T iii
I cite tafiington Dasftmgton touiim touiimPo1I1shd < IDm me mePuWrslied 51 51PublfshedE8ftlnr 1 I
PuWrslied PublfshedE8ftlnr fevanlns aha Sunday SundayTENTH SundayTENTH
Daily one year yearSunday y yearSunday ar eO 300 300Sunday I i
Sunday one year 250 250The 2 50 50The I IThe
The Times TimesIs Is served sero d In the th city of erWlshlng erWlshlngtr TVashlnK TVashlnKton 1Vahtngton
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People leaving IMln the city city for the tile summer mmer for foran for foran foi foian
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Times mailed to their address ddess and the a ad add addes < 3 3dresa
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FRIDAY FRIDA Y AlGUST 11 1903 1903Looking 190 190Looking I9OLookIng
Looking Beyond Poitsmouii PoitsmouiiIf POI t mou1I mou1IIf
If the th outlines of the conditions conditionssubmitted condItionssubmitteLto
submitted submitteLto to the the Russian envoys at atyesterdays atyesterdays ai aiyesterdays t
yesterdays meeting of or the he Portmouth Ports Portsmouth Porthmouth ¬
mouth commission are anything but butguesses Hutguesses hii L Lguesses
guesses they evidence on the part partof patt pattof par t tof
of Japan a sincere desire to end endthe endthe em I Ithe I
the war on reasonable tef terms Eis That Thatif Thatif Tha t t44r
44r if is important but not prohibitive prohibitiveThe pr prohibitiveThe htbitive htbitiveThe
The precise conditions proposed by byJapan byJapan b r rJapan r
Japan will not be known until they theyare theyare r rare
are announced with the consent of ofthe ofthe o f fthe f
the home governments but it is not notlikely notlll no t tlikely
likely lll ly that reputable correspondents correspondentsof S Sof
of trustworthy newspapers nevspapers are writing wrtingdown wrtin wrtindown writingdown g P
down fairy tales Intheform In inthe the form of news newsdispatches newsdIspatches nev 3 3dispatches
dispatches dispatchesJapan dIspatchesJapan dispatchesJapan
Japan is said to tohayc have asked for forreimbursement forrelmburse 1o r rreimbursement
reimbursement relmburse ent for the cost of the thewar thewar th i iwar
war the cession of the island of ofSakhalin of3akha1in o f rSakhalin
Sakhalin the restoration of Man Manshuria Man1huria ManihurIa
shuria to the status fixed by the other otherpowers othcrlowers othc othcpowers r j
powers lowers T when hen Japan was compelled compelledo I Io
o evacuate the province the transfer transferdf tmm fer ferrt rJf r
df rt the railroad with the exception of ofhe ofhe o f fhe
he Siberian trunk line to Japan the therelinquishment theelinquishment th threlinquishment B
relinquishment Of the interned Rus Russian RusIan Ittisalan ¬
Ian warships and the expansion of ofJapanese ofJapanese o f IJapanese
Japanese rights in Asiatic waters ac accompanied accompanied accompanied ¬
companied by a limitation of the thenaval thenaval tb e enaval
naval strength of Russia in the same samoseas same56aS sum a aseas
seas seasTVitu
With all her hue and cry about aboutprestige aboutprestige t tprestige
prestige Russia is probable to ac accept acept acept ¬
cept ept all this save the reimburse reimburseaient reimbursemenf reimburseentioii
aient menf entioii aloneil r1i iShe She hasLnQ hasumoney money Iloner She Shes Shi ShiS z
s finding it di difficult ult to borrow money moneyfor moneyfor mone r rfor
for any purpose purp Stt If she sl e can obtain obtaint obtai 1 1t
t to the war party being again in the theiscenjleney thelscenGency th 3 3Iscenciency
iscenjleney would prefer to spend it it3n itm F t In
3n n a continuation of the war And Andhe Andho I Ihe
he true friends of the constitutional constitutionalmovement constitutionaluovement 1 1novement
movement hesitate to load upon that thatcause thatcause f l t tcause
cause at the very outset the physical physicaldifficulty physIcaldIfficulty 1 1diffleulty
difficulty of greatly increased taxes taxesand taxesand taxe s Sand
and the sentimental difficulty of a anational atatlonaJ 1 1hiational
national humiliation measurable by bythe bythe b y 3 3the
the million rubles rublesAll rublesAU rublesAJI1
All the world wants peace and looks lookso look looko a >
o this conference eqnferenca with hopeful hearts heartswojjM heartsPe heartsPea i
Pe Pea eJiJ11 e Iri i11ti1IDi1 bfJJlP bfJJlPWOif1 Ji
wojjM WOif1 acceptwould a ept would beHbettgr bcbetit bebetttth1 bebetttth1thaT J than thanthe n nthe 1
the continued sacrifice sacrificeo of Russias Russiassoldiers RlsSlasEold tussia s Srolders
soldiers Eold ers and tnc1 her own through diseas diseaseand diseasandgunshot diseasand a
and andgunshot gua gunshot shot wounds But Japan Japanmust Japanmust I
must consider c onsder ns der her own responsibilities responsibilitiesbefore responsibiUtiesbefore responsibilitiebefore 5
before she thinks thiI ks of all the world worldAnd worldAnd worldAnd
And it Is hard to see how she can canpersuade canpersuade ca t ipersuade
persuade herself to buy peace at the thecost thecost tli I Icost
cost of an avertable financial burden burdenRussia burdenRussia burdenRussia
Russia is weighing war against the thepayment thepayment tth I Ipayment
payment of the money cost c st why whyshould whyshould wh whShOUld
should not Japan Under similar cir circumstances circumstances dr drcumstances ¬
cumstances Russia would hold her herground herground he r rground
ground why should not Japan In Inthe Inthe Ii 1 1the
the end almost any peace obtained obtainedthrough obtainedthrough i i ithrough
through through an an au extraordinary xlri ti oIaiharl1 ordihary lina nd i un unbusinesslike unbusinessllkeconeession unbusinesslike
businesslike businessllkeconeession concession must fall of ofits ofits a f fits
its own weight This very war origi originated orIginated originated ¬
nated in such a circumstance Can Canthe Canthe Ca I Ithe
the Japanese envoys be b expected now nowto nowto no V ifto
to repeat that mistake mistakeTwo mistal mistalTw mistakeTwo
Two Tw Notable Addresses AddressesThe
The President has hasjust just delivered deliveredtwo deliveredtwo ft LItwo
two addresses touching upon three threephases threephases thre e ephases
phases of our national interest interestdear interestdearly clear clearly ¬
ly simply convincingly When talk talkIng talllng talkIng
Ing to the coal miners of Pennsyl Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennaylvania ¬
vania and their wives under the theauspices theauspIcesot Ui e eauspices
auspices auspIcesot of the Catholic Cathol c Total Absti Abstinence Abstinence Abstinence ¬
nence Society he preaches a mIghtyforceful mighty mightyforceful y yforceful
forceful forceful doctrine of selfreliance To Tothe To Tothe T o 0the
the students assembled at Chautau Chautauqua Chautauqua Chautauqua
qua N Y he elucidates two prob problems problems 1 Ilems i ¬
lems of national administration the theobligations
obligations of the Monroe Doctrine Doctrineand
and the need for new legislation to toforce toforce t o 0force
force such commercial bodies as the theBeef Ui
Beef trust into a decent respect for forthe Ic 11
the rights of other traders and all allconsumers a
consumers consumersTo consumersTo consumersTo
To the first body he presents one olthe
the new problems induced by thewim thewimprovement theimprovement L Lprovement
provement in the conditions under underwhich
which the American laborer is i em employed employed eu I Iployed ¬
ployed and to do this he reads with withqualifications wit
qualifications quaI cit ons a apart part df f at a letter letter he hehas l
has received from a Catholic CatholI priest priestwho pri i iwho
who knows the workman worlt 1 I and aAd has hasworked h hworked
worked with him The gist of the theletter thEletter t1
letter is contained in these sentences sentencesThere sentencesThere sentencesThere
There is one discouraging d 3couraglng featim featimconnected teatuTconnected featui
connected with the upward tendency tendencyof tendcnc tendcncot tendencof
of the wage scale among the workmer workmerof workmtof I
of thiS country cOlntr The Higher the wages wagesthe wagcthe wag
the inora nor money money they spend In saloopa saloopaThe saloonH1he H
The shorter the hours the more thej thejare the thearc
are Inclined to absent themselves thlmg lves fron fronhomo fronhorn fro a ahorn
homo horn An apparent disregard for turn turnlly tllmIly fun funily fl
Ily ties Is a growing among the poorei pooreiclasses pooreda88 poori pooricIases flt
classes da88 s which will 111 eventually lead leada t ta ta t
a disregard for the blessings our coun country country coui couitry fl
try affords them Hence with an in increase Increase Ii Iicrease
crease of wageg wa wae el a correspondlnt correspondlntmovement correspondlnmuvemcnt correpondIrmayement
movement for iorbettQr better manhood m muihoodcitizenship t1hooI noblei nobleicitizenship n lt I >
citizenship and truer Christianity Christianityshould Christlanltshould
should be set on foot footWith tootVlth footwith
With this talk on m Individualisnand
and personal citizenship there ther Is m mshifting r 1
shifting 8h1f sMftIi h or 0 evasion ae a to the col collectivc colledhc cc cclectve 11 1
lectivc movements among the miners minersNeither minersNltbcr S uNclther
Neither Mr Ir Mitchell to whose asso assoelates associates ass 0 aelates
elates the President 1resid mt was ias speaking no nothe nothe n
the most confirmed confirmed opponent of unioi unioilabor uniOlabor unic uniclabor
labor can escape e escape cap this thisI
I strongly b bcve Jjicve H o In i trades trade unions unionswisely
wisely and nd justly handI ha han4l4 > > Q1lq 4 > fnSvWchJthi fnSvWchJthirightful 1 tniien > > Whlch ii i
nghttul rightful puripQse PWlpq to benefit benefltthosa those con conI conti co n
ti >
1 nected with them Is not accompanlel accompanlelj ac ompante ompanteby
j by b a desire to do injustice or wrong to toj toI toothers
j others I believe In the duty dut of the theI thecapItalist tli tlicapitalist
I capitalist and wageworker to try tr to toseek toseek tcseek
I II seek each ea h other out to understand each eachthe eachthe eachthe
I the others other point of view Iew and to endeav endeavor ¬
I II or to show broad and kindly Idn lY human humansympathy humans humatisyniptthy
I I II sympathy s mPfth one with the other otheri otherThere
There is a lesson in this address addressfor addressI addresfor
for John Mitchell and the United UnitedMine UnitedMine UniteMine
Mine Workers There is one in it italso italso ii iialso
also for George F Baer and the theUnited theUnited th thUnited
United Mine Owners OwnersThe OwnersThe OwnersThe
The review of the Monroe Doctrine DoctrineIncludes DoctrIneIncludes DoctrimiflCiUdeS
Includes a careful resume of the theAmerican th thAmerican I
American course in Santo Domingo DomingoIt Domingleadsand I
It leads leadsand and the American people peoplewill peoplewtIl peoplvjll
will think thi l it does do s so logically 10glcaUyto loglca1lyto to this thhconclusion d I Iconclusion I
conclusion conclusionIf
I If l the arrangement arrange ent Is I terminated terminatedchaos torminatecchoos I
chaos will follow and If chaos follows followssooner followssooner followsSooner
sooner or later this Government may be beInvolved beInole b blnvohved
1 Involved in serious difficulties with for foreign forcign ¬
eign governments over the Island or orelse orelse O Oolse
else may he forced to Intervene In the theisland theISland tht thtI
I island In some unpleasant fashion fashionEvery fashionEvery
1 Every consideration of wise wisepolicy wlsaI W Wpolicy
policy ollc and an above all every consul consuleration c conSideratlon
eration era tion of large generosity bids us usmeet usmeet thmeet
I meet the request of Santo Domingo as aswe rt rtwe < I Iwe
we are now trying tr lng to meet it itTIe Itt itTie I
TIe T e argument on the thepreventlonQr prevention of ofunfair 0 r t I Iunfair I
I Iunfair
I unfair methods in trade is similar similarly slmllarsimple similarly
ly simple and direct In n four years yearsmuch J ars arst
much has been accomplished But t F1 j jI i iI i
the difficulties encountered have havet hav havproven I j jproven
I proven the need for more legislation legislationThis legISla legislationThis j j I
This legislation may be more drastic drasticr drastkthan I Ithan
than the President would prefer If II I Ir I j I
so it is distinctly a consequence of off 01
I the devices adopted by great corpora corporations corporat
tions to avoid the law 1 a It may be bethat bethat bt btthat I
I that all that is necessary now is the theP theI theg th j I
enactment of a bill to remedy the theabuses th 3
abuses in connection with railway railwaytransportation railwaytransportation ra11wa ra11watransportation r
transportation But in ths tl end there theremust therer ther i imust
must come regulation of all corpora corporations corporaI corporaIUons I I
tions doing an interstate business businessThere businessThere
There are good people who will willfear wtllfear wil I Ifear
fear the enactment of such legsla legislaj legslation I
tion That fear and the argument argumentI
on which hieh it rests were both urged urgedr urgec I Iagainst
against proper employers liability liabilityf llabllltyflaws liabihit3laws r
flaws laws Whatever is done it is needful needfulB needfuto I
to make haste slowly slowlyThe slowlyThe slowlyThe
The thoughtful reader will adjudge adjudgef t tthis
I this cautious as it is the strong strongdeclaration strongI stron strondeclaration
I declaration of a strong man But it itQ ite it t Ifar
I is far far removed from the ex exa extremisms
tremisms of government ownership ownershipand ownershipand ownershiland
and attacks upon Jon the rich merely merelyt merel3because r
because they are rich The Presi President PresIdent Prosident
dent indeed explicitly disavows disavowsevery d savows savowsevery 3 3every
every such motive as class antagon antagonz antagonism antagonism
Ism in evident determination not to tof tor t tbe
be misunderstood in consequence of ofx o f Ihis
his direct and unequivocal comment common t tU0fl
upon U0fl those thosegreat great corporations corporationst corporationswhich i it
which constantly strain the last re resources
sources of legal technicality technIC ality to avoid 1 Iobedience
obedience to a law for the th reasonable reasonablef e aregulation
regulation of their business businessLarge
Large as this problem is the na nas nas nation
tion need npt fear f > ar to grapple with It Iti I t tIf
if it adheres adher 5 to 07 the e declaration with withy wit 1 1 1which
which the President Presldentcloses t closes closesOur closesOur
Our ideal must be the effort to t COOT
btne all proper freedom for individual individuala I Ieffort
I effort with lth some guarantee that the theeffort tb e Ceffort
effort Is not exercised In contravention contraventionot i r
I of the eternal and immutable principles principlesof S Sof
of justice justiceThere jusfi jusfIeThere < c
There is no socialism soclal1 socialismin mw In that It Its I t tis
I is pure Americanism Americanisma AmerkaiiismMajor
j Major McBrides bride is now Maud Mauilgone raud raudgone l
j lgone lgoneif gone gonej
1 1I
j I If Ambassador Conger doesnt see seet se e ewhat
I what he wants will he please ask for It Iti ItThe
i The various manufacturers > of O better betterI betterthings r rL
1 I things to drink are prepared to Indorse indorseI C Cthe
I the advice to let le water alone as a sure surej sureI sur e 0preventive
j I preventive of typhoid typhoidAS
AS he rode over to the meeting at atj atr a t twhich
j I which the th Japanese envoys enyoys were to toj t 0 0state
j state their peace terms M WItte was waspreoccupIed wa s Spreoccupied
I preoccupied Now what could he have havei hay e Cbcen
i been thinking about aboutHaving aboutHaving i t
I Having lost their air nl of fgenlnIi fgenlnIiIt geniality genlalltjit
it isnt quite plain on what the Russian Russianj n nPeace
j I Peace 1ec commissioners propose to trade tradeThe tradeThe tradeThe
The Virginia knights and ladies Iadie do it itbetter I itbetter it
better than Scotts heroes and heroines heroinesFollowing heroinesFOlloing heroinesFollowing
Following the tourney and the corona coronation coronation coronstion ¬
tion of the queen of love and beauty beautyI beautythe beaut y ythey M
I they the have ha e a chicken dinner dinnerThe dinnerThe dinnerThe
The north pole isable Is able to report that thatrl tha t towing
owing to the distinguished virtues of Its Itse it itclimate 3
climate it Is still able to hold out against againstall againstaU againsall it
all attacks attacksThe attacksThe attacksTh
The Th PreBltSrTj PreI51 Z Ls s temperance address addresswill addresswill addreswill is
will not be b especially In demand by the thee thee th e eOhio
Ohio organization this season seasonThose seasonrrhose seasonThose
Those Pennsylvania anthracite miners miner s 8have
have a feeling that theyve met Mr Mro Mt r rRoosevelt
Roosevelt Roos velt somewhere before and rather ratherI ratherI r r1ked
I liked his style stylei styleThe
The relieving party part which went to re relievo ree r rhave ¬
have the relieving party which went to torelieve torelieve t o 0relieve
relieve the relieving party which went wente wen t trelieve
e tc relieve the Ziegler expedition Is not noto noto ac It ityet
yet et heard from if we unuerstand it itMr Ite itMr
e Mr 11 Loomis must have felt right at atr a Lt Lthome t
ir r home on assuming temporary charge chargcII c eof
II 1 of state affairs to see his old friend friendCastro friendCa5tTo Irlen d dCa3tro
Castro bob up so promptly promptlyA promptli
f i j A man named Osier has died in Illi Illinois Hilroli ill 1 Isois ¬
nois aged 105 S Seems ms as if the Balti Baltimore Baltlr 1 Imore ¬
r more chloroforiplst ought to be b able to tocarry toarry o 0carry
carry his own family familyMr iamU iamUh familMr
h Mr Wus us attitude seems to be that thatwhile thate thr Lt Ltwhile t
e while he didnt do It he has a good deal dealof dealst de 11 Ut
of 0 sympathy for whoever did didMr dIds didMr
st t
s Mr Morgan Is planning to sell back backto backIe bac k ktO
Ie to China thirty miles of railroad and andmUes an d ii8o
820 miles of concession The proportion proportionof n nci
of water would appear to be about aboutorthodox aboute abot 1t itorthodox
e orthodox orthodoxA
A A Washington boy disappeared and andturned an4H an anturned I d
I turned up in Iowa but It will require requiremany rCQulreIY requii e emany
IY many man more similar cases to restore the thebalance them th Ie iet
m t I balance of trade tradeTHE tradefl tradeTHE
Life Is a highway wondrous fair fairAnd t fairAnd lr lrAnd
And we are but pilgrims Journeying Journeyingthere journyin ourgc ln lnI I ig igr
there therety thereAnd
1 r f fAnd
ty y
And its here tho rain and andtharo there the ruin ruinBut rainm raii 11 aBut
m But ever the sun comes com s out again againAnd
10 0 And Its over the hill and under the hill hillBut hill hi 11 IIBut
But ever tho ho hi way leads onward still stillAnd stillAnd l1 l1S
And its here a stone and there a stone stoneAnd ston e eAnd
And its many a mile one must go alone aloneAnd alonef almi 8 at
f And its hero here a foo and there n friend friendAnd frIendIII friendAnti
III And many the turn and at last the end endLife cud cudLife en d iiLife
Life is a highway wondrous fair fairAnd fairIS fairJtnd
IS And < nd we are but bu pilgrims journeying journeyingthere jQutnc I Ie
Ie e there thereFrank therej hfJred hfJredn
J hrzanl JankLeo Frank Leo Pinei PI ei In Recreation R creatlon creatlonit n
it itj j < 2
Japans First Army Repre Representative Uepres Representative ¬
sentative s l1tatire Here HereCAPT Hered IereCAPT
Many Washingtonians s at t Atlantic At1a tic City CityHotels CityHotelsRc CityHotelsReNesentative
Hotels HotelsRc HotelsReNesentative Representative esentatlve and Mrs MrsGil lIrsGill MrsGill
Gil Gill Tliere During DuringAugust August AugustI
Cal ColKoichlro Koichiro Tachibana la hl 1Hl the thcn thenewly newly wly ap appointed apr uppointed
pointed military attache dftheffJiipancse dftheffJiipancselegation oFth6JjJllpanesehas dtthaJatnancsehegatlon
legation has arrJved arrlveclJn in Washington VaSh gton to toaugment toaugment toitugment
augment the staff stnfotKogoro oCKogoro Takahira Takahiratho Ta Tarahiratho ahira ahiratho
tho minister mlnlst r This Is the th first time the thei thearmy
army of the Japanese government has hasrepresented hasblon hasbon
bon represented In this country corn Com ComI cornmander fomj
mander Isam Takeshita of the imperial ImperialJapanes imperialJapanese
Japanese navy nav being the only officer ofllcerj officerhere
here hereFirst hereI hereFirst
First Assistant As lstant Postmaster General F FH FI FH
H Hitchcock > spent several days da s in inScranton inScranttJ1 inScrantn
Scranton Pa this week on his way to toattend toattend toattend
attend the th convention of the Catholic CatholicTotal CatholicTotal Catholicrota
Total Abstinence Union in VIlkesbarre VIlkesbarrej ihiresbarreOn
On Monday evening he was the t e guest of ofCo ofI ofJo
Co Jo L L A Watres Tatres and on Tuesday he hewas her hewas
was the guest of honor at at luncheon of ofPostmaster otPostmaster ofPostmaster
Postmaster E H Ripple uf that place placeMr placeMr placeMr
Mr Hitchcock > has scores of friends In InI inthat
that part of the country countryThomas countryThomas
Thomas M 1 Grain has left Washingtonfor Washington Vashingtonfor
for Atlantic City Clt andvrill and wilI spend his va vacation V1 V1cation vucation ¬
cation at the Aubrey AubreyMrs AubreyMrs AubreyMrs
I Ienburg
Mrs A Watson and Mrs R fl V Weld Weidenburg Weldenburg
enburg are two of the Washingtonians Washingtoniansstopping Washingtoniansstopping Vashlngtontansr
stopping at the th Brelon Atlantic City CityMr CityM
Mr M and Mrs Irs B L Simpson Miss MissLouise 11lssLouise MissLouise
Louise Simpson and and Miss Juliet Bur Burroughs Burroughs Burrougha
roughs have havagone gone to Atlantic City for forthe forthe forthe
the month of August and are stopping stoppingat
at the Mt Vernon VernonGen VernonI VernonGm
I Gen Gm Maxwell V Z Woodhull and his hissister hIsslst hissister
sister slst r Miss Ellen M E Woodhull oodhull have haveclosed haveclo haveclosed
closed clo ed their residence at 2033 G street streetand streetr streetnnd streetand
and have gone to Atlantic City for the themonth the themonth themonth
month of August While there they theywill the theywill
will nfake their home at at the Shelburne ShelburneThe ShelburneThc ShelburleThe
The death of Capt Cal > t Horace Reeve Heavemilitary Reevemmtar Reevemilitary
military mmtar attache of the th American Gin Ginbasgy oI ati atibasy 1 1f
basgy bas at the City Clt qf Mexico Mexicq JXlJ vgho 1le e ip ipncral ill illt fjicoral
coral flraI took place at noon jo xqia o ay a from fromSt fromSt
St Matthews Church throws one of ofthe ofI ofthe <
the most delightful Southern families familiesin
in Washington Into mourning mourningCaptain mourningCaptain
I Captain Reeve was a particularly ac accomplished ace accomplished ¬
complished man socially ocian artistically artisticallyand artisticallyI artisticallyand
and otherwise He was at a t one onetime time In Instructor instructor ¬
structor of drawing at West Point Pointand Pointandwas and andwas andwas
I was prolific with both pencil and brush brushWhen brushVhcn brushWhen
When u West CBt Point cadet he found foundthat foundthat
that the regulations of the academy academywould academywould
would not permit his having a single singlepicture singlepicture
I picture In his room but nothing nothingdaunted nothingdaunted nothingdaunted
i daunted the embryo embr o artist took his hissmall hissmall hissmall
small mirror from its frame etched the theHgurc thefigure
figure of a girl and cadet dancing upon uponthe uponthe uponthe
the quicksilver put the mirror back backin backe backin
I in Its frame tram and hung it in its usual usualplace usualr usualplace
I place placeThe placoS placeThe
The secret got about among the ca cadels cadets cadets
dets that Reeve had a picture In flSs flSsroom 1tst IIC IICroom
room and they offered him all sotts sottsof so sortaof tJ tJof
of temptations to part iartwith nmh lth It but he hedid htdId hedid
did not and all through thr ugh his years at atWest atVest atrest
West rest Point the little mirror picture pictureadorned pIcturel pictureadoued
adorned his wall wallRepresentative wallReprescntathc wallRepresentative
Representative and Mrs Irs John Gill GillJr Gilljr Gilljr
Jr have taken a large suite of rooms roomse roomsat
at the Hotel Dennis Atlantic City for forthe forthe forthe
the month of August They are num numbered numhEred nurnhered ¬
hEred among the new hosts of the ther theHouse
House for next season and if they theybear theybear theybear
bear out their reputation for hospital hospitality hospltalfty hospitality ¬
ity will be constant cons ant and brilliant enter entere entertainers entertainers
tainers tainersAmong tainersAmong tainersAmong
Among the Washington people at At Att Att Atlantle
lantic City Clt hotes just now are E 8 So 8JGnes
Jones J ncs and M 1 J Cobb the Chalfonte ChalfonteMrs Chalfontcs ChalfonteMrs I
Mrs L Gause Mrs E Carpenter Mrs MrsClehand Irs IrsCleland
Cieland Dr J A Hill Miss 1153 M 1 B Klp Kiplinger
linger litH er Mr and Mrs William iBlam Boyd and andW andv
W v 1 Shiffer the Cool pttage Mrs Dor Dorris DQrrit Dorris
ris Miss M Dorrlaaitd DorrIs tld Miss lIss C Dorris DorrlsCraig DorrisCraIg DorrisCraig
Craig Hall H C Glancy Glanc Ebbitt I ISackey In 1Sackey
Sackey and daughter the Fredonla M MP MP MP
P Louskney and J 3 Lyons Hardwick HardwickKail HardwickHall HardwickHall
Hall Mr and an Mrs F Hureh the theShoreham theShoreham theShoreham
Shoreham and W Harris and J Mene Meneit MerieSpencer
han Spencer Hall HallMrs HallMrs HallMrs
Mrs Campbell Carrlngton and Ilnd Mrs E EM Ey EE
E Carrlngton are guests at the Shel Shelburne Shelburne Shelburne
burne Atlantic City for this month monthMrs monthIrs monthMrs
Mrs Irs Hyde and Miss Hyde of George Georgetown
town t wn are spending some time at Barnes Barncss Barnesille
ville ille Md MdMr Mdit MdMr
Mr and Mrs Harrison H rrlsQ Dodge aro at atFcrt atFcrt atFGrt
Fcrt Meade S D visiting Captain and andMrs awlis adMrs
Mrs Heiberg The Misses Dodge are aromaking nromaldng aremaking
making a round of visits at New Lon London Lone London ¬
don Monmouth Beach and Lawrence LawrenceMrs LawrencelIrs LawrenceMrs
Mrs Mary Q Ware of West Point PointMiss Polns PointMiss
Miss la visiting her sister Mrs lrs Fred FredBeall Fretr FretSPeahl
Beall of 12GO Roanolte street northwest northwestMr northeitr
Mr iI and Mrs Charles C Casey Casc have havereturned have havereturned haveretUrnel
returned returned home after a months sojourn sojournat
at Atlantic City CityDr Cityo CityDr
Dr W A Croffut and an family fnmIl who whoreturned whoretnned whot
returned from Franco in June will re resume reIt resume ¬
sume their European tour going to toHolland toHolhmd toHolland
Holland on the Vaderland tomorrow tomorrowMra tomorrowMrs tomorrowMrs
Mrs Josle Wanders and her three threechildren threet threechildren
children Gertrude Robert and Rachel Rachelhave Rachelc Rachelhave
have gone to Chesapeake Beach for the themonth thed themonth
month of August AugustMiss AugustUSg AugustNiss I
Miss USg Isabel A A Hunter of New Or Orleans Orleans Orleans ¬
leans will be the guest of Mrs William WilliamB
13 Todd at 129 A street northeast dur during during ¬
ing In the months of August and Septem September Septemo Septembtr ¬
Misa Annie real eaIMcLeafl McLean of Lumber Lumberton Lumberton Lumberton
ton N C Is visiting her cousin Miss MisaZoe Misst MissZoe
Zoe Beall at 1230 Roanoke street streetThe streetThe I
The Misses Edna EdnaHattYe Hattye and Gertrude GertrudeWeyl GertrudeVeyl GertrudeWeyl
Weyl Mr tire fro Sydney C Kaufman Mrs MrsFannie Mrsk MrsFannie
Fannie K LevI Miss Tillie Raft and andMiss aridMiss pd pdMiss j
Miss Josie Steinberg are a u party wno wnoleft wnod wooleft
left the City clt yesterday to Join the rest restof restn restof
of the Washington colony at Rock Hall HallMd HnH1t HallMd
Md where they will spend a few cw weeks weeksMrs veekRMrs weeksMrs
Mrs Annette C Stinzlng chaperoning chaperoninga
a party of young girls left the city yes yesterday ye yeI yosterday ¬
terday terdn for for Bluemont Va to be absent absentseveral absEnte absentseveral
several weeks wc ks The young ladies incluu incluued InclnllIe inclnied
ed the Misses Rita and Clemons Stlnz StlnzIntr Stlnzlng StinzInc
Inc Miss BeHsle Whltford hltCord Miss fiss Maud MaudGreenwood 1InudGreenwood MnudGzeenwood
Greenwood Miss Edith Everett I vrott Miss MissMinnie l1iJ3llInnle MishMliinlo
Minnie Farr nrr nrr and Miss Katherine Har Harris Harris Hurris ¬
ris al of this city cityMr cityMi
Mr 11 and an Mrs Sam Cans and daughter daughterMiss l11ught iliughterJennntto > r rI
Miss IlHR Jeanm JQnnntte tto Guns nn9 are spending sp ndlllg u few fewweeks fpwweels fv fvweeks
weeks at the Plerrepont Atlantic City CityMr Cit CityMr
Mr and Mrs MrD D L Engel l < nol and Mrs MrsA MrsA MrsA
A Sigmund have joined the party at atWavelnnd atVnveland atVnveiand
Wavelnnd Judge Ashtons a furrn Car in inVirginia Ir IrVirginia
Virginia VirginiaMorrlc VirginiaMorrin
Morris Stern has left li > t town for a amonths amOIths ii iimonths L
months trip to Cleveland Buffalo Buffalothe lhffaloe fluffalothe
the Great Lakes and an then tohls to toliIsparenti toliIsparentihonie I11s parents parentshome
home in Chic hlcL go god
Mrs Subbubs SublmbcnmllY SubbubsWe We really ought to have haveono hwcono liav liavon
ono on of those burglar alarms nlarmsnut put in inMr Intg InMr
Mr 11 Sifbbuhs > s Wast and rin l havtj hay tho thothing thQt1lnf thuthing
tg ° thing go oft ff at nSght 11 ht and waite wHk thehnby1 the thev fbihnbj >
v < bnby No Q mVam ma am i not ot n nHchhHnpfH nHchhHnpfHn uchIPhIauel itphiPhlItieiphla uchIPhIaueln
phia Press Presst
German Ambassador and Baroness Ba oness Lionized LionizedGay Gay Time at atBar atBar t J JB
Bar B rHarborVice Harbor Vice President and Mrs Fairbanks FairbanksGuests Fa banks banksGuests
Guests of Honor at Notable Functions 1
Baron BaronSpeckvoa ro Speck S t von d Sternburg the the Ger German Ger German ¬
man 1 man ambassador and Baroness von vonSternburg vanStcrnburg voi 1
Sternburg are now at Homburg where wherethey wheret whenhey a
they t hf hey are being lionized by society societyVice socIetyYkc
Vice President and Mrs Fairbanks Fairbankscontinue FaIrbankscontinue FairbankcOntinue 5
continue to have almost every moment momentof momentof rnomenof t
of I their time at Bar Harbor occupied occupiedwith occupIedwith occupiewith i
with social so iai affairs Last night a a dinner dinnerwas dInnerwas r
was given In their theirhonor honor by Mr and andMrs andMrJ am amMm 1
Mrs Mm Dav < Hennen Morris Yesterday Yesterdaythey Yesterdaythey Yosterda
they 1 were the t tJe e guests for whom Mr and andMrs andMrs am 1
Mrs John B Henderson entertained at atGleneyrie atGleneyrle a t
Gleneyrle I Those ThoselnYlted invited to meet them themwere themwere i
were Mr fr and Mrs Morris K Jesup JesupRepresentative JesupRlpresentaUc JesupRepresentative I
Representative and Mrs Edward Mor Morrell Morroll Morroll
roll Dr and an Mrs S Weir Mitchell MitchellGen MitchellGen MitchellCon
Gen Horace Porttr Port r Representative and andMrs andMrs ant 1 IMrs
Mrs HI KIrk Porter Mr and Mrs MrsHenry MrsHenry MrsHenry
Henry Winthrop Vl1thropGray Gray Mr and Mrs MrsEdwardCotes MrsEdvui MrsEdwat
EdwardCotes Edvui > Cotes COle a Mr and and Mrs Dave Htri Htrincn H Teri Terinen ri rinen
nen Morris Mrs Hobson Miss Van VanRensselaer VanRensselaer 1 IRensselaer
Rensselaer and Mr and airs l Mrs rs Jonn Jorm B BHenderson BHenderson BHenderson
Henderson jr jrSir jrSIr jrSir
Sir Henry Mortimer Durand who with withhis withhis witi witihis
his family iamll is spending the summer at atLenox atIenox a aJenox
Lenox is confined to his residence with witha witia
a stiff knee the result of a hurt while whileplaying whilephlylng whil whilplaying
playing phlylng cricket last fall on the Lenox Lenoxfield Lenoxfield Leno Lenofield
field Miss 1Ul Ml Durand returned to Lenox Lenoxyesterday Lenoxyesterda Leno Lenoyesterday I
yesterday after several weeks visit to tothe tothe ti tithe
the Thousflid Islands and nd Quebec QuebecI QuebecBaroness QuebecBaroness
Baroness Van Tuyll the prettiest wo woman woman woman ¬
man In the Diplomatic Corps and wife wifeof wifeor wit witof
of the secretary of the Netherlands le legation legation legation ¬
gation was hostess for a party part of wo wompn woP1 wompa
P1 < mpn n at luncheon hU1ch 09 at Newport yesterday yesterdayAmbassador yesterdayAmbassador esterdiiyAmbassador
Ambassador Whltelaw Held enter entertained entertalned entertamed ¬
tamed a 0 dinner party last evening at atDorchester atDorchester a aDorchester t
Dorchester House London having as asguests n nguests aguests
guests the Archbishop of Canterbury CanterburyArthur CnnterbufYArthur CanterburyArthur
Arthur J Balfour Lord Tweedmouth TweedmouthLord TweedmouthLon TweedmouthiLord I
Lord AHerstone Gen BadenPowell BadenPowellOgden BadenPowellOgden BadenPowehOgden t
Ogden Mills and men of note noteCharles noteCharles noteCharles
Charles C Glover who with Mrs MrsGlover 1IrsGlover MrsGlover
Glover is at Narragansett Pier enter enterMISS enteriJISS enterMISS
The marriage of Miss Hulda Lena LenaLuckel LenaLutkel Len LenLuekel
Luckel to John Doerr took place at the thehome thohomo th thhome
home of the bride 1755 L street north northwest northwest northwest
west at 2 p m mo August AugustThe 9 9f 9l1e
f The wedding was a very ery pretty home homeone homeone horn hornone
one one and was witnessed by a few rela relatives relatlyeR relatives ¬
tives tlyeR The mother moth r of the bride brl e Mrs MrsHenry 1lroJIcnr Mn MnHenry
Henry Luckel Lucl I gave her h r daughter away awayMiss away1liss awa awaMiss
Miss Luckels slater was the brides bridesmaid brIdesmaId 3 3maid ¬
maid and an Fred L Francis was the best bestman bestman bes besman
man manThe manTh manThe
The Th ceremony was performed by the theRev tb tbRev he heRev e
Rev A C Schlff of St Matthews MatthewsLutheran MatthewsLuUwran MatthewLutheran s
Lutheran Church After a wedding din dlnner dlulIer dinncr 1
ncr the happy couple departed upon an anjxtenslve a axtensive r ra n
< xtensve tour through New England Englandand Englandand Eng1anand I
and will be at home September 1 Miss MissLuckel l11 Mis MisLuckel 1i 1iLuckel Iir
Luckel is one of Washingtons popular popularyoung popularoung popuisyoung r
young oung school I > teachers and Mr Doerr is isa Isa s
a prosperous young oung merchant merchantInvitations mercbantInvitAtions merchantInvitations
Invitations have been issued by b byand MV MVand 1JTand
and Mrs W V H Jordan for the marriage marriageof marringof e
of their daughter Miss Frances Virgin Vlrglnh VlrglnhJordan VirginiJordan 1 1 1I t
Jordan and Clarence Clar nce Burton Wilson Wilsonj Wi1oiof Tilson Tilsonor 1
of this city clt The ceremony ceremon will be per performed perormed pei peiformed r 1r 1a
formed on August 19 to be followed by byreception a areception areception
reception in the home of the the parents of ofj orthe c cthe r
the brideelect 142 P street streetOne streetOne streetOne
One Interesting Intcre tlng midsummer r marriage marriageIn marrIa marrIair e
In h Washington this season Is that thatithiss of ofMiss orMIss Jr
Miss Mary Louise Alexander daughter daughterof daught daughtof
of the late W V O Alexander and Mrs MrsAlexander 11sJe Mr Mrtdeander 5
Alexander Je ander who will be married at 1230 1230oclock 1230oclcl 12t 30 30lt
oclock tomorrow at St Matthews MatthewsChurch 11l1tthewsChurch MatthewChurcn 30e s
Church to Charles Mclndoe Langhorne Langhorneof Langhornof e
of Richmond RichmondThe RIchmondThe RichmondThe
The Rev Father Williams assistant assistantrector assistantrector assistarrector lt ltIi
rector of St Matthews will officiate officiateImmediately officiateImmfodll1tely otilciatimmediately e
Immediately after the marriage Mra MraAlexander MrliAlexand Mr MrAlexander Ii
Alexander Alexand > r will close her apartment apartmenttue at attho 3tthe n IiIe
the Woodlcy and leave the city while whilethe whilethe whi whithe Ie
the bride and bridegroom go upon their theirwedding thel1yeddh1g the thewedding 11
wedding journey journeyMARRIAGE Journe JourneMARRIAGE journeyMARRIAGE
Carson C lrSQn L Perry Perr 26 Big Stone Gap GapVa Gapand Ga p
Va and Anna T Choate 23 Norfolk NorfolkVa NorColltVa NorfolVu It
Benjamin Benjamin F Jackson 33 3 and Hattie HattleJohnson HattieL Hatt HattJohnson Ie
Johnson 27 27Robert 27Robert 27Robert
Robert Lomax 45 and Martha Ander Anderson Ander60n Andeson ¬
son 20 20George 30George
George E Eo Bradley 28 and OHtha Sel Seldfin SeIden Sc Scden 1
den 30 30Charles 30CharIN 30Charles
Charles Mclndoe Langhorne 30 0 Rich Richmond nkhnd Richmood 1 1r ¬
mood nd Va Ta and Mary Mary ary Louise Alexander AlexanderVilllam r
27 7
William D Magce l lagcC abcc 23 and Maud MaudrrLjs lau M Ms 11lIa II
lIa rrLjs s 22 22Is 22Gi1Jr
Is GSorce Gi1Jr G rjrgeE eElontgOm E Montgomery IT 26 and Grace GrncepL Grit GritDa2L ce
pL Da2L S 21 J nc > T Tr =
talned a adlnner dinner party Wednesdaycyen WednesdaycyenThgatihe Wednesday even evening en 1
lngnt Thgatihe ing at the Casino CasinoAssociate I IArnoeIateJustic J JAss
Associate Ass ArnoeIateJustic clatcJustlcand Justice und Mrs M S Mor Morris Morris Ior Iorrls ¬
ris are at Heaton Hall Stoekbridge StoekbridgeLenox StoekbridgeLenox 1
Lenox for the restof the themonth month of Au Augunt Augnat
gunt guntA guntt gnatA
A DePuty DePur secretary of the Swiss le legation legation ¬
gation has gone to Lenox and is stop stopping stopping top ¬ J Jr
ping at the Curtis Hotel HotelMfs HotelEely
1 J
Mfs IJ s Evelyn Walsh is a much enter entertamed 1
tamed young lady at Xewport She was wast wasone 1 1tone
tone one of the merry set whom Paul J Ji JRainey
Rainey carried over to Narrngansett NarrngansettPier NarrngansrttI NarragansettPier
Pier Wednesday on his steam yacht yachtAnona yachtAnona ncht nchtAnona
Anona They took luncheon at the Ca Casino Caino Casino ¬
sino ino and hdd with them Mr and Mrs MrsPeter MrsPe MrsPeter
Peter Pe er Martin Harry Lehr Mrs Herman HermanOelrlchs 1
Oelrlchs William Whitehouse and andElisha andElisha
Elisha Dyer jr Oliver Harriman HarrimanJoined Harrtmanjolnedth HarrimanSolned
Joined jolnedth them m at luncheon Mr lIrandMrs lIrandMrsPaql and Mra MraPaul irs irsPaul
Paul J < Rainey constantly constantl enterta4n enterta4nupon eatejtainupon I Iuou
upon their three yachts yachtsthe the Anona and andViola andViola 1
Viola built for orsteam steam and the Invader Invaderfor Inyaderfor Invaderfor
for sailing snI If ng as well as at Coats Villa Villatheir Villatheir 1 1their
their Newport ewport estate
Parties Must Reckon Re kon With WithTemperance WithTemperance Vith VithI
Temperance Movelne Movement MovementBOSS MovementBOSS nt I
AntiLiquor League Said to Be Fight Fighting I Iing
ing for Pattison as Lesser LesserEvil LesserEul esser
Evil l
Disaffection or revolt asked aslie a cor correspondent carrespondent
respondent of an a n a OhIo ihlo politician the theother theother
other day referring to the movement movementin
in the Republican party of that State Stateagainst Stateagainst i iagainst
against Governor Herrick HerrickRevolution H lierrickRtoiution rrlclc
Revolution was vas the prompt re repiy reply
ply piyAnd
And Indications Indielt1ons multiply that it may mayyet mayyet mayyet
yet be revolution Newspapers New Nspap pap rs rs that thathave thathave
have traditionally traditlona y been Republican arid aridstill iU d dRtm
still claim to be such are aic puttlrfe up upthe upthe
the name of PaUlson Democrat D mocrat for forl forgovernor forgoveruor l
governor the churches and religious religiousauxiliary religiousauxiliary rehigiohaauxiliary
auxiliary societies SOcletl are ar c enlisted eTlIstCdin In the theusade thecrusadefor
crusadefor usade for they Insist Insl t that thaLltIsa It Is a holy holywar holywar 1
war not one political politicaland and the mere m mere mereparty re j jparty
party organizations have been elbowed elbowedaway elbowedaway
away awa from the stajges stage s center by the themilitant themIItant themIlitant
militant activity of the pro and anti antiliquor antilIquororces antiliqUor
liquor lIquororces forces forcesAntiSaloon forcesAntiSaloon
AntiSaloon League Active ActiveThe ActiveThe I
The AntiSaloon League is the one oneaggressive oneaggressive oneaggressive
aggressive determined determined force thus far farto
to make its position plain It Is for forPattison forPattison
Pattison despite the curious paradox paradoxthat paradoxthat paradoxthat I
that Republicans are traditionally tradltlonal traditionally y the themst themst i imost
mst likely miey friends of temperance leg legIslatlon legisiation
Islatlon Is atlon and Democrats the likely op opponents opponents
ponents ponentsThe ponentsThe ponentsThe
The liquor dealers even have riot had hadthe hadthe hadhe
the t he courage to align 1 themselves Their TheirInterests
Interests i as they conceive it lie with withHerrick withHerrick
Herrick Republican but it takes cour eourage courage courage
age to line ll e up desert their Democratic Democraticfaith Democraticfaith Democraticfaith
faith and n nd frankly make it a liquor war warfare warfare ar artare ¬
fare So they are re loudly Insisting JnsmUngthat that thatthey thatthey I Ithey
they will take no ipart In the fight fightWhile fightwhile I
While quietly organizing organlzfng in secret to tothrow tothrow tothrow
throw their money mOne and arjdlnOuence influence and andvotes andvotes rtd rtdvotes
votes so far as possible for Herrick HerrickMeantime HerrlckMeantime HerrickMeantime
Meantime the two party organizations organizationsmindful organ1zntlons organ1zntlonsmindful organizationsmindful
mindful of the disaster that has ever everattended ever everattend everattended
attended attend d the introduction of the tern ternperance temperance ternperance
perance issue Into politics are trying tryingto I Ito
to t o find something else to talk about aboutDemocratic aboutDemocratic aboutDemocratic
Democratic managers know that to go goover goover goover
over to the temperance movement movementmight movementmlght
might win this election but it would woulddrive woulddnve woulddrive
drive away perhaps for all time cer certainly certainly er ertanlyJor ¬
tainly tanlyJor for years the liberal element elementRepuolicans elemerlRupuollcans elementRepuolleans
Repuolicans know that to appeal for forthe forthe forthe
the liquor hqu r support will increase the ten tendency tenclency tendency ¬
dency of temperance Republicans to todesert todesert todesert
desert Herrick HerrickDick HerrickDick HerrickDick
Dick Suggests the Tariff TariffSenator TariffSenator Tariffs TariffsSenator
Senator Dick chairman of the Repub Republican RePubliean Itepubican ¬
lican l ican State committee after the fashion fashionof
of politicians In I nsuch such cases proposes to toforce toforce toforce
force the people to think thlukabout about some somethins something something
thing else than what Interests them the m He Hehas H Hehas e ehas >
has meekly piped forth a suggestion suggestionthat suggestionthat suggestionthat
that he guesses the good old tariff is issue issue 1ssue ¬
sue is good enough for the Republicans Republicansto
to talk about and that he is going to towage towage towage
wage a relentless war against tariff tarifftinkering arlfftinkering
tinkering His clarion call to support supportof
of the traditional policy poac however 1oweer Jwas
h hwas
was drowned overwhelmed submerged zubm rge s sby
by b the answering cry of fDown Down with withthe Withthe withthe
the CoxHerrickDIckwhisky machine i iThe
The only campaign thathnsb that has hasbegun begun gurion gurionthe on onthe onthe I
the stump Is that of the AntiSaloon AntiSaloonLeague AntiSaloonLeague AntiSaloonLeague
League It has Its ts meetings going on
Denies J Stories Sto es That His Health Will WillRequire WillRequire Williequire
Require Such Action ActiortHas Actio Has Not WotConsidered NotConid NotConsidered
Considered Conid redM Matter Matt ttct ttctI
Senator SatOrCorman Gorman of ofthe Maryland bag made made
the 1IIrect direct statement ctatementln in answer at Wer pj som somstories 5me fJme fJmestol1esr
stories stol1esr s tOrlasrecentpy recently c nUy in clrcuiktton lrcu1RU tu tl that t he
ha so has not determined to retire at the end
of o f his present Senate term t rm that his bl bllealth
health Is not such as to demand this thisaction thisnctlon thisaction
action 1 and that in fact ho he has hasSlen hasSlenno given givenno givenno
no 1 consideration to the
matter matterHis matterHis matterHis
His present term will not expire until I
March Iarc11 4 1900 and he wjll then be
k set seventy se secnty setnty ¬
enty I e nty years old He sees see no reason r n for
haste I in determining d termin n his course cours after
that 1 time timeii timeAt timeAt
At presentthe t Sen8tfi t is remaining at
ii his I l ila
at Lauri Laur He will co to
Saratoga SS as uaualfor a time t ne thVsum this sum
mar icr which is IE > refutation of the
story storynof
nof 1 that JirSiW011 th the condition of his health ealth would > u
not 1 permit him to
take this trip tripu tripeer tripevery
= =
eer every night and multiplies them
> u 1 JAAWO lli lll by UJT
many i on Sundays At the Chautauqua ChautauquahSSifH1
r tssem issenibhfes bUes the SPeu speakers kerB have al always a s
been hSSifH1 sure of the best e l applause whe when
they 1 the have denounced Cox Co and Herrick
Coxtheres Cox th res the rub till Qox wants to
be a Senator some day they the < say 8n He
1 used to be a saloonkeeper The possi ¬
bilities of that combination when the thecha
1 temperance campaigners ring the
cha 4 changes nges on their charges of faossiam fiosS m
and d whisky rule are obvious The
Domination of the State by the Cox
Cincinnati ring In alliance aIll nce with othhr
city gangs in minor towns has ha < J long
been 1 viewed with increasing concern
Yet Cox did not want Herrick He
was enough politician to know that Her Hernck HerI Herrick
j rick was the weakest man Associates Msociatean
In i n leadership prevailed on him and he
accepted Herrick New NQ as another anotherparadox anotlterparadox anotherptradox
paradox of this paradoxical campaign
his hlsatIUlaUon affiliation with Cox IB i made one of
the 1 th most most1emn telling charges < against Her Herrick HerrIck ¬
rick 1
Temperance Tethpera Battle BattleCry Cry CryThe CryThe
The The enthusiasm that the temperanc temperancpeople temperanC4people temperancopeople
people 1 are injecting InjecUnglnto Into the campaign campaigns campalgnIssugct
Is I Issugct i s suggested > ted by b a campaign song which whichwas whichwas
was sun s n to the tune of uT1 The e Battle BattleHymn BattleHymn BattleHymn t
Hymn of tbe Republic at a meeting of ofseven ofsev ofseVen
seven sev n churches churbhes In a grove at Pavonia PavoniaIt
It runs thus thusMy thU1I thU1IMy thusMy
IMy My faith has caught the vision of the th
dawning of the day
When the manhood of our Buckeye State Stateshall Stateshall
shall stop Boss Boss Coxs sway
And the th members gf our churches shall shallvote 15h1111vot shallvote
vote vot just 2s s they pray
Our OurGod God IK ismarching marching on onI onI
I have seen it in the protest of the t e peo peopie peopIe peapie
pie of our State StateIn StateIn StateIn
In the local loc 11 option voter where with withmanly wIthmanly withmanly
manly strength and great greatHe greatHe greatHe
He J Davldlike is smiting smitingtilp the Goliath
Whiskys pate pateOur pateOur I IOur
Our God OO is j > marching on onI oi oiI J Jr +
I hear hear it In the heart throbs throbs3fthe if lhein lheindependent the in independent independent
dependent man manWho manWho
Who never novCr will be saddled by b ihe heplck Dick
CoxHerrlck plan planAnd planAnd
And be b ridden like a donkey from Beer Beersheba Baersheba Beershoba
sheba unto Dan DanThe DanThe DanThetruth
The Thetruth truth truth is marching march g on onGod 9h 9hGod 9n 9nGod
God is calling ca1l ng to Ohio and Ohio Ohioshall OhioshallAnd shall shallbe shanAnd
be free freeAnd
And the State te now ruled ruledby by bosses bosSeSshan bosSeSshansoon boscSahahIsoon shall shallsoon
soon have ha e liberty IIbertyI
Thats ThSt the way to tos stand tand by Teddy Tedd yOmy O 0my my
brother cant cantyou you see seeThat neeIhat aceThat =
That man Is marching march nf on onONE onONE onONE
What on earth is the matter with withthis withthIs withhis
this t t his bed asked the new arrival at atthe athe t tthe
J the t he country boarding house Why the thereplied tireipCn
hn ipCn n 15 patched < iand itnd JQ1rn dathcduntlT IpntIl tt t r rethbresa f
sem1I s ethbresa Crazy guilt quil
n J JtJ I i71 j jI
The They yt told old me me you are rea a j joke okr wn writer writereplied tel telrplled
replied r the th landlady landladyWhat I landladyWhat ridlad ridladV
What V hat of that thatWhy thatWh thatWhy
Why Wh I thought th iJSht you ou were used to tofunny tofunnysheetsChleago tounny
i funny funnysheetsChleago f unny sheets sheetsChicago Chicago News
t f = iif
I Ip IIt
N c7 r rCi
Ci i j l I I
loT loTLiri
Liri r4 J q I o oI oJ
t tn l 5UCCE I
4 i W WJ Wt
J 1