OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, August 05, 1906, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1906-08-05/ed-1/seq-1/

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Fair Sunday followed by byshowers a FIVE SECTIONS SECTIONSFiftytwo SECTIONSshowers SECTIONSI
showers and cooler coolerat coolerat coolerat fL fie II ftt ton ft
I at night I n j Fiftytwo Pages pOagesNUMBER PagesCUMBER PaaesNUMBER
Place Open For Kendall KendallAs KendallAs KendallAs
As Head of the Schools SchoolsIf
t I If He Cares to Take It
I Indianapolis Who Is Strongly Stron ly Urged as a a Candidate for Snperlsiwidftat Snperlsiwidftatf Sttparlt8JH1 t tat
at f tine th t District of Columbia Schaote 5CH
IN KILLING fillIssues RIVAL RIVALIssues RIVALStatement
Issues Public PublicShowing StatemenlShowing Statement StatementShoving °
Showing Confidence in inSons In InSons 1n 1nSons
Sons Cause CauseNEW CauseXEW CauseNEW
NEW YORK Aug U 4 IMr Mrs Wlllla WllllaThaw William WilliamThaw WilliamThaw
Thaw issued a statement today that thaleaves thatha thatt
l leaves ha aves e no doubt of her firm belief that thaiHarry thatHarry thatr
r Harry Thaw hti b6 i evidence of juattikation Justifies Justifiestion juaUftt2tiOn
tion which will acquit him of ahoottryl ahoottrylStanford shootJi shootJiStanford ahooUftanford
Stanford White WhiteHarry WhiteHarry Whiteharry
Harry Thaw from tn > m his cell In tl tlTombs the theTumbs theTombs
Tombs prison also Issued a statement Jltaitementdenyln statementdenying t temen temendenying
denying < < that suit ever had beevbrought been beenbroucht beenbrought
brought against him by Ethel thel Tboma Tbomafor T1 T1for Tbomasfor
for an alleged beating she received inl in inMs InIlls
l Ms ls Fifth avenue apartment lIe alsocast also alsocast al alcast
cast doubt on the statement of o e c < of oftho ofthf oftie
tie Thomas girls pri former attorneys attorneysthat aUrnerthat attorneysthat
that the girl died two years ea18 ap ao in a asanitarium aBanitarium asanitarium
sanitarium BanitariumMrtI sanitariumMra sanitariumMrs
Mrs William Thaws statement re removes remove removes ¬
moves the last t shadow of doubt that thatthe thatth6 thatthe
the defense delen represented rtJpre nted by Clifford W WHurtridge WlIartrldp WlIartrldge
Hurtridge has some Important evidence evidenceunder eYidenceunder evidenceunder
under cover This evidence evlde is said to tobe tobe tobe
be so conclusive that young Thaw will willwaive wUIwaive willwaive
waive any plea of insanity except that thatresulting thatre thatt
t resulting re ulUng from brooding over the act of ofStanford ofStanford ofStanford
Stanford White on the very day of th thshooting the tbehooUnc theshooting
Mrs Thaws Wards WardsThe WoraThe WordsThe
The statement which Mrs Mr Thaw authorised au authorised authorlMd ¬
thorised for publication is I as follows followsI
I regret the prevailing impression impressionthat 1mpreutonthat impressionthat
that I have been een influenced Inftue by my son sonIn JJOIInmy soninmy
In Inmy my decision as a to his hi defense What WhatT PJMlt
T have done in this change of attorneys attorneysis attorneyIs
is simply the result of my own ob obRcrvatlons obfIrvaUon observations
Rcrvatlons RcrvatlonsWhen fIrvaUonben servationsWen
When ben I returned from Europe I Irntle ItnL1 Imt
tnL1 mt rntle 4e up my mind to take my time and andlook an anlook antlook
look over every very phase of the situation situationI
I did this and the result was to release releasethe releaaethe releasethe
the firm of Black Oleott Gruber and andBonynge andI3onynge nd ndDonyqe
Bonynge and to place the whole matter matterin matterin
in 11 the hands of Clifford Hartrldg HartrldgThe HartrldceTtu HartridgeThe
The declaration that Ethel Thomas Thomaswho ThonuuWho ThomasWho
who is 1 alleged aJ1 ecI to have brought suit suitagainst IIUIt IIUItagalnt suitagainst
against Harry Thaw for mCCO 30000 eM for ta JnJurl tajuri tajuris
juris Jurl s inflicted before his marriage manilL to toEvelyn toEvelyn toEvelyn
Evelyn Nesblt is not dead dea was made madetoday madetoday madetoday
today by friends of Harry Thaw They Theyhinted Theyhinted Theyhinted
hinted that the case was one of o at attempted attempted attempted ¬
tempted blackmail and that it was nev never sever y yr ¬
er r really filed
It Is a II Lie LieIn LieIn H HIn
In this regard Harry Thaw Thaw who whoUany us usually ¬
us wally maintain absolute silence issued issuedthe suedthe issuedthe
the following < < statement statementIt
It is a lie that Ethel Thomas lbo has hasbeen bubft hasbeen
been bft > n def for two years She may have havedied havedied lutvedied
died recently but I know that a very verylittle verylittle verylittle
little time a aRe e she was alive and well wellI wellI 1811l
I have told my m attorney that to my myknowledge Jft Jftknowlede payknowledge
knowledge no suit was ever brought broughtagainst brougbtagalnat broughtagainst
against me by Ethel Thorns or in her herbehalf Mrbt herbehalf
behalf behalfThe bt behalfThe > halt haltThe
The statement was made today that thatClifford thatCUffol thatClifford
Clifford CUffol Hartridfe Hart was ready to go to totrial tfttrial totrial
trial at any time which pleases pI the thecourts thecourtJI thecourts
courts and the district attorney He Heconsider HecontddeN Heconsiders
consider hb ease ea complete eo tplete it is said saidand aW8Jd saidand
and will have nothing to do with wltneessee wit witnesses witJte ¬
nesses Jte who are anxious to testify tMUt as to toStanford tftStaRtanl toStanford
Stanford Whites White personal life tte Some SomeCatttmtied SoMeCMdft SomeContinued
Catttmtied CMdft ed On Second se 4 Page PageLumber J JLumbor PageLumber
Lumber Trust Broken BrokenLUMBER BrokenLUWBER BrokenLUhLB10RR
At llbbay Co 6th New York Ave AveAdv AveAd AvesAdv
sAdv Adv Ad v
No 0 Formal Tender But ButBoard ButBoard ButImpressed
Board Q i d Impressed in inHis inHis 111 111His
His Favor FavorAlthough FavorAlthoqh FavorAlthough
Although the appointment of Calvin CalvtnN caJYbtN
N Kendall J l of Indianapolis lad to the thevacant thevaeant thevacant
vacant superln uperlntendeney tendency of the District Districtpublic Dttrlcrtpublic Distrletpublic
public schools has been persistently ru rumored rumored rumored ¬
mored for for several days Admiral dIIdral George GeorgeBaird Geor GeorBaird GeorgeBaird
Baird president of the Board oalcl of Educa Education EducaUon Fducatine ¬
tine is 1 authority for the statement statementthat atateMenttbat atatem nt ntthat
that no tead tender of the posttton baa been beenmade beenmade beenmade
made to the Indiana rncua man up to this thistime thl thltime thistime
time But there is I every reason to toif tothink tothink
think ir Kendall may have the ome omeIf ofllce ofllceif
if he wants it itThe ftThe itThe
The special committee of the board boarddeliberating bJarddeliberating buseddeliberating
deliberating on the appointment of a asuperintendent asuperintendent asuperintendent
superintendent has mad made no report or orinvestigation orInvesUpUnn orinvestigation
investigation to the board Admiral AdmiralBaird AdmiralBaIrd AdmiralBaird
Baird says ya This special committee comlfttu fre fresays bsays fe fesays
says is empowered empc wered to do no more thanrecommend than thanrecommend lbanreeommend
recommend to the entire body
In referring ret rrnh to the possible appoint appointment appointment appointment ¬
ment of Mr Kendall who has been su superintendent 81perlntendftt superintendent ¬
perintendent of the public schools ofIndiahapolfa of ofIndianapolis ofIDdtanapoUa
Indianapolis for the past six years yearsAdmiral T11IAdmiral rearsAdmiral
Admiral Bairds Baird comments seemed to togrouUy torf togreatly
greatly rf > tUy favor tavot his selection selectionFiae selectionFine electlonFine
Fine Type Type of Educator EducatorAs
As A I saw Mr lr Kendall said Id Admiral AdmiralBaird AdmiralBaird AdmiralBaird
Baird he appeared ns a fine type of ofeducator offdueator ofeducator
educator clean capable and forceful forcefuland forcetuland forcefuland
and would no doubt prove pro a highly ac acceptable a4S a4Sc acceptable ¬
ceptable c ptable man here During his Inter Interview InterJew interview ¬
view Jew he impressed ImprN ed us greatly KU andeould and andcould andcould
could no doubt if selected be counted countedon oount8don countedoa
on to fill the position potIt tton with credit creditIn eredUIn creditIn
In view of such ueh a significant statement state statement statement ¬
ment from the president of the board boardit boardIt boardit
it may be taken that the whole board boardwould boardWOuld boardwould
would favor the choice of Mr Kendall KendallFormal Ken KendallFormal l1 l1Formal
Formal tender It Is 1 statod awaits him himupon himUPOn himupon
upon his hi assuring the board that there thereare thereare thereare
are no obstacles In the of his
way sy accepting ac accepting aeeptlng ¬
cepting the position positionFurther positionFurther positionFurther
Further than this tbl since sln Mr or Kendall Kendallreturned XendaUreturned Kendallreturned
returned to Indianapolis a a statement has hasbeen hasbfen hasbeen
been received to the effect that he went wentthere wentthere wentthere
there principally to confer with certainor certain certainor certaJ certaJor
or the school authorities of that city citywho citywho citywho
who are now urging him tp t accept the thelocal thelocal thelocal
local offer offerK offerI
K I II known that the members of the theBoard the1Joard theBoard
Board of Education who ho conferred with withMr withMr withMr
Mr Kendall while In this city asimied asimiedhim lUNiuredhi asburedhlan
him hi of their hearty cooperation co peratlon and andsupport andupport andsupport
support In ease he decided to remove to tothta tothl tothis
this thl eity
Well Liked in Indianapolis IndianapolisDuring IndianapolisDuring IndianapolisDuring
During his six years as superintendent superintendentof uJMrlnt8nd nt ntor
of the public schools choo l of Indianapolis ac according accordlllK according ¬
cording to Mr Kendalls friends le lehas tenot Lehas
has not only won the high esteem of the thelocal thelocal thelocal
local school and municipal authorities authoritiesbut authoritiesbut
but has shown himself to be a man manfully manhilly manhilly
hilly qualified in all branches of educa educational educatlonal educational ¬
tional work His forceful though at atth atthe atthe
th the same me time tactful treatment of nil nilquestions 011queattona nilquestions
questions pertaining to school work it itsaid I Iaa1d 1said
said of hm h m has giyen lyen yen him front rank rankAnother rankAnother rankAnother
Another especial e peclal fitness fttne pointed out is isthe 18th4 isthe
the fact that Mr Ir Kendall would come cometo cometo cometo
to this Ud city untrammeled by b the strife strifewhich atrlfewhleh strifewhich
which has so badly shaken the school schoolorganisation schoolonlUon schoolorganleation
organisation of the past and wlthouany withoutany without withoutany
any local entanglement to affect badly badlyhis badlyhhl badlyhis
his footing in school circles ekel at t the th out outset outt outAU outset ¬
set t
AU these tbe
e qualifications taken as a awhole 8whole awhole
whole seem to present pre ent Mr Kendall as asthe asthe asthe
the probable and logical l gical choice and andthat andthat nd ndthat
that his h appointment t will coma com In n a few fwcla
days cla is It confidently conftdent1 predicted In JI ir a num ¬
ber of quarters quartersSuccessful quartersSuccessful quartersSuccessful
Successful Career CareerAt CareerAt CareerAt
At Indianapolis IndianapolisAnd IndianapolisAnd Indiana n nAnd alts
INDIANAPOLIS Aug 4 4Calvin Calvin N NKendall NKendaJl NKendall
Kendall came c me to Indianapolis in April AprilIttl AprilT
T Ittl 1 to take charge of the city schools schoolsbeing 8Ohoolsbetn schoolsbeing
being betn released from hits hJ contract with withthe withthe withthe
the school board of New Haven Conn ConnContinued ConnContInued ConnContinued
Continued Cn Second Page
Gen Agt Ag Hotchklss HotchkissOhio HotchklssChesapeake lfotchklssI lfotchklssChesapeake
Chesapeake C11esepea e Ohio 10 Qffi Qfficial Official 1 1c
cial c 1a 1 Discusses Shippers ShippersPlans ShippersExtend
Plans to Extend Exten Trade TradeMAY
Nothing to Prevent Wash Washington Washington Washington ¬
ington From Advantages Advantagesof Advanta es esof
of Other Cities CitiesRICHMOND CitiesItlClIMOND CitiesItlCIIIOND
RICHMOND Va Aug 4 I General GeneralFreight Gen GeneralFreight ntl ntlFreipt
Freight Agent t K D Hotchkisa of the theChesapeake theI theChesapeake
I Chesapeake and Ohio railway raUwa after an anabsence anabsence
lI absence ne from the city for several we weeklll weeklllwu weekswas k kwas I
was interviewed InteMleweclln In hi his office today tocla relative rela relative rflaUve ¬
tive to Wasnlnsjtons Jobbing trade tradeMr trad tradeAir I
AIr HotchkiM Hotc talked very frankly re regarding regardln regarding ¬
garding the th matter He scouted > > the theprobability theJorobabtUty theprobablfty
probability that Washington Wu tncton has been beendiscriminated beendisciimiuated
I discriminated afealnst tut In favor of other othercities othereltJH othertitles
cities for whose business bu ah she competes competesHe eom competesHe telil telilHe
He said ld hla road a as far an in its itspower Itllpower itspower
power lien lie > > will cooperate with the other otherroads oU ottwrroads r rroad
roads road entering enten Washington for the pur purpose purl purof ¬
l pose of extending extendtn < < the jobbing trade of ofthe otthe ofthe
the Capital City Mr fr HotchklM WB WBaeked W warasked K Kaked
asked if h he knew whether > r Washington Washingtonhad Vohlnrtonhad Washingtonhad
had suffered through special clal privilege privilegegranted prl prhdlegeegranted Ie8f Ie8franted
granted < < ranted shippers in Philadelphia Bait Baltimore BaIUmo Baitmore ¬
more mo Norfolk Richmond and other othercities othercities I IclUes
cities Ills HI answer an r was that so far as ashe ashe I
has been discriminM discriminMtion dillCrlmlnxUOft
he knows MOW there no i iLion
Lion against 11 Washington in favor of the theother theother
other cities named namedCan namedCall namedCan I
Can you suggest Nt any aa means of co cooperation coopuaUon cooperation ¬
operation among amon < < Washington shipper shipperwhereby ahlppenwbereby shipperswhereby
whereby they the can obtain the advantage advantageof advantqoC
of through cars ca from Washington to toother to toomer t tother
other points pointer he was wa askedFreight asked askedFreight ked kedFreil
Freight Freil t the First Essential EssentialIt
It would seem Mr Hotchkiss Hotcbkl an answered 8nwet8CI answered ¬
swered that If the Jobbers of Washing 1Vashington Washington Va hlng hlngtOlt ¬
ton could procure the freight there would wouldbe wouldGe
be no dtt difficulty Acuity in securing < < th the cooperatba coopera cooperation cooperadoll ¬ I
doll of the transportation lines in run running runnlAte running ¬
ning through cars from Washington Washingtonupon Washingtonupon Waabl on onupon
upon the sain wises terms an and conditions conditionsupon OOD4ltlonU50 conditionsuyoa
upon U50 which they are run from other otherciU otherdu othercities
ciU cities s
duDo sDo
Do the resutattoas of ynur companyu company
u to demurrage UIIP pcymenu differ from fromany tOman fromany
an any corresponding c charges cwtr8ell + arges imposed by byyour byyour byyour
your company in other eltIr citiesrme cities eltIrT1Ie T TThe
The Chesapeake Ch ke and Ohio Hallway HallwayCompany RaUwayCompany HallwayCompany
Company does not reach Washington Washingtonwith Wa naskngtonwith hlngtOft hlngtOftwith
with its own rails Its tra traffic le c is reeeh received reeehed reeehed ¬
ed and delivered over the rails rata of the thePennsylvania thePennsylvania thePennsylvania
Pennsylvania railroad so that t at what whatever whatever whatever ¬
ever rules rut are in effect by the Pennsylvania Pennsyl Pennsylvania Penn yl ylvania ¬
vania and the Baltimore and nd Ohio rail railways rallwatl railways ¬
ways apply alike a11t to the Chesapeake and amiOhio andOhio andOhio
Ohio OhioWill
Will your company Join in the move movement moveJneltt movemeat ¬
meat to establish new allrail routes as mafor astor asfor
for example to eastern ent Tennessee via viaBaste viaBaMe viaBasic
Baste Instead In tead of by water ter to Norfolk Norfolkand NorfolkaM Norfolkand
and thence by rail to destination destinationI de tlnatlon r rto1
to1 I do not understand that the route routevia routevia routevia
via Baste would be a natural one for forthe torthe forthe
the reason that the Southern railway railwaya rail Y Ya
a direct line from Washington to a con connection CORnectlon connection ¬
nection with the Norfolk and Western Westernat We tern ternat
at Lynchburg thence to eastern Tenses Tensessee Tennessee Tennealee ¬
see would be a much more desirable desirableroute desirableroute destralsleroute
route therefore so far as this particu particular partJcuJar particular ¬
lar feature is concerned the Chesapeake Chesapeakeand CheMpeakeand Chesapeakeand
and Ohio has no Interest InterestNo Int interestNo rMt rMtNo
No Terminals atf a ai Washington WashingtonMr
Mr Hotchkiss explained that the theChesapeake theChf theChesapeake
Chesapeake Chf > apeake and Ohio had no terminals terminalsin
in Washington and that as soon as II the thePotomac thePotomac thePotomac
Potomac yards yard at the south end of the theLong theLong theLong
Long bridge are completed the Chesa Chesapeake Chosapeake Chesapeake ¬
peake and Ohio freight trains will not notgo notgo
go 0 beyond that point Temporarily and andfor andtor andfor
for the past few years the Chesapeake Chesapeakeand ChAStlpaakend Chesapeakeand
and nd Ohio has beenoperatlng n o ratln Its freight freighttrains freighttrlns freighttrains
trains to Washington VahhJl ton and using the ter terminals termlnalli terminals ¬
minals of the Pennsylvania Pfnn ylanla railroad railroadWhen railroadYhen railroadWhen
When the freight trains of the Chesa Chesapeake Chesspeake Chesapeake ¬
peake and Ohio railway stop at the Po Potomac Potomac Potomac ¬
tomac yards the freight of the Chesapeake Chesa Chesapeake Chosepeak ¬
peak peake and Ohio to and from Washing Washington Washington Vashiltgton ¬
ton proper will be handled by the Penn Pennsylvania PennIIlyanla Pennsylvania ¬
sylvania railroad or the Baltimore and andOhio andOhio andOhio
Ohio railroad railroadWoman
1 1Woman 1Woman
Woman Member Memberof
of Association AssociationAsks AssociationAsks AssociationAsks
Asks for or Action ActionMrs
Mrs Elizabeth A A Haines who con conducts conduet eonducts ¬
duet ducts a R dry goods establishment e at atPennsylvania atPennsyhanla atPennsylvania
Pennsylvania avenue and Eighth street streetsoutheast streetsoutheast streetsoutheast
southeast Is 1 an enthusiastic member of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Jobbers and Shippers Association Associationand Associationand JsoataUonand
and Its only woman member She being beingshipper beinga
a shipper her Interest in the Improvement improve improvement Improvement ¬
ment of local freight facilities Is per personal porsonal personal ¬
sonal and not less than that of any anyother un unother anyother
other merchant Few merchants have havebeen liavebeen lHebeen
been more successful in strictly mcr mcroantllb mt1rcantllb mercantilb
oantllb lines in Washington Washln ton than has hasshe bassbe hasshe
she sheMrs Mrs rs Haines looks upon the move movement movemen movement ¬
men ment t to foster wholesale business In InWashington inWashington I IWashington
Washington as a 8 matter of first im importance Importance importance ¬
portance During Durln her long years of res residence residence residence ¬
idence here she has never been able ableas ableas ableas
as she expressed it to buy a a bolt of ofisllco ofcalico ofcalico
calico at wholesale In this city She Shehas Shehas Shehas
has n never iver been able to understand the theanomalous theanomaous theanomaous
anomaous anomalous condition of affairs that ina In Ini Ina
a i city clt having over 300000 population populationthere populationthere populationthere
there should be no wholesale dry goods goodstiouse goodshouse goodshouse
house houseThe houseThe tiouseThe
The mystery becomes still more ob obscure obscure obscure ¬
scure to Mrs Irs Haines mind when the themportance theImportance he heImltOrtance
Importance of Washingtons retail trade trades tldeIs trideis
Is s recalled She thinks the retail mor morhants molchants morchants
chants would be glad of the opportun opportunty opportunIty opportunity
Ity ty of buying their supplies hero instead insteadif instendot insteadof
ot if in some remote city cityMrs cityMrs cityMrs
Mrs Haines has experienced serious seriousContinued seriousConUnued seriousContinued
Continued on Second Page P re
< 4
After Thompson the Imprisoned Ipr oaec1 Colored Workman Had Been Safely Removed the Firemen Using Ladders and andRopes aJldRopes andRopes
Ropes Dragged Down the Remaining Walls Still Threatening to Fall on Pedestrians
= = = = = = = = = = c =
Exciting Scenes Follow FollowCollapse F FollowCollapse ollov ollovCollapse
Collapse of Building Buildingin
111 in Seventh l Street StreetEffects StreetEffeds 5 5Effects t1est
Effects f fTen of o the Collapse CollapseTen
Ten mea injured one onewhom of ofwhom ofwhom
whom suffered entombment for forthree forthree farthree
three flours hoarsTwo 1toursTwo floursTwo
Two buildings partially de destroyed destroyed destroyed ¬
stroyed entailing a total low of ofabout otabout ofabout
about 35000 36000Traffic 35000Traffic 35000Traffic
Traffic tied up for four and a ahalf Itha1f ahalf
half hours All business in the theblock theblock theblock
block in which the accident oc occurred 00curred occurred ¬
curred suspended for hours hoursEntombed hoursEntombed hoursEntombed
Entombed man carried on con conversation conversation convorsation ¬
versation with Ith rescuing party partywhile partywhUe partywhile
while suffering lJltrerln excruciating excruciatingagony excruciatingagon excruciatingagony
agony agonyAll agon agonAn agonyAll
All police reserve of the city citycalled citycaned citycalled
called out Crowd of 10000 10000spectator 10000spectators 10000spectator
spectator spectator gathered gatheredTho gath8r gatheredt d dI
I 1 1Tho ITim
Tho walls of the threerstory threerstoryrlck
> rlck building at 414 Seventh street streetlorthwost litre at
formerly occupied by byhe
Modern Drug Company col colapsed
shortly shortt after 3 oclock yes yeserday es
afternoon injuring nine lab labrers
> rers who were engaged in making makingopairs
on the first and second secondloors
of the building and a fire flrenan
who went to the rescue rescueImmediately fOSCUeImmediately rescueImmediately
Immediately following the col colapse
apse the south wall of the Hudson HudsonVariety
Variety Store adjoining crumbled crumbledmd
fell The total property dam damige
as estimated by R It H Hudson Hudsonvill
approximate 3i000 3i000Emaziah 3iOOOEmazlah 36000Emaziah
Emaziah Thompson a colored coloredricklayer
> who was working In Inhe
he cellar at t the time the walls wallsell
ell was entombed It was nearly nearlyhree
hours later when the rescue rescueContinued rescueContlnuoo rescueContlnued
Continued On Fourth Page
General Grant Visited in inCamp J JCanlp 1Lamp
Camp B By Prince and andPrincess andPrincess andPrincess
PrincessCAMP Princess PrincessCAMI
I Is Ait A Aug 4 4DreMla 4Dreaasiag Dreaming of ofaJNJ mothers moWerrlames mothershomes
homes and soft tt comfortable beds bed the theItotrtet theDttrkt theIistrlet
Itotrtet militiamen are sleeping pmC on onblankets onblaaaketa onblankets
blankets under doe dug tents tonight tonightThe tOl1lchtThe tonightTh
The Th e hours rannot not fly too fast for thecittsensoldiers the thecitlcensoldiers tbedUHt1soldertll
citlcensoldiers because becau e they have had hadall badall hadall
all the camp life and thunderstormsthey thunderstorms thunderstormsthey tbundetormthey
they care for and will m be overjoyed to tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow ¬
morrow morning when they embark in inthe inthe t tthe
the trains which will carry carr them to the theNational theNational
National Capital CapitalGeneral CapitalGeneral I
General Harries and ad his bl staffbunked staff staffbunked t tbunked < <
bunked with 1th Major Edward H Neumeyer Neu Neumeyer Neumeyer
meyer commissary commt ary general and quar quartermaster quartermaster quartermaster ¬
termaster of the National Guard Hehad He Hehad Hehad
had several large tents which kkh were wereusad wereu8etl wereused
used in his W department and as all the theprovisions theprovIsio8 theprovisions
provisions in them were either de devoured devoured devoured ¬
voured by 1 > y the Guardsmen or packed in incars Incart incars
cars to be taken back to Washington Washingtonhe auJhlnKlonhe
he was able to furnish lodgings for the thestaff thetat thestair
stairPrince staff staffPrince > > tat
Prince and Princess Cantacuxene CantacuxeneMrs CantacuseneIra CantacueneMrs
Mrs Ira Grant G t and Potter Palmer General GeneralGrants GelMralGrants GeneralGrants
Grants soninlaw daughter wifeand wife wifeand wJfeand
and nephew arrived in camp late this thisafternoon thisafternoon thisafternoon
afternoon They were escorted from fromNew fromNew fromNew
New York city by b Cai Ca Cant > t A J Bowley Bowleyan
an aide 1de on General Grants stair and andwere and andwere ncl nclwere
were met by the general at Conewaao ConewaaoPa CoIIewqoPa CoeewaoPa
Pa a abort distance from camp campAfter campAfter I IAfter
After Five Years YearsThe YearsThe YearsThe
The father and daughter had not notseen notlie8n I Iseen
seen one another for five years and andthe andthe t tthe
the meeting was consequently mostaffecting most mostaffecting mostaltectlng
affecting The Prince and Princesswere Princess Princesswere Prlnee Prlneewere
were given a royal welcome by the thefeminine thefeminine I Ifeminine
feminine element el8 1eHt of the Chautaixtua Chautaixtuaand Chautaamquaand
and surrounding country Both were werenervous werent werenervous
nt nervous > roulil and nd confused but managed tomake to tomake tomake
make their way to the official red auto automobile ¬ t tmobile tmobile
mobile used by General Grant GrantThe GrantThe GrantThe
The distinguished dl tlnui hed party made a a rec record record ¬ I Iord
ord run to General Grants headquart headquarters ¬
ers The princess prtnee s was afforded an ex excellent excellent excellent ¬
cellent view of the camp and expressed express expressad expressed
ed herself as being well pleased withit with withIt wUhIt
It It The party part will remain in camp soy several soyoral v voral ¬
oral days although alth Mrs lrL Grant and her herlaughter herdaughtor u udaughter
laughter went to Lebanon to spend ute tilenight trfenight utenight
night1iloen nightSloven night nightSloven
Sloven hundred strong 8t the West Vir Virginia ¬ t tglnla tginia
ginia militia under command of Brig BrigContinued BrigContinued l lContinued
Continued on Ninth Page
Vlail a11 Clerk Baughman g gRun of ofNew ofNev
New York o > Run Jealous Jealousof JealousI Jealousof Jealn JealnusoStepdaughter us I
of Stepdaughter f fMaddened StepdaughterMaddened i iaddfted
Maddened by jealousy of 0 his hisHes hislte hisrifes
rifes Hes lte daughter inspired by the theothers
others love k > v for th Ute girl and re rettcal rensal
ttcal 1 to give her up Thomas Thomasfranklin
Baughman thirtyseven thirtysevenears
ears old for twelve years a rail railray
mail clerk snot snot himself himselftrough hi mse It
the heart with a 4S Colt Coltevolver
at 2 330 SO oclock yesterday yesterdayifternoou I
at his apartments ap 1rtm8nts 416 415econd 416I 416econd I
econd street northwest and died diedilmost
t Instantly from the effects of ofhe ofbe
he bullet wound woundBaughman woundBaughman woundBaughman
Baughman and Ms wife Mrs Miriam MiriamBaughman
Baughman have been apart since sinceNovember i io
November o mber 7 1W During their twelve twelveears I Iear
I Iut
ears ear of married m rr1ed life differences arose aroseut aro e
ut were smoothed by the happiness happinessbat happIneUhat happinessbat
bat a alto hay soy baby bab had brought brou ht into their theirfe
fe In later years Baughraau is said saidhave
0 have developed an insane jealousy jealousyward jeakMMyOWrd
> ward his stepdaughter Miss t s Dabn DAbney y yId i
Id wards a beautiful eighteen elgbt eighteenyearold ny yearold yearoldIrl rold I
Irl I IDrinking
Drinking Recklessly RecklesslyWhen Recklesslyhen RecklesslyWhen
When hen Baughman returned from his hisfew Jtlsew
few ew YorkWashington York Yorka Washington hlngton run over the theBaltimore
aid 41 Ohio road Thursday Thur day night nightbegan
e began drinking heavily heavilyYesterday beIlvt beIlvtYetttelda heavilyYesterday
Yesterday Yetttelda morning Baughman sent sentleading at atleadlnK
note to his wife ite at her Home HomeIBS ltoIfteRltrp homeW
> IBS Riggs street requesting her to come comeo com comi
o i his hi apartments saying he wanted to toil t I
il b Her for a rideWhen ride rideWhen rideWhen
When she reached r hed his apartments apartmentsatuKhraan
began weeping bitterly bitterlyWhat bUrlyt bitterlyWhat
What t are you O crying about she sheiked sheked
ked him himOh himOh himOh
Oh dont mind me he ut answered be beveen
his sobs 1100 it will all be over overton
you 0 wont come to my terms ail ailn ALJn ar i in
n put an end to it allIn all U UIn i iIn
In a few minutes mlnut he requested her to tet to8t
8t t a handkerchief for him out of the theureau thereau
ureau As she he turned her headBaitgu
seized his hi revolver and nd was about
i Are when she leaped toward th the bed Iwrtid heflnd bedInd
nd id by 1 > > main strength jerked the weapon weaponiV wpunway
way iV y from his heart toward which he heMi
Mi pointed it itDefitorms Itr ItDeeiaring
Defitorms r tat he b4 would shoot her hertrough herhrough herhrough
hrough the brain if she offered further furtheretefeanee turthtrOM
etefeanee OM Baughman Bau maft broke his wifes wifesContinued wites1CenUnuod wifesCeatinuod
1CenUnuod Continued On Second Page
Heavy Firing Heard Hear Por Portends Portends Portends ¬
tends Another Mutin Mutinous tutinous jtlutlns ¬
ous ou s Outbreak at atFortress atFortress
Fortress FortressBOMBS FortressBOl FortressBOMBS
Deadly Missiles Prepared forTroops for forTroops forTroops
Troops Explode Prema Prematurely Prematurely Prematurely ¬
turely at Revolution Revolutionists Revolutionists Revolutionists ¬
ists Meeting MeetingST
ST PETERSBURG A Aug > > C 4 4There 4There 4There
There has be been n a renewal re wal of the thefighting thefighting thefighting
fighting In CroMUdt and from all allthe aUthe allthe
the great Industrial eeaitre of the theempire theempire theempire
empire come stories tort of rioting and andbloodshed andbloodshed andbloodshed
bloodshed So far a as the situation situa situation 1tua 1tuaHon ¬
tion in Crougtadt ic I concerned it itis itis itis
is impossible hnpo fble to obtain even meager meagerdetails meagtrd meagerdetails
details detailsEarly d detailsEarly tail tailEarly
Early today tod the telegraph and andtelephone andtel andtelephone
telephone tel Jhone lines 1m connecting the fort fortress fortress fortress ¬
ress and this thl city were severed and andall anda11 andall
all communication cut oil Heavy Heavyfiring Heavytiring Heavyfiring
firing was heard ta that direction directionearly directionearly directionearly
early in the day da but the govern government governmeat ¬
ment had refused to give out any anyinformation
information It is believed how however however however ¬
ever that there has b been a are arenewal re renewal renewal ¬
newal of the revolt among the theBailors thesailors
Rioting Rioti at D Donets DonetsThere ets etsThere
There was a > seriott rtoai clash today todaybetween todaybetween todaybetween
between troops and strikers in inDonetz inDonetz inDonetz
Donetz the canter of the mining miningdistrict miningdistrict miningdistrict
district Carrying red flags and andsinging andI andsinging andsinging
singing the Marseillaise 6000 000 men menparaded meni menparaded
i paraded the streets and gathered gatheredat
at the residence re tduce of the governor governorgeneral gonrnorI governorgeneral
I general to demand the release of a anumber anumber
number of orators who had been beenarrested beenarrMted beenarrested
arrested The attitude of the men menwho menwho menwho
who were armed with clubs be became b bcame became ¬
came so threatening thrtenl that troops troopswere troopswe troopsSerb
Serb were we called and charged the mob mobwith mobwith mobwith
with drawn dra 111 sabres br fi More ore than thanhUD4Ired a ahundred ahundred
hundred of the strikers were se seriously seriousl seriously ¬
riously riousl wounded and they wire wirefinally wirefinally WfefiBaUy
finally dispersed disperW dlsper ed Further riots are arefeared arefrod arefeared
Killed by Their Th r Own Bombs BembsThirty HamDaTldrty BombsThirty
Thirty workingmen workin ft w were re blown blownpieces bloWllpteces blownpieces >
pieces and Ad a large number wounded tc tcday t tday tcday
day in Moscow X 8COW by the explosion ex n of a abomb abo abomb
bomb bo tb They were holding a meeUui meetlugand meeUuiand mffthKad
and ad when told that a detachment detachmenttroops + > f ftroops ° ftJoOOP8
troops had been ordered to disperse dispersethem d1sfIrsethm dispersethem
them they prepared Jtlepar to receive them themwith thEmwlth i iwith
with lambs In the hurry of the momeat mo moment moment ¬
ment one fte of the bombs was ignited and andblowing anJblowing andblowing
blowing no detonated a number of ofothers ototlters ofothers
others There was w a terrific explosion explosionand exploslcnand explosionand
and many mn yf f those persons killed wee weeliterally weeJlterall oreeliterally
literally Jlterall blown to bits None ODe of the thesoldiers tho801dlIJrs thesoldiers
soldiers were injured For a time therewas there tinrewas thH thHwaa
was tremendous excitement in the city cityand
and ail 11 sorts of rumors were in clrculaLion circula circulation ¬
Lion tionLater
Later in I the day a bomb was hurled hurledm hurlfJ1ft hurledim
m 1ft the Kasan railway station in Mos Moscow XosCO Moecow ¬
CO cow resulting re lUog ta Ute death ef two per persons per9l persons ¬
9l sons S No particulars JMLrttc haw been re received recet8d received ¬
ceived here hereA her 1terA herA
A delayed delay telegram teIe < < taM from r M Llbau says saysthat uystbat saysthat
that a train on the Warsaw Ylllil road be between btlwe between ¬
lwe tween ft LJbau UK and Hafenpot was held un untoday untoda untoday
today toda and robbed of 4MGQ i SA in coin bt btlongin Dt Dtlonging n nlonging
longing to the government There waa waaa w4sa c csharp
a sharp fight between betwe the train guards guardsaad guarisMad guar4sMad
Mad passenger pas engen on one ft8 hand and nJ the therobbers Herobbtrs therobbers
robbers on the other otherOutbreak o otherOutbreak her herOutbreak
Outbreak Expected in Warsaw WarsawBloodshed WarsawBloodlihed WarsawBloodshed
Bloodshed is looked for in Warsaw anaw AU AUJews AnJews AlJews
Jews in the city elt save aaV8 been asked o arm armand Ilrmand armand
and appear In n the streets ready read Ut to fight ftqhtto tll1tt fightto
to t to the death on a preconcerted signal fclgnalThe blRJalThe signalThe
The authorities have been warned waJte and andare anJre andare
are re conducting a house 00 to house inarch inarchfor rerelsfore Ijrdlfo
for fo firearms A large number of rifles riflesand rlft rlftand riflesand
and revolvers 1evol yen have t ve been seined seisedIt wledIt seinedIt
It is conservatively on erYaUel estimated t1mated tonigni tonignithat tonigrntthat t tthat
that more than 55040 OO men are re out on unstrike onstrike onstrike
strike but the response of the men has hasnot hasnet hasnot
not been so prompt or as general Jj4IItetf as hail hailbeen halexpected haIbeen
been expected The be railroad men li liparticular 11rUealal d s sparticular
particular rUealal are backward about goinEout gotnt gotntout goln golnout
out They declare that the time tlm is noc nocrips no noripe noripe
ripe for a strike on their part The ouj oujones OH OHOft8S onones
ones te t walk out thus far are ar the r rpleyee n nEk nJtWycs
JtWycs Ek > yes of the St Petersburg line tn t 10 10truck wstruck o ostruck
struck this evening een ng The greater r t tDf tof t tof
of the street cars and river rlv stearm IiJtea lU1 lU1have s shave i ineve
have neve stopped running Most of t tiltreets tstreets t tstreets
streets of the cap capital + tal are unltghteJ Ti rl e eitrikc estrike astrike
strike is not not expected to become g general generaluntil nt neral neraluntil > ral
until l Monday because beo WIfJ Saturday is i pay paylay payTbere payday
lay layThere
There was some Hhtm JI SghtIng tIac today between betweentreopl betweentraopti
treopl troo aDd strikers in the suburb of ofKarva ofNarva
Karva NarvaThe KarvaThe
The lightermen in Odeee 041 have lave gone goneOft goneon
Oft 1 strike rtke and nd d the e work of the port is isled IsUed isThere
fled led up There Th is general unrest in that that4ty thatelftis t tcity
city 4ty
elftis It is reported that there Is an out outtraak outbrk outbreak
break 1ft m Sevastopol Sea8to similar to the ono onon on onIn oneIn
In n CroMCtadt Two infantry battalions battalionsMtve battalionhave battalionshave
have Mtve been sent there from froqa fro T TStrike Odessa OdessaStrike Od OdStrike
Strike Is PoiitfcslThe Political PoiidcalThe PoliticalThe
The strike is being tftg engineered by a aukmnjittee 0 0CftRUllittee aeemagittee
ukmnjittee composed Omp fKd of Social Demo Detnoiratic lmocratle Democratic
iratic members of the late ate douma revo revouttontets revJuttonW revilutlonists
uttontets the Peasants Union and the thetallwaynienB theRaU theItaliwmWmene
tallwaynienB RaU mens Union Its political char character charaeter character ¬
acter is indicated by It the leading demand demandC demandor demandof
or C the committee which is for a con conttlluent constituottt oonstltueot
ttlluent assembly assemblyIt a8sombl a8somblIt
It Is not known what funds are avail

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