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The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, November 21, 1905, Last Edition, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1905-11-21/ed-1/seq-6/

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I R RPubU8hQd it itPub1Ihed
Published Evening and Son San4a fty ftyTENTH
Daily one year 300 300Sunday a aSund
Sunday Sund y one year eo 2501 2501Tbe
The Time Thn Is served rved in the city of tVasMitc tVasMitcton c cton
ton and District of Columbia IunsbLa by b ne newsboys newsboyswho > tbors
who deliver and collect fer the paper op opthir onthtlr uitheir
their own account at the rate rut af 6 cents oeX1t a aweek a 0 0eek oweek
week eek tK fe the Evening and S ceata ce ta a eopy eopyfor 1101
for the Sunday edtUoRTUD4T edition editionTCRSDAY
One Day of Streniiosity StreniiosityHarpers StrenuosityHarpers
I IHarpers
Harpers Weekly wasp like made madethis madethis madethis
this terse observation observ tlon 1on a ft weak or so sosince
since sinceCurrent ince
Current conversation conV Jsatfon nowadays nOW11 ays may b bclassified be
classified under und two heads 1 1 TkJk TkJkabout nLIkabout
about President Roosevfllt 2 Talk Ta1kabout Tikboutthe boiit boiitthe e ethe
the rest of creation It is an off day daywhen
when No No1 1 does not yield at least oao oaofresh oJ O T
fresh and stimulating topic No 2 set selUom setdam
dom does dof de S as well wellThe
t tThe
The rest r of creation is pretty well wellmixed
mixed up with the President every everyday t tday tday
But Illustrates the theinterweaving
day todays news t tInteneaving tinterweaving
interweaving particularly well With Within ¬
in a short twentyfour hours his hishands hishands
hands have gripped the wheels of ofprogress
s sprogress sprogress <
progress by the following spokes spokesBoston l lBoston
Boston Mass where wh re Henry M MWhitney i K i iWhitney
Whitney gets the ax for either a fatal fataldensity
density or a a willful purpose to misin misinterpret ¬ aterpret
terpret the Presidents declarations declarationson
c con con
on the tariff tariffSt
s sSt sSt
St Paul Minn where the State Stateinsurance
l linsuran9c
insurance insuran9c commissioner reports the thePresidents
Presidents Presidents emphatic emp atic declaration declara on for fora
a fuller Governmental Govern entiJl control of in insurance Insuranee ¬
surance companies companiesNashville comp nfes
Nashville Tenn where Senator SenatorCannack
Cannack a Democrat pays the Pres President ¬
ident 4tt u 1 notable tribute for changing changinghis
his hlsp policy Ucy toward the South and d the thenegro thenegro thenegro
negro and for his part in ending the thewar thewar thewar
war in the East EastThe EIlStU EIlStUThe EastThe
The executive execnti ve offices whence comes comesan comesan comesan r
an announcement that Secretary SecretaryShaw SecretaryShaw SecretaryShaw
Shaw Attorney General Moody and andSecretary I 1 1Secretary lSecretary
Secretary Hitchcock are to remain remainin
t tin
in the Cabinet at least until Con Congress Congress ¬
gress adjourns its next session in inspite
spite of previous declarations from fromall from1
all three that they would w t1I1 retire this thiswinter thiswin f t
winter winterThe win
The executive offices where the thePresident thePresident
President confers confe with Secretary SecretaryRoot Se etary
Root Attorney General thiera1 Moody Sena Senator ¬
C tor Knoxr Knox Representative e resentatIve Hepburn Hepburnand Hepburnand
and Interstate I te ate Commerce Commis Commissioner ¬
sioner Sionexpra sloneirrduty Prouty Uty on the general genern subject subjectof subjectof
of railway rate re revislon revislonWashlI1gton revlsionWashington vision visionWashington
Washington D C where the Pres President PresidentiS PresIdent ¬
ident identiS is reported to have signified signifiedstrong signiihdstrong
strong vexation at the recommenda recommendation recommendation reconimendation ¬
tion of the consulting engineers in infavor infavor infavor
favor of a sealevel canal at Panama PanamaPhiladelphia PanamaPhiladelphia
Philadelphia Pa where a mem member member member
ber of the University of Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniacommittee Pennsylvaniacommittee Pennsylvaniacommittee
committee on athletics recounts an aninterview aninterview aninterview
interview with the President on the thesubject thesubject thesubject
subject of brutality In football footballTo footbalLTp
To Tp say nothing of speeches by Sec Secretary Secretary ¬
retary r t qr Taft at atKansas Kansas City Mo o in inexposition inposltIon inptIoi <
exposition posltIon of O ohe the Presidents policies policiesft policIeseoniroersy policiesontroversy
ft eoniroersy ontroversy between Senator For Forager Foraker ¬
aker and and exSenator William E EChandler EChandler EChandler
Chandler over the Presidents policy policyof pollcyof policyof
of railway rate control numerous numerousobservations numerousobsenallons numerousobservations
observations in the money markets marketsof
of New NewYork York and foreign commercial commercialcapitals
capitals on the probable effects of ofthe orthe ofthe
the Presidents prnhahle r91Jable acts and andgeneral a ageneral ageneral
general discussion amongNew among New York Yorkpoliticians Yorkpoliticians Yorkpoliticians
politicians as to the Presidents favor favorin favorIn
in the present controversy over lead leadership leadershlp leadership ¬
ership In the Republican State organ organization organizatlon ¬
ization boxing box wrestling fencing fencingtennis fencingtennis fencingtennis
tennis If the weather permits con conversation conversatlon ¬
versatlon in three languages two or orthree orthree
three hours of reading on various varioussubjects varioussubjects I
subjects Interviews with wIlli four Rep Representatives ¬
resentatives in Congress a wolf wolfhunter wolfhunter
hunter fromOklahoma from 01 alloma the tbeCommls tbeCommlssi Commis Commissioner Commissi ¬
sioner si ner of Internal Revenue the Re Republican Reublican Reubllcan ¬
publican State chairman of Ken Kentucky KeItucky Kentucky ¬
tucky the receipt of an Invitation to toattend toattend
attend a banquet of the Sagamon SagamonClub SagamonClub SagamonClub
Club at Springfield Ill and reams reamsof reamsof reamsof
of official and general Correspondence correspond correspondence correspondence ¬
ence enceThlSr enceTJi1t enceiThlk
ThlSr is what our President means meanswhen meanswhen meanswhen
when when he he talks + aiy of an active andibusy and amhbusylIfe busy busy1i
1i lIfe
11 Sick SickMen Men en and Dissolution DissolutionThe
The international hospital contains containsan containsunusual
an unusual number of distinguished distinguishedpatients d disungulshedpat1nts stIngufshedpatfents
patients patfents at present i t Instead of one oneSick oneSIckMan oneSick
Sick SIckMan Man of ofEurope Europe there are not notless notless notless
less than thanthree three thre of olthem them all In critical criticalcondition crItl critiwnicondition al
condition and requiring constant at attendance attendance ¬
tendance ten dance The sick man of the Far ParEast FarEast FarEast
East Is better able to sit up and andtake andtake andtake
take notice and showing ahowlngdistlnct distinct dis disposition dlsposition disposition ¬
position to do his own prescribing prescribingIn
In future which contrary to the rule ruleabout ruleabout ruleabout
about doctors taking tk1ng their own medi medicines niedlclues ¬
cines will probably turn out a good goodthing goodthing goodthing
thing for him himEuropes himEuropes himEuropes
Europes sick men of the nations nationsinclude nationsinclude nationsinclude
include as always Turkey with the thepowers thepowers thepowers
powers threatening a naval demon demonstration demonstration demonstratton ¬
stration to enforce reforms reorm In Mace Macedonia Magedoniasame rfacedoninsame ¬
donia doninsame same old threat same old olddemonstration olddemonstration olddemonstration
demonstration same old reforms of ofsame otsame ofsame
same old abuses AustriaHungary AustriaHungarywith I
with its clamor clamoror for severance of c en enunnatural
I Iunnatural Iunnatural
unnatural union and Russia with withits withIts
its prestige wrecked its institutions institutionsshattered institutionsshattered institutionsshattered I
shattered Its people starving its itsonly Itsonly itsonly
only outlook apparently either revo revolution revoluUon revolution ¬
lution anarchy or return to des despotism despotism despotism ¬
potism potismThe potismThe potismThe
The nineteenth century was the thecentury thecentury thecentury
century of nationmaking of con consolidation conSOUda consolidatlon ¬
solidation SOUda tI on of groups Into empires of oftrustification oftr
trustification tr stificatIon of the peoples for gov governmental govrnmenta1 govrnmental ¬ I
ernmental purposes It Is beginning
lo Low o fall out that some of these t ese trusts trustswere tr trustsere 18ts I Iwore
were ere not dissimilar to certain ill illadvised 111thised
advised industrial combines Russia Russiawas Russinwas Russiaas
was as made up of the union of unre unrelated unrelated unreted ¬
laIn lated ted groups with no tie of common commoninterest commonterest
In interest terest religion language or sym sympathies sympathies symathies ¬
pathies athies So was AustriaHungary AustriaHungaryso
so pso < is Turkey with its hopeless anole anomaly anoley ¬
aly al y of Greek Christians orthodox orthodoxChristians orthodoxChristians orthodoxhristians I
C Christians hristians and an Mohammedans all allheld alleld I Iheld
Ch held eld together under the rule of the thecrescent thecre84ent therescent
crescent CI Even Scandinavia though thoughmade thoughmade thoughade
n m made ade up of two peoples of common commonorigin commonodgln commonrigin
origin rigin ideals and Interests with withclosely withclosely withosely
c1 closely osely related languages and ap apparently apparently aparently ¬
parently every reason why they theyshould the theshould theyhould
sJ should intimately amalgamate has hassecured hassecured hasecured
secured SI a divorce by consent of the theparties theparties thearties
parties arties without alimony allmon We Ve learn learnthat learnthat learnat
th that at Platonic relations will be re restored retored retored ¬
tored storedIt toredIt toredIt
It seems on the whole that per perhaps perhaps peraps ¬
haps h aps mere bigness is not the highest highestdesideratum highestdesideratum highestesideratum I
desideratum d in nationmaking any anymore anymore anyore I
It is not noteasy noteasy notasy
more n m ore than in other things
easy asy to make ake one nation of two peo peoples peoples peolea ¬
ples p lea They are like oil and water waterKbligions waterb waterbiigionS
Kbligions R b ion5 languages traditions all alltend allend u
tend tl end to antagonism And there Is Isnot isot
n not ot wanting evidence that the th twen twentieth twenieth ¬
tieth century may undo some of the thetrustmaking thetrustmaking therustmaking
trustmaking of the nation builders buildersof
0 of f the previous century to the ad advantage advantage ¬
v vantage of all concerned It is not notso notso noto
so o necessary for a nation to be very verylarge veryarge
large 11 arge as the last century thought thoughtit
i1 it t was ThelitUe The tittle peoples peop1 s animated animatedby animatedby animatedy
b by y the motives that inspired Boers Boersand Boersnd i
a and nd Nipponeso enjoy such eminent eminentcapacity eminentapacity
capacity for taking care of them themselves themelves ¬
selves that war is not to be thought thoughtlessly thoughtlessly thoughtessly ¬
14 lessly courted even by a great power poweras power poweras POWIs
11 as s against a small one And there is isa Isa
a growing tendency to that altruism altruismof altruismf t
0 of f international interest that makes makesworldopinion makesworldoplnion maketorldopinion
safe safeguard safeguard safeuard ¬
worldopinion w V a pretty effective
guard g g uard of the weak states So it may mayturn mayturn mayurn
turn t urn out that the tendency to dissolu dissolution dissolution dissoluion ¬
tion t ion of unhappy national families familieswill famlUeswl11 famulIewill
will not be at all unfortunate unfortunateThe unfortunater unfortunateTile
The Theater and the Subsidy SubsidyThe SubsidyI SubsidyThe
The chief interest of Mr Irvings Irvingslife IrvingsUfe IrvlngEife
life ife after he had established himself himselfat himsellt E
at a t the head of his art lay in pro promoting promoting promoting ¬
moting I a subsidized theater His Hisreasoning Hisreasoning Hi Hieasoning
reasoning I r was that such an Institu Institution Institut ¬
tion t t ion being free free from the necessity necessityof necessityof r
of o f making the enterprise pay could couldand couldand couhnd I
and a nd would devote itself to the produc production production produciori ¬
tion t iori of the classics the impersona impersonation impersonation ¬
tion t t Ion of the great characters of the thestage thestage thi thitage I
stage f s and the elucidation of the thehighest thehighest th
highest 1 ideals of histrionic art and andthus andthus aii i
thus t t hus It would prove a continued and andunfailing am amunfailing i
unfailing uplift of the public P ubUc taste tasteA tasteA
11 A curious chance promises within withina withiia 1
a month of his death the establish establishment establishment establishment ¬
ment J of such a theater In New York Yorkwhere Yorkwhere Yorbwhere
where all other enterprise is Indi Individual indIvidual ¬
vidual and not In London where wheremany wherem e
many 1 m y enterprises are communistic communisticPlans
Plans for i the New York theater are arevague arevague ar arvague e
vague of course But it seems prob probable probable probi ¬
able now that a stock company will willoccupy willOCcUpy wi wioccupy i 1
occupy C OCcUpy a new new and Imposing struc structure structure structure ¬
ture 1 that classic dramas will be act acted acted t ¬
ed < exclusively and that the financial financialsupport financialsupport flnanciaa 1
support will come from that large largeclass largeclass lang a
class 4 anxious to wear the mantle of ofart ofart o oart f
art without doing its arduous service serviceYet serviceYet serviceYet
Yet with this theater In New York Yorkor Yorkor
or without It with this theater in inLondon inLondon ii 1
London or without it the course of oftheatrical oftheatr1cal o otheatrical f F
theatrical t development among Eng Englishspeaking EnglishspeakIng Bugishspeaidng ¬
lishspeaking l playgoers pla goers will continue continueaccording continuerdIng conthiuiaordIng
according rdIng to tp the definite laws of sup supply supply suiply ¬
ply anaOieinand anaOieinandThe and andrnancLThe mand mandI
The difficulty dif I u1ty before the English Englishspeaking EnglishspeaklIig Englishpeaking
speaking speaklIig s dramatic d amatIc artist Is not to tobe t tbe I
be 1 surmounted by any artificial de device device ¬
vice like ii a subsidized theater It Itmust Itmust I Imust t
must 1 be met first with better under understanding understanding ¬
standing I of art in its broadest sense senseby senseI seas e
by actors and patrons alike Second SecondIt l
j i It t tLibe r be met with a willingness on onthe onthe o othe 11
the 1 part of the patrons to support supportwith upportwith
with dollars ana cents the best form formof formof tl
of that art and on the part of the theactors theactors th e
actors to forego some of the larger largerearnings largerearnings r
earnings I of entertainment if 1 that be benecessary benG b bnsessary e
necessary nG eS8ary for tbD lesser earnings of ofart ofart c If f
art There Is no other field of artis artistic artistic arthtic i ¬
tic endeavor where money m mey is as In Influential influential InI ¬
Third Thirdthat Thirdthat l I
fluential as In the drama TblrcLi
that thatsupport support must be expended with withjust withjust wit witjust b
just discrimination discriminationThese discriminationThese
These three Influences in uences once at atwork atYork a aIi Lt Ltb
work will help the theater as much muchas muchas muc mucas b
as they would help painting sculp sculpture sculpture acul 1 ¬
ture music architecture They will willput willput wi wiput II
put a stop to todays pernicious pernicioustendency pernicioustendency pernicioutendency
tendency to fit t actors with parts as astailors astaUors a
tailors fit them with clothes They TheyWill Theywl11 The y
Will debar exotic overheated sex sexdramas se sedramas x
dramas I of the problem play type typeThey typeThey typ typThey
They I will put a premium on 5the the poi portrayal poitrayal ¬
trayal of fine character and the ex expression expression e ¬
pression of beauty They will In Inshort inshort I n
short lift up the stage to the same sameexactions sam e
exactions I and the same aam rewards as asnow a s
now control the other arts And not notone notone nc t
one I of the three depends at all upon upona upo n
a subsidy The theater to American Americanlife Americanlife n
life it like the newspaper in this one onerespect onerespect on onrespect e
respect at least its Influence depends dependsupon dependsupon dependupon l
upon Its commercial success suc ss and andthat andthat an anthat
that Is altogether as it should be beMany beMany
Many of ous us u say in our anger we e would wouldgive wouldgive woul Id d
give a thousand dollars to bo rid of a atoothache atoothache
toothache but only princes of the royal royalblood royalI roy royblood l
blood really make gooor gooorAfter SooaI
After the President gets throwjih throu h with withHenry wit wlthI h
Henry M K Whitney railway rato ra ratl legls leglslatlon legishLllon legi 5
latlon tariff reform the Panama Pan canal canalthe canalthe cana 1
the regulation of Insurance and anui Con Congress Congres Co 1 ¬
gress Is off his hands and football tootb l has hasbeen basbeen lu IS
been reformed and graft is dead we are aregoing aregoing ai re
going to ask him to sail on the ibreast ibreastof brea breaof reast reastot at
of the James Creek canal canalMr canaLMr
Mr Foraker wont mind being be1n ctn Ui tha thaoutside thooutside ti tii 10
outside That has been Ms regular re lar sta station swI st sttion 1 ¬
tion ever slnco he entered politics politicsIts poUtlcsns
Its about abouttlme time tlm the Treasury builIng builIngput bulJJingput buil1z buil1zput kg
put on its it winter underwear
Late Senators Daughter DaughterMaori Dauohtelllalri DaughterMarries
Maori Marries es Watson Butler ButlerCEREMONIES BntlerCEREM ButlerCEREMONIES
Bride Was Sponsor at t Recent Launch Launching Launching Launching
ing of the Battleship BattleshipI BattleshipPennsylvania
Miss Susan Quay Qua younger daughter of ofthe o ot11c ofhe
the t he late Senator Matthew Stanley Quay Quayand Quayand uay uayand
and Mrs Quay was married to Watson WatsonButler WatsonButler WatsonButler
Butler j of o Sandusky Ohio yesterday in inthe inthe inthe
the 1 family residence in Beaver Pa PaOnly PaOnly PaOnly
Only 4 members embers of the two families were werepresent wereprC5ent werepresent
present There were no attendants attendantsThe attendantsThe attendantsThe
The bride wore a a toilet of o white whitedainty whitedainty whlledalnty
dainty t in its simplicity The bridal bridalcouple bridalcouple bridalcouple
couple I left during the evening on onwedding onwedding a awedding
wedding tour Qfter which they will re reside reside reside ¬
side in Sandusky SanduskyThe Sanduekrhe SanduskYrhe
rhe bride was sponsor at the launch launching latnching launching ¬
ing j of the battleship Pennsylvania Mr MrButler MrButler MrButler
Butler is an hn Andover College graduate graduateThe graduateThe graduateThe
The managers of the House of the theGood thei theGood
Good I Shepherd will give their annual annualChristmas annualChristmas
Christmas I sale at Rauschers on Satur Saturday Snturday Saturday ¬
day I December 9 In addition to the theusual theusual theusual
usual wares at a Christmas sale there therewill therewill therewill
will be an exhibition of fine needlework needleworkfor
for which this institution is noted and andfor andfor andfor
for whloh orders are solicited Mrs MrsMcKenna MrsMeKenna lrs lrsMcKenna
McKenna will be in charge of the sale saleassisted saleassisted saleassisted
assisted by Mine Jusserand the Baron Baroness Baront ¬
ess ss Hengelmuller Mrs John P Story StoryMrs StoryM8 StoryMrs
Mrs Montgomery the Misses Cullen CullenMrs CullenMrs CulienMrs
Mrs Preston Sands Mrs Hinckley Miss MissRucker MissBucker MissRucker
Rucker and the Misses Sheridan SheridanThe SheridanThe SheridanThe
The ladies of the faculty fa cult of the Flor Florence Florcnce F1orence ¬
ence School have cards out for ora a recep reception reception reception ¬
tion to be given givenNovember November 27 27This 2iThis 21This
This afternoon > ill bring the annual annualtea annualtea annua annuatea
tea at the Foundling Foundlln Hospital 1715 Fit Fifteenth FitteenUl Fitteenth ¬
teenth street where from 3 to 6 oclock oclockthere oclockthere ocloclithere
there will be a sale of dolls homemade homemadecakes homemadecakes homemadecakes
cakes and candles flowers and the theusual theusual th thusual
usual excellent quality of tea dainties daintiesfor dninticsE 4aintiefor
for which this annual entertainment Is Isnoted Isnoted h hnoted
noted The price of admission Including Includingrefreshments JncludlnJrefreshments 1ncludInrefreshments
refreshments will be 25 cents with all allarticles aUarticles at atarticles
articles proportionately low lowThe lowThe lowThe
The ladles lzu Ies in charge are Mrs Simon SimonWolf SimonWolt SimortoIt
Wolf toIt Mrs A Lisner Mrs J C Pennie PennieMrs PennieMrs PennieMrs
Mrs Richard Sylvester Mrs W S SKnox Sr SKnox
Knox Mrs A T Britton Mrs W H HBailey HI i
Bailey Dane Mrs Lester Platt Mrs Joseph JosephAuerbach JosepiAuerbach TosephAuerbach
Auerbach Mrs A B Brown Mrs Irs J 3Curtis JCurtis JCurtis
Curtis Smithe Mrs Shirley W Bowles BowlesMrs BowlesMrs BowlesMrs
Mrs W V E Boughton Mrs Carl A ACasey ACasey ACasey
Casey Mrs J N Whitney Mrs T B BJewel BTewel BJewel
Jewel Mrs George Johnson Miss I1ss Brit Britton Britton Britton
ton and Miss Sowers SowersThese SowersThese SowersThese
These will be assisted by a large corps corpsof corpsi 3 Sof
of young girls from resident and officIalsoclet official officialsociety 1 1society
society societyThe soclet socleti
I IThe
The marriage of ofMrs Mrs Julia Davidson DavidsorDonner DavidsonDonner 1 k
Donner formerly of New York Yorkt but ut for foiseveral fo foseveral r
several years a a winter resident of th thCapital the theCfUital tbCapital <
Capital to M G Seckendorf of this thhcity thiscity thicity
city took place today In New Xork Xorkand ork orkand onI onIand t
and was followed by the Immediate de departure departure departure
parture of the bride and bridegroom for foia fora ra r
a short trip to Europe EuropeThey Europee EuropeThey
They will return to Washington lat latIn late lateIin hitIn <
Iin I In December to take up theIr residence residenceIn g
In Georgetown where Sirs Irs Donner las lasseason last laste lasseason t
season purchased and renovated a ji beau beauj beautlful beautitul
j tif tlful ul old house on U street streetMi
Mi and Mrs John Bolt entertained J Jparty a aJ181ty
party at dinner last night in honor o otheir or ortheir otheir r
their sister Miss Horstmann wbcs wbcsmarriage wbCfoet wbrsmarriage <
marriage to Sidney Small of Toronio Toroniois roron roronan
is an affair of tomorrow 6 6a A AGen
Gen and Mrs L Victor Baughmaa BaughmasFrederick i iFrederick d df f
Frederick Md announce the vngo ngnJe ngnJement ngnjenient e enusnt
nusnt of their daughter Miss llc lIfen lIfenAbell 11ee i iAbell a aAbell i
Abell Baughman Bau hman to Dr Charles Henry HenrjConley HenryConley Heni
Conley Miss Baughman is a i gnuid gnuiddaughter grau rlad rladdaughter r
daughter of the late A S Abell ant antmade and an ana a j
made her debut in Baltimore a a froasoi froasoiorfwo t emsoOitWO > aOl1 aOl1f a i
orfwo ago Dr Conley is of Montgomer Montgomercounty Montomerycomity y ya f
county where his family has lived in inbeautiful i ibeautiful a aboautIu1 1
beautiful old home for forty years Hi Hila He Hets ii iiis f
la a graduate of tho University ft t Vii VIrglnla Viiginia Ir Irglnla
glnla and Is a member of the Unlvti Unlvtislty UniYudty Univusity
slty Club of Baltimore BaltimoreInvitations BaltimoreInvitations
Invitations have been een issuedfor th thwedding tho thowedding thn 0 a
wedding of Miss Mabelle Odeal Truma Trumato Tr man manto n
to William Reginald Lewis of th thUnion the a
Union Savings Bank of this city cIt Th Thceremony Tbo lhe lheceremony e a
ceremony will iil be performed at tn tnMethodist t tMethodist 8 eMethodist
Methodist Episcopal Church in Owego OwegoJN Oweirc
tN JN N Y the horns of the brid nnd will vill b bfollowed be beallowed 1 < c
followed by a a reception at fl the home o olicr ot oth C Ca I
licr h r parents arents After a brief brle honeymoon honeymooito a f
to toW t WoodcllffeonHudson the couple will wllreside willl Wi WiresIde 11
reside re 1de in this city cityRepresentative
Representative Repr entat1ve and Mrs W A Jones Jonesof Jonesot Joanof 3
of Virginia who ho were members of Sec Secrotary SecrotarY Se
rotary Tafts party to the Philippines Philippinesure Philipplnetire 5
tire re again at their home in Q street streetA streete streetpretty
A pretty luncheon was given yester yesterday resterr ¬
day d by the Misses Southerland Most Mostof Moste it t
of the girls r1s invited were debutantes 01 01this ot otIf f
this season The guests Included MiaMiriam Mia MissMIriam Mb Mbr a
Miriam Crosby Miss Eleanor Parker ParkerMiss Parkeri ParkeMlsw r
Miss 1 > 1188 Alice Shepard Miss Rose Greely GreelyMiss GreelyMIss Greel GreelMiss
Miss Ferollne Perkins Miss Zaldee Goff GoffMiss GorrMiss Got
Miss Elinor Hoyt Miss Shelby Converse ConverseMiss Conversesl Convers3Ilss 0
Miss Edith Miller Miss Jean Loring LoringMiss LoringMiss g
Miss Elise lise Hoben and Miss Louise Louisewell Max Maxwell MD MDb C gC
well wellTonight wellTonight
Tonight Mrs Southerland will enter entertain entertain enteitaiii r ¬
tain at a 0 dinner party partyMiss partyLt
Miss nss Grace Bell has asked a n few ew o oher ot other if f
her friends to an Informal tea thl thlafternoon th Is
afternoon to meet Miss Cox of Utica UticaN UticaII UticaN z
N Y 1 who Is her house guest guestCHINA guestCHINA guestCHINA
I It Is understood that China wil wilmake Wi Wifl 111 111make II
make a a claim against Russia and Japan Japaifor Japantor fl
for 5200000000 OOiOOOOO damages due to th thcampaigning tho thocampwgnlng U Uia IC
campaigning in Manchuria Expert Experthave Expertshave ia
have been busily at work since the em emcf end endn eu eucf id
cf the war formulating the claims am amIt and ande an ud
I It t will be some som time before they ar arready are ares ni niready e
i ready for presentation presentationIt
It Is understood that assurance assurancehave
have been received b Lot11 tu from Russia Russliand Russianand
nand and Japan that the theclnims claims will be care carefully caretully car carfully a
fully considered when presented presentedMANY presentedn presentedMANY
FOR NALLS FAMILY FAMILYContributions FAMILYContributions I
Contributions to the Nails family con contlnue contlnue coi tl
tlnue to pour In Money clothing cl thlng house household houseId houshold e
hold articles artlcl l and food is being dellverato delivered
to the once destitute family in abun abundanee abundance abu a adance
dance daneeAmong danceAmong danceAmong
Among the additional contributions re reaelved re4elved r e 0eeived
aelved by The Times today for the tam family tamh far 11 11l1yare
fly l1yare l1yare2so are
250 cash from Mrs Vrs B B and C Cclothing C Cclothing
clothing from Mrs Mary R Avematl Avemat17oJ U
703 7O Fifth street northwest and fron fronMrs fro
Mrs F Foster 1439 U street northwest northwestovercoats northwestIS northwesovercoats It
overcoats from Mrs Stokes 210 DelawarE Delawaravenue DelawarEre <
avenue northeast and Mr Swayzo o oSwayze OJ OJat
Swayze Bailey 617 Seventeenth stree streenorthwest etrcalnorthwest stre e
northwest clothing Mrs 1r1 Mr Pleitner 02 02D 02D C 12
D street northwest northwestLONG northwestLONG
Your son Is something of an athlete athleteisnt athleteisnt athietIsnt e
isnt he Mr Oldrlch OldrlchAthlete OldrichAthlete
Athlete I Well you just ought to ae aehow Bekg s
how he can run up a bill bUlBalttmon bUlBalttmonAmerican biiLBaltlmoAmerican Baltlmor BaltlmorAmerican
I I i
Entire Diplomatic Corps Were Guests at the Mexican MexicanEmbassy MexicanEmbassy MexicanEmbassy
Embassy Where an anAUra anAttractive Attractive tive Reception Was Given GivenYesterday Giveny GivenYesterday
Yesterday y Afternoon Aft AfternocsiiPreparing rnojli Preparing I > r p ring forT for Tour OUF
Senor Senor Casasus Casa S the tJ c Mexican ambas ambassador amba ambasado ¬ h hsador
sador and Senora de Casasus CftSftSUSreception gave a areception a
reception yesterday esterda afternoon from 5 lito Sto o
to 7 oclock at the embassy embass when hen all allof allof
of the members of the Diplomatic Corps Corpswere Corpswer
were wer their guests The embassy was wasrendered wasrendered
rendered brilliant with cut liowers pink pinkand b
and white chrysanthemums and nd red redr redrasas
roses tied with broad green ribbons ribbonsafter ribbonsafter ribbonsafter
after the Parisian style while a fine finet fineshow fin finshow hueshow
show of Mexican embroidery and stiver stivermade sitermade
made the dining room brilliantr brilliant brllllantThe b
The Ambassador and Senora de Casa Casasus Cu Casae a azus s
sus received alone but had assisting assistingg aS91ttngthem e
them about the parlors all of the incifi incifit mtJrbels
hors of the embassy staff Senora de deCasasus deCnsasus a
Casasus wore a gown of yWhite cloth clothand UIOUland
and old yellow lace and pearl and dia diamond d dmond ¬
mond ornaments ornamentsThe ornamcntsThe ornamentsThe
The Secretary of State St te and Mrs lrs wiJhu wiJhuRoot Jhu hu huRoot
Root entertained a a box box party p rtitthe rtittheBelasco At the theBelasco
Belasco Theater last night nightf nightLleut
Lieut Gen and Mrs Adna R ChafCoe ChafCoewill Cham Chamwlll I
will start upon a months tour from fromi fromWashington e eWashington
Washington Thursday afternoon nft = rnoon at 5 5oclock 5oclock 5oclock
oclock going first to Kansas Ka as City for forj fora forvisit
a visit with Mrs Chaffees sister and andi andthen
then to California which pArt t rt of the thef I ht htcountry
country may be their future home They rtnYwill
will return to Washington Ju time foi foif It Itthe Io
the Christmas holidays hoUda and Miss J11 Cliaf Cliaffee l1af l1aftee
fee who is now at Pelham PClhamM Manor n r rY K KY NY
Y at school and her brothers and sis sisters sisters sialens ¬
ters will join her in a family party at ata atthe
the Chaff Chaffee ee residence in InK K street streetLieutenant str e eLieutenant l
Lieutenant General Chaffee has had hadscarcely hadecarcely
scarcely not more than eight months monthsa mon nuoabaleave I Ileave
leave and certainly not more than thana th thntwelve n ntwelve
twelve In tho forty years cars service In the thearm thearmy
army arm He is now looking for a pleasant pleasantdeclining pleasantpermnnent i ipermanent
permanent home in which to spend his hisaecllnlng
declining years yearsLI The loss ot th the Chat Chatfees
LI fees to YTTlt Washington i if socIety is great for torthey forthey
j they they have been favorites here during duringand duringtholr duringtheir
their residence The Lieutenant General Generuland
and Mrs Chaffee entertained entertainedh In their theirbox theirbox
box party at Belasco Theater last night nightCaptain nightCaptain nightCaptaIn
Captain and Mrs 1 > 113 Hamilton and Mrs MrsRichard 1lrsRichard
Richard Butler ButlerThe ButlerThe
The Brazilian Ambassador and Senora SenoraNabuco SenoraNabuco
Nabuco were hosts for foza a box party Jlt Jltthe at atthe
the Belasco lost night when among amongt amongtheIr
their other guests was Senorita Walker Wolkerf Walkerl1artlnez WalkerMartinez
Martinez the daughter of the Chilean Chileana ChlJeU1minister Chileanminister
minister ministerWalter ministerValter
Walter Beaupre Townley and Lady LadySusan LadySusan
Susan Townley will return from New NewYork NewYork NewYork
York today todb where wheretoI tor or tli tie 1 past week weekLady weekLady
Lady Susan has been prominent In InGotham hiGotham inGotham
Gotham society societyMrs society1rs societyMrs
Mrs 1rs Stephen B Elklns and Miss Elk Elkins ElkIns
ins wife and daughter of Senator Elk Elkf ElkInl5
Ins are expected to arrive at their home homein hom homIn
in this city today todayThe todarThe todayThe
The following Washington people are areregistered arere areregistered
registered re stered at local hotels in New York Yorktoday Yorktoday YorktodaY
today R G Ames J 1 S Daniel Miss MissF MIssIi MissF
F Ii N j Fignerva E H ji 11 Graham and wife wifeMrs wifeMrs
Mrs E A Keen J 1 E Meem Mrs J JMonahan JMonnhRIb
Monahan MonnhRIb E Roth T D Sarlol Mrs R RAdams RAdems HAdams
Adams H 11 Bell F C Chauncy and wife wifeMiss wIteMiss wifeMiss
Miss A F Lyons R M Moore MooreThe MooreThc MooreThe
The death of tho Count of Flanders Flandersthe Flandersthe Flandersthe i
the possible successor success r of King Leopold Leopoldto
to the throne of Belgium has put I ut the themembers themembers thei
members of tho Belgian Bel an Legation here hereIn herein herein i
In mourning The flag Is at half hal mast mastover mastover mastI
over the legation le tion and the members will willfor willtor willfor I
for a 0 short time decline Invitations InvitationsTho InvttntiollSTho invitationsThe
Tho National Theater next Monday Mondaynight Mondaynight Mondaynight
night will be given over to one of the themost themost themost
most fashionable audiences which ever everfilled everfilled evertIlled
filled it the occasion being Maxine El Elliotts Elliotts ElIlotts ¬
liotts first night presentation of Clyde ClydeFiSchs CldeY ClydeFitchs I
uHer Great GreatMatch GrcntMatch GreatMitch
V Fitchs great comedy Her
Y Match given ven under the auspices of the theM theM theM
M V S Society which has at heart heartthe heartthe
the success of the kindergarten estab established establishod ¬
lished and maintained in Neighborhood NeighborhoodHouse NeighborhoodHouse I IHouse
House This is ono of the numerous numerouskindergartens I Ikindergartens
kindergartens carried on by Mrs Phoebe PhoebeHearst C CHearst 4 4Henrst
Hearst In Washington and which she shefinally shefinally sh shfinally
finally dropped that she might carry on onmore onmore ciimore
more extensive kindergarten work workamong worliamong
among the colored people p opleo opie of the South Southand Southand
and has for Its little pupils Up1Js some of the themost U1emost ther
most interesting children in the vicinity vicinityof vicin1t vicin1tof r
of Neighborhood Nel hborhood House HouseThe HouseThe
The Mt Vernon Seminary Society Socl ty is isone ism it itone
m one of the newest but one of the ablest ablestorganizations ablestorganizations I
organizations in the city clt composed of ofwomen otref ot otwomen
re reo women who have graduated from Mrs MrsSomers Mrso
f Somers school in years ears past as well wellas wellat wellt L
at t as tho girls who now compose Wash Washington ¬ I
9 ington society Among its members are areMiss ar
Miss Eleanor Sowers regent Miss Hel Helen Helen lid ¬ t I
en Ffoulk vice regent Miss Ridgely RidjfelyMiss RidgelyMiss RidgelyMiss 1
Miss Grace Bell Mrs Irs David Fairchild FairchildMra FairchildMrs
Mrs Grosvenor Miss Mauro Mrs lhn lhnC hn hne hrC 1
C Hooe Miss 1 S8 Mary Hempstone Miftsos M1 Misso sas J CGolasborough
Goldsborough Mrs William C Hill HillMrs HillMrs 1
Mrs Margaret Woodward Miss Ilss Chaffee ChaffeeMrs Chatreere
re Mrs Tom Noyes Miss Marian Dall DallMiss DaUUas DaliMiss i 1
Miss Uas Hibbs the Misses Shonta and i r rd
host host ost of other girls Many lan of the boxes boxesand boxesnti
and nti seats have been sold to social lead leadMrs leadre I Iers
ers re
1 1Mrs
Mrs Charles Tyler T ler Bard of Norwlqh NorwlqhConn NorwichConn Norwlqhonn I
Conn C onn will w11lbe be at home for the last time timebefore tlmfbefore timeefore
before leaving the city tomorrow with withMrs withMrs withrs
Mrs M rs Sinclair 1519 Lament street for formerly forerly i imerly
merly m erly Grant street Mt Pleasant PleasantA
A pleasant evening in honor of the thebirthday theirthday j
birthday of Miss Emdia Mansfield was wasspent wasspent waspent
spent at her home 418 D 1 > street north northeast northeast northast ¬
east ast on the the2Qth 20th Very select music musicwas musicwas musicas
was w as furnished by her sister slsterMlss Miss Clara Claraan Claraan Claran
an n accomplished pianist Those present presentwere presentwore presenSere
were w ere Mrs Mansfield Miss Pauline PaulineMansfield FnuUneMansfield Paulineanefleld
Mansfield M anefleld Upton Mansfield Mr Mrompson Mroompson Mrnompson
ompson Mr Shoemaker and Mr Cor Corer
der de d er
Mrs Helen BergenCurtis of this city citywho citywho cityho
who w ho Is spending the winter In New NewYork NewYork Nework
York Y ork occupied a box at the Horse HorseShow HorseShow Horsehow
SI Show S how last Friday night Among others othersn i iPerry
In n the party were er r and Mrs Ashby
Perry P erry of Washington and Miss Cath Catherlne Cntherlne Cathrine
erlne rine Loretta oretta Canney Canne of Albany N Y YThe YThe YThe
The Iroquois Club of Alexandria will wlJlgivelts willivelts i igive
give givelts g Its first dance of the season at Mc McBurneys Mcurnoye I IBurne
Burneys Burne B urnoye s Hall this evening This Thl Is a aclub aclub alub
cp club c lub just organized by a few of o the thepieasureIovlng i ipleasureloving
pleasureloving p young men of this thisqun1nt thisuaint i iquaint
quaint q uaint cd city and promises to be one oneof oneot
of o f the most successful ever attempted attemptedMiss attemptedMiss attemptedMiss
Miss Sarah Borochoff has left for At Atlanta Atlanta Atanta ¬
lanta anta Ga to be present at her brothers brothersweadlng brothersweedIng brotherseeding
weedIng w eeding She will spend the winter winterouth
South S outh among her friends and relatives relativesMiss relnilVesMiss relatWesMiss
Miss Bella Waterman of Baltimore BaltimoreIs Baltim BaltimOzes Ie IeIs
Is s visiting Miss Jeannette Gases of 503 603 503street
P street northwest where she will be bepleased be bepleased
pleased p leased to see her friends friendsBast trlendsDast friendsaat
Bast aat evening marked one of the lang largest Jnrgest langst ¬
est e st and most enjoyable enjo able stag affairs affairsof a1T affairsf trs trsot
of o f the season when Mr and Mrs Louis LouisElseman LouisEiseman Louisiseman
Elseman E of 1732 l Sixteenth street gave gavea gavechampagne
a at champagne dinner in honor of o the thetwentyfirst thetwentyfirst thewentyfirst
twentyfirst t birthday of their nephew nephewBertram nephewBertram nephewertram
Bertram B ertram Rice formerly of Chicago but butnow butnow butow
now n ow of this city Mr Rices father Sol SolRice SolRIce Solice
Rice R ice of Chicago surprised his son and andwas andwas L Lwas
was present at the celebration The TheRechabite TheRechablte ThtRechabite
Rechabite Band serenaded Mr Rice for torfifteen totifteen I Ififteen
fifteen minutes In front of the residence residenceand residenceand residencend
and a nd then went inside and furnished furnishedmusic furnishedmusic i imusic
music air evening There were songs songsby songsby I Iy
by b y the Sunnyside Quartet and clever clevertoasts clevertoasts cleveitoasts
toasts were w re given by all present The Thefriends Thefriends i iriends
friends f of Mr Rice presented him with witha witia
a handsome diamond scarf scar pin as is It
the t he custom with this circle of friends friendsas friendes
as a s each reaches his majority Among Arri ni
those t present were Sol Sd Rice of Chi Chicago Chicago Chiage ¬
cago c age Archly W V Engel Lawrence D DHoward
Engel Arthur Newmyer Herman Sit Silver Sitver
ver Harold Kaufman Goldie Sigmund
Howard Sigmund Edgar Kaufman Ben
Nordlinger Louis Eiseman I W Yo Nord
linger l Meyer Nordlinger Gus Nord ¬
linger l I Behrend Rudolph Behrend BehrendV
Tier V Nordlinger Sydney Straus Har Harold Harold liarold ¬
old Levi Moe 100 Baer Joe Dryfoos Dave
Posner Milton Baer Milton ll1ton Morris
Ju Julius u Peyser Lester Strasburger Strasburgeri
Frank Marks M rks and Gilbert Bensinger BensingerMrs BenslngezIrs BensingerMrs
Mrs Irs L 14 i Richold is Is in New York vis visiting visIting visting ¬
iting i her son and daughter Mr and andMrs andMr5 ant antMrs
Mrs Abe Richold and next week we k she shewill shew111 sh shwill
will go to Atlantic City with her son sonFred sonFred sonFred
Fred Richold of New York YorkOn YorkOn YorkOn
On Tuesday evening avenin Mr and Mrs MrsNed lUrsled
Ned Meyer of the Falcon entertained entertainedthe entertainedthe entertainocthe 1
the Tuesday Evening Circle with clever clevergames clevergames clove r rgames
games Among those present were wereRabbi wer werRabbi
Rabbi and Mrs Abram Simon Mr and andMrs andMrs an i
Mrs Simon Kann and Mr and Mrs MrsEdward MrsEdward MrsEdward I
Edward Kohner KohnerMiss KohnerMiss Kohnerliss
Miss liss Celeste SIgmund of Denver Col ColIs ColIs Colis
Is the guest of her aunt Mrs M 1 New Newmyer Newmyel Newmyer
myer They will be at home Fridays Fridaysduring Frldasduring s Sduring
during the winter winterMARRIAGE winterMARRIAGE
James Robinson and Lula Payne PayneFrancis p PalneFrancis a e
Francis L Neubeck and nd Mary D Cur Curran Curlan Curln 1
ranJames James R MacDougall and andEnirna Emma An Anderson An1erson Anderson I ¬
derson dersonGeorge dersonGeorge 1ersonGeor
George Geor e B Fraser Manchester Va Vaand Vaand Vaand
and Annie Schutter chutter Cnesterfield Va VaJames VaJames ra
James Long and Isabella Walker WalkerWilliam WalkerWilliam Walkork
William Abrrla and Lena Chapman ChapmanAndrew ChapmanAndrew ChapmanAndrew
k Andrew R Christy and Lena M Per Perkins perltlns Perlrins ¬
kins kinsFloyd lrinsFloyd
Floyd FI Yd Thompson and Eva C Nails NailsWilliam
William Blackburn and Maggie lfug iQ Thom Thomas Thornas I ¬
Benjamin Watts and Mary Ricks HicksBenjamin RicksBenjamin
Benjamin Lewis and Sarah Murray MurrayCharles MurrayCharles
Charles Harris and Georgia Tucker ucker I
Tharq has ha b been < m an advance in the theprice theprico
price of ric bootsRnd 1J bqots Qts1nd and shoes shQ st11lss thjs season seasonami seasonand nsOn nsOnaneI I
and unless uriles Congress C
ngress gives us some re j
Hef by 1 7 reducing the duty on hides hld or orenterlns orentering j
entering Into some 1 >
ome reciprocal reclpr cal
arrange arrangement arrangement arrangemeat
ment with Brazil and the th Argentina Argenijcu
Republic there will be still a further furtheradvance rUfther rUftheradva fartheradvance
advance adva ce said J T L Re Reed a of orColut Calum I Ibus
bus fct 1t the Raleigh today toda Mr MrRcod MrRcodrepr Reed Reedrepresents i irepresents
represents repr cnts one 0 1C of the largest 1argQ t shoe Ihoemnn Ihoemnnufaeturers iOeman iOemanufacturors man manufacturers ¬
ufacturers west of Massachusetts 11nssnchus tts and and1ms andhas
has given hen much study stud to the lenthsT lenthsTquestion l IQfltherquestIon thtr thtrquestion
question questionIf
If the farmors of the
country CouZltr
re received rec received ¬
ceived c < Icd the benefit of the tarlftron hides hideswe hhh hhhwe hideswe
we could not well complain but the theplukers th thpackers
packers get the coin Under the pros prosj pro pront prosont
ont nt law the packers have the shoe man manufacturers manufacturers manuracturers
ufacturers by b the throat so to speak speakI 2Pcn 2Pcnand speakand
and we are are forced to pay b what hat they theydemand the3d theydemand
demand demandI d demandThey < mand mandThc
They Thc say sa to us How much money monn monnbave moneyhave
have you And when we tell ell them themthey themthe themthey
they the answer Well you can can ca have just justso
so much muchicather leather And nd there we are areWhy aretb areWhy f
Why tb right rig t at a this this hour the pack packers p1ckera packera ¬
era are selling January Januar iiW takeoffsWe takeoffs takeomsW takeotfsWe
We W must pay pa their price or we dontget dont dontI dontget
get the leather As long as the pack packers pac1cers packore
ers can control the situation situ tlon just so solong solong SC I Ilong
long will the th manufacturers be up upagainst upasalnst u uagainst
against it unless of course Congress Congressgoated Congressgives I Igives
gives relief to the trade as I have mug suggosted muggosted
gosted General Grosvenor has been beenpromising beenpromising beerpromising
promising to help us but somehow or orother 01other or orother
other he has up to this time tlm been una unable unable nanble ¬
ble to move a peg
The packer and the beef trust so sofar sotar 1 Ifar
far as the farmer is concerned are one oneand oneand i iand
and the samo in that the thearmor farmer must musttake mutt mutst musitahe
take what the t trust st offers because b oth otherwise 0therwuse ¬
sts fferrs ot8t ot8tcourse
erwise ho cannot n sell s his his cattle Wr Of Ofcourse 01course
course when the trust fixes the price priceof prIceof i iof
of beef on the hoof there comes with it itthe Itthe itthe
the price of the hide The snoe manu manufacturers ¬
facturers pay pn for hides just what the thepackers thepackers thepackers
packers say
Put raw leather on the free list listand 1I8tand listand
and our export trade in boots and shoes shoeswould fihoeswoula ahoenwoula
woula break the teeth out of the for foreigners toreigners foroigners ¬
eigners Our own people would be
benefited for the pnce on shoes would wouldbe
be reduced In proportion to the redue reduction reduetlon reduetion ¬
tion in the cost ot the raw leather and andthe andthE andthe
the farmer would not be affected a a L
little littleNEW littleNEW littleNEW
New Orleans will never have another anotheryellow anotherclJoVo r rellow
yellow y clJoVo fever epidemic such as we passed passedthrough passee 8ssed 8ssedthrough I Ihrough
through t this last summer M lL O OBrooks OBrooks 0Brooks
Brooks ot otthat that city < ity It made this predic prediction prediction predicion ¬
tion l ion at the Ebbltt House today todayThe toda todaThe todayThe
The work done under the supervision supervisionof it itf 1
of o f Surgeon General Wyman and his asr asrsistants as assIstants aslstantn
sistants s he continued contlflued OlIn in conjunction conjunctionwith conjunctionwith conjunctiotwith
with with our medical corps will last for foryears foryears to r ryears
years to come Of course I do not notmean notmean no I Imean
mean to say that there will 111 never be beanother beanothercase b S Sanother
another anothercase case of yellow fever in the city cityfor cityor I
for f or its possible that some man off one oneof oneof on S Sof
of the fruit vessels from Cuba may de develop deelop dovelop ¬
velop elop the fever after he has come comeashore comeashore corn 0 0ashore
I ashore but I do say sa that the fever will willnever wlUnever wit I Inever
never again take on the form of a aplauue r i ip iSince
1 plauue plauueSince p > la ue ueI
Since the quarantine was lifted busl bud
ness lens fairly boomed and ou man moroMjoylng Intrthants manchants
chants ar are working orklng d ay and nlghtYlng nlghtYlngto
to ontch up Tw wIth UldelJIcd delayed orderi5We order We are arado areeuejoylng
oMjoylng do ofns tl BKiskftS m k degree de 1ee of urQSp Urqsperitv prQspenltyand Urqsperitvand rity rityand
and we fe are seW talking taIki about Ute tIt Presi Presidents Presidents sl sldtnts ¬
dents visit N Narty rly all of m are at Reese Roosevelt ROD8eyell Reesevolt ¬
Th The question Qut tlon of prohibition has noth nothing nothIn notlulug ¬
lug In to do with wlt t the merits m rlts of joint State Statehood Statehood Statehood ¬
hood for IndMui Iitjln Territory and Okla Oklahoma OklahOm Oklahoma ¬
homa hOm t and the talk that if the two Ter Territories TerrltoriQS Tennitonles ¬
ritories aro Joined in one on State prohibi prohibition Ptohfbltlon prohibition ¬
tion must be placed in our State consti constitution constitution coasttution ¬
tution is Idle said D1d S G Victor of ofAfton ofAlton ofAftor
Alton Indian Territory at the Raleigh Raleightoday RaleightOtla Raleightoday
today tOtla Mr Viator fe chairman of the theRepublican theRepublican theRepublican
Republican executive committee commftt oof of In Indian Indi1n intBan ¬
dian Territory and Is here in tnthe the In Interest intcrost Integest ¬
terest of joint jolntSttoboed jolntSttoboedThe Statehood StatehoodThe StatehoodThe
The great majority majorltyo of the people peoplein
in both Territories > s are heartily hoartll In favor favorof favorof oVOI oVOIot
of joint Statehood Sta hoodp and we feel the thetime thetime thetlm
time tlm has come when Congress shall chaRnet shallact ha11 ha11act
act on or our petition The President ap appreciates nppreciates uppredates ¬
preciates our position and 1s with us usHe usHQ usHe
He has said Id ho will recommend to Con ConSriss Congiese
Sriss giese 18 the th admission of our Territories Territoriesto
to the Union of States StatesIf States4Ir StatesIf
4Ir If We did not have the requisite requisitepopulation requisitepopulation requisitepopulatIon
population to entitle favorable consid consideration consideration considoration ¬
eration at the hands of Congress we wewould wewould wewould
would have no kick oemlng But wa wapossess Wit wepossosa
possess every element that goes to make makeup makeup makeup
up a a State This being b4ngtrue true we feel our ourappeal ourappeal ourappeal
appeal will not be In vain Our people peopleuro peoplearo peoplearo
aro progressive and the class of men menand menand menand
and women who make up oar O r 1500600 1500600population 1500000population 1S000Opopulation
population are the equals of the beat beatcitizenship bstcitizenship st stcitizenship
citizenship in the ti United States StatesWe StatesVe StatesWe
We Ve want Congress t tngle to give us a asquare 8square asquare
square deal on what we can show If Ifthe Itthe ifthe
the House and Senate will do that our ourtight ourti1ht ourtight
tight for justice J sdce will be won wonLONGSUFFERING wonLONGSUFFERING wonLONGSUFFERING
When Congress takes up the subject subjectof subjector
of railroad rnllrO d rate legislation lld Id H H H HWatson HWatson HWatson
Watson a traveling trav Ung salesman from Su SuLouis St StLouis StLouis
Louis In the lobby of the Riggs House HouseI HouseOIl
OIl I sincerely hope some member memb r will of offer orfer offor ¬
fer an aflmondment a to whatever bill is isconsidered isconsidered Isconsldered
considered to compel the railroads to tomake tomake tomake
make a different rate rateror tor an anupper upper and anda anda anda
a lower berth There Is absolutely no noequity noequity noequity
equity nor justice In charging the same sameprice sameprice sameprice
price for an upper as for a lower berth berthThere berthThere
There Is always a preference for a low lower lower lowor ¬
er berth and this Id shown in the demand demandfor demandfor demandfor
for the lower Any one who travels travelsmuch travelsmuch travelsmuch
much well knows that his chance of se securing securing socuring ¬
curing a lower berth is about two in inten Inten inten
ten unless he applies several days in ad advance adI advance ¬
vance Yet he must pay the same price pricefor pricelor pricefor
I for an upper which he can almost al always always a aways ¬
ways get up to the time dm the train starts startsThis startsThis startsThis
This Is an abuse that ought to be cor corrected corrected corrected ¬
rected When Congress takes the rail railroad Jallroad railroad ¬
road rate subject up let It do the thing thinsright thingright thingright
right and deal out a little relief to the thstraveling thetrayeUng thetraveling
traveling public
The Secretary SecretaI sat sae neath his high silk hat JjatDiscoursing hatDiscoursing hatDiscoursIng
Discoursing on prosperous times timesWhile tlmeSp tlmeSpWhile timesWhile
While his underllngstrue underlings true raised a whuliabalioe whuliabalioeIn fcuHa ullaballo ullaballoIn bailee baileeIn
In setting sett111g his his dreams to rhymes rhymesPoetical rhn es esPoeU 1 1PoetlealJack
Poetical PoeU PoetlealJack a1Jack Jack with witha a threecent thr ecentsD1ck ecentsD1ckHadthe snack snackHad srackHad
Had Hadthe the difficult task of othrm them allT allTUniversal 8011 8011Unhersal a11Universal
Universal content was scarce worth wortha a cent centIn centIn centIn
In rhyming with wJth salary small smallSo smallSo i iSo
So he sighed him a sigh as ashe he finfshed finiS ed his hi pie pisReentering pieReentering pieReentering
Reentering the poetry IO try game gameBut gameBut gameBut
But prices are are high didnt seem loapply loapplyTo to o apply applyTo applyTo
To salarys still the same sameThe sanie sanieThe sameThe
I <
The country he wrote wrotein in a 3sor sorrowful wtUlpote wtUlpoteEnjoys npta nptaEnjoys nte nteEnjoys
Enjoys prosperitee prospeniteeEvSry 1 35 35Every
Every E ryman man has h ha Smuch much work If 1fhe he just doesrt shirk sairkAnd shirkAnd hirk hirkAnd
And business looms oer the the lee leeHere 1eeHere leeHere
Here he gave a a wild yell as if 18eemz seeing tbs th thAnd Mil MilAnd ZeUAnd
And hurled his composing composmjtway composmjtwayAnd away awayAnd Wfl WflAnd
And loudly he swore sworobehlnd behind a a thick thickSUCl1 Ma MaSuch Wf WfSuch > >
Such rhyming somehow didnt pay payBut pay payBat payBut
But Timothy Delve a father of twelve twelveThen tweIvThen twelveThen
Then entered the Government room room8And roomAnd roam4pt1
8And And solemnly said atd his mechanical mechm1cal head headHad headHad headHad
Had Had rid the tb position poslUon of gloom gloomHis gloomHIs 4 4HIs
His last winters hat looked excessively excessiveli flat flatAnd ll fiatAnd t tondhls
And ondhls his coat looked Ilka Venrable Time TimeAs TimeAs TimeAs
As h 11e told how hed strung what the thoecretary Secretary ecz ry sung sungThrough sungThrough sungThrough
Through a a a verse of o harmonious hsrmonlq rhyme rhymeHis rhII1eHfs rhYmeHis
His voice olce thrilled with Tilde and his heart felt tho tide tideOf tideor tideor
or boundless and wondrous elation elationAs elationAs elationAs
As he seriously read what wh t he earnestly earneStl said saidJust saidJust saidJust
Just covered overed the whole situation situationProsperitys situatlonProserltYs sltuaUoaProsperitys
Prosperitys here herestYs says the wonderful wonderfulSeer wonderfulSeerAnd Seer SeerAnd SeerAnd
And laughs at a statement so funny funnyAnd funnyAnd funnyAnd
And to prove the remark he whispers quite darkThat dark darkThat darkThat
That Congress may cut down our money moneyBut moneyl moneylBut ntoneylBut
But poetical Jack with the threecent snack snackDeveloped snackDeveloped snaclDeveloped
Developed the gifts of a sprinter sprinterWhile sprinterWhUe sprinterWhile
While Timothys nerve got an the wrong curvo curvoAnd curvoAnd curveAnd
And the thing never went to the printer
Conference at White House Which WhichSeems VbICIISeems J JSeems
Seems Seems to Bode Dl for Ex ExGovernor ExGovernor ExGovernor
Governor Odell OdellGovernor OdellGovernor OdellGovernor i
Governor Higglna of ofN New W York ecre ecretary
tary Root and Secretary Cortelyou C ortelou the theEmpire theEmplro I
Emplro States representatives in the theCabinet the J
Cabinet dined with the President last lastevening l lastI lfl f 1
I t
discussed discussedNew discussedNew
evening and over the courses
New Yorks politics The gathering re related r rlated ¬ 4 4lated
lated to the effort to oust Benjamin B BOdell BOdell BOde
In Inh InPresident fnhis inhis < <
Odell Ode jr out of control of the party part
< <
h his State StatePr
President Pr President ldellt Roosevelt sent for Governor Governorto
Higgins whose ral1t1ons with Odell Odellhpve I Ih
months been anything aythlngbut I Ib
h hpve ve for som some 1 1t1at
eeable It is definitely understood understoodthat
b but t a agrecable related 2 2I
bW3Jtie blisitieSS < < s last evening
I that tlt tho
union of the forces of thei theiNaUonal the theNational 1 1National
I I I National to effecting endState andStatedminui5tmhb05 a administrations and anddowning andI andof
Tar the purpose or ordowning ofdowning
Senator Platt 1 1wresting
I of downing Odell in New York city clt andj andjWTeTtlnf and andwesting
WTeTtlnf wresting the Legislature from his con conI control
I trol I Imade 1 1That
trolThat substantial progress has been beenmud beesmade
That with withwhich withwhich withwhich
is Indicated by b the
made mud
which the Platt people in New ew York al already alrendy already ¬
ready view Iew the outlook They Th y claim claimpoamvoly c1a1mp05ltlvol claimpositively
positively that they th have the votes votesdown t tSown te tedown
Sown down Halpin the Odell candidate for forreelection torreale forreeletiOn
reelection reale tlon as chairman of o the county countycommittee countycommittee countycommittee
committee committeeMRS committeeMRS
1 1MRS
Mrs Fish says there is no more cold coWnor coldnor coldnor
nor uncomfortable hat in the world than thanthe thnnI thanthe
the derbY d rby hat But theres Medicim MedicinrHat IedicflhoHat
I Hat Mrs FlshBufCttlo Evening ew ewtt ewttI
ON FLIT ElMRIGliy ElMRIGliyAgricultural EtEGTRlGlTYAg ftEOTIITYAgricultural
Agricultural Ag cultural Department Officials Officialsstories Sty StyStories IiprStories
Stories stories of Investigations Art Arti AreWithout Ar ArWithout
Without Foundation FoundationThere FoundationThere
There have bean appearing from fromo rom th thto tfnt tfntto
to t o time in newspapers and periodicals periodicalsarticles periodicalsartieles periodicalsarticles
articles relating t t8 work which hlch the theUnited theUntted
United States Department of Agricul Agriculture AgrIoulture Agnioulune ¬
ture t une Is said to be doing on the effect of ofelectricity ofelectricity ofelectricity
electricity upon upon the grbwth of plants plantsDr plantDr plantsDr
Dr B T Galloway GaUowft chief of the Bureag Bureagot Burea Bureaof Bureaof
of Plant Industry in response to In Inquiries Inquir1es inquIrIes ¬
quiries says the statements in eiraiation circu circulation clrollJaUon ¬
lation J are without foundation The Th only onlyinformation onITIntormation onlynformation
information I which has been officially or orunofficially OTunofficially
unofficially given out relating to this thissubject thlaubjeet thiesubject
subject has been that the deportment deportmenthas depnrUne depnrUnehas departineiidusa
has l usa nothing to say regarding any an in investigations IAve Investigations ¬
ve vestigations tlgations it may be conducting along alongthis aloqthis alonjhits
this line linePROPHET nnePRQPHEt linePROPHET
CKIC4U3 Nov No a 1ord Word has been beenreceived beencehed beenreceived
received cehed at Zion City that the condition conditionof
of Elijah Dowie is greatly improvedaud improved Improe4Hnd Improvedind
aud r ho Ii is expected expected > pedecl W tiJ t > reaoh ZIon oa oxNoTinb oaomhf oaOVIiIht
NoTinb omhf r rit 28 28IT 8 8It
IT l > said lid that hat his tiianchtal trouble troublhas troublehas trouble1as
has re returned raturnPd r rtturnod ¬
has disappeared slpp < > tr uiul his voice I4Se
turned rnd nd in i tvrY wrv eT way he has shown showngreat ehow ehowgeat howaat
great at improvmciit Jmprhm ut

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