T I r 1
exclaimed the President to Bishop yin Vincent ¬ t tcent
cent centThe t tIht tThe
The president resLdent thenjnade his hisn address addressHe dress dressHe
He said 5tidT 1 > < < A AToday
Today T i I IW J WThh lh jh to speak ea1 q lo f youon J it n rone ronefeature one onetenture
feature o 01l orotij ourV i7 national nat9ntC19r fprelgn fQrn t iC policy policyand p policyWand lcy t tand
and one teature ot our national domestic domesticpolicy domesticpMI
policy policyThe pMI p lky I Ip t tThe
The Monroe Doctrine is not a a part of ofinternational o oInternational
international International law But it is the th funda fundamental ¬ l lmental
mental feature fe tl1r tIire of oCb i ouri r entire entir foreign foreignpolicy fordgnpolicy
t tpolicy
policy so far as the Western Hernia Herniaphere B Bpher
phere is concerned con G ned and nndlt It has hts1rfore Wore and andmore i imore
more been meeting with recognition i iabroad1 J Jabroad
abroad abroad1MThe x xThe
MThe The reason reasonhY wiiyjHs als tIs meeting meeting with wllh this t tlii lls llsrecsultionls j jrecognition s srecnition
Jsi have notval notvallowed not al
recognition recsultionls is because we r rlowcd
lowed it to become becomefossIlLzed fossilized but have haveadapted haveadapted haveadapted I I
adapted our construction pf t It to meet meetthe meettho meetthe
the growing changing needs of j this thishemisphere thishemisphere
hemisphere Fpssllfzatlori Fpssflz tio of course coursemeans courseIIeans
means death whether to an individual individuala
a a government over 1ment bra doctrine doctrineRight Ii IiRight
Right Needs Support SupportIt
t tlt
It is out of the question to claim a arisht a r rright
right and yet t shirk the responsibility responsibilityfor 1 1for
for exercising that right When Vhenwe we an announce ¬ t tnOUnle tpounce
pounce a policy such as the Monroe MonroeDoctrine MonroeDoctrine
Doctrine we thereby commit ourselves ourselvesto I Ito
to accepting n ceptlng the consequences COt1s ons quen6 quenc s of otthe c the thepolicy i ipolic
policy polic and these thcseconsequ consequences nces from fro time timeto timeto
to time alter alterLet
Let us look for a a moment at what whatthe i ithe
the Monroe Doctrine really real1 Is It for forbids forLIds ¬
bids the territorial encroachment t of ofnonAmerican ofnonAmerican t tnonAmerican
nonAmerican powers on American Amerlcnnsoll AmerlcnnsollIts soil soilIts soilIts
Its purpose is partly partl to secure this na natlort 1 1tlon
tlort against seeing great military pow powerg 10 10ers
ers obtain new footholds in the West Western 1 1ern
ern Hemisphere and nd partly to secure s cure i ito J Jto
to our fellowrepublics south of us the thochance l lchance
chance clanee to develop along alonthelr their owo own ow lines lineswithout lineswithout 11 11without
without being oppressed or conquered conqueredby
by nonAmerican powers powersAs powerAs powersAs
As we have grown more ahd more morepowerful t tpowerful
powerful our advocacy of this doctrine doctrinehas doctrInehas
has been received with more and more morerespect 11 11respect >
respect but what hat has tended most to togive togive r rgive >
give the doctrine standing among the thenations thenations thenations
nations is our growing willingness to toshow toshow toshow
show that we not only mean what we wesay wesay wesay
say and are prepared to back ack it up but butthat butthat butthat
that we nean to recognise ecosmze our obllga obllgations obUgntlons obligations j
tions to foreign peoples no no less than to toInsist toInsist
Insist upon our own rights rightsIts I ht t tIts
Its Conditions ConditionsWe 2 2We
We We cannot permanently adhere adh e to tothe tothe tothe
the Monroe Doctrine unless we succeed succeedIn sti c d dill
In making It evident in the th first place placethat plac r rnat
that we do not Intend to treat ft in any anysbape t tsbape
sbape or way as an n excuse for ag aggi I Iglandizement
gi glandizement andizement on our part art at the ex experse
i ipease
to the south of ofus
pease of the republics i is
us s second that we do not intend to topermit toTrmlt
permit it to be used bv v any of these theserepublics I t tnp
republics np bllcsas as a shield to protect that re republic reubUc ¬
public ubUc from the consequences of its own ownirlsdeeds f fU
irlsdeeds U ISd eCd saSalnst against foreign nations third thirdthat I Ittat
that Inasmuch as by b this doctrine we weprevent i ijrevcnt
prevent other nations from interfering interferingon I Ion
on this side of the water we shall our ourselves ourseles ¬
selves In good faith try to help those of ofbur J Jour
bur our sister republics which need such suchhelp 1 1IHlp
help upward toward peace p ce and order i iAs s sAs
As regards the first point we must mustrecognize mustrecognize
recognize the fact that in some South SouthAmerican E Emrican
American mrican countries there has been beenmuch beenmuchSlLSricion beenmuch
much muchSlLSricion suspicion lest Sve ve ve sho should ldlnterpret ldlnterpretthe interpret interpretthe interpretthe
the Monroe doctrine In some way inimi inimical Inimical mImical ¬
cal to their Interests InterestsNow Int intOrestsNow restfl restflNow
Now Now let it be understood und rstood once for nil nilthat
that no just and orderly government governmenton I
on this continent has anything to fear fearfrom fearfrom 1 1fron
from us There are certain of the re republics republics republics ¬
publics south of us which have already alreadyreached alr ad I Ireached ireached
reached such a point of stability order orderand orderand orderand
and prosperity that they are them themselves them5tIY
selves 5tIY s although as yet et hardly con consciously ¬ t tsclously
sciously among the guarantors of this thisdoctlne thisdocUne
No Encroachments EncroachmentsNo
No stable and growing American re republic republic repubflc ¬
public wishes to see some great non nonAinerlcen nonAmerlcen
American military power acquire terri territory tern terntory ¬ 1 1oJ
oJ tory tOr In its neighborhood neighborhoodIt
uIt It is the Interest of all of o us on this thiscon thiscontt I
con contt onttnent Unent entthat that no n suchev such eI1tsllOUldoc eI1tsllOUldoccur oat ntanpuJLdoc ntanpuJLdoccur snoud oc occur
cur cur and l1d in addition addl nto to our our own own Own re republicthere repu11Jther 1 1pU
publicthere pU lJ th t are ar nOw IO already alr ad adrJ rJ republics republicsJn e lcs lcs1ntberegions
Jn 1ntberegions n EeWions Theregis sbuJa6ruswhicvfthave sbuJa6ruswhicvfthavereached soutJi s t4h o 1 s w ivhicthdve ivhicthdve3eached l Lhttve i ireached
reached a point pointo of prosperity and pow powr power 1 1r
er < r that tb enables them to be considerable considerablet eonsiderablefadtdrs I Ifa
t fadtdrs fa adtors t rs in maintaining this doctrine doctrinewhrdhtis doctrinewhr doctrinewhrahis
whr whrdhtis hth so much to the advantage of ofall ofall oftil
all of its It j must be understood that thatunder thatunder thatunder
under no circumstances will the United UnitedStates UnitedStat
States Stat s use the Monroe Doctrine as a acloak acloak
cloak for territorial aggression aggressionShould aggressionSoould aggressionShould I
Should any of our neighbors no mat matier matten I Itel
tel how turbulent now now disregardful of ofour ofour ofour
our rights finally get g t into such a posi position position peallion ¬
tion that the utmost limits of our for forbearance forbearance forhearance ¬
bearance are reached r ached all the people peoplesouth
t tsouth tsouth
south of us may rest assured that no noaction no2ctlon
action will ever be oe taken save what is isabsolutely C CabsoluteIv <
absolutely demanded by b our seTfre seTfrespect selfrevpect c ct1pect <
spect that th t this action will not take tho thoform t tform
form of territorial aggrandizement on onour onour
our part and that it will only onl be taken takenat < 1 1a
at a t all with ith the most extreme ctrthe reluctance reluctanceand reluctanceand <
and not without having ha Ing exhausted every ever 1 1effort
effort to avert it itThe J JThe
1 i iThe
The Second Point i iAs E
As to the second point If a republic j jto I Ito
to the south of us commits a tort j jagainst I IagaInst
against a foreign nation such for in Instance i istance
stance as wrongful action against the thepersons
persons of citizens of 1Ihat iat nation then thenthe thenthe thenthe I
the Monroe on1oe Doctrine does not force us usto i ito
to Interfere to prevent punishment of ofthe I r rthe
the tort save to see that the punish punishwent I Iment
went does not directly or indirectly as assume ¬
sume the form of 0 territorial occupation occupationof 1 1ot
of the offending country I
The case Is more difficult when tho thotrouble thotrouble
trouble comes from the failure to meet meetcontractunl i icontractual
contractual obligations Our own Gov 1 1ernment I Iernment
ernment has always aJwa s refused to enforce 1 1such f fch
such icli ch contractual obligations on behalf behalfof E Eof
of Its citizens by the appeal to o oarms oarmslt arms armsIt t tIt
It Is much to be wished wis led that thft thath1lfor Ml hl for foreign or orelgn
eign governments would take the same sameview 5 me me1ew <
view But at present this country countrywould coikritrywould t t twould
would certainly not be willing to go to toWar towar
War to prevent H t foreign government governmentfrom f ffrom
from collecting a just debt or to back i iup f fUli
Uli some one of our sister republics in inn E En
n refusal to pay just debts and the 1 1Alternative t tlternaUve
Alternative lternaUve may In any case prove to be 1 1that 1 1that
that we shall ourselves undertake to tobring t tIJrlru
bring IJrlru about some arrangement by b bywhich 3 3which t twhIch
which so much as is possible of the E EjUlt
just jUlt obligations shall be paid pnidPersonall i iPersonally
Personally Personall I should always prefer prefero prcfer1X preferk
1X k o see tills country step in and put putToush putrough
trough rough such an arrangement rather ratherthan I Iiran
iran than let any foreign country count undertake undertakeProtect l lProtect
Protect Custom Houses
z zo
1 do d o not want to see any foreign foreignpower foreignpower
power take possession permanently or ortemporarily ortemporarily ortemporarily
temporarily of the custom houses of an anAmerican anAmerican anAmerican
American republic in Older to enforce enforceits en enforceits torce torceits
its obligations obUgatl s and the alternative may mayat mayat mayat
at any inf ny time be that we weshall shall be forced forcedt
t < > do so s ourselves ourselvesFinally oUrselvcsJlnttJl ourselvesFinally
Finally JlnttJl find what is II in my view viewreally vlwrfally viewreally
really the most Important thing of all it itis itIs iiis
is our duty so far as a we welte are able to 0 try tryto tryto tryto
to help upwar upward our o n weaker brothers brothersJust brothorsTust brothersTust
Tust as usthere there hfts h s bedn a agradual gradual growth growthof growthof rowth 1
of the ethical element In the relations of ofone otone olone
one individual to another so that with withall withall < <
all the faults of our Christian civlliza civllizatlon civilization I Idon
don It yet remains true that we are no nomatter nomatter ncmatter
matter bow slowly slowl more and more com coming coming cornlog ¬
ing to recognize thetduty the dutr of bearing one oneanothers oneanothers on onanothers
anothers burdens i similarly I believe believethat b belIevEthat lfeve I Ithat
that the th ethical element is by degrees degreesentering 1enttMng
entering into the dealings d al1ngs of one nation nationwith II L Lwith i 1 1wIth
with another anotherLnder anotherlnc1er
S Sud
Under strain of emotion caused bv bvttudden
ttudden ud elJ disaster this feeling Is very evl evlo I cv i 11 11dn1
o dent > nt A feralne nMnQ or a plague In on one coun eountry l ltry l ltry
try brings rnjch sympathy S Viathy 1path and sonic somtas HS I Ieistanco Islstancplrom
eistanco slstancplrom from other countries > More Moreover Moreover ¬
over we are now beginning to recognize recognizethat recognizethat tthat
that weaker peoples have ha a claim upon uponus uponus I
us even when wh n the the appeal is made not notto f fto
to our emotions by some some sudden calam calamity calamJty calmIty ¬
ity but to our consciences by a long longcontinuing Iop 1 1continuing
continuing condition of affairs affairsConditions affairsConditions I IConditions
Conditions Not Ideal IdealI
I do not mean to say that oations oationshave oatlomhave ationi ationihave
have more > than begun to approach the theproper th I
proper r reIettnnsh relationship one to another and I Ifnliy j i ifully i s
fully rUn recognise r2 gnl = the folly of proceeding pro edlnR I j jupon 1 1tlPonth
upon tlPonth the e assumption g UmptlonthRt that this th i8 ideal I con condltion co 11 <
dltion can now be realized In full fulltor for in inorder IIIorder inorder <
order to proceed upon uponsueh sueh an anaRsumn assump ¬ jl jlMUon
tion we would first require some method methodOf methodof < l lof
Of forcing 10cln Lorcthgcactrnatfonade recalcitrant tt nations t2M to doji d i
their duty dut as well as of o seeing that thatthey thatthr thaihey
they hey are protected prot td in their nights nightsIn rightsjIn
jIn In the interest of justice it Is ias as nec necessary necessary necssary ¬ 1
essary e to exercise tfie poLice power powerQ as asti 15tl
ti tl th Q > show charity churitandhelpl1lg and helpful generosity gneros1tut nerosit nerositBut
But h ut something fcan un even now no be tlonv tlonvtoward don donttiward tontoward
toward the end in view viewTnal view1n1t view1nt
Tnal something for instance this thisNation thisauun I Isation
Nation sation auun has already ai1ea < 1 Oone on as regaras regarasC r regarusba garos garosCillm
Cg C Cillm sba bn and Is now trying to do as re regarus r rar rearLs
garus g ar arLs < ls Santo Santo Domingo There here are few fewihings fewlhings I Ihings
ihings in our history histor in which we wesnouid westoUJd w wtiouid
snouid s take more genuine pride than thanthe thanthe I the
the he way in which hlel1 Ieh we liberated Cuba Cubaand CulJaand Cubind
and a nd hen instead of instantly aban abandoning abanonlng abanonitig ¬
doning d do it to to chaos stayed in direction directionof direcuozif I
of o f the affairs of the island until we had hadput hadput l Iut
put p ut it on the right patn patllnd pat and finally finallygave finall finallga finallyave
gave ga g ave ve it freedom ana an helped h lp d At lt as it itstarted ItSHuteu I Itarted
started on the life of7 of up I independent independentrepublic mdcpendenlI independentepublic
Help Santo Domingo DomingoSanto D ni igo igoS11tO
< Santo Domingo has nowfmade n wmade an ap appeal apI apIpeal apeal ¬ 1 I
peal p eal to us to help it in int turn rn and not notonly notnly I Ionly
only o nly every principle of wisdom but butevery butevery butvery
every e generous instinct vithin thln us bids bidsus bidsus bidss
us u s respond to the appeal The Th condi conditions conditions condiiens ¬
tions in Santo S nto Domingo have for a anumber anumber a aumber
number n of years ears grown from bad to toworse to toworse teorse
worse w orse until recently all society Was on onthe onthe onhe
the he verge of dissolution dissolutionFortunately dissolutionhFortunately dissolutionFortunately
Fortunately just at at this IiIs time a a wise wiseruler wiseuler
ruler r sprang up In Santo Domlngu Domlnguwho DomhISwho lomlnguwho
who with his colleagues coUeagt s saw s < tW the dan dangers dangers daners ¬ I
gers g ers threatening their thetrbeldv beloved el o country countryand c countrynd uutr uutrand
and a nd appealed to the friendship of their theirgreat theirgreat theirreat
great g reat and powerful neighbor to nelp nelpthem neiihem I Ithem
them t The immediate threat thr at came to tothem tohem toiem
them d td iem in the shape of foreign fbre1gnlnterven fbre1gnlnterventlon Interven IntervenThe interveniun
tlon iun
tlonThe The previous rulers of Santo Do Domingo Domingo Domingo ¬
mingo had recklessly incurred debts debtsand debtsand debtsnd
and a nd owing to her Internal disorders abc suohad sh shllad abcad
had h ad ceased to be able to provide means meansot meansot i
ot 0 1 paying pa lng the debts The patience of ofher ofer
her h er foreign creditors had become ex exhausted exaunted ¬
hausted h and at least one foreign nation nationwas nationwaS nationvas I
intervention and andwas andas andas
was waS vas on the paint of
was w as oniy only prev prevtted pruvCTitcu ted from num mivi intervening > by bytlle bythe j jtho
the unofficial assurance ot o this Jov Govrument JovCll1ment jov jovernment
ernment e that it wovld itself Usel strive to tohalp toh toelp
halp h elp lp Santo Domingo in her hour or orneed of ofneed ofeed
need n eed
Some Just Debts DebtsOf DebtsOf DebtsOf
Of the debts Incurred some were were just justwhile justwhile justwhile
while some were not of a character characterj charactervhIeh I Iwhich
I Ior
which vhIeh really renders renders it t obligatory obliga tory on onthem onr
or o r proper for Santo Domingo tn pay paythcm payhem
them in full But she could not pay payany p payny y yan
any an a ny of them theh1 at all unless some somestabUity somestabUitywasassured stability stabilityvas stabilitywas
vas wasassured wasassuredAccordlngly assured assuredAccordingly assuredAccordlngiy
Accordingly the executive e ccul1ve depart department department department ¬
ment of our Government negotiated rlegotlateda rlegotlatedatrcat a atreaty a areaty
treaty trcat under under which we We are to try tr r to tohelp tohelp
straighten straightenout straightentheir stralghtetiut l
help h elp the Dominican people to
Is pend pending pending pendns ¬
out o ut their finances This treaty
Senate whose consent to toit toI tot I
ing ns before the
it t is necessary necessaryIn necessarIn
In the tbemeantlme meantime we have made a atemporarv atemporary r rt L I
arrangement which hIch will ill l last lastuntil t
temporary lasiS Stl tl
until u ntil the Senate haanad has had time to take takeaction takeaction takEction S
action a ction upon the treaty treat Under this ar arrangement arrangement r ranement ¬
rangement r we see seeto to the honest admin administration admlnistriLtlon adminstratlon ¬
istration of the custom C Usto tn houses h ous e s collect collectIng CollectIng collectog
Ing og the revenues turning over 45 per percent percent petent
cent c ent to the Government for running ex expenses expenses exenses ¬
enses and putting the other 55 per cent centinto centinto ceninto
penses p
into a safe deposit for equitable Divi Division dlylslon dlviion ¬
sion s ion among the various creditors wheth whether whether whethr ¬
American accordingly accordinglyas accordinglyas
er e r European or
their claims claimsseem claImsseem claimseem
as as a s after investigtation
seem s eem just
Source SOUIceofRevenue SOUIceofRevenueI of Revenue RevenueThe
The T h e custom houses offer 0 e wellnigh well nigh the theonly theonly thenly i
of revenue In Santo Do Domingo Domingo Domingo ¬
only o nly sources
mingo and the different dlffcrc n t revolutions us usually usually ¬
ually have hnv as their real aim the obtain obtaining obtainIng obtainng ¬ I
ing ng possession of these custom houses housesThe housesThe housesThe
The mere fact that we woare are protecting protectingthe protectingthe
the t he custom houses and collecting the therevenue t th thevenue e erevenue S
revenue r with efficiency and honesty has liascompletely l hasr as ascompl
completely compl d telv discouraged all revolutionary revolutionarymovement reyolutlonarmovement rewolutionarlmovement r
movement movement while it has already abead pro produced produced produceci ¬
duced such an Increase in the revenues revenuesthat r enues enuesthat I
that t hat the Government is actually getting gettingmore gettingmore I
more from the 45 per percent cent that we turn turnover turnoVer 1
over to it than it itgo gotfdrmerly t fdrmerly when ittook it ittook ii iiook t
took t ook the entire revenue revenueThis revenue1hls
This is enabling the poor Poor harassed harassedpeople harass d dpeople l
people of Santo Domingo once more to toturn toI US I
turn t urn their attention to industry indu tr and to tobe tobeiree te teS S
be beiree free from the curse of interminable interminablerevolutionary Intennlna Iaterminaiirevolutionary l S
revolutionary disturbance disturbanceIt
UIt It offers off rs to all bona fide creditors creditorsAmerican creditorsAmerican I
American and European the only really reallygood reall reallgood r
good chance to obtain obtl ln that to which whichthey whichthey whicithey I
they are justly entitled entl led while it in re return ¬
turn gives to Santo Domingo D mlngo the only onlyopportunity onl onlopportunity r I
opportunity of defense against claims claimswhich claimswhich claimsvhich1tought C
which vhich1tought it ought not to pay payfor for now If itmeets it itmeets ii iiI t
meets meetsthe the views of the Senate we shall shallourselves shallourseilres l
ourselves o thoroughly examine all these theseclaims theseI theselaims i
oc claims c whether American or toreign i iand Iand IS
and see that none that are improper are arepaid arepaid arepaid S
Its Opponents OpponentsIndeed OpponentsIndeed OpponentsIndeed
Indeed the only onl effective opposition oppositionto
to o the treaty will probably come from fromdishonest fromdishonest fromishonest
dishonest d creditors foreign and Ameri American American Amenan ¬
can c an and from the professional revolu revolutionists rovoluionists ¬
tionists of ofther the Island itself We have havealready hayealready havelready
already a good reaon to believe that some someof someof somef
of o f the creditors who do dnot not dare expose exposetheir exposeI exposeheir
their t claims to honest scrutiny scrutin are en endeavoring endeavoring eneavoring ¬
deavoring d to stir up sedition in the theisland theIsland thesland
island and are also endeavoring CQ de vorlng to stir stirup gtlrup stirp
up u p opposition to the treaty ooth in inSanto InSanto Inanto
Santo S uS anto Domingo and here trusting that thatIn thatn
In n one place or the other It may be bepossible bepossible beossible
possible p ossible to secure either the rejection rejectionof
po of o f the treaty or else lse Its amendment In Insuch insuch I
such s uch fashion as to be tantamount to torejection toUnder to toejection I
rejection rejectionUnder r ejectionUnder
Under the course taken stability and andorder andorder andrder r
order o rder and all the benefits of peace are areiU arelast arct
iU a oa t last coming to Santo Domingo all alldanger a11dangf allanger I
danger d anger < r of foreign intervention has hasceased hasI haseased I
ceased c and there is at last a prospect prospectthat prospectI prospecthat
that t hat all creditors will get justice no nomore nomore nomore
more and no less lessIf lessIt lessif
If the arrangement Is terminated terminatedchaos terminatedchaos terminatedhaos
chaos c will follow and If chaos Hollows Hollowssooner Lollowsooner ollowssooner
sooner s or later this Government may maybe maybe ma
be b e invollved in serious difficulties with withforeign withforeign withoreign I
foreign f governments over the island or orelse orflse cilse
else e lse may be forced Itself to Intervene in inthe Inthe IIhe I
the he island in some unpleasant fashion fashionUnder fashionUnder fashionUnder
Under the present arrangement the In Independence Independence inependence ¬
dependence d of the island is scrupulously scrupulouslyrespected scrupulouslyespected i
respected r the danger of Q violation of the thoMonroe the1lonroe thelonroe
Monroe Doctrine by the intervention of offoreign offorel oforeign
foreign forel f n powers vanishes and the inter interference interference intererence ¬
ference f erence of our Government Is minimized minimizedso
so s o that we only act In conjunction with withthe withthe withhe I
the he Santo Domingo authorities to secure securethe securethe securehe
the t he proper administration of the cus customs CUftoms cusoms ¬
toms t oms and therefore tller < rore to secure the pay payment pa paymeat ¬
ment of just debts and to secure the theSanto theSanto th thSanto
Santo Dominican government against againstdemands againstdemands againstemands I
demands d for unjust debts debtsProtectorate debtsProtectorate debtsProtectorate
Protectorate Not Needed NeededThe NeededThe
UTh The present method prevents there therebeing thereeing
bk being b any need of our establishing any anykind an r rIt1nd
kind k Indof of protectorate over the island and andgives andgives andives I
gives g ives the people of Santo anto Domingo the thesame thesame theame i
same s ame chance to ta move onward and up upward upward upward ¬
ward which we have already given to toMECHANIC toMECHANIC toMECHANIC
The Old Coffee Troubles Left When He HeQuit HeQuit HeQuit
Quit QuitSince QuitSince QuitSince
Since quitting qllitUngcoffee coffee I ant hearty and andwell andwell an anwell t
well at sixtythree 8ixl three and go to my m work workevery workovery wor worevery
every day and feel stronger and better betterin betterIn bettesn
in i n every way than I used to when whenwas I Iwas Iwas
was considerably younger youngerI youngerant
I am a mechanic and have been a agreat n ngreatlov L Lgreat
great greatlov lover > r of coffee and used It all my mylife myUfe m mife
life 1 ife until ntll a few months ago when I made madei m msd msdup dc dcII
up my m mind that it was hurting me < I Isuffered rsuffered r
suffered from constipation constlpnti constipntthn n indigestion indlgentloni Indigestion Indigestionland 1
land and a nd kidney kidw troubles and I IJ1 n isd < s i to bloat bloatup
up 17 and have pains in mv back backj backScmetling I
Something had to be QOdone bedone done and I quit quitcoffee quitoffee
coffee c the old kind kill i menu ml1 unit U IIlI uetfan uetfanto Oc LesatflUSO an anto I
to t uso Postum Food Coffee In a few fewweeks fewweeks I
weeks I was wa a well man again MV 1f how bowels howls ¬ I
els e ls became regular my food digested digestedcomfortably digestedomfortably l1gestedcomfortably
comfortably c the bloating and pains in inmy Inmy Iiimy I
my back no longer troubled me and my
kidneys kldn k ys resumed healthy normal action actionThat actionIhat actionThat
That improved condition remains I am amsure a anture
sure s sh ure I owe It to Postum Coffee for I I Iav
have hav h av used no medicines medicinesI
I like Postum much better than the theold tbeI
old o os ld kind It seems to be more satisfy sutlsfyi satisfyag ¬
ing ag and I and my m wholp whoJ family ij mllv drink it itmorning Itmorning it itmornIng
morning noon and night This is my myonest
honest hon h onest l t statement of what Postum has hasj hasunes
done d unes for me Namo givon Ii giv YQ by Postum PostUln
C Cn Battle Creek SUch SUchTheres Mi MihTheres h hTheres
Theres a reason reasonOet reasonO reasonOet
Oet O et the little book The T he Road R Oad to Well Wellvine Welli
vine VllhYIn s ille In every ee pkg pk pko
r > 1
o co
the people of Cuba It will be doubly to t tour t
our discredit as a nation if we ve e fall to totake t ttale
take advantage of this chance for it t twill
will be of damage to ourselves > s and andabove t tabo
above abo > all it will be of incalculable dam damrige 1 1age t
age to Santo Domingo Every Ever consid consideration consideration consideration ¬
eration of wise wl e policy and above all allevery allI allevery I
every consideration of large generosity generositybids generositybids
bids us meet the request of Santo Do Domingu 4 4mingo t
mingo uuingo as we are now trying to meet it itSo I
So bo much for one feature elltur of our for foriIgn fortlgn s sllgn
iIgn policy Now font fo one feature of our I Idomestic t tdomestic
domestic plley plf < One of the main tea I j
tunes tur > s of our national governmental governmentalpolicy go rnmental rnmentalpolfc
policy polfc should be the effort to secure secureadequate I n nI
adequate and effective < < ecUve supervisory and andregulatory J Jregulatory s sl
regulatory control over all great gr rit cor corporations
poratlons doing an Interstate business businessMuch I I 1 1vent
Much of the legislation aimed to pre prevent ¬
vent the evils connected with the enor enorntous I I l lnious
nious development of these great cor I Iporations t tporationa
porations has IHl been ineffective partly be j jcause
cause it aimed at doing too much and andpartly I s spartxy
partly part1o bc b u It did not confer on the themeat t
Government meat u really efficient method of ofany t
holding any guilty corporation to ac account d
count I
Efforts Illjudged IlljudgedThe IllJ IIlJudgeThe dged i iUThE e
UThE The effort to prevent all restraint of ofcompetition ta t
competition whether harmful or bene beneficial banet ¬ a afIclnl
ficial has been illJudged Illjudged what is need needed ¬ i ied t t ted
ed is not so much the effort to prevent preventcombination prev nt
combination tion as a a vigilant and effective effectivecontrol rt ectle i
control of the combinations formed so soas soas c cas
as to secure just and equitable eq ltqble dealing dealingon
on ° their part alike toward the th public publicgenerally ubHc ubHcgenerally
generally toward their smaller com competltors om omI
petltors and toward t w rdthe the wageworkers wageworkersn
tn > n their employ employFurther s t
Further Legislation Advisable Advisabletne AdvisableUnder d dUnder <
Under the present laws we have in
tne last four years accomplished much I I i ithat p pi pa
that is of substantial value but the thedifficulties 11 11difficulties
difficulties I in the way have been so great I Ias p pI
as a to prove prove that t hat further legislation Is IsndIRlblc Is A Aadvisable
advisable Many corporations show i ithemselves
themselves honorably desirous to obey obeythe a athe
the law but unfortunately unfortunatel some cor corporations cor cOrporations ¬
porations and very er wealthy ones at t t tthat t tthat
that exhaust every effort ert rt which can be besupgiistedl be8u
supgiistedl 8u g stedJy > y the highest ability ablUtyor or se t tcured
cured by b Tlie the tne most mostlavlslt lavlsW expenditure of ofmoney J Jmoney
money mon y to defeat the purposes purposes of the theE t tlaws
laws on the statute books1 books i iNot
Not only the men In control of the these thesecorporations e i icorporations P Pcorporations
corporations but thebuEiin the business ls world worldgenerally worldbenerallyought
generally benerallyought ought tQ to realize that that such suchconduct uch f t l
conduct is In every way w y perilous and andconstitutes andconstitutes
constitutes a menace menac to the th nation Ten Tenerally c
orally erallyand and especially to the people of ofgreat 11 11great z
great property propertyI s
I earnestly believe that this is 1 true trueoT J Jof t
of oI only onl a relatively rel Uvely small portion of J t
the very rich ipen ncn en engaged In handling handlingthe han UnS n nthe
the largest largestcorporatlons corporations in the country J
but the attitude of these comparatively compalaUvelyfew J t
few men does undoubtedly harm the J Jcountry P PL
country and above all harm the men lof l ttl
of 01 large means by b the just but some somc I Iwhich IJ IJUms
times misguided popular Indignat indignatloa on to e ewhich
which it gives gl s rise J JStatus a aStatus t
Status Of Trusts TrustsThe r rThe r tr
T Twhat
The consolidation in the form of ofwhat
what are popularly called trusts of cor t tporate
porate interests of imj Imde > < uxe value has t ttended
tended to produce prod ce uifI restraints r stralnts of c ctrade c ctrade
trade of an oppressive character and andthese andthese i
c cthese
these unfair restraints tenc t nc to o create r rgreat rgreat rgreat
great artificial monopolies monopol es The Th + hf viola i itions
tions of the law lawknown known as the thanti thantitrust anti r rtrust
trust law which was meant to meet meetthe a athe
the conditions thus jjrising have more moreI more c cand o oand
and more become confined to the larger Ial er c ccombinations C CcOmbinations
combinations the very ones against e ewhose ewhose
whose policy of monopoly and qppres oppressoa r rson
son sJon the policy of the law wits chiefly chieflydirtied chiefIydlrted o
dirtied dlrtedan f fi
i any an of these combinations by se secret Sccret ¬
cret methods and by protracted litiga lilIgation t ttlon ttion
tion are still unwisely unwlsel seeking to avoid s w wthe
the consequences of their Illegal ac actlon C c
tlon The Government has very prop properly t terlv
erlv only exercised moderation in attempt attemptlIng r ring n ning
lIng ing to enforce the criminal provisions t tof tof
of the statute but it has become our t tconviction tconviction
conviction that in some cases such as asthat e ethat
that of at least certain of the beef r rpackers II III
packers recently indicted in Chicago It j jis tj
is j impossible longer to show leniency leniencyMpreover lenl lenIetcyMprecsey cy
Mpreover if the th existing exlstlnltlaw exisp law prove provetd provet proveto
td t be Inadequate so so tl1 that t urfder utd i der r estab establlshe stab stabliahed r rllshed
llshed llshe rules rule of evidence clear violations violationsmay YIolationsr violationsmay
may not be readily proved def1an defiance e of ofI 01the 2 2the
the law must inevitably lead to further furtherI furtherlegislation t tlegislation
legislation This legislation may be bemore bemore 5 5more
more drastic than I would prefer If Ifso Itso USO
so it must be bedlstinetly distinctly understood that thatit thatt thatit
it will be because of the stubborn de del dotermination s stermination
termination of some of the great com comblnatons cornblnatons J Jblnatlons
blnatons in striving to prevent the en enforcement n nI j jI
forcement of the law as It stands by byevery byevcry byevery
every device legal and Illegal IllegalVery illegalVery j jVerv
Very many man of these men m n seem to toliiiiiii toDIED J JFROST
liiiiiii I I I It ItI I 1 j J I
FROST FROSTOn On Thursday August 10 1005 at atS J JS
S oclock a m at East Falls Church Va VaEDMUND VaEDMtND VsEDMUND
EDMUND LEE LE FROST youngest son ot orJ atFrost i iJ
J W Frost and Eliza A Frost aged twelve tlclver twelveyears j jyears
years yearsFuneral fc fcFuneral
Funeral at I Lees eea Chapel 332 23 Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniaavenue Pennsylvaniaavenue ti tiavenue
avenue Monday Monda August 14 4 1 1905 05 at 230 230P 2iiopni
P pni pniUlaltImore m mBaltimore 1 I
Baltimore and Xew York papers please plc e copy copyI copyaull2t J Jaull2t
aull2t aull2tGUSTINOn f fGUSTIN
GUSTIN GtSTI GUSTINOn On Friday Frlda August AUl > ult 11 1W5 l1i at J
650 a in at his residence r sldence 706 Eleventh Eleenthst Eleventhstreet 2 2street
street st e GEORGE A GUSTIN GUSTINFuneral GUSTINFuneral
Funeral e t services rr at Wrights l ts undertaking undertakingestablishment I S Sestablishment
establishment Tenth and 0 streets Monday J
10 a m Interment private It ItHARTE ItI ItHAlITEOn
HARTE HARTEOn On Thursday August 10 1905 l lOO at ather 5 5her
her residence 1115 Foui Fourandahal > andahalf street BtreetI I S Ssouthwest
southwest MAY K HARTS It ItHO ItHoiAANDgnOn g gHOUIjANDEn
HOUIjANDEn HO HoiAANDgnOn IANDEROn On Wednesday ednelda August 0
1915 190 > JUSTUS HOILANDER belovel hus busband I Ii 5 5band
band of Teresa TfrN < Jl Hollander FiolienderFuneral I 8 8Funeral
Funeral Fun > ral from his hi late residence Itsldl nee 10 II street streetnortheast g gnortheast
northeast at 10 O Oclock Sunday morning g I I IAugust i t tAURUSI
August 13 3 1005 tl > 5 5RICEOn Funeral l private It s sRICE
21 21I
RICE RICEOn On Thursday August 10 10i WaS > 5 at 2 i ip 5 5p
p m at Georgetown University Hospital Hospitallrs t tMrs I IIrs
Mrs Irs ROSE RICE of Xew ew York City It ItZLRHORSTOn ItzureHortSTOn J5 J5ZURHORST
ZURHORST ZLRHORSTOn On Thursday Thur > lda August 10 1005 1 1003itt c5 b bat
at Kcmpvllle Kempl Nova OY ora5cotla Scotia Scota GRACE M zen zenHORST nraHORST 4 4HORST
HORST lat Ilt late of 203 Third street southeast southeastWashington southeastWrllngton SoutheastWtt5lilngtOn
Washington D C CNotice CNotice CNotice
Wrllngton Notice of funeral hereafter hcreafrr aulltf aulltfI aultt aulttfRBIESOn aulltfCRiMESOn
I fRBIESOn CRiMESOn RIMES On Thursday August Autst 10 1C03 103 at
2 a m after afer a I painful lllncM illnc SARAH SARAHwidov 13 EI r rwidow
widow l0W of the late William Vllwl T Grimes Grime aged agedsixtytwo n needsixtytVo ed
sixtytwo years and eight day dayFuneral da daye dayeFuneral R I
Funeral from her late residence re ldence 118 48 1 TI Istreet < J Jstreet
street southeast southeat Saturday August 12 1005 100 10o5at t tat
at 330 33 p m Relatives Relatves and friends invited invied inviedto invitedto 5 5to
to attend atend atendAlexandria attendAlexandria 1 1Alexandria
Alexandria Va papers please copy copyaul02t copyaulO2t fc fcaulO2t
aulO2t 2 2IK
liAMBDEM rAMBDEIn In memory merot of 0 our dearest reartst boy boyand boyand J Jand
and uncle unclf JOHN H LAMBDEK who dft dt departed J Jparted
parted this thl life lte one year ear ago today toliy August AU Augustii U8t S
11 10CH 1001In 5
1 In l < the he silent lrnt graveyard rav ad sleeping sleeping1iere Iefpln IefplnVhere 1 1Where
Where 1iere the flowers now en gently g4nt wa waLies naLies p pt >
Lies the th one ont wo loved so IO dearly d icarlyIn arly arlyII N NIn
In his limply silent ent grave g3 graveIt 1 1I j jjt
jt II By Mother fother Father F ther and Niece XJecaFUNERAL Xlef NieceFUNERAL <
of every ever description descriptonmoderately descriptionmOderatelY moderately priced pricedGUDfc prced prcedL prcedGUD1 pricedGUDJi
1214 I r St northwest Northwe ortbwest t Phone M 4378 4378SIGOTJZlITEJr 4278SIGQUItNEY < 27S 27Sr 27SSIGOUEY
SIGOTJZlITEJr SIGOUEY tn I ICESlXfc ICESlXfcTuneraV Inn InnI zgzrtnZnnera1
TuneraV uneral Dlrectoro and Erabalmcri ErabalmcriOFFICE Ebalmrs EbalmrsOFFICE EmbalmrsrOFFICE
737 37 NINTH I 7H S1UKET f m i N V VT i iTsipphOitU
T TsipphOitU Iphona tephOIa MrtJn MOin 44 HS < S JM4fc jJo jJoI > t tJ
S32 2 Penn 1enn Ave N W Washington ahlnglen D C CTeUphono cTelephono CTelephone t
Telephone Main l ln lsS lsSAlways 1 1Al 1555AIwys
lerkeley Rye RyeCiz
Ciz ti F St N W V Pine P ne Main IbiD Islam t u uSpecia 24Z 24ZLipecial 4ju 4juSpecial
Special Specia Private Prvat Delivery Delver
think tJ that the alternative alternatve is i simply be between betveen betveen ¬
tween tveen tveen submitting submittng to the mild mid kind of ofgovernmental ofovernmentai
governmental g control we advocate and andthe andthe
the he absolute freedom to do whatever whateverthey whatevethey
they thc hey think best bestWill bestI bestWill
Will Vi Will Have to Submit SubmitThey Submt SubmtI SubmitThey
They The are greatly in error error Either Eitherthey Eitherthey Eitherhey
they tJ will wi have to submit sibmit to reasonable reasonablesupervision reasonablesup reasonableupervision
supervision sup < rYlslon and regulation regul ton by b the Na Natonal 1a 1atonal Naonal
tonal 11 onal authorities or else els they will wi ujtl ujtlI ut uIti uItiately
mately n m ately have to submit to governmental governmentalaction governmentalnclon governmentalCtion
action nclon Ction of a Tar ar more mor niorb drastic type Per Personally Personall Peronaliy ¬
sonally sonall I think our people would be bemost bemost beost
most 11 m ost unwise If i they the let any exaspera exasperation exspera exasperaion ¬
tion ton ion due to the acts cts of f certain great cor corporMions corI cororations
orations P pontons drive re them th m into drastic act acttion actI action
tion tl ton ion and I should oppose such action actionBut acton actonBut actionut
But r B ut the great corporations corporatons are them themselves themsehcs themelves
selves to blame if i by their opposition oppositionto oppositon oppositonto
to tl o what is l lepul legal and just they the foster foatcrthe
the 1 he popular feeling frelng which tells tels for forsu such suchrastic h
drastic rastic action actionSome actoh actohuSome aetiobSome
Some great corporations resort to toevery toevery tovery
every technical expedient eXP dle t to render en enoreement
forcement oreement of the law impossible and andtheir andtheir
their t obstructive obstructve tactics tactcs and refusal rfual to toacquiesce toacquiesce tocquiesce
acquiesce In the policy poley of the law have havetaxed haveaxed J
taxed to the utmost uttOt the machinery of I
the he Department of Justice Justce In my judg judgment judgment judgeat ¬
ment n m eat Congress may well Inquire whether whetherIt 1 1i
It 11 i t should not seek wel other means for forcarrying J Jcarrying
carrying Into effect the law
I believe that all nI corporations en engaged engaged enaged ¬
gaged g aged In interstate commerce corporatons should be beunder bender J Junder
under u nder the supervision of the National Natonal Nationalovernment J JGovernment
Government C G overnment I do not believe In taking j jsteps
steps fl teps hastily hastiy or rashly beleve and it may be beinat
that hat all al that Is necessary necess ry in the Imme ImmeI ¬
diate iate future is to pass an Interstate Interstatecommerce Interstateommerce J Jcommerce
commerce bill bl conferring c > rerling upon some someranch
brnch b branch pf or the executive xecutve government the thepower theower 1 1POwer
power ower of effective erccUe action to remedy the theabuses J JIbisesIn
abuses IbisesIn in connection connecton with wih railway raiway trans transortation ¬ 1 1portaUon
portation But In the end and In my 1 1judgment
Judgment at a time tme not very ery far off offwe of of ofe
we W e shall hRl have to or at least we shall shallnna shallnd
fia find fi nd that we ought o ght to take further furtheraction turtheracton furtherction
action acton ction as regards all corporations do dong
al cororatons
Ing h ng Interstate Jnterstate business 1
The enormous fnormous increase incr ase in interstate interstaterade
trade tl resulting rlsultng from the industrial de deClOpment ¬ J Jelo
velopment elo ment of the last quarter of a cen ¬ J
tury tl hiT riry makes it I proper that the Federal Federalovernment
Government G overnment should so far as a may be benecessary beecessary 1 1leCfssnry
necessary leCfssnry n to carry car into effect its Is na naonijl ¬
tional tonal tl onijl policy polcy assume a sume a degree degee of ad administrative ad admlnistratho ¬
inp ministrative 11 in control of these great cor corporations cororations ¬ 1 1portons
orations porationsIt portons orationsit 1
It I may well weHo be that we shall shalfnd find
that hat the only onl effective way of exercis exercisag ¬ 1 1Ing
ing ag this tlls supervision supervisionis efectve Is is to require all allcorporations all01poratzons 1 1cnrporatlns
corporations CI cnrporatlns engaged engagedir 1ri Irtinterstate interstate com commerce com commerce camnerce ¬
merce to produce proof satisfactory satisfactoryray satsfact r 4 4a
ray a ay to the Department of Commerce Commercethat C mmerce j
that they are not parties partes to any con contract contract conract ¬
tract 1 or combination or engaged engged in any anyionopoly
monopoly in interstate intertate trade in viola violaon ¬
tion tl ton ti on of the antitrust anttrust law and that thattnelr
their conduct con uct on certain other specified specifiedpoints specifed specIfiedoints 4 4points
points oints Is proper and moreover that thatthese thaties
moreovertat moreovertatthese
these these tl ies corporations shall shal agree with wih a apenalty aenalty 1 1IJenalty
penalty of forfeiture foreiture of their right to toengage tongage 1
engage in such commerce to furnish furnishany furnishany furnishny
any ny evidence of any kind as to their theirtrade theirtrde theiriade
trade trde between the States whenever so sorequired soequired 1 1required
required by the Department of Com Comnicrce Cornibrce 4 4n
nicrce nicrceIt n n ibrce I eis f I
It is i the almost universal policy poicy of ofthe ofhe i ithe
the tJ he several States provided by statute statutethat statutehat I
that tJ foreign corporations corportions may lawfully lawfullyconduct lawfuly lawfullyonduct 1 1conduct
conduct business within their bound boundaries bounduie ¬ I Iurlos I
aries uie only when they produce certifi certificates certifiates ¬ J Jcutes
cutes ates tljat tJat they have complied compled with wih cerffI the therequirements theequirements I J Jr
requirements of their respective resp ctheStates ctheStatesl States Statesirk
irk II inii n other words that corporations cororaton shal sJa i inot U Unt
not nt nii Ot enjoy tnjoy the privileges prlvicgesand privilegesand and ImnjUuities ImnjUuitiesafforded hnmuntes IznnUnitiesYforded
afforded by the State St teSQerrmenJs te governments governmentsWithout governmentsIthout c citwut
Without W itwut Ithout first frst complying with wlthth thfe policy policyof polcy policyf I J Jof
of f their laws Now the benefits ben fs which whichcorporations whichorp 1 1corp
corporations corp orp ratlons tt1ons engaged engage in interstate trade tradeenjoy tadenjoy 1 1enjoy
enjoy njoy under und r the United States Govern Government Gmrernment Governent ¬
ment n m ent arc incalculable inclculable and in respect respectof respectof respectf
of f such trade the jurisdiction jurisdicton of the theFederal theFederal tileederal
Federal F ederal Government is supreme when whenit whenI whenchooses
it I chooses to exercise it itWhen I itWhen
When es is now the case many man of ofthe ofthe ofhe
the he great corporations corporatons consistently consistentlystrain conslstent consistentlytrain
strain j the th last lastresourccs resources of legal l gal techni technicality technlc techniaity ¬
cality ty to avoid flold obedience to a law for forthe fore J
the th e reasonable reasorablc regulation TegaUon of f their busi business businlss busiess ¬
ness nlss ess the only onl way effectively to meet meettills meett meethis
tills t1 t his s attitude atIudc on wiyctccUvely their part part Is 1 to toghe give to tothe t tohe
the ti he executive x cltYe cutive department deparjthentof of the Gov Govermnjnta Govemm Govmxnnt
ermnjnta emm mxnnt nt a a more m deparjmentof edhe dirett direetand and an thereforemore therefore thereforemore thereforeore
more m ore efficient efcient supervision and and control controlt of oftheir ofheir 1 1their
their tJ management managementIn managem nt I
< In n speaking apeaknguganst against the abuses abu s com comJ ¬ lJ lJn L
mitted mlted by certain very yer wealthy en1hy corpora corporations corporations ¬
tions or individuals and of the necessity necessityof nccessiy nccessiyof
of seeking eklng so far fa as a It can safely safel be bedone bedone bedone
done to remedy these abuses there Is Isalways isalways Isalways
always danger lest what is said may be bemisinterpreted bemisinterpreted bemisinterpreted
misinterpreted as an attack attck upon men menof menof menof I
of means generally general Now It cannot too toooften toooCen toeoften I
often oCen be repeated in a Republic Republc like Ike ours oursthat oursthat oursthat I
that the only way by b which It I is possi possible possible posa posable ¬
ble permanently permanenty to benefit bereft the condition conditionof conditon I
of the less able and ad less fortunate Is so soto soto soto
to shape our policy polc that all industrious industriousand industrlouand S Sand
and efficient efclent people who W10 act decently decentlymay decenty decentymay decentlymay
may be benefited benefted and this fhls means of ofcourse ofcourse
course that the benefit beneft will come even evenmore evenmore ovenmore I
more to the more able and more for fortunate fortunate 01 ¬
tunate If I under such circumstances circumstancesthe crcumstances
the less fortunate man tan Is Ismoved moved by envy envyof envyof envyof
of his more fortunate brother to strike strikfat strikeat > trip tripat t
at the conditions condItons under which they have haveboth haveboth haveboth
both though unequally uncqualy prospered he hemay 10 10may hemay
may may rest assured that that while the result resultmay resultma resultmay I
may ma be damaging to the other map it itwill Itwil itwill
will wil be even more damaging to himself himselfOf hlmselrOf himselfOf I
Of curs co rl I am now speaking speaking of ofprosperity ofprosperity
prosperity prosperiy that thafom omes s under normal and andproper andIlroper andproper
proper conditions conditionsIn conditons
In our Industrial indutrial and social system systemthe systemthe systemthe
the interests of o all al men are so closely closelyintertwined cioselyintertwIned closelyntertwined
intertwined i that in the Immense ma majority majority ¬
jority jority j of cases the straightdealing straightealng man manwho manwho
who ho by ingenuity and Industry industr benefits benefitshimself beefits beefitshimself
himself must also benefit others The Theman Theman ne
man of great greatproducUve productive capacity capaciy who whogets whogets
gets rich rch through guiding the labor of ofhundreds orhundreds
hundreds or thousands thouands of other men mendoes mendoes mendoes
does so as a rule by b enabling enabIn their theirlabor theIrlabor theirabor
labor l to produce more than It would wouldwithout wouldwithout wouldwithout
without his guidance and both bot he and andthey andthey
they the share in the benefit benefit so that even evenif eveuli evenf
li if i f the share be b unequal uneQut1 it must never neverbe nee neebe neverbe
be forgotten for oten that they too are really reallybenefited realy realybeneted reallybenefited
benefited by his success successA successA successA
A vital vial factor in the success of any anyenterprise anyenterprise anyenterprise
enterprise Is the guiding Intelligence Intelgencc of ofthe ofthe
the man at the top and there Is need In Inthe Inthe inthe
the Interest of all al of f us to encourage encouragerather encouragemther encouragerather
rather than to discourage the activity activityof actvity actvityof
of the exceptional exceptonal men who guide g lde aver average a average veJ ¬
age men so o that their labor may result resultin relult resultn
in i n Increased Ircreased production prod cton of the kind kindwhich kindwhich
which is demanded at t the time tme Nor Normally Norreally ¬
really maly we help elp the wageworker we helo helothe helnthe heluthe
the mnn man of small smal means b making makingconditions makng makingconditions
conditions condions such that the man of excep exceptional exceptional ¬
tional Horal business ability ablty receives r elves an excep ¬ <
tional tonal reward for that ability abilityBut abity abityBut abilityBut
But while whie Insisting Insistng with wlthalemphmds all emphasis emphasisupon emphasisupon
upon this t1 < it Is also al true tue that tbat experience experiencehas experence
has h shown that when there is no gov governmental go goernmentl governmentah ¬
ernmental ernmentl restraint or supervision sup rI510n some someof someof
of the exceptional exceptona I men m n use their ener energles f fglcs ISkis
Skis not in ways ays that are for the com common ¬
mon good but bit in ways which tell tellagainst leL teLlagainst
against this common good and that by byso bvso byso
so doing they not only wroiig wroJg wrong smaller smallerand smaler smalerand smallerand
and less able men menwhether whether wagework wageworkers wagwork ¬
ers or small producers and tradersbut tradersbutforce traders tradersbut tradersbutforce but butforce
force other men of exceptional exceptonal abilities abilitiesthemselves abUU 5
themselves to do what is wrong under underpenalty underpenalty
penalty p na1 of falling faIng behind in the keen keenrace keenrace
race for success successThere suc eSH
There is need of legislation legislaton to strive striveto striveto
to meet such abuses abuse At one time tme or in inone Inone inone
one place this legislation may take the theform theI theform
form fcrm of f factory fa tor laws and employers mplo er lIst liability 10 lIstblilty ¬
bility bUty laws Under other conditions conditoIs it itmay Itmay Itmay
may take the form of f dealing dC llg with th thfranchises the the
franchises which derive their value from fromthe fromI fromthe
the grant of the representatives representatves of the thepeople thepeopIe thepeople
people peopIe It may ma be aimed at the manI manlroia manIroH manifold
fold roH abuses farreaching In their effects effectswhich efccts efcctswhich effectswhich
which spring from overcapitalization ov rcaplalzatoI Or Ort
Lt it i t may m be necessary neC Sgar to meet such condi conditions conditiops ¬
tions tons as those with wih which I am now nowdealjng nowdeljn
dealjng and nd to strive strlv to procure proper propersupervision proper properupesvision
supervision J pcihon and regulation regulaton by the Na National Nau National ¬
tional u nal Government of all great corpora corporations corora cororaUons corporations ¬
tions engaged In Interstate commerce or orjjolng orolng
jjolng J olng an interstate business businessWhat businessWhat msine5sWhat
What Good People Fear FearThere
There are good people who are ae afraid afraidof afraidof
of each type t pe of legislation legislaton and much muchthe muchthe muchthe
the same kind of argument Argment that is now nowadvanced nowadvanced nowadvanced
advanced against the effort Ofort to regulate regulatebig r regulatebig gulae
big corporations corportons has ha been asrain aai and andagain andagain
again advanced mlvaccc against agnst the effort efort to toSjcure tos2cme toscue
Sjcure proper pr per employers liability Iabty laws lawsor lawsor
or 01 proper propr factory factor factor laws with wih reference referencetp referencE
tQ women woren and ane andchildren children hidren much much the same samekind samef samekind
kind pf f argument was advance advance but butfive butvO
five t f vO years ears ago against the franchisetax frnchisetax
law enacted in this State while I was wasgovernor as asgovcrnor 5 Igovernor
governor govcrnorOf governorOf i iOf
Of course there Is always the tht danger dangerof dangerof dangerof
of abuse if legislation of this type Is Isapproached Isnpproached isapproached I
approached In a hysterical or sentimen sentimental sentimental entmen entmental ¬
tal spirit spirt or above all nI If It Is ap approached npproached ¬
proached in a spirit of envy and anI hatred hatredtoward hatr hatredtoward d dtowatd l
toward towatd men of wealth wealthWe wc1h wc1hVe wealthWd
We Ve must not try tr ta to te > go too fast ffst un under under undcc ¬
der penalty penaI of finding that we may maybe maybegeing be begelng begeing
geing in the wrong direction directon and in any anyevent anyI anyevent
event we iVt ought always alwa s to proceed by byevolution byI byevolution
evolution and not by revolution revoluton The Thelaws TheI Thelaws
evoluton laws must be conceived and executed In Ina Ina ina
a spirit of sanity saniy and justice justce and with withexactly withexacty withexactly
exactly exacty as much regard for the rights rightsof rightsI rightsof
of I the th big man as for the rights of theltte the thelittle thelittle i
little ltte man manteatng mantreatIng treating big man and little littleman ltte ltteman littleman
man exactly alike alikeOur alk alkOut alikeOur
Our Out ideal must be the effort efor to rom rombino comhino cornhiao
bino nil al proper freedom for Individual Individualeffort Individualeffort individualeffort I
e that the ef effort efI effort
effort 1 with wih some ome guarantee guarant ¬
fort Is not exercised In contravention contraventionof cpntrayenton cpntrayentonof
of I the th eternal et ral and immutable immutble principles principlesof
of 1 justice justiceRUSSIAN jllstCe jllstCet justiceRUSSIAN
Continued Contnued from rom First FIrst Page PageI Pageth Pagethe
the 1 th making of Vladivostok Vl dvostok an a open opn com commercial commcrCjal cornmercial ¬
mercial port p ort the surrender nder to Japan npan of ofthe ofhe
the 1 t he captured capturd and interned warships warshipspayment warshipspa1ent warshipspayment f 1onora
payment pa1ent for the te care car of Russian R an pris prisoners prisoners ¬
oners and a limitation HmlaUon of Russias naval navalstrength payalstrength pavaltrength
strength f s in the Far East EastThere Et EtThr EastThere
There Is little likelihood lkeUhood that tlat the Rust Russian Rus Rustian ¬
sian I s ian Thr counter lte proposition proposton will wi be bepresent bepresented present presented
ed I before Monday onda perhaps not so soon soonIt soonI soonIt
It beore will be necessary first frt for the Rus Russian Ru Rusian itusian ¬
I wl
sian s ian envoys to hear from St Petersburg Petersburgbefore Petersburgbefore Petersburgbefore
before they begin to prepare their reply replyThis replyThla replyThis
This document docum nt which hich will wl be be the basis basisfor basl basltor i
for 1 the Russian arguments argument must of ofnecessity oCncc5sl ofnecessity i
necessity ncc5sl be prepared with wit the utmost utmostcare utmostcare utmostcare
care and this takes time timeHopeful tme tmej timeHopeful
j Hopeful of Peace PeaceIt Peace PeaceI PeaceIt
It I Is i worthy of note that tat the repre representatives reprE reprEsntatves represntat1ves ¬
sentatives I sntatves of the great geat European Europan and andAmerican andA andAmerican
American A rcan financial financal houses who are here herewatching herewatching herewatching
watching the negotiations n gotathms are ae very verygenerally ver vergeneraly verygenerally
generally I generaly of the opinion that a acommon acommonbasis common commonbasis commonbasis
basis 1 will wi be reached reach d It Is ia understood understoodthat undertood undertoodthat understoodthat
that 1 the question queston of an armistice arlst e will willbe wU willbe
be I taken up after afer tho Russian RU ian reply has hasbeen hasbeen
been 1 presented provided it i Is of such sucha I
a I character chararter as warrants warnt a reasonable reasonableexpectation reasonableexpectaton reasonableexpectation
expectation expectaton < of ultimate ultmate peace peaceIt peaceH peaceIf
It the Japanese apanese terms ters as as they are aregenerally aregenerly aregenerally
generally J generly Understood lnderstood are ar accepted aC epte It Itis Itis its i
is i s almoat an empire emplt in itself Itelf that Japan Japanwill Japanwill apa
will wl add to her possessions possess ons under the thename thename thename
name 1 of protectorate protectorateShe protectorateShe
rrotectorate rrotectoratef
She will wiadd add Korea Korea with wUhan an area of
82000 f 80 8 square miles mles and ad a population populaton of ofbetween ofbetween ofbetween
between 1 8OObOQO 800 and ad 16000000 16O with wih a avery aer avery
very er extensive e < nshe seacoast seacoRt rich in agri agricultural agI agIcultural agricuitural ¬
cultural possibilities possllUesand and in mineral re resources reQurccs resources ¬
sources z yet to be developed developedShe developedShe developedShe
She will wi add to her possessions in infact infact inact
fact j f act if not in name the te possessons great ge t region of ofManchuria ofManchurI ofManchuria
Manchuria J ManchurI which has ha an area of 360000 360000square 3600 360000quare
square s miles with wit a a population populaton of at atleast atleast ateast
least 1 east 20000000 2000 estimated estmated Just before the throutbreak thf theoutbreak
outbreak c outbrea of 01 the war warGreat wl wlGreat warGreat
Great Russian Works WorksIt Work
It I had a a trade before the war esti estimated est estimated ¬
mated 1 at 100000000 1000 a year and with withManchuria wih wihfanchuria withManchuria
Manchuria the Japanese apanese will wil get not notonly notonly notonly
only only the great geat fortress of otPort Port Arthur Arthurbut Arhur Arhurbut Arthurbut
but the enormous enorolLS Russian works orks that thathave tht ththaYe thathave
have been erected at Harbin Dalny DalnyMukden Dalnyukden DalnyMukden
Mukden ukden Kirin Krin and andal al the other towns townswhich townswhich townswhich
which have hav felt Russian influence in the thelast thelast theast
last 1 l ast nine years yearsIn YearsIn yearsIn
In addition additon to all al that the Eastern EasternChinese Easter EasternChinese
Chinese railroad rairoad Is to become Japanese JapaneseThis JapaneseThis apanese apaneseThis
This Is the road built buit by the Russians Russiansthrough Rus3iansthrouglla Russianshrough
through througlla t a concession obtained obtined by theRUSsoChlnese the theRusaoChinese theRussoChinese
RusaoChinese Bank under un del a a treaty with withRussia wih wihRussa withRussIa
Russia Russa and on which whic the Russian gov government government govrnment ¬
ernment E e and the stockholders have ex expended exdd cxndcd ¬
pended 1 000 ndcd dd between 5200000000 OO and 220000 220000It OO OOI
000It It I is about 1600 16 miles mies long Including
branch I lines linesThese linesThese
lnes lnesThee
These Thee are the spoils spis of war that Japan Japanwill Japanwill apan apanwI
will 1 wI seize if the terms ters submitted submited are arewritten arewrten are arewritten
written wrten in the treaty treatySTTItfMSB treatyS treatySUME
Laxative LxtveBromo Bromo Quinine the worldwide worldwideCold worId worldwideCold Ide IdeCld
Cold Cld Cure removes the cause cuse use Call Cal for or the thefull theful thefull
full Grove I ful name nme 25c c and look for signature Igature or E E W WGrove WGroe wGrove
Booklets Bookets and Catalogues CataloguesRegarding Cataloges CatalogesRegrdIng CataloguesRegarding
Regarding RegrdIng information Informaton about the fol following following ¬
lowing Institutions insttutons will wl be given on onapplication onapp1cnton onapplication
application app1cnton at the Business BuslneS Office orco of ofthis ofthIs ofthis
paper paperSTRAYERS paperSTRAYERS
Business ushies Colege ColegeCorer Hege HegeCorner SK i
Corner Corer Ilth 1th and F streets stretts NW N Best
instruction instructon day and night night Books Book and andstationery antistationery
stationery tatoner free Typewriter T pewrlter at home free fre
Situation Siuaton guaranteed garnteed Terms Ters moderata modert
Begin now Write Trte call cal or phone M
3430 33 for catalogue fe3tf fe fe3tfThJ tf tfly
1 I b La ly L I B mi W Bn ThJ BV t U S S Business BusIne 30th year yer yerS yearS ColoJO Collego
S W Cor 8th and K Sts St N W WShorthand
Best Instrcton Instruction obtinable obtainable In Bokeepfnl Bookkeepa
Shorthand Typewriting and all
Shorlnnd Tpewrtlng school scol sub ub ¬
jects jeqt Preparation Peprtion for civil < ivf service serIce examina examinations examinations lf ¬
tions Books tree Typewriter at pupif
home g au290t lu29t lu29tf free kSlr SITUATIONS T Eo for tf all Gradu Graduau290t G Graduates Graduatesau2OOt pupui f flu29t
Spencerian SpencerianBusiness SpencerianBusiness SpencerianBusiness
Business College CollegeWill Coiege CoiegeWi
Will Wi the new neW Management faagr mt of t the te Spa Spacerian Sp Spenconan
cerian give giveaway away absolutely aolutely tree type
wrttcp wrte writers boobs bks tuitions tuItons and situations situationsoPl1 sqatol ty
oPl1 Cal Call P45ne phone ° or write Mr or Mrs Mr I L P W
Stlehl Principals Prncipa Stlehls SUehls Spencerian Bud BudSSK Burlness
ness SSK COlese College llese > corner crer 9th and Spnceran D ate nw n
Washington Washingon D c for Fortyflm Fortytrt Annu Annu Annual i t
Announcement Announcfment Sixty free HomeStudy Ex Exercjses Exerclses Bxercises
ercjses In Penmanship Penmashlpam and how to get th thmost the themost nbamost
most of the best instruction Istrcton for the least
expenditure expndlueofUre of time and ad money moneySPECIAL moneySPECIr moneySPECIAL
AN UNUSUAL UNUS A opportunity opportuniy to secure secti sectigOOd a agood
good g60 paying business property known knownas knW knwras
as al Sautters Sauters Saloon and Restaurant Resturnt sit situate si situate ¬
uate No 502 50 9th st nw established estblishe and andsuccessfully andstccesRfuly andsuccessfully
successfully stccesRfuly conducted since Ince 1875 15 The Thaproperty Theproperty Theproperty
property consists of parts of lots 1 I and ad 2 2square 2squaref377
square sQuare13i7 377 fronting frontng 21 2 21 feet on 9th tt ttnw atnw 2
nw by bya a depth of 917 9L ½ feet feet Offers Orers will w11 St
be received for the purchase of the prop pronAugust property
erty including the fixtures on orbefor orbeforugst or before prop
August ugst la 1 I ISOo 10 the right being reserved reservedlo resered reseredto
to reject any or all al offers ofers THE TE WASH WASHi W ASH
JOHN OH JOY OY EDSON President executor executorof
of estate ette of Sophia Sautter au5llt au5lltBen au51t au51tBen au5fltBen
Ben Einstein EinsteinDealer EinsteinDealer EinsteinDealer
Dealer in inMetals i inMetals
Metals Scrap Iron and Machinery Machineryhas MachneI
has removed to toSOI
SOI 31 Tenth street northwest northwestN norwet
N NE B Cor 10th C nw
nwaullEt aullEt aullEtClassified aut15tClassified
Classified Classifiedadvertisements Clafe Classifieddvrtisement 1 1adverement
advertisements advertisementsfor adverement dvrtisementfor I
for The Washlngtoa WashlngtoaTimes Wahingon WahingonTimes WashlrtgtoaTimes
Times will wi be foereceived berecived bereceived
received recived at atthe atte atthe
the te main iain aia floor floorbureau foor foorbureau floorbureau
bureau of ofKann ofS
3 Kann Sons 8 Co CoAt CoAt
At the theregar regular regularoffice regularoffice I
office 0 te rate of ofone ofone ofone
one cent cnt per perword perwor perword
word wor for most mostclassifications mos mostclassifications j jcaifcton
classifications classificationsWant classificationsWant i iValt
Want Valt advertisements advertisementsfor advertisemen
for the Evening Times Timeswill Timeswl Timeswill
will wl be received receiveduntil recived recivedunt receiveduntil
until 11 30 a m mSaturday mI mSaturday
Saturday evening eveninguntiL830 evenng evennguntL8
i I untiL830 untL8 untilS 30 I I
I jia A D Do R Jo A KUFW KAUFMANS 1 < < M kKi N S X < 1
f 1 1 i HalfPrice Suit S SIe le I 4
t it i I J ln biFtdISviflg biFtdISviflgA Full Swing SwingThe r
A i The announcement of our regular reglar halfprice halfprce was no sooner soonermade Soner Sonermade soonergi
gi I made than the te men began begn to come and anc the suits began begn to sell sl Its Itssimply Is ItsN
N simply a I matter mater of confdencthe confidence confidencethe the confidence confdence that has gow grown up upbetween upV
f V l imtT between you and us in all al these thes years years of of honest dealing dealingThis dealng dealngI dealingZE I
r ZE ernLi i t This hiS is IS the final fnal cleanup cean clean lp up sale sa sate that ends the season seasonal seasonall all the thesmall thesmal thectrtlii <
ctrtlii small smal lots of sack and frock frok suits one ne two and three of a kind kindare kindare kindcsi
csi 49 are rL on separate tables at precisely precsly half price prie price There are re blacks blacksblues black d dS
4 > S i11 i 1 e blues b ue and fancies fances in all al the bestwearing fabrics fabric and swaggerest swaggereststye swaggeret swaggeretstye
z stye effects efecsand iffictsand and you y u get two suits for the price prce pnce of one At the therate therate thevy
vy te I Ir
r rate of selling se1ng yesterday the opportunity oppo unitywont wont on t last long Pick Pickthe Pik Piki Pickth =
4 the th suit sui you want tomorrow tomorrw morning mormg mormg10a90 morning morningi
f i 7 fr L 10a90 SUlts u 545 545l I IL
l I285 o85 Suits L UD UDt 6b45 6b45N A5
l l
t f N < t < 1 15OO c 00 Siif Suits TV U1S o f s v7 575O J7 or QT De 50 50Firnis ± i
1 cII 14 1 1650 Suits 825 825I
iI > U < D P jOk ff1 > A
I 1850 Suits 925 925i I
fo i h 2000 Suits 1000 1000i 100044N
m i 44N 25aOO 5 = 00 U SUjtS Ul t s c lo loI I25O I25Of 2 50
I f 30000 000 Suits SuitsAl 1500 1500Fur 15OOtLJ
g tLJ tLJFurnishings
Firnis Fur Furnishings ishings Kings Reduced RedxicedThre ReducedTree ethjced Al AU Straw Hats Trousers Reduced ReducedGood
Three Tree Items Every Evor Bffan M Should Notice Notce Good Patterns la All Grades j jTrousers
150 and 2 Negligee T eglgee Shirts 119 11950c 11950c f Trousers that old for 500 390 390Trousers W
ii 50c and an d 1dc DC c Underwear U naer wear 39c 39 c j Trousers that sold for 650 490 6 6Trousers
1 15c Maco Hose HoseSeamle Seamless sJ white feet 9c Trousers that sold for 750 590 fi fiMoneys
I U UuMOrieyS I I W WUMoneys
I Moneys Worth Worth or Money Ba Back Back Backr ck cky r I
r I y he beMansStore beMansStoreL f Mark cv S9 o s Store isr 4 o
L 4LP Ala A 10057 Penna n Ave
A g > r r
t g4 y