OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, July 02, 1906, Last Edition, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1906-07-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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The he RevMrEaston in Strong StrongAddress StrongAddress StrongAddress
Address Cries Cri s U Be BeAmericans BeAmericans BeAmericans
Americans AmericansDENOUNCES AmericansDE
Sounds Warning Note Against Deeds uDeedsof Deedsof Decdof s
of Sham and Wickedness Which WhichWill WhichWill WhichWill
Will Bring Republics Downfall
Dr Thomas C Boston pastor of the theEastern theEnstern th thEastorn I
Eastern Presbyterian Church at the co conor cor corner cornpr ¬
npr of Sixth street and Maryland avenue avenuenortheast aycnuonortheast avenu avenunortheast e I
northeast delivered a Fourth of July Julyaddress Julynddrcss Jul Juladdress r
address to his congregation yesterday yesterdaymercilessly yostcrdamcrclleJBly yesterdaymercilessly
mercilessly flaying national wrongdoln wrongdolnand wrongdotnand wrongdoings wrongdoingsand s I
and warning all 11 true Americana to wor worfor work workfor worktor k
for better Americanism AmericanismWe Americanisme AmericanismWe
We e actual Americans he declared declaredwith dcclnredwith declaredwith
with our aping of oldworld customs customsand customsRnd customsand
and Its effete aristocracy here and our ourvulgar ourulgar owvulgar r
vulgar demagogism there and our shal shallow shallow shatlow ¬
low boastfulness everywhere overy whero our tolera toleration tolemtion toleration ¬
tion of public wrongs and scandals now nowand nowand nowand
and our Inordinate haste hnst to be rich rIchwe rIchweactual richwactual wo woactual °
actual Americans n arfcans seem hardly more like likethe Hketho lik likthe °
the godly god ideal than the actual Jew of ofthe oCthe o othe f
the days of Isaiah seemed like that Ideal IdealSon IdealSon IdeaSon I
Son of DavidDr David DavidDr DavidDr
Dr Easton then proceeded to give givedetail In Indetail IndetalI n
detail an unsoftened un oCtened picture of those thosethings thosethIngs thus thusthings °
things of which he disapproved saylnjr saylnjrScores snyInlScores snyingScores
Scores Business Methods MethodsIf MethodsuIt
uIt If It should prove true and I fear it itwill Itwill f Ii Iiwill t
will prove too true that there are cer certain certain certame ¬
tain busines rn tlods tl ods in America and andcertain andcertain an ancertain d 1
certain proposed legislation olIatlon eI IatIon that tend ten to tobuild tobuild t tbuild
build up private irUvidual Ir vk1ual fortunes at atthe atthe a athe t t
the expense of the th public credit that thatgreat thatgrea tha thaget tt t
great grea corporations shall baU accumulate for fortunes torunes fortunes ¬
tunes unes at the expense of the health of the thecitizens thecitizens th thcitizens e
citizens by tainted meat that for po political political poUtica ¬
litical reasons we shall wink at tho thoexistence thoexlstenco th thexistence e
existence of a gross prostitution of vir vlrtue virtue 11 11tue ¬
tue and foster Mormonism that the thepress thepress th thpress e
press of the nation shall become becomemuckrake a amuckrake amuckrake
muckrake to dish dl h out all 11 the crime an anbloody and andbloody andbloody d I Ishall
bloody orgies of the county country every ever ever three threehours thre threhours °
hours or that our State Legislatures Legislaturesshall LeglslaturCBshal1 es OJ
shall be merely mlrel tho nests of bribe takers takersIf takersIf takenIf esa a B OJB
If these things be true they are th thdeeds the thedeeds thedpeds e
deeds of shame and wickedness that will willhasten wJl1hasten wilhasten 1
hasten the downfall of any An republic republicThat republicThat republicThat
That the simple republicanism o of th thfounders the thefounders thefounders e
founders of the nation should give pine pineto place placeto placeto e
to rsfc r a k l Imperialism and stern autocratic autocraticdictation autocFatlcdlcULIon autocyatidictrtlon c
dictation that holds a whole Congress In Inbondage Inbondage i ibondage n 1
bondage unto fear IB a a most deplorable deplorablefact dplorablefact deplorablfact e I 1I
fact one which hlch has disgraced dl raced the he session sessionof s lon lonof n 1 Iof
of Congress just closedFine closed closedFine CIOHdFine
Fine Dress and Pleasure Seeking SeekingConsider SeekingCo8Ider SeekingCosider
Consider too in our own city her herthe here e t
the rage for fine dress and jewelry and andtheatergoing andthEAtergolng an antheatergoing ed d
theatergoing pleasuremongering an anbetting and andbetting nndbfot d 1
betting bfot tlng on on the races rn s and the habit of ofborrowing orborrowing o oborrowing if r
borrowing from the Shylocks Sliy locks at enor enormous enormous enormous ¬
mous rates of usury to keep up the fast fastpace t3 t3pace tali talipace t
pace Think oC the large Washington Washingtoncontingent lVashlngtoncontingent Washingtocontingent ia l
contingent In the MoundsvUle peniten penitentiary penitentiary penitenUary i ¬
tiary and it IK is still on the increase Incre se it itsole its itssole ItsHOleoaU8e s
sole HOleoaU8e cause being the extravagance the thefast thefHst th thfast e1 e
fast living livln and the gambling mania 0 ocur of ofcur 0cur f f r
cur young men menThen menThen menThen
Then we see the mad infatuation to topossess toposStu t tpossess
possess a title and nd to Join with the th e e
destiny of some debauched duke or pen penniless pennIless pennless i ¬
niless depraved prince and the ma marace mad madrace madrace < t
race all over Europe to catch some somesenseless somestn som somsenseless e
stn senseless ele s bankrupt dude whose grand J > r8nd
fa father ther wore a star upon his breast L
See also the wild passion of rich mens menssons menssons men meneons 3
sons to be allied with some star actress
uThe These e things are the indexes of the thepresent thopr th thpresent
pr present nt state of the peoples minds mindsContinuing mindsContinuing mindsContinuing
Continuing he h declared declaredPeoples declaredPeoples declaredPeoples
Peoples Worst Sin SinThe SinThe SinThe
The worst sin of our ur people that can canbe canbe ca cabe n 1
be justly ju t1 charged against utaln t them Is the theIdle th thIdle thidle 1C c
Idle and criminal Indifference to publiduty public publicduty publicdut ic c
duty dutyDr dut dutyDr
Dr Easton Ens ton concluded with the argu argument argument argument ¬
ment that the possibilities of a great greatAmerica greatAmerica Brea BreaAmerica t
America in the future are so unlimited unlimitedthat unlimitedthat unlimltethat d
that It It18 Is sin for her people to lndulgIn indulge indulgein e
in such sins and frivolities as he de desrrioed deser d dsrroed c
srrioed ser oed He admonished his hearers hearerstliat hearersthnt hearerthat cs s s
that the only onl thing to do was WD to pray prayto prayto pra prato Y
to God that He through the Church o oGod of ofGod oCG f
God G I might turn the minds of all me meto men mento mento 1
to higher and better things He praye prayed prayedfor prnedfor d 1
for a higher national spirit an J thereby therebya thereb thereba
a more resplendent re8p1trtd nt national aeslmy aee1in ueaany for fo r
America AmericaDr AmericaDr AmrlcnDr
Dr Thomas Chalmers Easton was wa s s
horn In Jedburgh Roxburghshire Scot ¬
land and was 8S educated in the Scotc Scotcunlver Scotch Scotchuniversities ScotchunlvCTsltles h 1
unlver universities sltles receiving In 1S6S the de degree degee ¬
gree Delolt gee of A M In this country from fro
Beloit College WJ Wisconsin con ln Ho began be a n 1
his hi ministry In the Congregational CongregationalChurch CongregatlonnlChUJch Cengr egatlon egatlonhutch 1
Church hutch at Glastonbury Glastonbur Conn in 1S61 1S61and 18611 1861and
and was for several years l rs pastor of ofthe or orI o r t 1
I the th First Reformed Church at Now No w
Brunswick N J Jtor JLatr JLater
Later he WitS for nine years the pas
tor of the Calvary Presbyterian Presbytt > rIan Church h
San Francisco Cal CalFOUR CalFOUR
SOUTH BEND Ind July 3ul 2Runnln 2Runnlnthirtylive 2 Running Runningthirtyfive Runningthlrtfi
thirtyfive thlrtfi miles an hour an automobile automo automobile automobill ¬
bile owned and driven by Postmaster PostmasterD PoetmastoD r r
D A Shaw of MIshawaka Ind turn turnover turned turnedover turnedor 1
over three tlm times < > s at Osceola severely soverel soverelinjuring Y yo
Injuring atr Shaw and the three othe otheoccupants other otheroccupants otheroccupants Yn Yr r
occupants of the car Mrs J A Win Winanal Wlnn Wlnnand nn nnanll n
and Mr 1r and Mrs Ies S W Schuylcr Schu er it Is Issaid Issa1 h hsaid s J
said sa1 that the accident was caused b bthe by Y r Jr
the failure of the tl1 steering gear to work workat workat won t Cat
at a a curve in the road roadONE roadONE roadONE
CHICAGO July 2 When When converted convertedinto convertedInto convertointo d 1
into a torch by b an explosion of gas on onthe onthe o othe rr 1
the launch Topsy Tops a mile from Summfon Summit Summiton t
on the drainage canal William mam J Ott Otttwentynine Otttwent Ot Ottwentynine
twentynine twent nlne years old Jumped Into the thewater thewater th thwater
water and was drowned Three com companions camI cornpanfons ¬
I panions two of whm whm were thrown thrownInto throwrinto thro throinto wr
Into the water by b y the explosion clung clun clunto s
to the sides of tho boat and were res rescued rescued r rcued ¬
cued From the moment Ott entered tho thowater thowater th thwater 0
water he was not seen by his hl com companions companions cornpanions ¬
panionsWEDDING panions panionsWEDDING panionsvVEDDING
LONDON I NDON July 2 2A A wedding present presentexchange presente presenexchange t
exchange e change bureau has been established establishedIn establlshcn d 1
In n London to remove a a botheration botherationto
to which most nowly married coupleare couples couplesare couplcsare s
are subjoct The enterprise Is due t ttwo to totwo totwo 0 J
two young oung society soclot men who being beingyounger beingoungor beln I Iyeungor
younger sons arc seeking some ome profit profitable profitablo profitable ¬
able occupation Just now the height heightof heighof t
of tho wedding season they are doing doingbusy a abusy ta abusy 1
busy trade tradeToo tradeToo tradeToo
Too much silverware duplicate dinner dinnerservices dl dhneservices ner nerservices r r
services and superfluous articles of all allkinds al alkinds 1
kinds are received from young wedded weddedpeople weddedp d I I
1 people p ple who may choose something they theyhavent thCYbGent the Y
p havent got among the other people peoplepresents peoples peoplespresents peoplesprescnt a
presents The business is one which re requires reQulre requlrez ¬
quires qulrezLuca tsct Luca tand and nice adjustment o ovalues of ofvalues otvalue9 f
but the t
values aristocratic agents man manage mnn8e mangage ¬
gage I age to please > > eas all their clients j
Fire Orb Leaps From Sky SkyAwes SkyI SkiAwes
Awes River River Excursionists ExcursionistsCelestial Excursionists ExcursionistsCelestial I
Celestial Visitor Drops From Zenith Shoots ShootsToward ShootsToward ShootsToward
Toward Horizon Leaving Blazing Trail Trailand Tr Trailand iI iIand
and Bursts Into Spray of Light
River excursionists returning from fromdownriver fromr fromdownriver
downriver points on the steamer St StJohns StJohns StJohns
Johns Friday FrIda night witnessed a ccles cclestlil celesthl cclestisl
tlil phenomenon The big bl steamer with withIts withIto withits
Its Ito 3000 passengers was proceeding up upriver uprlvor
river under full head of steam the themoon thomoon ih ihmoon o
moon casting Its rays on the broad ex expanse QXpanse oxpanse ¬
panse of water while hUe the band aboard aboardmade aboardmade aboar aboarmade d
made sweet music Everybody washappy was washappy washappy
happy and having a good time enjoyinthe enjoying enjoyingthe enjoylnJtho g
the cooling breeze that swept the boat boatWhen boathcn boatWhen
When hcn Just opposite the mouth of Four FourMile FourMllc FourMile
Mile Run where Is s located Luna Park Parkwith ParkI Parkwith
with Its thousands of arc and Incan Incandescent Ineanr ¬
descent lights appearing as a a city of offire otfiro oftire
fire a great ball of fire about the slzo slzoof
of a football leaped from the zenith zenithand 2cnlthand
and fallln falling at an angle anJl of something somethinglike BomcthlnUke eomcthinlike S
like 45 degrees swept with the rapidity rapidityof rapiditof y
of lightning toward tho horizon outllned outlin outlined outl1ncd ¬
ed In the dim shadowy distance by the theVirginia theVlr
Virginia Vlr lnla hills on the south shore of tho thoPotomac thoPotomac thePotomac
Left Trail of Fire FireIt FireIt FireIt
It behind It t a broad trail of fire and andlight andlIht
11 light ht like tho tail of a comet of the thefirst the1Irst th th11rst a
first class When hcnncar near the line of the thehorizon theI th e
horizon the mass of fire exploded scat scattering scntterinJ scattaring ¬
tering tho fragments of the meteor to tothe totho tothe
the four points of the compass clvlng clvlngforth sIvln lvlngforth g
forth a brilliant light similar to t that thatfollowing thatfollowIng thatfollovving
following the bursting of the large largebombs largebombs lnrg lnrgbombs e
bombs thrown Into tho air by siege siegemortars siegemortars siegemortars
mortars or at a fireworks display displayThe displayt displayThe
The meteor appeared in the shape or ora ora o oa f
a large projectile the sharp or pointed pointedend
end falling foremost The pointed end ondof ontlor endof i
of tho meteor wog w of a brilliant white whiteelectric whitelcptric lIt lItt e
electric ele trIc arclight color while tho ho othet othetPrivate othett othetWAR
Private in the Philippines PhilippinesWrites PhilippinesWrites S
Writes Poetry and Gets GetsInto GetsInto
Into Troublen Trouble
The machinery of the War Depart Department Depnrtmcnt Departmeat ¬
meat has been brought into action to torid torid t trid o j
rid the service of a poet A L 1 Price PriceI
I an enlisted man now doing duty dut in n the thoarm th °
army arm in the Philippines He promises
to create about as much talk as Upton Upto n
Sinclaire the Jungle man Price Pricewrote PrIcewrote Pric Pricwrote e
wrote about an officer who is s a11eF alleged I i
to have Induced the band to play Al All ¬
ways in the Way a at a marines funs funsat funeral funeralat 1
at Otongnpo P I L and which hlch action la 15now 3
now being Investigated by b the Govern Government
meat mentr
Price found soldier s ldlor life in die Philip Philippines Philipplnoo Ph111 Ph111pines ¬
pines rather irksome > so lo began t twrite to towrite o 9
write doggerel dog > crel for the papers Whenhe When L
he heard of the Incident + t at the marines marinesfuneral marlncst s J
funeral he turned loose and his produclion produc production productlon
lion was printed in the Cable News at atManlln a aManila t
Manila The Immediate result was an anInvestigation a n II 1
investigation and exoneration of the ofll ofllcor oftlcer ofilcor
cor in charge of the funeral Then Price Pricewas Pricewas Pric Pricwas c
was charged charg d with l1h violation o the thirty thirtysecond thlxtysecond thirtysecond
second and sixtysecond articles of war warin warfn > r rIn
in that ho wrote scurrilous things thin s about abou t
a mombsr memb r of another branch o of the ser servlco
vice Ho was courtmartialed and the thec th o
caso then sent to the department com commander commander cornmanner ¬
mander General G n rnl Weston who has for forwarded forwarded forwarded ¬
warded the papers to tl Washingtond Washington VashlngtonPOPE
ROME July 2 2Thc The truth about the thePopes thePopes th e B
Popes health Is somewhat less alarming alarmingthan nlarmin C
than the rumors that have recently recentlbeen bee been beencirculated n 1
circulated There seems to be nothln nothlnmore nothing nothingmore nothing1I0re g
more serious the matter with his bolt holiness hollr I ¬
ness than a general languor due to his hisIncreased hIss hi Is s
Increased > d age and his lack of exorcise exorcisePlux e exorciseFlux orclse orclsePlux 2
Plux X Is s now soxentyono years of old oldand d i
and looks for forfrom from well and Is very veryweary verywear ve veweary ry y
weary wearyHo wear wearyIto
Ho no longer onger refuses to use the seda sedan sedanchair n 1
chair ii z l which hlch Leo XIII waa carried carriedabout carriedt cl
about Trio Pope undoubtedly undoubtedJ feels 1eoJsr foal Is s
keenly k III the deprivation of the theacUo aqtiv life llf re e
he led before his pontificate when he hewas heWkS h hwxs
was simple bishop of Mantua and th thconfinement the theconfinement theconfinement o
confinement Imposed upon the occupant occupantof OccuvantoC it t
of the Holy See f = ee 1 Is telling on his health i I
half or roar portion looked like a sec section section section ¬
tion of a steol ingot just removed r mocd from fromthe tromthe fromthe
the heating furnace cherry red redLight redLight redLight
Light Remained Full Minute MinuteAs MinuteAs
As the meteor flashed through thrould18vace thrould18vaceIts apace apaceIts spaceSts
Its course was brilliantly brU11ant1 marked outby out outby outby
by a n trail of yellowish light II ht that could couldbo couldbo
bo seon for probably a a mlnuto after the theoriginal thoorigInal theoriginal
original source of light had disappeared disappearedThe disappearedThe
The whole phenomenon attracted gen general general genoral ¬
eral atcntion from every one on the Vir Virginia Virginia Vlrglnla ¬
ginia side sld of the steamer the ladlesand ladles ladlesand
and children ihldren expressing their surprise surprisewonderment surprl surprlwonderment surprisewonderment I
wonderment and andedon even evonawe awe by such ex cxclarnatlons exclamations eXclnmatlons ¬
clamations as ah ahl apJ a ah I ana anahow anOhow andhow
how beautiful and the likeA like likeA
A number of tho older parsons aboard aboardwho aboardwho aboardwho
who witnessed the beautiful phenomenon phenomenonsaid phenomenonsnld
said that they had witnessed the fall fallof fallof all allor
of stars and tho shooting of meteors meteorsbut mcteonLut meteorsbut
but that they had never before seen so solargo sol sollarge I Ilargo
largo a one nor one that gave forth so somuch somuch I
much light and color colorAppeared colorAppear colorAppeared
Appeared Appear d to foBc Be Close CloseThe GloseThe
The meteor meteorlodkM looked lo kea as if it was was within withina
a few fo feet of the boAt boat as as It started tofall to tofall tornll
fall from the heavens and when It ex exploded expJoded exploded ¬
ploded one was almost sure that It had hadburst hadburst
burst over Luna Park or had fallen Just Justback JUStback justback
back of that resort resortSevoral
Several visitors In the park at thetime the thetime thetime I
time notwithstanding that the great greatglare greatglare reot
glare 1 r of electric lights there tended to toblind toblind I
blind them from a view of the heaven heavenwitnessed hooyonbwItnc
witnessed wItnc soo the fall of the meteor and andcommented andcommented andcommented
commented upon its great size and andwonderful andwonderful andwonderful
wonderful beauty h > 8uty and color colorThe colorTho
The flight of the meteor was noted at
I ISailed I
Sailed the Volunteer and Defender in inInternational J
International Cup Races RacfSFu Fu Funeral ¬ I Ineral
neral Tomorrow TomorrowISLIP TomorrowI TomorrowISLIP
ISLIP I L I July 311 J ily 2 2Capt Capt Hank HankHaff HankHair I
Hair the veteran yacht aeht master mo tcr died diedat i iat
I Iat
at his home here Saturday night I IHo
lie suffered from a complication ofdiseases of ofdiseases otdl
diseases dl oeses and nd had been b en failing everjj everjjsince ever eversince T
since the death of his wife about ayear a a aear j jyear
year ear ago His son Capt Harry Half Halfof
of the stoop Weetanaoe who had been beeni i
recalled from New eW London Conn andthe and j i
the aged skippers Kipper other son were at athis j
his bedside toctl l when be pase pu paseed ed daway awa away awayCaptain j I IJ
Captain Haft was one of the most mostfamous i ifamous ifmoue
famous yacht handlers In this country countryHe countr countryHe I IHe
He sailed the Volunteer and Rd Defender in Inthe I Ithe Ithe
the International races for the AmericasCup Americas AmericasCuP
Cup and was master maJlt r of the Vigilant Vigilantwhen
when she went to the other side He Hewas HeJ Hewas Hewas I
was captain of the Independence andhad and andhad andhad
had handled many man othor otb yachts Cap Captain Cap1ln
thin Half was as In his sixtyninth year yearThe yearThe
The funeral will take place at Islip
at 2 oclock tomorrow afternoon Sev Sevoral Several Sevoral I
oral yachtsmen acht > > mea who know the veteran veterancaptain veterancaptain
captain and many skippers of yachts yachtswill yachtswill acbts
will attend Captain Haft had many manyfriends man manfriends manyblends I
friends and the attendance at the fune
ral will be quite large largeDISCARDING
LONDON July 3ul 2 2Once Once again the thedoom i I
doom of the silk Ilk hat is pronounced pronouncedRegularly j I
Regularly every season the popular populardaily i
dally paper that prides Itself on on its mod modish modish j
ish intelligence announces that the
chimneypot hat which has buchanbCd changed j
lIttle since the days of Beau Brummel f I I
is to be discarded at least east for fashion
able outdoor functionsAt functions functionsAt
At the great Epsom Ep om race meeting meetings 1
where the presence of the King hashitherto has
hitherto Imposed the regulation top hat hatand I
and frock coat on all frequenters of ottho
the stands a third of th fife men thte th f year yearappeared yearappeared e r rapPeAred
appeared in gray or blue sack suits and
derby derb hats The Fourth Fo Forth = rth ot June cole t
bratlon at Eton was as notable for the th ths thes
number of male ml < visitors vlsltorawho who dispensedwith dispensed dbpensede
with the silk s k hat hatIt htIt hat
It Is predicted pc lctodthai that that top hats will will In Int Int
future be seen S n only In the streets and andparks
parks of London
one never feels the thedlgestl digestive e organs They are forgotten like any other otherpart
part of a a perfect running machine No Jar n no shock no sensations afhll at 1111
Just easy pleasant restful workdut workduty work duty well done doneThe
yoThe The e Way Waylies a
lies in the proper selection of food and andci drink gotUng gettl dowh d downit0 W 1ttt iature alures ai rt s prinples prin > r ¬
ciples ci ples plenty of good air good water ater and particularly plenty of good food
that will easily digest and nourish and rebuild rebuildnot not clog up upJ upJI upA > V VA
A Food Expert Expertunderstood I
understood hew the body worked upon food and what kind of elements It
required to rebuild itself used this
knowledge In a skilful way ay to tq produce a
perfect food and called it itGrapeNuts ItGrapeNuts t
GrapeNuts GrapeNutsThere S
There Is the natural Phosphate of Potash and Albumen from which the life
forces make the soft gray gray filling of nerve centres and brain bra1nso so brain fag and
nervous prostration disappear for the user of GrapeNuts GrapeNutsThen GraJcNutsThen GrapeNutsThen
Then again In GrapeNuts the starchy part of thoWhoat t tho QWhoat Whoat and Barley has
theen > cen changed Into a form of sugar at t the factory and as that Is exactly tho
condition which starchy food bread bread cake oatmeal potatoes etc < ote assumes l15sum 3 3t
after the first act of natural digestion dl stlon has taken place we find GrapeNuts GrapeNutstermed
has passed throlgh this process outside the body and Is therefore properly
termed prodigested a tremendous help for those who wh are a bit weak In di dls ¬
gestlve power And so comes comesThe comesJ comesThe
The Old Joy Joyof
of health with its ts youthful glow and warm keen pulse pulseof of vigor and energy en erFY
The years are forgotten and so Is the stomach But youll KNOW you have a
strong sturdy st rdy wellfed Brain for all the important brainbuilding brat elements
11 are In GRAPENUTS Dozens of choice recipes for fascinating dishes found
I In the pkg pkgTrial kg kgTrial
Trial 10 days of Q RAPENUTS proves provesTheres prQvesTheres
Theres a Reason
Beginning Thursday July y 5 5oro 5oro 5toro
toro oro closes at 5 p m dally ex exCRptingr exptlng exspting
< CRptingr ptlng Saturdays SaturdaysArmours BturdaysArmours SaturdaysArmours
Armours ttstar Star 1 sr 3 3Hams
Hams Pound 133 133Hams 1 J41 J41Wo 4 4We 4C 4CWe
We will offer for Monday 200 of the thefamous thefamou8 thefamous
famous Star brand Hams at 135ic 135ica Dcu
a pound When these are Ie ra gone gori WO WOwlU wo wowill wewill
will have no more to sell al this thisprice thispricefor I IpriceCor
price priceCor for meats are steadily advancing ad advancing advancIng ¬
vancing In cost These T eso are fresh freshfrom freshtrom freshfrom
from the smokehouse extra selectlean select selectlean lSelect1ean
lean tender quality
° The Dependable Store Store51Seventh StoreSeventh StoreSeventh
Seventh and K Streets
MensNegligee MensNegljgeeShirts MeflsN egligeeShirts Shirts ShirtsValues
Values Worm fLOO 100 150 200 200A 6 250 for forA U UA 19c
A great number of men know these Shirt Sales Salesthey they are annual events that grow growin in importance importanceeach importanceeach importanceeach
each summer Thousands make 1ake it a point tc tr wait and buy their supply of Shirts at this sale saleknowing knowing
that the most remarkable bargains on record can be secured Never has a shirt sale stirredthe enthusiasm enthusiasmof
of WasHirigtcm VasnJigt m rhejri m as ast1 fills j one Crowds of tmyers have been coming eve every minute since Saturday when whenthe whenthe whenthe
the sale started startedjffr
jffr All are fresh laundared > brand new perfectfitting
= 2 ° x Shirts of imported woven Scotch madras white butchers butcherslinen butcherslinen s sfeatherweight
linen linenheya featherweight mulls sheer striped madras plain plainwhite plainwhite
3 white madras and plain colored madras oyster grays graysx graysJapanese graysJapanese
x Japanese tans champagne etc etcTo etcTo etcTo
To describe the patterns would be to describe hun hunA hunireds
h L fst ireds of the smartest and most desirable effects shown any anylinen
here all entirely new this season Light medium anddark and
A dark grounds with neat stripes dots and figures in all allgood allgood I
j + good washable colors colorsn including the very stylish black and andtin andwhite
I white and blue and whites Plain tin ui and pleated to bosoms ems sep sepPossessing separate
f arate cuffs and cuffs attached Possessing every eve r3 good goodpoint goodpoint g
at point a shirt should have havepatent haveP patent afoot cushion neckband reind rein reinforced reinforced ¬
forced d stays perfect cut and faultless fitting Sizes 14 to 18 18arrow 18Choice 18Choice
Choice again arrow of values valu s sold regularly at 100 150 200 and 250 for 69c
Manufacturers stock of ofJ oftXOCl 0 W aists aistsValues ists
J Values Worth WorthC
69 C an tXOCl d 98 C 100 up to 0 250 250No 250No 250No
No waist event ever stirred the enthusiasm of Washington women as thisend this end nd none so richly de deserved deserved deserved ¬
served it it
itFrom From an overstocked manufacturer whose business suffered from the effect of rainy June Juneweather Juntweather Juneweather I
weather we closed every ever stockin his workrooms consisting of 1200 dozen highgrade White Waistsevery Waists Waistsevery Vaistseveryone
every everyone one spkspan fresh and new newThe newThe newThe
The values are entirely without equal equaland and women are showing their appreciation by buying a awhole awhole awhole
whole summers supply to pack cick away a way in their trunks and carry off to the mountains or seashore seashoreShirt seashoreShirt seashoreWaists
Shirt Waists Wa sts 69c 69cWaists t Shirt Waists W sts 98c 98cWaists I IVaists
e eWaists
Waists Worth Up to SI 5J69 169 69 69This i Z Waists Wais Worth orth Up Up tc t 5250 5250ThI8 250 250Consists 250This
2 Persian lawnsahem lawns lawnslinxerfe lawnsliII
Consists of sheerest
This lot consists consl ts of lingerie mull and andsherr
linxerfe liII < < erie mulls lingerie lingerieme batiste India Indiaitoofts Indiasber Indiae
ahem India Linen Waists In Inboth
mrns mfI e
up itoofts iis n8 comprising the melingerie most mo moatexcinshe moatexcinsheboth t exclusive exclusivestyles exclusiveboth
both long lo g and short sleeve offsets offsetsOne styles sty shown a oWft this season both long and andshort andOne andyoke
One style is S made up with square yoke yokeof oke short sleeves sleevesHandsome sleevesor sleevesof
of Val lace blouse embellished with withembroidered l Handsome HaDd ome batiste batJ te wal waists Val lace lacearranged laceembroidered laceembroidered
embroidered motifs either short or long longsleeves arranged to form boIer T Irish point pointembroidery pointsleees pointsleeves
sleeves edged e geC with lace and lace trim trimmed ¬ t embroidery down front oC blouse MouseBiegant blousemoo blousei
med collar Others have tucked yokes yokesblouses okes i 1 Elegant waists of allover embroidery embroiderynneet embroideryblOUliC8 embroiderybiousos
blouses of eyelet embroidery embroideryLingerie cmbroldot 1 finest filHJ t aDd most Dto t beautiful bea tfful dosftgae do lgD Others Othersembroidered Ot OthersLingerie ers ersLlnlerle
Lingerie molls made up of Insortlngs Insortlngsof embroidered d motifs on blouse and naert naertings D88rtor rt rtof
of Val lace forming round yoke oke and andextending l ings of Val lace tucked backs Long Longand Longextendln Lon Lonextending
extending extendln around the blouse bl lace trlm trlmnicd t and short t sleeves ves wI with h cuffs cut trimmedwith trimmed trimmedwith trimmedrt
with VaL Vat lace luceWaiste
mad sleeves and lace collar collarHandsome
rt Waists of allover embroidery with withstripe
Handsome Hand ome waists Voal ts with fronts of woven wovenembroidered 1 stripe str cf Irish Iri h l point lace Irish point pointlace pointembroidered pointlace
embroidered flowers and embroidered embroidereddots lace ace collar and cuffs cttffsElegant cnfsdots
dots tucks across shoulders shoul ers others with withstrips Elegant waists of alh allover verhandsome ver verhandsomever embroidery embroideryembroidery embrok1eryembroidery embroiderydesigns ry
t i istrips embroidery embroideryElegant in iswaists handsome verring ring ringembroidery designs designsOthers
of German Val al down the front frontand
strips ti Others trimmed with heavy crochet croeb t late lateforming Iareand laceand
and mitered at end Sleeves and collar collartrimmed i forming fancy yoke some with 1th Dutch DutchtrImmed
trimmed with > 1th German Val to match necks
Sale of Mens Suits SuitsValues 7 50 I II
Values Worth 10 and 1250 1250This
This sale of Mens Stvlish Stylish Summer Suits coming as it does a few fewdays fewdays I Idays
days before lithe the 4th should prove of exceptional interest to every everyman eve rY rYman I
man who has a new suit to buy buyThe r 7 7The
The values are exactly as stated You cannot go in any other otherclothing otherclothing r rc10tping
clothing store in Washington and find the equal of these Suits for less lessthan lessthan
than the prices p ces quoted q oted above aboveAll aboveAU aboveAll
All the suits are of the highest bigh i quality qualitytailored tailored with clever skill skillperfect skinperfect skillperfect r
perfect in fit and correct in every detail of making makingThe makingThe
The Models ModelsTv The e Materials MaterialsMaterials a eria S i iTwo
Tv Two p and ThreePiece ThreePiepeSiits Materials are finest Imported pure pureWorsteds puree U8 U8Worstods
e L Y Worstods In light U ht and tropical weights weightsshowing
Suits Siitsnehalf showing an excellent variety of dressy dressyeffects dre drenehalf dressyonehalf
onehalf nehalf onequarter and nd oneeighth oneeighthlined effects crrt > cts including fancy overplaids overpl Jds In Inthe Inl11cd c a ay
lined with mohair and alpaca Bellows Bellowspockets the fashionable grays and other dark darkcolors darkpockets Y Ypockets y
pockets all seams taped taI > e Fullcut coats coatsIn colors Also French Flannels In ap approved apIn ¬ i iIn
In the latest styles for fo summer wear wearwith proved pattern and the always alw s popular popularnavy popularVoUh popularwith
with deep vents broad shoulders and andsnugfitting navy blue serges of the finest weaves weavesAlso Waessnugfittln weavessnugfitting
snugfitting collars Pegtop Pe top trousers trouserswith Also navy blue Serges Ser s guaranteed fast fastcolor fastwIth fastwith
with ruff urt bottoms end belt loops Both IBothsingle Bo h color colorEvery colors colorsingle
single s nJle arid and double double breasted brcaited C CAll Every E ry suit Is tailored In the finest finestmanner fiilestAll fluentAll
All sizes slz s in tho lQ1and lot and a perfj perget pert J t fit fitassured manner mannerwith with all the littlo details of ofcustomwork otnssured ofassured
assured every man large ors or small customwork carefully followed
Boys Wash Vi ash Suits Suits49c75c Suits49c75c Suits49cr
49c75c 49cr 75c and 98c 98cValues 98cValuesworth1 98c1Values
Values Valuesworth1 worth 1 15O2 150 < 2 2a I Ir
1Values 1 a i s sT
i T N NewSMpf News Wi1f Af the t 1 It utmost qfm most t saving importance is conveyed convey d to every every ever parent parenf in the an anFrom announcement n nouncementofthis
nouncement ouncementofthis o his purchase of Boys Wash Suits just consummated by our buyer buyerFrom buyerFrom
From a leading maker of Wash Suits weve secured about 100 dozen garments to sell sellat sellt sellatabout
at atabout t about half the regular prices pricesThe pricesThe pricesThe
The sale is continued for tomorrow tomorrowright right ght in the nick of time for Fourth of July Julyoutings Julyoutings Julyoutings
outings outingsLot outingsLot outingsr
Lot I 1a r at49c at49cValues t49c Lot2 Lgt 2at at75c at75cValues 75c Lot 3 3at feit 98c 98cValues 98cValuesworthuptol c cValues
Values Valuesworthuptol worth up uPto1 to SI SIBoys Values worth S150 S150Boys 150 Values worth 200 200Boys 200Boys 200Boys i
Boys Wash Suits in sailor col collar ¬ Boys Wash Suits in sailor col collar ¬ Boys Highgrade Wash Suits SuitsIn Suits1nr Suitslag
lag and Russian blouse styles sizes Jar styles with bloomer pants Sizes In various styles Including Eton mil military mi miOJ mlan ¬
3 to 8 Made ade of OJ itary Russian an auto bishop etc Ma Materials materials ra ¬
years good quality qualitywashable 3 to 10 years Light and dark pat patterns ¬ terials terials Runclud Runcludautoo include pique plQu duck linen linenmadras
washable percale Also Eton Collar CollarVariety terns of Dixie checks stripes and andSuits madras mercerized novelty fabrics fabricsSquare
Sailor Suits with bloomer pants plain colors also PlaIn White S Sailor 1or ate tc Sizes T 24 to 410 20 years ears Also
Variety of serviceable colors colorsValues Suits of Butchers linen Materials Square Collar White Sailor Sailor Suits Suitswith
Values worth up to one dollar for for40c include madras galatea cloth and andpercale with bloomer pants Some with em embroidered ¬
40c ro percale In light patterns broidered emblem on sleeves sleevesp
Beginning Thursday July 0Tul D Dstore listore Lstore
store closes at 5 p m daily excoptiag ex excepting excoptingSattrdnYB ¬
cepting coptingSattrdnYB coptingSattrdnYBWhIte Saturdays SaturdaysWhite SaturdaysWhite
White DucK Belts 1 fr
1 Oc
Worth 15G 15 15Gand and a Ili I9c 19cWhlte 9G 9GWhite lUl lUlWhite
White Duck Belts Belts plain or em embroidered embrolder embroldered ¬
broidered brolder a vireat rl fIt typf 9C flretty W tty stylishdesigns stylish stylishdeafens stylishde
deafens de fcn sumo so o with th pearl p tr buckles bucklesothers bucklosothers bucklesothers
others with With peat gilt lIt or nickel har harness harnos harness ¬
ness nos buckles 15c 1 c and 19c values for forlOc tot forlOc
lOc 10 <
4th 4th of o July Specials Specialsin Speci ls lsin
in 1Il Neckwear NeckwearNeck
Neck Banding with double
lace edge A number of pat 4 f
f terns to select l from A 10 10c fi I c
length for forLace r rLace u ivf ivfLace
Lace Chiffon Veils In Mack andwhite and andwhite andwhite
white blue and white and A fr
brown r = and white also plain rain I IAllsilk 49 Aj c Ccolors
colors Special SpecialAllsilk TC s sAllsilk
Allsilk Peau de Sole Windsor Ties
the kind worn with the Peter Pan Pat
shirt waists and collars Colors Colot c are
pink white lavender yellow blue bluesilke
champagne a and srsen en with withsilkembroidered withsIJkembroldered withleer
silkembroidered silke bccodered butterfly butterfI butterflywith r y y of or f 9 f
leer de lie in the ends end endsy endsli0c SOc li0cvalue iOcaIue 2 5 S1 S1value C
value aIue Tomorrow TomorrQWAUsUk TomorrowAllsilk + J JAllsilk
Allsilk Mesh Veiling Vellln in i iSpecial
white and black and plaIn piaincolors plaIncolors 25C
colors Special SHKIaIOr per yard yardVaL yardVal ard ardYal
VaL Lace and Embroidery Bmbrolder Yokes Yok s
used ed for lownecked dresses n n nSummer >
Regular Special prices c and SSa 5 Oc OcSummer C
Summer i1Hin1 er Needs NeedsWindow NeedsWindow NeedsWindow
Window Screens Screen ScreenDoors ScreenDoors ScreenDoors
Doors Etc EtcWalnutfinished EtcWa1nutfinlahed EtcWalnutflnlshed
Walnutfinished Window Screens
15 inches high open to 3 3h 3strongly 32 I °
i Ik Inches i h value valueOakfinished with strongly extension made ends fin flnOakfintehed l oc ocOakfinished C
Oakfinished Window Screens 30
Inches high open to 42 42I
Inches One of the bestmade bestmadescreens f
screens on the market 4ilc c 9 < i ivalue 9 c cOakfinished Cvalue
value valueOakfinished J S SOakfinished
Oakfinished Screen Doors with
thre three panels and fancy corners 4
Inch stiles Finished with three coats coatsof coatsof coatsof
of varnish h Complete with
fixtures AH u1 sizes Bring Bringmeasurements < rtl
measurements for fu t tFoJdlnJ 149 kind 425 1 I 2 5 S J JFolding
Folding Lawn Settees made of
hardwood painted in red or green greenvalue greenBolstered en enBo1
Bo1 Bolstered tered ends extra strong C
construction throughout 9Sc 9Scvalue
value value2S value2a Jue JueI 8
2S S ft of Garden Hose Cji Cjiwith
Regular with solid 189 brass ras value nozzle nozzleRegular for forOsier H w1 139 139Hosiery 1 J J 3 9
Hosiery Osier Specials SpecialsWomens C
wo wo1a Womens Lace Lisle Stockings Stockingslac Stockingslace D
lace lac 1a fI all 11 over regular made j F C
and seamless foot In black blackwhite blackwhite 2 5 t
white and tan PairInfants Pair PairInfants PaIrInants
Infants Cotton Socks regular regularmade rekularmade reb ar armade
made foot In black white blue binepink bluepink bluepink
pink red and tan aIM silk j t f C r rembroidered
embroidered fancies fancies fan sizes tzes 4 1SC z
I to S So Regular 25c + o value for forWomens forWomens or orWomt 1
Womens Womt s Fine Quality Mercerized MercerizedSilk XercerlzedSilk MercerizedSilk
Silk Gauze GA e Lisle Stockings S ngs guaran guaranteed guaranteed guaranteed ¬
teed Hernjsdorf fast black J c
dye dy regularmade re rmade foot In Instead Instead Instead 3 5
stead of SOc a a pair atWorsens at atWomens atWomens >
Womens race and Plain Gauze GauzeXJste GauzeLisle GauzeLisle
Lisle Stockings StockI iS guaranteed lUaran j C Cnot f fnot f fnot
not to tear tea seamless foot fOOLRegular footRegular 1SC f
Regular 25c c value for foromens forWomens J JWomens
Womens omens Black L Lace < ace Stockings Stockingslace Stoc1dn Stoc1dnlace Stockingslace
lace all over and to the toe toeHFmsdorf r rHwmsdorf C Cvalue
Hwmsdorf dye Regular SOc SOcvalue r c cal1M 3 5
value al1M for forBoys torBoys forBoys
Boys and Girls Fine Quality Fast FHtBlack FastBlack FsKtBlack
Black Stockings 2x1 and 1x1 ribbed ribbedseamless rIbbedseamltSS ribbedseamless
seamless foot double knee f ffc 1 C Cand C
and hishpMred hlghflpl heel and 12 I Ito 2 2
to t toe Special Spt > ctal at atJewelry atJewelry atJewelry
Jewelry Specials SpecialsBrac SpecialsBraceletsnew
Brac Braceletsnew > l lftsnew ts new eff effects > cts < ts in Gold Goldplated GoldPlatfd Goldplated
plated Nethersole NfthetS < le Bracelets I fC fCplain C Cplain Cplain
plain or with mat stone stnn set settings t 49 J JtIngs LM LMtlnss 19
tIngs 75c and 98c values valuesCollar valuesCollar aluesCollar
Collar porter1oIdflned Supporters Su goldfilled ex extension extension extersion ¬
tension or pearl bar sup supporters f fC fCporters C Cstoneset
porters with pearl pe rl or fancy fancystoneset fancystoneset 2 5c 5cporters 5 >
stoneset tops Special at atBar atBarpttfSgoldftUed atBarettesgoldfilled
Bar BarpttfSgoldftUed < tts goldflUed or rhine rhinestone rhIneslonE rhinestone
stone effects In various neat f fdesigns C
designs Special values at atzc 5 V V25c 0
25c and andEarrings andEarringsneat
Earrings Earringsneat neat pearl or orcluster rt rtcluster C CSpecial
cluster l effects i well made madeSpecial 25 25NeckIace 2 5 II
Special at atNecklaces atNecklacesNew
Necklaces NecklacesNew New Imported Cut CutCrystal CutCnstal CutCrystal
Crystal Necklaces all shads snadaamethyst 5il shadsamethyst S San
blue bluepink tinepink tluepink
amethyst an ethyst turquoise Alice
pink coral etc guaranteed aranteed A f C Cshapes
shapes with coldnlled claspSpecial clasp ZLM ZLMSpecial 49 q 4ge 4gelbapes
Special at atHat atHat atHat
Hat Pins Plnscut cut crystal and the new newamber newamber newamber
amber effects round rou d or pear shapes shapesalso shapesalso shapesplated
also fancy fancyand effects ts In gold f fplated > c cplated
platedalso plated and andeffects fancy fanc stoneset stonesetSolid stoncetbat stonesett 2 5
h bat at ping Special SpecieSolid alUs at t
Solid Goldfront Collar Collar ollar f fPins i1 i1Pins L C I
Pins Pin T neat t chased d din designs designsin < gns J
in set worth 5dc Special set setPearl sctPearl setPearl
Pearl Belt Buckles square oval ovaland o1Jand ovaland
and round shapes strongly stron p P n C Cmade Cmade
made > Special values at atand 25c J Itf Itfand UC UCmadt
and andWash Wash WashWorth Skirts at 98c 98cWorth 98cWorth c
Worth Up to 250 250Comprising 250Comprising 250Comprising
Comprising a makers surplusstock surplus surplusstock surplustock
stock of White Unene and Cannon CanaoaCloth CannonCloth CannonCloth
Cloth Walking Skirts Made uj uIt m mthe in inthe inthe
the most approved styles of tho season sea season sean ¬
son n with panel effectsh effects e1le ts side plaited plaitedhigh plaltedhigh
flares flaresmed
high h kilt skirts circular Ircular flares trim trimmed trimmed ¬
med with wide wi e tailormade bands bandsothers bandsothers bandsothers
others made in novelty panel effect effectOntrimmed etrectUntrimmed effectass
Untrimmed 11 r1mme Hats ass 39c 39cWorth 39cWorth c
Worth Up to 148 148Rfty 148Fifty 148Fifty
Fifty shapes in white black blackand blackand blackand
and natural color Straw Hats of fine finequalities fineQualltles finequaIIUes
qualities In almost every ever style and andshane andshape andshape
shape worn this season Large Largehats Largemtdlum Largemedium
medium and small shapes Straight Stralghthats Straighthats
hats flare hats turbans and sailors sailorsValues sailorsYal1jes sailorsValues
Values Yal1jes sold at 9Sc to 14S 1 Sale Saleprice S Saleprice e eprl
price prl 39c 39cWhite 39cWhite 89cWhite
White Canvas Oxfords OxfordsWorth OxfordsIorth OxfordsWorth
Worth ALSO 150 and i ryr
1 125 25
169 pair pairYoull Pa PaYoull it Ti 3 3Youll
Youll want wanta a a pair of White VvfhiteCanvas WhiteCanvas VhiteCa
Canvas Ca vas Oxfords O rords to wear on the th 4th 4thof 4thor 4thof
of July outing Heres a chance to tobuy tobuy tobuy
buy them at a a saving
Womens White Canvas Oxfords Oxfordsin
in blucher and straight lace ties tiesMade tlesMade tiesMade
Made of best quality Sea Island Duck
Canvas Tipped or plain toes Largo Largoand LarQnd Largeand
and nd small eyelets With 1 th covered coveredand coeredand coveredand
and leather heels Flexible soles
Sizes 1 to 7 All widths wldthsiHammocks vldthsi widthsHammocks
Hammocks HammocksClosely
Closely woven Hammocks Hammocksextra Hammocksextra Hammocksextra
extra large lar c size strongy strongymade C
made assorted t tSuvtrlcr colors Tic Ticvalue 7scvalue 49C
value valueSuperior valueSuperior
Superior quality Hammocks Hammockswith Hammocks1th Hammockswith
with 1th spreader and pillow t tvery
e ee
very strongly made L2S L2Svalue L Lvalue 98 <
value e n

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