OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, June 24, 1906, Metropolitan Section, Image 19

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1906-06-24/ed-1/seq-19/

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w Real Estate Etate E tate Men Are AgreedOn AgreedJOnDutyConi AgreedJOnDutyConifronting Duty Con Confronting Confronting ¬
fronting Committee Appointedto Revise ReviseBuilding ReviseBuilding
I IBuilding
Building Regulations of the District
I Cheapen Cheap n the cost of constructing smnir smalydwelling dwelling houses housesThis 1 1This n nThis
This is ii the general contention of a 0 number of prominent real estate estatemen estatemen estatemen
men of Washington In mconneotlon connection with the work tork now being done by the theselect theseleot theselect
select seleot committee of ten professional and business men appointed to torevise forense to torevise
revise the building regulations of the District of Columbia ColumbiaHeal ColumbiaReal ColumbiaReal
Real cst estate 4e and business men who have expressed their opinions to toTho toThoTimes toThe
The ThoTimes Times argue nrgue that in order to insure the erection of enough suit suitrable suitable suitable
able small dwellings in Washington it is absolutely necessary to so soframe soframe soframe
frame the new regulations that the requirements of the regulations for forthe forthe forthe
the small houses shall not be so expensive as those for the more expensive ex expensive expensive ¬
pensive form of structural work vork It is pointed out that these small smallhouses smallhouses smallhouses
houses bring small rents and that for this reason some regulation regulationshould regulationshould regulationshould
should bo framed to make their construction cheaper but at the same sametime sametime sametime
time entirely sanitary
In Una with this contention Is s the thefurther thoSurthor j
further argument that It is an unnec unnecessary unneccssary unnecessary
essary expanse to builders to require requirethat requirethat requirethat
that party walls between such struc structures stru strutures structures ¬
tures as the smaller houses shall bo bothirteen bothirteen bethirteen
thirteen Inches thick Many men con conversant convcrsant convorsant ¬
vcrsant versant with the themnttor matter claim that a anineInch anineinch
nineInch thickness Is ample ampleThe ampleThe ampleThe
The whole revision proposition al although although although
though agitated and brought about by bya bya bya
a class of architects and builders whose whosoInterests whoseInterests whoseinterests
Interests were more or less affected affectedBuilding ntrcctcdBulldln affoctedBuilding
Building Bulldln Inspector Ashford says Is the theresult therCtmlt theresult
result of building evolution of the de deelre desire desire
sire to meet changed conditions and andthat andthat andthat
that whatever the committee offers the thepublic thepublic thepublic
public in the way of revised regulations regulationswill rogulatlonswJll regulationswill
will be shaped with care thought and andexperience andexperience
experience and the result Is bound to toproduce toproduce
produce untold good coodViews IoodViews goodViews
Views of Mr Saul SaulB SaulB SaulB
B F Saul president of the B F FSaul FSaul FSaul
Saul Company real estate said saidOne snJdOne saidOne
One of the most important things for lorthis torthis forthis
this committee to consider is the quos quostlon Question quostion
tion of taking such action as will reduce reducethe reducethe reducethe
the cost of building small houses that thatis
1 11 such houses as the laboring man manwill manwill manwill
will be able to rent The committee committeewould committeewould committeewould
would do well to frame such regula regulations tegulation regulations ¬
tions tion as will reduce the cost of these thesebuildings thesebuildings thesebuildings
buildings and at the same time make makethem mnkthem make makethem
them safe Ce and sanitary senitarvThe sanitaryThe sanitaryThe
The tendency has been for some time timepast timet
t past to require as muoh as for as thebuilding the thebuilding thebuilding
building regulations are concerned in inmany Inmany inmany
many particulars for the small dwell dwelling dwellIn dwelling ¬
ing In houses as for the large ones The Theresult Theresult Theresult
result IE b that within the last fifteen fifteenyears 1lt fifteenyears en enean
years ean very cry few small dwelling houses houseshaxo houseShave houseshave
have been put In the District that will willrent willrent willrent
rent for lees le s than 16 a month Let Letthe Letthe Letthe
the committee frame such regulations regulationsas
as will permit the building of smallhouses small smallhouses smallhouses
houses at the least possible costFor cost costFor costFor
For Instance It Is unreasonable to torequire torequire torequire
require the same thickness of wall in a asmall nsmall asmall
small twostory dwelling dwe1lfn that Is re required required required ¬
quired In a large lar e fourstory building buildingand btilldlngand buildingand
and for these small houses a n nineInch nineInchwall nineInchwall nineInchwall
wall would be ample amplePoints amplePoints amplePoints
Points for the Owners OwnersAs OwnersAs OwnersAs
As for providing light and ventilation ventilationfor ventilationfor ventilationfor
for the large apartment houses espe especially especially especially ¬
cially those houses where many fam families fomlUos familios ¬
ilies are lodged the regulations should shouldbe shouldbe shouldbe
be stringent As a a matter of fact gen generous Scnorous sonorous ¬
orous provision on the part of the own owners owners ownem ¬
ers for light and ventilation in large largeapartment largeapartment largeapartment
apartment houses would be the economical econom economical economical ¬
ical course for them to pursue owing owingto ow1n ow1nto owingto
to the readiness with which they would wouldrent wouldrent wouldrent
rent rentOn
On the other hand the present reg regulations regulations regulations ¬
ulations for light and ventilation affect affecting atrectInG affecting ¬
ing the small dwellings and twostory twostoryapartment twostoryapartment twostoryapartment
apartment houses are too stringent strln ent The Therecords TIlerecords Therecords
records of the office Om of the Inspector of ofBuildings orBuildings ofBuildings
Buildings will show that since the thepresent thepresent thepresent
present regulations on light and venti ventilation vent ventlation enU enUlation ¬
lation went Into effect practically no nosmall nosmall nosmall
small twostory apartment houses have havebeen havebeen havebeen
been built And It t should be remem remembered remembered remembered ¬
bered that this type of house is extremely ex extremely oxtremely ¬
tremely popular there being bein a great greatdemand SIeatdemand greatdemand
demand for them at all times timesDemand timesDemand timesDemand
Demand Is Urgent UrgentUnless UrgentUnless UrgentUnless
Unless some change Is made In the thepresent theprosent theprosent
prosent building regulations I do not notsee notseo notsec
see what will become of those poor poorpeople poorpeople poorpeople
people who want ant cheap houses or apartments apart apartments apartments ¬
ments Such buildings are not being beingput beingput beingput
put up now and the new law for the thodemolition thedemolition thedemolition
demolition of Insanitary buildings ig igslowly 1 1slowly leslowly
slowly diminishing the number already alreadyup alreadyup alreadyup
Therefore it seems necessary that thatsome thatsome thatsome
some regulations should be gotten out outwhich outwhich outwhich
which will allow of safe sanitary and andat andat andat
at the same time tlmoroasonably reasonably cheap cheapsmall
J small dwellings dwellingsThirteonInch dwellingsThlrteonInch dwellingsThirteeninch
ThirteonInch division walls In the theopinion theopinion theopinion
opinion of R Harrison Johnson senior seniormember seniormember enlormcmbcr
member of tho firm of R H IL Johnson JohnsonCo JohnsonCo JohnsonCa
Co in n the construction of twostory twostoryhouses twostOtjhopscs twostoryhopses
houses as the present building regulations rcgula rcgulations rcgul rcgultions
tions require are without reason J ason and andput andDut andput
put the builder to much unnecessary unnecessaryexpense unnecessaryexpensc unnecessaryexpense
expense Ho advocates that this section sectionof sectionor sectionof
of tho building bulldln regulations is worthy worthyof worthyof worthyof
of attention by the revision committee committeennd committeennd committeeand
nnd intimates that a return to theformer the theformer theformlr
former regulations permitting the con construction construction construction ¬
struction of nineinch division walls wallswould wallswould wallswould
would be welcomed by builders
gen generally Senerally generally ¬
Thick Walls Not N t Necessaty NecessaryIt
UIt It seems 56 ms to me as I have observed observedthe observedthe observedthe
the construction of buildings said Mr MrJohnson MrJohnson MrJohnson
Johnson that It is not only unreason unreasonable unreasonable unreasonable ¬
able and unjust to compel the erection of ofthirteenlnch ofthIrteenInch
thIrteenInch division walls but I know knowthat knowthat knowthat
that Jt t puts the th builder to additional and andunnecessary andunnecessary andunnecessary
unnecessary expense tponse I cannot see that thatthlrteenlnch thatthirteenInch thatthirteeninch
thirteenInch walls add any an needed neededstrength neededstrength neededstrength
strength or give better fire protection
I think too that to require In the con construction construction construction ¬
struction of threestory houses a divi division dlvI5lon div1slon ¬ =
sion wall of greater thickness than nine nineInches nIneInches nineinches
Inches above the second floor Is parti particularly particularlY particularly ¬
cularly unjust If the building build InS laws lawsaim lawsaIm lawsaim
aim at durability and strength alono alonothen nlonothen alonothen
then it would be as well to compel compeltwenty compeltwenty compeltwenty
twenty or thirtyInch walls as thlrteen thirteeninch thlrteenlnch thlrteenInch
Inch ones oncsS onesla
la S far as age is conrirrl concern I ha ye
known buildings with fourinch exterior exteriorwalls exteriorwalls exteriorwails
walls to last as long as othershaving othcrshovingVaJIs othersravingSvalls
walls of greater thickness thicknessBetter thicknessBetter thicknessBetter
Better Supervision Desired DesiredWhat DesiredUWhot DesiredWhat
What we need In my opinion Is Ii bet bettor better bettor ¬
tor supervision of buildings at all stages stagesof sUlgesof stagesf
of o f their construction Some competent competentperson competentperson competentperson
person should be on hand to give minute minuteand minutoand minuteand
and frequent inspections of the mixing mixingof mbdngof
of mortar to see that it contained tho thoproper thoproper
proper proportions o ot hair lime etc etaand etcand etcand I
and to see that the brick work was wasproceeding wasproceedIng wasproceeding
proceeding properly properl and the lumber lumberand lumberand I Iand
and other materials were up to the ro roquired roquired
quired standard standardFewer standardFewer
I Fewer harsh building regulationsand regulations regulationsnnd i
and better building buUdingsupenlsfon supervision Ithink Ithinkould I think thinkwould i
would w ould relieve much of the stress of theresent tho thopresent thoprosent
present p resent situation and Improve building
condition generally generallyClose generallyClose
Close Competent Inspection InspectionTo I
To apply any building regulations regulationswisely regulatlonswiscly regulationswisely
wisely and successfully tho officials ap applying applyln applying ¬
plying plyln them should be competent men menvested menvested menvested
vested with wide discretionary powers powersand powersand powersand
and broadgauged broad nuged used enough to exercise exerciseunbiased exercisounbJasftd exerciseunbiased
unbiased iua u augment augmentThus grnent grnentThus ent entThus
Thus Edmund mund K K Fox president of
the A F Fox Company tersely de describes describes describes ¬
scribes as being fu < n his opinion the real realneed realneed realneed
need of any municipality In the admin administration adminIstration administration ¬
istration of its building regulations regulationsWhile regulationsWhUe regulationsWhUe
WhUe In no sense criticising the atti attitude attltude attitude ¬
tude cf f the District officials in their ap application application application ¬
plication of the present building regu regulations regulations regulations ¬
lations yet he thinks that more harmony har harmony lUUmony ¬
mony will result re plt after the committee committeerecently commItteerecently committeerecently
recently appointed to revise these rags regurlations regu regulations ragslations
lations has completed its work If the theofficials theofficials theofficials
officials responsible for their adminis administration administration administration ¬
tration exercise their discretionary pow powers powers powers ¬
ers more generously To get at the root rootand rootand rootand
and br branch ch of any trouble that may maynow maynowclst maynow
now nowclst e atst lst and prevent Its recurrence at ata ata ata
a future utur time Mr 111 Fox thinks that good
+ ANN iii S SI
16500 i 65001 65001J 6500 6500BEAUTIFUL I
1t 1 > Detached house 9 rooms and tiled 2 t
t bath 4300 sQuare feet ground rare t
1 flowers and ferns in garden gardenThis
1 This property must be seen to be boappreciated beappreciated f
appreciated It is only a few steps t f
I from cars Let us show you this thisand t
1 and then make us an offer The Theowner T
owner Is anxious to soil scl1Thos soili
1 i lies Thos r s J Fisher 6 Co CoINCORPORATED o oI I
t I 1414 F Street N W Wif I S
if wE 1 ltb
regulations can only be made to appear appearco appearso
co 0 in the hands of competent men and andthat andthat andthat
that if 1l the good effects of the revised revisedregulations rovlsedregulations revisedregulations
regulations are to be generally felt they theyshould theyshould theyshould
should be applied with liberality to the thoproperty theproperty theproperty
property owner owner and builder and without withoutthe withoutthe withoutthe
the appearance ap rance of arbitrary rulings rulingsfro ruJlngsNo rulingsNo
fro No Sweeping Changes ChangesWWllo ChangesWJtl10 ChangesWlffio
WWllo agreeing reeing that certain changes changesIn changesIn
In in tho wo present regulations are of great greatImportance gtCatIriportlnce greatiraportance
Importance Mr Fox does not think that thatthese thatthese thatthese
these these changes should necessarily be besweeping besweeping besweeping
sweeping sweepingOne sweepingOne
One of or the most important changes changesneeded changesnee changesneeded
needed needed nee ed in my opinion said Mr Fox FoxIs Foxts ox8
Is the regulation requiring all small sicalldwellings sxrallJwelllngs smalldwellings
dwellings < to have separate drainage drainagepipes dralntl dralntlpipes drainagepipes
pipes into the street sowers This regu regulation regulation regulation ¬
lation might mlfiht well bo modified to permit permitteen pennlttwo permittwo
two dwel dwellings ngs having a frontage ot six sixteen sixteen
teen feet or less to be connected with withburdensome withthe withthe
the street sewers by the same drainage drainagepipes drainagepipes
pipes This regulation Is particularly
burden burdensome me to tsthe sthe the small mall builder t who whofinds whofinds
finds the the increased coat of Installing ad additional additional additional ¬
ditional drain pipes of considerable con concern concern concern ¬
cern cernAlthough Although many builders have criti criticised crUIclsed criticised ¬
cised the regulation governing the light lightand 1Ightand lightand
and ventilation of dwellings and apart apartraent apartment apartmeat
meat houses In my opinion this regulation regula regulation regulation
tion should be be De commended It is need
loss to say that ample light and ventila ventilation v ventilat1n ntna ntnaUm ¬
tion is of greatest importance to the thecomfort tJ10cjanfort thee
comfort e + nfort of the occupant of a dwelling
or apartment and for that reason alone aloneno aloQeno aloneno
no change should be made to the pres present present present ¬
ent regulation covering this matter matterI
I have been a good many years ears In
business here concluded Mr Fox and
have built many man houses large alb and
small consequently I feel that sensible sensibleregulations sensibleregulations sensibleregulations
I regulations applied by sensible officials officialswill oUlcialswill otflcialswill
will will tend to clear clear up the situation i In n
this city and relieve the building buUCln world worldof worldmany worldof
of many of the present annoyances
Thomas A Mullet of the firm of A
B Mullet S Co architects has already alreadyappeared
y yappeared
i appeared before the commission and andgiven andI an angiven d
I given some so ne decided expression of his hisviews hisviews
I views with nil regard to some features of ofthe ofthe o f
the present law which he believes believesshould bellee8should believesshould es
should be amended amondedHe amcmdedHe amendedHe
He thinks it t is ridiculous that the same samerule sam samrile
rule 1 Ie as is to space between buildings buildingsshould buildingsshould s
should apply equally for dwellings an anapartments and andapartments andapartments d
apartments and while he feels that all
I Valuable Business BusinessI 3 i iCorner I
I J Corner CornerAbout i iAbout I
I About One Square From Fromt FromNinth f fFronting
t Ninth and F Sts N WFronting w t tT
T Fronting 873 on 9th 9t h st and and 170S liOST I II
T ft on In Grant 5t This is a northwest nortqwestf 0
I f corner in the th business center ce ter and is IsT T Tvaluable
T valuable for stores I downtownapartment downtown downtownapartment downtownT =
T apartment or hotel In order to toauthorized tot 1 1T =
t T close opt th the estate the heirs have haveI I
I t authorized authorized us to o accept the lowprice low 10Vprlco j jf =
price ot S6 per foot 10 and 12 per 1
f T foot Is asked for surrounding prop I
T TALISTS TAKE NOTICE This Thisopportunity j jj lopportunlt
j opportunity will never occur o r againn again i
in n this section as values are Inv4 Ini in increasing
I t creasing creasingThos
i iI
I I Thos J Fisher Co CoI j iINCORPORATED
i i 1414 F Street N W W f
3 i wiv
proper precautions should be taken to toprovide topro1de toprovide
I provide ample space for light and venti ventilation vent ventation ¬
lation 1 Uon for all classes of buildings to tohi toI tohis
hi his mind there js a wide difference be between between between ¬
I tween the amount required In a large largeapartment largeapartment largeapartment
apartment building housing a number numberor
or of people and a dwelling where not notIT notJrre notwore
I IT wore ore than one family tamll resides He sees seesno seesno seesno
no reason why the law cannot be drawn drawnsufficiently drawni drawnsuiticiently
i sufficiently strong to protect all classes classesi cl 9 9I
i or u residents without 2npting < mpd nb too harsh boxahi bonhIy harshis
i ly upon those who are careful to respect
its provisions provisionsJoseph provisionsI provisionsJoseph
I Joseph H CranfordJoseph Cranford Cranfordi
i Joseph H Cranford who Is now en engaged engaged
i gaged In building bulldlnS9 a handsome residence residencefor residencefor
i for himself is vitally YJtn1lylnterestod interested as thepresent the thepresent thepresent
present law bears heavily in the rule rulerequiring rulei rulerequiring
i requiring a certain amount of area be
I tween walls for light and ventilation ventilations
i He believes the 1111e Is s s proper roper as regyrds re reg i ij
g gyrds ds th the requIrements j for for apartment apartmentJicuses apartmenth apartmenthcuses
Jicuses h uses but but thinks there should be bosome besome
some discrimination between buildings buildingsoccupied buildingsocupled buildingsoccupied I
occupied by one family and those of o1tae oftiir I
tae t11 same or larger size which are pee peepld I Ipld I
pld by several different families familiesIn i I
In making plans for his new home h8 h
discovered d to his dismay that It was wasimpossible wasmpnssible
impossible to make a small projection projectionin I
in n the dining room plan owing to this thisrriuirement thisI1Ulrement thisrelurement
rriuirement and yet so inconsistent Is Istlit IstLe
tlit t1 law that it is possible possible to build up upa upa upa I
a a large room with little Ht Io reference to tolight tolight I
> light l ght and ventilation n under certain con conditions conj conjdiUons
ditions ditionsIn dltionsIn diUonsIn I
In presenting the matter to the Build BuildIng Buildirg
Ing Inspector It was suggested that thatshould thats thatshould r
s should 10uld the therulo rule he suggested be adopt adopted adopted ¬
ed l at any no time he could change changedwelling his hisdwelling hisdwEmn I
dwelling dwEmn into an apartment house and andIn andthat
In thatway that way evade the law But as all allj allalterations
j I alterations can only be made by b per permit permit permit ¬ I
mit It occurred to him that the point pointpas
I I was frivolous frivolousand and inconsequent Heb He Hebelieves HeI I
believes b lieres that the rule requiring a cer certain certain certain ¬
tain amount of space for light and von ventilation vontIlaUon vontilatlon ¬
I tilation to rear buildings should be soconstructed so soconstructed soconstructed
constructed that it would be e adapted adaptedto
to varying yarl1 conditions conditionsGeorge conditlonsGeorge conditionsGeorge
George E Fleming FlemingGeorge FlemingGeorge FlemingGeorge
George E E Fleming secretary of tho thoUnion thoUnion theUnion
Union Trust Company was vas of the opin opinion ¬ I IIon
ion that the requirements are particu particularly pnrtlculady particularly ¬
larly rigid with regard to thirteenInch thlrteenlnchhardship thirteenInchwnlls thirteenInchwas
wnlls was In small dwellings It works a ahardship
hardship on owners of land making an anadditional
additional cost of building and requir requiring roquIrIn requiring ¬
ing In from them either an excess in rent rentor rentor I
or a higher price for the property where wheresale whereSAle
sale is contemplated contemplatedThis contemplRtedThis contemplatedThis
This restriction would seem to need needsome needsome needsome
some change as It bears heavily on the thewage thewae
wage earner who can ill 11 afford to pay payan payan
an increased price to secure the same sameresults sameresuJti sameresults
results that are desirable in larger largerhouses largerhouscs largerhouses
houses and which do not seem at all allnecessary allnecessary allnecessary
necessary in twostory dwellings dwellingsCHOICE dwe1l1ngsf dwellingsCHOICE
I iOOO on Washington Washington HeIghts 3story 3 3story
story and collar baywindow brick brickwest I Iwest
west or 18th st renting for boo per perannum perannum
annum annum5oo t
1 55700 55700j 5700 nearl nearly new 9room house houloi t tin
i In best part ot Mt Mt Pleasant rent rentIng I Iin
Ing in for 33750 3150 per month 1 1i
i j 55250 5250 250 on Columbia Heights a fewsteps few i ii
i steps west cst of 14th st renting for I Ii
i 3550 i f i
i tiPSO 5250 new 7room brick In best beststs bestt 1
i t part of 1It Pleasant rent 3250 3250I
I 1 good home or investment
5000 In nv n w near 12th and Q i iC 1 1f
f C sts renting for 35 lot lot20x95 20x95 alley
3500 nw n w near 11th and Q sts stsrenting stsrenting ts tsrentinS
renting for 2850 S ct per month monthfine month21o0 f
21o0 100 good 6room brick n nw w In infine
t fine condition renting for 1875 per perf t tmonth I Imonth
f = TbS month Tbos OS J Fisher S Co CoINCORPORATED 0 I 7 7Tbos I
I 1414 F Street N W 7 i II
jrt 1 e e e e I I I e it
Charming Taste Shown in Architecture of Many 11 any Detached Detachedand Detachedand Detachedand d
and SemiDetached Washington and Columbia ColumbiaHeights ColumbiaHeights ColumbiaHeights
Heights Residences
I It seems but vestorday V8St rdy that what isnow Is Isnow 1snow woodland birds or the less romantic one oneof on onor onof e
now so well known k oWD as Washington and andColumbia andColumbia of the towing but prosaic cowwas cow alone alonewas aJo alonee e eWas
I Columbia Heights were but woods and andfields andI andfields was heard to disturb tae t sittings tHlne s of the th e
I fields and where now rows of handsome hand handsome handI ¬ dayProbably Pro Probably > ably nothing so well shows the theCroat theJret th thgreat e
some houses or single ones of o oven Yen more moreextravagant moreextravagant moreextravagant Croat advance in Washington as a place
I extravagant deafens de gns are Io located located ated on onstreets onI onstreets for homes as the rapid changes that tha t tIhe
have ha ve taken place on the hills to tonorthwest the thenorthwest theBOrthwest
streets that are finished off in the
moet meetapproved njoetapproved moetapproved northwest of the city
I approved manner the songs of the Farseeing men early saw the beauty bent y yBargains
LowPriced Low LowPricedHomes Priced
Homes =
Nor N6rthvest N rthwest Northeast and Southeast SoutheastJL
5 Q A A A Nearly Near new west of
3 3rO 000 O O JL Sacrifice SacrificeReduced
VO > UUU 7th st 2 stories stores cellar
6 rooms and both batbi furnace heat A Areal Reduced to 55250 5 S 2 ti Owner must real realize ¬
real nice home homealone tae be at a + once onceCHOICE
S wit t Pleasant 7 rooms Near 8th and A ne Reduced from fromfurnace
3 38 8 5 0
bath cellar furnace furnace lot S4ii60 100 Sb760 i 750 roused a t short time ago
alone worth the price prIce25 25 by 150 0 to toalley stories t or i es cellar c clla tr parlor 1 00 Hbra
Io oa
alley alleyS d dinin an ngroom ream pan t I A and U kitchen R
lt 1 fleet ter 6 bedrooms rooms and bath on 2 3l
S JjDUU 3 3500 5 Cnn 0 0 2 13th stories st st cellar nearly n arl recap new ¬ furnace beat let Je 24x12 alley alleyHouse
tion hall furnace beat cabinet man m n ¬ House and n4 Stable Stable5th Stabletels Stabletell
tels room roOm for stable stableS 5th st ne well built well ar arranged ¬
ra ranged pd 4 large rooms on or each floor floorcellar
S VO 3f250 3 Z3U 2 0 5 C A 0 New ew west of Sth 6 cellar under entire house hoe furnace urnace
> rooms and bath 5100 itoo heat lot 136x11 6x1J1 alley paved psv d Cheap CheapOutofTown
cash 20 0 a month Rents for 522JO 2JO dt 556
5 3 3900 00 9 0 ft window TS A neat 7room bav bavf bay OutofTown Owner Ownermust
tLV wwmdow dwelling on 13th 13th
star S st f t near R w st s t l b house ouse ° use in I n firstclass fl rs t 355 must JDU > t soli s sa U will w 111 accept as little IltU e as
condition J new plumbing and porce ¬ JSK9 50 a full 3story 9room brick brickLain
lain tub tubS lt handsome nd ome front a modern house bouM
near sea 6th and A su A GOOD LOME
S 54 x4000 A A 0 A 0 A 0 Great bargain on TL R I
JUU ave cost A A ekes
nw house cost Cheap p Corner
55000 dows i000 to build 9 rooms 2 baywin ba win ¬ Only 4 4100 W 3 stories southern and andeastern
automobile shed eastern exposure between Pa aveand ave
and A St s 9 rooms modern plumb ¬
73 Seaton St N W WTblspretty ing porcelain tubaplendld tub tU splendid lendid repair
Tblspretty This pretty little house Is going c Ing to tocan Corner of Alley Alleyfloors
be sold right soon reasonable terms Side
windows IOOos 4 I rooms deep on
can be made 2 stories storlO and cellar floors oors only only 4659 near 9th and B BOnly
6 rooms tiled bath c cer cabinet mantels ne e A WALLBUILT VLLBUILT HOUSE fur
nacc he heat t MUST BB SOLD
S4000 4 jUUU 000 Near er the e lth s st car
line a a 2story 2stor brick k
rooms each Only 3750 3750Xeor
dwelling dwellln with 4 rooms on each one no
or the floors cellar under the entire tear c ear 4th and B ne n e all large
house furnace urnace heAt lot rooms ro ins Jot 2Qxllt x111 altei aue JUST THE
Franklin T Sanner Is About to t Bona BtrldThree Bonai Bu id idThree
i Three More at a a Cost of
I 575000 75000
Ground Is > sow > ow being broken on UStreet U Ustreet U8tr
street 8tr at near the corner of Eighteenthstreet Eighteenth Eighteenthstreet EIghteenthstr38t
street northwest l1orthv8 t for the erection of two twothreestory twothreeatory twothreestory
threestoryaltar threestory s semidetached Idetached apartment apartmenthomes apartmentho apartmenthoueee
homes ho after atte plans drawn by B Stanley StanleySimmons StanleySimmons StanleySimmons
Simmons SimmonsThe SimmonsThe SimmonsThe
The houses will each contain thr throe throeapartments e eapartments eap
apartments ap rtments of six rooms and be fitted fittedup fittedup fittedupwlth
up upwlth with all the most modern m dem devices for forthe torthe forthe
the comfort and a arid convenience of those thosewho thosewho thosewho
who may occupy c w them them They will ex extend extend extend ¬
tend from the front to the rear of the thelot tilelt thelet
lot lt with a porch to each floor eor and as asthe asthe asthe
the houses h face nest north this will give a adelightful adellght adellghtfal
delightful dellght l lounging place on pleasant pleasantevenings pleasantenlags pleasanteverdsgs
evenings enlags when the U e south winds aro most moatagreeable mostagreeable mostagreeable
agreeable agreeableThe agreeableThe agreeableThe
The buildings will be constructed of
light brick with limestone trimmings trimmingsand trimmingsAn4 trimmingsand
and have a central court which win give
light and air to all parts of the iouse OU5e
The e estimated cost is IsLower Iss5A9 jStVM
Lower down on the e square and near nearthe neartho nearthe
the corner of Seventeenth street Mr
Banner Is also buttdin butWng a single apart apartment aparti apartment ¬
ment m nt house containing three separate separateapartments separateaportIluUlUi separateapartmeta
i apartments which he expects to have haveready haveready haveready
ready by next winter The general style
Is Ktmiter to those already AJr T mentioned
The cost CG t will be about abouttand SC CiIi CiIiAd < tt ttand
and Ad advantages of the locality but the thepublic thepublic thepublic
public were slew to follow and not un until until until ¬
til a decade ago was there any decided decidedmovement decldedmovemeat decidedmovement
movement in that direct dfrectf1L a n But the therush then therush
rush n h in n the last few years has beenrapid been beenrapid benrapid
rapid and the hills have been populated populatedby pepu1atedby populatedby
by a large class cl of Washington citi citizens citizens citizens ¬
zens that have sought the purer air and andfreer andfreer andfreer
freer surroundings which were believed belle ed
to exist in that vicinity
Improved Impro ed facilities by the two street streetcar streeter streetcar
car systems have made the convent conveniences conYen1enees conventeases ¬
eases of rapid transit a great fctor f tor ir irthe irthe irthe
the upbuilding of this section and be ¬
fore another decade has passed J 8ed It is isnot Isnot isnot
not improbable that t at the Heights will be beas beas beas
as thickly populated as the streets near nearer nearer nearer ¬
er the present l SeJ1t center of th the city Tb Thfimprovemeats ThP ThPImprovements
Improvements are of sucli 1JC1 a character characteras
as to attract general attention and will Rillcompare willcompare wllicomllre
compare favorably with the best b8 t suburb suburbsof i iof Jof
of other cities citiesThe cIUesThe
The detached houses nouses are of a a modest modestyet modestyet modestyet
yet elegant character and representa ¬
tive of that excellent taste whiten marks
the residences re ldences of the great body bod ofcitizens of ofcitizens otclUze
citizens clUze s who have sought to give e to tl
Washington a style of quiet and superb superbelegance superbeeJ8DCe superbelegance
elegance eeJ8DCe that is one of its chief charms charmsWAREHOUSE charmsV1AREHOUSE
John Miller the wellknown coal deal dealer dealerhas ¬
er erhas has given a contract to S J Brink Brinkly Brinkly
ly for the building of a a onestory brick brickwarehouse brickwarehouce brickwarehouse
warehouse at 123S 121 Water street The est estmated esti estimated esUmated ¬
mated coat is 55000 OoI
BargainLowPriced Bargain BargainsLowPriced
Houses HousesHomes HousesHomes
Investments InvestmentsN6rthvest
NortHwest NortHwestS Northwest3rO
S 3 35 500 CAA O O Very v Very rP central e traI 3story
O 3UU 9room m dwelling dwell e1lln 0 Would Would Wouldrent
rent renfor for 525 S8S80 SJiO SJiOXear 0
S 4 A 0 0 0 A select square south
0 of T 1 w built 7 rooms
and bath Lot 15 155 S 6 b by 75 5 5 all alley wey
S 5 0 0 0 A corner on onSt 31 St St east eastJjUUU
JjUUU f of f 7th S rooms m Very Verychoice
choice location locationSth
536 00 0 0 5th a st at t 6 rooms oath bathreaged bahra oathjot
jot 24 t by b 95 E Rents B5 25 255A
I 5A p45 4 JUU 500 ftA O O West of 13th on a
> wide open street well wellplanned wellplanned wellplanned
planned 4 rooms on a floor 2 stair stairways ¬
ways rear porches lot 18x9 1Sx9t this th
Jwise 1 tee was built to sell for t 6000 OOO
5te t 19i > > once loaned on lo locoed It h hS ¬
a If 3 3900 9 0 0 0 at st nest 7th = yth brick
I 6 rlms re ems dad 4i1ci bath a 3
coed place plac 0 live
i 1 i
53 < l Qfjft Q NoarlKh 1tthb and O bay
I J O Ied ed ed1tthb
window W I n ow brick r ickaDdO 7 rooms roomsOnly
find < nd bath 25 r ci e front frontCorner
4 300 Between t14th 14th and ISttu ISttust lath 18th8t
st st south of S brick brl brloli
S 1A111 tl tlrooms >
rooms lot 28X111 alley alleycan
S 3 500 p st st near 5th neat
b tiadew t 1dow brick brick 6 6rootrss
rooms and bath bathdow
onethan S 3 8 5 5O 0 A weUbullt baywiil
largeHigh dow brick
with colUir colUirQ eel
20x100 less furnace S foot wide on a to lettered
than the house could be built for forroom SECTioN SECTION FOR FOR A G I iOD OD EOME st sL south o of R
High healthy convenient convenientaxacsaclmaettK convenle convenientS t
54 4s 6 5 0 s st st near 13th st st 8 v JjHUU 3 Q 340 40 A A A 0 Near = dot 7th and S l liar > ay
room brick dwelling delUn in Massachusetts Avenue brick 6 roams roC ns
firstclass condition a cheap house houseS 360 3600A A lowprice low price for a nice home homeCBooja b bath th cellar few so wetl well construcited construcited54150Sroom constructed
to an alloy One of the on this beautiful wide
ave parking
best locations we know of for a low good condition A pleasant comfort 54 4 5 0 St st bet 1st ana x
priced house
Capitol S
able home bright rooms and
open sunny
bath cheap D for well located house hotiseNortheast
S 3 3100 1AA too A neat 6 room brick
JflUU CBooja 8200 House House53SOQ
on a n 10th st st nw near M Mjrood r
good jrood Jfi > Od condition bath bathmnitary sanitary plumb ¬ S 53SOQ a iOONoar Near 7th and D 4 rooms on oneach Northeast and Southeast
ing Rents for 525 525ryVFxsvs S each each floor r good condition conditlon wide park ¬
lug House House would cost more more to build buildA bul 50 VZOUU S 2600 26 lAA 0 O r rI teem om brick = < en Sth
I 53 3600 600 12th 12tb st nw near K ue lot 2xlOO alley
ryVFxsvs 8 rooms and bath ba h rents A Cheep Corner Corner5a outoftown owner must selL settS
523 location locationSI S2 A low price for such a n central SI850Nur 8350 GNear and Near 7th and Md ave S Srooms S S310O 3 1AA 10 0 8n Shst st near Acne At ue 8
rooms bath 2 bay b y windows windoSy > O1UU roons roc roe nsand ts and bath bathSA
House in firstclass
SI 3 3000 AAA 000 Sth st st near P 6room condition
OjUUU brick dwelling near SA vy A r000 A 000 Aft 5th st st ne 9 rooms
I schools churches stores and cars carsS HotWater Heat HeatOnly UUU hotwater heat 13x115 13x115illey
Only Onl 5 515005i 600Sth < h st st ne a wellbuilt + illey Iley1st
S 3 3650 6 5 ZC 0 1 1st st nvr nWnar nEar Ri R 9 nearly nearl new house 2 stories cellar
J U JJ rooms room for to a t sta ¬ This Thl Is s a beautiful home See it I t t 51 S 3 3850 Q 8 5 Cft 0 llth st st se 8 rooms lot
ble Must be sold to settle state stateS It will please you youHear ffiS3 dSiG 3Q alley alleySI alleyQ
S 3 3 30 ODJ 8 ft Q 50 C A South outh of o i M a splen Hear Sixth and A S E SI 5 J 3500 t J 5 CAft U 0 V 0 12th 12th St st near Lincoln
> did home 2 stories stos les Q cel ¬ 5800 > P park a r k 7 rooms and bath bath174X97S
55 5009 00 3 > > rooms cellar
furnace furnaceA
lar 174X97S 174x9 ± 6
very very ctj lartr large rooms anfl and 1 bath nt ath > i tnf tnfNortheast lot 6Jlandid condition
20 by side and electric lights
rear alloys aUe
t 183x136 Alley lJty S ri C ave
27 7 50 se brick
6 rooms good location locationnaaA
Northeast No rtheasf and Southeast So utheast A S E Near rear Pourth Pourthrooms
53 s 3 350 3 N C ov near 10th
S rooms all Jorge lapse many 5 0
many large largeBrownStone n91t
3500New Est E st ne 7 rooms and oloset closets beautifully FaP papered rod lot 19c rents trust naaA 6 room room and bath bath53WOA
bath rents fi
tiled trust 2iOO
bath HOT VATER no Allo Alley at of POI cant
3000A cozy 6room brick with
BrownStone Dwelling cellar furnace lettered st st between between5jSOO2d
cellar 39roA lot pretty 7room hoLc a with 7ear tearJSost far East Capt Capt st st 5l0 160 reduced reducedsome redu reduced od GUi and 7h 7 it
structed 1SX8O Alley lley w wcli 1 con Iron S7OOO 9 rooms A very hand
some house 5jSOO2d iOO2d st It ne near D 2 stories
oar cofar 7 7 rooms rooms and bath bathi bathWv2J bathDear ath
54150Sroom U OSroom brick brickgood 00 F s at necod ne Wear library
good house cod ouse lot A low pr price for a lar large e I I 53000 50001tfodern Modern Sroom dwelling 2 2stories Wv2J S2iiO2d ° 2d st near A A 7 roonis roo s lot
stories cellar furnace ur tiled bath i 1100 1100STONE 1N100STONE IF tW tWSTONE rooIJ1s
1342 New York Avenue
A Adjoining o1olnlng Cor Gorof of 14th

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