g a THE WASHINGTON W Wasai 4S fr rfov ONTtro1S WES StJKDAt Jtftffl Jt1NE24 24 isocMANY 1908 1908MANY t
WILL BE DOUBLEllPresbyterian DOUBLEll DOUBLEUPresbyterian
Presbyterian Edifice on onWashington onWashington onWashington
Washington Heights to toBe toBe toBe
Be Improved ImprovedMANY ImprovedMANY ImprovedMANY
Architect to Make No Material Changes Changtsin s sin
in Present Artistic Design Designof Designof j jof
of Structure I
Tho Washington Heights Presbyterian PresbyterianChurch PresbytorlanChurch PresbyterianCtturoh
Church located on Kalorama avenue avenueImmediately avenueImmediately avenueImmediately
Immediately contiguous ontl ouB to Columbia Columbiaroad Columbiaroad Columbiaroad
road which was organized In 1801 has hasunder hilSunder hasunder
under the care of Rev E Lawren LawrenHunt La Iawrence IawrenceHunt wrcnC wrcnCHunt
Hunt prospered so exceeding well that thatit thatIt thatIt
it has been foupd necessary to enlarge enlargethe enlargathe enlargethe
the capacity of the church edifice to tofully tofulb tofully
fully double Its present size and to that thatend thtend thatend
end they secured the services of Arch Architect ArchItect Architect ¬
itect Appleton P Clark Jr who bus huamade hosmade busmade
made plans for the xtonslon which will willmake willnake willHake
make the building bul1 < 1n capable of accommo accommodating uocommodating 0ocommodating ¬
dating the increasing membership andgive and andgive andgive
give thorn a I church homo fully equal to tosome toome tosome
some ome of the older and wealthier congre congregations congregations congregations ¬
gations gationsOriginal
Original Design Retained RetainedThe RetainedThe RetainedThe
The present design of the buildingwhich building buildingwhich buildInghlch
which hlch Is typical t pleal of churohedifiees church edifices of ofthe orthe ofthe
the Presbyterian school will be retained retainedas
as it fs not believed that the general out outline outline outline ¬
line could be changed for the better betterThose betterThose betterThose
Those who have been connected with withthe withthe withthe
the congregation since its beginning beginninghave beginninghave beginninghave
have grown to love the appearance of oftheir oftheir oftheir
their church home and Architect Clark Clarkhas Clarkhas Clarkhas
has respected that sentiment and while whilemaking hUo hUomaking
making elaborate Improvements and andrxtnerous andnnncr andnrtnerous
rxtnerous nnncr us charges which will add large largely largeh largely ¬
ly h to the convenience and comfort of the theenlarged thoenlarged theenlarged
enlarged congregation has not departed departedfrom departedfrom departedfrom
from the original architectural effect effectThe effectThe effectThe
The enlargement will consist of an anaddition anaddlUon anaddition
addition extending south of tho pres present presnt present ¬
ent < nt building which will 111 contain a Sun Sunday Sunda Sunclay ¬
day da school room with primary prlma depart department department department ¬
ment rooms connected thereto by sliding slidingpartitions slldlngprtJUons slidingpartitions
partitions partitionsBetween prtJUonsBetween partitionsBetween
Between the Sunday Sundnp school and the themain themain themain
main church an arched space Is pro provided provided provided ¬
vided for a a pipe organ which will face facein faceIn facein c
in the church on one side and in the theSunday theSunda th e CSunday
Sunday Sunda school on the opposite side sideNew sideNew sideNew
New Entrances Provided ProvidedXow ProvidedXow ProvidedNew
Xow entrances are provided on the thenorth thoncrth th thncrth o
ncrth to take the place of tho present presententrance presententrance press pressentrance nt t
entrance and also at the center of th thgroup the thegroup thogrc J
group grc > up which will serve as an addClonal addi additional additional 1 ¬
tional entrance to the church and the theentrance theentrance th thentrance e
entrance to the Sunday Sunda schoolIn school schoolIn choolIn
In the present building the class classrooms classr des lrooms s
rooms r Ims which are now separated by the thesliding thosliding t tsliding ho °
sliding partitions will be thrown po pomanently per permanently permanently r ¬
manently into the auditorium and andchoir a achoir achoir 1
choir gallery will be provided in t tsoutheast the thesoutheast thosoutheast he e
southeast corner of the main room roomThe roomThe roomThe
The room will bo refinished and pro provided pro1ded provided 1 ¬
vided with permanent pews arranged arrangedJn arrange arrangein d
In a circular plan Electric lights will willbe willbe wi witi 11 11d 11d
ti be Introduced and the room carpeted carpetedA d dA d 11d I
A new heating plant will be provideof provided providedof d
of steati or hot water for both bull bulllegs build buildings bulldhlgs d ¬
ingsThe hlgsThe legs legsThe
The Improvements are estimated t tcost to tocost tocost 0
cost about 512000 12000 and it Is s expected to tohave tohave t thave 0
have them all ready rend by early fall fallGO fallGO
1 7 7gilT
BUT HE IS ALL AL WRONG 10NGVirginia WRONGVirginia IHO IHOVirginia 1
Virginia Offers Every Attraction o oFineClimate of ofFineClimate ofFineClimate f
FineClimate and Good Society Societyto
t to Eomeseekers EomeseekersHorace H HomeseekersHorace meseekers meseekersHorace
Horace Greoley gave this advico adv advicoso advicosoforty somo somoforty ome omeforty mo o
forty years ago but conditions have havematerially havematerlaUy hay haymaterially e
materially changed since that time The Thepresent Thepresent Th Thpresent e
present West where here land Is cheap has hasvmorved hasmoved h hmoved a s
vmorved moved to the North North rth amid the cold and andvigorous andvigorous an anvigorous ad d
vigorous climate of a long Ion and severe severetwlnter severewlnter severwinter e
winter and also a long way from civ civilization c1v1111zat1on ci ciiilisatfon v ¬
ilization and market Now the wise wiseywould wisewould wl wlwauld s o
ywould would advise the children of those w wstook who whotook ho hotook sho o
took honest Horaces advice to go East BastInstead EastInstead Ea Eainstead rt st
Instead 3f f West as there Is withoutdoubt without a a3oubt n noaoubt
> doubt far better opportunities to make makemoney makemoney m mmoney eke c
money and to enjoy life by buying buyinglands buIDSlands buyln buylnlands S S
lands and making homes where land landcan landcan Ian Iancan d
can be purchased for the low JoO price priceSlo of > If f
Slo 10 to 523 25 per acre within ten to fifty fiftymiles fiftymiles flit y ymiles
miles of Washington city the th Capital Capitalof CapItalof Cap Capof d
of the Nation where one will find findcongenial a acongenial aconirenlal a
congenial climate the year oor round with withgood wIthgood wi wigood h
good society and within roach of t tbest the thebest thebest h ie e
best retail market in the country countrySuch countQSuch countrySuch
Such opportunities are now offeredthe offered to tothe tothe 0
the buyer of homes and farms within withineasy withIneasy with witheasy n r1
easy reach reach of the National Capital CapitalWashington CapitalVn CapitaWashington L
Washington Vn hlngton is growing rapidly with the thenation thellatlon tl tlcation 1e c
nation and the country and these farms farmswithin farmswithin far farwithin ms s
within a radius of fifty miles mUesmust mUesmustgrow milesmugrow must mustgrow st it
grow In value valueMany valueMany alue aluel
Many l > fan of these farms have from cir circumstances circum c ccumstances tr ¬
cumstances cum tnnces been neglected The sons eonsthe of ofthe otthe It
the owners in many cases have obtained obtainedplaces obtalnodplaces dplaces d
places under the Government and the theowners theowners th thowners e
owners have grown old and not able ableto nbleto abl ablto e
to give proper attention to the cultiva cultivation cuIUotlon cultivlion a ¬
lion of their lands These lands wl wlreadily will willreadily w111readily 11
readily Improve under proper treatmenand treatment treatmentand treatmentand tr 11tr
and will yield Ield fine crops There Therefortunes are orefortunes
fortunes to be made on these lands aren i ipoultry in inpoultry Inpoultry n
poultry raising trucking truck InS or fruit cul culture culturt cu cuturn 1 ¬
turn as well as general cropping whichaU whic whicall which whichall h
all can bo sold in the Washington mar markets markets mukets
kets at good prices and make fine re returns returnR r rturns e ¬
turns to the owner then why wh go Weswhich West Westwhich cst cstwhich et t
which Is a long distance from the com ¬
forts of life but instead come East Eastremain or orremain orrtmaln S
remain in inthe the East near the Nation National al
Capital where the enjoyment of life lifeand lifennd lit litand ale e
and a fine climate Is assured and buy bu buthese b bthese
these lands at a low prices and improve improvethem Improvethtm lmpro lmprothem ue e
them by proper cultivation and make ma ice
beautiful and prosperous homes within withina withi withia icen n
a a short distance l tance of Washington WashingtonTWO WashingtonTWO ashlngton ashlngtonTWO
Burgess Parsons builders have se secured secured s scured e ¬
cured the contract for the building of oftwo oftwo oft
two adjoining residences on A street streetbetween streetbeotween t t
between First and Second streets north northeast northeast nort norteast h ¬
east after plans drawn by b Architect ArchitectP A AP Ap
P Clark jr The houses will be erected erectedfor Erectedfor erect erectfor eel
for George E Baldwin and Albert AlbertFleming eelL L LFleming LFleming
Fleming and are estimated to cost about abo aboS7ooo ut
37000 7000 each They are intended to be fin finished finished iii iiifished uta ¬
ished in the best manner and will be behandsome a ahandsome 3 3hand50me
handsome Improvement to the square
Cost Will Approximate 23000 andWill andWill and andWill
Will Furnish Tasteful Dwellings Dwellingsfor Dwellingsfor
for the Locality LocalityThe Loca1ityThe LocalityThe
The ¬
Harry Barr TF Wardman trdman builder has takon takonout takenout i iout
out a permit to build five twostory de detached dotached detached ¬
tached dwellings on Dolaflold street streetwhich streeto streetwhich
which O hlch is on a n part of the recent sub subdivision subt
division of o the Saul tract beyond Mt MtPleasant 11tPleasant
Pleasant PleasantJ PleasantThe
The houses are to be of pebble dash dashand duhnnd
and shingle construction with slate
roofs hardwood finish throughout hot hotwater hotwater hotwater
water heat open plumbing and to oc 00s ocs
copy cup a lot 50x100 feet They Tho will contain containnine containe
nine roms and bath besides a a fine cellar cellarunder ccl1arunder
under the entire houseHe house
He has also secured a permit to build builde
fie houses of the same character charact r onEmerson on onEmerson
Emerson street which is on a part of
Will Erect ThreeStory Brick and andStone andStoneStructure andStone
Stone StoneStructure Structure at 1426 426 New NewYork NewYork NewYork
York Avenue
Real estate men seem to be on themove the thomove them
move m ve Tho latest firm to change location locationf
is that of o R R O OHoltman Holtzman which for fortwentyfive foitwentyfive fOltwentyfive
twentyfive years ears has held forth at tho thocomer thocorner thecorner
corner of Tenth and F streets Tho firm firmhas firmhas firmhas
has contracted with W H EL Turtonbuilder Turton Turtonbuilder Turtonbuilder
builder to erect a 0 threestory threestoI brick and andstone andstone andstone
stone building at 1426 New York avenue avenueo
which will be devoted to Itf own uses useso usese usese
on the ground floor leaving the upper uppere
stories to be rented for office purposes
and already It I is stated that several ap apd
pllcotlonn have been made for rooms roomse
Tho lot has a frontage of twentyfive twentyfivefeet twentyfivefeet
feet with a depth of eighty and the theo
building will 111 cover almost the entire entireo
ground Tho design is of a very ry rich and andhtumontous
harmonious character
The property belongs to the estate of ofc ofe
the late R O Holtzman who with ith a aS
farseeing perception of the ultimate ultimated
movement QT tt business in n that direction
purchased the property about fifteenyears fifteen fif en enY
years ago with a 3 fixed design that hewould he hewould
would some day build upon it and al ala
though he did not accomplish his pur purh purpeso
pose the Idea was never abandoned
Th The list of real estate agents who havelately have havelately haclately
lately moved to this section embraces embracesosuch
osuch such well known names as Stone
Fairfax A F Fox Company Com pan SwartzellRheem Swartzell SwartzellRheem
Rheem Hcnsey who will shortly shortl build b lld llde
upon their new ne lot on Fifteenth street streetArms streets
Arms Drury R R W Walker Son Sonand Sonit
and others who have purchased and andbuilt andbuilt andbuilt
built Improved offices with satisfactory satisfactoryresults satisfactoryresults
results resultsIt
the same subdivision The total cost costwill c08twlJJ costwill
will be in the neighborhood of J60000 560000Ho J60000Ho flO OO OOHo
Ho has also made application for a apermit apermIt apermit
permit to build nine semidetached
houses on Quincy street near n4l near Lr Firth Firthstreet Firthstreet Fifthstreet
street Petwdrth which are to t containHeven contain containneven containtleQn
neven rooms with all modern improve improvements improvemonts improvemonts ¬
monts These houses hou will 111 be of pebble
dash style and finished up in an at ¬
tractive and pleasing Manner The costwill cost costwill costw111
will be approximately approximat I 599000 49000 All of
these tho5 houses are after plans by Archi ¬
tect A H Beers who has given special specialcare specIalcare specialcare
care and attention to the many man demits demitsrequired datallsrequired detailsrequired
required in dwellings of this character
It is expected these houses will be becompleted becompleted
completed In the fall by which time the
Capital Traction cars will be running I
near to them
Hugo Worch Planning to Erect Four FourStory Fo FoStory FourStory
Story Structure at No NoTIIO NoUIO
TIIO G G Street
Hugo Worch the music dealer will willerect w1l1erect willerect
erect a a fourstory foor8to building at 1110 Gstreet G Gstreet Gstrtafter
street strtafter after plane drawn by Architect ArchitectB Architect ArchitectB
B Frank Meyers which will be ready readyfor readyfor readyfor
for occupancy next ne winter The lot has hasa has hasa hasa
a frontage of 26 feet by a depth of US USfeet 118feet 11Sfeet
feet feetThe feetThe feetThe
The construction will be of light brick brickwith brickIth
with Ith granite trimmings The front of ofthe orthe ofthe
the building will be almost entirely > p of ofplate oCplate ofplate
plate elass set s t in copper copper frames Cram g whichwiIr which whichwill whIchwllr
will give an elaborate opportunity for forthe forthe forthe
the display dl play of pianos Light enamel enameland cnamlland enameland
and mahogany will tll be used as the in interior interior interior ¬
terior with floors of white maple mapleMr mapleMr mapleMr
Mr Worch will occupy the entire entirebuilding enUrebuUdinS entirebuilding
building for his own business the first firstfloor firstfloor firstfloor
floor making a handsome hand ome show room roomwhile roomwhile roomwhile
while the second will be used as musicroom music musicroom musicroo
room roo in for recitals The upper floors will willbe willbe
be set apart for the th display dl pla of variousmakes various variousmakes arlousmakes
makes of o musidcal instruments and andwork andwork andwork
work rooms The estimated cost is
30000UNIQUE 30000 30000UNIQUE 30000UNIQUE
FOR A SUBURBAN HOMEConnecticut HOME HOMEConnecticut HOMEConnecticut
Connecticut Avenue Avt > nue Highlands is soonto soon soonto soonto
to have a twostory cottage of most mostunique mostunlqucdoslgn mostunique
unique unlqucdoslgn design after plans drawn by b blIarry
Harry Barton of the Supervising Arch Architects ArchItects Architects ¬
itects Office of the Treasury for Mrs MrsWinnctte MrsWlnnette MrsVlnnettc
Winnctte Stokes Arnold Arnol It is to be belocated belocated belocated
located at 3405 Ashley Terrace and will willcost willcost willcosta
cost costa approximately 8000 8000 000 The Building Buildingand Bundlngnnd Buildingand
and Supply uCorporation Corporation have secured securedthe 8 securedthe cured curedthe
the contract for Its Itsconstructlon construction
I Beautiful Acreage Acreagen
450 feet above Washington One car ticket to any part of town townOn toirnOn totrnOn
On the Great Falls alls and Old Dominion Electric Railroad
Superb SuperbViews Views Excellent Surroundings Surroundings8room
8room room house large barn 4 4 chicken houses and 2 acres of ofground ore
ground large grove of oaks and chestnuts chestnutsSI
SI 1260 I25 250 Cash f fSI
SI 1600 500 On Terms TermsRemember TermsL
R Remember member one car c > ar ticket to town townConsider townConsider townConsider
Consider the developments going on in this section sectionThe sectionThe
The above properties represent the best values salnesto to be had around aroundWashington aroundt
Washington WashingtonN lrashlngtonN
i1J 71921 ° 1 18th St y W W
Washington Sanitary Improve Improvement Improvemeet mprtv mprtvmont
mont Company has taken out n permit permitfor permittor permitfor
for the building of three t ree twoMer twoMerbrick two tWOMGI9 tWOMGI9brlek stoxy stoxybrick
brick dwellings at SW205 P Pstit street t north northwest northw northwest ¬
w west t at a cost eo t of 11501 11501It I1iOOIt 11607It
It has also secured secur 4 aflpw aperert ntS tli to build buildthree butldtbr buildthree
three tbr houses of the same sam sa ne class cla at t 2Q 2Q3M 2W Qj QjM
3M M Bates street northwest norUnv8St intfrieiitaialy intfrieiitaialyaround lhunefllat ininieilaslyaround l laround
around the corner which 1I1eI are ar r4 astbnted astbntedto estlrntttedto 6tf t ed edto
to cost about the same sum sumThe sumThe sumThe
The plans have been furnished by byorebltect
Architect Appleton P Clark and repre reprercnt repront reprerent
rent nt a class of house which hJch KIM bec be bec becme
c cme Mme > me very popular in that neighborhood neighborhoodThey neIghborhoodThe neighlarhoodThey
They The will hav ha have all the modern conveni conveniences convenlencps conveniences ¬
ences and will be built in the most mostsubstantial mostsubstantial mostsubstantial
substantial manner Thomas H Mel Melton Melton 181 181ton
ton has secured the contract to build buildthem buildthem buildthem
them arid l d will have them ready for foroccupancy teroccupanc foroccupancy
occupancy during the late summon summonBUSINESS summorBUSINESS summerBUSINESS
Th The rapid march of business along alongThirteenth alongThirteenth alongThirteenth
Thirteenth street northwest northO est is again againstrikingly aga1nstrikingly againstrikingly
strikingly Illustrated by b the remodeling remodelingof
of dwellings 730 and 732 between G and andH andH andH
H streets which after plans made by byMarsh byMArsh byMarsh
Marsh Peter architects archttoc are being beingconverted beingconverted beingconverted
converted into stores with apartments apartmentsabove npanmentsaboe apartmentsabove
above Tho houses are of the old fash fashioned fAshl fashioned ¬
ioned l ned sloping roof style arid are among amongthe amongthe amongthe
the few remaining ones on that squarewhich square squarewhich squarewhich
which have ha e net before b tore given way W3 to tobusiness tobusln tobusiness
business busln purposes The owner R R D DJewett DJowc DJowett
Jewett Jowc t has recognised rccognlz d the Increasing Increasingdemand IncreMlngdemand increasingdemand
demand for stores in that neighborhood neighborhoodHnd
and will 11l expend about 512000 in making
the Improvements Builder ullder Charles H HLangley lL lLLangIe HLangley
Langley has the contract for the work
Architect George eorgeOa Oakley l y Tptten Jr Has Designed One Onefor Onefor Onefor
for for Minister Minister Christian Christian Hauge at Comer Massachu Massachusetts Massachusetts Massachusetts ¬
setts Avenue A venue and Twentyfourth Street
The contract has 1f just been beennwil nwiirded nwiirdedfor awzu d ded dedfor d
for the erection of the new home for forthe forthe forthe
the Norwegian legation le DUon It Is not often oftenthat Qrt oftenthat n nthat
that an architect has such an Interest Interestins JnterestInS interesting
ins problem and for such agreeable agreeablepeople agreeablepeople agreeablepeople
people as the Minister and Mme Imo Hauge HaugcTho HaugeTho HaugeThe
Tho site upon uPon which the building Is to tobe tobe tobe
be erected Is an Irregular one with
91 feet on Massachusetts MnBSll husetts avenue and andC andfL j jG5
G5 C feet on Twentyfourth Twont3 > rourth street thus of offering offering offering ¬
fering an exceptional opportunity for a apicturesque apicturesque apicturesque
picturesque treatment of plan and fa facado taeadt facade
cado cadoThe eadtTtt cadeTae
The building will b be bf four stories In Inheight inheJght inheight
height on the first floor will be recep receptloi receptiO1 recepttot
tloi rooms and the offices of the lega legation legation legation ¬
tion and garage on the second floor floorthe fioorthe floorthe
the main salon dining room library libraryetc I1braryetc libraryetc
etc the third and fourth stories will willcontain wlIlcontain willcontain
contain the bedrooms bedroomsThe bedroomsThe bedroomsThe
The plan Is Ingenious In arrangement arrangementand arrangementand arrangementand
and offers unexpected and Interesting Interestingvistas InterestlnEvistas Interestingvistas
vistas in all directions directionsThe dlrectJonsTho directionsThe
The offices and reception rooms of o the thefirst thefirst thefirst
first floor will bo simple In treatment treatmentbut troatmeptbut treatmeptbut
but the rooms of the second floor will willI wUl wUlbo willbe
I bo qulto elaborate The dining room roomwill roomwUl roomwill
will be richly rlch1 wainscoted in oak with witha
a n large carved stone and marble fire fireplace fireplaco fireplace ¬
place at one end nd The side walls of
Ground Ground Broken at t Intersection of Cham Champlain Chunplain Champlain
plain Avenue and Buildings to Be BeFinished BeFinished BeFinished
Finished Next FalL FalLLittleton FalLL1ttlet FallLittleton
Littleton L1ttlet n W Walker has commenced commencedthe commonooothe commencedthe
the erection of twenty threestory brick brickdwellings brickdwelUDfs brickdwellings
dwellings on Columbia road and C1um1 Champlain Cham Champtain C1um1plain
plain avenue after plans made by M MD MD MD
D Honsey H nsey architect Th The aggregate aggregatecost aggregateC05t aggregatecost
cost will be about JGXOOO OIJ and It is in intended Intended intended ¬
tended to have rn th them m ready for occu occupancy ooeupaCy eocupancy ¬
pancy pancy by by next fall fallThe tllThe fallThe
The houses will be of red brick with withstone withstone withstone
stone trimmings and porches of cement cementand cementand cementand
and stone and are intended to 1 be of a acharacter aclulraclQr achitr
character chitr eter to 1 make them an attractive attractiveImprovement attractiveimprdvement I
ImPrdVement to the locality 1 1ty They They will willcontain willcontain
contain ten rooms and reception hall halland halland haltand I
and be fitted with all the modern de devices devices devices ¬
vices for convenience and comfort comfortNEAT comfortNEAT I INEAr
W A Hfcnderson has taken tak n out a a per permit permit permit ¬
mit to build two twostory brick dwell dwellings dwellIngs dwellings ¬
ings at 299 and 232 Z Eighth street south southeast southeast southeast ¬
east The plans were drawn by byArchIteot byArchIteotWIlliam ArchitectWilliam Architect ArchitectWilliam
William J Palmer who has Introduced Introducedsome Introouoedsome lntroduoedsome
some novel features feetur that will 111 appoal ap to tothe totbe tothe
the homeseeker hom seeker for their thelrutiltt utility The Theestimated Theoatlmatd Theestimated
estimated cost Is 7000 and the con cntract contract I Itract ¬
tract has been given to Joseph J oseph S SIOlds Rey Reynolds Re Reholds ¬
holds whose work in that section Uon of tbocity ibo ibocity tbncity
city has met mf > t with great approval approvalCOLUMBIA approve1COLUMBIA approvalCOLUMBIA
E S Newman lewman Is having built for tint rjmseK tintself iin iinsetf
self a a handsome residence at the e rarnes rarnesof < orno ornoof rnol rnolHarvfrd >
of Harvard and Thirteenth sheets sre ts Columbia Co Columbia C Clunb ¬
lumbia lunb Heights Holg tJI after plane drawn by byArchitect b bArchltN byArchitect
Architect t George P Hales The design designIs
Is J3 J se > newhat original and picturesque picturesqueand picturesqueand picturesqueand
and the Interior arrangement Is a de departure departure departure ¬
parture in many ways from the th usual usualplan usualpIano usualplan
plan pIano of city houses The cost is esti estimated estimated sU sUmated ¬
mated at 7000 700 + U00 and the contract has been been1ven
given 1ven to Burgess BurgE s Parsons
7750 7750LOOK
I 1733 = 35 = 45 = 47 T STREET NW NWi
i i il ilI
f i I i
r > n nI
7 L n nI
I 15 o Net investment investmentThreestory
Threestory cellar and attic attlc11 11 rooms 2 large tiled bath rooms roomshot roomshotwater roomshotwater
hot hotwater water heat The rent of each building Is S 756 56 per year Let us showyou show showyou showyou
1414 1414F F St N WExclusive WExclusive W WExclusive
Exclusive Agents Agentsv
the salon will be enriched by pilasters pilastersand pilastersand pilastersand
and carved panels between which willbehung will2e will willbe
be behung hung rich r ch imported stuffs The The mantel man mantel mantCl ¬
tel will be of white marble and Is be being beIng being ¬
ing made especially e clally In Paris This roomwill room roomwill roomwill
will be 20x40 x4Q feet feetPerhaps feetPerhap feetPerhaps
Perhaps the most interesting Intcr ting room will wHIbe wmbe willbe
be the library The suggestion for the thetreatment thetreatment thetreatment
treatment of this eras < ras as found in anelaborately an aaelaborately anelaboratpy
elaborately carved set of furniture whichthe which whichthe whichth
the th minister recently bought in Flor Florence Florcnct Florence ¬
ence Taking T k1ng the carving as asa a motivethe motive motivethe motivethe
the entire 1tire room Is to be wainscoted wainscoted In Inthe 1nt inthe
the t he same style st3 > le with enriched panelsThe panels panelsThe panelsThe
The mantel in strict tTlct keeping with the theroom thoroom theroom
room will also be made in FlorenceThe Florence FlorenceThe F1 rence renceThe
The main staircase wll wIll be of o white whitemarble whitemarble whitemarble
marble and the balustrade of wrought wroughtiron wroughtIron wroughtiron
iron ironThe Ironl1he
The entry exterior will be of Indianaameatone Indiana Indianalimestone IndlanJm1t
limestone m1t ne and is in n the chateaux style styleof st styleof le leof
of the the period of Louis XH There will willof willbe willbe
be a circular tower at t the Int Intersection Intersectionof ectlon ectlonor
of Massachusetts Mae ae uaetts avenue and Twenty Twentyfourth Twentyfourth wenly wenlytourth
fourth Ht street tre t Th The many balconies conlQs the thesteep thet thesteep <
steep t slate roof the richly carved carvedcornice canedcornice carvedcornice
cornice and the pleasing irregularities irregularitiesof
of the two street fronts will all lend tomake to tomake tomake
make this another of the attractive and andinteresting andlnterestlns andInteresting
interesting houses hou t be > f Washington
Residence for Harrington Mills Designed De Designed Deslgned ¬
signed by Washington Architects ArchitectsWill ArchitectsWill ArchitectsWill
Will Attract Attention AttentionExcavating AttentionExcavating AttentionExcavating
Excavating has begun for a handsomeresidencc handsome handsomeresidence handsomercslden
residence rcslden which Wood ood Donn Deming Domingarcbltc Demingarc Demingarcbtets
arc arcbtets arcbltc te ts have designed for Herring Herrington Harrington Harrlngton ¬
ton 3ufJls on Connecticut avenue near nearthe nearthe nearthe
the ctor C < or of R street that will be of ofa ofa o oa f
a very striking and attractive char character character character ¬
acterThe acter acterThe acterTbestylo
The Tbestylo style ofthe of tho heuso is of the modfled mod modified mcxUfied ¬
fied colonial with fth a high English base basement basement basemeat e ¬
ment built of stone and brick k with withtrimmings wItht withtrimmings
trimmings t mrn1ngs of the iam dame an kIrSLf kI f Running Runningacross Runningacross Runnln Runnlnacross g
across the the entire front rro front4 t Srthe af rthe the first firststory firststoQ firs firsstory t
story is a curiously wrought iron balus balustrade blustrade balustrade ¬
trade while iron window guards of thesame the thesama thesame
same d dl donign < jsign 1gn give it very much the ap appearan4 apperne a apearan
pearan4 pearan e of an English dwelLng A Agalvanized A6aivaaized Agah1
galvanized gah1 iron dormer and roof roc trim trimmingy trlmmmsv trimmingv
mingy carry rI out the idea in its mostexprea most mostexpress mostcxpret
express = re f e sense senseThe l senseThe > eftSEl eftSElThe
The iterlor erlor of the house will willtreat4o be betreatjo betreatCk
treatjo in the most exclusive manner mannerwith mannrSth mannerwith
with Sth mantles of special design whilein while whileIn whIJeIn
In the first story the use of poplar poplarwoods poplarwoods poplarwoods
woods with Ith an ivory finish will give givelightness a alightness alightness
lightness and delicacy most agreeable agreeablein
in appearanceThe appearance appearanceThe appearanceThe
The drawing dra Vein I room will be of the theFrench theFrench theFrench
French type while the dining room will willbe w1l1be willbe
be of t a a heavier colonial style The Thestairway Thestairway Th Thstairway e
stairway will be flanked by two ornateIy ornate ornately ornate1y ¬
ly cart < pillars with a a resting place placebetweer placebetweer pl plbetweer ace
betweer betweer them The basement arrange arrangement arrangement ¬
ment provides rovldes a suite to be used for foroffice toromce fo fooffice r
office purposes with a billiard room and andother andother an another d
other details of a complete residence residenceThe resldonceThe residenceThe
The building is s being Ing erected by M S SSpencer SSpencer SSpencer
Spencer and will be ready ref h for occupancy occupancynext occupancyD6Xt occupancynext
next winter
Fifteenth Fift enth Street Between H and t tstreets Xstreets Ystreets
streets Slowly changing ItsResidential its itsResidential ItsResidential
Residential Character CharacterSlowly Cha CharacterSlowly acter acterSIOowly
Slowly but surely changes are am creep creepup cree creeup creeplao creeplaoup
up Fifteenth street and the handsome handsomeresidences handsomeresldQncea handsomerosld0nces
residences which hlch a few years tears ago ago were wereoccupied weraoccuplGd wereoccupied
occupied by some IIo of the most rm > st prominent prominentpeople promJ1entpeople prominentpeople
people o the city are now being con converted converted on onerted ¬
verted erted into buUlngs bu lngs for office purposesThe purposes purposesThe s sThe
The square located between H Hand and andstreets and I Iatnsets Lstreets
streets tas l as finally siocumbod s to the de demands demands demands ¬
mands o o business and but few of theolder the thoolder theolder
older residents remain The house 823whIch 823 523which 23 23which
which was long known as the Swan SwanHouse SwanHouse SwamHouse
House from being the residence residence of Mrs MrsSwan MrsSwan Inr InrSwan
Swan of Maryland and which whichIs whichIs wblchis
Is tho property of Major Maj > r T B Ferguson FerpasonIs
Is now undergoing re repairs a1S at a cost 0 0UOOO
52000 2000 and will In a ashort short time be beadapt beadapted adapted adapt adapted ¬
ed for business uses The old Chamber1n Chamber ChamberUn Ch rober roberUn
Un Club House adjoining and whlchf whlchfhas whlc whlchas whichlhas
has entertained many of the leading men menot meaof menof
of both continents Is likely Ikel soon to bo boconverted 00onverted beconverted
converted onverted Into an office building leaving leavingbut 1e leavingbut v1Ds v1Dsbut
but one residence on that square squareGEORGETOWN squareGEORGETOWN SquareGEORGETOJN
John Koady Is having his two frame framehouses framehouses ratnAJ
houses on M street near thirtyfifth thirtyfifthstreet thirtyfttthstreet thirtyfifthstreet
street demolished preparatory to the
erection of several stares on the site siteJohn siteJohn siteJohn
I John Beale has sole 6Qiato to Frederick ALinger A ALinger ALinger
Linger through J JMclsenney McKenney Berry Berryagent Berryagent Berryagent
agent the threestory bay window windowbrick w1ndo w1ndobrick wlndoebrickdwelling
brick brickdwelling dwelling 1212 T street northwest northwestHarry northwestthe northwestthe
the price rice pt p d being 5000 5000Harry OOO OOOHarry
Harry T Palmer vas > as sold OId his houseat house houseat hOU5 hOU5at
at the northeast northe st corner of Thirtythird Thirtythirdand Thirtythirdand
and Prospect streets northwest and andpurchased andpurcbsed andpurchased
purchased houses 233 2 S 240 242 L and 244 244Fortyfirst mFortfirst 14 14Fortyfirst
Fortyfirst street Tenleytowu D CSamuel C CBsmucl CSamuel
Samuel Pusey has purchased from froniJames fromJamos frontJames
James I L Owens wens the old Mitchell home homestead homestead homestead ¬
stead 3231 N street northwest and is isbavin Isha1ug s shaving
bavin having same thoroughly remodeled remodet d pre preparatory preparatory preparatory ¬
paratory to his occupying same Thisvas This Thiswas Thiswas
was was the Lime for many man years of thelate the thelate thelete
late John ohn 2 T Mitchell MitchellThe MltchelIThe IlltchellThe
The old FurgusoH house on the westside west westsWt We6tsid
sid side of Thirtyfourth street just above aboveO
O street has been sold and the new newowner Dewowner
owner is putting the property la goodshape good goodshape Goodshape
shape The title to this property has hasbeen hasbeen hasbeen
been tied up for some years but the thesame thesame thesame
same was straightened out some SO some l weeksago weeks weeksago weeksago
ago by a tax sale sateThe saleThe
The deed was placed on record yester yesterday Yterd yesierdaywherebyFrank ¬
daywherebyFrank day d whereby Frank McClelland McCleliandrepresent McCleliandrepresenting represent representing repre ent entIne ¬
ing Ine the syndicate at t the t e Washington WashingtonGas 1 blDgton blDgtonGas
Gas Companys office which owns soy several S SI ¬
eral parcels of real estate in George Georgetown Georgtown Georgetown ¬
I town conveyed to Raphael A CsHear CsHearth
th t property on Thirtysecond Thlrty nd streetknown street streetknown streeI
known as part of let 9 square 124 L4I 1242 be being beIng being ¬
I ing Improved by bJ the two business prop properties proDcrtle5 propCrites ¬
erties ia niii ta57 T and 1380 Thirtysecond street streetnorthwest streetI streetnorthwest
northwest n ort west The property property has a frontage frontageof tronta ge geo i
of o of 40 0 feet on Thirtysecond street tre t by adepth a adepth a ade
I depth de th of 130 and contains 5269 square squarefeat squareteot squarefoot
feat Though the consideration was not notnamed notI notnamed
named in the deed it t Is understood that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the property brought a good figure figurePRETTY figurePRETTY figurePRETTY
G E Held will build for D D Ix Lore Loreat Lor Lorat > re reat
at South Dakota avenue and Brentwood Brentwoodread BrentwoodTCIM
read after designs by Architect G C CRyan CRyan C CRyas
Ryan a atwoveto twostory frame dwelling at an anestimated ancsUmatod d
estimated cost of 53000 oc The location on ona ona
a corner admits of o some wide latitude latitudein latItuc latItucIn
in the exterior arrangement which the thearchitect thearchltect thearchitect
architect has been careful to fully de develop develop devolop ¬
velop giving a house of very erJ neat and andattractive andattracUe andattractive
attractive a ajrwsarance pearance rance
I r
i Tt Seat i Pleasant f fi
i Heights fleightsI
I A high picturesque and conven conveneiently conveniently convent ¬
t iently situated suburb of Washington WashingtonAn
An ideal home section where proper property property ¬
ty is steadily increasing in value valueMost valueI valueMost
I Most Desirable Lots Offered Offeredi
i AT
i 50 0 to 125 Each EachPayable EachPayable Eachi
Payable 2 Cashand Cash Cashand
I and 2 Per Month MonthOne
I One fare on the Chesapeake Chesap ake Beach Beach cars pays paysfor paysi Pa + s c
i for a trip to Seat Pleasant Heights Heigr1 which is is right at atthe atthe atDistrict
the thespot District line The highest and most attractive attractivespot attractivespot
spot in ilf Prince George county Plenty of shade on onthe oni onthe
i the property and an abundant supply of pure water wateravailable wateravailable wateravailable
available availableRide availableI availableRide
i j
I 1 Ride out any time today and view this beau beautiful heauI ¬
1i I tiful o f ul subdivision Our representatives s will willgladly l
I ogladly gladly show you around and give VGU y = u any de desired desired desired ¬
sired information informationJohn
I II I John J h E Morrison MorrisonF M OrrISOn Adana Resident ResidentOrrISOn
anage anageFSCarmodyCo gr grrs e
F FSCarmodyCo FSCarmodyCoI rs S Carmody Co CoOwners Cowners
I Owners Own wners rs 1413 G St N W