIicI He HcJ I see Dan Dictionary is en engaged ¬ refuseiime refuseckme I suppose we must part partforever V Vrustic rustic r sti bench ben h where you used used to sit sitand sitgaged sitgaged gaged to Miss Western Queen Queenand forever foreverGladys fore r and tell me you loved me nlc and where whereyou whereand whereand and that his folks are opposed to it itShe Gladys Why no George Dont Dontyou you asked me to be your wife wifeHe She SheWhy SheWhyshouldnt Why shouldnt they be She Sheis you remember you y u were going to totake He HeY HeYes Yes s Ill have the old thin thincut thing is nothing but a dime novel novelPRETTY take me to the opera Friday night nightFLAYING 0 cut into kindling kindIin wood woodOVERINDULGED woodV wood1EfTV f fr V > r PRETTY 1EfTV POLLY Pr I 7 V OVERINDULGED OVERINDULGEDBugMy OVER INDULGED FLAYING a y WITH FIRE tggr 2Q 2Qz z = 3Fi h g r j2 r 4 5 Cd9ii Cd9iiP n II IIIf I III P F3iZth If f 1f e cg < a apq I 1i t pq 4YItir1 4j 4 l lIW 1 IW b if Y Yf f 7 f IJ 111 l fiilJ I II 4 I t e c ciE I I8uglk iE j I Mima BugOh B i Willie Iie coinr away sv Jroin Jrointhere BugAin r Be e had I so much flhC I hoppy k py juice j ths H og ogday or or3J ci BugMy heavens but thjubirdis iIit br is conceited day 3J he bejan I to l se ee an anr arieworn arieworntrjke e there Ihrccyouhbkded or youll b killed Mr f Bogis iVhs gcmg to tostrike u IY tRSff vofKg strike trjke a i match r to e <